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One Morning in Laketown...
Fíli x OC Tullaina
Requested: no - requests are closed atm, this was written by me, for me
Warnings: awkwardness, pining, what is that ending though, this is not smutty 18+ but there is some morning excitement going on with Fíli fyi - also, I don’t know what pacing is so yes this feels rushed and unfinished (no pun intended)
Summary: Tullaina is cold, and Kíli thinks it’s the perfect opportunity to help his brother out. At least, that was the plan.
Tullaina fic timeline: between Slippery When Wet and When in Mirkwood - during the Quest
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: I’m alive! After almost 7 months of not being able to finish anything, I managed to get this out of my system. Did anyone ask for this? Of course not (no one’s waiting for OC content) and even I don’t know where it came from, but the idea kept bouncing around in my head so I had to write it down.
This was supposed to be a little haha fic about Fíli’s morning wood poking Tullaina but then somehow I dragged fluff, inner turmoil and a dash of angst into this to even things out I guess. Bon apétit!
Also yes, we can all acknowledge that I’m still bad with titles.
Laketown was grey, wet and cold. Even though the bowman had warned them it wasn’t a comfortable place to be, Tullaina had expected something a little more… dry.
The smell of rotted wood and mold hung heavy in the air as they settled in his living room, irritating her nose and throat and keeping her from taking deep breaths. But Bard’s house was a safe haven, at least for now, a chance to catch their breaths, fill their bellies and dry their clothes, so she shouldn’t really complain .
A warm and hearty dinner made the Company’s good spirits return, and with the mountain now within their reach and their strengths returned through food and rest, the room was filled with excited chatter and laughter.
Tullaina sat with her back against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest and a knitted blanket thrown around her shoulders, watching their merrymaking with tired eyes.
Sigrid had suggested she’d sleep in her room, thinking she could use a little privacy away from her male companions, but Tullaina had politely declined. After what happened in Mirkwood, there was no way Thorin, Fíli, Kíli or any other member of the Company would let her out of their sight, not even for one second. And she felt the exact same way.
As the night progressed, one by one the Dwarves laid down to rest on the hard wooden floor, using the provided blankets and throws and whatever they could find to sleep on. Tullaina quickly followed their example, absolutely exhausted after their escape from the Mirkwood dungeons and travelling to Laketown, with Fíli and Kíli joining her not long after.
But sleep didn’t came as easily as she would have wanted. Despite the room being packed with Dwarves and a Hobbit and a still smouldering fire in the fireplace, she couldn’t seem to get warm. The humid air and the cold had crept into her tired bones, her toes were numb and every inch of skin was prickled with goosebumps. She couldn’t stop shivering, no matter what position she tried to sleep in.
After what seemed like hours of endless tossing and turning, Tullaina rolled onto her side, double-downed and clenched her eyes shut, wishing for warmth and sleep to come at last.
“Everything alright?” Fíli whispered, having noticed her shivering form. He was careful to keep his voice down, not wanting to wake up any of the others. But judging by their loud snoring, it would take a lot more than a hushed conversation to wake them up.
Tullaina pulled the knitted blanket a little tighter around her, and nodded. “Jus’ c-cold, is all.”
Fíli reached out and covered the hand that clutched her blanket, easily enveloping it in his own. “Mahal, you’re freezing!”
On her other side, Kíli turned around so he could face them. “You want my blanket?”
“N-no Kíli, I swear I’m f-f-fine. You need your own b-blanket.”
“Tulls, you’re clearly not fine, I can feel you shaking. Are your clothes dry enough?” Fíli asked, patting down the blanket to see if it turned damp. “Seems okay to me.”
“I told you I’m f-f-fine, Dwarves are warmblooded, I’ll warm up eventually,” she tried to reassure them. If only her teeth would stop chattering so she could actually try to get some sleep…
“That’s it!” Kíli yelled, immediately shushed by his brother, “don’t give me that look Fee, no one heard me. But Tulls is right, we are warmblooded. That’s what she needs, body warmth!”
“So what do you suggest?”
“Isn’t that obvious? See, that’s why I’m the smarter one out of the two of us. Fee, you need to share your blanket! Let her sleep against you so you can share your body warmth, she’ll be fine in no time and then we can all have a good night’s sleep.”
Fíli froze, immediately catching on to what his brother was trying to do and he opened his mouth a few times to say something, too stunned to speak.
Tullaina tried to ignore the stab in her stomach when she realised Fíli was mortified by the idea of sleeping under the same blanket. She didn’t understand, there had been lots of times during the Quest and back home where they’d cuddled close to each other, and for Durin’s sake, when they escaped Mirkwood that morning he couldn’t let go of her, his arm firmly wrapped around her waist for hours after, so why would he be so against the idea now?
“It’s fine, I-I can share with Kíli, I don’t mind,” she quickly suggested, trying to break the awkward tension.
“But I do!” Kíli protested quickly, “no offence Tulls, but I know you’re a heavy dreamer, I’m not looking to be kicked in the shins. Or worse.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Fíli stuttered after he found his voice again, “I’m sorry Tullaina, of course I’ll sleep with you-”
Both Tullaina and Kíli watched the colour drain from his face as his brain caught up with his mouth. They stared at him with wide eyes while Fíli prayed that the inside of Bard’s house was dark enough so no one could see how flushed he was. “I mean- I don’t… That’s not… I- I’ll shut up now.”
He moved closer towards Tullaina, close enough so he could throw part of his blanket over her but still keeping enough distance between their bodies so his mother would be proud of him.
“Is this okay?” he asked with a hushed voice, “I can move if you want.”
“Fíli, it’s fine, don’t worry,” Tullaina hummed, instantly relaxed by the extra warmth and comfort radiating from him, and she could feel her eyelids getting heavier by the second.
“Now that everyone’s settled and comfortable, can we finally go to sleep?” Kíli’s voice sounded from behind them, and Fíli muttered a good night in return. He noticed Tullaina remained silent, her breathing already evened out. The shivers had stopped, but Fíli still pulled his part of the blanket off of him and covered her with it, keeping none for himself.
It was still early when Tullaina woke up, feeling well-rested and warm. She could hear soft snoring right next to her, and as she slowly opened her eyes, she was greeted with Fíli’s sleeping figure. Their noses almost touched, they were that close to each other and she could feel his breath brush her lips with every sigh.
Even though the room was still shrouded in the night’s darkness she could see the outlines of his face perfectly. His long nose, his moustache braids she knew he was so proud of, the lines around his mouth and eyes - the ones she could read like a map, every little skin crease depicting a different emotion, a different meaning behind them - now smoothed underneath the promise of a safe night. Her fingers twitched, eager to stroke the stray hairs out of his face, his usually well-kept braids untangled, a reminder of their flight from Mirkwood, making him look more like Kíli than he would have wanted.
She shouldn’t.
They were about to reclaim Erebor, their long lost home and it would change everything. But it was their home, not hers.
They were actual royalty for Mahal’s sake, and the closer they came to ending their quest, the more she realised that she was going to lose them. She didn’t belong in their world, or at their side. She, an orphaned daughter of an Ered Luin seamstress and a miner, had no place beside the throne. When everything was over and settled down, she would make the journey back. Alone.
After all, princes didn’t make friends with commoners and they certainly didn’t court or marry them. They would forget her soon enough.
Tullaina sighed and turned on her other side, wanting to put as much distance between them as she could. She shouldn’t think about her goodbyes just yet, they had a dragon to slay first.
