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gastronominho · 2 years ago
Union Distillery lança whisky extraturfado
Empresa gaúcha apresenta o sexto rótulo da linha Autograph, o Pure Malt Whisky Extraturfado Sherry Cask Finish
Empresa gaúcha apresenta o sexto rótulo da linha Autograph, o Pure Malt Whisky Extraturfado Sherry Cask Finish O destilado que dá origem ao novo produto tem características diferentes devido ao processo de malteação da cevada. A queima da turfa (material orgânico proveniente da decomposição de vegetais) que é utilizada na secagem do grão, agrega aromas e sabores que também são transferidos para…
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eylem-zamanzaman · 1 year ago
Başka bir kimsenin canını yakmadım, lakin yüreğimi ezdim.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 year ago
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look at this(possibly) Etruscan waterbird pendant it is so shaped. serving birds are dinosaurs realness
Jeann MacIntosh Turfa, and Georgina Muskett. 2017. Catalogue of Etruscan Objects in World Museum, Liverpool. Summertown, Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology.
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theoxenia · 7 months ago
Birth scenes in general are much more popular in Etruscan than in Greek art. While the divine conceptions and births in Greek myth are uniformly unnatural, Etruscan renderings often bring out their more practical, normal aspects. Tinia is shown on a mirror giving birth to a large, fully armed Menerva with two beautifully dressed midwives at his side, comforting him and bandaging his aching head. Elsewhere we see the baby Dionysos, wearing protective amulets, emerging from Tinia’s thigh, where he has been incubated; a female attendant nurse, Mean, holds an unguent jar and dipstick: is it to assuage the birth pangs of Tinia, the new father, or to anoint the new-born baby? An Etruscan scene shows the conception of a god as an actual sexual union, as Semla lifts up her skirt in an anasyrma gesture to have intercourse with the great god: a satyr shows that the conception of the god Fufluns/Dionysos will be the result.
The Etruscan World edited by Jean MacIntosh Turfa ("Chapter Twenty: Mothers And Children" by Larissa Bonfante)
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thedansemacabres · 7 months ago
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Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com
[IMG ID: A scene of a lightning strike at light. The background is empty, sparing a few clouds illuminated by the light of the strike. There are two lightning strikes, one to the left that extends beyond the image, and another that stops slightly beyond the halfway mark of the image. The lightning strikes are a vibrant yellow, contrasting against a purple background, with the light around the strike taking on a striking red-pink.]
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Content warning: The brontoscoptic refers to several possibly triggering events, such as death, disease, and abortion. The text also refers to common practices in the ancient world such as slavery and misogyny, which we must acknowledge for the evil it is.
A new year, new dates for the Brontoscoptic calendar! This year is a bit odd for the translation, the new moon in cancer was June 21st—meaning the majority of the “June” month is in July. The calendar picks back up on the next new moon, which is August 4th. Therefore the brontoscoptic month of July is in August. Strange for us to think of, but lunar calendars do not always translate easily into Gregorian.
Supposing that publicly, in all augural teaching, the ancients assumed the moon to be a reference point (for under this heading they classified both thunder and lightning signs), one likewise may correctly select the phase of the moon as a factor for reckoning, so that, beginning with Cancer, we shall make observations of thunder day by day, beginning with the first day of the lunar month, and following lunar months. From this [study] the Etruscans transmitted observations localized according to the regions that are struck from the sky by thunder. — Divining the Etruscan World: The Brontoscopic Calendar and Religious Practice, Jean MacIntosh Turfa
FULL MOON IN CANCER JUNE 21ST, 2024: If in any way it should thunder, there will be an abundance of fruits, with the exception of barley; but dangerous diseases will be inflicted upon bodies.
12:00 JUNE 22ND: If in any way it should thunder, women in labor will have an easy delivery,
but there will be abortion of cattle, yet there will be an abundance of fish.
12:00 JUNE 23RD: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a scorching and drying wind, such that not only grains but even the soft fruits will be parched through and through and shrivel up.
12:00 JUNE 24TH: If in any way it should thunder, the air will be cloudy and rainy, so that out of a moldy dampness the crops will rot.
12:00 JUNE 25TH: If in any way it should thunder, ill-omened for the countryside. Those responsible for villages or towns will be thrown into a state of disorder.
12:00 JUNE 26TH: If in any way it should thunder, just as the crops are maturing, some sort of wild pest that has sunk deep into them will waste them.
12:00 JUNE 27TH: If in any way it should thunder, diseases will infect [men], but not many shall die. And although the cereal crops shall be successful, the soft fruits shall dry up.
12:00 JUNE 28TH: If in any way it should thunder, it indicates wet weather, and ruin of the grain.
12:00 JUNE 29TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a loss of flocks through being overrun by wolves.
12:00 JUNE 30TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be frequent death, yet prosperity.
12:00 JULY 1ST: If in any way it should thunder, there will be days of heat, burning but harmless; there will be glad festivities in political affairs.
12:00 JULY 2ND: If in any way it should thunder, the same thing as on the preceding day.
12:00 JULY 3RD: If in any way it should thunder, it announces the fall of a ruler.
12:00 JULY 4TH: If in any way it should thunder, the atmosphere shall be burning hot, but there will be abundant harvest and good flow, not the poorest, of the river fish. Bodies, nevertheless, shall be utterly weak.
12:00 JULY 5TH: If in any way it should thunder, the winged creatures shall be injured during the summer, and also the fish shall perish.
12:00 JULY 6TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens not only dearth of the necessities of life, but also war, and a prosperous man shall disappear from public life.
12:00 JULY 7TH: If in any way it should thunder, there shall be days of burning heat and destruction by mice, blind-mice [field mice] and locusts. Still, it brings abundance and at the same time murders to the people.
12:00 JULY 8TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens destruction to the crops [soft fruits]. 
12:00 JULY 9TH: If in any way it should thunder, pests destructive to the crops shall perish.
12:00 JULY 10TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens discord for the community.
12:00 JULY 11TH: If in any way it should thunder, it means there will be a dearth of wine, but an increase in the other crops, and an abundance of fish.
12:00 JULY 12TH: If in any way it should thunder, the hot weather will be especially ruinous.
12:00 JULY 13TH: If in any way it should thunder, it announces good cheer, a putting aside of ills, and an end to disease.
12:00 JULY 14TH: If in any way it should thunder, it announces plenty.
12:00 JULY 15TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be wars and countless ills.
12:00 JULY 16TH: If in any way it should thunder, the winter will be especially harmful to the crops.
12:00 JULY 17TH: If in any way it should thunder, there is danger from the army for the men in power.
12:00 JULY 18TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a good harvest for the crops.
12:00 JULY 19TH:  If in any way it should thunder, the affairs of the queenly city [Tarquinia] will be improved.
12:00 JULY 20TH: If in any way it should thunder, in a short time there shall be frequent death. 
12:00 AUGUST 4TH, NEW MOON: Upon the new moon, if in any way it should thunder, there shall be plenty, yet there shall be ruin [“Ruin” or “a falling” (πτῶσις) of the flocks: the connotation of falling down, or away, might have described a particular disease condition.] of the flocks.
12:00 AUGUST 5TH: If in any way it should thunder, the late autumn will be good.
12:00 AUGUST 6TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals a heavy winter.
12:00 AUGUST 7TH: If in any way it should thunder, the airs will be turbulent, so that of them will be born scarcity.
12:00 AUGUST 8TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be an abundance of grain, yet it is the downfall of a virtuous ruler.
12:00 AUGUST 9TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens death-bearing diseases to the fortunes of slaves.
12:00 AUGUST 10TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be rains harmful to the grain fields.
12:00 AUGUST 11TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies peace for the community, but ruin for the cattle herds, and a dry cough shall infect.
12:00 AUGUST 12TH: If in any way it should thunder, it foretells a vision of the gods and the advancement of many good men.
12:00 AUGUST 13TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be lifesaving river waters.
12:00 AUGUST 14TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals hot weather and stormy rain and a scarcity of grain.
12:00 AUGUST 15TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be unexpected cold in the summer, because of which the necessities of life will be spoiled.
12:00 AUGUST 16TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will appear the most poisonous reptiles.
12:00 AUGUST 17TH: If in any way it should thunder, it shows one man will come to power over many. But this man is most unjust in state affairs.
12:00 AUGUST 18TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be dissension among the common people and a scarcity of grain.
12:00 AUGUST 19TH: If in any way it should thunder, the king of the East … will be overcome [by?] war …and disease will be received from dry hot weather.
12:00 AUGUST 20TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies the succession of a great ruler.
12:00 AUGUST 21ST: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens a dearth of crops due to rainy weather.
