#tvd: 3.11
niklausxcaroline · 18 hours
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Klaus and Caroline in “Our Town” — And I could let you. Die. If that���s what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning. I thought about it myself... Once or twice, over the centuries. Truth be told. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. 
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elenagilbertgifs · 6 years
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goldcaught · 5 years
top 5 klaroline touches
+ THE FIRST, OF COURSE, klaus cradling caroline as she feeds from his vein, tvd 3.11 A C L A S S I Q U E 
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+ ITS OKAY ITS ME YOU’RE SAFE klaus cupping the nape of her neck in steady comfort, tvd 3.21 
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+you brought me baaaaaaack hand touch, tvd 4.18 
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+ every inch of tvd 5.11 but especially her hands on his face during and just after their first kiss [bites entire fist]
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depressedfangirling · 5 years
So this has probably already been figured out but I’m slow...
So the first time we really see a Klaroline scene is 3.11 and the confession scene was 5.11 which at the time was there goodbye for all we knew. They made the hello and the goodbye exactly 2 seasons apart and honestly if that doesn’t sound pre planned then I don’t know what does. But that’s not all because 4.13 in TVD Caroline is dying due to Klaus’ bite and that is the first time she confesses that Klaus is not all bad then in 5.13 of TO which as we all know is the finale but not only that but the last confession Caroline ever makes to Klaus. Which to me also sounds pretty pre planned.
So in conclusion Julie Plec making us suffer was probably pre planned.
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highgaarden · 5 years
b, f, g
hi! thanks for coming!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
BOY, IS THERE. i wrote put down your sword and crown in the loneliest year of my life. i’d just finished high school and was learning how to drive, and then - learning courage. i’d written for the first time since i was thirteen. i attempted driving lessons. failed driving lessons (twice!). and then suddenly i thought, “what if esther’s plan had worked and instead of killing them instantly, the backfired curse was slowly draining them of life. the originals have thirty days left to live, and all rebekah wants to do is learn how to drive.” a lot of mishaps were based on my own - but other than that, the worlds, the characters are all as i’d understood them (i’d never watched an episode of tvd before 3.11). 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh my god. this is tough.
His eyes flick down to her lips for the nano-est of seconds, but it’s all it takes – she swallows. And suddenly it’s the football field all over again, that tiny hook of hesitation holding him back before he lets out a cool breath across her cheeks, as if preparing them for the burn of his lips.
It’s the burn that she remembers, and it’s the burn that makes her look away. Klaus stays where he is.
“If it were you graduating,” she begins slowly, and Klaus smirks at that. “Come on, play along – if it were you graduating, what would you want?”
He frowns like he’s seriously considering her question, and that’s one thing she appreciates about him. She presses her cheek into her pillow, waiting for his answer.
“I think I’d go on an adventure.” His eyes bore into hers as he smiles, something wicked in it. “With the one person I care about. We’d go places, drink in the sights, drink in the humans. Their bones so very brittle in our hands; we’d listen to them scream—”
“K-laus,” Caroline whines, whacking his shoulder. “Don’t ruin it.”
“Alright, alright. I’d show her—”
“That one person.”
“That one person,” he concedes with a tiny eyeroll. “I’d show that one person a good time. All the food, all the wine, the art, the decadence – it would be all for us.”
“And at the end of it?” she whispers.
Klaus leans in, eyes closing, his nose grazing the column of her neck. He breathes her in and – her head tilts back to allow him better access, like she isn’t in control of her own body or something. But then he stops and pulls back, leaving her a little breathless: “Who says it has to end?”
Caroline finds her voice. “Yeah, but all good things—”
Klaus laughs. His laugh rumbles right through her, holds her down. “It wouldn’t be just good, sweetheart.”
“Then what would it be?”
He rolls off the bed, a lazy, sleepy lion; lands on his feet with the grace as such. He doesn’t smile as much as he bares his teeth. “Let me show you.”
from at home with a ghost. because i feel as if it’s one of the moments i truly understood how they speak to each other. also because it’s one of my favourites to write.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
out of order. usually a scene wanders into my head and the rest of the story grows from there. i mostly try to understand character, so i always write led by emotions. i love how sexy things get when decisions are motivated by principal, however misguided. i’m just really emotional ok!!!!!!!!
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oceanincognito · 7 years
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elenagilbertgifs · 6 years
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elenagilbertgifs · 7 years
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elena in 3x11: our town.
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goldcaught · 8 years
alright just because of your tag "give me the fucking fruit" I want to watch every tvd episode relevant to klaroline but idk where to start so help!!
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you’re MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE anon bb let me give you a road map: 3.05, 3.09, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22, 4.01, 4.06, 4.07, 4.09, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20 (literally just skip to the last like 7 mins), 4.21, 4.23, 5.11, 5.12, 5.15, 7.13 (again probably just skip to the caroline car scene which i thiiink is at the end), 7.14, & 8.16 t h u s far :))))
but honestly to really grasp their impact i highly recommend you just buckle in and slam out s1-4 you will only have minor regrets i swear
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