#and usopp just. staying with him and making him see that he is alright now. and letting him cry.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months ago
Sanji and Usopp during The Sabaody Incident™ won't leave my mind.
Usopp standing in front of Sanji protectively because he is wounded and he can't fight, so Usopp will do it for him ("I'll do what you can't do").
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There is just something about Sanji's expression when he realizes he might actually lose Usopp. This is my interpretation, at least. He is literally frightened.
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Usopp helping Sanji stand up to run away. This is crucial for something I want to point out later: Sanji needs help to stand up. (Also, Brook disappears trying to protect them both and saying he will do anything to save them even if it costs him his life. I am feeling sick).
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Sanji being self-sacrificing and blaming himself for not being able to protect them/act sooner is not new. But he does manage to gain the strength to fight when Usopp is the only one left with him and the possibility of losing him is even more real now.
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The thing that I love the most about this is not Sanji sacrificing himself for Usopp, because he does that. He is like that. But Usopp not running away or moving in the slightest because he refuses to leave Sanji on his own.
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Something I'd like to point out too is that Sanji actually touches Kuma before Usopp disappears. He tries to fight and protect him and Kuma could've easily sent Sanji to Momoiro Island right away, and yet Sanji was just sent flying far from the scene and forced to see Usopp disappear in front of him.
And I am not saying that "not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew" but not being able to protect both Brook and Usopp (especially Usopp) is needed for Sanji to realize he has to become stronger and find more reasons to go back with the crew.
Not to mention that we can't deny (right after Water 7/Enies Lobby) that Usopp is one of Sanji's strongest bonds within the crew. This specific scene focusing on them both is more than enough to prove it.
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Sanji seeing Usopp disappear in front of his eyes without being able to do anything to save him.
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Remember what I said about Sanji needing help to stand up seconds ago? Well. This is him the moment Usopp disappears. What adrenaline and the power of love do to a mf.
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They are so "I can lose everything, but not you. Oh God, not you" shaped.
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portgasdwrld · 2 years ago
📂 Op men + them being jealous
part 1
Featuring: Monster trio (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro)
Warning: fluffy fluff, ended up being the monster trio being subtly jealous lol Ik I was going to make it suggestive but I like it better that way, might change it for the others
Note : After 200 weeks, 1500 minutes and 25 years, I’m finally posting this serie after thousands of drafts 👩🏻‍💻 y’all don’t know how many times I wrote and erased stuff 😭
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The crew just landed on a new island, it was a huge forest, not a person in sight. You weren’t particularly a big fan of walking around in an unknown deserted place, especially in the New World where you never knew on what or who you could fall.
On the other side, Luffy was absolutely fearless and enjoyed the thrill of exploring the unknown and seeing unusual creatures; Sailing was all about that for him. An adventure wasn’t an adventure if he didn’t feel that rush of adrenaline faced to a strange situation. He had insisted you come with the exploring team while you pleaded to stay behind with Robin and Usopp.
But here you were walking glued to Sanji as your boyfriend lead the way somewhere in this lost territory filled with trees and the noises of wild animals. He was screaming in excitement when he came across weird insects or odd looking vegetables. You sighed heavily as the anxiety was still heavily present in your system.
The cook adjusted his pace to match yours sensing your uneasiness about the situation. He knew you only came for Luffy, so he made sure to help you feel more comfortable in his own way.
Luffy ran forward as he noticed a beautiful blue flower tinted with yellow strokes that looked like gentle waves. He took it and searched for you with his eyes.
-This would look so pretty on your hair!
He exclaimed as he walked over to you and Sanji while waving the flower in his tan hand. You smiled as you thought it was adorable, but Luffy’s eyes quickly glared at your arms wrapped around Sanjis. He didn’t say anything and simply fixed the flower behind your ear, complimenting you with loving eyes and his cute grin.
-You look perfect!
He announced as he put his arm around your neck, naturally removing you from Sanji. A giggle left your lips as you melt into his familiar warmth. His eyes looked down at you with so much love and care, he wouldn’t want nothing to happen to you. Sanji laughed as he noticed Luffy successful attempt to get you away from him.
Your boyfriend closed the distance between his face and yours. With slightly furrowed eyebrows and serious eyes, he wondered if you were fine.
-Yeah, I just feel uneasy about walking here if I’m being truly honest. I’m not a fearless warrior like you, let’s say~
You explained calmly as you stared back into his big brown eyes. His expression softened up and he moved his arm to be able to grab your hand instead.
-Alright, then stay close to me only. I’m the strongest, so I will protect you no matter what! I promise!
-You’re sweet, thank you Luffy.
He gave a squeeze to your hand as you two followed the group through the millions of trees. Luffy smiled to himself, knowing you were relying on him to protect you now~
It was all going well, a great night where Zoro was simply enjoying his time drinking with the others. It was all going great until he noticed a man that kept staring at you. You didn’t notice as you were busy goofing around with Usopp, enjoying a fun conversation.
Zoro felt this feeling of frustration grow in him the more he glared at the person shamelessly eyeing you like he clearly couldn’t see you were taken. That’s when it snapped for him: maybe they couldn’t tell? And that angered him even more. How can this person stare at you like a candy while he was sitting just next to you.
The swordsman pulled you closer to him, making sure his arm around your waist is noticeable. He smirked relieved when he saw the man look away with an annoyed huff. He took a sip from his beer as his smile got bigger. Zoro took that opportunity to slip a quick peck on your jawline.
You stared at him weirdly, wondering what have gotten into him.
-Wassup with you?
-I cant kiss you or what?
-Yeah, but you don’t usually do that.
-You always complain
He whined as he rolled his eye, but still he was glad that no one was hungrily looking your way anymore. You were his and he would make the possible to make it known. Even if it needed him to be outside of his comfort zone, he was going to make sure you were safe from lingering unwanted eyes (maybe to also make himself feel better)
You gave him a funny look, confused about his unusual bright expression. You pecked his lips not giving too much thoughts about it, before going back to your conversation with Usopp. You leant your body on your boyfriends that surprisingly responded to it by holding your waist tighter and rubbing his thumb against your tummy.
-You’re really acting strange, but I ain’t complaining
You said under your breath so only he could hear. He chuckled as he drank some more. You looked over your shoulder with a smile.
-Great, because you’re not leaving my side tonight.
Hand in hand, you two walked through the village in the middle of all the varieties of shops surrounding y’all. You wanted to buy a necklace so you were hopeful to find something of your taste and Sanji was more than willing to help you.
He had already made his grocery shopping with you yesterday and organized everything late in the evening, so it was his rest day. He wanted to enjoy the sunny weather with his awesome lover on this pretty day.
It all started when the seller was proposing you multiple options at the table and he invited you to come in the store for something more refined for a beautiful person like you. Sanji didn't care, because of course you are beautiful, so it was only natural that other people would notice. He nodded excited to see what other options the man had that could fit you even better.
Sanji cocked an eyebrow when the seller pushed your hair behind your shoulders and got close to your face as he commented about you smelling good. You laughed as you thanked him, mentioning how your boyfriend bought the scent for you as you pointed at the cook. He put a gorgeous silver piece around your neck and handed you a mirror.
-What do we think?
He asked with a content expression, you stared at the mirror with a floating smile as you nodded, approving the jewelry.
-It's so gorgeous! Oh! What about this one?
You asked as your eyes flew to a more elegant necklace. You walked away from Sanji quickly as you engaged in a great conversation with the seller about the jewelries and some specific information, that your lover was honestly unfamiliar with. Sanji felt like you kind of forgot about him and started to wander around the store on his own as he kept an eye on you, still.
"...should I get into jewelries.."
It was those type of thoughts that occupied his mind as he sulked in his corner. Though, Sanji is a gentleman and he loved more than anything to see you happy and passionate, so he put his jealousy aside to let you enjoy your moment. So, he put his ego aside and started to think about which one would look hotter on you-
-Chérie, have you find something you liked?
He asked you as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. You hummed as you looked at the other man and you both nodded, agreeing on something the cook had no clue about.
-I'm going to take this one, what do you think babe?
Sanji kissed your cheeks and whispered in your ears with a smirk.
-They all look beautiful to me, because you are stunning. I don't think I will be of a great help, my love.
You smiled to yourself, because Sanji likes whatever you wear or not. On his end, he just wanted to leave already and pamper you with kisses & hickeys all over your neck to celebrate your new necklace and maybe to let people know you were his..
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froggiewrites · 7 months ago
Pairing: Zoro x Reader, platonic Strawhats & Reader
Summary: You find yourself unable to sleep, and all of your friends are determined to help. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work...until you find yourself in the lap of a certain swordsman. Warnings: Just Extreme Fluff! Word Count: ~3k Crossposted from Ao3
You were exhausted.
It had started slowly. You began to take a little longer to fall asleep and wake up just a touch earlier, spending days with your thoughts just a bit fuzzy around the edges, eyes a little unfocused in quieter moments, but nothing severe.
Then you started waking up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep no matter how long you closed your eyes and laid there, praying for relief. You would instead wander around the ship, find ways to make yourself busy, making conversation with whoever was on night watch. You pretended not to notice the quiet concern on the crew’s faces when they all spoke and realized you had been awake to speak with each of them at 4am for the last week.
And now, you have given up on sleeping entirely, staring at the ceiling of your quarters with no sign of sleep’s embrace at all. No matter what you tried, it wouldn’t come. You can already see sunlight begin to shine under the door. Your friends are stirring, and you can already smell the breakfast Sanji’s making this morning. Another night of restlessness. You can barely force yourself out of your cot, but there isn’t a point in staying. It won’t help. You drag yourself to the deck, feet shuffling and face scowling.
“Still can’t sleep?” You don’t notice Usopp until he speaks, and you look up to see him up on the railing, fishing pole in hand, face flooded with pity and concern.
“No.” You try desperately to keep from snapping, knowing it isn’t his fault, isn’t anyone’s, but the best you can do is keep your voice flat and your words short. He winces a little at your tone, but he doesn’t comment. Instead he ponders you quietly, before seemingly coming to a decision.
“Do you want help?”
“Help how?”
“Help falling asleep! From the great Captain Usopp!” He puts on a silly wide and smug smile, but you can still see the worry in his eyes. He probably doesn’t even have any ideas yet, he just wants to help in any way he can.
“I would try almost anything at this point. What’re you thinking?”
