#tutors abdullah
Sachin Tendulkar
Name the professional athletes you respect the most and why. Sachin Tendulkar just because almost all respect him . Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!
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From Russia to Abu Dhabi
Sergei Ivanov was a seasoned operative for Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). At 35, he was known for his stoic demeanor, sharp intelligence, and unwavering loyalty. However, his latest assignment was unlike any he had ever encountered. Sergei was to infiltrate a high-profile network in Abu Dhabi, requiring a transformation not just in appearance but in identity.
The first phase of Sergei's transformation began in a secluded facility outside Moscow. Surgeons meticulously altered his facial features to resemble those of a native Emirati. His once pale skin was darkened to a warm olive tone. His straight, light brown hair was replaced with thick, wavy black locks. Sergei's blue eyes, a defining feature of his Russian heritage, were replaced with deep brown contact lenses. To complete the transformation, Sergei grew a neatly trimmed beard, which was carefully shaped and darkened.
The physical changes were not limited to his face. Sergei's body underwent a rigorous transformation as well. He spent hours in the gym, sculpting his physique to match the muscular build typical of Emirati men. His posture and mannerisms were adjusted through intense training, ensuring that every movement, from his gait to his hand gestures, was in line with his new identity.
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With the physical transformation complete, Sergei, now known as Abdullah Al-Mansoori, immersed himself in Emirati culture. He was tutored in Arabic, not just to speak the language fluently but to understand the nuances and dialects specific to Abu Dhabi. He studied Islamic customs and traditions, attending prayers and participating in rituals to internalize the spiritual aspect of his new identity.
Abdullah's wardrobe was entirely revamped. He now wore traditional Emirati clothing, including the kandura, a long white robe, and the ghutra, a headscarf held in place with an agal. His previous attire of heavy winter coats and military uniforms was replaced by lightweight fabrics suited for the desert climate.
The mental transformation was perhaps the most challenging. Sergei underwent extensive psychological training to suppress his Russian identity and fully embrace his new life as Abdullah. He practiced meditation and visualization techniques, creating detailed mental scenarios where he lived as Abdullah, interacted with friends and family, and navigated daily life in Abu Dhabi.
Sergei's memories of his Russian life were systematically compartmentalized, accessed only when necessary for the mission. He adopted new habits and preferences, developing a taste for Emirati cuisine and participating in local pastimes such as falconry and camel racing. His Russian accent was replaced with a flawless Emirati one, and he began thinking in Arabic rather than Russian.
By the time Abdullah arrived in Abu Dhabi, he was no longer Sergei Ivanov. He was a respected businessman with a detailed backstory, including a wealthy family, a prestigious education, and extensive connections within the local community. He quickly established himself, using his charm and intelligence to build relationships and gain the trust of key figures.
Abdullah's transformation was so complete that even he sometimes struggled to remember his life as Sergei. He found himself genuinely enjoying his new existence, the vibrant culture, and the warm hospitality of the Emirati people. Yet, deep down, the mission remained his primary focus, and he never lost sight of his ultimate goal.
Years passed, and Abdullah Al-Mansoori became an influential figure in Abu Dhabi. He had successfully infiltrated the network, gathering critical intelligence for his homeland. However, the lines between his two identities blurred, and he found himself at a crossroads. The mission was nearing its end, but Abdullah had forged real connections and relationships that complicated his return to Russia.
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In the end, Sergei Ivanov faced a choice: to return to his former life, bringing valuable intelligence to the FSB, or to continue living as Abdullah, embracing the new identity he had grown to love. The decision weighed heavily on him, but one thing was certain: his transformation had changed him forever, leaving him a man with two lives and one heart split between two worlds.
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abdullahkilic · 5 months
who: abdullah & @levi-steelexhutchinson
where: abdullah's tutoring office, downtown.
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the gods better be smiling down on him, he thought, as he guides his pupil out the front doors of his office to where he would unfortunately have to make small talk with her father on hand-off. her mother would have to kiss his feet for years to come for exposing him to this kind of torture for german lessons. he chuckles to himself. that would be the day for more than one reason. "mr. hutchinson." it's bitter albeit the way he tries to hide it with a polite smile. "josie did well today. however, i think she would benefit from more exposure to the language at home. novels, target language t.v that's age appropriate, games - you know what, i'll email your ex-wife. i know you're a busy man."
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flcralhaze · 4 months
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{ samantha logan , 30 , cis woman , she/her } we are so glad to see you safe, lady cordelia mackenzie of scotland ! it’s dangerous out in the world these days , but i hear that you are enchanting and ambitious enough to handle it. just don’t let your cunningness bring you down. stay on your guard , because with your secret being at risk for exposure , you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you framed a stuart ally for treason to strengthen your own standing at court.
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basic information.
full name: cordelia mackenzie. nickname: cora , delia , lia name meaning: heart , daughter of the sea. age: thirty. date of birth: june 6th. astrological sign: gemini. gender & pronouns: cis woman , she / her. orientation: biromantic , bisexual. spoken languages: english , gaelic , latin , spanish , french , italian , russian , hindi. title: lady of scotland. martial status: unwed , unbetrothed. loyalty: the mackenzies before all else and then the scottish rebellion. is also loyal to queen claire.
positive: enchanting ,  ambitious ,  vivacious ,  brilliant , adaptable. negative: cunning ,  secretive ,  manipulative , meddlesome , treacherous. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. temperament: choleric. mbti: entj - the commander. enneagram: tba. hobbies: signing , dancing , gossiping , planning parties , sword fighting.
familial ties.
father: duke mackenzie. mother: duchess mackenzie. siblings: murat abdullah mackenzie , older brother. karolina mackenzie , younger sister.
the wealth of the mackenzies was well known not only in scotland but across europe. they might possess no crown but some would argue that the influence and power they'd garnered from their riches outshone any golden circlet. cordelia grew up in the heart of the clan's opulence, never wanting for anything and being taught by the very best tutors brought to scotland from all over the world. her intelligence blossomed as did her expert grasp on court manners and courtesies. there remained a wildness in her eyes ( she was a scot still ) but it was hidden behind dazzling smiles and palpable grace.
initially the mackenzies were loyal allies of the stuarts, never hesitating to offer consul or aid whenever it was needed, and their ambitions were sated by the knowledge that they had the king's ear and that his rule had allowed their family to flourish more. the families' close relationship made it possible for cordelia to spend so much time at the scottish court, charming the other nobles and royals. the motive wasn't innocent. her mother viewed it as crucial that her children integrate themselves at court and particularly with the royal family but also with other powerful nobles. how else would the clan maintain their power?
cordelia set her sights on the third stuart, claire. she found the princess' company refreshing and in her company, cordelia's more wild side was able to shine. upon noticing how interested the princess was in information, she quickly showed herself to be a useful ally. her sharp wit, money, and personable nature made gathering gossip easy, all of which she passed along to claire or, if asked by the stuart, put it to good use, causing chaos where needed and moving different pieces in place. with time she moved up the ranks until she oversaw the princess' network of spies, collecting whatever information she could, no matter how insignificant in the moment it might appear.
