#turkish from scratch
“However” in Turkish.
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picniconabroom · 1 year
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Turkish white bean salad (fasulye piyazı)
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deep-sea-horror · 2 years
*putting xie lian washi tape on my latin journal for support*
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seoliee · 7 months
LAD Men as Cats
Here again to serve pure fluffiness. I love cats and I love LAD Men. So, I thought, why don't I try to mix the two together and here we are.
Kind of weird to make my precious fishy; Rafayel into a cat though because he absolutely hates them.
Oh and no, Caleb in this one. I might make a separate one for him though like I did last time. I'LL STOP NOW SORRY.
What if they're your pet cats?
Word Count: 1.5k words
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— RAFAYEL : Grey Birman
• Rafayel was a birthday gift from your best friend. You were immediately pulled in by his mesmerizing eyes that seemed to shine and bore deep within you. The first time you took him into your arms, he looks up at you with a guarded gaze followed up with a low growl.
• It didn't take long for Rafayel to get used to you and his new surroundings, his bursts of energy zooming all over the place that you sometimes can't keep up with him.
• Being an office worker and situated to work from home. You're always confined in your study and in front of a computer often leaving Rafayel on his own company.
• There was a time that you were in a zoom call with your bosses when Rafayel leaps up on your computer desk. He meows softly, trying to get your attention but you were far too focused on your work. He rubs the side of his face on your hand that rests on top of the mouse, and you returned the gesture by petting his cheek in which he purrs at.
• Rafayel walks in front of you, blocking your vision with his built and his fluffy fur as his long puffy tail glides under your chin in the playful manner. You excused yourself from the call and places him down. "Not now, Rafayel. Be patient." You gave him a quick pet before returning to your call.
• Being a very affectionate and somewhat mischievous cat. Rafayel wouldn't let that slide. He leaps up on top of a drawer where one of your mini ornaments were located, eyeing one of them. He heard you calling him, mouthing words that says 'Don't think about it.' So now you finally gave him the attention he wants. His paw gently hits the ornament off of the drawer as it fell down on the carpet flooring and he scurries away.
• After the call ended. You went to pick up the fallen ornament and much to your relief it wasn't broken. When you went downstairs, you saw Rafayel perched down on the armrest of your couch, his eyes on you. He jumped off, running up to you and rubbing himself and subtly wrapping his tail around your legs while purring. Acting as if nothing happened.
• You sigh, picking him up into your arms. You can't stay mad at him. "You're a very naughty kitty, y'know that?" You pull him into your arms, hugging him as he leans into your touch. "But it's part of your charm." Though, you still have to reprimand his actions by not giving him any treats in the next few days.
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— XAVIER : White Turkish Angora
• You arrived home from work only to see a puff of white ball on your porch. You slowly got closer, realizing it's a cat curled into a ball and sleeping. You crouched down to take a closer look.
• The cat wakes up, stretching its limps then looking up at you with narrowed sleepy eyes, blinking slowly. You were sure it would scurry away, but it didn't even moved an inch from its spot.
• You reached your hand out to it, waiting for it to do something, but it only watches as your hand gets closer, letting you scratch the side of its head and leaning into your hand which melted your heart immediately. The cat got up on its four legs, and goes to rub against you. There you noticed it doesn't have a collar on. You obviously can't leave it to fend for itself out in the coldness of the night so you did the most reasonable thing and let it inside. The cat immediately went over to your couch, finding a good spot and going back to sleep. It's as if it already owns your place, you think.
• The next morning. You visit the local veterinary clinic to get the cat checked. There, you found out it's a male cat. You made eye contact with him, silently apologizing for calling him a 'she' last night. The vet also said he doesn't have a microchip on him, but is a very healthy cat, adding that he's also very friendly and calm.
• Once both of you are home. You took decent pictures of him, deciding to make posters and spread it around the neighborhood in case he has a family. After all, he might've had a collar, but lost it somewhere. You heard a low meowing sound, switching your gaze down and there he is looking up at you expectedly. "You're hungry, aren't you?" You chuckled, going into the kitchen and him following you. You open the cupboard, taking out a can of wet catfood and transferring its contents on his bowl afterwards setting it down, allowing him to eat. You decide to keep him until his owners claim him. If nobody comes for him in a month, you're going to keep him.
• The next days were quite eventful. You came home to him waiting for you by the door, greeting you with a very happy meow which dissipates all your fatigue away. Ever since having him, you no longer felt lonely and you always looked forward to coming home. He always slept next to you, and wakes up at the same time as you. He practically follows you everywhere in the house which you found adorable and endearing.
• You sat down on your couch with him laying comfortably on your lap as you pet his fur. Instead of watching whatever is on the television, your eyes are on him. A thought came into your mind, and that's naming him. But, you quickly tossed the thought away as naming him would only make you more attached to him and by then, letting him go would hurt you than it should've. Your chest felt tight at the thought of losing his companionship. It may sound selfish, but you silently prayed that nobody would come to claim him.
