#turn it on when everyone else is in bed????? cause she can't see
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Why you? (Part IV to Why me?)
azriel x rhys' sister! reader
angst/eventual comfort (Now Azriel is in his healing era, don't worry he does suffer in this chapter so prepare for the azriel angst. You can't be in a healthy relationship when you are mentally at your worst and lashing out at everyone around you and Azriel is learning this the hard way.)
Summary: When you walk in on Azriel and Elain the mating bond snaps leading you to flee to Autumn with Eris so you can be free of Azriel. Your absence causes Azriel to come to some drastic realisations, but is it already too late and has your time in Autumn led to you moving on?
Parts I, II, and III if you missed them!
They say that misery breeds loneliness, or was it misery likes company, either way Azriel couldn't remember how it went but he knew he felt miserable and alone.
You were gone and Rhys had banned him from seeing Elain, even though it didn't matter. He couldn't even look at her without feeling crushing guilt. Guilt for considering killing your friend for the sole reason of him wanting to fight for his mate, which any honorable fae male would have done. Guilt for possibly driving you out from the Night Court. Guilt for dragging Elain into this and then ignoring her.
To say that Azriel has been a mess would be an understatement. After needing to sleep in your bed to calm himself down the night you left, he hasn't had a decent night's sleep. At this point, his dark circles had dark circles, he hadn't shaved, and he has basically been on autopilot for the past 3 months.
Him and Rhys hadn't been on good terms for the first month, but he came around and apologised for the way he spoke to him. They were civil, but Azriel didn't know how he could be close with him again after what he said. If you were there you would have played the peacekeeper, telling him what to say and scolding Rhys for his lack of sensitivity. He thinks about you more than he would care to admit, which is saying something because he's been admitting it a lot lately.
The first 2 weeks were so rough for Azriel that he threw himself into his work, not talking to anyone and even missing his training which he can't recall having ever done. He walked into the training ring and first thing Cassian did when he saw him for the first time since the night you left was laugh and say, "Oh brother, you look a bit rough for wear. You have obviously had better days."
Azriel didn't say anything. His face was set in the same straight-faced look that he had been wearing every day. He just walked up to Cassian and began fighting him. You would think that missing 2 weeks of training out of the hundreds of years wouldn't make a difference, but he had lost every single sparring match between him and Cassian. You would have loved to see it, you probably would have been on the sidelines laughing saying that Azriel needed to be humbled with his snowball fight record. His thoughts strayed to you and he was immediately snapped out of it by Cassian landing a blow on his right jaw sending Azriel to the ground."
"You seem distracted brother. I am always here if you want to talk." He holds his hand out as a truce, but Azriel doesn't take it. He was upset and in pain and feeling a flurry of emotions that he didn't know how to deal with. He picked himself up and told Cassian, "I appreciate it brother, but I don't need you or Nesta or Rhys trying to fix me." Granted he realised he was being a bit dramatic, but his adrenaline was high and didn't know how to deal with what he was feeling, let alone what he was feeling.
Azriel turns his back on Cassian, beginning to storm off from the training ring. "You think she would want you to suffer in Silence? To keep hurting everyone else because you're trying to outrun your problems? " Azriel stilled. "If she cared enough, she wouldn't have left. Why should I care about myself when she is so repulsed by me that she would prefer an enemy of the Night Court's company over mine?" His voice was ice that sending shivers down Cassians spine, this was the feared Spymaster of the Night Court speaking, not his brother.
"For someone who's job it is to collect information, you truly do not know anything." Cassian shook his head and took off into the sky before Azriel could say anything.
Great now that's two of his brother's that he's not on great terms with. Things with Cassian continued to be tense and since he was also on Rocky grounds with Rhys, things had become a bit awkward with Feyre and Nesta. Yes they were polite and would invite him to things and he would still have his weekly coffee with Nesta, but things were a lot more tense since they couldn't even bring up their mates.
No one in the inner circle would bring you up, not to Azriel at least. He knew they talked about you and Azriel, both in friendly hangouts he wasn't invited to and the family dinners that he had been dodging. He knew that they probably had a lot to say when the insomnia had gotten so bad that he needed to take residence in your room. He doesn't know the exact details because the shadows have been withholding information from him too. Just what he needed another person who had an issue with him, this one actually being part of him.
At this point he was on the best terms with Amren which actually started an unlikely friendship. He must have looked so pathetic for Amren to invite him over for tea. It started with talks of the prison, which then led to the inner circle, which then led to inner workings of the Night Court. Tea with Amren became a normal ordeal, she didn't treat him differently and was the same blunt Amren she's always been. It was a good distraction.
He wore the gloves you had gifted him regularly, even if his hands weren't bothering him, he liked the sense of comfort he felt when he wore them. He still felt a mix of emotions when he thinks about your departure, he's angry with you for leaving him here like this, sad because he feels like you have given up on him, and most of all feeling like he's an idiot because all he wants is for you to come home. To come back to him.
Rhys had assigned him on his first mission, a recon mission in the Dawn Court. Azriel had begged to go to the Autumn Court, to at least check on you and make sure you're okay, but Rhys immediately shut him down every time. It's a two week long mission and he was ready to go. The blade you gave him for Solstice had been left in your desk, since Azriel moved to your room. It was too special to him to risk damaging it, so he left it there but he feels like he wouldn't be doing your gift justice if he didn't wear it on his mission.
At this point it had been about 6 weeks without you. He took the blade from the sheath you had also had made for him and inspected it. The silver metal shone in the sunlight, and the blade was the thinnest and sharpest he had ever seen. Outside the silver edge of the blade there was a clear outlining that went all the way around the edges of the blade. He assumed this was the blood bind, so Azriel took the blade and sliced his left hand. The blood weld and the blade absorbed it, the clear lining turned red with blood and once it had decided that was enough blood spilled to activate the blood bond, the red turned into a shimmering black.
Azriel admired and then sheathed the blade. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror and almost jumped at the sight. He truly did look terrible, the beauty of the blade you had crafted for him a contrast over his current ragged state. Your blade. That you had made for him.
Azriel knew he hadn't been the greatest friend lately. He skipped the things you guys would usually do to try and get to know Elain better, his reasoning being you guys have already spent so much time together and would have so much more. He wishes he could go back in time and deck himself for even thinking that. He misses your coffee runs. He misses pranking Rhys with you. He misses laughing with you at Cassian being well Cassian. He misses your laugh.
He doesn't even need you there, he would take whatever small part of you he can and would happily thank the Mother for even allowing him that small respite. He's coming to realise that in the midst of his cruel and miserable existence, you had been the one ray of light in his life and that when the Mother decides that it's his time and he's nothing more than stardust scattered across the universe or the Mother decides to take her revenge for the sins he's committed in this life that it's the sound of your laugh that would carry him away. If the Mother was good she would allow him the luxury of scattering you with him, but ashes are plentiful and he only needs a single ember.
In the silence of your room, haunted by the ghost of your absence Azriel breaks. Tears stream down his face for the second time in this very spot and realizes that something needs to change, that he needs to change.
When Azriel returns from his mission, he knocks on Cassian's door. Cassian opens the door, his face is straight and devoid of his usual smile. "Are you finally ready to talk or am I going to have to kick your ass again and watch you storm off and brood some more." Azriel begins to feel shy, it is not a feeling that is common to him nor one he likes. This was already very hard for him, but he also forgot that Cassian was Cassian and he wouldn't allow him to walk in like nothing happened. Azriel knods and looks at Cassian with determination in his eyes, "I'm ready." Cassian matches his seriousness and then breaks down in laughter and brings Azriel into a bone-crushing hug. "I'VE MISSED YOU BROTHER." Azriel normally would have tried to get out of it, but he needed this.
Azriel sat down and told Cassian his problems. All of them. They started mid-day and didn't end until passed out after sunrise. He told him about feeling worthless and left out. He told him about you and how he doesn't know what he did or how to fix it but does know he's going insane like this. He talked about Rhys and how that whole situation had really affected him, Cassian had no idea and was so upset that he left for an hour or two and came back bloodied. 15 minutes later Nesta came in and brought him bandages and ice while telling him good job for putting Rhys in his place.
This became regular for Azriel. Him and Cassian would talk out all his problems one by one and he would actually try to do something to fix them. Cassian talked with Madja, and Azriel was now seeing her regularly as she claimed that "illnesses of the mind must be given the same level of attention as illnesses of the body." He started showing up to family dinners again. He apologised to Elain and told her that he couldn't go on with what they were doing because he wasn't in a place for anything right now and could barely deal with himself. She understood and was happy he was finally getting the help he needed. He told her not to wait for him and that it would be better for them to remain friends and she agreed.
Azriel began doing things for himself. He went to your guys' favourite bakery on the regular. He started reading all the books you had left on your shelf. He even started playing piano again, a hobby he had long forgotten, but only remembered because found his old compositions stuffed in a book on your shelf. He had no clue how you got them, he thought they were all thrown away, but nonetheless he was glad to have them.
Things were looking up for Azriel. The only thing bothering him was that he still didn't have you here or know why you left. No one would tell him anything and they would all shut down around him when you were brought up. Conversations would quiet, and topics would be changed. This confirmed the suspicion he had from the beginning, the reason you left was directly concerned with him.
While he was getting better, Azriel did have his ups and downs. His biggest down was the realisation that you had been writing to every single person except for him and Elain. The shadows had finally decided to start talking to him again and the first thing they had told him is that they caught your scent in the house. He flew like a madman from the other side of Velaris, getting there in record time. He searched for your scent, desperate to see you, when he found a handful of envelopes, all with your name and scrawl. The ink was a dark red and the lines were too thin to be from any of your writing tools. You must be using Eris' then.
This bothered Azriel so much he almost forgot the reason why he was holding these letters. He looked at who they were addressed to and saw every single Inner Circle member had received a letter but him and Elain. He put the letters back on the desk and waited to see if anyone would bring them up. Nothing. His shadows began to update him of their arrivals. You had been regularly corresponding with them and not him. Azriel was crushed.
Nevertheless, he continued with his routine. He saw Madja regularly, became close with his family again, and began to actually do things for himself. The process was difficult and so incredibly hard, especially for someone who had been bottling things up for as long as he had.
He's even been visiting his estate lately to see his mother, as she lives on his property. He avoids her when he isn't doing well, she's been exposed to many cruelties over the span of her long life she doesn't need to deal with more. Talking with his mother has really helped. Her warm smile could brighten any day. He's missed her lately. He has a bad habit of putting the ones that he cares the most about on the back burner, but he's working on it.
It's been 3 months since you left and Azriel is finally feeling better. He was at his weekly session with Madja. It was going really well actually, well it was going really well until she causally says, "And how do you feel about a certain princess' return to the Night Court?" She asked almost sounding like a child teasing their friend in front of their crush. Azriel didn't even pick up on it. His shadows stilled and his eyes went wide. You were coming back? Back to the Night Court? Back to him?
Madja looks at him confused. She tilts her head, "You didn't know?" He shakes his head no. He lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and goes, "No I had no idea. I'm still the only one she hasn't spoken to." His tone bitter, but he caught himself and asked, "When is she getting back?" He hopes she'll just forget about his mini outburst just a second ago.
Madja looks surprised and Azriel is even more surprised at her confusion. She has sat here for the past few weeks hearing about him complain about your lack of communication with him, shouldn't she know that he knows nothing of this?
Madja goes, "You do know you have little shadow spies that listen in to all of your conversations?" Good to see that age hasn't dulled her sense of humour. How did he forget about that? Azriel shakes his head and goes,"Fair enough Madja."
She gives him a pitying look and sighs, "She'll come back. As far as your relationship goes, I would recommend talking it out in person. You both obviously have a lot on your minds, your relationship won't be able to move progress until you address this." Madja leans forward, like she's about to tell him a secret. "Now knowing both of you for so long, I can assure you that you guys will be fine. You're fond of each other and your biggest fear is losing each other, it's going to take a lot more than this to ruin you relationship."
Azriel looks at her agape. While this was fairly common knowledge, no one had actually sat him down and told him this. He assumed that you guys were fond of each other in the way he was fond of each of the inner circle members. Now that the dynamics of the inner circle shifted, they were all pairing up and finding their person. While you had always been close to Rhys, Azriel was the one you had usually ended up pairing up with in the end. Azriel had never come to this realisation, his entire life, he had been yearning for someone to pick him, only to drive away the one person who did.
Madja looks at him and he swears she can read his mind. She shakes her head and starts, "You were ready to die for her Azriel, when she was going to be clipped. You put yourself under the mercy of the old high lord for hundreds of years to ensure her safety and you're going to let your relationship fall apart because of what? A misunderstanding?"
Azriel stills, the conversation had escalated very quickly, leaving him speechless. He can't jump to conclusions before he even knew your side. He would talk to you and everything would be okay. It was just one big misunderstanding. It had to be.
He takes a deep breath and revels in his new found peace and clarity. The Azriel of a weeks ago would have angrily stormed off, lashing out at whatever unfortunate victim would check on him to make sure he's okay, but he's getting better now. He isn't anywhere near perfect, he is the same Azriel, but he hopes that when you get back he will be someone that is deserving to have you in their life without taking you for granted.
He takes a deep breath in and out. "Okay. When is the soonest I can speak with her?"
note: Azriel self-help arc time! Yes he did suffer for a bit and yes he will suffer a lot more so don't you worry, but I do think he deserves a little respite. He's coming to his senses... slowly. Thank you all for the support on this series I know we've hit a bit of a slow point in the storyline but there will be the reunion in the next episode which will be explosive one way or another so keep an eye out for that. Until next time loves!
note note: I probably will stop putting out chapters at this speed because I want to actually be able to edit them and the next parts are really important to the story and I do want to get it right :)
taglist: @alimarie1105 @chaosabroad @bbontenswhhore @tele86 @ashblooddragons @circe143 @i-am-infinite @princesssunderworld @thestartitaness @tiffany-xx @cpfantasybooks @lucia-valentinaa @jennigsonl @ivy-34 @firefly-forest @k-homosapien @coeurdeveea @cherryjain17 @bckynatt @becstersworld @rcarbo1 @gojospearlycim @atluky
#azriel#azriel x reader#azriel x you#azriel fic#acotar fic#acotar#azriel acotar#azriel fanfic#azriel shadowsinger#azriel spymaster#azriel fanfiction#acotar fanfiction#azriel angst#azriel hc#azriel series#azriel x reader series#wm series
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for the love of everything that is holy can my roommates invest in desk lamps usually im not even very opinionated about The Big Light but dear god my eyes are getting blasted with big light 24/7 over here
#one of them will just fucking#turn it on when everyone else is in bed????? cause she can't see#USE YOU FLASHLIGHT WHAT IS YOUR PHONE FOR#WE. LITERALLY. WENT. TO. CASTORAMA. TO. BUY. LAMPS.#AND SHE DECIDED SHE DIDNT WANT ONE#IVE BEEN SUFFERING SINCE DAY ONE#my new roommate at least has a night light she usually uses but then she doesnt have a desk lamp so whenever she's doing soethign at her#desk i get blasted by 100000000 lumens#pleas PLEASE STOP OMFG#i know i cant really do shit cause they have to SEE#BUY A FUCKING LAMP DEAR GOD#and you know what.#they have the brightest part of the room#while my desk is sitting in the furthest part from the windows#I ACTUALLY CANT SEE SHIT
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show & tell (SMG x reader).
part of the love's an uncharted path universe ★.
You have known Mingi since you both were fourteen. You’ve been by his side through thick and thin and you would do anything for him, really, considering he’s your other half. When he has an unfortunate bed experience and asks for your help and you say yes, he starts considering that, maybe, you’re just the best friend a guy like him can have.
PAIRING: best friend!mingi x afab reader.
GENRE: childhood best friends to ?
WARNINGS: SMUT ☽ (MINORS DNI) attempt !!! at comedy, wooyoung being a little shit, hwa being the voice of reason, sex talk, pet names (love and also dude and bro but in a sweet way), mingi scaring the sense out of you, descriptions of female anatomy, kissing, dirty talk (sort of), teasing, a little bit of voyeurism, fingering, squirting, almost getting caught, unresolved feelings.
NOTES: had to do a lot of research for this one, so i figured nothing better to post as my first fic here! this is 100% self indulgent, as all fics should be, and i think i've re-read it so many times that if you find a typo or something that just doesn't make sense, you can blame it on english not being my first language i guess lmao. i hope you enjoy it and if you do feel free to send to my askbox/reblog/type in any feedback or thoughts! <3
POSTED: july 18th 2024.
masterlist. / part two.
“Delete her number right now!”
“She's such a bitch for saying that to you…”
“And over text too? Wow.”
“Yeah, no, I didn't like her from the start.”
Wooyoung’s living room comes to life once again that morning, voices echoing and insults flying out, all towards the girl Mingi’s seeing.
Was seeing. You're sure she's out of his usual rotation with the lovely shit show she just caused.
You stay silent, your eyes fixed on your best friend's expression, on his red cheeks and apologetic eyes because everyone told him that girl was bad news.
He should've listened to you when you told him you liked her friend better. She was a sweet girl, clearly had a thing for Mingi.
Unfortunately, Mingi has a type. And that type always ends up breaking his spirit one way or another.
But you stay silent, letting your friends have their little rants about how much of a bitch she is for hurting Mingi's ego like that, until he covers up his face with his hands and lets out a frustrated whine.
“That's enough, everyone. I think he got it.” You smile a little and everyone turns to you, Yunho’s chest heaving and everything but Seonghwa (who also kept his mouth shut all this time) interferes before anyone else has the chance to start again.
“You know you shouldn't feel ashamed for that, right?” he asks Mingi, who slowly lowers his hands to his lap and looks at you for a brief second. You nod, confirming what Hwa says “No one is born knowing everything and she shouldn't expect you to know how to make a girl squirt.”
“Jesus Christ,” Mingi whines again, closing his eyes “Don't say it like that.”
“How else should I say it?” Seonghwa is confused but he laughs a little bit and turns to you.
Being the only girl in the room, you think everyone it's expecting you to pick your friend up and join them in their insults but you can't (for Mingi’s sake). Instead, you let out a sigh “I mean, it's hard to even make it happen on your own without any help, Mingi. I don't know what the fuck she's on but…” shrugging, you extend your arm to pat him in the shoulder two times “Hwa’s right.”
“So you do know?”
“Woo—” Hongjoong reprimands right away and you turn to Wooyoung, confused.
“You said that it's hard making it happen,” he explains, smiling because he just found a new target for the next few days “So you must know.”
Talking about sex with them was never difficult, it didn't make you uncomfortable whatsoever but you know what Woo is doing.
You look down at Mingi before answering though and his eyes are glued to the carpet, begging for the topic of his unfortunate encounter with that bitch to die on everyone's tongue.
So you take mercy on him.
“Oh. I mean… Yeah.” You shrug once again, leaning back against the cushions on the couch while Wooyoung claps like he just heard the most hilarious joke ever.
“You truly are amazing.”
Rolling your eyes, you get up from your comfy seat “Sure. But it took a lot of practice and the whole ordeal was frustrating for me, so, again, I don't know what the fuck she was on,” you say again, smiling down at Mingi before taking a few steps towards the door “It's noon already, by the way.”
“Shit.” Woo gets up quickly from his spot on the floor and everyone else follows suit.
“Alright, everyone out! We have a midterm to cheat on.” San calls out and everyone takes it as their sign to actually leave (not just hang around the apartment) and continue with their days.
This reunion was a little impromptu, just because Wooyoung texted everyone begging to come over and hang out with him and San before their online philosophy midterm.
“And by that he means that you need to stay,” Wooyoung hugs Seonghwa hard, almost begging him with his eyes “We didn't study… Don't look at me like that! Please?”
“I'm not doing your fucking midterm for you!”
You chuckle, leaning on the door and waiting for your ride home to get his shoes on. When you look down at him again, Mingi mouths a thank you and you blow him a kiss.
When you get downstairs, you swear you still hear Wooyoung begging his senior to take the test for him.
Everyone is quiet in the car. You can tell they're tired from exams and life in general, so you don't press them with questions and just let the music play in the background while you look out the passenger window and, eventually, at Mingi.
