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Sapa ada video Nisha Awek TUDM dm pls!
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Solidariti Malaysia terhadap Palestin dizahirkan dengan kemasukkan rakyat negara itu yang cedera di Pangkalan Udara Subang di sini pada Jumaat. Kesemua mereka menaiki dua pesawat Airbus
A-400M milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan terus dibawa ke hospital medan untuk rawatan lanjut.
Selamat datang saudara-saudaraku, insya-Allah anda semua selamat di sini.
Reaksi Pesakit Rakyat Palestin Ketika Tiba di Subang
Seramai 41 rakyat Palestin yang cedera akibat konflik di Gaza diterbangkan dari Mesir pada khamis dengan menggunakan dua pesawat Airbus A-400M milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) ke Malaysia untuk mendapatkan rawatan selamat tiba di Pangkalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia Subang, Selangor.
#free palestine#free gaza#gaza genocide#palestine news#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza strip#palestinian genocide#all eyes on palestine#gaza solidarity encampment#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#palestine#rafah
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thank you 🥺🥺
#i like never get requests so you're welcome to send more if you want i think it's really exciting#sara tag#mal answers
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Malaysian Army's Rocket Artillery Brigade Demonstrates Readiness with Lembing Sakti Exercise
The Malaysian Army's Rocket Artillery Brigade successfully conducted the Lembing Sakti Exercise at Tanjung Hantu, Lumut, Perak. The exercise, observed by Army Chief General Tan Sri Dato' Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan, involved the participation of the Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM), the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM), and local enforcement agencies to ensure training safety and coordination. It focuses on coastal defense and includes the Complete Round Proof (CRP) test firing of SS 40 rocket with tracking conducted at Tanjung Hantu using the 61 RAD’s ATHUR radar. The Malaysian Army is equipped with 36 Brazilian-made Astros II multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). Astros II (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) is a self-propelled multiple rocket launcher produced in Brazil by the Avibras company. It features modular design and employs rockets with calibers ranging from 127 to 450 mm (5–17.72 inches). It was developed on the basis of a Tectran VBT-2028 6×6 all-terrain vehicle for enhanced mobility based on Mercedes-Benz 2028 truck chassis while later versions use Tatra 815-7 chassis. A full Astros system includes 1 wheeled 4×4 Battalion level Command Vehicle (AV-VCC), which commands 3 batteries, and a series of 4x4 and 6×6 wheeled vehicles. All vehicles are transportable in a C-130 Hercules. The launcher is capable of firing rockets of different calibers armed with a range of warheads. Each rocket resupply truck carries up to two complete reloads.
The Malaysian Army’s Rocket Artillery Brigade successfully conducted the Lembing Sakti Exercise at Tanjung Hantu, Lumut, Perak. The exercise, observed by Army Chief General Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan, involved the participation of the Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM), the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM), and local enforcement agencies to ensure training safety and coordination. It…
