iceclew · 18 days
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Finally my boi, it's your turn And dare I say he cooked so well ♡
Maybe that's just me, but I love that I tried all new poses again this time. And his design in general is quite appealing to me. Why a stick? I don't know.. I literally like .. forgot he could/should be a mage...since...hello frost magic? it fits?
I sorta neglected the *forest* elf idea a bit. Not saying he's not a forest elf, but I kinda didn't want to go with the typical archer/hunter brownish style, since it would have been really similar to the rest of the group.. also Haruichi is gonna be my archer elf, I cannot take this away, it's against nature and the law. Harulegolas must happen.
Also, I fully embraced pet-fying dragon Kafka now, sorry not sorry.. He is now wish dragon, shapeshifter, basically immortal, emotional support pet, ranked elder dragon, lover - god his day only has 24 hours as well guys,...
(Refs here 1+2, 3)
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alternia-and-beforus · 9 months
I hate your stupid bloooood theyremind me of turkoise slutchhh
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Club Med Turkoise: Lucy Kitcher Pickleball Vacations - Ron/Suu vs Keli/Pedro
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Safe Haven’s Angel Book1 Ch48
The wolf stopped and turned around towards the teacher. He was giving her a look which instantly made her ears drop and she swallowed.
"Um...Yes, Mr. Turkiose?"
"Could you stay after class for a few minutes? I want to have a word with you about something."
Vikki had paused freezing like a deer in headlights as students around her piled out the door around her to leave for the next class. Only her and her just as confused friends remaining to look at the teacher who still calmly stared back. He wanted...HER to stay after class?? But why? Had she done something wrong? She didn't think she did. She didn't forget her homework, she always took notes, she always paid attention, and today was no different than any other day when she paid attention to their history class. After a moment Vikki gulped before looking back to her remaining friends and waved a hand off.
"Y-You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up to you later in Science."
Cappuccino rose a brow. "Are you sure? We can wait for you."
She shook her head again. "N-Nah. I got this." She forced a smile. "Probably won't take too long anyways. Hehe...Heh."
Cappuccino still didn't look really convinced but nodded. "Ok. Don't take too long alright. You know how the teach is when anyone's late."
She smiled and put it up all the way as her friend group left and as soon as all six of them were gone, the smile instantly dropped. Worry settled into her gut instead as she gulped and with her eats pinned back against her head, slowly looked back to Mr. Turkoise. The man was busy shuffling papers but looked up from his desk feeling feeling eyes on him. The two looked at each other for a moment before he gestured her to come forward. Reluctantly Vikki did was with caution clutching her books and pencil case to her chest as she did with worry in her eyes. Once she was in front of the teacher's desk the teacher spoke.
"Thank you for seeing me Vikki. You're not in any trouble I promise," he assured her and she let out a breath of relief. Well...at least she didn't have to worry about getting in trouble over anything. "The reason I asked you to stay behind was to ask you for a small favor."
She blinked. "Favor?"
He nodded. "We've got two new students transferring over to us soon. Being a model student yourself, I figured you'd be a good candidate to show them around since they're going to be your new classmates."
....She sighed in relief again. Oh. That's what he wanted. Gaining her smile back she happily nodded. "O-Of course! I-I'd be happy to show them around! I-It's no trouble at all!"
Mr. Turkoise smiled and nodded. "Very well then. In that case I'll notify you when they arrive. Thank you Vikki. You're dismissed."
Well that wasn't so bad. Vikki turned and made her exit right out of the classroom. She had just stepped out into the hallways when she paused, quickly catching the attention of the person who was leaning against some of the lockers waiting for her. And she scowled. "Were you seriously waiting for me the entire time?"
Crossbones lazily shrugged as he smiled before pushing himself off of the lockers. "Well, I know Cappy worries about cha a lot and someone had to stay behind to walk you to class. And being the gothic gentleman I am I knew I was the right one for the job.~"
Vikki rolled her eyes but did end up smiling much to Crossbones joy. "My hero. C'mon. I don't want to be late for science class. The last thing I need is any more lectures from teachers."