12:00 AUGUST 22ND: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies war and the destruction of the powerful. On the other hand, there will be a plenty of cereals.
12:00 AUGUST 23RD: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens an unhealthy drought.
12:00 AUGUST 24TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be disagreement among the subjects, but not for long.
12:00 AUGUST 25TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals good things for the affairs of state, but for the bodies, diseases around the head.
12:00 AUGUST 26TH: If in any way it should thunder, the dissension of the common people will come to an end.
12:00 AUGUST 27TH: If in any way it should thunder, it shows the possible misfortune of a powerful man.
12:00 AUGUST 28TH: If in any way it should thunder, it will go badly for a band of youth and also for the crops along with them. It will be a disease-bearing time.
12:00 AUGUST 29TH: If in any way it should thunder, after great plenty there will be famine.
12:00 AUGUST 30TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens subcutaneous eruptions to [men’s] bodies.
12:00 AUGUST 31ST: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a dearth of water and a plague of poisonous reptiles.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 1ST: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies a good harvest.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 2ND: If in any way it should thunder, men bent on vengeance shall slip into the worst kind of treachery.
[AUGUST] 12:00 SEPTEMBER 3RD: If in any way it should thunder, the affairs of the state will be slightly better, and there will be plenty.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 4TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens both diseases and at the same time a dearth of the necessities of life.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 5TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens both [public] trials and debates among the common people.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 6TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a dearth of foodstuffs for both humans and dumb animals.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 7TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies that the women are the more sagacious.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 8TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be an abundance of honey, yet a lack of both water and the other foodstuffs.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 9TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals harsh winds and diseases at the same time.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 10TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens harmless disease to the four-footed.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 1TH: If in any way it should thunder, it proclaims good health for men for a full year.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 12TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens bodily pains and wretchedness for the greater part of the people.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 13TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be a good harvest, yet the downfall of reptiles and harm to men.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 14TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be an abundance of cattle fodder and of acorns, but in the first ripening season, it will go badly.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 15TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be plague upon the bodies of both humans and dumb animals.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 16TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals war for all the people, yet an abundance of crops.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 17TH: If in any way it should thunder, affairs will change for the worse.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 18TH: If in any way it should thunder, it promises a deep peace.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 19TH: If in any way it should thunder, the men of lowly degree shall be gloomy.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 20TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens civil war.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 21ST: If in any way it should thunder, the women and the servile class will dare to undertake murders.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 22ND: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens a plague on the cattle and disorder in the affairs of state.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 23RD: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens at once prosperity and discord among the commons.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 24TH: If in any way it should thunder, affairs will be moderately good for an entire year.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 25TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies that the lightning bolt shall fall, and warns of slaughter.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 26TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens the loss of wellborn youths.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 27TH: If in any way it should thunder, it foretells that during a stormy winter there will be a scarcity of soft fruits.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 28TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signals war.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 29TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens at once wars and treachery.
12:00 SEPTEMBER 30TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens at once wars and treachery.
12:00 OCTOBER 1ST: If in any way it should thunder, it signals both an abundance of crops and a loss by death of cattle.
12:00 OCTOBER 2ND: If in any way it should thunder, it signals no sort of reversal.
12:00 OCTOBER 3RD: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens diseases in the city over which it [the thunder] is cast down.
12:00 OCTOBER 4TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies both a good harvest and good cheer.
12:00 OCTOBER 5TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be discord among the common people.
12:00 OCTOBER 6TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies heavy rains and war.
12:00 OCTOBER 7TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies the downfall of a powerful man and preparation for war.
12:00 OCTOBER 8TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies an abundance of barley but a decrease in wheat.
12:00 OCTOBER 9TH: If in any way it should thunder, there shall be power among the women greater than [what is] appropriate to their nature.
12:00 OCTOBER 10TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens a disease and out of it, a disaster for the servile class.
12:00 OCTOBER 11TH: If in any way it should thunder, it indicates that those especially powerful will consider crooked dealings in government, but they will not achieve their aims.
12:00 OCTOBER 12TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens that a disease-bearing wind will blow.
12:00 OCTOBER 13TH: If in any way it should thunder, there will be strife in the area in which the thunder is let loose; for another place [it is] not inapplicable.
12:00 OCTOBER 14TH: If in any way it should thunder, the underlings of the wellborn will foment revolution in the state.
12:00 OCTOBER 15TH: If in any way it should thunder, it says that the time of harvest shall be very rainy and there shall be famine.
12:00 OCTOBER 16TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens grave famine.
12:00 OCTOBER 17TH: If in any way it should thunder, it threatens diseases.
12:00 OCTOBER 18TH: If in any way it should thunder, it signifies a wet spell, but at the same time, prosperity.
12:00 OCTOBER 19TH: If in any way it should thunder, it is made known that there will be good sprouting, but [the plants will be] fruitless.
12:00 OCTOBER 20TH: If it thunders, it threatens a lack of the necessities.
12:00 OCTOBER 21ST: If it thunders, it signals both famine and wars.
12:00 OCTOBER 22ND: If it thunders, the fruits of the trees will be successful, but there will be diseases and sedition among the commons.
12:00 OCTOBER 23RD: If it thunders, it threatens the destruction of a famous man and war.
12:00 OCTOBER 24TH: If it thunders, it threatens ills and losses for the people.
12:00 OCTOBER 25TH: If it thunders, it signals prosperity yet a heavy and wet winter.
12:00 OCTOBER 26TH: If it thunders, it foretells a time of need during the winter of the year.
12:00 OCTOBER 27TH: If it thunders, it threatens a drought. There will be an abundant harvest of the hard-shelled fruits [tree nuts?]; around late autumn though, they will be destroyed by storms.
12:00 OCTOBER 28TH: If it thunders, out of civil unrest a tyrant shall be raised up, and he will be undone, but the powerful will be destroyed utterly with insufferable penalties.
12:00 OCTOBER 29TH: If it thunders, a corrupt ruler will be felled by divine decision.
12:00 OCTOBER 30TH: If it thunders, powerful men will work hatred toward themselves, and shall take sides against each other.
12:00 OCTOBER 31ST: If it thunders, there will be signs revealing great things. Beware lest it pour rain upon the fire of joyful elation.
12:00 NOVEMBER 1ST: If it thunders, it threatens a severe drought.
12:00 NOVEMBER 2ND: If it thunders, affairs of state [shall change] from worse to better.
12:00 NOVEMBER 3RD: If it thunders, it threatens a corrupt tyrant over the affairs of state.
12:00 NOVEMBER 4TH: If it thunders, there will be prosperity but the destruction of the mice of dry land.
12:00 NOVEMBER 5TH: If it thunders, it signifies hurricanes and disturbances by which the trees will be overturned; there will be a great disruption in the affairs of common people.
12:00 NOVEMBER 6TH: If it thunders, the lower classes will have the upper hand over their betters, and the mildness of the air will be healthy.
12:00 NOVEMBER 7TH: If it thunders, there will be a surplus of all the necessities excepting grain.
12:00 NOVEMBER 8TH: If it thunders, appearance of future abundance, yet harvest will be less plentiful and autumn practically empty of fruit.
12:00 NOVEMBER 9TH: If it thunders, pulses will be plentiful but wine less.
12:00 NOVEMBER 10TH: If it thunders, an earthquake with roaring is to be expected.
12:00 NOVEMBER 11TH: If it thunders, it threatens destruction to wild beasts.
12:00 NOVEMBER 12TH: If it thunders, it signifies the downfall of a praiseworthy man.
12:00 NOVEMBER 13TH: If it thunders, it signifies a strange sort of wind will be of service to the pastures.
12:00 NOVEMBER 14TH: If it thunders, there will be prosperity, but wind squalls will oppress.
12:00 NOVEMBER 15TH: If it thunders, commerce [business dealings, contracts] will be good, and prosperity in addition. He who controls the government with heavy hand will not be strong for very long.
12:00 NOVEMBER 16TH: If it thunders, it threatens war and the loss of flocks to death.
12:00 NOVEMBER 17TH: If it thunders, there will be scarcity from a dry and searing wind falling upon the crops.
12:00 NOVEMBER 18TH: If it thunders, men will be weakened in such a manner that they will seem to be unrecognizable.
12:00 NOVEMBER 19TH: If it thunders, good fortune for a rich man and for men wellborn.
12:00 NOVEMBER 20TH: If it thunders, it signifies a plentiful grain supply brought in from foreign lands.
12:00 NOVEMBER 21ST: If it thunders, it warns the downfall of a ruler or the overthrow of a king, but it warns both discord among the common people and abundance.
