setmeatopthepyre · 1 year
"I'm blurry but I'm hot." - @tuntematonkorppi
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fortysevenswrites · 9 months
FDTD fic: hands, touching hands (SethKate, complete)
@myletternevercame and @tuntematonkorppi and I have been bitching about our feelings of want-to-write-but-no-not-that-only-want-no-actual-write for a while, and then I made myself write this, instead of, you know, any one of the 800 WIPs that I want to write.
And did I intend to finish this BEFORE New Year’s Eve? Probably. But as with You Squeeze My Hand Three Times, well, that didn’t happen and I ended up writing most of it DURING NYE instead. As one does. At least the words happened. The first week of January doesn’t count anyway.
Title from Sweet Caroline, and I am sorry that the song is now stuck in your head
hands, touching hands (read on AO3) one-shot, 5940 words
Of all the scars Kate came away with, the one on her palm is the one Seth worries the most. Literally. Aka: Seth Gecko just wants to hold Kate Fuller’s hand, the fic
Read on AO3
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heatherwentwest · 8 months
27 Seth/Kate Fanfic & Fanvid Recs
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The series finale of From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series is one of the most satisfying hours of television I’ve ever watched. And yet, I can’t get enough of this fandom’s incredible continuations of Seth and Kate’s story.
I’ve rounded up 15 fics and 12 fanvids I highly recommend, like:
“everywhere at the end of time” by @tuntematonkorppi
“You Probably Think This Song Is About You” by gutsforgarters
“I’d arrest you (if I had handcuffs)” by @myletternevercame
“you squeeze my hand three times” by @fortysevenswrites
“Counterfeit or Real” by @itsactuallycorrine
“Yellow” by @teamhodgins
“We’ll hide in sin” by @annesoshi
All the recs & where to find ’em on my blog:
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onebatch2batch · 2 years
back with another wip thanks to haley aka @carry-the-sky so here we go, idk what this fic is except gratuitous as fuck lol
“Hey, tell me what you need,” Frank says in her ear when she doesn’t respond.
“I need to know how to get out of a warehouse full of mobsters without getting shot at,” she mutters when no one starts shouting about an intruder. “Like–what would you do?”
“Where are you?”
She’s eternally grateful that he isn’t commenting on her poor decision making right now, because this is already grating enough. I mean really, the last time they spoke he’d chosen the Punisher over her. Still smarting from that and her bruised pride from having to ask for help is enough without him calling her out. She rattles off the address and hears a car door slam.
“Can you hang tight for five minutes? ‘S all I need.”
“You’re coming here? No, Frank, I just–”
“Fine, sure. I’ll just play candy crush or something.”
“I can’t tell if you’re jokin’,” he says dryly. “But in case you’re not–don’t do that. I’ll be there soon.”
tagging @ninzied @152glasslippers @tuntematonkorppi @ everyone and anyone!
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hubcaphalo · 1 year
Heyo Friend! I just finished reading "The Storyteller" by Dave Grohl and absolutely loved it and I think I remember you reading a lot of books about music and musicians so I was wondering if you had recs for more books like memoirs and rock/punk/grunge music history? Thank youuuuu
Hoooo boy, @tuntematonkorppi, do I have some recs for music books?
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I'll keep it to a few of my faves, or we'll be here all day!
As far as history:
Burning Down the Haus by Tim Mohr, about the rise of punk in East Germany during the Cold War. As much about political/social history as music, and the punk movement as a community and social movement. Brilliant book.
Under the Big Black Sun by John Doe, a collection of essays from people who were part of the early L.A. punk scene. Loved the variety of perspectives in this one, tons of wild stories.
Our Band Could Be Your Life by Michael Azzerad, history about the U.S. alt-rock/ indie scene of the 80s & early 90s after punk and before grunge broke through and alt-rock was accepted into the mainstream.
for memoirs:
Sing Backwards and Weep by Mark Lanegan, absolutely harrowing, but incredible book. I don't know if I've read a memoir where someone was so willing to talk about the ugly parts of themselves and their history so plainly. I loved him before, loved him even more after reading this.