Mu Sigh. With Zechariah busy with more and more Peace Keeper duties, it fell upon himself to manage the school and now someone from the D.C.C. (Demon Control Commission) was on his way over to inspect their school for what? ..Oh right. Well apparently he had some family here and wanted to check in on things. Makes sense. he certainly wanted to keep his own girls safe as well. Sigh. Now only if Zoey and Jamie would stay out of trouble while they tried to deal with things. Fabian was just in the middle of looking at some papers that seemed to be needed to be signed in order to give Carrie's class a permission for their annual trip to the edge of the forest to view the yearly migration of the Giant Four-Eyed Bluejays back to their nesting grounds in the Oceanic Forest as they pass by the District. He signed it. Sure. Why not? The children ought to be able to enjoy themselves for once and Carrie was more than capable of making sure her students were kept safe and sound. As he signed it his ears perked up and his head turned to the door just as a knock sounded out from the other side of it. He started at it for a moment before speaking.
"Yes. Come in whoever you are."
A moment passed and the door opened but who stepped in was someone he didn't recognize. In stepped who looked to be a green draconic man, but it wasn't Malcom. No. This man looked completely different from the jabberjaw Flight Instructor they employed here. He looked like he could've been a librarian who walked right out of a Suit and Tie shop if it also wasn't for the massive staff he carried. If he could even call it that. ..Wait. Was it a staff? It looked more like a weapon! He'd never seen a staff with a freaking BLADESAW on the end of it! The man didn't look like he noticed or cared about Fabian's shocked face as he just let himself in. Strangely radiating an aura of intensity about him despite his calm face. The door closed behind him and silence was the only thing that greeted the two men as they were left staring at one another in silence. Eventually the draconic man rose a brow at Fabian before speaking.
Fabian blinked before his gaze hardened and his eyes narrowed. "No. I'm afraid my husband is not here."
"Where can I find him?"
"I wouldn't know as that is strict Peace Keeper business and above my authority to know about. May I ask who you are though?"
The man gave a hum as if trying to decide if he should indeed say anything to Fabian before speaking again. "When will he be back?"
"I do not know. He's very busy and his current work might keep him away for a long time." His eyes narrowed more. "I am Acting Principle and handling all his affairs within Zoo Pheonix Academy. So anything you would need here would be handled by myself. Now I believe an answer to my previous question of who you are is in order, Sir. So please state your business for coming here."
More silence followed before the green haired man eventually sighed through his nose and gave in to Fabian's questions. "Very well. I shall introduce myself. My name is Fitch, I'm with the D.C.C. Department my agent identity is Agent Zero One One."
"D.C.C Department?" D.C.C...That must've meant he was the person he was expecting to arrive. "Are you with the Advanced or Ultra Groups."
"Celestial Actually."
That made Fabian pause wide eyed...before looking right back at him with surprise once again written all over his face. "Did-...Did you say Celestial?" Top group huh? Well he certainly wasn't expecting that. Why would that high level of slayer be here? "As in-''
The man nodded. "Yes. I handle any and all nasty affairs both inside...and out of Safe Haven's borders. Or as my associates like to put it simply 'pest control'. That is essentially what it is plain and simple. Everything that's filthy from Sirens to Demons is and will be exterminated if they pose any threat what so ever."
"I...see...Well what brings such a high clearanced member of the department like yourself to a school of all places. Surely with the current crises going on you would be needed elsewhere. No offense but it seems ...strange."
This time it was the man, Fitch's turn to narrow his eyes. "I have family here." Fabian's brow rose looking him over. "My daughter attends this school. So does my Niece and my Nephew. And my youngest brother works here as well. Trust me when I say this isn't my only stop within this district, but concerning matters at hand it's not too strange I'd check into this place. Especially recounting some...interesting details about this location."
"Interesting? Like what?"
"For one there was one attack on record involving two vampires nearly fifthteen years ago by now." He didn't miss the way the long tailed fox had paused staring at him. "Not to mention that both said vampires escaped your clutches...And that your Peace Keep has allowed demon royalty to walk amongst these halls."
"The Reigning Hell Royal Family has been in contact with the Peace Keepers since Safe Haven's beginning. YOU of all people should know the standing treaty between the two. They're shall be refuge for those of the royals who chose to be here and in return we get permission to ...eliminate any demons threatening the safety of Safe Haven's borders. Which allows you to do your job. Every Demon Hunter knows this."
"Don't question my knowledge on my job. I live with it, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it."
Fabian huffed but didn't say what was on his mind. "Well then if that is all you may leave my office."
"Actually I do need one other thing. I need any current student's or staff's file of demon, vampire decent or any other relations to any species classified under the watch list."
Fabian snapped to him stunned. "Are you serious? No! That is a pure violation of privacy and judging by how you come off I refuse to risk putting anyone here in danger regardless of reasons you give."