12:00 NOVEMBER 22ND: If it thunders, it warns there will be a festering wound, and for the many, extreme suffering out of the discord.
12:00 NOVEMBER 23RD: If it thunders, there will be coughing sicknesses and oppression of the heart.
12:00 NOVEMBER 24TH: If it thunders, it threatens for the people, bad conditions and spotted diseases.
12:00 NOVEMBER 25TH: If it thunders, the people will be of marvelously good cheer.
12:00 NOVEMBER 26TH: If it thunders, out of the discord of those in power, the common people will oppress [others].
12:00 NOVEMBER 27TH: If it thunders, there will be heavy misery resulting from misfortunes.
12:00 NOVEMBER 28TH: If it thunders, there will be an increase of animals, but at the same time they will suffer thirst.
12:00 NOVEMBER 29TH: If it thunders, it signifies heavy rains.
12:00 NOVEMBER 30TH: If it thunders, there will be a dearth of the necessities.
12:00 DECEMBER 1ST: If it thunders, a year of serious disease.
12:00 DECEMBER 2ND: If it thunders, it signifies not merely prosperity, but even fewer enemies, and good cheer for the state.
12:00 DECEMBER 3RD: If it thunders, it signifies discord for the city.
12:00 DECEMBER 4TH: If it thunders, it foretells prosperity.
12:00 DECEMBER 5TH: If it thunders, situations will pertain through which the lower classes will oppress [their] betters.
12:00 DECEMBER 6TH: If it thunders, grain will be better.
12:00 DECEMBER 7TH: If it thunders, it signifies storm for the state, and disease for humans and dumb animals alike.
12:00 DECEMBER 8TH: If it thunders, borers will ruin the grain.
12:00 DECEMBER 9TH: If it thunders, for those who are in the west, both humans and dumb beasts, diseases.
12:00 DECEMBER 10TH: If it thunders, it says gluttony shall come about from menacing diseases.
12:00 DECEMBER 11TH: If it thunders, the common people will be led into misery, but an abundance of daily provisions.
12:00 DECEMBER 12TH: If it thunders, for those in power, it makes an end to their perverted plans. A parching wind will wrack the trees.
12:00 DECEMBER 13TH: If it thunders, men shall give blessings to the god, for the wind shall blow out of the east.
12:00 DECEMBER 14TH: If it thunders, it indicates insomnia for some time for men.
12:00 DECEMBER 15TH: If it thunders, a wealthy yet sickly period threatens, tormenting bodies with internal worms.
12:00 DECEMBER 16TH: If it thunders, poisonous snakes shall somehow be gently undone by the men.
12:00 DECEMBER 17TH: If it thunders, the fish especially plentiful, but it shall plague the water-bound beasts. The commonwealth rather better.
12:00 DECEMBER 18TH: If it thunders, the creation of locusts and field-voles, to the king, danger, and there will be an abundance of grain.
12:00 DECEMBER 19TH: If it thunders, it signifies plentiful fodder for the flocks.
12:00 DECEMBER 20TH: If it thunders, it signifies war and woes for city folk.
12:00 DECEMBER 21ST: If it thunders, welfare of women.
12:00 DECEMBER 22ND: If it thunders, it signifies famine not of long duration.
12:00 DECEMBER 23RD: If it thunders, the mice shall perish; an abundance not merely of grain but also of pasturage, and a plenty of fish.
12:00 DECEMBER 24TH: If it thunders, it signifies a year of well-being.
12:00 DECEMBER 25TH: If it thunders, disease-bearing wind will blow.
12:00 DECEMBER 26TH: If it thunders, the watch post shall complete for the state good service against enemy tricks.
12:00 DECEMBER 27TH: If it thunders, there will be a very dangerous war.
12:00 DECEMBER 28TH: If it thunders, it signifies a civil war and the death of many.
12:00 DECEMBER 29TH: If it thunders, it threatens the same.
12:00 DECEMBER 30TH: If it thunders, many of the councilmen of the wealthier rank shall be ruined utterly by cowardice.
12:00 DECEMBER 31ST: If it thunders, the lower classes will do better, but the hoped-for fruit harvest shall be destroyed.
12:00 JANUARY 1ST: If it thunders, the mortals shall live in a condition more favored by the gods. Naturally, evils [will come] in due proportion.
12:00 JANUARY 2ND: If it thunders, it signifies a year of well-being according to concord.
12:00 JANUARY 3RD: If it thunders, a plenty of fish and especially of fruits.
12:00 JANUARY 4TH: If it thunders, men will excessively consume their flocks because of a dearth of fish.
12:00 JANUARY 5TH: If it thunders, winter will be heavy, yet [there will be] abundance also.
12:00 JANUARY 6TH: If it thunders, it threatens mangy diseases.
12:00 JANUARY 7TH: If it thunders, the men shall be visited with visions of the faces of the gods, they shall experience a bad outcome.
12:00 JANUARY 8TH: If it thunders, it signifies the same for all.
12:00 JANUARY 9TH: If it thunders, virulent disease; out of it, though, will be an abundance of crops, but a plague on the flocks.
12:00 JANUARY 10TH: If it thunders, there will be the downfall of a famous man.
12:00 JANUARY 11TH: If it thunders, it threatens slaughter for men from diseases, but the fish shall be abundant.
12:00 JANUARY 12TH: If it thunders, heat-bearing shall be the summer season, and plenty imported from foreign lands.
12:00 JANUARY 13TH: If it thunders, it threatens diseases from diarrhea.
12:00 JANUARY 14TH: If it thunders, plenty, yet diseases it threatens.
12:00 JANUARY 15TH: If it thunders, it signifies at the same time civil war and abundance.
12:00 JANUARY 16TH: If it thunders, many will set out for war but few shall return.
12:00 JANUARY 17TH: If it thunders, newfangled affairs for the state.
12:00 JANUARY 18TH: If it thunders, it threatens that small locusts shall be born, yet there will still be plenty.
12:00 JANUARY 19TH: If it thunders, there shall be a heavy war.
12:00 JANUARY 20TH: If it thunders, it threatens prolongation of war.
12:00 JANUARY 21ST: If it thunders, it tells a lack of the necessities.
12:00 JANUARY 22ND: If it thunders, it threatens a hot and disease-making wind will blow.
12:00 JANUARY 23RD: If it thunders, the summer will be hot but plentiful in crops.
12:00 JANUARY 24TH: If it thunders, it signifies a disease for men but a harmless one.
12:00 JANUARY 25TH: If it thunders, it threatens civil wars for the city, and a plague on the beasts of the woods.
12:00 JANUARY 26TH: If it thunders, a movement of troops to war, but it will turn out well.
12:00 JANUARY 27TH: If it thunders, it threatens diseases for the slaves.
12:00 JANUARY 28TH: If it thunders, the king will help many.
12:00 JANUARY 29TH: If it thunders, the hatching of locusts.
12:00 JANUARY 30TH: If it thunders, it signifies the most healthful leanness for the bodies.
12:00 JANUARY 31ST: If it thunders, it signifies a rebellion against the kingdom and, reasonably, war.
12:00 FEBRUARY 1ST: If it thunders, a fast wind will blow, but not dangerous.
12:00 FEBRUARY 2ND: If it thunders, there will be unlooked-for war.
12:00 FEBRUARY 3RD: If it thunders, it shows after victory, loss for those in the war. Still, there will be plenty.
12:00 FEBRUARY 4TH: If it thunders, the common people will agree to make peace.
12:00 FEBRUARY 5TH: If it thunders, it signals health for the flocks.
12:00 FEBRUARY 6TH: If it thunders, it threatens a coughing sickness, but signifies an abundance of fish and of fruits.
12:00 FEBRUARY 7TH: If it thunders, there will be a slave revolt and recurring illness.
12:00 FEBRUARY 8TH: If it thunders, the ruler of the state shall be in danger from the people.
12:00 FEBRUARY 9TH: If it thunders, the king of the East shall be in danger.
12:00 FEBRUARY 10TH: If it thunders, it signifies rapid movement of wind, and a plenty of grain, but a dearth of other crops.
12:00 FEBRUARY 11TH: If it thunders, it signals famine [reaching] just up to dumb animals.
12:00 FEBRUARY 12TH: If it thunders, men shall be damaged in their faces, but there will be much fodder [for horses/cattle], and a plenty of fish.
12:00 FEBRUARY 13TH: If it thunders, it threatens diseases.
12:00 FEBRUARY 14TH: If it thunders, it threatens need, and the birth of mice, and the destruction of four-footed creatures.
