fite-club · 8 months
the me being on tumblr since 2012 is so relevant though. not only was i there for the ace discourse and the pansexuality mogai shit but i was here when people actually discussed feminism in nuanced and educational ways. it's genuinely sad that so many younger lgbt people don't understand basic core concepts of feminism because they've been twisted over time by radfems into terfism. like on my dash today i saw a post that was explaining where the "bechdel test" came from and realized that there were plenty of people who had no idea about alison bechdel and the dykes to watch out for comic but had used the terms/test. like... oh yeah, that shit is old i guess
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monstersqueen · 9 months
anyway the stupidest way to play fha is to try and go through every scene before progressing through the main plot
one of the reason why is that there's a bunch of scenes unlocked when you have played 18 scenes unlocked by hf2, not counting exploration at night (scenes inside the house count, but not going out on patrol with saber. nor the scene unlocked by getting killed by archer at the bridge - yes you can get killed by archer at the bridge without unlocking the next session)
so if you try and do that you'll get surprised with a random scene will suddenly unlock you new scenes even though you haven't played any scene critical to the story
another reason is that not every "!" unlock anything critical to the story (there's a storyline that ends with fighting shinji at the harbor by playing hanafuda. it has no relevance to anything but the scenes leading to it are marked "!") (same with the scene with makidera and rin's pendant at school on day 2. as far as can see it's not critical to anything. you can play it last (though it takes some finagling because it's the only scene at that point in time on the first loop, when you can't skip yet. to skip it you need to get killed by archer at the bridge on the first night by repeatedly saving and starting a new loop after the first day))
some scenes marked "!" do unlock critical point of the story, but not necessarily to the next session. by exemple you don't need to talk about the holy grail to the servants to unlock hf2, but you can talk to saber, lancer and caster from the beginning. but it unlocks hf3. another example is that every scene needed to make rin comes back is accessible before hf4, but rin won't come back before hf4.
so unless you have every knowledge of what unlock what you will postpone playing scenes there's no reason to postpone and when you only have "!" scenes left you might play scenes you don't need yet
the other reasons is that if you do that you're going to end up with a lot of skipping there's no reason to do. hf3 only unlock the necessary scences to defeat archer + illya's castle. hf4 unlocks only going out alone at night to shinto. you've progressed through the story but have not actually unlocked anything new !
in short play however you want. there are like 5 scenes you might miss (plus. losing the minigames & the quiz, and not going to the camp/not following caren, which. you can always find them in the scene history).
(for info, the scenes that disappear without you playing them (there are a few that disappear when you play them or that are obligatory to progress in the story) :
awakening (not yet) : storage room at night (replaced by 'awakening (fake)' before defeating archer)
no trespassing : day 4am, outskirts, illya (replaced by going to castle einzbern after hf3)
crosswords and shogi problems: day 4 pm, school > student council, issei (replaced by 'Training camp, approval', when unlocking the training camp)
rider and the sandwich : school day 1 pm, rooftop, rider (replaced by 'sisters' lunch' after rin comes back)
the miyama ghost house, day 1am and day 3am (disappears when you go to the twin house)
shin-chan and the sea : day 4am, harbor, shinji (replaced by 'Big trouble! [...]' when you unlock hanfuda)
Execution appreciated : night alone at church (after getting killed by bazett with saber but before defeating bazett)
spider ladder: last night go out for a walk, (after talking to illya but before caren 5)
ok that's 9 scenes. my point stands)
Anyway if i wasn't morally and ethically opposed to google i would put those spreadsheet online for others to use.
Plus do not try to read everything available before progressing through the story. it's inefficient and ends up feeling like a chore. just read it in whatever order you want.
Or ask me from the reading order i decided on. i've got spreadsheets.
ETA : oh wait i forgot "Horn (no echo)" : afternoon, harbor, lancer, asking him for help without having found the earring. 10 scenes.
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dot-mirror · 1 year
Navigating the Social Media Landscape: A Deep Dive into Turnpoint Blog
In the ever-evolving realm of social media, staying informed is key to success. One blog that has consistently delivered insightful updates on Facebook and general social media trends is Turnpoint Blog. In this article, we will take a closer look at Turnpoint Blog, its mission, and the valuable content it offers to its readers.
About Turnpoint Blog
Turnpoint Blog, a well-established online platform, has carved out its niche in the world of digital media by providing readers with up-to-the-minute information about Facebook and other social media platforms. With a dedicated team of writers and industry experts, Turnpoint Blog is committed to delivering high-quality content that keeps its audience informed and engaged.
Expert Analysis and Insights
One of the standout features of Turnpoint Blog is its commitment to providing expert analysis and insights into the world of social media. Whether it's dissecting the latest Facebook algorithm changes, exploring emerging trends in social media marketing, or offering practical tips for businesses and individuals, Turnpoint Blog's content is rich with valuable information.