His grip on the steering wheel lets you know he's a little more affected than he let on back there. But, again, you say nothing.
You know better than to pressure him into telling you his feelings.
Mingi and you have been friends forever. He lived a few houses down from yours, becoming your first friend when you moved to the city. You both were fourteen when it happened, so you've known him long enough to know what happens when he gets his heart broken.
Not that Mingi loved that girl or anything, but he never really took embarrassment well. He didn't when the first girl he liked rejected him in front of the whole ninth grade class and he didn't when his pants ripped in the middle of the stage while performing a routine with his dance team on senior year.
You stood by his side every single time and every single time he waited to sit down and let everything out, collect his feelings and talk to you through his frustrations. You really loved that about him, because he never said anything he regretted just because he was upset at the moment.
Maybe that's why you two have been friends for so long. Opposites attract, or whatever your mother told you one time.
In reality, you think it's because you two complement each other well.
He knows when to speak his mind and you're kind of impulsive, heart on your sleeve and sharp tongue ready to defend your and your loved ones honor if needed.
That's why it takes a lot of strength for you to not pull up that girl's number from his phone and give her a piece of your mind.
One by one, you drop your friends off in different parts of the city and when it's time to go into your own house, you circle the car and Mingi rolls his window down.
He reads the look you give him a little too well, so he opens his mouth to stop you but you shake your head.
“Call me, come over or just let me know if you need anything,” you start before he says anything “If you need me to beat her up, I can do that too.”
He huffs out a laugh “You don't even know how to fight, love.”
You sigh at the nickname, he's been using it since the time you told him you had a crush on his friend, way back in highschool, and that you were positive you were going to get together and he would call you love because that's what good boyfriend's do.
Turns out, you weren't exactly his friend's type. Neither were the other girls in your school.
“I don't give a shit, I'll do it,” You two smile to each other fondly for a few seconds and then you tap the top of the car “Thanks for the ride, dude.”
“You’re welcome, bro.” He rolls his eyes, annoyed because he hates when you call him that, but waits for you to get inside either way.
And in the solitude of your room, you wait.
You distract yourself with papers that are due in a few days, you start studying for your finals even though they're months away and you even go downstairs to say goodbye to your parents when they leave for a fancy dinner with their colleagues before you hear your phone ring.
Mingi's FaceTime comes right on time, because you were getting really anxious from the radio silence on his end.
“I have a small query for you.” He puts on an accent that makes you grimace immediately and he laughs at you.
“Ew. Never do that ever again,” you beg, going back upstairs to your room “Go ahead.”
“How do you do it?”
“Excuse me?”
“How the fuck do you make yourself squirt, love?”
Definitely not the conversation you were hoping to have with him.
It catches you off guard and you stammer your response “Um… You— I mean, it's not really a thing I can explain.”
“You have such a way with words, though.”
You stare at him through the screen, annoyed, and he just laughs again “Don't make me come over and beat you up.”
“Alright, alright,” his giggling dies out and you distract yourself from the heat you feel creeping over your cheeks while putting away your statistics prep for the quiz you have next week. There's a bit of silence and then you hear him sigh “I do really want to know, though.”
“If you're asking me this to then go over to her house and prove her wrong, I'm not telling you shit.”
“No! No, that's not it at all,” he defends himself quickly when you turn your head to the camera, scowl in your face “When she asked me to do it, I really did try to make her, you know…”
“You said squirt so freely a minute ago, Mingi,” you tease, smiling, but at his expression, you give in “What exactly did you do?”
“I tried to, you know, do it like they do it in the movies,” he demonstrates his point with his free hand, his middle and ring finger down on his sheets, pressing and moving side to side “And she was enjoying it and she came, but nothing really… came out.”
“Wow, first of all: you make her come and she has the nerve to give you shit over text? I hate her,” you shake your head, disappointment written all over your face “and second of all, that was a terrible mistake.”
“What? Going like this?” He does it again and you roll your eyes, laughing a second later.
“No, dude, trying to porno your way into making her squirt.”
“Oh.” His movements on the sheets slow down and you grimace again.
“Please stop doing that,” you beg and he snaps out of his thoughts to look at you through the screen. You take your phone and move to the bed, resting your head against the pillows with a huff.
You ponder for a moment. You're sure telling him what he wants to hear it's not really a threat to your friendship, but it's also something that's very personal and intimate. You can talk about sex with Mingi and the other guys, sure, what doesn't mean you tell them about your sex life.
Maybe that's why Wooyoung was so excited earlier today, because you spilled something that involves you directly and not something vague and general like you usually do.
“Would it give you peace of mind if I explained it to you?” You ask, your voice barely a whisper as you sit straight on the bed.
Your best friend takes what feels like a lifetime to respond and, when does, it's in a hushed tone as well “Please.”
You groan and you comply either way, trying to find the right words to even start “Okay, I'm going to be very technical about this.”
“I wouldn't expect anything else from you.”
His teasing tone makes you glare at him for a few seconds before dismissing it with a click of your tongue “The very first thing you need to make sure happens, is that you wash your hands—”
“Yes, Y/N, I'm not a virgin,” he huffs this time, annoyed “I know all of that, just skip to the part where I make her squirt.”
“Jesus, fine! I also want to clarify that this works on me and I'm not really sure if it'll work on anyone else, alright?” he nods and you look away from the screen because you're not sure how to look him in the eyes “The first thing that I do— The first thing that you need to do,” you correct yourself quickly “Is make sure she's comfortable. And I mean, the space. Towels, water bottles… She needs to hydrate a lot.”
“Hydrate… a… lot…” You turn your head to the screen and your jaw goes slack at what you see.
“Are you writing this down?!”
“I’m making sure I don't forget anything!”
“You're unbelievable…” You let out under your breath and take a deep one before resuming the, apparently, class “Squirting can be confused as peeing and—”
“Shit, hold on.” He interrupts and you hear his mom’s voice at the door, asking him something you can't really catch through the shitty airpod audio “It's just Y/N… I'm not really saying anything so I don't understand how I'm being too loud for— Yes ma'am.”
You try not to laugh because he's literally being scolded right in front of you.
Old habits die hard, and Mingi's mom loves to put him on the spot.
Your laugh dies hard as well, because the next words, for some reason, make your heart drop to your ass.
“She's telling me to either cut it out or go to your house, so… I'm coming over.”
“Oh, I— Hello?” Your lockscreen mocks you because the call literally ended before you could tell him to go and fuck himself “Shit.”
You don't know why you panic, but you do. You tidy up the room, you change your pajamas into something more presentable and you try to remember what you were telling him before he pulls open your bedroom door.
“Mingi! Fuck, you scared the shit out of me “ you're panting, hand over your chest.
He’s also panting, like he runned to get to your house, but he looks dumbfounded by your reaction “Your mom literally gave me the spare keys in your presence.”
When he steps closer, you notice he's wearing cologne and that his hair it's a little wet, still, so you figure he took a shower before calling you tonight.
Which means he probably wanted to sleep everything off, like he usually does, but whatever this is made him call you.
“Yeah! But I thought you— Nevermind.” He shrugs and gives your hair a kiss before he moves to sit at your desk, the same way he usually does when he steals your laptop and notes to complete his assignments for the few classes you share.
God. Somehow, you wish he was doing just that so it brings back some sense of normalcy. Maybe then, your heart can calm down enough for you to understand why this specific situation has your senses going insane.
You sit back down on your bed and try to get your heart back to its place in the meantime.
“They're not home, right? I didn't see your dad’s car.”
“Company dinner.”
“Ah.” He nods and you both fall in uncomfortable silence. It shouldn't be awkward, but it kind of is, even if you laugh when he pulls out the notebook he was writing on from underneath his oversized shirt and steals a pen from your pencil case, it's still a little weird.
You gulp.
“So, squirting can be confused as peeing.” He recalls the last thing you said with a smile and then he turns to look at you for a second “Go on.”
You're grateful he's taking notes all of the sudden. He's turned to you, so you have a clear view of his back and you can freely take a grounding breath before continuing “It can make you feel very uncomfortable if you think you're going to pee yourself and that's really why most women don't squirt in the first place.”
“You sound like you're reading a textbook.” He confesses with a laugh.
“I told you, I'm being very technical about this— Besides, I did my research when I was trying to…” you gulp again “You know.”
“You said squirt so freely a minute ago.” Mingi teases you the same way you teased him earlier and you squint your eyes in return.
“Very funny. Anyways… Yeah, when you feel that, you usually tense up. You need to relax before even making it happen,” he nods, writing it down quickly “I also read that, depending on the person, you can confuse the liquid with, like, usual… arousal? Yeah, arousal” you sound more confident the second time you say it, unsure on how to call it because you never really explained anything related to your vagina to anyone else.
He turns to you, confused “So… If she doesn't squirt a lot, how can I tell if she did it?”
“I guess you'll notice it in her reaction?” You shrug and then cough a little to try and get rid of the sudden lump on your throat “I mean, it's not my case, so I wouldn't… I wouldn't know that.”
Mingi, because -you guess- hates you, just raises a brow and looks you over one time before turning back to his notes.
“A-anyways,” you cough again “It's all in her g-spot. It happens because it gets stimulated and that g-spot it's like…” you, once again, try to find the ideal words to explain “It's like the upper wall of the vagina? No, no, that's not right,” you see him draw a line over what he clearly wrote down on the paper and you laugh, apologetic “It's more like the, uh… Like the front wall of it.”
“Front wall?”
“Y-yeah?” you offer, nervous and unsure “I mean… Ugh, let me explain again. Something that you need to take into account is that you can only find it if she's really, really turned on.”
“O… kay.”
“Sort of like when you get hard we, uh, also get hard. Just differently,” you notice he's no longer taking notes when you turn to him again and the room is suddenly very hot.
The AC’s on, right?
“And apparently it only really shows up when you're really aroused. The g-spot, I mean,” Quickly, you're up from your bed and walking around it, fetching your water bottle and taking a big gulp of it with your eyes closed.
Mingi clears his throat a second later.
“So it feels hard to the touch or…”
“Not really, um… It kinda feels like a berry.”
He laughs “What?”
“Yeah, it's kind of soft but it has a texture to it too. And we, uh… have this gland that fills up with the liquid— Kind of like a prostate gland! Yeah, that's what that article said,” putting even more distance within Mingi and you, you sit back on the bed, just on the other side “If you try to do it before it fills up, you end up with nothing. That's what frustrated me the whole time I was learning how to do it.”
“You didn't drink enough water?”
“No, no— It fills up when you get really turned on. And when I was trying, I was trying way too hard and didn't, uh… I didn't do a lot of foreplay before trying, s-so.” You nod, finishing the explanation in a softer voice.
Your cheeks feel hot and you swear your upper lip is sweating a bit. Why would you even say that?
“Y-you didn't touch yourself enough or…?”
“Exactly, I didn't, I just… Tried t-to stimulate it. Wasn't even wet enough so I used, uh, lube.”
“Oh… Lube. Sure, okay.” He nods again, and then moves his hand over his face, looking away for a second “And then?”
“I'm not really sure how to… Give me a second.”
What were you even telling him before exposing yourself like that? Before the tension in the room skyrocketed in a suffocating way? You're not sure.
Oh, foreplay. Okay, what's next?
“Fingering,” you say out loud when you remember and at the sudden word Mingi turns to you, eyes wide and you stumble over your words yet again “Y-you need to finger her to stimulate the g-spot, duh.”
“Don't duh me, Y/N, I'm learning!”
“Okay! Now what do I do when… fingering.”
That makes you frown. You're not really sure what to tell him next. So you look straight ahead and, unintentionally, move your ring and middle finger the way you do when you're touching yourself.
In the silence of the room, you audibly hear Mingi’s breath hitching and that draws you back to reality.
When you look at him, his eyes are solely focused on your fingers.
“I don't really know how to explain this next part.” You sound apologetic, your lips tensing into a straight line.
A bit passes.
And then another one and another one where Mingi looks at you with a weird, foreign expression on his face.
So you open your mouth to apologize to him, but he beats you to it.
“Then show me.”
You swear you never even heard him sound like that before. Or maybe you have, the tone of voice similar to when he just wakes up, low, grouchy, as if his throat might be dry.
It just never affected you this way.
“W-what?” you blink hard, a few times, trying to focus on whatever the hell is going on.
“Show me how you do it… I-if you want to.”
“I just— Look, you don't have to,” he says right away “If you don't want to, you can forget I ever asked but I'm so… curious”, he says, getting up from your desk chair and planting his knee into the bed “And I'm also really butthurt over what happened. I want to learn but I don't really have anyone else to ask.”
“What about, uh… Minseo! Yeah, what about her?” you offer quickly, also getting up.
“San's ex?!”
“I don't know any other woman that you also know, Mingi!”
He gulps and breathes heavily, gathering his words, his thoughts, just like he always does and you remember: This is Mingi. Your Mingi. The Mingi you've known for years and care about more than anything.
“I'm asking you because I trust you,” he says, looking you over once again “And because if I fail, you're not… going to make fun of me for it.”
There it is.
You soften at that and he seems to relax at your reaction. His demeanor lets you know he's not just saying that because he wants to see you touch yourself, he's being honest.
So you decide to be honest, as well. In a whisper, because your voice will tremble and give away how strongly you feel about his request.
“I've never done it in front of anyone before.”
“So no one has ever make you—”
“No,” you confirm before he even gets it out and you sigh “I never ask for it and I haven't really… I've only slept with—”
“Hangyeol.” He nods and scrunches his nose in disgust at the memory of your highschool boyfriend. They never really got along and it was a shame, because Han was a great guy, he just wasn't the one for you.
“Mingi,” you walk over to him and he straightens up his spine “This could really… I mean, there's no getting rid of me in this lifetime, buddy,” reminding him makes him smile and you do as well, nervous, your body on high alert “But this could mess us up.” You finish in a whisper.
“I'm not letting that happen.” He says back, eyes scanning your face before zeroing on your eyes “There's no getting rid of me either, love.”
That nickname is going to be the death of you, you're sure. It makes you suck in air you very much need at this moment.
Fuck it.
“I'll… get the towels, then.” You smile a little even though your cheeks are burning and you feel a little dizzy while holding his gaze, but you don't back down.
Before you move, though, he stops you with his hand holding your waist “I know where they are. Stay here.”
You could literally melt right now. And you know it's a short trip to the downstairs hallway closet from your room, so you make sure you strip your duvet before things get messy.
You should go to the bathroom, too, to clean yourself up a bit before Mingi finds out what you find out when you sit on your bed.
You're so wet.
And it's so fucking embarrassing, because you're not supposed to feel this way for him, for this.
Because, if anything, this is clearly just an educational experience.
And if Mingi’s excited look when he re-enters your bedroom tells you otherwise, you're choosing to ignore it for the clearly educational experience’s sake.
“These will do?”
You take the two mismatched towels and place them on the bed right away, not even looking at him.
You think he nods but you're not sure, you just caught a glimpse of him moving towards your desk while you pretend to fix the towels in the bed to perfection.
“Okay, so… You need to, uh, be comfy and shit. Drink water, you just did that a few minutes ago…” when you turn to him, he's reading his notes like he's actually about to conduct an experiment and you chuckle before shaking your head “The… The foreplay part should be next, right?”
“Right…” you drag out, biting the inside of your cheek before he looks back at you.
“You look really tense, Y/N,” he deadpans, looking down at his notes again “You need to relax so it can happen, right?”
“You're about to see me touch myself and you think I can relax?”
“Oh,” he frowns, immediately and then blinks a few times to refocus, you think “I'm not the one doing it?”
“Uh… Yes? Later? I thought you wanted to see me first, y-you… You asked me to show you…”
You can feel him think, the gears on his brain twisting and you think he's going to backpedal at any second because he's not really saying anything. Then you see it, the moment the image crosses his mind.
And the next second you have him in front of you, towering over your form and then he's not.
Getting on his knees, he tentatively places a hand on your knee and parts your legs so you can make room for him to touch the end of the mattress with his chest and raise his chin just enough to make you think he's asking you to kiss him.
Oh God, you want to kiss him.
His voice is a sweet murmur when he speaks again “Show me how to get you there, love,” he sounds like he's pleading, like he's begging you to instruct him and your breath catches when he moves his hand up your thigh “What do you like?”
Your mouth moves before you can even think “Kiss me.”
You don't even notice you're leaning forward until his breath fans against your chin and he tilts his head even more so that your noses touch.
“How do you like being kissed?”
You breathe out a laugh, a little annoyed by his constant questioning “Figure it out, Mingi.” And then the last thing you see is his smirk before his mouth presses against yours.
It's not what you expect. If anything, you expected him to take the lead. Han used to do so, all the guys you've ever kissed did it as well. You don't really know why his patience surprises you, but it does and if your heart could race even more, it would.
Because he waits for your guidance, waits for you to grab his shirt and jank him closer, waits for you to sigh against him and then returns the gesture when he feels your fingers move upwards and tangle in his dark hair.
His mouth is complying to yours, his tongue is exploring it and wetting your lips in the process and you've never felt this good with anyone before.
That's something you'll need to unpack later, but your brain disconnects when your best friend lets out a noise the second his hands touch your waist under your shirt and you forget, for a split second, that the point of this is to have you on your back pleasing yourself for him to learn.
Because you want nothing more than to hear him make that noise again.
The kisses grow needy and so do you when he trails a path with his wet lips from your chin to your neck and the next thing you know is that your back is against the towels you laid down before and his mouth is kissing the valley of your breasts over the cotton of your shirt.
You look down and it takes a second for him to feel you staring before he looks up at you “Should we take this off?”
Your voice gives away how gone you are when you reply a simple yes and your shirt is on the floor the next instant.
Now, you're sure this is not the first time Mingi has seen you in your underwear. You both have gone swimming before and he has walked into your room a million times while you're getting ready. You're even sure he's seen you walk out from your bathroom in this specific bra before… But he's staring at you like it's the first time he's been able to trace the way your breasts spill a little bit over the fabric of this old bra you decided to wear today, like it's the first time he's allowed himself to enjoy it.
Like it's the first time he's allowing himself to feel any sort of attraction for you.
“Fuck,” you whisper, shallow breath hitting his cheek when he returns his mouth to your jaw “Let me… Come here.”
You scoot up until your head rests against your pillows and he follows, resting his body weight on his side and chasing your mouth when you turn your face to him.
You should speed this up. There's no way you're not going to feel like shit if tomorrow you wake up and remember you're letting yourself enjoy this more than you should.
There’s no reason for you to lose your breath when his fingertips trace softly the skin under your breasts or for your legs to grant him access so quickly when they reach your belly and bypass every other part of your body before going straight in between them.
And he notices it too.
“I don't know why I asked you so many questions before,” he starts, turning his hand so that he back of it and his nails start caressing the inside of your thighs through your sweatpants “I know what you like. I pay attention to you whenever we're talking about sex with the guys.”
You frown, about to remind him that you never speak directly about your own experiences but he continues his ministrations, giving your other thigh attention “I usually watch you closely in case any of it makes you uncomfortable, but I notice your reactions when they speak about something that you like.”
Oh. Heart on your sleeve, your biggest flaw.
“Like that one time Woo was going on and on about marking and you couldn't stop fidgeting on your seat…” his nose traces your jaw softly before his teeth take the skin underneath it and you gasp just enough to prove him right “Or that time Yunho said he hated teasing because he's an impatient little shit” he chuckles, his index finding the spot next to your mound and going down slowly until his knuckle graces the crevice where your leg and your hip connect “and you defended it until we had to stop you guys from yelling each other over it…”
Your breath shakes and your eyes close at the sensation “Mingi…”
“Am I wrong?”
You shake your head no and you can all but hear him smile when he speaks again.
“Of course I'm not.”
You open your eyes and expect him to look at you the way he does when you're unable to defend yourself against his quips, but he's not. His eyes are following his own actions and his bottom lip is pulled by his teeth when he takes the fabric of your sweatpants and pulls it up, enough to give you some friction where you need it the most.
“Can I take this off?”
“Fuck, y-yes.”
Joining your shirt on the ground, you're left only in your underwear while Mingi is fully clothed and it bothers you out of nowhere.