12:00 FEBRUARY 15TH: If it thunders, servile revolt, and punishment for them, and abundance of crops.
12:00 FEBRUARY 16TH: If it thunders, the people shall be oppressed by the king.
12:00 FEBRUARY 17TH: If it thunders, it threatens non-dangerous diseases.
12:00 FEBRUARY 18TH: If it thunders, affairs circulating abroad shall make the people rise up.
12:00 FEBRUARY 19TH: If it thunders, when the king will have victory, then the common people will have the upper hand/stronger position.
12:00 FEBRUARY 20TH: If it thunders, there will be abundance of imported goods, but a coughing disease will afflict bodies.
12:00 FEBRUARY 21ST: If it thunders, the king hated by many shall be the object of a final plot.
12:00 FEBRUARY 22ND: If it thunders, there will be plenty, but also there will be an abundance of mice and of deer.
12:00 FEBRUARY 23RD: If it thunders, it signifies good order for the city.
12:00 FEBRUARY 24TH: If it thunders, it signifies disease following want.
12:00 FEBRUARY 25TH: If it thunders, there will be unrest among the slaves.
12:00 FEBRUARY 26TH: If it thunders, many shall be cut down by a man in power, but in the end he himself [will be killed].
12:00 FEBRUARY 27TH: If it thunders, it signifies nonthreatening diseases.
12:00 FEBRUARY 28TH: If it thunders, the fish of the sea shall be plentiful, but yet the flocks will be ruined by death.
12:00 MARCH 1ST: If it thunders, the condition of the air oppressive, and disease-bearing forall.
12:00 MARCH 2ND: If it thunders, it threatens plentiful death.
12:00 MARCH 3RD: If it thunders, it threatens war and the ruin of wealthy men.
12:00 MARCH 4TH: If it thunders, wheat in less supply, but barley better, and an increase in livestock, but there will be a wasting away of humans.
12:00 MARCH 5TH: If it thunders, there will be civil unrest.
12:00 MARCH 6TH: If it thunders, men shall be troubled not only in visage but also in their very minds.
12:00 MARCH 7TH: If it thunders, there will be a large harvest, a destruction for men.
12:00 MARCH 8TH: If it thunders, destruction of grain supplies and especially barley.
12:00 MARCH 9TH: If it thunders, it threatens destruction though not for long to humans.
12:00 MARCH 10TH: If it thunders, the greatest affair will inflame the state, and also fish will increase and yet dangerous wild beasts shall perish.
12:00 MARCH 11TH: If it thunders, worse the barley.
12:00 MARCH 12TH: If it thunders, the wild beasts shall undo the humans.
12:00 MARCH 13TH: If it thunders, good deliveries [in childbirth] for women.
12:00 MARCH 14TH: If it thunders, it threatens frequent death and unseasonable winds.
12:00 MARCH 15TH: If it thunders, there will be plenty, yet at the same time, political unrest.
12:00 MARCH 16TH: If it thunders, it threatens loss of progeny, and an onslaught of poisonous reptiles.
12:00 MARCH 17TH: If it thunders, the air shall carry plague, creation of both wild beasts and mice.
12:00 MARCH 18TH: If it thunders, to the people, auspicious, but of the powerful ones, bad [will come] out of discord.
12:00 MARCH 19TH: If it thunders, summer will be most fruitful.
12:00 MARCH 20TH: If it thunders, it threatens a heavy wind and eruption of pustules on bodies.
12:00 MARCH 21ST: If it thunders, there will be a throng of reptiles, and in addition, of worms.
12:00 MARCH 22ND: If it thunders, it signifies fine breezes.
12:00 MARCH 23RD: If it thunders, it signifies abundance.
12:00 MARCH 24TH: If it thunders, the air will be disease-carrying but not lethal.
12:00 MARCH 25TH: If it thunders, it threatens deformity for men, but destruction for birds.
12:00 MARCH 26TH: If it thunders, it threatens good health for men, but destruction for both fish and reptiles.
12:00 MARCH 27TH: If it thunders, to those living luxuriously, a reversal. There will be wars, and a heavy storm.
12:00 MARCH 28TH: If it thunders, it threatens hot weather, and a lack of water, and scabs on bodies.
12:00 MARCH 29TH: If it thunders, it signifies unrest among the commons.
12:00 MARCH 30TH: If it thunders, it prophesies abundance, yet at the same time, a disease-giving wind will blow.
12:00 MARCH 31ST: If it thunders, it signifies war and abundance.
12:00 APRIL 1ST: If it thunders, it signifies good things with long duration after great divisions of the people.
12:00 APRIL 2ND: If it thunders, for the entire year there will be strife and disagreements.
12:00 APRIL 3RD: If it thunders, it shall end the threatening affairs.
12:00 APRIL 4TH: If it thunders, for the state, discord following famine.
12:00 APRIL 5TH: If it thunders, there will be boundless prosperity.
12:00 APRIL 6TH: If it thunders, the spring will be sunny and the summer fruitful.
12:00 APRIL 7TH: If it thunders, the same and even better.
12:00 APRIL 8TH: If it thunders, a heavy wind will arise, which shall move the affairs of powerful men.
12:00 APRIL 9TH: If it thunders, it signals rains.
12:00 APRIL 10TH: If it thunders, it threatens ruin of man and creation of wild beasts.
12:00 APRIL 11TH: If it thunders, destruction to the four-footed.
12:00 APRIL 12TH: If it thunders, it signifies heavy rain and the creation of locusts.
12:00 APRIL 13TH: If it thunders, a powerful man in politics or a general is endangered; on his behalf, battles will be waged, and the wild beasts shall fall upon man.
12:00 APRIL 14TH: If it thunders, there will be plenty but the wild beasts shall be destroyed and the fish shall increase; and reptiles will trouble habitations but will not be harmful.
12:00 APRIL 15TH: If it thunders, it signals prosperity but threatens a death of men and birth of wild beasts.
12:00 APRIL 16TH: If it thunders, it signals hot spells and drought and a great throng of mice and fish.
12:00 APRIL 17TH: If it thunders, healthful the year, yet lacking in necessities.
12:00 APRIL 18TH: If it thunders, something unexpected will befall the people; ruin upon ruin for men and four-footed beasts.
12:00 APRIL 19TH: If it thunders, it signifies a period of severe rain, and disease, and the birth of locusts, barrenness [of crops] near at hand.
12:00 APRIL 20TH: If it thunders, a very dry summer and destructive.
12:00 APRIL 21ST: If it thunders, man will live with better behavior at the same time as more prosperously.
12:00 APRIL 22ND: If it thunders, it signifies prosperity after wars and hot spells causing destruction.
12:00 APRIL 23RD: If it thunders, destruction of birds, but a plenty of daily supplies.
12:00 APRIL 24TH: If it thunders, it signifies discord.
12:00 APRIL 25TH: If it thunders, it signifies prosperity.
12:00 APRIL 26TH: If it thunders, new affairs are given birth among the people.
12:00 APRIL 27TH: If it thunders, it announces [the] acquisition of imported slaves [prisoners of war]. 
12:00 APRIL 28TH: If it thunders, it signifies abundance imported from abroad.
12:00 APRIL 29TH: If it thunders, there will be a plenty of marine fish.
12:00 APRIL 30TH: If it thunders, the women shall obtain the better reputation.
12:00 MAY 1ST: If it thunders, there will be some powerful, self-possessed man of the kingdom, through whom [will come] good cheer.
MAY 2025
12:00 MAY 2ND: If it thunders, it threatens civil discord and the downfalls of fortunes.
12:00 MAY 3RD: If it thunders, sign of justice, bearing prosperity to good men, and paltry things to evil men.
12:00 MAY 4TH: If it thunders, it signifies profit out of a grain supply brought from abroad.
12:00 MAY 5TH: If it thunders, anger it threatens of those more powerful against the upright.
12:00 MAY 6TH: If it thunders, it signals a hot summer early [in the season] but a healthful year.
12:00 MAY 7TH: If it thunders, civil wars will arise.
12:00 MAY 8TH: If it thunders, it signifies all good things and a prosperous season.
12:00 MAY 9TH: If it thunders, it signifies heavy rains bearing disease.
12:00 MAY 10TH: If it thunders, it signifies victory for the kingdom and good cheer for the powerful ones.
12:00 MAY 11TH: If it thunders, of upright men there will be advances.
12:00 MAY 12TH: If it thunders, it signals the same things.
12:00 MAY 13TH: If it thunders, rains and prosperity and ruin of fish it signifies.
12:00 MAY 14TH: If it thunders, for men and for cattle destruction it threatens.
12:00 MAY 15TH: If it thunders, good health and prosperity it signifies.