"I have authority to take them if you refuse to cooperate."
"Permission from who!?"
He watched as Fitch reached back into his coat and pulled out a small piece of paper holding it out for the fox to see. "Full permission signed and legalized by the Top Peace Keeper. I expect your full cooperation." After a moment of flabbergasted staring Fabian shot him an angry look. "I'm not given any authority to harm anyone, and I assure you I'm not planning to either. But I will be investigating and looking into anyone who might pose any threats here. You understand."
"Hmph. I understand fine. I just hope you understand that just because you're high clearance doesn't mean you can just go around threatening innocent people and children." He nodded. "You'll be given the files you need but you're not going to be allowed to walk around here unsupervised. I don't feel like giving the children one more thing to worry about."
"Trust me. By the time I'm through no one will have to worry about anything here."
It was a quiet day. Except for the chirping of birds. A gentle breeze swept through the cool air, and the sun shone. Even though it was a peaceful day, not everyone was resting peacefully. Two eyes were wide awake enjoying the beautiful wonders of nature and all it had to provide. On a normal day it would look so much different. Sunny. Birds singing. The park was filled with the happy screaming of children as they played and couples walked too and from down the paths or having picnics in the sunshine. Or if you were him painting a certain scene in the middle of the day. His choice of scenery today was just a random tree in the middle of the park. Might not be anything special but it was a nice thing to paint randomly if you wanted to just do something in your spare time like he did. So he sat there with his set up of a paint stand, canvas, brush in hand, and a couple small portable things of paint he could easily take with him for such an occasion like this. The paint brush dripping with green paint brushed across the canvas in small dab motions as he painted on the leaves to fit the warm vibe he wanted to depict in it. He would've continued doing that too if he wasn't suddenly squished under someone's weight just plopped onto his shoulders.
"Hey, Dimitri. My good deer.~ Pretty picture ya got there. But I'm pretty sure it's still winter. Whatcha doin' painting all the pretty crap on it for?"
Dimitri groaned and had to swivel his head around just to see the demon smirking down at him. "Contrary to what you think I happen to enjoy adding my own touch to things. But considering you were the one who called me here and insisting on a 'big surprise...What do you want, Helsing?"
The taller red headed demon smiled. "Aw. Not excited to see your best friend in the whole entire world?"
"I'm thrilled." Ditmtri shoved the taller demon off of himself before looking at him. "But I thought you said over the phone it was an emergency? And you had to meet me immediately."
"Oh yeah." Helsing got off him and gave him a bright smile. "Dimitri my good man.~ You are looking at the soon to be no longer single man.~"
Dimitri stared at him blankly. "...Huh?''
"I finally got Margy to go out with me you doofus!"
"Margo?...You mean your little sister's babysitter?"
"YEP!" His smile only increased as he smirked and Dimitri rose a brow at seeing the blush flush across his pal's cheeks "Tall, pretty gal, with the softest hair you'd ever seen.~"
"....Ok. Who'd you pay to put a love spell on her?"
The demon squawked gawking at him like a startled chicken for a moment. "WHAT!? I did no such thing! C'mon Dimmy. It's the real deal this time."
"Uh huh. So the girl you had a crush on since middle school just magically finally agreed to go out with you? The one who constantly rejected you, thinks you're annoying, AND once knocked you unconscious because you scared her so badly on Halloween she nearly passed out herself?...I'm not buying it, Helsing. What'd you do to bribe her?"
Helsing fell silent, staring at Dimitri before nervously rubbing his neck. "I mean...I might've told her I'd leave her alone if she did agree-"
"AAAAnd there it is."
"Oh come on, Man. I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and now I got it! I swear I've never been this excited in my whole fucking existance!"
"Well considering you called me for a 'emergency' meeting over the phone JUST to tell me you're going on a date shows me that you're very excited for this at least." The deer shapeshifter turned back to his canvas still blank faced. "Well for what it's worth, good for you. I'm glad you're getting out there into the dating scene."
"Yeah. I got everything planned.~ Got a whole group table reserved at your favorite eating place too. Y'know. The Movie Theater with the built in restaurant and arcade. We're going on a triple date with Julian and your big sis too."
"Camelia?" He rose a brow back to the demon who nodded. "How'd you convince her to step away from work long enough to agree to that?"
"I didn't. Julian did. I just agreed to the triple date so he wouldn't feel so alone on his first date out with her."
