#tua cast tweets
krittec · 2 months
Honestly my favourite thing now is realising how messy things are post TUA season four is so I went on a deep dive that means absolutely nothing but it's making me laugh in hindsight. There's obviously a lot of subtle digs right now by cast and fans alike toward Steve Blackman, very deserved but I noticed something earlier and I just wanna yap because it made me giggle a little bit. I saw this tiktok earlier where the cast is saying that Steve had always planned it to end at season four and immediately I was like, that's not right because I remember when season four was announced, or before it was officially renewed, it was said by Steve himself that he wanted to do seven seasons in total.
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like i've been in this fandom since Day One and i remember everything for some ungodly reason... and then I saw on twitter a screenshot of an article where the cast stated that it was THEIR decision to end it all at four seasons instead. I couldn't find the tweet again because I didn't like it or anything because my phone did that dumb dumb thing where it refreshed (so if you posted it and you're seeing this, hiiii) but I went looking for the article and was able to find it.
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Uhhhh... No conclusion to this post, shit's just messy and im just laughing at nothing adding up and the constant shade is the only thing stopping me from crying about this shitty season. Bye bye.
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asgardian-outcast · 6 years
I love the fact that he's actually considering it I-
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
If you don’t mind what is the high on skam 2019 tweet in reference to?
Hi anon! 👽 Hm, when I get these kind of questions, sometimes I can’t tell if the person just doesn’t know anything about whatever I’m referencing, or they know, but they want me to say things more clearly.
Anyway. The 2019 High on Skam convention was a convention in which Iman Meskini (Sana on Skam) and Tua El-Fawwal (Amira on Druck) talked about how important it was for them that the Sana character was played by an actual Muslim actress. This was seen by some as a pointed comment about the casting of Beatrice Bruschi, given that they were in Rome and Skam Italia s4 was shooting at the time. Many Italian fans felt slighted and felt Iman specifically had been prejudiced towards Beatrice. They tweeted about how insulted they felt, and spammed Iman’s DMs, until Iman posted something of a clarification. 
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avese23 · 4 years
I haven’t watched the second stream yet (I was binging the umbrella academy- it’s so good) so I don’t have a full perspective besides the reaction of some of the fans I follow and Noelle’s apology tweet. I know a lot of people are worried about she ra being cancelled, and while I’m worried about the fandom becoming toxic (since before now it has been a really safe space after hp went to shit) I’m probably more hurt by the fact that Noelle was involved (and Eric to a lesser extent? Besides listening to his podcast I have no real attachment). She’s been a really large inspiration to me as a queer a person and what she and others said hurts me as a black person. I’m also not as surprised or bothered as I should be, considering the Mara stuff that came up in the last stream and how white the crew is, which kind of scares me. The face that I’m expecting people to mess up at this point. I think this is a further message to me, and other (especially young) fans out there that the people we look up to are human. And we can’t hero-worship them if we want to have an open and critical mind when it comes to their mistakes and how we feel about them. When JKR started showing her true colors it hurt, she used to be someone I idolized. I had her in my mind as this great person who donated to charities and wrote books I enjoyed. And while those things were true they quickly got overshadowed by the hurt she caused. There are two main differences between that and this. 1. The jkr scandal happened over a period of time, by the time she really dug her heels in I no longer cared about her. Between the queer baiting in FB and the lack of diversity in HP I had already lost partial respect for her before she was outed as a TERF. 2. Unlike JKR, Noelle understands what she said is wrong. Jkr is a TERF, I don’t think Noelle is a racist. She said a racist thing, which was hurtful, and she apologized afterwards. While an apology does not fix the hurt, the quality of hers (especially compared to other creators) helped save some of my respect. Noelle is a real person so I am going to try my best to treat it the same as I would if someone in my life made this mistake (a very real possibility). I wouldn’t put them on a pedestal but I wouldn’t cancel them. I’d evaluate their apology, take a break from them to settle my emotions and aid my mental health, and decide if I can let them back into my life. To fully complete that process I will probably need to watch the stream so I can get the full picture. This is not something I’m particularly excited to do. I know it’s going to be hurtful and I shouldn’t have to go through that hurt (especially with the much more pressing hurt going on right now). But I’m willing to do that because I’m still willing to give the crew a chance to learn from their mistakes and go forward. And hopefully work with more people of color, not just on the cast but the crew as well. And to work with more autistic people in general. I haven’t made much comment on the entrapdak topic, both because to my belief I am not autistic and therefore cannot speak for the community even a little bit, and also because I (once again) have heard about all of this second hand. While waking up to the spop fandom starting to smoke was tough, I’m still glad I was lazy and didn’t watch the stream. Watching Klaus’s dynamic with the other characters in TUA was a much better use of my time. In conclusion, I’m not done with she ra by any means. I’ve supported fandoms that were way messier. Just because SPOP is no longer as untainted as it was before we couldn’t expect it to be perfect in the first place. A show is much more than just a few people. I can’t tell others what to do but I see very little good coming out of canceling Noelle Stevenson. She should be held accountable, yes, but it does more harm to get stuck on this and never move forward. My hope is that she’ll continue pushing for queer rep, and hopefully will do that coming with the knowledge gained from both her successes AND her mistakes. I am curious to see how the POC cast responds though.