• One day, you came home from work and as usual he's there at the door step waiting for her like he always does. You pick him up into your arms, then setting him down on the couch and kneeling in front of him. You open your bag to take something out and reaches your hands to the back of his head. You retreat your hands away, letting the light tag rest on his neck and engraved with the name 'Xavier'.
• Indeed, a month has already passed and thankfully, nobody came. "Xavier. Do you like that name?" As if responding to her. Xavier goes up to you and gently licked your chin, you melt and nuzzles against him which he reciprocates with a loud purr. You will no longer feel lonely with Xavier around.
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— ZAYNE : Black Persian
• Zayne was given to you by your cousin who told you she couldn't keep him anymore because him and her other male cat kept attacking each other. You, on the other hand have no qualms on adopting him. The thought of having a non-human companion is better than having an actual human.
• Zayne is a very quiet and aloof cat. Very quiet. At first, you thought that all cats are like him, but you watched a few cat videos where some of them would act like him, but have random bursts of energy at times and are playful. Zayne on the other hand, you looked at him at the other end of the couch, he seemed to mind his own business and is very cold.
• You tried to play with the toy stick with a mouse attached on the end only for him to ignore you completely. He didn't even spared you a single glance. You never thought there will be a time where your heart was broken by a cat. From that moment, you made a vow to yourself that you would make him love you.
• You started by inching closer, petting his head. At first, he moved away from your hand and ran off. But, you didn't stop and kept on trying until he would only flinch for a bit, but never run away. Though, he never purred.
• Then one day, you came home later than usual from work. To your surprise, you saw Zayne by the porch of your front door, as if waiting for you. You took him into your arms, snuggling him close. "You must've been worried. I'm sorry." Once they're inside, he jumped out of your arms and went back to his usual self. You only chuckled, this is the most affection you can get from him and you won't complain anymore.
• The next morning. You slowly opened your eyes, expecting to see what she always sees in the morning, but a tuff of black fur blocks your vision. Your heart warms and melts. This is the first time Zayne has slept on your bed and right next to you. Most importantly, he's purring. Your hand moves on its own and gently pets his head, he slightly opens his eyes, his gaze on you for a bit and went back to sleep, purring even louder.
Writing is very therapeutic to me. I can freely write down my ideas and let them unfold.
Thank you for reading until the end.
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malboraslihangifs · 3 months
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by   clicking   the   source   link   you   will   be   directed   to   a   total   of   120   gifs   of   abbie   hern   in   my   lady   jane   season   one   available   on   my   discord   server.   she’s   biracial   (black   and   welsh),   so   make   sure   to   have   that   in   mind   when   building   your   muse.   the   gifs   are   all   sized   268x150   and   made   from   scratch   by   me.    likes   and   reblogs   are   always   welcomed   if   you   find   these   helpful   !
DO   NOT:   redistribute,   resize,   repost   or   include   any   of   the   following   gifs   in   another   gif   hunt,   use   my   gifs   in   any   tab*o   things,   smut   threads,   in   krps   ,   if   you   are   blocked   or   if   you   use   turkish   fcs   with   non   turkish   names.
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Cats mean like delinquents
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Vagastorm as cats
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Wc: 730
A Maine coon that you found wounded in the street, barely standing up while he fought six other cats. After you scared them away he fell down and put no resistance when you picked him up and brought him home.
At first he is so skittish of touch he attempts to hide under your bed or wardrobe but his size doesn't allow him which makes him nervous so please buy him a box or something so he feels safe, he will come out eventually when he gets attached to you.
First cat you know that willingly sits through cutting his nails, even if you don't know it, that is because once when playing he punctured your skin with his claws enough to draw blood and when he attempted to lick it to make you feel better his paper sand tongue made you recoil away.
Even if he is around Leo most of the time for the sake of reducing possible damages, he seems to have taken a soft spot for Sho choosing him as his usual play fight partner, even if he is so young he gets tired easily while he catches his breath Alan licks any scratches he might have gotten, and teaching him to hunt the multitude of mouse toys
Just like Thoma he also whips the kittens into good behavior but he isn't as fast to swipe at them, preferring to hiss for a nice while. If they don't comply he will bite the scruff if their neck and wrangle them around. Leo is there most of the time. If any of the kittens claw you or bite hard then that is when they face mighty claw punch (it's just swiping a paw at them but given he is a 11kg cat and the kittens are around 1kg so it usually stumbles them off their paws)
Never really a clingy cat but a protective one, if there are guests he hasn't met before and they touch even your shoulder he bites their hand before settling in your lap or between you two until they leave.
A classic English shorthair with a slightly lighter coat than usual.
The most Instagram able cat ever, as soon as he sees a camera he starts acting all cute and innocent. Sometimes he lets you put him in clothes but only enough for the photoshoot.
But just because he is cute doesn't mean he is nice, the littlest shit possible, meowing at any closed doors only to turn around when you open them, step on your laptop and face and chew your clothes.
