#tsmod novel
irisflammea · 4 years
成化十四 Book Cannon moments that I can’t stop thinking about Part 2 (or How Tang Fan ridiculously professes his love)
A little more than SIX MONTHS after his drunken escapade with Wang Zhi, soon after Tang Yu talked to him, Tang Fan decided to make his feelings clear to Sui Zhou. Nighttime came and Sui Zhou was nowhere to be found.  He was so anxious that he couldn’t wait so he went to the Northern Administrative Court to try to find him. 
Upon arriving, he was told that Sui Zhou was leaving out of town for a mission and he just set off, so Tang Fan might be able to catch him. So he borrowed a horse and hauled ass to the city gate that was about to close.
He saw a group of people about to leave the city, even though he wasn’t sure if anyone of them was who he was hoping for, he still yelled out his name, “Sui Guangchuan!!”
It WAS Sui Zhou after all. Sui Zhou turned around and asked if he needed something. Tang Fan, at this point, didn’t feel as happy as he thought he was going to be. That’s because for the past six months, Sui Zhou treated Tang Fan the way  he did back when they first met each other. Their conversation was brief and Tang Fan felt that their relationship was estranged. 
Ending the brief conversation, Sui Zhou turned back around to leave. Before, he could even say anything to stop him, Tang Fan tried to grab him and almost fell off his horse in the process. Thank god for our loved one having great reflexes, so Tang Fan was caught before he could fall. Not wanting to keep Sui Zhou from his duties and to save himself a little bit of embarrassment, Tang Fan gave Sui Zhou a piece of jade quickly and rode away.
Sui Zhou looked at the jade and noticed that the jade with silken ribbon/girdle looks like it was A-Dong’s and smelled like braised eggplant.... (like wtf)
He finally left the city while still looking at the jade, and one of his companions saw this and joked that Tang Fan must’ve given it to him on behalf of someone else to profess their love.  
Sui Zhou knew that jades where given for this purpose but he’s never seen a love token with the smell of braised eggplant (*smh*) and if it was one, why did he have to give A-Dong’s instead of his own? Regardless, since Tang Fan gave it to him, it must’ve some meaning. So, he handed it over to his companion, who had a scholarly background, for him to take a look. 
His companion looked at it, and although he was put off by the worn jade and crooked silk ribbon/girdle with the eggplant smell, he handed it it back to Sui Zhou and asked him if he’s ever read the poem by  繁钦 Po Qin.
Sui Zhou shook his head, so his companion recited it.
“I went out of the eastern gate,
And met by chance a handsome mate.
To a sweet bower I was led; 
undressed, I served him in the bed.
We did not date ‘neath the mulberry tree;
by the roadside out love was free.
I was enchanted by his sight, 
My beauty gave him sweet delight.
How to express our loving heart?
Two golden bracelets for my part.
How to express his gallantry?
Two silver rings were given to me.
How to express our feelings dear?
Two bright pearls hanging from the ear.
How to express the feelings we nurse?
Behind the elbow a perfume purse.
How to express love in our tryst?
Two jade bracelets around the wrist.
How could I know our love won’t fade? 
Silken girdles adorned with jade...”
Sui Zhou was shook. How could he not understand such a straightforward confession? Unfortunately, he would have to wait until after he comes back from his mission to ask Tang Fan about it. 
Tang Fan, now at home, was wondering if giving the jade was too subtle. He thought that Sui Zhou might not have been able to guess the poem. He also would have to buy A-Dong another jade to compensate her, and he couldn’t even imagine what would happen if she saw her jade on Sui Zhou. This was such a mess. But he knew that if it wasn’t for the fact that his own jade did not have a silk ribbon/girdle, he wouldn’t have taken A-Dong’s. 
Masterpost, Part1, Part2.5, Part3
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minmotl · 4 years
Chapter 59: Sui Zhou Forbids Tang Fan From Hiding More Money
Context: 洛水古棺案 The Luo Shui Ancient Coffin Case - This happens after Tang Fan’s promotion and is his first major case after he successfully deals with people who don’t like him at his new job. The case happens at a riverside city called Bei Song (Northern Song). To the North of the city it faces Luo Shui (Luo River), and further up they will see the Yellow River. The town is built near the tomb of the Song Emperor, and while the town and tomb have to frequently deal with tomb raiders, everything is still pretty manageable and peaceful.
