#turning that into a tag since I have a lot of asks ooF
calico-kiwi · 4 months
i don’t know the official day i started using tumblr (my very first account has long since been lost to the sands of time after being overrun by cobwebs) but after digging through my emails i know i’ve been here since at least May 23rd of 2020 and though that’s not nearly as long as other people, it feels like an eternity.
Happy (late) four year tumblr anniversary to me, it truly has felt i’ve been here so much longer and i love how engrained this place is in my heart
unless the site is burned to the ground with nothing left i’m pretty sure i’ll never leave <3 (despite the fact there are still problems here)
#kiwi shares their thoughts#i don’t know why i’m so sentimental all of a sudden about this#but truly you have no idea (or maybe you do if you’ve been here since a young age and stayed) how big a part tumblr has played in my life#i didn’t get here because of covid but it coincidentally lined up with when the pandemic hit the US#so the timing of it kinda worked out really well#i’d discovered ✨ wattpad ✨ and the joys of fanfic a little before lockdown was declared#can’t be more than a month before that it feels#and subsequently found tumblr after having to go out foraging to scrounge for more daminette fics#i accidentally stumbled into maribat while on wattpad and joined tumblr when i found more fics for it on here#and from tumblr i discovered the joys of ao3 (bye wattpad)#funny thing but later down the line#i realized i’d used(?) tumblr way before creating an account#i dont remember when but previously id stumbled into both the scarlet lady comics and the “i love a dork” comics#as well as just being exposed to a lot of screenshots of various fandom related tumblr incorrect quotes through google images#and i used to be obsessed with different popular disney princess tumblr posts#i think i used to google “disney princes funny tumblr” or something like that to find them#and my friends in 4th or 5th grade exposed me to an artist on tumblr (not that any of us knew the tumblr part) who i actually follow now#we’d literally just google their user name with like “black cat” or “art” or something and then go to the image tab#that artists art has been my school account profile picture for YEARS now#i think at the time we didn’t realize it was one artist though#at least i didn’t#the username was so unique that i just thought it was an art style#anyways the reason i think maybe i’m being super sentimental is that my bday is coming up#(it’s on the 11th)#and it feels like the age i’m turning is a big milestone#maybe not a HUGE milestone#but it’s the age i would always put when games or websites would ask for my age and i would lie 🥺#oof big rant#i think i have a tag for that#kiwi’s tag tangents
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{14} - Morning Mist - Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
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Yandere AU & Dragon AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Yeosang and Yunho)
Words: 8,901
Warnings: Allusion to assault/boundaries not being respected. Violence/Fighting. Brief moments of fatphobia and homophobia near the end (not done by any of the guys). I think that's all, honestly. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Oof, it's really been forever since I've updated this series... my apologies for that! Honestly, I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I might focus a bit of my attention to getting out a few more parts of this series over the next few weeks or so, but that's still to be decided. Anyways, a bit of a nicer, longer chapter update for you guys. I really hope you all like it! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Mini Masterlist
“Good morning.” A soft smile tugs at your lips as you greet the two males already waiting for you at the entrance to your village. 
As soon as they hear your voice, they’re both turning to face you. A satchel is slung over your one shoulder, the material a deep green in colour as you adjust the strap lightly.
“Morning.” The corner of Yunho’s lips twitch upwards.
All you receive from Yeosang in a stiff nod in response.
Perhaps he’s not a morning person.
“Ready to go?” You inquire, looking between them both.
A grunt is all you receive from the shorter male as the taller of the two nods in response. You quirk a brow.
The first few steps down the path and out of the village are silent, each male settling in on either side of you.
“Have you both eaten this morning?” You inquire casually.
“Joong wouldn’t let us leave unless we had something.” Yunho hums in acknowledgement. “He’s always looking out for us in that way.”
The corners of your lips twitch upwards as you nod faintly, “He’s a good clan leader.”
Little do you see the way Yeosang’s one eye twitches at your words.
“Have you eaten?” Yunho’s tone is light, sparing a glance at you out of the corner of his eyes as you continue down the path.
“I’m not much of a breakfast person.” You reply, a simple shrug to your shoulders.
“You should eat something.” Yeosang’s first words to you this morning are terse, the male staring straight ahead.
“I will. When I’m hungry.” The corner of your lips twitch upwards in amusement.
“How far is it to Rose Village?” Yunho asks, keeping pace with you as he spares a glance over at his brother on your opposite side.
“About a forty minute walk,” you hum. “Five, if we were to fly.”
“So, we’re walking because…?” Yeosang’s brow furrows, finally turning to you for the first time today.
“You should learn to not always rely on your wings,” You reply, somewhat stiffly. This time, it’s you who doesn’t meet either of their gazes as you stare straight ahead. “You may not always be able to use them.”
“Well, I think utilizing our legs will be good for us.” Yunho grins, purposefully stretching his arms above his head. “It’s nice to get out of the house every now and then.”
“Yes, the world is quite beautiful, if you’re brave enough to explore it.” You hum in agreement. “It has much to both offer and to teach us.”
You see understanding pass over both male’s features.
“Hwa told Joong that you said you’re willing to begin training us?” Yunho attempts not to look too eager, but there’s a certain gleam in his eyes that you still pick up on.
“If you are all still willing to be taught-“
“Yes.” Yeosang clears his throat, noting the way both you and Yunho immediately turn to look at him. “Please.”
“Very well.” You smile faintly. “When would you like to begin?”
“As soon as possible, if that’s alright with you.” Yunho responds, a sudden giddiness to his steps.
“That can be arranged.” You nod once, firmly. “We can start now, if you’d like?”
“While we’re walking?” Yunho’s brow furrows.
“While we’re walking.” You confirm. “Though, I must say, learning is a collaboration, so you shouldn’t hoard what I teach you to yourselves. You’ll never grow as a clan that way.”
Yeosang’s breath catches slightly in his throat. “We understand.”
“No wonder San and Wooyoung have been so eager to share your teachings with us,” Yunho mumbles.
“My rule of thumb is: if you can teach someone else what you’ve learned after you’ve learnt it, then you understand the lesson being taught.” You say, adjusting the strap of your bag over your shoulder lightly. “Everyone learns differently, and of course you can cater specifics to your own needs, but the base is usually the same.”
“You’ve been saying this whole time that you wouldn’t teach us, but you have been.” Yeosang observes. “Through them.”
“I take no credit for what you’ve learned from your brothers.” You shake your head. “That’s all from them.”
“Hwa’s got some catching up to do…” Yunho sighs, an amused quirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Something tells me that both him and Canary Man are getting the rundown on everything while we’re gone today.” You hum, somewhat knowingly.
“I don’t know how you did it, but there seems to have been a shift in Seonghwa over the past few days. Ever since he came back home from seeing you, it seems as if he’s calmer.” Yunho states, his gaze darting to you once more.
“All it takes is one moment of kindness to show you a new perspective on life,” you smile softly. “I simply extended a hand out to him, just as I wish someone did for me when I was in that situation. He was the one that accepted the offer.”
“When you were in that situation?” Yeosang is quick to catch on to your words.
“Your eldest and I are a lot more alike than you think.” You tell them. “I was in the exact same place as he was, once. I almost lost myself, and he could have, too. I’ll be damned if I ever let anyone go through what I went through without helping them.”
“You’re wise beyond your years.” Yunho praises.
“You make me sound so old,” your nose scrunches in distaste.
Yeosang actually lets out a puff of laughter at the way Yunho begins sputtering out apologies. 
“I’m just teasing you, Young One.” You chuckle. “I appreciate the compliment, all the same.”
The tips of his ears begin to turn red as he clamps his mouth shut.
Yeosang clears his throat. “Our training?”
“Ah, yes,” you nod. “How would you like to begin?”
“Shouldn’t you decide that for us?” Yunho quirks a brow, managing to get his bashfulness under control for the moment.
“I don’t want to be teaching you stuff you already know.” You shrug. “I’ve never seen you in a fight, nor do I know how strong your senses have become since the first time we met.”
“I thought you knew everything.” Yeosang blinks, almost innocently at you.
You laugh, “Not everything, Yeosang.”
You swear you see a shiver caress his spine as you say his name.
“Well, what do you know of our powers?” Yunho asks, nothing but curiosity shining in his eyes.
“If you’re incurring whether or not I know what type of dragon you are, Yunho, then you should be specific.” You shoot him a small look. “Speak of your own desires before you assume to know someone else’s.”
He swallows thickly. “Then, do you?”
“Do I, what?” You press, quirking a brow all the while.
“Know what type of powers I possess?”
“I do.” You hum.
He frowns, “How?”
You smile, almost tenderly. “Your youngest seems to enjoy talking about all of you to me as much as he enjoys talking about me to you.”
You hear Yeosang take in a deep breath beside you, almost exasperatedly.
“So, Jongho told you.” Yunho nods his understanding.
“For the most part,” you tighten your grip on the strap of your bag. “I can sense more than presences if I focus, you know.”
“Is there anything you can’t do?” Yunho breathes, a wondrous look shining in his eyes as he looks at you.
Yeosang lets out another puff of air.
“Quite a few things, actually,” you confirm with an amused grin. “But that’s not important right now.”
“So, then,” Yunho hums, his body half turning more towards you in eagerness, “What’s my power?”
Nothing but mirth dances within your gaze as you see Yunho practically vibrating with excitement as he continues to walk alongside you. Yeosang seems to have slowed slightly, his shoulders curling in on himself as he crosses his arms over his chest. A small frown pulls at his features, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looks irritated.
You meet Yunho’s gaze.
“Earth.” You state. “Rather, the minerals that fill the ground.”
Yunho smiles, nodding quite enthusiastically along with your words.
“It’s very fitting,” you add. “From what some of your brothers tell me, you are quite a stable rock in their lives.”
His blush returns, Yunho suddenly wiping his palms on the sides of his thighs bashfully. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” you chuckle. “Thank your brothers.”
Yunho spares a brief glance at Yeosang, noticing how the aforementioned male looks so irate.
“What’s the matter, Yeo?” Yunho’s head tilts slightly in worry. “You were probably the second most excited after San when we learned she would teach us.”
At this, your brow quirks.
Heat immediately flares to Yeosang’s cheeks, the male avoiding your gaze as he mumbles out a ‘just tired.’
“Well, it is quite early,” you hum in agreement. “We’ll be at Rose Village soon, anyways.”
“Is there anything we can practice while we walk?” Yunho inquires eagerly.
“Hone your senses.” You reply, almost instantly. At the way they both spare a curious look at you, you’re quick to continue, “You’ve been doing so already, that much I can tell. However, it isn’t enough. You,” turning your sharp gaze to the side, you meet Yeosang’s eyes, “should be able to sense things with the breeze for miles. It should get to the point where you don’t even need to expel any excess energy to do so; it should become second nature.”
He nods, eyes sharpening as he focusses on sensing the wind almost immediately after you stop talking.
“And you,” you turn your pointed stare to Yunho who straightens almost immediately, “should be able to sense the vibrations in the earth as to where your enemies are. Know your surroundings; hone your senses.”
“How do we know if we’re doing it properly?” Yeosang questions, his lips slightly pursed in concentration.
“You will feel as if you’ve become one with your surroundings.” You reply. “Having the powers you do helps tremendously, for when the time is right, such elements will feel as if they are speaking to you. Train your ears to notice the slightest of sounds. Train yourself to notice every scent in an area, and pick up on when they shift even the faintest bit. Trust your senses, and rely on your instincts. You’ll soon begin to notice things that were never there before.”
“And we’re supposed to do this while walking?” Yeosang frowns.
“The constant sound of our feet crunching the gravel is a good practice for a monotonous sound.” You go on to say. “It is repetitive, so you should be able to drown it out. You won’t always have time to gather your bearings while standing still. Search for the abnormalities within the constant, and you’ll master your senses much quicker.”
“I think I get it,” Yunho nods, almost absentmindedly.
“I know you’ve both already been expanding your sensory reach.” You comment. “It’s time to take it a step further. I have faith in the both of you. Don’t just think,” your eyes flash briefly as your head whips to the side, a bird taking off from a branch in the next second, “feel.”
Two nods are all you receive in response as the males begin to thoroughly concentrate on their surroundings. You can tell how intently they’re focussing, for they stare straight ahead, standing to their full heights as they continue down the path with you.
A small breeze picks up, and you can feel the ground beneath your feet beginning to hum with life.
“Good,” you nod casually. “Once you both feel as if you have a better understanding of our surroundings, let me know. I’ll test you.”
“Test us?” Yeosang’s head tilts curiously.
“I’ll start easy on you,” you grin, a knowing gleam in your eyes. “For example, there’s a squirrel somewhere close by. Find it.”
Both of their heads whip off to the right, a brow squirrel running down the side of a tree in the next second.
“Good.” You nod approvingly. “This is exactly what I mean. Everything is interconnected, and by the time you hone your sense, nothing will escape you.”
They both nod, soft smiles pulling at their features.
“This is also a good way to discern what you need to work on to hide yourselves better.” You continue. “Scent, sound, sight: everything can both work for you, or against you.”
“Now that you mention it, I can smell you a lot more, Yeo.” Yunho’s nose scrunches.
A small laugh escapes you, and you see the aforementioned male’s cheeks dusting red.
“Yeah, well, the sound of your footfalls are like a giant upon the earth.” Yeosang snaps back.
Again, you chuckle, noticing how Yunho’s ears begin to turn red once more.
“See, these are things you both can work on to hide yourselves better.” You spare a glance at both of them. “If you really want to test yourselves, ask Jaemin to track you. He’s the best of our clan.”