Before she was able to inch further away, Fíli grunted and draped a large arm over her middle, pulled her closer and pressed his broad frame against her back. She froze at the sudden proximity and tried to fight her initial reaction of melting into him and folding her arms over his. What would the others think if they woke up and found them like this? Spooning?
But those concerns were quickly pushed to the back of her mind when she noticed something else, something very prominent and very much awake.
She knew what it was, she wasn’t a little pebble anymore, but knowing about it and feeling it pressed against your butt were two totally different things.
Fíli would probably die of embarrassment if he knew and Tullaina was sure she would be right behind him at this point. She tried to carefully squirm her way out of his arms, without waking him up, but his hold on her was too tight. In any other situation she would’ve been flattered, excited even, knowing that he didn’t want to let her go, but now she wished she had accepted Sigrid’s offer.
All her wiggling and squirming to get away only made it worse and Fíli more excited. There was no other option but to wait for him to wake up, hoping none of the others would do so first.
And for once, luck was on her side because a few minutes later, Fíli started to stir. Tullaina patted his arm softly and whispered his name, trying to get him to let go before he realised what kind of predicament he had put them in.
Fíli heard the slight panic and worry in her voice and wrongfully assumed there was danger looming. In an instant he went into full protective mode and pulled her closer against him, tightening his hold on her, shielding her body with his own. He groaned and bucked his hips involuntarily as Tullaina’s body made contact with his hardness, and that’s when he realised to his horror what was going on.
He immediately let her go, his body jolting back as if she’d burned him. By doing so, he bumped into a sleeping Kíli, who was up in a second, startled by the sudden action of his brother. The yelps of both princes alerted Thorin, who was usually a light sleeper, whose movement woke Bilbo and in just a few seconds, the whole Company was awake.
Fíli scrambled to his feet, muttering apologies as fast as he could, not knowing where to look. Tullaina was just as mortified as him, and trying to escape the questioning looks of everyone she quickly excused herself, mumbling something about helping Sigrid with breakfast, even though none of the Bardlings were awake yet.
Kíli and the others watched her dash out of the living room, but no one dared to comment. Thorin eyed his nephews carefully, but decided to let it slide for now. If it was important, they would come to talk to him eventually.
Fíli was still panting and beet red when Kíli came up next to him.
“That went well, didn’t it?” he commented, as they watched everyone getting ready for breakfast, the previous scene already forgotten.
If looks could kill, the youngest Durin prince would’ve died on the spot, twice. Fíli muttered something about needing some air and stomped out of the house into the cold morning air.
Kíli sighed heavily and pouted his lips, looking at the pile of blankets on the ground.
“Another good plan gone to waste.”
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @the-banannah @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @kirenia15 @vicmackeybullshxt @hey-its-nonny @beenovel @cassiabaggins @shethereadinghobbit @justfollowtheroad @laurfilijames @fizzyxcustard @brokennerdalert @linasofia @naimadrawsstuff @errruvande @amaryllis23 @enchantzz @narniaandthenorth @sketch-and-write-lover @blairsanne @ruthoakenshield @midearthwritings @alone19-24 @medusas-hairband @ren-ni @kyramaximoff @megnotfound @middleearthpixie @aduialel @tree0frog @trappedinlimbo15 @brethil13
Fíli taglist: @bluewingedangel @spidergirla5 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @clumsy-wonderland @i-always-come-back-xoxo
#fili x tullaina#fili#tullaina#fili x OC#the hobbit#the hobbit imagine#fili durin#fili x reader#the hobbit ones#the hobbit fanfic#guardianofrivendell#lotr#kili#the company#the company of thorin oakenshield
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One Morning in Laketown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BIjSpPm
by Guardianofrivendell
Tullaina is cold. Kíli thinks this is the perfect opportunity to help his brother out. At least, that's the plan...
Words: 1921, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Female Character(s), Tullaina
Relationships: Fíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Fíli x Tullaina, Kíli & Tullaina
Additional Tags: during the quest of Erebor, awkwardness ahead, Kíli and his many wonderful but absolutely disastrous plans, mortified Dwarves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BIjSpPm
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One Morning in Laketown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BlhMjmC
by Guardianofrivendell
Tullaina is cold. Kíli thinks this is the perfect opportunity to help his brother out. At least, that's the plan...
Words: 1921, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Female Character(s), Tullaina
Relationships: Fíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Fíli x Tullaina, Kíli & Tullaina
Additional Tags: during the quest of Erebor, awkwardness ahead, Kíli and his many wonderful but absolutely disastrous plans, mortified Dwarves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BlhMjmC
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Thank you for the tag love!
It has been literally months since I have actively written for a wip - mostly kept to editing, until today! Today was a very good writing day, up to the point where I'm pretty sure I could post something soon. Hope I didn't jinx it now...
Anyways, these are the wips I have been meddling with for the past 6 months:
- Title TBD - Fíli x Tullaina (r rated to be safe)
- Dwarves Always Knock Thrice part 2 (I've finally dusted this wip off)
- Amnesia fic - Fíli x reader
- Amnesia fic - Fíli x Tullaina
- The Wedding Date - Fíli x reader
I've also have the requests from my last sleepover in a work doc to work on in between things.
To my writer friends : feel free to join this game!
WIP Game
Tagged by @emmyspov and @heilith <3 Thank you!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
I have a spreadsheet of "Fics To Write", which includes requests received and my own story ideas and planned works. It is a LONG list, but I'm determined to get them done, especially the requests!
This "WIP List" includes only fics that I have active Word documents for, and they vary drastically in amount of words actually written:
"The Broken Shield" (Thorin and Frerin, guest-starring Thranduil and the Elvenqueen) - my entry to the Thorin's Spring Forge event
"A Stab to the Heart - Part 2" (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen)
"For the Show" (The Thranduilion Princes, brotherhood fic)
"Excuse Our Baby" (The Thranduilion Princes, brotherhood fic)
"A Thousand More" (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen)
"The Making of Ada" (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen, Oropher)
"Steal Away" (Boromir x OC, a continuation of "A Captain's Duty")
"One Spring in the Long Peace" (Celeborn x Galadriel)
"First Meeting" (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen, a continuation of "Sins of Our Fathers")
"Returning" (Thorin and Thranduil, post-BotFA)
"Little Ways" (Eomer x Reader, requested)
"Arrow's Point" (Haldir x Reader, requested)
"Safe Haven" (Elrond x Reader, requested)
Tagging 13: @lathalea @guardianofrivendell @middleearthpixie @laneynoir @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @laurfilijames @blairsanne @missiemoosie @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @cycas @court-jobi @legoriel-fan @tamurilofrivendell (and everyone else who wants to share!)
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Wedding Planner
Tullaina is bored, Kíli isn't, and Fíli is oblivious.
Word Count: 685
Pairing: Tullaina & Kíli, Tullaina x Fíli
Warning: Modern AU. Does that count as a warning? Probably not but oh well—
Author's Note: I know I never write Modern AUs, but for @guardianofrivendell 's birthday, I thought I would do an exception. I picked this quote for the challenge. And to you, my friend, I wish you a really happy birthday (a day late, I'm sorry)💛

For what seemed to be the hundredth time that night, Tullaina pressed a button on the remote to change channels. She wasn't even looking at the TV screen anymore. Nothing was interesting, and zapping was the only thing that kept her from dying of boredom. She glanced at the clock. There were still ten minutes left before Fíli would come home from work, and then they could go out. They did not really have a plan, to be honest, but being out would always be better than being stuck there.