12:00 MAY 16TH: If it thunders, it signals a plague.
12:00 MAY 17TH: If it thunders, it signifies abundance but at the same time the birth of field-voles.
12:00 MAY 18TH: If it thunders, it signals a plenty of daily supplies.
12:00 MAY 19TH: If it thunders, it signals discord and thoughtlessness of men.
12:00 MAY 20TH: If it thunders, a powerful man in the state shall be deprived at once of both reputation and property.
12:00 MAY 21ST: If it thunders, it signals divine anger.
12:00 MAY 22ND: If it thunders, it signifies good fortune for the crops, yet war for the state.
12:00 MAY 23RD: If it thunders, it will be the destruction of the flies.
12:00 MAY 24TH: If it thunders, it signifies a rain helpful for the sprouting time.
12:00 MAY 25TH: If it thunders, there will be discord among those in power, but their plans will be exposed.
12:00 MAY 26TH: If it thunders, peace during the entire year.
12:00 MAY 27TH: If it thunders, it signifies great hope of fruits and scarcity of harvests.
12:00 MAY 28TH: If it thunders, omens from the sky incredibly shall be revealed.
12:00 MAY 29TH: If it thunders, by shields the people shall be saved.
12:00 MAY 30TH: If it thunders, a zephyrus will prevail.
12:00 MAY 31ST:If it thunders, a shower of good things.
JUNE 2025
12:00 JUNE 1ST: If it thunders, it signifies flight for the common people and loss of honor.
12:00 JUNE 2ND: If it thunders, it threatens need.
12:00 JUNE 3RD: If it thunders, it signifies abundance imported from abroad.
12:00 JUNE 4TH: If it thunders, the air will be mild and the crops will be plentiful.
12:00 JUNE 5TH: If it thunders, there will be an interchange of hardships in political affairs, and wheat more plentiful than barley. The pulses, however, will be ruined.
12:00 JUNE 6TH: If it thunders, it signifies that crops will ripen in haste and will be ruined.
12:00 JUNE 7TH: If it thunders, there will be abundance of birds and fish.
12:00 JUNE 8TH: If it thunders, ill-omened for the common people.
12:00 JUNE 9TH: If it thunders, it signals plague, but not exceptionally life-threatening.
12:00 JUNE 10TH: If it thunders, it announces storms, heavy rain, heavy floods of the rivers, a throng of lizards and of reptiles.
12:00 JUNE 11TH: If it thunders, abundance to be hoped for both on land and sea.
12:00 JUNE 12TH: If it thunders, there will be destruction of fish.
12:00 JUNE 13TH: If it thunders, it signals an increase in river waters, but diseases for men.
12:00 JUNE 14TH: If it thunders, there will be eastern war and great want.
12:00 JUNE 15TH: If it thunders, it signifies abundance.
12:00 JUNE 16TH: If it thunders, atonement must be made on account of terrible news.
12:00 JUNE 17TH: If it thunders, it signifies rainy weather.
12:00 JUNE 18TH: If it thunders, discord and out of it war and a lack of daily supplies.
12:00 JUNE 19TH: If it thunders, through good will of the people, some man shall be exalted to the height of good fortune.
12:00 JUNE 20TH: If it thunders, for those in the east, prosperity, but for those in the west, not the same.
12:00 JUNE 21ST: If it thunders, atonement must be made on account of terrible news.
12:00 JUNE 22ND: If it thunders, it signals heavy rains and destruction of marine fish.
12:00 JUNE 23RD: If it thunders, it signifies a good and fruitful rain.
12:00 JUNE 24TH: If it thunders, great evils such that those hearkening [to them] shall pass away from grief.
12:00 JUNE 25TH: If it thunders, a hoped-for resting place and slackening of evils.
12:00 JUNE 26TH: If it thunders, good for those working upon the tilled land.
12:00 JUNE 27TH: If it thunders, there shall be prodigies, and a comet shall shine forth.
12:00 JUNE 28TH: If it thunders, it shall be the same.
12:00 JUNE 29TH: If it thunders, it signals northern war, but not dangerous for commerce.
12:00 JUNE 30TH: If it thunders, the sprouting crops will be chilled by the winds.
FULL MOON IN CANCER 12:00 JULY 10TH: Upon the new moon, if in any way it should thunder, there shall be plenty, yet there shall be ruin [“Ruin” or “a falling” (πτῶσις) of the flocks: the connotation of falling down, or away, might have described a particular disease condition.] of the flocks.
The Religion of the Etruscans. (2006). In University of Texas Press eBooks. University of Texas Press. https://doi.org/10.7560/706873
Turfa, J. M. (2012). Divining the Etruscan World: The Brontoscopic Calendar and Religious Practice.
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wanderingskemetic · 1 month ago
Hello! I was recently reached out to by Turan, and I would love to work with her, but I have absolutely no clue where to start. I've done some research on the Etruscan pantheon and the civilization, but I have no clue where to start with worshiping Turan. Any tips? Thank you!
Unfortunately, we know very little about Etruscan religious practices, so my best advice is to take what you already know and construct a practice from that, filling in whatever feels best/right to you when you don't have anything else to go off of. It can be easy to get stuck in the research rabbit hole and while research is important, at some point you do need to just start doing the thing. You can continue to modify as you find what works for you and the aiser and as you continue to learn more.
Especially if this is your first time practicing polytheism, I would recommend starting small and simple at least at first. You can always add more later or do more when you have time and energy. Like most Mediterranean polytheistic religions, offerings are important(1). I suggest at least establishing a goal offering schedule. You don't have to keep it all the time, but I've found having a goal of say I'm going to offer something to Menrva every Wednesday is a lot easier for me to keep in mind and do than I'm going to offer to Menrva every so often.
A wide range of consumable offerings were offered, and they could be burned, eaten(2), or buried(3). I typically eat mine, as that's what I can do and works well with my preexisting Kemetic practice. Libations are also a good option they can be poured into the ground (research if you're offering something other than water though) and sink libations are a good simple and discreet option, sag dab saar has a good post on them here. Votive offerings were also quite popular(4) and Turan was one of the deities we know they were given to(5). However, these may be difficult to do as a modern worshiper.
I do try to face east when I make offerings to them, as the east seems to be a preferred direction in altar placement and to have been seen as a generally favorable region. (6)
Divination is quite important to the aiser(7), so I do recommend researching and working on becoming comfortable with at least one method of it if you aren't already. Unfortunately I can't offer a lot of advice there as that's something I'm working on myself.
If you haven't already I would recommend checking out the Rasenna polytheism carrd especially their resources section. It has a lot of great information, and many of the books they have are really hard/expensive to get otherwise. The people who run the carrd also run a Discord server which you could also find useful.
Votives, Places, and Rituals in Etruscan Religion. Edited by Margarita Gleba and Hilary Becker. Section written by Hilary Becker. 95.
Votives, Places, and Rituals in Etruscan Religion. 94-96/
The Religion of the Etruscans. Edited by Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon. Section written by Ingrid E. M. Edlund-Berry. 119.
The Religion of the Etruscans. Section written by Jean MacIntosh Turfa. 90.
The Religion of the Etruscans. 106.
Menichelli, Sylvia. Etruscan Altars from the 7th to 4th Century B.C.: Typology, Function, and Cult. Translated by Jason de Leeuw. 106-107.
The Religion of the Etruscans. Section written by Nancy Thomson de Grummond. 27.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year ago
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16 May 2023. Crown Prince Hussein visits Turfa Obeidat in her home in Irbid’s Hartha Village, at her invitation.
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blogflores0 · 1 month ago
Sanchezia speciosa: Cuidados, Curiosidades e Benefícios para o Seu Jardim
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A Sanchezia speciosa, também conhecida como planta-lança, é uma planta ornamental muito apreciada pela sua folhagem exuberante e flores vibrantes, sendo uma excelente escolha para adicionar um toque exótico a qualquer jardim ou espaço interior. Originária das regiões tropicais da América do Sul, esta planta pertence à família Acanthaceae e adapta-se muito bem a ambientes quentes e húmidos, características que a tornam bastante popular em países com clima tropical ou subtropical. Abaixo, vamos explorar as curiosidades sobre a Sanchezia speciosa, os cuidados necessários para o seu cultivo e os benefícios estéticos que ela pode trazer.