You do not fail to miss the way they both stiffen at your words.
“I don’t know,” Yeosang grimaces slightly, shooting a pointed look towards Yunho. “Wouldn’t want to stink him out.”
“If you’re worried if you smell or not, you don’t.” You reply, noticing how he falters slightly in his steps. “You actually have quite a pleasant musk, like fresh juniper and oak.”
Instantly, Yeosang’s spine straightens, puffing his chest out slightly as the corner of his lips tug upwards smugly.
Yunho, on the other hand, begins to pout.
“We’re almost there,” you comment, motioning ahead on the path with your chin.
Glancing forward, the two males can just make out the entranceway of Rose Village. Flowers surround the grand archway, and faintly, they can both begin to smell the pungent aromas drifting through the air.
“Who’s a better tracker, then? You, or Jaemin?” Yunho attempts to change the subject, if only slightly.
Your knowing smile says it all. “Do not forget that I was the one who taught him everything he knows.”
“Then, we should just ask you to track us.” Yeosang replies.
You shake your head. “You’ll never learn that way, and I won’t always be around to train you. My Neos are your best options if you even want to attempt to best me at anything.”
“Which is why you sent Woo and San to Ten and Taeil to start.” Yeosang hums in understanding.
“Exactly.” You nod in confirmation. “You should partner up with them if you want to learn how to better utilize your powers. If you want to hone your strength, ask Jeno to train you. He’s our strongest fighter.”
“Something tells me we’ll have to go through them before we can even get to you.” Yunho spares a look at you out of the corner of his eyes.
You meet his gaze, the corners of your lips twitching upwards.
“We’re here,” you pause just before the archway, observing the village with such a fond look in your eyes as you see people milling about just through the entrance. “Continue to hone your sense, you never know what you might learn.”
Without saying another word, you enter the village.
A smile pulls onto your features as you take in your surroundings. Many different stalls have been set up, lining the paths with different vendors selling their wares. There’s a fruit stand off to the side, a few different herb sellers, and multiple florists all chatting with potential customers.
Walking through the main road, you cannot help the wondrous shine in your eyes as you observe the daily lives of the townsfolk. That feeling of nostalgia that floods your senses almost serves to overwhelm you, your one hand tightening its grip on the strap of your satchel.
Little do you see the fond looks either dragon send your way.
“This way.” You voice lowly, shifting almost wistfully through the throngs of people towards the very back of the street.
Reaching the end of the row, the area opens up into a large square with a beautiful trickling fountain in the centre. Vines creep up the sides of the buildings, more flowers blooming from every angle and filling the space with vibrant colours of pink, purple, red, and orange.
There’s almost a renewed giddiness to your steps as you round a corner, more vendors lining the street. Your steps are precise and steady, heading directly to a specific counter right at the end of the row.
Silently, the two males follow but a step behind.
Two females can be seen conversing behind the stall counter. Both are quite tall in stature with dark skin. One wears her hair in tight braids, the tips resting just below her shoulders. The other has shorter hair, tight curls adorning the strands. Around their stand, three rambunctious children - two girls, one male - can be seen running around, hitting each other with different flower stalks.
Stopping in her tracks, one of the children seems to take notice of you approaching the stand. A large, dramatic gasp escapes her, causing her siblings and mothers to turn their heads in your direction.
“Auntie!” The little girl squeals, immediately running over to you with her arms outstretched.
The two males share a look as you wrap the little girl in your arms, picking her up and hugging her tightly as she giggles loudly.
“My goodness, you’ve gotten so big!” You grin, holding her against your hip as she rests her hands on your shoulders.
“What about me!” The other little girl says, tugging at your shirt lightly as she stands beside you.
“Yeah!” The little boy adds, standing tall with his hands on his hips. “It’s not fair you always pick up Delilah first!”
“Well, I do have two arms, Marcus,” you chuckle, shifting Delilah over slightly so you can pat his head affectionately.
Just as you go to reach for him, he runs away.
“No, wait! I’m too old for you to be picking me up!” He whines, hiding behind the stall counter with his parents.
“I’m not!” The other little girl says, running right into your arms so you can pick her up.
A moment later, and you’ve hoisted her into your free arm, giggles falling from her lips as she places a big kiss onto your cheek.
“It’s good to see you again,” the woman with the braids smiles kindly, an overtly affectionate look shining in her eyes as she stares at the scene before her.
“We’ve all missed you.” The other woman says, standing just a smidge taller than her wife beside her.
“I’ve missed you all, too.” You return their fond looks, nuzzling your forehead affectionately against the girl’s own.
They giggle in response, Delilah leaning into you further.
“Auntie, did you bring us anything?” She inquires innocently, blinking at you all the while.
“You know I always do.” You chuckle fondly, placing both girls back on their feet for the time being. “Jungwoo was very adamant about me giving these to you.”
“Oh, they’re from Uncle Jungwoo?” Marcus’ eyes instantly light up, coming back around the counter to stand before you.
Sliding the strap of the bag off your shoulder, you open the satchel. Reaching inside, you pull out three small wooden figurines. The deer you hand to Delilah, the eagle to Marcus, and the little dragon figurine you hand to the final little girl.
“Wow,” she gasps, nothing but pure awe in her eyes as she turns the figure around and around in her hands.
“Minnie, what do we say to your Auntie?” The woman with the braids smiles knowingly.
Immediately, the girl looks up into your eyes, a bright smile on her lips, “Thank you, Auntie!”
You chuckle, “Don’t thank me, thank your Uncle Jungwoo.”
“Auntie,” Marcus begins lowly, leaning into you as if discussing something secret. His eyes briefly dart past you to the two males still standing silently behind you. “Are you cheating on Uncle Jungwoo?”
A boisterous laugh escapes both you and the two females still standing behind the counter.
“Oh, no, Marcus,” you pat his arm assuringly. “Your Uncle Jungwoo and I are not together.”
“So, then, are these your new boyfriends?” Minnies ask, walking up to Yunho and tugging on the side of his pants. “Are you married to my Auntie now?”
You swear Yunho’s eyes nearly bulge right out of his head as he splutters over his own words.
“No, Minnie,” you chuckle, “We’re not married.”
“Why not?” Minnie turns back to you, blinking almost owlishly.
“Minnie, relationships don’t work like that,” the taller of the two ladies shakes her head endearingly.
“But you and mommy are married!” She scurries over to the both of them.
“That’s because we’ve known each other for a very long time.” The woman answers.
“Uncle Jungwoo and Auntie have known each other for a very long time.” Marcus voices.
“Not as long as Uncle Renjun, or Uncle Taeyong, though.” Delilah adds, matter-of-factly.
“My Neos are like family to me,” you explain softly. “Like my brothers.”
“What about Uncle Kun?” Minnie asks innocently.
“Children, that’s enough.” A sharp look is given to the three of them by the woman with the braids.
“It’s alright, Kamille.” You smile, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You crouch down so you’re eye level with Minnie. “Uncle Kun finally found his special someone, and I’m happy for him. We agreed to just stay friends.”
“His loss,” the taller of the two mumbles.
“Trisha,” a sharp look is sent her way by you.
She shrugs, “Just saying.”
“Auntie! We have something for you!” Delilah exclaims excitedly, scurrying into the house behind the stall with the other two children in tow as they all remember their gifts for you.
You stand back to your full height, a curious quirk to your one brow.
The two women offer you knowing looks in response. Except, once they see what each of the children hold on their way back out of the house, they attempt to stop them. Only, they don’t manage to catch them.
“Mommy said these were your favourites, once.” Minnie extends a few flowers out to you, both Marcus and Delilah standing on either side of her doing the same.
Your breath catches in your throat as you see the children each holding out a few stems of bluebells to you with smiles on their faces.
A soft call of your name from Kamille sounds from behind the children. “We’re so sorry, we told them-“
“Did you grow these yourselves?” You cut her off, not even sparing her a look as your eyes begin to water.
Three proud nods greet your blurry vision, and your first tear falls. Softly, you grab the flowers from their hands.
“Look at you three!” You smile through the pain in your heart which suffocates you from the inside out. “You’ll be giving your mother’s a run for their money pretty soon. These flowers are beautiful!”
Happy giggles reach your ears, the girls twirling eagerly from side to side as Marcus avoids your gaze.
“Okay, children, why don’t you go grab some snacks for all of us at the bakery.” Trisha grabs a few coins and hands then to Marcus. “We have some things to talk about with your Aunt, here.”
“Okay!” Three cheers are heard as they all rush off down the street, disappearing into the crowd.
“I’ll go with them.” Yunho offers, already following after the three children.
Kamille simply raises an eyebrow.
“He heard the word ‘bakery,’ and now that’s all he can think about.” Yeosang sighs.
“I don’t blame him,” you wipe your tears from your cheeks, gazing almost longingly down at the bouquet of bluebells in your hand. “Rose Village bakery is one of the best around for miles. Seeing as he bakes, he probably wants to check it out.”
“Ah, found yourself a baker this time, have you?” Trisha jokes.
“I haven’t found myself anything.” You shake your head, a slight huff escaping you.
Both women finally step out from behind their little stall.
“It’s good to see you again,” Kamille says as she wraps her arms around you, making sure to avoid your back all the while.
“We weren’t lying when we said we’ve missed you,” this time, it’s Trisha’s turn to wrap you in her arms, hugging you tightly as you do the same back.
“I’ve missed you, too.” You pat her back affectionately.
“I thought you said you were going to come visit more often,” Kamille shoots you a playfully accusatory look.
“Yes, well,” you chuckle, motioning to Yeosang with your eyes, “Some things came up.”
“Oh, where are our manners?” Kamille immediately turns to the single dragon by your side. “I’m Kamille, and this is Trisha. We’re the Delaris’. Those three you saw earlier are our kids, Marcus, Delilah, and Minnie.”
Yeosang bows respectfully, introducing himself and his brother in the next moment.
“Yes, we’ve heard whispers about you Halas.” Trisha crosses her arms over her chest, a minor quirk to her brow.
“How did you-“
“The forest speaks in many tongues.” Kamille replies easily, moving behind her stall and rummaging around in a bin.
“You’re dragons?” Yeosang sounds more surprised than he figures he should be at this point.
“Not quite.” Trisha grins knowingly.
“They’re my oldest caster friends.” You explain, placing the flowers onto the counter before you.
Understanding passes across his features.
“Seriously, we cannot apologize enough about the flowers,” Trisha grimaces, her arms falling back to her sides.
“It’s alright,” you smile weakly. “At least they weren’t daisies.”
“But these were meant to replace daisies with-“
“Trisha!” Kamille’s sharp voice cuts her wife off as she pops back up behind the stand.
Both women spare a worried look in your direction, only serving to make Yeosang even more confused than he already is. At the pained expression you wear, nothing but concern pulls at his features, stepping the slightest bit closer to you. All he wants to do is ease your distress in whatever ways he can, his earlier irritation long since forgotten now.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve received bluebells from anyone.” You say, voice barely above a whisper. Gently, one of your fingers traces over a bloom. “They don’t grow on this side of the fjord. Naturally, at least.”
“We haven’t sensed any of them crossing over in quite a long time.” Kamille comments.
“They shouldn’t.” You meet her gaze, your eyes flashing. “Nor will they ever again.”
“What about Bokkie?” Trisha’s brow furrows slightly.
You simply shake your head in response.
Yeosang frowns.
“Anyways,” Kamille clears her throat. “I take it you’re here for your usual order?”
“I can’t come to see my old friends?” You tease.
“Hey!” Trisha protests. “We’re not that old!”
“You’re almost as old as I am.” You chuckle, your eyes crinkling at the sides.
“Give or take about a hundred years.” Kamille mumbles, a playful roll to her eyes.
Yeosang’s eyes widen in shock.
“Oh, you’ve gone and stunned the poor baby dragon.” Trisha tuts, turning to meet Yeosang’s gaze in the next second. “Us witches know quite a few tricks to staying youthful, you know.”
“Of course, it helps to keep your nose out of trouble.” Kamille adds.
“You two, staying out of trouble?” You quirk a brow. “Unlikely.”
The two women share a look.
“Guilty.” Trisha chuckles, shooting a wink in your direction. “Now, come with me and I’ll help you get those herbs you like so much.”
A simple nod is all you offer her in response, following her into the house and chatting idly as you leave Yeosang with Kamille.
“Are you sure the kid is going to be okay with Kami by himself?” Trisha asks from over her shoulder.
“I heard that!” Kamille calls after you both.
You chuckle, “I’m quite certain Yeosang can handle himself.
Little do you see how the aforementioned male straightens slightly, the corner of his lip twitching upwards faintly.
“Alright,” Trisha chuckles, guiding you into the back room of the house where their rarer herbs reside. “Well, as always, you’re welcome to anything and everything you’d like.”
“I literally cannot thank you enough,” you smile, already harvesting some thistle wart from its pot. “Oh, actually, before I forget, I brought something for the two of you, as well.”
Pausing in your movements, you reach into your satchel once more and pull out two leather-bound books, and two small carved crystals.
“I finished compiling that tome you asked me the last time, and I think you’ll enjoy the other one, too. The crystals are a gift from me to you, as a thank you for everything you two have done.” You place each item carefully into her own hands. “They’re also good luck charms.”
Trisha places both books onto a side table before carefully examining the carved crystals. One is in the shape of an obelisk, symbols carved along its side. The other is smooth like a river stone, perfectly oval in shaped. Both are milky white in colour, and her eyes flash with understanding.