when the king turned greedier, the mackenzies' loyalty began changing. loyal they appeared, the mackenzies were a ruthless family. they would not give the stuart king a chance to turn on them and possibly remove some of their power and influence. cordelia didn't hesitate to involve herself in the rebellion, rising up in its ranks thanks to the information her close ties with the royal family allowed her to share with the rebels along with her strong friendship with the rebellion's leader. leadership didn't interest her, preferring pulling strings from the shadows, and thus she settled comfortably into the role of second in commands.
at the instruction of her mother, cora still played the part of innocent socialite, fluttering around court, throwing her parties, and remaining close to the stuarts - if the rebellion decided to switch what stuart was on the throne then they must have a full picture of the possible candidates. the mackenzies deemed the eldest as too loyal to the king to be of much use, but cordelia had claire's ear and if she sought to strengthen her relationship with the other two then it was attributed to her social ways. it was a dangerous game, causing her to proceed with caution, but nothing had collapsed yet.
arc o1.
unaffected by the deaths, cordelia operated around the mughal court much as she did back home, ears constantly attuned for information and seeking out any opportunity to further the cracks in the stuart family. the choice of location also reunited her with her older sibling. it was only when the french barged into the palace and tried assuming control that personal feelings, fueled by a feud not between people but two nations, got involved. insult only grew when the french threw her friend and rebel leader into the crossfire, the label of traitor putting them at risk of loosing their head.
the reckoning was almost a blessing. if anyone would've harmed cailean it was the king and queen; now that were dead. their sudden demise also increased the cracks in the stuart family, turning them into chasms once. cora could see it all play out: the stuarts, so focused on each other, wouldn't see the true enemy until it was too late. but before the rebellion could strike a fatal blow to the struggling monarchy, the swords were laid down and unity was reforged. some were disappointed, but cordelia saw that the cracks weren't healed, merely stitched together. all it would take was the right blade to tear them open again.
while her brother's return home meant she spent more time visiting with her family, she didn't neglect her commitment to the rebellion. cora knew if she could cement her own position as a loyal ally of the stuart monarchs then she would be better positioned to foster the cracks reopening and relay more information to her allies. it wasn't difficult. whispers of traitors still circled court, cordelia herself still worried that her friend was still at risk, so all she needed was a target. she found one in a scottish lord who for years had stood by the stuart family's side. a good ally, a strong one. and also one who was vocal about finding the so-called rebels. cordelia mackenzie planted the seeds, tended to them, and watched the sword swing on the day he lost his life.
having been the one who brought the proof of the lord's treachery to the stuart monarchs, a fact kept secret as a precaution so the "rebels" wouldn't retaliate against cora, she cemented herself as a true loyalist like many mackenzies who had come before her. all the while her little birds reported how angry some neutral scottish nobles were over the execution. a properly aimed arrow striking multiple targets was quite rewarding.
she has a beautiful singing voice. she had vocal lessons from a famous singer growing up and loves singing, particularly traditional scottish songs. it isn't uncommon for her to be asked to sing at parties. her voice has led to some calling her the scottish siren.
extremely personable and charming. she comes alive in social situation, loving being the center of attention but also knowing when to be quiet and listen. her social skills make her the perfect spy as she's able to make people think she's their confidant and friend with ease. plus knowing when to listen allows her to gain information that a person wouldn't disclose if being questioned.
loves, loves, loves gossiping. she can listen to it for hours.
also loves causing chaos. she won't hesitate to use the information she's gathered to her, the rebellion's, or claire's advantage with little care about who might be harmed in the process.
she believes any information is good information. it might seem useless in the moment but it might prove valuable - better to have it than to lack it.
cora presents herself as very ladylike but like any scot, she does have a wild side. she loves spending time outside, particularly in the highlands, and does know how to wield a sword. she normally carries a hidden dagger at all times.
the fact that she was the one who delivered the proof that the scottish lord was a traitor is only known by the stuart monarchs and her fellow rebels, who were aware of ( and likely assisted with ) the mission from the moment it was first proposed. her role wasn't publicized due to the concern that doing so would put cordelia and her family in danger if the stuarts' enemies decided to retaliate. if only they knew the truth . . .
while she denies it, her feelings toward the stuarts are extremely conflicted. she shares her family's negative view of the king but for many years she viewed claire a friend, someone she wanted to see happy. but she's actively working against her family, seeking to tear the stuarts off their throne and put a better government in their place, and is unsure how claire would react if she found out.
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tutors-uae · 1 year
(055-9564344) Dr Anil Khare Testimonials as the best Maths Tutor in AbuDhabi
Dr. Anil Khare is a mathematics genius! His dedication and passion for teaching are unmatched. Thanks to his patient guidance, I have excelled in math like never before. He truly is the best mathematics tutor in Abu Dhabi!" - Sarah P.
"I cannot recommend Dr. Anil Khare enough! He has an incredible ability to break down complex math concepts into simple, understandable parts. His teaching style is engaging, and he makes learning enjoyable." - Michael R.
"Choosing Dr. Anil Khare as my math tutor was the best decision I made for my academic success. He not only helped me improve my grades but also boosted my confidence in tackling challenging math problems." - Fatima S.
"Dr. Khare's expertise in mathematics is evident from the first lesson. He goes above and beyond to ensure his students grasp the concepts thoroughly. I have seen significant progress in my math skills since studying with him." - Ahmed K.
"An outstanding math tutor! Dr. Anil Khare's patience and dedication are truly commendable. He tailored his teaching approach to suit my learning style, making math seem less daunting than before." - Mariam A.
"Dr. Khare's passion for mathematics is contagious! His enthusiasm and knowledge have inspired me to pursue a career in the field. I am forever grateful for the guidance and support he provided during my academic journey." - Abdullah H.
"Without a doubt, Dr. Anil Khare is the best mathematics tutor in Abu Dhabi! His ability to simplify complex math problems and his commitment to ensuring his students succeed make him an exceptional educator." - Aisha M.
"I struggled with math for years until I met Dr. Khare. He transformed my perspective on the subject and helped me develop a genuine interest in mathematics. His teaching methods are second to none!" - Karim N.
"Dr. Anil Khare is a true math wizard! His ability to explain intricate mathematical concepts in a way that anyone can understand is remarkable. He is undoubtedly the top math tutor in the city." - Leila G.
"I cannot thank Dr. Khare enough for his unwavering support and encouragement throughout my math studies. His expert guidance has elevated my math skills and motivated me to strive for excellence." - Omar A.
"Dr. Anil Khare's passion for teaching is evident in every lesson. He creates a positive and nurturing learning environment that fosters growth and confidence in mathematics. I am grateful to have him as my tutor." - Layla B.
