#tuba playing cat
zendeedesigns · 2 months
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(via "Funky-Kitsch Tuba Playing Cat - Groovy Cat Playing Tuba Player for Tuba Mom" Poster for Sale by ZenDee)
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carmenpeach · 1 year
oliver fanclub is active again
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spacebugarts · 2 years
Concept: a tarot card reading with Exploding Kittens cards
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spell-fox · 8 months
chaos on the streets of brighton
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Pic of our 1986 Brighton anarchs, four chaos fledglings who already accidentally released a demon.
Left to right; Monroe (played by @cynical-tuba) our cowboy Malkavian with their trusty combat umbrella. Dr P, gangrel and charisma of the group, curiosity killed the cat owl. Agatha, the Tremere and braincell-holder of the group. And Linden, my baby tzim trying not to disappoint daddy their sire, ask them about isopods.
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im-just-sal · 11 months
Demon Slayer Highschool AU(ish) Head Canons
Uzui totally seems like a popular playboy in high school.
With Rengoku being his best friend and only nice popular kid.
Giyu's the weird bad boy Rengoku is friends with and no one knows why.
Muichiro's the kid in the younger grade they took pity on because he had no friends.
Shinobu is the nerdy chemistry expert who's popular because a lot of boys like her.
Mutsuri is one of the popular guys exes, but nobody can remember who's, but she's in the group anyway.
Iguro is the weird kid who brags about his pet snakes and thinks he's cool for wearing bandages. He repeatedly gets told off by teachers, and is a wanna be bad boy. Misturi loves him anyway.
Gyomei is a senior, and he doesn't play any sports. No one can remember how he got popular, he just did.
If the hashira are popular kids, what are Tanjiro and his squad?
They're BAND kids.
Tanjiro plays Trumpet.
Zenitsu was passed down his grandfather's tuba and hates it so much.
Nezuko plays the xylophone .
Yushiro has spent his whole life mastering instruments, and he plays the flute for band, but loves playing piano.
Kanao plays the drums in the back. Little effort needed.
And Inosukes on triangle.
So Tanjiro I imagine has an amazing singing voice.
He's the best at it.
Zenitsu sounds like a dying cat.
Inosuke is surprising good, but he mostly listens to death metal, so he scream sings.
Nezuko doesn't sing, but she'll do a little Dancy dance to any song she hears.
Uzui thinks he's the hot shit at it, but he's not. He's average.
Rengoku cannot sing. He doesn't try. He knows his voice sounds awful.
Muichiro doesn't really sing, but he can. He's okay at it, but if he's doing karaoke he's going all out on that demi Lovato high note.
He'll hit it even higher.
Iguro is good at singing, but he'll sing my chemical romance until even Misturi wants to rip out her eardrums.
Shinobu thinks she's good, but she's just fine at it. Nothing special.
Mitsuri's voice sounds like nightcore singing.
Gyomei opera sings in the shower and that's it.
And Sanemi has a raspy ass voice that cracks if he tries to hit any note higher than the bass.
Yushiro sings to himself in his room. He also sings in the shower, but do not tell anyone.
He performs Call me maybe.
Lady Tamayo has recorded it.
He has no idea this recording exists.
Zenistu also sings in the shower.
Buts it's the take cover shut your ears kind.
He thinks he is the HOT SHIT.
He made Yushiros ears bleed.
Tanjiro had to literally yank the shower curtain back to get him to stop.
But then he screamed for the next hour so it was a lose lose.
Believe me, he was searching for bleach for hours.
Inosuke hid it tho because he wanted Tanjiro to suffer.
After Zenistu got out of the shower Yushiro punted him to next week.
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racer62 · 9 months
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Lightning doesn't believe in being cringe, so you shouldn't either 😀👍
Cringe Culture has been thrown out the window, mowed down by bulldozers and it's as dead as disco.