“Thank you,” she bows deeply before wrapping you in another hug. “You’ve always done more for this family than we deserve.”
“Nonsense,” you shake your head, holding her at arms length once she pulls away. “You guys are my family, not just My Neos.”
“Then, you know if you ever need anything, all you need to do is ask, right?” She quirks a brow at you.
“Of course.” You nod, quite firmly at her. “Know that the same is true of me with you.”
Trisha returns your smile.
A moment later, and you return to harvesting the plants scattered around the room.
“So, are you going to tell us about you and those Hala dragons of yours?” She inquires, somewhat knowingly.
“There’s nothing major, really.” You shrug, placing some herbs into your satchel. “I consider them my friends, for my part.”
“There hasn’t been a raid from them since they attempted to harm your village.” She observes, and at your mildly surprised look, she clarifies, “Renjun’s been by a few times with Johnny.”
“Has he, now?” Understanding crosses your features. “Well, they’ve certainly calmed themselves since I’ve met them.”
“Any of which your doing?” She leans against the side table, tilting her head in your direction.
“I do not control other’s actions.” Comes your quick reply, but even she can tell you’re now avoiding her gaze.
“Normally Taeyong joins you on a day like today.” She observes. “Yet, two Halas are here instead. Either he knows something we don’t, or he’s currently on his deathbed.”
“If you’re suggesting Taeyong set me up, you’d sadly be mistaken.” You reply, glancing up at her from the plant you’re currently harvesting. “The two of them simply convinced him to let them take his place. Which reminds me… Yongie said he wanted some more of your roses, if you’d be so kind.”
“I’ll let Kamille know,” Trisha hums, watching you carefully.
A moment of silence.
“I’m going to train them.”
Trisha blinks at you in shock. She clears her throat, “Are you sure?”
“I said I would.” Comes your resolute answer.
“You haven’t offered to train anyone since the Wolves-“
“I know.” You cut her off, exhaling a deep sigh as you stand back to your full height. “I can’t keep living my life in the shadow of his betrayal, Trish. I’m tired of letting it control me.”
“This is about more than just training, isn’t it?” Her tone is soft as she takes a step towards you, placing a gentle hand onto the side of your arm in comfort.
“It’s been over fifty years, Trish-“ your voice catches in your throat as she begins rubbing your arm soothingly. Tears begin to gather once more in your eyes, your own hands clinging desperately to the strap of your satchel. “I don’t want to watch my life pass by from the outside anymore. I want to start living again, and maybe-“ you swallow thickly, “maybe even learn to love again.”
She smiles softly at you, giving your arm a light squeeze.
“And honestly, Trisha,” you suck in a sharp breath, “I’m terrified. I want to believe him- I want to believe in him so badly, it hurts, but I don’t know if I can. And then what happened with Kun…” You trail off. “I can’t go through another-“ you choke on a sob, “I can’t-“
“I know, sweetie,” she coos, shushing you all the while as she wraps you in her embrace. “I know.”
“The most terrifying thought, though, is that I am.” You whisper lowly. “I am starting to believe him.”
“The one outside?” Her brow furrows slightly.
“No, his brother.” You shake your head.
“The baker?”
“No, their youngest.” You clarify.
A noise of understanding echoes in her throat.
“Why do you-“
“I think it’s more than just the youngest that’s making you believe.” She observes. “Sure, he may have been the catalyst, but I know you. Even you would have had a difficult time agreeing to let anyone but Taeyong come with you to see us today. Hell, even bringing them to this festival is something you would have denied to anyone whom you didn’t trust.”
You take a moment to consider her words. “I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m not going to sit here and tell you what you should do. Only you can decide that for yourself.” She says, pulling away to stare deeply into your eyes. “What I can tell you is this: you are not the same person you were all those years ago. You know both Kami and I strongly believe in things always happening for a reason, and perhaps what happened with Kun was meant to happen so you could find them. Perhaps letting yourself believe won’t be such a bad thing.”
You nod lightly.
“Besides, I can sense the magic of this youngest’s Drygg Promise all over you.” She tilts her head knowingly. “It’s the strongest, most sincere form of magic I’ve ever seen from anybody. Even from you.”
“He is quite convincing.” You chuckle fondly.
“Convincing, or sincere?” She squeezes your arm once more. “Come on, the kids should be back by now.”
“I’ll be out in a minute, I just have a few more herbs to get.” You tell her, noticing how she begins to head towards the front.
A call of her name from you stops her.
“Thank you.” You meet her gaze, clearing your throat lightly as you compose yourself. “For everything.”
Trisha smiles. “You know we’re always here for you. I think it’s time you let some new people in, as well.”
Without another word, or waiting for a response from you for that matter, she leaves back out through the front door.
Perhaps she’s right. Maybe it is time for you to allow yourself to grow and let go of your past.
Finally, you think you’re ready to move on.
Stepping back out of the house a few minutes later, you see both women conversing with Yeosang. The tips of his ears are dusted a faint red, and even you can see the way he seemingly lights up as soon as he sees you.
“There you are,” Kamille nudges your side gently as you come to stand beside her. “Yeosang was worried you got lost.”
“I was not!” His eyes widen, greatly scandalized by Kamille’s words.
“Right.” Trisha laughs. “And you weren’t just thinking about storming past us to make sure she was still alive.”
The way he begins to splutter says it all.
“It’s okay,” Trisha pats him affectionately on his arm. “We know the signs all too well.”
“What signs?” Yeosang shifts his gaze between them, a confused, almost defensive furrow to his brow.
The two women share a look. “Denial.”
“The kids aren’t back yet?” You cut in, glancing around the area briefly and not seeing them, or a much taller male in sight.
“Not yet,” Kamille shakes her head, a worried pull to her lips downwards.
“Not that we don’t trust your brother,” Trisha adds, sparing a brief look at Yeosang, “but they should have been back by now.”
Your head tilts, and you notice Yeosang’s does, too.
“Mommy!” A cry is heard just through the crowd, and you see both Delilah and Marcus pushing their way through the throngs of people.
Immediately, you intercept the two children, their parents at your side.
“What’s wrong?” A frown is prominent on Kamille’s face as she picks Delilah up.
“Where’s Minnie?” Trisha is quick to grab ahold of Marcus who clings onto her side.
“That new bakery lady won’t leave Yuyu alone.” Delilah pouts.
“She’s worse than when you and mom start making kissey faces at one another.” Marcus’ nose scrunches in distaste.
“Minnie’s trying to save him, but it’s not working.” Delilah adds.
“I thought Rylie was married.” Kamille says, more to herself than anything.
“I’m sure Yunho can handle a few flirtatious comments sent his way.” Yeosang chuckles. “It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.”
“He popular like that, or something?” Trisha quirks a brow, somewhat teasingly.
“Or something.” Yeosang grumbles.
“Didn’t take you to be one to get jealous,” you hum, and you notice how his cheeks begin to dust pink for the nth time today.
“I’m not jealous.” He grumbles, gaze flicking over to you every now and then.
“Mom!” Delilah whines. “This is serious! Yuyu is in big trouble!”
“We’ll go check it out. Don’t worry.” You assure them.
“Hurry!” Marcus begins to tug Trisha down the street. “There’s bad energy coming from him.”
The three of you share a look.
Almost instantly, you and the two witches take off down the row, pushing your way through the crowd.
“What’s going on?” Yeosang manages to just keep pace with you.
“Marcus can sense shifts in energies, it’s his specialty ever since he was small. If he gets a bad feeling, almost always something bad will happen.” You explain quickly. “Your brother may be in danger.”
Rounding a street corner, the crowd thins slightly. You can see the awning of the bakery in sight, and you hurry your pace, the others following behind.
The bell above the shop door jingles as you six enter the shop. The owner, Nina, sends you a warm smile from her chair behind the counter. Once she adjusts her glasses, she’s offering you a friendly wave in recognition. Age, it seems, is catching up with her. 
You have just enough time to wave back before your attention is drawn to the side where you see Yunho backed into a corner, the new girl - Rylie - holding him hostage with her arm beside his shoulder. The way she’s leaning into him, and his stiff demeanour, says it all.
“Mommy!” Winnie scoots out from between them, panic clear on her features.
Kamille is quick to embrace the girl, cooing at her to calm her down.
“Rylie.” Trisha’s stern call of her name has the women sighing dramatically before turning her head slightly in acknowledgement.
Still, she does not move from her position.
“What?” Nothing but irritation lines her voice as her gaze flicks over to your little group.
“Tell her to stop bothering Uncle Yuyu!” Winnie crosses her arms, frown prominent on her features.
Your eyebrows raise slightly at the name she calls him, mirth dancing on your features.
“You heard the little lady.” You address the woman before you, noticing how she purposefully trails her gaze over you in disgust.
“If he wanted me to stop, he would have pushed me away by now.” She retorts, rather pointedly.
“Actually, I’ve been asking you to give me space this whole time-“
“Shhh,” she turns quickly, placing a finger over his lips as she leans into him. “You don’t have to lie to save her pride. I know I’m a better match for you than she is.”
You blink, not being able to keep the appalled expression off of your features. Honestly, you’re more amused than anything, but you contain your laugh of disbelief for now.
You share a look with both Kamille and Trisha. You smirk.
If this is how this woman wants to play, then you’ll gladly succumb to her games.
“What makes you think I enjoy the company of men?” You quirk a brow, beginning to slowly step towards this woman. The way your suddenly hooded gaze remains locked on her has her faltering for a moment. “You caught my eye since I first stepped foot in this little bakery, here.”
“What are you doing?” Her brow furrows, and she takes a step back and away from Yunho as you creep closer.
“It seems to me you enjoy assertive people.” You continue to approach, backing her into the corner and away from Yunho. “I’m just emanating you.”
“Don’t come near me.” She pushes herself against the wall.
You stop in your tracks, leaving a good two feet of distance between your body and hers. You blink at her in curiosity, tilting your head all the same.
“If you wanted me to stop, you would push me away.” You throw her words back at her, making sure never to lay a single finger on her the whole while.
“Just leave me alone.” She spits.
“To be clear, you’re asking me to stop?” You inquire, staring straight into her eyes expectantly.
“Yes!” She hisses. “Do you not understand the word ‘no’?”
Your eyebrows raise, but you remain silent. Your expression says it all.
A scowl is pulling at her features in the next moment as she pushes past you, knocking into your shoulder quite harshly. “Fucking bitch.”
The sound of the bell jingling above the door is the only indication you have that she’s left.
“Oh, I suppose it is time for her break.” Nina hums, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.
“Seriously, Nina,” Kamille sighs. “You should find better employees.”
The old woman either doesn’t hear her, or chooses not to answer as she begins humming a soft tune to herself.
You shake you head, turning to face Yunho in the next second. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” his reply is somewhat breathless as he stares at you, blinking to clear his vision soon after. He clears his throat, seemingly coming back to reality. “Yeah.”
Winnie immediately runs over to Yunho, grabbing his hand in hers.
“Uncle Yuyu, you promised to buy us flowers!” She begins tugging him towards the entrance.
You quirk a brow, “Upgraded to Uncle now, are you?”
He grins, a red creeping onto his ears. “It was all them.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Yeosang pouting.
“Hey kids, why don’t you drag Uncle Yeo along with you, too.” The corner of your lips twitch upwards knowingly.
“Okay!” Delilah immediately rushes over to Yeosang, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the door now, too.
“Have fun!” You wave them off, seeing as Marcus now holds the door open for them all.
The moment the door swings shut, the three of you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Crisis averted.” Kamille sighs, sitting herself down in one of the chairs nearest to her.
“Rylie has been a piece of work since she started here last month.” Trisha sits opposite Kamille, you joining them quickly.
“She new to town?” You inquire, noting how quiet the bakery is for a day like today.
“Yeah, her and her husband moved here about two months ago. She’s stirring up trouble wherever she goes, and we usually have to clean up the mess.” Trisha frowns. “Flirts with every male she sees, then usually her husband steps in to ‘defend what’s his’.”
You grimace, “Sounds like they’re both a piece of work.”
“You’re telling us.” Kamille nods. “We’ve had to step in a number of times before things get too out of hand. He’s already received two major warnings.”
“One more and we kick them out of here for good.” Trisha says. “Perks of being the heads of council.”
“You two run this village flawlessly,” you comment. “Of course you have final say. I’m honestly surprised you still let them live here.”
“Who knows, maybe we’ve become too lenient in our old age.” Kamille hums, the three of you sharing a laugh.
A few minutes later, the three of you are sharing a pastry, talking idly as you wait for the kids and the two males to return. The more you converse with your friends, the more your shoulders relax. Though, with the sound of the bell chiming above the door, and the ominous presence you feel entering the bakery, that happiness soon plummets into unease.
“That’s her.” You hear a harsh whisper behind you. “That’s the bitch that touched me.”
You nearly roll your eyes, but at the way the two women in front of you stiffen, you opt to sigh instead.
“Oi, you!” A loud voice draws your attention to the front of the bakery to see a burly man standing there. His arms are crossed as Rylie practically clings to his side, sneering in your direction. “You think you can just go around laying your grubby paws on my wife?”
“Actually, Sir, I never touched your wife.” You reply calmly, resting an arm over the back of your chair as you turn to face him. “It was your wife who continuously threw herself at one of my own friends, even after he repeatedly asked her kindly to stop.”
“So, you’re a fucking bitch and a liar?” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Should have expected that from a fat queer such as yourself.”
Your head tilts slowly in understanding. “Do you have more of an issue with me because I’m fat, or because I’m queer?”