Won't even look at you if you attempt to play with him, no matter how skillfully you move that feather, don't feel too bad! He almost doesn't play with the other cats too, either.
Makes Sho aid him in his mischief entraining you, his biggest attempted hit was going to be the salmon on your counter but luckily Alan dragged him back down before any paw or teeth touched it.
If you think you can eat anything at night alone, think again. Where Alan and Sho are heavy sleepers Leo seemingly can hear anything inside the house even if he is sleeping on the second floor and you are munching on biscuits. In his eyes you can see him threaten to wake the others unless you give him a treat so you two end up eating together.
A Turkish angora who got rehomed after he started picking fights with his big brother.
When he came home with Leo they were a problematic duo for you and Alan, Sho would entertain you with something while Leo attempted to push things out of the table or be a nuisance.
It's only when Leo is at the vet for eating something he shouldn't or getting glass stuck in his paw (don't feel sorry for him, he threw a glass and accidentally stepped on it) that you can see he is actually a nice kitty who happens to have a bad influence friend.
He really likes getting his hair brushed, and has just enough of it to be put on a ponytail and he will allow you to put accessories but nothing too flashy.
When you cook he stares from the oven, enjoying the warmth and the show.
His new favorite spot is under your bed, he goes there whenever Alan is too tiring and because he is so big can barely poke his head in.
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rooksamoris · 3 months
Amora, thoughts on this? And how can it be applied to the scarabia duo
omg my cousin sent me this video too!!
in regard to JAMIL <3
he definitely gives me cat person vibes (literally everyone in the middle east/north africa is a cat person from armenia to oman to algeria). i headcanon that scarabia has a bunch of cats around the place. jamil carries heavy baskets of laundry while kittens brush by his bare ankles as he walks about.
its so funny to sit beside him while the cats hide under his hair.
"Ah--out of my hair," he grumbles, pulling the kitten away from his hair. Its tiny claws were clinging to the thick strands, tangling them up with its excitable movements. When he sees the amusement on your face, he rolls his eyes and places the kitty in your lap, gently. He was always so mindful of how he held them, "Pull their hair instead, Za'afaraan (saffron)," he commands. He named the cats in Scarabia after spices. How cute.
i bet he and his family would go on park days too. it's a quick and cheap way of them getting to enjoy each other's company, but it is always so short lived. his responsibilities to kalim are all consuming.
Najma leaned over and glanced at her brother's phone, "Can't you put that down for a minute, himar (donkey)?" she asked, gesturing to the ma'amoul (date stuffed biscuit) and chai that was in front of them. His father had bought it from the souq (market) and his mother made the tea. It was the recipe she had taught him years ago. Jamil rolled his eyes, and shoved his sister's cheek away, "I need to make sure he stays at the estate." He kept his gaze away from his parents. There had to be some sort of tension and guilt... "Yeah, whatever..." Najma trailed off, before sipping her own tea. Her fingers traced over patterns on the sheet they sat on. Ornate swirls and floral motifs. Her unsaid words were weaving their way into the designs, never to be said, but to be seen in her dark eyes. When was the last time they had even spent family time like this? Her brother sighs and breaks his ma'amoul in half, "Here," he says, setting his phone down. Hopefully for longer than a few minutes.
as for KALIM!!
im sure he loves all animals, but cats?? he loves them, especially big cats. you can't tell me that the al-asim family don't have their own version of raja from aladdin. it gives jamil a heart attack at first, but soon enough this tiger is kalim's favorite thing in the world. the tiger ends up trained to protect and coddle kalim. whenever he's in the scalding sands, after greeting all his siblings, he rushes into the fur of his tiger.
"Ra'isa!" he yells, as he leaps against the large tiger. His arms wrapped around her back and then he nuzzled his cheek to its fur. There was a grin on his face as Ra'isa began to curl her body around him. You just stared in a mix of fear and apprehension. You glance between him and the tiger that was cuddling up to him. Of course, you expected chaos when you decided to visit the Scalding Sands with your boyfriend, but this? "Uhm..? Kalim..?" When his ruby eyes notice the look on your face, he laughs and grabs your hand, pulling you closer, "Don't worry. Ra'isa is very friendly with people I like," he reassures, guiding your hand over her fur. Ra'isa leaned into your touch, sensing her owner's adoration for you. When she curled her head in your direction, her face found its way to your belly, clearing signalling for your to scratch behind her eyes. Kalim leaned against the big cat, watching you with a look of joy. His two favorite people were getting along.
kalim's family is MASSIVE. i don't imagine they all go out too often due to how much security would be needed, but they all definitely have chaotic tea parties. you'd think with all that wealth the kids would not have to fight over who gets the last piece of ma'amoul or the last bite of fatta tamr (yemeni dish. its just small pieces of bint al-sahn mixed with minced dates and honey).
