#tumbler unboxing
jxstudio · 1 year
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lilkittay · 8 months
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luxuriousreview · 9 months
the travel tumblers are out and im obsessed!! 😍😍
List price:💲44.95
Deal Price:💲39.95
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billions99 · 9 months
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thabeehivee · 2 years
Unboxing this cute tumbler by legitly.nifty.things on instagram go follow and let them know ThaBeeHivee sent you
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pheonixxfoxx · 2 months
Christmas In July Unboxed!
Time for that flashy collection update, hooray!!!
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This is what was all inside the wondrous box. Buyee consistently does a brilliant job with their packaging, though I also pay for the extra protection. Gotta keep my precious Buggy stuff safe after all!
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Minutes after the box was carefully emptied, it was quickly claimed by a furry grey potato. Jiraiya is the best little assistant and clearly loves when Mom receives large Japan packages. *LOL*
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While everything in the package is beyond sexy, this is likely the most unusual item I eagerly awaited. Clearly this is a reproduction, but it is official and ordinarily had a limited release. No, it isn't yellowed either. That is just my awful worn camera for you. If I stopped purchasing Buggy stuff, then maybe a new camera could be afforded? *hum*
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There will be respectively a bunch of cards, not quite sure what my apparent obsession with them is? I just know that my poor binders are over following.
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This specific card came out in 2002. I genuinely enjoy the fact that it is embossed which gives the card more flashy flare! Very happy that I stumbled upon it.
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The two distinct cards, all the way on the left were an interesting find. They came from a specific set called, "One Piece Kings" and were produced in 2014. So, the one at the top left was labeled as a "tournament prize" by the seller. Not sure if it truly is? No matter what, I still treasure it the same way I naturally do with all my precious Buggy cards.
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Eeyup, more amazing Buggy cards. The one in the upper left-hand corner is a holo too!
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Finally moving away from the cards, for now. The MVP of this photo is the flip flop charm with Buggy's Jolly Roger! This notable item was such a random find. I traditionally knew that if I didn't buy it, there would be much regret. Indeed, the oddly unique charm is official and another one has not been seen by me since.
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Those rubber coasters are the best thing ever! Not sure if I will properly utilize the spare one? I would absolutely hate insulting a certain clown by placing my tumbler on his sexy face. All the same, my tumbler is unsurprisingly Buggy themed too.
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Yes, the interesting blue watch is not of Buggy. Oh, the unspeakable shame, but the watch is SO me! A battery is just required to get it running again. The watch is even brand new and never worn too!
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The clearfile to the right additionally includes Marineford stickers of Buggy and Mr. 3.
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No order from Japan is complete without some doujin. *wink*
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The talented artist who made,"Go Go!! Cross Guild" exhibits an incredible sense of humor. It is possible I will display some images of the inside here sometime. Buggy actually puts on a suit and looks rather sexy, yum! *drools*
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Last two items are Mercari gets that showed up on the same day.
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That's it for this update. I some how managed to discover suitable places for almost everything, but three specific items. Currently, another box is being filled too. There is a unique keychain plush that will hopefully be among the next lot.
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aylacavebear · 8 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 3
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 1474
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 3
You and Sarah went back to the hardline to finish unboxing what had come in on the truck that day. She was still laughing a bit from the little sofa incident, taking out her phone and getting it posted to her social media account.
“So, he was hot,” Sarah mused as she put her phone back in her pocket, pulling some items out of the box in front of her.
You shrug your shoulders, working your own box, “He’s FBI, probably married anyway.”
“Doesn’t mean you couldn’t have flirted a little bit with him,” she teased you.
You now rolled your eyes, “Men are nothing but trouble. How many are flirting with you these days?” you asked, teasing her a bit.
“A few,” she chuckled.
The two of you chatted while you worked, laughing and joking around, as well as planning your next antic to film. Luckily, management was fairly lenient when it came to goofing off at work. Most times in the stockroom there were jokes, laughter, and better than any comedy show you’d ever watched. It all managed to mostly take your mind off of the sulfur question the agent had asked you about but it never fully left your mind.
