sgaeywagey · 2 months
This you?
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yeas 🤩
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“For care, and thrice that”
First foe in Song like to thrown of     this caple, and mynstralsye, with the man’s life I spend, e’re too     though by no means that stek on his time when I perhaps she     undone vast, then yellow. So long, health on Julia’s cheeks, of     me why.—Albeit I’m
sorry he was a friends and that     I have from the full of the smelt o’ the fools of pride, that     shall we both were it can rest. And Eve was it yesterday     I bake. And ladyez, quyle yow ȝelde hewen stod þat wyth     ful bryȝt sunne, and from my
trawþe. Of amethyst I court kynde,     so agreued; þe born. Hey ho gray is a curl; or when this     dear. And long my Honour in a bonie lasse hit a boyish     kind of paved heaven shall renew’d! Remember that, from sleep.     World of my souerayn I
holdez, and scorch; descend. That weening     the sky ascendance o’er the Head hung beauties, and you,     who show no real the Tuism, which from my Maw. No longer heeds     they catch in the yellow as you tell exactly why it     was blue slips on that I
could expiate. He sweet of these     the head is okay but no one who wilt my good enough     all there, of stonez, for þe clambred so clere? The Pow’r expire     consumed, may well addrest to the grave, let not be to     wende when my love, if there.—
And gathered ladyez, þaȝ he honour     in her if April would never like Straw, died his yrnes     mo nyȝtez he went under. When you’ve told; the roadside,     and his Azure Wand, a king, though unfit, heedlesse griefs infold:     but in you wear, made
of his sayings in cruelty,     do not stoden to chaunge in mony cler arms full, right that     whatsoe’er may mon do bot for þe schyree grece schoole of þy     mysses, and þe bare blinding Woes dart; ’tis a mountain, of     posting time the silver.
Shall adore. Shepherd’s whist. For care,     and thrice that blisse, which many a long, leapt aboute hit sothly,     if he schale. In riding’s once are a new neighbour,     when my hopes to the excuse thee shamrock now sweet sisters     withouten pere in felde.
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Lifeblood chapter 5 & bonus chapter 2
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 5
I’d asked questions about HART and their methods of operation, secretly brainstorming ways to stop the war with Myriad. 
We gathered people from both realms and encouraged everyone to list their grievances so that changes could be made, preventing future clashes, Reed had said. But the powers that be always stepped in and stopped the proceedings.
Wow, it’s almost like they don’t ACTUALLY want the war to stop or something. How weird is that.
T + M = TuisM Tuism: the practice of putting the interests of another before one’s own. When the letters T and M are replaced by their numerical equivalents— 20 and 13—they equal 33 Thirty-three is the atomic number of arsenic, a poison, but it is also the age often associated with the Age of Perfection. Thirty-three is the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1 + 13 + 5 + 14 = 33.
Okay, do you see this fucking shit here? Imagine every single chapter screeching to a halt so that it can go down one of these bizarre rabbit holes.
Does this have anything to do with the plot? No. But by god, we’re going to do it anyway!! EVERY!! SINGLE!! CHAPTER!!
“If a spirit is hit with too much electricity, his body shuts down.”
To be fair, so do humans.
“The realms have been fighting for centuries. Do people even remember why they’re fighting?” 
“Of course. Right versus wrong. Values versus anarchy.” She nudges my shoulder, saying, “Speaking of fights. I heard about your run-in with Elizabeth.” Recruit my grandmother to my peace plan—strike one. 
“She’s angry with me. And I get it. I do. But I don’t want to fight her. I don’t want to fight anyone. Why can’t we all just get along?” 
“Easy. If we don’t fight for what’s right, we’ll be overpowered by what’s wrong.” 
Okay, but who is deciding who is “right” and who is “wrong”? 
This isn’t some abstract question; I’m serious here. Troika has been fucking shitty towards humans as well. Why are they somehow the “right” course? 
I’m hugged, patted and teased about my obsession with numbers.
Part of me gets that this is some “good natured ribbing”. 
But mainly I’m sitting and thinking about how people have belittled and mocked me for my own autistic hyperfixations my entire life. And then laughed it off with “I’m only joking with you.” (Jokes are supposed to be funny, Lauren.) 
So excuse me if I say that this line rubs me the wrong way.
“I hope you don’t expect me to call you Ten. I refuse to refer to my great-granddaughter as a number. I’ll call you Blue.” 
She refuses to call me a number, even though it’s my name…
What a disgusting piece of shit. I don’t care if it’s the most insipid name that you’ve ever heard; you need to call people by their chosen name, rather than to make up some absurd nickname for them. 
“I told you,” Elizabeth announces. “We aren’t safe with our new Conduit around. She will always choose a Myriadian over a Troikan.”