"Dr. Khare's expertise in mathematics is unparalleled. He is patient, kind, and always willing to go the extra mile to help his students succeed. I can confidently say he is the best math tutor in Abu Dhabi." - Saif D.
"As a parent, I am delighted with the progress my child has made under Dr. Anil Khare's tutelage. His teaching methods are effective, and he genuinely cares about his students' success." - Fatima R. (Parent)
"Dr. Khare's passion for math is infectious! He makes learning enjoyable and instills a sense of curiosity in his students. I never thought I'd say this, but I love math now, all thanks to him!" - Youssef M.
"If you're looking for a math tutor who is patient, knowledgeable, and dedicated to your success, look no further than Dr. Anil Khare. He is the epitome of excellence in the field of mathematics education." - Salma N.
"Dr. Khare's teaching style is exceptional. He breaks down complex math problems into manageable steps, making it easy to grasp even the toughest concepts. He is truly the best math tutor out there!" - Ali R.
"I used to dread math classes, but that changed when I started learning from Dr. Anil Khare. His passion for the subject and his ability to make math engaging and fun have transformed my attitude towards it." - Amna H.
"Dr. Khare's dedication to his students is commendable. He is always available to provide additional support and clarifications outside of regular class hours. His commitment to our success is truly inspiring." - Hamza A.
"I owe my academic achievements in math to Dr. Anil Khare. His expertise and guidance have been instrumental in my growth as a math student. He deserves all the praise as the best math tutor in Abu Dhabi." - Farah S.
"Dr. Khare is not just a math tutor; he is a mentor and role model. His passion for mathematics and his ability to make learning enjoyable have had a profound impact on my academic journey." - Khaled T.
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ahangerhobo · 1 year
Garden To Visit In Srinagar 2023 | Ahanger HOBO
“Ahanger HOBO offers the best tour package & services in Kashmir, India”
1 Pari Mahal “Palace of the Fairies”
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The most beautiful of Kashmir's present-day gardens for the gorgeous view that takes over Dal Lake and surrounds it. A pleasant one-hour walk from the botanical garden that lies just off Boulevard Road. Pari Mahal was created by the philosopher Prince Dara Shikooh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jehan (who also commissioned Akhund Mullah). Dara Shikooh was obsessed with the idea of the similarities between Hinduism and Islam, "the meeting place of two oceans", he called it. He believed in the unity of being and of religion stating that Hinduism and Islam were twins, "hairs on the same head" and that there was no essential disagreement on the nature of their understanding of God. This tolerant attitude was to cost Dara his crown. This garden was not for temporal pleasure alone but as a place for learning, he built it for his tutor Akhund Mullah Shah so he could hold discussions with religious divines of all faiths. On the grounds, there was a school for Sufism and one for Astrology. 
2 Shalimar Garden “The Garden of Love)”
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In the old days, Shalimar was a villa built in the 2nd Century where one Kashmiri King Pravarasena II used to stay when he went to visit his guru at Harwan. Praversena II founded the city of Srinagar and ruled Kashmir from 79 AD to 139 AD. After his reign, it fell into ruin, but the village there kept the name, Shalimar. In 1619 the sensualist Emperor Jehangir ordered a garden to be laid out at this spot for his love, Nur Jehan "light of the world". It is said that Emperor Jehangir and his wife Nur Jahan were so enamored of Kashmir that during summer they moved to Srinagar with their full court entourage from Delhi. Shalimar Bagh was their imperial summer residence and the Royal Court. They crossed the arduous snowy passes of the Pir Panjal mountain range on elephants to reach Srinagar.
3 Nishat Garden” The Garden of Pleasure”
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In l633 by the brother of NurJehan, Asaf Khan invited his brother-in-law Emperor Jehangir to a fancy banquet to be held in the marble pavilion of the garden. The emperor became jealous of the beauty of the garden and ordered the water supply to be cut off. One by one the fountains went dry and the garden beds began to wilt and die. The loyal gardener could not bear to see his master and his beautiful flowers so dejected and secretly turned the water supply back on. Furious, Jehangir sent for the gardener. The gardener stood stoically for his actions, saying he simply could not bear to see such beauty die. The courage of the gardener struck an attender chord in his heart. Once upon a time, Emperor Jahangir loved a gardener's daughter, Anarkali, who was courageous enough to stand up to his father and defend her love. He, therefore, restored the water supply from the same stream that fed his own royal garden, Shalimar.
4 Cheshma Shahi Garden “The Royal Spring”
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This was built by Shah Jahan (Emperor Jahangir's son) in l642. It's known as “Royal Spring' due to the mineral-rich spring water that feeds the watercourses. The source of this water emerges within a pavilion at the top of the garden. Many visitors to these gardens believe in the healing properties of this water and come here to the source to drink.
5 Nasim Bagh Garden
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Nasim Bagh (Garden of the Morning Breeze) is Open every day during university hours, free. This garden was founded by the Mughal Emperor Akbar The Great' who conquered Kashmir in 1586. It is a veritable forest of Chinars 1200Chinars were laid out at the time-located at what is now the University of Kashmir. When visiting the shrine at Hazratbal take a stroll through the markets toward the university, walk around until you hit the Zain-ud-Din Memorial gate (opposite the brightly colored blue and white tomb of former chief minister Sheikh Abdullah 'the Lion of Kashmir) and reveal in the beauty of so many majestic trees in one place. If you happen to be in Srinagar in autumn, be sure to put in a visit here, the myriad shades of red and orange leaves of so many trees in one place is an effect like wildfire. 
6 Harwan Garden
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Harwan Garden is not a garden created by the ubiquitous Mughals, but it is a relaxing place to visit and drop your feet in the cool water on a hot summer's day. There is a stream running through the middle and massive trees under which you can sip cool beverages. You can reach here after visiting the Harwan archaeological site. 
7 Badam Bagh Garden “Almond Garden”
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  Also known as Bagi-Waris Khan. A Secret of the Srinagar locals, BadamBagh is another beautiful Kashmiri Garden although not built nor modeled on the Mughal style. It is located in the old city in the locality of Kathi Darwaza Hawal near the Psychiatric hospital. Filled with rows of beautiful almond trees and flower-filled beds, it is a lovely place to relax and enjoy the sweet air of Kashmir. A trip to this garden can be coupled with a visit to the small and peaceful Tibetan Muslim colony of Hawal, a troll through the old city, or a visit to the Shia religious places and artisans near Alamgiri Bazaar.
8 Botanical Garden 
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These gardens lay at the foot of the Pari Mahal Mughal garden. The botanical garden has a pleasing water feature and is spacious and bright. You will always find couples here in the secret tete-a-tete. This garden has thousands of tree species and has a big artificial lake too.  