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Timely Updates on Facebook
Facebook, being one of the largest and most influential social media platforms, is constantly evolving. Turnpoint Blog is on the front lines, ensuring that its readers are always in the know. From privacy policy updates to changes in the advertising landscape, Turnpoint Blog delivers timely updates and actionable advice to help users navigate the Facebook ecosystem.
Social Media Trends Beyond Facebook
While Turnpoint Blog specializes in Facebook updates, it doesn't stop there. The blog also delves into broader social media trends that affect users across multiple platforms. Whether it's the rise of short-form video content, the impact of influencer marketing, or the latest in social media etiquette, Turnpoint Blog keeps its readers ahead of the curve.
Community Engagement
Turnpoint Blog values its community of readers and encourages engagement through comments and discussions. Readers are invited to share their thoughts, ask questions, and exchange ideas, creating a dynamic environment where social media enthusiasts can connect and learn from one another.
In a world where social media is constantly evolving, Turnpoint Blog serves as a reliable compass, guiding its readers through the ever-changing landscape. With its dedication to providing expert analysis, timely updates, and valuable insights, Turnpoint Blog is a must-read for anyone looking to thrive in the world of social media.
Whether you're a business owner, digital marketer, or simply a social media enthusiast, Turnpoint Blog has something to offer. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let Turnpoint Blog be your trusted source for all things social media.
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theonephun211 · 10 months
Five Nights At Freddy's: Help Wanted VR - Part 6 - Springtrap Causes IRL...
Our biggest episode, and possibly the best yet! Come see @instaquarius and myself suffer at this absolutely chaotic turnpoint in the series!
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masonshine · 1 year
Hi Kao!!! I see the Infamous brainrot has you too haha :) Can you tell us more about Salomé? She looks so very cool 🥰 Hope you're doing well!!!
Hello PD! I'm doing good, thank you 💕 Hope you're doing great as well!!
LOL yeah, there's no escaping the Infamous obsession. I played it sometime late April and i haven't been able to think of anything else since lol It's already shaping up to be one of my favourite IFs.
Ahh thank you so much, you're too kind 🥰 Kinda struggled to decide how i wanted Salomé to be and what i wanted for her but i'm satisfied so far with what i came up with. Tho some things are still subject to change and others are in progress.
So sorry in advance because this got long and also for my messy rambling!
Salomé Jackson is her real name, which she also uses as her stage name. I know i want a middle name for her but i still haven't found the perfect one. Her mother is latina with middle eastern roots and her father white american (french and irish origins).
Salomé is the frontwoman of Fatal Flaw. She is an avid reader and was always interested in Greek Mythology so that's the reason she (and Seven) chose that as a name. Plus it just sounded cool lol
Fatal Flaw's an alternative rock band, think The Neighborhood, Willow Smith, Arctic Monkeys, Beabadoobee, L'Arc-en-ciel (a japanese rock band) type of songs. I have not come up with their album or most popular song names yet, although i have some lyrics written down.
Even tho she's really into it because she loves music and singing, she also enjoys being loved and recognized (she's... love starved thanks to her parents, so the celebrity life kinda gives her the love she longs for) and she's working hard to make a name for her band.
Seven is her ex and she's absolutely not over him. The fight and the breakup impacted her BADLY. That was like such a turnpoint in her life. Seven really was her everything; she loved him so much and thought he was her forever, so him not being around anymore completely turned her life upside down. It also increased her abandonment issues which were already there thanks to her parents again, and as such she's become more wary of hurting ppl she loves and actually started trying harder to please everyone, specifically her band members which she considers family.
That's one of the reasons she's been trying her hardest not to make the band about herself, and actually let the others get their shine too. Also one of the reasons she chose to share the bus with Soft Violence, for Rowan's sake (the other reason being her somehow still wanting to be in Seven's vicinity even tho that would do nothing but hurt her). I don't wanna call her a ppl pleaser per se but...
Salomé also has a crush on her role model Griffin Reign. It's just an innocent (for now) crush one might get on their fav celebrity. Absolutely no worries of it becoming smth more, not at all. It would be wrong... and well, she just could never like him that way (lies).
Salomé smokes, drinks and does drugs. I wouldn't say she's addicted to any of the three but her using depends on her mood. It did increase after her breakup with Seven (tho she only got into drugs after it) but she's been trying to pace herself lately with her participation in BOTB. She needs to be responsible about it and doesn't wanna screw things up for her band.
So this is basically it? Maybe i forgot smth important? Anyway if you wanna know anything, don't hesitate to ask 😊
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fikarot · 1 year
We need IVE'S tarot reading for their usa promotion ?please if you re okay about that
"IVE is planned to make their American debut through Kakao Entertainment America (a new partnership between Kakao and Columbia Records)."