Recently, however, things have taken a turn for the stranger, and the courts have put Sui Zhou and Tang Fan on the case.
Before they embark on their next case together, however, some things have to first be ironed out, for example, the royalties from writing that Tang Fan gets but secretly hides from Sui Zhou.
Seeing how his ears are drooping downwards, Sui zhenfushi compassionately caresses at his friend’s head as if he would a dog, “I am not after your money. I just want to help you keep it. Who asked you to be so happy when you see books? We almost cannot stack them up anymore, you have to control yourself.”
Introduction Post | Masterpost
Highlights under the cut
Since a year ago, every day when it hits midnight, the civilians living nearby would hear some strange noises coming from Yong Hou Tomb and Yong Shao Tomb. At first, they thought it was the sound of the wind, but listening to it closely, they realised that those were crying sounds.
Yong Hou Tomb is where Song Ying Emperor Zhao Shu rests, and Yong Shao where Zong Ren Emperor Zhao Zhen rests.
Zhao Shu was Zhao Zhen’s successor, but he was not Zhao Zhen’s biological son, because all of Zhao Zhen’s sons died then, which left him with no choice but to take on Zhao Shu, who was from the royal family, as a charge.
These are not important, however. The question is, in the middle of the night, why would there be crying sounds from the royal tombs?
It has been so many years since the emperors from Song dynasty passed away and there are no longer any filial children or virtuous grandchildren. And even if there were, who would choose to cry for these lost souls in the middle of the night?
This is really strange.
The civilians in nearby villages have the responsibility of guarding and watching the tombs, and so after hearing the cries for a few consecutive nights, a few villagers went ahead to Yong Hou Tomb to investigate.
In the end, the people who went, never came back again.
It was only then that the village chief realised something was amiss - he urged other villagers to head forth to locate the missing people on one hand, and on the other, reported this to the Gong County Magistrate Court. Officials sent some men over and also searched thoroughly, but did not manage to find the people who disappeared. The royal tombs are built right next to the Luo River, and officials guessed that these people could have accidentally fallen into the river when they returned in the night.
With this conclusion, the case was wrapped up as well.
After that for a long time, the cries were never heard again. The village seemed to have its peace restored. Aside from those villagers who lost their loved ones, everyone slowly forgot about this incident.
But just half a year ago, those chilling wails emerged again and were louder than before, seemingly accompanied by the roar of thunder. The village chief did not dare to be careless about this and anxiously reported this to the courts again. The Gong County Magistrate thought that the village chief was making a fuss over something small, coming off the previous incident, and so did not think much of this. However, because the royal tombs are located there, he still got some of his officers to bring some men to the village and investigate.
This time, they found three tomb raiding holes near both the tombs of Yong Hou and Yong Shao. It seemed that tomb raiders had their eyes on these two emperors’ resting places, and came for a visit. Regarding the royal tomb being stolen from, the magistrate did not dare to be careless either. And so, he ordered the officers and also six of the strongest and younger men from the village to stake out the royal tombs nearby, hoping to catch the tomb raiders.
Everything was quiet in the surroundings of the royal tombs as the first day passed. The moonlight was like water, and next to them, aside from the sound of the Luo River water flowing, nothing else was heard. Everything was peaceful. The same happened on the second day.
And on the third day, crisis struck.
Three officers, six villagers and the village chief, when they went, they were 10 people in total.
At the end, only two returned.
One of them was an officer, and the other was the village chief.
The first went mad, and the second turned dumb.
The one who went mad was the officer. The village chief and he ran back from nearby the royal tombs, one after the other, and he was incoherent. Whoever he saw, he would try to hit, not to mention saying anything while being in a clear state of mind. The village chief’s expression was filled with horror, and his body drenched in fresh blood. His state of mind was almost that of the officer’s.
