#tsuk sighs and says
sorrowschengmei · 6 years
about the fandom and my love for kylo ren [vent post, not poetry][tw bullying]
sometimes i wonder what am i doing here at tumblr, really. they say to encourage every weirdo ‘someday you will be better than everyone who laughed at you’. we study while they hang out with their friends, we work while they sleep, and we never fucking live the life they want, they end up with the life they wanted and we end up being grateful for just being alive.
but there are things that are pure, really, that aren’t tied to capitalism, to survival, to socially fitting in, they are just beautiful and intense and poetic and brutal, and they do exist. he is one of them, the one i call my own truelove, and most people call ben solo or kylo ren.
today i watched tfa, and i could see why i fell in love with him... tlj kylo is a beautiful man, the most beautiful man, yes, but tfa kylo is more than a man. he looks like a dark angel, something that isn’t human and yet is too corrupted to be divine, he has a mystery that can’t be described with words and no one will ever decipher, he’s a poem on himself, more beauty than human.
i looked back into my early tfa days, how i interacted with the fandom, with kylo himself... i’d spend hours LOOKING FOR FANART, reblogging art, reading fic, reading headcanons, writing poetry and making my own doodles without any intention of publishing them. nowadays... nowadays i blacklisted all the artists of the reylo and kylux fandoms likewise, unfollowed all my art friends, get straight up suicidal if my stuff flops and i only publish stuff that is correctly rendered and at the peak traffic times, i got at least 5 anxiety attacks for looking at people with more followers/notes than i do, all of this why?? 
because i wanted people to like me, to like my art, to send me cute anons saying they love my stuff and asking me for requests. i wanted to know middle school was over, that people would appreciate me and my art in here as theoretically everyone loves kylo ren and i’m not a weirdo in here.
but i am a weirdo in here as well. i recently found out someone was gossiping about my love for kylo ren, saying very hurtful things about it, you have no idea of how much i cried when i found out, i think i spent 2 hours crying nonstop until i got exhausted. i look at kylo ren himself, not art, not fic, just the pictures of adam driver and i ask again: why??
why can’t things be simple like they were before? why can’t i just be myself without worrying about feedback? why did i become so bitter to the point i can’t fucking support my friends??? how did i become one of those millenials that value their self worth by the number of likes they get???? why can’t i just love kylo ren, draw him, see cute pics of him, without being crushed by years of trauma and the ‘socially inept’ stigma?? how did literally everything i hate in my life become attached to the thing i love the most?
being in the fandom hurts me, it hurts me so much. several times i said to myself ‘i curse the day i decided to watch tfa and met kylo ren’, and this is the saddest thing ever i could say, because kylo himself never brought me anything else but joy, support, lust, bliss, inspiration, contemplation, melancholy and the purest love i’ve ever felt.
i am afraid of people, and i have very real reasons for this. i’ve been lied, betrayed, deceived, attacked, pursued, tortured or just ignored by people on several fandoms. i can’t see art or fic or meta anymore, i just see the ego of the people who are doing it, how they only interact with the socially apt, repeat the same themes and styles, manipulate people into giving them stuff, gang up to harrass their enemies... people who draw kylo ren, who write about him.
you see, autistic minds work with patterns and organising logical conclusions around these patterns. in a fandom you have people you hate drawing someone you love, your friends supporting people you hate, people that never did anything but you hate them bc people you hate love them, people that hate you pretending they don’t, people that don’t hate you acting hateful just because???, and the most puzzling thing for me, that is people who hate kylo ren claiming they love him and want to see him having sex, a love life, a husband. it’s a complete mess. it’s a complete chaos. so you end up scared, running away from any kind of confrontation, blocking and blacklisting everyone, not speaking your mind because you don’t know if they are gonna agree with you and then attack you, disagree with you but agree later, attack you and then pretend they didn’t, pretend they disagree with you, ignore you...
i think i should leave the fandom, like i did in 2017. but this time i can’t, i already have a name, even a small name, i have ties with the community, everyone already knows my terrible personality and lack of self awareness, i have a place on this fandom and it is the place that always followed me: the weirdo, the outcast, ‘that guy’... 
when i entered here, all i wanted was to meet people that loved kylo ren too, as intensely as i did. i met some good, good friends, but i worry all the time they will leave me, and there are people that im not sure if they are my friends or they are just following the american social code of calling everyone ‘friend’. i wish things could be simpler, really... and unfortunately i have no place to go to enthuse about my love if i leave tumblr/the fandom =/ 
[if anyone thinks they have a thoughtful answer for my problem they are encouraged to send me a chat message]
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iwaizumis-bitch · 3 years
content warning: none!!! just a ton of fluff :)))
word count: 876
classmate!tsukishima who’s dark hazel eyes you always caught locked onto yours behind a pair of thin glasses.
classmate!tsukishima who never failed to entertain your entire class by shooting a witty comeback at the teacher.
classmate!tsukishima who couldn’t help but stare at your empty seat when you were late, wondering where you were.
classmate!tsukishima who offered you his sweater without a word when he saw you shivering on a rainy day.
classmate!tsukishima who simply nodded at you when you returned the sweater to him at the end of the day.
classmate!tsukishima who offered oh so politely to tutor you in the subjects you were failing in.
you had said yes, of course. he was the smartest boy in your class, he’d definitely get your grades up.
you stepped into the school library at exactly 5pm, the time he had told you he could be there. you saw him on a seat at a bench on the left, on his phone.
‘tsukishima’, you said, walking up to him. he looked up, cheeks turning pink as he stood up, slinging his back over his shoulder.
‘call me kei’, he smiled, making your knees almost collapse in on you.
you nodded, smiling back as he started to lead you to one of the desks at the back where there weren’t many people.
he sat down, you sitting next to him as he opened the textbook.
‘so, question 1?’
you sighed in relief as you answered the last question, flopping your head and arms on the desk dramatically.
‘finally’, you mumbled, sitting back up. it had been a gruelling 2 and a half hours, but you had finished all your work.
‘thank you so much tsuk-, kei’, you smiled at him, stretching your arms.
‘it’s alright’, he chuckled, watching you intently.
‘wanna get a popsicle?’, you asked, standing up and looking down at him.
he stared at you for a second, taking in what you had just said, before standing up quickly, ‘yeah, yeah sure’, he stuttered, blinking rapidly.
you both quickly packed up, thanking the librarian. looking up, you saw the black sky start to become littered with stars.
‘look, kei’, you pointed up to the sky, looking up yourself as the stars lit up.
‘pretty’, you heard him mumble. you looked at him after a few moments, seeing his eyes on yours. you blushed, not expecting him to be looking at you as you continued to walk.
you reached the small convenience store, hearing the bell jingle. you smiled at the man behind the counter. he looked tired, blonde hair pushed back with a headband.
you looked through the glass of the popsicle fridge, deciding on the same one kei had got. you reached in your back to get out your wallet, when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
‘i’ll pay’, he said quietly, smiling softly.
‘aw thank you’, you smiled back, wrapping your arms around his torso for a few seconds, walking back to the counter.
you saw the man behind the counter was eyeing kei.
‘just this?’, he said.
‘mhm’, tsukishima said as he slid the note across the counter.
‘have a good night kids’, he said, scanning yours items, and you swore you saw him wink at kei.
‘do you live near here?’, you heard him ask. you two were sat on a sidewalk down the street, eating your popsicles.
‘yeah just a bit down that way’, you said, pointing east down the street.
‘i’ll walk you home’, he said as he stood up, hand reaching down to you.
you took it in your own, standing up and letting go.
he spoke to you about his volleyball team, and how they were going to nationals next month.
‘that’s so cool!’, you exclaimed. you knew the volleyball team was going to nationals, and that kei was on the team but you didn’t put two and two together.
‘i’ll cheer for you’, you smiled at him, bumping his shoulder.
a few minutes later, you reached your house. ‘it’s this one’, you said.
‘thank you for the fun evening’, you spoke.
the street light next to you flickered, and suddenly it felt like kei was much closer.
you could see the flecks of ambers in his eyes, and the small acne scars on his cheeks. you felt his cold hand come up slowly and gently grasp your jaw.
‘kei...’, you whispered, breathing harshly out your nose.
‘y/n’, he muttered, tongue coming out to lick his lips for a brief moment.
‘can i kiss you?’, he asked, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
you nodded, leaning in and closing your eyes as you felt kei’s lips come onto yours.
gentle. he was so gentle. sucking on your bottom lip before parting for a moment, tongue on yours.
you whined as he sucked on your tongue, moving back to press your lips against his.
you slowly parted lips, both of you breathing heavily. you stood there, still taking in what had just happened as kei took his jacket off, placing it over your shoulders.
‘good night, y/n’, he said, smiling and pecking your forehead, before walking down the street.
you didn’t say a word as you went inside your house, into your room before screaming into your pillow.
likes reblogs and comments are appreciated <333
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Tsukasa, Hanako, and Mitsuba the reader gets jealous that someone gives them something maybe another ghost and they try and copy and are just like"hey!..i-I can do that too!" And they follow them around and then they just tell the other person that they are theirs and to leave them alone and they are just like "are you doing and accepting this because you don't love me anymore!?" *cue cuddles and puppy eyes*
Tsukasa, Hanako, and Mitsuba when s/o gets jealous when someone else gets them a gift❣︎
Warnings: none
A/n: hello!!!
this took me a couple days to write- I’m so slow when writing oneshots that its sad-
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a great say or night!!
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“Tsukasa!!” You entered the broadcasting room happily, holding a flower in your hand. You and Tsukasa's anniversary was today and you wanted to surprise him this morning with a flower you stole in the school garden. Instead of getting a jump hug from your boyfriend, you were ignored. You turned to see Tsukasa hugging Sakura, laughing and talking with her. He didn’t even notice you enter the room. You put the flower behind your back, walking up to Tsukasa to hopefully get his attention. However, he still didn’t seem to notice you.
“Tsukasa…” You finally spoke out, loud enough so he could hear you. He finally turned to you and smiled.
“Y/n!!! It’s great to see you!!” He didn’t let go of Sakura, instead hugging her tighter. “Look at what Sakura got me!” He pointed to a vase full of red roses.
“She got you roses…?” You turned to him, a bit saddened. Why would she get him roses out of all things?
“Yep!!! She's so nice to me!!” He hugged her tighter but she only grumbled at this. You felt your chest tighten but you didn’t know why. Was it… jealousy? How could you not question why Sakura brought him roses.
“I see… that's nice..” You gripped onto your small flower tighter. Sakura noticed your change in attitude and pushed Tsukasa off of her.
“Tsukasa… stop..” she was hoping he would get the hint but he clearly didn’t as he hugged her tighter. This only made you more jealous, not wanting to see this anymore.
“Oh, I need to get heading to class… see you later, Tsu!” You waved.
“Bye!!” Tsukasa waved back and you left.
“Now that Y/n is gone, we can continue what we were doing!!” You heard Tsukasa’s voice from inside the room. Your grip on the flower tightened as you heard what they said, frowning. Did he forget it was your anniversary or something? You wanted to think positively of your boyfriend and instead of spying on him, you went to class.
You paid no attention to what the teacher said, finding it hard to concentrate at the thought of Tsukasa with Sakura.
The thought killed you.
Once class was over you went to the broadcasting room to see your boyfriend but you only found Sakura there eating her lunch in peace. She noticed your presence and looked up.
“Hello y/n, what brings you here?” She asks.
“I was just wondering where Tsukasa is..” You fidget with your hands.
“Unfortunately not. Also, happy anniversary” She takes another bite from her food. You were about to leave but you wanted to ask her so bad. Ask her why she got him roses on you and Tsukasa’s anniversary.
You knew Sakura really well and you were sure that she was uninterested in Tsukasa but still… it made no sense to you why she would.
“Sakura,” You caught the girl's attention again “Why did you bring Tsukasa roses this morning…?”
“Ah…” this question caught her off guard as she looked down. She already figured you were jealous, and you had a right to be. “He asked me to bring him roses.”
This made you even more confused.
“Why would he ask you to do that…?” You muttered but she only sighed.
“I don’t think I can tell you.. ask Tsukasa later, alright?” She simply told you and went back to eating. However, her answer made you a bit upset. You didn’t get an answer to your question.
You exited the broadcasting room and went on your way to eat lunch. You still held onto that flower that you picked for Tsukasa, some of the petals already starting to fall off. While you were walking down the halls someone quickly ran into you and hugged you tight.
“HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Y/N!!” Tsukasa squeezed you tightly, nearly choking you.
“T-Tsukasa!!” You were a bit stunned, wondering if you should push him off of you or not. He broke the hug and used his wisp to teleport you to the rooftop. He sat you down on the small blanket, sitting down next to you excited.
You were still trying to process all this. He was going way too fast, it was hard for you to keep up.
“Here you go!!!” He handed you a box of chocolates.
“You… you remembered our anniversary..?” You couldn’t help but smile.
“Of course I did!!” he pouted, a bit insulted that you thought he would forget “did you think i forgot?!”
“Well you just didn’t seem like you remembered…” Your smile turned into a frown again as you looked down. While Tsukasa wasn’t always the best at telling emotions, he could tell that something was bringing you down.
“Hey… what's wrong?” He moved in front of you so he could see your face “Did I do something wrong-“
“You didn’t do anything wrong! It’s just.. when I saw that Sakura got you flowers this morning, I didn’t understand why… It didn’t make sense to me so I was a little jealous and I thought you forgot about our anniversary…” You admitted and then you finally looked at him in the eye “I thought that you accepted the roses because you didn’t love me anymore..”
“I don’t see Sakura as anything like that!! I only asked her to get me the roses so I could do this!” He pulled out a framed drawing of you and him. While it wasn’t the best drawing you have ever seen, you could tell that he really tried. The picture also had rose petals in it.
“And I used the rest of the rose petals for the blanket!” You looked down at the blanket that you were sitting on to see it scattered with rose petals.
Your heart sunk again, but not out of jealousy, out of embarrassment. He prepared all this for you but all you had for him was a saying flower.
“Tsukasa… I’m so sorry…” He was taken aback by your apology, looking at you confused “You did all this for me and all I got you was a flower… I thought you forgot..” You held the flower in your hands, gripping it tightly. You felt like such a bad partner for not doing more for him like he did for you. Despite this, he smiled and took your hand in his, sniffing the smile and its scent.
“I don’t care if this is all you got me for our anniversary, I still adore it!!” He hugged you tightly, making you fall back on the blanket.
“I just want to hold you~” He giggles softly, pulling you closer to him by your waist. Your cheeks turned pink as you hugged him tightly, enjoying the moment with your boyfriend.
“I love you, Tsukasa”
“I love you too, Y/n~”
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You smiled as you walked down to the bathroom, happy to see your boyfriend, Hanako. You were hoping to have lunch with him since you two don’t get that much alone time together so you wanted to surprise him with your presence! You and Hanako have been together for a couple weeks now, this relationship thing being kind of new to you both. You two tried to be as open with each other as you could, Hanako being a little closed off needed a lot of help with this. So far your relationship has been nothing but perfect.
You were about to open the door and greet him but you heard him laughing in the bathroom. You listened and you also heard Nene’s voice in there, laughing with him.
“Thank you Yashiro!! You are really the best~!” Hanako sounded really happy.
“Of course, I know donuts are your favoite so I thought you would love it if I got you some as a surprise!” Yashiro giggled at how happy he got.
“I do, these are amazing!! I love the way you make donuts!!”
‘He loves the way she makes donuts? You didn’t even know donuts were his favorite...’ You thought as you continued listening.
“Thank you!! Maybe we can have lunch together!” Nene suggested and you felt your heart stop.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea!” Hanako basically shouted when she suggested it.
‘Oh… he's having lunch with her’ I thought as you started walking away ‘There’s really no reason that I should be here anymore…’ You felt yourself swell up with jealousy. You couldn’t help it, you felt like he spent more time with that daikon than with you. It really hurt you but you didn’t want to bring it up.
After lunch was over, you were walking to your class then you saw Yashiro in the halls.
“Hey!!” You grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her to face you, making her look at you “Do you like Hanako?!”
“L-like Hanako?! No, of course I don’t!!” Yashiro shook, very confused about what was happening.
“He is mine! You know that, right?!”
“Yes I understand!!”
