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Tubuloid Cells
Tubuloids – long-term expanding organoids lab-grown from human kidney tissue or urine – model the complexity of the kidney and enable detailed studies of renal function in health and disease, such as of lithium-induced nephropathy
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Fjodor A. Yousef Yengej and colleagues
Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research-KNAW & University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CT Utrecht, the Netherlands
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Cell Reports, December 2023
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Less Dying and More Trying, January 3rd, 2017
Happy New Year! It feels like a fresh start doesn't it? I sweated my 2016 away which I feel is worlds better than being hung over in the crisp mornings of the New Year. Not a stellar year 2016, we lost a lot of icons and gained an ever increasingly unstable democratic system, there is a lot to meditate on. Positive thoughts everyone! I started off the program with George Michael one of my personal music influences. Faith changed my life, I was an impressionable 9 year old when my Gran bought me the tape. In a turbulent time George Michael was a strong voice for identity. I see that now that I'm less naïve, when I was 9 his music was just super awesome (I was made to fast forward I want your Sex Part I and II by my mom, which I did for years. I'd say those aren't the most risqué tracks on the album by far, all those other lyrics locked in my long term memory, it makes me laugh to know I was singing them loud and proud at such a tender age.) I'll find a guest one of these shows soon, I have a couple lined up for the end of the month and we'll get back into the regular groove of things.
FunDrive is coming up February 10th-17th this station doesn't run without it's community support, we'll be speaking again soon:)
George Michael - Patience - Precious Box
Melissa Auf Der Maur - Out of Our Minds - The Hunt
Basia Bulat - Tall Tall Shadow - Five, Four
The Tubuloids - Getting Weird - Big Bad Kim
Mung - We Who Sleep - El Diablo Vino Para Ellos
The Tragically Hip - The Tragically Hip - Killing Time
Bourbon Tabernacle Choir - Shyfolk - One More Time
Cake - Showroom of Compassion - Bound Away
Cage the Elephant - Tell me I'm Pretty - Punchin' Bag
Faith No More - Sol Invictus - Separation Anxiety
Alt-J - This is All Yours - Lovely Day (Bill Withers cover)
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June 10, 2017 — The Tubuloids
June 10, 2017 — The Tubuloids
with Obscene Being and Glad Rags at Savoy Pub
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The Tubuloids, Obscene Being and Glad Rags @ Savoy Pub. That place is fucking #greasy (at Downtown Eastside)
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Skull Skates Skates Free Day at the SBC Ramp in Vancouver
Skull Skates Skates Free Day at the SBC Ramp in Vancouver
Skull Skates Skates Free Day, sponsored by Skull Skates & Vans & more, featured an El Boyo Art Show and tunes by DJ Layback and DJ Rodfather as well as the Ghost Machine Zine Launch. Skate free day was held on Saturday, March 18 at the SBC Ramp in Vancouver B.C, as part of a Sk8 Patrick’s weekend. The night before, at the same venue, the sounds from the The Tubuloids, Loose Tooth, Selfist and Nei…
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The tubuloids BRONxxx
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THE TUBULOIDS🇨🇦 BRONxxx🇯🇵 international skaterock split again!! 2017.0916sat osaka club vijon entrance free! ¥00
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2018年6月20日発売 BRONxxx / DONE FOR split CD BRONxxx(大阪)とDONE FOR(ロサンゼルス)の日米スプリットCD。 trailer → https://youtu.be/9W9J-CZM1wA BRONxxxは、自らをポーザーNo.1と呼ぶスケートパンクバンド。収録曲 "Don't Crush Into The Wall(壁に激突しないで)"や"出来ないスケート こけても平気"など 楽しくゴキゲン過ぎるスケートパンクが最高。 ADOLESCENTS, JFA, NARDCORE周辺、または MEATMEN, PEGGIO PUNX, RAPED TEENAGERSなどを好む方はマストです。クセのあるベースも要チェック! ゲストコーラスでGIRL COPS, THE TUBULOIDS, exteeeethのメンバーが参加。 DONE FORは、ロサンゼルス出身。スケートパンク~スラッシュメタルなどの影響を受けたメンバーで構成され、メンバー曰く『 THE FACTION, KORO, HATED YOUTH ~ CROW, RAZORのファンまで、俺達の事が忘れられなくなるぜ。』とのこと。疾走感のあるファストパート、ヘビーなダウンパート(所謂ビードダウンではありません)と緩急ある楽曲、時折 耳に残るギターフレーズに クセのあるボーカルが乗っかり聴きどころ満載で超個性的。SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DIY HARDCORE を掲げ実践する 2018年型のロサンゼルスハードコア。 リリース元は、ALL JAPAN NERD ASSOCIATION(全日本ナード協会) 500枚プレス 収録曲 01 Skulls & Dicks(BRONxxx) 02 Don`t Crush Into The Wall((BRONxxx) 03 出来ないスケート こけても平気(BRONxxx) 04 Poser Is Back(BRONxxx) 05 Beginners Class(BRONxxx) 06 Trouble In Paradise(DONE FOR) 07 With Blood On Our Hands(DONE FOR) 08 Collateral Damage(DONE FOR) 09 Mindless(DONE FOR) 10 Shoot The Witness(DONE FOR)
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club vijon 入場無料!! ・BRONxxx
and more… BRONxxx NEW T-shirt
(Design:kevin ‘THE TUBULOIDS)
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April 26, 2017 — D.R.I.
April 26, 2017 — D.R.I.
with Etown Beatdown, the Tubuloids, Golers and Legion of Goons at Rickshaw Theatre
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artwork by kevin(the tubuloids)
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