#tsams nebula
ghostsandfools · 2 months
Alright everyone. I've had some time to recompose myself after yesterday's LAES episode, and like.
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Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing here?????
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notokbutthriving · 22 days
Was I supposed to notice that Nebula looks like the mage from Terraria or was I supposed to come across an animation myself
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I'm just gonna post something other than the poket sized rez series
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sillymoonboi · 7 months
can you draw what nebula would look like in your au
For me she gives spider vibes
But she would still probably work for the astrals
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thedenofravenpuff · 7 months
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Finally drew me some more Lord Eclipse AU shipping with Servant Sun just because.
Also Lord Eclipse declaring war on the Astro Bodies. As you do as an unstoppable god of your galaxy feeling insulted by what some wannabe custodians of the universe seem to think about his doings with Star Power.
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nebuladreamz · 10 months
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What if I thought about him huh. What then
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llamaisllama777 · 25 days
Yesterday's episode were great I wonder what today's episodes will bring...
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HE'S HERE!!! TAURUS IS HERE! EVERYONE PANIC! let's see how badly this ends....
Surprisingly well actually.
The music in this episode was also really good. I usually don't pay attention to the background music, but the music in this episode was really good it kinda reminded me of Walking Dead mixed with Last of Us. I'm not sure if that was the intent, but it works really well I feel for this situation.
Taurus is obviously menacing, but he's also oddly calm. Not what I expected from a destroyer of worlds. He says he's just here to observe Lunar and the others and decided if Lunar and probably the whole world should live.
I ain't gonna lie, I don't have hope for this world.
Taurus is gonna take one look at the whole place and decided everyone is better off dead. Which will probably lead to some kinda of Astrals civil war or Nexus showing up and whooping Taurus and the others Astrals behinds and Lunar having to step in and save the Astrals. But that's a pipe dream I guess. We'll have to wait and see.
I can. Nebula isn't a big fan of Taurus, and he clearly isn't a big fan of her. The way he talks to her, I get she's just the messager, but she's still a person. Taurus is gonna be observing everyone and his next stop his Sun and Moon, and I don't have high hopes for what he'll say or think of them. Him and the other Astrals know about Nexus and his little stunt with star power. Sun, Moon, you guys better have a good space lawyer. I know Earth plans to befriend Taurus and make things easier on Lunar, but I have a feeling Taurus isn't the friend making type.
Gemini did say Taurus would threaten Lunar's family to get a reaction out of him. Taurus, I swear to gosh! If you hurt any of them.
Also, I think it's a matter of time until Earth runs into Nebula again, and if she does, I hope she can convince Nebula to help them with EVERYTHING going on.
We'll have to wait and see.
Now, let's see what Sun and Moon are up to maybe they'll have a calmer episode today...
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Nope. Just trauma and sadness.
Solar and New Moon reunite.
Probably not the way either of them wanted but here they are.
Okay, Nexus has just completely gone off the rocker!
"All it takes is one bad day" -Joker
Guess that saying was right for Nexus (Not really but still)
Solar tries to reason with Nexus and even says he can help him come back to the family, and Nexus just laughs! He starts spouting off all these lies about the family, like how Lunar never cared about him. He did! That Earth was just trying to fill the void cause her dad didn't love her. Earth still believed the creator loved her at that time, so that's a lie! And that Sun never cared and just took pity on Nexus. Nexus, you dense mother.... Nexus, you are just a terrible person. Knock off the oc act and get a life! Seeing as how you lost the one you had. I mean, you'll probably get yourself killed soon anyways so what's the point. But we probably should worry. Someone pointed out to me that Nexus could be a part of Rez's plan, and it's definitely looking like it. Maybe Dark Sun is Rez's master or at least is in league with Rez and his boss. I feel so bad for everyone here. (And I kinda feel bad for Nexus.... but not by a lot.) I more pity Nexus cause one day I hope he'll realize that he lost the BEST thing that ever happened to him and will never get it back and I hope he dies knowing that.
I more so feel bad for Sun and Solar.
Solar already had to kill his Moon once... and now he has to do it again. And Sun sounded so shocked and saddened when Solar suggested they kill Nexus. Nexus/New Moon was the Moon who actually showed he cared for sun. And he did at one point, but now he can't even say Sun's name without wanting to gag! Oof.
This is just sad all around.
And now they have Nexus, Taurus, and Creator after them.... LOVELY!
This is all going to boiling over and culminate in some crazy Infinity war level poo I hope.
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And now, it's a less sad one but still equally as worrying.
Puppet and Solar reunite! Yay! At least one of his reunions went well today.
Puppet filled in Solar to everything that has happened. Gosh, that must have been fun. This is like the second time someone has had to explain to him what's been happening since he's been dead.
Solar gave Puppet some advice on what to do about Eclipse, and Sun gave her some advice on what to do about the other Sun and Moon. I hope their advice works. Puppet expressed at the very end of the episode her wish to leave this new dimension and return to the old one.... Puppet...
