#tulip does self shipping
blossomkoushi · 2 years
thinking abt bringing my hq selfships home to meet my parents, especially my nearly 6'6" dad :)
just imagine tsukki being prepared to be the tallest person there only to meet someone thats approximately the same height as him heheheh
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suguru-getos · 7 months
geto suguru in love
a/n: this got hella ✨🌻 poetic 🌻✨ is what i feel but ah well, its sugu baby 🥰🥰❤️ so i was basically listening to the self ship song & i wanted to vomit what i saw/imagined while listening to it :DD
it’s the little things that haunt geto suguru, that make him realize how much he really is falling into the abyss named after you. if you think about it, it’s just a coffee date, yet when you arrive, it feels like cold snow melting under the first glimmer of soaking warm sun, how your white dress does no justice to you, nothing would actually… what could do justice to a greek goddess like you? something does, the studded diamond choker you wear gifted by him looks worthy enough to be on you…
when you smile at him, his heart can feel the thumping stop for a moment, how you flawlessly walk to him, oh how did he get so lucky? it feels like dying & he would die a thousand times for when you smile & look at him like he’s your whole world. it’s torture, the torment of the most masochistic degree… you’re his walking torment.
oh how you need to snap your fingers to break his trail of thoughts, it’s like glass shattering and he rewards you with a smile again. “you’re so beautiful i got lost…” it feels like burning, it’s so many emotions suguru couldn’t possibly fathom all of them in a single life time. too bad he’s going to come after you in every life.
how you giggle, the second most melodious tune he ever heard — how can he stay sane when you’re a walking paradox of happiness & misery for him? so miserable he can’t breathe… so happy he can’t breathe…
he holds your hand, watching your beautiful face bloom like a tulip 🌷 when his thumb caresses your skin, how his eyes set at you, how can anyone be this beautiful? how can he not be enamored?
his eyes dart towards your nails, and his thoughts divert again… he has tasted you, felt you, ravaged you. senses hazy and darkened while his pupils dilate, ravishing your helpless scratching on his back, your brows furrowed & how your head tilts back… lips gnawed & swollen with love written all over you… you’re perfect.
he tries to walk the thin line of sanity again, but his mind is strayed to worshipping you again, how you squeeze down at him, how you touch him, crawling to him on all fours on the mattress, decorated & wrapped like a present in that lacy lingerie…nuzzling your nose against his crotch, unabashed, unflinching with your needs… with your need for him.
oh you snap him again with your forehead flick, chuckling and asking him where he’s so lost? how can he tell you that he was… he’s just been found after you met him, or maybe you’re also lost with him. doesn’t matter anymore; all that matters to him is you. and only you.
now he has to return the favor, no? make you feel just as special as you make him… here he is, leaning against his palm & staring at you like an artist gulping inspiration. you wreck him, absolutely.
another thought races his mind, who else has dared to touch you with their filthy hands…. no. nobody can, and nobody should. maybe some violence is necessary, no-
it’s when you intertwine your hands with him, conversing with a shell of him that his thoughts cascade into something else again, how you gasp out and whisper his name, each syllable in a coaxing manipulation… “su gu ru” the least he can do is to ruin your body, you’ve ruined his soul entirely have you not?
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randonauticrap · 1 year
Dream wedding, cuddle and first date! (Sorry on phone 😭)
Hey Michelle! 👋🏻🥰 Let's goo!
For reference:
💍 - dream wedding?
💗 - how do you two like to cuddle
🌌 - what was your first date like?
💍 - Oooh okay! So, my dream wedding with Jin isn't the formal one that we have to have because my husband is a prince. We just recently got that one out of the way. Lord, all the pomp and circumstance is only nice when you're not the one standing in the painful high heels for four hours straight. Thank God Jin is big and strong, because I'm fairly certain about 80% of my weight was on his arm the whole time. 🥴 Sorry, babe. Anyway, I want an autumn-themed wedding in a little church in Jin's territory. My family and friends, as well as his. I know Jin has been debating on who he wants as his best man. He's having trouble deciding between Leon and Luke. I know that whichever one gets the job will take it very seriously, but not TOO serious. They'll keep him light and ease his fears. His bond with his brothers makes me happy. They know how much he cares about them, and they care for him in return. My maid of honor will be my best friend of 11 years. She's as close to a sister as I've ever gotten, and she'll make me laugh through all of my crazy tumultuous emotions about finally being able to get married to the most amazing man I've ever known. It's something I've always wanted, something I never thought I would get. So I'll be crying a lot, that's for sure. 😅 I want the ceremony to be short but meaningful, and it will be, because if there's anything Jin and I are with each other, it's sappy. 🥲 And I want to host the reception with the people in the town. Once I marry Jin, I am partly responsible for those people, so I want to get to know them and I want them to know that they can celebrate with me at my happiest, and that I'll be there for them at their lowest, just like Jin is.