Violence Girl by Alice Bag, one of the early L.A. punks, shares some great stories from that scene, as well as the way it was kind of birthed from glam rock. Given that it was a short-lived scene, and this is a memoir, it covers a lot of non-music parts of her life, but always comes back to the indelible imprint that time left on her.
And, a few I've not yet read, but am really looking forward to:
There and Black Again by Don Letts, an important part of the early London punk and reggae scenes, had a major impact not only on those scenes individually, but bringing them together AND documenting them--a ton of the early London punk footage, especially of The Clash, was shot by Don!!
Some New Kind of Kick by Kid Congo Powers, another early L.A. punker, Kid helped form The Gun Club, then later joined The Cramps as well as Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.
Black Diamond Queens by Maureen Mahon, a history of black women in rock, from its creation to present, how they built the castle and then got sidelined.
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nodramalamacorn · 1 year
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Thank you kindly for the tag @bibliosophie ❤️
Five things that make me happy:
1. My husband Christos, beautiful inside and out, who will always surprise me with his ancient soul and youthful persona. And our pug Darth, a joyful little clown with his own mind and curious personality.
2. My hobby; paper. My hobby has turned me into a paper hoarder; anything paper related with all the additional things that goes with it. Paper allows me to make books, art journals, collages, anything really as long as I keep an open and curious mind.
I always buy at least one journal or notebook in every country we visit during our vacations, and while traveling I collect papers off the streets, poster walls, stickers peeled off lamp posts or memorabilia wherever there is some to take for free.
3. Greece ❤️ with Paros on the top of my mind. A small Greek island which sits in the heart of the Aegean sea and belongs to the Cyclades. I visited Paros last year for the first time, and at first sight I was blown away by all the whitewashed houses though a little sceptical about the desert nature and rocky terrain. When we left Paros, after having explored its magickal nature and medieval villages, as I stood there on the ferry watching the island disappear in the horizon - tears flowed down my cheeks as I realised Paros had stolen a piece of my heart. I still have that heartache, longing for Paros, and can’t wait to return in September.
4. Really good tv-series, lastly seen: Maestro in Blue (2022) and Colony (2016). Though *Star Trek will always be rolling on tv while I indulge in my paper play.
*Star Trek (1966), TNG (1987), DS9 (1993), Voyager (1995), Enterprise (2001)
5. Food, delicious food! Cooking myself, often trying something new (latest was Mexican mole), or tasting interesting foods while traveling, or spoiling myself with the offerings from our local restaurants or cafés in and around Stockholm.
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bentcoppers · 2 years
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I was tagged by the lovely @astarkey to post my lockscreen, last song I listened to, last picture taken, and last picture saved. Thank you so much for tagging me!! 🥰💖
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @all-star-avocado,@tuntematonkorppi, @fortysevenswrites, @bennett-slytherin, @urieskeys, @scrumptiousperfectionwizard, @saffrondawn, @machinegunner666 anyone else who wants to do this!💕
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all-star-avocado · 2 years
currently reading: Blackout by Connie Willis, it's about grad students researching time travel to WWII during the Blitz. Interesting historically, and also she must've worked in academia because her grasp of collegiate dysfunction is on point.
last song: Wake Me Up/Hey Brother mix by Anthem Lights
currently working on: building DocuSign templates for insurance forms at work, organizing vacation plans, and brainstorming a sequel for a book.
tagging (no pressure): @myletternevercame, @bentcoppers, @tuntematonkorppi, @fortysevenswrites, @astarkey, @scrumptiousperfectionwizard, @bennett-slytherin, @riddlemethispoetry, and whoever else who wants to.