He lets out a smug little laugh. “I knew you’d want my help! I don’t know if you know this, but I’m the greatest storyteller in all the seas.” He gives you a conspiratorial grin. “I bet you I can tell you a bedtime story that’ll send you to dreamland before you know it!”
You consider it. Usopp is an amazing storyteller, of course. You’ve never heard him tell a single tale that wouldn’t hook you enough to keep you awake, but maybe he’s just never tried. “Alright. I’ll come get you tonight—”
“Tonight? You’ll probably die by then! We’re gonna do this now, and you can sleep the entire day!” He grabs your hand, dragging you back to the bunks. You pass a few of your other friends on their way out, and while Zoro and Nami give you strange looks, they don’t comment. Just before the door closes, you see Sanji’s head pop out of the kitchen you call everyone in, and his eyes shift to you in confusion.
The door slams with a definitive sounding thunk, and Usopp’s hands push you onto your cot. He tucks you in with surprisingly practiced hands, before saying, “Alright. Get ready for the best sleep of your life!” He clears his throat dramatically. “Once upon a time, the great Captain Usopp—”
“—the end! …Nothing, huh? Not even for a second?” You flick open an eye to see disappointment on poor Usopp’s face. His tale had continued for at least an hour, with several dozen twists and turns as he tried to stretch it out until you finally started snoring, but you were as horribly, devastatingly awake as ever.
“Not even a wink. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, you're not the one who failed.” His shoulders slump a little. “I really thought that would work.”
You sit up to pat this hand comfortingly. “You didn’t fail, Usopp. I’m just…cursed. Probably. By God.” His stomach grumbles, and you suddenly remember he skipped breakfast to help you. “We should probably eat something.”
“Probably.” He looks so dejected it makes your chest ache a little.
“It’s okay, Usopp. Really.”
He doesn’t respond, getting up to head to the kitchen as you trail behind him. Everyone else has finished eating, half of the crew having already left, with only Sanji, Robin, and Nami chatting quietly over the table. There’s a plate set and ready, food growing cold, and you feel a flash of guilt knowing it was for you.
“Oh, my dear, you’re finally here! I was getting worried. I can fix you a new plate—here—” Sanji shoves the cold plate into Usopp’s hands. “I’ll throw something better together, just you wait!” Before you can even respond, he’s back to the kitchen, busying himself with making you something else.
“Are you alright? You look rather…” Robin trails off, clearly looking for and failing to find any words to describe your current state that wouldn’t be horribly offensive. 
“Awful.” Nami finishes for her, firmly but not without pity. “Are you still having trouble sleeping?”
“Yeah. I haven’t slept in at least 48 hours.”
“Oh my god.” Nami’s mouth hangs open a little, having not realized the full scope of your issues. Her face is painted with concern. “Are you…alright?”
“Not really.”
“You still can’t sleep?” Sanji calls out in concern over his shoulder, his knife still chopping away. “Do you want me to make you some tea? It might help.”
“Is it chamomile? I’ve tried that already.”
“It has chamomile in it, but that isn’t the only part. Valerian root, passionflower, and a couple extra things. I can’t guarantee it’ll fix your problem but it might help. I made it for Franky once and he fell asleep right at the table.” There’s no small measure of pride in his voice at that.
“I’m open to anything, at this point. Would you make me a cup?”
“Of course, dear!” His voice gets soft and honeyed the way it always does when he speaks to you, and after a new plate is placed in front of you he rushes off to the pantry to find the ingredients he needs.
Robin looks over you consideringly. “If that doesn’t work, why don’t you try reading? I always find winding down with a book helps.”
“Maybe. Usopp told me a story and it didn’t end up working, but reading it myself could be different.”
Nami taps her chin with her fingers, pondering. “Do you want to use aromatherapy, too? I have some lavender we could spray on your pillow. That might help too.”
“We can throw whatever spaghetti at the wall you want, I just want something to stick. I’m not picky.”
And with that the girls were off to grab their chosen items, while Usopp silently scarfed down cold eggs and tried to bandage his wounded pride. Sanji is humming a song you don’t recognize as the kettle whistles, and he expertly prepares your cup of tea. He’s sneaking glances over at you, probably lost in a daydream where he saves you from your horrible insomnia and you fall madly in love with him in return. Honestly? If he manages, you might. Any hero that saves you from this is worth considering.
As soon as the mug of tea is placed in your hands, Sanji’s fingers seemingly deliberately brushing against yours, you’re ushered back to your cot, where Nami, Robin, Brook, and Franky are waiting. You have no idea when this turned into a group activity, but sure. Why not?
“I thought some soothing music might help. A lullaby, maybe?” Brook’s voice is soothing and soft, like he’s already trying to lull you to sleep.
“And I brought a white noise machine as a backup! Thought you might like it.” Franky’s voice is as gentle as his natural boom can be.
Your eyes flick between them, then back to Nami, who’s unnaturally focused on fluffing your pillows and adding extra blankets to your cot, making it look the most inviting it ever has. “Are you gonna charge me for those?”
“No! …Probably not.” Her grin is mischievous.
“Honestly, if you get me to sleep, I’ll pay whatever you—”
“Woah! Don’t make any promises you can’t keep. She’ll keep you to that.” Franky’s voice is filled with brotherly concern. “Nami, don’t pay attention to that. Anyone that tired has no idea what they’re saying.”
“I wouldn’t actually take payment for this! I’m not a monster.” Her last punch to your pillow has a bit of extra force behind it, her irritation clear.
Before they can continue bantering, Brook begins playing a tune on his violin, bringing the rest of you to silence. Your hands are wrapped around your warm mug of tea, a book chosen by Robin open in front of you while you sip. The smell of lavender is strong enough to have flooded the room. Franky clicks a button on his little machine and the sounds of spring rain washes over all of you. Your shoulders relax, a soft smile slipping onto your face, but your eyes are no closer to closing. Even when Sanji comes in to take your mug away, the warmth long faded, or when Brook’s finger bones grow tired and his song comes to an end, or when the snores of your friends start to fill the room, you do not sleep. You feel no closer than you were an hour ago when this started, no closer than you were this morning when Usopp had tucked you in. You honestly feel like you’ll never sleep again.
It isn’t until noon that you finally give up, having finished half of the book that Robin lent to you. The smell of lavender had started to fade an hour ago. You carefully step over Franky and Brook passed out on the floor, your eyes wandering over to Nami and Robin sleeping peacefully on vacant cots. You try to be glad this worked for somebody, but you can’t help a bitter sort of jealousy brewing in your chest. Why do they get relief when they aren’t even suffering? Why is it only you who has to feel this weight dragging you down?
You try to stalk past Luffy, pouting all the while, but your captain catches you by the wrist with a rubbery hand. “Are you okay?”
You huff. “I’m never going to sleep again.”
“That sucks.”
You blink at him blankly.
He blinks back.
“I’m just having trouble sleeping. Not, like, literally.”
“It sucks.”
“Yeah.” He hums, pressing his lips together in thought. You can practically see the lightbulb above his head when he has his idea, his eyes brightening and smile widening. “Oh, I’ve got it!” He pulls you along with him, dragging you quickly further onto the deck before you’re unceremoniously shoved forward, stumbling over your legs and landing on something firm and warm.
“Bwuh?” Your eyes flick up to see Zoro bathed in sunlight, his good eye just barely open, a yawn forcing his mouth open wide. “What’s goin’ on?”
“You’re good at sleeping!” He gives a wide grin. “Help ‘em!” And without elaborating he just…runs off to do god knows what, satisfied that he has somehow solved the problem.
Zoro’s eye focuses on you questioningly, but before you can explain, you suddenly become intensely aware of your position. You’re in his lap, face pressed into his thighs, your chest pressed into his lower legs. You both stare at each other, wide-eyed, unsure on what to say or how to say it.
“You comfortable down there?” His voice is even, but he’s betrayed by the hint of pink on his cheeks.
“I—um. I’m…fine.” You wince at the shake in your voice. You can feel heat spreading from the tips of your ears down to your neck, and you hope it isn’t as noticeable as it feels. The smirk on his face shows it probably is.
“Oh yeah?” He gives a quiet laugh. “You’re welcome to stay.” Despite his own embarrassment, he radiates smugness. That’s Zoro for you—ever the strategist, he finds whatever upper hand he can get and uses it to corner his opponent. He’s looking at you like a cat does a mouse, and you really do feel like prey. You instinctively go to hide your face from him, only to find your nose brushing against his thigh. He chuckles. “Oh, getting cozy, that’s good. I guess you’re in for the long haul.”
You flush even further, and with your voice muffled against his leg, you manage to protest. “I’m having a bad enough time without you bullying me, Zoro.”
“This isn’t bullying. C’mon, I’ve seen how you fight, you’re tougher than that. You normally don’t back down that easily.” His hand ruffles your hair like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “What’s got you so down?”
You whine quietly. “I haven’t slept in days, and I haven’t slept well in weeks. I feel like I’m dying.”
His energy immediately changes, eyes and smile softening into something more genuine. “Doesn’t sound fun. And Luffy thought I could help you with that?”
“I guess.”
“What have you tried?”
“Everything. Counting sheep, bedtime stories, warm drinks, lavender—”
“Bedtime stories?” His voice is teetering on teasing again.
“Usopp’s idea.”
“What, did he tuck you in too?”
You go quiet.
“Wait, really?” He sounds well and truly baffled.
“It was actually kind of nice,” you mumble. 
If you didn’t know better you would think Zoro was pouting. His eye is a bit narrowed, his mouth in a flat line, bottom lip slightly jutted out. “Oh yeah? Well it didn’t work, did it? So you had to come to me for help.”
His hands grab your shoulders, pulling you up so you’re sitting instead of laying on his lap, your face directly pressed into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat below it, not exactly rapid but certainly betraying him, letting you know this situation is affecting him just like it’s affecting you. His arms wrap around you, and when he speaks, you can feel the rumble of his voice radiate through his chest and into you. “And now you’re gonna sit here with me, you’re gonna fall asleep before you know it, and the rest of those fools will have to accept that only I could give you what you need.” He pulls you impossibly closer, snugly tucking you into him and leaning back to pull you down to the deck with him.
“Someone’s a little jealous, huh?”
He scoffs. “Why would I be? Who’re you laying on right now, huh?” His hand grips your hip as if proving a point. “Go to sleep already, you need it.”
“What, you think this is all it takes? Cuddling?” Even as you say it, you break into a yawn, and your eyes begin to droop. His presence is comforting, and between his body heat and the gentle warmth of the sunlight, you can feel yourself beginning to fade. Your vision is too blurry to see his cocky grin, but you know it’s there all the same.
