#ts (In Other Worlds)
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maryymaruu · 3 days ago
The group is growing-
The bottom row designs might still drastically change, they're not finished!! For instance, their face markings are missing-
There's also two more group members, but their designs are giving me a lot more trouble than the rest, so I'll wait with posting them until I'm at least somewhat happy with how they look like ( ´ ▿ ` );
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Sanji and Usopp during The Sabaody Incident™ won't leave my mind.
Usopp standing in front of Sanji protectively because he is wounded and he can't fight, so Usopp will do it for him ("I'll do what you can't do").
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There is just something about Sanji's expression when he realizes he might actually lose Usopp. This is my interpretation, at least. He is literally frightened.
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Usopp helping Sanji stand up to run away. This is crucial for something I want to point out later: Sanji needs help to stand up. (Also, Brook disappears trying to protect them both and saying he will do anything to save them even if it costs him his life. I am feeling sick).
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Sanji being self-sacrificing and blaming himself for not being able to protect them/act sooner is not new. But he does manage to gain the strength to fight when Usopp is the only one left with him and the possibility of losing him is even more real now.
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The thing that I love the most about this is not Sanji sacrificing himself for Usopp, because he does that. He is like that. But Usopp not running away or moving in the slightest because he refuses to leave Sanji on his own.
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Something I'd like to point out too is that Sanji actually touches Kuma before Usopp disappears. He tries to fight and protect him and Kuma could've easily sent Sanji to Momoiro Island right away, and yet Sanji was just sent flying far from the scene and forced to see Usopp disappear in front of him.
And I am not saying that "not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew" but not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew.
Not to mention that we can't deny (right after Water 7/Enies Lobby) that Usopp is one of Sanji's strongest bonds within the crew. This specific scene focusing on them both is more than enough to prove it.
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Sanji seeing Usopp disappear in front of his eyes without being able to do anything to save him.
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Remember what I said about Sanji needing help to stand up seconds ago? Well. This is him the moment Usopp disappears. What adrenaline and the power of love do to a mf.
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They are so "I can lose everything, but not you. Oh God, not you" shaped.
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mrmeepsmadmind · 4 months ago
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traumatized dickweeds turn to torturing each other so they can distract from the fact that they both need therapy
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moregraceful · 1 month ago
what on earth
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hey nerds @ nytimes.com/athletic you guys wanna tell me when the last time us hockey WAS an underdog???? even in a canada-usa echo chamber, the usa has certainly not been an underdog in hockey this century holy shit lmao. 4 nations has turned the hockey populace into morons. can we maybe discuss swiss, german, slovak, or czech hockey being underdogs and catching up instead of writing stupid thinkpieces like this?
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jakeperalta · 2 years ago
I have to say that for me none of this has been about expecting taylor to listen to fans about her personal life. no part of me expects her to go "oh look the fans aren't happy about my boyfriend I better break up with him". it all stems from the fact with it happening in the first place. I'm not disappointed that she's doing something I personally don't want (my opinion on her life is unimportant!) I'm disappointed that someone I'm a fan of is acting in a way that totally opposes the values she's previously preached. it's just the sinking feeling that she's showing her true colours and they don't entirely align with what I thought.
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 4 months ago
Pre-Accepting Anxiety Virgil and Remus would be a chaotic duo-
•Cheat in board games against Janus (Virgil feeding Remus Jan's chess pieces when he isn't looking)
•Raiding the Light Sides kitchen and 3AM
•Virgil mimicking Remus' behaviour unintentionally
•Remus and Virgil (Affectionately) bullying each other.