Características da Sanchezia speciosa
A Sanchezia speciosa destaca-se sobretudo pela sua folhagem ornamental, com folhas grandes de um verde intenso e nervuras brancas ou amarelas bem definidas, o que proporciona um visual marcante. As suas flores, embora pequenas, são de um amarelo vibrante e surgem em inflorescências nas pontas dos caules, principalmente durante os meses mais quentes. No entanto, as folhas são a principal atração desta planta, trazendo um visual tropical e exuberante, perfeito para quem quer dar vida a um jardim ou a um ambiente interior. Curiosidades sobre a Sanchezia speciosa Uma curiosidade interessante sobre esta planta é que ela é nativa de florestas tropicais, onde a humidade e a luz filtrada são predominantes. Por esta razão, a Sanchezia prefere ambientes de sombra parcial, uma vez que a exposição direta ao sol pode danificar as suas folhas. Outra curiosidade é que, em algumas culturas, a Sanchezia é usada em práticas medicinais tradicionais, embora esta aplicação não seja amplamente reconhecida na medicina moderna. Sabia que a Sanchezia também é conhecida por atrair polinizadores, como beija-flores e borboletas? Isto acontece devido às suas flores vibrantes e ao néctar que produzem, sendo uma excelente opção para quem deseja criar um jardim que incentive a biodiversidade.
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Cuidados essenciais no cultivo O cultivo da Sanchezia speciosa exige alguns cuidados específicos, especialmente em relação à rega, à exposição solar e à humidade. Aqui estão os principais fatores a considerar para manter a sua planta saudável e em pleno crescimento. - Luz: A Sanchezia prefere luz indireta ou sombra parcial, já que o sol direto pode queimar as suas folhas delicadas. Em ambientes internos, é ideal posicioná-la perto de uma janela que receba luz filtrada ou, em alternativa, colocar uma cortina para difundir a luz. Para garantir uma boa fotossíntese, é importante que a planta tenha pelo menos 4 horas de luz indireta por dia. - Rega: Um dos pontos mais críticos no cuidado da Sanchezia é a rega. O solo deve permanecer ligeiramente húmido, mas nunca encharcado, pois o excesso de água pode levar ao apodrecimento das raízes. Nos meses mais quentes, regue com maior frequência, mas reduza as regas durante o inverno. - Solo: A Sanchezia speciosa prefere um substrato bem drenado e rico em matéria orgânica. Uma mistura de solo com turfa, areia e matéria orgânica é o ideal para garantir uma boa drenagem, evitando assim o acumulo de água nas raízes. - Humidade: Como planta tropical, a Sanchezia aprecia ambientes húmidos. Em locais onde o ar é seco, é recomendável borrifar água nas folhas regularmente ou utilizar um humidificador. A humidade do ar ajuda a planta a manter as suas folhas saudáveis e com cores vibrantes. - Fertilização: Para estimular o crescimento e a produção de flores, aplique um fertilizante líquido a cada duas semanas durante a primavera e o verão. Um fertilizante equilibrado, rico em nitrogénio, fósforo e potássio, é ideal para esta planta.
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Propagação da Sanchezia speciosa A Sanchezia speciosa pode ser propagada facilmente através de estacas de caule. O método mais comum envolve o corte de uma estaca de aproximadamente 10 a 15 cm de comprimento, preferencialmente na primavera, quando a planta está no seu período de maior crescimento. Após o corte, remova as folhas inferiores da estaca e coloque-a num substrato húmido. Em algumas semanas, as raízes começarão a desenvolver-se, e a nova planta estará pronta para ser transplantada para um vaso ou diretamente para o jardim. Problemas comuns Apesar de ser uma planta resistente, a Sanchezia speciosa pode enfrentar alguns problemas, especialmente se não forem seguidos os cuidados adequados. Aqui estão os principais problemas que podem surgir: - Folhas queimadas: Se notar que as folhas apresentam manchas castanhas ou começam a secar nas pontas, isso pode ser um sinal de exposição excessiva ao sol direto. Ajuste a posição da planta para um local com luz indireta. - Amarelo das folhas: O amarelo das folhas pode indicar excesso de água (importância da água) ou problemas no sistema radicular. Verifique se o solo está bem drenado e ajuste a frequência das regas. - Pragas: A Sanchezia speciosa pode ser atacada por pragas como cochonilhas e ácaros. Para combater esses invasores, inspecione regularmente as folhas e aplique óleo de neem ou sabão inseticida, conforme necessário. https://youtu.be/xvP_wudDlkI?si=yndO5xBpXQRhB7dx Benefícios ornamentais A Sanchezia speciosa é uma planta altamente valorizada no paisagismo por sua folhagem exuberante e cores vibrantes. Além disso, ela é uma excelente escolha para criar um ponto focal em jardins ou interiores, oferecendo um visual tropical e exótico. A combinação da Sanchezia com outras plantas tropicais, como a Monstera deliciosa ou a Calathea, pode criar ambientes visuais impactantes e cheios de vida. Outra vantagem desta planta é que ela pode ser cultivada em vasos, o que facilita o seu uso em espaços interiores. Isso torna a Sanchezia uma excelente opção para quem vive em apartamentos ou locais com pouco espaço para jardinagem. Curiosidades adicionais - A Sanchezia speciosa é frequentemente usada em jardins tropicais e subtropicais devido à sua facilidade de cultivo e beleza duradoura. - Além do seu valor ornamental, há registos históricos do uso de partes da planta em remédios tradicionais, embora este uso não seja amplamente aceito ou praticado atualmente. - Esta planta é considerada de fácil manutenção, desde que sejam respeitadas as suas necessidades de luz, água e humidade. Conclusão A Sanchezia speciosa é uma planta ideal para quem procura adicionar um toque tropical ao jardim ou ao ambiente interno, graças às suas folhas marcantes e flores coloridas. Com os cuidados adequados — como garantir uma boa luminosidade indireta, manter o solo húmido mas não encharcado e proporcionar um ambiente com alta humidade —, a Sanchezia recompensa com um crescimento vigoroso e uma presença exuberante. Além disso, as suas curiosidades, como a atração de polinizadores, tornam-na uma adição encantadora e funcional a qualquer espaço verde. FAQs sobre Sanchezia speciosa 1. O que é a Sanchezia speciosa? A Sanchezia speciosa é uma planta tropical ornamental, conhecida pelas suas grandes folhas verdes com nervuras brancas ou amarelas e flores de cor amarela vibrante. Ela é nativa da América do Sul e é amplamente apreciada por seu visual exótico. 2. Quais são os cuidados essenciais para a Sanchezia speciosa? A Sanchezia prefere luz indireta ou sombra parcial, regas regulares para manter o solo húmido (sem encharcar), solo bem drenado e ambientes húmidos. Além disso, é importante fertilizar a planta durante os meses de primavera e verão. 3. Como propagar a Sanchezia speciosa? A Sanchezia pode ser propagada através de estacas de caule. Corte uma estaca de aproximadamente 10-15 cm, remova as folhas inferiores e plante-a num substrato húmido. Em algumas semanas, as raízes começarão a crescer. 4. A Sanchezia speciosa pode ser cultivada em ambientes internos? Sim, a Sanchezia pode ser cultivada em vasos dentro de casa, desde que receba luz indireta e seja mantida num ambiente húmido. É ideal para decorar interiores com um toque tropical. 5. A Sanchezia speciosa precisa de muita água? A Sanchezia precisa de regas regulares para manter o solo ligeiramente húmido, mas não deve ser encharcada. Verifique se o solo tem boa drenagem para evitar o apodrecimento das raízes. 6. Como lidar com pragas na Sanchezia speciosa? A planta pode ser afetada por pragas como cochonilhas e ácaros. Inspecione regularmente as folhas e, se necessário, use óleo de neem ou sabão inseticida para combater as pragas. 7. Quais são os problemas mais comuns que a Sanchezia speciosa enfrenta? Os problemas mais comuns incluem folhas queimadas devido à exposição ao sol direto, amarelecimento das folhas causado por excesso de água e ataques de pragas como ácaros e cochonilhas. Read the full article
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batuter · 2 months ago
Jadilah Seperti Tsauban