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fullchicanery · 5 years
My top 10 favorite moments from the convention absolutely nobody asked for and in no particular order:
1. Piggy-backing Maxence (and him being like “WOW are you sure?”...like I was prepared for him to be heavy since he is still taller than me but nah boy is LIGHT
2. Lukas saying he saw the turtleneck boy vs beanie boy discourse before we knew who Ger!Even was. And talked about how they filmed the instagram content for their “back-pack Euro trip”- aka they filmed in random places nearby like where they walked through trash is only 20 meters from where they filmed the final scene by the pond (he also said he saw all the tweets and comments telling them to go home and about their declining brain cells and he thought it was really funny)
3. Carl saying the first time he met Chris Veres was at the office and Chris was just taping a whole bunch of memes he had printed out on all the walls and he didn’t even say hi to Carl, he just asked him about the memes lol and that was his introduction to Chris.
4. Me mentioning I’m from Hawaii to Maxence and he instantly went “Hawaii! Wow! That was you who sent the package? You sent the ashtray!” and told me he has it still and uses it. Like damn I wish I had that kind of memory I was surprise he remembered exactly what I got him from like 7-8 months ago haha
5. Lula telling me her and Maxence were filming till late Friday night and then Maxence had to be back to film on Monday and her on Tuesday like...makes me more confused who the main for s6 is omg.
6. The fact that Michi has never seen any part of his season (nor any part of any remake or OG for that matter) and so when confronted with choosing his favorite episode he picked the one where the “creepy guy was following Milena” cuz that was the only one he saw like bruh
7. Getting into politics with Henrik like...why am I like this as a political science major....I even got into talking about the minimum wage with Tua...I must be stopped.
8. SKAM France cast talking about dicks for a good 5-10 minutes of the meet and greet (actually more specifically Maxence’s- in relation to the dick sock he had to wear and the fact that he still has the one from the foyer scene and he said he is thinking of selling it and Lula saying he could get a lot of money for it)
9. CARL. Need I say more? Dude is a gem. Talking to him was great. He’s really cool. And he even said he misses Robin and he was the #1 person he was looking forward to seeing at the convention. :(
10. The fact that all the casts are so nice and genuine with their fans. Like you can tell they care. And it was cool how intimate and casual the whole event was. Like Louis smoking outside with other fans or being at the reception desk and Michi being their asking about something or Maxence recognizing fans as he walks through the halls and getting as excited as they are. It made it feel super casual and I think made the actors feel more human and I appreciate that. Like everyone behaved and I don’t recall seeing anyone do or say anything weird. Everyone was super respectful to the actors and vice versa. I think it’s partially due to this way it was organized and made casual-like. This was my first convention so I can’t compare it but I was super impressed. Also kudos to the organizers. They are really awesome too! I mean they even DM’ed me today asking if they could post the closing panel video because I talked about coming out and wanted to make sure it was okay to put the video on their channel. Like, that was so nice? Anyways, back to post-convention depression hours.
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raphaellewinchester · 5 years
Do you know what I want now?
"The Umbrella Academy cast answering questions while playing with kittens/puppies"
"David Castañeda reads thirsty tweets"
Please and thank you social media managers, do your work to promote TUA S2
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raviposting · 4 years
gonna ask the obvious but if ur up for it... tua for that favorites ask ☺️
Yessss ty! @let-the-whump-commence also asked this so: 
my favorite female character goshhhhh I have a hard time choosing between my girls.....right now at this moment at 10:49 PM it is Allison but in 5 minutes it could be Vanya lmao 
my favorite male character BEEEEEEEEEEEEEN followed closely by Diego (and then the other brothers I still love them!!! Just Ben gets to me dude) 
my favorite book/season/etc Season 2!!!! I love season 2 sm!!!!! 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) Oh that is hard and I refuse to choose
my favorite cast member Justin H. Min omg I like actively love reading his tweets or insta posts lolol he’s fantastic 
my favorite ship Oooooh very hard with the beautiful ships they gave to use in season 2!!! I think I’m going to go with Dielila at the moment just because I also got very invested in Lila’s happiness as well (like I care about Sissy/Ray/Dave’s too ofc but we just. Got to know a bit more about Lila on her own and in her own arc if that makes sense?) 
a character I’d die defending god all of the siblings??? Like I’m so fine with calling out characters including the siblings but I just love them sm and I hate seeing hate on them 
a character I just can’t sympathize with ugh Reginald lmao 
a character I grew to love Luther! I had a.....hard time loving him season 1. It felt more like “I understand where he’s coming from and I feel bad because of that, but I’m really only tolerating him rn because he’s part of the family.” Now we’ve gotten some real growth and things I wanted to see from Luther actually happen and I really appreciate this growth and development we’ve seen with him. <3 
my anti otp any Harc*st stuff like no thank you get it out of my face
Send me a fandom!