Kalim was holding up a box of assorted Turkish Delights away from all of his younger siblings who immediately rushed to his side when they heard he had brought them. He laughed as they reached up their short arms for the box, "There's enough for everyone, just get into a line," he said. The box was full enough to give each of them three pieces of the treats, and yet they still argued about who would get the first piece.
overall, yeah. arab men aren't scary. they literally kiss their homies good night, since when you greet a friend or are leaving for the night, you kiss each other's cheek.
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nebuladreamerrr · 2 months
Hands of healing| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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REQUEST: "Can I have some fluff where reader comes home from getting her nails and toes done so when she comes home the house is all quiet so she looks for Kylian and he’s in bed sleeping and notices his feet out of the covers so she decides to play mischief as she can’t resist to tickle him, poking his soles, scratching his arches and playing with his toes until he wakes up all annoyed and she bes all like “well who’s gonna compliment me” so she shows him her nails and toes done so he tickles her back as payback please💗"
Summary: Kylian has always aimed to win at everything, but y/n has set out to beat him in this tickle battle. Will she be able to do it?
Warnings: English is not my first language, and it includes feet kink
They had been long months, and little by little you had stopped prioritizing those small habits that could relax you in your day-to-day life in order to keep up with your routine.
Stress had become a constant in your life, something you had accepted living with from the moment you took the job, knowing it would come with certain demands. However, over the years, you had managed to discover some techniques that allowed you to relax and remember that everything was going to be okay.
One of your favorite methods to relax was to prepare a romantic dinner with Kylian at home. Although on numerous occasions you both had dressed up to go out and dine at some luxurious Parisian restaurant with excellent reviews, deep down you preferred to stay home. Together, you would help each other prepare dinner, which frequently ended in a fun flour fight. Once you finished, you opened a bottle of champagne to toast to your achievements and future endeavors. While watching a series and dining, you caught up on how your day had gone. At the end of the night, Kylian would usually take the opportunity to culminate the evening with a more intimate union, sealing the love you both felt for each other.
On many other occasions, due to the young player's hectic schedules, you had to find ways to unwind when you were alone. This often included going out shopping at a new boutique you had discovered, meeting up with friends and family, or visiting Kylian's family. But above all, you usually prioritized your aesthetics.
For you, it was a whole ritual to go to the hairdresser and beauty salon. From time to time, you treated yourself to relaxing massages and never skipped your manicure and pedicure sessions. These small moments of self-care helped you stay centered and recharge your energy to face daily stress.
Additionally, sometimes you treated yourself to a full spa day, with sauna, Turkish bath, and facial treatments. You even accompanied these sessions with a good book or listening to your favorite music, which transported you to a state of absolute relaxation.
You had also learned to meditate and practice yoga, two activities that, although difficult at first, had now become essential for your well-being. These practices helped you find balance and maintain calm amidst the daily whirlwind.
So today had been the day to put an end to that period where you had stopped prioritizing yourself, and you finally went back to getting your nails done. You loved the whole process: from the preliminary step of trying to choose the best color while the manicurist showed you the new shades that had arrived, to the moment you saw how delicately she filed your nails to shape and prepare them for painting. You couldn't forget the subsequent massage she gave you, which always left you with a feeling of deep relaxation. Moreover, so many nail sessions had made the manicurist and you very close, and whenever you saw each other, you caught up with enthusiasm.
You were very excited to show Kylian the new nail color you had chosen: "bougainvillea." You had chosen that color remembering how, a week ago, he had praised a dress in that same shade you had seen while walking hand in hand, saying that color would suit you very well.
With that excitement in mind, you decided to put the keys in the car and drive while listening to the new songs you had recently discovered. The music filled the vehicle and made you smile, anticipating Kylian's surprise when he saw your nails.
However, your excitement began to gradually fade as you arrived home and noticed everything was very quiet. There was no noise, and the curtains in your bedroom were drawn. With utmost stealth, you made your way to your room to check what was going on. When you opened the door, you saw Kylian resting face down, with his hand wrapped around the pillow. You watched as his muscles seemed to relax in rhythm with his breathing.
The scene melted your heart. You approached carefully and sat on the edge of the bed, watching him for a few moments. You felt grateful to have someone like him in your life, someone who supported you and made you feel loved.
Seizing this moment, you sat beside him and, with a gentle gesture, stroked his hair. Although he didn’t wake up, a small sigh of contentment escaped his lips. Touched by Kylian’s soft reactions, you turned your gaze to find your bag and reach for your phone, intending to take a photo. That’s when you noticed his feet were uncovered, and a much better idea crossed your mind.
You tried to hold back, convincing yourself that Kylian surely needed his rest, but in the end, you decided to follow this sudden thought, recalling how he used to do this to tease you. So, with great stealth, you got up and approached his feet, starting to gently tickle them. You began by playing with his toes, moving them softly and slipping your fingers between the arches. Kylian stirred a bit in bed, but continued to sleep, so you decided it was time to put your real plan into action.