Slouched on the other side of the couch with his computer resting on his lap, Kíli seemed rather focused on whatever activity he was doing. He was typing furiously, kind of like when someone was writing an angry e-mail or when he was playing video games. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he was chewing lightly on his bottom lip.
“What are you doing?” she finally asked, too curious–and bored–to remain quiet.
Kíli just hummed absentmindedly, his eyes never leaving the screen. Tullaina tutted in annoyance and moved to sit closer to him. Even now, she could barely see what he was doing.
“Come on,” she begged, pushing his shoulder, “Share!”
This time, he groaned and pushed her back. “Leave me alone!” he whined. “Watch your TV and leave me alone.”
“But I don’t want to watch the TV anymore,” Tullaina declared, grabbing the laptop to take it from him.
Kíli shouted no and barely had time to get a hold of it before the two began pulling on the device like children fighting over a pack of candies.
“Stop! You’ll break it!”
“Then let me see!”
Only when Kíli heard a suspicious cracking noise did he let go of it with a huff. Crossing his arms against his chest, he pouted. Victorious, Tullaina grinned and finally looked down at the screen. She bit her lip to silence her laugh and arched a brow.
“The ten most popular places to get married?” she read out loud, giving Kíli a weird look.
“Shut up,” Kíli snapped, a small grin curling his lips. “It’s for science.”
Tullaina snorted and scrolled down on the website. Beach, beach, beach, and more beaches. According to that website, the world was, apparently, covered in beaches.
“These people are not the most imaginative,” she snorted, handing the computer back to him. “Like there aren’t any other places on the planet…”
For a reason she had yet to discover, Kíli’s eyes twinkled mischievously. She narrowed her eyes with suspicion and shifted back on the sofa.
“I don’t like that look,” she told him.
“If that’s your opinion,” he began, “I know someone who thinks the exact same…”
Before she could ask who it was, the apartment door was pushed open, and Fíli came in. He looked slightly tired, but Tullaina knew he was not tired enough to ditch them tonight. She watched him as he dropped his backpack on the floor before walking up to them.
“You’re on those websites again?” he asked his brother, leaning over his shoulder. “They all say the same thing, Kíli. The people who make them clearly lack imagination.”
Tullaina’s mouth opened to form a small “o” as she realized just who Kíli was talking about. When she looked at him, he had a smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s on his lips. Tullaina tutted in annoyance and crossed her arms, deciding that the TV was now the most interesting thing in the world and staring at it.
Fíli flopped down on the couch next to her with a deep sigh and stretched his arms. They all remained quiet for a few minutes before Kíli broke the silence again.
“How many people would you invite to your wedding?” Kíli asked innocently.
“Just friend and family,” both Fíli and Tullaina replied at the same time. If it didn’t seem to bother him, Tullaina could feel her cheeks heat up and she glared at Kíli.
With a devilish grin, he whispered in a sing-song voice: “Birds of a feather flock together,” earning himself a well-aimed elbow in the ribs.
All time tags : @imnotevenhere9 @shethereadinghobbit @elvish-sky @katbby16 @dark-angel-is-back @shalinizhara @miriel-estelwen @thewhiteladyofrohan @vee-vee-writes @cameronsails @kumqu4t @wlfstxr @thespiritoflife @myselfandfantasy @spidergirla5 @guardianofrivendell
#Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge 2022#tullaina#kili#fili#tullaina x fili#the hobbit#the hobbit oc
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Here’s a commission for @guardianofrivendell !! Thank you so much, again!! :D
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Guardianofrivendell birthday challenge
Here is my entry for @guardianofrivendell challenge.
Happy birthday dear! ❤ I hope you have a wonderful day! 🌻
Plot bunny: What happens when someone else calls Tullaina 'Tulls' except Fíli and Kíli

Photos were found from Pinterest with one exception, heating smoke sauna photo (bottom row) is mine.
Fíli whispering Kíli edit by AnnaProvidence on Deviantart
Taglist: @linasofia
#Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge 2022#fili#kili#tullaina#the hobbit#moodboard#aesthetic#what happens when...#tullaina isn't thrilled either#finnish saying 'there's always room behind sauna' 😉#but with a twist
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Kili: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Tullaina: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Tullaina: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
#the hobbit kili#fili the hobbit#the hobbit incorrect quotes#the hobbit#fili x oc#fili x tullaina#tullaina#Incorrect Tullaina Quotes
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New order ready to go ✨ Thank you @guardianofrivendell for commissioning me your beautiful Oc ❤
For info contact me or visit my Ko-Fi ✨
#the hobbit#lotr#tolkien#acrylic keychains#fili the hobbit#fili the dwarf#OC#tullaina#The hobbit acrylic keychain
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The Grumpiness of Uncles Does Not Outweigh the Drunkenness of Nephews {Fíli x Tullaina}
A.N: Ok, so first of all I’m 15 (almost 16 though!) and I have no clue how alcohol or being drunk works. I also don’t know if cold water sobers you up but I decided for the purposes of this fic it didn’t! Also- I had a total blast writing this. Fili and Tullaina are one of my favorite couples, and I loved these prompts because I just got to have so much fun with them! I hope I wrote Tullaina okay, and I really hope you like this!
Requested by @guardianofrivendell for my 1K celebration: 💜 - 1 and 11 from the general prompt list with Fíli (can be x reader or an AU with Tullaina, whatever you prefer!) 1. "I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 11. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
Summary: Fili gets rather drunk the night the elven delegation arrives. Shenanigans ensue.
Pairing: Fili x Tullaina, mentioned Thorin x Bilbo
Word Count: 1,318, because @guardianofrivendell picks the best prompts so I can’t resist writing longer stuff!
Warnings: Alcohol, Drunken Behavior
The Grumpiness of Uncles Does Not Outweigh the Drunkenness of Nephews {Fíli x Tullaina}
“Fíli! What in Mahal’s name are you doing?”
Tullaina stood in the doorway of the best pub in Erebor, watching her fiancé- the prince of Erebor and heir to the throne- dance along the tabletops.
The issue wasn’t that he was a bad dancer. It wasn’t even the embarrassment this would cause him in the morning (he knew what would happen when he got drunk! It happened every single time). The issue was that, firstly, Fíli had a big meeting in the morning and would not do well hungover, and secondly, the elves were going to be arriving for said meeting any minute (Thorin had grumbled for hours about how Thranduil had “No respect for sleep,” and that “Some of us can’t stay up all night and then look fresh as daisies in the morning.”)
After the fiasco that had happened the last time the elves visited, which had involved Fíli, Kíli, several jugs of ale, and a game of catch, Thorin was determined to keep everything under control for this visit.
“TULLAINA!” Fíli exclaimed, jumping down from the table and drunkenly making his way over to her.
“I love you,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Tullaina giggled for a moment, then shook her head and pushed him away. “Tell me that when you’re sober. Now c’mon. The elves should be here any moment.”
“ELVES! Where?” He crouched into a battle-stance and looked around warily.
Tullaina laughed, grabbing his arm and dragging him out the door. She rounded the corner of the pub, entering the alleyway behind it.
“Did you get it?”
“Yes,” said a figure, stepping forward out of the darkness.
“Kíli!!” Fíli greeted his brother with a wave. “Did you know I Love Tulls? I. Love. Tullaina.”
“Oh, wow. He really is drunk,” Kíli said.
Tullaina nodded. “Yup. Now let’s do this so that we can get to the gates and not have Thorin scold us.”
Kíli nodded, reaching down and grabbing a large bucket. Tullaina knew what was in it- ice cold water.
Tullaina let go of Fíli and backed up. “Ready.”