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setmeatopthepyre · 2 years
Tag Game: Shuffle your “On Repeat” playlist from Spotify and post the first 10 tracks.  
tagged by @tuntematonkorppi <3
Center of the Universe by Kamelot
I Speed At Night by Dio
Cold, Cold, Cold by The Family Crest
Birds with Broken Wings by Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers
Showboat by Josh Ritter
Urban Struggle by The Vandals
Barrio by Mahmood
Hunter's Moon by Ghost
Turbo Lover by Judas Priest
Strawberry Blond by Mitski
I put 'em in a playlist for your listening pleasure here.
& tagging @prince-arthurs ✨
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fortysevenswrites · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Tagged by @astarkey! Thanks!
Hopefully writing about this will give me the kick in the pants I’ve been looking for the last week to finish one of my current SK WIPs….😬😬😬
1 we don’t make the future, we just know it (pre-canon SethKate)
Look y’all, this came to me while I was in the shower and is cracky and absurd and one of the best things I’ve ever written. Two and a half years later and I’m still obsessed with this ridiculous little fic. It’s insane. It’s hilarious. It’s ALSO TECHNICALLY CANON. And I love it so much. It never fails to bring a smile to my face.
2 Good People, Bad Beer (post S3 SethKate)
Seth and Kate bonding over shitty beer and making out against the back of a car after surviving Matanzas, what more can you ask for? I re-read this one A Lot. It’s so good. I love it so much. Seth being dumb about them while Kate is sitting there super certain about them both is one of my favorite dynamics to write for them.
3 not the same (post TPS2/DDS3 Kastle)
Maria gets a pass out of the afterlife and uses it to browbeat her erstwhile husband into committing to get a better apartment and matchmaking him and Karen. Because of course she would. Maria Castle totally ships it, and it works because I said so and it’s not like anyone in the comics actually stays dead anyway.
4 watching over someone from afar (post TPS2 Kastle)
This was a BEHEMOTH inspired by a Sailor Moon quote and it’s such a delight. There’s nothing I love more than putting Karen together with the Lieberman family, and especially with Sarah. The dramatic scenes between Karen and Frank, especially the one right after Frank called David freaking out because he thought she was missing when she was really just snowed in at their house was just so much fun to write and it’s a beast of a fic but so much fun to go back to. Also fun to throw in those bits of Karen traumatizing Foggy on purpose.
5 There Is No Easy Way To Explain (post TPS1 Kastle)
“Karen, I know you kind of got thrown in to the whole paralegal thing, but did Matt and Foggy not teach you a thing about ethics? Specifically, the ethics of not sleeping with your client? Especially the clients on trial for almost forty fucking homicides.” - okay but like, this fic has some of the best one-liners I’ve ever written, and Marci’s POV is SUCH a fun sandbox to play around in. She’s just like..how do you LIVE and Karen’s like…hot marine with an eight-pack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honorable mentions, because I could not resist: what died didn’t stay dead (you’re alive, you’re alive in my head) SethKate, post S3 and Seth just does not understand how Kate is alive because he’s in awe of her, which, duh. Chapter 4 of The Strongest Stars one-shot RebelCaptain, Jyn and Cassian aren’t easy to write and this was just a fun bit of banter, It Often Rhymes Damerey takes a jaunt to Naboo and I choose not to care that Force Ghosts don’t work like that, Going Through The Unimaginable Damerey, post TLJ and they're all stuck on the Falcon and was just really fun to write, Three People, Two Reunions, One Room In Medical (RebelCaptain, post ANH - it’s a crime that Jyn and Leia never got to interact outside of some of the comic canon)
Tagging: @myletternevercame, @tuntematonkorppi, @the-restless-brook, @heidiamalia, @ninzied, @152glasslippers, @theputterer and basically anyone who wants to partake. Congratulations, consider yourselves tagged!