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waltongoggins · 6 years
Have you got a link to where David says he assumed he was getting fired? I'm just starting to go through TUA interviews, and David seems so shy in most of them, except when he's with Robert. I'd like to see more of him on his own, just because he seems so reluctant to speak up in most group interviews. Agreed he brought a lot of nuance to his Diego, otherwise I wouldn't be instastanning a new character! I mean he was my fave in the comics too, but I wasn't sure it would follow through.
unfortunately i don’t have the link anymore, it was a print interview, not a video. i had tweeted about this like 2 weeks ago and i just scrolled forever through my feed to find a screencap i took of that piece of the interview, but i guess i didn’t save the actual article.
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also on an unrelated note, this is also a piece i saved from the same interview…for reasons lmao.
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but yeah, david’s interviews alongside robert are always good because they obviously play well off of each other, but he also definitely gets more time to speak. he has less experience in press then some of the others, most interviewers really want to speak to ellen, and tom and emmy have such BFF chemistry that i feel they unwittingly kind of get a lot of the attention in the interviews they share, but that’s also just a problem with large casts. david’s done a few solo recently, but they’re all in spanish so i don’t know if that helps but def worth watching if you can understand.
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honestmouse20 · 5 years
Who would you cast for a danger days remake?
oh Lord, I honestly have no clue. Like my first thought is the My Chem boys cause I just can’t see the characters Being anyone else. but obviously they wouldn’t play themselves. Gerard Way said in a tweet once, if I find the link I'll add it, that he never thought of the band As the characters. They were just acting. He also mentioned that he never really assigned a gender or anything for Party Poison, something I didn’t know but now I can tell why so many in the fandom write Poison as enby. But, so long as there was a line between the characters and the band, then I’d be down for them being the cast. Like I just can’t see Party looking like anyone but Gerard. Maybe I’m sorta biased though cause I do use the band’s names for the Killjoys’ real names in my writing. But that’s mostly because I’m crap at making up names.
As for like real actors, I really don’t know. I defiantly wouldn’t want them to be your average action move cast though. Diversity is a necessity, especially because we know that at least most of the characters aren’t cis/het nor do I hc them with ‘supermodel’ bodies. But l will admit that I’m down for a remake, or live action thing, so long as it’s not treated like a action movie. or at least not as a stereotypical one. I don’t want something like the Percy Jackson Movies happening to this, if that makes sense?
Sorry for the really long answer, I got a bit carried away. But honestly, if that rumor that Netflix is gonna pick up the comics is true, I would defiantly watch it. They did really well, in my opinion, with TUA, especially with casting and music. So maybe the same would be true for Danger Days?
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5's actor hinted that we're not getting a season 2 :( actually his tweet can be interpreted in two ways: 1. TUA is over 2. 5 is probably going back into his old body so the actor's not casted anymore. But allison's actress said that netflix hasnt gave them a green light... its not a good sign, right? afaik usually netflix would offer them another season even before the current season ends.
DW: Well, I hope we get a season 2, but Netflix isn’t exactly the traditional model so I wouldn’t read too much into the fact it hasn’t given approval for a second season as yet. 
Because so many shows are just dropping in their entirety on a single date, the old metrics for judging viewership as the season progresses doesn’t work, you know? And that’ll work as a win for some shows, and as a loss for others, depending on a whole bunch of other factors. 
I’ll keep my fingers crossed! 
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kliegohargreeves · 5 years
anything out of the characters they play, if that's alright! so you wouldn't have to tag (for example) robert sheehan as his character in misfits or any other work he's in, but just robert sheehan when he's doing an interview or any of his tweets or anything like that. you wouldn't have to tag them individually either - you could just use the blanket tag 'tua cast' for all of it, if you want. im sorry, i know this is a really weird request, thank you for being so understanding!
of course! I’ve just tagged all my most recent posts that apply with #tua cast. sorry if anything made you feel uncomfy! I’ll be sure to remember to tag all future posts!