“You're so wet already…” he observes and you blush, puffing some air and covering your eyes with your hand. He just laughs “That's a good thing, it means that I'm doing okay.”
He's doing more than okay. Damn all the experience he has and the way he reads you so well.
But his sweet tone gives you some clarity and you support your weight on your hand to fix your position on the bed.
“Alright, let's… resume the lesson before my parents get home.”
“They probably won't for now. The company dinners last until like… two in the morning, usually, right?”
“That's when they decide to go out for drinks.”
“Your mom always wants to go out for drinks.”
“Let's not talk about my mom right now!” you beg and he laughs again, making you chuckle alongside him and you're glad he's talking all of this -the kissing, the teasing, the sweet-talk and the wet patch on your underwear- so well.
The awkwardness from before dissipated the moment he got on his knees in front of you and all that followed was this lovely tension you're dying to keep between the two of you forever even though you shouldn't.
“Show me, love,” he pleads and you sigh, his mouth finding your cheek for a quick second, encouraging you “And then you can show me how to make you feel good, too.”
You stare at him for a few seconds “Damn, you're good,” he shakes his head and you smile, getting rid of your underwear and pushing the quick moment of embarrassment being bare with him in the room gives you “Remember that this is what works for me, okay?”
He nods and then props himself up so he can see it better.
You take a second before your fingers dive into your wet folds and, when you do, you gasp at the feeling.
You've never been more wet just for kissing and teasing before. What the fuck.
You do what you usually do when you're alone for a while and try to contain yourself from moaning because Mingi's eyes keep moving from your fingers to your face. Then, you remember you should be talking him through it, as well.
“You see how I'm building it up?” you start, chest heaving and he hums as his reply “I'm not trying to make myself come but I'm kinda just… edging myself a little bit.”
“Edging,” he repeats and then hisses when he sees your thumb pressing into your clit just how you like it, making you sigh heavily “I know all about that, that's good.”
“Y-you do?”
“You'll be surprised,” he smiles, proud of himself.
“Okay,” you continue, taking a deep breath “Then you know about prepping, too,” he nods “So, a finger first…” you say, swallowing hard when your middle finger makes its way into your cavity without much effort.
Dragging back and forth for a minute or so, you're incapable of containing yourself any longer. Air leaves your mouth in pants and your eyes close when you drag the pad of your finger upwards, locating your g-spot with ease because you're used to it.
“And then, two fingers.”
“Look at the position of my hand. I read that these two fingers work the best because they're longer than the rest, although…” you look at Mingi's hand over your belly. You didn't even notice before this that he was touching you, but he is and his thumb is tracing a pattern that both relaxes you and sends shivers down your spine “I'm sure that it won't be a problem for you, huh?”
He sends a cocky smirk your way and you would've smacked him if you weren't so… preoccupied.
Pressing your precious spot and then dragging back and forward, you stop the movements altogether. It felt too good, way more than good and it's a different sensation of what you're used to.
And it's all because of him.
You look at his side profile, his eager eyes commiting to memory what you're doing to yourself, probably taking mental notes now that his notebook is long forgotten over at your desk and…
He deserves this. He deserves to be the one to have this, just tonight.
You hate to leave what feels like it's about to be your best orgasm in the hands of someone who's just learning, yet alone a man.
But Mingi is not just any man.
“Mingi,” you call and his curious eyes leave your heat a second later “your turn.”
“Did you… Did it happen? I didn't see anythi—”
“No,” you interrupt him, your fingers leaving you and you turn to him, your clean hand finding his face “show me what you learned.”
His mouth parts, but you have a newfound confidence and a glint in your eyes that is new, so nothing comes out.
“Prove that bitch wrong.”
That seems to do it.
His eyes go from being confused to spark with determination and want and electricity runs through you again because he seems so relieved he gets to touch you sooner than expected.
Shyness and nervousness buried six feet under, you both smile to each other before you feel him.
His fingers gathering your wetness, his thumb finding your clit with ease and expertise.
“Wettest pussy I've ever touched.” You can tell he's a little lost in the heat of the moment but it's okay. So are you.
It's been way too long since someone else touched you this way, so you all but melt at the circles he draws on your clit. He paid close attention before, because he's touching you just the way you like it.
“That feels so good…”
“Yeah?” he asks, dark eyes finding yours before a particular stroke forces you to close them. And then he gathers enough slick to insert his ring finger inside and you can't help the moan that slips past your lips.
You lift your hand to cover your mouth, but Mingi clicks his tongue in feign disappointment “I want to hear if I'm making you feel good, love. Don't hold back on me just because this is unconventional.”
The worries die altogether with that.
And now that you have free reign to stop containing yourself, you don't know how to stop.
It's not long before his middle joins his other finger but he doesn't go for it right away. He fucks you slowly, allowing you to get used to the unfamiliar stretch of his way longer, way thicker digits until they slide in and out with little effort.
His pace picks up after what feels like ages and your hand fists his shirt for the second time tonight, nodding and moaning in encouragement.
“Deeper,” you instruct “curl them upwards and go deeper, you'll feel it then.”
He obeys immediately, his chest heaving and his mouth parting in delight when he finds it. The pad of his finger presses down on it tentatively and your grasp on his shirt hardens.
“Is that it?” you nod and he does it again, which earns another moan “What do I do now?”
Before you completely get lost in the feeling, you decide to drop the step by step bullshit aside and give him the full instruction in hopes that he'll remember it all without fucking up: “What works for me is pressing… Fuck, yeah, just like that a-and then…” you take deep breath “Just a little harder… Yeah, then rub it in a circular motion while maintaining that same pressure… Fuck, Mingi!”
He's a little too good at following instructions, because he touches you like he's been doing this forever and soon you feel the familiar swell, the usual buildup of it all and he's taking you over the age like it's nothing.
You forget how to speak, you forget how to tell him what he needs to do next and so, when you finally explode, you take his wrist and place his two fingers over your clit.
When you move them side by side, he lets out a fascinated giggle but knows exactly what to do.
A second later, your release is coating your thighs and the towels underneath you and you don't register anything else because your ears are ringing.
Did you lose consciousness for a second? It feels like you did.
That was the best fucking orgasm you've ever felt in your entire life.
And when you come back down, you only register the sound of your breathing and plump lips kissing your face, his fingers stopping their pace once he realizes you're done with it.
Opening your eyes, you stare at your popcorn ceiling for a second. Then, you look at Mingi who's already staring at you with a what the fuck just happened expression.
It makes you laugh. Softly at the beginning, post-orgasm bliss takes over but then Mingi laughs too and your whole chest swells with inexplicable pride.
You don't think twice before kissing him again. When you realize you did it, you pull back and blink at him like he didn't make you see stars three seconds ago.
“That was…” his eyes do the thing he usually does. You never notice it until now, but he scans your face so frequently you've grown used to it, but now… It feels different. His teeth nip his bottom lip and he shakes his head before speaking “Come here, love.”
And then he's kissing you again, slow, intimate, beyond the stupid lesson you just taught him.
But you don't mind it one bit.
You sit up, getting on your knees on the bed and basically forcing him to do the same. Ignoring the gross sensation of the wet towel underneath you, you pull him further into you until his chest presses against yours, until his hands roam your body and settle on your waist, securing the embrace.
This time, when you pull away, there's this whole unspoken new thing between you.
“That was…?” you press, smiling a bit, pulling both you and him back to reality.
Right now, with you half naked and his hard-on pressing on your belly, it's not the time to discuss your feelings.
“Possibly the coolest thing I've seen,” he starts, giggling when you roll your eyes “and the hottest thing I've seen, too,” you shrug, dismissing his stare because it's making you feel hot all over your body, again “and I'm really, really grateful you said yes, love.”
The soft tone he uses to say the last bit relaxes you and you nod, deciding it's not the time to tell him you never even came like that on your own.
Instead, you decide to grasp this intimate moment and extend it as much as you can. You can see Mingi is not expecting it when you reach his sweatpants and let your shaky thumb trace the outline of his cock.
Closing his eyes, he lets out a pleased sigh before he grabs you by the back of your neck and rests his forehead against yours.
“This is supposed to be purely educational, Y/N”
“Is that what you want it to be?” you softly ask, pulling your hand away but then his hips buck and chase after your touch, making you smile despite the emotions swelling in your chest “Let me help you… Please…”
“Fuck, don't beg me, love.”
“Don't make me beg, then.”
What the fuck are you even doing?
“Y/N, I—” he stops suddenly and you're too lost in the moment to notice why.
But then the sound of keys and a door closing downstairs scares the fuck out of you and you push Mingi away without thinking it through.
He lands with a thud on your bedroom floor, next to your discarded clothes.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” he whispers-shouts, both shocked and offended, but you're getting off your bed and picking up your clothes and the soaked towels so you don't really care about his feelings right now.
“Bathroom. Now.”
You're so blessed for having your bedroom right next to the upstairs bathroom. And so blessed that it is your bathroom and you don't have to share it. You’ll get on your knees and thank your gods afterwards, but right now you can only think one thing.
Don't get caught.
Lord knows you'll never hear the end of it if Mingi walks out of here with a hard-on. Your dad will kill him, your mom will cheer because she loves the idea of you and Mingi together and you'll probably pack your bags and move away if it happens.
When you lock the door behind you and make a quick show of putting your underwear and pants back on, you hear Mingi chuckle.
“We can always tell them we're having a sleepover, Y/N, you didn't have to karate kick me off the damn bed!”
“Hush!” But he just keeps giggling at your very obvious flustered state.
You're about to rip him a new one when he takes two strides, backs you against the bathroom sink, and catches your lips in a quick, sweet kiss and all your worries dissolve just like that.
“Guess they didn't go for drinks after all..”
“You think?” cocking your head to the side, the smile on your lips can't be fought at this point.
He returns it and leans in for another kiss, longer this time and you sigh against his mouth before pulling away because you really, really shouldn't be doing this right now.
You hear your mother calling your name and then footsteps up the stairs. A murmured she must be sleeping and a hum from your father before they pass the bathroom door. You truly only relax when you hear their door closing at the end of the hallway.
“Okay, we're safe now.”
“When were we ever not safe?”
“When I was half naked on my bed, Mingi!”
He shakes his head with a smile and takes a step back.
You clear your throat.
“I really did want to help you out but—”
“Raincheck?” he asks and at your hesitation to say yes, he continues “If you want to. If you don't, it's okay. We… We'll figure it out, okay?”
He smiles again “Good, uh…”
Mingi seems unsure on what to do next. Feeling the same, you decide the best thing to do is to get him out of here.
Opening the bathroom door, you carefully peek into the hallway, taking his hand in yours and beckoning him to follow you down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible.
“Shit, your shoes…” you whisper.
“I don't think they noticed if they didn't barge into the bedroom to check on us like they usually do, love.” He returns, in the same tone.
That does nothing to ease your mind, but he makes sure to put them on quickly and then grabs your shoulders, shaking you in a teasing manner.
“Quit worrying, Y/N. I can feel you thinking.”
Of course he does. There's no one, in this world, that knows you better than him.
It makes your heart flutter and it shouldn't. But you're getting on your tippy toes and stealing a parting kiss before you think about it too much.
It's irresponsible for you to do so, but Mingi grabs your waist and extends the duration of the kiss and suddenly you don't give a fuck about your parents or anyone else finding out about this… shift in your dynamic.
“See you tomorrow?” he asks against your lips and you nod.
“See you tomorrow.”
And with that, he leaves.
You lock the door and practically run to your room after.
What the fuck have you done?
If you read all the way down here: THANK YOU SO MUCH. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and since it’s an open ending (sort of), let me know if you want a second part!
© jensthwa, 2024.
#ateez#ateez x reader#song mingi#song mingi x reader#mingi#mingi x reader#mingi smut#ateez smut#ateez imagines#ateez reactions#ateez hard hours#mingi hard hours#mingi hard thoughts#first post!!!#pls tell me if u like it or if u dont or anything pls my askbox is open#<333#fic; s&t
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bro i’m going absolutely INSANE over alastor 😻😻
so, how about when lucifer comes by the hotel, he subtly flirts w alastors girl. alastor is on the verge of going apeshit and almost leaves charlie fatherless.
instead of murdering anyone, he decides to take his frustrations out on his darling, leaving bite marks and hickies on spots just visible enough for lucifer to notice next time he comes by..
a/n: im OBSESSED 😍😍
alastor immediately recognized lucifer as competition on multiple fronts. obviously, the king of hell was a threat in terms of power level, and alastor hated that. but alastor also quickly hated how charming the devil was.
upon meeting you, lucifer takes your hand and bows, placing a kiss on your hand as well. alastor's eye twitches, watching someone else put their dirty little hands and mouth on what is his. "my, what a pleasure. you're helping charlie? that's lovely! means i'll get to be seeing you around more, huh? she didn't mention such a pretty little thing was her hotel manager." lucifer speaks to you, a cool smirk on his face. he's clearly interested in you, and while alastor can't blame the man, he's seething with rage. clearing his throat, alastor takes a step towards you and reaches a hand out to lucifer in an attempt to shift his attention.
"alastor." he speaks, barely containing the anger in his voice. "it truly is an honor to be meeting you, sir." you raise a brow at the tense interaction going on in front of you but pay it no mind. lucifer gives alastor a tight lipped smile and shakes his hand. "ah, you as well. charlie has talked about you." you notice the way alastor glares at lucifer, yet keeps a smile on his face the entire time. lucifer turns back to you, putting a gloved hand on the small of your back. "now how's about a tour, hm?" he leans into your ear to whisper, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
behind you, alastor's horns grow and eyes redden, ready to risk it all in a fight with the devil and take out this whole god damned hotel if it meant lucifer never touched you again. "o-oh um, that's typically done by-" you start, but suddenly, charlie is running down the stairs with a panicked look on her face.
"heeyy dad! let's go this way, towards your room! it's late, you should rest." her smile is clearly fake, and you see her eyes dart from you to alastor and back to you. luckily, alastor reeled in his rage when the princess showed up and was back to his normal self on the surface. you can feel the energy coming from your partner, malicious intent painted all over his aura and you gulp. "al, c'mon... charlie's right."
alastor doesn't speak, but he follows you to your room for the night. the door is barely shut before alastor is lifting your legs and tossing you onto the bed. "care to explain why the fuck that little slimy king of hell was all over you?" he doesn't give you another moment to process before he's tugging your shirt over your head. "it's just harmless, al. you know i don't want anyone but you." you assure him, but alastor's teeth find your neck.
"i may trust you, darling, but i do not trust lucifer." his voice has a low growl to it that ignites your core. "but-" you gasp when alastor's mouth closes on the skin behind your ear, nipping it with sharp teeth. "no, because he and everyone in this place will know who you belong to." you shudder underneath of him, slight tinges of pain shooting down your spine at every nip and pull of your skin. alastor moves down your neck, leaving a trail of angry red and purple spots in his wake.
his tongue circles every bruise in an attempt to soothe your inflamed skin, but the marks just darken by the second. you hands dive into his hair, holding onto the silky strands. you feel alastor's body shudder as you circle the tufts of hair by his ears, making him press his hips to yours. "everyone in hell, my dear, is going to know that you're mine. not a single soul will ever try to touch you again." his breathing hitches, grinding his quickly hardening cock against your leg. you whimper when his teeth latch onto your collarbone, sucking hard and adding another welt to your skin.
"i want him to hear you." he hisses as he tugs your pants down over your ankles. its hasty, the way alastor frees his cock and pushes into your pussy, but you were more than ready for the intrusion. you cry out, suddenly being so, so full and alastor groans. "yes darling, just like that." your legs wrap around his waist, forcing every thrust just a little further until he's pounding at your cervix.
"d-don't stop sir." you gasp, eyes rolling into the back of your head while alastor's mouth latches onto the other side of your neck this time. "who do you being to?" he asks, hot breath fanning your skin. "y-you, alastor!" you whine, flexing your hips up to his in an attempt to build friction. "please, make me cum. only you feel so good." alastor peppers you in soft kisses now, ever grateful that you're willing to entertain the idea of letting lucifer know just who makes you feel like this.
alastor sneaks a hand between your bodies to rub skillful circles around your clit until your legs start shaking. "good, good girl. scream for me." he smirks when your tone shifts and he can tell by how tight you squeeze around his cock. "a-alastor fuck!" your body spasms, waves of pleasure rolling over you as you cum. alastor's orgasm follows shortly after, his teeth finding your skin once more as he spills deep inside of your pussy.
you have a brief moment of embarrassment when you think about just how loud you just were, your hand flying up to your mouth. alastor just laughs, placing a kiss on your forehead. "don't panic, my sweet. i think this little display will prove quite effective in keeping lucifers grubby little hands off of you." alastor pulls out slowly and carries you to a nice warm shower before tucking you in for the night.
"jesus christ, did you get into a fuckin' fight with a bear?" angel laughs when you walk into the kitchen the next morning. you were covered in hickeys all the way down your neck, and you were barely walking straight. lucifer refuses to make eye contact with you, especially after alastor walks into the room shortly after. "good morning everyone!" alastor chirps, smirking at lucifer who rolls his eyes and sips his coffee.
"well, there's the bear..." husk mutters, earning a cackle from angel.
#alastor x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor x you#alastor x reader smut#hazbin alastor#alastor hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel smut#alastor smut#alastor imagines#alastor x you smut#hazbin x you#hazbin hotel imagines#hazbin hotel lucifer#alastor hazbin hotel smut#alastor x reader imagines#hazbin hotel alastor smut#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin alastor x reader
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omg I love your writing, can you do one with squid game characters seeing the several bruises on your body that you have been trying to hide pls?
Headcanons: their reaction to your bruises🩵
Featuring: Cho Hyun Ju x Reader(f), Thanos (Su Bong) x Reader(f), Se Mi x Reader(f)
Summary: you studied at the university. And often faced bullying. Many guys humiliated and beat you, which caused you to have bruises that you tried to hide.
A/N: Thank you very much for such a charming order! I hope you liked what I wrote!

Cho Hyun Ju
You didn't want to tell your girlfriend anything about it, because she had her own problems because of the transition to a girl. That's why you tried to hide all your bruises.
But you couldn't do it forever. After all, you sleep in ordinary pajamas, which opens your skin of your feet and hands well.
And because of this, the following situation occurred.
Ju was already lying in bed when you quickly came running and covered almost with a blanket, it worried her.
- Did something happen, baby? Why did you hide from me? - she asked, looking only at your head, which was looking out of the blanket.
- I'm just cold, don't worry.
- Hmm..but now the weather is hot..and you often started wearing warm clothes. Maybe you're sick??? Then don't cover yourself up so much!! - the girl said excitedly, removing the blanket from you, you tried to stop her, but nothing came out, she defeated you.
Pulling off the blanket, Hyun Ju noticed a lot of bruises on her arms and legs, her face turned pale sharply.
- Baby... Why do you have so many bruises??? - you had no choice but to confess everything.
After your story about being beaten at the university, Hyun Ju got very angry, preparing to deal with your abusers at such a late time, but you barely stopped her.
- No one will dare to touch my baby with a finger. Tomorrow I will go to your university and deal with everything. And I don't care if they look at me askause, I won't let them touch you.
Your favorite girl will definitely deal with your abusers, that there will be no wet place left from them.
Thanos (Su Bong)
In your opinion, the guy was not the one who would worry about the problems of others, even if something happened to loved ones.
That's why you decided not to tell him anything, but just put on clothes with long sleeves so that nothing could be seen.
But you didn't take into account the fact that Su Bong is quite observant and quickly notices changes, especially if they concern you.
You were going to go to the movies. You put on a long-sleeved sweater again, not paying attention to the fact that it was quite hot outside.
- Are you a fool? - he asked rudely, entering the room, seeing how you were dressed.
- What are you talking about?
- Have you seen the weather outside? Why the fuck are you dressed like in winter? Go change your clothes! - he was worried about you, although he showed it in a different way, you decided to take a chance and admit what was going on.
- I can't dress openly yet.
- Why else is that?
And you told him everything, from the beginning to the very end. His face changed with each new word, from neutral to more evil.
- WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU SILENT?! - he shouted, but you understood that he was not shouting at you, but because of the whole situation.
- I thought you wouldn't be interested..
