#ttte gordon's siblings
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mwolf0epsilon ¡ 1 month ago
We live in a world where Gordon's siblings and cousins personalities are up for grabs in terms of interpretation, so everyone has that one chosen sibling/cousin who is The Insufferable Bitch Of All Time™ and I think that's magical.
Anyway, my version of Gordon essentially served as an educator/parental figure for his baby siblings up until he was brought to Sodor, with the majority of them being fairly amicable to him (some bonds were stronger, some inevitably drifted apart), and the later generations being more indifferent because they only had stories of him (and were 'raised' by the much older siblings that he nurtured).
The situation varies more with his cousins, since they were more familiar with Great Northern than they were Gordon.
On Ryan's side of the family, there's a good deal of respect since Gresley Tank Engines were taught to be mindful of their tender engine contemporaries and their "sensibilities" (it wouldn't do to sully the Gresley name by having an internal class war), while on Spencer's side it's... Well... Err...Very very complicated.
The sense of superiority that Mallard brought on after he broke Flying Scotsman's speed record tipped the balance, and put a bit of a strain on both sides of the coin so to speak... In fact, the one A4 that has shown any sense of respect for Gordon or any of his late (and still living) siblings is Sir Nigel Gresley. It's hard to get a read on the others since they'd rather be scrapped than show genuine emotion/vulnerability.
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bruhstation ¡ 2 months ago
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gordon and scott's dearly missed siblings. appearances here based on how they last looked before they passed away (that's why garrett looks significantly younger than bonnie and etc)
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islandoffuckingsodor ¡ 4 months ago
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pirate-fan-rachelle ¡ 2 months ago
Ngl, the first time I saw the Flying Scotsman in T&F, he immediately became my new favorite.
Gordon took me several days for me to like him (because of how arrogant he is)
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But The Flying Scotsman on the other hand?
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eyesinspaceisgone ¡ 1 year ago
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Local Old Man has a breakdown for not remembering his siblings
Fanart for @hkpika07 :)
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ttte-yurishica ¡ 1 year ago
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Green and blue siblings >>>>
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askyoungiron ¡ 1 year ago
GORDON: *glowering* This is absurd. Goodbye.
HENRY: I mean, there are worse diesels out there.
BOCO: I'm very flattered. Goodness me! 😳
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uselessalexis165 ¡ 2 years ago
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tried making some ttte memes (134)
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yurishica ¡ 2 years ago
Just was wondering. Had someone except me, though about James and Gordon's older sibling / younger sibling dynamic?
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mwolf0epsilon ¡ 24 days ago
I think out of all of Gordon's siblings, Great Northern being his very first sibling would have made them very close. Not just in age, but emotionally as well.
Think about it.
Gordon as a prototype existed specifically as proof of concept and for stress testing the original draft design of Gresley's A1 Pacifics. He was likely put through a very meticulous and arduous trial phase to gauge all of his strengths and limitations, as well as single out whatever faults the original concept design would need to have ironed out before the final product was put into production.
He would have been alone and been worked to the frame, holding the potential fate of whatever kin may come out of his hard work over his funnel, never quite knowing if he was enough to warrant a new class of locomotive being brought into being.
Until one day another engine who's his spitting image but fully finished and painted, rolls over to him and greets him as his newly-built brother. That would have probably been a very impactful moment for him. Which, of course, only makes what happened to that particular sibling (who was once a very iconic and beloved engine in his own right) all the much worse...
As the prototype of Gresley's A1 Pacifics, Gordon likely never wanted to outlive any of his brothers. Especially not his first little brother who's mere existence proved that Gordon accomplished his very purpose in life with flying colours...
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bruhstation ¡ 1 year ago
Will we ever see any designes or concept art for Spencer's siblings? Besides his younger brother mallard?
How many siblings does Spencer have?
What do you think Spencer looked like when he was younger?
spencer has 8 siblings, with him being the third oldest. in order from oldest to youngest is nigel (named after the gresleys’ very distant relative), golden shuttle, spencer, mallard, bittern, gadwall, osprey, dominion of canada, and peregrine. most of these aren’t their real names in casa tidmouth but I put them here anyways so you know which lner a4 they’re “based off”
at the moment, I don’t have sketches of them because I need to think about their designs (dominion of canada looks oddly similar to mallard, and I need to give at least one of them a full beard AND HAVE ANOTHER NATURAL BLONDIE), but I do have a plan to show them alongside gordon’s late siblings and their updated designs.
speaking of younger spencer though, I managed to finish this mini lineup of the three most recurring gresleys in their smallest states.