Kíli hefted the bucket over his head, dumping all the cold water over his brother. Fíli starting shrieking as the cold water rained down over him, jumping and squirming and generally just not looking very pleased as his brother and fiancé both cackled while watching him.
Tullaina waited until Fíli had shaken most of the water off, then approached him. “You at least slightly clear-headed now?”
“Huh? Oh, Tullaina! Kíli, did you know I love Tulls?”
Kíli sighed. “Ok. That didn’t work at all.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” said Tullaina. “We need to figure this out.”
Kíli walked up to his brother, placing a hand on each of Fíli’s shoulders and looking him directly in the eyes.
“Fíli,” he began.
“Yes, hi. It’s me. We’re about to go see Uncle Thorin and Uncle Bilbo, and we’re going to be greeting the elves. You need to act completely normal. Got it?”
Fíli nodded, suddenly looking very serious. “I’ve got it.”
Tullaina and Kíli let out simultaneous sighs of relief, each grabbing one of Fíli’s arms to frog-march him to the front gates.
As they walked, Fíli asked, “Do you think Thranduil will let me touch his ears?”
“No,” Kíli told him.
“Awwwww,” Fíli pouted. “But they’re so pointy. I want to touch them!!!!!”
The next morning, Tullaina sat on the window seat in her bedroom, watching Fíli blink his eyes open in the spot he’d collapsed last night- spread eagle on her bed.
“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” She asked.
“Tulls?” Fíli shot up to a sitting position, blinking his eyes in confusion.
“You collapsed in here last night because you were very drunk,” she told him. “Anyways, did you know talk in your sleep?”
Fíli looked wary. “I did not know that. May I ask what I said?”
Tullaina giggled. “Let’s see, there may have been a fully formed dream-plan to prank Thranduil’s son for revenge-”
“Did you write it down?”
“I- what?” Tullaina was confused by the sudden interruption.
“Tullaina. Focus. Did you write it down?”
She shook her head, and Fíli’s head sank back in disappointment.
“I remember it, though!”
Fíli’s head shot back up. “Great! We’ll discuss it later. What else did I say?”
“There was also a whole lot of grumbling about ‘the grumpiness of uncles,’ and how ‘ever since Uncle Thorin had married Bilbo he’d gotten supremely worse about manners.’”
Fíli groaned. “I hope I didn’t say anything like that in front of my Uncles!”
Tullaina smirked. “Well, you actually did a whole lot worse.”
Fíli shot out of bed. “What?! What did I do?!”
Tullaina sat back against her pillows with the air of someone who was taking entirely too much delight in telling someone else something.
“Well,” she began. “You started off an abysmal night by commenting on the pointiness of the Elven-Kings ears. In front of the whole elven delegation- and like ninety percent of Erebor.”
Fíli flopped back onto the bed in despair. “I really hate to ask, but… did I touch them?”
“Welllllllll, no.”
He sighed in relief.
“However, you did somehow manage to touch Legolas’s ears. And then Legolas caught a whiff of your breath and commented on how drunk you must have been. And then Thorin… well, let’s just say Thorin was not pleased. Especially not when you started yelling at Legolas.”
“What did I yell at Legolas about?” Fíli looked like he wanted to shrivel up and never be seen again.
The smirk on Tullaina’s face was growing. “You said, and I quote, “C’mon, Leggy!! Bros don’t rat out other bros for being drunk at a diplomatic thingy! And you! I thought you were a bro! How could you?”
“So that’s why I wanted revenge in my dream?” Fíli asked.
Tullaina nodded.
“It’s official,” Fíli declared. “I will never leave this room again.”
“I would say that was a good idea,” Tullaina said. “Except for the fact that as of right now, you are officially late to the ‘crisis management (the crisis being your behavior last night) meeting that Thorin scheduled for this morning. The one that all the elves will be attending.”
Fíli shot into the room where Thorin usually held all important meetings, skidding to a halt in shock as he saw the faces of the people inside.
It was everyone. All the elves, Thorin, Bilbo, even little Frodo! And- was that-
Everyone in the room started laughing.
Fíli stood there in complete bewilderment. “What- what is happening?”
Thorin approached him. “Last night, when you were behaving so ridiculously, we figured out that if dwarven-elven relations could withstand that kind of diplomatic fiasco, we could withstand anything.”
Thranduil stepped forward. “Exactly. However, your Uncle still felt you deserved some punishment for last night. So, your all-too-willing fiancée stepped in.”
Tullaina gave Fíli a little wave.
“So- so I’m not in trouble?”
Thorin laughed. “No. We thought that the fact that everyone, until the end of time, will remember you asking to touch an elf’s ears was enough.”
Fíli was blushing like crazy.
“Fine,” he said. “But my retribution for this will be legendary! They shall mark this day as the day when Fíli, Prince of Erebor, came up with his greatest prank ever!” He spread his arms wide to punctuate the declaration.
And then promptly stopped, holding out his hand. “Now, c’mon, Tulls. I’m hungry. Let’s go to the kitchens.”
As the two left the room, Fíli turned around just long enough to yell one more thing.
“There will still be repercussions for this, never fear! There shall be RE-PER-CUSSIONS!”
The large double doors to the conference room slammed shut in their wake, and everyone in the room could hear them walking down the hallway on the other side, Tullaina giggling as she teased Fíli and him good-naturedly replying.
Everything tag: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
Fíli tag: @laurfilijames @claraofthepen
#elvish sky’s 1k celebration#maiawrites#fíli#fili#lord of the rings#the hobbit#jrr tolkien#the hobbit fili#fili story#fili x oc#fili x tullaina#fili x original character#tullaina#fili imagine#fili and kili#kili#thorin#bilbo#frodo#thranduil#legolas#thorin x bilbo#fili/tullaina
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The Vault of Abandoned WIPS (1)
When in Mirkwood - part 2
This is the beginning of part 2 of When in Mirkwood, the real start of Tullaina and Fíli's love story. I've been struggling with this for ages, because I really wanted to capture the emotions and internal battles for both parties, and somehow I was never able to. Lots of writing, lots of deleting too. I haven't touched it in over a year, so I classified it as abandoned.
Later this week I'll post what was going to be a first chapter in a new modern Fili fic (which I've changed my mind about plotwise, so if I write it, it'll be entirely from scratch again, so in the Vault it goes).
The Elvenking’s Halls were vastly different from the halls of Erebor, Tullaina realized as she trudged behind the Elves who were leading them to the throne room.
Last time she was here, she didn’t exactly have the time to admire her surroundings as she was sent straight to the dungeons. This time however, she was welcome so she let her eyes glide over the walls and ceilings with unabashed curiosity.
Everything was built in complete harmony with nature by using lots of wood, tree-like structures and natural materials, whereas Erebor was mostly made out of stone and precious metals. There was a lot more light and a flowery smell hung heavily in the air. If she hadn’t known Thranduil’s Halls were located in a cave, she could have sworn they were walking in the forest outside.
And yet strangely enough, even though they were underground, Tullaina didn’t feel the same connection with the earth and stone as she did when walking around the mountain of Erebor. It made her slightly uncomfortable, as if she was going in blind.
She quickly glanced at Fíli - who was walking next to her as the protocol prescribed - but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it. His gaze was fixed ahead in a thousand-yard stare, the fight they had the night before still lingering between them. If he noticed her looking at him, he paid her no mind.