You see, cringe culture was the kind of thing only someone who accidentally super-glued their pants to the floor would find amusing. It was so out of touch, it couldn't even pick up a WiFi signal in an Apple store. It had all the hilarity of a cat trying to play the tuba while wearing a sombrero made of cheese. Cringe culture was like a karaoke singer who thinks they're nailing it but is actually belting out the national anthem in a foreign language. It was as useful as a screen door on a submarine or a car with square wheels.
Cringe culture was that friend who always showed up to the party wearing a tuxedo and bowling shoes because they thought they were fashionable. It tried to pass off being judgmental as comedy. In the grand scheme, cringe culture was just a gummy bear in a world full of chocolate cakes-utterly toothless. It was the online equivalent of a failed magic trick where the rabbit in the hat turned out to be a dishcloth. Cringe culture peaked at lemonade stand negotiations, tragically unaware that the price was already fixed at one cute smile.
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ruby-winchester24 · 1 year
Random headcanons for the main 4!
{mostly sfw but nsfw stuff will be mentioned}
Kenny is one of the best drug dealers in town because he knows we’re the cops camp out.
everyone in the group calls Kyle fire crotch.
Stan steals weed from his dad and gives it to Kenny to sell and they split the profit.
Eric doesn’t know how to swim but he can float in water.
Kenny still huffs cat pee once in a while so he can see the woman with big boobs
once everyone was drunk at Stan’s house and Kenny got onto the barn roof and Eric yelled “do a flip” and he did it and fell on his head and died.
Kyle is lactose intolerant.
Eric once took a pic of his boobs and spread it around the school saying they were Wendy’s nudes.
and yes she beat the shit out of him again.
Stan smokes cigarettes (he’s so emo)
Eric did acid with Kenny one time and he ran into a door and broke it.
Kyle works out.
Kyle also was forced by his mom to take better care of his hair and now he has a 4 step hair care routine.
Eric, Tweek and Kenny do wrestling.
when the guys watch Kyle play basketball, whenever Kyle gets a free throw Eric yells “Jew!” to throw him off.
Stan is a heavy weight when it comes to alcohol so he only drinks hard liquor.
Stan also had a flask in his pocket at all times, and he denies he is like his dad.
the guys play minecraft together.
Kenny has a serious nicotine addiction.
Eric still plays with Lego’s.
Kyle likes to watch Jersey Shore but that’s his little secret.
Stan started to smoke weed to spite his dad but it didn’t really work now he smokes like everyday.
Kyle is the he tallest out of the group then it goes Stan then Kenny then Eric
Eric is definitely like 5’4
Kenny post’s shirtless pics of him in his snap story with NBA youngboy music in the background, like everyday.
Kyle gives little gifts to Kenny and Stan for each day of Hanukkah.
Kyle is one of the best basketball players on the team.
Kyle and Stan are in band, Stan plays the guitar and drums and Kyle plays the trumpet and tuba.
Stan is also in choir.
Kyle and his family went up to Jersey to see his grandparents and when he came back he was Kyley-B for a month straight, and he also uses muff cabbage as an insult still.
Kenny goes hunting with Jimbo a lot.
Stan is still low key a hoarder like his room is just full of shit he doesn’t need.
Kyle is always the DD when they go to parties.
Kenny’s pants sag all the time poor dude can’t buy a belt.
Eric was the last person out of the group to loose his virginity.
Kenny has pet rats, well the rats that live in his house.
Stan had feelings for Kyle in middle school.
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beetrotxo · 1 year
emo meow meow wet cat ghost green wannabean
hiiii alo this definitely didn't take me twelve years. nope. i answered this the moment it was aksed
hes so emo and wet cat core. man goes "I CONTROL THE WIIINNNDDD" and like. fails at climbing a mountain or smth hes so funny TOT
this is less of a thing and more of a moment but. WHY DID HE SIT IN SOME BONE CHAIR WITH TEETH IN IT THAT ONE TIME. WHY WAS HE DOING THAT. he thought he was SO cool. imo he looked like a little kid that just got permission to sit at the adults table he looked so SILLY.