After a few more massages between his toes, you decided to tickle the soles of his feet. Unable to withstand the tickling, Kylian wiggled so restlessly that he almost kicked you. Annoyed, he let out a grumble and opened his eyes slightly to see who was disturbing his wonderful sleep. Upon opening his eyes, he saw you with a playful expression, although you tried to look annoyed, showing off your nails.
"It looks like no one is going to compliment my nails today," you said with a tone of feigned indignation.
With a soft laugh, Kylian replied, "Darling, they look great, but you could have woken me up without tickling me. I almost kicked your cute face."
"Very funny! But well, you can’t do anything about it now. I’m leaving you here to rest," you said, trying to pull away.
"Not a chance," Kylian retorted, quickly getting up to scoop you into his arms and put you back on the bed, knowing what was about to happen. Kylian wanted revenge and was going to give you the same treatment.
He quickly started tickling you, tracing his fingers all around the soles of your feet. The room was soon filled with your laughter, which triggered Kylian’s contagious laughter. While he couldn’t stop laughing knowing his girlfriend was now getting the revenge she deserved, he couldn’t help but think about how soft your feet were and how sensitive they were to his touch.
Taking advantage of this, he grabbed a soft feather and began to stroke all the curves and arches of your feet, running the feather around your toes. You felt a surge of intense sensations and twisted even more, laughing uncontrollably.
“No, Kylian, that tickles even more!” you yelled through your laughter, trying unsuccessfully to pull your feet away.
“Oh, really?” Kylian said with a mischievous grin. “Then I’ll keep going a little longer.” The feather glided smoothly, causing a mix of laughter and desperation.
After a while, both of you were exhausted from laughing. Kylian finally stopped tickling and lay down beside you, wrapping you in his arms.
“I’m sorry, darling, but I couldn’t resist,” he said, kissing you on the forehead. “Your feet are just irresistible.”
“Don’t worry,” you replied, still smiling. “It was fun, though definitely unexpected.”
Kylian looked at you with affection. “I love you, you know? These moments with you are what make everything worthwhile.”
“And I love you,” you said, snuggling closer to him. “Thanks for always making me laugh, even when I don’t expect it.”
You both stayed there, enjoying the tranquility and closeness of the moment. Despite the jokes and tickling, you knew that the love and respect you had for each other were what truly mattered.
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whalesforhands · 1 year
cats and cats (satosugu x reader)
warnings: crack(?), fluff, smoking, dedicated to that really old geto cat anon that i never replied to, i wasn’t totally sober when writing this, romance?
“…Shoko, what is that?”
“Cigarettes.” The girl pulls out a stick from the plastic packaging, twirling it in-between her lithe fingers as she patted her pockets for her lighter, her eyebrows furrowing as she struggles in her search for it.
“Ah, I’ve got you.” Your hands produce a lighter from within your blazer’s pocket, light pink with the body being decorated with a character you’ve been obsessing over lately. You flick it, a flame coming to life as you hold it to the cigarette that had now been placed between her lips, getting exceedingly close to her, proximity intimate as she entranced you with her usual lazy gaze and smirk upon her kissab-
A bump against your legs. You ignore it in favour of smiling back at the beautiful girl in front of you.
“I think you should stop smoking so muc-“
Another bump. More insistent this time. Paired with pained mewing and the sound of claws extending from a pair of paws that were desperately trying to get your attention.
You look down, looking the rather large, stark white Maine Coon purring and pawing the length of your skirt as it starts to get your attention in the eye. It’s (?) fur long and fluffy, puffing up even more as it meowed at you, huffy crystalline blue eyes looking annoyed.
The black Turkish Angora is by its side, brown eyes shut as it continued rubbing its head against the fabric of your socks, a strand of its fur hanging over the cat’s face, reminiscent of a familiar black-haired sorcerer you knew as it purrs adorably in content.
Extremely cute.
You squat down to your knees, resting on the balls of your feet as you started to pet the two, scratching behind their ears and below their chins as they cuddled deeper into the palm of your hand, licking the skin with their sandpaper tongues and snuggling even closer to you now that they had your undivided attention.
(The white one attempted to get under your skirt. You moved away, punishing it by giving more affection to the black cat, who definitely wasn’t complaining, given the smug look on its face.)
“Wanna take care of them?”
Sugu laid upon your lap, furry body stretched across as it lazily went to sleep on top of you, purrs sounding out from his throat as you continued to scratch his head.
Sato sat before you, using a dainty paw to rub at his eyes, squeezing them shut before abruptly opening them, before another paw was hurried pressed to his head.
“Do your eyes hurt?”
He quickly nods his head. (So smart.)
You think for a moment, looking around the room before spotting an extra pair of Satoru’s left behind sunglasses… There’s no way that could work, right?
…but they look so similar, it’s worth a shot.
You’re poking at the exposed belly of the white one, the cat laying on its back with his paws in the air, borrowed sunglasses over his eyes when you started prodding at its soft and plushy body.
(You honestly can’t believe the glasses worked.)
It’s purring so loudly, revelling in your touch as you scratched and rubbed at the flattening cat, so satisfied, so happy he looked as if he was starting to melt into the ground.