“A smartass, too? Damn, I’m going to enjoy knocking your teeth in.” He cracks his knuckles. “No, I have an issue with you. You came onto my wife, and now you’re going to regret it.”
“I have no desire to shatter your already fragile masculinity any further, Sir.” You reply. “I’m sorry you seem to be stuck playing your wife’s desperate, attention seeking games. The two of you should strive to do better.”
“How dare you!” Rylie seethes, but is soon consoled by her husband.
“Shh, Honey, I’ve got this.” He pats her shoulder before rounding on you. His furious expression says it all. “How dare you!”
“Oh, I think we’ve got a pair of parrots on our hands.” Trisha remarks. “Too bad they can’t remember any of the important lessons.”
“Yeah, like ‘final strike and you’re out.’” Kamille hums, shooting the two of them a pointed look.
“Like hell you can kick us out of this town.” The male spits, brow creased as his face begins to turn bright red in anger.
“We can, and we will.” Trisha replies almost instantly, no remorse at all in her tone. “We’ve already warned you sufficiently. Please do not make us mad. You will not like what happens.”
“Are you threatening me?” He straightens, hands balling into fists at his sides.
You stand calmly to your feet, returning the plate to the counter where you see Nina has managed to doze off. Soft snores fall from her lips, and you spare her a small smile before turning to the couple fuming at the doorway.
“Depends,” you hum, leaning back on the counter as your cross your arms over your chest. “Do you feel threatened?”
“By you?” The man scoffs. “Not likely.”
“You should be.” You smile, and you notice them grimace slightly at how unnerving you suddenly look. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, my nieces and nephew are waiting for us to return to the festival.”
Just then, the bell above the door chimes and in walk both Yunho and Yeosang with the children in tow. A white pansy is tucked into Yeosang’s hair, just behind his ear. It seems to have been placed there very carefully so as to display his birthmark, and you just know Minnie probably had something to do with that, seeing as he holds her against his hip. Marcus holds onto Yeosang’s free hand, a yellow daffodil, a pink rose, and a sprig of lilac held in Marcus’ opposite hand. On Yunho’s back rests Delilah, her giggling suddenly cut short as she peeks over his shoulder to observe the tense scene before them.
“Auntie…” Winnie’s worried gaze is suddenly on you, and you notice how Marcus begins to tremble as he looks at the man before him.
“It’s okay, Winnie,” you smile assuringly. “We were just on our way out to meet you when Rylie returned with this fine gentleman here.”
The couple stiffens.
“Bad man.” Marcus begins mumbling, taking a wary step backwards. “You’re a bad man.”
“Don’t worry, Marcus.” You begin to usher both Kamille and Trisha out, you following close behind. “We’re finished here, anyways.”
Marcus immediately clings onto Kamille as she walks passed, Trisha taking Winnie from Yeosang’s hold instantly. You don’t even spare another look at the couple as you exit the bakery, both Yeosang and Yunho observing you carefully.
Only, you don’t manage to get very far outside of the shop.
“Don’t you walk away from me, you bitch.” The man grabs your arm, quite harshly at that.
Two low growls get muffled by the bustling sounds of the festival around you.
“Sir, I recommend you release my arm before you come to regret it.” You state calmly, angling your body away from him as a crowd begins to form around you.
“The only thing I’ll come to regret is not putting your smartass in your place.” He spits, tightening his hold over your arm.
You sigh, shaking your head as you slide you bag off of your opposite arm. “Trish, be a dear and hold my bag.”
Wordlessly, she grabs it from you.
You turn your full attention back to the man in front of you.
“This is your last warning,” you meet his gaze with a dark look of your own and you notice how he falters slightly. “Release me before you lose this hand of yours.”
“Like you could ever harm me.”  He guffaws, purposely raising his voice for the now growing crowd.
At the side, both Yunho and Yeosang stand, tense. They can barely keep their eyes from flashing, both males beginning to tremble in rage the longer they observe this scene going on before them.
Faintly, you begin to hear whispers around you, all in defence and worry of you and how often this man seems to pick fights with absolutely anybody.
“I don’t think you’ll enjoy it very much when I knock you flat on your ass.” You comment.
He scoffs, “I’d like to see you try!”
The moment those words are out of his mouth you have him pinned on the ground, a light cloud of dust floating in the air. Your knee digs harshly into the man’s back, his arm twisted unnaturally behind him as you shove his face into the dirt.
Rylie’s hands come up to cover her mouth in shock, a silence settling around the crowd.
“I warned you.” You hum, almost condescendingly at the male beneath you.
A scowl is all you receive in response.
“Normally, I would have broken your hand for touching me, but I think the fact that you’re being kicked out of this village is punishment enough.” You spit quite harshly. “After all, you’ll need all the strength you can get in order to vacate the premises as quickly as possible.”
A moment of silence before a small cheer is erupting from the crowd, murmurs of glee reaching your ears. Many even go so far as to exclaim that this couple’s reign of terror is over.
“You bitch!” Rylie shrieks, running over to attempt to tackle you off of her husband.
Easily, you dodge her, watching as she trips over her husband’s legs and lands in the dirt beside him. Not even a second later, you stand, dusting off your knees all the while.
“Be grateful this is all that you’ve received from me.” You crack your neck, grabbing your bag back from Trisha in one fluid motion. “Now, I don’t want to hear you’ve bothered anyone else ever again, and you better hope I never see your faces around here again. You won’t like what becomes of it, then.”
Slowly, the man pushes himself to his feet, Rylie helping him stand all the while.
“Get back here, cunt!” He bellows, closing the distance between the both of you in a few great bounds and swinging for the back of your head with his fist.
A sickening crunch sounds around the area, followed by a pained filled cry and a high pitched shriek of horror.
Turning reveals Yeosang crushing the man’s fist in his grip, his eyes the darkest you’ve ever seen them before turning their natural gold. A snarl paints his lips as the man desperately attempts to break free from Yeosang’s grip, blood beginning to drip slowly into the dirt at the male’s feet.
“If you ever lay a hand on My Fated again,” Yeosang growls, voice ringing out loud and clear through the deadly silence that now surrounds the area. His eyes flash. “I’ll kill you.”
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theworldofotps · 4 months
I Hate You (Drabble)
Pairing: Hook x Reader Word Counter: 567 Description: Y/n gets stuck sharing a room with Tyler on a trip and they hate each other.
Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @99hook @madhatterbri @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. Hook Tag list: @wickedval _______ There were a lot of things in this life you didn’t like, being late for something important. Having to go to work after the weekend, taxes, the list could go on. But at the top of that list was your coworker Tyler or as the rest of the world knew him, Hook.
Honestly you weren’t exactly sure what started the rivalry between the two of you, but it was obvious to everyone that the two of you couldn’t stand each other. Although a lot of your friends said that it was just sexual tension neither of you wanted to admit too.
It was just your luck that you ended up being stuck in the same room with him on a cabin trip that one of your best friends planned. There had been a mix-up and there were only three rooms instead of the four rooms requested. And you got the unpleasantness of having to room with him since everyone had already paired up before you arrived.
Fixing the band of your shorts you stepped out of the bathroom frowning when he was laying spread eagle on the bed in a t-shirt and shorts.  “You’re taking up the whole damn bed laying like that will you please move so I can lay down, preferably laying on the floor.” Tyler remained silent, his chest slowly rising and following completely ignoring your requesting. Huffing, you turned the bathroom light off walking over to the bed. “I know you aren’t sleeping you dick I will kung fu kick you out of this bed if you don’t move.” Tyler opened one eye looking at you before closing it again that stupid smug smirk on his face that he wore so often when he knew that he was annoying you. “Yeah, sure I’d like to see you try.” Kicking his leg, you grab at it with both hands tugging Tyler curses grabbing the mattress and holding on for dear life as you tugged. “Knock it off, will ya? Just lay on the floor if you don’t have enough room, I got here first you snooze you lose.” “Fine.”
Turning the light off you walk over flopping on the bed and couldn’t help the satisfaction when he let out a ‘oof’ sound as you landed on him. Tyler groaned as he pushed you and the two of you started shoving each other. “Why are you such a jerk?” “Why are you such a bitch?” You asked simultaneously, grabbing a pillow you smacked him over the head a few times. Laughing at his slightly dazed expression before he tackled you onto the mattress. His fingers started moving along your sides causing you to laugh louder.
“I’m going to kick you!” “I’d love to see you try.” Tyler smirked as he continued tickling you, the two of you jumping apart when the door to the room opened. “Can you two stop making so much noise? I expected having to break up sex noises, not you squealing and laughing y/n.” “Sorry Ricky.” The two of you called back as he slammed the door shut and you laid there panting trying to catch your breath. “I hate you so much.” You smile watching Tyler chuckle as he laid back against the pillows making some room on the bed for you. “I hate you too y/n.”
100 notes · View notes
kwanisms · 2 years
[14:45], Yunho, requested by anon
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╰┈➤ M16 "all I need is five minutes and two fingers"
summary: Yunho sneaks away during filming to find his favorite stylist
wc: 572
warnings: adult language, sexual content: fingering and unprotected sex (pls use protection)
a/n: OOF. This was a lot of fun to write thank you so much for requesting it ;-; I’m gonna go take a cold shower now
tagging @rdiamond2727 because she asked me to ;)
Your back pressed against the door, effectively shutting it as Yunho’s imposing figure caged you in, his hands sliding up your sides as his lips attached to your neck. “Fuck, Yunho,” you hissed, gripping his jacket sleeve as his hand dropped to the hem of your skirt.
“We can’t keep doing this.”
Ever since Yunho had sat in your chair a year ago, the look on his face was undeniable.
The way his eyes followed you as you worked sent heat straight to your core. It wasn’t the way he looked at anyone else. Only you.
His playful flirting turned into full on flirting when no one else was around. It didn’t help that you physically and visibly reacted to his words, spurring on his mischievous behavior.
It wasn’t long until you both gave into your wants. Yunho had snuck into the dressing room between stages while you cleaned up the stations. The downside to being the new stylist.
You tried to stop him, really you did, but you couldn’t deny you wanted him as much as he clearly wanted you.
That was the first of many times.
Now he had you facing the door, body pressed against it as he turned the lock with one hand, the other hand pushing the material of your skirt up to expose your ass to him.
You heard him inhale sharply, no doubt his eyes glued to your backside as he ran a hand over the skin. “We have to be quick,” you hissed at him, cheek pressed against the door as you felt him grab your hip and pull your ass back against his crotch, rubbing his prominent erection against you.
“All I need is five minutes and two fingers,” he breathed, making quick work of your panties, pushing them down your thighs.
“I’d rather have something other than your fingers,” you moaned as you felt two of his fingers slide between your lips, finding you already wet from the kissing and touching earlier when he first found you in the dressing room alone.
“For that I’d need more than five minutes,” he chuckled, groaning as he pushed his fingers into your heat, mesmerized by the way your walls sucked him in.
“How much more?” You asked, desperate for his cock. You heard him chuckle as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you.
“Ten? Maybe fifteen,” he answered, watching where his fingers disappeared inside you. “Then you better get to it,” you moaned, pushing back against his fingers.
Yunho let out a growl and pulled his fingers from your cunt, undoing his pants and freeing his cock quickly. “Fine,” he answered, lining himself up with your entrance.
“Stay quiet, or else we’ll get caught.”
Before you could reply, you felt him push the tip into you, sliding in with ease. You let out a moan, matching Yunho’s as he bottomed out.
“Fuuuuck,” he cursed, bracing himself against the door with one hand, the other holding your hip in place as you both adjusted to the feeling.
“You’d think I’m not fucking you enough. You’re so goddamn tight,” he continued.
Yunho pulled back only to thrust into you sharply causing you to let out a yelp as he set a fast and relentless pace.
“Yah, keep your mouth shut,” he growled, covering your mouth with his hand as he continued fucking you against the door. “I don’t want to get into trouble.”
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marleyybluu · 2 years
could u pls write some more for oscar 🙏🙏 i’ll take anything atp, just maybe make it fluffy - ty a lot anyway 🤍🤍
Mama's Night Out
Spooky x fem!reader
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what a hunk, oof
It'd been months since you'd been out with your friends, being a new mother was a great experience, watching your little boy grow was amazing but you missed a bit of your old life before big responsibilities came around.
Your husband, Spooky, suggested that you go out for a night, get dolled up, put on some heels and go to a club or go to a bar. Have a mommy's night out. You thought 'what the heck' you felt like you deserved it.
He let you have the entire day to yourself. You got to go to the spa, the nail salon, do some shopping-- buying some clothes for the baby and him as well. And when night fell you were on the dance floor with your girls, drinks in hand, dancing with each other.
Bar hopping was next, accepting free drinks from those who offered. Shot after shot, cocktail after cocktail and a few beers did you in that night.
Spooky had to drop the baby off by his boy, Sad Eyez, so that he could come to pick you up. Once he got you in the car, you were slumped over in the passenger's seat delivering the occasional hiccup and giggle at absolutely nothing. He shook his head, absolutely amused by this behaviour, but was relieved you had a good time.
He had to assist in getting you out of your tight dress and into some baggy clothes that you could be more comfortable in, he even helped to remove your makeup. You hummed as he wiped off your lip gloss, silently appreciating having him around. He encouraged you to eat some food, as much as you could manage and helped you to bed when you were done.
The next morning, waking up with a wicked, pounding headache, you groaned feeling the repercussions from the night before. "Why did I do that?" You asked yourself, you wrapped a robe around you that had a hoodie attached to it so you plopped that over your head shielding you from daylight.