“Yeah, I do. Now get some rest.” You barely hear his response over the calming sound of his heartbeat. Your breathing slows, and before you know it, you’re sleeping for the first time in what feels like years.
After you’ve fallen asleep, he takes his time to observe you. The way your hair shines in the sunlight, the way your mouth parts slightly when you snore, the way your body feels so natural and right against his. His hand rubs a soothing circle into your back while you rest, and you make a soft noise of contentment that he can’t help but smile at. You look so beautiful like this, so small and soft and fragile. Something to care for. Something to protect. It feels right to have you in his arms, right against him, where he can keep you safe. 
He wonders if you’d be willing to do this all the time, though he’d rather die than ask. He has his pride. Maybe you’ll come to him, wide eyed and wanting, next time you struggle to fall asleep. Maybe you’ll ask in that shy little voice if he’d be willing to help you, in the way only he can, and all he’ll have to do is open his arms for you to fall into. Maybe he’ll have more days and nights like these, with the comforting weight of another in his bed. What an idea.
He wonders what you might give him in thanks. One of those breathtaking smiles, surely. A hug, perhaps. It wouldn’t be more than this, pressed together, but the idea of you initiating it, of it being a deliberate choice on your part, makes his heart beat a little faster. He imagines you throwing your arms around him of your own volition, no captain shoving you forward. He imagines those arms moving around his neck instead, pulling him closer so you can press your lips onto his. He imagines how soft they’d be, and how desperate you would be to feel his own. He imagines you wanting him in a dozen different ways, each unique, each better than the last. He imagines calling you his, and you calling him yours in return.
He falls asleep to the idea of a shared life, a shared bed, a shared heart. When the crew finally stumbles out of their naps, they find the two of you on deck, intertwined, a tangle of limbs that seems all but impossible to separate. You’re both snoring softly, smiles on your faces, and they can’t bear to wake you. You seem like you’re having very sweet dreams.
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takamimami · 5 months ago
Hello! Congratulations on the followers!
Since you're open, my request is a Luffy x F!Reader with the fluff prompt "Is everything okay?" "I just missed you". I was thinking they spent the day apart, exploring a new island with different members of the crew, and when they meet again later, Luffy gets clingy because he had fun, but missed her.
I hope that's okay. Congrats once more, your writing is amazing ^-^
Ahhhh, thank you for being my first submission!! I am so happy to have gotten a Luffy submission first, I want to get more comfortable writing for him :3 thank you for the love, and I hope you enjoy!!
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Luffy x F!Reader - SFW - "Is everything okay?" "I just missed you." - STORY UNDER THE CUT CW: Fluff, Zoro got lost, Luffy missed you, Use of Y/N --- word count; 1.3k
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Your legs ached as you scaled the gangway back up onto the deck of the Sunny, and you could already feel the blisters forming on the bottoms of your feet. The day had started as normal as any other, with you and Robin sitting together and enjoying a cup of coffee while she browsed the newspaper she’d snagged in town after docking. The rest of the crew was still fast asleep, and you and Robin began to grow restless waiting for the rest of them to wake up. 
“I say we head into town and do some sightseeing before the boys wake up and just want to eat the place dry,” she giggles, to which you nod and begin making your way off the ship. Just before you two can clear the gangway, you hear a deep voice call out for you, flipping your head around to see Zoro watching you two curiously. He insisted on accompanying the two of you, which you didn’t argue about, and now thinking back on it, you wished you had insisted that he stayed back.
“I can’t believe you made us walk all the way to the opposite end of the island to look for you,” you groan, flopping down into the chair and kicking off your shoes as Zoro looks over at you and rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t make you do anything,” he chuckles, raising his hands and putting them behind his head nonchalantly, “I would have found my way back to the ship one way or another.”
You pick up one of your shoes and fling it at Zoro, who dodges it without even opening his eyes. Robin just giggles at your bickering, and the commotion has the remainder of your crew funneling out from below the deck to see what is happening.
“Oh, hey guys!” Usopp greets you warmly, he and Chopper running down the stairs and in your direction. 
“Luffy, they’re back!” Nami calls behind her as she stands near the helm, and a short time later your captain comes flying over the railing, stretching his arms with his devil fruit to pull himself to your body and wrap you in a koala hug. 
“Y/N!” Luffy calls out as he flies through the air, and you note that his usual accompanying giggle is missing, making you quirk an eyebrow at him as he latches on to you.
You don’t have time to question him, however, because the hug he envelopes you in is nearly bone-crushing. 
“Hi,” you grunt, struggling to keep a smile due to the pressure of the hug and the added strain to your legs now that you were supporting both of you. He notices your wince and lets go of you momentarily, eyes tracing over you to inspect you for injury.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
You offer him a reassuring look, nodding your head in the direction of Zoro, who has now taken up his usual spot underneath the crow’s nest, “I’m fine, my legs are just sore from scouring the whole island in search of your navigationally challenged vice-captain.”
Your face falls when Luffy doesn’t even crack a smile at your jab, his lips remaining slightly down-turned as he inches closer to you.
Sanji’s voice cuts you off before you can ask if he’s alright, immediately pulling Luffy’s attention as he announces that dinner is ready. 
You all huddle around together on deck as Sanji brings out the food, and before you can even look around for a spot to sit Luffy tugs you down into his lap, holding your waist tightly as he rests his chin on your shoulder. You smile contently as you feel his fingers slip under your shirt, seeking the warmth of your skin as he rubs the soft skin of your stomach. The whole time you two eat he holds you in his lap, and you relax into his embrace as everyone recounts their day. 
You rarely spend a full day away from Luffy, so when Usopp begins telling everyone about their adventures of the day, you are once again confused by his lack of emotion or reaction. 
“Luffy! Tell everyone about the giant fish we saw on the pier!”
You take a bite of your food, expecting to hear Luffy’s emphatic voice begin to talk, but instead, you hear nothing but silence. Looking around at everyone, you notice they are all staring just past you, eyeing Luffy and waiting for him to speak.
You follow suit, turning to look over your shoulder, only to find Luffy staring blankly at you, not even remotely aware of his surroundings or the conversation that was transpiring.
“Earth to Luffy” Usopp presses, waving his hands to grab his attention. Luffy maintains his gaze on you for a moment longer, before snapping out of it with a confused “huh?”.
“Tell them about the giant fish we saw!”
“Huh? What fish?”
Everyone quickly loses interest in Usopp’s story as he starts recounting the encounter with a massive fish, and you look over your shoulder wearily to observe Luffy again. You can’t help but notice how distracted and distant he is acting, usually being the main one to entertain Usopp’s dramatic stories.
You decide not to press it at the moment, allowing everyone to finish eating and slowly drift off into their nighttime routines before pulling Luffy’s hand and leading him to the figurehead of the Sunny. You knew this was one of his favorite spots to sit, and you were relieved to see a small smile curl onto his lips as you two curled up together and stared out at the sea, the setting sun on the horizon casting shades of orange and pink along the sky.
“Hey, Luffy,” you hum, leaning your head back to look up at him from where you sat in his lap. You notice a twinkle in his eye as he meets your gaze, his neck craning down to look at you. “Is everything okay?” He furrows his brow in genuine confusion, and before he can ask for clarification you continue, “You seemed… distant earlier. I just want to make sure you’re alright, or if something is bothering you?”
You can see the wheels start turning in his head as he ponders your words, lifting his gaze to look back out to the ocean for a few heartbeats before looking back down at you, flashing his signature contagious smile.
“Oh, yeah, I just missed you, that’s all,” he giggles - the sound a soothing balm to your worrying mind as he leans down and tickles the tip of your nose with his. “I was bummed you were gone by the time I woke up, and I thought that maybe Usopp and I would run into you while we were exploring. So then when we didn’t, I kinda just came back to the ship and waited for you to get back.”
Your shoulders relax with his admission, and he giggles a few more times as you lean up further and place a feather-light kiss on his nose. “I missed you too, Luff,” you giggle back, snuggling further into his lap as a wave crashes against the side of the Sunny. “I’ll make it up to you.”
He grins as he lifts his head back up, another wave rocking the boat as you feel the chill of the evening air settling in. You yawn, feeling goosebumps prickle on your skin as the sea breeze sends a shiver through your body. 
“C’mon, Y/N,” Luffy croons, helping you to your feet as he leads you back down to the deck, “Don’t need you getting sick on me.”
You smile sleepily as you walk the deck, Luffy’s arm securely around you as he feels your tired legs struggling to keep you upright. He bids the rest of the crew a good night before lifting you up into his arms, your face nuzzling into his neck as he carries you below deck. In no time the two of you are snuggled under the blanket in the captain’s quarters, Luffy’s fingers tracing gentle circles in the small of your back as he listens to the sound of your breathing slow down. He pulls back from you to gaze upon your face fondly, savoring the last few minutes of your presence before sleep overtakes him.
Supernova Captains event is open until 10/11! Submit a request here :3
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butterflys-corner · 2 months ago
"𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯" pt.2 ♤♡
(Part one here! )
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Summary: Zoro and Y/N make up after their heated fight. [Warnings: make up (almost) sex, slight dacryphilia, affectionate, slightly drunk, fingering, praise, public if you squint. MDNI and have fun!]
Here you go @ellelowthere @mrharringtonsbae @ultgojo <3
-2k words
After your impromptu break from Zoro, you'd see him discreetly following you. Everywhere.
You knew in the back of your mind it was his silent and brooding way of protecting you, but damn if you hated when he did it. You weren't even speaking, but he'd keep his eyes on you from afar like it was a normal day.
Today, however, you wished he was around the corner or down the hall from you. The endless hallway was freaky, the dark corridor sending chills up your spine.
The directions that kind old lady gave you... were fake.
Damn old lady-
Your thoughts trailed off, the empty corridor feeling less empty.
Glowing eyes peered at you from the end of it, low breaths sounding from whoever or whatever was there.
"H-Hello?" No response.
"Hey, Usopp, if that's you, I'll beat your ass." Still nothing.
The lack of any response from the glowing orbs down the hall was concerning to say the least. With a sporadic heartbeat, you take a breath and continue on. The corridor was one-way, some marines down it back the way you came. There was no choice.
Two steps and they stayed put. Three more, and they never moved.
One final step and-
"Zoro? Gods, you scared the hell out of me. What are you-"
"Sh." A broad hand clasped over your lips, muffling any more of your words. "Let me talk, then I'll let go."