Such a healthy gait.
“You’re kind of fat, aren’t you, Sato?” An afterthought that had been unwittingly voiced out. “Did your previous owner feed you too much?”
His purring slows to a stop as he gradually realizes the meaning behind your words despite your comfortable pats. A yowl escaping as he jumped onto his paws, turning his long body away from you as he ensured that his fluffy tail smacked into your face, fur obscuring your vision before you hear the angry padding of his feet.
Is he… Pouting?
“Are you upset?” His tail is swishing in the air as you ask him, back still turned to your face as he refuses to meet your gaze, ears flattened against his head as he trots away with angry swishes.
(You’re absolutely losing it internally. So precious…!)
“W-wait, I’m sorry? Don’t go!” You’re holding back your laughs as you tried to coo the mass of fluff back onto the floor or into your arms, the crabby feline having decided to strut away from you, choosing to try and get a sleeping Shoko’s attention by pawing at her hair from her position atop the couch.
“Sato? Don’t bother Shoko, darling…” You try cooing again, staying still as Sugu shifts around in your lap, stretching himself out and yawning as he begins waking up.
Sato is giving you the cold shoulder still. Oh my, how petulant.
You look down at the cat still in your lap. “Looks like it’s just you and me, huh?” It meows back at you as you kiss its head, tucking that peculiar strand of his fur back, only for it to bounce back into place, incessant purring and licking at your hand as he seemed to beg for another one.
“Oh? You like that, huh?” You land another sweet kiss upon his forehead once again only for his paws to hold your lower jaw in place when you try to move away.
“Aww, you’re so cute!” You’re absolutely gushing over him, bombarding this cute little cat with kisses all over his face as he lets out mewls and meows of content within your embrace.
“I can’t believe anyone would ever believe you’d be bad luck.”
The white cat has paused its ministrations on the still asleep Shoko, who had used a lazy hand to shoo the disturbance away. He’s staring at the both of you as the frown on his face seemed to deepen.
(Is this affecting him?)
“Sugu~” You’re kissing all over his face as the black cat stood on his hind legs, toe beans digging into the meat of your thighs with front paws upon your chest as it snuggled his head into your throat, meowing delightedly as you scratched and pet him.
Sato lingered close to you, nudging closer and closer but far away enough whilst acting like snob, turning his cute pink nose up at you everytime he think your eyes are on him.
(He’s just like the actual Satoru…)
You pay him no mind, letting Sugu purr into the valley of your chest, letting him nudge and cuddle into you freely with no restrictions as you stroked his back leaving more gentle pecks on the cat’s closed eyes, plainly ignoring the stubborn Maine Coon.
(You’re not paying attention to him. You’re. Not. Paying. Attention. To. Him! Sugu wasn’t paying attention to him, how could you both not shower him in love?)
He was now brooding in the corner, an aura so gloomy and sad surrounding him as he sat on his haunches, tail drooping and ears flattened against his head at the lack of attention.
He’s absolutely deflated. (But still not giving in.)
Sugu meows up at you, a way to get your attention before he tuts his head to the side, mercy in his actions as he tries to get your attention to his sulking buddy.
You misinterpret him.
“Aww, you wanna cuddle somewhere else?” Your voice had grown so soft, so tender and gentle and lovely as you cooed at him, so distracting and so flustering that he short-circuited, nodding his fluffy head.
“Let’s go to my room, then!”
Sato never got out of his corner so quick, jumping onto his feet as he started running after the both of you, circling your feet in quick circles as he yowled and meowed, sunglasses falling off his face as he placed his front paws on your skirt, eyes begging and pleading and remorseful as you continue to coddle Sugu in your arms.
“Someone finally stopped being grumpy, huh?” You attempt to scoop the second cat up, grunting as you feel both their weights in your arms as you cradled them both like babies, both so abnormally large that their bodies were shrouding you in a mass of fur.
(You could honestly die happy here.)
masterlist KOFI pt.2
The lighter was a gift from Shoko.
Guess who named them? You did. The boys were meant to be off on a mission together, and weren’t supposed to be back until next week.
Satoru’s cat form is not overweight. Just really fluffy.
“You’re both cats, aren’t you?” Shoko’s eyes are closed and upturned, a tight smile on her lips as she places a can of wet cat food in front of the feline duo.
“Woogle said that wet cat food was better for dealing with overweight cats.” You murmured under your breath, hand placed under your chin in thought as you watched Sato poke at the meal with a claw.
“But with how much that can was, I really hope the owner quickly finds them soon…”
“Well, boys,” Shoko begins again, her grin growing ever wider as a self-satisfied look made itself home on her face. “You heard her. Wasn’t cheap, and she went allllll the way to the local family mart to buy it for you, ya know?”
“Ah, it wasn’t actually that far-“
“Wouldn’t want to waste her hard work, do we?”