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Banyak kisah cinta dari para sahabat kepada Rasulullah Saw. Kisah yang mengandung nilai dan pelajaran yang berharga untuk kita jadikan sebagai renungan, motivasi dan semangat kita dalam mendekatkan diri kepada sang Ilahi. Pertanyaannya, mampukah kita menandingi kisah cinta para sahabat kepada Rasulullah? Atau cinta kita kalah dengan cinta para sahabat tersebut? Mungkin juga cinta kita yang lebih unggul dari cinta para sahabat? Atau celakanya, cinta kita malah jauh dari cinta para sahabat? Hal ini tentunya harus menjadi renungan bagi kita secara mendalam. Untuk menilai bagaimakah kualitas cinta para sahabat kepada Rasulullah Saw. Marilah kita simak sebuah kisah di zaman Rasulullah Saw, kisah yang telah diriwayatkan oleh para ulama dalam-kitab-kitab mereka. Kisah yang menjadi penyebab (asbabun nuzul) turunnya ayat Al_Qur’an Surat An-Nisa’ ayat (69-70) “Dan barangsiapa yang mentaati Allah dan Rasul (Nya), mereka itu akan bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang dianugerahi nikmat oleh Allah, yaitu: para Nabi-nabi, para shiddiqiin, orang-orang yang mati syahid, dan orang-orang saleh. Dan mereka itulah teman yang sebaik-baiknya.  Yang demikian itu adalah karunia dari Allah, dan Allah cukup mengetahui dari apa yang kita sembunyikan dan apa yang kita tampakkan” (An-Nisa’:  69-70) Al-Hafizd Ibn Katsir membawakan riwayat seorang sahabat yang cinta kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw. Sahabat ini, tidak sabar kalau tidak berjumpa dengan Rasulullah Saw. Namun, Ibn Katsir, tidak menyebutkan siapa nama sahabat tersebut. Sementara, Imam Al-Qurtubi di dalam tafsir beliau, Al-Jaami’ Liahkamil Qur’an, menyebutkan  nama sahabat itu bernama “Tsauban”. Sahabat Tsauban ini, adalah pembantu Rasulullah Saw, sahabat ini sangat mencintai Rasulullah Saw, dan Tsauban tidak tahan kalau tidak bertemu sehari saja dengan dengan Nabi Muhammad Saw. Jika Tsauban tidak bertemu Rasulullah Saw, maka wajahnya berubah pucat, raut mukanya tidak enak dipandang. Dia seperti orang yang merana dan menderita. Hidupnya hampa, tidak bergairah dan tidak bersemangat. Layaknya, para pengemis lusuh dan pemulung yang selalu murung. Dan benar saja, pada suatu hari sahabat Tsauban benar-benar tidak bertemu dan berjumpa dengan Nabi Saw. Dalam kondisi tersebut, sahabat Tsauban ini pikiranya kacau-balau, bigung, sampai-sampai badanya kurus kering, wajahnya pucat, sangat bersedih dan sangat gelisah. Hanya karena sehari tidak berjumpa dengan kekasihnya Rasulullah Saw.  Singkat cerita, akhirnya suatu saat bertemulah sahabat Tsauban ini dengan Rasulullah Saw, lalu Rasulullah begitu heran dengan keadaan pembantunya tersebut. Rasulullah pun bertanya perihal keadaanya; “Maa ghayyaro lau nak ya Tsauban?”  “Wahai Tsauban apa yang membuat keadaan kamu seperti ini? Kenapa wajahmu pucat? Kenapa kamu terlihat kurus kering? Kamu begitu bersedih, kamu tampak gelisah dan merana wahai Tsaubaan, penyakit apa yang sedang kau derita,  katakan kepadaku ya Tsauban? Lantas Tsauban  menjawab,  Ya.. Rasulullah, Maa bi dhurrun wala wajaun, ghairo anni idza lam Arooka, istakhtu Ilaika, was taw hastu wihsyatan shadidah, hatta alqoo  “Wahai Rasulullah, aku tidak sakit, aku tidak terkena mara bahaya apapun, aku tidak ditimpa musibah sedikitpu. Hanya saja ya Rasulullah, kalau saja aku tidak bertemu denganmu sehari saja, aku rindu wahai Rasulullah, aku cinta kepadamu dan aku merasakan kesepian dan kesendirian yang amat sangat, sampai benar-benar aku berjumpa denganmu, wahai Rasulullah.” Kemudian Tsauban melanjutkan; Tsumma dzakartul akhiirota, wa akhofu alla arooka hunakaa, lianni aroftu annaka turfa’ Ma’an nabiyyiin, Wa anni indakholtu Jannah,  kuntu fii manzilatin yaa Adna manzilatik . Wa illam adkhul,  lam arooka abadaa “Ya Rasulullah dalam keadaan aku bersedih seperti itu, aku ingat di akherat nanti, Wahai Rasulullah, anda nanti di akherat mempunyai derajat yang tinggi kumpul dengan para Nabi, aku wahai Rasulullah, seandainya saja aku masuk syurga, maka derjatku di bawahmu wahai Rasulullah. Kita tidak bisa ketemu
di syurga nanti, anda di atas paling tinggi, sementara kami di bawah,  itu pun kalau aku masuk ke dalam syurga. Sementara kalau aku  tidak  masuk ke dalam syurga wahai Rasulullah, maka aku tidak akan bisa bertemu dengan engkau selama-lamanya” Subhanallah… Begitu indah kisah sahabat Tsauban ini. Rasa rindu ingin berjumpa dengan Rasulullah telah membuat ia menderita dan merana. Rasa rindu itu telah menyiksa batinnya. Kerinduan karena samata-mata lahir dari cintanya kepada Rasulullah Saw. Rasanya puncak kerinduandan cinta itu bagi sebagian orang mungkin terlalu berlebihan, namun adakah kita sadari kalau rindu dan cinta kepada Rasulullah Saw akan lahir dari hati yang bersih, lahir dari hati yang bening, hati yang selalu di isi dengan kebaikan-kebaikan. Sehingga, dari kebaikan jiwa itulah akan lahir cinta yang hakiki.   Semoga kita dapat mencontohi sahabat Tsauban ini. Kita perbanyak bacaan shalawat kita kepada Rasulullah Saw, sebagai bukti cinta kita kepada beliau.  Allahumma sholli wasallim ala Muhammad. Disarikan dari ceramah Ustad Abdullah Shaleh Al-Hadrami Ikuti kami untuk konten inspiratif setiap hari: Facebook: @batutercom Instagram: @batutercom Twitter (x): @batutercom Telegram: @batutercom Tiktok: @batutercom Youtube : @batuter
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tainaracurcio · 3 months ago
“A luz gerada quando se queima carvão, carvão vegetal ou turfa, a luz emitida por um pedaço de carvão é, na verdade, luz solar. A questão é que a luz dura para sempre — por um bilhão de anos dentro de um pedaço de carvão. Mas a escuridão não dura nem um segundo quando você acende a luz.”
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r-vegetais · 3 months ago
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Quer cultivar amoras em casa? Aqui estão as dicas essenciais para ter uma colheita deliciosa:
Escolha variedades compactas como ‘Baby Cakes’ ou ‘Navaho’.
Use um vaso grande (45-50 cm de profundidade) com drenagem.
Plante em solo bem drenado, misturado com composto ou turfa.
Coloque o vaso em local com 6-8 horas de sol direto.
Regue regularmente, mantendo o solo úmido, mas sem encharcar.
Ofereça suporte com treliças ou estacas para os ramos.
Adube a cada 3-4 semanas para estimular o crescimento.
Pode os ramos antigos após a colheita para aumentar a produção.
Colha as amoras quando estiverem roxas e suculentas, no final do verão.
Com esses cuidados, você vai ter amoras frescas direto da sua horta!
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batri-jopa · 4 months ago
Hey, other And Then We Danced (2019) fans, listen, have you already known that the song in the background of this movie scene...
...was initially different than the one we know from the final version of the film?🤯
[Video comes from this post of @andthenwedanced on Instagram (dated: 29 August 2019)]
What you hear in the fragment above is Tu Ase Turfa Ikavi (თუ ასე ტურფა იყავი) - and not Khma Amoige Panduro ! (which I already described to you in Part 1 of my "ATWD soundtrack & lyrics" series)
If you were so fine / Tu Ase Turfa Ikavi
If you were so fine, Why didn't I mention you, violet? Because, for love, I hadn't my heart open ( x2)
Now I met another gardener, Who swayed me with petting, Sang to me sweet voice, And swayed me on hem ( x2)
If you were so fine, Why didn't I mention you, violet? Because, for love, I hadn't my heart open ( x2)
[translation given by YouTube user @merabbarbakadze in comments under Hamlet's Gonashvili version of the song]
Alternative translation:
If you were so beautiful, why didn't I notice you before, violet? Because I didn't have my heart opened for love.
Now I met another gardener filled me with tenderness sweetly blazed with me began to swing me on hem of a skirt
if you were so beautiful Why hadn't I noticed you before, violet? Just because my heart was yet not opened for the love.
[translation above was given by YouTube user @leokac in comment under this Ketie's Melua version of the song]
თუ ასე ტურფა იყავი რად ვერ გამჩნევდი იაო იმად რომ სიყვარულისთვის გული არ გამიღიაო იმად რომ სიყვარულისთვის გული არ გამიღიაო
ახლა სხვა მებაღე შემხვდა ალერსით გამაბნიაო, ტკბილადაც მამიგურგურა კალთაზედ დამარწიაო. ტკბილადაც მამიგურგურა კალთაზედ დამარწიაო.