Your brows furrowed over your eyes, confused annoyance staring Roronoa down. He still insisted, more taking control of the conversation by keeping his hand still.
"I know I fucked up, okay? I.." His voice lowered, a sigh leaving his chest against the empty hall. "I'm sorry. You deserve whatever I couldn't give to you. Call me selfish if you want, but, I can't let you go. Not yet.
If I could change what I said to you, I wouldn't. Not because I meant it or anything stupid like that. Because it showed me how I actually.. care about you." You listened to his quiet confession, the annoyance and anger towards him melting away with every word.
"I can't magically change into a more.." he searches for the words, his empty hand gesturing in the empty space. Almost like grabbing at straws. "...more passionate person, like the damn cook or something. But, I can try to show you I care about you."
You nod against his hand, the thought out and reasonable confession being enough to soothe your anger. But you wouldn't forgive him. Not yet.
"I'm letting go. Don't answer me. Not yet. Let's just get the hell out of this hallway."
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The bar Zoro took you to was packed to the brim with indulgent Islanders. The pungent spice of rum and whiskey hits your nose before the dim lights hit your eyes. There was some music you couldn't pinpoint the origin of from the crowd, the place a bit overstimulating.
The only thing anchoring you to the bar itself was your swordsman, his hand tightly clutching yours as he directs you through the crowd. The way he held himself among the crowded bar sent a familiar spark of heat down your core. Somehow, you felt like he knew that.
The hawk-eyed man sat beside you at the packed bar now, ordering drinks for the two of you. The ocean of voices drowned his mellow one out, though a smile cracked your lips when your favorite drink was set in front of you.
He remembered.
Picking up the glass, you bring it to your lips and give a small toast to the mosshead. He gives a toast back, the two of you downing your first drinks of the night.
It doesn't take you much time to work on your fourth (and his sixth) drink, the walls beginning to spin along with your head. Zoro picked up on that, one of his brows raised in slight concern.
"You alright, sweetheart?" His gruff voice asked over the loud bar, a soft nod being your response. Your eyes fall onto his face and before you could answer you stared at him.
Maybe it was your drunken stupor talking, but damn was that man fine. Your gaze started at his dark olive eyes, moving to his jaw that you could've sworn was as defined as one of those marble statues. Moving further, you traced where his pulse moved along his neck, stopping at his Adam's apple. This dumb muscle-head was always so nice to stare at-
"Oi. You sure you're alright? You're staring pretty hard there." And there was that devilish smirk he gave when he knew he was right about something.
"Gods, you're so handsome." You blurted out, the alcohol in your hands being set down by him. His thicker fingers move around the glass, pushing yours off of it.
"Yeah? You aren't so bad yourself, girly."
"You know I hate that nickname-"
"What are you gonna do about it,"
"Don't you dare sa-"
You stood up from your stool, nearly knocking the poor piece of wood over, then stormed off from the bar. Your begrudgingly amused swordsman followed wordlessly, his boots tapping against the floor behind you.
"Stop f-fucking following me, Roronoa." You spit, the malice only amusing Mosshead more.
"Or what, girly?"
"For fuck's sake, Roronoa. Stop. Please."
"Alright," your ex surrenders, still aimlessly following you through the crowd. You lead him to a somewhat abandoned hall in the bar, standing against the wall parallel to him.
"What is your problem, Mosshead? We split. Why are you being so.." Your hands gesture wildly in front of you, the alcohol heavy in your system. "..nice to me? Buying me drinks, talking about things I enjoy talking about. Hell, talking at all instead of being all silent and brooding."
It took him a moment to respond, a low huff leaving his chest as he crossed his toned arms across it.
"I told you. I want to try to show how I care for you. This is a way to." He spoke firmly, as if it was as serious as his vow to be the greatest swordsman.
You pondered on his words, knowing they aren't meaningless if he was willing to speak more freely about his emotions. Even in this packed bar.
"You really care about me, huh?" Tears pricked your already glossed over eyes, a silent nod being his response until he noticed.
"Don't cry, woman. Not in the sad way I don't like."
"What?" Your brows furrowed, the spiced aroma of the bar being replaced with the mix of his natural musk and some cologne he undoubtedly borrowed from Sanji. "..are you wearing cologne?"
"No shit." Zoro smirks, propping his arm against the wall over your shoulder. "I asked curly brows to borrow some. You mentioned how... good... he smelled. So, I borrowed it. So?"
"You smell good," the words left your lips again without thought, your nose unconsciously taking bigger sniffs of it. "But, don't be silly. You don't need some fancy cologne to smell good to me."
"I- I know I don't. I just didn't want you to keep saying it about that damn cook." He stumbles over his words, the scent of sake wafting over the smell of him.
The liquid courage took hold of your judgment, your chest now flush against your green-themed companion.
"Come on, himbo. I know you're dying to get me undressed already.. You don't just take me to bars for nothing." Your voice came out more sultry than you expected, the man smirking like a hungry wolf over you.
"Damn, princess. You know me too well, huh? You got me. But, I know you don't take free drinks for nothing either."
The grin that grew on your face could rival a snickering fox's, your tongue swiping across your teeth. "You got me."
In the next instance, his rough lips were overtaking your soft ones. The passion between you was palpable, the loud bar no longer a concern. Your lips moved in slightly disorganized patterns, though you wouldn't change it. That was how you and Zoro were.
Unorganized, confusing, and complicated. It's how you liked it.
Your hands found perch over his shoulders, his broader one on your hips as he pinned you against the wall. His other was still against the stone, holding him up over your smaller frame.
The slow, lazy kisses soon heated into more rushed and sloppy ones over the span of a few moments. Your fingers tugged onto the short green tufts on his head, rough groans rumbling against his throat.
"Always a tease, huh?" He grumbled against your lips, pulling away from the steamy make-out session to turn his attention to your neck. His lips traveled down your skin, warm kisses and soft bites being left in their wake. "I'll show you a tease, sweetheart."
Before a retort could leave your throat, his free hand snaked its way to your bottoms, his rough fingers impatiently undoing the fastenings. You didn't stop him as the need for him grew in the back of your head. You forgot how much you missed his touch so close to you.
His hand patted against your inner thighs; a silent order to widen your stance as he kept you against the wall.
"Open up, Tiny." The nickname rolled off his tongue like a melody, your thighs not needing anymore reason to part.
Zoro used his bigger build to his advantage, his back shielding you from any prying eyes that could possibly see anything.
"Oh, good. I don't have to teach you who you belong to again," he mused, his hand descending into your bottoms and rubbing circles around your sensitive bud. A small gasp left your lips, your head shaking at his words.
"No, you don't h-have to." You respond, the buzz sending warm static around your body. A trail of goosebumps littered your arms as the cool air reminded you of its presence.
"That's perfect. Now," he starts, burying his face in the crook of your neck to speak in a low growl. His lips hovered beside the shell of your ear as he continues, "I want you to cry from how good my fingers feel. Can you do that, pretty?"
Eager nods sent a wolfish grin back to his lips.
"Good girl," Mosshead peppers rough kisses against your shoulder, his middle finger delving deep into your wanting core. "Let me hear how much you missed me, hm?"
His digit milked soft moans from your chest as he searched for the perfect spot in your body. The soft and gummy flesh that made you go crazy-
"There it is.." Your lover mused again, his middle finger delicately rubbing over your g-spot over and over again. The muscles in your stomach contorted, your bottom lip stuck between your teeth as he softly pleasured you. You almost buckled under him and close your eyes when he holds you firmly against the wall again.
"Uh-uh, beautiful. Stand up. You can do that much for me." Like the trooper you were, you stood straight, burying your face against his shoulder to bear with the second finger he added. As he pumped his digits against your tight walls, you felt that familiar wave of sensitivity hit your spine.
"Ohh, I felt you flinch, tiny. Getting close, are we?" Zoro teased, his lips planting a rough but tender kiss on your head. With a soft nod and a quick "yes, yes, yes" he grew more confident, if that was possible.
"That's such a good slut for me. You like this, huh? Getting finger fucked in a bar by me? And look.. you're all teary-eyed for me. So precious, so pretty." His words stuck to your ears like daggers, your climax hitting like a rushing flood. A low groan leaves his throat as you squeeze down onto his fingers.
"Come on, mama. Cum for me, pretty little thing." He coaxed as you rode out the high. Your thighs quaked, his fingers yet to cease the ruthless pumping against your gummy insides.
After a few moments of your warm afterglow, he pulled his fingers out of you. He looked at the mess you made on them, grinning lazily at the thin coating of your juices.
"Look at that. I knew you couldn't stay mad at me."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still upset with you."
"...will you at least take me-"
"Yes, Zoro. I'll take you back."
Note: I kind of rushed the end, you can probably tell, but! It's done for now. It's a bit late for me and I wanted to push this one out. Thanks for reading!
Divider/Banner Credits: @cafekitsune @bernardsbendystraws Photo Credits: @pfpanimes
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onepiece-fics · 1 year ago
Strawhats + Law x Overworking! Reader.
Summary: Reader is studying late into the night. How do the strawhats + Law react? Gender neutral reader! 
Word count: 2727 
Warnings: Nami slips (a tiny bit of) melatonin into reader's tea without them knowing, reader is a little bit angsty.
Thank you so much anon for requesting<33
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As much as you love your captain, he can be quite oblivious sometimes. He somehow hasn't noticed how you stay up super late every night, studying until your eyes are hurting from reading too much or until your brain simply can't take any more information in. It isn't until Nami asks him about your well-being that he realizes how rare it is for you to fall asleep next to him nowadays. 
You’re sitting in the kitchen at midnight, your studies only just now starting. You have a steaming cup of tea that Sanji happily made you before he went to bed himself, and you sigh as you lean your head on your hand. Suddenly the kitchen door opens up and startles you. You look back to the door and see your loving captain, clad in his pajamas and a pout on his face.
“Y/N~” he whines, “why are you still here? Why aren't you coming to bed?” He plops down on the chair next to you, the pout on his face only growing.
“Ah, I was just gonna study for a little bit” you say and scratch your head. You know damn well you can’t resist Luffy’s pout.
“Hmmm, but Y/N, you’re always staying up so late nowadays, can't you just study more during the day?” he asks, laying his head on your shoulder. You giggle at his tiredness and stroke your fingers through his hair.
“I mean, I already do… But sometimes I feel like it’s not enough…” your voice trails off. Luffy raises his head to look at you.