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midnightscarlets · 4 years
as a ts x tua x mcu stan,
today i got:
the speculation that taylor is filming an mv, from joseph kahn's ig (jk is one of the ts' mv directors)
andrea denver **randomly** tweeting a pic of him in a suit, captioned with blank space lyrics (he was in the mv)
tua s3 sparrow academy cast reveal (!!!!!!)
new wandavision character poster
wandavision tv spot from the 50s (?) (not good with years, sorry)
news abt deadpool in mcu
in conclusion: the collapse!!!
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– ♡ – BIOGRAFIA DELL'AUTRICE: Jojo Moyes ( Pauline Sara Jo Moyes ) è nata a Londra il 4 Luglio del 1969. Dopo aver frequentato due prestigiosi college ( il Royal Holloway, presso la University of London, e al Bedford New College) nel 1992 vince una borsa di studio finanziata dal giornale "The Independent" per frequentare un corso post-laurea di giornalismo ed editoria alla City University London. Per i successivi dieci anni ha lavorato per The Independent a Londra e per il Sunday Morning Post a Hong Kong, come Assistant News Editor fino al 2002, e successivamente come Arts and Media Correspondant. Dal 2002 diventa anche scrittrice a tempo pieno, dedicandosi al genere Romance e alla letteratura femminile e raggiunge la piena notorietà con il romanzo "Io prima di te" ( titolo originale: Me Before You). – ♡ – ME BEFORE YOU, LA TRAMA. Louisa "Lou" Clark vive in una tipica cittadina della campagna inglese con la madre, il padre, la sorella Katrina, il nipotino e il nonno. È sentimentalmente legata a Patrick, un giovane personal trainer che la mantiene economicamente. La ventiseienne, una ragazza dai gusti eccentrici in fatto di abbigliamento e dal carattere particolarmente solare, viene licenziata dal locale in cui lavorava da anni, il "The Buttered Bun", perché questo sta chiudendo a causa di un fallimento. Nonostante il brutto periodo che si trova ad affrontare, decide di rimettersi in gioco e di cercare un nuovo lavoro, anche perché il peso della famiglia grava sulle sue spalle essendo lei quella che li mantiene economicamente e che aiuta i genitori disoccupati. Dopo aver fallito in diversi lavori, trova / finalmente / un posto come assistente presso la famiglia Traynor, una famiglia ricca e gelida che possiede un antico castello nel villaggio inglese. In particolare, inizia ad assistere Will Traynor, un giovane banchiere diventato tetraplegico a causa di un incidente, che lo ha costretto sulla sedia a rotelle e gli ha provocato una paralisi dal collo in giù. Il contratto firmato da Lou dura sei mesi, e durante questi sei mesi di lavoro, la ragazza cercherà in tutti i modi di dimostrare a Will che, nonostante la sua vita non sia più la stessa dopo l'incidente, è ancora degna di essere vissuta. D'altra parte, Will, invoglierà la ragazza ad allargare i suoi orizzonti e a non accontentarsi della vita che vive, ma anzi di scappare il prima possibile da quella piccola ed orrenda cittadina che entrambi definiscono "casa". Purtroppo, nonostante la determinazione e l'amore della ragazza, i tentativi di Lou si riveleranno vani: prima di conoscerla, infatti, Will si era accordato con un'associazione svizzera per un'eutanasia e deciderà lo stesso di morire, lasciando a Lou una parte dei suoi beni per permetterle di pagarsi l'accademia di moda, la sua vera aspirazione. – ♡ – IL FILM. Nel settembre del 2014 Moyes conferma con un tweet che le riprese della trasposizione cinematografica di Io prima di te sono in preparazione confermando che gli attori Emilia Clarke (nota per l'interpretazione di Daenerys Targaryen ne "Il Trono di Spade", ruolo per il quale ha ricevuto tre nomination agli Emmy Award) e Sam Claflin ( noto per aver interpretato il ruolo di William in Biancaneve e il cacciatore e Finnick Odair nei tre film di Hunger Games ) vestiranno i panni dei due protagonisti. Al cast si aggiungeranno poi Matthew Lewis (nel ruolo di Patrick, il fidanzato di Lou, anche conosciuto per aver interpretato Neville Paciock nella serie cinematografica di Harry Potter), Jenna Coleman ( nel ruolo di Katrina Clark, la sorella di Lou, nota soprattutto per il ruolo di Clara Oswald, compagna del Dottore nella serie televisiva fantascientifica Doctor Who), Brendan Coyle ( nel ruolo di