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WHERE DID HE EVEN GET THE BONES........ morro u look so stupid rn please stop.
3. "auto...graph...?" seeing morro not understand modern technology will never not be funny to me. this man got hit with a GRENADE and he STARED AT IT FOR THREE MINUTES BEFORE THINKING "oh this explooooodddeeeess" AND THROWING IT BACK.
4. umm uhhh destiny duo, green cousins or ghost duo. im indecisive.
5. uuuhhhhh, i mean i dont really ship him w/ anyone + i think it might be a hot topic b/c of his age?? idk
6. UUUHHHHHH. barring any of the obvious ones? i lowkey dont really get citrus shipping ;-;
7. this is more of a silly thought i had than a real headcanon, but i think that Morro spent a lot of time training and preparing to take on the green ninja and take his place. and he had to be well versed in a lot of skills.
cue morro saying "i MUST defeat the green ninja" to the preeminent then, with the most serious expression ever, pulling out a tuba and playing it perfectly.
SORRY THIS IS SO DUMB BUT EVERYTIME I THINK OF IT IT MAKES ME CACKLE. what if he needs to beat the green ninja in a tuba off.
8. redeemed morro is pink. magenta to be specific. every other redeemed morro color can go home hes barbie pink or bright magenta
9. anything MCR related no i will not be elaborating (especially mama..)
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any scene where hes on his dragon + that ENTIRE fight scene on the boat. bonus points if the ss is from the end of winds of change when nya goes "hes found his second wind" and morros theme kicks into full gear as the dragon roars. that was sick.
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hhhemberhhh · 7 months
band christmas parties are wild
I got a bass clarinet
I almost beat somebody up with a piece of wood and a stick (actually I did but not to the point where they were harmed)
3 ppl (including our band director) brought their pet cats
we played What Do You Meme? with 5+ people, 20 at one point, the mature version naturally (when the opportunity presented itself)
I got two printed out funny pictures of our band director for a part of my gift (from my secret santa)
our tuba player drank 16 dr peppers in the span of 2 hours
I gifted our band director light up scrunchies, to which he proudly wore one for a good 5 minutes and I was able to get pics of him posing
and then I gifted him a hot pink throw blanket and a teddy bear, which I’m glad he liked (even tho he looked pained when he saw the blanket was pink)
merry christmas y’all 🎄❄️☃️🦌🎁🪄💃🕺✨💅
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fanfic-inator795 · 8 months
It’s 3 am, I can’t sleep both because I’m too awake and because my cat keeps getting in my face, and for whatever reason I’m in the mood to talk about my aromantic journey.
I’m not sure how many aros/allos had this experience, but I distinctly remember trying to force crushes as early as elementary school. I’d have no real reason why other than ‘hey, the girls in the cartoons I watch have crushes, so I should too. If Helga Pataki is out here daydreaming about her wedding, I should too!’
Never mind the fact that I barely even knew the boy I was drawing myself at the altar with, I just knew he was nice - and after a month AT MOST I’d just never talk to or think about him again. At that time I really was so much in my own world that I really did have one or two close friends and then a bunch of acquaintances because we had all went to the same elementary/middle school.
The closest thing I ever got to a ‘boyfriend’ of sorts was this guy in high school who was a year older than me. We were both in our school band’s brass section (different instruments tho, I can’t remember if he was trombone or tuba) and he was practically the definition of a safe guy.
Beyond the fact that we were both in band, we both liked cartoons and liked talking about cartoons. I even shared my fanfiction with him and he was always nice to me. We were good friends, and again with how many Friends to Lovers plots I saw on TV, I just had kind of a “yeah, if this happens I could live with it” mentality.