“Good!!” You let her go and walked off. You felt a bit of guilt when you left but you brushed it off, not caring. She should know that he is taken and that she can't just have any boy she wants. But you still felt that bad feeling in your chest, the fear of still being able to lose him. You needed to show Hanako that you were a better partner than Yashiro!! You needed to show him just how good of a s/o you could be!
It was the next day and you planned perfectly what you were going to do for your boyfriend. You left a note in his bathroom, telling you to meet him in the garden. You had a picnic set up for him. You made lots of donuts for him and a bunch of different flavors as well since you didn’t know what his favorite donut was.
You smiled brightly when you saw him floating over to you. Once he made eye contact with you he waved which you waved back.
“Y/n!! What’s all this?!” He looked down with a big smile on his face.
“Well I wanted to do something special for you!” He giggled “So I made donuts!”
“Donuts for me?!? THANK YOU!!” He jumped on top of you, hugging you tightly. You two took a moment to hug but he pulled away and sat right next to you.
“So what’s your favorite donut?? I made lots so I’m sure I made it!” You did. You thought of every donut flavor possible so you would have his favorite donut.
“I like plain donuts!!” Hanako told you. You felt your heart sink in embarrassment. Out of all the donuts you made, you didn’t leave a couple plain. You gave each donut a filling or frosting on it. You didn’t think he would like pain donuts, it didn’t even cross your mind.
“I’m sorry Hanako… I didn’t make a plain donut..” You flowed as you looked down in defeat. Yashiro still had a better gift than you.
“It’s okay, Yashiro brought me plain donuts yesterday so-“ Hanako stopped talking when he heard your breath hitch hearing her name.
“Y/n… is something the matter?” He cupped your cheeks so you would look at him and you looked like you were about to cry. You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears, not wanting him to see you in such a weak state.
“It’s nothing Hanako… I’m sorry I couldn’t make you your favorite donut…” You mutter, trying to turn away but he wouldn’t allow it.
“Don’t say nothing is wrong when there is something wrong…” He whispered to you. “Please talk to me”
“I heard your conversation with Yashiro yesterday… and she brought you donuts and you two had lunch together.. I know that you and Yashiro have been friends longer than we have been friends but.. she knows so much more about you then I do…”
“Y/n…” Hanako quickly hugged you, stroking your hair to bring you comfort. “I may have known Yashiro longer but she isn’t my type… I love you so much more” You hug him back, holding him close to you.
“Thank you, Hanako… I love you so much as well!” You smiled.
“Good!!” He grabbed your shoulders and moved you so you were facing him. He grabbed a donut and placed it in front of your mouth “Say ahh~” He grinned and you took a bite of the donut. He also takes a bite of the donut and smiles brightly.
“Your donuts are so good!!” He moves closer to your ear “You make better donuts than Yashiro could ever~”
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You looked around the school for your boyfriend, wondering where he could be. You walked over to a mirror and knocked on it.
“Hello!! Mitsuba?? Where are you?” You waited for a response but didn’t get one. You sighed as you continued looking around for the number three. You soon spotted him, soon realizing that he was hanging out with Kou. You watched for a bit as they both sat and laughed, Mitsuba taking pictures of things as Kou watched. Mitsuba then took a photo of Kou, which shocked you.
Mitsuba doesn’t take photos of people, he only takes photos of things that are important to him. Hell, he hasn’t even taken a photo of you, and you are his significant other! Why would he be so okay with taking a photo of Kou?
Was Kou more important to him then you were?
Despite this bitter feeling inside you, you walked over to the two.
“Hello Mitsuba, Kou!” You smiled.
“Hello loser” Mitsuba scoffed but got hit by Kou’s shoulder.
“Don’t be so mean to them!” Kou scolds “Hello Y/n! How are you?”
“I’m alright!! How are you?”
“I’m good as well! We were just testing out the new camera I bought for Mitsuba!”
“You bought him a new camera?”
“Sure did!!” Kou looked proud.
“Yeah, I have got so many stupid photos of him and his lame earring!” Mitsuba scoffed, causing Kou’s pride to drain from him. You felt your heart sink with Kou’s pride, feeling a sense of jealousy come over you.
Mitsuba never took a photo of you. How does he have so many of Kou? Maybe because Kou bought him a camera? If Mitsuba needed a new camera he could have asked you…
“Hey!! you delete those photos!” Kou tried to grab the camera from him.
“Oh no, someone help me!! A perverted exorcist is trying to assault me and Y/n is just going to watch because they are also a sick pervert!! Help someone!” Mitsuba shouted, causing Kou to become even more irritated.
“Shut up, you nerd!!” He shouted back but soon the bell rang in the school and the boys stopped fighting.
“That's the bell! We should get going!” Kou stood up and turned to you with a smile.
“Right… yeah we should get going” You snapped back in reality.
“Whatever, later losers. I will be with my new camera!” Mitsuba swatted you two away.
You and Kou walked down the hallways in mostly silence. You still felt jealous and you were a bit mad at Kou. How could you not be? You were mad that Mitsuba didn’t like you enough to take a picture of you but he would gladly take a photo of Kou. It wasn’t fair.
“Kou… you know that Mitsuba is mine, right? You weren't trying to make a move on him when you bought him that camera, right…?” You looked at him seriously. This caught Kou so off guard and he stopped walking, looking at you shocked.
“That’s not at all what I wanted to do!! I completely understand that Mitsuba is yours and believe me when I say I’m not interested at all!” He corrected you “I personally don’t see what you see in the pink haired weirdo, but he’s just a friend to me”
“Alright…” You sighed, a bit relieved, but only a bit.
In Mitsuba’s eyes, Kou was still very important to him. More important than you. You wanted to do something for Mitsuba and make him see how important you could be to him too. You didn’t want him to fall out of love with you and you were hoping a gift would work. That a gift would make him want to take a picture of you.
Once your class ended, you made your way to the closest mirror, knocking on it like if it were a door. Soon the mirror turned into a liquid like substance, giving you the ability to walk right through it. Once you were on the other side, you saw your boyfriend standing there with his arms crossed. He opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted him.
“Mitsuba! Take a look at this!” You pulled out your phone, opening it to look up different types of cameras for sale. He walked by your side and watched as you scrolled through all of them, finding the most expensive camera and clicking on it.
“How would you feel if I bought you this?!” You smiled brightly, hoping that it would earn you a photo.
“Pfft- you can’t even afford that!” Mitsuba laughed “Besides, Kou bought me a new camera, so I don’t need another one”
You tensed up.
That’s it.
He chose Kou.
You were never going to get a photo.
You weren’t important to him like Kou was.
“I… I see…” You looked down and Mitsuba noticed this change of attitude.
“Ha!! Don’t tell me you are jealous!” He laughed. Tears formed in your eyes as he started to tease you. “are you seriously jealous that Kou got me a new camera, wow!!”
His teasing soon stopped when he noticed that you started crying. You covered your face with his hands, hurt by his words in your time of weakness.
“Y/n… a-are you crying… I didn’t mean to make you-“
“Why don’t you have any photos of me?! You take so many pictures of Kou but when it comes to me you have none…!” You shouted slightly “Why is Kou more important to you then I am?!”
Mitsuba felt his heart sink as he saw you cry, feeling like it was his fault in a way.
“Please don’t cry Y/n-“
“Tell me!! Do you not love me anymore?!” You shouted at him again.
“You really want to know…” You put his hand in his pocket, taking out multiple photos of you. In these photos you aren’t looking at the camera, you don’t even notice the fact he is taking a photo of you. He took these photos without you knowing.
“You… took photos of me?” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
“Of course I did… You are my partner, why wouldn’t I…?” You looked down at the photos and smiled a bit, each one having a memory to him. His cheeks were red, clearly embarrassed about showing you this but showing you anyways.
“I didn’t know you had these… Mitsuba, thank you!” You hugged him tightly, catching the pink boy off guard. He hugged you back, a little resistant at first but he soon melted into the hug.
“Thank you, Mitsuba… You should take photos of me more often..~” You giggled a bit and he blushed and looked to the side.
“Whatever… but please remember you mean more to me then that lame ass traffic safety earring…”
Tagging~ @cobertoravermelhado @bladethrowsshade @hanako-san @sleepless-simp @old-poptart @kazuhalvrz
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searenbound · 3 years
I’ve been trying to find this one for a bit now, here’s a Bakugou repost from my old blog.
Warnings: swearing, emotional sex, dirty talk
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“You Dumbass! You have some fucking nerve! Making me worry like that!”. (Yn) winced at the loud voice of her boyfriend, blinking her eyes open. “Babe you’re being to loud” she sighed rubbing the side of her head “I have a terrible headache right now”. She paused to look around her in confusion. They were in the infirmary. Why? Her eyes landed on her boyfriend, his agitated appearance barely masking the concern he felt. He sat on the edge of the bed before pulling her into his lap with an annoyed huff.
“You passed out during training today” he sighed answering her unspoken question “I thought we talked about this (Yn), you can’t push yourself so hard somethings gotta give”. She pressed her face into his shoulder, she hated when he was calm and quite like this. Bakugou didn’t do calm and quite like this. Sure, they had softer moments where he spoke this gently to her, but this was different. This was him scolding her, and it felt almost parental in a way. She almost wanted him to yell despite her pounding head.
She sighed readjusted herself so they were both a little more comfortable “You don’t have to worry so mu- Ow!” he interrupted her with a flick to the forehead “I’m your fucking boyfriend of course I’d be fucking worried about you!”. (Yn) rubbed at her forehead mumbling and resisting the urge to snap at him for flicking her still aching head “I’m fine Tsuk-”.
“You were lucky (Yn)!” he yelled at her pulling her tightly against himself. He refused to let her get a word in as he continued to unload his worries. Not that she wanted to interrupt him, he clearly needed to say this. “What if we were doing a more intense lesson or out in the field? You could have been more hurt just by hitting your damn head!”.
She sighed rubbing his back gently, she knew he was right. She had been so worried about falling behind the rest of her class that she had made choices that weren’t exactly healthy for her. She hadn’t noticed how much it was affecting her until now. It’s kinda funny how she was blind to how badly she was hurting herself until seeing how much it was hurting him. "I’m sorry, I just-“ he shushed her with a kiss “I know, but you don’t have to neglect your health to get stronger dumbass”. She huffed at him shoving at his shoulder “We were having a moment Katsuki!”.
He laughed at her with a lazy smirk that made her heart skip a beat. She knew what that look meant “R-right now?”. “I need you (Yn)“ he murmured moving to lay her down. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers quickly before pulling away “I want you so badly Princess”.
She wrapped her arms around him, giving his lips a peck before speaking "I-I want you to but what if we get caught? We’re still in the infirmary and-”. He silenced her with another kiss, his tongue swiping over her bottom lip. She allowed him access, letting him explore her mouth despite their situation.
“Recovery Girl already left for the day” he panted as he caught his breath “Everyone else is already back at the dorms, do you still want to head back?”.
Her face felt burning hot, her hands tugging anxiously at his clothes “I don’t want to wait”. He gave her a smug smile pressing his lips against her forehead again before beginning to strip.
She sighed dreamily, of course she’s seen him naked before, but seeing him was always such a thrill. He was beautiful, he didn’t always like to hear it but it was true nonetheless.
She took a moment to admire him. They had been each other’s first, a fact that still filled her with pride. Only she had seen him like this. She hoped to god she’d be the only one who ever gets to see him like this.
He grew impatient with her staring and nearly tore her clothes off before dropping them into a pile on the floor. “You’re so beautiful (Yn)” he praised, running his hands along her bare skin and drinking in her soft little mewls.
“I could say the same about you” she murmured as his lips made contact with her neck. He pulled away from her his eyes meeting hers as her hands came up to cress his face. “(Yn)-” “I mean it, I know you don’t like it when I call you beautiful, but you are. I love you Katsuki”. He rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile by returning his attention to her neck.
“Hey, don’t ignore me I said I love you” she whinnied at him. He chuckled, his hands cupping her breasts and massaging the soft skin “I love you too Princess”. He pinched and rolled her nipples making her moan and sigh as she arched into his touch.
“Baby, no more teasing please” she whined “I need you inside me”. He groaned and didn’t need to be told twice, wasting no time as he pushed into her. (Yn) moaned in pleasure raking her nails down his back and wrapping her plush legs around his waist.
“Fuck, you always feel so good around me Baby” he groaned nuzzling into the side of her neck. “Don’t say embarrassing things like that!” she whined at him. His only response was a laugh and another a kiss, this time to her temple. He rolled hips against hers before slowly thrusting in and out.
“Faster” she whimpered bucking her hips up to meet his, but he refused to comply at the moment, instead opting to gently circle her clit with his finger. “Tsuki please!” she begged pawing at his shoulders “I need more!”.
He smirked against her neck before sucking on it. Making sure a nice little mark was left before pulling away to watch her as pounded into her harder “Like this Baby girl?”.
“M-more please, I need more” she whimpered as he pressed little kisses to her jawline, assuring her that he’d take good care of her. His fingers worked their way down her body, landing once again on her clit. He moved his fingers teasingly slow at first. Working up his speed and playing roughly with the little bundle of nerves, making her see stars.
“How about now Princess? Is that good? Is that what you wanted?” he groaned in her ear, his voice deep and husky. “Y-yes! Just like that!” (Yn) screamed moving her hands to hold onto his biceps. “I-I’m gonna cum! P-please B-baby I need you to make me- ahah!” She begged, tears beginning to form in the corner of her eyes.
“So needy, are you sure Baby? You positive you want me to make you cum on my dick?” he panted, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “Yes! I need it” she whined her legs tightening around his waist, effectively trapping him in place.
A few more thrusts and they’d both would be done for.
He continued to fuck into her, the tight coil inside of her core winding up more and more until it finally snapped, pulling a loud scream from her throat as her orgasm washed over her while buried himself in her as deep as he could, his own release hitting shortly after hers.
Sharing one more kiss before finally getting up, they made sure to clean up and get rid of any evidence of their… activities before leaving.
He carried her back to the dorms, insisting that it was only because he didn’t want her pushing herself to much again.
"But seriously (Yn), if you wanted to train more you could have told me, I would have figured out training regimen that worked for both of us, or you could have-”. She interpreted him with a sheepish sigh and looked up at him with an equally as sheepish face “I know this is silly, but I uh. I didn’t want to be a burden or- mph?”.
She was silenced by his lips on her “Dumbass” he huffed under his breath after breaking away. He held her just a little tighter “You aren’t and never will be a burden to me and I know those losers you call friends think the same”. She sighed and playfully smacked his shoulder “They’re your friends to you know”. “You can’t prove that” he said flatly as he gently tossed her up and caught her, revealing in her cute little giggle before repeating his actions.
“Don’t let them hear you say that” she said between her laughter “I think Kiri would genuinely be heartbroken if he heard you”. He snorted at her trying to maintain his uncaring act, but his smile gave him away “Yeah, yeah whatever”.
She smiled nuzzling into him “Thanks Tsuki”. "For?“ He questioned as they finally reached his dorm, no one was around to stop them, so he decided to just let her stay there for the night.
"Everything” she gave a yawn as he helped her to bed “I’m lucky to have you, I love you”. “I love you too” he murmured but she was already asleep. He sighed crawling into bed next to her with only one thing on his mind.
He reached for his nightstand and opened the first drawer pulled out a little black ring box. He sighed as he passed it back and forth in his hands.
He had bought on a whim. The ring had fit her taste perfectly. He would have been an idiot to have not bought it despite the price.
He knew they were still young, hadn’t even graduated yet, but he’d never been surer of anything in his life. He sighed putting it back before turning to her sleeping form “I’m the lucky one Princess” he smiled running a hand through her hair before kissing her forehead “I’ll make you the happiest woman, I promise”.
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@missmorosis​ asked:
YUHH FLUFFY HEADCANON REQUESTS?? I GOTCHU!! OKAY soooOO how they would take care of their s/o when she's sick??? this idea just makes me so soft for some reason- with hinata, kageyama, and tsukishima for the characters~ also stay strong omg everything is so tiring sometimes but YOU CAN DO IT!!! I APPRECIATE YOU SM!!! YOU PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT AND YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION AAAAA 💕🥰😘😌💖😭🧡💜💙 I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUUUUUU
ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴏ *ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ* ʜᴏɴᴏᴏᴏʀᴇᴇᴇᴅ
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Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima with a sick f!reader
🌸 shoyo hinata 🌸
【☆】 an absolute mess
【☆】 at first the poor bby starts blaming himself 🥺
【☆】 he’s rushing around the room, panicking and saying, “I shouldn’t have had you take me to practice so often! you already have extra classes, and you were already exhausted... i’m so sorry, i promise, i’ll make it up to you!”
