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3dways · 2 years ago
C-Virus syringe prop completed 💉.
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helenaharperthinker · 2 years ago
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Resident Evil 6 10th Anniversary Special Week - Day 1
Who is Helena Harper? Meet Our Heroine from Resident Evil 6!
~ Biography ~
Helena Harper is one of the protagonists of Resident Evil 6. Along with her now partner and franchise veteran, Leon S. Kennedy, she must destroy the cruel Derek C. Simmons, the national security advisor, and prove her innocence in relation to the incident in Tall Oaks.
Little is known about her past, her only known family member was her sister, Deborah Harper, who was kidnapped and infected with C-Virus by Simmons, which unfortunately resulted in her death. Helena is an agent of the American government.
As an agent, she is described as impulsive and emotional, but with strong moral convictions and sympathy for others. She almost became a DSO agent, but had her transfer suspended and was sent to work in the United States Secret Service, because of her CIA’s infractions.
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Her first infraction as a CIA agent was to use full force against a murderer who was threatening his victim’s family. The second was shooting her sister’s ex-boyfriend for being abusive with her.
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Knowing Helena's potential as an agent and knowing she had a sister, Derek Simmons saw in her an opportunity to put his plans and those of the bioterrorist organization "The Family" into action.
Helena was assigned to guard the President during an event at Ivy University in Tall Oaks. In this event, the president would reveal the truth about the government's involvement with the Raccoon City incident.
So Simmons kidnapped her and her sister. He forced her to open a breach in the president’s security, promising to return her sister. This breach was all he needed to accomplish a part of his plans: to prevent the president from telling the whole truth.
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On the night of the incident, Helena used a radio to communicate with other agents on campus and falsely reported that a suspicious group had invaded the campus with the intention of killing the president.
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Some agents left their posts and went looking for the group of suspects, it was the perfect breach in the president's security.
Helena could not live with the weight of guilt for everything that could happen and still be complicit, even against her will, of a sociopath like Simmons. She tried her best to keep Simmons from getting what he wanted, even if it meant putting her own sister’s life at risk.
She tried to warn and ask for help from the other agents who were on the Ivy University campus, but because of her history at the ClA, no one listened to her. The result? A tragedy of gigantic proportions!
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Simmons got what he wanted and ended up infecting not only the president but the entire city of Tall Oaks, which resulted in the deaths of over 70,000 people. Helena tried on her own to save the president, but it was too late.
When she arrived at his office, she found him the way Simmons wanted, infected by the C-Virus. The president turned into a zombie and tried to kill her, but was killed by his longtime friend, Leon S. Kennedy, who was also in the office.
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Later, on a video call, Simmons confronts and blames them for the president's death, putting them at the top of the suspect list. Now, Leon and Helena team up to destroy Simmons and make him pay for all the harm he has caused and could cause, as well as proving their innocence.
~ Facts ~
1 - Her only known family member was her sister, Deborah Harper, who was only 3 years younger than Helena;
2 - She was born in 1989, meaning during the events of the game, she is 24 years old, which implies her birthday is between January 1st and June 28th;
3 - Unlike other characters in the franchise, nothing is known about her parents, only that they were already dead when she became an adult, or about her motivations to become what she is today: an American government agent;
4 - Because of her infractions, she received the nickname "The CIA’s Problem Child" from her USSS colleagues;
5 - Leon describes her as a "bossy" person (in chapter 5), but a good agent (in the prelude);
6 - The first person infected that Helena actually killed with her own hands was college girl Liz, after she tried to attack her partner, Leon;
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7 - She has 2 unique weapons, the 9mm Picador Pistol and the 3-shot Hydra Shotgun;
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8 - Helena has an exclusive achievement in Resident Evil 6, the achievement "Stuntman". In it, the player must eliminate 20 enemies with the Hydra Shotgun using the Quick Shot action;
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9 - There is a memo left by Deborah for Helena in the underground laboratory of Tall Oaks Cathedral. In it, Deborah asks Helena for forgiveness for not being a “good sister” and hopes she finds someone she loves. Helena never had access to this memo;
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10 - Helena has 2 extra costumes in Mercenaries mode. The first being a R.P.D. Cop Costume (available in blue and green colors). And the second, a variation of her costume from China, but with the retro graphics, in the style of 1998.
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Unfortunately, it is only possible to play with these costumes in the main campaign on the Nintendo Switch version;
11 - Helena Harper owns 1 official Hot Toy Action Figure produced by Square Enix's Play Art, just like the other protagonists of Resident Evil 6;
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12 - Helena has already met 3 of the 5 classic Resident Evil protagonists, in only 1 game. The only protagonists she hasn’t met so far are Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine.