9 Nehru Park Dal Gate 
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Nehru Park is located inside The famous Dal lake in the name of pandit Jawahar lal Nehru who was the first Prime minister of India. This park is on a small round shaped island just beside the famous Boulevard dal gate road, Nehru park has a swimming pool, & Pool has Dal Lake itself its water source. Nowadays authorities do not allow anyone to swim, (As it is not safe for swimming as well as this location is a public place. This place has boating facilities (Shikaras) to reach and a small park for picnics, there is a restaurant where you could buy & enjoy meals on order. Boulevard road is one of the busiest roads in the Kashmir valley. On its bank, there are plenty of hotels where a traveler or a guest makes his/her stay & most hotels are 3 Star category, and a few 4 Star. On another side of the road there are many Ghats (Stands for Shikaras) waiting for you to enjoy a shikara ride & best time is sunrise/sunset which adds beauty to dal lake. Coordinates: 34°5'24"N 74°50'44"E.
10 Tulip Garden Srinagar
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Kashmir Tulip Garden is called “Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip garden”, Erlier Model Floriculture Center Kashmir, and it is a tulip garden located in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. It is the largest tulip garden in the Asia continent and has spread over an area of about 74 acres of land. It is situated under the foot side of the Zabarwan range of mountains, built on a sloping ground in a terraced fashion consisting of seven terraces if you manage to go up, then you would be able to see the Dal Lake view. It was opened in the year 2007 to boost floriculture tourism in the Kashmir Valley. earlier it was called Siraj Bagh. Around more than a million million tulip bulbs get cultivated every year, all in different colors, like (Pink, Violet, White, Yellow, Red, and many more) Besides tulips, there are many varieties of flowers, including hyacinths, daffodils, and ranunculus which were brought from Holland. The tulip garden is home to around 68 varieties of tulips. The tulip festival is celebrated in the month of April every year, This year 2023 it has been opened before its time (on 19 Mar). The Tulip festival is an annual Spring festival to increase tourism by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ahanger HOBO is a travel company located and based in Kashmir, India. We have thousands of happy clients and it is growing at a great pace every year. We offer Hotel, Taxi & Adventure, here is the list of adventure activities: Trekking | Hiking | Cliffhanging | Mountain Biking | Paragliding | Surfing | Caving | Zip Line | Camping | Hot Air Ballooning. for a free consultation on your Kashmir Trip please call on +91 7006474372 | 9541117773 | 9541115558 Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
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sexydreamgirl · 3 years
hey i just wanted to vent a little cus i feel safe here, im uncomfy rn, and i dont really have someone to talk to lol
anyways, im 18, and unfortunately i kinda need to get a tutor but i decided ima just manifest that i dont... cusssss
in finding a tutor, cus of my grade level.... theres been someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gross ass bitches (using these terms to cope with me lowkey shaking rn cus again im feeling uncomfyyyyyyy) basically just pretending they would be teaching me (not that they explicitly said so but the reason why i think this is because):
1. they reply quickly, probably too quick to read the information i have sent them (information that they need to know before they agree to them teaching/tutoring me)
2. they're males
3. they aren't even graduated in my strand or is studying my strand (major subject: i.e. stem, hummss, whatever)
4. they ask me unnecessary information and continue at it even though i question them. such as asking for my gender (if im a girl or boy; im a girl.), where i live (i tried saying where i was at from the furthest i could safely say in my country but they would continue asking, "where in x"? so that they would end up getting info of what city i live in.), using my need for a tutor against me such as trying to make me speak through vc when i said i will only be using text.
these are the times i honestly wanna manifest a boyfriend too just to protect me in instances such as these. but what makes that such a "big deal" (for me) in my opinion is cus that aint me? lol. specifically, i really wanna focus on myself, and my career, and not have someone else in my life such as that when i could actively avoid it (cus i will most likely not have time for you anyway, so why hurt you, and why possibly make you make me feel bad or someth when i could just not get into this in the first place when i know im not ready or whatever?). butttttttttt what makes that lowkey grosser is that my country is kind of very.. relationship oriented? so imo there's a lot of "desperate" creeps 💀 (again in my opinionn :(( ) anyways thank you if ever you respond to this hera <3
hope u have a nice day !
I'm sorry about your situation baby :( I think deciding that you don't need a tutor at all is a great idea, another potential option you could consider is assuming that you're safe and protected from creeps as such, much like what abdullah did. Stay safe, my love!
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loredumptime · 3 years
20s STORY: clarice, [southern man], iola kleeman, petra aveson, cleo aveson
APAMA STORY: apama, iotape, roxane, kleandros
APOCALYPSE STORY: foyoko suzuki, nguyen duong, ramona ahmad, roxanna, maisel, pablo
BAND STORY: electra, andromeda, venus, juno, bijou, milan, kiki, amber, dorian
BASIL LOUISE: basil louise callaway, maxine greer
CIRQUE NOELLE: mellie patch, leo fig, noelle tuleja, quura, areck johansen, mirissa acquati, orion floros, lula marinos, prissy, the lemon girls
COLD WAR STORY: lukas petrauskas, alexei, nadia pavlovsky, annika, sasha petrauskas, natasha petrauskas, tina petrauskas, valentina campos, ximena aguado, ilya bykov, ona petrauskas, lyosha petrauskas, vladimir, svetlana
DYSTOPIAN DELILAH: lemonade blackstone, eun-ha park hakim, jared smith, alexander moore, delilah yoshida, andreaus choi, emil olsen, erzsebet kemeny, zsofia kemeny, liam kishka, cory anderson
EZRA AND THEO: ezra ramirez, theodore rundle, ebony wilson, madeleine drozdov, jade wu, maple wells
HELL STORY: ashari astiela, baphomet, azri diotallevi, lia diotallevi, ark, the devil
HOMEFRONT STORY: henri, tucker, mirabelle
HONEYPOT: eleanor sabina, carlotta fernandes
KING TUT STORY: king tutankhamun, [girl] 
KORE’S UNIVERSE: kore mariangela, gertrude muller, leon ryland, dyani chuchip, hanzou kenta, aurelie babineaux
LESBIAN PIRATES: maeve finch, mariana finch, elena-rose finch, aerynthe milleny
MARY STORY: mary, [killer], [brother], hotaru saito, magnolia lewis
PANDORA STORY: william vasilescu, adam lysander, pandora chung, [pandora’s mom]
PETER PAN RETELLING: pan, wendy, hook, [hook bf], tink
PROFESSOR STORY: [professor], [inspector]
RAVIOLI: aika, augustus, olympias, [augustus sister], [evil prince]
RHIANONH: rhiannon mitchell, micha amos, lark beaumont, micha amos, richard mitchell
SACRILEGIOUS KIDS: lamb, rowan march, belle melangell, finn laurier, shiloh st. james, adam page, marley grey, haniel, gabriel SADIK STORY: ahmed, mihr nush, sadik bin abdullah, roshanak, fatima 