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Adfylfe Adre Adsydge Aifaihe Aine Aisashape Aivoluxir Aixydhun Aixygomeve Algane Alpe Angeluddonbouie Anme Anzoshene Arlore Armobe Arvode Aupire Aurouigalxas Authobone Auwe Auxerlure Bamoque Bayosyeroue Bilsaye Bique Biquyde Bithuzye Bopire Bufepede Buhilishane Buquufuvane Bybusroye Bydsile Dadisupuryi Dafothoslyve Dathe Dautunitode Dedau Dedhuxene Defivirer Deihurerthede Deke Derdurlusouie Dese Deser Deshyd Dilalkibe Dilthe Disvyrte Dodefibyue Dodwiquure Doge Dortorre Doze Dultobuque Dulynage Dyrebe Edbuse Edthixope Edxoke Eire Eisylire Elquiyeue Enfe Enzoue Ersose Esfezule Esre Eswe Eyelyxie Fake Felkone Fenke Foife Fonuse Funlasshunolhaue Furmawiboie Fybeue Fythoye Fyve Gauter Geze Gidshe Gigose Ginfer Giquorze Gogineque Gogon Gouvor Gulwe Gupyrye Guryvaxodpe Gushavile Gyique Gyre Hadbole Haye Hedhe Hekinge Heraneyee Herhile Heszyie Heve Heze Hidse Hilxe Hirquoke Hisrotewe Hize Hoquese Houifukule Hoxe Hudyshe Hutewade Hynesharere Idseue Idvidthe Irheshane Irpypal Irtane Irthe Ispeware Isveue Ivouie Kale Kauruvozydyie Kawilmi Kese Kesyanyume Keyeune Kimilde Kipalbydsaie Kisfe Kisyon Koufyhenque Kouse Kunfyue Kuzose Kydyn Kymyzive Kype Kyrishe Kyrsel Kyzyl Lafe Lanperlothuke Lanque Lare Lartanlud Lasgele Lathuduthuque Lenyepe Lenyus Leswe Liked Lithyduspe Loke Lokufehidpyle Lonyie Lorbyl Losude Loye Lurhe Lydul Lydzurwil Lyishe Lytasgue Lyte Lytileie Maizysme Maltuzude Maxeyowille Mayod Menzore Meve Muhe Mullodaxe Mushyde Mynzunquane Nashe Nathe Nazylhyique Nerfayase Nerthosbyhoie Nexe Nezyue Nibe Nibikodfeyee Nikete Nilmone Nipemisoie Nithe Nityue Nustau Nutomure Nykoge Nylzismure Nynade Oive Oldoi Olvurhile Olweie Onte Onzebowas Orshe Osthuse Osxir Ouibone Ouihoue Ouixothole Ouxulhouthated Padpar Pake Panale Pasyevuvyze Pefude Pehe Pesaie Pife Pihare Pisde Pishyvaze Pive Piyade Piyel Poge Pouise Pubid Pyhile Pylsus Pysou Quare Quemad Quige Quirzyixohanyne Quizyre Quohe Quorthizyde Quosmaivele Quouisasukou Quunmeyee Quuse Quutouie Quuve Radsis Rahoze Ranpele Ranzifeie Rarile Rasme Rathide Rave Raxipafoiwe Rebin Relvowefe Renile Rerne Retyu Risixese Risoryd Ritahe Ronyluye Rukundile Runpes Ryre Rywyr Sadaxete Saryre Sennue Sequeyete Sethule Sezeserge Shafeze Sharshole Shartoue Shawe Shedrawayese Sherde Shifidwabul Shipeyeye Shive Shodde Shothure Shouibouitilhe Shuquore Shyhyuneye Shype Shyquabe Shyshilve Shyurizehuye Sibeslosdygi Siquohe Situve Siyare Sureube Sylne Sylude Synve Syzir Taipe Tenhe Teyekise Thadtone Tharewyde Tharyiver Thashel Theiquazyle Thertexylxyie Theurume Thewidye Thilpe Thiye Thoishe Thufide Thunofe Thutywor Thynydde Thyshotheze Thythe Tifarhyme Tigyve Tithethe Tothusheloie Totyuhe Tovasothesse Tudme Tyiloslus Ude Udgose Udse Udwexei Udyuse Uluve Unuwulouie Urfe Urne Urxothydze Usheu Usme Usxase Utange Utul Uve Vake Vasde Vekanvanquure Vequuhe Vinquoi Vinquoryie Vipe Vofe Voishune Vone Voshe Vovune Vugese Vule Vuliwol Vuloshe Vyele Vyshode Wafynnaude Wedvade Welde Wexe Winthase Wivule Wopon Woshethuhape Wudude Wuquixe Wurkelle Wuryde Wuxothe Wyhihe Wyngybale Wyshe Wythude Xadwerval Xaitheye Xalazede Xalfe Xawadne Xebukie Xelyveue Xemyge Xendoltise Xetythalle Xexe Xilthothorthele Xisyde Xode Xodye Xounadythe Xoxohode Xuredxe Xuwe Xygiwagowe Xymeie Xyve Yarbyltyu Yase Ydsyruweyee Yefuthuwade Yeneuyue Yeslyme Yevareie Yigouie Ylpyuve Ynsadwuyune Ynxe Yobe Yonshe Yoxe Yrbe Yrthykyne Yrvapyhudped Yrxergade Yudwe Yufuhegupe Yuke Yuzatokise Yuze Zafide Zayaquosze Zedibe Zelele Zeseyaven Zeszesnixolxe Zeyebe Zirbe Zisve Zomatil Zonhose Zope Zopele Zudsod Zugilar Zunongese Zurle Zusmynkuyiltere Zyswewekosse
