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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 3 years ago
Darkness (Technique)
A Technique that prevents nearly all light from travelling within a certain area, leaving nothing visible but darkness.
Technique Type: Specialty / Support Performance: Standard Action Delivery: Field Range: 20ft. Size: 15ft. Effect Type: Passive Channeling Duration Tier (DT): Mn Duration: 1 minute (10 rounds)
When performing this technique, the user may choose themselves as the center of its area of effect, causing it to move along with them. Otherwise, they choose a specific point within range, creating a field of static darkness that prevents most from seeing within it.
Subjects within the field of darkness are considered Blinded, even when typically being able to see in darkness.
Prerequisites: [Delivery: Field] [DT: Mn or Less]
As a modification, the feature makes use of the Technique's existing Field to apply its effects.
1 point:
Size Upgrade: +5ft.
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 4 years ago
Feign Death (Technique)
A technique capable of Feigning the Death of the user to such an extent that it even fools the sensing of spirit energy.
Technique Type: Combat, Specialty Performance: Free Action Delivery: Self Effect Type: Passive Channeling Duration Tier (DT): H Duration: 1 hour
An individual Feigning Death through the use of this Technique manages to influence their body in a way that nearly identically simulates the state of being dead. For all intents and purposes, their body does shut down completely, only a feint and nearly undetectable sliver of energy keeping their body from suffering damage by the lack of necessary bodily functions.
Traditional sensory cannot detect the energy harbored in the user's body; only the use of specialized energy-detecting Techniques such as True Sight being able to detect it (and that's only if individuals even suspect about using them in the first place).
The individual Feigning Death can view all that is around them almost like a form of astral projection, an area of up to 100ft, however, their actual spirit is not considered severed from their body during this state, and thus may not be seen by other spirits nor may it move freely. Likewise, the user may not view the spirit body of other subjects.
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 4 years ago
Alternate Space (Technique)
Allows the user to cross into a dimension of reality that overlaps with our own, specifically one that shares the same environment.
Technique Type: Specialty, Support Performance: Full Round Action Delivery: Self Effect Type: Instant
Upon casting this Technique, the individual shifts into another layer of reality, one that overlaps with what is known to mortals as the "real world". In this alternate space, minerals, the soil, and similar earthly features exist as they do in the "real world", including those that have been constructed into buildings and pathways. While these features can be touched, they cannot, however, be moved or influenced in any way.
Elements such as water, fire, ice, and energy do not exist in this alternate world (lakes, for example, appear simply as large craters), although they can be conjured up through abilities, techniques, etc. Just as their "real world" counterparts, these summoned elements do not manifest  themselves on the other side.
When it comes to life-forms, this slice of reality is mostly barren— although that is ultimately left up to the GM's discretion— but the flora that exist in the "real world" also simultaneously exists in this realm as well. With that being said, just like with earthly materials, although it can be touched, it cannot be moved in any way.
Techniques performed in this alternate space appear solely in alternate space, and cannot target individuals in the "real world" (and vise versa).
Any other user with this same technique feature— whether it is its base feature or a modification— ends up in this same layer of reality upon using it.
The energy of individuals in this realm can be sensed from the "real world".
To return to the "real world", the player must perform this Technique again.
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 6 years ago
Swipe (Technique)
An ability used to quickly and stealthily snatch possessions off of others.
Technique Type: Specialty Performance: Standard Action Delivery: Contact Reach: +5ft Effect Type: Instant
For this Technique to work, the user must have an idea of what it is that they’re attempting to swipe off of their target. The more information they have on the item, the more accurate the Technique is.
The moment they perform the Technique, the GM asks for the mental image the character has of the target item (color, size, shape, texture, etc). They then assign a percentile to the accuracy of the description, and roll the appropriate die to see if it is successful (typically a d10). A completely accurate description guarantees success.
Whether the Technique is successful or not is a separate matter from whether the targeted individual becomes aware of what’s happened or not. To determine so, the user rolls as if having performed an Energy Imbued Unarmed Attack (which represents the Technique’s execution). If it is lower than the target's Sense, they have become aware of what transpired. If it is higher, they remain unaware.
Requirement: [N/A]
As a modification, the feature makes use of the Technique's Delivery to employ its effects.
1 point:
Reach Upgrade: +5ft
0 notes
yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 6 years ago
Shrink (Technique)
A Technique Feature that allows the user to shrink in size.
Technique Type: Combat / Specialty Performance: Full Round Action Delivery: Self Size: Halve in size. Effect Type: Passive Channeling Duration Tier (DT): S Duration: 3 rounds
Upon using this Technique, the user approximately shrinks to half their size.
In their shrunken state, the user's Movement is halved, they suffer from a -5 bonus to their Guard in exchange for a +5 to their Evasion, and their melee attack's Damage Output is decreased by 1 die tier (1d12 >> 1d10 >> 1d8 >> 1d6 >> 1d4).