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heidiamalia · 3 years
HOHOHOHOH I AM SO THRILLED THAT I DRAGGED YOU DOWN THE ROOKIE RABBIT HOLE (just in time for s4 too) (lucky you not having to wait the entire fucking hiatus) please feel free to come yell in the chat
Dude I just finished my Lucifer s6 binge friday night and went right into a whim and decided to hit play on s1e1 after a nap, like as of last night I'm just passing the buried alive ep okay so like im careening myself over a cliff about Lucy and Tim lmao
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chronic-ghost · 1 year
I was tagged by @astarkey! These are always fun :)
Last song: Kodachrome by Paul Simon (on the 70s road trip playlist)
Last show: Poker Face
Last movie: Shaun of the Dead (we're going through the cornetto trilogy)
Currently watching: F.D Signifier's series on the black manosphere
Currently reading: fanfictions of mutuals tbh
Current Obsession: across the spiderverse - i am literally begging someone to gag me to get me to stop talking about it
Tagging (no pressure as always!): @p-e-r-s-e-p-h-o-n-e @tuntematonkorppi @luthien-under-bough @eddiemetalheadmunson @holy-ships-x-red-lips @justjstuff @lovepollution
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sorrowingsoldier · 3 years
Favorite books you've read this summer and favorite fact about Texas?
ooo thank u for asking
I'm going to limit myself to three or else I'd be here all night
The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater - This is an old tumblr fave but I just got into it. What you'll find: a search for a dead Welsh king, magic, found family, beautiful friendships, and prose that is unlike anything I've ever read.
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - Bed chamber lady is secretly an assassin protecting the queen, they fall in love. There's magic, dragons, lesbians, and multiple POVs that allow you to see the world from multiple angles and ideologies.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender - Transgender teen falls in love for the first time! This book is MESSY but I love it there's questioning identity, gossip, and discovering love.
Fun fact about Texas: the largest bat colony in North America lives in Austin, Texas! Or, at least that was true when I heard it lol.
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onebatch2batch · 4 years
(plus one rose from anon!)
This is from my zombie Kastle fic!
She peeks an eye open to find Jessica standing over her with an amused smirk holding two mugs. 
“Wake up, inmate,” she snickers, and then pushes the cup into Karen’s hands. “It’s a brand new day in the end of the world.”
“Oh my god, is this real coffee?” Karen asks, immediately awake. 
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intricatecakes · 5 years
all the hearts for u
the punkest marshmallow that ever was!!! u think ur so tough!!! and u are!!!! and you are also sO SOFT so there!!!!!!!
you take no shit and you have strong opinions and suuuper good common sense and you’re such a joy to talk with you have so many cool stories and you’re so good at telling them and you!!! you write so well!!!!! ur an angst gremlin but you’re so good!!!!!!!!!
you apply yourself with your wHOLE SELF w anything you do and if you have obstacles in ur way you do what you can to create new ways around them and you just!!! keep going!!!! unstoppable polar bear!!!!!!! there’s so much love and creativity and goodness and you and you need to know that!!!!
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bentcoppers · 2 years
I was tagged by @astarkey
Thanks for the thinking of me! 🥰💖
🎵 Last song I listened to: Katy Perry "Firework" (currently on the radio behind me!)
🍕 Ideal pizza topping: BBQ chicken, red onion, peppers, cheese!!
☀️ Dream vacation: Italy- I've been to Rome, Florence and Pisa. Would love to go to Venice. I just love the country, its full of culture, history, beautiful architecture, good weather and great food!
🌎 Earth, wind or fire: Wind
📺 Cartoons I grew up with: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain Planet, James Bond Jr, Animaniacs, Duck Tails, Rugrats, Hey Arnold..... all the best 90s cartoons basically!
🌲 Favorite scent: Emporium Armani and Hugo Boss Femme are my fav perfumes. I also like basic smells like freshly washed clothes and being out for a walk and breathing in the fresh air, smell of nature etc lol!
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @all-star-avocado,@tuntematonkorppi, @fortysevenswrites, @bennett-slytherin, @urieskeys, @scrumptiousperfectionwizard, @saffrondawn, @machinegunner666 anyone else who wants to do this!💕
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