【☆】 but you assure him that it’s not his fault, which makes him calm down a little
【☆】 now that he’s a little more calmed down, he realizes now how hot your forehead is and how pale you look (just imagine this bb boy’s face I-)
【☆】 “Here, let me get you something, uh, how about, uh, tea? yeah, does tea work for you? i’ll get you some! what tea do you like?”
【☆】 he gets you your favorite tea, and if you don’t have a liking to it, he ✨upgrades your water✨
【☆】 hinata is still in absolute panic, but he keeps whispering your name when you feel sick, or when the room is spinning and your head is pounding
【☆】 he’s always checking in on you, and trust me, even though he might leave every now and then, he always comes back with something.
【☆】 this man’s cuddles are legendary
【☆】”hinata, you’ll get sick-”
【☆】 “anything is worth it if it’s for you, y/n,” he says, and you can see him tearing up a little as he puts his hand on your forehead to cool you down. “I love you so, so much.”
🌺 Tobio Kageyama 🌺
【★】 yeah so uh he’s in denial
【★】 “what do you mean, ‘you’re sick?’ you haven’t been anywhere for a long time! i don’t even take you to the gym with me,”
【★】 but don’t worry!! he’s not angry-- he just doesn’t want to see anyone he loves hurt-- so maybe, if he pushed it away, they’d get better?
【★】 kageyama looks at you one more time before you realize how worried his expression is, and he almost looks more ill than you are
【★】 “...alright. off to bed we go,”
【★】 “we?” you cough. “you’ll get sick,”
【★】 “that’s okay. it’s not like i care that much anyway,” (he’s lying btw-)
【★】 he hands you a glass of fancy upgraded plus-ultra water and cups your face in his hands, before planting a kiss on your nose. “you better not get sick on me again.”
【★】you laugh. “yessir,”
【★】 kageyama brings you every single meal, without fail. he makes sure that you know that you’re loved, you’re loved by him, and everyone else
【★】 you can also count on him to call one or two other people to get you something tasty to eat
【★】 (bonus: precious boy has never once left the room, besides getting you something to eat or using the bathroom. he watches you, the whole time, and makes sure you know that he loves you (🥺))
🌼 Kei Tsukishima 🌼
【🌼】 tsundere has reached max
【🌼】 this is most likely pre-dating phase, during one of his practice games and he was on call with you
【🌼】 “what are you talking about? you’re sick?”
【🌼】”what? you think that i’m not going to come? wait there, don’t go anywhere.”
【🌼】(it wasn’t like you could-)
【🌼】it was almost unbelievable how fast he came when he heard that you were injured as he rushed in, holding a bag full of medication as he looked at you, sighing at your face that was red and a bit puffy
【🌼】”why you, out of anyone else?”
【🌼】”hmm?” you groaned, waking up from your 8 hour nap-
【🌼】“tch, nothing. here, just, uh... take this. it’s medication.”
【🌼】”oh, thanks, tsuk-” you burst into a fit of coughs, and as if on-command, he wrapped his arms around you, trying to get you to stop as he held your shoulders.
【🌼】”tsuki, what are you doing?”
【🌼】“oh, uh, what?”
【🌼】 he’s so embarrased but he’s also lowkey kinda proud of himself
requests are open! feel free to ask whenever bb ^^ <3
tag list!: @cathwritestragediesnotsins, @mari-bug, @missmorosis, @maddiemadill​, and if you’d like to be added lmk!
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
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ᴅᴀʏ 𝟼; ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇʀ
-> tsukishima kei.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; same tattoo, shared dreams, soulmates!au.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; the way i want to make a series out of everything in this challenge sigh.
↳ main masterlist
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"what does it mean, tsukki?" yamaguchi asked by his side, looking with curiosity the needle leaving marks on his friend's skin. 
tsukishima wanted to get a tattoo through his complete adolescence, his parents never allowed it, not until he could pay it by himself, at least. and there he was, eighteen years old, watching in amazement how one of his few dreams became true. being honest, he wasn't sure what it meant, but he had dreamed about those numbers a lot. since he was thirteen, the same number appeared not only in his dreams, but was everywhere else too, everytime he checked the hour, the number of his locker, even his volleyball shirt. of course it took him a while to figure it out, but once he saw it, he couldn't stop. it became his luck number. 
"are you sure you just want that?" the artist wondered for the third time.
"yeah, it's important to me" the smile on tsukishima's face was completely different to all the others yamaguchi had seen since they knew each other. 
"please, come see me play, you're always busy!" your friend, koganegawa, could be a pain in the ass if he wanted to. he could be one withouth wanting too. your job as an assistant teacher kept you occupied half of the day, add the hours at college and how much you had to study, to say it was hard to make room in your life was an understatement. which was why you never went to kogane's games after highschool.
"i told you i can't! i have... work" 
"you don't work at nights, idiot! come see me play" he was so annoyingly persistent, that you had to accept, earning a excited hug from him.
after he left your appartment, only because you made him, you let yourself drop onto the couch, sighing. in fact, you were tired, but going to see kogane, one of your only friends, was something you could do. he was always so supportive, in his own unique way, it was the least you could do for him. you scratched your collarbone, unconciously going over your tattoo with your fingers, like checking if it was still there. somehow, that piece of inked skin gave you strengths when you felt like you were at your limit. the memory of a well known dream came to your mind, making you giggle.
you knew koganegawa's team was a professional team, but you never expected them to have a cheering squad, and local tv cameras and periodists focusing on them. it was your first time at the gym where they were playing, a little anxiety growing in your chest not knowing where to go. you tried calling him to help you, but all you got was a text saying he had sent somebody to your rescue. 
"hi, are you kogane-kun's friend?" said a short blonde girl, touching your shoulder. she seemed really kind, making you feel more comfortable instantly.
you mumbled a positive respond, and she quickly grabbed your hand to take you to the bleachers like she knew the place by hand. she introduced herself as yachi hitoka, and said the game was about to start. she was also a friend of one of the players, but met some others, like koga, in highschool. 
in the exact moment that you and yachi sat, the starting whistle blowed, starting with the power serve of a bleached haired guy.
yachi guide you through the game, explaining the basics to you, but you couldn't take your eyes off of the blond man with glasses, he looked so familiar, though you were sure it was the first time you saw him. he intrigued you, a lot. you were too shy to ask yachi for his name, hoping to catch it on through the speakers at some point, or trying to remember if kogane had said something about him. the game went on, points were made by everyone, and every single one the setter did, he looked at you, searching for a reassurance smile. 
when it finished, a crushing victory from the frogs, you and your new friend went to wait for them outside of the compound, yachi felt the need to warn you before you met everyone. 
"see, kyoutani can be a little... intense, some times, but he's really nice, and tsuk-"
"y/n! did you see me!? did you see my points!? we were so great!" she was interrupted by an overly excited koganegawa walking towards you, along with two ther blondes. your cheeks burned at the sight of whom you had glared so hard just minutes ago, wondering if he had noticed. his face was buried on his phone, too busy to look up, disappointing you a little.
"i saw you, dumbface, that's what i came to do" he pouted at your fake insult, proceeding to shout to kyoutani by his side how awesome you were for going to his game. you introduced yourself, one of they boys said to be kyoutani kentaro, the one of your interest didnt't even reply.
tsukishima had heard your voice many times before, but for the first time, he was awake. his eyes opened wide, a soft hum of confusion left his mout. it couldn't be you, you were just a made up person from his dreams, someone who he had never seen, less say heard talking, to recognize that fast. although it was you. those eyes, that voice, that hair, it was you. he had dreamed about you for so long, in his mind, at the beginning you were his same age, growing up as he did. you were exactly like that woman.
"...tsukki!" he came back to earth thanks to kogane, who was frenetically moving him from his shoulders trying to get his attention. 
"get off" was all tsukishima answered.
"where's yamaguchi?" asked yachi. you didn't know what they were talking about, but you had witnessed the glasses boy, whom's name appears to be tsukki, go through a complete life crisis in the last minute.
"he's joining us at the restaurant" he said, starting to walk away by his own, followed by kyoutani and yachi, later by kogane pulling you from your arm to walk. 
yachi and koga talked enough to fill the uncomfortable aire in the table once everybody ordered. a man named yamaguchi arrived a few minutes earlier, still in office clothes. he congratulated the guys on their victory and greeted you nicely, presenting himself as "tsukki's friend". 
the minutes became hours, everyone, except you and tsukki, was drunk, even kyoutani had that red color on his cheeks because of the alcohol. yachi, who had stated that she was just a little tipsy, sober up when she saw how late it was. 
"i have to work tomorrow! we all have to! oh go, i can't believe i let kogane- tsukishima, could you please take y/n home while i get these three an uber?" despite being so small, the girl seemed to be completely in charge of everything, probably because of her years as manager in highschool, you thought.
"are you sure you don't need help with them?" you asked, a bit curious about how was she going to handle two giants and a man with rabies by herself.
"don't worry, i've been doing this since highschool, i'm more worried about you arriving safe"
"i'll take her, you stay at yamaguchi's and text me when you're there" intervined tsukishima, he had been quiet most of the night, even though he couldn't look less interested in being there, he still refused to leave. sometimes, he would stare at you when you weren't paying attention, without knowing that you actually felt his look on you. the girl agreed to his proposal, kissing your cheek goodbye and giving her friend a small hug before you took your things and got out of the place, followed by the tall man. 
the walk was silence after you told him you lived near enough to walk, him just nodding to your words. you didn't feel uncomfortable, though, and you wanted to believe neither did he. both of you were at a really short distance, and he didn't seem to care, but you smell of strawberry shortcake coming out of him. you giggled, thinking how funny it was that such an intimidating guy smelled like cake. tsukishima glared at you, disconcerted by your sudden laugh at no apparent reason.
"i used to go to this coffee house in highschool, they had the best strawberry cake i have ever eaten" your random fact caught tsukishima off guard, because he went to a coffee house with a really good strawberry cake since highschool too. he stayed silence, affraid to keep finding more shared details betweent the two of you. "i mean, don't think i talk about cake when- you smell like- i'm sorry" had you just made the situation hundred times worse? yes, you had. 
the rest of the walk was as silent as the first half, now, tsukishima was uncomfortable, so much that you could tell, but still, he choose to stay close to you instead of making distance. despite being a autumn night, you felt hot, your multiples layers of clothing were now making you sweat. without giving it much thought, you took off your jacket and sweater, leaving at sight you tattoo in you collarbone. tsukki tried, he really did, to not look at you, stripping like it was nothing, so when he did, and saw his exact same tattoo in your body, he stopped walking. his jaw barely hit the floor, you could swear he saw a ghost.
"are you okay? d-do you...? what are you doing?" he got over his shocked, and in a light of boldness, he started to take off his coat and sweater, not only that, but lifting his shirt until you could see his nipple and ribs. it was then when you saw it too, your tatto, the exact same details, were on his skin, like it was printed of the same printer. you hadn't chose a design from an artist, you drew one on your own, wanting to be the only of its kind, yet, there you were.
like someone had opened a door in your mind, memories of lost dreams came back, you remembered from where tsukishima seemed so familiar. that damned dream you had for years, of him, who you thought was a creation from your subconscious, was now standing right in front of you, in flesh and bones. not you nor tsukishima knew how to react, maybe, fearing that the other would run away. a strange urge to cry invaded you, and for some reason, a intense desire to feel the blonde closer.
"i want to take you on a date, if that's okay with you" 
"yes" you said not a second late, almost begging him to be with you from that day to your last.
"and i wanna kiss you right now" he didn't even let you answered before jumping to your lips, leaning a bit. you sighed in the middle of the kiss, relieved to feel him and his warm arms around you, your lips moving at synch.
his lips tasted like strawberry too.
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⌙ 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 🥳
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feeling-uncomfy · 3 years
This is the second part to the WandaVision AU and I'm really excited to start!
Warnings are:
- blood/gore
Hope you enjoy!
Tokoyami woke up alone.
It wasn't an uncommon experience, but it still made him bolt up and look around wildly. The smell of food hit him and he sighed quietly. Shouji was always up early to make breakfast, but Tokoyami had been begging him to rest for a little longer for ages.
Tokoyami got up, putting on the first pair of sweats he saw and made his way downstairs. The smell getting stronger, it smelt like bacon, and eggs. Tokoyami smiled slightly and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Mezou." Shouji looked over with a tired smile.
"Morning Fumikage, did you sleep well?" Tokoyami sat up by the table, and nodded slightly, taking note of Shouji's overall tired demeanor. Shouji stopped any questions Tokoyami was about to shoot at him by sliding over a plate of food.
Tokoyami ate in silence, watching Shouji drag himself back and forth. It was obvious there was something wrong. "Hun?" Tokoyami had to force himself not to immediately jump at how Shouji almost fell over looking at him. Shouji hummed as a response and leaned on the counter.
"Have you been sleeping well..? You seem tired, I'm worried." Shouji blinked at Tokoyami before shrugging. "I've been sleeping fine. I'm not sure what's wrong," Tokoyami frowned. Shouji was never that honest when it came to these things, something was definitely wrong.
Tokoyami was put on edge immediately. "What do you mean?" He stood up and walked over, getting a good look at Shouji. Tokoyami saw a flash of colour in his eyes before Shouji was walking away. Tokoyami paused, he didn't do that. He would never- who was..?
Getting back on track, Shouji seemed to sway as he looked out the window. Ever since the bush incident, which he hadn't told Fumikage about yet, voices had been screaming at him to leave, and he didn't recognise any of them. He wanted, or needed, them to stop. They were keeping him up and telling him to leave the town.
But what was so important outside the town that he had to leave? That question had always been left unanswered, the screaming continuing as if he hadn't interrupted. It made his ears ring and the world turn. He couldn't get away from it, even in sleep.
A loud scream had him doubling over, one set on hands bracing himself on thr counter and another set clamping over his ears. It didn't stop, it wouldn't stop. Shouji could feel a headache as something touched his arm, making him flinch slightly.
"Mezou.." Tokoyami moved so he was in front of the taller male and Shouji hid his face in his shoulder instinctively. Tokoyami moved his hands from his ears and replaced them with his own, letting energy flow through to his hands so he could see what was happening inside Shouji's head.
He wasn't expecting the noise level, or to hear Ĥ̭̳̣͟ä̧̮̪̣̟́̃ͬẇ̵̙͎͍͙̘̦̟̦ͭḳ̹̀͛̅̈̕s̰͔̪͓͈̓͒̃͞ of all people yelling, among other voices. Tokoyami forced himself to not snap and go kill them where they stood, but instead blocked the voices out. Shouji blinked and looked up in confusion when it suddenly went quiet. Completely silent, actually.
Shouji couldn't hear the background music anymore.
Tokoyami smiled at him, seemingly calm as ever, but Shouji could see that he wasn't happy, he seemed really mad over something. Shouji froze thinking it was his fault for not saying anything sooner, but that thought was quickly lost when Tokoyami ran a hand through his hair.
"It's not your fault, hun, calm down." Tokoyami's voice was as soft as ever, conscious of Shouji's already growing headache. Shouji melted into the comfort like always, forgetting about the voices and what they said and relaxing into the familiar hold of Fumikage.
Tokoyami grabbed some headache tablets, keeping a constant hold on Mezou so the voices stayed quiet. Shouji took the pills and kept his head low. He didn't like how angry Fumikage seemed, thunder booming in the background as he paced the kitchen.
"Mezou?" Shouji looked up with a quiet hum, and Fumikage walked over, taking one of his hands and running his thumb along his knuckles. "I want you to forget about this, alright? Forget what you heard."
Normally, Shouji would nod and do his best to do what he was asked, but there was something different about this. There was something he was missing here, something that he wasn't being told. But that was ridiculous, Fumikage wouldn't lie or not tell him something important, right?
Shouji knew that what was said was important, so, even though he nodded and said he'd try, he spent the next few nights thinking about it, wondering what the importance of leaving could mean.
What if there was something wrong in the town? Something Fumikage didn't know about? That would be bad, but, it wasn't as if Fumikage knew everything going on around the town. Then again, Fumikage would've figured it out if there was something wrong, so it couldn't have been that bad, probably.