Her stare is pointed at the trembling black cat and disgusted white one, their forms unsteady as they physically gulped at the sight of the slimy can of raw tuna in front of them…
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clematsea · 6 months
 # 𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐇𝐀𝐍   𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐀:         yaban  çiçekleri   ,    gif  pack  .
*  𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜     . . .     click  here  or  the  source  to  find  gifs  of  aslıhan  malbora  in  the  show  yaban  çiçekleri.  aslıhan  is  of  turkish  [  yörük  ]  descent,  please  cast  them  accordingly.  all  of  these  gifs  were  made  from  scratch  by  me.  don’t  add  these  to  other  gif  hunts,  redistribute,  or  claim  as  your  own  +  please  like  or  reblog  if  you  plan  to  use  !
please  read  my  rules  before  using.
if  you  would  like  to  support  me,  please  consider  the  following  resources  to  help  my  home  country:  carrd  /  donate
tw  :  drinking,  eating,  food,  unsteady  camera,  crying,  injury,  court  rooms  &  bright  /  flashing  lights.
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octuscle · 14 days
Hey I have a situation I’m wandering if you can help me with. I’m on this long flight from New York to London and there’s this trust fund business bro on the same row as me. He’s acting all smug and is taking up space and being so rude and loud. He’s also being so mean to the flight staff acting like he’s so above them. Any way you can humble him a bit on this flight and make it a bit nicer for the staff and the rest of us passengers?
I'm a bit out of practice. But I'm currently filling in for a friend during his vacation… So let me see… To give you all quick relief, I'll send the loudmouth straight to sleep. Then he'll finally stop playing with his cell phone and laptop… Instead of his annoying, self-important drivel, you'll just hear snoring. Sonorous snoring. And a bit of drool running out of the corner of his mouth. It drips onto his expensive tailored suit. And it starts to change. The fabric starts to shine. Stripes appear on the sleeves and legs. And the fabric gets tighter and tighter. And with the fabric, the body of the pain in the neck is squeezed. The slim body of a lad emerges from the expensive personal trainer's steel body. The smell of expensive aftershave dissipates. A mixture of sweat and cheap deodorant comes from his corner. Shit, you love that smell. A fit lad in the changing room after school sports. And after a few moments, the face of the former Wall Street wannabe also appears. An 18-year-old scally in an Adidas tracksuit with an expensive haircut. We'll fix that too. His red hair has been styled by his Turkish barber for five pounds. Now get rid of your laptop, laptop bag and Louis Vuitton weekend bag. Your dirty clothes are now in a Nike backpack. Where the laptop was, there is now a bottle of beer. And his cell phone is an old model with a scratched display that slipped out of his hand in his sleep.
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Now the guy isn't annoying you anymore, now he's making you horny. A little English chav who's obviously having a hot dream. His boner is building a magnificent tent in his trousers. And your cock is getting hard like steel… You reach into his crotch. He wakes up and looks at you with wide-open eyes. “Do you want to earn ten pounds, you little fag?” you ask him. He looks deep into your eyes and says, “Only if I get paid in advance.” You make your way to the airplane bathroom. This isn't the first time he's done this, and he follows you at a respectful distance. Thanks to his slim build, he has no problem kneeling on the floor of the cramped bathroom and skillfully freeing your cock. Dude, whatever he normally charges for cock-sucking, he deserves every penny! And he really does swallow every drop you cum. Changing positions is challenging. But you also do your best to return the favor on his boner.
You have no idea how he does it. But by the time the seat belt signs come on, he has earned almost 80 pounds. He asks you after landing if he can crash at your place. He doesn't feel like going to his parents' council house. Dude, today really is your lucky day.
I've set his transformation so that he has to cum 2,500 times before he realizes that he's in the body of a very talented hustler. I didn't exactly count, but the customer approaching him from behind could be that guy. Don't be surprised if he comes home a bit agitated in a minute. You don't need to tell him that he has to cum another 2,500 times before he gets back into his real body. But I'll give you my contact details in case your best hustler wants to get back into his hot body.
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Simple Present Tense 'n Turkish
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rippersz · 8 months
𝙲𝚊𝚝!𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜:
These are my opinions! If you don’t agree, then add your own headcanons! The idea is taken from the mind of @masscared-star and their thoughts on feline Larissa Weems.
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Kitty Cat Larissa Weems is a white Turkish Angora feline. One of the fluffy ones with the thicker neck fur and ear tufts. Her tail widens toward the end and is very soft of course. Every part of her is soft.
Her teeth are very sharp. They’re still in human alignment, but the incisors and canines are obviously more cat-like. The premolars and molars, toward the back of her jaw, have more sharp edges. So she doesn’t hurt herself, her tongue rests in her mouth differently and has a very weird texture. It’s in between human, soft, and the feline, rougher and tougher.
Her pupils CAN turn into slits. Her ears CAN twitch and swivel and flatten. Her tail CAN swish swish swish. She also has a habit of stalking without realizing - walking with swinging hips and one foot in front of the other like that of a model.