As soon as the Elven guards opened the doors to reveal the throne room, the sound of water clattering in the distance reached her ears, and it was like she’d run straight into a stone wall. The memories of the dungeons flooded her mind and overwhelmed her senses so suddenly, she had to stop herself from grabbing Fíli’s hand for support. If he noticed the twitch in her fingers, he didn’t say anything. By the pained look on his face, Fíli wasn’t doing any better than she was.
The sound of running water came from the waterfalls below, she knew because it had been her one constant companion during her previous stay there. Tullaina did her best to tune it out, focusing on the floor below her feet, counting the steps of the Ellon in front of her, anything to block the sound, because if she didn’t, she would hear the cries of both the princes and Thorin again when they took her away. To that day she still couldn’t understand why King Thranduil felt the need to lock her in an entirely different part of the dungeons, away from the Company. Away from her family. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she recalled how desperate their cries were, full of fear and anguish. As soon as the guards separated her from the Company and steered her in a different direction, they started pleading and fighting against the Elven guards, anything to let her stay with them. But it was no use.
She heard Fíli call her name even when she was far away and long out of their sight, his cries left as nothing but a faint whisper. Tullaina didn’t know if it had been her imagination but she swore she could hear him call her for hours after.
She was pulled back from her memories when a warm hand wrapped around hers, squeezing lightly. Blue eyes studied her sorrowful expression, the deep lines around Fíli’s eyes and mouth proof that he too remembered. A faint nod silently asked her if she was okay, and it was in those moments she saw ‘her’ Fíli coming back to the surface.
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Warnings: none! Fluff!
Running. So much running. Tullaina couldn’t think of a time in her life where she had done more running than she was now. And not even just leisurely jogging, this was full-tilt, run-for-your-life sprinting.
From a giant bear.
The entire company, including Bombur, were sprinting as fast as their legs could carry them, running toward a house whose ownership they still weren’t sure of. Gandalf had mentioned something about them being neither friend nor foe, but there were no other options for shelter from the bear.
Fili and Kili were closest to the front and Fili continued to make backward glances at Tullaina, making sure she was keeping up and maintaining a far distance between her and the beast.
His main focus was to get the door open for the rest of the company to fall into safely.
“Keep going! Run!” someone up ahead hollered, but Tullaina wasn’t sure who. All the surrounding noises were blurred by the thrumming of her heart in her ears. She continued to push her body to cover as much distance as quickly as she could, but still the doorway of the house ahead seemed further and further away.
She watched as Fili and Kili reached the large door, each of them slamming their bodies into it in an attempt to break through.
The other dwarves caught up just as the great bear was closing in on them, creating a bottleneck in the entryway, everyone screaming and shouting to get the door open.
After watching his nephews struggle for long enough, Thorin finally pushed his way through to the front and lifted the latch open, him and Fili standing to the side to let everyone else through first.
With a loud roar in her ear, Tullaina hauled herself through the door with Bilbo’s collar clutched in her hand to pull her in with him. Once they were all through and safe, she slammed her body back against the door, pressing against the weight of the giant bear on the other side with the help of the other members of the company.
A gasp of relief left her the moment the door was latched shut and she closed her eyes as the severity of the situation hit her.
They were just chased down by a massive bear and were now shut in a house in which they didn’t know if they were actually safe.
Fili all but collapsed on the floor beside Tullaina, likely more exhausted than she was with how hard he worked to get them to safety.
His arm flung up over his eyes and his chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. Tullaina could see beads of sweat dripping from his face, but the moisture was not able to disguise his weariness from the quest so far. He was so tired, and she wished tonight would bring some reprieve to him.
She slid her back down the door to sit on her bottom with panting breaths leaving her lungs quickly, nudging Fili on his leg with her boot.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
He grunted in response, too tired to form words, but it was enough to satisfy her question.
She closed her eyes and relished in their temporary sanctuary.
“Tulls?” she heard his drained voice call to her and she opened her eyes again.
“Can you do the thing?” Fili requested.
Tullaina opened her eyes fully, looking in his direction and immediately connected with his vibrantly blue ones.
“What thing?”
He smiled and her stomach fluttered, but she cut it down to the adrenaline still coursing through her.
“You know, that thing that makes me happy.”
She automatically grinned, a smile so large it almost made her cheeks sore.
“Oh, of course!” she beamed, and then it grew bigger from thinking how easy it was for him to make her smile.
A laugh passed through her upturned lips and she thought how she could live in this moment for as long as she was able to, simply enjoying peace after such fright and a smile shared with someone who she cared for so much.
“Thank you,” Fili hummed with a low chuckle, and Tullaina could tell he was about to fall into a deep sleep right where he lay.
#guardianofrivendell birthday writing challenge#fili x oc#fili x tullaina#tullaina#friend’s oc#fili imagine#fili durin#the hobbit#fili the hobbit
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I Didn’t Think I’d Get This Far

A/N: I wrote this for @guardianofrivendell’s birthday challenge! This really was a challenge, writing for an oc that I don’t own. I really hope I got Tullaina’s personality down well. I also hope you like Kaida, I made her up because I felt like Tulls needed at least one gal pal and also one friend who wasn’t a major dumbass. I might write more about Tulls and Kaida if you/anyone else is interested! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Happy Birthday, Klaartje! You’re in my thoughts and prayers today, I hope it’s a good one. Thanks for being my friend! xoxo, Annie
I used this prompt.
Characters: Fili, Kili, Tullaina, Kaida (an oc I made up)
Wordcount: 2.5k ||||| Masterlist
Summary: Fili wants to hang out with Tullaina, but her new friend makes it a bit more difficult!
"What are you doing?" Kili asks. Fili knocks back another shot in reply, and the younger brother grabs the glass out of his hand. "Fili! What are you doing?!"
Fili glares at him. "What does it look like!"
"What got you in this state? Besides the probably dangerous amount of alcohol you've ingested?"
"I've only had three shots!"
"Three too many! Why?"
Fili sighs and points across the crowded bar. Through the throng, Kili spies Tullaina, their dear friend and Fili's longtime love. She has her head thrown back mid laugh, her wild head of curls bouncing, cackling at some joke told by a very proud looking dam. She leans on her arm and wipes away a tear.
"What's the problem, here?" Kili asks.
Fili sighs gustily. "I wanted to hang out with Tulls this evening—"
His brother frowns, looking morbidly offended that he wasn’t invited. "You didn’t tell me!”
"I know, you weren't invited! I wanted to hang out with her but she said she had other plans."
Kili looks down at his despondent brother. "So you followed her?"
"I didn't follow her! I came here to get a drink and she was already here! With her!" Fili spits out the final word like an insult, obviously caught between sorrow and seething rage. He slams his fist on the bar in frustration and orders another ale.
"Who is she, anyway?" Kili asks, sitting on the stool beside Fili.
"Dunno," Fili says, waving a hand listlessly. "Don't care."
"Aw, Fee!" Two arms land on the bar between the brothers and Tullaina slides smoothly into the open space, grinning at Fili, "thought you'd be thrilled that I made another friend!"
"Impossible," Kili jokes, "you don't have any other friends."
Tullaina shoves him off the stool and takes his place. "Shut up. And I'm actually glad you are here. Tonight is no fun without you two! Come over and hangout with us!"
"Thought you didn't want to hang out with me," Fili says. Kili kicks him under the bar, but he’s too grumpy to care.
“You don’t have to,” Tullaina says, “Coming, Kili?”
Kili nods and jumps up. “Absolutely!”
Fili, reluctant to be left behind, hurries after them, and Tullaina looks back at him with a smile that warms his heart.
She stops next to her friend. "Fíli, Kíli, this is Kaida. She's a member of the tailors guild."