I told myself that I had a crush on him, but honestly I think I was just really happy to have a close friend. All our ‘dates’ were to the movies, but I always cared more about the movie itself and then talking about it with him afterwards (wasn’t that the whole point of going to the movies with someone, I wondered, completely missing and ignoring the OTHER point of movie dates)
We held hands once while watching one of our school’s musicals (couldn’t focus too much on whether or not I enjoyed it tho since I was suffering with a headache at the time. fucking Annie. Still hate those songs :P) I also remember him giving me these hugs that felt very long, and I remember asking my one friend if that seemed weird to her, not hating these hugs but not enjoying them as much as I probably should have either.
Things reached a culmination with prom. We had a two-hour late start on Valentine’s Day that year, and while I had bought him a Reese’s heart, I remember feeling nervous about possibly receiving some sort of grand prom-posal in return, and was relieved when the late start messed up his plans. I was already not feeling the whole prom thing, with my mom straight up telling me “if someone asks you, you’d better accept!” as a response. Sure enough, he asked me and I wasn’t sure how to say no.
Thankfully as I said, he was a truly nice guy, and when he saw my hesitation he suggested an alternative: a movie, supper at Applebee’s (aka the closest thing you get to fairly nice dining in a small Midwest town) and then the after-prom carnival. I instantly agreed. At the time I told myself the reason why I didn’t wanna go to actual prom was because I was shy, hadn’t had good experiences at other school dances and didn’t want to get all dressed up. All honest reasons that I’m sure did play a big part, but I think my unknown-at-the-time uncomfiness with personal romance also played a part.
Before then, I can remember pondering over my date-lessness, acknowledging how weird it probably was that I had never kissed anyone and how possible it was that I’d just stay a virgin… and those thoughts were just that, thoughts. No angsting, just a passing “yeah, I guess that is weird” and then moving on, never really feeling passionate enough or worried enough to properly dwell on it.
Anyway, as I said before, the most enjoyable and memorable part of my prom night was seeing Aardman’s “Pirates: Band of Misfits” (still a great movie). Afterwards, we continued hanging out until he graduated and went off to college, and while we hung out a couple more times after, it didn’t take us long to loose touch.
I remember the last time we hung out feeling so damn anxious and not really knowing why, to the point of nearly canceling our meet-up. Then we did meet up, we talked, had a chill and friendly time - and again, SUCH a relief without really knowing why.
My last real ‘experience’ with romance was in college with another ‘safe’ guy from one of my classes. I thought I liked him, he somehow noticed and asked. I said yes, he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time, and i was just like “oh, okay, no worries”. And that was that, no second thoughts.
Outside of that, I explored my maybe-bisexuality through RPs with the person who had not only become my best friend (love you Tessa ^v^) but who first taught me what asexuality was. I came to a conclusion that ‘hey, I think I’d be okay with dating girls actually, cause girls are pretty and these girls I’ve been hanging out with during study abroad are really nice’. Again, when you grow up with 1-2 close friends AT MAX per grade/per school, genuine friendship seems like the biggest thing in the world (and tbh it is, at least to me but I’m sure not to others, not to the same extreme I mean).
I graduated college without ever having a boyfriend, a girlfriend or even a first kiss - and being pretty okay with that. I knew 100% at that point that I was a proud asexual who thought sex seemed sorta boring at best and gross/painful at worst, easily falling into the neutral/repulsed side of things. I kept using the bi label (and for what it’s worth, it still half-fits since, when it comes to the animated characters I’m attracted to, I’m still good with both) until a year or two ago when I fully accepted that I was likely somewhere on the aro spectrum as well - and much like when I realized I was ace, it suddenly made a lot of things make more sense.
So here I am, a happy ace/aro woman who gets to live with my best friend and our two cats - and after over 10 years of friendship (longest, most meaningful and least fairweather friendship I’ve ever had, next to the one I have with my brother) and about two years of getting to live with her and have fun with her and be there for her in all the ways she’s there for me - in all honesty, I truly can’t think of a better outcome ^v^
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mxlovinovargas · 2 years
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Synopsis: He's after you.