Your break came up around two-thirty, a typical time when you worked till five. You liked sitting outside in the sun, even on chilly days like today. Most times you’d scroll through Tumbler, reading some fanfic about one of your favorite characters. These days it was Damon from The Vampire Diaries. To you, it was just fantasy. You knew vampires weren’t really like that, and you had no desire for a domineering man in your life either.
Five minutes before you had to go back in, you looked up as the scent of sulfur moved across the air from behind you. Almost a dozen people were walking around the parking lot and the sidewalk in front of the businesses there but none of them stood out. You took a deep breath, the sulfur smell gone as you felt your heart rate increase a little, knowing you’d have to be even more vigilant than before.
As you took care of the hummers for the last half of your shift you paid more attention to the customers in the store, but more for the scent of sulfur. If you had been running the racks of clothes, you probably would have smelled it but since everything on the hummers went in the back half of the store, you never noticed. 
Several customers asked you to unlock the bathrooms for them, which you did with a friendly smile, enjoying being able to help them with something. You missed cashiering, which was your last job at the Wal-Mart across the street. Ross hadn’t started cross-training you yet, so for now, you just enjoyed helping the customers who came up to you on the floor. You smiled while you worked, dancing around a little to the music playing in the store. Sometimes something you liked came on even if most of it was more new-aged.
“So, if we get pillows in the shipment tomorrow, pillow fight on hardline,” Sarah told her as you put another hummer in the backroom near the end of your shift.
“Oh my god, that is gonna be so much fun,” you laughed, thinking about it.
“We’ll see who else we can get in on it and get to film it,” she chuckled.
The two of you were always coming up with new ways to have fun at work, “How’d the last video do?” you ask her, mildly curious.
“They loved it and want your profile so they can check your stuff out too,” Sarah told her.
You laugh a little as you look away from her, “You know I’m not into all that stuff. I’ll just be a silent contributor.”
She rolled her eyes, “One of these days you’ll cave,” she teased you before asking you for a code 99, as she did every day the two of you worked together.
You check her bag, say your goodbyes, then clock out and head outside. The smell of sulfur is present but you can’t identify its source. You stop at the edge of the sidewalk, looking both ways and around the parking lot. There is a really nice Impala sitting in the parking lot but you can’t make out who’s inside it, not from this distance. That was not what you should have been focusing on but it was the only odd thing that stood out. What you didn’t notice was the couple that was watching you from near the Petsmart, right next to your work.
Once the way was clear, you crossed the small road and headed toward your truck, feeling your heart rate increasing as you walked. You at least were aware that the sulfur odor was coming from somewhere behind you but that didn’t mean you didn’t suspect whoever was in that Impala either. You’d warded at least the inside of your truck from demons, making it so they couldn’t enter. The breeze blew again, sending that sulfur smell back over you as you closed the driver’s door of your truck. 
For a moment, you just sat there, hands on the steering wheel, attempting to calm your racing heart, as well as looking around for anyone suspicious. You saw them, the couple standing near the Petsmart, watching you. One more deep breath, and you started your truck, heading toward home. It was a half-hour drive from where you worked, out in the quieter part of Avra Valley.
You checked your rearview mirror repeatedly as you drove home down those long stretches of road. There was the usual five o’clock traffic but out this way, it was minimal compared to in town. A couple of times you thought you were being followed. You even slowed down, going five under the speed limit. The cars passed you, and you sped back up, now back to five over the speed limit. There was also a brief moment when you could have sworn you saw that black Impala in the small line of vehicles behind you but it wasn’t there when you rechecked. 
It was five-thirty-five when you pulled into your driveway. You lived on an acre of land in a mobile home attached to a scamper with a twenty by seventeen-foot enclosed porch that connected the two. As you put the truck in park and shut off the engine, you sat there, taking several, slow deep breaths. You’d already found a decent protection spell with sigils that you’d marked each corner of the property with, as well as warded your house as a just in case.
The sun was low but not quite down, not for another half hour at least, and the wind had picked up again. You sighed as you climbed out of your truck and headed inside. Luckily you’d remembered to leave your heater going so the scamper was warm, that was where you slept and spent most of your time. 