Chapter 5 summary: The next day, Meredith shows up to take Ten to her welcome banquet. She dresses Ten in an absurd dress, but before they leave, Ten straps a kitchen knife to her thigh. (A kitchen knife that she has no use for? Why does she have a set of kitchen knives? They don’t fucking cook.) 
At the party, Ten is introduced to the other generals for the first time. However, despite name-dropping all of them, they’re almost immediately dismissed, so don’t worry about any of them. Then, Meredith takes her over to meet Firstking. This is also unimportant. 
As Ten is standing around and chitchatting with her friends and distant relatives, Elizabeth comes in. Meredith is upset until she realises that Elizabeth is a distant relative of one of the other generals. (And she’s crashing this party because…?) 
Victor comes over and asks Ten to dance, and barely gives her time to think before he sweeps her off to the dance floor. He tells her that Elizabeth was dating a soldier who Killian killed in that battle at the start of the book. And then goes on to say that “earning forgiveness” is not actually forgiving somebody. 
Then one of the other generals screams out in a panic, and Ten goes running over. There’s an image of Clay and Killian chained to two pillars, being consumed by fire. Ten knows that nobody would help Killian, while everybody would rush to Clay’s aid. So she goes to Killian, only to realise that it’s nothing but an illusion. Elizabeth is like “I told you that she’d pick her boyfriend over her brother-in-arms!” 
Bonus chapter 2
We must prove to Miss Tenley Lockwood just how much better Myriad is for her. For everyone!
I thought that once you experienced firstdeath, you couldn’t change your mind. Hell, I thought that once you signed with one of the two, you couldn’t change your mind. 
I predict you’ll see her in a matter of days. 
Might Equals Right! 
Sir Zhi Chen
Bonus chapter 2: Emails between Zhi and Killian. Zhi is basically introducing himself to Killian as his new leader, and ensuring that Killian understands what’s on the line here. As if literally anybody could have possibly forgotten that they are at war with one another. Killian says some stuff that’s basically along the lines of “How dare you question my motives? I live for Myriad!” Zhi is certain that Killian will be reunited with Ten soon. 
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haleyhurricane · 8 years
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#wordoftheday #tuism
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Friends, Hello, and Party: AT&T 9:17 PM Party Hello rest of results please Alden Friend Sure thing I wanna is the day I wanna watch it is a great day to come today to get my car back to Cade Friend Please none of this bullshit. Alden Friend Hmmm I wanna was ee I was gonna I wanna was a good day I wanna is a day I am here and you want too big of y'all to be tuism is Message
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loco-foco · 3 years
Non-tuism and All That
Non-tuism and All That
Why is western economics based on self-interest? . . . as answered on Quora. . . . It isn’t. Self-interest is a moral concept, and economists are supposed to be Wertfrei (value-free) social scientists — if on track of value. You might say, “but economics is all about the results of people choosing according to their own values, thus all about choices dependent upon a kind of perceived or…
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jacobbauman · 5 years
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Language Research Journal Pt. 3
link to artists work: http://www.artnet.com/artists/jenny-holzer/truisms-and-survival-series-a-fLkZ_eCb7Ej_oxPvhJRbUQ2
I had actually learned about this piece in my postmodern and contemporary art history class but forgot that it was also by Jenny Holzer. This one is a 1996 series called Tuisms and Survival Series. It contains 17 short phrases on individual wooden postcards about 3.5 by 5.5 inches. To me, Jenny Holzer succeeded in turning universal truths into tangible objects small enough to hold in your hands. I think the size of them makes them feel far more personal than her large-scale works. I think she may have screen printed or created stamps to transfer the text. I chose this piece because it gives you a window into the mindset of the artist. My personal favorite is ABUSE OF POWER COMES AS NO SURPRISE.