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younger spencer enjoyed pulling younger gordon into his stupid ideas like climbing trees or stealing a flower pot from the neighbor’s yard because he’s easily convinced and spencer promised to give gordon 50 pounds if he does it. in reality spencer just wanted to see gordon get grounded for once. spencer would also try to pin the blame on gordon when they get caught but nobody would believe him. then he’ll get a flick to the forehead by younger scott. such is the suite life of the gresleys when things were more peaceful
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hkpika07 ¡ 1 year ago
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Quick Dragon Gordon sketch. Still figuring out his design. Also, there's a bit of a lore dump below the cut if you're interested.
1: He's the dragon clan's patriarch.
2: His dragon species is a European Colossal Dragon. One of the largest and most dangerous dragon species.
3: He's among the last of his kind. The rest were wiped out by humans. All except him and Scott remain.
4: He possesses some sort of thunder and lightning ability, which is common for his breed.
5: His flame is blue, the strongest of all dragon fire breaths.
6: He is the tallest and largest dragon out of the entire clan.
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esperfruit ¡ 8 months ago
TTTE Human AU Character Bonus facts Part 2
Darius Diesel:
Owns a black motorcycle
German + Iranian
Bisexual disaster 
D10, Arry, Bert and Sonny are the only ones that call him Darius
Has a strong fondness for cute animals, especially ducklings
Currently works on smoking less
Built up an unhealthy tough guy persona over the years, tries to let go of it
Got his scar over his eye in a fight with D10
Does struggle a lot with understanding his own emotions and thus expressing them
Self-conscious about his cackling after Donald made fun of it once  
His parents named him after the Persian king Darius III
Is crazy good at magic tricks ( thank you Full of Surprises)
Fluent in English, German and Persian
His relations to Duck are currently described as “complicated”
Scott “Flying Scotsman” Gresley:
Wanted to be a skateboarder as a teen but his family disapproved 
Still holds many regrets for being a very neglectful older brother for so many years
Best social skills out of all Gresleys
Secretly has a drinking problem
Cares about his model engines as if they were his own children
Went missing for a while when he was on a trip to America
Loves PDA, disappointed he can’t show it with Truro in public
Keeps all his influential relatives close to keep an eye on them to avoid more conspiracies 
Likes giving public interviews except when it’s about Gresley family matters
Often played harmless pranks on his younger siblings as a teen
Spencer Gresley:
Has an eye for jewelry and knows what looks good one someone
Unironically calls himself “Spencer the Grand”
Barely had any freedom as a child because of his controlling parents
He's very insecure and gets easily defensive
Does shady underground businesses 
Caused several assassinations to eliminate competition 
Stole, broke or hid Gordon’s belongings as a child
Incapable of introspection, never sees any flaw in himself
If you offended him once, he will be your biggest hater forever
Will brag about his wealth and fame at any given opportunity 
Loves spoiling his romantic partners with his riches 
Ryan Gresley:
Very fast runner, won multiple competitions and is considered an olympia candidate
British + Moroccan
ADD + dyslexia + dyscalculia
Straight ally
Early bird, goes jogging every day at 5 AM as a warm-up 
Very uncomfortable in growing up in a strict and stuck-up Gresley household
His family only started supporting his running career after he gathered fame for it
Huge fan of sci-fi books even if he can only finish two per year 
An extrovert but also very shy
Sneaks into arcades when he takes a day-off from  training
Is used to receiving a lot of love letters but is too shy to even open them
A bit oblivious to when he’s being teased or when someone is annoyed with him without openly showing it
Often helps Daisy out at taking care of the apartment complex
Sonny Evans:
Has barely any recollection of his childhood, only remembers his time at the smuggling ring
British + Korean
Low blood pressure, struggles waking up in the morning
Apologized to Rosie for being so rude to her at the start
Enjoys rides around the island with Diesel on Diesel’s motorcycle
While way more accepted now, many still avoid him
Became friends with Paxton, Sidney, Norman, Den and Dart over time
Has a dry sense of humor and says things very deadpanned, Diesel loves it
Sonny and Diesel secretly investigate the island for traces of D10 
Bad at arguing, usually walks off when frustrated
Subconscious resting intimidating glare
Hiro Kawasaki:
A pacifist, only uses his strength to help others
Bisexual + demi + non-binary
Never used a single swear word in his life
Has mastered the ability of making a good first impression
Suffers from frequent homesickness
Despite his missing sense of touch making him feel uneasy, he takes full advantage of it
His determination can easily become stubborn and lead him into endangering himself
Perfectionist and prioritizes getting a job done over his own needs
Great interest in the evolution of global architecture and wants to learn about the current era as possible since he missed out on so much 
Bill and Ben Bagnall:
Constantly try to trick Donald and Douglas and fail miserably every time
ADHD (both)
Have been in detention more than every other student
Know every trick in the book on how to cheat on tests
Often do the opposite of what they’re ordered to out of spite
Saved a group of workers from a landslide once and Thomas at a second time and have been bragging about it since then
Bill loves teasing Ben over being the older twin
Get very upset when they are accused of things so bad not even they would do and are very vocal about it
Boris “BoCo” Bagnall:
Got his nickname for his interest in the CoBo diesel engine
Straight ally
Has a very distinct way of saying “do you mind?”