- Fuck! You're completely crazy! How could you think that?! It makes me very angry! That's it! Tomorrow I will go and kill everyone who touched you. I'll do everything so well that they won't suit you anymore. If, of course, they stay alive.
You couldn't refuse him. Although, even if you refused, he would still do his own thing. After all, he loves you very much.
Se Mi
The girl worked very hard, so you didn't want to burden her with your problems.
But Se Mi was very attentive and therefore immediately noticed that you began to wear baggy clothes, although you usually wore more open clothes.
- Honey, have you decided to change your image? - she asked, laughing a little, when she saw you in a huge sweater.
- I just decided to experiment.
- When you lie, your ears turn red. - she said, after which you immediately covered your ears with your hands, realizing that she caught you.
The girl came close to you and said in a stern tone:
- Undress. I have to see what you're hiding from me. - you blushed from her words,but obeyed and showed all your bruises.
The girl gently stroked the places of your bruises, silent for a long time.
- Se Mi?
- Who did it? - you explained everything to her, she was angry, but tried not to show it to you.
- Don't hide it from me anymore. Tomorrow I'll deal with everything and everything will be fine.
Se Mi never throws words to the wind, she will help you cope with everything. She won't care that she's a girl and go deal with the guys, your safety is the main thing for her.
#cho hyun ju x reader#cho hyunju#hyunju x reader#hyun ju#hyun ju squid game#player 120#player 120 x reader#thanos squid game#thanos x reader#su bong x reader#player 230 x reader#player 230#semi squid game#semi x reader#se mi squid game#se mi x reader#player 380#player 380 x reader#squid game#squid game headcanons#squid games x reader#squid game 2
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Thought I’d drop in and suggest Ace for the biggest kinks post !! >:)
Ace's biggest kinks
almost every ask I've received except two have been for him (understandably so I LOVE ace)
please enjoy 🙏
cw: fem!reader, smut (minors dni)
Hair pulling - I've already written about this but Ace LOVES having his hair pulled. He loves when you guide him to where you want him to be when he's eating you out or when you grab his hair while he's marking up your neck. He also likes to pull hair. To get a good grip of it while fucking you from behind.
Exhibitionism/Being watched - He fucks you good and he knows it. He likes to show people how sexy you are and show them that they can't have you. He also feels the need to prove to other people that he's worthy of being yours.
fave position: doggy - Not only does he love the view, but he loves the control it gives him. Once he makes sure you're comfortable, he grabs at whatever he can and goes to town on you, he gets as deep as possible inside you at that angle.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
“You see this?” Ace asks. Zoro and Sanji who are sitting on Nami's bed opposite yours, in their underwear . Everyone else was off exploring the island and the four of you had offered to stay behind and watch over the ship. Zoro and Sanji had been a little too forward with you and Ace, who'd been horny since he woke up that morning, had enough. Sanji had already pulled his dick out but Zoro remained leaning back on his palms with his eyes trained on you. “she's my pretty girl and this perfect pussy is all mine to fuck”
You're sitting bare naked on Ace's fully clothed lap and he holds your legs open. He's happily showing off how wet you are, bragging about how only he gets to fuck this pretty pussy. Sanji is quick to verbally compliment you but Zoro stays quiet, hoping his hungry gaze will do the talking for him. Ace's fingers spread your pussy and play with your clit. The vulgar sound of your wetness makes your face heat up in embarrassment. You reach over your shoulder and slide your fingers into Ace's hair pulling him into your neck where he takes the hint and places sloppy open-mouth kisses to the skin there, making sure to leave marks in his wake. You can feel your boyfriend smile against your skin as you whimper and moan. You tug at his hair again and one the hands touching your pussy gives it a quick slap , causing you to yelp. The sound makes Sanji cum on the spot and Zoro grunts, palming himself through his underwear.
“Do that again and I'm gonna pin you on your back and fuck this pussy so good I'll have you crying.” He growls in your ear. He's usually softer with you, but with the audience of younger men watching his every move, he's being confident and talking dirty to you in a way he only does when you rile him up. You know he'll make good on his promises, as he always does, so you give his fluffy hair one more harsh tug and Ace moans loudly.
Ace pulls back, forcing your fingers out of his hair, and manoeuvres you onto your knees. He pushes your face against one of the pillows while he slots another one under your hips for comfort. With your head turned to the side you can see Zoro and Sanji. Sanji is watching intently as Ace slides his cock through your folds, coating cock in your juices. Zoro, however, is watching your face. You hold eye contact with him as Ace pushes his thick cock into your pussy, keeping a firm grip on your hair as he does so. The gasp and moan you let out has Zoro grinning, bucking his hips against his hand. He has yet to pull his cock out but you're sure he'll make himself cum.
Ace notices Zoro staring, asking him how pretty the faces you make with his cock inside you are. His heart squeezes when Zoro says you look beautiful like this and Ace starts heavy thrusts against your hips. He turns his attention to Sanji who's in a complete daze as he watches the way Aces hips move against yours. He asks Sanji if he thinks he could fuck you better than your boyfriend. Sanji immediately shakes his head in response, to enamoured by the sight of you creaming on Ace's cock to deny that your boyfriend knows how to please you.
Your vulgar noises fill the air, drowning out the grunts and pants from the men watching you. Knowing he has an important audience, Ace stays focused on making you cum. He reaches a hand around you to rub your clit and he leans over you, rutting into you like an animal in a display so filthy that it has Sanji whimpering as he cums for the second time. Zoro is flushed red by this point too, eager to see you cum.
It doesn't take many more thrusts for the feeling of Ace's heavy cock dragging against your walls to push you over the edge. Your body tenses and your thighs tremble as you all but squirt onto the bed sheets and pillow below you. Ace cums with you, whispering confessions of how much he loves you as he does.
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time you will not spend alone

joel miller x fem!reader, 18+ mdni romance at the end of the world is this: flowers, lazy nights in bed after long days, and savoring every moment | or, joel makes you something. jackson!joel au, fem!reader, fluff, maybe a bit cheesy but idgaf, ellie cameo cause i can't do a damn thing without her, tommy gets some page time here too, smut (riding, unprotected p in v sex, some finger sucking lol), tenderness, gift giving | 5.7k a/n: i think this is the last part of the just and just as series for the foreseeable future. thank you for reading about this little au and these two lovebirds! i adore them. thank you @frannyzooey and @macfrog for your eyes and support on this. and thank you everyone else for being patient. <3
Spring sweeps into the valley seemingly overnight. The peaks remain snow-capped but the bare branches of trees between the evergreens begin to bud. Chilly mornings lose their bite and frost turns to dew and every day there is more light.
You've always thought Jackson looks its best in winter, but it's a damn sight to see as life and color return. And the latter is your favorite part -- the rolling hills outside the walls and the forest patrol paths are dotted and then overflowing with flowers.
It makes you feel more alive. Patrol isn't a freezing ordeal anymore -- it's an opportunity to see the remaining beauty in the world.
Today's shift is short and easy but you find yourself lingering, running your hands through pine needles and turning your face to the sun. Your horse is happy to munch on a patch of grass in a clearing just off the main trail, but your patrol partner is less than impressed.
"Are you serious?" Ellie moans. "You're stopping again? What the fuuuuuuuuck."
She sags in the saddle. The pout on her lips makes her look like a kid sent to bed without supper rather than an almost-twenty-year-old forced to spend some extra minutes in the fresh air. Shimmer has no problem chewing on some weeds despite her rider's moaning.
"Let me enjoy the sun," you say. "When you get older you'll appreciate the little things, too."
You hop off your horse and Ellie sighs loudly.
"Jesus, you're not that old," she mutters. "Seriously, what are you doing?"
You sweep your arms around you, gesturing at the meadow. "These flowers are nice," you tell her, pointedly. She adjusts the rifle slung over her shoulder. "I think I'm going to pick some and bring them home."
She snorts. "Oh, is Joel suddenly into flowers?"
You ignore her bait and crouch, gaze sweeping over the array of colors in front of you. You tried to learn the names of flowers years ago when you found a book on them in an old bookstore but they never stuck. Purples, pinks, and yellows, large petals and small ones, delicate yet hardy to survive the world past its end.
Joel isn't a fussy man. Young fathers don't get to be, and anyone alive these days sheds that impulse just as quickly. He's happy to wake up every day with you by his side, his kid in the garage out back and walls around everything he loves, keeping it all safe.
It makes it both easy and hard to please him -- you want to give him everything but he seems to want nothing. A perfect paradox, a puzzle to solve.
God, you love him. You love spring, you love Joel. Everything feels good.
So, you start to gather stems, snapping them at their bases, humming as you work.
"How do you choose which ones to pick?"
"Fuck," you gasp, careening forward onto one palm and looking over your shoulder. Ellie is off her horse and much closer than before, standing directly behind you. "Jesus, you're stealthy."
She shrugs, her smirk a pleased slash across her face. "You're oblivious as fuck."
You roll your eyes at her.
"Seriously," Ellie says, crossing her arms. She jerks her chin at the small bouquet you've got in one hand. "How do you make it look so nice?"
"Oh, so we've moved on from the making-fun-of-me part of this?"
She crouches next to you, elbows on her knees.
"I, uh -- " Her cheeks go pink, freckles standing out against her blush. "Dina likes flowers."
You bump her shoulder with yours. "I'm going to be so nice and not tease you."
"Fuck off," she scoffs, tucking her smile into her shoulder.
It's quick work. Ellie follows your lead, balances out the blooms she picks with some leafy weeds. She ties them together with one of the minimum four spare hairbands she has on her person at all times -- bits of cloth, occasionally a rare unused elastic from before if she's found some on patrol.
"Isn't it kinda shitty?" she muses, nimble fingers turning her bouquet this way and that to admire it. "We're killing them. The flowers, I mean."
"Little late to have a conscience about killing," you say lightly. The two rabbits she pulled from Jackson snares hang from her saddle. You've seen her in action, too -- gun raised, hands steady, blood splattered across her cheek. It's not an accusation, far from it. Violence is a language you both speak, one she's known for most of her still-short life.
She rolls her eyes, every bit a teenager. "Whatever."
You sigh. "You're right, though," you say. "There were whole shops dedicated to this before. Selling flowers, making bouquets and centerpieces and all that shit."
She probably knows this, but she lets you describe it. Ellie soaks up bits of the old world like it will materialize before her if she listens hard enough. Joel says it was much worse when she was younger, right after they settled into Jackson. She wanted details about everything and watched every movie she could get her hands on. You think she was satisfying her curiosity, sure, but also that she was trying to understand him better -- but didn't know how to say so.
"Weird," she mutters. "And you just...bought them for other people?"
"Or yourself." You pat her shoulder and stand. Your horse tries to nibble on your flowers before you haul yourself back in the saddle. "It was just a nice thing to do, I guess."
"Killing something to make someone else happy," Ellie says with a dry laugh. She tucks her bouquet in the crook of her arm once she's back in the saddle. "I guess everyone does that these days."
It's absurd when she puts it that way, but it's true. You've all got blood on your hands. You would kill for this girl, for Joel, for pretty much anyone in Jackson. And you have.
The flowers are for Joel, they're for your house, they're for you. Something beautiful to bring home alongside your dirt stains and scarred hands, your haunted eyes and nightmares. No one is spared those.
It's only mid-morning by the time you get back to the wall. You and Ellie left at dawn, short sticks drawn for the early shift. She leaves you in the stables with a mock salute and a shout of thanks, practically jogging to Dina's to give her the flowers.
You're untacking your horse when you hear familiar laughter, a deep chuckle and Ellie's faint indignant protest.
"Mornin'," Joel says from behind you. "Was hopin' to catch you at the gate."
"Can you hold these?"
You blindly extend the hand with the flowers. His fingers carefully extract the bouquet and you return to brushing out your horse.
"Does this have somethin' to do with Ellie runnin' out of her with flowers of her own?"
"Never let anyone say you're unobservant, Joel Miller."
He snickers. You leave your horse with a final pat on the neck and thanks for a job well done.
When you face Joel, he looks tired -- he's been pulling extra long days replacing windows and roof tiles after the winter's damage. God knows that man never seems fully rested, but it's a little worse when the seasons change.
He's told you time and time again that standing two stories off the ground is a hell of a lot safer than fighting some Infected on patrol, but you still worry. Just like you know he worries about you beyond the walls, how he's a little tenser whenever you're not in sight, whenever he hasn't seen Ellie for a few days ‘cause they're both busy. It's just how he loves. It's how you both love.
You make no move to take the flowers from him, instead brushing some sawdust from his shoulder.
"Did you have a job already?" you ask.
"Small one. Fixin' a crooked over mailbox." He looks pointedly at his full fist. "You gonna explain now?"
"They're for you."
Joel blinks once, twice, brows furrowing like you're speaking a different language. Maybe a few years ago you'd start to feel self-conscious, unsure of your romantic gesture and insecure in his reaction. But now, as fully in love and connected to this man as you are, you lean in.
"If you're too manly to carry flowers through town --"
You make to take them from him but he snaps out of his daze and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his chest in a smooth motion.
He also holds the bouquet in the air and out of reach.
"Hey, now," he says. "Hands off. These ain't your flowers."
"I picked 'em," you remind him, poking him in the ribs for good measure.
He flinches just a little but doesn't move. His embrace is warm and familiar and you sink into it. "Gettin' romantic," he mutters and brings the flowers back down to eye level to examine them.
"I'm just trying to catch up to you," you say into his jacket. He huffs and his palm rubs a slow line up and down your arm.
You wiggle out of his embrace to shoulder your pack.
"I am pretty romantic," he muses.
It's true. Even if he's joking and even if no one but you gets to see it, Joel has always made sure you feel loved. Courtship and romance look different these days, but it still comes naturally to him -- loving. Dinner dates, jewelry, and trips to the airport have become a battered paperback, a sharpened knife, and bloody knuckles, but it rings just as true. He loves you and he loves his family the best way he knows how – by keeping you all safe.
And you do your best to convey the same thing. You tell him, of course, but you also mend his shirts and chop wood when his back is acting up, and you look after his kid like she's your own.
Joel deserves to know that he can receive all that he gives, too – the protection, the tenderness, the beauty. Moments of softness and rest where he knows he’s taken care of, thought of, that he matters beyond the things he can do for everyone else.
So, you also do things like bring him flowers.
Sometimes you feel like it will never be enough. You will never have enough time to show him how much he means to you, how he's saved you, how important and cherished and loved he is. How good he is.
Joel reaches for your face with his free hand. He traces the line of your cheekbone with his thumb and smirks when you inhale sharply. Another patrol returns and the stables are suddenly louder and more crowded than before. If you're both free for the rest of the day, you want to drag him up to your bedroom and spend the hours there. You want to show him, for the millionth time, how much you love him.
"Okay, Mr. Pretty Romantic," you say, grabbing his hand and tangling your fingers together. "Let's go home."
Joel is hiding something from you.
The flowers last for a week and you watch him eye them and smile every time he enters the kitchen.
But after they droop and go in the compost pile, something shifts. Something subtle, sure, but you spend most of your waking hours looking for or at Joel, so you notice.
He starts keeping his workshop door closed. Normally you'll sit and watch him work, or he'll teach you a few chords here and there on the guitars he's making, but your lessons move to the porch and the upstairs hallway loses the scent of wood glue and stain.
In fact, he actively steers you away from the room altogether. He's all just needs a deep clean and it's messy, is all. It's not rocket science -- he's making something for you, clearly. But giving him a hard time is too fun to pass up.
One night, you and Ellie wait at the bottom of the stairs. There's a dinner and movie night in the old church and you're taking the opportunity to make it a family outing.
"You coming?" you holler up the stairs. You hear the door creak open.
"Gimme a second," he calls back down.
"Jesus," you mutter. You tap the side of Ellie’s sneaker with your boot. "You know anything about that?"
Honesty is important between all of you, but you know Joel and Ellie need to have their secrets. There is too much tangled history between them for you to understand it all. It's important to you that they have a relationship all their own, even if it means they scheme.
Ellie is examining her switchblade with intense focus. "I might," she says with a smirk. "He's a lovesick loser, I'll tell you that."
You lean on the banister and raise your eyebrows. "Do you remember when you asked me how to embroider so you could put Dina's name on her jacket?"
The knife swings closed with a snick and she rolls her eyes at you, cheeks pink.
"Shit, dude," she says. "Why do I tell you anything?"
"She liked the flowers, though, didn't she?"
Ellie crosses her arms and smiles at whatever memory she's seeing in her mind. "Yeah," she says. "She did. Jesse gave me so much shit, though --"
The door upstairs closes and Joel's heavy footfalls cut her off.
"Finally," you grumble. He trods down the stairs, arms half in his jacket when he catches sight of the two of you. "Are you hiding state secrets in there?"
"What the fuck does that mean?" Ellie asks.
"Might be," is all he says. He's got that twinkle in his eye that means mischief but he looks proud of himself. You can let him have this, whatever this is. You trust him and you'll find out eventually.
"Alright," you say, pushing off the banister and heading for the door. "You're going to breathe toxic fumes with the door closed."
"No, seriously," Ellie says. "What kind of secrets would a state be keeping?"
"Ain't nothin' toxic in there," he says lightly. He bumps Ellie's shoulder with his. "C'mon."
She throws her hands up in the air. "You know, it's shitty when you ignore me."
"Did you hear somethin'?" Joel says to you.
You shake your head, swallowing your laughter. "No," you say. "Nothing."
"Assholes." She pushes past you and down the steps onto the street. "I'm going to make sure there are no mashed potatoes left when you get there."
You don't mind letting Joel do whatever he's up to in all of his spare moments. It does mean you have more time to yourself, so you pick up some extra wall shifts.
And when one of those shifts is with Tommy? Well, you can't help but needle him a little bit about it all.
"Do you know what your brother is up to?" you ask him.
The wind today carries some lingering winter bite, so you've got the collar of your coat pulled up around your ears. Tommy’s hair whips around his face when he raises his eyebrows at you.
"Gonna have to be more specific," he says. "My brother is always up to some shit."
"I think he'd say the same thing about you."
Tommy laughs. He's got the reputation for being the more easy-going of the Millers, but you know he's more a match for Joel than most think. Out in the world, they work as one, silent and deadly, always in step when it counts. They still speak a language all their own with just a look and you see so much of them in each other when you pay attention.
"Well, I learned it all from him," he says. He adjusts his grip on the rifle and sighs. "I happen to know what you're talkin' 'bout, though."
"Is he just telling everyone but me?"
"Nah," Tommy scoffs. "Asked me and Ellie for help, s'all. And you know he tells that girl everythin'."
You both smile for a moment at your fondness for them.
Tommy clears his throat. "Does it bother you? Him keepin' a secret?"
You know Tommy won't let your answer get back to Joel. He's asking as your friend, as your kind-of brother. He's asking because he cares.
A patrol crests the hill, green flag waving in the air. They whistle and shout for the gate to be opened.
You step closer to Tommy so he can hear you. "No," you say. "I just like to gossip."
"Don't I know it," he chuckles. "You two are the eyes and ears of this damn town. Knowin' everything."
"Except what happens in my own home," you tease.
He shrugs. "You'll like it, if that helps," he adds.
"I know I will."
You look out at the world beyond the wall and smile to yourself.
Joel has made you a few things over the years. He works wonders with his hands all the time: Beautiful, intricate carvings for the house, for Ellie, for new babies in town. The wall of guitars, not to mention the ones he's made for kids to learn on in school. You're better at sewing than he is, but he's pretty damn good – fixing up pillowcases and blankets and clothes of all kinds. Joel is a craftsman.
Hands that hold you can also pull a trigger, punch until there's nothing left, and craft a work of art.
And he knows you. He pays attention -- there is a reason behind everything he does. If he's making you something, you know you'll love it.
"Strange, ain’t it?" Tommy says. You turn to him, a question on your face. "World ended and here we all are, happy. Makin' shit for each other. Gosspin'."
You sigh. “Took a lot to get here.”
“Damn right,” he says with a long whistle. “Lotta shit behind us.”
“Do you ever regret it?” you ask.
Tommy considers your words. You two talk plenty, but you’ve never really spoken about the past. Joel tells you whatever you want to hear about the years before you knew him, so you’ve got a pretty good picture of their lives after the outbreak.
