#tulsi gabbard endorsement
aanews69 · 1 month
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republikkkanorcs · 22 days
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uniqueeval · 1 month
Trump adds RFK Jr. and Gabbard to transition team | World News
Donald Trump has added former White House hopefuls Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team if he wins November’s US presidential election, his campaign said on Tuesday. Kennedy and Gabbard hail from outside the Republican party sphere where former President Trump draws most of his support. “As President Trump’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across…
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Tulsi Gabbard endorsed GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke at the National Guard Association of the United States General Conference & Exhibition in Detroit on Monday, praising his administration for handling foreign affairs.
Gabbard said Monday, "I know that President Trump understands the grave responsibility that a president bears for every single one of our lives, whether you're a soldier, you're an airman, a marine sailor or a Coastie, he keeps us in his heart, in the decisions that he makes. We saw first term in the presidency when he not only didn't start any new wars, he took action to deescalate and wars. He exercised the courage that we our Commander in Chief and exhaust all measures of the courage to meet with adversaries, dictators and partners alike, in the pursuit of peace, seeing war as a last resort.
"The truth is, as we head towards our decision as a country in November, the same cannot be about Kamala Harris. In fact, the opposite is true, and we're living through this reality today, as this administration has us facing multiple, multiple fronts and regions around the world, and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before. One of the main reasons why I'm committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he once again serve us as our Commander in Chief."
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deadpresidents · 1 month
Thoughts on Tulsi endorsing Trump? Didn't you two date in the past? Was that during your time on the Obama campaign?
Did I date Tulsi Gabbard?!?!?!
No, we did not date. And I've been disappointed the weird turn she's taken with her politics over the past few years because I thought she was a serious person at one point. But she's seemed to be all over the place with where she stood on various issues, and I guess this is where she's at now. I'm more surprised that she didn't outright endorse Trump prior to the RNC in a desperate attempt to claim a spot on the ticket as his running mate.
As Lincoln once said, "No man knows, when that Presidential grub gets to gnawing at him, just how deep in it it will get until he has tried it." She ran for President and got a taste of what that spotlight felt like and it seems like she decided she was going to do whatever it takes to make sure it kept shining on her. It's unfortunate, though. If she had a rock-solid political philosophy from the beginning of her career she could have been an excellent candidate with her background. However, when you spend your political career changing your position on what you believe people stop listening to what you're saying because they recognize that there's no real foundation.
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schraubd · 1 month
Does the NYT Know What a "Progressive" Is?
The NYT reports on the integration of Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. into the Trump campaign. This is news, though its essentially news that "conservative cranks support the supreme conservative crank." But instead, the NYT frames it this way: Donald J. Trump plans to name his former rival, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, a onetime Democrat, as honorary co-chairs of a presidential transition team that will help him select the policies and personnel of any second Trump administration, according to a campaign senior adviser. Mr. Kennedy ended his independent campaign for president and endorsed Mr. Trump on Friday. Both he and Ms. Gabbard spent most of their public life as progressive Democrats, and Mr. Kennedy had started his presidential run as a Democrat, before renouncing his party and running as an independent instead. Ms. Gabbard left the Democratic Party after her 2020 presidential run and has rebranded herself as a celebrity among Trump’s base of support. Excuse me? Until recently, RFK Jr. was known for two things (aside from his name). First, water-related environmental causes; second, being an anti-vaxx nut. The former I'll agree is a progressive issue. The latter ... well, I guess there was a time when anti-vaxxers were partially associated with the crunchy granola left (you know, before it stopped being funny and started being a Serious Issue of Principle We All Must Respect). But this isn't exactly the profile of a progressive champion. Yet Gabbard is even worse -- she's been widely recognized as a conservative for years! Anti-choice, anti-gay marriage, a friend of dictators and authoritarians the world over ... what, exactly, is supposed to be her "progressive" rep? The answer is that there continues to be a small number of "progressives" (and, I guess, NYT writers) who are absurdly easy to dupe by anyone who makes some vague "anti-establishment" (especially "anti-war") rumblings. But aside from that, nobody actually ever thought that Tulsi Gabbard was any kind of progressive -- she has always been in a class of her own. And the thing is -- Democratic voters have made this conclusion very obvious, by emphatically rejecting both Gabbard and RFK Jr. every time they tried to hop onto the national stage. Their defeats were not situations where the "progressive" faction of the party happened to get outvoted by more moderate or establishment cadres (compare, say, Bernie Sanders). RFK and Gabbard both failed to get any discernable support from any substantial wing of the Democratic electorate -- left, right, or center. Progressive Democrats didn't see either as progressive choices, they saw them for what they were -- conspiratorial right-wing cranks. And now they've found their natural home alongside Trump. No news there. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/kvQKYlA
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Former Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard, officially endorses Trump and joins the campaign!
This one is not so much a surprise, but more of a reminder that sane Democrats are fleeing what has become of the DNC.
Tulsi will serve a vital role in appealing to female and center-left voters, and sounds like she will have a role in the upcoming administration.
Tulsi was also the first politician to speak out about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. Both she and RFK Jr. have been vocal about this subject.
I see a pattern developing.
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Markos Moulitsas (kos) at Daily Kos:
In the wake of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s exit from his failed independent bid for president, Republicans were giddy at his endorsement, and that (re)endorsement of former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard a few days later. In their minds, it was but the beginning of a flood of Democratic defections to Donald Trump. That never happened. But Republicans sure are defecting to the Democratic ticket!  It’s hard to understate just how excited conservatives were. 