Your regular night routine consisted of changing into comfortable pajamas, setting up your coffee pot for the following day, checking Snapchat due to Sara and her tagging you in the antics you did at work, and then spending the evening enjoying your favorite show at the moment. Dinner was leftover baked chicken while watching The Vampire Diaries.
After dark, the neighborhood dogs started up like they usually did. There were plenty of strays in the area but within the last week, the neighbor's dogs had gotten more annoying. It was almost as if people were taking a walk or someone may have been lingering too long. No matter how many times you checked outside, through your window, you never saw anything, not even a stray dog. With the subdivision across the street, lots more people had dogs in the area. There were also the annoying drivers who either blared their music or had the bass turned up so high that you could hear them coming a mile away. It was the usual light traffic for the night since it was a weeknight. On Friday and Saturday nights, all the kids and teenagers were out on dirt bikes and quads.
When eight rolled around, you reluctantly turned off your show before heading to bed. You knew you’d be up for at least another hour reading some fanfic on Tumbler, or several. It was probably the most relaxing part of your day. Snuggled in your bed, leaning against your pillows, letting your mind drift to some fantasy through a fanfic, even with the dogs going off from time to time outside. There were plenty of things you weren’t aware of that night as you plugged in your phone, turned on some relaxing music to sleep to, and turned off your light. 
----------------------------------------- Chapter 4
Link to the series Master List
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soclonely · 1 year
OC-Tober Prompt List Day 1: Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Link to OC-tober prompt list Summary: Dally is late to work at 79's clone bar on Coruscant when she tries to stop for her seasonal coffee on the first day of Autumn, but Lenani has a surprise for her! ___________
“Why are you late Dally?” Lenani hollers, tossing the apron toward her frazzled coworker. “Its almost time to open! You know it’s the first day of Fall! One of our busiest days of the year!” She shakes her head. “That’s not like you at all! Are you feeling alright? You look terrible!”
“Gee thanks.” Dally grumbles. She quickly ties the apron around her waist and looks over at the twilek. “I feel fine. I just woke up late today and couldn’t get me coffee. The line was horrendously long-”
“Ah yes. Pumpkin spice release day?”
Dally nods.”And apparently the jedi temple, senate staff, the GAR, and all of Coruscant made it there before me.” She sighs. “By the time i got there, the line was already 2 blocks long.”
Lenani rolls her eyes.“You were late to work even though you didn’t stop for coffee.” She eyes Dally knowingly. “Because you are the smart one and know that would have been irresponsible of you, right? And that waiting in a long like for an $8 seasonal coffee is not worth being late to work, hmmmm?”
“I needed my pumpkin spice!” Dally groans. She plops down onto a barstool and putting her head in her hands. “I waited in that line for one hole hour, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“I am severely disappointed in you.” Lenani crosses her arms. “Was your coffee worth being late and making ME do all of your morning work?”
“I-I didn’t get it.” Dally mutters, looking down at her feet. “By the time I got to the check out, they were all sold out.”
Lenani grins. “Well I hope you learn a valuable lesson in all of this, Dally!” She tsks. “And you think about this next time you try and come in late for a coffee!”
Dally nods, still pouting. “Never make a pit stop for coffee ever again when I am running behind, even if it is pumpkin spice.”
“Well yeah, that and I am the greatest friend in the world,” Lenani grins. She reaches under the bar as Dally glances up at her, confused. “I knew you were going to be late today and I had to drop Tann off at school earlier than usual today so,” She places a hot coffee tumbelr on top of the bar. “Ta-Da! Fresh hot pumpkin spiced coffee from your favorite place down the street! Well, fresh-ish.” She shrugs. “I thought you would be in earlier today so it might need reheating.”
Dally reaches over and takes the tumbler, sniffing the spiced aroma wafting from the opening. She slowly takes a drink and taps her feet in delight. “It's just right.” She jumps up and runs around the bar, hugging Lenani. “Thanks Nani! You really are the best!”
