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heavenprotectarc · 1 year ago
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⸻ anonymous sent. What are Steve's favorite seasons?
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i actually got an ask similar to this on an old blog with steve in it ( and i remember it was from @nightlyvisitor <3 ), so i'll repost it here with some minor alterations.
so right off the bat, winter is at the top of his most favorite seasons list. summer comes at a close second since, before the whole thing with rockfort and antarctica, that is when he doesn't have to deal with school but there's just something about winter that makes him inexplicably happy. not to mention the fact that christmas happens in the winter and it's his favourite holiday, topping even halloween.
any chance he gets, no matter how cold or blizzardy it is outside, steve will go out to spend some time outside. as a kid/teenager, he really enjoyed ice-skating at the local pond that wasn't too far from his house, building snowmen and snowforts, having snowball fights with his friends, etc. you can bet that he had an absolute blast sliding down the local hill or when he had the day off because of snow days, etc.
as an adult he'll still go outside, build a snowman or two, ice-skating when he can, or even just going on a walk while snow is still falling. he's particularly excited for going out on the trails on a snowmachine ever since he got a license to operate one.
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resizura · 1 year ago
do you think if they remake cvx they’ll add operation javier as a dlc or smth similar since wesker sold the tveronica virus to hidalgo and theyve teased/mentioned oj a few times and that guy mentioned oj didnt happen the same in remakeverse as it did in og
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wholahayola · 7 years ago
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 💓💗💕  HAPPY BELATED                                 BIRTHDAY @t-veronica!!! 💓💗💕
   Even though we don’t get the chance to chat every single day, I will always be thankful for the fact that I have a wonderful friend like you in my life. Coming into say hi the way I did was literally one of the best decisions I have ever made about a year back, as I was then blessed with the friendship of this here beautiful boi. 8) I love you so much, Tyler. Never ever forget that, okay? You are such a beautiful soul. Talented, intelligent, loving... you are the full package, ngl. And we are all so lucky have you in our lives. Kiss kiss kiss!!! Also have a wonderful holiday, okay? Always wishing nothing but the best for you!!!
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13chiara-art · 5 years ago
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[FANART] The Redfields - Resident Evil: Code Veronica X . . SPEEDPAINT: https://youtu.be/mw3sk5pPgTQ . . . 🇺🇸 In December 1998, three months after escaping from Raccoon City and prior to its eventual destruction, Claire Redfield raids an Umbrella Corporation facility in Paris, in search of her brother Chris Redfield. Discovered by Umbrella's security forces and eventually captured, Claire is imprisoned on Rockfort Island—a prison complex owned by the corporation, situated in the Southern Ocean.  . . . . . . 🇧🇷 Em dezembro de 1998, três meses depois de escapar de Raccoon City e antes de sua eventual destruição, Claire Redfield invade uma instalação da Umbrella Corporation em Paris , em busca de seu irmão Chris Redfield . Descoberta pelas forças de segurança da Umbrella e, finalmente, capturada, Claire está presa em Rockfort Island - um complexo penitenciário de propriedade da corporação, situado no Oceano Antártico.  . . . . . . . #capcom #residentevil #codeveronica #REVIL #ResidentEvilDatabase #EvilHazard #chibiart #speedpaint #tiktok #claireredfield #chrisredfield #cosplay #zombie #tvirus #cvirus #tveronica #playstation #xboxone #steam (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Dq85SJmp9/?igshid=s4iyhfiwzju4
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lastbossmonster · 8 years ago
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"I just don't see how a human can become this." -Chris Redfield (Resident Evil - Code: Veronica, 1999) #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica #Dreamcast #Sega #Capcom #SurvivalHorror #ResidentEvil #CodeVeronica #ClaireRedfield #ChrisRedfield #SteveBurnside #SouthernOcean #Antarctica #Zombies #Herbs #TVirus #TVeronica #Alfred #Nosferatu #LeonSKennedy #Wesker #Mutations #Viruses #UmbrellaCorporation #LastBossMonster #Alexia (at Neumayer-Station III, Antarctica)
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Happy birthday!
thank you!!
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