Bernard Clark), Samantha Spiro ( nel ruolo di Josie Clark), Janet McTeer ( nel ruolo di Camilla Traynor), Charles Dance ( nel ruolo di Steven Traynor ), Ben Lloyd-Hughes (nel ruolo Rupert Freshwell, il migliore amico di Will), Vanessa Kirby ( nel ruolo di Alicia Dewar, l'ex fidanzata di Will, che durante il film si sposerà con Rupert) e Steve Peacocke ( nel ruolo di Nathan, il medico che segue quotidianamente Will). Il film, diretto da Thea Sharrock, ha incassato 56.2 milioni di dollari nel nord america e 141 milioni negli altri territori. In Italia il film ha raccolto 1.9 milioni di euro in soli 4 giorni di programmazione, che diventano 2.14 se si aggiungono le anteprime, e un totale di 7.077.691, diventando il ventunesimo film più visto del 2016. A livello mondiale la pellicola ha incassato $207.9 milioni, contro un budget di 20 milioni. – ♡ – Personalmente, ho amato maggiormente il libro, che consiglio a chiunque sia curioso di acquistarlo nonostante sia passato qualche anno dalla pubblicazione. Al contrario di ciò che accade nel film, nel libro le vicende vengono narrate da diversi punti di vista e ciò dà modo di scoprire maggiormente gli altri personaggi, le varie conseguenze di alcune azioni da loro compiute, il loro modo di pensare e, soprattutto, il loro carattere e il legame che li unisce gli uni con gli altri. Ho apprezzato molto anche il film, in particolare l'interpretazione di Sam Claflin, che nel film ha dovuto star fermo e trattenersi dal gesticolare, come suo solito fare. Ecco, in seguito, alcune dichiarazioni dell'attore sul ruolo interpretato ricavate da alcune domande poste dai suoi fan durante la sua presenza al Giffoni nel 2016: Per il 99% del film non ti muovi, se non dal collo in sù, hai recitato senza il corpo di fatto, ma come funziona? Non ti capitava mai di compiere istintivamente un movimento con un braccio o una mano? “Non è stato facile, sono dovuto diventare bravo a non muovermi per niente e mi ci sono voluti dei mesi. Ma non era così dall’inizio, con Emilia abbiamo parlato tantissimo di ogni scena e ogni battuta, arrivando alla fine alla decisione che sarebbe stato meglio se il mio personaggio fosse stato completamente immobile. Il romanzo infatti non specifica quanti movimenti il mio personaggio è in grado di fare dopo l’incidente. Ci è sembrato ragionevole che potesse muovere due dita così da dargli modo di guidare la sua sedia a rotelle, cosa che non tutti possono fare, ma non più di così. L’unica volta che mi sono dovuto muovere è stato quando, girando la scena in cui Emilia si siede sulle mie gambe e guida la sedia via dal matrimonio, lei ci stava mandando a sbattere contro la videocamera. Lì sono saltato via prima del disastro”. Si dice spesso che per rendere l’importanza e il potere di un personaggio conta più che altro come gli altri attori lo guardano, questo è vero anche per interpretare un disabile? Quanto conta nella tua interpretazione come eri guardato dagli altri? “C’è un po’ di tutte e due le componenti. Sicuramente io devo riuscire ad incarnare il personaggio ma lo sguardo altrui è parte di quel che rende giustizia alla parte. Quando ho incontrato vere persone sulla sedia a rotelle, durante la preparazione, ho capito subito che loro percepiscono il tuo disagio attraverso lo sguardo che hai. E io all’inizio in effetti ero a disagio con loro. Non sapevo come sedermi, né come salutarli o se dargli la mano, uno di questi mi ha mostrato come siano spesso loro a rompere il ghiaccio capendo queste esitazioni e la battuta che ha fatto quando ha visto che non sapevo se dargli la mano: “Basta anche solo che fai un inchino” l’ho inserita nel film. Per loro la cosa peggiore è quando la gente li guarda con pietà, non vedendo un essere umano ma solo una sedia a rotelle. Quello che ha colpito anche me è stato il coraggio di questo film, il fatto che sia veramente audace nel raccontare la sua storia. Il mio personaggio non è solo una persona su una sedia a rotelle, è un essere umano complicato e se ci aggiungi che su di lui pende questa decisione da prendere riguardo l’eutanasia capisci quanto tutto possa essere ancora più interessante. Io credo che ci sia proprio bisogno di una storia così, una che apre gli occhi ad un mondo che nessuno vuole guardare, preferiamo metterlo sotto il tappeto. Parlo