“What do you mean? You already work so hard!” he exclaims. His face turns more serious, clearly worrying about you.
“Ahh, I mean, it’s hard to calm down sometimes… Sometimes I feel like I need to put more effort in, to give all my best and learn even more” you tell him. Luffy sigs next to you and grabs you by the shoulders, turning you to face him.
“Y/N. You already work so hard, don’t overwork yourself. You’re already doing your best as it is, overworking yourself will just make it harder, okay?”. You rarely see Luffy being this serious about things and it shocks you a little bit. He looks you dead in the eyes. 
“Now what am I supposed to do with an overworking crewmate, and a partner that comes to bed late at night, huh? Who am I supposed to cuddle with? Because I’m definitely not cuddling Usopp again!” he grins at you, his usual, playful self coming back. You smile back at him and nod your head.
“Alright, I suppose I’ll come to bed…” you say and he lifts his arms up in celebration.
“WOHOO!!” he exclaims, before leaning in and giving you a quick peck on the lips. 
“Now do you wanna be big spoon or little spoon for tonight?” he grins at you as he excitedly drags you out of your chair.
Honestly, the only reason why Zoro realized that you’re overworking yourself late into the night was because you kept waking him up when you crawled into bed in the late hours of the night. One night, as you try to sneak into bed, he groans and opens his eye.
“Y/N, are you alright?” he asks, his voice filled with sleep. His arms encircle you to pull you into his warm embrace and you close your eyes, the feeling of comfort being almost overwhelming after your many hours of reading.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been studying… Robin found me some books to read on that last island we were at that I’ve been reading quite intensely. It’s really interesting but it’s a lot to take in.” you yawn and fix your position with your head on his chest. He lets out a deep hum and starts playing with your hair.
“You really shouldn’t overwork yourself, you know… If you’re constantly overworking yourself like that, how would you be able to be prepared for a sudden emergency? What if we got attacked right now? Of course, I’d protect you, but it’s important to take care of yourself too, especially when we’re living the life we’re living…” he starts stroking your cheek softly and you turn to look up at him. His face is somehow incredibly serious, yet still filled with love for you. It’s a look that no one but you will ever see.
“I promise Zoro, I promise I’ll try to take better care of myself…” you say, but you both know that it’s not quite that simple. You do love your studies a lot, even if it’s draining.
“Hmm. How about this: I’ll join you in the study, but every night at 10 pm I’ll drag you to the bedroom, no staying up late, no buts, no ‘I just have to study for 10 more minutes’, just straight to bed” he says. He’s giving you a sweet, tired smile and you feel your heart skip a beat. 
You agree to his proposal and he even makes you do a pinky promise. From that night on, he joins you every single night, and every single night he brings you back to bed, just as promised, even if he has to carry you the whole way. 
Nami understands just how you feel, having overworked herself a lot in the past. One night as you’re in your study the door opens and in she comes, carrying blankets and tea for the both of you.
“I figured I would join you, it’s getting kind of late anyways and I felt a little lonely” she says, a soft grin on her face. Nami knows very well how hard it is to change habits, and how frustrating it is to be confronted with having them, so she instead decides to “trick” you into going to sleep early.
She sits down next to you on the couch and wraps the blanket around the both of you, putting her arm through yours after she pours the tea into pretty little cups. What you don't know, however, is that the tea in question has a very small dose of melatonin in it that she got from Chopper earlier that day. When you finally start yawning, she changes your positions so that you’re leaning on her instead.
“Hey honey, what is that book you’re reading about?” she asks you as her fingers comb through your hair. You close your eyes and lean your head against hers and hum in contentment. You tell her what you’re currently studying and she nods, listening intensely, and when you start to yawn she giggles softly.
“You wanna go sleep?” she asks you and you nod.
“Mmm, but I’m so sleepy” you slur, sleep almost coming over you immediately. She gives you a quick kiss on the forehead and stands up.
“I’ll give you a piggyback ride to bed, but only if I get to be big spoon tonight” She winks at you and you roll your eyes. You agree to her suggestion and she picks you up effortlessly and eventually plops you down on your shared bed. 
As she snuggles up behind you she gives you a kiss behind your ear and snuggles into your neck. Although she doesn't want you to overwork yourself, she doesn't mind how cute you get when you’re sleepy and almost falling asleep on her shoulders, and before she falls asleep she reminds herself that she should tell you to talk to Chopper about a melatonin prescription, for both of your sakes. 
Usopp had already noticed quite a while ago how you had overworked yourself recently, but he felt too awkward to confront you about it. After consulting Chopper about it, he decided it’s necessary for your own health. He decided, however, to do it in quite a roundabout way.
As you’re sitting on the lawn deck, building legos with Chopper and Luffy, Usopp approaches you.
“Hey Y/N!” he greets you and sits down next to you. “I was just wondering if you wanted to go watch a movie with me? I know it’s already a little late, but still?” he asks, smile beaming at you. You agree, and follow him to your shared room where he already had a little cozy setup for the two of you. You spare a quick glance at the time, it’s 11 p.m.
“So, what movie are we watching?” you ask him as the two of you cuddle up to each other underneath blankets. Usopp grins at you. 
“I was thinking… The entire lord of the rings series!” he exclaims, shocking you. Lord of the rings?? Has Usopp ever mentioned being a fan of it??
“Are you sure?” you ask. “Isn’t it like, a really long series of movies?” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“I mean, it is 9 hours, but you’re always up late anyways, right? At least this way you’ll have fun!” he says enthusiastically. Oh.
“I mean, I’m usually studying at night-” you start, but Usopp shakes his head and cuts you off.
“And you need a break. Doctor’s orders.” he says and hands you a lazily written doctor's slip from Chopper. “Besides, you need to take it easier on yourself. Overworking yourself isn’t gonna make you study better, you know?” he says with a caress of your cheek. You lean in and give him a peck on the cheek. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll take a break, but promise me that we’re not actually watching lord of the rings, please” you tease him. He laughs at you and hugs you into him.
“No, I was just kidding. We’re totally watching something else” he says. Without you knowing though, he silently shoves away his DVD copies of Lord of the rings under the mattress. 
Usopp’s collection of Lord of the rings extended DVD edition will stay a secret for now. 
One night, after dinner was over, Sanji asked you to stay with him in the kitchen. You agreed, and when everyone else had left, he sat down across the table from you, resting his head on his hand.
“Y/N, my dearest, are you alright?” he asks you softly. You gulp. 
“Oh, uhm, yeah I’m fine. Why are you asking so suddenly?” you respond awkwardly, twiddling with your thumbs. He reaches across the table to take your hands into his.
“I’ve noticed recently that you’ve been staying in the library all night. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not overworking yourself?” he asks, concern strong in his voice. Your hands grip his, finding it hard to find the right words.
“I mean, I’ve just been studying a lot recently. It’s fine really” you explain, biting your lip, hoping that he will just let it go. You know Sanji better than that though. He sighs.
“Honey, I can see the dark circles under your eyes. Please don’t dismiss your own health” he whispers the last part, and you look down at the table, finding it hard to meet his eyes. He gets up from where he’s sitting and walks over to your side, pulling you up to stand in front of him. He gives you a tight hug and kisses you on top of the head.
“I know it’s hard, but please take better care of yourself, yeah?” he smiles down at you, and you can’t help but stare up at your handsome boyfriend in awe. The amount of love in his eyes baffles you.
“Alright, I’ll try to… Go to bed earlier I suppose…” you start. “But only if you get more sleep in the morning too, you shouldn’t have to wake up at 5 am” you pout at him. He can’t help but laugh at your cuteness before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. His hands stay on your cheeks as he looks you in the eyes.
“Sounds like a deal to me.” 
Robin, similarly to Nami, is gonna be your silent supporter. She is another one who fully understands you, and she frequently joins you during your late night studies. She also has by far the sneakiest way to get you to go to sleep at night.
You’re sitting in the library with Robin leaning against your right side, both of you reading your own book. You’re reading your book really intensely, but no matter how hard you try, the complicated text is incredibly hard to read. Damn those old philosophers and their roundabout ways of writing. You let out a big sigh in frustration and Robin giggles at your frustration.
“Are you alright, darling?” she asks you, eyes still on her own book and a slight smile on her face.
“Yeah, it’s just so hard to read this damn book” you grumble before letting out a frustrated yawn. You close your eyes and rub them, as if the text is gonna be easier to read after. Suddenly, you hear Robin next to you start yawning too.
“Oh my gosh, what time is it even?” she asks, looking down at her watch. “Oh, it’s midnight already…” she says, letting out another yawn. “What do you say, Y/N, do you wanna go to bed yet?” she asks you, pulling a hair strand from your face to the back of your ear.
“Hmmm, I’d like to read a little more first” you say, stretching your arms and legs. She nods and moves to lay her head in your lap as you both return to your books. 
Barely any time later, Robin lets out another big yawn, making you yawn too. You rub your eyes again, feeling them get drier and drier by the minute, but you’re determined to finish this chapter. She lets out yet another big yawn, making you repeat the action once again just a few seconds later. She drops the book on her face to hide her smile. Victory is almost here! Now just to make you admit that you’re tired!
“Dearest, I really think we should go to bed” she says, sitting up. “You’re yawning like crazy” She pokes your cheek to get your attention. You’re yawning like crazy?? Then what was she just doing this whole time? You give her a sigh of defeat, and she giggles.
“Come on now, Y/N, let’s go to bed” She takes your hand, leading you away from the library, books left face down on the bench you had been sitting on. 
As the king of overworking himself, he knows exactly how you feel. Thankfully though you both have each other, sitting either across the room from each other, or right next to one another almost every night as you study your things. At a certain point though, Law will usually be the one to drag you both to bed. Even he can’t stay up as often and as much as you do. 
“Y/N-ya… Come on, it’s time to go to bed” he groans, standing next to where you’re sitting by your desk. You hum, not really ready to go to bed yet. Law rolls his eyes at you.
“You know, as both your doctor and your captain, it’s not a request. It’s a demand” he says, trying to sound intimidating. You both know that he can’t intimidate you, though.
“Mmm, just a little more” you say with a yawn, still looking at your papers that are thrown across the whole desk. He rolls his eyes at you and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. A yelp of surprise comes from your moth and he chuckles at you.
“What? If you’re not going to sleep willingly I’m just going to have to force you right?” he says teasingly. You relax in his grip, knowing that there’s no point in fighting your captain anymore. 