"Can I tell you somethin’?” Tommy asks. You nod. "Alright. I – I never thought I'd see my brother this happy again. And I wish every damn day that Sarah was here to see it. To know him this way, to meet Maria. To know you and Ellie."
Joel has said the same thing before and it’s an honor greater than you can ever explain.
"When I saw him and that girl a few years ago, I thought --" Tommy clears his throat. "I thought maybe he’d made it through all the shit we did. And I was right. She brought him through it. And now he’s here, doin’ stable life shit we dreamed about before."
"Ellie is a force," you say, a little surprised to find your voice watery. The love between Ellie and Joel is fierce and powerful, evident to anyone who witnesses it. They would do anything for each other, even though they're mending.
"She is," he says. "And so are you.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Shit, I don’t know where I’m goin’ with this. Point is – seein' him love you, too, shows me he’s through it. He's alive again, you know? And I’d do all the shit we did over again just to get us all here. So, no. I don’t regret it."
It’s nothing you haven’t thought before, but the words work their way into your heart and sit there, heavy and warm.
“Damn,” you say. You swallow and give him a wide smile. "If you keep going, Tommy Miller, I will start crying and that would embarrass us both."
He laughs and blinks a few times. You join in, wiping your eyes.
"Alright, I won't," he says. "Jesus, all you did was ask what he's doin' in that workshop."
You clap him on the shoulder. "I won't tell anyone you started blubbering on duty."
He snorts. "Ain't that generous of you.”
Days pass. A week. You almost forget about Joel's project because he spends less and less time in the workshop and more on tasks around town as the days get longer. You're both busy -- chopping wood, planting bulbs for the fall, helping de-shed the horses. There's always work to be done.
After a particularly long day on your feet, you come out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel to find he's gotten home while you were in the shower.
"Hey, stranger," you say. You're mostly dry but some water drips down your back and you shiver. Joel is leaning against the headboard on top of the sheets without his shirt, reading whatever book he's onto now.
"Didn't hear me come in?" he asks. He sets his volume aside and pulls off his glasses.
"I was too busy coming back to life under some hot water." He probably heard you singing off-key to some long-lost song stuck in your head for the millionth time. "And you're quiet as hell, Joel."
He shrugs.
You just look at each other, the intimate gaze of two people who know every inch of each other and never tire of it.
The sleep pants he wears to bed this time of year are lightweight, thin enough that you can see the outline of him from here. His stomach is soft where he's bent at the waist and the trail of hair above his waistband is dark, darker than the rest of what's on his chest.
The golden expanse of his skin just begs to be touched, so you make your way over to him in your towel. He makes room for you to perch on the edge of the bed, the bare skin of your thigh pressing into his pants. His palm rests on your knee.
"I haven't seen much of you lately," you say softly. "’Cause of that damn thing you're working on."
His fingers press into your skin.
"Ain't patience a virtue, or something like that?"
"Whatever magic you're working better be worth waiting for," you tease.
Joel's hand resumes its path up your leg and he smirks.
"I can work some magic right now," he says.
You laugh, throwing your head back as his fingertips edge under the towel.
"That was awful," you say. "I should get dressed in all of my layers right now and go sleep on the couch."
You pull away from his touch so you can straddle him, your towel only held on by one hand at your breasts.
Joel snickers. "But then I wouldn't be able to do this."
Nimble fingers find your cunt between your spread legs and you gasp a laugh, one hand on his shoulder to balance you in his lap.
"Smooth," you manage. His other hand tugs on the towel and you release it, your slightly damp skin breaking out into goosebumps in the air of the bedroom.
Joel drags his lips between your breasts and you feel his smile.
"Christ," he says. "You comin' outta there in just a towel and you expect me to go to sleep?"
He pulls his fingers from you and frames your face with both hands to drag it down to his in a lazy, thorough kiss, like he's savoring each moment.
His tongue traces the seam of your lips and you let him in readily, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you grind down on the hardness you can feel through his pants.
"I've missed you," you say, dragging your tongue along down his jaw. His fingertips press into your bare hips hard enough to bruise, but it's a grounding touch rather than an urgent one. You want to take your time because you have missed him, and you think he feels the same way.
"Sorry, sweetheart," Joel groans, dragging your lips back to his. "It'll be worth it."
You pull back to look him in the eyes. The hazel-grey is almost totally taken over by his pupil, but his gaze softens when you cup his cheek and smile.
"I know," you say, and mean it. Naked in his lap in your bedroom, you mean it. You always mean it. You always trust him.
Joel kisses you once, twice, and you pull on his lower lip with your teeth when he pulls away. His nostrils flare and before you can tug his cock from his pants, he holds two fingers out to you.
You laugh, circling his wrist and bringing the digits past your lips. You swirl your tongue around them and really take your time with it, laving at his knuckles before releasing them with a pop.
His cock twitches beneath you and he huffs.
"You're an easy man to please, Joel Miller," you tell him, tugging down his pants and letting his shaft spring free. You stroke him root to tip and he hisses.
"Nah," he manages. "It's ‘cause it's you."
He follows his words with a circle of your clit from his spit-slick fingers.
"See?" you gasp. "Romantic."
It's a bit crowded, his hand rubbing your clit and yours slowly jerking him, but neither of you rush it. You pant together, dotting lazy kisses on any piece of bare skin you can reach. You breathe him in, the combination of sweat and gun oil and fresh detergent that's just Joel. A rush of tenderness hits you so suddenly your nose stings.
"Joel," you say, a bit ragged. "Joel, can you --"
A gentle hand on your face brings your foreheads together, his eyes on yours.
"Whatever you want," he groans. "Whatever you want, it's yours."
You can't help it -- you laugh. Brightly and happily, almost in disbelief that this man is yours. Real and solid under you right now, beside you every night. Yours to love and cherish and all the rest.
"You laughin' at me?" he grumbles, though you can tell he's fighting a smile.
"I just love you, is all," you say. You probably don't say it enough. You and Joel show each other every day, so much so that you can't imagine he doesn't know. As it is, you feel loved by him with every move he makes, every time he looks in your direction, every time he says your name.
"And I want you to fuck me," you add.
It's Joel's turn to laugh.
"Now who's the romantic one?" he says.
You rise from his lap and settle onto your back on the other side of the bed, stretching with your hands above your head.
His eyes follow the line of your bare body, fondness and hunger recognizable in his gaze.
"Always so damn pretty," he grumbles. "Prettiest thing I've ever seen."
"Flirt," you tease.
He rises to his knees and pumps his cock a few times with his fist. You spread your legs for him, knees bent up against your chest.
He settles between your knees and you lock them around his hips. Joel honest-to-god winks at you before dragging two fingers through your folds to make sure you're slick enough.
You nod. He enters you in one practiced move and you groan in unison as you adjust. It takes some shuffling but he finds a position he can hold, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
Joel fucks you slow and deep. Each drag of his cock against your walls curls your toes and drags whines from both of your throats. He keeps up his usual babel -- doin' so good, feel like a dream, so damn tight, cunt's a fuckin' miracle -- and you press your hands into his bare back like he's a life raft.
Sweat beats on your brow, your chest, everywhere, and you suck bruises into his neck as his thrusts get a little frantic. Your own orgasm sneaks up on you, the pressure building and building and building until it snaps without warning.
"Joel -- Joel, fuck, I --"
You clench around him and he chants your name, that's it, baby, come on my cock, and buries himself to the hilt to finish inside you.
He hovers above you on trembling arms long enough to press a sweet kiss to your lips before rolling off of you.
"Now I'm ready for bed," you say, panting.
You fling a hand out lazily and it lands on his chest. He intertwines your fingers and his gaze finds yours. You smile as you get your breathing under control.
Joel smooths your brow with a thumb. "Don't forget to --"
"I know, I know," you say. "C'mon, you know this isn't my first rodeo." You get up from the bed and head to the bathroom.
"You sayin' I'm a bull?" Joel calls after you.
"Save a horse, ride a cowboy!" you holler back, cleaning yourself up. "Didn't people used to say that?"
Joel doesn't answer you but you laugh at your own joke. You make your way back to the bed in old pyjamas and find him back in his sweatpants, feet flat on the floor like he's about to get up and go somewhere.
He sighs, his shoulders moving up and down like he's bracing himself.
"It's done," he says. "Your surprise."
The confession stops you in your tracks.
You know Joel better than mosty, but sometimes he's still a puzzle. The hesitation, the slight air of anxiety about him as he says it confuses you. Because Joel is good at taking care of people, and he has to know it -- those years he and Ellie didn't speak you know he left her things, know that he took care of her from afar as much as she would let him. It's just what he does, he uses his hands to beat and shoot and bloody – but also to carve and hold and love.
They're the same thing, really.
And he's made you something – one of countless gifts he's given you, tangible and not, throughout your relationship.
But he's nervous. As if you wouldn't love anything he made, anything he does. As if you're not gone over every part of him.
"Hm," he says. "Yeah. Let me --"
Joel gets up from the bed and pads over to the dresser to rummage around in a drawer. You meet him back on the bed and he's holding a square-ish parcel wrapped in cloth.
You gingerly take it from him.
"This is what you've been working on?" you ask softly. He nods.
You unwrap the cloth and find yourself holding leather-bound journal. The hide is smooth under your fingertips, scraped clean by hand and tanned a dark chestnut.The spine is about an inch wide, the whole thing swen together with neat stitches of what can only be catgut. A thinner strip of leather is wrapped around the cover and tucked into itself carefully. It must have taken him ages to make.
"Joel," you gasp. "It's...god, it's beautiful."
He tells you how he found it on patrol a few weeks ago. The cover was fucked but the paper was somehow fine, so he dried out the pages and rebound it with a hide he tanned himself. You run your hands over it again almost like you can feel his fingerprints all over it, the hours he poured into the pages.
The inside cover falls open easily when you undo the tie and you see letters in the bottom left corner of it. Your eyes sting.
Joel has carefully burned your name into the leather, each letter perfectly lined up with the next. You haven't had something with your name on it in years.
He clears his throat. "Ellie said she'd give you some of her pens. Show you how to refill 'em."
You look up from your gift and find so much love on his face you can hardly stand it. He was inside you not that long ago and somehow this is more intimate. You surge forward into his space and wrap an arm around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck.
"I don't know what to say," you confess. "Just -- thank you."
He runs his hand along your spine.
"S'nothin'," he says. "Just saw it and thought of you, is all."
You release him and shake your head in disbelief. This man.
"What should I write in it?"
Joel's cheeks darken a little. Of course he's thought of everything.
"Figured you could write about...all this." He waves a hand in the air like that explains anything.
"All what?"
He shrugs one bare shoulder.
"Life," he says. "Jackson. Folks here. Might be nice, havin' the memories."
You scoot closer to him so you're almost in his lap again.
"You want me to write down the gossip?" You mean it as a joke but Joel nods.
"You pay attention," he explains. "Someone's gotta."
You're not much of a writer anymore, haven't had cause to be in twenty years. But you do like to tell stories. You both do.
The pages are soft under your fingertips as you flip through them again. You're going to fill them with stories -- about this town, about Joel and Ellie and Tommy and the people you love. The people you've lost, too. The memories that hurt like bruises, like fresh wounds. But the good stuff, too. The gossip, the love stories, the plants in the yard and the flowers on the trails.
Joel has given you the ability to record your lives.
You reach over him to set the journal on the nightstand before you frame his face with both of your hands.
"I'm going to write pages and pages about you, Joel Miller," you whisper.
He huffs, cheeks warm under your palms. "That's borin'."
You shake your head and lean in until your lips brush and your eyes flutter shut.
"That's the story," you say. "That's my life. This is my life. You are."
“I love you,” he breathes. “So damn much. Y’know that?”
How could you not? You say so and kiss him firmly but without hurry. You’ve got lots of time. You’ve got forever.
#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller smut#joel miller fanfiction#the last of us fanfiction
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We always have eachother(AlessiaRussoXEllaTooneXBronzeReader)

Warnings: mental health struggles, Breakup, Asthma
Summary: it's always the three of you. whatever happens you always protect one another.
It was the first day of national camp. you arrived together with Alessia, which made sense. You were best friends and Arsenal teammates after all. She told you a joke which made you laugh. "Having fun without me, i See!" Ella said as she jumped right in your way. The two of you laugh and you pull her in for a hug. "Barely!" You told her. "We missed you!" Alessia answered. "That was the right answer, losers!" Ella replied. You and Alessia couldn't help but laugh.
The two would be rooming together while you were rooming with Beth. Which you didn't mind at all. You two were good friends after all. Altough you are a bit surprised that you are not sharing a room with your older sister Lucy. "Baby Bronze!" You hear someone yell, turning around you saw that it was Beth. "Meado! Hey. Looks like we are roommates!" You tell her, and hug her. She hugged you back. "I know! Great News! But please have your little Girl group meeting somewhere else! In the room these two weirdos share!" She pointed at Ella & Lessi, grinning softly. Of course she was only joking. "Hey!" They both yell out at the same time, which made you giggle. "Promise! But those weirdos are my best friends! And i am a weirdo as well! Normal is boring!" You told her. Placing an arm around both of your best friends. "They are my Lifeline!" You said. "We can't survive without eachother! Alessia answered. "Everyone knows, kiddo! And i agree! Normal is indeed boring!" Beth replied.
You went to put your stuff in your room while Less & Toone did the same and you promised to meet up in an hour in the gaming room to hang out with the rest of the team. Beth already went there so it was just you in there. You were about to put away your sneakers when you got a Text Message from your girlfriend:
Hey y/n,
I am breaking up with you.
Have been seeing someone new.
You are free to do whatever now.
So am i.
You stare at the heartless message of your now ex girlfriend. When you tried to call her you found out that she had blocked you. Tears were forming in your eyes. You really thought she was the one and even had brought a ring cause after Camp you wanted to propose to her. 3 years down the drain. You texted Less & Ella right away. Sending am SOS in your group Chat cause you could feel a Panic Attack coming. Or possibly an Asthma attack. All you knew was that you struggled with your breathing. Your chest hurt, every single breath you took felt like you just ran a marathon.
Your two best Friends were alarmed and dropped everything as soon as they saw your text. running to your room. Pushing the door open to find you sitting on the floor, leaned against the bed. Holding your chest, your breathing was more like a wheezing sound now. "Y/n!" Ella yelled out. "Where is your inhaler?!" Alessia asked, the Panic in her voice was evident, cause she knew what your Asthma attacks looked like. Both of them did cause they have witnessed a few of those. "Can't find." You somehow managed to get out. "I have one in my Backpack!" Ella replied and went to grab it from the room she shared with Lessi. Alessia tried to help you. Making sure you don't freak out even further and that you were sitting up as straight as possible cause anything else could make breathing even harder for you. "It all will be okay, y/n! I promise! I won't let anything happen to you." She said softly. You were quite thankful for your best friends. They are your platonic soulmates that's for sure. Ella came back running in. Kneeling down in front of you, placing the inhaler in your mouth, pushing down on it while you sucked in some air, thankfully the inhaler was working cause If that wouldn't have worked anymore you would have had to go to the hospital, which probably was your least favorite place on earth.
Alessia and Ella helped you to sit down on the bed a few minutes later because you still were quite weak on your knees after the asthma attack. "Good thing you have one of my inhalers for emergencies in your bags or that would have been a hospital trip!"you tell Ella. "I am glad you don't have to go to the hospital. We both know how much you hate them!" Ella replied. "Yeah and we can't really blame you for that! But y/n? What caused this Asthma attack?" Alessia wanted to know. You looked down and started biting down on your bottom lip. Trying to keep the tears in. Handing your two best friends your phone to show them the text from your ex. They read them while you tear up again. Alessia pulling you close and into a hug. Running a hand over your back gently. The two knew about your plan of proposing and how much you Love your now ex. You were hurt right now and they could feel your pain. "She doesn't deserve you!" Ella answered. "You are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and it's her loss because she won't ever find someone as funny, cool and pretty as you! Not to mention your talent! You are one of the best football players of this generation!" Lessi told you. "hell yes to what Lessi said!" Ella stated. "You two really are the best." You answered.
You laid inbetween your two best friends. They were holding you, you were sleeping. Beth walked in with Lucy though cause they wondered why the three of you were missing out on team hangout in the gaming room. Both Beth and Lucy could tell that something had happened. Because of you sleeping in the middle of the day and your best friends being awake. Cause you did nap together sometimes. But usually you would all be asleep. The Situation right now obviously was them being protective of you. "Hey, what's wrong with Y/n?" Your older sister asked, she was quite concerned. "She had an Asthma attack." Lessi told her. "Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?" Lucy wanted to know. "We handled things. She is resting now!" Ella answered. "Thanks for helping her. Next time please let me know though?" Lucy stated. Alessia nodded her head in agreement ."What caused this asthma attack?" Beth was curious, wanting to make sure to keep whatever trigger it was away from you. "She needs to tell the two of you on her own!" Toone explained.
You did tell people the story about what was going on and explained everything to them, including the planned proposal. Before you told the whole Team you had a private talk with Lucy & Beth about it.
The next few weeks have been good for you. Everyone helped to cheer you up. Your biggest supporters have been your two best Friends. Like always...well and a certain blonde, tattoo loving FC Bayern Munich player. Georgia was really putting in the work to make you feel better. She got you flowers, went on walks with you, partnered with you during drills.
#woso x reader#womens football#womens soccer#lionesses x reader#ella toone x reader#alessia russo x reader#lucy bronzexreader#beth mead x reader#georgia stanway x reader
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I've made a post about great lesser-known noirs, but it occurs to me that some of you might not be familiar with the classics, and might want to know where to start. This is a ridiculously short list- I have a million more to talk about- but here are some of the big stars of the genre.
The Maltese Falcon: Sam Spade, a clever but callous private detective, gets wrapped up in intrigue relating to an artifact that is functionally cursed. If he's an unscrupulous character, just wait until you meet everyone else. The whole damn cast is electrifying, lending charm and cruelty in equal measure.
The Big Sleep: Philip Marlowe, a kinder and more poetic detective for Humphrey Bogart to play than Spade, is called upon to deal with a wealthy, dysfunctional family, and it keeps on getting weirder from there. Is the sharp-tongued Vivian Sternwood the femme fatale she seems, or is she just another person trying to find the right thing to do in desperate circumstances? And will she and Marlowe keep their hands off each other until the plot has had its last twist?
Double Indemnity: Rich housewife Phyllis Dietrichson and sleazy insurance agent Walter Neff are, by their own admission, rotten people. It's only natural that they should plot a murder together, and that they should turn on each other the very second things go wrong. Every single domestic murder movie since 1944 has ripped this off.
Kiss Me Deadly: This is nominally an adaptation of a Mike Hammer story. Screenwriter Bezzerides hated Mike Hammer. As depicted here, he is one of the worst people in the world. Depending on the cut of the film you see, he may inadvertently cause the nuclear apocalypse. (For once, the theatrical cut is darker.)
Sweet Smell of Success: Cruel, all-powerful columnist JJ Hunsecker wants his sister's boyfriend out of the way (for reasons that are, um, ambiguous.) To accomplish this, he enlists the biggest weasel in New York, Sidney Falco, and the two completely deserve each other as they spend the rest of the movie trading elaborate insults. Popular on tumblr for its dialogue and chemistry between the leads.
Sunset Boulevard: Broke screenwriter Joe Gillis thinks he can con a has-been into hiring him as a script doctor, and that's the last free decision he ever gets to make. From then on, his life is in the hands of Norma Desmond, silent film starlet turned crazed recluse, terrifying yet intensely pitiable. This is as much gothic horror as noir.
Ace in the Hole: The story of a man trapped in a cave is turning out to be a big hit in the newspaper, and if the publicity will make a reporter's career, then what's the harm in delaying rescue just for a little while? This is as vicious as noir gets, but damn it, you've just got to see what happens next. (Watch Jacob Geller's video Fear of the Depths after this.)
Sorry Wrong Number: Of all the films on this list, this is the one that really scared me. In the days of switchboards, a rich hypocondriac woman is connected to the wrong phone line and overhears a murder being planned. It doesn't take her long to figure out she's the intended victim, and each call she makes or recieves makes the situation darker. But how can she escape her fate if she can't- or won't leave her bed?
