#tsutsumi natsumi // edge
gamergirlshelby · 3 years
Round 3: Tokiya Iori vs Tsutsumi Natsumi
Alright everyone, here is the fight Tokiya has been dreading the possibility of since the tournament began.
Content Warnings: Fighting and Heavy Injuries (Pretty much just for Tokiya, mans got his head handed to him)
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Extra Credits: Art and Tsutsumi by @glitchviper, go follow them, their art is so cool!
Without further adieu, let the fight begin!
Tokiya had been dreading the inevitability of the fight for Round 3 of the tournament. Ever since the full bracket had been revealed for Round 1, Tokiya knew he would have a rough time with all of the possible contenders if he had made it to round 3.
Then Tokiya had won their fights in both rounds 1 and 2, making it all the way to round 3. That was when Tokiya knew it had been the beginning of the end.
Tokiya had walked up the side of the arena as he had done twice before, having concocted a plan to win against Natsumi before hand. The plan left little room for error, so Tokiya needed to be as careful to make sure he could enact the plan without any issue. Unfortunately for Tokiya they did not have all of the variables to make sure the plan would go flawlessly.
The plan was to fast forward fast enough to be able to use the outer momentum to push Natsumi out of the boundaries, ending the battle quickly so Tokiya can move on to the next round without much stress. The issue was how fast would Tokiya need to go, because if he fast forwarded to fast there would be no energy created since for him his surroundings would be as if they had been slowed, so no momentum could be created, essentially having Tokiya teleport to the desired spot instead of rushing there with a large amount of force. There was also the issue of how much force would Tokiya need to be able to actually move Natsumi, who is much bigger than Tokiya in stature. Tokiya could also try to slow Natsumi down, but that would also cause her to move slower when being pushed out of bounds, maybe giving her the chance to grab him, which would make it hard for Tokiya to get the clean cut victory he had wished for.
Tokiya then took a deep breath, and waited for the announcer to begin the countdown to the start of the fight.
"Alright everybody! It's time for the next fight for round 3 of this year's Sports Festival! As per usual I am the announcer for those of you at home and in the stands, Present Mic! With me today is my co-announcer Eraserhead! How are you doing today, buddy?!"
"I'm waiting for you to do the countdown so the fight can start." Eraserhead said to his loud friend.
Tokiya didn't mind Present Mic's loud behavior, it reminded him of Ina from back home, even if Ina is never nearly as loud as Mic could be. "Alright, alright, now a reminder to the combatants, the fight is over once either one of the combatants is out of bounds or is unable to continue fighting. Now the fight will begin in 3! 2! 1!"
"Go." Eraserhead said, cutting in.
The second Tokiya heard the go ahead, he activated his fast forward, going to 20x speed, the fastest he had gone during the Sports Festival. Tokiya then immediately began running toward Natsumi, then once he reached Natsumi his plan immediately came crashing down, as she had then grabbed him. "Crap." Tokiya said before getting thrown across the stadium.
Tokiya reacted quickly however, stopping his fast forward, by saying "Stop." as a verbal cue to help him focus on stopping his fast forward. Tokiya then quickly used his slow down to help him slowly fall down to help avoid the massive amount of damage from being quickly thrown to the ground. Tokiya then got up from the ground, and looked back up to Natsumi, who had appeared to have been transformed since before Tokiya had even noticed the changes. "She must be fast enough to at least react to my speed in that form." Tokiya thought to himself. "This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought."
Natsumi then formed a short sword using her shadows. She must be trying to keep me in a specific area of the arena. "I can improvise with that." Tokiya thought. Tokiya then rushed forward towards Natsumi. If Tokiya could throw Natsumi off-guard for even a second, he could gain the upper hand and win the fight. And his plan involved the short sword Natsumi had created using her shadows.
Tokiya's plan was to cause a small cut using Natsumi's short sword, causing her to be distracted for at least a moment, hopefully giving Tokiya the opportunity to push Natsumi out of bounds. Tokiya knew that Natsumi would try to avoid causing serious injury using her weapons as often as possible in a combat situation, so it was extremely likely she would take a second to react to Tokiya's risky decision. Plus, Tokiya should be able to rewind himself to a point before the injury as long as the short sword doesn't cause to much damage.
Tokiya then rushed towards Natsumi at 10x speed, who was thrown off guard by Tokiya's risky behavior. Tokiya then grabbed a hold of Natsumi's arm adjusting the sword to give Tokiya a small cut on his arm. Just as planned, Natsumi had been disoriented for a moment giving Tokiya a moment to try and shove Natsumi out of bounds. However when Tokiya had tried to shove Natsumi, he couldn't. Tokiya was not strong enough to have Natsumi move a muscle, and this realization had made Tokiya freeze for a moment. This had given Natsumi the advantage she needed to kick Tokiya off her. That had been the point where it had been the beginning of the end for Tokiya.