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best-of-kdrama · 5 years ago
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erythro-joe · 5 years ago
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My completed secret underground Umbrella Lab (Resident Evil) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
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werebutch · 4 years ago
HEY DUDE just wondering, does that transparent app thing work on samsung phones? idk shit about technology but i wanna try it. anyway rock on
I’m not sure but u could try it! I don’t have an android available to me rn otherwise I’d see what I can do, sorry :0
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elzythedonkey · 5 years ago
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#quarantine #cvirus2020
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catmanxbritish-blog · 5 years ago
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Safety Masks
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hungry-hyena · 5 years ago
y’all: i hate being stuck at home :(
me: im terrified of going outside because im high risk and could die if i catch Cvirus but i still have to go to work and do deliveries :( and my family’s super upset with me for working :( and i want to stay home :(
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bobo-tucci · 5 years ago
work labor like take the month off and die
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thewanderingswordsman2030 · 5 years ago
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🗣I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!! 😷😷😷😷😷 #Coronavirus #CVirus #TVirus #GVirus #ProgenitorVirus #CDC #CenterForDiseaseControl #UmbrellaCorporation #Umbrella #Biohazard #ResidentEvil https://www.instagram.com/p/B9c0GB0n0ic/?igshid=e6o56jl4rkbg
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joergius · 3 years ago
Die Erfolgsgeschichte der C.-Impfung
Die Erfolgsgeschichte der C.-Impfung
27.12.2020= die Impfung immunisiert 01.01.2021= die Impfung immunisiert nicht, aber sie schützt 15.04.2021= die Impfung schützt nicht vollkommen, aber sie hilft halt gegen die Infektion 21.06.2021= Durch die Impfung wird man trotzdem krank, aber man hat einen leichten Verlauf 01.08.2021= Man kann bei der Impfung auch ernsthaft krank werden, aber man vermeidet, dass man ins Krankenhaus muss 12.09.2021= Man kann trotz Impfung auch ins Krankenhaus kommen, aber man wird nicht intubiert 30.10.2021= Die Impfung verhindert nicht, dass man intubiert wird, aber sie hilft, dass man nicht stirbt 07.11.2021= Leider sterben auch einige Geimpfte- aber es ist nicht so dramatisch- keine Impfung ist perfekt 23.12.2021= Die Impfung- auch zweimal geboostert- hilft leider nicht- man muss trotzdem einen Test machen und Masken tragen 02.01.2022= Impfung hilft gegen einen starken Verlauf zu 97% mit der Boosterimpfung... ...mit der 2. Boosterimpfung ...mit der dritten Boosterimpfung ...mit der vierten Boosterimpfung ...mit der fünften Boosterimpfung...
Wir sehen wie wichtig die Impfpflicht ist... ... für die Hersteller, für die Aktionäre von Pharmaaktien und für der Pharmaindustie nahestehende Politiker.
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helenaharperthinker · 2 years ago
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Deborah Harper 30th Birthday
If she were alive, Helena Harper’s sister, Deborah Harper, would be 30 years old in 2022. She was born on October 10, 1992.
Unlike her sister, Deborah had a party and carefree personality, which caused some friction between her sister and her. But still, they were both very close.
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Not much is known about her history, only that she was a college student, that her parents died before she became an adult and that she once dated a man who physically assaulted her, which caused Helena to shoot him and have her transfer to the DSO suspended and be sent to work for the USSS.
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In addition, Deborah was also used as a hostage by Simmons, so that Helena would forcibly help him carry out his plans with the C-Virus in Tall Oaks.
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Unfortunately, Deborah was another of Simmons' victims, being infected and used as a guinea pig by his scientists, she was left to die in the catacombs of Tall Oaks Cathedral, after not showing the desired results. Helena and Leon tried to rescue her, but it was too late.
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The C-Virus took effect and involved her in a chrysalis, then Deborah emerged from it and became a monster that couldn't even recognize her own sister.
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Helena was forced to let her die, because that was no longer Deborah, but a monster with similar physical characteristics.
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Helena swore revenge for Deborah against Simmons.
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Rest in Peace, Deborah!
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rlimarjbr · 5 years ago
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#Umbrella - #TVirus #TyrantVirus #Coronavirus #Atenção #Mensagem #MSG #Cvirus #Corporation #UmbrellaCorporation #Vacinação ... https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKGtlQHPDs/?igshid=1k1e1l2rzaczn
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techcrunchappcom · 5 years ago
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coreymccowan1 · 5 years ago
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What ya'll think? Haha #fuckcovid19 #fuckcoronavirus #staysafeoutthere #washyoass #washyohands #cvirus #tvirus #residentevil #funny #funnymemes #hilarious #hilariousmemes #worldstar (at Fort Worth, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YNuoaDf_i/?igshid=1j3m3kxut4i6k
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13chiara-art · 5 years ago
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[FANART] The Redfields - Resident Evil: Code Veronica X . . SPEEDPAINT: https://youtu.be/mw3sk5pPgTQ . . . 🇺🇸 In December 1998, three months after escaping from Raccoon City and prior to its eventual destruction, Claire Redfield raids an Umbrella Corporation facility in Paris, in search of her brother Chris Redfield. Discovered by Umbrella's security forces and eventually captured, Claire is imprisoned on Rockfort Island—a prison complex owned by the corporation, situated in the Southern Ocean.  . . . . . . 🇧🇷 Em dezembro de 1998, três meses depois de escapar de Raccoon City e antes de sua eventual destruição, Claire Redfield invade uma instalação da Umbrella Corporation em Paris , em busca de seu irmão Chris Redfield . Descoberta pelas forças de segurança da Umbrella e, finalmente, capturada, Claire está presa em Rockfort Island - um complexo penitenciário de propriedade da corporação, situado no Oceano Antártico.  . . . . . . . #capcom #residentevil #codeveronica #REVIL #ResidentEvilDatabase #EvilHazard #chibiart #speedpaint #tiktok #claireredfield #chrisredfield #cosplay #zombie #tvirus #cvirus #tveronica #playstation #xboxone #steam (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Dq85SJmp9/?igshid=s4iyhfiwzju4
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