After the prognosis of the physician, he concluded that the officer has probably been frightened to the point of insanity. He would probably like this for the rest of his life as there is no cure for it. Although the village chief is old and of dwindling strength, he did experience more things in life and instead, was more resilient than the young officer. After a period of rest, his mental state slowly improved.
However, whenever the happenings of that night were mentioned, the village chief could not be more silent and reluctant to say anything more. It was not until the magistrate himself came over to question him that the man began repeatedly chanting ‘it’s a ghost’ and ‘there’s a monster’ - words related to that. No matter how much they asked, they could not get anything substantive out of him.
The magistrate was out of ideas but also felt that this situation was strange, and so had no choice but to get the investigation reported to higher authorities until it reached Jing city.
“Ghost? Monster?”
In their small courtyard, Tang Fan considers both words and asks, “Could it be the tomb raiders pretending to be ghosts?”
Sui Zhou shakes his head, “I’ve also only just gotten this case. It’s very difficult to ascertain the accuracy of the magistrate’s report just by his words, we will have to head down there personally to make judgement. This happened in the jurisdiction of Henan, and I suspect it will be handed to the Department of Justice for an investigation, and then after that, it’ll also land on the head of the Henan’s Qing Li Si.
Tang Fan laughs bitterly, “That seems like a definite possibility.”
He stretches lazily, “Might as well. Anyway, I naturally have fidgety bones and cannot bear to be so leisurely. I’ve gotten tired of sitting in the courts, and if given the chance, I’d rather go out for a walk!”
Sui Zhou says in a low voice, “I also plan to go personally.”
Tang Fan is flattered, “It cannot be, Sui zhenfushi would like to fight by my side? This is truly this lowly official’s honour!”
Although Sui Zhou is officially only a qianhu, he has become the boss of the Northern Administrative Court in reality. Any higher up than him would be Yuan Bin, so between officials, everyone is already used to calling him “Sui zhenfushi”.
Of course, hearing Tang Fan call him that, the title sounds a little more like (light teasing) mockery than anything else.
Sui Zhou leans into the chair, and taking the cup of buckwheat tea from Ah Dong, he says lightly, “Fighting side by side, maybe not so much. Since I am the zhenfushi, I naturally have to handle all matters. For a small Rank Five official like you, you’ll have to listen to my commands then too.”
Of course, these words are coloured with mirth, as he says it like a joke.
Tang Fan laughs, “Then I’ll have to fight for that with you. You’re a Rank Five army official, and I’m a Rank Five civil official. Since the Ming dynasty came into being, it is always civil officials commanding army officials. If we follow the principle of a Rank Five civil official being allowed to command a Rank Four army official, even if your big boss Yuan came, I’m afraid he would still have to listen to my orders. Otherwise, for someone who as physically unfit as me, what will I do if I go? I can’t possibly head up personally to catch the criminals myself, right?”
He winks at Ah Dong, “Isn’t that right, sister?”
Ah Dong nods, “Yes.”
Tang Fan puts up his leg and proudly says to Sui Zhou, “It’s really good to have a sister, see how considerate my Ah Dong is!”
Ah Dong goes, “I’m saying that Sui-dage is right.”
Tang Fan is dissatisfied, “Why do you always favour the outsider?!”
“Of course I have to side with the outsider. Da-ge, all your money is now in Sui-dage’s hands. Without him, we’d both be homeless!!” she laughs.
Tang Fan retorts, “What do you mean by all?! I only gave him half, don’t I still give you grocery cash every month?!”
Sui Zhou then asks, “So tell us how much money you have on hand right now?”
With both of them staring at him with their four eyes, Tang Fan stammers, “A man’s savings is a secret, you can’t just ask like that!”
Ah Dong then asks Sui Zhou, “Sui-dage, how much money do you have?”
Sui Zhou doesn’t say that she cannot ask, and very honestly says, “I helped him to save 30 taels last year, and then together with the 350 taels he gave me previously, that’s 380 taels. I also have some savings from before, and together it totals up to 1400 taels.”