soprattutto della decisione finale e dell’esistenza di Dignitas (di cui io non sapevo nulla prima di leggere il copione), sono materie mai trattate per bene nei film mentre Io Prima di Te non teme di inserirsi nel dibattito mondiale”. – ♡ – LA SCENA PIÙ EMOZIONANTE DEL ROMANZO / DEL FILM. La scena che più mi ha emozionato durante la visione del film e, soprattutto, durante la lettura del libro, è stata quella in cui Lou legge per la prima volta la lettera di Will scritta da lui ( se leggerete il libro capirete come) prima di morire. Siete curiosi di leggerla? Eccola qui! ” Clark, quando leggerai questa lettera saranno passate alcune settimane (anche considerando le tue inaspettate capacità organizzative, dubito che tu sia riuscita a raggiungere Parigi prima dell’inizio di settembre). Spero che il caffè sia buono e i croissant freschi, e che ci sia ancora un po’ di sole per stare seduta fuori su una di quelle sedie di metallo sempre traballanti sul marciapiede. Non è male, il Marquis. Anche la bistecca è buona, se ti va di tornare per pranzo. E se guardi più avanti lungo la strada, alla tua sinistra, dovresti vedere L’Artisan Parfumeur dove, dopo aver letto questa lettera, ti consiglio di andare a provare un profumo che mi pare si chiami Papillons Extreme (non ricordo bene). Ho sempre pensato che sarebbe stato delizioso su di te. Okay istruzioni terminate. Ci sono alcune cose che ti volevo dire e che ti avrei detto di persona, ma a) ti saresti messa a piangere e b) non mi avresti lasciato finire. Hai sempre chiacchierato troppo. Dunque: l’assegno che hai trovato nella prima busta che ti ha consegnato Michael Lawler non era l’intera somma, ma solo un regalino per aiutarti ad affrontare le prime settimane da disoccupata e farti arrivare a Parigi. Quando tornerai in Inghilterra dovrai portare questa lettera a Michael nel suo ufficio a Londra, e lui ti darà i documenti necessari per avere accesso a un conto che ha intestato a te su mia richiesta. Sul conto c’è quanto basta per sceglierti un bel posticino dove vivere e per pagare l’università e le spese correnti per mantenerti durante il periodo di studi a tempo pieno. I miei genitori saranno messi al corrente di tutto. Spero che questo, insieme all’apporto legale di Michael Lawler, faccia sì che ci sia meno trambusto possibile. Clark, già ti vedo andare in iperventilazione. Non cominciare a farti prendere dal panico e non tentare di svincolare. Tutto questo non sarà sufficiente per farti restare seduta in panciolle per il resto della tua vita, ma dovrebbe almeno regalarti la libertà, sia da quella claustrofobica cittadina che entrambi chiamiamo casa, sia dal tipo di scelte che finora ti sei sentita in obbligo di fare. Non ti sto dando questo denaro perché voglio che tu pensi a me con nostalgia o mi sia riconoscente o lo veda come un ingombrante ricordo. Te lo dono perché non ho più molti motivi per essere felice, ma tu sei uno di questi. Sono consapevole che conoscermi ti ha causato sofferenza e dolore, e mi auguro che un giorno, quando sarai meno arrabbiata con me e meno sconvolta, capirai non solo che non avrei potuto fare altrimenti, ma anche che questo ti aiuterà a vivere una vita davvero bella, una vita migliore di quella che avresti vissuto se non mi avessi incontrato. Per qualche tempo ti sentirai a disagio nel tuo nuovo mondo. Ci si sente sempre disorientati quando si viene sbalzati fuori dal proprio angolino rassicurante. Ma spero che tu sia un po’ elettrizzata. Il tuo viso quando sei tornata dall’immersione mi ha detto tutto: c’è fame in te, Clark. C’è audacia, l’hai soltanto sepolta, come fa gran parte della gente. Non ti sto dicendo di buttarti da un grattacielo o di nuotare con le balene o cose di questo genere (anche se in cuor mio mi piacerebbe che lo facessi), ma di sfidare la vita. Metticela tutta. Non adagiarti. Indossa quelle calze a righe con orgoglio. E se proprio insisti a volerti sistemare con qualche tizio strampalato, assicurati di mettere in serbo un po’ di questa vitalità. Sapere che hai ancora delle possibilità è un lusso. Sapere che potrei avertele date io è stato motivo di sollievo per me. Così stanno le cose. Sei scolpita nel mio cuore, Clark, fin dal primo giorno in cui sei arrivata con i tuoi abiti ridicoli, le tue terribili battute e la tua totale incapacità di nascondere ogni minima sensazione. Tu hai cambiato la mia vita molto più di quanto questo denaro potrà cambiare la tua. Non pensare a me troppo spesso. Non voglio pensarti in un mare di lacrime.Vivi bene. Semplicemente, vivi. Con amore, Will. ”