The Asphalt Jungle: The heist movie. Maybe the only heist movie ever made. Every line is quotable. Every member of the team is an unforgettable personality. When things go wrong, they go horribly wrong. One minute you're laughing, and the next minute you think you'll never laugh again.
Gun Crazy: Laurie and Bart, two practiced sharpshooters, are perhaps the most perfect match in all of noir- and that's a bad thing. When one half of the duo gets a criminal idea in their head, the other can't say no. When the opportunity to ditch her man like a sap comes up, the femme fatale throws it away to be doomed at his side. He fell in love with her when she first aimed a gun at him. Quentin Tarantino kissed star Peggy Cummins's feet at a showing of the film, and I hope she kicked him in the head.
Laura: Everyone was in love with Laura Hunt, and somebody killed her- or did they? Did they get the right person? Is the cop on the case in love with a dead woman? Was her columnist mentor just her gay best friend, or was there something darker beneath that facade? And what would Laura think of all this? A big inspiration on Twin Peaks.
In a Lonely Place: Bogart isn't at all heroic here, as a screenwriter with a drinking habit and a violent temper. He's obviously a bad idea to date, but just how bad an idea? He's not the type of guy who'd kill a woman, is he? Bogart and Gloria Holden give perhaps their best performances here, and they'll wound your soul.
Touch of Evil: A Mexican cop (played, unfortunately, by Charlton Heston) finds out a nasty secret about the big hero cop Hank Quinlan: he's framed the culprit in most of his cases. Not because he's crooked, but because his intuition tells him they're guilty. Director Orson Welles as Quinlan is frightening, grotesque, and a little bit tragic in what some consider the last classic noir.
The Killers: The first twenty minutes or so are an adaptation of a Hemingway story, where out of town hitmen gun down a man so depressed he won't even bother to run from them. The rest of the film is an investigation into how he got that way. It had something to do with a radiant gangster's girl, and something to do with a few botched crimes. Sometimes a man can die before the bullets even touch him.
The Third Man: Everybody is lying about the whereabouts of an American expatriate named Harry when his friend comes looking. Did they do something to him? Or, more frightening still, is he the one who's been doing things to other people? Orson Welles is a more charming monster than he was in Touch of Evil; the light and shadows on his face cast him as a vampire, while his fingers sticking up through the sewer grate look like something terrifying emerging from the earth.
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I Gotta Be
See Me Through You Series

I gotta be the one you touch
And baby, I gotta be the one you love
I gotta be the one you feel
And I gotta be the one to fill your life with sunshine
I gotta be the one you know
'Cause I will always love you so
I gotta be the one you need
I'm just telling you that I gotta be
Synopsis: Your feelings have grown for Joe, and you aren't quite sure that you can suppress them any longer
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The thoughts running through your mind all went back to what had happened on Sunday between you and Joe. After he had dropped you off at your apartment, Justin came and got him in order to take him back to his. He also made sure that you had gotten into your apartment safely before leaving, as bad as he didn’t want to.
The night proved to be restless with you hardly getting any sleep because of the pain in your wrist and the fact that your mind kept going back to Joe and what he had asked you. Plenty of times, you found yourself opening the text thread between the two of you and typing a message, erasing it, and typing again. You thought getting out of the bed and taking another shower would help you fall asleep easier, but it didn’t happen.
By the morning, you hadn't sent him anything and continued to wrestle with your thoughts. The opportunity was right in front of you, and at this point the ball was in your court.
Joe was a kind, sweet, and thoughtful person who had the looks to go right along with his personality. He could also be a little shy at times, but when it came to you, all of it went out the window. And you knew for a fact that he would show you how you deserved to be treated.
On the other hand, you didn't know where you and Trevor had gone so wrong so fast. He was the person that you had always wanted to be around all of the time and now you found yourself avoiding him.
But you were willing to give him one last chance to do right by you and you were praying that you didn't regret it.
It was now Wednesday and the texts from Joe that he had sent to check on you had gone unanswered since Monday.
Joey- Princess, just checking on you. How does your wrist feel?
Joey- Are we still going to have our study session later? Dinner is on me.
Joey- Y/N, did something happen? Why aren't you answering me?
Joey- I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's wrong
You had been staring at them for the past two days not knowing what to say. Yes, the answers to his questions were simple. But what was not so simple was giving him an answer about what he had asked you Sunday,
“Y/N, I know you like me and I like you. I’ve made that obvious time and time again. You literally spend more time with me than your actual boyfriend and you even just told me yourself less than thirty minutes ago how happy you always are around me. Why don’t you just let me in? What are you afraid of?”
After he had asked you that question, the two of you had been silent with both of you sipping on your milkshakes and an occasional glance out the window by you.
Joe knew that he had to be the one to break it.
“You don't have to answer me right now, but I am curious to know when you finally come up with the answer.” He told you as he grabbed your hand and rubbed small circles on the back of it.
“I can give you the short answer now.” You quietly said as you turned to look at him.
“And what's that?”
“I honestly don't know what I'm so afraid of.”
You had laid down in your apartment the majority of the day which also meant that you had skipped out on going to your classes. You sent a quick text to Erin needing someone to talk to so you could get her opinion on the situation that happened but knew for a fact that she was team Joe all the way just like everyone else was.
And you couldn't blame her.
You- Bestie, I need you. Bring food. I haven't eaten all day. :(
Erin- Say less. On my way. But I should beat your ass because you know better.
You- Leave me alone, I'm having a crisis.
Erin- And it's probably an easy solution to fix it. But your hard headed ass wants to take the difficult route.
You- 🙄
When Erin was downstairs in the parking lot, she sent you another text to tell you to have the door open for her. Once you opened it, you went and sat back down on the couch while you patiently waited to see her.
Less than five minutes later, she came through the door with McDonald's which was one of your guilty pleasures when you were feeling down and seeing as Erin was your best friend, she had your order memorized.
Setting it down in front of you, Erin stole a fry before hugging you and then sitting down herself.
“Spill it. Because I know for a fact that you didn’t call me over here for nothing.”
“Joey almost fought Trevor.” You responded as you opened your dipping sauce for your chicken nuggets while Erin’s eyes went wide.
“Oh shit. Bitch, I gotta hear this. Joe should have beat his ass into next week. Should have just let him do it.”
“You're not eating?” You asked as you peeked in the bag to only see one meal and ignored her last statement, even though you low key agreed with her.
“No, I already ate. Now tell the story and start from the beginning.” She told you as she got comfortable.
“I was studying Sunday night and ignored multiple phone calls from Trevor because he had pissed me off and we had gotten into an argument. Joe then sent me a text asking to see me and that there was a party not too far from here. Took a little bit of convincing but I did. So I get there and Joe meets me outside so that I don't have to walk in by myself. A few hours go by, we're vibing, playing beer pong when none other than my beloved boyfriend Trevor who is obviously already drunk decides to come through the door. By this time, I'm by myself and he comes over to me demanding to talk and talking a whole bunch of shit. He grabs my wrist and I'm trying to get away from him when Joe comes out of nowhere.”
“Ah shit, here we go. He's not about to let anyone mess with his princess.”
“Shut up. Moving on, he asks me if I'm okay and this of course sets Trevor off and they're arguing. Keep in mind he has yet to let go of my arm and then Trevor pushed him. He finally did let go and the shit was red. Joe barely moved an inch and as soon as he was about to punch him, he pushed me out the way but Ja'Marr and Justin came. Ja'Marr was trying to calm him down telling him it's not worth it while Justin was holding back Trevor.”
“Not two men fighting over you. I want to be you when I grow up.”
“They made him leave, Joe got ice for my wrist and offered to drive me home. We stopped and got ice cream and…” You trailed off as you smiled thinking about the conversation that you two had.
“AND? Bitch don't leave me in suspense!”
“He said that he knows that I like him as much as he likes me and that he doesn't understand what I'm so afraid of and to let him in.”
“Then yall fucked and you broke up with Trevor. The end.” Erin said as she smiled at you.
“I don't know what you two are waiting on. Being around you two and the way you interact and look at one another, I'm convinced that you are undressing Joe with your eyes.” She said while shrugging and stole another fry.
“Uh? Because I have a boyfriend.”
“Who treats you like absolute shit, but go on my good sis. Tell me more.”
“He's been texting me and I've been ignoring them because I don't know what to say.”
“Your dumbass is always stressing me out. Didn't I say there is probably an easy solution but you like to make things so much more complicated?”
“I just have a lot of feelings, okay!?!”
“Your heart belongs to Joe Burrow and for the life of me I cannot understand your thought process of why you don't see it. You applied here to be with Trevor not knowing that you were going to meet the person that you're supposed to be with. Let that man love you. Shit, he already does.”
“Trevor is not the person all of you keep making him out to be. I promise. It just seems like he's going through something right now.”
“If that's the case, he's been going through something since the two of you got together. But I can't tell you what to do. I can just give you advice as your best friend. So here it is.”
“My advice.”
“Yes, I know. You said that. What is it?” You asked as you took another bite of one of your nuggets.
“Joe wants you to have his babies so let him. And I'm still planning the wedding. Are you wearing white or off-white? Only saying this because I love you and I care.”
“He has to become my boyfriend first before we even get to that point.”
“He's waiting for you, boo. Ball is in your court.”
Joe was currently staring at his phone at the unanswered messages that he had sent you over the past few days hoping that you would respond and hopefully give him an explanation as to why you hadn't said anything to him.
He couldn't understand for the life of him why you were ignoring him and was going over every possible scenario in his head about what had happened on Sunday. Nothing happened that would make him think that you wouldn't want to talk to him so he was at a loss.
The fear that he saw in your eyes as he approached your boyfriend from behind was something that he never wanted to see again and knew that would only happen if you willingly broke up with him. He didn't know what you saw in him, but if there is any truth to first impressions, Trevor was the worst that it could possibly get.
Joe had promised to help you study for your big exam all this week while he would also be working on different assignments for his masters degree. He debated on going over to your apartment, but the last thing he wanted to do was bombard you and catch you off guard. But for his peace of mind, what did he have to lose? Ja’Marr hadn’t said anything about how you were doing and all he told you was that you hadn’t been to any of your classes all week. He also wanted to know how practice went for you on Tuesday with your wrist.
Your apartment wasn’t too far from his, only being about a mile or two down the street and quickly threw a hoodie on along with his shoes and grabbed his keys from off the kitchen counter to make his way to the middle of the hallway where the elevator was.
The entire time during the short drive, Joe had increasingly become nervous the closer that he got. He honestly wondered if he was truly making a mistake about the entire situation as a whole and not just going over there to check on you.
He’s made it clear time and time again that he liked you and wanted better for you. It was hard for him to watch you complain about Trevor and seeing it in real time, he was confused as to why you didn’t break up with him right then and there. He wasn’t trying to rush you in any way, shape, or form but he didn’t know how much longer that he would be able to hold on for. The thought came to him last night if he should actually let it go completely, but he just couldn’t stop thinking about you as much as he tried.
Finally pulling up into the parking lot of your apartment complex, he parked his car and pulled out his phone one more time to try to send you a text and hopefully get an answer.
Joey- Princess, I’m just checking on you. Want to see if you’re okay.
As soon as he sent the text, he looked up to see you coming out of the front door with no one other than your shitty ass boyfriend Trevor.
As Joe sat there and watched the two of you interact, the look on your face seemed content. The two of you didn’t look to be arguing or in any type of disagreement so of course he knew in the back of his mind that you had probably already forgiven him.
He saw you pull out your phone and he assumed that you were looking at the text that he had sent you and he sighed when he saw you read it and then slipped it back into the pocket of your sweatshirt.
Once he saw Trevor lean down and kiss you and a smile spread across your face that didn’t quite reach your eyes, he knew that he still had a chance.
Joe knew deep down that you wanted him and the only conclusion that he could come to as to why you were settling is probably because you were comfortable and content, but for the life of him he couldn’t understand why you would be comfortable in a situation such as this one with not being treated properly.
He thought out of anyone that your brother should know because he knew that he was worried about you just as much as he was.
Joe- She forgave him
Ja’Marr- Wait, how do you know?
Joe- Came by to check on her and I’m looking at both of them as we speak from my car
Ja’Marr- Now you see the cycle that she’s been doing for almost two years
It was now Saturday morning and you were currently packing your bag with everything you needed for the competition that would take place in less than an hour. Erin had stayed over with you the night before so that the two of you would be able to drive to campus together since this was a particular competition that LSU was having on their campus.
Once your bag was packed and you were fully dressed, you made the short walk to the bathroom in order to put your hair up. As you were putting the final touches on your ballerina bun, Erin came in and helped you finish.
“Thank you bestie and good morning.” You said as you smiled at her in the mirror.
“Morning bestie, you ready for us to be placed number one in every single event?” She asked as she had now started to do your make-up for you as she gestured for you to sit down.
“I don’t know about all that.” You responded while laughing.
“You do not give yourself enough credit. Do you not realize how amazing you are at everything that you do? I want to be you when I grow up, except having an asshole of a boyfriend, but everything else, yes.” She smiled as you shook your head at her.
“You are just as good as me, so don’t even try it.” You said as she was looking at your eyeshadow palette and deciding which one to use. She looked down at your outfit and then quickly chose one.
“Y/N, be serious. I’m definitely not and I was surprised that LSU even offered me a scholarship.” She responded as you rolled your eyes.
“If you weren’t good enough, you wouldn’t have gotten a scholarship so don’t talk about yourself like that. You deserve to be here just as much as anyone else. You have always doubted yourself and I’m going to need you to get out of your own head.”
“I guess you’re right. Are we going to the football game later today?” She asked as she had moved on to the mascara.
“I debated on if I was going but I already know Ja’Marr is going to throw a fit if I don’t. Spoiled ass baby brother.”
“And someone else. Have you talked to him yet? And he is literally your baby brother by three minutes.”
“No, and I definitely need to. I just don’t know what I’m going to say once I see him. And I am still older!” You exclaimed as the both of you laughed.
“Obviously confess your love for one another, duh.”
When you were quiet for a few minutes, Erin placed her finger under your chin for you to look up at her.
“I love Joey, but I don’t know how to tell Trevor that I don’t love him anymore.”
The arena was filling in with guests as you along with the rest of the gymnastics team began to warm up and do stretches to get your muscles loose. After you had confessed to Erin the way you were feeling she told you that however and whenever you decided to tell Joe about how you felt that she would support you a hundred percent. But what she couldn't support was you being with Trevor which you understood. You just didn't know when you would be ready to do that.
Your back was turned from the audience as you were facing the bench where you all would be sitting when Erin hooked her arm into yours. She was smiling at you and you gave her a look asking what her deal was. She led you both across to the other side as the two of you were waiting for your turn to do the balance beam and uneven bars.
“Don't look now, but your baby daddy, your brother and Justin are here.” Erin whispered to you.
“Wait, what!?” You exclaimed as you turned around and sure enough all three of them were sitting in the middle of the stands with Joe having his gaze focused solely on you.
“Hmm, maybe it has to do with those texts that you ignored from him for no good reason? I told you his ass would come looking for you sooner or later.”
“I literally cannot do this right now.” You said while sighing and smoothing out the top of your hair.
“Just focus and finish the competition. Then you and him need to talk.”
As the competition came to a close, you knew that talking to Joe was inevitable at this point. After you had pulled on your sweatpants along with Joe's hoodie that he had given to you on Sunday when you were cold, you exited the area and walked to the lobby where sure enough he was waiting for you along with Justin and Ja'Marr.
“And big sis does it again!” Ja'Marr exclaimed as he hugged you and picked you up at the same time so that your feet were dangling.
“Proud of you! All those flips and shit would have had my ass dizzy and in a corner somewhere.” Justin told you as he hugged you after Ja'Marr had placed you back on the ground.
“Thank you.”
You let out a small laugh before finally making your way over to Joe who had a bouquet of flowers in his hands as he leaned down to hug you. When the two of you separated, he handed you the flowers.
“Thank you for these. They're my favorite.” You told him, but his expression you couldn't quite read.
“Can we talk?” Joe asked and you nodded as the two of you walked out of the front entrance and were now on the side of the building away from everyone else.
The silence was awkward which was unusual for the two of you since there was never a dull moment left lingering in the air.
“Y/N, what are we doing? Did I do something? Are you mad at me?” Joe fired off questions left and right to get to the bottom of why you had been avoiding him.
“No, Joey. You didn't do anything wrong. I just…”
“You what? If I didn't do anything wrong why didn't you answer me? I thought something was wrong after what happened on Sunday. I came to check on you on Wednesday but when I saw you swapping spit with that asshole, I left. And also noticed that you once again ignored my text.”
“Because I don't know what I want! I care about Trevor but…”
“But what?”
“My heart skips beats when I'm around you and I constantly feel like I have a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. You know what I need before I need it and you are thoughtful and considerate of my feelings. You always check on me to make sure I'm okay and I shouldn't feel this way about another man when I have a boyfriend.”
“Y/N, what do you want? Do you want him or do you want me? It's as simple as that at this point.”
“I think…”
“No, you need to know.”
“I'm going to give Trevor another chance.”
It was at that moment that you saw the color drain from Joe's face and gave you a look of disbelief as he shook his head.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you heard him speak.
“If that's what you want, then I have to accept it.” He shrugged and simply put his hands in his pockets.
You couldn't describe it, but there was a shift and it wasn't a good one.
“Joey, I care about my boyfriend and…”
“Someone you care about is not supposed to hurt you like he did and I wouldn't be surprised if he's done it more times than you're willing to admit. But if you want to be with him, who am I to say anything? It's not my business at this point.”
“I just need to help him through whatever is happening right now and it'll get better.” You said as you crossed your arms in front of you.
“The excuses you're giving me are coming left and right and I don't fucking believe any of it. You say you care about him, but I think it's absolute bullshit.”
“Why? Why do I have to lie to you?”
“Because you love me and you're scared to admit it. All you've known is being treated like shit and I want to give you everything he can't.”
“And what can't he give me?” You asked, interested to see what his answer was going to be.
“If you give me the chance, I can show you better than I can tell you.” He said as he stepped closer towards you.
“You are making this so much harder than it needs to be.” You stated as you massaged your temples.
“It's definitely the other way around and you know what I noticed?”
“When I said you loved me, you didn't tell me that I was wrong. And you also said that you cared about him multiple times, but never said that you loved him.”
#joe burrow#joe burrow fic#joe burrow x black reader#joe burrow x reader#joe burrow angst#joe burrow lsu#joe burrow fluff#joey b#nfl imagine#joe shiesty#Spotify
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🧸 dare i say luke castellan fluff..... please.... CONGRATS ON 3K!!!!
summer stressed
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of athena reader
summary: summer is over, most of your siblings are gone, but you still can't relax. fortunately, luke is pretty good at it.
a/n: thank you for the request sorry that these are taking so long but thats life !! this one is for all my anxious girlies that always think they're forgetting something even when there is absolutely nothing to do (me finishing finals and still feeling like i should be doing something at all times)
wc: 788
warning(s): all fluff

“This feels weird.”
“How does it feel weird?” Luke asks, amused.
“We’re just… sitting here,” you say.
“Is that a problem?”
Your head rests on Luke’s chest as you lay in your bed together, one of his arms curled protectively around you as he keeps the other behind his head. Every so often, he trails his fingers down your arm, plays with your hair a bit, adjusts his position to make you more comfortable.
You can feel the warmth of his skin even through his camp shirt, and it makes up for the slight chill of the Athena cabin. He’s basically your own personal space heater. You wouldn’t classify any of this as a problem.
“No,” you say. “The opposite of a problem.”
Luke chuckles, and you can feel his eyes on you. “Then why does it feel weird?”
You let out a huff and sit up, turning to face your boyfriend. “Because we’re just sitting here.”
“You’ve already said that, babe.” He smiles, and you have the urge to kiss him right there. You wonder if he knows the power he holds with that damn smile.
“It’s too quiet,” you say, gesturing around your cabin. “It’s never a good sign when things are quiet.”
“Could that be because more than half of your cabin is gone?” he asks.
“My siblings are smart,” you say. “They’re good at causing chaos in silence.”