Shouji got a vague answer to all his questions a week later.
Fumikage was meeting the neighbor's for a game night, and Shouji was alone in the house. Originally Fumikage was going to cancel, the thought of his love alone being nerve wracking, but Shouji had managed to convince Fumikage that they would be alright apart for a while.
After around twenty minutes of being alone in the house, Shouji decided a walk wouldn't hurt. After all, he hadn't really had the chance to explore the area since they moved here, that was...
How long ago had they moved here? Another question Shouji didn't have an answer to, and he simply pushed it down and left the house, shrugging on a coat. He took the long route to the park, where Fumikage had taken him one day when the weather was perfect.
It was getting darker by the minute, and the atmosphere seemed die a little as he moved along, but Shouji was too lost in thought to notice these things as he went along. Before long, he had ended up on an empty street, in some random estate. Looking around, it was pitch black and the starts shone bright in the sky. Shouji figured he should head back, but a gleam of purple caught his eye.
It seemed to spread up to the sky, and Shouji walked over to it, curious as to why it was there. It looked like a barrier, like a blanket covering the area. Why was it there? Shouji reached out to it, noticing the wall reciprocating the action. Strange, it seems as drawn to him as he was to it.
Suddenly, contact was made and Shouji was pulled through it, getting thrown and landing with a yell. Pain immediately flooded his senses and he saw red before he was being turned to lay on his back, a light shown into his eyes.
"Shouji?! Shouji, can you hear me?!" Who was that? Why were they yelling at him? How did they—
The air felt tight, it didn't feel like the air he'd been breathing a few minutes ago. His whole being twitched and shook like he had been electrocuted. He felt like he was going to puke, and he did exactly that.
Forcing himself to sit up and turn, he emptied his guts onto the grass, chest heaving and lungs tightening. There were hands all over him, pulling and pushing him, voices yelling questions and for a medic.
Shouji shouldn't have done this, he should've gone back home. He didn't know who they were or why they were yelling, but it made his head spin and stomach turn.
"Shouji? Hey, look at me, you remember me?" Now that was a voice he recognised, the one who yelled at him to leave a few weeks ago. He turned to face them and saw blonde pushed back hair and red wings. Who was that? Shouji hadn't ever seen him.
"Who...?" Shouji's voice was quiet, almost weak with his throat scratching and brain kicking into fight-or-flight. Two hands stayed firmly on his shoulders, keeping him upright as his bones felt like dead weight.
His phone buzzed, making everything go quiet. Shouji barely had time to react before the phone was pulled from him, a small noise of protest leaving him, and the person answered. A muttered "This is a bad idea" hit his ears before he heard Fumikage yelling over the line.
"Mezou?! Where are you-?! It's been an hour and a half-" Fumikage's panicked voice yelled through the phone, and Shouji's head was too light to even begin to process where he was, and his slurred answer must've said as much. The blonde one from earlier said something about a medic being on the way.
Tokoyami heard Hawks speaking and froze. Judging by Mezou's poorly constructed answer and Hawks's reassurance of a medic, someone had done something. Tokoyami's blood boiled and he started walking towards the edge. He knew he should've investigated when he felt someone leave. Tokoyami was going to rein hell fire on those assholes for daring to put their hands on what was his.
As soon as he burst through, Hawks dropped Shouji, who feel limp on the floor, unmoving. Aziawa looked at his student, a small glare and a hand to the scratch on his arm. Hawks let out a nervous laugh.
"I know what it looks like—" Hawks started, trying to make it seem better than it was, and Tokoyami let Dark Shadow tell Hawks what he thought of that. Hawks gagged as the shadow entity grabbed his throat and squeezed the oxygen from his lungs. Aziawa was sent flying before he had a chance to erase Tokoyami's quirk.
Tokoyami knelt beside Shouji, gently putting a hand on his shoulder, who stirred and opened his eyes. Shouji made a pained noise in the back of his throat. "Mezou," Tokoyami said, voice soft. Shouji looked up at him and seemed relieved. Tokoyami smiled at him softly before turning a glare to Aziawa and Hawks again.
Dark Shadow threw Hawks on top of Aziawa with a hiss before curling around Shouji, lifting him and holding him, protecting him from the asshats Tokoyami was ready to kill. Aziawa sat up and glared at Tokoyami. "Tokoyami, you need to let him go! There are better ways to handle this!"
Hawks nodded, standing with his arms raised to show he meant no harm. "This is gonna hurt you and him more in the long-run, Tsukuyomi, think about the people you've got in there." He kept his voice as gentle as he could.
Tokoyami scoffed. "I'm not arguing about this with you. Stay away from us." Shouji looked at the two adults, clearly confused. "Kid, just let us talk to him, before he goes back under—" a flash of purple and the two were sent back again as Tokoyami walked back towards the barrier, Shouji having no choice but to go with him.
"I gave you your warnings. Next time I catch wind of either of you near me or what is mine, I won't hesitate to put you in your place." Tokoyami looked at them once more before turning back to the world he made. "That's a promise."
Hawks didn't have time to argue as they disappeared again.
Shouji was in and out the whole way back, almost too afraid of sleeping in case he was put on the receiving end of Dark Shadow's wrath. Fumikage was going to kill him for... whatever it is he did wrong. Shouji was probably to blame, though for what he still couldn't figure out, he had no idea what had just happened.
When they got back to the house, Tokoyami set Shouji down on the couch, Dark Shadow still curled around his shoulders, hissing at everything that moved. While it made Shouji feel grounded and secure, he was afraid of moving in case he made things worse. Fumikage was probably furious, and Shouji was afraid of what was coming next.
Tokoyami had his quirk bring Shouji up to the bath ten minutes later, and before he could ask questions or say anything, really, he was sat in the bath, too tired to question how his clothes disappeared into thin air. Tokoyami cleaned him off, whispering for Shouji to just relax and let Tokoyami take care of him. But Shouji had so many questions, too many to fully relax.
Eventually, exhaustion won over his curiosity and he slumped against Tokoyami, letting the feeling of his hands in his hair and the water around him flood him, his mind going hazy and surprisingly empty. It felt nice, to just relax and let go of his worries, but at the same time, Shouji knew he had to talk to Tokoyami about what he had seen.
As if he read his mind, Tokoyami tilted Shouji's face up by the chin and kissed him softly. "We'll talk about it tomorrow, alright my love?" Shouji couldn't tell if he was blushing because of the kiss or the newly added 'my' to Tokoyami's pet names, but his gentle tone made him relax more.
Tokoyami noticed his love falling asleep and gently washed the suds out of his hair before reaching over for a towel to dry him off. Afterwards, with the aid of Dark Shadow, they're settled in bed. Shouji curled around Tokoyami, face buried in his shoulder as he tried not to fall asleep. He knew Tokoyami said to wait, but he wanted to talk about it now.
Tokoyami yawned and hugged Shouji close, pulling a blanket over them both and rubbing a hand up and down his arm. "Goodnight, my love." Shouji hummed as a protest and Tokoyami chuckled before kissing his forehead. "Relax, darling, it'll be okay in the morning, just sleep for now, okay?"
Shouji hummed again, hugging Tokoyami closer and mumbled "Don't wanna..." even though his eyes wouldn't stay open anymore. Tokoyami laughed softly and gently rubbed Shouji's back. "I know, my love, but you have to, you're tired."
Shouji fought to stay awake anyway, and he knew Tokoyami didn't bother trying to sleep until long after Shouji's body gave up on him and forced him into a seemingly dreamless sleep.
Tokoyami looked over to make sure Shouji was alseep to try erase the parts of what had happened to keep him from asking too many questions, he hated it, but if it kept his treasured safe, it was well worth it.
When he tried, however, there was a flash of yellow and Tokoyami recoiled, hissing in pain as the magic settled around Shouji again, disappearing into him. Tokoyami frowned, and tried again only to have the same thing happen. Tokoyami sat up, worried about who's magic this was, and why those memories in particular he couldn't remove.
"Forget about the memories, what else could it be doing to him?" Tokoyami froze at Dark Shadow's question, thinking about the things it could potentially be doing to harm his light. It could be the reason Hawks was able to get into Shouji's head, or lead him out there.
What if it hurt him? Tokoyami didn't want to think about that, he knew he had to figure out who or what was doing this and get rid of it. This was his world. His home, and no one was going to get away with harming what was his. Ever.
Before he could get ahead of himself, Shouji shifted and looked for something to hold, and Tokoyami smiled to himself at his darlings sleepy habit before laying back down, letting himself fall victim to Shouji's affections.
It would be alright in the morning, Tokoyami hoped as he drifted off.
[Hey hey hey! :D]
[I hope you enjoyed, I'll have the next part of the mafia AU put as quick as i can, I'm just tryna keep myself motivated-]
[See u next time :>]
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Heyy can i please have some soft tsukkk content 🥺👉👈 like thise cutesy hcs where he sees you cry
finally some goddamn angst you're speaking my language rn you have no idea. Made this as a first time thing to give that extra👌👌somthin. love tsuks let's go
Genre: angst💧 to fluff☀️
Warnings: just general sad thoughts :(
Tsukishima Kei seeing you cry for the first time
you'd had deep conversations with Tsukki before, but raw emotion was something you hadn't encountered in your relationship yet. It just never came up, but it couldn't be avoided forever
tbh you were terrified to let him see you cry, and you felt horrible for it, because you did trust him but you had no idea how he'd react to that side of you, or rather, what you'd pictured wasn't good
it hadn't even been a bad day, that's the thing. It was just everything weighing down on you all at once that finally made it spill over
now you're able to get past it normally, push it down or tell yourself it's fine, then find a way to deal with your stress later. Really that "put a pin in it" attitude and then you never do get to it
you're not one to show these thoughts on your face either. Like Tsukki you distract from it with a snarky comment or bright smile, etc, and you even distract yourself
so you and Tsukki were hanging out in his room doing homework, and you'd been going out for a few months so it's not weird or anything
he is a perceptive guy, so he'd noticed your mood was off for a while, but when he'd asked earlier how you were you'd hit him with the "fine" and he assumed you'd tell him when you were ready nope
you had spent the last ten minutes on this single math problem, and no matter how much you tried you just couldn't figure it out and it just got to you, yknow? These thoughts in your head about how useless and dumb you were, spiraling irrationally into all these other bad thoughts
a shudder, a sniffle, a choked sob, whatever small thing it is, he notices right away
bc this mf is observant and attentive okay?
and he just freezes. and his mind just starts racing and lowkey freaking out? bc he'd never heard that sound from you and it stirred something in him
not in a good way. It was dread, and fear, and confusion
he just says your name, no emotion or anything, just an acknowledgement
and then you freeze because shit of course he noticed
"y/n...are you crying?"
his voice is astoundingly even, after all he's good at masking his emotions too
your immediate reaction is brush it off and ignore
bc you'd never been vulnerable like this. tbh you really thought he'd be uncomfortable with such strong emotions, which is why you'd avoided talking with him about it. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable
but oh boy is that about to change
so you shake your head, "I'm fine."
but oh, your voice breaks, and it's like the floodgates burst. That little bit of panic and stress pushed you over
and then Tsukki internally goes oh fuck
Honestly? It hurts him to see you cry, so so much, but seeing you try to hide it from him? Absolutely rips him apart
Did he do something? He goes through every little thing in his head overanalyzing and feeling worse and worse
he really spaces out for a moment bc he has no idea what to do. He's not a natural comforter by any means
"hey, what's wrong?"
"it's obviously not nothing"
"it doesn't matter" why are you even trying at this point
then he scoffs bc obv it does matter, or you wouldn't be crying over it.
and if it matters to you, it matters to him
but oOf that was the wrong reaction
bc you immediately think you've annoyed him,, so you just start packing your things to leave and you choke out
"I'm sorry"
and he breaks
tsukishima: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
"Don't--" He winces when it comes out harsher than he means and he takes a deep breath and walks over to you
and just wraps you in the biggest hug, pressing his face into your hair and you hear the softest, most gentle:
"don't... don't ever apologize"
and then you break fr fr
because this is something you never expected, and he's so warm
every reservation and fear you'd been holding onto with him falls apart and you cry into his chest lowkey feeling bad about his shirt
and he just holds you so tightly not saying anything, just being there, and it feels so good to have him there that even after you stop you just stand there for a while
when you finally do pull away he holds your face and wipes your cheeks with his thumbs, but your eyes are still on the ground
"look at me"
and when you do, you don't see pity, you see an expression of genuine love and concern for you, which is so foreign on him and simultaneously the most beautiful it makes you want to cry again
"look, you don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to, but don't forget I'm here for you, dummy"
jokes on him, because you do tell him everything, just let everything out. As hesitant as you were in the beginning once you start you don't stop
and he's a great listener. Not the type of active listening where you say mhm and that sucks etc, but his eyes never leave you and he'll drop an occasional question to understand better and show he is paying attention
wraps you in a blanket and holds your hand the entire time
and you feel a bit silly for ever thinking he'd make fun of you or reject you
and it becomes a regular thing for you two to just check in on each other and vent so you don't bottle shit up, bc even if he denies it, he does the same thing
doesn't let you get away with it anymore, bc like hell he'd see you like that again. And though he's not one to cry, he does compartmentalize emotions but you make sure he talks through it
and honestly? your bond is so much stronger for it
crying for reasons like that becomes less of a frequent thing
but obviously shit happens
not even god can save any person that makes you cry oop
he's still awkward, but much more prepared, an absolute angel. You really brought out the soft side of this boy💕
bc his heart breaks every time your eyes so much as water
there's always little gestures of comfort when he listens to you
holding your hand and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as a constant reminder he's there and listening
If it's possible sometimes he'll wrap you in a blanket again and let you lean on his shoulder
but in terms of hugs and stuff you usually initiate it bc he wants to respect your boundaries esp if you don't want to be touched at that moment
"Kei, can I...?" *gestures with arms*
he gives the most dramatic sigh but opens his arms anyway
oh yeah he's still a snarky little shit. will throw in a little tease every now and then bc he knows it makes you smile, but chooses his moments carefully so he doesn't step over the line
is the type to kiss your tears away aw
we love healthy communication <3
I hope that was soft and fluffy enough at the end🥺 still can't add read mores on mobile 😔😔
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claymorecut · 4 years
A/N: As requested by @gintoki-sakata, I’m back with another GinTsu fanfic. I’m sorry it took me so long and yeah. It’s pretty long too. I wasn't planning on making it this long but..I couldn't I'm so sorry >.< I hope you guys enjoy it!
It all started with a “Would you like to go out with me?”
It was just another summer afternoon when Gintoki decided to go out for a small walk and happened to encounter Tsukuyo in Kabukicho. She told him that she had some business to attend and one conversation led to another and now, here they were, sitting on a park bench, asking her this question in his usual nonchalant voice.
Skeptical, Tsukuyo glanced at the man sitting beside him with narrowed eyes. “Where’s this comin’ from?”
Gintoki just shrugged casually at her question. “I don’t know. Maybe because I’m thirty-four and still single?” He threw a nasty look at the couples making out in front of him. “Plus, everyone around me is either getting married or dating someone! Hell, even SHINPACHI IS DATING SOMEONE!”
Tsukuyo could clearly hear the frustration in his voice as he threw his arms in the air. “Plus, what’s wrong with these people!? Are they in heat or something?”
Her eyes turned towards the source of his irritation as she held back a snicker. The Savior of Yoshiwara was growing old and the young lovers surrounding him only made his blood boil. He sounded like a typical old man.
“So, that’s why yer askin’ me out?” She asked anyways.
Sighing, he turned to look at her. “Tsukuyo,” his voice was suddenly serious. “I’m thirty-four and I’ve no experience in dating. And I just thought perhaps…you know, I can try it out a little.”
“Then why not ask someone else?” she asked as a matter of fact.
“Because.” He paused, leaning a little close to her “Why not?”
Her heart accelerated a little at their close proximity. “And, I didn’t want to ask just any random woman out. Luckily, you’re not dating anyone….Right?”
Composing herself, Tsukuyo shifted back a little, gaining a little more distance between them. “No.” She replied honestly, her eyes now looking at the park instead of him.
“Alright.” He almost sighed in relief. “So, Tsukuyo. Do you want to go out on a date with me?”
His formal request didn’t sound like himself, somehow. But she agreed anyways. “Fine. I’ll go.”