Spooky was in the kitchen with the baby wiggling in his high chair, he squealed seeing his mother but you flinched at the noise. "Oh, Emilio, my baby pterodactyl." Your voice was raspy, you kissed the little boy's head and went up to his father wrapping your arms around his torso. "Well good morning party girl."
"Never again." You mumbled, "Come on, I have coffee, orange juice and Advil."
"I knew I married you for a reason." You held onto him as he walked to the table with a cup in each hand, you sat down next to your child greeted by some toast and scrambled eggs. "You don't have to eat all of it, but at least have a slice of toast." He advised sitting so close his knee poked your thigh, you turned to him puckering your lips.
Spooky smiled leaning forward and pressing his lips onto yours, you softly moaned pulling away. "Thanks for letting mama be a hot girl again."
He gently kissed your nose. "Mmm, you'll always be a hot girl to me."
I just got home from work and I'm high as fuck so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes lol
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love
tags: @skyesthebomb
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bunnydol · 11 months
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the corn maze
alex the farmer x fem!afab!reader
contents: exhibitionism, public, almost caught, established relationship, dom/sub dynamic, use of “sir”, slight degradation, spanking (f!receiving), spit, choking, piv, fingering (f!receiving), mention of breeding, overstim, ask to tag
w/c: ~2.7k
from the cottage: the corn maze was a big hit this year! odd how all those puddles got in the hay, though. it didn’t rain…
++Love ++Exhibitionism
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it had been your idea to open up a corn maze this fall.
granted, it was a hell of a lot of work, given the amount of corn that needed to be grown into an intricate pattern, making sure there was enough hay on the ground so mud wouldn’t permeate through and get everyone’s boots dirty. the preparations had started in late summer, and now, by late fall, your shared side hustle was booming. the young orphan kids all pooled money to take the bus and get out to the farmlands to enjoy the fall festivities, some of the townsfolk drove their way out to see what the two of you had put together.
you huffed as you lugged over one of the last hay bales into the cow feeders, wiping your gloved hands on the front of your dress before walking over to your long-term boyfriend (“s’ already like we’re married, don’tcha think? i can get ya a ring, but yer already my li’l wife.”), peeling your gloves off and holding them out for him to take. “cows are fed. did you feed the dogs?”
“mhm,” alex hummed, taking your gloves and shoving them in the back pocket of his overalls for now. “dogs are fed, horses are gettin’ ready to be turned in. sun’s still high, though.”
you glanced up towards the early dusk sun, the bright orange burning your eyes a bit, but making you smile. “true. and there’s still plenty of people coming in to run around the maze… have you gone in at all yet?”
“hm? no, i haven’t. been too busy makin’ sure everyone paid before going in.'' he took his hat off to run his wide fingers through his hair, keeping it away from his forehead before setting his hat back down.
everything he did was attractive, somehow. “i haven’t been inside either, not since we laid the hay down.” you cocked your head slightly, smiling up at him as you reached for his hand. “you wanna take a try with me?”
“i mean…” he furrowed his brows in thought, glancing over to where the cattle were munching on the fresh hay, where the dogs were barking at a snake slithering under the fencing of the chicken coop. 
“please? we can take a little break, right? we didn’t take one at lunch, so…” you trailed off, flashing puppy eyes at him, and you felt him deflate with a sigh and squeeze your hand. 
“i s’pose we can- woah!” alex let out a grunt as you suddenly yanked him forward, tugging him towards the entrance of the maze you had both worked so hard on. he caught up, of course, smiling down at your happiness as you both stepped onto the well-trodden hay path and started your journey.
in hindsight, you thought as you rounded another corner, and then another, and then another, perhaps you should have drawn a map.
“didn’t we pass that stalk five minutes ago, babe?” alex quipped from behind you as you turned left down a passage you thought you definitely hadn’t been down before, only to find yourself in a clearing completely surrounded by corn stalks on three sides. another dead end.
you groaned and put your head in your hands, turning to face your boyfriend and walking right into his chest on purpose. “we’re lost.”
“we’re not lost, we jus’ took a wrong turn somewhere…” alex mumbled, tipping his chin down to kiss the top of your head. “it’s fine. here, rest up, huh? lemme see if i can take a look over the stalks…”
he put his broad palms on your sides and guided you towards a hay bale that was set up for people that were in your situation, lost and trying to get their bearings from being turned around so many times.
the backs of your knees hit the bale, and you collapsed onto it with a soft oof, dropping your hands from your face to look up at alex as he walked towards the left wall of corn and tried to tug some of it down. “alex, no, c’mon, don’t break the stalks, there’s still a few more weeks of fall…” you whined at him, causing him to give you a look over his shoulder. “we’re lost, babygirl. i don’t give a shit if i tug down a few stalks. we got hundreds more.”
“but i grew these all myself!” you pouted at him, that old brattiness bubbling up as you simmered in your frustration. “don’t be rude, why don’t you put me on your shoulders or something?”
“i can handle it, doll,” he sighed, already sensing in the back of his mind that you were staring daggers at his back as he tugged some of the stalks forward again to see over them.
“alex, seriously, let me get on your shoulders. you’re being stupid, don’t ruin the maze.” you got to your feet, and managed to get two steps in before he turned around and had one of his large hands clasped around your neck. he didn’t squeeze, not just yet, but he grabbed you, effectively scruffing you and making your mouth shut tight.
“i said i got it, baby girl. where’d your attitude come from, huh?” he tilted his head, blocking your eyes from the sun and standing you in his shadow. you saw the glint of his eyes perfectly now, the burning of his red hair under the brim of his hat, the sweat from a day’s work and all the walking you both just did beading at his hairline. 
you swallowed thickly, feeling your throat bob under his hand. “i just don’t want your big hands to tear a new path in the maze. it’s cheating.”
“cheatin’?” he knitted his brows together as he applied a little pressure to the sides of your neck, “what’s cheatin’ is makin’ me wait until all these people get home for me to touch ya.”
your breath hitched as you felt his other hand snake along your side. for a brief moment, you recalled far earlier in the day, when the guests had started to arrive, when he tried to bend you over the porch railing and take you right there. you had pushed him off and promised him later, honey, we’ll get caught out here!
“alex, we can’t, not here, there’s-”
“i bet yer still not wearin’ anything under here, hm?” he glanced down at the hem of your dress, his fingers dancing over it before flipping the skirt up to reveal your bare pussy to him. you hissed from the breeze and squirmed to get away, but he just gripped your throat tighter. 
you knew he could see how you were already getting wet for him.
“we’re lost, ‘member?” he asked, pulling you in close to him, bringing his chest to yours as he studied your face. “i don’t think anyone’s come by this li’l corner since we got in here. think you’ll let me finish what i started this morning?”
you didn’t really get a say, nor were you going to stop him.
he let go of your throat to spin you around to face the hay bale you had been sitting on, pressing his chest against your back to walk you over to it. his broad hand pressed between your shoulder blades, and you were forced forward, hands landing on the gritty straw with a whimper of discomfort. “alex-”
“aht. manners, doll, since ya wanna catch an attitude with me.” his hand came down on your ass over the thin material of your dress, making you gasp and bite down on your lip to try and keep quiet.
“sir,” you breathed out, correcting yourself as you pressed your ass back against the growing bulge in his overalls, “we shouldn’t, we’re gonna get caught! someone’s gonna-” 
“quiet,” he retorted, leaning his weight over you and reaching a hand around to grab your face and squeeze your cheeks between his fingers and thumb. “you keep whinin’ about gettin’ caught, but you just keep on yappin’. why not try moaning instead, baby?”
you whined when you felt him grind his bulge against your pussy over your dress, uncomfortable with the amount of fabric between your pussy and his cock. 
“please,” you whimpered out, but it sounded more like pweath with how he was gripping your face. 
he hummed against your ear as he used a free hand to flip the skirt of your dress up over your hips, revealing your glistening folds to the open air once again. “i know yer a slut, but ya always surprise me.” he managed to lean back just enough to spit onto your drippy hole, making you moan softly and bite down hard on your lip.
then you felt his girthy middle finger protrude into your entrance, and your head started to spin, just as it always did when he started to work you open. 
alex chuckled as your head fell forward and your arms started to struggle with holding yourself up. his free arm came to wrap around your neck, lifting your head back up for you. “there ya go, baby. see? all better. ‘s a good thing we got lost, hm? finally got ya where i wanted ya this morning, all pretty ‘nd bent over ‘nd wet for me.”
his breath was hot against your cheek as his finger pumped in and out of you, curling against the spongy spot he had learned was your favorite (it had took him long enough to find it, the bastard). as you could do was whimper behind your swollen, bitten lip, trying not to cry out to avoid being caught by any of the patrons still wandering the maze. 
one wrong turn by anybody could get you both caught, and the thought sent a thrill down your spine and made you gush as he inserted a second wide finger into your pulsing hole. he curled and scissored his fingers against your gummy walls, laughing quietly at your fucked out expression.
“what, does my baby wanna get caught? always such a whore, wantin’ everyone to see this pretty pussy ‘n this tight ass. better be quiet when i fill you with my cock.”
you moaned before slapping a hand over your mouth, squirming as his fingers curled just right. he flexed his arm around your throat and made you wheeze, your hips bucking involuntarily. 
he was going to be the death of you. 
you whined behind your hand as he pulled his fingers out from you, your pussy clenching around nothing, neglected clit hard and aching. alex used his soaked fingers to fumble with the button and the fly of his overalls, struggling and grunting until he was able to free his fat, leaky cock from the confines of the denim. 
you felt the heat of his heavy cock against your thigh, your mind racing. you always cried out when he managed to push all the way in, the tip of his cock always threatening to bruise your cervix, but you couldn’t this time, not here, in the middle of the corn maze the two of you were hosting.
alex should consider himself lucky you haven’t kicked him away from you (as if you could – you were strong from years of farm work, sure, but alex was wide and far, far stronger than you were. you didn’t stand a chance). 
“gonna be good n’ let me fuck you how i want? gonna stay quiet?” he mumbled into your shoulder, and you managed a nod from over where his arm was wrapped around your neck.
“good,” he purred, his voice dropping even lower as he tapped the drippy head of his thick cock against your entrance, “then keep your pretty mouth shut just this once. don’t get us in trouble.”
his teeth sunk lightly into your shoulder as he bullied his way into your pussy, the head of his cock popping in with a wet sound. your legs were shaking and your breath was caught in your throat, unable to stop the cry that bubbled up behind your hand. 
he pushed deeper, deeper, deeper into you, groaning against your skin. it wasn’t the first time, far from it, but you always felt like it was because of the sheer size of him.
you felt his tip bump against your cervix and his heavy balls smack against your clit, making you twitch harshly. your legs, feeling like gelatin, almost gave out from under you, but lucky enough for you, alex had his arm wound around your neck.
he barely gave you time to adjust before he was pulling his hips back and thrusting hard into you again, starting a brutal pace. he was holding you up, one arm around your neck, his other hand splayed on your stomach to hold you back against him as he railed into you with force.
you slapped both hands over your mouth as you gurgled and moaned behind them, feeling your eyes roll back as his tip kissed your cervix over and over again. it felt like the air was being punched from your lungs.
“ha-ah, that’s it baby girl, just like that, doin’ so well f’ me,” he groaned against your ear, much more quiet and composed than you were.
his balls smacked against your clit over and over, the wet pap, pap, pap of his hips colliding with your ass barely audible over the sound of the wind and the people in the maze chatting with one another.
you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt him grip onto you a little harder; you were close, already on the edge after being spread open by his fingers.
“close already, doll? feel that good? or is it ‘cause we’re outside, fuckin’ like animals? ‘s that it? you like being bred like this? hah?” alex laughed breathily at your trembling form, holding you up as you clenched tightly around him. your head was fuzzy and swimming, lightheaded from being pounded and from feeling like you weren’t getting enough air.
“fuck, yer grippin’ me so tight- you gonna cum for me? gonna cum all over this cock right here, out in the open? c’mon, wanna feel you cum all over me, cum for me, cum cum cum-” he accentuated his words with deep thrusts of his cock inside your leaking pussy, and just as he demanded, you creamed and gushed all over the front of his overalls with a shout muffled behind shaking hands. your whole body shook from the force of how hard it washed over you, your knees buckling once again.
alex groaned into your skin and tucked his nose into the crook of your neck. he didn’t stop – he never did until he could cum inside your little cunt. you whined out loudly behind your hands, the feeling of him fucking into you just as hard and his balls smacking against your achy clit slowly becoming too much to bear.
your squirming seemed to egg him on, however, as the hand splayed on your stomach wrapped around your form to pin you to his chest, keeping you steady on your feet. “gonna cum inside this fuckin’ cunt, yeah, gonna fill that little hole up with my cum, oh g-god-”
it didn’t take him too much longer to moan out into the open air and fill you to the brim with cum, almost immediately forming a frothy white ring around the base of his cock as he fucked it deep into you. you whimpered with him, eyes fluttering and tears cooling against your cheeks. 
alex chuckled softly as he slowly, slowly pulled out of you, softening cock popping out and leaving you clenching around nothing. you shuddered as you felt his cum start to drip from your hole, but his fingers were there to save the day, pushing it back in. “don’ waste it…”
you panted and finally removed your hands from your mouth, turning your head to catch his lips in a kiss. “you’re insatiable.”
“not my fault you got us put in a secluded spot without li’l panties on.” he shrugged, ever relaxed, even now as he held you up from falling.
“how are we supposed to get out now? i can’t walk…” you whined at him, and he chuckled as he tucked his cock away with one hand, using the other to support your weight.
“i know where the exit is. i’ll just carry ya.”