“And if they are, that’s a problem for another day.”
“I’m still forgetting something,” you insist. “Are you sure I’m off the clock for today?”
Luke nods. “All the counselors get the day off from leading lessons after the last day of summer. Everyone’s off the clock.”
“And I don’t have anything I need to clear with Chiron.”
“You had the conversation with him about going into the city to get stuff for Jane’s party last week, and we’re taking a van out in two days,” Luke says. “Nothing else I know of.”
“You’re sure?”
“There’s really nothing else?”
“Nothing,” he promises.
You look around your cabin and shake your head. “No. No— this place is a mess. I’ve got to clean up before inspections—”
Luke catches your wrist as you try to get up and says your name softly. “Your cabin is spotless, ace. I think I can see my reflection in the floorboards.”
“Still, Luke,” you insist as you look at him. “There’s got to be something we should be doing.”
“There isn’t!” he exclaims. “I’ve never met anyone more desperate to be doing busy work, babe. All that talk about us getting some alone time for nothing.”
“I just have this feeling that I’m missing something,” you say as you shake your head.
Luke laughs again, and you find yourself smiling just at the sound. He’s just so beautiful when he’s happy. “Alright, ace. Want me to ease your worries?”
“You can try,” you say. “But you’ve spent enough time with Annabeth to know what she’s capable of. Imagine dealing with a whole cabin of Annabeths.”
“You may have a whole cabin of Annabeths, but I’ve got a whole cabin of thieves, pranksters, and unclaimed kids. I think I’ve had my fair share of cleaning up messes.”
“Alright, pretty boy,” you say, your smile growing despite yourself. “Ease my worries.”
Luke nods, and he sits up so he can be eye level with you. He’s still got your wrist in his hand, and as he talks, he absentmindedly trails his thumb over your skin. “Yesterday was the last day of summer, and half of camp is gone, including your cabin. We spent the entire day fixing things up and making sure all our siblings were ready to go and doing everything Chiron and Mr. D asked. Everyone that wanted to leave left, all the counselors—including you—executed everything flawlessly, and there is nothing left to do but relax for a bit.”
“My cabin—”
“You’ve already cleaned it three times,” Luke says.
“It doesn’t hurt to do it a fourth,” you shrug.
Luke smiles and shakes his head. “It’s spotless, ace. The only thing left to do is enjoy some well-deserved alone time.”
You meet his gaze, that slight smile still on your lips, and Luke tilts his head. “So? Have your worries been eased?”
“...Mostly,” you say, and your smile turns coy. “Some kisses might help me forget them completely, though.”
Luke laughs, and his eyes gleam as they drop down to your lips for a moment. He brings you even closer with the hand still around your wrist, then he drops it in favor of slinging an arm around your waist. When he speaks, his voice is much softer, though it’s got a rugged edge.
“Now that is something I can do.”
#sadie's 3k celebration#luke castellan x reader#luke castellan fic#luke castellan x you#luke castellan fluff#percy jackson and the olympians x reader#pjo x reader#x reader#sadie writes
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...🇪🇳🇬🇱🇮🇸🇭 🇮🇸🇳·🇹 🇲🇾 🇫🇮🇷🇸🇹 🇱🇦🇳🇬🇺🇦🇬🇪 🇦🇳🇾🇼🇦🇾
Gangbang, G!P Blackpink, sub! reader fifth member! reader, blowjob (jisoo and rosé), cunnilingus (r), brief daddy kink, anal sex, deepthroating, triple penetration, ass to mouth, bukkake, dp in one hole.
The five women gathered together after a triumphant performance, celebrating their victory against the screaming crowd. Their energy was high, fueled by the roars of approval from thousands of devoted fans. As they exited the stadium doors, a buzz still lingered within the air, a testament to their magnetic stage presence.
Once inside the hotel room, the girls finally had some privacy away from the prying eyes of adoring fans. Rosé quickly mixed them all drinks before flopping onto one of the plush sofas. "This feels like such a rare moment," she sighed dreamily.
"Indeed it does." Jisoo agreed. "But I must say, we could use something stronger than these drinks if tonight's going to end like our last gathering!" Her flirtatious tone caused everyone else to laugh and take off their clothes.
It wasn't long until they were all standing naked except for the glittery accessories they hadn't taken off yet. Rosé took a seat, crossing her legs provocatively. "Let me introduce you all" she smiled, grabbing each girl's hand gently.
"This is my sweet little Jennie, her dick will surely make you beg for mercy"
Jennie stepped forward, flashing her figure. She approached Lisa slowly, admiring her curvaceous beauty, taking her time to explore every inch of Lisa's delicious body.
Meanwhile, you couldn't help but feel aroused watching them both, especially when Lisa began unzipping Jennie's pants, exposing her throbbing cock. It seemed almost surreal seeing these two powerful females getting intimate with each other. Furthermore, you were the only member with a vagina.
As you turned towards Jisoo, who was already undressed, ready to ravage you with her expert touch, you noticed Rosé kneeling down beside you, her hands moving seductively across your thighs.
She whispered into your ear, "Remember, I am here for you too... don't forget about me..."
Her words sent shivers down your spine, making you want her just as badly as the rest.
Without further delay, Jisoo pushed you onto the bed, climbing on top of you. Her soft lips met yours passionately, sending waves of desire coursing through your veins.
Your mind raced with anticipation, wondering which position would bring out the most pleasure. Your unnie eagerly awaited her turn, her breath coming in short bursts. With a devious grin, she pulled you closer, allowing her fingers to tease your sensitive skin.
As you felt the warmth of her lips brushing against yours, your heart raced faster. This was unlike anything you ever experienced, the thrill of having four beautiful women surround you, each craving their share of passionate embrace.
Without warning, Jennie grasped your head firmly, guiding you towards her hardened member. You couldn't resist its allure, leaning forward to taste her. Her moans filled the room as you caressed her soft skin, feeling her excitement grow with each passing second.
At that moment, Lisa, who was masturbating, approached both of you and saw you; you swallowing Jennie's cock and Jennie. She also needed to taste your throat at the same time as Jennie. Seeing you there, choking a little, she was excited by the idea that she would provoke the same reflex in you, just as Jennie was doing.
At first she wanted to fuck your face, then slowly withdraw her cock while you choke with Jennie's one, now it became clear to her that she didn't need to do any of this, because you did that perfectly yourself. So you were completely alone in front of four hot women who are giving you what you can't get enough. And since all four are equally desirable, your options for getting pleasure have multiplied.
Now with both cocks in your mouth, you were able to go up and down without much problem, licking, sucking, kissing and licking again, in no particular order, tasting and playing with different flavors. You had always loved giving blowjobs but now it's even better, the sense of satisfaction never been so complete. Jennie enjoyed it too, as she was pushing her cum in your mouth, so you could swallow it and enjoy the rich taste. On the other hand, with Lisa, the more you sucked, the more she got excited. Also, you never imagined it could be such an awesome feeling being completely submissive, knowing you were only useful for fulfilling sexual desires.
While your tongue was quickly working on your unnies' dicks, two other tongues were on you, one on your clit and the other inside you sweet hole; Jisoo and Rosé were clearly enjoying you as much as you liked them, you felt incredibly sexy with them tonguing at you. While the blonde was sucking on your clit, the oldest was exploring your walls with her tongue, making sure she got every inch of you. They went on like this for a while until Jennie lost control and grabbed your head, holding it tightly, keeping you still while she unleashed her orgasm. The sweetest taste of cum flooded your mouth and you tried to catch as much as you could but some escaped from your open mouth.
Lisa, feeling the cum of her unnie mixing with her meat and your throat's juice, could no longer hold back and moaned with pure joy. At that moment, your throat was invaded by that white liquid again and your eyes closed with ecstasy as you were pleasured with the thick cream of both girls, forcing you to drink the load of them
Now your tongue and her shafts made contact, both retreating from your mouth with an audible "pop!" After licking off their cum, you moaned sluttily, since the activity had not ended there; Rosé and Jisoo were between your legs, eating you out. Their warm breath on your crotch made your knees tremble and your heart race, causing Lisa to make another pass with her tongue and eat you some more, so now all three tongues were lapping away at your snatch, creating an ocean of sensations inside you.
Feeling Lisa's finger slide inside you, it was then you realized how you had neglected your own pleasure all the time. In fact, Lisa showed you what a girl's tongue feels like inside you , how much it would excite you when another woman licked it, while another slides her finger in you. That feeling of wetness and relaxation while she plays with your walls made you moan loudly, unable to contain yourself. She inserted her middle finger deeper and twirled it around, applying gentle pressure to your G-spot, while the tip of Jisoo's index finger continued to stimulate your clit, spreading you wider and opening you up.
Suddenly Rosé and Jisoo were pulled away, leaving only Lisa's finger buried deep in you. At first she withdrew it, licking the fluid oozing out, making you want more. But Lisa quickly brought it back and slid it all the way in, making you squirm and whine. Your moans were loud, filling the room, drawing everyone's attention towards you.
With that last stroke, Lisa stopped, removed her fingers, covered them with your juices, then placed them on your lips and pushed them in, cleaning herself off. This action, followed by Jennie's breath on your neck, told you they were close, and you knew that soon you would feel their big cocks inside you.
In an instant, you found yourself with Rosé behind you, while Jennie stood in front of you. Your body quivered as you felt Rosé's cold, lubed fingers tracing circles along your back entrance, causing waves of delightful sensations to course through your veins.
In response, you reached out and cupped Jennie's breasts tenderly, letting your fingertips glide across the smooth texture of her nipples. She let out a sharp intake of breath, unable to hide her arousal any longer. Desire danced in her eyes as she stuck her head out passing your shoulder, meeting Rosé's expectant gaze. Both of them shared a silent understanding; this night was meant to break boundaries, to push limits beyond what they thought possible.
Before either of them could react, Lisa took hold of the situation, slinking gracefully to her side. With calculated movements, she eased her way between Jennie and Rosé, placing a kiss on each of their lips simultaneously.
She stood behind you, next to Rosé, both looked at each other and smiled at each other triumphantly, since they shared the same purpose; to totally gape your little hole.
Meanwhile, Jisoo was stroking herself at your side, her member was dangerously close to your face.
She chuckled and looked down at you "Be a good girl and take my cock"
You allowed Jisoo to push her hard and deep into your mouth. With each thrust of Jisoo's cock, her entire shaft slid down your throat. When it finally hit the back of your mouth, the tip met the back of your throat. As you kept pumping Jisoo's cock in and out of your mouth, Jennie entered your pussy, slamming her hips into you. You turned your head, watching Rosé and Lisa continue to pound your ass with their full cocks. You felt incredible stretched out by two cocks inside your butt at once.
The sensations of your three holes being pounded by these powerful cocks had been building for days. Each thrust sent jolts of pain and bliss to your insides, making you want them to go harder, faster. While both Lisa and Rosé's cocks poked in and out of your anus, Jennie took her time slowly entering your pussy, just enough for your muscles to relax, giving her better access. She started pulling out almost all the way, stopping just short of where you had been fucked before.
This motion put added pressure onto your swollen clit. Every time Jennie withdrew, the throbbing sensation returned and became even stronger, but just as fast as she penetrated you, she retreated again. It was driving you crazy, wanting Jennie to push deeper and deeper. It didn't help that Jisoo's massive dick rubbed against your throat each time it was forced into your mouth. Her deep breathing, mixed with her heavy breathing, drove you crazy as you struggled not to gag on her hard shaft.
After spending too long under the combined stimulation, your orgasm started to build, swelling until it exploded inside you. You couldn't stop it; you let out a scream of release. Your walls squeezed Jennie's dick, making her thrust harder and deeper into you.
Finally, she gave one final shove and came inside you. You could feel every drop running out of you. When you finally calmed down, she stepped back, freeing you from the stimulation. But still, you had two cocks inside your gaping hole, which made you feel even hornier than before. Lisa leaned over and you turned your head back, offering you her warm tongue, which you eagerly sucked, flicking it against your roof of your mouth as you tasted her essence.
Finally, Rosé stopped thrusting into you, crying out her orgasm as she filled you up with cum. Lisa's strokes slowed as well. After a minute or so, she let the spunk fill you too, Slowly, she retracted her hard cock from your asshole, releasing her from its warmth and delicious tightness. Cum leaked out of your hole and pooled around your puckered asshole, creating a sticky mess.
Rosé stood next to you, abandoning your gaped hole. Her wet, leaking penis was now in front of you, it was getting harder and bigger by the second. A shiver went down your spine as you realized how much of a challenge Rosé was about to pose.
With an eager grin, you wrapped your hand around Rosé's engorged member and pulled it towards your mouth. Before you knew it, you were sucking and licking Rosé's fat, sensitive dick. The taste was salty and slightly bitter, it had become more pleasurable after several minutes. Rosé moaned louder, reaching for your head, holding you down as she thrusted into your mouth.
"You look so good sucking daddy's cock"
You turned to see who had said that and it was Jisoo, who, although you had not noticed it at that moment, was already behind you pounding your loosened ass.
Jennie and Lisa were masturbating, seeing how Rosé and Jisoo used you and desecrate you in those ways. Their hardened members were pointing straight at you, and that only meant one thing; absolutely your entire body would be marked with their sperm.
While you continued deepthroating Rosé and your unnie continued to fuck your ass, Jennie and Lisa approached your tits, squeezing them roughly. They tore at your nipples, biting and pulling them while Rosé fucked your throat.
It was vital that you came again, but despite your best efforts, the intense pleasure simply wouldn't fade away. The four girls were already about to came when you managed to come a third time. Now it was all a race to see who would be the first to take a load from you. Rosé knew what she was doing, grinding her cock into your mouth like a bull ramming a matador, trying to force her seed down your throat. Jisoo followed suit, thrusting forcefully into your sore ass, bringing herself to orgasm. Then Jennie and Lisa, desperately pumping their softening cocks.
As the splatters of Rosé's seed landed down your throat, Jisoo pulled her cock out of your gaped anus, pointing all its essence at your back and ass crack. JenLisa came right on your face, pushing all their sperm in your body. Their hot cum dripped down your tits, staining them white.
As they looked down at you covered in all this filth, Jennie gave you a sweet kiss on your lips, then Lisa gave you another one. Out of nowhere, the four girls were hugging you, they didn't care that your whole body was full of their cum, both inside and out.
Your group spent the rest of the night laughing and telling dirty jokes. Everyone was having fun. And although you all promised to keep things discreet, you could already tell that you had formed something deeper than friends, deeper than bandmates, you all loved each other deeply.
#kpop x reader#wlw#wlw nsft#g!p#not sfw#reader insert#blackpink x reader#jisoo x reader#jennie x reader#rose x reader#park chaeyoung x reader#lisa x reader#lalisa manoban x reader#jisoo smut#jennie smut#rose smut#park chaeyoung smut#lisa smut#lalisa manoban smut#blackpink smut#girl group x reader#kpop smut
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☠︎︎𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄☠︎︎
Possessive-Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female-Reader
Request (summarized): Possessive!Boyfriend!Ghost
Requested anonymously
Themes: fluff
୨୧ Stay in for the night. Ghost doesn't want you to go out alone. Besides, he'll spoil you rotten anyway. ୨୧
CW: use of '☆☆☆' in place of reader's name, implied age gap (it's up to you how big it is) possessive behavior (obviously),Ghost is a little rough with you, mentions of drugging, Contact me if I need to add more.
Ghost had issues. Mommy issues, daddy issues, anger issues; you name it, he's struggling with it. But, God, did my guy have trust issues. He had a habit of checking both your phones for the time just in case one of your devices were off by a minute or so. He initially couldn't help being this way. He's just so anxious. And it makes him...possessive.
Ghost sits leaned back on the couch, legs spread like warm butter on a pancake, still in uniform as he was too lazy tired to take it off. His hands are clasped together as he stares blankly at the TV, not even fully focused on whatever bullshit 90s romcom rerun was playing. He couldn't think about that right now. Not knowing you were in the other room, doing God knows what.
Simon had a heavy urge to burst in to see what you were doing, wondering if he'd find you sexting some random guy on tumblr (or whatever other social media platforms you had), but he knows even the slight implication that he thinks you're cheating will piss you off, so he stays in place, brown eyes hazed with thought.
His head whips instantly, his mind processing as you walk past him in some skimpy cheetah print (favorite color) dress, some chunky black heels, and your favorite necklace. He gruffs lowly, standing to his feet as you reach for the door.
He grabs your hand, turning you around.
"Where're you goin'?" His voice is low, yet animated, pointing out his frustration at your lack of even acknowledging your own boyfriend's presence. "Out." You answer flatly.
Ooh, he did NOT like your attitude. His grip on your wrist tightens. "Aren't you a smartass? Out where, love?" His tone is more sarcastic. "My friend's house. She's throwing a party." You respind, now frowning at his grasp on you.
Oh. Hell. No.
"Tell her you can't make it." "What?" "Ya heard me, love. Cancel. You're not going." He looks down at you, his towering stature adding a certain predatory feel to his serious gaze. "You can't decide if I go. You're not my dad." You pouted.
His brows loosen at that, eyes widening a bit. "You always do this, Simon. I'm not your little girl, I'm a grown damn woman. You think you can just boss me around cause I'm younger and shorter than you but you cannot keep doing this to me. You keep me locked in this house like a pet. You don't trust me." You snatch your hand away, folding your arms.
"...☆☆☆... baby. I do trust you. You're the only one I trust. It's everyone else I'm worried about. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you go out and something bad happens when I can prevent it." He explains, his hands easing into his pockets with guilt. He knows your right. He's always like this. Keeping you on such a tight leash.
You sigh, your gaze flickering between his eyes, seeing the shame. He was like a puppy being scolded for chewing to shoes. "...fine. I'll stay." You give in, walking past him and back up the stairs. He sighs, turning to watch you leave.
You lay in bed, arms folded as Ghost rests his head on your tummy. He looks up at you, pretty brown eyes filled with love as his thumbs caresses your hips. He's finally in something more comfortable, the fabric of his shirt between your thighs feeling oh so warm and cozy.
Neither of you spoke a weird, unsure if you were even able to talk to eachother. You were still a little cranky about his attitude, and he was still trying to suppress the guilt of pressuring you to stay.
"I'll make it up to you, love." "I'm sure you will." You respond flatly. "Don't be so uptight. I'll take you to your favorite restaurant tomorrow and we can get you a new band shirt from Spencer's." He rubs a hand across your stomach. "Bribery doesn't work on me, Simon." You turn away.
"I'll add on a new handbag and a little sweet treat too." He offers in a singsong voice. "Well,...I do want a little sweet treat." You run a hand through his dusty blonde hair. "Good." He squeezes your hips. "I'll buy you anything you want as long as you let me keep you safe." He smirks. You couldn't be mad at him forever. Not when he was so cunning.
୨୧ You can support me by liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or cashapping me @fundsbrownie. Donations are optional, but much appreciated. Have fun! And remember, take care of yourself.
#☆nova's puppies and kittens#fanfiction#cod fanfic#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost riley#lieutenant riley#lieutenant ghost#task force 141#cod 141#tf 141#141 fluff#ghost fluff#simon riley fluff#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley x y/n#ghost x reader#ghost x you#ghost x y/n#ghost cod#simon cod#☆simon riley#my fics#fluff fic#older bf!simon#sfw fic#younger!reader#possessive!simon#lieutenant simon riley
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OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I just read the Azul thought and I totally agree!! It makes me excited to see his breaking point when his contracts are all destroyed!!! AH!! (≧▽≦) Can't wait to see him crying and sobbing because all his hard work turned to dust, that he's once more proven to be a pathetic yandere. Outclassed by some like Leona that even MC [A darling!] chose to live and work with Leona more than him. [and on that note: I can also imagine that this memory will make Azul more spiteful with Leona post-ob.]
And speaking of Leona!! I also had a thought. Did you know that in the original Lion King, Scar liked Simba's mom? And one of the reasons he killed Mufasa was to have her when he becomes king. I was wondering if you're going to incorporate that? That Leona once thought of Cheka's mom as his darling, and when his brother took her away [Like he took everything else from him] Leona was filled with hatred; In a Leona-centered event, Leona was said to have done everything in his power to prove that he too should have a claim to the throne and that he was better than his brother, only to give up once his brother's reign became secure after producing Cheka. I would imagine yan-au Leona to try and fight his brother for darling, only to lose. And he'd keep fighting, of course, he's nothing but tenacious. Only to have his spirits crushed when it's announced that she's pregnant. [Which you said is an ultimate claim of the darling?]