It was Gintoki whose heart beat quickened a little. “Great. So where would you like to go?”
“Ya decide.” She said, standing up. “After all, yer the one who asked me out. See ya”
Her playful tone didn’t go unnoticed by him as he saw her leave the park. He slouched back on the bench, his eyes scanning the endless blue sky as he once again thought about her answer to his question.
Well, damn.
The next day, Gintoki was sitting with his legs propped up on his desk as he flipped another page of Jump. Shinpachi was, like always, cleaning up the place with an apron tied around his waist and Kagura was sitting right beside Sadaharu as he hungrily chomped from his huge bowl.
It was just another day in the Sakata household until this question was shot in the air.
“Where do you take a girl out on a date?”
Shinpachi dropped the duster.
Sadaharu stopped chewing.
And Kagura’s eyes almost popped out of her sockets.
The abrupt silence in the room made Gintoki look up from his precious Jump. “Hey what hap- The hell are you all looking at!?” He yelled as he looked at their completely shocked face.
“What do you mean ‘a date’?” It was Shinpachi who spoke first.
“And who in their right mind is going out on a date with you!?” Kagura screamed dramatically. “What did you do, you perm head!?”
He knew it was a bad idea. But what could he do, he had no experience with these kind of things! And he thought maybe, just maybe, these kids could help this old man out a little.
Oh how wrong he was.
“Oi! Shut up!” He shot up from his seat.
“Then tell us who is it!?” Kagura yelled back, pitying the woman who said yes to him.
Gintoki gritted his teeth in irritation. Yes, he knew this was going to get awkward. He had lived with these kids for years and not once have he had any kind romantic involvement in his entire life. Back during the war, brothels were his thing. But dates? He never did dates. But here he was. Asking for some advice because he was a complete novice and he needed help. And if it meant throwing his pride and revealing the woman’s name, so be it! He was not a coward! “…..Tsukuyo.”
His voice was so low it made Shinpachi put a hand near his ear. “Eh? Who?”
God, he was gonna die! “I said Tsukuyo goddamnit! You got a problem with that!”
He knew he was red. Red and fuming and suddenly he wanted to become an ostrich.
“Tsuk-ki/Tsukuyo-san?” They said simultaneously, their mouths agape.
“Yeah. Tsukuyo. Now help me out here, will you?”
Both of them looked at the man standing in front of them. Then they looked at each other with horrified looks on their faces.
He got lucky when Tsukuyo agreed to go out with him. Alas, it was not the case this time.
And before he could speak again, he saw them rush towards the door. “OTOSE –SANNN!!!!!” That was the last thing he heard before the shoji door was slammed shut.
Now, the whole Kabukicho was gonna know he got a date with the infamous Courtesan of Death. 
It was late in the evening by the time Gintoki reached the festival. He was finally going out on a date. His usual white kimono and leather boots were now replaced with a black yukata with grey stripes and a pair of geta as he stood in front of the entry gate. After all the commotion and red face and “shut up’s!” two days ago, Otose finally suggested him to take Tsukuyo to the neighborhood festival. And so, he told Tsukuyo over the phone.
But that was not the end of the day. The kids decided to butt in.
“This is your very first time going out on a date.” Kagura pointed out.
They were sitting on the couch when they decided to have this conversation with him.
As much as he hated to admit it, he agreed with a sigh. “Yeah. So what?”
Now it was Shinpachi’s turn to interrogate him. “You have money, right?”
“Yeah, of course I have money! What do you guys take me for!?”
Kagura made a dramatic “HAW” as Shinpachi wiggled him brows playfully. “So, you were saving up for the date, huh?”
Damn Four-Eyes!
“Well, that’s a relief. At least now you’re acting like a responsible adult.”
“And what do you plan on wearing?” Kagura tugged his kimono. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna wear this?”
Gintoki glared at her from the side of his eyes. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
Shinpachi just shook his head in disappointment and Kagura jumped off the couch, rushing towards his room.
“Oi Kagura!” He called out as he heard her rummage through his drawers. “The hell are yo-“ But his voice was cut short as a black cloth lands directly on his face.
“Wear that.” Kagura said as the yukata fell down to his lap. “You now have the chance to wear it.”
It was Kagura and Shinpachi who gifted him this quite expensive yukata on his last birthday. But to their disappointment, he actually never got the chance to wear it. Or should he say, he preferred his kimono more than the yukata. He looked at his two grown-up kids as they smiled brightly back at him, giving him a thumbs-up.
“Enjoy your date, Gin-san.”
Gintoki smiled gently at the memory. Who would have thought that those two would turn out to be such responsible adults even after spending so much of their time with a lazy samurai like him. He really was proud of them.
Tapping his foot restlessly, he still found no signs of the drunk terminator in the crowd. She was late. But after he glanced at his wrist watch did he realize it was him who was pretty early. Guess he really didn’t want to mess this up.
He sighed. What’s wrong with me?
Looking back at the crowd, he suddenly detected a very familiar face approaching him. And God, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t awe struck.
Tsukuyo was wearing simple red colored yukata with a white obi wrapped around her waist, making her porcelain skin glow under the night sky. Unlike her usual hairstyle, her hair was tied up in a bun with a kanzashi as her bangs slightly covered the side of her face. She was holding a kinchaku in her left hand, giving her the perfect Japanese traditional look. If he was being honest, there was nothing too extravagant about her appearance. Her makeup was almost non-existent but what caught his attention the most were her eyes. For some reason, he always found himself looking at those amethyst orbs every time he faced her. Unlike the cold exterior she presented to almost everyone, there was some sort of soothing warmth in her kind gaze.
‘Eyes are the windows to the soul, they say.’ Well, he couldn’t agree more.
Tsukuyo walked towards him as he continued to stare at her. “Hey.”
Her voice brought him from his train of thoughts. “Uh, hi.” He straightened up, shoving his thoughts away.
He saw her check her watch. “And here I thought ya were gonna be late.”
Gintoki made a face at her teasing remark. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, Lady Shinigami. But I can be punctual as well.”
She chuckled at his pouted face. “Apology accepted.”
He sighed. “Shall we go?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
The streets were glowing brightly with reds and yellows. Lanterns and decorations were displayed on almost every building and stalls, making the atmosphere even more vibrant. The streets were packed with citizens enjoying the summer festival. Kids were running through the crowd, giggling as they bumped into scolding adults, couples were holding hands as they lovingly looked into each other’s eyes; it was the perfect festival season. Street vendors called out for customers, selling delicious snacks and other traditional souvenirs. And amongst the people, walked two adults side-by-side, glancing at the stalls as they passed by.
Apparently they were on a date. But still, it didn’t feel like one.
Gintoki and Tsukuyo kept their eyes straight on the road as they saw a few couples walk past them. As a matter of fact, these people were on a date as well. And so were they. But the awkwardness that lingered in the small space between them, made it even more difficult for those two to make their ‘date’ a proper one.
Years of inexperience had left them with no ideas.
Both grew up in such places and circumstances where romance was the last thing that crossed their minds. Gintoki sure was skilled when it came to making a woman happy in bed but this, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do when he was finally out on an actual date! The same could be said about Tsukuyo. Well, except for the fact that she had no experience in bed as well.
The two silently walked together as the discomfort continued to make the air thicker between them.
Just say something! Gintoki screamed internally.
“Oi. Would you like to go for goldfish scooping?” Gintoki finally broke the silence.
Tsukuyo looked at him and then at the stall he was pointing at, a few meters away to his right. “Sure.”
They walked towards the stall as Gintoki’s gaze fell on her hand. Why was he so nervous anyway? He could just very casually slip his hand into hers and it wouldn’t be awkward one bit. And most importantly, they weren’t highschool kids. Hell they were in their thirties!
Reaching out a little, he slightly brushed his hand against her. And she didn’t pull back. Sticking his pinky out, he tried to intertwine his fingers with her. Yosh! Now’s my chance!
But before he could make his plan a success, Tsukuyo had her hand plucking on his sleeve lightly. “Gintoki, look.” She pointed towards the narrow lane parallel to the stall.
They stopped on their tracks as Gintoki’s eyes followed her fingers. Looking at the dark alleyway, he saw a little girl crouching on the ground with her face hidden behind her kimono sleeves. Probably six or sever years old.
She was crying.
Worry soon swept over her eyes as Tsukuyo rushed towards the little girl, leaving Gintoki behind. And here goes my date. He groaned internally but followed her anyways.
Tsukuyo stooped down to the girl’s height as Gintoki heard the little girl sob in her lap. Her shoulders kept rising and falling with a fit of soft sobs as people continued to walk past them, not even batting an eye at the poor girl’s direction. She must have gotten separated from her parents in the crowd and in such a surrounding, nobody seemed to care much for a lost kid.
“Hello there.” Tsukuyo said tenderly, placing a hand on the little girl’s head.
The girl slowly raised her head, peeking from her sleeves as she looked at the kind lady smiling gently at her. “Are you lost?”
Gintoki saw the girl lift her head as her puffy eyes now sparkled a little, as if she had seen an angel. “I..I can’t find mommy and papa.”  Her voice broke with each word.
“Don’t worry.” She smiled, stroking the girl’s dark locks to calm her down. “We’ll help ya find them.”
“Really?” She looked at the two adults with hopeful eyes.
“Yeah.” Tsukuyo pulled out a handkerchief from her yukata sleeve, wiping off her tears. “Let’s go look for yer parents.” She stood up, reaching out her right her.
Tiny fingers wrapped around hers as she helped the girl stand up.
Gintoki saw those two walking towards his direction as he heard Tsukuyo ask, “What’s yer name?”
Doe-like eyes looked up at her. “Michiko.”
“What a wonderful name! I’m Tsukuyo.” Then she pointed towards Gintoki. “And he’s Gintoki.”
It was weird how that little girl looked at him. Her face changed from normal to joyous as she suddenly cheered with excitement. “Mr. Shaggy!”
Tsukuyo snickered as she saw Gintoki frown at his new nickname. “Who’re calling Shaggy, brat!”
Michiko’s grin widened as she ran in between them, holding both of their hands in her little ones as she pulled them towards the crowd. “Let’s go look for Mommy and Papa!”
Gintoki and Tsukuyo looked at each other and then at the then teary-eyed girl leap with joy and confidence. Their lips curled into a gentle smile as they decided to follow the little footsteps.
At first, they asked a few passer bys and looked around shops and stalls but still couldn’t detect her parents in the crowd. Michiko’s face saddened a little everytime she saw people shaking their head in a no. Tsukuyo, seeing her disheartened eyes, placed a reassuring hand on her head. The little girl smiled at her affectionate gesture as she nodded her head with a happy ‘hmm”.
After looking around for hour, the girl huffed with exhaustion as she looked up at Gintoki with her puppy eyes. Grumbling a “can’t help it” under his breath, he picked Michiko in one swift motion, placing her over his shoulders. An exhilarated squeal escaped her lips as she playfully messed with his curly locks. “A ride! Thank you, Mr. Shaggy!”
“Call me Shaggy again and I drop you.” Gintoki scolded gently.
The girl grinned back as they continued to look around.
It was strange how the crying little girl became so comfortable with those two in such a short span of time. Long gone was the shyness from her voice now, Gintoki and Tsukuyo observed the girl as she happily went from one stall to another with them. They had een together fot the last two hours and even though they knew she was missing her parents, her honest smile and joyous squeals happened to put their hearts at ease a little. Some elderly couples walked passed them, giving those three a gentle smile while whispering “how adorable they look together”. Tsukuyo’s face heated up a little and Gintoki rubbed his neck nervously at those compliments. Honestly, they were looking like a married couple with a child.
But it was just not the appearance that made strangers suspect them as a happy family. Gintoki and Tsukuyo both happened to have completely given in to her excited “let’s go there!” and “I wanna eat that!”.  Surprisingly, Gintoki didn’t have any problems with the little girl ordering around. Tsukuyo would glance at the duo every few minutes with a smile as she saw Gintoki surrendering to her demands with a scoff but agreeing nonetheless. He really looks like her father.
“What are you smiling at?” They were eating yakisoba at one of the yattai when Gintoki quirked an eyebrow towards her. The little girl was sitting between them, her complete focus on the delicious noodles when Tsukuyo saw Gintoki wiping some sauce off her left cheek with his sleeves.
“Oh nothin’. Just saw you pamperin’ Michiko. Well, it’s no surprise though.” She shrugged with a smirk.
“I’m not pampering her. She just had some sauce on her face.”
“Yeah, yeah. And now ya’d say yer not actin’ like her father at all.”
Gintoki rolled his eyes, a prominent scowl forming on his face.“ No, I was not! It’s you who’s been acting like her mother all the time!”
“Hey! That’s not true. And can ya just keep yer voice down a lil’!?”
“Well, now who’s playing Mommy here?”
“Oh, just shut it, ya bastard!”
“You two are just like Mommy and Papa.”
Their bickering was put on a hold as the heard the little girl chirp enthusiastically. They looked down to see Michiko was grinning unexpectedly as her eyes gleamed with joy. “I always hear Mommy and Daddy tease each other like this. But they’re super lovey-dovey!” She continued. “And when they stop fighting, they look at each other with all cutesy-cutesy eyes and then Papa kisses Mommy!”
“Seriously, the hell are they doing in front of a kid?” Gintoki muttered with annoyance to which Tsukuyo shot him a deadly glare.
“Ne, ne, Gin-chan. Do you kiss Tsuk-ki nee too?” Her doe-like eyes were filled with curiosity when she looked up at the silver-haired samurai.
Gintoki turned the other way awkwardly. “Umm, well…”
“And Tsuk-ki nee, do you kiss him too?”
Their faces were now burning. “Well…it’s not like that…”
“So, you don’t love each other?” They could hear the eagerness in her voice as she went on with her question. “But then, why are you two together? And why do you keep looking at each other with lovey-dovey eyes? Why do you keep smiling at each other? Do you not want to hold each-others hands? Do you not want to kiss each other? Then why are your faces red? Does that not mean you love each other?”
Only incoherent “umm’s” and “well’s” left their lips as the little girl’s never-ending questions remained unanswered. Her wave of questions caught the stall vendor and the other customers attention as they now had their eyes on the trio, smiling and mumbling among themselves as they saw the two adults looking awkwardly at each other and then at the child who had her curious eyes fixated on them.
“Al-alright. W-we need to go look fer yer parents.” It was Tsukuyo who stammered with her words as she picked up Michiko.
“E-exactlyy! Today’s kids, I must say.” A nervous laugh made out of his lips as Gintoki slammed the money in front of the vendor. “The food was delicious!” And with this said, he rushed himself out of the stall. This date is a disaster!
Finally getting themselves out of the uncomfortable stares, Gintoki made his way towards Tsukuyo who was now carrying Michiko. The sheer awkwardness and embarrassment again surrounded them, making them not face each other. Michiko’s gaze moved back and forth as she saw the two adults sighing in defeat. “Did I….do something wrong?”
Her innocent eyes were almost in the brink of tears when Tsukuyo sighed again, her stressed eyes now looking at the little girl with affection. “No, Michiko. It’s already gettin’ late and we still need to look fer yer parents.”
“And it’s gonna rain soon.” Gintoki followed suit as he turned up to look at the clear night sky now covered with dark grey clouds. “It’s already pretty late and I think they’re gonna cancel the fireworks. Your parents must be getting really worried.” He patted her head gently to cheer her up a little.
“So, let’s go look fer them, okay?” Tsukuyo smiled warmly.
Another thirty minutes passed by as they continued their search for Michiko’s parents in the busy street. The three saw vendors closing their stalls and people leaving the festival as the road now become more and more vacant. An announcement was soon made regarding the fireworks being cancelled due to bad weather. Urgent footsteps moved from one direction to another and with each passing minute, Michiko’s face only got gloomier. Holding her uptight, Tsukuyo ran towards another street vendor as she heard the little girl sniff in her shoulder. Her worry only risen up when the vendor shook his head in denial.
In the opposite direction, Gintoki continued to ask the other few passer bys when he noticed a man in an olive yukata anxiously asking a vendor something just a few meters away. Standing right beside him was a woman with her palms covering her face as he saw the man turn towards her and shook his head in disappointment. “Tsukuyo!” Gintoki called out. Hearing his voice, Tsukuyo rushed towards him. “Look! I guess that’s her parents.”
