redqueenlizz · 2 months
Dia 3 de mi descenso a la locura
Aún recuerdo cómo hace 7 años comenzó una ansiedad incontrolable ¿Está vez por qué? Encajar en estándares imposibles, es muy vivido el recuerdo de como me quedaba sin poder respirar por qué la ansiedad me ahogaba.
El buscar ser linda y delgada me había llevado a no comer bien, sentir tan poco valor por mi, buscar aprobación externa en otras personas, todo para que se vuelva un ciclo vicioso.
Ya hoy en dia estoy muy feliz de poder amarme al fin a mi misma, ya no me odio, ya no siento asco de ser la mujer que soy, con mis defectos soy hermosa y nadie puede volver a hacerme sentir menos.
No puedo decir que ya todo está solucionado, pero se siente bien poder verme a un espejo y ver una mujer hermosa, ya no una niña que buscaba como sea encajar en un mundo raro donde todo tiene que tener un estándar a cumplir
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Hey tummygirls*
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monsterpotion · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
i knew a lot of people who did improv, back in the city. friends of mine for a bit, some of them. the desire to yes-and this kind of question is strong in me, from that time of my life, and just from being, you know, a charming witch.
when a pal of mine tells a joke i'm right there to build them up. for the sake of the bit.
but this. this i cannot countenance. i mean no offense to the noble family Tetraodontidae. they've been doing their thing for 90 million years or more and they do it well.
but a tummygirl is fat. not some puffed up piscine pretender. you come to me with these questions about fish and women and i tell you i am a fat dyke who loves fat dykes and thats that.
and thats why women want me and why fish fear me.
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aokozaki · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
I've never considered this position before now but y'know what? Sure. They get so cute when they're all puffed up. Much like how anime girls are drawn when they pout.
It's moé.
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willofasherah · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
I mean, pufferfish do have two qualities I wish I had
Spikes on the stomach and being fatal upon improper consumption so I think you're onto something
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boccher · 8 months
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
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talenlee · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
This ask sent me looking to see when pufferfish evolved
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animeomelette · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
I'm not really sure what a tummygirl is but if I had to guess the original tummy girl is probably some far more ancient type of vertebrate
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skullinahat · 1 year
i have been eating more lately bcuz of school and maybe its just me but im having a bit of a tummygirl moment... wore a crop top today and felt fantastic
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awsteb · 1 year
nobody tell gerard about high-waisted pants EVER PLEASE the tummygirls RELY ON IT
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zinogirl · 9 months
I had a shake and a big piece of cake
Tummygirl moment
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unfortunatesal · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
?????? obviously, what a stupid question
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
I'm pretty sure that if a pufferfish blows itself up to make its tummy more prominent that tummy is no longer soft and adorabitable, which are key traits of tummygirls that must not be missing, so assuming they are the original tummygirls I think their strategy is highly flawed and extremely outdated.
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leafeongold · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
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the original WHAT?
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anarchogirlrot · 1 year
do you agree that pufferfish are the original tummygirls
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rachiiee · 8 years
My gamer tag is Tummygirl add me and let's play!!
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