Kakao write there are others subiritary companies get us promotion and global also iu world tour maybe...or tbz
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— ive usa (and apparently north america) promotions: treatment and their activities there
disclaimer: i don’t have much knowledge to ive. my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
27.03.2023, 00:23 eest;;
[treatment] three of wands, king of pentacles, ace of cups, two of swords rx, knight of swords, judgement, death • the world •
they will definitely travel a lot! they will earn a lot! they will have great time! however, there might also be mismanagement/mistreatment who will definitely be talked about if there is any. overall, a turnpoint for ive.
[activities] the lovers, two of wands, knave of wands, the magician, devil • three of swords rx •
there’s desicion that has to be taken. when it’s decided, their activities will do wonders! however.. they might get messed up..
+ will kakao do similar promotions to other artists under their sublabels? – the star • strength •
oh, yes, they will!
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projectdev · 9 months
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Projct DL (Cyclic): Midway Turnpoint
A month has passed since the initial call of DL, with a new year and a terrible start for us in Japan. That doesn't stop the game itself, although my depression has been affecting the pace of the development... whoops!
The game is expanding more than ever! The mechanics are mostly being built around the dialogue and colliders, all hard-coded. What I assume is the "engine", a pattern I realized in my game projects, should be enough to run a full story, only more writing and more collider behaviors.
The game is going to feature strong negativity in the mood and story, at least what I decided since the original idea. I think I see the need of venting my life out in a somewhat complicated form of a game, aided by the worldbuilding I've built up.
I'm hoping I can focus better on the project since my mood has been dying recently. The cold winter and people passing by shouldn't bother the lack of changes in me, really.
Stay tuned... ???
Oh, while I struggle with all of the things, you deserve a fine tune i made.
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tedthetalk · 2 years
Uhhhh workplace comedy that devolves into horror with one of the main turnpoint characters being an awkward standoffish probably visibly depressed? background assistant or intern that’s discovered to actually be a future version of themselves stuck in the past
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gotravel2fly · 2 years
My flying 2022
In spite the fact that 2022 started with drinking contaminated water resulting in 6 times throwing up in the new year's night and basically a detox for 2 days, this year was actually a good year.
To sum up, I have visited and flown in lots of places, some of them new for me [ Tenerife Spain, Bassano,Monte Avena, Gemona, Levico Terme Italy,  Kobala Slovenia, Breitenberg Germany, Oludeniz Turkiya] , some nice flights in Brasov area, Romania and I met some amazing people in my trips. I also realised that I usually live in some kind of bubble that I created for myself . Of course, not everything was great everytime, but that is another story I have written about before [ see How to choose wisely your paragliding SIV course]
I guess no one can say that I haven't tried, I managed going flying almost every weekend, on my less busy Fridays or whole weeks, even that the good weather was not always by my side.
In Romania, this year was Brasov year for me, as I managed to make some memorable flights from that place.
One of my best and most beautiful flights was the one taking off from Bunloc, climbing over Piatra Mare, passing over Cheile Rasnoavei, near Postavaru, going over the northern part of Bucegi, passing over Bran Castle, Magura Branului, climbing over Piatra Craiului and landing near Zarnesti..just pure joy.
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Another cool flight was in Germany, flying with Spike and fellow pilots from Poland over the Neuschwanstein Castle, very beautiful landscapes and colours.
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That week in the Alps was not the best weather so we managed to fly some more in Italy from Levico Terme, Gemona and even the usual Bassano.
At the end of August I decided within a day notice to go to Serial Cup, a competition in Slovenia where everyone flies only B or C wings. The level is not low, because many advanced pilots choose to come and fly serial wings for competing here.
The idea was to go there, try to learn some new stuff, be aware of what is going on around me and try to follow the best, and also try to make the goal if this is possible. And it was possible in the first day of the competition, I was very slow and I did not follow anyone because they were much faster than me, but with patience and motivation I made it into the goal! That was my first time ever! Cool feeling!
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Next few days of the competition were short because of the strong Bora wind or clouds overdevelopment.  We had one task in Lijak, where I was a bit confused over my navigation map and lost the altitude by going absolutely chaotic towards the last turnpoint, ending up landing on a field very close to the goal...
But in female cathegory I was on the 3rd place, so for my first attempt, I guess this is a good result, even if overall I was on 51st place. I am aware that female cathegory is just for motivating female pilots to go to competitions, but this has been great, as paragliding is only a hobby for me.
So..busy summer for me, trying to catch the good weather, following the sun..
