#ts4 animal eyes
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ancenth · 6 months ago
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Here's part one of the animal eyes! Currently just the CAS animals are ready; I've run into a bunch of issues with the BB animals, and I just don't have the free time to deal with them, so I figured I may as well post these guys since they've been done for a while!
Info and Download under the cut!
Default colors as close to the EA colors as I could get
No spec map (eye shine)
Sorbet remix colors for all pets as normal eyes and as heterochromia (Cats and dogs, horses don't support heterochromia)
Sectoral heterochromia options in both Sorbet Remix palette, AND the default colors for Cats and Dogs (See the SR cat preview above for what it looks like :))
Swatch previews:
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Download Here! (SFS, no Ads)
In the "TO REPLACE 2PM" folder, you'll find files that you can swap out the old 2PM eyes for, and your eyes will auto swap over, and you won't have to reassign eye swatches! You have to manually delete the 2PM eyes from your mods folder tho! If you didn't previously use the 2PM eyes, just ignore those files :)
Find the Defaults for Humans/Occults, and their eyes in the SR and Academia palettes, as well as heterchromia options, and eye detail overlays here!
Find the occult expansion here!
Please let me know if you run into any issues/bugs!
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virsancte · 4 months ago
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hothead drummer who hates everything and everyone except for spotify and her girlfriend please save me
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khawla-gfm2 · 3 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 140📰
$51,662/$80,000 as of January 4th [10pm CDT]
Currently $338 away from $52,000 as a short term goal
[Paypal where money reaches her faster!]: paypal.me/KhawlaFunds
(^send money to the paypal as "friends and family")
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help Khawla in her time of need! every amount counts!
🔗> Why send money to the Paypal?: It helps me get money to Khawla faster as it skips the wait time for money to process in the campaign and instead goes directly to the bank account i opened for Khawla's money which i send to her via international wire transfers.
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel
@slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts
@wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff
@one-cold-witch @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @ocipiala @zaminami @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @hananono @centi-pearl
@that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @kenniex2 @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker
@plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @louddragonphantom @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @wolfcubjim @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @strawberryglitterkiss @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim
@thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @half-asleep-star
@luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz
@therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulitoes @stonedustghost @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523
@killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @sentienceoverload-29 @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet
@this-deadgirlwalking @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ashkaranast
@wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @fireflyingaway
@blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @lampthehealthminister @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcakesposts @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @zimislockedinthefreezer @catboywillferal @yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon
@redpinejo @orphancat @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @ash24601 @willhelmthewhale
@cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzw
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phoenixtheblack-cc · 11 months ago
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Diavolo Eyes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Heya! I decided to make eyes from one of my favorite anime, i LOVE the art style in JoJo and decided to make this, i had so much fun making these and would love to experiment with more anime-themed eyes, i hope you like it <3
Fully stylized for a Comic/Manga theme
17 Colors
HQ Compatible
Available for Free!
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artjunk13 · 5 months ago
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Animal eyes pack Sims4 CC
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Do you like animals ? Me yes ! That's why i decided to change their eyes ^^
- Cats & Dogs version
- Need Cats & Dogs pack*
- Base game cats & dogs replacement ! 
Enjoy :)
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guemarasims · 1 year ago
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Introducing my latest creation for Sims 4: Manga Eyes! Dive into the captivating world of anime with these eyes, inspired by the enchanting art of manga. Add a touch of whimsy and expressiveness to your Sims appearance! Embark on exciting adventures filled with imagination. Upgrade your Sims' look with Manga Eyes and unleash their inner hero or heroine!
Thank you very much for your support!
Download (Patreon, Early access)
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buglaur · 2 years ago
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russet's getting better with her confidence and is letting sawyer ride her! they've also got a mini goat to watch out for now
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ofmdee · 7 months ago
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unsure what, exactly, is going on here but i know it is inappropriate deck behavior 🌈
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stinkrascal · 2 years ago
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okay im ngl im really proud of this remake lmao
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it's askeladd from vinland saga!! NO SPOILERS IM STLL ON SEASON ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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van-yangyin · 1 year ago
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Lain Iwakura Set 2/2 【Simblreen 2023 - Weekend 1】 (1)
You couldn't be in my porchlight this weekend? Don't worry, now the first part of Lain Iwakura's set is available for everyone. This was part of treat I gave to those choosing number one of my five treats.