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mariuskalander · 5 years
Cosa stai aspettando? I casting di #MasterChefIt sono già iniziati 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳 Invia subito la tua candidatura ➡️ https://t.co/SR2Rfz5yno FORZAAAAAAA! 💪 pic.twitter.com/7siIIW0b8O
— MasterChef Italia (@MasterChef_it) February 20, 2020
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nidhyun · 7 years
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And D-day is come. 8 Oktober 2017. Oke, sebagai fans Luhan aku turut seneng denger kabar @7_luhan_m yang akhirnya punya pacar & ngenalin pacarnya. Lufans pasti inget gege pernah bilang dia bakal nikah antara umur 27-28. Dan aku pikir, dia bukan tipikal yang bakalan main-main sama sebuah hubungan. Wah...aku beneran nangis, untuk yang kedua kali, setelah yang pertama pas Luge keluar dari EXO dan yang kedua pas Luhan ngumumin dia punya pacar. Sakit hati? Come on, aku cuma fangirl biasa yang juga punya perasaan para fangirl pada umumnya. Tapi udah ini pasti udahan juga sakit hatinya. Well, setelah Kyuhyun, Luhan bias kesayanganku dan dia banyak banget ngasih energi positif buat aku. Karena ini diumumin di weibo Luhan, bahkan salah satu akun yang selaku aku ikuti "Fyeah! Luhan" juga udah nge tweet soal ini, aku anggap ini bener. Sekali lagi, selamat ya, jangan pacaran kelamaan, buruan nikah aja susulin tuh Rain ama Song Joong Ki. Pokoknya sayangin pacarnya ya Ge. . . Ps. So, how about my stories? Aku tipikal yang nggak bisa nulis soal biasku yang udah "berpasangan", bahkan selama Kai-Krystal pacaran aja aku nggak nulis apa apa soal Kai. Aku nggak tahu kedepannya bakalan masih nulis ff Luhan atau nggak. Aku juga nggak janji bakalan nerusin ff yang berkaitan sama Luhan. Mungkin, ada beberapa yang bakal aku lanjut dan aku remake. Tapi aku butuh waktu buat "ngebenerin" perasaan aku, mental aku yang shock banget, dan...semuanya. Aku juga udah terlalu tua buat jadi fangirl wkwk. So, mungkin aku juga bakalan ngurangi nulia ff dan fokus di bidang lain. Atau mungkin aku malah ngekapelin mereka hahaha. Sekali lagi, aku cuma butuh waktu. Ini belum aku share di wordpress & wattpad. Mudah mudahan readers aku nggak ngamuk mana ffku Luhan semua isinya >< thanks always be with Nidhyun and my fav cast, Ariel & Luhan. Aku selalu dukung gege dan aku tetep sayang gege. Love 😙😚💕
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korokuu · 8 years
Logan & Split
Awal bulan ini (Maret 2017) banyak banget rilisan film film baru dari Indonesia sendiri maupun impor dari Hollywood. Kalo dari Indonesia salah satunya ada London Love Story II, dan dari Hollywood ada Logan dan Split salah duanya. Boleh kan ya gw bahas dikit soal film film diatas? Haha. Oh ya, yang mau dibahas film Logan sama Split aja ya, soalnya London Love Story II ga nonton. Haha. Ok kita mulai. Logan, yang disutradarai oleh James Mangold serasa spesial karena jadi film terakhir dari sekuel Wolverine yang di perankan Hugh Jackman. Berhubung gw ga ngikutin serial xmen dari awal jadi takut comot informasi dari gugel perihal sejarahnya. Haha. Berhubung film ini sangat fenomenal jadi banyak yang penasaran nonton, salah satunya gw. Haha. Jujur gw sendiri penasaran bukan karena ini film terakhir dari Hugh Jackman untuk Wolverine, tapi karena banyak yang tweet dan bilang kalo film ini masuk rating R - Restricted. Dan sekali lagi jujut gw nonton karena tweet seorang temen yang ngetweet pake bahasa inggris yang intinya kalo ada adek adek atau anak anak nonton harus ada pendampingan orang tua atau yang lebih dewasa. Yang bikin gw penasaran, se-retricted apasih film Logan ini. Akhirnya nontonlah gw film ini dan menuntaskan penasaran saya atas ke-restricted-an film ini. Haha. Kalo mengacu pada putusan Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) tentang rating film. CARA menentukan rating Restricted dengan himbauan "Anak-anak bawah usia 17 tahun diharuskan didampingi Orang Tua atau orang yang lebih Dewasa." Dan mengapa harus didampingi orang tua atau orang yang lebih dewasa? Menurut