Hope that 2023 is an even better year! 🥳
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lydiamjofficial · 2 years
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Someone awarded me a medal for not falling for TurnPoint propaganda being spewed on social media networks like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
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    @lilxmcrtes​​​​​: ❛❛⚜ [ for all the pairings you're willing to endure for this meme cuz it's muse-ic xD ]❜❜
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                              ✧・゚  𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃.
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✧・゚   𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍 & 𝐙𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐀  
►   FIRST MEETING: Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless ►   GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER: I Would by Lower Than Atlantis ►   ESCORTING THEM BACK HOME: Drive It Like You Stole It by Smackbound ►   LONGING: Always by Saliva ►   GOING TO A PARTY TOGETHER: Teenage Dream (Cover) by The Horrible Crowes ►   DEFENDING THEM IN A FIGHT: Ashes Of Eden by Breaking Benjamin ►   CONFESSING THEIR FEELINGS: Seven Hours by Little May ►   SHARING A ROMANTIC // FRIENDSHIPPY MOMENT: Work Song by Hozier ►   A TRAGIC TURNPOINT: The End. by My Chemical Romance ►   HEATED ARGUMENT: Ohio Is For Emo Kids by Canadian Softball ►   GOODBYES: Clairvoyant by The Story So Far ►   CHANGE OF MINDS: You’re So Cool by Nicole Dollanganger ►   THE FINAL BATTLE: Massacre, The New American Dream by PALAYE ROYALE ►   REUNION: The Canyon by Republic Of Wolves ►   HAPPY ENDING: The Funeral by Yungblud
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►   FIRST MEETING: Angry Bong Rips by Russian Girlfriends ►   GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER: Montreal by Captain We’re Sinking ►   ESCORTING THEM BACK HOME: Bulletproof Skin by Institute ►   LONGING: What We Had by Handsome Furs ►   GOING TO A PARTY TOGETHER: Icky Thump by The White Stripes ►   DEFENDING THEM IN A FIGHT: Dance Macabre by Ghost ►   CONFESSING THEIR FEELINGS: Last Night On Earth by Murder By Death ►   SHARING A ROMANTIC // FRIENDSHIPPY MOMENT: I Want You by Summer Camp ►   A TRAGIC TURNPOINT: Call Me Little Sunshine by Ghost ►   HEATED ARGUMENT: Roadkill by Starcrawler ►   GOODBYES: Human by Anavae ►   CHANGE OF MINDS: Me Against The Devil by The Relentless ►   THE FINAL BATTLE: Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People ►   REUNION: Ghost In My Head by WATT ►   HAPPY ENDING: Texas by Lo-Pro
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postcambrian · 1 year
the fact that gordy’s home sequence is followed directly by the star lasso experience sequence. storytelling. nauseating. 
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arourallisreborn · 3 years
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I just think... they could be friends...
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gold-kobold · 3 years
🌹for a line you've been dying to share
oh god this one scene i've had like fully done for a long time because i love this one part very specifically, so here you go since it was the first that popped into my head lol
“You’ve got one hell of a mouth on you for a Gumm-Gumm like you.” The troll growled, his target flinching away from the proximity. Knowing it bothered him, he pulled Dictatious closer, till the Conundrum could feel his assailant’s breath as he spoke. He was too busy taunting Dictatious to notice some of the surrounding trolls’ gasping and murmuring in fear as a new arrival cleared a path through them.
Biting back the whimper that tried to escape his throat, Dictatious winced when Galrun tugged him forward again. “You know…” Galrun growled, basking in the smaller troll’s fear with a callous grin, “I bet that I could throw you into The Deep and no one would even notice you were gone-”
A deafening crack shot through the air from the sharp punch sent to Galrun’s jaw, followed by a thud as he hit the floor from the attack. Angered, but disoriented, the troll scrambled back to his feet with a growl at whoever just interrupted him. He started to bark out some angry insult, but took immediate pause when he saw the troll in question.
Angor Rot took a resolute stand in front of Dictatious, glaring down at Galrun with fangs bared in a vicious snarl of his own.
“I would notice.”
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RIP Greg Universe’s Luscious Hair (2013-2019)
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
@autistic-intelligences said: 
 ((There’s nothing wrong with canon-divergent))
((You diverge that Canon, Luna)
Lmao coming from the mun who invented a background for Ibuki in a good way and chose to face canon & walk backwards to Hell - I get you and agree on canon can be a bit... meh and not fitting. Hence why I'm making a change right now instead of whining :P
The thing is that I don't know what to call my new state of blog mode. Canon-divergent can be maybe too extreme/daunting if I'm not morphing her backstory or and the hugest change is erasing one SL bit and making it reverse the SL instead of advancing the romance route... Then again I have scrapped the whole concept and based it on time & building enough trust like real relationships are formed like the anime seems to do the job.
Phrasing this correctly is the way to go. It might be closer to anime-based and me taking some elements from the games. 🤔
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