Based on Lain Iwakura from Serial Experiments Lain, this second and last part of her set contain her color eye for all ages in three different categories and her pajama recolor for Female, Male and Toddlers. Hope you enjoy this gifts! 🍬🍭 And remember… No matter where you go, everyone’s connected. 🖥️
Download under keep reading ↓
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
Lain Iwakura Eyes Color
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Eyes General Info:
1 Swatch
Base game compatible
3 versions (As non-default eye recolor, as Face Paint and as Left Mouth Mole)
Infants to Elders
Texture made from scratch
Custom Thumbnails
※Known issue, if you want to use Tie Recolor you can’t use Face Paint Version because are incompatible since are in the same category※
※Download all files or only Download the ones you need the most※
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (SFS ~ Free, no adfly)
Lain Iwakura Pajama (Recolor)
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Pajama General Info:
1 Swatch
Base game compatible
Teen to Elders + Toddlers
Custom Thumbnails
Mesh required (Imadako Bear [Animal night wear - for MALE &for FEMALE], to work also need to download [invisible hat (without dropshadow on face) - for enable hat hair, that you can find in the same link) And mesh required for toddlers.
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
🎃DOWNLOAD LINK🎃 (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Coming soon Lain’s beanie, so if you’re interested, stay tuned!  At first I was thinking of making it frankmeshed included in this set but I didn’t like the final result and I discarded it, so I’ll make it  from scratch and I’ll publish it after Simblreen finish (November). I  hope that even though it’s not in this set this news will excite you as  much as me and you enjoy it when I share it.
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
📻 @simblreenofficial, @sssvitlanz, @alwaysfreecc
Happy first weekend of Simblreen! 🎃
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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kikuruacchi · 2 years ago
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Sweet Lies Eyecolor
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khawla-gfm2 · 5 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 79📰
$23,723/$80,000 as of November 3rd [10pm CDT]
Currently $277 away from $24,000 as a short term goal!
If 2,814 people donated $20 the fundraiser would reach it's set goal!
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help the fundraiser further along. And remember that reblogging/sharing to reach more people can help a lot!
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel
@slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts
@wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff
@one-cold-witch @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @ocipiala @zaminami @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @hananono @centi-pearl
@that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @kenniex2 @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker
@plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @louddragonphantom @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @wolfcubjim @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @strawberryglitterkiss @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim
@thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @half-asleep-star
@luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz
@therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulitoes @stonedustghost @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523
@killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @sentienceoverload-29 @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet
@this-deadgirlwalking @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ashkaranast
@wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @fireflyingaway
@blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @lampthehealthminister @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcakesposts @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @zimislockedinthefreezer @catboywillferal @yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon
@redpinejo @orphancat @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @ash24601 @willhelmthewhale
@cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzweigz @papus-clown-enclosure @montewave @chilewithcarnage @leftyreea @quesofromagecheese
@spookygayferret @cloudy-osc @thatonedemon @hellswolfie @hungee-boy @thenamelessdepths @courtly-kenzie @funnypickle3 @wompwompwoooooomp @ashytheslashy @magnuficentwo @thatgothicgirl @geodetojoy @feelo-fick @herondale-infj @nerdytextileartist @queencantaloupe @clownbugg-ie @xxhalfempty @ransiquack
@rowletlittenpopplioteam @the-coley-zone @furrysinthematrix @frograaa @mattsinclairvo @snufkin1970 @bi-worm @sillymarillly @luckycloverforducks @sithlordpadawan @kippahkaplan @bonecodoposto-45 @tinkerscrickets @starshinesparkle @commersons-fucking-dolphin @soulessdeadpool13 @kasthejackass @icaruslore @maln0x @fancylittle
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plurali-cc · 2 years ago
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Cake Mix Eyes
Koikatsu conversion
130 swatches from @plushymoth's Cake Mix palette (hence the name)
Occult Eye Lid category, feel free to move it wherever in S4S
Get it below the cut!
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cryptiam · 1 year ago
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Sims 4 CC - Serial Experiments Lain: Lain Iwakura's hair + eyes
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6 hair colors
Child + Teen-Elders versions
Eyes (face paint)
CC Info:
Base Game Compatible
Custom Thumbnails
All LODs
No random Townies
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[Patreon (free):] [CurseForge:]
Serial Experiments Lain is owned by Yasuyuki Ueda and Triangle Staff
Models from Oddbones VRoid page  
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guemarasims · 2 years ago
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Set consisting of Makima and Power eyes from Chainsaw Man anime.
Eye color category, 20 colors each of them.
Enjoy! thank you very much for your support!
Download (Patreon, Early access)
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marzmud · 2 years ago
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Plain & Simple Eyes: Addons!
Forty additional non-default addons for my Plain & Simple Eyes. These will show up as additional swatches in the eye category and are enabled for all ages. Please be aware that there seems to be an issue with non-default eyes where when switching between ages in CAS they do not stay selected unless the sim is a teen-elder. However, the swatches are still manually selectable for any age, and this is not a problem at all when they age up in gameplay.
DOWNLOAD SFS | Patreon (100% free, no ads)
extra previews and swatches below the cut
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Same specs and credits as the original post. 💜💜💜 @alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds @mmoutfitters @maxismatchccworld 💜💜💜
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