“you knew?!”
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The ace asks about how asexuality and being aromantic is increasingly seen to mean "has sex and romance like a normal person" reminds me of the time I accidentally deeply angered an author. She had the tag 'asexual character' in her fic's tags, but since it's a 300k word long fic involving a lot of characters, it wasn't clear who that referred to right away. I left long comments on each chapter, talking about what I liked, sections that hit really hard, lines that I loved, etc., as I always do. (I like to ramble IRL and I can't turn it off even online.) At the halfway point of the fanfic, during a long comment about the OCs that helped flesh out the oft-mentioned but barely explored organizations and companies in the world of canon, I said that I hoped This One Specific OC or That Other Specific OC would turn out to be the asexual character, as I saw in them echoes of myself and a friend of mine (we're both ace).
She had never responded to a comment of mine before, but she did for that one... to yell at me about how the main character OC was aroace, actually. This was apparently supposed to be obvious since the word ace was used in the tie-in prequel fic, which I had held off on reading because the author's note mentioned it would have spoilers if you hadn't read the whole main fic. The character in question has a relationship not remotely different from any of the cishetallo or cisqueerallo relationships presented in the text. She develops a snarky sarcastic friendship with someone she finds visually beautiful and impossible to look away from, gets to know him a little, watches movies with him, they get into urban fantasy danger which they help each other through, they fuck and do so extremely regularly, and she has past exes who she also did all of this with.
And I was, apparently, a bigot with internalized aphobia and negative attitudes towards women who have sex because I didn't look at her and go, "Ah, yes, an aroace!" She informed me I was forcing unrealistic stereotypes no one adhered to onto ace people by thinking aces had to be a certain way and by refusing to see that
Her angry reply was so long it took three AO3 comments to send to me, and it didn't really make me convinced I'd misread the situation. It just made me convinced this wasn't an author I wanted to read more fic from, because 1. this is a lot of anger, holy crap and 2., I really think this is an excusable mistake on my part. I saw no signs this character was in any way different from any other couple in the fic beyond that she and her love interest didn't get to know each other's backstories as much and instead bonded more through experiences they shared, which in my opinion is not something that can be linked to any sexuality or lack thereof.
I feel like there's a moral in here. Like, authors, as a fellow author, I get that it sucks when someone else doesn't see the characters like you do, or misses something you thought was clear, etc. I get that it's frustrating. But don't rip into someone who's been gushing about every chapter of your fic individually just because they didn't catch one thing. I failed to realize one character's sexuality. That's not the same as hating you, the character or the writing.
Mostly I remember that incident as the day I stopped asking questions in my long comments. A sea of gushing does not make up for a mistake and the best way not to make those is to not ask if a tag relates to a character or line.
Oof. I mean, sure, there's a diversity of experience. Everything is a spectrum. Yada yadda. But if two labels become entirely indistinguishable, what's the point of even having them, much less getting mad when people can't spot the difference?
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the-way-astray · 28 days
I don't know if we're all sharing our journeys with you about how we came to our conclusions about Keefe and Fitz, but here's mine:
About a year ago I read Flashback for the first time and that was when I first started to realize that Keefe was manipulative (I know I know, it's a basic argument at this point and it makes people mad when it's brought up, but that's what I noticed, and I wasn't in the fandom so this revelation was.... revelatory?), but I still thought to myself, oh yeah that makes sense given his background (which I still do believe but now it's just too annoying for me idk), and then reading his POV in the Flashback short story, I thought to myself, 'huh, he's saying the perfect things, isn't he? Almost like it's propaganda or something....'
A bit later I went to the internet, and learned that it is very very popular to not like Fitz at all (though I had already seen that in the real world talking to other people in real life), and to compare him to Keefe a lot. So I think that's why I started disliking Keefe, the way so many people perceive him (and compare him to Fitz) just soured my opinion of him. And I know people like to say "you can like both!" And while I do agree with that I don't think that anyone who doesn't isn't less valid or less mature than those who do, which I think is the attitude of some people who make that argument.
Anyway. That is my story (I don't dislike anyone who likes Keefe and Fitz or who likes Keefe and dislikes/hates Fitz)
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had to do a different graph for you since your opinion over time wasn't all over the place like summer's was.
the one summer sent was because i asked about her story specifically, but now that you mention it, i do want to know everyone’s stories about how they decided what their opinions on fitz and keefe are. i should create a tag . . . anyway send me your stories everybody! i’ll make you a messy little visual.
interesting that flashback was the book that made you see him as manipulative. i personally think it starts a lot earlier, and gets particularly bad in nightfall. and yeah, i talked about this in my rant, but shannon randomly decides to have keefe say all the perfect green flags in flashback/the short story to cover for the fact that his actions literally do not match his words.
i'm not a fan of the idea of a "basic argument" or "complex argument", i'm more of a fan of "valid argument" or "invalid argument". like if an argument is good, it's going to be repeated . . . because it's reliable? that should be a point in its favor not a strike against it. and i'd say saying keefe is manipulative is a perfectly valid argument. but i'm also heavily biased. obviously.
i’m gonna be so honest, i have no idea why people hate fitz so much. like yeah, he gets angry, but he does apologize and try to get better, which i don’t see with keefe. i don’t hate fitz haters and unlike a lot of people in keepblr, i actually respect them, but i don’t understand them.
there is definitely an attitude of people thinking you’re less mature or not as valid if you hate on fitz or keefe. i think, as long as you’re mature about it (and don’t send weird asks), you can dislike whoever you want, and you aren’t a bad person if you do. the idea of "you can like both!" is very true, but i think we do need to respect haters. and i'm not just saying that as a keefe hater. fitz haters (as long as they aren't being weird about it *cough* "Just because your gay doesnt mean Sophie is!!!" anon *cough cough*) deserve respect, as well. acting like hating a character is immature is ridiculous. they are fictional. they are not real. chill out.
oof, i just turned your ask into a rant. sorry . . . moving along . . . i, too, do not dislike you if you like keefe or hate fitz. i'm actually pretty neutral on fitz myself, wouldn't say i'm particularly insane or obsessed with him.
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
IWTV S3 Musings - Louis Going Forward
I've been seeing posts in the tags, and just wanna urge LDPDL fans (esp. show-only fans) who fear that Louis won't have anything to do after S2, not to freak out just yet. No, he doesn't show up in the books as much as Lestat, ofc, but if AMC's smart they'll realize that there's plenty of book!Louis content to keep Jacob around!
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We've gotten plenty of assurances from Rolin Jones that they've no intention of sidelining Louis, as Loustat's endgame (a la Blood Communion). (But Rolin's also fanboyed nonstop how much he's been waiting to do TVL and focus on Les's story & adventures. Ofc, intent & execution are 2 different things, so forgive us, Rolin, if the fandom's side-eying y'all.)
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Louis taking an active role in Owning the Night and dropping his address so the vamps can take him on is a BOLD move; I love it. Rolin said waaay early in S1 that they made AMC!Louis stronger and with more of a backbone than book!Louis, and he definitely is. Plus, AMC!Lou has the Fire Gift--one of the most powerful attacks in a vampire's arsenal. So I imagine that S3 will be pretty busy for Louis--in contrast to the fandom's hilarious headcanons that Louis'll be minding his business at home crocheting and doing yoga while Lestat's making a fool of himself on tour. 🤣 He' pretty much gearing up to be Louis the Vampire Slayer! Guillermo! Take notes!
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While book!Louis isn't in TVL (Lestat's backstory), he comes back in QotD when Loustat get back together again. So we have a lot to look forward to there, as Lestat tries to get all the vamps' attention so they stay AWAY from Louis & fight Lestat instead--culminating in Les' disastrous Death Valley concert when Akasha appears.
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Loustat has a lot of romantic scenes together as Les starts courting Lou again, asking him to come his concerts & watch him perform--so I hope AMC gives us some backstage lovin', showing Lou as "Monsieur le Rockstar's" boyfriend, b4 all hell breaks loose & Akasha takes Les away. :(
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Book-plot wise though, the elephant in the room is ofc TotBT, and David Talbot. 🤮 We don't know yet how far AMC's going with Raglan James, and if they're incorporating that book into S3, or saving his schemes for the new Talamasca series and holding Raglan's fight with Lestat until S4. 👀
Aside from Les, TotBT is a VERY important moment for Louis' character development, too. I've already explained Louis' HIGHLY significant role in that book, and how Louis' choices impact Lestat going forward with Memnoch. So we'll have to wait and see if Raglan shows up again any time soon.
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I PRAY that "others we can't tell you about yet" means Raglan, and NOT that racist pedo David Talbot. Everyone knows David was conjured up as AR's Replacement-Louis when she didn't wanna write anymore sad & depressed mopey vampires anymore. So instead we get that closeted colonizer David, and AR got butthurt when people didn't like him, LOL (esp. not in Merrick, oof!). 😂
But tbf, the QotD majorly improved David's character, removing every bit of his problematic context, to just focus on his role in the Talamasca, tracking down vampires like Marius; which is smart.
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So I say AMC could/should either:
do what QotD did: water David down to make him less problematic
give his role as Les' sidekick to Daniel--maybe providing context for how/why Daniel was Turned; if he's still human during Les' tour (in the S3 promo), and gets injured by Raglan, so Armand swoops in & saves him
give his role to as Les' sidekick to Louis, Mr. & Mrs. Smith style, as they fight Raglan together (cuz book!Louis already said he'd kill Raglan if he ever saw him). Does AMC!Lou have beef w/ him for snooping around w/ Daniel in S2? 👀
So yeah, there's a lot of action-packed potential for Louis in S3; that takes him beyond his grief over Claudia (esp. since we won't have Merrick as the following book/season)--unless ghost!Claudia is a thing and she becomes a Problem™️. But that's way too close to the plot of Blackwood Farm, which I'd prefer AMC do instead--esp. since that way we can still get Merrick Mayfair come in as a crossover.
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That's so precious! 😍
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A cleansing, amen! I can't imagine what Jacob had to go through, playing Louis! Method acting is REALLY hard, esp. with mentally ill & chronically insane characters--we all saw what it did to Heath Ledger! And look at Joaquin Phoenix, out there literally starving himself, jfc.
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Nah, we get you, Jacob.
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Jacob, I've been saying it since S1: YOU WERE ROBBED OF YOUR EMMYS. I effing hate AMC for not doing you the justice you deserved and making sure S2 could at least qualify for a nomination. I'll never forgive them for it; esp. cuz you can bet your arse they won't fumble the ball in The Vampire Lestat's season; oh nooo~! 🙄😒 White Lestans can gaslight TF out of us all they want, minimizing our trauma & pain & rightful suspicions, but Black actors have been shafted by Hollywood bureaucracy & shenanigans since it's effing inception, and IDGAF what anyone says--once is an accident, twice is a pattern!
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He really is. But I get so mad & so offended that Jacob's immense talent and Louis' incredible character arc is shunted to the side by critics & viewers alike. Brad Pitt put literally ZERO effort into Louis and it showed; meanwhile Jacob's out here giving the acting performance of a lifetime. But people won't STFU about Lestat's hair.
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EIGHT SEASONS!? Motherfudger, wtf!? XD I'm all for it, but y'all are gonna have to speed up how long it takes to film & air each season--at 2+ years per hiatus, 16 years is way too much, even for the Supernatural fandom. And LBH, Jam Reiderson & Eric are NOT gonna make it 16 years in the face department.
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That is so beautifully put, Sam. ISTG, when is he publishing his doctoral dissertation on TVC already!?
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FACTS! I have hope for S3. It's perfectly OK to tonally shift and switch MCs! So long as you're not neglecting & disrespecting THE titular vampire--hasn't Louis suffered enough?! 😅 I'm excited for where S3 takes him.
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reallylilyreally · 2 months
For the Send me a fic of mine and I'll answer...
Since you've already been asked about At Your Heels and Breathe Through the Bruises, how about Nine Mothers' Sons?
ahhhhhhhhh nine mothers' sons, probably my favourite thing i've ever written
My favorite scene
Ooooh. Hmmm. There are a lot of moments in this fic that i ADORE but i think it has to be the ending:
“What was it like,” James asks him.
Brilliant. Terrible. Cold. Boring. Beautiful. 
“Which bit?” Johnny bites back, no snap.
James laughs. “I dunno,” he says, as if he’s aware he’s being an idiot. “What was the best bit?”
“The best bit of being a bomber pilot?” Johnny asks him.
He thinks of the clear, beautiful blue of the sky, open around him like more ocean than you could ever imagine. Thinks of the crackle of flame over the hardstands, the buzz of the bars, the way Benny’s wrist fit perfectly in his palm, the look on Bucky’s face when he played Blue Skies on the saxophone. He thinks of the extra chain next to Solly’s dog tags, Ham’s gold tooth in the dark, Crank’s wooden forts, Buck and Macon doing calculus, Jefferson drawing girls he didn't know, Ev Blakeley coming back from the dead, Johnny Hoerr on his right for twenty flights.
He takes a sip of his whiskey, lets it sit in his mouth for a moment, lets it burn.
“The best bit of being a bomber pilot is the crew,” he says.
I didn't really know where I was going and then I got to "what was it like" and i had this... magic moment? where all of a sudden i knew EXACTLY what i wanted to say and it was like i was possessed by the spirit of John Brady.
Also this:
John Brady kills three men with his bare hands that day, and doesn’t for a moment feel anything like guilt the whole of the rest of his life.
I wrote that and had to take a moment.
Hardest scene to write
Oof. This.
Who's going to protect Bucky from the weight of his grief now? Brady, apparently.