Michiko’s head jerked towards the direction Gintoki was pointing and in an instant they saw the little girl jump off Tsukuyo’s hold as she happily ran towards the crying couple. “Papa! Mommy!”
The couple turned around immediately at the source of the voice, rushing towards the little girl’s direction. Gintoki and Tsukuyo looked from a distance as they saw her parents collapse on their knees and pulled the little girl in one tight embrace. They could hear the light sobs coming from the two as the father gently stroked her back. The mother pulled out of the embrace as she cupped her face in her palms. “Oh God, Michiko! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where were you? And how did you find us?”
There were urgency and relief in her broken voice as Michiko nodded with a smile. Turning around, she pointed toward the two standing a few distance away as they smiled back at her. “I’m fine, Mommy. They brought me here.” Eyes filled with gratitude, Gintoki and Tsukuyo saw the little family bow down as they reached them. “We’re indebted to you.” The father said. “Thank you so much for bringing our daughter back safely to us. How can we repay you?”
“Ah, you can just pay back all th-“ A quick jab to his chest made Gintoki curse under his breath.
“Oh please. We’re glad we were able to help.” Tsukuyo replied. “Ya have such a wonderful daughter.” She smiled at Michiko.
“We hope she did not cause much trouble.”
“Not at all. Instead, it was us who enjoy her company so much.”
“That pretty lady’s name is Tsuk-ki nee.” The girl chirped. “And that’s Mr. Shaggy!”
“Oi! I told you not to call me that!”
“You musn’t, Michiko.” Her mother scolded her lightly. “We’re sorry for her misbehavior.”
Gintoki grumbled but then looked at the little girl who was still looking at him with her happy eyes. “Next time, don’t let go off their hands. Okay?” His voice was so gentle, it made Tsukuyo’s heart flip a little. He crouched down to her height as he gently tapped her nose with his index finger, getting an excited “um-hmm” from the little girl.
He really is a dad, after all. Tsukuyo smiled as she saw Gintoki stand back up. “Y’all should go. It’s gonna rain.”
“Yes. We should head back.” The father nodded. “Thank you so much.” They bowed down once again before leaving. “Bye-bye! Tsuk-ki nee! Mr. Shaggy!” Michiko waved at them with a huge grin. Both of them waved back, smiling, as they saw the little girl walk back to her home with her parents.
“Take care.” Tsukuyo whispered as they soon vanished in the darkness.
“We should head back too.” Gintoki said, turning towards her.
The road was getting more and more silent with each lightening strike. Almost all shops and stall were closed when Gintoki and Tsukuyo walked down the street in complete silence, leaving the festival long behind them. Their date really did not go well. Everything that had Gintoki planned, or at least thought, all went downhill. They had been walking for the last fifteen minutes and none had spoken a word. And it was just making the air between them even more uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry.”
Tsukuyo turned to look at the man walking beside her.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Gintoki replied nervously. “It was a disaster. The date, I mean.”
Tsukuyo smiled at his apology. “Don’t be. To be honest, I’d a lot of fun.”
“Real-“ But their chat was cut short when a raindrop landed on the tip of his nose. And then another on his shoulder. The two simultaneously looked up at the night sky as more came down but with even more speed.
“Shit!” Gintoki cursed loudly, rainwater soon starting to soak his clothes.
“Gintoki!” Tsukuyo called, pointing at a nearby shed around the corner in the dark. “Over there!”
The raindrops fell even faster when Gintoki, without giving any thought, clutched Tsukuyo’s wrist and ran towards the little shed. Tsukuyo’s face heated up as looked down at their joined hands while trying o keep up with his pace in her almost drenched yukata. Fortunately, the shed was only a few meters away and they made it there on the nick of time. Their clothes were partially soaked but it was still not too much. Removing his hands from hers, Gintoki pulled back his silver hair, brushing it a little to let the excess water fall down his perms.
The lack of warmth around her wrists suddenly made Tsukuyo’s heart drop a little.
“And now it’s raining!” Gintoki scowled at the rain. “Of all the days, it had to be today!”  
Tsukuyo saw the man groan as he threw his head down in exasperation. She had no idea he was looking forward to their date this much. Sighing, he looked at the now empty street in front of them. “I’m sorry.” She heard him repeat those words again. “I ended up wasting your time. Once the rain stops, I’ll drop you back home. That’s the least I can do, I guess.” He was still trying to look cool with his deadpan voice and casual shrugs. But the tint of disappointment didn’t go unnoticed by her.
“I guess I already told you.” She turned to face him. “It was fun, Gintoki.”
“Really?” He looked up with a surprised face. “Or are you just trying to make me feel better?”
“Ya know I don’t do that.”
“Yeah. Sorry I forgot.”
“Who’d have thought? Ya, spendin’ yer money and pameperin’ a lil’ girl. Yer such a softy.” She teased, taking her kiseru out of her sleeves and lighting it up.
Under the dim street light, Tsukuyo noticed his cheeks tint a light pink. “Oi! Weren’t you the one who dragged the kid along!?”
“Well, I couldn’t just leave her there. And ya wouldn’t have done that either.” She said as a matter of fact. “Plus, it was kinda sweet, lookin’ at yer soft side.”
Gintoki sighed. “She reminded me of Kagura.”
A smile curled up on her lips. “Is that so?”
“Yeah. When she first came around, she was just like this.” He chuckled, remembering the now grown-up girl who helped him out with his date outfit. “She still is, actually. Cheeky, obnoxious, a glutton. But a much responsible adult, unlike me. And the same goes for Shinpachi. Who’d have thought? They grow up so quickly.”
She knew how much he loved those kids. And yet, now that he was making such a sad yet proud smile, her heart sighed in content. “Ya sure are a proud dad.”
“I’m not their Dad.”
“Yes. Ya are. And we’re not havin’ this argument.”
“Alright. Fine.”
Rain continued to pour down and the two stood in a comfortable silence. It was strange for both of them; how even after being awkward around each other at times and bickering constantly, they’d find themselves in the most comfortable company. There were no rapid heartbeats or nervous stutters between them anymore. It was just the rain and them together, alone. And it was way better than any festival dates they’d ever been to.
“I didn’t ask you out just on impulse.”
“I actually wanted to see whether we could…you know….work on this together.”
Seriously, they were past that age. Goddamnit, they were in their thirties! Stutters and hand holding and stuffs like that; it was just never their thing. Seven years, they had known each other for seven years. And it always looked like staying by each other sides was more than enough for them. They didn’t ask for more. Even when Tsukuyo realized her feelings, even when Gintoki heard her tell him everything that had happened during the two years when he was absent; they never asked for more.
But it was always there.
The longing and the one little chance that could help them take a step forward.
Maybe years of being in love had taught Tsukuyo some self-control on her emotions. But his sudden confessions still made her heart race. “W-what’re ya sayin’, Gintoki?”
Taking a deep breath, Gintoki glanced at the woman standing beside him. And it was gorgeous how she was glowing in the dim light, just like the moon. “I guess this isn’t just made for me. Dating and stuff. But honestly, I wasn’t just shitting around. I really thought I could do…something properly. Hell, I even took advice from the kids!”
He heard her snicker at this. “Ya were lookin’ fer datin’ tips?”
“That’s not the point woman.” He frowned. “Nevermind. What I’m trying to say is…I messed up. I thought we could enjoy a little together…just the two of us..but I guess…I ruined our chance.”
“And that’s why yer gettin’ so worked up? It’s not like ya.”
“I know but….ah nevermind.”
Seeing the forever cool and lazy silver-haired samurai get slightly frustrated over the fact that he couldn’t even make his first ever date a proper one made Tsukuyo smile. Reaching out her hands, she clasped his wide hands into hers. “I had a good time.”
Gintoki looked down at their intertwined fingers and then at the woman smiling at him. And God, everything about her was beautiful. Shit, I want to kiss her now. “You could have gone for someone” He found himself saying. “in the past four years. Why didn’t you?”
She gave an honest answer to his question.“Didn’t have the time ta look fer one. Nor any interest.”
“The why did you say yes to me?”
Tsukuyo fell her throat dry up. “N-nothi’ in particular. I guess…it’s the same reason as yers. Wanted to try  out…or somethin’ like that.” She could feel her face heat up.
“And you never fell in love?”
Her flickering eyes went unnoticed in the dark as she turned to look at the man beside ger. She was in love. With him. But it didn’t matter. “No. Why didn’t ya?”
He shrugged. “Same as you, I guess. Brothels were more like my thing.”
“You’re looking good tonight, by the way.” He said honeslty.
“So do ya.” She smiled. “But ya don’t have to say that just because we’re on a date, Gintoki.”
“I’m being honest, that’s all. Okay, tell me this. Did Hinowa choose this one for you?” He pointed at her yukata.
“Of course it was her. When she found out that I was going out on a date with ya, the whole Yoshiwara went out to look for the “perfect” yukata.” She sighed, rubbing her head at the memory. “They were even telling me ta do all kinds of makeup and stuff. But fortunately, I got myself outta there.”
“Ah.” He smirked proudly. “So, they wanted you to go out on a date with me. Well, what can I say. Gin-san sure is popular.”
“I bet ya are.” Tsukuyo chuckled at his smug expression. “Wait, there’s somethin’ on your hair.”
“Eh? Where?” He ran his hand through his hair, but nothing came out.
“Wait.” She moved closer to him in the dark, her breath suddenly mingling with his. The rain still continued to pitter-patter on the concrete road, the dim street lights brightening their dark surrounding. They weren’t too close but the warmth emitting their bodies suddenly made them aware of the cold atmosphere. Tsukuyo reached out, her hand messing with his white curls as she looked for the unidentified object in his bushy hair. “They’re pretty soft.” She remarked, her soft hand brushing his scalp, making him shudder a little at this contact. “Here.” She pulled out a little straw, showing it to him. “Yer hair’s really like a nest.”
Maybe it was the light chuckle that escaped her pink lips. Or maybe it was her eyes and how they shimmered in the darkness. Maybe it was the warmth that now surrounded them and Gintoki didn’t want to feel the cold air hit his skin again. Or maybe it was the scent of lavender and smoke that enveloped his senses. Truthfully, he didn’t know what it was. And he didn’t even want to know. For now, he could just look at the scar that adorned her face. And the amethyst orbs that glowed in the faint light. He didn’t do date; hell he didn’t even know what romance actually refers to properly. But having this woman by his side never felt this right.
His name, God he wanted her to repeat his name. “You’re beautiful.” He breathed, his lips leaning towards her.
It was a trance, she knew. And yet, she was ready to let this illusion become her reality. She felt Gintoki’s fingers gently brush her hair behind her ear, his eyes drowning into hers. She could feel his breath on her lips as she found herself leaning closer to him, only just an inch apart.
Both jumped back hearing the loud horn as they turned to see a truck pass by.
Never had Tsukuyo felt like grabbing Gintoki’s collar just so they could relive that moment.
Never had Gintoki felt like running after a truck and beat the shit out of the driver.
But the rain had stopped. And the sky was now getting clear.”We should head back.” Tsukuyo suggested, turning away from him.
Gintoki saw her straighten her yukata with her hands, her back now facing him. “Yeah..” He sighed. “it’s pretty late.”
Tsukuyo nodded as they both got out of the shed. The next few minutes, they walked in silence, not uttering a single word. But the awkwardness wasn’t there anymore. This time, without any reluctance, Gintoki found his hand wrapping around hers confidently. And she only squeezed it back gently.
There was always something, they knew. But tonight, it changed.
They finally reached the Yoshiwara gates and decided to say goodnights to each other.
Is it the end? Are we never meeting like this again?
“Tsukuyo!” She was on her way to enter the gate when she heard him call out her name. Stopping in her tracks, she turned around to look at him. “Can we…you know..maybe…meet again? I guess that maybe…you know…we can actually, maybe, make it work..?”
There was a strange charm in him. Especially when he was nervous and rubbing the back of his neck while looking somewhere else. And it made Tsukuyo adore him all the more.
Smiling with a sigh, she walked towards him to give a proper answer.
Gintoki saw her walking towards him again and before he could make anything out, he found her leaning towards him as she lightly brushed her lips against the corner of his lips. “Next time, when ya ask me out,” she was clutching his collar, pulling him down as their eyes met “don’t be so formal. That doesn’t suit ya.”
And with that said she turned around, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He saw her enter the gate as he found himself place his hand on the place where her lips brushed against his skin.
Technically, his first date didn’t go as planned.
Oh well. Maybe he wouldn’t try to be so formal next time.
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casper-has-a-cat · 7 years
WARNING: descriptions of vomit below!
read the warning!
read the warning!
read the warning!
okay, you’ve been warned!  please enjoy the fic!
“It’ll be fun, I promise,” Kuroo pledged.  On the other end of the line, Tsukishima could practically hear the black haired male wiggling his eyebrows up and down.  He scowled.  They’d been on the phone on and off for the better part of an hour because whenever he hung up, Kuroo would call again.  This was getting old.  He let out a long sigh.
“Fine, but only if you promise to leave me alone for the rest of the night.”
“Yee-es!  It’s going to be a blast, Tsukki, just you wait!  You have to honestly try to have fun, though, alright?  Otherwise it won’t work.”
“Leave me alone, Kuroo.  Promise.”
“Only if you promise to try and have fun~”  Kuroo sing-songed, his excitement bleading through the telephone line.  Tsukishima grunted.
“Fine.”  He rubbed a hand across his forehead and wondered if this was really a good idea.  Then Kuroo made a happy noise and Tsukishima found it hard to regret it.  “Goodnight Kuroo.”
“Goodnight, Tsuk-“
Tsukishima hung up before Kuroo could finish, because it wouldn’t do to make him too happy.
He flicked off the light and got in bed.  He could already tell that tomorrow would be a long day, and decided it would be best to get a good night of sleep ahead of time.
He didn’t wake up until 15 minutes after he should have left to meet Kuroo for their lunch date.  Tsukishima jumped out of bed and got ready as quickly as possible before heading out.  He texted Kuroo while he was on the train.
To: Bedhead
11:48 am
omw, but am running behind.  sry
From: Bedhead
11:49 am
Tsukki!  You’ve never been late before!  You haven’t forgotten your promise, have you?
Tsukishima sighed.  No, he had not.  Unfortunately, reluctant as he was, Tsukishima was not one to break promises.
To: Bedhead
11:50 am
oc not.  i can hardly wait
From: Bedhead
11:50 am
That better not be sarcasm I hear…
To: Bedhead
11:51 am
we r txting, so if u hear anything, it isnt me
From: Bedhead
11:52 am
Tsukki… </3
To: Bedhead
11:53 am
c u in 30
From: Bedhead
11:53 am
See you soon! <3
Tsukishima’s lips formed a thin line as he leaned his head against the window.  This was going to be more difficult than he’d thought.  For some reason, he was in an undeniably unhappy mood today.  He shook himself a bit and spent the rest of the train ride attempting to convince himself that it was probably just a side affect of minor motion sickness.
It wasn’t until he was actually eating lunch and had indeed already eaten a good portion of his sandwich that Tsukishima acknowledge the possibility that there was something else going on.  The mild nausea he’d felt on the train had spiked to the point that Tsukishima was certain he was going to be sick.  He’d even excused himself to go to the restroom twice because he thought he was going to, but nothing had happened, and now he was stuck, with no excuse to leave, and was bound by his word to try to be happy.
Honestly, it wouldn’t have been all that hard if he was feeling better.  Kuroo had been incredibly, surprisingly sweet about the whole thing, even choosing a restaurant with very few people in it because he knew Tsukishima didn’t like crowds, and going to a sandwich place because he knew that was Tsukishima’s favorite kind of food for lunch, even though Kuroo himself wasn’t a huge fan of sandwiches.  This place even had strawberry shortcake for dessert!
And yet here he was, 100% miserable.  He had to at least make a better effort than this.  It had been a long while since either of them had spoken, and Tsukishima knew long silences made Kuroo uncomfortable.  He opened his mouth to comment on how nice this all was.
Instead, a thick, gut-wrenching burp came out.  He covered his mouth with his hands, but it was too late.  The damage had been done.  Kuroo was looking at him with wide, repulsed eyes.  Tsukishima stood and stumbled outside.
“Tsukki!”  Kuroo had followed him.  “Tsukki, what’s wrong?  Are you o-“  He broke off as Tsukishima doubled over.