God Y E S Y E S Y E S to A L L of T H I S P L E A S E!!! They are Chaotic Partners In Crime, they are each others' ride or dies, and they are most certainly gonna have a good time doing it <3
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extasiswings · 7 months ago
The thing is, I very much do consider myself a progressive, but I’m a pragmatic progressive, which to me means (among other things) that I have a meaningful understanding of how government actually works, including being honest about what can and can’t be done through executive order and agency action, SCOTUS ratfuckery, and which party is responsible for congressional gridlock. As a policy matter, it also means I recognize that slogans are not policy and that the vast majority of policy goals can be reached in many ways (and that insisting your preferred method must be used to reach a goal while refusing to accept alternatives that are more feasible to implement and will accomplish the ultimate goal is the height of selfishness). And relatedly, I don’t demonize incremental change because in my view if you can help some people you should even if you aren’t able to help absolutely everyone you wanted to, you have a moral obligation to at a minimum help those you can and continue the fight for everyone else the next day. These things are not incompatible with progressive policy goals or values, and yet to the online left, those views make me an evil neoliberal etc etc. It never ceases to amaze me.
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literallybyronic · 5 months ago
if i see one more bullshit age gap comment abt emmrich someone's getting their house flooded with swamp water and infested with leeches istg
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maryymaruu · 8 days ago
i love ts' robe a lot,,,, as well as being really pretty, it's such a clever piece of symbolism that even for an iterator as uncommonly close with his citizens as ts was, iterators are still so definitionally dependent on their creators for even things as simple as being clothed
Man, you get it... you get it. As much as TS's citizens may have been kind to him, they did not, or could not give him any more independence than any other iterator anyway, in the end their fate is no different.
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You get a picture of Three Signals in their prime as a reward! ^^)
There is a theme song for their youth, specifically a song I headcanon a big festival being held to in their city- I hope to animate something to it one day ^^) love the absolutely maddening and overwhelming joy of it, with a hint of something mystical- and with a hauntingly echoing fade-out at the end, like something that has been taken away from TS, and now only replaying in their memories.
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infinitesimal-ghost · 1 year ago
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Orange...tigers are orange.....orangw tiger.. lion. Hi. What if we lived in a world where Orange was a kitty cat.
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eternalgirlscout · 1 year ago
one of karlach's voice barks is "I could go for a good meal" and gale is canonically the camp cook. do you see. do you get it. can anybody hear me
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janiedean · 17 days ago
there has to be a limit for how many times in x days you can lose your shit out of nerves giving out and I think I’m about to find it
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I want to project on my spooky beloved so here we go.
1. Virgil is about a head shorter than Remus. His head nestles perfectly against his chest when they hug.
2. Remus likes to bite on Virgil’s hair when they hug. To the point that Virgil can tell something is wrong if he doesn't bite.
3. Remus makes little noises when he's happy. Everything from pterodactyl screeches to purrs. Virgil gave up trying to decode the noises, he's just happy to hear them.
4. Virgil plays with Remus's hands all the time, drawing on them and messing with his fingers. Its almost a fidget stim for him when his anxiety spikes.
These are all cute as fuck P L E A S E!!! I honestly adore the fact that most of these are stims they casually do and the other is just okay with it <3
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freetobecelestial · 1 year ago
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happy three years since the angel came out and went to superhell to those who celebrate i made an unhinged friendship bracelet for the occasion
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tsarinajissa · 5 months ago
Actually surprised there are so many seats left open for the men's short. At the challenger event I watched he skated (lombardia?) there were people sitting on stairs it was so crowded.
I guess us in north america have been spoiled with opportunities to see Ilia Malinin skate compared to the europeans and that probably makes for the difference
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randomnameless · 8 months ago
what do you of people who think that pointing out how problematic claude and almyra are in the fodlan games is racist?
You mean people who think you are racist for noticing that Claude and Almyra in general were written with the worst orientalist clichés from the early 1810s?
As a rule of thumb, I don't believe you can determine if someone is racist or not based on their opinion of fictional characters -
That being said, there's a difference between saying "I think Devdan sucks" and whatever goes down in the chamber pot, using real world rhetoric about "invasive species" and whatnot to throw shade at fictional characters you don't like.