As Law gets to your shared room, he gently places you on the bed and boops your nose.
“No more ignoring your captain, okay?” he says sternly. You shake your head and reach up to peck his nose before laying down properly.
“But you get so cute when you’re serious” you giggle at him. His mouth opens in shock, cheeks turning pink, before pretending like he didn’t hear your comment and climbing into bed with you. 
You both may be going to bed at 4 am, but at least you’re not alone, you get the company of your cute captain.
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luna0713hunter · 1 year ago
I just saw you opened your fall prompts and I had to request you something!! Could I request prompts 3 and 15 for Zoro? Maybe the straw hats all decide to go for a night out and dress up and the reader and Zoro have a cute moment outside? Maybe some little teasing from the other crew members? Thank you so much!
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Author's note : welcome to my Autumn prompt!!! you're the first request and I'm so excited to write this!!!i hope you enjoy it!!! Kick back,and wrap a warm blanket around yourself! Get cozy ^^
"I'm cold," "come here,let me warm you up."
"making you wear their jacket when you're too stubborn to dress properly."
Based on this prompt
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Warnings : none! Super fluffy,pet names,you being stubborn and Zoro being too lovesick to get tired with your shit,cute couple (you), annoying crewmates,reader is said to wear a dress but is gender neutral otherwise
"you're seriously going out like that?"
"yes!its not too cold and I'm not changing."
"you do realize if it gets any colder, we'll have snow."
"well I'm not cold!and i love this dress,so no changing!"
Zoro grumbles something under his breath,and you grin when he finally relents. When you skip over to where he's leaning against your doorframe and cheekily wrap your arms against his (muscular) bicep,he sighs when you flutter your eyes up at him.
"why are you being so stubborn?you know it's cold outside."
"because we never have the opportunity to dress up so nicely!!and now that the guys have decided to celebrate somewhere nice,who am i to turn such a great opportunity to dress nicely, down?"
Zoro merely mutters a 'whatever' and starts walking. Even upset with you,he reaches back and wraps his bigger hand around your smaller one,and when you finally step outside,you swallow thickly;its fucking freezing.
You unconsciously press yourself closer to Zoro's warm side;feeling his leather jacket on your bare arms. The dress you've chosen has no sleeves,and the top of your chest is particularly exposed to the cold weather. You mentally curse yourself for not listening to Zoro,but you'll be damned if you admit it to his face. So instead,you swallow down the nervousness you feel for staying in such weather for the rest of the night in that dress,and wave at your crewmates who're waiting for the two of you.
"damn y/n,you look nice." You laugh at Usopp's comment and when Nami gives you a meaningful wink and looks at Zoro's direction,you feel slightly warmer.
But not enough to stop your teeth from clattering together as you start walking with your crewmates in the freezer streets. After few minutes of walking ,however,your mind starts to wonder off to how cozy and warm everyone's clothes seem to be. You only nod and hum at your friends' questions or jokes,and try to particularly melt yourself into Zoro's side. So when that's not enough and the cold becomes too unbearable,you let out a small sneeze that has everybody falling silence and turning their attention to you.
You rub your reddened nose with your numb fingers and then let out your warm breath on them. You clench and unclench them a few times so you could return some feeling to them and look up at them sheepishly.
"you alright there,dear?"
You nod kindly at Sanji's question,and then Luffy puts a comforting hand on your bare shoulder.
"we can go back if you're too cold."
"Thanks Cap," you grin, "but i can handle it."
Just as Luffy opens his mouth to respond,a sudden warmth engulfs your form.
And your hands immediately raise up to cling to the source.
When you look down,you see a familiar jacket around shoulders. Strong hands pull the front closer to one another and gentle fingers close the zipper.
The sweet scent of your boyfriend adds up to the cozy warmth and you let out small content noise.
You turn around and smile shyly up at the swordsman, watching as he raises a brow and when he sees some color returning to your cheeks,he sighs.
"very." You raise on your tiptoes and presse a gentle kiss to his slightly cold nose, "thank you,babe."
When you feel his fingers interlock with yours ,you frown slightly upon feeling his cold fingers; lending you his jacket,Zoro was particularly standing there only in a thin shirt. So you tug at his hand to get his attention and when you have it,you smile again.
"I'm still cold."
Zoro only huff and with a hand on your waist,pulls you to his chest.
"come here,let me warm you up."
You're so happy to be in his embrace and bury your face in his chest to relish his natural warmth,that you completely forget about your surroundings. And then Zoro wraps his protective arms around your waist to press his lips to yours. His lips are so warm and when they move against yours,you feel warmth spreading across your core and all over your body.
And you would've continued kissing him right there,in the middle of the street,if it wasn't for the loud wolf whistling suddenly coming from behind you.
"dude,if we're interrupting just tell us!"
"get a room you two!"
"and just as i thought the mooshead had no human emotions in him."
"I'm hungry,can you continue this in the restaurant?"
When you hear Zoro scowl above you to his crewmates,you laugh happily and squeeze his waist.
"let's go."
And as Zoro drops a loving kiss to your forehead and wraps his arm around your shoulder to lead you behind the others,you feel even warmer ; Zoro wont ever let you feel cold. Not ever again
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luvrsux · 2 years ago
“Bubble Bath”
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word count: 3k
summary: luffy has been cracking attention while you’re preoccupied with work. after you promise you’ll spend time with him, he evades your bath time for quality time
cw: nsfw!! bath sex, creampie, clinginess, riding
a/n: i don’t plan on making much luffy x readers because i have a strong headcanon that he’s aroace, sorry :(( </3
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“I see an island up ahead!”
The long nosed, afro haired boy said from up top with binoculars cupping his eyes. Everyone relaxing on the infamous Thousand Sunny began to abruptly scurry to the front deck to view the piece of land gradually increasing size.
“Alright! We’ll stock up on supplies. I’m not sure how long the log pose will shift, hopefully nothing long”
The orange haired navigator instructed, who received a bundle of loving compliments by the chef. Everyone went back to their own business, excluding the you and the captain.
The captain just stayed on top of Sunny enjoying the breeze of the sea, like he usually does. Hearing there was an island up ahead, as well as seeing it first hand, had his nerves rocket in the air of excitement. The sound of his sandals making contact with the ships mascot could be heard as he stood up straight. He spun his head left and right, like he was on the search for something. He groaned upon seeing nothing he was looking for.
“What’s up now, Luffy?” Usopp says, hopping down from the lookout up top. He placed his hands on his hips as he saw Luffy sluggishly and dramatically plopped on the floor.
“Where’s (F/N)?” He extended his words like a child, which was nothing new. Usopp exhaled, growing tired of his constant childish behavior over you.
Meanwhile, you were scribbling into a book about a previous island you docked at. You became the Strawhats Journalist not long ago, so you’d document each and every important thing that you discovered on each island. The previous island you had stayed at lasted a long while and was filled with things you’ve never seen before. That was the pure magic of being a pirate in the Grand Line. No one disturbed you, except Sanji who’d occasionally give you a loving drink or snack.
You’d been in a rather intimate relationship with the Strawhats Captain for a little while now, and people were growing tired of Luffy’s clinginess. He’d often wrap his rubber arms around your body and spew out that iconic giggle into your ear. You appreciated his love for you, but it’d sometimes get in the way of your work as a journalist.
“(F/N), your boyfriend won’t shut up about you” Usopp bursted through the door. The snap of it made your body flinch, causing a minor hiccup in your work. You grumbled at the messed up ink in your sketch.
“Yeah, got it” You huffed, not really worrying about Luffy’s attachment and more about your work. If you hadn’t poured this down on this paper, you were bound to forget.
“We’re also about to dock at an island in about an hour or so” Usopp continued. You placed your pen down and finally looked at him.
“Already? I’m not even done journaling about the previous island” You sighed, knowing all your time was consumed by giving your dumbfounded boyfriend attention.
“I’d blame Luffy” You sighed in defeat at Usopp’s correct words. You hated every moment of doing it, but you rushed to write and sketch the last few pieces of data before you went adventuring on the newfound island.
“(F/NNNNNNN)! C’mon!” Luffy wrapped his gum-gum arms around your own while you were ready to leave the ship. You tried breaking free of his locked-on grasp but no avail.
“Luffy, I need to buy some things and write some things down. I’m kind of behind” You lecture. Luffy just responded with a dramatically sad expression. Those puppy-dog eyes were always your ultimate weakness. You placed your soft lips on his forehead with a smile.
“I promise, when I’m done we can spend all the time you want” You cooed. Luffy practically had sparkles in his eyes when he detached his uncanny arms off of you. He jumped high in the air in excitement.
“Ya-hoo! I’ll see ya back on the ship!” He planted an eager kiss on your cheek before springing off the ship and collapsing onto a green haired swordsman. You heard Zoro grunt and shake a fist at the laughing rubber boy, which made you giggle.
You strolled alongside the ship’s archaeologists, Nico Robin, since you both shared similar ambitions. You made sure to go to the towns small shopping center where you could buy more ink and blank books. After your small shopping spree, which was vastly different from Nami’s, you sat on a cliff secluded by trees to finish your journaling.
The view wasn’t far from where the Sunny was docked, so you’d be able to see your fellow crew members approach the ship for regrouping. Your stomach laid on the rather soft, prickly grass and you fluently grazed the tip of your pen along the cream colored paper. The temperature of the island was more on the hotter side, and you were slowly regretting on wearing a longer sleeved shirt. The breeze helped the heat, though. You’d feel the air graze through your hair and scalp every few moments.
After about an hour or so, you finally wrote down everything you wanted to for the day. To your luck, a whiff of fresh barbecue filled your lungs. You immediately knew who’d be burning up on a grill at this hour and poked your head to the window of the cliff. You saw the blonde frying up skewers and other selections of meat right by the sunny.
Luffy was dancing around with the tiny reindeer doctor, and you couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness. Robin and Nami sat beautifully under an umbrella sharing a glass. Zoro was laying under a palm tree, snoring away into his deep slumber. Brook was filling your ears of elegant music like he’d usually do. Franky and Usopp were absent, which could mean they were doing their workshop duties right in the sunny beside the group.
You finally got up from your ground seat and stretched your tensed body. You felt lingering feeling on your knees and chest. Upon looking down, you were completely covered in grass and minor spots of dirt. You groaned, but this was entirely expected.