Ah Dong gaps, “Sui-dage you’re so rich!”
Tang Fan huffs twice in awkward laughter, “The weather is really great today! That dumpling dish has been left alone for too long and it’s waiting for us to eat then. How low class is it to speak about money, our mouths full of the stench of copper!”
Ah Dong covers her mouth as she laughs, “You hid your writing royalties under your pillows and did not submit it. And here I was wondering how long you’d hide it for, but in a flash, you went to buy another stack of useless novels!”
Tang Fan, embarrassed, says, “What do you mean useless books! That is Spring and Autumn, a Song dynasty publication that people can’t buy even if they have money. I only got it after looking out for the book of so long!”
Ah Dong blinks, “Well, there’s another one called The Legend of Chun Chao.”
Sui Zhou frowns, “Why does that name sound a little strange?”
“That’s a proper book on demons, don’t think so much!” he says, guilty.
If he didn’t say anything, that would still be okay, but the more he explains, the stranger it sounds.
“Give it to me so I can have a look later,” Sui Zhou says.
Ah Dong sticks out her tongue at Tang Fan, “I want to see it too!”
Tang-daren feels immense pain, “You took the manuscript for Aspirations of War previously and you haven’t returned it to me yet!”
Although Tang-daren does spend his free time writing fiction books as a way to pass the time and also to get some writing royalties as well, to say that all he writes is erotica fiction, this is truly an injustice to him. Take Aspirations of War for example, he reflected the history of the years of war during the Eastern Zhou period, but because the content is complex, he often does not have time to write it. Only now does he have two-thirds of it finished.
Innocently, Sui Zhou says, “I’m not done reading it yet, I’ll return it to you when I’m done.”
“And when will you finish it?”
“When you promise not to secretly hide your royalties,” Sui Zhou answers.
Tang-daren is so angry right now that he feels like he is capable of doing anything, as he expresses his objections and dissatisfaction at these unfair standards.
“Well you didn’t give me the money either!”
“But I don’t have a habit of spending money unnecessarily,” Sui Zhou’s explanation ends the argument.
His pride slides to the ground and shatters.
He’s rising up in the ranks as an official, but when he comes home, his status gets increasingly lower! Let him live!
He wants to run away from home…
Seeing how his ears are drooping downwards, Sui zhenfushi compassionately caresses at his friend’s head as if he would a dog, “I am not after your money. I just want to help you keep it. Who asked you to be so happy when you see books? We almost cannot stack them up anymore, you have to control yourself.”
Tang-daren’s face is filled with tears.
*胳膊往外拐 ge bo wang wai guai
Literally means using your elbow to reach out and hook onto someone else - As a metaphor it means to side with outsiders instead of your closest friends or family.
*满嘴铜臭味 man zui tong chou wei
Literally means for one’s mouth to smell like the rotten stench of copper - as a metaphor it means that it is not good practice or manners to speak about money the way they are talking to each other.
*春潮记 chun chao ji
Sui Zhou is so scandalized when Ah Dong mentions this book - The Legend of Chun Chao, and that’s because when you break the characters down: Spring (chun), tide (chao) and legend/records (ji)
chun also can mean youth or a time of canoodling of sorts
chao can also have a sexual connotation, i.e. to climax
And that’s why he is like “that sounds strange” when Ah Dong reads the title out, and this book is in fact an old story about demons, but the more Tang Fan denies it, the more guilty he sounds basically.
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irisflammea · 4 years
成化十四年 Book Cannon moments that I can't stop thinking about Part 3 (in which Sui Zhou has a tired face... And we all know why)
A consort/concubine of the Emperor notices how Sui Zhou looks a little tired and that although he is still young, he should pay attention to getting enough rest.
Tang Fan, who is next to him, hears the exchange and certainly knows the reason why. Who would have a good complexion if you're -ahem- shouting in bed most of the night? Obviously this reason isn't for others to know about.
So, our dear loved one Sui Zhou could only respond with his usual stoic face and say, "Thank you, I'll pay attention next time."
Masterpost, Part1 , Part2, Part 4
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