Tremendous Dynamite
CW: Stalking, Predator-Prey Scenario, Obsessive Thoughts, Obsessive Behavior, Creepy Behavior, Uncomfortable Scenario, Use of Country Names, Reader-Insert.
Word Count: .800
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I am El Hombre Lobo. 
But you?
You were something that made Prussia quack in his very wake, like a sick puppy staring into the mouth of a deadly disease that wanted to open its maw and swallow whole, like there was a blade chopping down and his head would roll. You were a force—something beautiful and something clean, dirtied only by the blood on your knuckles and the skin of your teeth that glistened with the sweat from a battle. Prussia always turned his head whenever you walked into the room. 
Nothing short of a thrusting storm, of a hurricane carrying the ichor of the sea ready to sweep him off of his feet; like the day dips into the horizon, and Prussia was on the prowl for a restless night. 
He dodged behind the crevice of two tightly pressed together business buildings, unimportant and his only source of shelter, as he staked you out like a cat hunts a mouse. You walked so boldly, so sure even in the dead of the night and Prussia felt the rhythm of his head pound away like parade drums in his head. The spin of color guard flags, the sound they make as fabric pulls taut and flaps, the way the wind blows through them. The trumpets on high, the tuba on low—of screeching flutes and humming trombones, Prussia hears the whole damn thing playing in his frustrated head and he grimaces thickly. This was a game Prussia was messing with that he knew could end in explosions galore that shatter through his very soul to send him running for the hills to never be seen again (messing with you was always like that), but he’s got a fuse that he can light. He flicks the flame of a match, shh chaaa, and red spindles flicker like seeding fireweed. 
She’s tremendous, she’s dynamite—
Prussia steps out into the limelight, doused by pale yellow from dinky old street lamps that don't offer much but enough to cast deep shadows across his grim face. The shadows dance for a brief moment as he moves forward, following following following, as Prussia trails after your retreating form. You don't notice. 
Or, at least, Prussia thinks you don't notice. 
His first footfall makes an echoing clap that resounds off of the wall, reverberates like bubblegum and glue, and clings to the shell of his ear like a formidable gunshot. Then, you run. Prussia splutters like a dying lemon’s transmission before he sprints forward like his life depended on it. He grits his teeth so harshly that they make a terrible squeak in his mouth as he balls his fists and chops his arms to the pace of his running feet. He should have expected nothing less! The grit turns into a halfhearted smirk. Oil spills of maroon and violet eat up your form as Prussia stares, watches your every move and every turn. He twists his body to follow after you. You are one helluva little opponent—Prussia knew it wouldn't be this easy. 
She could put up a hard-won fight. 
You’re so clever. If Prussia didn’t know these streets like the back of his hand, he would have definitely lost you by now; fortunately, for the dastardly man chasing after you, he did and he was gaining on you fast. Your head might be screwed on real tight, but there's only some many bobs and weaves you can do until—
until you're at a dead end. 
And this, this truly is your birthright. 
Tremendous dynamite you may be, but every explosion has its smoke and mirrors before it evanescences and then disappears in the fade of char and misery. 
I am El Hombre Lobo, Prussia thinks to himself as he stands so tall and so looming behind you, in front of you, before you. He traps off your escape and he can see your shoulders heaving. He stalks forward, leering with those schmears of red and purple looking so insanely pleased and victorious. Prussia takes in all you have to offer, basking in it so appraisingly and so willingly and so greedily and so needily. He can't help but feel giddy, can't help but feel the sparks of electricity in the tips of his fingers as he draws near. The way your shoulders pinch, the way your breath seems to hitch in fear at each of Prussia's footsteps. The heels of his boot click like a bomb by the second and he's so close that if he opened his mouth to breathe you in, he would taste you too. 
On the prowl, Prussia comes, and then he sees you turn so demurely that it feels like slow music and he can hear the band in his head go into a slow rocky jazz that leaves a one-two riff strumming in his aching eardrums. It’s past midnight. You turn around fully. And Prussia’s dartin’ under the town’s searchlight as he closes in totally. 