"We now have a trio of Power Rangers who can swoop right into the middle of the rival party and convince traditional Democrats that it's OK to leave a party that left them,” a senior Trump adviser told conservative outlet Just the News, founded by former Washington Examiner editor John Solomon, back on Aug. 24. The quote was so ridiculous, that this “senior Trump adviser” was too embarrassed to put his name on it. The third “Power Ranger” is Elon Musk, who is an independent.  "I think that the Trump people should package Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F Kennedy Jr, together, and they would—as joint former Democrat witnesses about the corruption of the system—be devastating,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on the “John Solomon Reports” podcast, apparently with a straight face. 
“[I]t shows you that today's Democratic Party is leaving these people behind. Today's Democratic Party is so radical, so dangerous, so progressive, that there are millions of Democrats who are leaving that party every day," said Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley to Just the News. "We're seeing thousands of them that are coming our way.”  Yeah, no they’re not. In fact, their endorsements only serve to remind voters of how weird and creepy Republicans are.  Kennedy was funded by right-wing donors in order to take votes from the Democratic ticket, and was so batshit crazy that he repelled weirded-out Democrats and ended up taking votes from the Republican ticket. He would’ve stayed in if any Democrats were actually interested in what he was selling. 
[...] Musk, long lost to the fever swamps of the right, isn’t attracting any Democrats anytime soon. On Sunday, Musk tweeted “interesting observation” at an incel posting that women and “low T men” shouldn’t be allowed to vote. “Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective ‘is this true?’ filter,” the weirdo wrote. “This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.”  Not really the sort of thing any campaign should be associating with, even if this is the sort of material Sen. JD Vance might embrace. Gabbard hasn’t damaged Trump by association this past week simply because she hasn’t said anything publicly. She’s supposedly helping Trump with debate prep, playing the role of Vice President Kamala Harris. But nothing in her history suggests she’ll attract traditional Democrats. She lost the plot a long time ago. 
Kamala Harris has oodles of GOP endorsements, such as Adam Kinzinger. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has very few Democrats endorsing him.
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inkandguns · 21 days
lol these Boomer Trump idiots are sucking the fuck out of Tulsi Gabbards dick
Do you not all remember her full throated endorsement of opening the border, banning all the guns, and going to WWIII?
She backed all of these things less than 3 years ago
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progressivepower · 1 month
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Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Donald Trump 5 Years After Calling Him 'Corrupt,' 'Unfit' https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tulsi-gabbard-endorse-donald-trump-corrupt_n_66ccd30ce4b09c9ffeaf2f9d?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Donald Trump at National Guard Event in...
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sataniccapitalist · 26 days
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Is Joe Rogan alt-right? He professes to be left leaning… Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard were guests on his podcast?
Joe Rogan is pretty ideologically incoherent but overall leans to the right - he endorsed Ron Paul in 2012, and both Gabbard and Sanders in 2020, then said that he was a Trump over Biden voter, and then voted for the Libertarian Party nominee in the general in 2020 the same that he did in 2016, he likes Ron DeSantis and hates Justin Trudeau, and he urged people to vote Republican in the 2022 midterms. (Incidentally, I wouldn't use Tulsi Gabbard as evidence of being left-leaning.)
I wouldn't say that he's alt-right per se - they tend to be more ideologically coherent - but that he overlaps with them on some issues (doesn't like "woke" people, isn't down with trans people, has a tendency to use racial slurs and sterotypes, etc.) and that he shares their affinity for conspiracy theories that makes his show permeable to their online ecosystem in the same way that the same stuff goes from 4chan to Breitbart to Fox.
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
Gilbert lays out a stunning exposé of Kamala as a ambitious, overly nervous, Xanax popping mess, famous for screaming obscenities at her staff while firing them.
Roger Stone
Aug 30, 2024
New York Times best-selling author and host of The Roger Stone Show on 77 WABC Radio is joined by his co-host, Slingshot.news Editor-in-Chief Troy Smith to interview documentary filmmaker and author Joel Gilbert.
Gilbert is perhaps most known for his groundbreaking films: ‘Dreams From My Real Father’, ‘Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and the Revolt of Islam’, and Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power.
Gilbert exposes Kamala Harris as an opportunist who has done little to actually help black Americans and other minorities.
Gilbert lays out a stunning exposé of Kamala as a ambitious, overly nervous, Xanax popping mess, famous for screaming obscenities at her staff while firing them.
Stone points out that her 2020 campaign was a disaster. He also notes that their turnover in her Vice Presidential office was over 70% with many of her former staff leaking her outrageous and abusive personal behavior.
Stone points out that the Vice President still has not done a press conference and that the interview scheduled with CNN is with her running mate who she has said is like her "service animal."
Troy Smith also discusses the aggressive campaign on TikTok by Tulsi Gabbard, who endorsed Donald Trump last week.
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cupcraft · 20 days
I do have to say i fucking called it that Tulsi Gabbard never stopped being a conservative and alt right and she never really stopped being sorry for being anti-LGBTQ+ (because she uno reversed after losing the democrat bid last time to become anti queer forever) and now she's endorsing trump even though she had conservative backers the last time. I am sooo fucking unsurprised and people really put too much faith in politicians promises (esp conservative ones!). And I also fucking called RFK jr being conservative too and he will in fact ruin all public health forever if trump is elected and hes on the cabinet by the way and i say that as a student in the medical field!
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