SLASHER KIDS: milo saint, charlie messer, jack colton, eli shaw, oliver shaw
TUTOR FROM CORINTH: philippos, tullia, calidus, berenike, galene
WEREWOLF STORY: alicia hughes, marlene hughes, wolfsbane hughes, alfred hughes
WILD WEST STORY: wes, beau, lottie, eve
WOODSTOCK STORY: annamae sinclair, jolene dixon, [hippie mother], [hippie cult leader], [hippie girl], [hippie boy]
WW2 STORY: wilfried achterburg, pepper porter, felix alberton, kostya vasiliev, luciano vargaz, carla neguirra, gwendolyn achterburg
YOKAI STORY: rio watanabe, sol costa, sumi ito, chiyo ito, hana ito
ARCANA OC: amaris natale, rishva bakhshi, tallulah devorak, maksim devorak, nyneve satrinava, lorelai natale, asanna natale
BREAKING BAD OC: cager myers, elise myers
DC OC: phoebus, constance, ella nashton, duela dent, cyril bloom, elsa king
FICTIF OC: diego perez, beatrix sparks, malou rossi, heidi dunajski
FNAF OC: trixy cat, ollie, hope
GORILLAZ OC: margo green, lemonade blackstone, jackson haywood, anita baker, connor bailey, eun-ha park hakim, marla kekoa, mason kekoa, delilah yoshida, jemima green, etienne green, catalina, francesca, camila, louis miller, juliet
HARRY POTTER OC: freya thrawcliffe, fern marden, circe ellis, yoon hye-in, aiden carter
HETALIA OC: agnes escalona, carla / andorra
JOJO OC: cecilio grande, delia sallow, miguel, jean, consuelo grande, maria grande, leandro 
MARBLE HORNETS OC: nicholas hill
SLENDERVERSE OC: alice burns, beam, [the rest of these guys aren’t my ocs, i just want to reblog stuff with their aesthetics] sally williams, jeffrey woods, tim wright, brian thomas, jane richardson, kate milens, tobias rogers, nina hopkins
SOUTH PARK OC: coral kelley, nia valez
WAKFU OC: hanezil the xelor, amodri the osamodas, nella the cra, rook, isre, fionan, milien, cleora, totio the ouginak
WARRIOR CATS OC: roseleaf, foxtail, frostspeck, snowpaw, [df mentor], sheep, lily, [riverclan guy], violetpelt, goldenfur, hawk, sardine
YURI ON ICE OC: leena makela, wynn virtanen
DEAD OCS: sheena, hina takahashi, jazmin lafleure
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atotaltaitaitale · 3 years
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Monday Art by Murals Artist Yip Yew Chong.
Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka - 2020
In 1820, one year after Raffles' landing, Arab merchant and philanthropist Syed Omar bin Ali Aljunied built the very first Mosque in Singapore - the Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka. The Mosque served the early Muslin settlers in a Kampong south of the Singapore River which Raffles designated for Muslims, including Raffles' tutor, Munshi Abdullah, who once lived in the kampong. This digital oil painting is a re-imagination of the Mosque in 1920. It was specially painted for a book that commemorates the Mosque's 200th anniversary
Back in March/April Yip Yew Chong had a few exhibitions across Singapore. The first one was at ArtPorters gallery with some of his mural inspired art and then 2 exhibitions back to back, one at the Substation, followed by one in the hotel Sofitel. Those pieces were slightly different than his murals but still very intrigued and detailed paintings. You could lose yourself in front of each of his canvas. I will post one each Monday (it will last until the end of the year!!! Yeah one less post to think about 😉)
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Was today typical? Yes it was! Thank You! Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!
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lukeskywaker4ever · 5 years
16th King of Portugal (7th of the Aviz Dynasty): King Sebastião of Portugal, “The Desired/ The Asleep”
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Reign: 11 June 1557 – 4 August 1578 Acclamation: 16 June 1557; Lisbon Predecessor: João III
Sebastian (20 January 1554 in Lisbon – 4 August 1578 in Alcácer-Quibir) was King of Portugal from 11 June 1557 to 4 August 1578 and the penultimate Portuguese monarch of the House of Aviz.
He was the son of João Manuel, Prince of Portugal, and his wife, Joana of Austria. He was the grandson of King João III of Portugal and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. He disappeared (presumably killed in action) in the battle of Alcácer Quibir. Sebastião I is often referred to as The Desired (o Desejado) or The Asleep (o Adormecido), as the Portuguese people longed for his return to end the decline of Portugal that began after his death. He is considered to be the Portuguese example of the king in the mountain legend as Portuguese tradition states his return, in a foggy dawn, on Portugal's greatest hour of need.
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Sebastião was born shortly after eight in the morning of 20 January 1554 (the feast of Saint Sebastian), and he was given the saint's name in commemoration. The name Sebastião was highly unusual for members of any European royal family at the time.
Shortly after his birth, a doctor, Fernando Abarca Maldonado, who had come to Portugal in the entourage of his mother and probably had helped deliver him, cast his horoscope. Among other things, Maldonado predicted that Sebastião would be very attracted to women, marry and have many children. None of these predictions ever came to pass. Actually Sebastião didn’t like women, but he liked men. According to some records he had many encounters with his male servants, and he thought the love between a man and woman was a disgusting thing.
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Sebastião was born heir-apparent to the throne of Portugal, since his birth occurred two weeks after the death of his father. He succeeded to the throne at the age of three, on the death of King João III, his paternal grandfather. Soon after his birth, his mother Joana of Spain left her infant son to serve as regent of Spain for her father, Emperor Charles V. After his abdication in 1556, she served in the same capacity for her brother Philip II of Spain. Joana remained in Spain until her death in 1573, never to see her son again.
Since Sebastião was still a child, a regency was necessary. It was handled first by his paternal grandmother, Catarina of Austria, and then by his great-uncle, Cardinal Henrique of Évora. This period saw continued Portuguese colonial expansion in Angola, Mozambique, and Malacca, as well as the annexation of Macau in 1557.
Sebastião was a bright and lively boy. Reports say he was fearless due to his great physical strength. Tall, slim, and blond, he was brought up by his grandmother Catarina, a domineering woman who exercised firm control over her grandson. Obedient as a child, he became obstinate and impulsive in later life.
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The young king grew up under the guidance and heavy influence of the Jesuits. Aleixo de Meneses, a military man of solid reputation and former tutor and guardian of Prince João, was appointed tutor to Sebastião by the boy's grandmother. Other teachers included the priest Luís Gonçalves da Câmara and his assistant, the priest Amador Rebelo.
His upbringing made Sebastião extremely devout. He carried a copy of Tomás Aquinas 
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on a belt at his waist and was constantly accompanied by two monks of the Theatine Order who were intent on preserving the king's innocence. As a child, Sebastião reportedly would react to visitors by running off into hiding with the monks until the visitors had gone.