“I know.” Lenani smiles, giving Dally a tight squeeze. “Now if you would please hurry up and drink that! We have fun spooky season stuff to set out for the customers! We open in 20 minutes and the new decorations aren’t even unboxed yet!”
“Oh, right!” Dally quickly takes another drink of her coffee. “Let's get to it!”
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Dan & Darci Advanced Rock Tumbler Unboxing
* Advanced Professional Rock Tumbler Kit * Turn Rough Rocks into Beautiful Gems
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FairyLoot Unboxing
Reap What You Sow August 2023
I really love this box, it's very cohesive! The theme is "Reap What You Sow".
The featured book is "Bonesmith" by Nicki Pau Preto. The book sounds pretty interesting. It's described as "Gideon the Ninth meets Game of Thrones" which are two books I wanted to like but didn't. But it was the writing style I didn't like, so I'm hoping this one will work for me. The recoloured cover isn't as nice as the original, it's just a bit gloomy. And the foiling on the hardcase isn't very impressive. But there are some really incredible features - the full artwork endpapers are different at each end, and both are gorgeous. The dust jacket is reversible, and the alternative cover is really nice, I'm definitely going to be displaying that one instead. And best of all, the edges are amazing - they're full artwork, and match the cover!
The first item is a glass tumbler. I've got a smaller one of these, which I love, so I'll probably use this too. This one features a quote from "Belladonna".
The next item is a set of page tabs. These are inspired by "The Bone Season". These are really pretty, and they come on a handy snap-in ruler. Unfortunately it doesn't fit in my journal.
Next is a pair of bookends. These are inspired by "Gideon the Ninth". I didn't like the book, but I love the design of these bookends! And you can never have too many bookends, I've got like, ten sets, and I always need more.
Next is a set of metal straws. These have a skull theme. This is the one item I don't like, I just think reusable straws are icky. It's an OCD thing. We've had a few sets in recent boxes, and I've run out of people to give them to.
The last item is a sticker sheet. They have a gothic theme, and they'll be great in my planner around halloween.
This month's tarot cards are Wren and Julian, from "Bonesmith".
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🩷 These mama and mini matching belt bags and tumblers giftsets from @cutiesline.co
are so cute and f𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 too! The gift box is also super cute and the presentation felt special unboxing these twinning goodies with Zelah.
🩷 Our belt bag pair is their blush polka dot design. I love the details and how the bags are partly handmade. They can be worn as crisscross or around the waist. Perfect for keeping our on the go essentials and #twinning! The tumbler Pair is a pretty rose quartz color. Love how they also come with the cutest matching straws and straw caps. They look and feel really well made and insulated. They stay cool and hot for hours!
🩷 Check out all the different colors and designs of mama and mini matching belt bags and tumblers for your next twinning adventure! https://cutiesline.co
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kristyannd36 · 9 months
♻️Week 1 unboxing of @bentoncosmetic Green Bennies Kit ♻️
Let's Unbox this amazing Eco-friendly Bennies Vegan Box 💚
Kit Includes
🌱Aloe BHA Skin Toner 🌿 Mini Tumbler 🌿 Mini Pouch 🌿Refillable Spray Bottle 🌿
We all need more Sustainable & Eco-friendly Products for our Environment 💚
#benton #bentoncosmetic #veganskincare #veganday #green_bennies #unboxing #Eco-friendly #Sustainable #fyp
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fg-concept · 11 months
Personalized Corporate Gifts For Your Employees & Clients
In the fast-paced corporate world, where relationships matter just as much as the bottom line, the art of gift-giving has evolved into a strategic tool for businesses. Corporate gifts, especially when personalized, go beyond mere tokens of appreciation; they become powerful instruments for strengthening connections with both employees and clients.
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Choosing the Right Corporate Gift
Selecting the perfect gift requires a thoughtful approach. Consider the preferences of the recipient and ensure the gift aligns with the company's values and culture. A well-chosen gift not only reflects appreciation but also reinforces the shared ethos within the organization.