But it’s all worth it to take a bite. 
You're tremendous, you’re dynamite.
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xxwhiskeyxx · 5 months
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
Wow thanks, I haven’t gotten one of these in awhile!
Well..let’s see
1. I’m a college sophomore and an Anthropology major! I plan on being an archeologist and hopefully working in/with a museum
2. I once owned around 14 cats at one time, a combo of inside and outside. Sadly that number has dwindled to 5 due to us moving house and natural situations, but we are very grateful for the ones we have!
3. I am the child of a single mother who manages to overcome nearly dying and then became a nurse in her 40s. She’s the strongest person I know
4. I just got into the Ghost fandom early 2022, around..June ish? Partially thanks to my ex but mostly to TikTok and Tumblr
5. I own a 2012 Nissan Titan 4x4 that I named Jacob after Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5. Simply because my Jacob is a grumpy old man who manipulates me into thinking he’s working just for SOMETHING ELSE to go wrong with him. He’s had his engine replaced (OG locked up not even a month after I got him), starter replaced (about a year later), his transmission went out about July, and lately his AC has been acting fucky wucky because TURNS OUT there’s a hole somewhere in there so the Freon leaks :) so basically I love my shitty old man but he’s such a money pit
6. I’m what you can call a Jack of all trades: I can weld, do woodworking and carpentry, or do minor household repairs; I can write, slightly draw, and do makeup; I’ve been learning guitar for the last year (not going amazing cause i have small hands and this makes it hard to to cords/reach notes), can play a little piano, along with euphonium and tuba thanks to being involved with band in school for..9ish years
7. I was a state level powerlifter and was the strongest female competitor in my high school mainly due to my squat
8. I’ve played video games for a majority of my life, it’s how I bonded with my brother, and I adore them. I’m currently playing Baldurs Gate 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition!
9. I have made two amazing friends thanks to Ghost @switchplate-2 and @chaos--reincarnated, simply because I commented on their works and we started messaging on tumblr then Instagram, and now I’ve been friends with them for about a year each. It’s possible to make friends, just reach out even if it’s scary! Btw you two need to do this
10. Uh I guess a final fact about myself is I currently only have my tongue pierced and one tattoo but I plan on getting a shit ton more!
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spell-fox · 8 months
Brighton 1986, a group of fledglings causing chaos on the streets
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Quick sketch of the group from our 80s anarch game. Left to right; Monroe (played by @cynical-tuba) our cowboy Malkavian and their combat umbrella. Dr P, gangrel and charisma of the group, curiosity killed the cat owl. Agatha, the Tremere and braincell-holder of the group. And Linden, my baby tzim trying not to disappoint daddy their sire, ask them about their isopods.
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davidisen · 6 months
NOLA 2023, Part 2
My New Orleans visit, December 12-19, 2023, continued . . .
On Sunday, December 17, Aurora Nealand (soprano sax, clarinet, vocals) led an especially poignant gig at the Spotted Cat, with Steve Lands (trumpet), Leo Forde (guitar), Pete Olyciw (bass), each a highly-skilled, big-eared, adventurous soul. They played the standards, but in a very exploratory way. When Aurora sang, "In My Solitude," by Duke Ellington, she articulated each lyric with precious presence.
Aurora appeared in David Simon's great, and under-appreciated, TV series Treme. Her best line of the whole series said, in part, " . . . but music, that's personal." She was talking about gigs like this one.
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Here's another view of the same gig by Bill Bush, a new friend I met on this trip with similar musical tastes. Bill had some other gigs on his list that evening, but, like me, he sensed how special the gig was, and for three sets, he couldn't tear himself away. It's Bill's original pic, but it's my fault for messing with it . . . From L to R it's Leo Forde, Steve Lands, Steve Olyciw, and Aurora Nealand.