After Natsumi had kicked Tokiya off her, she did not give him any time to get back up, and was quick to grab him again. At this point Tokiya had realized that she was going to try and end the fight as quickly as possible. Tokiya had decided to try and fast forward himself to try and shake out of Natsumi's grip on his arm, but it was no use, she just had to strong of a grip on Tokiya. After that, Natsumi had thrown Tokiya out of bounds. Unfortunately Tokiya was still fast forwarded so what was meant to be a nice little drop outside of the boundaries of the arena turned into basically yeeting Tokiya onto the concrete, with an audible crack.
"Well folks," Present Mic began, "It looks like Tokiya Iori is out of bounds, as well as unable to continue battling! I would now like to announce that Tsutsumi Natsumi is the winner of the fight and will be moving on to the next round!"
Tokiya then began to talk, visibly in a lot of pain. "Hey uhhh Natsumi?"
"...Yeah?" The severity of the situation immediately hitting her the second Tokiya hit the ground.
"Could you take me to Recovery Girl's office? I think I bit my tongue."
As two members of UA's medical staff enter the arena with a stretcher, Natsumi responded, after pausing a moment. "I honestly don't know how to talk to you sometimes Iori."
"Hehe, yeah. Congrats on winning by the way. It was a fun fight even though I had no chance."
"Thanks, but I'd argue that you had a bit of a chance." Natsumi responded, but Tokiya didn't believe her.
"If you say so." Tokiya said before being brought off to the medical wing by the staff.
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zer0-10 · 3 years
A1 Tsutsumi would be pretty cool 🥺👉👈
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Someone dun FUCKED UP!!
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
“Yeah I could probably lift a decent amount of people in the two classes up no problem. Look.” *proceeds to lift Ikuto up onto her shoulder, holding him via a flex like position*(hope I explained that well lol)
I mean he's very IMPRESSED but also oh my god someone just picked him up like a small dog, is he that light? (nope, tsumi's just that strong) prepare for a very red-faced boy who is now slightly more scared of you
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
Offers up big sis Tsumi for the opinions of you’re still doing them :D
-slightly intimidated by her at first to be honest
-thats such a cool quirk holy shit
-aesthetic appreciation. tsumi pretty.
-what candy does she like???
-ayume doesn't mind training with her, it's a good challenge. Unfortunately, despite their height ayume is also very yeetable.
-tsumi 🤝 ayume: scaring the hell out of people in the dorms at 3am
-i feel like they probably would've hung out before probably through SmogChamp and she gives off good vibes.
-they spot eachother on the same twitch chat at 2am. neither of them bring it up.
-she can respect the Big Sister Energy
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
For the ship thing, I feel like you'd get the blue/red ships, because if there's a character features blue, one of their biggest ships is gonna be with a character featuring red
no god please no this would not happen in canon and i fear how the fandom would handle this one..... he's afraid of tsumi because she reminds them of their parents/authority and seems really strict (in his mind, not like they interact much) noT because they have a secret crush
I actually kindof like evan & hoshiz and with a height difference like that and several sorta opposite attract pieces the fandom would adore this ship. I do think they would be very cute u.u they make little dragons sculptures and they really do vibe <3 but he is taken (in about 17.62 years)
p please yeah i???
I've mentioned this a bit in the first sunday i believe, I think they'd be kinda cute but fandom interpretation would do them Both So Dirty. But given their fairly similar lives before UA and excitable/open versus anxious/reclusive vibes, I think it'd be a pretty wholesome ship executed right :> he is Still Taken already tho.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
Tsumi is a friend and big sister to all, Ikuto is no exception. They’d probably have really chill hang outs just kinda sitting around doing whatever comes to mind. Tsumi might not be as much of an introvert as Ikuto but she certainly likes just vibing in more quiet situations.
She’d also probably get him to go out and try new things with her. Help him get a little more used to getting out of his comfort zone while still having a good time :)
oh he definately needs someone to drag him outside to try new things he spends too much time in his room ajskflglsjfk
at first he would be really intimidated by tsumi because of how she looks & her demeanor but after he realizes she's really nice he'll warm up pretty quickly, she honestly seems like the type of person you could trust with almost anything, & he would enjoy spending time with someone who isn't afraid to try new things but is also more laid back than a lot of the friends who usually drag him out of his comfort zone
I think they could bond over the fact that a lot of people assume they're meaner & edgier than they really are, they can go out in full emo fits to just like, get ice cream or something
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