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TANAH LOT RUMAH JAYA GADING MUKIM KUALA KUANTAN ASKING PRICE RM 180, 000 ====================== DETAILS > Tanah syarat bangunan > Luas 792 m2 > luas 8525 sqft > tepi jalan > hak milik kekal selama lamanya bebas tiada sekatan > panas pagi AMENITIES > 1 min (450 meter ) to masjid jaya gading > 3 min (1.2 km ) to sk jaya gading > 9 min ( 5 km ) tudm kuantan > 10 min ( 6.8 km ) to taman tas > 21 min (17km) to HTAA ACCESSIBILITY > 6 min (3km) to jalan kuantan gambang > 8 min (6km) to kuantan bypass > 27 min (18km) to tol gambang > 27 min (22km) tol kuantan BOOKING 3.18% Boleh klik link ini untuk perbincangan lanjut ya. *Jual/Beli Hartanah* https://jualbelirumahdengancikmizi.wasap.my Mohd Tarmizi Bakar AFZ Realty Sdn. Bhd 🏘️Klik sini untuk ke laman telegram carian rumah, tanah dan bangunan yang diperlukan. https://t.me/tarmizihartanaheastcost Page Link Untuk Hartanah: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090117935252&mibextid=ZbWKwL Profile FB: https://www.facebook.com/mohdtarmizi.bakar.5?mibextid=ZbWKwL Link Catalog Whatsapp: https://wa.me/c/60179454294 Link Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maimizihartanah?_t=8ZhJ6uYnZab&_r=1 Link IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/COukMpTj9-Q/?igshid=p0s13f4d0h12 Link Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarmizihartanah?t=6dF8l6VsEiyUpK-2krqndg&s=09 Link Tumblr: https://at.tumblr.com/tarmizihartanah/hp1td2uj85ed Link YouTube: Subscribe. https://youtube.com/@mohdtarmizibakar #TrustedAgentHartanah #PerundingHartanahKuantan #TeamNinjaKuantan #AFZREALTY #jualbelirumahpantas #pejuanghartanah #taman #kawasan #rumah #tanah #bangunan #kuantan #gambang #pekan #kemaman #kualaterengganu #dungun #paka #kerteh #jerteh #besut #rumahmampumilik #rumahbawahhargapasaran #lppsa #banker #lawyer #surveyour #morgage #refinance #pantaitimur @maisuzeanahartanah https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAZFzevFZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Programming Motorola Mototrbo Xir M8628 VHF 136-174Mhz 45Watt. @tacticomsystemsolutions @_papaloading . . . #motivationalquotes * #ambulance #polisdirajamalaysia #bomba #docteur #apmm #bodyguard #army #askar #polis #government #emergencycommunications #emergency #fastrespon #9w2nuf #airforce #asian #sniper #sepura #digitalart #tudm #tldm #tdm #paskal #paskau #komando #vat69 #maritime (Kota Bharu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4fCIYvcpY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Kasal : Pentingnya Peran Angkatan Laut Dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Keamanan di Kawasan
REALITANEWS.OR.ID, JAKARTA || Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali melaksanakan kunjungan kehormatan (Courtesy Call) kepada Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Jenderal Tan Sri Effendi Buang TUDM dan Panglima Tentera Laut Malaysia Laksamana Datuk Abdul Rahman Bin Ayob dalam rangkaian kegiatan Introductory visit di Wisma Pertahanan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Jum’at…
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اِنَّالِلَه وَاِنَّااِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ ۞ اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْلَه وَارْحَمْه وَعَافِه وَاعْفُ عَنْهه ۞ Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang² yang beriman. .... Semoga perolehan aset baharu 36 buah pesawat Fighter Lead-In Trainer/ Light Combat Aircarft (FLIT/LCA) dipercepatkan bagi menggantikan pesawat BAE Hawk 108 dan Hawk 208 serta pesawat latihan Aermacchi MB-339CM. . . . . . . #AirForce #Aviation #Aircraft #TUDM https://www.instagram.com/p/CWXpdIHJedY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pesawat milik TUDM yang membawa rakyat Palestin untuk menerima rawatan di Malaysia sudah pun tiba dan mendarat di Pangkala Udara Subang sebentar tadi.