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Sebastião died young and did not marry. However, he was involved in several proposed marriage alliances. In particular, the Queen dowager of France, Catherine de' Medici, 
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nurtured a plan for a long time to marry her youngest daughter, Margaret of Valois, 
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to Sebastião, a plan which was supported by Sebastião's maternal uncle, King Philip II of Spain, on occasion. Later, Margaret married Henry Bourbon, King of Navarre.
Sebastião himself, however, put an end to that plan, declaring that he was unimpressed by the mild suppression of the Huguenot Protestants in France, and that he would not bind himself to the House of Valois until he had seen how the situation would develop. Later, he agreed — being persuaded by emissaries of the Pope — to marry Margaret in order to prevent her from marrying the Huguenot Henry of Navarre; 
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by that time, however, the French king and his mother were already intent on Margaret marrying Henry. Margaret married Henry in 1572. By then, Sebastião's proposal was rejected.
Sebastião was also offered his cousin Elisabeth of Habsburg, 
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the daughter of Emperor Maximilian II 
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(Maximilian was Charles V's nephew.). Sebastião himself made a proposal in 1577 to his first cousin Isabel Clara Eugenia, 
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daughter of Philip II of Spain (Philip was Charles' son.).
During Sebastião's short personal reign, he strengthened ties with the Holy Roman Empire, England and France through diplomatic efforts. He also restructured much of the administrative, judicial and military life in his kingdom. In 1568, Sebastião created scholarships to assist students who wished to study medicine or pharmacy at the University of Coimbra.
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That same year he rewarded Indians in Brazil who helped in the fight against the French. The chief of the Temiminós Indians, Araribóia, was given lands near the Bay of Guanabara. In 1569, Sebastião ordered Duarte Nunes de Leão to compile all the laws and legal documents of the kingdom in a collection of Leis Extravagantes known as the Código Sebastiânico (Sebastião's code).
During the great plague of Lisbon in 1569, Sebastião sent for doctors from Seville to help the Portuguese doctors fight the plague. He created two hospitals in Lisbon to take care of those afflicted with the disease.
In his concern for the widows and orphans of those killed by the plague, he created several Recolhimentos (shelters) known as the Recolhimento de Santa Marta (shelter of Santa Marta) and the Recolhimento dos Meninos (shelter of the children) and provided wet nurses to take care of the babies.
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Sebastião created laws for the military, the Lei das Armas, that would become a military organization model. In 1570, Goa was attacked by the Indian army, but the Portuguese were successful in repulsing the assault. Also in 1570, Sebastião ordered that the Brazilian Indians should not be used as slaves and ordered the release of those held in captivity.
In 1572, the poet Luís de Camões presented his masterpiece Os Lusíadas and dedicated a poem to Sebastião that won him a royal pension. In 1573, he commissioned the construction of the Royal Basilica in Castro Verde as a tribute to the Battle of Ourique. In 1575 with the Carta de Lei de Almeirim, the king established a system of measures for solid and liquid products and also defined the role of public servants.
The Celeiros Comuns (Communal Granaries) were inaugurated in 1576 on Sebastian's orders. These were lending institutions intended to help to poor farmers when farm production decreased, giving credit, lending seeds and commodities to the needy. They were allowed to pay back their debts with farm products when they recovered from losses.
The mathematician and cosmographer Pedro Nunes was appointed by Sebastião as a cosmography teacher for sea pilots. It was during Sebastian's reign that Nunes wrote his Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera.
In 1577, Sebastião's ordinance Da nova ordem do juízo, sobre o abreviar das demandas, e execução dellas decreased the time for handling legal actions, regulated the action of lawyers, scribes and other court officials, and created fines for delays.
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After attaining his majority in 1568, Sebastião dreamed of a great crusade against the kingdom of Morocco, where over the preceding generation several Portuguese way stations on the route to India had been lost.
A Moroccan succession struggle gave him the opportunity, when Abu Abdallah Mohammed II Saadi lost his throne in 1576 and fled to Portugal. After arriving, he asked for King Sebastião's assistance in defeating his Turkish-backed uncle and rival, Abu Marwan Abd al-Malik I Saadi.
During the Christmastide of 1577, Sebastião met with his uncle King Philip II of Spain at Guadalupe. Philip refused to be party to the crusade as he was negotiating a truce with the Ottoman Empire, though he promised a contingent of Spanish volunteers.
Despite his lack of a son and heir, King Sebastião embarked on his crusade in 1578. The Portuguese army of 17,000 men, including a significant number of foreign mercenaries hired from the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, Spain, and the Italian States, and almost all of the country's nobility, sailed at the beginning of June from Lisbon. They visited Cádiz, where they expected to find Spanish volunteers who failed to appear, then crossed into Morocco.
At Arzila, Sebastião joined his ally Abu Abdullah Mohammed II, who had around 6,000 Moorish soldiers and, against the advice of his commanders, marched into the interior. At the Battle of Alcácer Quibir (Battle of the Three Kings),
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the Portuguese army was routed by Abd Al-Malik at the head of more than 60,000 men.
Sebastião was almost certainly killed in battle. He was last seen riding headlong into the enemy lines. Whether his body was ever found is uncertain, but Philip II of Spain claimed to have received his remains from Morocco and buried them in the Jerónimos Monastery in Belém, Lisbon, after he ascended to the Portuguese throne in 1580. 
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The body could not be identified as Sebastião's, however, which left some people unconvinced of his death. Sebastião was succeeded as king by his great-uncle Henrique, brother of his grandfather, King João III.
After the defeat at Alcácer Quibir, many efforts were made to ransom imprisoned Portuguese soldiers. Several soldiers returned to Portugal, which led many Portuguese to believe Sebastião had survived the battle and would return to claim his throne. This led to Sebastianism, the belief that Sebastião could return at any moment.
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Politically, there was a belief that Philip was not the rightful heir to the throne. Subsequently, Imposter pretenders appeared in Portugal who fraudulently claimed to be the king.
During the time of the Iberian Union, between 1580 and 1640, four different pretenders claimed to be the returned King Sebastião. The last of these pretenders, who was in fact an Italian, was hanged in 1619, while another was obtained by the Spanish from Venice, tried, found guilty and hanged in 1603.
In the long term, many myths and legends about Sebastião appeared, the principal one being that he was a great Portuguese patriot, the "sleeping king" who would return to help Portugal in its darkest hour (similar to the British King Arthur, the German Frederick Barbarossa or the Byzantine Constantine XI Palaeologus).
He came to be known by symbolic names: O Encoberto (The Hidden One) who would return on a foggy morning to save Portugal, or as O Desejado (The Desired One).
These legends were vigorously promoted through the massive circulation of popular rhymes (trovas) written by António Gonçalves de Bandarra.