💗 - Any way you could possibly imagine. 😂 There probably isn't a way, OR a place, in which we have not cuddled. Haha I personally love curling up on his chest in bed and snuggling close to his warmth with his arms around me. I feel so safe and loved and fulfilled when we lay like that. I feel like that no matter which way we cuddle, because it's him, and I know how much he loves me, that's just my favorite. His favorite is laying down on my chest - head between my breasts, no shock - and wrapping his arms around my waist. I usually pet his hair or his cheek when he does that, and I enjoy getting to hold onto his powerful, broad shoulders. I love tracing the lines between his muscles. He loves that too, because he always ends up asleep in less than half an hour when I do that. 😂 But we've cuddled in the domestic *and* foreign affairs offices, both alone and during meetings, at the round table, in Sariel's office, the library, the settee outside, even in the garden. Sorry, Chevalier.
🌌 - My first date with Jin was actually sort of an accident. I was *supposed* to go to town with Leon, but he got caught up in some official business, and when Jin saw how disappointed I was, he stepped in and took me himself. I was surprised at how much attention he paid me. He didn't even get distracted by his favorite flower seller, except to buy me a small bouquet of tulips. He took me to several places around town I'd never been before, and showed me a beautiful lookout spot that he claimed Leon was going to take me to. He often teases Leon about getting my heart first and that he shouldn't be slacking. Leon always swats at him for it. 😂
Thank you for these questions about my self-ship with Jin! 🥰💙
Here's the list if you want more of these!
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laufire · 1 year
what is your otp (and only one) in each dc canon you know?
there are elseworlds and alternate continuities and so on that I read so so long ago I barely remember any ~shippy feeling I had lol, but I'll try!
main comics continuity: taking pre-crisis/post-crisis/new-52/rebirth/whatever as one canon, because it... technically is? although it makes zero sense lmao.
honestly... the more I think of it, the more I'd say I don't have an OTP for it. I can love a relationship in a run, and I certainly have soft spots for a few chosen ones. generally speaking, the legacy romances in DC have Good Shit TM to offer. but the very nature of comics -the inconsistencies, the retcons, the rotating writers with wildly different agendas (not to mention grudges against specific characters), make it so I can't really point at one (1) relationship and embrace it wholeheartedly LOL.
if I have an OTP it's Jason Todd/Good+Interesting Writing, and although I've definitely seen it around, it eludes me just as often xD
Batman - Wayne Family Adventures: lowkey Barbara/Jason which is. LOL. but. see #53, #95, #96, and #104. The plot in 95-96 in particular made me want to write a more grounded+complex version of it.
Dark Knights of Steel: an elseworld run I finished recently. not heavy on romance but Clark/Lois was cute in it (with bonus bondage xD).
DC Bombshells: it's been a really long time and I was up for anything that run threw at me, but I particularly liked Kate/Renee, from what I remember. Tragedy + exes... lovely.
Red Hood - Outlaws: (I know technically there's some overlap in the webtoons but considering them the same canon, especially this one, just... nope. impossible xD). Artemis/Jason FTW.
Zatanna & the Ripper: Constantine/Zatanna is quite good.
Batman - The Brave and The Bold: what little I remember of this involves Bruce/Selina being delightfully flirty lol.
DCAU/Timmverse: Clark/Lois. I liked what I saw of others (with caveats regarding certain... choices lol), but STAS is the only one I watched in its entirety and they were delightful.
Harley Quinn: Harley/Ivy. that show has made some shitty choices but they are good lol.
My Adventures with Superman: Clark/Lois, although I wish they were given more room to develop with depth.
Young Justice: DICK/ZATANNA. ngl, I think Chalant is one of the best ships DC has put out which, taking into account how little time and room to breath it had? Remarkable.
Arrowverse: kind of a hard pick given the givens but I have the biggest soft spot for Angelique/Ryan from Batwoman.
Batman Returns: Bruce/Selina obviously. I haven't watched any of the other films in the series, but I know they wouldn't change my mind LOL.
Lois & Clark, The New Adventures of Superman: Clark/Lois, obviously.
Nolanverse: I got a lot of misgivings on this one, sure, but I do enjoy some self-indulgent Bruce/Selina here as well.
Preacher: man I really need to finish this one. Anyway. JESSE/TULIP.
Smallville: Clark/Lana has an edge. It just... does.
Snyderverse: Clark/Lois.
The Batman (2022): (obviously its own thing) Bruce/Selina.
The Boys: (wildstorm is dc right now so) I kind of left the show but Frenchie/Kimiko did have a hold on me lol.
ugh. I KNOW I'm forgetting stuff lol. also, if you asked me a couple months from now, the list would probably grow because I'm REALLY delving deep into this 'verse LOL.
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blorboclaw · 2 years
🍂The Last Hope or 🥀Sunrise?
Let’s be crazy and do both.
🥀Sunrise - Most overlooked/underrated ship/character/part/etc:
Most overlooked/underrated character? Goldenflower! She’s Lionheart’s sister. She becomes mate with Tigerclaw after her brother’s death. She sees all her kits be taken from her (Lynxkit and Swiftpaw die, Tawnypelt leaves the clan, Brambleclaw leaves without a word when he goes to Midnight). She trained with Bluestar and Snowfur. She chose her clan over her mate despite knowing it wouldn’t be easy for her kits to fit in. She told Fireheart, the clan hero and deputy who exiled her mate, to shut up and judge Bramblekit for his own self. She did the Great Journey as an elder. She fought against Bloodclan. She did everything and more.