Kaida, a dam with a round face, brown eyes, and long black hair, bobs her head to the two brothers. "Your Highnesses. Kaida, at your service. I'd stand for a proper curtsy but…" she gestures below her waist with a shit-eating grin and the two brothers notice she's seated in a wheelchair. Tullaina laughs at the joke and sits down on the bench beside her. Kili takes a seat as well.
"Don't bother!" He says brightly and Fili slides in beside him. "With standing or our titles. We don't really fancy that sort of thing, right, Fee?"
"Right," he agrees, gaining back some cheek. "You don't see Tulls doing that… in fact, she'd be caught dead before being caught bowing and scraping to the likes of us," he teases, nudging her with his foot. Tullaina laughs. "Oh, please, I show you exactly the amount of respect you deserve!"
Before long, the four young dwarrow are getting along like a house on fire, talking companionably with each other. Kili and Tullaina are engaged in an animated conversation and Fili finds himself forgetting to reply to Kaida, too busy watching Tulls talk.
“Why are you staring at her like that?” Kaida asks, poking Fili’s arm. He startles a bit, turning to look at her.
“Why are you staring at Tullaina like that?” she reiterates.
“Because shes beautiful,” He responds matter-of-factly. Kaida raises an eyebrow.
“Have you ever told her that?”
He shrugs. “It’s… complicated. I don’t think she is interested in me in… that way. And besides, I… I don’t even know why I’m telling you this!”
“It’s pretty obvious,” She says, “I mean, I think you two are the only ones who don’t realize!”
“Don’t realize what?”
Kaida lets out a gusty sigh, like she considers him the most foolish dwarf she’s ever spoken to. “Look, Fili, you clearly care for her, and you’ll never know if she feels the same until you try, right?”
"Put yourself out there! Make an attempt for her, at the very least!"
Fili laughs. "For Tullaina? Nah. I'd fall on my ass."
"Or you'd succeed. You're all she talks about, you know!" Kaida raises her voice an octave in a poor approximation of Tullaina's tone. "'Oh, Kaida, poor Fili works too hard!' and 'oh, Fili's so smart, he'd figure this out in a moment!' and 'you want to hear this joke Fili told me?'" She returns her voice to its regular sound. "It's kind of ridiculous. And it's also the reason I never attempted to court you." She throws Fili a suggestive wink that has the blonde spluttering a bit.
"U-uh… that's very sweet of you but—"
Kaida laughs.. "I'm messing with you, lion boy," she smirks. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she grins over at him. "Why don't you go try and win her over, Fili?" Then, she wheels off to give her attention to another dwarf.
Fili finishes the last of his drink and looks over at Tullaina. She’s finished her conversation with Kili, who has wandered off somewhere, and looks over at Fili just then, smiling. He stands and moves over to her.
"What do you think of Kaida?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"She's nice," he replies, leaning on his elbow. "Funny. Almost as funny as me. I can see why you like her."
"Well," she teases, "I reckoned I needed at least one friend who wasn't a raging idiot."
Fili gasps in fake offense. "How could you speak of my dear brother like that! You know he was dropped on his head as a babe," he lowers his voice to a whisper and leans toward her. "It's very rude to bring it up, you know."
Tulls giggles. "I was talking about you, Fee." She pokes him in the center of his chest. "You're just as foolish."
"Now that's taking things too far!"
"Afraid to admit you were also dropped on your head as a babe?"
Fili snorts and moves her finger off his chest. "I was never dropped. I was the favored child."
"Sure you were," she laughs.
"I was! Say, how did you and her meet, anyway?"
"At the tailors guild, of course," Tullaina replies. "Dis convinced me to start studying my Craft again."
Fili's mouth drops open in indignation. "Tulls! I have been trying to get you to pick up your craft for ages! What sort of persuasion skill does my mother have that I do not?"
She shrugs. "I don't know, Fee, it just… seemed like the right time, you know?"
Fili studies her face, remembering the way his brother had stopped practicing his Craft for a while after their father, his mentor, had passed. How Tullaina had done the same after losing her mother. He nods.
"I know."
They stand there for a minute in companionable silence, when Fili suddenly remembers both Kaida's and Kili's encouragement. "Tulls," he starts, "I—"
The clock’s chiming interrupts him and Tullaina glances over at it.
"Oh, Fili, I'm sorry, I have to go!” She gasps, “I promised I'd help Ori and Balin with a shipment of books from the Iron Hills this evening before I went to bed, I'm so sorry!"
Fili's shoulders slump just a bit. "Right. You go ahead."
She beams at him and squeezes his hand. "Can you tell me later?"
"I will," he vows. "I'll tell you later."
She starts off, but he remembers suddenly. Tomorrow evening is a celebration of his Uncle’s Coronation. Perhaps he can talk to her there. He calls after her, "Tulls! Wait!"
She spins around. "Yes?"
"Are you coming to the Feast tomorrow night?"
"Yes! Kaida and I are getting ready together! I'll see you there!"
"All right! Good night!"
"Good night!"
Tulls races off, brown curls bouncing.
The next evening, the two dams are in Tullaina's room, and the lass in question is explaining to Kaida her last interaction with the golden haired prince. "I just don't know what to think of it!" She finishes, wringing her hands.
"Think of what?" Kaida asks, combing her black hair.
"I thought… well, I told you about what happened during the battle, yes?"
"You feared it was your last day so you two kissed, if I recall correctly."
Tuallina nods, biting her bottom lip.
"But you didn't die, and never spoke about it, like the massive fools you are, and now it's been years and things are awkward again?"
"I… yes, to put it succinctly."
Kaida snorts. "So stop playing around! If you want him, you need to show it. Lads are foolish, they won't know unless you express it explicitly!"
"What if he doesn't feel the same?"
Frustrated, Kaida throws her comb across the room toward her friend. "You are as dense as peridotite!" She shouts, slamming her hand down on the arm of her chair. "Of course he feels the same, he'd follow you about like a newborn duckling if he'd only the time! He's wild about you!"
"You think so?"
"I know so! And I only spoke to him for a few minutes! So start showing him you're just as wild about him in return!"
Tulls shifts on her feet uncomfortably, wringing her hands. “I’m scared.”
She peeks up over at her friend, the fear in her heart suddenly feeling foolish, but even so, she can’t get past it. “I don’t think I’m good enough for him.”
Kaida’s voice goes soft. “Oh, Tullaina, yes, you are. You may not be a princess, but you have just as much value as him. Every person, big or small, rich or poor, king or peasant, has just as much value as each other. You are equals. And he thinks it, too.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. Now come over here so I can put these beads in your hair!”
They head down the feast, the party already in full swing despite the early hour. Tulls plans to find Fili and Kili and spend the evening with them, but they don’t seem to have arrived yet. Kaida wheels past her down the ramp. “Come get something to eat with me!” She says, “I’m starving!”
Tullaina hurries after her, laughing.
Upon arriving at the banquet table, full and practically groaning with the weight of the food upon it, pies and roasts and puddings all steaming and delicious, they are approached by an acquaintance. He's a young dwarf, also from the tailors guild, named Calin, towheaded and green-eyed, very assured of his good looks… and he's set his sights on Tullaina.
"Tullaina, right?" He asks, with a smile, "how are you?"
She's a little taken aback by his attention, and startles a bit. "Oh. Hello."
"Calin, at your service," he says with a bow and a wink. "I've seen you around the tailors guild. Are you new to the Mountain?"