“I have to wash up before I eat”
You trotted your feet down the hill to make your way back to the sunny. You internally thanked yourself for not having Zoro’s awful sense of direction since the hill was a bit far from the group. While walking, you tried flicking off lingering strands of grass and flower petals, now only left in small patches of dirt around your clothes and body. The group immediately greeted you as soon as your feet landed on the sand they relaxed on.
“(F/N), my dear! Would you like your plate now?” Sanji said with practical hearts in his eyes. You immediately shook your head no.
“Not right now, Sanji. I need to wash up” You smiled. You could hear him sheepishly agree behind you, like the lover boy he was. As soon as you were ready to enter the Sunny, a scruffy, now shirtless, boy slid right in front of you in your tracks.
“Hey! You said we’d spend some time” He crossed his arms with a playful angry expression plastered on his face.
“We will, Luffy. But I’m covered in dirt, I need a bath, honey” You nervously giggled. He let out a loud groan that alerted the entire group. It only made you giggle. With a chaste kiss on his sad lips, you finally made your way back onto the ship.
Nothing but relief flooded your body as soon as you entered the bath house. You began flooding the massive bathtub with steaming water and poured in a tad of soap for fragrance. You saw the bubbles beginning to form above the surface of the warm water while you stripped your body naked.
You exhaled upon sinking your feet in first before slowly lowering your entire body into the body of warm, relaxing water. You rested your back against the wall of bath and shut your eyes. Your sense of tranquility was taking over your body by the sudden relaxation of the single bath tub. Your moment of relaxation was disturbed by sudden footsteps coming towards the bathhouses door.
You hummed. The person didn’t have the curtsy to knock, but then again that was completely normal for the man himself. You shrieked, immediately placing a hand on your expose chest to censor it. Your body relaxed when you realized it was none other than your clingy boyfriend wanting attention.
“Luffy! I’m bathing right now” You scolded. He didn’t hesitate to throw off his shorts and jump into the water next to you, making a bit of a mess on the ground.
“I’m ya boyfriend right? I can do this” He smiled brightly, swimming his body up to yours. Your face was complete red from seeing his nude body for the first time. You then realized you were dating a boy with zero shame.
“Okay? But I’m in the middle of washing myself. I told you we can spend time when I’m finished” You scolded, jerking your body the opposite way. Luffy pouted and leaned his body closer to yours. His naked body so close to you made your face blush.
“That’s too long!”
His face was dangerously close to yours and he seemed completely oblivious to it. You still had your arm cover your exposed chest and your legs tightly closed together. He had a beaming smile.
“I really missed ya” He placed his hands on your hips to slide you onto his lap. You could feel his length graze against your slit and you hitched your breath. You grazed your hand on the pale, smooth skin that marked an ‘X’ on his toned chest.
“Luffy, I’m bathing though-“
“So? I can help”
He giggled, lathering the upper half of your body with the lingering soap. He started at your arms and back. You felt goosebumps from along your body by his touch on your bare body. Your arms didn’t disconnect from your chest. There was no point in objecting or pushing him away since Luffy was the most stubborn person you’ve ever met. You exhaled and let Luffy explore his needy hands around your bare body. You appreciated the kind efforts, though.
Luffy trailed his hands to your locked arms and trailed his midnight eyes up at your flustered expression. He had half lidded eyes that spoke to you. He wanted you to remove what’s covering what he wanted to touch.
“C’monnn… I need to finish” He tugged on your arms. You hesitated, but you eventually separated your arms to reveal your bare breasts. Luffy’s cheeks flared up and you could feel his member harden below you. You whimpered at the slight feeling of it.
He lathered the soap over your chest, but more slower than he did compared to the rest of your body. You let out a soft whimper that only he could hear. The sound only driven him more. He cupped both of them into his hands to throughly massage them. His movement made more simple, soft noises to come out your lips. Luffy didn’t stop. He had no intentions in helping you clean yourself anymore from the sudden distraction of your breasts.
You slithered a hand through his shaggy black hair. The feeling caused a rumble out of his chest. You gave it a slight tug, which was a single trigger for Luffy to trail his lips on your neck. He left marks upon marks on it, a new way to publicly display your relationship like he always does.
You mewl out his name. At this point, his member was rock hard and eager to feel your walls wrap around him tightly for the first time. He growled, sexually frustrated by the immense teasing.
“I need ya, (F/N)…” His needy voice sent shivers down your spine. Those words made your arms wrap around his neck to elevate your body.
“You’re so needy, Luffy…”
You sunk a hand into the water to guide his member to your submerged entrance, that was still hot and ready for him. He shivered at your sudden touch and began quicken his breathing upon feeling your sleek entrance.
As soon as you felt the tip in your cave, you slowly sunk your body to succumb each inch inside of you. You heard Luffy hiss at the feeling of your walls wrap around his member. Arms wrapped around your waist once you took him whole. You were both heavily breathing.
“Ya feel sooooo good, baby” Luffy said with a devilish smile and those same half lidded eyes. You whimper, not expecting the long length but you remember he can stretch anything and everything on his rubber body.
He gripped your lower bottom and guided your body up and down on his shaft, receiving a pleasured exhale from the guy himself. You followed his rhythm at a decent speed before he stopped moving his hands for you. You bounced on his lap, his tip softly kissing your cervix.
The water in the tub began to create small waves of your momentum. Some began to slowly splash out of the tub itself, but two could care less. Your lungs began to fill in with the steam from the bath with every heavy inhale and exhale. You rested your forehead against your lovers, staring deep within his eyes while you lovingly made him feel good. His eyes were droopy and washed with lust.
Your pace was still slow. Luffy groaned and gripped your thighs tenderly. He cocked his head to the side to connect his lips on yours. The passionate, yet sloppy, kiss made your pace quicken and grow rougher. You heard Luffy release a shaky groan.
“Jus’ like that…” He breathed between your lips. You hummed at his words, understanding each word.
You kept a slow pace, nothing crazy for your first sexual experience with Luffy. You figured he was a simple guy that preferred simple pleasure, but his sexually frustrated demeanor said otherwise. He looked eager or antsy as his hands gripped and tugged on the fate of your thighs. You heard his chest rumble.
You felt Luffy buck his hips into you with force, sending a shockwave in your body when you felt his member crash against your cervix instead of the light kisses. You threw your head back and let out a hearty moan. Your reaction made Luffy only do the same movement more, hitting your sensitive spot with ease.
You bounced your body to reciprocate his force and increased your speed dramatically. Luffy’s eyes were hypnotized by the jumping motion of your breasts. He was stuck in a gaze, his brain completely going blank by your body. All he could do was recklessly groan and inconsistently breathe.
“Damn..~ I th- mmmph~ I think m’gonna cum soon” He breathed out. Your thrown back head pulled forward to rest in the crook of his neck. Your teeth sunk into the skin of his neck, muffling your moans. Luffy gritted his teeth in frustration.
Not even a few seconds in your new position, you felt a hand yank you by your damp hair and saw eyes staring deep into your soul.
“No, I wanna hear ya loud and clear”
He began to take control of your movement, forcefully and recklessly slamming inside of you. His change in force made the room full of your messy moans. You’d think the water would dull down his energy but the way he was forcefully plunging into you said otherwise. Luffy let go of your hair and had his hands completely occupied with slamming your body down onto him. A menacing smile grew on his face while he chuckled through his thirsty moans.
“L-Luffy~! M’gonna-!”
“Do it. C’mon, do it, yeah?”
Luffy growled before sloppily placing his lips against yours, ramming into you so you can feel the rush of your climax to its fullest potential. You dug your nails into his broad shoulders, sending chills down his body.
You grazed your nails down from his lower back to his upper back forcefully once you felt your juiced spew outside of you and mix with the water. Your lungs shrunk from your powerful moan, you’d thought you would lose your voice after.
“Oh, fuck~!!”
Luffy mercilessly pounded your insides in as you rode your high. He still had that same devious smile on his face while he witness your hard orgasm, done completely by him. He chuckled and cocked his head back. He let out a shaken whimper when he felt his fluids build up to pour out inside of you.
“I fuckin’ love ya, (F/N)~ Ooooh, I fuckin’ love ya” He pulled his head back and spoke right into your ear. Your body began to feel overstimulated by Luffy’s vast endurance. He giggled deviously at the drool spewing out the corner of your lips. Your brain was going just as blank as him from before.
“M’gonna cum! M’gonna fuckin’ cum!” Luffy growled.
With a few more pumps, Luffy dumped each and every last drop he had inside of him to soak your walls. That last slam birthed a loud groan from his chest and a powerful shriek from your mouth. Your volume was enough for the other Strawhats to faintly hear you, especially Franky and Usopp who were minding their business in the boat itself.
Luffy laughed like he usually does after he finished his own orgasm. He met his eyes with yours, now his energy completely drained. Suddenly, Luffy’s body grew completely limp and sluggish, as if his energy was completely sucked out of him.
“I forgot, water makes me feel funny…” He grumbled. The mixture of the fruits side effects and his orgasm only made him more exhausted than ever. You giggled.
Luffy hissed when you pulled your body off of his shaft, his fluids slowly swarming in the bath water. The water was far from clean now.
You lifted your body up, washing your sticky and soiled thighs with the water. You pulled, and struggled to, your limp boyfriend’s body out of the water before you threw a towel on his rubber body.
“C’mon, dry up. You wanna cuddle, don’t you?” You wrapped a fuzzy towel around your drenched body. You combed through your wet hair as you watched Luffy suddenly spring up with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah! I missed ya so much!” He wrapped the towel around his torso. You felt his lips smash against your cheek before he bounced out of the steaming bath house.
You giggled at his excitement. He was truly very two faced when it came to anything sexual. Your legs were twitching and shaking, slightly struggling to keep your complete balance. You found it hard to believe Luffy was the one to leave you in this state, even though you had just finished your session.
You drained the sin filled water down the drain to forever conceal the devious acts that occurred in that tub for the sake of everyone else’s sanity. You walked out of the bathhouse, preparing to spend the rest of the next several hours under Luffy’s tight embrace.
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all licensing and ownership belong to eiichiro oda
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differentpostrebel · 7 months ago
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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These guys stay bickering lmfaoooo
A/N: We are back at it again with a Chapter 3!!! Yall writing this was so much fun, and you guys will find out why (wink, Wink). Our beloved Sanji really needs to confess his feelings to Y/N. Now chapter 4 is currently being written and will be posted tonight! That Chapter is going to be filled with angst! Like always the stories will be linked as well. So without further ado, here's Chapter 3. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (Here),
Word Count: 5.3K 
Sanji X Reader, OP x Reader, 
Chapter 3: A Captain’s Resolve
  Luffy comes rushing down the steps, eyes wide with concern. “Y/N, are you alright?” he asks, his voice laced with worry. “Sorry guys… I might’ve complicated things by punching that Celestial Dragon.”