Another burp broke ripped out of his throat, but this time it brought something else along with it.  Vomit splattered the street and Tsukki retched again with so much force that he had to take another step forward, off the sidewalk and into the road.  Then, Kuroo was there, his hands on Tsukki’s shoulders, pushing him backwards heedless of the sick that was splashing on Kuroo’s own dress shoes.
“Woah there, Tsukki, don’t want you getting hit by a car,” Kuroo said, his words joking at surface level but filled with real concern underneath.  Soon Tsukishima felt the backs of his knees hit something and buckle.  He found, much to his relief, that Kuroo had led him to a bench.  The older boy sat down next to him and rubbed his back as Tsukishima shuddered.
“Damnit, I feel so si- urp!”  Tsukishima doubled over and threw up between his legs.  Kuroo’s hands moved to his hair and started massaging Tsukishima’s head.
“That’s it, get it out, Tsukki.  You’ll be okay.”
Tsukishima coughed and trembled as more and more puke poured out of him.  Kuroo kept talking, but it wasn’t until his stomach settled somewhat that Tsukishima was truly able to listen to what he was saying.
“…ahhhh, I’m so sorry, Tsukki.  I had no idea you were feeling this terrible.  Why didn’t you tell me?  Am I really not trustworthy enough-“
“Told you I’d try and have fun.”  Tsukishima interrupted when he felt capable of speaking again.  Kuroo looked at him in surprise before pulling out a napkin he’d shoved in his pocket and using it wipe the mess off of Tsukishima’s face.
“Jeez,” Kuroo mumbled.  “I can’t believe you would go that far…  Oh, well, let’s forget about that for now.  Let’s get you somewhere you can rest up.  Do you feel better?”
“I cannot ride the train right now.”
“That’s alright, we’ll go to my place.”
Tsukishima normally would have protested, as he preferred to be alone when sick, but he was so exhausted that he just allowed Kuroo to lead the way.
Surprisingly, he didn’t regret it later.  Kuroo had tucked him in and given him medicine and simply let him sleep for most of the day.  He was surprisingly adept at taking care of sick people, and, in particular, sick Tsukishimas.  For the most part, at least.  When Tsukishima woke up from his nap, the house smelled of soup.
Which would have been sweet, except that his stomach disagreed.  No more than a minute after he’d opened his eyes, Tsukishima was retching.
“Kuro-“  He managed to choke out in between heaves.  Kuroo was by his side in an instant, predicting the situation even before he got there and having the foresight to bring a trashcan.  Just in time, he held it under Tsukishima’s chin, and the younger boy lurched forward with a great heave that had vomit spilling past his lips and down his chin.  He dry heaved a few times before leaning back, exhausted.  Kuroo wiped his face and gave him a sad smile.
“How’re ya feeling, kid?”
Actually, he felt much better, and said as much.  “Not terrible,” he shrugged.
Kuroo grinned at that, but it faded quickly.
“I broke my promise.”
“What?”  Tsukishima was surprised; he had been the one to break his promise, not Kuroo.
“I promised that it would be fun.  It wasn’t.  Sorry, Tsukki.”
Now it was Tsukki’s turn to smile.  “Well, that was mostly my fault.  Now we’ve both broken promises.  What do you think about a do-over to make up for it?”
Kuroo’s eyes widened like he couldn’t believe it and Tsukishima almost flinched at the energy rolling off of him.
Tsukishima looked at the boy who had just spent all day taking care of him, despite his bad attitude and despite the fact that he was stubborn and despite the fact that he’d puked on his shoes; the boy who, even after all that, was willing to blame himself for ruining the date.  And, even though it was small, Tsukishima couldn’t help but smile.
send me an ask!
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my-trashy-writing · 7 years
Tsukishima is government's interrogator. When one of the caught rebels comes out to be a troublesome case for his underlings, Tsukishima has to act himself.
As most thing where Yamaguchi gets hurt one way or another - inspired by Taemin. This time it's his performance during 2016 MAMA.
As @kathwolfie said, Tsuk is channeling his inner Lawful Evil here.
This au suffers from some cliches, I'm aware, but I really like it anyway and I'd love to write more for it but... fenifrbef rw fr fr wfr fj kv hrwk gfrjh gfhkrw gfkhtr. So... Yeah... :v
Buy me some coffee?
SFW, I guess, TsukiYama, mentions of psychological, physical and sexual abuse Words: 3055 Also on ao3. 
“You’re finally back, Tsukishima, sir!” two lower rank soldiers saluted Tsukishima, to which he only scowled.
“This better be important since I had to cut my vacation short. Can’t you function without me for two weeks?” he stopped in front of the door to one of many interrogation rooms.
“It is, sir. We believe that we captured someone from the higher ranks of one of the resistance groups. It’s a tough case, he’s been here for five days, we tried everything and we still can’t get him to talk at all.”
“Pathetic,” Tsukishima rolled his eyes and opened the door. He hasn’t even entered yet and was already hit with a heavy, musky scent. “You seriously tried everything,” he quickly walked towards the person that was chained to the wall.
Tsukishima stopped few steps in front of the prisoner and looked down at him. It was a young guy who, surprisingly, didn’t really look starved like the majority of guys his age that were living in the slums. He might have been slender but the nicely defined torso that was visible from under his opened jacket told Tsukishima a lot. He definitely was working out, or rather - training, and that was a thing that only the resistance people were doing. No-one else had the energy to spare for that. Simple survival was tiring enough.
“So you won’t talk,” Tsukishima started, his voice ice-cold. He could have sworn that he heard a chuckle from down below. “Look up at me when I’m talking,” the blond ordered.
“Fuck you,” the prisoner hissed and spat towards Tsukishima.
“He’s been here for five days and the only thing that you broke is his skin?” Tsukishima gestured to the battered guy and looked at the soldiers with pity in his eyes. They didn’t answer him and averted their eyes. They knew that it might not end well for them.
Tsukishima crouched in front of the guy and grabbed his face:
“I have my own way of doing things,” he whispered. “And your pretty mouth is going to tell me everything,” he stared right into the prisoner’s eyes. Tsukishima smiled slightly when the guy took the challenge and looked back at him defiantly.
“Tsukishima, sir?” one of the soldiers asked after a long moment of silence.
“I can’t even work with them around,” Tsukishima rolled his eyes and gave the prisoner another once over. He furrowed his brows when he noticed a tattoo on the side of his neck. “A feather, huh?” Tsukishima mouthed almost inaudibly after taking a closer look, making the guy flinch. “This really might be a tough case,” he added louder, getting up with a deep sigh.
Moments later, when Tsukishima and the two soldiers left the interrogation room, Tsukishima asked nonchalantly:
“Who fucked him and who’s idea it was?”
“I’m sorry?” one of the soldiers asked.
“Don’t play dumb with me. It’s obvious that someone got desperate during interrogation. Or, even worse for them, just wanted to have some fun. And definitely not once. I’ve told you many times that, even if you get the info out of it, it’s your loss if you have to sink as low as to sexually abuse the prisoner. And you didn’t even get the slightest results,” he sneered at them.
“It... was only the two of us.”
“Figured. So I hope you will have fun on the front lines, enjoy your transfer,” Tsukishima added and left them alone.
“You know, you actually should be proud of yourself,” Tsukishima started when he entered the room with the troublesome prisoner. This time the blond was alone. “They couldn’t handle you, so they called for me. Even though I was enjoying my well deserved vacation. I was in the middle of it,” he sat on the only chair in the room and sighed deeply.
“So you’re some sort of a final boss, I assume?” the guy sneered at Tsukishima from down below.
“You could say that,” Tsukishima shrugged. “Since I am the last person who’s going to deal with you here. And, to tell the truth, that makes you really, really lucky.”
“I probably should say something along the lines of ‘don’t waste your time’. But you know what? Fuck you. Waste all the time you want,” he glared at Tsukishima.
“Ah, I’m not surprised that they weren’t able to get anything out of you. It makes me happy, though. And your leader would definitely be proud of you. By the way, who’s your leader?” the blond asked nonchalantly.
“You really expect me to say it?” the guy laughed. “Just like that?”
“Ah, yeah, maybe I should have asked for your name first. Since even that is an unknown information. Who the hell trained you?” Tsukishima was genuinely impressed.
“Let’s leave everything as unknown.”
“I like to know who I am talking with, though?” he stood up and walked towards the prisoner. “Let’s see who you really are,” Tsukishima grabbed the prisoner’s face again and moved his head to have a better view of the tattoo. “Oh, it’s actually two feathers, not one,” he whistled and the guy flinched. “So you really fucked up big time.”
“I’ve never seen anyone with two feathers here. As far as I know, it means that you’re not an ordinary rebeliant.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, you definitely don’t know. The tattoo is just an aesthetic, right?” Tsukishima shrugged. “Oh, now I take a closer look there are also stars around the feathers. I thought these were freckles. Like on your face. I definitely need new glasses.”
“You really are wasting time. Yours, mine. This is some kind of bullshit.”
“What did the stars mean? The supplier?” Tsukishima wondered out loud, ignoring the prisoner’s comments. “Ah, no, not a supplier. Something along the lines of a spy, right? Yeah, you definitely fucked up big time,” Tsukishima laughed again and got up.
“You are fucked up.”
“Someone is getting nervous?” he teased. “But you still won’t talk with me. Ok, I understand. So I need to change my approach. I hate to do that but I guess you deserve it.”
“What? You’re going to hit me? Nothing new.”
“No, something else,” Tsukishima started unbuttoning his pants.
“I’m going to bite your disgusting dick off if you make me suck it,” the guy growled but Tsukishima noticed it to be only a false front. The prisoner shrunk into himself and started to shiver lightly.
“First of all, it isn’t disgusting. I take proper care of myself. And no, I’m not going to make you suck it. Unless you want to. I’m a big fan of consent when it comes to sex. But let’s leave it for another time if you don’t mind.”
“Dealing with your underlings was easier.”
“That’s why they're only underlings. Look at this and maybe then you will honour me with your name,” Tsukishima lowered his pants and underwear slightly to reveal a small tattoo near his hip bone.
“What the actual fuck…” the guy mouthed, intensely staring at the black ink. “I always thought it was bullshit,” he couldn’t tear his eyes from the full moon with a feather cleverly hidden between its craters.
“Personally, I think that these tattoos are a very stupid thing. And, to this day, I can’t believe that no-one, literally no-one, realised what they really mean. I know that it’s normal for people from the slums to have tattoos but… really? Is it enough already? Can I pull up my pants?”
“Ah, um, yeah. I’m Yamaguchi.”
“I know that this was the exact reason I did it but I’m still surprised that now you’re willing to talk with me. Just like that. So easily.”
“Ukai-san was always telling us to trust anyone who had the feathered moon. I never really believed that any reliable moons existed, though.”
“We have to climb up from the very bottom so many die before they can do anything. Or settle down along the way and forget about the feathers,” Tsukishima shrugged. “We also don’t really know about each other so I can’t tell if there are or aren’t any more ‘reliable ones’.”
“What are we going to do now?” Yamaguchi asked after a moment of silence.
“First I need to know why you got caught. I didn’t really have time to check your files. Then I can work around what happened. And, depending on the situation, I might need some info to include in the interrogation report. Though you already are labelled as someone important in the resistance so it might be necessary anyway.”
“I did not fuck up anything,” Yamaguchi sighed. “It was more like some of the younger guys fucked up. I tried to get the situation under control, we might have lost more than ten people if I didn’t. I don’t know how it started but there was a raid. I got caught while giving orders so I don’t think that there’s much hope for me. But, from what I know, anyone else managed to escape. So that’s a plus.”
“Quite the opposite if we talk about hope. It was a bad accident but we can use it to our advantage.”
“First of all - you’re going to stay here for few more days. Because you’re a ‘tough case’,” Tsukishima chuckled. “I will forbid anyone from getting in contact with you, so you’ll be safe. And then I’m going to release you, saying that you’re going to be a spy. No-one will have anything against it since having a spy amongst the high-rank rebeliants is a very useful thing. You will be exclusively under me, so, in reality, we will have very nice and simple way for me to contact the resistance.”
“Will it really work?”
“Why not? I’m also one of the more important people in this division so my word matters. Who’s your leader? Ukai-san himself?”
“Ah, no. It’s Daichi-san.”
“So he really became a leader. I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Do you know him?” Yamaguchi asked curiously.
“I was living in the slums here until I was ten, so yeah, I do. Though I don’t remember you at all.”
“I was relocated here when my mom couldn’t hide any longer the fact that I’m a boy,” Yamaguchi answered quietly, averting his gaze.
“Oh… That’s…”
“Don’t say anything. Really. I don’t want to remember the hell that broke loose afterwards. Though I'm not sure if my situation was that much worse than of all the girls who stayed…” he trailed off. “Can I ask you something instead?”
“Um, the soldiers called you ‘Tsukishima’. Is that your real name?”
“Then are you… Kei?” Yamaguchi asked shyly.
“How do you know?”
“Akiteru-kun always-”
“He’s alive?”
“Yeah. He is. He’s a supplier.”
“I thought he died on his first job...” Tsukishima whispered.
“I don’t know about his first job since I wasn’t here then but he’s definitely alive and healthy. Ah, and he’s sort of going out with Saeko-san. Also - I don’t think he’ll be happy to hear what became of his cute baby brother.”
“This is too much to process for me now. And I’m going to ignore the ‘cute’ part.”
“You called me ‘pretty’ so I guess we’re even,” Yamaguchi winked. Tsukishima looked at him, furrowing his brows.
“I actually do think that you are pretty? Even beaten up like that. I’m gonna patch you up a bit later.”
“Wait, what?” Yamaguchi gaped.
“Since I don’t really do… violence during interrogations, it won’t be unusual for your injuries to be better. I’m not stupid, don’t worry, no-one will suspect anything.”
“That’s… not what I was asking about...”
“Anyway, do you need anything? Want something? Of course, nothing fancy, since you’re technically a prisoner,” Tsukishima changed the topic.
“Could you… unchain me?” Yamaguchi asked timidly.
“Ah… Yeah, sorry,” Tsukishima stood up and walked towards him. “I should have done that earlier. Any other requests?”
“Not really,” Yamaguchi rubbed his sore wrists. “I can’t sleep though,” he added quietly and got up, stretching himself, wincing slightly.
“You have to do with the hard bedding. I can’t really give a fluffy mattress to one of the prisoners,” Tsukishima observed his every move.
“It's not that. I’m used to sleeping on the ground. I just…”
“Would sleeping pills help? I could get them for you.”
“I don’t think so… it’s not that I can’t fall asleep. It’s…” Yamaguchi paused and sighed heavily. He sat on the hard bed, looking up at the ceiling. “No, nevermind. I’m fine,” Yamaguchi forced a smile.
“If you say so. I’m not gonna pry,” Tsukishima commented. “Though I should tell you that I already dealt with the two soldiers from before.”
“From before?” Yamaguchi narrowed his eyes at Tsukishima.
“Let’s say it like this - the ones who took care of you. From what I gathered it was the pair who came with me earlier. Or were there more?”
“No, only the two of them.”
“I already suggested their… transfer to the division commander. They broke the rules anyway, so it won’t look like I’m biased towards you. All in all, you’re lucky, you know?” Tsukishima smiled lightly.
“I don’t know how to feel about this,” Yamaguchi huffed angrily. “I’d rather not have to be lucky in such a way.”
“Sorry, I’ve been here for a long time and my perspective is slightly warped. I’ll go and get the first aid kit.”
“Slightly,” Yamaguchi muttered when Tsukishima got up.
“Huh?” the blond stopped in front of the door. “I do understand that your situation is shitty. I’m perfectly aware of that. I’ve been living in these slums. When I was ten years old I was told that my brother, the only family I had left, died. Soon after it was decided that I’m going to become one of the moons,” he slowly walked towards Yamaguchi. “I had to climb up the ranks of the enemies from the very bottom. When I finally ended up here, I had to interrogate people who, in fact, were my allies. I’m constantly lying to everyone around me. One wrong move, one slip up and I would be executed without even a trial. Treason is probably the worst thing that a soldier here could do. And I am the embodiment of treason and betrayal,” his face was just centimetres before Yamaguchi’s. “It isn’t a field of flowers for me either. This whole world is fucked up, we all have shitty lives,” Tsukishima glared at Yamaguchi for a moment and then left the room.