Puppet, you left that universe to protect everyone from Puppeteer. Now, I'm not sure what the deal with Puppeteer is now. He's been weakened cause Puppet herself has been weakened, but there is still the risk of him coming back. Are you really gonna take that chance, Puppet?
Also, Puppet, you uprooted your entire family's life to go here. You don't have that apartment anymore! You can't just decide to move to a whole other universe and bond to said universe only to decide to leave it after what 3 weeks?
Yes, I know Foxy chose to go with her, and he could have chosen not to but did, but still, you can't just decide to ditch when the going gets tough Puppet, you stick it out and ride the waves till it all calms. I hope everything works out for Puppet and Eclipse and hope Sun and Solar's advice to her works. Also, sorry if it seems like I hate Puppet's character, I don't. I love her character and this flaw of hers. I'm just being critical.
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type1dragonwolf · 18 days
Hello. This is about the drama about TSBS.
Okay, I’ve seen the posts. I’ve seen the tweets from the Tumblr posts.
And I hate it. I have it so f#cking much.
When I first came to TSBS and started interacting with the fandom, I was happy, and I loved posting and talking with other people. But now… this crap has gone too far.
I know that this is all about shipping, and about how “minors don’t belong” and other crap, but… why?? Has anyone ever just took a step back and thought: “Why are we fighting about this?”
Like, imagine that you’re a younger person, coming onto your first fandom ever, only to get yelled at and gross stuff shoved in your face. It happens so often that it forces you to leave. Permanently.
I DON’T want that to happen. To ANYONE, EVER. Period. But it probably has. And it probably will continue unless someone does something. And I want to be that someone.
I know that the VAs have told everyone to “just drop the drama” but it doesn’t seem to be working. I know the VAs have said that they won’t get involved, so I’ll do that for them.
I want, and I’m sure EVERYONE wants to come to a fandom that’s safe, and where the feel free to post what they want. Shippers and Minors alike.
I would like anyone who sees this post to comment/reboot their story on the fandom drama, and what they personally think about it. I want to hear a story from BOTH sides.
Please do not fight in the comments/reblogs, do not name drop, and be respectful of others and their opinions. I want to get a fandom back that’s nicer and respects others. No more biased or whatever. Please guys.
We just got LAES back… but if we keep up like this, we might just loose the fandom into one giant hell-hole.
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fillipquesender · 29 days
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School doodles i did in wellbeing :3
Close ups:
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starheirxero · 8 months
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Astral bodies? Going a date with EARTHLINGS? More likely than you'd think!
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tsbs-shipfessions · 3 days
So what about lesbian ships
Earth x Nebula, Puppet x Earth, Earth x Pollux, Roxanne x Earth, Ballora x Earth, Puppet x Nebula, Puppet x Roxanne, Puppet x Ballora, Puppet x Pollux, Nebula x Pollux, Nebula x Ballora, Nebula x Roxanne, Pollux x Roxanne, Pollux x Ballora
Something tells me Anon enjoys women. Rather based, if I may say.
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
My desire to appear like a normal TSBS fan who likes the canon ships: 📉📉📉
My desire for Earth's dream where she and Monty hate each other to be real because it would add to the drama of the show, and it would be interesting to see two characters who just don't like each other, no trying to kill or hurt each other, just a difference in opinions and personalities, but they have the same friend group and have to work around that, and it would be an interesting obstacle for Earth as a therapist and "the one who can be friends with anyone" to not be able to be friends with Monty but still have to be courteous towards them, and Nebula could finally get a girlfriend but I'm not even gonna get into that, and-: 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
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notokbutthriving · 15 days
@ghostsandfools ur wife is back!
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I don't understand earth × nebula, earth has a partner already? And solar doesn't
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So I will propose solar × nebula, neither have a partner, and they are both kinda workaholics
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tsamsheadcanons · 6 days
I like to think that between Pollux's friendship with earth and generally spending time on the planet earth she has gained a slight curiosity with makeup.
Specifically that she finds makeup weird but interesting due to human's beauty standards seeming weird compared to the standards on other planets (like how humans are one of maybe a handful of species with lips, we just evolved to have bright red mouths for almost no reason) and therefore views makeup as a way to almost cosplay weird human beauty standards
All of this to say she regularly tries to convince others to play make up time with her, to either their enjoyment (Earth adored it), their mild skepticism (Lunar agreed but regretted it since they rapidly discovered that without lips they just got a big circle drawn on their face in bright red), their incredible skeptism (Castor was forced into it twice, once by her directly and once by her waking him up from their shared headspace in Gemini to them in a severely girly outfit completely done up), or their very rapid retreat (Nebula refused and teleported away because she wanted her first makeover to be done by earth, Taurus said no and vanished for unstated reasons.)
Pollux definitely would do that
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