Even as late as the 19th century, "Sebastianist" peasants in the town of Canudos in the Brazilian sertão believed that the king would return to help them in their rebellion against the "godless" Brazilian republic.
Sebastião's life was dramatized in 1843 in the opera Dom Sébastien by the Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti. Belgian playwright Paul Dresse also dramatized his life in the 1975 play Sébastien de Portugal ou le Capitaine de Dieu. The legend of Sebastião's disappearance and alleged return is the basis for the popular song "A Lenda d'El Rei D. Sebastião" ("The Legend of King Sebastian") by the Portuguese band Quarteto 1111 (1968).
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abdullahkilic · 5 months
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threads: 4/4 | event threads: 3/3 | drafts: 0/6 | next reply: 12/05 (sunday)
an dependent single-muse blog written for kismetharbor - written by ateş (he/him) UTC+300
basics //
name: abdullah kadir kılıç
nicknames: abby, kılıç.
faceclaim: uraz kaygılaroğlu
gender & pronouns: agender (he/they)
age: 37 years old 
birthday: august 21st
place of birth: izmir, turkey
languages: turkish (native), german (fluent), english (fluent), japanese (conversational), spanish (conversational).
occupation:  retired military (turkey), foreign language teacher (primary, elementary, high school + independent adult).
neighborhood: downtown
time since arriving in kismet harbor: since september 2014
town activities: lgbtqia+ & wounded warrior.
facts //
had both of his legs amputated due to the injuries he suffered in the army.
although fully employed by the middle school, he takes on adult students as well.
has no contact with his adoptive family (oops)
red flag; would marry totk!ganondorf in a flash.
green flag; would have 1.4 billion cats if he wasn't allergic.
biography //
tws: mafia/crime family dynamics, military injuries, war violence.
Opportunity; wealth; royalty - they made one arrogant and well-educated, a dangerous combination for a child who wanted the world to bow at their feet. Born of fire and ice in the western Aegean region of Turkey, he was abandoned quickly by a mother not yet ready to mother him and a father who would wish him to remain a secret - you see, his birth father owed the mafia more money than his life was worth. And so, he gave them something of equal proportions; a heir. From mother to mother, his given name remained the same, however, he would inherit a surname worthy of placing fear in the hearts of commoners.  He was an ostentatious child, driven, well-spoken; his presence commanded people, his confidence impressed, but his way with languages was what he was infamous for. Self-taught in the library, alone, with babysitters and nannies and security, Abdullah fell into book after book, written in language after language, and while in the background, he was learning what the first-born son of ahmet kılıç should know, his disinterest was made very clear. Abdullah didn’t want to hurt people - he supposed that’s where everything started. Conscription came early. On his 23rd birthday, he received a call to duty that was pushed aside by his father and sent worry into the heart of even the woman who married him. On opposite sides of the battlefield, he met him, a soldier who he was supposed to be at war with. He would save that same soldier in the name of love, months later, when tensions peaked, in a moment where choosing between his heart and his nurture had never been clearer.  Recovery from injuries, mental and physical, were slow when he opened his eyes a week after heroism was deemed betrayal. He lost his father, his mother, his siblings; decided to travel, never settling, never staying long enough for his thoughts to catch up to him; Kismet Harbor was the outlier, he supposed. Or well, in his search for his biological family, it led him to another coastal town, this time on the east coast of the United States.
active threads // ** event threads
levi steele-hutchinson (replied) - justin
**donovan morgan (replied) - starr
**carson sanchez (replied) - katie
**roman rhodes (replied)- g
connections //
levi steele-hutchinson (antagonistic/flirtatious) - tutoring his daughter in german; knows his ex-wife. hates him.
donovan morgan (platonic/??) - with similar experiences, support is at the basis of this relationship.
ricky (platonic) - work friends
gabriel pierce (platonic) - tbd
calliope wallace (platonic) - levi is a jerk, abdullah holds him accountable. cali lives for it. they've bonded over it.
hank bramson (platonic) - tbd
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dearmrlawrence · 5 years
Part I of a collection of photos taken during my recent 🇹🇷&🇯🇴 trip that’s related to TEL, Faisal and the Great Arab Revolt:
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Imperial edict issued by Sultan Abdul Hamid II on November 1st, 1908 concerning Sherif Hussein’s appointment to Meeca Emirate. Since this day Emir Faisal’s father Hussein officially became the Sherif of Meeca and the Hashemite family returned to Mecca from an 18 years exile in Istanbul. Photo was secretly taken in the Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul since photographs were not allowed in the palace (shush).
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Photos of the Istanbul Military Museum. It was once used as the Imperial Military Academy in the Ottoman period for the purpose of cadets training. Many of the famous Ottoman subjects went to the academy in the capital city for school after their former military school trainings in Ottoman provinces (famous figures including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Fawzi al-Qawuqji). Faisal’s old tutor Ahmed Safwat al-Awa used to be an assistant tutor of building and engineering at the academy before he was appointed by the Imperial decree to be Faisal and his brothers’ personal tutor when he was about thirty years old after Faisal and his family moved to Istanbul on the order of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
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Charles Doughty-Wylie’s grave in the Gallipoli peninsula of Turkey near the V beach cemetery. Charles Doughty-Wylie was a British army officer who served in the First World War and killed in action during the Gallipoli campaign (in fact at the exact spot where he was buried). His grave was the only solitary British or Commonwealth war grave on the Gallipoli peninsula. He was also Gertrude Bell’s secret lover.
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Talat and Enver Pasha’s graves in Istanbul. Djamal Pasha was buried in Erzurum, Turkey. They were the triumvirate known as the “Three Pashas” leading the Ottoman Empire in WWI after the 1908 Young Turk Revolution that overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s government.
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Faisal and his family used to live in a district called Büyükdere in Istanbul and this is where he grew up. It’s a very beautiful neighbourhood that’s along the shores of the Bosphorous. Evidence can be found via Faisal’s older brother King Abdullah I of Jordan’s memoirs.
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utilitymonstermash · 5 years
King Farouk of Egypt sounds like a real character:
Farouk was greatly upset in 1940 when he learned that his mother, Queen Nazli, whom he viewed as a rather chaste figure, was having an affair with his former tutor, Prince Ahmed Hassanein, who as a desert explorer, poet, Olympic athlete and aviator, was one of the most famous Egyptians alive. When Farouk caught Hassanein reading passages from the Koran to his mother in her bedroom, he pulled out a handgun and threatened to shoot them, saying "you are disgracing the memory of my father, and if I end it by killing one of you, then God will forgive me, for it is according to our holy law as you both know."
King Abdullah I of Jordan wanted all of Palestine for himself and dismissed Farouk as a pseudo-Arab who should not even be attending the summit, saying with reference to Farouk's Albanian ancestry: "You do not make a gentleman out of a Balkan farmer's son simply by making him a king".