"...*sigh* If you say so. I hope you four have a nice time."
"....Maybe you didn't hear me before but..." Dimitri yelped when he was all of a sudden snatched into a side hug by his friend pressed into Helsing's side. He shot an annoyed look up at Helsing when he made him drop his paint brush. "I said triple date. That means you're coming along too as my other bud's blind date.~"
As quickly as Dimitri had look annoyed it quickly flashed over to shock. "WHAT!?"
"That's right! You're always stuck at home with your parents and grandma so I've taken the liberty of setting you up with one of my pals."
"NO WAY IN HELL AM I DOING THAT!!" Dimitri squirmed about frantically until he was able to escape his friend's grasp and push him away enough distance to glare. "I never agreed to be someone else's date!"
"Oh c'mon man. It's not like you're goin' alone. I'll be there, and so's your sister."
"No! There's nothing you can say or do that'll get me to agree to such a ridiculous-"
"I'll pay for any other art supplies or junk food you want for the rest of the year." Now this made Dimitri pause and look at him. Which made Helsing smile. Dimitri had two big weaknesses. Art and any and all junk food the guy liked. "I can afford it. Being Royalty means my dads get me a pretty big allowance and all it costs you is just one date with my pal. I promise he's not a bad guy. In fact he's pretty chill and one of the nicest guys I know."
Dimitri was still looking over him before he frowned and crossed his arms. "That's...a big deal. Some of my demands can be pretty expensive. ...And I only have to go one just ONE date and never again?"
"Sure. That is if ya don't like him. If you wanna just come along and support me n' your sister. PLEASE, Dimmy!" Dimitri blinked as Helsing just said...please. Not that he couldn't but it was a rarity whenever he did. "I promise to get whatever you want after this just please say you'll help be my wingman for this! I-....I really, really like this girl. OK? And...I don't wanna mess it up. So..Say you'll help."
........Dimitri groaned a hand reaching up to rub at his temples. "......When's this 'date'?"
"This Saturday! No one's doing anything that day."
"Fine! Ill go." Helsing perked up- "NOT because I wanna be your friend's blind date." He clarified giving Helsing another scowl. "But because you're my friend and I want to help you since you're so desperate to impress this girl. But let me make it clear, you owe ME big time for this.''
"YES!!" He blinked again as Helsing once again pulled him into a near bone crushing side hug. "Trust me, Dude. Ya won't regret this! You'll love it actually!"
Dimitri groaned tiredly already feeling the headache and dread from the situation bubble up. "Gee. I can't wait."
Muttering can be heard within the otherwise dark and gloomy office. It was quiet in his office...Good. He didn't think he could afford anymore headaches or distractions right now at the moment anyways. Stacks of papers that reached a good foot or two in height each were either on or around his desk as he as quickly and as thoroughly as he could, read through them and either signed them or threw them all away depending what they were. Already his trashcan was full and threatening to over flow with all the backed up work he had to finish in order to get through it all if he wanted to avoid any interactions with Castello...And get back to Juliet as soon as possible. Unfortunately at this pace he might just end up spending the next few days again. Oh well. At least with Juliet being home and recovering he didn't have to worry about her too much now anyways. ...But he still did worry anyways. If anything he had more to worry about that ever before now. It was enough to turn his hair white-
"EEP!?" He practically jumped out of his chair when the door opened by itself and he froze at the person who stepped in. "....Oh no."
Silence built up in the room as none other than Winter himself stepped into the room. The pale boy gave no hesitation, no warning, no...Nothing as he just walked in with papers in his hands, walking right up to the startled dragon's desk and without even waiting held them right out to him.
"My father wanted me to deliver these to you. He wants the entire stack back on his desk my tomorrow morning. No excuses this time." And then he dropped the papers letting them fall back onto his desk without waiting for the dragon's reply before turning back around and starting to leave.
....Marx let off a small sigh. Just like his father. They both even looked and acted the same way but he rather have his boy walk right into his office than his father. Winter compared to Castello was more...understanding to say the least. Now about those papers...More work already added onto his tired self. Marx sat back down tiredly but paused when he noticed Winter ..hadn't left. Instead he was staring at him from the doorway silently which made the older dragon freeze. The silence between them for a moment longer before he spoke.
"Your wife saved my mother...Thank you. I hope Ms. Foxor recovers from her injuries soon."
And then he turned and left just like that. Leaving the baffled dragon just sitting there staring at where he once was....What just happened?