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Jason Marsalis did one of the afternoon sessions at the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park 2PM series. He explained the vibraphone - and its cousins the glockenspiel, the marimba and the xylophone. And he talked about growing up in the house of Ellis Marsalis with brothers Wynton, Branford, etc. And played a few tunes too!
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Sharon Martin and her quartet did another one of those great 2PM National Park gigs.
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That woman could sing.
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I caught a set at Maison Dupuy by Robin Rapuzzi's Glo-worms, two mandolins and a guitar, focused on traditional Italian music. If the two guys on the right look familiar, it's probably because they're in Tuba Skinny. Robin's in the middle and Greg Sherman is on the right. Nobody was there. It was Sunday, something about Saints at the Superdome.
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There's been a drum circle on Sunday afternoons in Congo Square since . . . well . . . there's a legend that before the Civil War, the enslaved people of New Orleans were allowed to play their drums on Sunday in Congo Square. One line of thinking says this is why New Orleans music is so unique. As I walked past Congo Square on Sunday afternoon, I heard drums . . .
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One of my friends, now a very successful musician, once was busted for busking in a New York subway. He wasn't even playing. He had opened his violin case to look for something, and the cop saw him and out came the ticket book! Why??????
Busking is encouraged in New Orleans. One afternoon I stopped to listen to Charlie Bridges . . .
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I met this young lady but didn't remember her name. She was a good singer and a songwriter too.
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Doreen Ketchens is one of the best clarinet players in New Orleans! She gives 110%! I've seen her on Royal Street many times.
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My allocated week in New Orleans was winding down. On Monday, I caught The Winding Boys at the Spotted Cat, and then Doyle Cooper and Z2 at Buffa's.
Here's The Winding Boys. That's Myla Burnett on guitar, Dizzy on washboard, and Dizzy on bass. One of those all-purpose names. I never caught the names of the two front guys. They were both good. The sax guy was musically clever. The trumpet player was verbally clever, with, a humph, clever, a humph, improvised lyrics. Note the great trumpet player James Williams, in the window.
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I went to hear Doyle Cooper at Bill Bush's suggestion. He was very good. So was piano player Z2.
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I had some fries and cheese sauce, smothered in Crystal hot sauce, and went home early to pack for my flight to NYC. A remarkable week.
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
do you have any favorite hcs for any characters? could be looks, hobbies, identities, anything! i like hearing abt peoples hcs
John as an adult, grows up having the best buff body and mustache. Jade and Nepeta's fursona are rivals in roleplay chats, but actually treat each other nicely when they meet in real life. Kanaya likes to make terrariums for the little grubs that hatched. To let them enjoy and experience the closest thing to outdoors if she can't bring them out of the caverns. Eridan doesn't know how to actually use other old weapons he collects (harpoons, shotgun, etc). His Crosshairs is basically a big laser beam, so he can aim easily because of that. Eridan can do text roleplay like Nepeta, but he does it like he is writing a book and tends to make long paragraphs to describe the situation he and the other player would be in. Even in text, his OC is also dramatic as he is. It makes Nepeta bored on reading all that when they tried to RP each other. Eridan knows and loves all the sea shanties. He will sing them any chance he gets during a FLARP session with his crew. He forces others to join along with him. Nepeta does wish to dress up like other FLARPers, but has trouble making her own outfits compared to others like Vriska, Terezi, Tavros, Eridan, and Aradia. Feferi, much like The Condesce and with Meenah, does like to bake. But has a hard time trying to do it in her underwater home, so she would usually go to Eridan to use his oven. He obliges and taste tests her pastries, despite his own worries of gaining weight. Dirk does like Boys Love visual novel games, even the trashy ones. He proudly puts visual novels as a part of video games. When buying a scuttlebug aka a car on Alternia, you do not need a license. You just immediately get to drive the car. If someone is in the road and they get hit by someone driving it, it's their fault for not looking both ways or the driver's for not watching the road. The trolls will get confused hearing the humans need to pass some test to purchase a vehicle. All scuttlebugs are equipped with Auto Pilot drive for those who are lazy to be on the wheel. Alternia does have brown cows and they do indeed produce chocolate milk. Had been trying to think about what instruments the trolls and Alpha Kids would play since I kind of miss that with the Beta kids when they played music. So far only got is like Karkat: Tuba (a Sousaphone as he calls it based on an AU that Shelby and her friend talked about) Terezi: Harpsichord (based on her music themes having this instrument) Tavros: Guitar Aradia: Theremin Kanaya: Harp Vriska: Electric Guitar (obvs) Equius: Double bass Nepeta: Bongo or Keyboard (get it cause the meme cats play those) Gamzee: Clown horns (what else?) Eridan: Viola (mirrors Rose's violin as viola's strings have C, G, D, and A on them) FeferI: Hydraulophone Roxy: Cello or fiddle Jane: Accordion (to play off her being like prankster that she would play an instrument that shows her playfulness) Jake: Flute (sucks at the bass guitar that was left behind from Grandma Harley) Just some that I can think of as of now.