Farouk spent his nights at the Auberge des Pyramides nightclub with Cohen or his latest mistress, the French singer Annie Berrier. At the same time, Farouk was engaged in a relationship with the American model Patricia "Honeychilde" Wilder, who stated in an interview that of all her lovers, he was the one who had the best sense of humor and made her laugh the most.
Project FF or Fat Fucker was a Central Intelligence Agency project in Egypt, aimed at pressuring King Farouk into political reforms. The project was masterminded by CIA Director Allen Dulles, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, CIA operative Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt Jr., and CIA Station Chief in Cairo Miles Copeland, Jr.
On the morning of 26 July 1952, Maher arrived at the Ras El Tin Palace to present Farouk with an ultimatum drafted by Naguib telling the king he must abdicate and leave Egypt by 6pm the next day or else the troops loyal to the Free Officers would storm the palace and execute the king.
At about 12:30 pm, Farouk in the presence of a Supreme Court justice and Caffery, cried as he signed the instrument of abdication. At about 5:30 pm Farouk left the palace, was saluted by the Sudanese Guard, said farewell to his best friend Pulli who was not allowed to leave Egypt, and at the dock, boarded the royal yacht El Mahrousa to leave Egypt for the last time. The Mahrousa was the same yacht that taken Ismail the Magnificent to Italy when he was deposed in 1879, which Farouk kept brooding about during his voyage to Naples.
Farouk is also reported as having said "The whole world is in revolt. Soon there will be only five Kings left – the King of England, the King of Spades, the King of Clubs, the King of Hearts, and the King of Diamonds."
Attracting much prurient interest both in Egypt and abroad was the revelation that Farouk owned one of the largest collections of pornography in the world as he possessed a vast collection numbering into the hundreds of thousands of pornographic photographs, postcards, calendars, playing cards, watches, glasses, cockscrews and so on.
Farouk's obsession with collecting also ranged into diamonds, dogs, stamps, rubies, Faberge eggs, ancient Tibetan coins, medieval suits of armor, aspirin bottles, razor blades, paper clips and Geiger counters. At the Koubbeh Palace, it was discovered that Farouk had collected 2,000 silk shirts, 10,000 silk ties, 50 diamond-studded golden walking sticks and one autographed portrait of Adolf Hitler.
One of Farouk's best friends during his Italian exile was the Mafiosi Charles "Lucky" Luciano who had been deported to Italy, and Farouk "bought" his mistress, the Swedish writer Birgitta Stenberg, to be his mistress.
Farouk chose the Miss Naples of 1953, Irma Capece Minutolo, to be his last "official" mistress. As Capece Minutolo was 16 years old; had blond hair and big breasts; and was from a cultured, aristocratic family, she was considered the ideal woman by Farouk. Her parents disapproved of their teenage daughter being courted by much older, married man, but after Farouk offered a considerable sum of money, they consented to their daughter losing her virginity to him
After Farouk discovered that Stenberg's roommates in her Rome apartment were a gay American couple, he made her move into the Villa Dusmet as he could not stand seeing her roommates whom he called "perverts". Farouk's relationship with Stenberg ended over his refusal to promote her up to "official mistress" status as she wanted.
Ultimately, Capece Minutolo objected to living in the Villa Dusmet, which she considered a gloomy and depressing estate, and Farouk moved into a luxury apartment on the Via Archimede in Rome.
Farouk fired one of his aides, Amin Fahim, for trying to seduce his 14 year old daughter, Princess Ferial, whom he subsequently discovered had been working as a spy for Egypt.
On 29 April 1958, the United Arab Republic, a federation of Egypt and Syria, issued rulings revoking his citizenship.
He was granted Monegasque citizenship in 1959 by his close friend Prince Rainier III.
Farouk's daughter, Princess Ferial, recalled that in exile he was a loving father whose only rules for her as a teenager were that she never wear a dress that exposed any decolletage or dance to rock n' roll music, which he hated.
In his last years, Farouk lived with Capece Minutolo, continued to visit nightclubs to gamble and socialise, and spent his days at the Cafe de Paris on Rome's Via Veneto, drinking coffee, smoking cigars and talking to anybody who approached him.
Farouk disapproved of the social changes of the 1960s, and often wished he could relive his youth in the 1930s.
He died in the Ile de France restaurant in Rome on 18 March 1965. While some claim he was poisoned by Egyptian Intelligence, no official autopsy was conducted on his body.
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learnquran5-blog · 5 years
Importance Of Holy Pilgrimage, Umrah
A Muslim marriage is referred to as Nikaah. This is the beautiful contract between bride and the bridegroom to spend the rest of their lives properly. A typical Muslim marriage is characterized by much color and gaiety. Men and females dressed in their traditional attire collect to celebrate can be with much zeal and enthusiasm.
We are utilized to reading books which present information, ideas and arguments systematically and logically. So, when we embark using a study for the Qur'an, we expect this kind of book too will center around a definite subject, that the subject few the book will be clearly defined at is by using and can be neatly divided into sections and chapters, after which discussion will proceed in the logical cycle. We likewise expect a separate and systematic arrangement of instruction and guidance for each of the various involving human way of living.
A proper analysis in the Quranic verse quoted above shows how the verse is referring to hypocrites (munafiq) who endeavor to harm Muslims. Therefore, Allah has allowed Muslims to kill those hypocrites that do not listen and they are generally trying to harm Muslims.
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Analysis: The conjunction "or" is utilized with both translated versions flying insects alternatives. Muhammad Asad puts it as "[promising] freedom from blame or [offering] an alert!" and Abdullah Yusuf Ali puts it as "Whether of Justification or of Warning;". Verse six of both versions don't differ much in implying. They tell that the reminder how the believers and disbelievers will get will be one of either justification for the believers along with warning for the disbelievers.
An interesting anecdote goes, "One day, a scholar, hearing that God has promised for sustenance, went around to jungle and sat under tree. He wanted to see how sustenance from God comes to him without hard perform. He sat there for two days with no sign of anyone coming over to him. He felt the pangs of hunger towards great severity. On third day, He found particular person having an extra-large plate on his hand and on the lookout for something. The learned man started coughing just to draw his attention towards your canine friend. The person came to him and gave him food. The scholar reached the conclusion, "Sustenance from God does come an individual have to cough for it".
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The social bookmark creating Quran can't be expressed a bit more than distinct. The Prophet (S.A.W) said, "The most superior among you (Muslims) is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it" (Sahih Bukhari, Book #61, Hadith #546). It may be the Book which not only contains teachings of how to live your lives according to God's Will, but also all information that has ever been discovered by mankind. Furthermore, it contains information that is yet become or will not found by scientific researches. Such is the power of one's Holy Magazine. Once you get a grip on its knowledge, this way to alter your perspective towards life. You should understand that every one of these worldly products are just temporary. There is a much more peaceful and happier life waiting you.
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