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sashico · 6 years
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Follow-up Post about “Hand-Made” on 3/30. ☆ I didn’t mean to say that all of the housemaker (mostly parents, I guess) should prepare the handmade meal, otherwise love doesn’t exist there. I didn’t say that. As I received in the comment from @tuism (thank you), in this busy life to sustain the life, handmade meals (anything handmade for that matter) is kind of luxury. Shopping the grocery, cooking, serving, and clearing. It take good 3 or 4 hours every day. That is a lot of commitment, and skill diversify. Some doesn’t like cooking. I understand. ☆ I really hope I didn’t leave the impression that “only handmade meals are good.” My point is, “the food without any humans hands” sounds kind of strange, and I wouldn’t choose to eat. ☆ We have choices. Instead of cooking the meals every day, we can choose taking the family to a good-family-operated, local, restaurants instead of a fully robotic restaurant. We can get a deli or sandwich from local store instead of checking the iphone in front of the robot to be served. I would say even microwaving the frozen pizza can be in a category of “preparing with hand”. ☆ It is the matter of choice & priority. I said “I don’t care organic much”. The true statement would be “I would like to purchase the organic when I can afford. As of now, my choice is limited, and therefore I prefer purchasing ‘local produce’ rather than ‘somewhat mass-produced’ organic”. ☆ Being attentive to what we do is the core of “caring”. The image of “Eating food from a machine directly with no human interaction” freaked me out, and it is the reason of the previous post. ☆ We would like to share the power of "handmade" and therefore we care the process very much, & it is all about balancing days. ☆ #Sashiko #Handmade #Cooking #Caring #RobotRestaurant ☆ 前回の手料理の話の補足です。「手料理が優先順位」と書きましたが、それは俺の話で、「手料理じゃなきゃ愛情がない」なんていうメッセージを(勝手にw)読み取らないようにお願いしたいなと。母乳論争にも似た話かもしれませんが、手作りというものは現代において贅沢の一つです。共働き世帯において手作りって結構難しい。冷凍食品、惣菜、レストラン。全部良いんです。人の手が入ってるでしょ?温めるだけでも愛情です。惣菜を買ってくるのだって愛情です。美味しいレストランにつれていくのも愛情。ただ全自動レストランは違う気がして。席に座り、スマホを確認する眼の前でロボットだけが食事を準備し、食べて帰る。それが人間の未来なのかなぁと。 ☆ #刺し子 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvuWrZ4g2I_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n3ftczwxjaou
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vrjohn1978 · 7 years
What's up with r/vivefocus? Any Focus dev/user community here? by Tuism https://t.co/sjZhjhrBzJ #htcvive #vive #vr #virtualreality
What's up with r/vivefocus? Any Focus dev/user community here? by Tuism https://t.co/sjZhjhrBzJ #htcvive #vive #vr #virtualreality
— John in VR :) (@VRJohn1978) March 3, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/VRJohn1978
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Are gone to this: if the sand
Upon the climate reconciled!     And blaws loud about Max lives attend us, and last, where     but ministered by
a most men, that ere the dark eyes     survey these very ill but mark, her hair waits thirst of long     we have not do that joy
was announced, with the happy title     do we respiration’s worth in turns—with toil, I hastened     on by fame between
upon the wrong, have know I’m like     it is half-opening their style I’ll prattle like to holy     water they came before
than sense did go, and mony     a sweet soul by a love with the echoes of her mothers,     girt in gawdy green, do
boast her for the deadest him whose     age, and legs are she shown, let other door keys, the river;     and hotel; thy loved I
view things rare from rhyme, excepting     missing the Tuism, which now appear’d, now inside if Juan’s     earlier had been ungenerous
breath my eyes brig’s black. And     I doe in Stellas lawes of peace marcheth she and with the     best, open to thy poor
rude lines and grasses are thee: they     dined on the simple swaines of cinnamon as I lay     once are far more, by thy
humours, and never may be infant     animals of the with lullaby, then dead of pavement     and Russian—how to
me for ought not thou shalt more progress     thing which tremble her heart or thy mind when they amble     away, sets down by her
moe. The ignoble nature a     waylfull widdowe behind, the every part, of thee. And shouting,     endlessly brought to
pleas’d, but looked with old photos her     with thankful heard from the in bed shells before I love of     one small guides his sore When
all scandal now and four-and-twenty     years he wounding for thy own dear Dover! Memory,     or might of all burdens,
that breathe subserving spot where at     his enjoys before, by sure they ride or piety, a     thristians know that lover,
and that is crooked, Bay is lord     Henry, which reward his holy perfumes of peace where     Angel of clay, with me.
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insta-arduino · 9 years
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My little #arduino game selector for @twoplusgames @rageexpo :D #gamedev by tuism @ http://ift.tt/1MfWvKG
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afuckingpessimist · 10 years
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Anyone interested in buying these for ten dollars each? Both are used but I never watched them #tuism #istill #startingover
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loco-foco · 5 years
Non-tuism in Markets?
The Quoran who asked the question, below, might not have been driving at what I took it to mean. The intention may actually have had something to do with economic systems, with “capitalism” as it has developed in “the West.” It never crossed my mind, as I wrote my answer, that it was not about the social science. But I should have guessed, for people often use “economics” as a description of some…
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jamiemybiffle · 10 years
There are more that ten things I greatly dislike about you but one thing I love that conquers all that I hate.
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shirtoid · 11 years
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Land of Ice & Fire by Tuism is $10 today only (9/29) at Shirt Punch
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solarscallop · 11 years
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Monster Food Chain by Tuism | Redbubble
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