Calls his sons “little bees”
Old friend of Edward since university and stayed in contact even before he moved to Sodor
Gordon sees him as a good friend after he thought BoCo saved his life even if it was just a misunderstanding
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ttteskits ¡ 2 months ago
Normally people ttte power of three groups: The Three Railway Engines (Edward, Henry and Gordon) or Thomas, James and Emily
Me: Three Edwardian war traumatised engines (Edward, Donald and Douglas)
I would bloody pay to see an episode (model, CGI, fan made, anything) of the twins finding out it was Edward who suggested the deputation that ultimately saved them (bonus points if the Fat Controller found out one of his most reliable engines suggested 'interference'). Or a callback episode to Redward working with the twins on the Dumfries and Lockerbie line, the line that linked the Furness Railway to the Caledonian Railway.
Edward was built a few months after the twins in 1906
The reason Edward worked on the Dumfries and Lockerbie line rather than the Furness mainline despite being an express engine is that the Furness was a lot more strict in its standards. Due to him being a shy steamer, Edward - at the time being a Nameless engine, just Furness 4652 - worked on a different line. This is where he met the twins - Caledonian 829 (Donald) and Caledonian 830 (Douglas)
Despite the difference in their work and view on goods work, the three got along well, the twins even getting Edward to somewhat change his perspective on it but not completely
Douglas lost his first driver, who was going to visit family in America, to the sinking of the Titanic
In 1914, almost every steam engine built pre-1909 was sent to the front lines to haul supply trains and, if you were unlucky, rail guns. However, the war coal actually worked better with Edward than standard coal so he was working in the same way his siblings were. This kept the three's spirits up for a month
They met Emily, who was hauling injured soldiers and supplies, there too and she acted as a mother figure
During the Christmas truce of 1914, they met four German engines - Hanna, twins Heinrich and Otto, and Karla. Edward and Hanna were smitten (like smokebox over tender smitten) with each other, much to their friends' amusement and teasing
When the three returned from the war in 1918, Edward was deemed 'too broken and unstable' (trauma) for use by the Furness and was sold to Sodor to make him their problem. This actually did Edward some good because the moment he showed up on Sodor, he was named Edward. He didn't understand why as, on the mainland, names had to be earned. Sir Charles's reason was that being in war was more than enough reason to name an engine and that 'every engine deserves a name'
Post WW2 after the twins were officially bought by the NWR, Edward's driver attempted to get into contact with the German engines. It was a success and all eight now exchange letters through their crews. Edward and Hanna are still smitten.
No one believes the twins when they say how Edward used to be until Edward confirms it
The RMS Olympic, after hiding from the cutter's torch for many years, made a reappearance at Brendam Docks and rekindled her friendship with Edward. Historians have never been so confused as to how they missed a whole ocean liner at sea for several decades straight. This is a source of great amusement for the twins, Edward and Olympic
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unpopularvivian ¡ 1 year ago
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 112
Gordon: Wait, so...All of my siblings are dead?....
Sir Topham Hatt: Yes Gordon, only your brother, Flying Scotsman, is alive.