He went to school late because of that and he stayed there because he didn't like going home [Probably gets sour every time he catches sight of Cheka.] And you said that yanderes can find out that they can mistake a darling to be theirs until they meet "The true one". So will MC be a victim of this "True Darling" schtick? I imagine this can fuel Leona's possessive tendencies. He's already lost once. I doubt he'd want to lose again. [I also imagine he'd be pissed at Riddle and everyone else during his OB, cause they specifically kept MC away as he was "too dangerous"] just a thought dump, hope this is okay?
Don’t worry! It was perfectly okay!!
Azul’s going to want to kill Leona.
After finding out Leona, a strong yandere, sent him back to being a pathetic, useless yandere again with just a little magic is destroying him. And when he finds out you worked with him (you hate him, you think he’s too weak so you chose someone stronger because he’s too pathetic-) well, that’ll just destroy him. When he finds out that you slept in Leona’s bed because of your deal. Knowing that you were wrapped in that beast’s arms for three nights makes his cold blood boil that much hotter.
(Side note - Chad Leona stealing Beta Azul’s girl was a hilarious idea I came up with as I was writing this. I thought I’d share it.)
He wants to skin that lion alive. But if you come to him for any help in getting away from the lion, he’ll do it without a second thought, anything he can do to draw you to him and away from that lazy, oversized house cat.
* * * *
But let’s move back to Leona. But before that, Scar.
I actually did know that Scar liked Sarabi, that’s the name of Simba’s mom, which is why I’ve made her his darling. Scar says in the Lion King that Mufasa was always stronger than him, so maybe Scar tried to fight for the throne and Sarabi’s hand and failed. And because of that it’s one of the reasons he kills his brother and tries to kill Simba, because he wants to get rid of every reminder that he didn’t win her hand originally.
Now back to Leona, he is similar. He originally assumed Falena’s wife, then fiance, to be his darling back when his brother brought her home. She was beautiful, smart and sly. She wasn’t some useless basic princess, she was clever and snarky, noble and strong. Back then, he confused her for his darling. And for good reason, back then he once saw her as perfect.
But as soon as he saw the bite mark on the back of her neck, the love at first sight dissolved into jealous fury. Of course, his brother would try to take everything he ever wanted away from him before he could even try to get it. Like he always did.
Watching him wrap his arm around her, kiss her, and touch her made that jealous burn all the brighter. He obviously tried to fight his brother for her, but while he was given the brains in the family, his brother got the brute strength and he lost. Whenever he tried again, he lost again. He even hoped his brother would fail in the rituals needed for him to marry her, but once again the brute found success.
And then they got married, and then she got pregnant, and after that Cheka was born. And that little ankle biter wouldn’t leave him alone, permanently reminding him about his loss. Going home drilled that agonising reminder into his heart.
But then, he met you.
There’s a saying that if you confuse someone else as your darling, their traits will be similar to your true darling. And you are all those things.
He knew you were his as soon as he breathed in your scent. And he was given his second chance to have his darling. His true one this time. But that’s what makes him so possessive. Fuelled by his animal instincts and past loss, he’s not going to risk losing you.
Regarding his rage at the others for keeping you away from him, he’s definitely pissed combined with the reminder of his other losses. The urge to dissolve them into sand particles for them keeping his darling away from him.
Seven forbid Leona finds out Malleus has been spending time with you. Seven forbid Leona finds out you’re also Malleus’ darling. Leona’s not dumb, as soon as he can get you he will.
Better be smart, Herbivore~
#ask#i love asks#yandereverse au#yandere twisted wonderland#yandere azul ashengrotto#yandere leona kingscholar
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Part 1 Part 2 part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6.1 Part 6.1
tw: mentions of suicide, abusive tendencies, strong language, light manipulation, emotional whiplash, drug use
“Green light!’ the doll calls out.
We all start walking forward. When the doll calls out red light the man, 456, shouts out for everyone to freeze. I can't help but flinch every time. We have made it to about half way when a girl starts screaming. She laughs and says something, then there is a loud bang. 456, starts yelling orders. For people to not move. I'm confused until a lady screams and people start running. There are many loud bangs as the voice on the intercom reads out a list of players that are eliminated.
456 finally gets everyone's attention telling them to get in single file lines with taller people in the front. I hide behind a tall girl. She was the girl who I was behind in the stairwell. The intercom repeats the rules before the doll calls out ‘green light’ again.
We have almost made it to the finish when my stomach starts cramping and I lean over to grip the girl's shirt groaning in pain.
“Hey are you ok?” she asks.
“Yes yes. Just.. just a stomach ache.” If people know I'm pregnant they may think I'm weak.
When we cross the finish line I look back out over the crowd and see the amount of blood sprayed over the field. I double over and spill my guts.
“Celina.” I hear his voice.
I freeze and go to walk away but a hand on my upper arm spins me around.
“What the hell are you doing here?” su-bong asks me.
His pupils are huge and I give him a disapproving look. I shrug his hand off my arm and turn to walk away, getting mixed with him is not something I want to do right now. Once again I find myself being forced to look at him. 120 grabs me and pulls me behind her. Glaring down at him. He scowls up at her before turning to walk away.
She turns too look at me with concern. “Friend of yours?”
I place my hand on my stomach. “Uhm..”
Her eyes widened “oh.. Oh!”
“Shhh. Please I cant have people thinking i'm not a good teammate.” she nods.
When we are all taken back to the main room I feel fatigue set in and I immediately go to lay in my bed thankfully I don't have blood on me like most players so I don't need to take my jacket off yet, not like I want to. The scars that litter my arms I know would cause unwanted attention.
“Uhm… 121?” I hear a soft voice behind me.
“Hm? Oh 222, hi.” I say
Behind her are an elderly woman and a younger boy. 120. Is also with them.
“Can I help you guys?”
“We were wondering if you would want to team up with us?” she asks.
My eyes widen and I feel unnecessary tears well in my eyes. I nod my head
The sliding suddenly opens and the man with the square mask starts talking. A lady begins begging for him to let her go. Before I know it we are in the process of taking a vote for who wants to stay and leave. We started with 456, I watched su-bong skip up to the button and press the o, our eyes met for a second before I turned away. When my number is called I slowly walk up to the button my hands trembling. The internal debate of getting out alive but the mountain of debt I have. I hope to survive and get out with the money. Suddenly I felt a kick in my belly. I gasp and lean over the button. Guilt racks my heart as I forgot I am not deciding for only myself anymore. A tear escapes my eye, as I hit the x, the room shining red for just a second. I hear a mix of sighs of relief and disappointment. I receive my patch and go to stand beside 222 and the elderly lady. Even without looking I can feel his eyes on me. When the voting is done I feel tears escape my eyes when I see that we will be staying for another game. I walk back to my bed in defeat. When I got there su-bong was already sitting there with his friend.
“So I wasn’t just high. You really are her babe.” he says getting up.
I back away from him falling onto someone else's bed.
“What are you doing here babe?”
“Don't call me that su- thanos.” he would always get annoyed if I called him su-bong in public.
“Don’t be like that, I have missed you girl.” he says grabbing my wrist and pulling me down so I am sitting in his lap.
Panic as his arms wrap around my stomach and his body stills. At that exact moment my child has chosen now would be a good time to be active. And I can feel him kick my stomach. Right. Against. His. hand.
“What the fuck. Are you-” I shoot up out of his hold and bolt off to the bathroom.
Slamming the door open I kneel in front of the toilet and empty my guts. Tears burn my eyes at the burning feeling in the back of my throat and the aching in my chest. The door to the bathroom slams open and I hear su-bong calling out my name. He sounds beyond furious. I sit huddled on the toilet clutching my stomach. I remember all to late that the door is not locket as its slams open omitting a crashing sound when it hits the wall.
“Are you.” it wasn't a question at this point.
I simply nod, I try but the tear will not stop.
“Is it mine.” again it was not a question.
I nod. Before I can blink he is kneeling in front of me staring at my stomach. He reaches out slowly being met with a little kick in return. His face is full of hurt confusion and anger.
“How far along are you.”
“24 weeks.” I whisper, dropping my head.
“How long have you known.”
“I found out at 14 weeks.”
“And you left me at 10.”
“Su-bong I-” I am cut off with him slamming his fist into the wall. I flinch and shrink into the toilet seat.
I yell out as his fist tangles in my hair and yanks my head back to look at him. His jaw is tense and his pupils are shot.
“How did you find out.”
“Dont fucking stutter when you talking to me bitch.” he spits yanking my hair again.
My scalp burns with the abuse. “I found out when I was at the hospital!” I cry.
“Why the fuck where you at the hospital, celina.”
“Su-” a sharp tug on my hair corrects me. “Thanos, please stop hurting me.” I sob.
“Baby you know I hate repeating myself.”
“I wanted to die!” I sob.
His motions freeze. I think I could hear his breathing stop for a moment.
“You. you tried?” I nod the best I could with his grip on my hair.
Before I know it I am being pulled into my ex’s arm. He cradles my head to his chest and I bury my face in his chest letting out all my frustration and sadness and anger. And god damn it i missed him. I missed my su-bong.
“Can I see?” I hear him whisper.
Sniffling, I pull back and look at him, “see?”
He looks at my stomach.
“My arms are… gross.”
He just cocks his head at me like a stupid fucking puppy not understanding why its getting scolded. This is why I hate it when he is on drugs. He gets so bipolar.
“I want to see,” he says placing his hand on my stomach again.
I sigh. With trembling hands I unzip my hoodie and let it slide down my area. My short sleeve shirt is just slightly too tight against my growing bump. Despite wanting to see my belly his eyes immediately lock onto my arms and his face contorts into an emotion I have never seen on his face. I wrap my arms around myself.
“Before I came here.” he pauses, placing his hands on my shoulders and running them down to take my hands. “The recruiter found me on a bridge. I was gonna jump. There was my debt and then the drugs and before I knew it you were gone and I didn’t know where you were. I missed you so much baby.”
I’m the one to pull him into me this time “su-bong-”
The door to the bathroom slams open, cutting off what I was about to say. We both whip around to look at who just entered.
hi everyone I am happy that I got to post this chapter so soon, I am sorry about the second cliffhanger in a row, I cant say anything other than I hope you think them as much as do. Let me know what you think! or if you want me to take a brake from this story and focus on a specific request, my requests are always open!
till next time
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heyyy I love your writing. I have a request for ellie x fem reader, but it's the readers first time with a girl.
thank you angel <3 I got too excited writing it and it ended up being a little long, but I hope you like it!
smut, +18.
When the kiss gets deeper, you start to think. The thoughts in your head start to fight eachothers, they bite and punch and die and come back to life as Ellie grabs your waist. Her grip is strong, hungry, her fingertips kissing every inch of skin.
You try to follow her lead, trying to mimic some of her movements but your lack of experience gives you away. Ellie's hands are everywhere, in your waist, in your neck, in your legs, in your face.
She is hovering above you, your back buried in between the pillows, her body in between your legs. As she continues her kiss the red lights in your head begin to flicker incessantly, remembering that you are in fact a virgin, a girl who lacks experience, and that the furthest you got was when Ellie playfully bit your neck, which caused you to replay the scene in your head for the rest of the night.
You wanted this, you wanted to have experience, you wanted to have fun and enjoy sex like everyone else did, but you were also afraid. You always knew that Ellie had other girls before you, and that for obvious reasons she had more experience than you, and the thought that tortured you every day was not the fact that she had loved other girls before, but that those girls knew what to do to turn her on, to tease her, and you did not.
You were terrified that when the time came you wouldn't be good enough for her.
And to your horror (and your excitement) the time might have come now.
"Why is your body so soft?" Ellie murmurs as she kisses your neck, making a path to your clavicles "I might drown in your skin" you tried to laugh at her joke, but instead a weird sound comes out of your mouth. Ellie looks at you "You okay?" you nod frantically, strands of hair accompanying the movement.
Ellie leaves your neck and straightens up, your thighs on hers, her hands caressing your naked legs "You know we can't stop if you want, right?" her hair is messy and her lips are a bit swollen "You don't have to do this if you don't want"
You smile softly. She's a good person, you think "I know"
Lately you are consumed by a sense of not giving Ellie enough. That someday she will wake up tired of your fears and will come to your door to leave you forever.
But you know that's not true because Ellie is a good person "So what's happening?"
"What do you mean?" you replie, hands in your stomach
"You have been acting weird everytime i try something"
You want to punch yourself in the face.
"You don't not like it?" she asks.
"No!" you say, instant regret at seeing her face "I mean, yes, yes i do like it Ellie" you lick your lips, thinking "You are totally not the problem"
"Tell me what are you thinking" her voice is soft, she keeps caressing your legs, up and down.
You stare at the ceiling, and the ceiling quickly takes on such an interesting appearance that you would rather stare at it for hours than face the embarrassment that was invading you "Is stupid" you say "It's not important"
After a few seconds of silence, you look at her. She is waiting for you to speak.
"I just get nervous" you play with your fingers as you speak "I don't know what should i do, or what shouldn't. Im scared i might be bad in bed and you won't like it"
Ellie furrows her eyebrows "You don't have to worry about that, it's logical that you don't know what to do"
"Yeah but you know a lot!"
"Are you calling me a whore?"
"No!" you cover your face with your hands "I give up"
Ellie laughs and places her hands over yours, taking them off your face "I'm sorry" she brings them to her lips and plants a kiss on the back of your hand "But seriously, you don't have to worry about that"
"Nobody knows anything the first time" she continues "You just get good with practice" Ellie start to kiss your arms, her lips feeling every inch of skin as she reach your shoulders, moving her mouth to your neck, her body in between your legs once again.
She plants wet kisses in your neck, bitting softly and kissing the spot after. You felt how your fears start to fade with every kiss.
"Plus, is better if you have a good teacher" she murmurs and you laugh, the echo of your action reflecting in your chest.
"Are you supposed to be the good teacher?" she nods briefly, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around her waist.
When Ellie leaves your neck and looks you in the eye, you realize the joke is over. Her eyes pierce yours, full of lust. She kiss your lips with so much hunger that she thinks she might die just by kissing you. Her fingers sneak under your shirt and make contact with your skin, warm and soft just for Ellie's pleasure.
Your body acts alone. Your chest chases the warmth of Ellie's hand, famished by her touch, no longer afraid but excited. She caress your torso, trying to memorize every inch of it, feeling in a fever dream.
She never stops kissing you, but her mind is in the way you feel against her fingers, and she don't understand how long she had been alive without knowing that feeling.
A scene of absolute tenderness unfolds in the room. A non-verbal language that only their bodies understand, a language that has only two speakers in the world.
Words are not needed when Ellie leaves your lips to look at your shirt, you quickly take it off without a second thought. You feel her eyes scan your body like x-rays, and for a moment you think she might see your heart pounding.
"And you dared to be nervous?" she says, her eyes admiring your torso, a pastel pink bra decorating your breasts.
You chuckle with a bit of shame, wanting to cover yourself but knowing that you don't have to "Take yours off?" you asks shyly.
Ellie obeys and takes her shirt off quickly, a black sport bra greets your eyes and you love how fearless and shameless she is with you.
"Your wish is my command" she says and you laugh. You laugh and you laugh because your heart does not know how to express this feeling so sharp that dwells in your body, this love and this desire ""Can I take this off?" Ellie asks, touching the seam of your shorts. You nod.
The kisses resume quickly, only this time you feel them on your covered breasts, on your stomach, on your ribs. You feel holy, as if your skin is made of the most expensive diamond and only Ellie can have access to it.
Kisses sail among the sea that is your body, the sounds of wet mouths adorn the room. Ellie unfolds a path of kisses to your underwear, her teeth playing with the elastic of your panties "How are you feeling?" she asks, her breath hitting your pelvic bone.
You feel in cloud nine. Ellie's kisses work like the most expensive drug on the market, leaving you foolish and lustful "Good..." your murmur, too lost in the upcoming pleasure to say more than one word.
Ellie smiles in your skin "You want to keep going?" she says
You make a positive sound that Ellie takes as a yes. You grab her hair when she plant a kiss in your clothed cunt. She place your legs on her shoulders so that you are now completely open for her, exposed only to her.
For a few moments, Ellie hesitates. She feels that her mind has erased all experience ever acquired and now she lies blank, not knowing what to do. It was common knowledge about Ellie's adventures with different girls before she met you, the rumors about her development in bed were no secret, and she would never admit it but she felt some pride in those sayings.
Nights and nights Ellie had fantasized about this scenario, about having you at her mercy, about being able to enjoy your body for as many hours as she wanted. She never said it out loud because she didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured, but every time your skirt lifted a little Ellie felt like she couldn't contain herself.
So she feels totally lost when these wishes come true and she has you lying down for her, waiting for her.
She is about to surrender when with a subtle movement you guide Ellie's head towards your pussy, a vulgar movement but coming from you it transforms into something almost tender, and Ellie finds herself again.
She moves your panties to the side and kiss your skin down there, you gasp. Her finger collects all the wetness and start making little circles in your clit, aplying pressure when she feels like it.
She watch your body react to her. Your mouth open, whimpers coming out as she speeds her pace, your grip getting harder in her hair.
Ellie watch you a few seconds more, afraid that she would come just from touching you.
She places her mouth in your cunt, licking your clit and teasing your hole with her finger. You moan and quickly understand why people talk so much about sex, bragging about how good it is. Ellie controls your body in a way that makes the moans fight to get out of your mouth and your eyes close from pleasure, and you don't understand how you could go so long without knowing what Ellie's mouth feels like.
"I'm going to add a finger," she announces, and you smile at her sayings, analyzing how weird it sounds in any other situation "Tell me if it hurts"
At first, a burning sensation invades you. The feeling is weird, it burns everytime she moves but you want more. She moves her finger in and out slowly, watching your face for a signal of something "How is that?" she says
You whimper when she curls her finger, the uncomfortable sensation disappearing as the seconds pass. "Faster" you say and is all Ellie need to know.
She obeys and start fucking you faster, to mesmerized by the view of your cunt. You start to play with your breasts unconsciously, lifting up your bra and touching your nipples and when Ellie sees that she thinks she creamed her boxers.
Too selfish for her own pride, she straightens up and starts sucking on your breasts, her fingers still fucking you. You grab her neck, feeling her tongue play with your hardened nipples and her finger accelerates the onslaught. Ellie adds a second finger and you start to lose it.
Your legs are trembling and you feel your climax close "Ellie..." you murmur, lost in pleasure
"Tell me what you need"
You moan loudly when she curls her finger "Please" you continue "Harder"
She obey and start to finger fuck you harder, her thrust making your tits bounce to the pleasure of her eyes. She sits and watch the naughtiness of your acts, how you lick your dry lips and how your pussy swallows her fingers, how is cum leaking out of your hole, translucent white liquid adorning her fingers. Ellie hears the wet sound of her fingers against your cunt and whimper herself.
Ellie feels like she could faint from such a view.
Your orgasm hit you without warning, your body trembling in pleasure, feeling how your pussy leaks.
Ellie looks at her fingers covered in you and put them in her mouth, looking at you. Her tongue clean the cream and taste your sweet flavor.
You almost cum again seeing that scene.
After a few seconds, she goes and grabs a wet towel, moving your weak legs to clean your mess and put your panties in place. You feel light-headed, still recovering from your recent orgasm when Ellie comes back and lay down by your side, caressing your hair "Did you had a good time?" she asks, knowing the answer
You nudge her playfully, giggling at her question "You are such a narcissistic Ellie Williams" you murmur settling into her chest, your head on her heart, hugging her torso. You feel Ellie's chest heave as she replies "You didn't answer my question" her hand gently strokes your hair.
"I had an horrible time" you joke and she laughs
"Good" she says, her fingers tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "I'm glad"
#ellie wiliams#tlou#tlou2#the last of us#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams x reader#ellie x reader#ellie the last of us#ellie x fem reader
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