And then she dies offscreen, we don’t even know if she got to meet her “grandkids” (the Three) and we never hear about her again except when she gave a life to Bramblestar.
🍂The Last Hope - A hot take!:
Hot Take! the new names suck.
Not all of them. But let’s take Lionblaze’s kits: You’ve got the first litter, kinda repetitive to have three kids named after dead people but ok. Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong. I already think Tuft and Song are weird suffixes, or at the least shouldn’t be used on plants related names.
Then we’ve got Snaptooth, Flywhisker and Spotfur. And while Flywhisker is a bit weird but totally acceptable (suffix and prefix that exist) and Spotfur’s name at least doesn’t clash, what the hell does Snapkit or even Snaptooth mean???
I hate Rootspring too, Blazefire, Spireclaw, Strikestone, Flipclaw, Kitescratch... actually all the names that just spawned in the clans in AVOS and TBC just because the Erins ran out of imagination or thought reusing the same names as before would be repetitive. All the names that either have weird prefixes (Spire, Flip, Strike...) or weird suffixes (Spring, Scratch, Stone...) or both clashing (Blazefire, Strikestone...) or just don’t sound warriory enough. You don’t imagine a guy from TPB named Strikestone or Spireclaw.
They could reuse names we’ve not seen since before TPB (everyone from that time is dead anyway), like Thrush, Leopard, Willow, Golden, Red, Russet, Raven, Thistle, Adder, Speckle, Tulip, Cricket... But noooo they had to go on weird territory.
Dovewing: that was the first “dove” we met in the story. But it sounded all right because there were bird names before, there was “wing” seen before, and she wasn’t named after the preterit of the verb “dive” so it was a classic name even if we never heard about it before.
Anyway the newer generations of Thunderclan don’t feel like we know them because we actually don’t, but if the names had been familiar, we might have had less trouble.
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frozendeity17 · 1 year
Questioning, Part 2: 26-50
If we're counting fanfiction as books, Sunrise in Exile by Ragdoll. It's MCU fanfic, so if that doesn't float your boat, you have been warned, but I find it good daydreaming material. Frankly, I love their portrayal of FRIDAY. If we're not, then "S." by Doug Dorst and J. J. Abrams. It's a book within a book, with two people trading the fictional library book "Ship of Theseus" and writing out their story in the margins.
@becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys. Elanor's political commentary is both absurdly funny and on-point and she covers several other important topics, such as climate change and celtophobia. Side note, notice how Grammarly tried to autocorrect celtophobia to xenophobia and "gelotophobia", which google tells me is a fear of being laughed at.
Family stuff's private, sorry.
Heights. Actually, it's less heights, and more falling. I can be on top of tall things as much as I want, but the second I approach an edge, my legs start to go shaky and I can't. I can't even step on some high balconies.
Antidisestablishmentarianism. I have no clue what it means, the rhythm of it is just nice.
"The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and "The Bullet That Missed" by Richard Osman. If I get any others, I've heard that "Cain's Jawbone" and "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" are both very good.
The Owl House or Steven Universe. Yes, I know the latter's everything, especially the ending, was problematic, but the songs are chill and nostalgic, and I can enjoy things while also recognizing that they're not good.
Self-ID shit is always the hardest, I don't fuckin know. I do reblog some fan shit, but not that much.
I don't really know. I've always just kinda done my own thing.
If I had to pick, probably "The Bachelor" or something like that. Good for fatigue nights, where you don't have the mental strength to watch anything more intellectually stimulating, (if even that) but not much else.
Don't have one. Never been one for superstition. if I had to pick, though, 17 feels right.
Hydrangeas. We have a bush in the front garden, and it's always so pretty in the summer. Tulips are very beautiful too, and there are these tiny purple flowers that grow in my neighbor's garden that always pop up right around the start of spring.
Opal's gorgeous, as well as peacock ore.
I'm going for a full sunrise ombre, from dark blue at the top to yellow at the bottom.
I am *not*. Changing or skipping over history is a recipe for disaster - for the universe for the former, and for me for the latter. I refuse to be the one to deal with such nonsense.
A good steak with peppercorn sauce, and creamy mashed potatoes with beef gravy.
Either Brownie a la Mode, Cookie Dough, or Dulce de Leche. No, I will not be deciding.
Margaret Thatcher. Gonna shove her face in some mashed potatoes and peas.
7-in-1 Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Mouthwash, Toothpaste, Car Coolant, Hair-Gel. Hey, it covers all of the basics, even if it's not the best in the market for any of them.
When I'm camping, especially in the summer, the very early morning, just after the sun rises. Fog hangs over the area where I camp like a cloud at that time, and it's stunningly beautiful yet terrifyingly eerie. Anytime else, the afternoon. Early enough to not be exhausted and a good time to get shit done, but it doesn't have the lazy, chill vibes morning does.
