#tsmod cp
irisflammea · 4 years
成化十四 Book Cannon moments that I can’t stop thinking about Part 2 (or How Tang Fan ridiculously professes his love)
A little more than SIX MONTHS after his drunken escapade with Wang Zhi, soon after Tang Yu talked to him, Tang Fan decided to make his feelings clear to Sui Zhou. Nighttime came and Sui Zhou was nowhere to be found.  He was so anxious that he couldn’t wait so he went to the Northern Administrative Court to try to find him. 
Upon arriving, he was told that Sui Zhou was leaving out of town for a mission and he just set off, so Tang Fan might be able to catch him. So he borrowed a horse and hauled ass to the city gate that was about to close.
He saw a group of people about to leave the city, even though he wasn’t sure if anyone of them was who he was hoping for, he still yelled out his name, “Sui Guangchuan!!”
It WAS Sui Zhou after all. Sui Zhou turned around and asked if he needed something. Tang Fan, at this point, didn’t feel as happy as he thought he was going to be. That’s because for the past six months, Sui Zhou treated Tang Fan the way  he did back when they first met each other. Their conversation was brief and Tang Fan felt that their relationship was estranged. 
Ending the brief conversation, Sui Zhou turned back around to leave. Before, he could even say anything to stop him, Tang Fan tried to grab him and almost fell off his horse in the process. Thank god for our loved one having great reflexes, so Tang Fan was caught before he could fall. Not wanting to keep Sui Zhou from his duties and to save himself a little bit of embarrassment, Tang Fan gave Sui Zhou a piece of jade quickly and rode away.
Sui Zhou looked at the jade and noticed that the jade with silken ribbon/girdle looks like it was A-Dong’s and smelled like braised eggplant.... (like wtf)
He finally left the city while still looking at the jade, and one of his companions saw this and joked that Tang Fan must’ve given it to him on behalf of someone else to profess their love.  
Sui Zhou knew that jades where given for this purpose but he’s never seen a love token with the smell of braised eggplant (*smh*) and if it was one, why did he have to give A-Dong’s instead of his own? Regardless, since Tang Fan gave it to him, it must’ve some meaning. So, he handed it over to his companion, who had a scholarly background, for him to take a look. 
His companion looked at it, and although he was put off by the worn jade and crooked silk ribbon/girdle with the eggplant smell, he handed it it back to Sui Zhou and asked him if he’s ever read the poem by  繁钦 Po Qin.
Sui Zhou shook his head, so his companion recited it.
“I went out of the eastern gate,
And met by chance a handsome mate.
To a sweet bower I was led; 
undressed, I served him in the bed.
We did not date ‘neath the mulberry tree;
by the roadside out love was free.
I was enchanted by his sight, 
My beauty gave him sweet delight.
How to express our loving heart?
Two golden bracelets for my part.
How to express his gallantry?
Two silver rings were given to me.
How to express our feelings dear?
Two bright pearls hanging from the ear.
How to express the feelings we nurse?
Behind the elbow a perfume purse.
How to express love in our tryst?
Two jade bracelets around the wrist.
How could I know our love won’t fade? 
Silken girdles adorned with jade...”
Sui Zhou was shook. How could he not understand such a straightforward confession? Unfortunately, he would have to wait until after he comes back from his mission to ask Tang Fan about it. 
Tang Fan, now at home, was wondering if giving the jade was too subtle. He thought that Sui Zhou might not have been able to guess the poem. He also would have to buy A-Dong another jade to compensate her, and he couldn’t even imagine what would happen if she saw her jade on Sui Zhou. This was such a mess. But he knew that if it wasn’t for the fact that his own jade did not have a silk ribbon/girdle, he wouldn’t have taken A-Dong’s. 
Masterpost, Part1, Part2.5, Part3
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