CARA, sebuah film dengan rating "R", berisi beberapa materi dewasa dan mencakup tema-tema orang dewasa, aktivitas orang dewasa, bahasa yang kasar, kekerasan yang ekstrim atau berkelanjutan (lebih dari sekali), ketelanjangan berorientasi seksual, penyalahgunaan obat-obatan atau unsur-unsur lainnya, sehingga orangtua harus menaruh perhatian sangat serius. (Detailnya bisa cek : http://utakatikfilm.blogspot.co.id/2011/03/arti-rating-dalam-film.html?m=1 ). Untuk peraturan rating ini dibuat oleh Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) dibawah naungan MPAA dan National Association of Theater Owners (NATO) yang berbasis di Amerika tentunya. Setelah gw nonton, gw malah punya pendapat lain tentang rating film ini. Harusnya, ketika di Indonesia, film ini jadi film hanya untuk 18+ dan anak anak atau adik adik dibawah umur itu tidak boleh masuk bioskop sekalipun dengan orang tua atau didampingi orang dewasa. Bukan karena banyak adegan bercumbu atau apalah sejenisnya, melainkan adanya adegan pembunuhan dan atau kekerasan ekstrim yang bekelanjutan yang dilakukan oleh pemeran yang masih dibawah umur 17 tahun. Berhubung ini di Indonesia, dan kenapa gw menyarankan untuk tidak ada anak-anak di bioskop untuk film ini, karena anak muda bawah 17th di Indonesia yang merupakan generasi milenial yang agak unch, takutnya ditiru sebagai cara untuk bunuh temennya. Kan miris. Satu contoh hal ketika acara televisi Smackdown beberapa taun silam yang jadi salah satu tutorial membunuh temannya yang paling sahih. Kembali lagi, sayangnya, ketika gw nonton film ini masih banyak (lebih dari satu, bisa dua, tiga) anak anak yang diajak nonton film ini, dan gw perkirakan umur mereka masih 4-5tahun-an. Orang tua yang huff. Gw yakin orang tuanya pasti beranggapan, "ah, anak kecil ga mungkin memperhatikan detail" , tapi jangan salah, ketika anak umur segitu ketika dia memperhatikan bakal nance banget di otaknya. Salah satu contohnya, ketika Logan marah dan berlari di hutan dan mengaum seperti serigala, ada salah satu anak yang menirukan auman di film itu, sontak saja seluruh bioskop ketawa karena ada auman yang unch. Tapi miris. Haha. Oke masalah rating sudah dulu. Selanjutnya masalah nalar dan akal sehat. Di film itu, banyak sekali cast anak kecil yang terlibat meskipun hanya figuran. Berhubung ini film superhero/mutan, dan ceritanya yang anak anak tadi hasil kloningan dari mutan mutan terdahulu dan sudah punya kekuatan super banget. Tapi, ketika si Logan dan 'anaknya' itu terhimpit, si anak anak super tadi malah diem aja, ketakutan. Oke ga masalah soalnya mereka masih anak kecil, kurang sadar akan kemampuan untuk bantu bantu. Tapi, ada scene yang ngelihatin kalo mereka bijak banget dan sakti banget. Disitulah akal sehat gw pribadi agak dicurangi. Ya mungkin namanya anak kecil emosinya labil, kadang jadi bijak kadang bodor banget. Haha. Tapi hal itu semua dapat dimaafkan dengan sugesti, ini Filmnya Logan, dan ini film perpisahannya Logan sama Hugh Jackman, jadi bisalah dimaafkan untuk itu semua. Haha. Selanjutnya, Split. Film garapan M. Night shyamalan ini mengusung genre Thriller/Horor yang diperankan James McAvoy. Ceritanya sih, tentang Kevin Crumb yang punya 23 kepribadian yang lain, atah bisa dikatakan sebagai psikopat. Oh ya singkat cerita aja, film ini ceritanya datar datar aja ga ada yang bikin tegang atau bikin kaget. Kejadian mencekamnya malah terjadi setelah menit 60, jadi selama sejam kita lempeng2 aja, buat memahami siapa sih Dennis, Barry, Kevin, Patricia, dll bagi yang ga baca sinopsis dulu sebelum nonton. Haha. Tapi garis besarnya, film ini tentang dua orang (kevin dan casey) yang sama sama menderita kekerasan di masa lalu/masa kecil. Oh ya, Night Shyamalan ini terkenal banget suka bikin film yang agak gitu gitu. Haha. Ya salah satu filmnya The Sixth Sense, Signs, After Earth dan Unbreakable. Haha. Dan jangan heran kalo di ending film Split ini kalian bakal kaget soalnya ada Bruce Willis muncul. Haha.ya itu karena Night Shyamalan sudah ancang2 produksi Unbreakable 2. Ya sudah segitu aja dari gw, kalo ga sependapat ya gapapa sih. Haha. Namanya juga opini. Film selanjutnya apa? Suka suka gw sih, dan lihat siapa yang ngajak nonton. Haha. Kamu mau ngajak nonton? Boleh kok. Salam, Bgskrwbw
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