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gemwing1988 · 9 months
Cuphead Show: Dreamstone Edition Henchman Headcanons
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The part where Henchman adds in “Head” every time the Devil refers Cuphead as “That cup” becomes a running gag in the fanfic adaption, followed up by the Devil bluntly answering, “Thank you, Henchman”.
Despite being a demon and the Devil’s minion, Henchman is surprisingly good friends with the Dreamstones, most especially Katie, who he often refers to as Miss Katie.
He was considering about calling Katie “Mrs. Boss” once the Devil succeeds in marrying her.
Henchman is basically the only known demon in the Underworld who enjoys the Devil’s theatrical performance in the Devil’s personal theatre.
He likes jazz music, anything that swings and enjoys the Devil playing the piano, pipe organ and violin.
He likes to sleep in bed with a teddy bear he affectionately named “Ms. Cuddles”.
Henchman likes bright colours. He likes blue, green, yellow, orange, white, teal and purple. However, surprisingly, his most favourite colour is pink because he thinks it’s a cute colour.
His favourite animal is a cat. He most especially adores kittens.
His favourite sweets and desserts are cookies, brownies, doughnuts and cupcakes.
His favourite dishes are macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs and chicken salads. He also enjoys peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every now and then.
His favourite choice of beverages are hot chocolate, grape juice and fruit punch.
He prefers purely smooth orange juice since he doesn’t like the bits floating in it.
His first time of being the new host of Roll the Dice in place of King Dice was also ironically his last since the comical incident when he accidentally botched his attempt to mimic Dice’s dance moves had him trip over and get stuck in a tuba.
Henchman’s favourite choice of place for a vacation is a day at the beach. He also enjoys seaside sunsets the most. He would like to sped his day offs at in a log cabin in a snowy forest since he thinks they’re so cosy.
Henchman is the only one in the Underworld who knows about the Devil likes the company of a rubber duck Old Scratch affectionately names “Mr. Squeaks” in the bath tub while the Devil has one of his pampered bubble baths.
Although he isn’t as much as a fan of Stickler as the Devil isn’t, Henchman isn’t above being mildly more tolerable towards the auditor when they have to work together on certain subjects or if they’re pulled into certain circumstances such as when the Devil has them be part of the audience during his dance-off against Ms. Chalice.
One of his favourite past times is crochet and he once made a sweater for the Devil to cover up his bald spots after the incident of Mugman throwing the invisible sweater over him that burnt off the most of his fur.
Henchman doesn’t like extreme violence or anything too unnecessarily graphic.
He’s also a very good cook and bakes amazing sweets.
His favourite books are Robin Hood, The Three Musketeers, Peter Pan, Treasure Island and romance novels. He enjoys the Mugbeard the Pirate series as much as Mugman, even though he’s disappointed about the ending of the previous book.
He was the one to give the Devil his #1 Boss coffee mug as a gift.
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