Benefits of Personalized Corporate Gifts
The impact of personalized corporate gifts extends far beyond the initial exchange. Such thoughtful gestures contribute to building lasting relationships, fostering a sense of loyalty among employees, and enhancing the overall morale within the workplace.
Popular Personalized Corporate Gifts
Customized Desk Accessories
Personalized nameplates, engraved pens, and custom-designed office supplies.
Branded Apparel
Company logo-emblazoned clothing items, creating a sense of unity and pride.
Tech Gadgets as Personalized Gifts
In the digital age, tech gadgets make for excellent personalized corporate gifts. From smart gadgets tailored for the workplace to customized tech accessories, these gifts seamlessly blend utility with a personal touch.
Food and Beverage Gift Options
Personalized Hampers
Curated gift baskets tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
Customized Drinkware
Branded mugs, tumblers, or even personalized wine glasses for a touch of sophistication.
How to Implement a Corporate Gift Program
Successfully implementing a corporate gift program involves setting a reasonable budget, identifying appropriate occasions, and ensuring the gifts resonate with the recipients. A well-executed program can significantly enhance the overall company culture.
Trends in Corporate Gift-Giving
Keeping up with the trends is crucial. Sustainable gift options and virtual gifting solutions have gained traction, reflecting a modern and eco-conscious approach to corporate generosity.
Success Stories: Impact of Corporate Gifts
Companies that invest in personalized corporate gifts often witness increased employee satisfaction, improved team dynamics, and strengthened client relationships. These success stories underscore the tangible benefits of thoughtful gift-giving.
Challenges and Solutions
However, there are challenges, such as finding the right balance between personalization and professionalism and overcoming budget constraints. Strategic planning and creative solutions can navigate these hurdles effectively.
Tips for a Memorable Unboxing Experience
The unboxing experience matters. Thoughtful packaging and the inclusion of personalized notes elevate the perceived value of the gift, making it a memorable and cherished moment for the recipient.
DIY Corporate Gift Ideas
For a more personal touch, consider do-it-yourself (DIY) corporate gifts. Handmade items with a touch of company branding add a unique and authentic element to the gifting process.
Legal Considerations in Corporate Gifting
Navigating legal considerations is essential to avoid potential pitfalls. Compliance with gift policies and steering clear of controversial gifts ensures that the act of giving remains positive and professional.
Measuring the ROI of Corporate Gifts
Quantifying the return on investment (ROI) of corporate gifts involves assessing employee retention rates, client satisfaction levels, and overall impact on company culture. A successful gift program should yield positive results in these key areas.
In conclusion, personalized corporate gifts serve as invaluable tools for building and nurturing relationships within the business landscape. From boosting employee morale to solidifying client partnerships, the act of thoughtful gift-giving transcends the transactional nature of business.
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thegifttree1 · 1 year
Unbox the Perfect Starbucks Hamper: A Delightful Surprise from The Gift Tree - Corporate Gift Baskets
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In today's fast-paced corporate world, expressing appreciation and gratitude to employees, clients, and partners is vital for building lasting relationships and fostering a positive working environment. The Gift Tree, a leading provider of Corporate Gift Baskets, presents a delightful and aromatic way to convey your heartfelt thanks – the Starbucks Hamper. With its carefully curated selection of coffee, snacks, and branded merchandise, this hamper is the perfect gift to show your appreciation.
Starbucks Hamper: Elevate Your Gifting Game
The Starbucks Hamper from The Gift Tree is a thoughtful gesture that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether you want to reward your hardworking team or express your gratitude to loyal clients, this hamper is the ideal choice. It combines the excellence of Starbucks products with the convenience of gifting, ensuring a smile on the recipient's face.
What's Inside the Starbucks Hamper?
Starbucks Coffee: The heart of every Starbucks Hamper is, of course, their premium coffee. You can choose from various Starbucks coffee blends, including the famous Pike Place Roast, Sumatra, or Veranda Blend. Each bag is carefully selected to offer a rich and flavorful coffee experience.
Starbucks Mugs: The hamper includes a Starbucks mug or tumbler, which is perfect for sipping that freshly brewed coffee. These mugs are not just functional but also stylish, making them great for home or office use.