The embodiment of darkness was enticing to say the least. Especially with himself entangled within his grip. It felt…
c o l d.
So cold, so frightening. Yet so familiar. The blood red deeply staring through the soul wriggling, squirming in its hold. White teeth gleaming beside the red eyes in a smile that was not threatening nor welcoming. It was just…there. There for him, the one caught up into the grip of the night and welcoming the laughter that the two children brought to him.
"My children," the voice spoke with that large fanged grin. "How was things?"
"We did exactly as you said. Next week we'll be joining the school trip to the edge of the forest. She will be there and it shouldn't be too long for her to come back home. Though if I'm being honest, I don't get why we're going through all this trouble just to get one girl back."
The voice chuckled. "Ah yes. You may ask why I'm still here in nothing but my bones. What is a purpose in this afterlife? Well it's a..friend. A friend that I made a promise to return to. And even if that friend does not remember that promise anymore, I will go to her and fulfill that promise. And why you may ask? Well it's simple really.....My blood runs through her veins. Now go do as I tell you. When Thursday rolls around we make our move. Vikki will come back where she belongs."
"And that is?"
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bryyan · 5 years
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👼🏻El azul me da muchísima vida ¿Ustedes de qué le ven forma a ese azul más oscuro en el mar? / What shape do you guys see in the sea? 👼🏻 | #sea #ocean #México . . . . . . . . #turkoise #turquesa #azul #cielo #islamujeres #islamujeresmexico #cristalino #aguacristalina #mexico🇲🇽 #clouds #skyporn (en Isla Mujeres) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ct9LRhkve/?igshid=1f45px6yx6exh
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mister-colfer · 3 years
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🦅 Funky eagle with my soldier @ares.twc.a2m.tpm 🦅 Big up @nova_mkc_twc_tpm_a2m and @flow_rce for the chillin and the pics. 🙏 #spraycanart #spraycanartist #eagle #3dgraffiti #3dlettering #aigle #funkyeagle #walloftheday #turquoise #turkoise #ares #mistercolfer #lesaventuresdemistercolfer https://www.instagram.com/p/COIy8OQh-8r/?igshid=1v8311k2rtph
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lelienhof · 4 years
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Empty Pool #offseason #emptypools #autumn #fallingleaves #fog #abandonedplaces #pinetrees #photographer #photography #photo #fotografia #fotograf #mamiya7ii #kodakportra400 #turkoise (ved Slovenia, Nova Gorica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVAnHhAefD/?igshid=1gndb6766mvdy
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schu-schu · 7 years
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hillica · 5 years
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#june #thereishope #in #theair #lovetheocean #turkoise #beauty #hvh https://www.instagram.com/p/Byx9WrXBc1E/?igshid=1xdc0jl8pnsko
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againwithbeth · 6 years
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Turks n Caicos #turksandcaicos #turkoise #club #clubmed #vacation #vaca #someonehastodoit #drinksonme #againwithbeth #fun #funinthesun #livelyday #lively #love (at Providenciales, Turks And Caicos Islands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOUhPkHGTa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s7cgtw4kb4n4
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i am, like baby
head need,.,, support
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Club Turkoise: Lucy Kitcher Pickleball Vacations: Bryn/Chard vs Suu/Pedro
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oldieliebe · 7 years
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RAL 6033 – das digital gemessene Wörthseeblau meine Westys. 👮🏼
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bryyan · 5 years
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☁️El mar y cielo de Tulum. Algunas personas visitan esta playa en la Riviera Maya para snorkeling 🤿. ☁️ | #beach #clouds #turquesa . . . . . . . #turkoise #turquesas #mar #marea #mares #beach #beaches #beachvibes #beachday #bythesea #bythebeach #cieloazul #cielos (en Tulum, Zona Arqueológica & Playa, Rivera Maya) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DHqLqB3N7/?igshid=o90i818pl9dd
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666 smoking crucifix
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konktci · 8 years
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BLACK✖️TURKOISE KONK SIGNATURE SNAPBACKS IN STORES SOON 🇹🇨🐚#turksandcaicos #turksandcaicosislands #downinturksandcaicos #konk #konkz #konkapparel #caribbeanlifestylebrand #caribbean #snapback #goodvibezonly #turksandcaicosnice #represent #hat #snapbacks #newstuff #2017 #islandstyle #konkstyle #islands #signaturekonk #goodvibezonly #turksandcaicosnice #turkoise #turquoise (at Turks & Caicos)
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