“Alright, Major?” He says, for want of anything better.
Bucky looks up at him, eyes red and startlingly clear for the amount he's presumably drunk. It's barely afternoon.
“Little John,” he says, dredging the snide name all the way up from flight school, and he's only slightly slurring. “Draw the short straw?”
There's a pause where Brady doesn't know what to say, and then Bucky lets out a nasty bark of laughter.
“No, wait, I know why you're here. It's because everyone else is dead, isn't it, Johnny?”
Brady sighs. “C’mon Bucky, time to go.”
Bucky stares at him. “Night's young, Little John.”
“It's the middle of the afternoon. We're flying tomorrow.”
“Lucky us,” Bucky says. He gestures at the publican. “Have a drink with me, Little John, just one, and then I'll come when you call like a good dog.”
Something about the turn of phrase turns Brady's stomach. The way the other man is calling him Little John makes him feel hot and cold and furious and he misses Buck, badly. The publican looks at him with concern, almost a request for direction.
“Two whiskeys,” Brady tells him, and Bucky does that nasty hollow laugh again.
They drink in silence. Bucky is staring into the rows of bottles behind the bar like he's seeing the endless horizon for the first time. At rest, he looks slightly shocked. He's not telling himself a story now, there's no Boys Own Adventure playing today. He's a man with the bottom dropping out of the world.
“I'm so sorry, John,” Brady says, even though he knows better.
Bucky bares his teeth. “Don't make me break your nose, Johnny,” he says. “You've got no fucking idea.”
He's abruptly furious. “Who was in the right hand seat, Bucky?”
Bucky stares at him.
“Who was sitting next to Buck when Our Baby went down? Who was it?”
“Who was it?”
He doesn't really need to hear Brady say it. 
“Benny,” Brady says anyway. “Benny was. So don't you tell me I've got no fucking idea. Might not be quite the same but it's close enough. Finish your god damn whiskey, we're going home.”
Dealing with Bucky's grief in a way that left room for interpretation while still allowing Brady to be really angry at him while also being kind? I felt like I was just flailing around, really.
Favorite character to write in the fic
Johnny Brady is my best girl and I'm not sorry. I love that man.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
For the last second string i said Brady/Bucky, and I do love that dynamic, but in this fic I think I'd say Brady/Benny. That steady love and support and acceptance. And of course, holy co-dependency, batman.
Why I chose that title
This was my first time writing a fic with such a strong recurring motif, and I think i was worried people might miss it?? dunno how. but i stuck it in the title just in case.
A fun fact about the fic
I fully imagined Brady and Benny as a totally platonic relationship all the way through this and only got bitten by the bug after.
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the-bi-space-ace · 3 months
For the WIP tag game, I am going to be wild and ask you about two of them. Feel free to choose the one you'd like to talk about more, or I would love to hear about two of your WIPs: 9 and 6. :]
Oh. Oh boy. Oh friend. I am very excited to tell you about both of these.
6. Heart to heart
I want to say I started this one right after the S2 finale so Plan 99 was still really fresh. It's been awhile since I looked at it. It's all dialogue but it's a conversation between Hunter and Echo right before Hunter leaves Echo alone in the ship and the rest of the episode happens. Kind of a 'blank space' fic. I think the best thing I can do to describe it is actually give you some of the dialogue and oof. Oooooof it makes me tear up just rereading it.
"Fives fell while I was a prisoner. I didn’t even get any of his possessions. Turns out they don’t save mementos for the presumed dead." - Echo
“Who says I have to? Who says that I have to let go? We were never taught how to lose each other.” - Hunter
“I don’t know how to handle this.” - Hunter “I know you don’t.” “But I do.” “Let me help. Okay? Let me help you.” - Echo
9. Echo’s cybernetic reboot
This one is a lot of fun. The basic premise is that Tech and Echo have a planned reboot for Echo's cybernetics for an update that they of course didn't tell the rest of the batch about. Echo's one and only rule is to take it easy for the rest of the day while Tech goes on a solo supply run. Unfortunately Echo is stupid (affectionately). While mucking around with the rest of the batch the planned update happens and Echo passes out. Even worse: Tech isn't back yet. That leaves the rest of the batch with no idea what's going on. The following dialogue happens:
"What do we do?" - Hunter "We? I'm not helping you. You killed Echo!" - Crosshair "I didn't kill him! He's still breathing. Someone help me get him off the floor." - Hunter "Tech's gonna be so mad." - Wrecker
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 2 months
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Every Little Thing *He* Does is Magic, Chapter 2
Pairing: Platonic Steven Grant x Reader (for now)
Rating: T
Word count: ~800
Story Summary: The events of Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, retold from Reader's perspective after the fact to her best friend.
Tags/Warnings: Companion fic, canon Divergent since Steven still works for the British Museum post-canon, No Jake Lockley, developing friendship, spoilers for ELTSDiM
A/N: Double update since this one is so short! Proceed to chapter 3. 😉
“...So how did the rest of your first week go?”
Y/N smiled as she FaceTimed with Amy while making herself dinner the following Friday night. “It went well! Most of it was reading paperwork and meeting various benefactors and trustees, but my meeting with the Curatorial staff today was really productive. The Egyptian exhibit should only be closed for a few days at most to install the new artifacts.”
She paused to take a sip of water. “Steven made a great suggestion to bring some vases up from storage to spruce up the Ancient Greek collection, which can literally be done overnight, so we'll be updating that area as well.”
Amy grinned. “ Steven did, huh?”
Y/N nodded, ignoring Amy’s suggestive tone. “He also had a lot of really great, out-of-the-box ideas on how to improve the tours and said he could have a sample tour based on those ideas to show me by Monday morning.” 
“Oh that's great! I know you were hoping to have the tours redone before those new artifacts are in place.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, but I felt bad because I probably shouldn't have had Steven do any VES-related tasks until he officially started on Monday even though he signed the paperwork today. After he and I wrapped up our solo meeting he mentioned needing to get back down to the gift shop since he was technically still employed as a clerk until Sunday.”
Amy winced. “Oh oof, yeah, I'm sure that's an entirely different pay grade, although from what you’ve said it seemed like he didn’t actually mind doing tasks for his new position early.”
Y/N shook her head. “That’s what I thought too, but then he clarified that it was only because he knew I was busy and he didn't want to bother me by… how did he put it? Oh yeah, ‘hovering’.”
“Oh, okay, good. That was really considerate of him.”
Y/N nodded, a small smile forming on her face at the memory. “Yeah, he definitely seems like he's a really caring person. I told him he wasn't bothering me and that after staring at a mountain of paperwork and meeting a bunch of people with tangential connection to the museum it was nice to be able to actually talk to someone on staff.”
Amy winked. “Specifically him though, right?”
Y/N huffed out a laugh. “I have to admit, it definitely didn't hurt that it was him. Anyway, he asked me how I was settling in and I said that the staff had all been really welcoming for the most part and that I wasn't sure how I was going to be received since I'm not British, and then he said that it didn't matter where I was from, that my qualifications spoke for themselves.”
Amy raised an eyebrow, her lips turning up in a smile. “So basically everything I said when you were freaking out about everyone hating you.”
Y/N huffed out a breath, a smile on her own face. “Yeah, yeah, you were right. He really did have to get back downstairs after that though because I had a phone call I had to take.”
“So do you think everything is going to work out?”
Y/N nodded. “Everyone seems on board with the changes I'm making so far, and I really do think Steven’ll make a great Visitor Engagement Specialist -- he’s incredibly knowledgeable and observant.”
“And hot,” Amy added with a smirk. “And exactly your type.” 
Y/N’s face heated. As much as she’d tried over the past week, she couldn't completely ignore her attraction to Steven. “Maybe, but that has nothing to do with my belief in his ability to do his job or why I promoted him in the first place.” 
Amy let out a light laugh. “I know, I'm just teasing you.”
“Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing his ideas for the new tours in action.” Y/N paused. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, in addition to the Egyptian artifacts on loan from Cairo, we just had a donation of first editions of several classic British novels come in.”
Amy’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, now you're speaking my language.”
Y/N grinned. “I thought you'd be interested in that. I'll send you some pics once we get them authenticated and the display is set up.”
“Please do.”
Y/N nodded as she turned off her stove. “I should run, my dinner is ready. I'll talk to you later though, ‘kay?”
Amy nodded. “Okay, talk to you later.”
“‘Night, Ames.”
Y/N ended the call then plated her food.
As she sat down to eat, her mind drifted to Steven. His ideas for revamping the tours really were great and Y/N was excited to see them in practice.  I can't wait until Monday.
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hi Han! Hope you're having a wonderful day and thank you for considering my request!! <3 Can I have a letter from Shinichiro where he confesses his feelings to a close friend of his (aka the reader) who he has a crush on? The tone can be a little nervous but also very loving and full of fluff <3 The genre can be fluff ofc and maybe friends to lovers vibes?? As for the location, let's make it an evening his friend decides to stop by to help him with taking care of Mikey and Emma? He's been wanting to confess for a while but he didn't get the nerve to do so until his friend goes up to his room to take something and sees a pile of crumbled up papers on his desk. And what is that weird box near them?
About me, hmm. Let's say that I am going to medical college while has already started his bike shop- so I go over to his place after classes to hang out for a bit- so we'd be around 20 or 20+? I like visiting different places like museums, galleries and libraries (even if I say no, Shinichiro always drives me there no matter how far away it is) and though he says he finds them boring, he always tags along. I like singing a lot! And I play the piano too! I write from time to time (poems mostly!) I'm extroverted but I do find myself being shy in a lot of occasions. I love to talk about anything that fascinates me! I like weird little gifts that people make or buy- they mean a lot to me ;)
As for the direction of the story- after everything happening and I read the letter- I notice Shinichiro running towards the room and watch his face turn red as he realises what I am reading. You can decide where it goes from there... (but ofc I say yes) ;)
Han, thank you so much for doing this and I hope this doesn't affect your health in anyway (or I am going to come for you :D with some warm blankets and soup hehe). I hope you have a terrific day and an amazing week! Thank you once again! Bye!! -🕰
Shinichiro's Confession Letter To His Best Friend
Valentine's Day Letter Event Pt.2 Masterlist (CLOSED)
Pairing: Shinichiro x Gn!Reader
Warnings: some crying, kissing
Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers
Post-Type: Letter
Word Count: 1.5k (oof)
Summary: In which you find a letter addressed to you in your friend, Shinichiro's, room on Valentine's Day
[A/N: Hello hellooooo!! Happy Valentine's Day! Quick note--Mikey and Emma are both young here, just to let you and everyone else reading this know! I hope you enjoy it <3]
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“Mind if I borrow a shirt?” You ask your friend beside you, looking down at the food that was now all over your own shirt.
Shinichiro was in charge of his two siblings for the night and had invited you over to help him watch over them. Little Mikey and Emma–one more chaotic than the other, but regardless you couldn’t turn down his offer to see two of your favorite kids in the world…and your best friend who was also your crush…
“Huh? Uh y-yeah sure, you know where my room is already,” He stammers out, red in the face at the prospect of seeing you in one of his shirts. Emma and Mikey were hyper-focused on the TV screen, one of their favorite cartoons was keeping their attention, as he addressed you.
Oblivious to his burning face in the dimly lit room, you thank him and head into the direction of his room. Shinichiro’s eyes burn into your back as you walk away. He sighs hopelessly, turning his attention back to his siblings as you disappear into his room. How much longer would he be able to keep his composure around you? The cracks were already starting to show and break even more as his affection for you grew day by day. 
You close the door behind you, hoping Emma or Mikey wouldn’t try and open it while you changed since there wasn’t a lock on it. Your eyes explore Shinichiro’s inviting room, taking it all in as you had never been in there alone before. It was fairly tidy, the familiar smell of him smashing you in the face, making your heart flutter slightly. You make your way to his dresser, digging through the bottom drawers for a shirt. 
Your movements are quick as you cautiously remove your shirt, not wanting any of the remnants of food on you to spill on his floor, and you slip on one of Shinichiro’s shirts. A quick task that took you no less than two minutes to do, but as you turned around to leave his room, your heart told you otherwise. A quick look-around wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
Thousands of thoughts and fantasies filled your mind of the raven-haired man who you had a burning crush on. What would it feel like to cuddle with him in his bed? To wear his clothes more often? To fall asleep in the same bed, limbs intertwined? To be his–what would that feel like? Your heart craved to know more than ever–you were tired of being only a friend to him; why couldn’t you be more? Would he even feel the same way? Is that even possible?
Your thoughts go blank though as you spot a box on Shinichiro’s desk with papers sticking out of it. You can’t help but approach it and open the lid of the box, glancing at all the papers inside it. One paper in particular though, catches your attention even more. Jealousy and fear fill the pit of your stomach at the sight of an envelope with a heart drawn on the front of it. Was this for someone he liked? Or maybe from someone who liked him? 
With your heart racing, your curiosity gets the best of you and you find yourself opening the envelope and taking out the paper inside it. It’s a letter…with your name written at the top of it. You begin to read with a hopeful heart;
“Dear Y/N,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m still not entirely sure if I can even find the courage to give this letter to you…but I guess if you’re reading this, then I did! I’m writing this letter to you, not as a friend, but as someone who has had a crush on you for a few years now. Is that shocking? Hopefully it is because I’ve tried my best to control my emotions whenever I’m around you in fear of scaring you off with these feelings.
You’re my best friend, someone Mikey and Emma also look up to–perhaps that’s where it started?