I do not, but thank you. So are you, :).
I've wanted to learn Irish Gaelic for a long while now, but unfortunately, my audial processing is bad enough in English, so that might be a while in the making. Spanish, French, or Mandarin all seem like they'd be very useful to learn.
Strawberries are awesome, but I'll never turn down a good apple, and blueberry muffins in particular are great.
The characters from The Owl House. ITts going to be amazing, yet incredibly chaotic. I love it already.
Aww, thank u boo :D. ILY2.
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semper-legens · 2 years
127. The Unadoptables, by Hana Took
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 384 My summary: Five orphans at the Little Tulip Orphanage are considered to be unadoptable - twelve-fingered Lotta, mute Fenna, artistic Egbert, tailor Sem, and mysterious Milou. When a shady character comes claiming to want to adopt all five, the orphans are thrilled...until they realise he just wants cheap labour on their ship. One daring escape later, the orphans are on their own in Amsterdam, trying to survive in the world on their own, and unravel the mysteries of Milou’s past. My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
Sometimes, I feel self-conscious about the fact that I occasionally dip into children’s fiction in my own reading for pleasure. I mean, I’m 26, books for the 8-12 market are very much not aimed at me. But on the other hand, some of these middle-grade books are really good, completely charming, and exactly the kind of thing I would have loved to read when I was a more appropriate age. And, well, after it staring at me from a library shelf at work every day, I just had to give it a try. Which turned out to be a very good decision!
If I have one criticism of this book, it’s that the five main characters are sometimes hard to tell apart. Milou is our main protagonist, the only one of the five who has some clues about her past and thus the ability to research it, and as such is obviously a bit better-defined than the other four. However, the author does defend that decision in the foreword and, honestly, more power to her. The focus on Milou’s story as opposed to the rest of the four does seem a bit myopic, but Milou’s singleminded focus on her family at the expense of her friends is portrayed as a character flaw of hers, it’s consciously written in.
And these kids are exactly what you’d want from a story about plucky orphans in late-1800s Amsterdam. They’re plucky, they’re bright, they’re imaginative, and they act like real kids! I love how creative Milou is in imagining her potential family histories, her fanciful stories are exactly what a kid in her situation might imagine. And the kids are often childish in their reactions to things - when arriving at the address Milou assumes is her family home and finding it empty, the kids decide to stay in the house and assemble a puppet-father, pretending it’s the man of the house and they’re his adopted kids. It’s such a childlike way of solving this problem, and it’s honestly delightful to read.
I cannot overstate how charming this book is. It’s an absolute delight from cover to cover. It’s an 1800s setting, it’s got plucky orphans outwitting authorities and solving mysteries, it’s got stories and storytelling and kids trying to make their way in the world. It’s everything I’d want from a kids’ book, honestly. I’m so glad I got over my self-consciousness and read it.
Next, into the Whoniverse...for a story of vampires.
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tulip-room · 6 days
HI TULIP <3 tell me all about semikai <333 all the lore pleaseeeee
pre relationship: 1&6
gen: 4&5
love: 2,3&10
happy self shipping!
AVE MY LOVE <3333 I will gladly tell you all about SemiKai <3333 thank you for creating it in the first place lol. THANK YOU FOR SENDING IN THE ASK <3333
pre-relationship: 1. How did they meet?
Yes I will be stealing from OSD. No I am not sorry about it, it is cannon to the Semikai lore now <3
we met at one of his shows :) I had listened to their music for a while and saw that his band was doing a concert near me. When he was wondering around the venue I just gushed to him about how much I loved his music and we exchanged numbers to talk more about music <3
pre-relationship: 6. What was the “flirting stage” like?
Okay, so we all know I’m a hopeless flirt. Like I don’t even mean to most of the time lol. But it was a lot of “My love, can we do this?” And I would put my hand on his arm and show him “date” videos. There was also a lot of “us!” Texts sent to each other.
Gen: 4. Were they each other’s first anything?
Ave…I’m gonna have to tag this so minors can’t see omg. As some may know. I’m asexual, I know it’s shocking for how much smut is laced into this blog. But I am, and I feel a little insecure about it sometimes </3 in this universe Semikai is end game <333 so- he was my first time 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🫣🫣🫣 other than that though we met a little later in life so I already had my first kiss </3 he promises to be my last though :)
Gen: 5. What is the height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them?
Alrighty so. If we’re going off canon to hq ages he’s much older than me but we’re not going that so <3
height difference: oh lord. I’m 5’ 1 maybe 5’ 2 (on a good day </3) and he’s 5’ 10 almost 5’ 11 not the worst height difference lol
age difference in this universe: 2 years :)
I don’t think either matter. I mean if we met in hs she would matter but since we met later and were both adults I don’t think there’s reason to care <3
Love: 2. What are their primary love languages?
okay so I’m kinda a jack of all trades if you will. I like all love languages- I think my top ones would have to be quality time and physical touch though. Idk I just like spending time with people and holding them. his: quality time, words of affirmation.