@gascon-en-exil made a Tellius video about Devdan's uh... well, Devdan in general in Tellius and the wtf that was Devdan in a game released in the 2000s, internationally released at that - and fwiw, some youtube comments talked about minstrel shows and how Devdan reminded them of those shows so, I definitely think pointing Devdan's entire existence - down to his concept - isn't racist in itself, you're not committing robbery when you're trying to prevent one.
About Claude and Almyra in general as depicted in Fodlan...
Well, in FE16 the game basically told us that Almyrans - in the Cyril/Hilda paralogue - are people who enjoy senseless bloodbathes (they raid the border for funsies and feast and party if they're able to return home ffs!) and while they might have different values (which is not a bad thing in itself!), they are the kind of people to turn tail and flee even if it means leaving their allies die (what Claude expected Hilda to do in CF!) or their civilian randoms (Cyril was caught by Goneril forces when they raided their camp).
You can't fight anymore when you're dead, so running away isn't always the worst solution, and yet, the way it's depicted (in CF for tears, in VW to shit on Nader) in the game, it's not supposed to be something we see as good/nice/has relevance.
In Nopes Shahid mounts the greastest invasion the Locket has ever known... to show his dad that he has muhrit too and can attack the "cowards" so plz stop mopping about the son who left without writing a letter.
Aka, Almyra sends its troops to invade Fodlan... in a penis measuring contest for the throne.
However, everything falls apart when we play GW's second part.
Now Nader wants to bring "souvenirs" from the war, by - and it's Lorenz who tells us ffs, not Claude, but Lorenz which has all sorts of implications - pillaging the cities they will be conquering.
Claude asks his dad to give him the Almyran Navy - and by ask I mean Nader has him sign the paper while he's half asleep, a bit like what your random kid does when school asks for a parent's written authorisation, you hang the damn paper to your parent while they're doing something else so they sign without really thinking - for his personal fight in Fodlan that consists in...
Killing the CoS? Yes, but also, and more importantly, to get rid of Fodlan's "outdated" values basically by tearing apart the country/its borders.
In a nutshell, in Nopes, FE16!Hilda's racist stereotypes about Almyrans and Almyra are... confirmed.
To sum up, canonwise, Fodlan depicts Almyrans as people who love needless bloodbathes, who prey on the country they're agressing "for fun!" when it's at its lowest point to mount a serious and real invasion to 1/score points in the royal inheritence record, or 2/to effectively bring disorder/kill/remove important pillars of that country because they want to change its "values and traditions" while pillaging and massacring the land as they cross it.
My bad, it's not the 1800s rhetoric about "the orient" it's both this, and a side dose of throwing the worst tropes ever like "invading people to bring them civilisa- i mean, a new set of values".
In a way, Fodlan is worse than Tellius in that regard, because while Devdan is, hopefully, a side character you can forget to recruit, Almyra - through Claude - is a compulsory point to play through when you play the Fodlan games.
Like, the devs - graphic devs at least - really researched and designed outfits, not only based on RL cultures, but to give a distinct flair to Almyra (when they couldn't be assed to do the same for the "mainland fodlan" characters), like Claude's outfits always have a detail (at least one when it's not the barbarossa class!) to tell you that this class/character has ties to this other place, Almyra!
Surely you'd want to know what Almyra is about, right?
And then you learn and wonder, Echoes didn't bother to draw specific outfits reminding the player of RL cultures gor Grieth or the Brigand Boss, so what was Fodlan thinking when they gave those outfits to Claude and Nader? What kind of associations are you supposed to make?
Are we back in the "Kaga said the land of bandits who kidnap to most likely seduce without consent ladies was inspired by Persia? What the actual fuck?" era?
In a way, depicting Almyrans as the "bloodthirsty people who pillage as they go" is, imo, as offensive as Martin's Dothrakis, I don't think you are, or anyone is, racist for pointing it out.
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