"Oh, no, not... not exactly." Tullaina is unwilling to reveal she was a part of Thorin's Company, but Kaida, endlessly impressed and proud of her new friend, butts in.
"She was one of Thorin's Company members!" She says. "She helped take back Erebor!"
Calin looks suitably impressed. "You're that Tullaina?" He asks. "Incredible! I had no idea you would be here tonight!"
Just then, the band strikes up a song, and the dwarf offers her a hand.
"Surely one of the heroes of Erebor would be willing to honor me with a dance?"
Tulls bites her lip. She would much rather stay here waiting with Kaida for Fili and Kili, and shoots her friend a look for help. The other dam, bless her soul, catches it.
"C'mon, Cal," she says, "dance with me instead!"
He gives her a befuddled look. "Kaida, you cannot walk!"
"That doesn’t mean I can’t dance!" She says with a laugh, spinning her chair around. She gets too enthusiastic and almost tips over. Tullaina steadies her.
“Be careful, Kaida,” she says, and turns to their companion. "I'd be happy to dance with you, Calin," she reaches out and takes the dwarf's hand, and Kaida sinks back into her seat, clearly annoyed that her ploy failed. Tulls mouths 'thanks anyway' to her friend as the dwarf, unaware of her discomfort, spins her away.
Fili and Kili find Kaida near the banquet table, watching the dancers, Tullaina nowhere in sight. Odd, since they had said they were arriving together.
"Where is Tulls?" Kili asks.
"Dancing," she says, pointing. Tullaina is spinning around on the dance floor with a handsome dwarf, and Fili frowns. Whoever this fellow is, he's holding her far too familiarly, and it makes his blood boil. He's stepping toward them before he can think, dodging around whirling couples, eyes fixed on Tulls. She looks beautiful tonight, just as she does all the time, clad in a deep green dress, her wild curls twisted into a series of braids down her back, with golden beads peeking out here and there, glinting in the lantern light.
"May I cut in?"
Fili's low voice sounds over Calin's, the other dwarf appearing behind him out of nowhere. Tulls beams at him.
"But—" Calin starts, and Fili gives him a look that cows him immediately. "Of course, your highness." He nods his head in farewell and steps away, allowing Fili to take his place.
"Hello," he says with a wink, pulling her immediately back into the dance.
"Hello," she replies. She smiles at him, lost in his eyes for a moment, and he smiles back. His hair is braided with silver and sapphires, matching the royal blue of his tunic. He's… well, there's no other word for it. He's beautiful.
Now, this close to her, he notices a shimmer of fine golden dust on her eyelids, making her eyes doubly enchanting, and the same substance dusting her lips.
"You look… beautiful." He blurts, perfectly, deadly serious, before he can think better of it.
Tullaina gapes at him for a moment, and then Kaida's words ring in her head. "...start showing him you're just as wild about him in return!"
"So do you," she responds, moving closer to him than is strictly friendly and smiling up at him.
Fili stops in his tracks, his eyes blowing wide as saucers and his mouth falling open. His cheeks are steadily turning a bright shade of scarlet as he gapes at her. He looks unnervingly like Kili when he does that, Tullaina realizes with a wild urge to laugh. The silence stretches on.
"Well?" She asks, her own cheeks beginning to redden. "Aren't you going to say anything?"
"I…" he splutters, casting around for a reply. "I don't know! I didn't think I'd get this far!"
"What in Mahal's name does that even mean?" Tulls replies, baffled.
"I don't know! I guess I just never thought you'd flirt back! I didn't have a contingency plan!"
She's bursting into laughter before his sentence is even over, struck by the absurdity of the situation, of years of pining finally reciprocated only to be halted by a lack of expectation. He didn’t have a contingency plan?
She clings to his arms, cackling fit to burst, leaning her head against his chest. She can hear him grumbling around her guffaws, no doubt more than a little embarrassed, not only from her mirth, but from the confused stares of onlookers. But she doesn't care. She loves him anyway. And he does too, though he doesn't say it in as many words. When she looks up at him through eyes wet from merriment, the look in his eyes says, 'I love you'.
#fili#fili fic#my writing#fili x tullaina#guardianofrivendell birthday writing challenge#tullaina#friend's oc#fili x oc#dwarf oc#kili#kaida (oc)#tullaina (oc)#not my oc#the hobbit#the lord of the rings#tolkien oc
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Why Haven’t They Kissed Yet?
I know, I know. It can be pulled out a bit, but I wanted to get this done for today.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I usually check it as I work, but I literally just finished it.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TULLAINA and @guardianofrivendell
Without further ado...
Thorin Oakenshield was going to die alone... or, at least that's what it looked like. He was committed to finding a way back to Erebor, married to his work. That meant the lineage fell to any nextborn son of Durin....
... which happened to be Fili.
Since the day he could walk, Fili Durin began his training to be the Durin heir. He had to walk the kingly walk. He had to present himself princely. He had to speak royally. Every day, Fili would see other children his age being kids and having fun. And every day, Fili was stuck in prince school.
Ironically enough, he found solitude with his uncle. People would have expected Thorin to be the most strict with his nephew's tutorage, but it was Thorin who was most lenient on him. His mother, on the other hand, lost no opportunity to scold either of them.
Sure, Thorin would role model for him, but he made it fun. Made it something the boy wanted to do, not what he had to. That especially came in weapons training. Fili earned his first blade at a young age. He was adequate at it, of course, but not proficient enough to ease his mother. The first day Thorin had brought over the blade he'd personally made for Fili, Dis had given them an ear full. But while his sister paced around blindly, Thorin whispered to his nephew behind his sister's back and ended up giving the boy the blade anyway. Fili practiced his sword skills any chance he got, and Dis took his sword away any chance she got, which usually meant more time in prince school.
And of course, the next heir to the throne needed a mate to continue the Durin line. Which meant every other dwarf family was busy having second born daughters to present to Fili Durin.
One such family happened to be the Longbeards.
Four years after Fili was born, the Longbeards were blessed with a baby dwarrowdam. They named her Tullaina. She had freckles dotted across her nose, which sat atop a perfect little mouth. Her most definitive feature was a tuft of black red hair, which many lined up to see. Tullaina was a charming young girl growing up, sweet and innocent, but no short of cunning.
Trouble brewed when she was put in the same children's group as the Durin's second born. Always the teacher's pet, Kili was thrown for a loop by the arrival of sweet Ms. Tullaina. Every day of the first week they'd met, they tried to one up the other using charms and every other trick in the book. Kili took to calling her Tulls, and Tullaina took every opportunity to remind him she was older.
Their bonding happened when they were put in detention together. Their warden wasn't a very attentive warden, not that she stood a chance against their allied mischief. From that day on, the two became the best of mates; fine alone, chaos together.
That only lasted until Tullaina was whisked off to prince school. Compared to her first class, Tullaina found this one rather boring. Thankfully, she wasn't alone. While the rest of the class fellows were dying to woo him-they were all dwarrowdams, after all, put there, well, born really, for the one purpose- the object of their affection was dying to run out of the room. Luckily for him, he found a partner who was just as eager to escape.
Their runouts almost always ended up at uncle Thorin's shop. That's where Tullaina learned her weapons. Fili worked with her on knives, while Kili, when he was there, partnered with her in archery. Skilled as she was in weapons, Tulls liked to use her wit more. Once Kili came to know how his best friend and brother had met, he lost no opportunity to tease them about ending up together.