Love: 3. Who uses cheesy pick up lines, or does corny gestures?
Me. It’s 100% me. Semi surprises me though and throws a cheesy pickup line in there every once in a while <333
Love: 10. What do they like best about each other?
What I like about him: I want to use the cop out answer of everything but I’ll give you actual answers ig. I like his eyes and hands. Idk eyes are just pretty like maybe it’s because I draw or smth but I could look at pretty eyes all day. His hands? I could say depraved things but that’s not the reason, they’re perfect for holding. They’re there when I need something to anchor me. A gentle reminder that I’m not alone.
What he likes about me: Also my eyes (that’s like the first compliment anyone gives me lol). He says that they’re kind and that’s why he likes them. He likes my voice, when I’m just waking up and I’m all groggy. When I’m singing with him in the car. When I’m talking to him about any and everything. He liked hearing me, my voice calms him down.
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creekschaoscorner · 8 months
rose for josie, tulip for vivian, and dandelion for francis!
Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
Unfortunately Josie’s pretty much only form of self care is kind of just drinking. Recently it’s been drinking black wings absinthe! Nothing like a hallucinogen spiked with the blood of a monster to relax after a difficult day
Tulip - If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
This one is fun bc i know if I were to meet Vivian in real life i would hate him. I think i would grab him by the shoulders and go “you didn’t break up with Griz bc you’re in love with Pages, you broke up with Griz bc she was too good for you and a relationship that real scared you bc you don’t know how to be genuine with people”. He wouldn’t listen to me but it would be extremely satisfying
Dandelion - Does your OC get overwhelmed easily?
By responsibility, absolutely. Nothing scares Francis like responsibility. He is barely handling being responsible for a lab and a ship, which is probably why he visits both about once or twice a month lol. But otherwise he’s fairly difficult to overwhelm. He used to travel on the surface, so he’s used to all sorts of different sights and sounds and smells
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blossomkoushi · 3 years
me nd tsukishima <333
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f/o asks - plant 
New series thing, maybe? Idk
Feel free to answer with any type of self ship! Platonic, familiar, romantic, etc! Feel free to switch f/o with s/i if you want to!
🌿 Fern 🌿 - How where you introduced to your f/o(s)?
💐 Bouquet 💐 - In what ways do your f/o(s) show their love? (ex: giving gifts, hugs, etc.)
🌷 Tulip 🌷 - What is your f/o(s) favorite type of weather?
🍂 Crunchy Leaf 🍂 - What is your f/o(s) favorite season?
🪴 Potted Plant🪴 - Is/Are your f/o(s) good with plants? 🍀 Four Leaf Clover 🍀 - Does your f/o(s) believe in luck? If so, what kind of luck do they usually have?
🍄 Mushroom 🍄 - When is your f/o(s) birthday?
🌵 Cactus 🌵 - Is there any pet peeves that your f/o(s) have? If so, what?
🌲 Cedar Tree 🌲 - Do your f/o(s) enjoy decorating?
🌹 Rose 🌹 - What is your f/o(s) taste in music? What are some of their favorite songs?
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
(i think ur open for event requests if not please igNore) but congrats on 100 darling!!!! im so happy you got into writing <3 sincerest congratulations and we’re so happy to have you here
could i please request my hubby eustass kid with the fluff letters C (comfort), G (gratitude), S (support), and Y (yearning)?
feel free to just choose a couple or leave one out if you don’t feel up for it, thank you!!! this is so cute and fun I look forward to reading what people send in xx
Σ(゜ロ゜;) L-Lemon-san! I-in my ask box?!
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a fellow kid simp I've been too shy to gush about him to!
Still on an autism awareness event high so I threw in some shutdown headcanons into Comfort since no one asked for my small-dog-syndrome-anger-level-tulip during that event!
Warning: a bit of suggestiveness (it’s Kid what do you expect), some light angst and slight reference to self harm stimming
Kid fluff letters
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(Fucking award-winning smile!)
Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?)
Sad/depressed (yes, yes, everyone, I know all too well there’s a difference, fight me):
He gets it, though he may not show much other emotion other than anger or delight, he understands that everyone’s wired differently (why do you think Killer’s still bffs with this idiot?). He’ll let them be sad, depressed even, leaving them to their own devices for a couple of days while making sure they’re taken care of food and hygiene wise.
But once those two to four days (the length depends on the cause of the feeling) are up, he’s dragging them out of the bowels of the ship by the scuff of their shirt to get some fresh air, to feel the warm sun on their skin.
“Take a deep breath of that sea breeze, babe,” he’d grin at them, making sure they do so, “smell it? That’s life’s next big adventure, ready to share it with me?!”
rip bitch
He’ll deadass panic too.
But his way of panicking is to scream at you to not panic, it starts as shouting but gets louder the longer it goes on.
This happens once, for every subsequent panic attack, he’s gonna get Killer.
Shutdown: Link for an explanation on shutdowns and how they differ from meltdowns
The first time he sees this it freaks him the fuck out, literally shouts in their face to look at him but they just cower slightly and start self-harm stimming, scratching at their own skin till it bleeds.