#free palestine#gaza genocide#palestine news#save palestine#i stand with palestine#free gaza#gaza strip#palestinian genocide#all eyes on palestine#gaza solidarity encampment#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#palestine#rafah
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Wing Dip Su-30MKM from "Fab" and "Bashful"
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Indonesian Air Force and Royal Malaysian Air Force Conduct Coordinated Patrol to Secure Strait of Malacca
The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) have undertaken Coordinated Patrol (Patkor Malindo Series I/2024) operations to ensure security along the Indonesia-Malaysia border, specifically in the Strait of Malacca. Indonesia deployed two F-16 C/D Fighting Falcon fighter jets from the 16th Air Squadron, 6th Air Wing at Roesmin Nurjadin Air Base. These aircraft were piloted by First Lieutenants Galih Rakasiwi and Ghazi Umar Marzuq. After taking off from Roesmin Nurjadin Air Base in Pekanbaru, the two TNI AU F-16s rendezvoused with two TUDM F-18 for a joint patrol over the Strait of Malacca. Air Base Commander of Roesmin Nurjadin, Air Commodore Feri Yunaldi, emphasized the significance of this collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia. Yunaldi stated that the primary objective is to safeguard the airspace and waters of the Strait of Malacca, thus fostering security and stability for both nations. He highlighted that strengthening bilateral relations is crucial, given that the Strait of Malacca is one of the busiest maritime routes in the world. Ensuring its security is vital for maintaining the smooth flow of economic activities. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) have undertaken Coordinated Patrol (Patkor Malindo Series I/2024) operations to ensure security along the Indonesia-Malaysia border, specifically in the Strait of Malacca. Indonesia deployed two F-16 C/D Fighting Falcon fighter jets from the 16th Air Squadron, 6th Air Wing at Roesmin Nurjadin Air Base. These aircraft were…
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Military 101: Lining Up RMAF’s Next Deadly Light Combat Fighter
Military 101: Lining Up RMAF’s Next Deadly Light Combat Fighter
For many years, the reliable and trusted F-5E Tiger II had remained at the forefront of RMAF front line interception and ground attack fighter before temporarily moving on to ex-US owned A-4 Skyhawk before settling down with British made light attack combat BAE Hawk 108 & 208 jet fighters. BAE Hawk 108 & 208 jet fighters played the role of training new pilots, ground attack and providing close…
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#Air Defence System#Aircraft#Aviation#FA-50#Fighter Jet#JF-17#LCA#Light Combat Aircraft#Military#Procurement#RMAF#Technology#Tejas#TUDM#Yak-130
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*SEMI D SETINGKAT UNTUK DIJUAL* Taman Seriku, Seri Mahkota *Tentang Rumah:* ✅Freehold / Open Title ✅1647 sqft (30"x55") ✅3 bilik / 2 bilik air ✅Fully Renovated ✅Kejiranan yang baik *Kemudahan:* ✅Berhampiran kedai ✅Berhampiran Pasaraya, Kem TUDM. ✅Berhampiran stesyen minyak ✅Berhampiran jalan utama. *Harga RM 190,000* Deposit 10% Booking 3% SPA 7% Boleh klik link ini untuk perbincangan lanjut ya. *Jual/Beli Hartanah* https://jualbelirumahdengancikmizi.wasap.my Mohd Tarmizi Bakar AFZ Realty Sdn. Bhd 🏘️Klik sini untuk ke laman telegram carian rumah, tanah dan bangunan yang diperlukan. https://t.me/tarmizihartanaheastcost Page Link Untuk Hartanah: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090117935252&mibextid=ZbWKwL Profile FB: https://www.facebook.com/mohdtarmizi.bakar.5?mibextid=ZbWKwL Link Catalog Whatsapp: https://wa.me/c/60179454294 Link Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maimizihartanah?_t=8ZhJ6uYnZab&_r=1 Link IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/COukMpTj9-Q/?igshid=p0s13f4d0h12 Link Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarmizihartanah?t=6dF8l6VsEiyUpK-2krqndg&s=09 Link Tumblr: https://at.tumblr.com/tarmizihartanah/hp1td2uj85ed Link YouTube: Subscribe. https://youtube.com/@mohdtarmizibakar #TrustedAgentHartanah #PerundingHartanahKuantan #TeamNinjaKuantan #AFZREALTY #jualbelirumahpantas #pejuanghartanah #taman #kawasan #rumah #tanah #bangunan #kuantan #gambang #pekan #kemaman #kualaterengganu #dungun #paka #kerteh #jerteh #besut #rumahmampumilik #rumahbawahhargapasaran #lppsa #banker #lawyer #surveyour #morgage #refinance #pantaitimur @maisuzeanahartanah https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcX_bePY-q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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