Seeing the way you treated my siblings as your own. Your ability to light up any room you walk into, your kindness, your drive to always be better than you already are–you’re absolutely amazing. I guess the more I saw these little things, the more my heart started seeing you differently. I couldn’t meet up with you without going red in the face, blaming it on the exercise I wasn’t doing, or that old excuse of having been out in the sun for too long. I can’t even take my mind off you; as I write this, images of us together in the future fills my mind. A positive outcome of you reading this letter–IF you ever read it. 
But I’m also scared.
Scared to lose the friendship that we already have. I don’t want to scare you off and how could I turn back from saying all this if you don’t feel the same way? We’d slowly drift apart, and not only would I lose you, but so would Emma and Mikey–they love you so much. And I lo- actually no I don’t want to scare you any further. I like you Y/N. I like you a lot.
I write this with the plan to give it to you on Valentine’s Day and I’d love to know if you’d want to be mine this year and the next, and every year moving forward. Valentine’s Day has always made me so anxious. I was nervous you’d call me one Valentine’s Day saying someone asked you out. I don’t even want to picture you with someone else except for me. 
I hope I don’t sound too greedy or desperate. I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same way! Just know that I truly care, and I’d love to be with you and walk together towards our future. Yes, OUR future. I want the future to be ours–together. Gosh this is so dumb, I’m sorry.
Will I ever give this to you? Hopefully.
Your hopeless crush, 
Shinichiro Sano.xx
If your heart wasn’t already racing, it definitely was now. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Shinichiro felt the same way about you, for what looks like a pretty long time. How had you not noticed before? 
You read and re-read the letter over and over again, allowing his words to sink in. This was real, right?
“Y/N! WAIT,” You suddenly hear loud footsteps run towards the bedroom door and Shinichiro flings it open with fear in his eyes. He pauses in the door frame, taking in the image of you in his shirt which makes his heart leap in his chest, but then he sees the open box and the letter he had written a few days ago, in your hands, and that’s when his heart drops down to his feet.
“I- I can explain. You see it was ju-”
“Thank you,” you cut him off, tears beginning to pool in your eyes–happy tears of course, “Thank you for liking me.”
He was flabbergasted to say the least. Images of you being disgusted with him or uncomfortable around him after reading his letter left his mind as the smile on your face filled his heart. He slowly walks towards you, cupping your face and wiping your tears away.
“Why are you crying?” He soothingly asks.
“I’m sorry, I just never thought you’d like me as much as I like you…” another confession. 
His hands pause from wiping your tears, taking in your words before a huge smile appears on his face, “Really?”
“Really Shin,” you laugh, wiping the rest of your tears away, embarrassed that they fell from your eyes without your permission. This was a time to be happy! “And I’d love to be your Valentine this year, next year, and every year to come.”
Overwhelmed with joy, he hugs you tight, scared that if he lets go, the world would crumble and he’d wake up to find out it was a dream.
“Can I…kiss you?” He shyly asks with you still in his arms.
“Of course.”
He leans in and your lips connect in an innocent kiss. Your first kiss together–the first of many to come. He sighs in content, disconnecting your lips and leaning his head against yours.
“I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long, I can’t believe it’s actually happening.”
“Same here, especially not on Valentine’s Day. I’m glad I snooped around though. I’m sure you probably wouldn’t have given that to me on your own, huh?”
“I would have…eventually.”
You laugh, hugging him tighter. “It all worked out in the end.”
“Yeah, I guess it did,” he hums in delight of feeling you in his arms, “Though I’m sorry we have to spend our first Valentine’s Day together babysitting my siblings. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. How about tomorrow?”
“Hey~ I love your siblings. I’m glad I could see them today! Anytime with you will be time well spent, but I will take you up on that date offer for tomorrow,” you wink.
He kisses you one more time, sealing the deal, before the two of you finally leave the room, remembering the two kids that needed to be supervised. You walk out hand in hand, which makes Mikey gag as Emma cheers for joy, making you both laugh. Everything was perfect.
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Posted: 2/14/2023
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 year
My first Writeblr tag game!!
Thanks so much for the tag @mthollowell-writes! This is one of my first ever tag-games, so I'm pumped. Also, this made me realize I rly need to do a WIP intro for my main project. It's a dark fantasy/horror with some romance, too. The working title is Fucked Up Fairytale. That aside, let's goooooo
1) What motivates you to write?
Anything and everything! Writing is my coping mechanism, for good times and bad. It helps me keep hold of happy feelings and release negative ones. 
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I have multiple WIPs, but I'm going to refer to the one I plan on actually turning into a book. The working title is Fucked Up Fairytale. That may undergo revisions. Anyhow, I'll share two lines/snippets, if I may! Mainly because the first one is very short indeed. Here it is:
I braced myself for stupidity, and he didn’t let me down. —This is in the main character's (Margot's) narrative inner voice during a conversation with her little brother. 
And here's the other one, same chapter, same conversation! I feel like I may have gone a little overboard with Margot's world-weariness, but I kinda like it:
“The world I dream of has me making six figures at a job where my boss doesn’t need me to show him my tits,” I said, a chill creeping into my tone. “It has me going home at a reasonable hour so I can watch TV and fall asleep with a bag of spicy chips, preferably next to a spouse who doesn’t mind that they make me gassy.”
Neither of us spoke for a couple beats. Then, softly, my brother asked, "And where's the magic in that?"
"Nowhere, Callie. That's kind of the point."
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
That would apply to Margot's love interest from Fucked Up Fairytale. He's, um… special. To me, and in general. Seeing as he's one of the Folk, it would be unwise to share his name, especially since not even Margot knows it as of right now. He calls himself the Huntsman, so that'll work for now.
He's this rather delicate-looking youngish man; slender, short and long-haired—he's quite pretty, really. And he's the smuggest, most self-satisfied dork you've ever met, but in a sweet, non-threatening way. I just love his and Margot's more wholesome exchanges. They clash a lot; she's a recent university graduate, has been a skeptic all her life and didn't mean to get roped up into any supernatural stuff, and he's this forest-dwelling fairy-like entity. But they end up being really good for each other, despite (or perhaps because of) their differences. Even though their dynamic starts off based purely on physical attraction, it grows into something more and their interactions really feel cathartic at times.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
I love what happens shortly after getting the idea for something. It's like a little twitch in the brain that grows and grows and it's just… awesome. And I'm not actually doing anything at that stage, so it's also the easiest step. Also, I just love writing dialogue.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think that's also writing dialogue! Not much else to say there. Oh, and nature descriptions sometimes. I've been told my nature descriptions are beautiful.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
How passionate everyone is! We all do the same thing, we write, and we all love doing it. And there's such an undertone of positivity to it all, of openness. That's really nice.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Oof. This one's too hard for me. I'm honestly struggling with a lot of writing software so… I don't have a good answer to that. 
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
The majority of Fucked Up Fairytale takes place in a single location. It's a magical forest that is its own entity, almost deity-adjacent. Certain characters worship it to gain its protection and power, but it can also be dangerous, trapping humans and turning them into so something they're… not. 
I just really like that forest! I enjoy describing it, I enjoy creating new creatures it may be harboring, I enjoy lending this seemingly inanimate idyllic environment a personality that kind of shines through in a lot of scenes. I almost wish it were real. Almost.
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
I'm with you.
That's all I, or anyone, can really offer, I believe. I've dealt with month-long dry spells, really horrible ones. I know it's shitty, I know it sucks. My advice, if I had any, would be to force yourself to write anyways. It's the only way to get back into it, and you should never ever give up writing. Writing is worth it.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Well, obviously I'm gonna have to mention @prismatic-bell who once wrote a wonderful thirty-part fanfic to one of my stories and is, in fact, amazing. Xe has contributed greatly to a lot of my stories and I will be forever grateful for that. Also @rehnwriter who helped me set up my blog because I'm bad at internet stuff and need constant surveillance.
I'm tagging… uh… anyone who sees this and wants to participate! I'm really eager to get to know more folks from this community.
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mychemicalrachel · 11 months
Thanks so much @zephfair and @lizpaige for the tag! This was fun 😊
How many works do you have on ao3?
60 total. 18 as MyChemicalRachel, 31 under the pseud MonsieurBlueSky, and 11 posted anonymously 😎
What’s your total ao3 word count?
930,700. I'm sooooo close to a million!
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just TRC/TDT, but I’ve dabbled in a lot over the years.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Crossfire - Teen Wolf x Supernatural crossover where Stiles is Sam and Dean's cousin.
The Long Way Home - Sterek fic where Derek is a dilf.
Just A Spark - wherein Stiles is ace and a stork delivers a Sterek baby.
Fast Times At Clairemont High - yet another Sterek fic. Stiles goes undercover at the school where Derek is a teacher.
Magnetic - Pynch! And Rovinsky! And lots and lots of angst!
Do you respond to comments?
😬😬 Look. I try to. Most of the time I don't know what to say, but I love getting comments and I cherish them all!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof. I used to write a lot of angst. Probably Forever. It's a MCR/Frerard where Frank goes to an NA meeting and tells the story of how Gerard died.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don’t know if I'd consider it the happiest ending because I write a lot of happy endings, but I think Magnetic has the most cathartic ending. It's a big ball of angst so the happy ending has a bigger payoff.
Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah, for sure. Not so much now that I've made my fics private, but it happens 🤷‍♀️
Do you write smut?
Yes 😌
Do you write crossovers?
Yeah! I love crossovers! It's fun to take characters I love from separate fandoms and put them in situations together.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm sure they didn't consider it stealing, but yes. I found out that someone was translating a bunch of my WIPs and reposting to a different site without my permission. I love translations, don’t get me wrong, but I like to keep track of where my fics are posted and who is posting them.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! I've got some Teen Wolf fics in Russian, French, and Spanish. There's a Portuguese translation of Magnetic. And a bunch of my old MCR fics have been translated to Russian.
Have you ever co written a fic?
I.... do not play well with others. That said, yes. I co-wrote a MCR fic years ago and it was a bad experience because we were making up the plot as we went along and the other writer was more invested than I was since I was drifting away from that fandom, I lost interest halfway through and just wanted it to be over. And I'm currently working on a pynch fic with @iammistressofmyfate which is already a better experience than the last time 😘 I like collaborating and sharing ideas so I wouldn’t be opposed to co-writing again in the future, I think it would just have to be the right person and the right idea!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, right now I would have to say Pynch. They've got a great dynamic that I keep finding myself drawn back to.
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It pains me to say.... the Pynch track AU. It was a meet cute friends to lovers AU where Adam is on the track team. I just sigh every time I open the word doc so I don’t know if I'll ever get around to turning my outline into an actual fic 😮‍💨
What are your writing strengths?
Characters. I have a knack for making even the worst characters likable and I'm good at making them complex.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I'm so bad at writing action scenes where so much is happening at once and there's a lot of movement.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I usually don't just because I'm afraid I'll butcher it.
First fandom you wrote for?
Asking Alexandria 🤘🤘
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
That's a hard one. I haven’t even posted all of it, but probably Love & Lace. I was able to incorporate humor and feelings and character growth along with some top tier smut and I'm really proud of it 🥰
Ahhh I never know who to tag on these things so @singersargentboi @uncannycerulean @deerna @beautifulcheat I haven't seen any of you do this yet! 💕
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hijackedhoneybeeez · 2 months
Can you tell us your history of being in fandom? You have so much on ao3 and I'd love to know the pipeline
oh woof buddy the pipeline youre asking for is a tough one! im just gonna speedrun reliving my shipping history right quick
HiJack, or ROTBTD: it all started when i watched Hot To Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Guardians during the same summer. i somehow ended up googling the two together, and boom, i discovered HiJack (Hiccup/Jack Frost). Hi, does the "hijacked" in my url make sense now? anyways i started writing for them and, by extension, the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fandom for a while. had a couple HP AUs for them as well, so thats why that series is dinged in my ao3 history as well lol theres some fics for them that didnt come with me from my travels from fanfic.net to ao3, so theres more out there LOL! (38 fics on ff.net, some crossposted to ao3. so its safe to assume ive written close to 100 fics. OOF)
AbeMiha, Big Windup: this was before i had tumblr. one of my favorite artists for HiJack, someone ive long since lost track of, posted their fanart on tumblr, and i noticed while diving through their art tag this show called "Oofuri" or, Big Windup. turns out, it was a baseball anime, and was the first anime i ever seriously watched! AbeMiha was my main there, and i wrote a few things for them too!
KageHina and KyouHaba, Haikyuu: one sports anime led to another. theyre like crack, okay? anyways of course i shipped kagehina, wrote a couple things there, but really tripped and fell for kyouhaba, a semi-rarepair who really took off. i stayed there for a bit! had a lot of fun!
Klance, Voltron: i ran into the loving arms of this one too. forced my little brothers to watch the show as well. it was a great time. i think i also submitted some fanfics to a short story class i was in at the time? it was wild
BakuDeku, BNHA: how could i not have started with this one? theyre amazing and perfect to me.
InoTan, Demon Slayer: dude, these guys were so silly and dumb i had to love them. fun fact: my highest viewed and kudos on the entirety of my ao3 is for InoTan! i love them
Creek, South Park: i have no excuse. they're cute! they infected my brain like a parasite and wouldnt leave for the longest time
Chilaios, Dungeon Meshi: my current beloved who i would lay down my life for!!
really, every single fandom ive gotten into has either been recommended to me, or i have been influenced to watch via my beautiful and amazing tumblr or twt moots. i owe them my life.
but yeah, thats my shipping/fandom history! this all started in 2013, so ive been fandom strong for roughly 11 years now! yippee!
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