Requirement: [Delivery: Self] [Duration Tier: S]
As a modification, the feature enhances the user in addition to applying all other self-targeting effects.
2 point:
Shrink Further: +3 additional bonus (Evasion), -3 additional penalty (Guard), Damage Output reduced by 1 additional die tier (1d12 >> 1d10 >> 1d8 >> 1d6 >> 1d4 >> 1d2).
Growth: Allows you to add Growth as a feature of this Technique without taking up a Modification slot.
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 6 years ago
Smoke Screen (Technique)
A Smoke Screen is used to mask the movement or location of those within or beyond it.
Technique Type: Combat / Support Performance: Standard Action Delivery: Field Range: 15ft. Size: 15ft. radius Effect Type: Lingering Duration Tier (DT): S Duration: 3 turns
A Smoke Screen spawns with its center point on the exact location chosen by the Technique's user. It's primary usage is for blocking perception within and beyond the area it's placed at. A Smoke Screen done by Energy Techniques hinders more than just visual perception though; it has properties that interfere with sensory perception. As so, it also blocks others from discerning the location of those within or beyond it through Sense.
Those standing within a smoke screen spawned from this technique cannot see threats coming at them unless they have perception-enhancing abilities or Techniques. Likewise, swift threats emerging from within or behind the smoke screen also surprise others on the outside/opposite side. As per normal rules, targets that cannot perceive incoming threats are treated as having their Guard, Deflection, and Evasion halved (rounded down), and may not perform Counterfire or Counterfield as defensive options. If a character does not become aware of any incoming threats in the first place (through sonar cues, etc.) they may not perform any Defensive Actions in response to them.
Requirement: [Delivery: Self / Wave / Field] [Duration Tier: S]
As a modification to a Technique with a Delivery of Self, it activates its effects using the Feature's own Base stats (not the existing Technique's, as is usually the case according to the rules of Modifications), the center point of the effects being that of the user.
As a modification to a Technique with a Delivery of Wave or Field, it adopts the Technique's existing attributes, applying its effects alongside any others.
1 point:
Range Upgrade: 10ft.
Size Upgrade: 5ft.
2 points:
Duration Upgrade: +3 turns
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 6 years ago
Invisibility (Technique)
A Technique that makes its user visually undetectable.
Technique Type: Specialty, Support Performance: Standard Action Delivery: Self Effect Type: Passive Channeling Duration Tier (DT): S Duration: 3 rounds
The selected target becomes Invisible for an amount of time equal to this Technique's duration. Specifically, only the target's Physical Body becomes Invisible, meaning their energy could still be perceived. Attacks and Techniques coming from the invisible individual treat their target as if they were Blinded.
Requirement: [Duration Tier: S]
There are three primary ways the Invisibility modification can be applied: The first is to modify a Self Technique, which would grant the effects of invisibility on top of its pre-existing boons, utilizing its existing Duration, otherwise it adopts it from its Base form.
The second modifies the visual properties of any Technique, making them undetectable. This can have a different effect depending on what exactly it is that is becoming invisible, but on average, invisible Contact, Projectile, and Wave Techniques treat their targets as if they were Blinded when it comes to Defensive Actions, and alongside Selective and Field Techniques, their normally visible effects are now considered invisible.
Finally, for Conjuration Techniques, it gives the conjured object or creature the ability to utilize the Base version of this Technique.
2 points:
Touch of Invisibility: The user may now make that which he touches invisible. Aside from being useful to make allies invisible as well as to hide objects and traps, it can be also be used to make stealthy takedowns by disappearing the victim's body as you attack. The invisibility only lasts for as long as contact is being made with the subject.
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yu-yu-hakusho-rpg · 6 years ago
Obfuscate (Technique)
Used to cloud the effects of other Techniques, making what was once certain and clear become obscure or confusing.
Technique Type: Specialty Performance: Standard Action Delivery: Selective (targets Techniques) Range: 20ft. Effect Type: Lingering Duration Tier (DT): H Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: User's [Potency] vs the [Potency] of the targeted Technique's owner
Obfuscate muddles the effects of a select type of Techniques. It specifically targets Techniques that either reveal, guide, present specific visuals, or enhance one’s senses (such as True Sight, Scribble, Guide).
The visual manner in which this Technique distorts or hinders these effects is designed by the user upon acquisition. Mechanically, it should prevent them from successfully performing their function.
Requirement: [Delivery: Selective (targets Techniques)], [Duration Tier: H or less]
As a modification, it affects the targeted Technique, also applying all other Technique-altering features it might have, adopting the Base Technique’s existing Duration if it has any, or implementing its own if it does not.
1 point:
Range Upgrade: +10ft.
2 points:
Duration Upgrade: +1 hour
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