When he came back few minutes later, Tsukishima silently attended to Yamaguchi’s injures. Even though he was still irritated, he was careful to not cause any additional pain.
“Go to sleep now,” the blond said dryly when he finished.
“Go to sleep,” he repeated. “For now I know enough, so you can rest. I’m ‘interrogating’ you, so I have to be in the same room as you. But that’s all, we don’t need to talk. And you could use some sleep.”
“Thanks for patching me up,” Yamaguchi said quietly after he lied down. “And sorry for before. We all have it rough,” he added after turning his back towards Tsukishima.
When Yamaguchi went to sleep, Tsukishima started writing his report. After almost an hour he heard quiet groaning. He ignored it until the sounds got louder and Yamaguchi started tossing on the bed. The blond quickly walked up to him and shook Yamaguchi’s shoulder slightly in an attempt to wake him up. It probably wasn’t the best idea, as Yamaguchi woke up with a loud gasp, immediately sitting up and backing up into the wall.
“I’m sorry? You seemed like you were having a nightmare, so I-”
“It’s fine,” Yamaguchi cut him off, breathing heavily. “It’s fine, thanks,” he rubbed his face with his hands. Tsukishima noticed that Yamaguchi was shivering.
“I’m going to check if you don’t have a fever,” Tsukishima warned and touched Yamaguchi’s forehead. The other flinched at the contact but eased soon after. “You don’t seem hot,” Tsukishima commented, taking his hand away, to which Yamaguchi gasped softly and reached to catch Tsukishima’s hand but stopped midway. “What?” Tsukishima asked, confused.
“No, it’s… um… you have cold hands. And my… mom - “ Yamaguchi’s voice was getting quieter with each word, “ - she also had cold hands. It’s funny, right?” he laughed nervously. “People always say that their mothers had warm hands. And mine had cold. But it was always calming. So I just… instinctively… Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly at Tsukishima.
“I don’t know what’s up with you,” the blond narrowed his eyes at Yamaguchi. “I saw you today for the very first time in my life. But I already went to great lengths for your sake. I did snap at you, sorry for that, I’m constantly on the edge, but I was honest with you. About myself to boot. I don’t even remember when was the last time it happened!” Tsukishima paused, visibly agitated. “And I wouldn’t really mind doing stuff that I’d usually hate. So anyway - do you want me to hold your hand while you’re sleeping or something?” he huffed, flustered.
“Eh?” Yamaguchi blushed deeply. “Um… yeah.... You don’t seem like someone who would like that.”
“I’m offering, though,” Tsukishima became even more embarrassed, his face getting red too.
“If… if that’s not too much… could you… could you run your fingers through my hair?” Yamaguchi asked shyly, some sort of a desperate need visible in his eyes. He looked vulnerable but not pathetic and it made Tsukishima want to indulge him. “Ah, but I’m sweaty and dirty so maybe better not…”
“It’s fine,” Tsukishima mumbled.
“It’s fine,” he repeated. “Just shut up, lay down, close your eyes and try to sleep.”
Tsukishima’s fingers didn’t magically cure Yamaguchi. But they definitely helped ease his nerves and allowed him more peaceful sleep. During the next few days, Tsukishima would be doing his paperwork in Yamaguchi’s interrogation room, from time to time absentmindedly running his fingers through napping Yamaguchi’s hair and petting his head.
When it finally came to putting their grand scheme to work, Tsukishima was feeling confident and his heart was light. Somehow, without any need for words, he knew that Yamaguchi was the same. And they both were sure that their encounter could bring the resistance movement new hope.
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sorrowschengmei · 6 years
*sighs* why an///tikylos come interact with my posts 
kiddo you have a whole fandom/hatedom saying he’s a trash person that should be killed dead and thrown to the hounds and a crybaby and a ridiculous thing 
can you leave me and my shrine to him ALONE?? on this house we APPRECIATE his otherworldly beauty and aching heart and poetic suffering, go play with your hater friendos on your (un)happy hater pool
you won’t make me dislike him, or like you, the only thing you’ll grant is some minutes of unease to me and my following and i DONT need MORE unease on my life neither do my following
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kwimstixs · 4 years
Tsukkishima x Reader
~ ᴵᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳⁿᵒᵒⁿ ⁱⁿ ᴰᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵂʰᵉⁿ ⁱᵗ ʳᵉᵐⁱⁿᵈᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃʸ ᵂʰᵉⁿ ʷᵉ ᵇᵘᵐᵖᵉᵈ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ᵉᵃᶜʰ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᴮᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ˢᵃʸ ʰⁱ 'ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴵ ˡᵒᵒᵏᵉᵈ ᵃʷᵃʸ ~
"Yamaguchi, why are we here again?" The tall blonde boy asked irritatingly as he pushed his glasses back. Apparently, his best friend dragged him into some kind of place. And they should be doing their school works.
"Our block mates are hosting this party Tsukki. Let's have fun!" Yamaguchi tried his best to amuse Tsukkishima even for a little bit, but it didn't work at all, in fact it worked opposite. Tsukkishima is 100% irritated with the loud noise.
"Fun huh?" He asked lifelessly as he looked at the room, everyone was dancing up and down and going wild. There's nothing fun in there at all.
"Tsukki!!!Yamaguchi!!!" One of their block mates called out to them.
"You go have fun. I'll just wait for you outside so we can finally work on the project." Tsukkishima said, managing to get away from their block mate's grasp.
"Wait Tsukki!!" Yamaguchi was unable to stop him as he was dragged by more people inside.
He then noticed that the place was familiar. He turned around to see a certain number on the door. It clicked on him. This was also (Y/N)'s place.
Speaking of her, have she moved on? Because he definitely did not. They broke up in their third year of high, cut off all communications, met each other again last November, but they didn't talk at all. Yamaguchi and Nachi was saving them whenever they would be left together.
Would he see her again here? Tsukkishima rolled his eyes at himself. He should stop thinking like that, it was two years ago.
He went outside of the building, where he couldn't hear the loud party noise, only the silent chirping of the crickets outside, and a metal swinging?
He turned his head to the nearby playground to see a girl swinging while fiddling with her phone, a man was also nearby, Tsukkishima recognized the guy as also one of his block mates, he must have been also invited to the party. He was walking forward to the girl. Tsukkishima knew the girl would be in danger. He grabbed some pebbles as he approached them.
"Ahh (Y/N), long time no see." He said. His heart raced. He never expected to meet the (h/c)-haired girl right now.
"T-Thank you," The girl stuttered, she stood up from the swing. (Y/N) is not tall but she's not exactly small either, but when she was facing Tsukkishima, she looks so smaller than she was supposed to be.
Tsukkishima paused as think of what to say next. After a few seconds he managed to say something. "Are you alright?"
He mentally slapped himself, was that the best that he could do?
"Yeah," (Y/N) slowly nodded. "I'm going back to my room. Thanks." (Y/N) said.
"I'm walking you back." He immediately added. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she tried to protest about it." You don't have to-"
"The guy might be back for you, he's my block mate, I know his moves. I would feel bad if something happened to you just because I didn't walk you back." He said in a fast voice.
(Y/N) blinked twice, she sighed before agreeing. " Ok, thanks." She said. The two of them started walking back to the building.
Silence, it was pure silence.
No one dared to say anything, or bring back the past. They were at the elevator going up when (Y/N) can't bear the deafening silence anymore.
"So why are you here?" She asked as she looked away from him, staring at her reflection on the wall. (Y/N) wished that she was the reason he was here, but it's just a wish.
"Block mate's party. " He briefly replied.
"OH, that explains the loud speakers in our floor." (Y/N) said, remembering her neighbor who was making a mess at their floor. That must be it.
Tsukkishima stared at the girl, realizing on how (Y/N) had matured. If it were the old 1st or 2nd year (Y/N), she would have definitely joined the party and be loud and chaotic as she can. But it's the matured (Y/N) he's facing right now.
"So...How are you? Doing good in life? It's been a while huh?" (Y/N) wanted to smack herself for asking that.
I'm not fine, I'm not doing good. It's been a mess without you.
Oh how Tsukkishima wish he could openly say things like that just like before. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to." He said in a rather harsh voice.
Please talk more, I miss your voice.
Tsukkishima slightly clenched his fists as he holds back talking more.
"Oh ok,"(Y/N) said, her shoulders going down. At least she didn't have to pretend. The elevator doors opened, they were now on the (Y/N)'s floor.
"Tsukki! You're backkk! I miss you!!!" It was Yamaguchi's voice, he rushed over immediately as soon as he saw the familiar black jacket of his friend.
"Yamaguchi?" (Y/N) asked as she saw the green-haired boy. Of course, they're a pair. His balance was a bit shaking, he was struggling to come over to the two. He was definitely drunk.
"Who said that?" Yamaguchi asked as he looked around, and finally saw the (h/c)-haired girl." (Y/N)!!!Why are you here?!"
"This is kinda my place?" (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
"So that must explain it," He said as he hiccup.
"Explain what?" The girl raised an eyebrow.
Yamaguchi pointed at his friend."Tsuk-ki here doesn't wan-na co-me he-re at-all! And when-I was as-king him-he ne-ver ans-wered. But you-are he-re so-it must ha-ve be-en the rea-son-why Tsuk-ki-won't go. You-know? Be-cause he-"
"Shut up Yamaguchi," Tsukkishima cut him off, (Y/N) doesn't need to know about that.
"Go-men Tsuk-ki," That was Yamaguchi's last words before he passed out on the cold, hard tiles of the floor.
Tsukkishima sighed irritatedly, and this is one of the reasons he hate parties. He bended down to tap Yamaguchi, in hope to wake him up.
(Y/N) stared at the sleeping Yamaguchi. She was reluctant at first to offer her place, but it was her friends anyways.
"I have spare bedrooms, you guys can sleep there."(Y/N) offered. Tsukkishima being himself, he wanted to decline at (Y/N)'s offer.
"I can handle this," He said, not wanting to do anything involving (Y/N).
"Bleghhh," Yamaguchi looks like he was about to vomit.
"You sure you don't need help?" (Y/N) asked again, looking at Tsukkishima who was already struggling so much. Defeated, he agreed to stay at (Y/N)'s place for the night.
"You want (food)?" (Y/N) offered him food once they've settled down. Yamaguchi was sleeping in one of (Y/N)'s guestroom. The noise from the neighbors finally died down, it was past 2 in the morning already. (Y/N) was glad she passed by the store to buy some of her favorite food earlier.
"No thanks," Tsukkishima declined as he sat on the couch. He just watched her ate the food she offered just a few seconds ago. (Food) was still (Y/N)'s favorite after all these years.
"You still hate (Food)? How rude,"(Y/N) joked. He remembered how (Y/N) would always force him to eat (Food) back in their high school days. He had taken a secret liking to (Y/N)'s food, but he'll never admit it. He just scoffed.
"I have strawberry shortcakes here, let me just get it." (Y/N) said. Tsukkishima lowered his head as (Y/N) went to the fridge. Does (Y/N) still remember that it was his favorite food?
"Here," (Y/N) said and handed him a slice of cake in a plate. Tsukkishima stared at it for a while before getting it.
"You like shortcakes Kei?!" The first year (Y/N) stuck her nose as she looked at first year Tsukkishima getting food.
"Please stop calling me that." Tsukkishima answered in his monotone voice.
"Never! You told me to stop calling you Tsukki, but Tsukkishima is too long so I'll go with calling you Kei!" (Y/N) said smiling happily.
"K." He said as he tried his best to ignore their new manager. They were in the same class, but she never really stood out in a good way until Kiyoko introduced her and Hitoka as the new managers.
"If I buy you shortcakes, would you be less mean to me?" She asked in a pouty voice. Cute.
"Try it then," He smirked. (Y/N)'s (e/c)-colored eyes sparkled in amusement.
" Thanks," He softly said as he took the food.
"Put your plates in the sink, I'll wash them later, and there's an extra bed in the guest room too." (Y/N) said, finishing her shortcake in a few minutes. She was trying her best to act normal, like nothing happened. Who knew it would be this tiring?
"Really (Y/N), thanks." He genuinely said.
"No problem, what are friends for?" She smiled.
Friend huh?
It was a stab in his heart. Tsukkishima finished his food, drank water and placed it all in the sink in just a few minutes. (Y/N) didn't seem to notice his weird behavior as she was fiddling with her phone again.
"Night (Y/N)," He said as he went to the guest room and laid down on the spare bed. He stared at the ceiling.
'I should not be feeling like this, I should be happy she even considered me as a friend after all of the ruckus.' Tsukkishima sighed as he hugged the pillow. It smelled like (Y/N).
He missed her, so much. 'Can't we go back to the time we were so happy, not worrying about anyone or anything?'
'Stupid Kei, you know you can't turn back time. Deal with it, face your fear.' He slapped his forehead as he rolled around the bed.
He stared for a while at Yamaguchi snoring before rolling around the bed to face the wall, he was lost in his own thoughts.
"Hey Kei--oh wait it rhymes!" An almost second year (Y/N) stopped in her tracks and admired what she just did there.
Tsukkishima sighed as she saw the (h/c)-haired girl getting lost in her tracks. "What do you want (L/N)?"
"First of all, call me (Y/N)! We've known each other for months now! We've even gone to dates!" She immediately scolded him.
He sighed, calling the girl her first name just for her to stop talking more. "K (Y/N), what do you want?"
"What's your biggest fear?" She asked and looked up to meet his gaze.
"My biggest fear? Nothing." He scoffed and turned back to writing his notes down.
"No way! You must have some kind of fear or something!" The girl disturbed him even more by closing his notes and getting his pen away from him. She sat on his desk.
"I fear nothing," He said, looking at (Y/N). The girl pouted,
"Then you're not human. Humans have fear." He held (Y/N)'s hand to grab the pen back from her.
"Oh, wait you're salt and not a human- "Tsukkishima slammed his lips against her, making her shut up. (Y/N)'s eyes widened. She felt weak for a while as her features softened. He broke the kiss as he successfully grabbed his pen back.
"I do have fears, but I'm not gonna tell you that." He whispered in her ear before properly sitting back down.
"No fair!" (Y/N) whined as Tsukkishima snickered. "I wanna know!"
His biggest fear? Having a future without (Y/N).
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sorrowschengmei · 6 years
tumblr is unbelievably frustrating when it comes to posting art
you get either 900 notes, 3 anons saying they want to have sex with your art and 10 new followers on the first 2 hours, or radio silence, and it all depends on the already famous people reblogging your stuff. it pushes people into a culture of bootlicking and people pleasing that frankly, its very damaging both to art and the relationships within the fandom. it is also very anxiety inducing, and i’ve had periods on my life i’d feel like literally dying for being ignored on tumblr. this is a very unhealthy environment that pushes people into unnecessary competition and equates number of notes = amount of love their work deserves.
it ends up being a matter of pure luck + pleasing the common sense, two things i lack completely. and on the top of it all, now tumblr decided to stop notifying people from the activity of certain users, and i’m pretty sure tracked tags are buggy as well. there’s no fucking way of knowing anymore if your art is reaching people, and it’s both frustrating for the artist that ends up without feedback and for the fans and friends of them that get ‘wtf’ when you tell them you’ve posted 5 WORKS ON THE LAST FEW WEEKS AND THEY’VE SEEN _NOTHING_ 
ugh. sorry for the rant. im actually trying to downplay here something that has been literally taking my health since january of this year. it grew to a point where i can’t follow artblogs anymore or interact with fandom famous artists bc i get violent anxiety attacks, feeling like i shouldn’t even be alive and that i’ll be always the weird kid that nobody likes. i need to constantly tell myself my art is not ugly or weird or poorly done, it’s just tumblr’s system that isn’t art friendly and everyone who got famous ended up this way basically randomly.  =/
 btw if you want to be PERSONALLY notified of my new work give me a signal, now the tagging bug seems to be gone i can make a list of people to tag each time i post something.
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sorrowschengmei · 6 years
quick question
telling someone who’s angry that they should stop being angry and that anger just makes them bad people/toxic people is a quick way of
a) making them think about life
b) making them less angry
c) making them angrier and much likely angry at YOU
it’s an easy one, guys. 
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sorrowschengmei · 6 years
has been your tumblr activity like IRRITATINGLY low all of a sudden on the last few days
bc mine is and i talked to some people who accused the same problem ¬¬ what a wonderful and reliable little website, tumblr
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