She has PERFECT balance. Despite her height and stature, she will not fall. And if she does, she shall be graceful about it.
Heightened senses of course. She has an excellent sense of smell. Her eyes, however, function like a human’s. She can see all colors and has an innate sense of where things are so there’s no ‘bumping into things’ unless she’s somehow dizzy. BUT she CAN see in the dark. Built-in night vision. No hiding from her at night.
Ear scritches. Yes, ma’am. Scratch her behind the ears, be careful of her hair, and she will push into your hand without even thinking. It’s very comforting for her and sends lovely little shivers down her spine. Same with the base of her tail. She won’t respond in the same… interesting manner as a cat’s, but she will let her tail curl around your wrist or your waist. She has a lot of control over it.
PURRING. PURRRRINGGG SOMETHING IS PURRINNNGGG AND IT’S LARISSA WEEMS LMAO. She will purr whenever she is content. Head on your lap while reading. Eating a lovely little meal with you in deep candlelight. She keeps it low and soft when she’s in public, happy and proud of her staff and students, but otherwise lets herself purr as loudly as she wants when with you. - Larissa also has the ability to let out little ‘mrrow!’ chirping kitty sounds when she’s excited. If you show up with lunch for her one day and she’s not expecting you, she’ll perk up and the sound will leave her chest without any restraint. She will be embarrassed about it. You will laugh and she will be embarrassed and then when you give her a little kiss, she will purposefully nick your lip and you will go ow!! and she will go 'Gotcha.'
Showering…. hissss….. She loves showers so much, she does, because they are warm and she likes warmth, but they are also annoying. The pitter patter on her ears can irritate her, so she indulges in baths more. It gives her control over the touches on her ears and she actually enjoys grooming the parts of her that are feline. Although, if you headcanon that she has a proper cat form, she will not like water as much.
Her nails are sharp. She can’t help it. They’re painted red, yes, and they can be sheathed and unsheathed (like Enid’s, yes), but she tries to be gentle with them. When she’s angry or frightened, they shoot out - so just be careful.
Her precious soft ears are pierced, near the base by her head on the outsides, but those areas are sensitive. Not sensitive like ooooo but sensitive like ow please don’t squeeze there. She mainly wears pearls in those spots, because she likes the sparkle, but little golden hoops make the occasional appearance as well. - She does not like bows or things being placed around her ears though. Chances are she will not like extra accessories there. And she DOES NOT APPRECIATE YOU TRYING TO TURN THEM INSIDE OUT BECAUSE IT LOOKS FUNNY. You did it once and you have the nicks on your hands to show it. Worth the laugh though.
She hisses beneath her breath when irritated. A popping sort of hiss that rumbles from her throat and is often heard in the quiet of her office.
She’s quick. Crazy quick. It seems impossible but it isn’t.
LOUNGING. BASKING IN THE SUN. LOUNGING AND BASKING. MMMM SUNLIGHT. She will lay across her chaise and she will soak in the rays through the windows and she will turn around in her desk chair and just sit there until she nearly falls asleep. No, it’s not very productive, but if she doesn’t get her daily sunlight, she will be a little bit down. If you find her taking a midday rest on the weekend, full body facing the sun that filters through onto the bed, no you don’t. Don’t disturb her. Leave her be, purring away happily.
:3 - Rip x
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lilachsgifs · 6 months
[  🐦‍⬛  ]  in the source link, you’ll gain access to #320 gifs of Özge Törer  in “kurulus: osman” (2019-2020). she was born in turkey, and is turkish, so please cast appropriately when using my resources. all of these gifs were made from scratch, made for roleplaying purposes. please don’t redistribute or  claim  as your  own. please like & reblog if you wish to use them.
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gifsbyserena · 4 months
rabia soytürk 🍒 gif pack !
by clicking this link, you will be redirected to ko-fi for 556 gifs of rabia soytürk as ekim güleryüz in duy beni, episodes 1 & 3. rabia was born in 1999 and is turkish, so please cast accordingly. they are sized 268 x 151. these gifs were created by me from scratch, so please do not repost into gif hunts, edit into gif icons without permission, repost or claim as your own.
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malboraslihangifs · 28 days
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by   clicking   the   source   link   you   will   be   directed   to   365   gifs   of   emily   bader   in   my   lady   jane   (episodes   3 and 4) available   on   my   discord   server.   she’s  white  ,   so   make   sure   to   have   that   in   mind   when   building   your   muse.   the   gifs   are   all   sized   268x150   and   made   from   scratch   by   me.    likes   and   reblogs   are   always   welcomed   if   you   find   these   helpful   !
DO   NOT:   redistribute,   resize,   repost   or   include   any   of   the   following   gifs   in   another   gif   hunt   ,   use   my   gifs   in   any   tab*o   things,   smut   threads   ,   in   krps   ,   if   you   are   blocked   or   if   you   use   turkish   fcs   with   non   turkish   names   .
TW: sexual   content,   weapons   (bow   and   arrow),   blood,   choking  
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