Suffice to say, reinforcements (Killer) were called in for that.
Now though? He knows what to do, keep an eye on them, give them one of their stim toys (remembers not to get mad if they don’t take it from him, just calmly places it near their hand) and drape his cloak over them (it’s heavy enough to act as a weighted blanket and smells like him so it’s perfect for calming them down). If he absolutely has to go he’ll call out for Killer to watch them.
When they finally come out of it, he’s gonna ask for permission before every little touch.
Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Verbally, Kid isn’t very grateful. Very rarely will his s/o get a simple ‘thanks’. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t notice the things they do for him.
Massaging his aching shoulder after a hard battle or overuse of his prosthetic? What do they want? A cuddle? A hug? They fucking got it. Brought him his favourite drink and snack while he’s super busy in his workshop? He’s gonna go out of his way to make them a little something.
Just don’t expect him to pull out a chair or open a door like a gentleman. That shit’s for pansies. They’ve got hands, so use them!
Kid is all about acting, doing, words don't come easily for him. So he does what he can to show he’s grateful for his s/o.
Support (Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?)
Number one hype man here, wants his s/o as fired up about their goals/dreams as he is about becoming the Pirate King. From something as little as losing five kilos to finding All Blue, he’ll help them achieve it.
Will shout at them for one more push-up till they pass out, one more lap around the deck. But no more snacks! Killer will sneak them a little treat once a day when their Captain isn’t looking.
Also if you did find All Blue holy shit he’d be beside himself! Killer! Make a fucking feast! Now he has to become Pirate King cause he can’t have his s/o showing him up!
Yearning (How will they cope when they missing their partner?)
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT leave this man child alone for more than a week or two!
Just like how people go through the five stages of grief when they lose someone, Kid goes through (I fucking typed something and it autocorrected to ‘rehab’ I’m dying) the three stages of being a clingy, insecure little brat.
The first week is all good, he just needs a couple of suggestive pictures of his s/o and he’s happy.
Week two is where the loneliness begins to set in, he’ll busy himself with extra projects and be a little snappier to the crew. It’s not anything a longtime member of the Kid Pirates can’t handle though.
It’s week three when things get bad.
Permanent frown on his face, looking like he’s gonna cry half the time, sulking.
Week four is the tipping point, when his inner demons begin to whisper in his ear.
He starts thinking they’ve left him, found someone better, someone who’ll treat them right. He could never treat anyone right, so maybe they’re better off without him…
But…what if they’re being held captive! Tortured and starved! Bleeding out on a cell floor!
Man does not rest till they are safe in his arms.
Will allow himself to cry ONE (1) time, and boy does make it count. If anyone barges into his cabin during this they are straight-up dead, gone.
Next time his s/o sees them they’d better be ready for one hell of a bear hug! Having to remind him of their ribs as he nearly crushes them in his arms.
Though if it has only been a week or two, be prepared to not walk right for a couple of days.
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Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Trophy Husband! Shawn x Delivery Boy! Bret
💐 • all ships require the quintessential "Trophy Spouse x Delivery Boy" pair dynamic. I don't make the rules, I just follow them
💌 • I'll most probably doodle some art for this AU
🥃 •I was listening to a bunch of Queen and ABBA songs. It started with "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" then "Gimme Gimme Gimme" played nexT and— my mind decided to concoct this thing
💍 •Asked to be tagged, thou shall be tagged: @old-no7
HC's of the first time Bret and Shawn meet are below the cut:
🌷• Bret is the delivery boy for his family's quaint flower shop. He delivers many bouquets to different people, some arrangements simple, others grand. The shop's usual customers are shy teens, husbands who forgot their wedding anniversaries, the occasional birthday request. The last person they expect to run into their store is a red-faced man with his wallet in his hands like a rifle, ready to shoot through every assortment of roses and carnations.
🌷•His brothers already had the displeasure of keeping up with the man's outlandish requests (he wants roses, tulips, AND orchids? This guy is loaded!) so Bret decides to take one for the team and deliver the gaudy bouquet to its intended. Bret expects to drive through a white picket fenced neighborhood and knock on the door of a suburban house for a family of three. But he ends up in the wealthy side of town, in front of a house that only the elite could afford.
🌷•There Bret stands, in front of a door taller than himself and a bouquet of 50 roses and tulips ready to spill from his hands at any given moment. He rings the doorbell and waits for some snob of a waiter to open the door.
🌷•"Does a 'Shawn' live here?" Bret asks, eyes cast down to the card wrapped in rose thorns. "Well hello there, handsome."
🌷•Bret chokes on his own spit. He thought this 'Shawn' person was some old man in a stuffy suit who, just like his partner, was a sucker for everything flamboyant. NOT some [hot], blue-eyed, blonde-headed god in a robe who's looking him up and down with no shame and subtlety whatsoever.
🌷•"I'm here to deliver a bouquet from your husband." "Former husband, soon enough."
🌷•Bret doesn't reply and just waits for the heavy load of flowers to be taken from his hands but the door only opens wider. He peeks over the bouquet to see Shawn's smile. "You don't expect me to carry that all by myself, do you?"