ცაზედ მიდიან წერონი მწკრივად და ჯარის ჯარადა რით ვერ შაიგნეთ იალნო ცრემლებ ჩამამდის ღვარადა რით ვერ შაიგნეთ იალნო ცრემლებ ჩამამდის ღვარადა
თუ ასე ტურფა იყავი რად ვერ გამჩნევდი იაო იმად რომ სიყვარულისთვის გული არ გამიღიაო იმად რომ სიყვარულისთვის გული არ გამიღიაო
[Original Georgian lyrics according to www.smule.com]
Now you can compare it with the song that was used in the final version of ATWD:
ხმა ამაიღე ფანდურო [Khma amoige panduro]
Raise your voice, panduri For the rising sun I wish to speak a shairi, For a sun-faced beauty, Sun-faced, sun-faced, for the sun-faced beauty
ხმა ამაიღე ფანდურო ამომავალი მზისთვინა შაირ მწადიან წარმოვთქო პირიმზე ლამაზისთვინა მის: პირიმზე პირიმზე პირიმზე ლამაზისთვინა
[⬆️The above is from FINAL version!⬆️]
Now I am not sure what was the actual reason that one song won over another. Maybe And The We Danced movie makers simply had no permission to use "Tu Ase Turfa..."? (It happened before - many singers wanted not to be associated with movie about "perverts", that's why most of ATWD songs were recorded particulary for the movie and the song sang in the car had to be literally written for the car scene alone (!!!) - you can read more about it my "And Then We Danced: Soundtrack & Lyrics" series or under my "ATWD amateur guidebook" tag). Or maybe it was decided to not fit to the moment in the film as perfectly as "Khma amoige..."?
I got to say I loved "Tu ase turfa" since the first time I heard it (and it was on ATWD OST playlist even! Though I thought it was a mistake for that song was nowhere in the final movie so I thought that maybe somebody was mistaken... Yes I was so stupid to think someone could mistake two totally different songs, lol😅). But I love "Khma amoige..." so much in this scene, it sounds so quiet and delicate, almost like a lullaby... or maybe like a first shy thought of noticing somebody's beauty for the first time? - and it fits so perfectly with Merab's bashfull little laugh in marshrutka when Irakli's sleeping on his shoulder🫠 While "Tu ase turfa" would sound more... solemn? And serious? (especially the part with choir). I can imagine it would feel more as if Merab was already deeply in love in that moment... Though the lyrics does emphasize the fact of not noticing beauty before being ready for love so theoretically it does fit to that movie scene... So I don't know, just my thoughts😅
But I love both songs, I love all of them!❤️❤️❤️
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reinato · 8 months ago
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Em meados da década de 1980, arqueólogos fizeram uma descoberta notável perto de Nieuw-Dordrecht, nos Países Baixos: uma estrada de madeira neolítica incrivelmente bem preservada. Este antigo caminho de turfa, datado de impressionantes 4.573 anos, estende-se por pelo menos 800 metros e é um testemunho impressionante das habilidades avançadas de engenharia das comunidades neolíticas.
Através da ciência meticulosa da dendrocronologia, ou datação por anéis de árvores, os especialistas conseguiram determinar a construção desta estrada para 2.549 a.C. Este método de datação, que analisa os anéis de crescimento das árvores, permitiu uma precisão surpreendente, revelando não apenas a época exata da construção, mas também proporcionando uma compreensão mais profunda das condições climáticas e ambientais da época.
A preservação desta estrada nas turfeiras é uma raridade que oferece uma visão única da infraestrutura sofisticada da Europa pré-histórica. As turfeiras, com suas condições anaeróbicas, impedem a decomposição rápida da madeira, permitindo que estruturas como esta estrada de madeira sobrevivessem ao passar dos milênios.
A existência desta estrada indica uma rede de transporte e comércio bem desenvolvida, sugerindo que as comunidades neolíticas eram muito mais avançadas do que se pensava anteriormente. A estrada teria facilitado a movimentação de pessoas, animais e mercadorias através de terrenos alagadiços, conectando assentamentos e promovendo o intercâmbio de bens e ideias.
Este achado fascinante não apenas ressalta as habilidades de engenharia das pessoas da época, mas também nos oferece um vislumbre de suas vidas diárias, suas necessidades e suas capacidades organizacionais.
Assim, a estrada de madeira neolítica de Nieuw-Dordrecht não é apenas uma maravilha arqueológica, mas também uma janela para o passado, revelando a engenhosidade e a determinação dos nossos antepassados em moldar o mundo ao seu redor.
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oespiritocelta · 8 months ago
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theoxenia · 6 months ago
The basic element of society in classical Greece was the male citizen and soldier. In Rome it was the pater familias. In Etruscan society, which retained its aristocratic nature throughout its history, it was the married couple that represented one generation in the continuous chain of generations of a great family in which the wife’s noble birth was as important as that of the husband. . . . In Etruscan iconography, mythological scenes emphasize the marriage and family bonds of divinities and heroes, often choosing obscure alternate forms of the Greek myth represented or transforming the story radically. Such scenes were incised on the backs of the engraved bronze mirrors that brides received on their wedding day, and that they took to their graves with them when they died. One mirror shows Admetus and Alcestis as a loving couple on their wedding day, flanked by the symbolic images of their marriage and their death. A Praenestine mirror represents the reconciliation and perhaps the marriage of Juno and Heracles, crudely expressed by male and female sexual organs. Prophecy, frequently represented or alluded to in scenes of preparation for the marriage, was evidently part of the wedding ritual. We see it on a beautiful mirror in which Thetis is bathing and adorning herself. As she looks into the mirror, Peleus, who has just come upon the scene, recoils in horror at the vision he sees there – the tragic result of their union, the birth of Achilles and the Trojan War. Some of these images might have functioned like modern wedding portraits on the mantel, recording the formation of the family. The inscriptions that identify the figures are often detached from them, their principal function being apparently to move the scene to a mythological level, as in an epithalamium, equating the married couple to divine or heroic lovers. One scene shows Turan, goddess of love, bringing together the adulterous lovers, Paris and Helen, who are here presented as an ideal couple and an example for the married pair.
The Etruscan World edited by Jean MacIntosh Turfa ("Chapter Twenty: Mothers And Children" by Larissa Bonfante)
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thedansemacabres · 2 years ago
Tivr, god of the moon
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[ID: A photograph of the moon over a lilac purple sky, with small clouds to the near left and the bottom left of the image. To the bottom right is a cliff side, with another smaller cliff side behind the first. The moon is in a fingernail cresent.]
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Tivr, Tiv, or Tiur, (Etruscan tiu/tiur, “month”) is the ais of the moon. They have been recognised as the moon ais as Tivr stands opposite to Usil on the Liver of Piacenza, on the “negative” side where the aiser of death and night reside. Converserly, Usil (at sunrise) and Tiv (at sunset) are separated on the liver from the sunset zone by the Suspensorium hepaticum (falciform ligament). As for syncretism, Tivr was likely identified with Luna and Selene akin to how Usil was identified with Helios and Sol. 
Tivr’s symbol is the crescent, as witnessed in the heraldic symbol of the Tiuza family of Chiusi. Their tomb dates to the third-century within Tassinaia and is decorated with crescent moons, along with a shield marked with a lunar phase. 
Nancy de Grummond argues that Catha, the daughter of Usil, is a lunar goddess. Tiur’s name is mentioned in a dedicatory inscription on a bronze crescent to Catha reading “mi tiiurs kaθuniiasul.” The relationship between the two if we take Catha as a lunar goddess is unknown. 
Tivr is a deity with very little information. Many scholars identify Tivr as feminine due to Luna and Selene, however this may be untrue as no known depiction of Tivr exists. In modern worship we can worship Tivr as the god of the moon/month and let our experiences guide us in understanding this obscure ais. 
de Grummond, N. T. (2004). For the Mother and for the Daughter: Some Thoughts on Dedications from Etruria and Praeneste. Hesperia Supplements, 33, 351–370. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1354077
Stevens, N. R. (2009). A new reconstruction of the Etruscan Heaven. American Journal of Archaeology, 113(2), 153–164. https://doi.org/10.3764/aja.113.2.153
The religion of the Etruscans. (2006). In University of Texas Press eBooks. https://doi.org/10.7560/706873
Turfa, J. M. (2012). Divining the Etruscan world: The Brontoscopic Calendar and Religious Practice. Cambridge University Press.
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