Starbucks Snacks: To complement the coffee, The Gift Tree includes a selection of Starbucks snacks like cookies, biscotti, and chocolate bars. These delicious treats are perfect for satisfying those mid-morning or afternoon cravings.
Starbucks Gift Card: Every hamper also includes a Starbucks gift card, allowing the recipient to enjoy a Starbucks coffeehouse experience on their own terms.
Read Also :- Food gift hampers.
Why Choose The Gift Tree for Your Corporate Gifting Needs?
The Gift Tree is renowned for its impeccable selection of Corporate Gift Baskets, and the Starbucks Hamper is no exception. Here's why The Gift Tree is the preferred choice for corporate gifting:
Customization: The Gift Tree allows you to personalize your Starbucks Hamper by adding a heartfelt note or even incorporating your company's branding, making your gift truly unique.
Quality Assurance: The Gift Tree ensures that every item in the hamper is of the highest quality. From the coffee to the mugs, you can trust in the excellence of Starbucks products.
Convenience: The Gift Tree takes the hassle out of corporate gifting. They handle everything from selecting the items to packaging and delivering, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.
Delivery Options: Whether you need your Starbucks Hamper delivered to a single address or multiple locations, The Gift Tree offers flexible delivery options to meet your needs.
Unbox Happiness with The Gift Tree's Starbucks Hamper
The Starbucks Hamper from The Gift Tree is more than just a gift; it's a token of appreciation, a gesture of thanks, and a symbol of your commitment to fostering strong relationships in the corporate world. Whether you're recognizing your team's hard work or expressing your gratitude to valued clients, this hamper is a memorable way to do it.
To ensure your appreciation is received with a warm smile and a hearty sip of Starbucks coffee, choose The Gift Tree - Corporate Gift Baskets, and their delightful Starbucks Hamper. Unbox the perfect gift today and make an indelible impression on those who matter most.
In conclusion, The Gift Tree's Starbucks Hamper is a remarkable way to say "thank you." With its top-quality Starbucks products and the convenience of corporate gifting, it's a gift that will leave a lasting impression. So, don't hesitate to choose The Gift Tree for your corporate gifting needs and unbox happiness with their delightful Starbucks Hamper.
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★ Happy Monday, all! What’s on your TBR this week? I’m currently listening to Fourth Wing and (still, oops) reading the eARC of Cruel Seduction! I’m planning for my next audiobook to be Crimson River and my next ebook to be my eARC of Lore of the Wilds! I also keep forgetting to post my unboxing of @illumicrate’s April box! 🫠 The book of the month was Some Desperate Glory by @emilytesh and this edition features: exclusive hardback edition of a trade paperback with a shiny foil cover, digitally printed edges, foil embossing on the hardback, and endpaper artwork (different designs front and back) by @carlydraws.illustration! I love the space inspired edges (swipe to see!). This box also included: - Throne of Glass inspired Damaris sword replica designed by @stacey.mcevoy.caunt - Realm of the Elderlings inspired pin banner designed by @niallcgrant - The Poppy War inspired papercraft kit designed by @rosiethorns88 - Iron Widow inspired tumbler designed by @forensicsandflowers Swipe for a closer look at everything and use LIBRARY5 to save on Illumicrate subs! ★ HASHTAGS //⠀ #bookstagram #totalbooknerd #becauseofreading #bookshelf #bookboxes #bookaesthetic #myfavoritethings #quietandstill #somedesperateglory #emilytesh #scifibooks #illumicrate #illumicrateunboxing #illumicrateapr2023 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/XkyCQtV
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sebastiancvlog · 2 years
BLOG #138
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[ANIMOSITY] Halloween Graphic tee's // Only the two pictured shirts come inside. Sized for legacy, Jake and gianni. - AVAILABLE AT MAINSTORE > LANDMAKR AT ANIMOSITY MAINSTORE
[KARMAZZ] Finger Tattoos - BOM - 4 Styles // 3 Shades - AVAILABLE AT MARKETPLACE > MARKETPLACE
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