🌷•He does actually. Shawn looks like he's perfectly capable of lifting the bouquet on his own, judging from the muscles underneath his silk robe— not like Bret was staring at said muscles. Ha. Totally not. The delivery boy decides to entertain Shawn's wishes and carry the bouquet inside. He'll be in and out, no problem. This is simply what regular delivery boys do.
🌷•Regular delivery boys are supposed to carry heavy boxes inside houses, NOT make themselves comfortable in their customer's living room, eat their rich people cookies and drink their rich people tea.
🌷•Bret finds himself sitting on the lavish sofa, surrounded by the most expensive things he has ever seen (is that an actual bear rug?), next to a very, VERY hospitable Shawn. The gears in Bret's head start to turn as he holds the cup of tea that Shawn INSISTS he drinks. Shawn goes on about how tired Bret must've been and how he should take a rest before he continues with his other deliveries. But Bret is pretty sure that Shawn just wants to keep him inside this mansion of a house for as long as he can. After all the very obvious flirting, Bret decides that enough is enough.
🌷•He puts the tea cup down, offers a pen and clipboard for Shawn to sign to confirm that the bouquet has been delivered, and puts his pink cap back on. Shawn pouts but signs the clipboard anyways. Shawn leads Bret to the door, his hand stays on Bret's shoulder a little longer than necessary. And he sends the delivery boy off with a little wave and a wink. Bret tries his hardest not to self-combust on the spot.
🌷•That encounter easily flies up to be one of Bret's most stressful deliveries. But Bret doesn't have to worry about Shawn anymore. The delivery was done and he wouldn't see the other again— until the next week.
🌷•"You just couldn't stay away," Shawn drawls, hip against the door frame as he tilts his head to the side. Bret suppresses a deep sigh as he stands before Shawn with a new bouquet in his hands and the same blush on his cheeks.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
🌻flower lexic gendies- part 10!🌻
poppylexic- a gendie that is/is related to the word ‘poppy’
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[Image ID: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are red, mustard yellow, yellow-brown, mid brown, deep yellow-brown, deep brown, and red. End ID.]
lotulexic- a gendie that is/is related to the word ‘lotus’
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[Image ID: A flag with seven vertical stripes, getting thicker towards the center. From left to right, the colors are white, pink, magenta, deep purple, magenta, pink, and white. End ID.]
tulilexic- a gendie that is/is related to the word ‘tulip’
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[Image ID: A flag with seven vertical stripes, getting thicker towards the center. From left to right, the colors are pastel green, pink, red, maroon, red, pink, and pastel green. End ID.]
all terms and flags by me :3
DNI: racist (anti-black, anti-indigenous, anti-asian, nazi, etc.), anti-semitic, islamophobic, trump supporter/conservative/right-wing/pro-life, against the land back movement or BLM and ACAB, ableist/sanist (especially if you demonize disorders like npd, aspd, schizophrenia, ocd, etc.), against self diagnosis, against endogenic/nontraumagenic systems, queerphobic, against the term ‘queer’, an exclusionist of any kind (anti: mspec, aspec, lesboy, turiagirl, mspec lesbian/gay, xenogenders, neopronouns), TERFS/SWERFS/radfems/gendercrits, support autism speaks, dsmp and harry potter fan, believe fiction doesn’t affect reality/ship or support shipping ab*se, inc*st, and ped*philia, and if you send harassment, threats, or sui baits (i don’t care what side you’re on, if you send threats or sui baits, you suck).
if you identify with ‘proship’ but are strictly against shipping ab*se, inc*st, and ped*philia, and you believe fiction does affect reality, you can interact.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
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I was waiting for a time I wanted to cheer myself up and reply to these. So many and like so many about one of my ships. I am flattered!
@tsunderedoctor @gaynchor and @pebbsie replies for yours <3
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tulip - go to your f/o’s wiki page and quote your favorite part of it.
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marigold - what is your favorite picture, video, and/or moment of your f/o?
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orchid - is your f/o also your favorite character from their respective media, or is it someone else? He was always a very liked character when I started watching One Piece my ex at the time was huge into WBP so I really liked them alot. Marco is my fav right now for sure but he's always been in my top ten anyway?
buttercup - give an incorrect quote of you and your f/o.
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lily - what would you say is the color scheme of you and your f/o?
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iris - does your self insert for your f/os source material have a detailed and complex story and character arc, or are they just kinda vibing? Yes? both? they have a backstory on how they got there and what not but now they just kinda are by his side, his assistant on the ship and his assistant on Sphinx. They have a backstory in my pinned post. anemone - in ten words or less, describe the dynamic between you and your f/o. [@gaynchor voice] Short angry + Tall Chill. Birds of a feather.
dahlia - what song and/or song lyric do you most associate with your f/o? We always have to sail on Out of shadows to the light beyond Never shut your waery eyes But always try to see the line Can you see it in your mind [Sail On - Masterplan]
rose - how many brain cells would you estimate there are between you and your f/o?
