#sofu fatma sultan daughter of bayezid ii
ottomanladies · 4 years
Do we know anything about Selim I relationship with his sisters? I know Aynisah wrote him a letter of congratulations when he ascended the throne but that’s it really
Sorry for the wait, I’m still sick, unfortunately. 
Selçuk (or Selçukşah) Sultan: according to both Öztuna e Sakaoğlu (Alderson too), she died before Selim I's accession, either in 1508 or in 1512.
Hatice Sultan: she died in 1500 according to Öztuna. She was in Bursa and Selim I was governor of Trabzon at that time so I don't think they had much of a relationship.
İlaldi Sultan: when Selim I ascended the throne, she congratulated him with a letter but stated that "current affairs" prevented her from going to Istanbul. Uluçay says that she doesn't figure among the princesses receiving a stipend in 1518 so she must have died before that.
Gevherimülük Sultan: even though she died in 1550 at the age of 83-ish years old, I could not find anything linking her to Selim I. This is most probably due to the fact that, according to Öztuna, she was Şehzâde Ahmed's sister. Şehzâde Ahmed was Selim I's big challenger to the throne, also because he was supported by Bayezid II himself.
Ayşe Sultan: according to Sakaoğlu she died after 1512, Öztuna says instead that she was alive up until 1515. She may have been a sister of Şehzâde Ahmed or Şehzâde Korkut, which would explain why she didn't seem to have any link with Selim I.
Hundi Sultan: she was Şehzâde Ahmed and died in 1511.
Şâh-zâde Sultan: she died in 1520 but I couldn't find anything.
Şah Sultan: she died after 1506 and she may have been a sister of Şehzâde Ahmed
Hüma Sultan: she died in 1504 in Bursa.
Unnamed princess: no information about her, only that she married Dâmâd Muslih Bey
Unnamed princess [2]: no information about her, only that she married Dâmâd Gaazî Yâ'kub Paşa who had, apparently, been Sultan Cem's tutor.
Unnamed princess [3]: we do not have a date of death for her but I think it's interesting that her son married Şehzâde Ahmed's daughter Fatma Sultan.
Kamer Sultan: she was Şehzâde Alemşâh's sister but we do not have dates of birth or death. Sakaoğlu calls her Kamer-Şâh but Öztuna claims they are two different princesses.
Kamer-Şâh Sultan: no date of death but I think it's interesting that she married Dâmâd Mustafa Paşa, called by Öztuna "Şehzâde Ahmed's vizier". If she was truly that closely linked to Ahmed, I doubt that she was in high favour with Selim I (if she was alive when he became sultan, of course)
Sofu Fatma Sultan: sister of Şehzâde Korkut, she spent her days in Bursa mourning her brother after his execution. We don't have a date of death but she was buried in Şehzâde Ahmed's mausoleum in Bursa.
Fatma Sultan: according to Öztuna, she was a different princess from Sofu Fatma. She died before 1512 but her son married Selim I's daughter Gevherhan Sultan in 1509, so she and her husband must have been on his side.
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