Other times, (sometimes to avoid Kili), they ended up on little adventures together. Exploring Ered Luin together. It happened so often, that aside from addressing Fili as the little king, the town took to calling Tullaina the little queen. Tullaina detested courtlife and fancifulness, but enjoyed the pleasantries that came with. Other dwarrowdams however, didn't give up dressing up and putting on their charm for the little king, given that the 'little queen' was in no way fit for royalty.
When they were young, it became fun between the three, for Fili-and Kili- to give in to the ladies just to mock them. But as they became older, the romances became a bit too grown up. And as much as Tulls liked to disagree, it bothered her when Fili humored other girls.
Luckily-or unluckily- she was the only dwarrowdam to accompany the boys on the quest, given that Thorin was proud of her skill. And the rumors followed. Before they bet on the hobbit, the Company made a bet on when Fili and Tullaina would end up together.
Their tension went so long, even Tauriel-who'd joined their trio after the quest- picked up on it. One afternoon, on a particularly lazy day for all of them, the elf brought it up. They were all sitting under an open gazebo, each doing their own thing, when Tauriel loudly thought to herself.
"Do you ever think of two people and go 'Why haven't they kissed already?'"
"Every day of the past four decades," Kili casually replied.
The following silence intrigued the other two and they looked to each other before turning to look at the other couple, finding Kili and Tauriel staring at them.
"Why are you staring at us?"
"I wonder why," a new, low voice spoke informedly and they turned to find Thorin leaning against a pillar, his arms crossed.
Fili and Tullaina looked at each other and jumped to their feet, brushing down their clothes as they moved away from each other.
"We? Kiss? We're just best friends!"
"Yeah, she's just my best friend!"
"Oh, good!" Thorin patted his thighs as he stood up straight. "Then I could really use Tullaina at court. See, I've found her a good mate who'd be really us-..."
Before Thorin could finish, Fili grabbed Tullaina by the elbow and pulled her back, kissing her as she came on to him. They took a bit too long, and sighed at each other as they pulled away, oblivious to the others around them.
"Sorry," Fili said to no one in particular,
"She's taken."
#guardianofrivendell birthday writing challenge#writing challenge#fili#kili#thorin#tauriel#the hobbit#tullaina#@Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge#fili x oc#incorrect tullaina quotes
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Congratulations with 200 followers!! Can you maybe write a little drabble with Ered Luin era Fili and Kili? With reader insert or maybe even Tullaina 👉👈? I leave the plot to you 😄
~Guardianofrivendell 💚
Thank you!! I decided to write this based off a video I just watched, I hope you enjoy!
Words: 281
200 follower celebration
Paring: Tullaina x Fili
Warnings: a little blood, small injury.
“Tulls, seriously, you have to just let go with your fingers for it to twirl,” Fili said in exasperation. Tullaina had been insistent on learning to twirl knives like the blonde prince, so she could one-up Kili. Thus far, the knife twirling practice had gone less than perfect.
Tullaina tried flicking it over her thumb again, but she didn’t quite let go, and the knife cut her forefinger before falling to the ground. She cursed and watched as blood started leaking from the small cut. But soon, her hand was in Fili’s, and he was stripping off a bit of his shirt to wrap around her finger.
“For the love of Mahal, you have to listen to me when I say something!” He scolded, pressing down on the wound.“Because if you aren’t willing to actually learn, you’re going to get hurt!” He huffed before bending down and pocketing the knife.
“Sorry,” She said, trying to ignore the sting on her hand. Fili rose and sighed, moving his thumb across her knuckles as he held the fabric in place. The silence stretched out between them, with her hand safe in his, before Fili seemed to realize how close they were. He let go and cleared his throat, a blush spreading across his face.
“We- uh, let’s get home. We can’t have that getting infected. Hold the cloth against—”
“I know, hold the cloth against the cut, I’m not an idiot,” Tullaina said, a smirk forming on her face.
“Bold words for someone who just cut themselves with their own knife.”
“Technically, it’s your knife.”
“But you were the one who was holding it.”
Tullaina rolled her eyes and the pair walked back to the house bickering playfully.
#tullaina#guardianofrivendell#not my oc#fili#the hobbit#200 follower celebration#claraofthepen#drabbles
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In Love
Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge
Words Count : 667
Incorrect Quote : In Love
Pairing : Fíli x Tullaina
Warning : None
Author's Note : My second fic for @guardianofrivendell 's Birthday! I hope you will like it, friend!
All the members of the Company were sitting in a circle. In its center, a fire crackled quietly like a soft melody accompanying Gloín’s stories of his wife. He spoke about her with the most tender and loving words, making Fíli’s heart flutter a little inside his chest.
In a manner that he hoped to be discreet, he glanced at the beautiful lady that was sitting to his left. Tullaina’s shoulder was pressed against his, her warmth enveloping the prince’s entire body. It was intoxicating, and Fíli thought he would start suffocating at any moment given. And, really, he would love to. Was there a better way to die than in such lovely company?
Fíli’s lips twitched in a small smile and he caught the questioning look his brother shot him from the other side of the fire. Although, he did not pay much attention to it. Actually, he was not paying attention to anything anymore. Even Gloín’s words seemed so far away now, barely audible. All he could focus on was the featherlight touch of Tullaina’s arms.
It was not just her touch, it was all of her. There was her scent, sweet like honey, yet salty from the sweat. And there were the few strands of her soft hair brushing against Fíli’s face whenever the wind decided to blow in his direction. At some point, the crown heir figured that Gloín must have said something funny because Tullaina laughed quietly. It made him feel nauseous in the best way possible.
It was only when Dori, that had been sitting on his right, stood up that Fíli’s attention was brought back to his companions. One by one, they began to walk away from their storyteller, preparing their beds for the night.
Eventually, Tullaina stood up as well, taking her warmth and lovely scent away from him. Fíli sighed quietly and moved to his feet. He watched her as she walked away, picking a spot close to his brother.
As she put her bedroll down, Tuallaina looked in Fíli’s direction and offered him a small smile. The prince’s heart skipped a beat and he quickly turned away from her.
Tullaina had the most beautiful smile Fíli had been gifted to see. It was worth more than every single bit of gold in this world. She was worth more than all the gold in this world.
Not feeling very motivated, Fíli walked up to where Bofur was sitting, puffing white clouds of smoke. Both of them would be on the first watch that night.
The blond heir flopped down next to him with a loud huff. He glanced at Tullaina again. She was lying with her back to him, her hair falling like a dark cascade down her shoulders onto the ground.
“Ye feelin’ alright, laddie?”
Fíli turned to look at Bofur. The older dwarf was staring at him with a glint of knowledge in his eyes that sent shivers down the prince’s back. Fíli shrugged.
“Aye,” he replied, picking at a string from his breeches. “Was just thinking.”
“ ‘bout a pretty lass?” Bofur asked again, smiling widely at him.
Fíli shot him a glare, hoping to have him stop talking. Of course, it only encouraged him and Bofur nudged his shoulder playfully.
“C’mon laddie,” he said. “We all know yer in love.”
“I am not in love with Tullaina!” Fíli snapped, perhaps a bit too loud because some chatters died down.
The prince did not realize his mistake right away. It is only when Bofur’s smile grew even wider, if it was even possible, that he felt his heart sink. What an idiot.
“No, I meant…” he tried. “I did not… Bofur!”
Bofur burst out laughing and clapped his shoulder. “Never said any name, laddie.”
Around them, some began to laugh as well, making Fíli kick at the ground angrily like a petulant child. He looked at Tullaina who still seemed peacefully asleep. At least, he hoped she was.
Perhaps one day he would tell her...
#the hobbit fic#the hobbit#the hobbit fili#fili#tullaina#Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge
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