Gordon: .......
Gordon: This looks like the perfect time to scream on the top of my damn lungs.
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biggsodorcitystories ¡ 9 months ago
any tugs and ttte headcanon you have and their angst
That's a very BROAD ask. I'm not 100% certain if the following is exactly the answer you want. I'll be honest, I think it would be too much if I gave you every headcanon I have, so I'll just pick a few angsty ones that I haven't really shared. If you want any specific character headcanons, it might be easier to ask for then outright - I would be happy to share!
Flying Scotsman, for all his bluster, has a lot of unresolved trauma from his time hiding in America and from the loss of his siblings. When he returned home, he became convinced that Mallard wanted to take his position as public head of the Gresley family (officially, this is actually Gordon), and the two are no longer speaking. He also has an irrational jealousy towards Henry, not only for 'stealing' his position of Gordon's brother, but is also convinced that Henry is trying to take control of the family. Without the support system of friends and family, Scotsman has no way of handling these issues until he is forced to after a mental breakdown.
Spencer's position as a private engine has made him a figure of scorn outside of Sodor. Private engines, though benefitting from the security of their status, are looked down upon by engines on the mainland due to their limited workloads and better variety of routes. Years of being shunned and told he is a 'toy' or 'pet' engine, who has no understanding of hard work, has made Spencer's early life a very lonely one, and he struggled to form many relationships as he had no idea how to behave until he was able to spend more time on Sodor.
Though he would never admit it, Diesel is terrified of being sent away from Sodor. During recent visits, he has discovered that most of his friends have been scrapped, and he knows another failure will result in his own last trip to the scrapyard.
Thomas has developed an attachment to Edward, whom he had been assigned to by Sir Topham Hatt I, which was a common practice for broody engines and orphan engines. Unfortunately, he left them together for too long, resulting in Thomas imprinting on Edward. Though he is much improved, Thomas wants nothing more than than to become Edward's son for real, which is why he tried dating Lady.
Big Mickey is the son of Big Mickey from TUGs, but became nonverbal after the death of his father, and was unable to speak until he had been on Sodor for many years. He has a very rational phobia of military vessels and vehicles, which render him immobile.
Hercules, though he has become an expert in masking them, has very serious attachment issues. In particular, he is overly attached to his grandfather, Captain Starr, to the extent that he gets jealous when one of his siblings seems to be getting more attention than he is. This is due to the emotional neglect administered by his father.
Zorran took great pride in his status as a family man, working hard to provide his wife and five children with a better life. However, he learned that his wife had been cheating on him with multiple partners when she left him for one of them. In an attempt to save face, she tried to spread rumours that Zorran was an abusive husband and father due to being in an inappropriate relationship with his sister, Ziva. Although none of this was true, and was quickly proven to be lies, the betrayal hit Zorran hard, causing him to lash out at his fleet, in particular his nephew Zip. He is slowly trying to put his life back together, and currently has full custody of his eldest son, Zane.
Zebedee is dealing with the agony of being forcibly separated from his wife, children, and family after almost killing his ex brother-in-law. His two youngest sons are almost strangers to him, and missing the milestones of their (and their siblings) childhood years is especially hard for him. He is currently conflicted about his position within the Zero fleet, for fear that his sentence may be extended due to the fleets legally questionable connections.
Zug is extremely lonely, and it is largely his own actions that have caused it. Due to his habit of snitching to Zorran about their actions, Zebedee is very cautious and short with him and Zak has actually made serious physical threats if he sees Zug hanging around them. Though Zorran has made use of Zug's snitching, he still has no time for the Estonian switcher, and Captain Zero is no better. Zip is the only one who is kind to him, but Zug has noticed that the others are much nicer to Zip, so how long will that last?
Grampus has developed agoraphobia after an incident in the Great War (WWI). He is alright in familiar environments, such as around the port, but is prone to panic attacks if he goes much further than Dem Der Rocks unless he has a specific task to complete.
Sunshine, like his twin sister, was the victim of maternal neglect due to their mother's mental health and bullying due to their lack of a father. However, Sunshine suffered additional abuse from bullies while protecting his sister. This has begun to take its toll, and now they have a family and the security they never had, the cracks are beginning to show...
I hope this is in line with what you wanted. If you want any individual character headcanons, please ask again!
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