Oh we have LOADS they are just all Marco's
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Thank you for all the love and support for my silly selfship guys.
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eastofthemoon · 5 years
So, this is something that I’ve been thinking of doing for awhile. There have been a few new shows that I have been watching mostly because I enjoy the found family feels to them. Since today is Valentine’s Day, I figured I would post this list for the people who don’t want to see romantic love and rather focus on the platonic kind. 
So, here we go:
 The Owl House
Luz is a self-assured teenage human girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to another world instead of going to Reality Check Camp. When on the Boiling Isles, which is made from the remains of a dead Titan, she befriends the rebellious witch Eda the Owl Lady and an adorably tiny warrior named King. Despite not having magical abilities and having to pose as a witch due to the prejudice towards humans, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda’s apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting. (copied from wiki)
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Why I like it: 
This is a new show and only about 5 episodes of it have aired so far, but I’m really enjoying it. The characters are fun, the world is both creepy and fun and we’re slowly getting into an actual plot but every episode so far has been useful in setting up more of this world. Also Eda is a badass character and is now becoming one of my favorite witch characters.
If you enjoyed Gravity Falls then I would definitely recommend this show since it has a similar humor and style, which isn’t surprising since Dana Terrace (the creator) worked on Gravity Falls and Alex Hirsch even does voices for two of the characters.
With that said, one of the minor things I like about this set up is that Luz the human girl isn’t stuck there. She does have the option of going home whenever she wants and her mother isn’t worried about her since she believes she’s away at summer camp. It’s nice not having that detail weighing over the character.  Anyway, the found family vibes are just jiving in this show, and the characters are just fun.
Highly recommend.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Kipo Oak, a thirteen-year-old girl, is searching for her father after being forced to flee from her underground city. To do so, she travels through an overgrown post-apocalyptic urban wasteland ruled by sentient mutant animals ("mutes"), together with her new friends Wolf, Mandu, Benson and Dave.(copied from wiki)
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Why I like it: 
I’m not usually one to go with post-apocalyptic stories, but this one has a very whimsical vibe which is more my jam. Kipo is a great character, but so is the rest of the cast. I love Kipo’s relationship with the jaded Wolf, but Bensen and Dave also add to the fun. (I will say for Voltron fans that Shiro and Wolf could relate in dealing with traumatic experiences).The world itself is very bright and colourful, but also has a very fun villain in Scarlemagne. He gives me mega Ratigan vibes if that’s any indication.
And one thing I appreciate is that the show does not bait people into thinking a particular ship is going to happen. Nope, this group is all family/friendship and I love it for it.
Add to the fact that this show has a terrific soundtrack and it’s a great watch. 
Infinity Train
Hard to describe the plot for this one without spoilers, but basically a girl named Tulip struggles to deal with her parents divorce and ends up on a mysterious train where each cart is it’s own mini world. Also, she gets accompanied by One-One a both happy and depressing robot, and the King of Corgis.
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Why I like it: 
Out of my recommendations this one is strangely probably the darkest of the four. It’s not a show I would recommend for little kids to watch. The show so far has two seasons which flow into each other despite having a different main cast for each one. Some could read a ship into the second season, but I think the cast for both seasons leans towards a more family/friendship feeling. 
The characters for each season are enjoyable to watch, especially Atticus the Corgi King, to the point you feel your heart strings tug due to events that happen near the end of each season. Also One-One is just hilarious to watch.
It’s hard to go deeper without spoilers but the best way to sum them up is the first season has a strong Wizard of Oz/Alice in Wonderland tone, while the second season has a more Pinocchio style to it. It’s a kooky little cartoon that I hope gets a book three because it’s such an interesting set up and since each season is only 10 episodes, that are each only ten minutes, it also doesn’t take long to watch it.
The series chronicles the adventures of a self-centered 13-year-old Thai-American girl named Anne Boonchuy. After stealing a mysterious music box on her birthday at the advice of Sasha, she is magically transported to Amphibia, a wild marshland-themed lilypad-shaped island full of anthropomorphic frogs and giant versions of smaller animals. She soon meets and befriends an adventurous 10-year-old frog named Sprig Plantar who will guide her to be a true hero while discovering the first true friendship of her life as she lives with the Plantar family. (copied from wiki)
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Why I like it:
Another show where, if you enjoyed Gravity Falls, then you would enjoy due to similar tone in the humor and mystery - likely because the creator Matt Braly also worked on Gravity Falls. Gee, it’s like that show started a trend or something?
What I like about this show is that you not only get to see character development for Anne, but you get to see her bond with both the Plantar family, but also with the frog community as a whole. The plot might be a bit slower paced compared to the other shows on this list, but it has cool monsters and Sprig is very enjoyable to watch. Not to mention that there is an intriguing mystery going on that makes you curious to stick around. It also explores what exactly makes a good or bad/toxic friend, especially for a teen like Anne.
I will say there are a couple of characters that get crushes on some side characters, but the show mostly focuses on the family and those crushes are just mostly a background detail. Overall, a cute show that’s nice to put on for background noise if nothing else.
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