You smirk, trying to shake off the pain. “I’m fine, Luffy. Don’t worry about me.”
Pappag waddles over, his little eyes wide in disbelief. “I can’t believe you took a bullet for Hatchi!”
Hatchi, who is now by your side, looks down, his expression filled with guilt. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. This is all my fault.”
You wave him off, trying to ease the tension. “It’s fine, Hatchi. We’ve got bigger problems to deal with. We need to figure out how to help Camie.”
Just then, Luffy’s gaze sharpens as he notices movement in the far corner. Guards are coming from all directions, ready to attack.
“We’ve got company,” Luffy warns, his voice turning serious.
One of the guards sneers, “What kind of idiot would risk their life to save a damn fish... and a girl?” 
Luffy’s eyes narrow as he notices guards in the far corner, swarming in from all directions. Without hesitation, he springs into action. “Gum-Gum Whip!” he shouts, his leg stretching out and sweeping through the crowd of workers, sending them flying.
Zoro, with a smirk, unsheathes his swords. “Looks like I’m getting in on this too,” he says, slashing through the attackers with swift, precise movements.
You try to get up, frustration bubbling up inside you. “Damn it, if only I had my weapons…” you mutter, scanning the chaos around you.
Sanji notices your struggle and springs into action, kicking away anyone who dares come near you or Hatchi. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this covered,” he assures you, his eyes sharp and focused.
Nami, meanwhile, is sprinting down the stairs when she suddenly trips. But instead of panicking, she seizes the moment. “Thunder Tempo!” she shouts, releasing a burst of lightning that strikes the oncoming enemies, electrifying them.
“Nice shot, Nami!” you call out, impressed.
As the chaos unfolds, Saint Roswald, watching from a distance, begins to shake with anger, his eyes fixed on Charlos, who was left beaten and humiliated. Saint Shalria screams at the remaining guards, “Do something! Kill those pirates!”
As the chaos unfolds, Saint Roswald watches, his anger boiling over as he takes in the scene. “Why can’t you guys just accept your fate!” he roars, his face twisted in fury.
Luffy, still in the heat of battle, launches into another attack. “Gum-Gum Battle Axe!” he shouts, smashing through the guards with a powerful blow. He then turns, his gaze locking onto Saint Roswald. “Back down! My friends are not for sale,” Luffy declares, his voice full of resolve.
Saint Roswald recoils, taken aback by Luffy’s fierce determination. But before he can respond, Usopp, who had been above, suddenly falls from his perch and crashes directly onto Saint Roswald, knocking him out cold. “Oops… didn’t see that coming,” Usopp mutters, rubbing his head as he scrambles to his feet.
Luffy, turning around from the commotion, spots Usopp, Brook, and Robin making their way through the chaos. “Usopp, Brook, Robin! Glad you made it!” he exclaims with relief.
You look around and see the remaining members of the crew all together. Happiness fills you, knowing they’d all come through. Before you can shout out anything, a guard starts advancing toward you. “Get back here!” he growls, brandishing his weapon.
You quickly begin to slide backwards, narrowly evading each attack he throws at you. Using your good leg, you kick out and send him stumbling. “Come on, is that all you’ve got?” you taunt, trying to keep your footing and maintain distance.
Luffy, catching sight of the struggle, shouts over, “Usopp! Camie is still in the fish bowl, but we need to get rid of those collars first!”
Nami, glancing around nervously, adds, “We better hurry or the Navy might get here any second!”
At that moment, a voice with a chilling edge cuts through the noise. “It’s too late. They’re already here.”
Everyone freezes. Luffy, eyes narrowing, demands, “Who the hell are you, and what’s with the polar bear?”
Bepo, the bear, blushes slightly at the mention. You look up, your eyes widening. “No way… it’s…” you mutter in shock.
As the realization dawns, Robin finishes your thought with a calm certainty. “Trafalgar Law,” she says, her gaze steady. “Luffy, they’re pirates just like us.”
Luffy, glancing at the imposing figures around them, raises an eyebrow. “Even the bear?” he asks, pointing towards Bepo.
“Yeah,” Robin confirms. “The guy standing in the back is Eustass Captain Kidd.”
Brooke, always ready with a bit of trivia, chimes in. “You mean the one who has a higher bounty than Luffy?”
You mutter under your breath, your eyes widening in recognition. “So that’s Kidd?”
Trafalgar Law steps forward, his demeanor serious. “The Navy has had this place surrounded since before the auction even began,” he says, his gaze sweeping over the chaotic scene. “You’re not getting out of here easily.” He pauses, his expression softening just a fraction. “Not sure who they’re trying to capture, but I gotta say, I’m quite impressed. You put on a good show, Straw Hats.” The crew looks at each other with a look of worry. 
Law's eyes then lock onto you, and his gaze feels almost palpable, sending a shiver down your spine. “Especially you, Y/N,” he says with a strange, unsettling intensity.
Before you can react, Law’s fingers move with precision. “Room,” he announces, and a blue orb envelops you.
Sanji’s voice cuts through the chaos. “What the hell?”
The orb expands and contracts, and with a quick “Shambles,” you find yourself teleported. You look around, disoriented, and see that Sanji is no longer next to you. Instead, Law stands before you, his gaze unyielding.
Sanji’s frustrated shout echoes in the distance. “You bastard! What did you do?”
Law ignores Sanji’s outburst, his focus entirely on you. You stand firm, meeting his gaze with a determined look. “What do you want from me?” you demand, trying to keep your voice steady. 
As Law moves closer, he suddenly reaches out and places his hand lightly on your shoulder. The touch is unexpectedly gentle but electrifying, sending a rush of warmth through you. The proximity of his body and the intensity of his gaze make your heart race uncontrollably. It’s a calculated gesture, not just physical but also psychological, designed to unnerve you.
His fingers brush against your skin, and with a flick of his wrist, you feel a strange, tingling sensation that seems to emanate from the point of contact. This move is part of his Devil Fruit powers, creating a brief but intense link between you. The touch leaves you momentarily paralyzed, caught between confusion and a deep, unsettling awareness of his presence. His lips curl into a faint, enigmatic smile, adding to the effect.
Law continues to hold your gaze, you find yourself struggling to maintain composure, the blush on your cheeks betraying your internal turmoil. The combination of his touch, the intensity of his eyes, and his close proximity creates a powerful, disconcerting moment that leaves you shaken. 
Brooke and Sanji, catching sight of what’s happening, prepare to intervene, their expressions tense and ready for action. But before they can act, you notice a figure approaching rapidly from the corner of your eye.
Without warning, you’re shoved into something hard, the impact leaving you dazed and momentarily stunned. You look up to see a shadowy figure standing over you, their features obscured. The suddenness of the collision leaves you reeling, struggling to regain your bearings as you try to assess the situation and find a way out. You begin to shake your head and, as you’re about to move away, hands grasp you firmly in place.
“You’re not going anywhere, doll,” the voice is laced with a menacing energy. Slowly, you turn around to see Eustass Captain Kidd, his eyes glinting with a predatory gaze.
Usopp, from across the chaos, yells out desperately, “Y/N! Snap out of it!”
You shake your head vigorously, trying to dispel the disorienting effects of Law’s earlier move. The power still lingers, making it hard to think clearly. "That’s some power," you mutter to yourself, trying to steady your nerves.
Kidd’s smirk widens as he holds you in place. “Struggling, are we? Not so easy to escape from me, doll.” He lowers his head, his breath warm against your ear as he whispers, his tone laced with menace and seduction. As his tongue traces a teasing path along your earlobe, you moan involuntarily, a shiver running down your spine. Kidd smirks triumphantly as he continues to hold you firmly. 
You grit your teeth, struggling to free yourself from his grip. As you do, you notice Shalria, holding a gun trained on Camie. “Oh no, Camie!” you shout, panic rising in your voice. Everyone turns to assess the dire situation. 
Nami’s voice cuts through the chaos. “We’ll never make it in time!”
Just as Shalria cocks her gun, she is immediately stunned along with the other guards, their bodies collapsing to the ground. “It’s the same power as before,” you recognize, feeling a surge of hope.
Seizing the opportunity, you kick Eustass hard, breaking free from his grasp. As you make your way down the stairs, your heart pounds in your chest. A loud explosion echoes nearby, causing you to stumble. You open your eyes to see the same man who had helped you with the explosive collars and the giant walking out of the smoke.
The old man looks at you with a knowing smile. “My, what do we have here?” he says, his voice carrying a sense of calm authority.
Luffy, breathless but relieved, steps forward. “Who are you?”
The old man bows slightly. “I’m Rayleigh, and I’ve been eagerly waiting to meet you, Monkey D. Luffy.”
You step forward, your eyes locked on Rayleigh. His warm smile reassures you. “Good to see you reunited with your crew,” Rayleigh says, turning to you. “Now, let’s get your mermaid friend free.”
He turns to Camie, who looks nervous. “Trust me and don’t flinch. I’m going to remove your collar.”
Pappag and Hatchi shout in unison, “No, don’t! It’ll explode!”
Tension grips the crew as they look on in worry, but both you and Luffy trust Rayleigh’s expertise. With one swift movement, Rayleigh removes Camie’s collar. The expected explosion happens, but it’s controlled and nothing more than a flash.
Franky emerges from the chaos, waving a set of keys. “Hey! I got the keys! What the hell happened here?”
He tosses your weapons toward you with a smirk. “And Y/N, I found your blades too.”
You catch them and feel a wave of relief. “Thanks, Franky!” you exclaim, examining your weapons. Your joy turns to disappointment as you notice one sword is damaged beyond repair.
“These bastards must have been toying with them,” you mutter, assessing the damage. “No worries. Once we get to Fishman Island, I’ll get a new one made.” For now, you have one good sword and two small blades.
Rayleigh’s presence has left Law and Kidd stunned. Law, his eyes widening slightly, says, “Rayleigh? I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Kidd, equally shocked, mutters, “That old man... he’s the Dark King?”
Rayleigh chuckles softly. “Indeed. Now, let's focus on getting everyone out of here.” 
Franky, with a decisive gesture, throws the keys toward the remaining slaves. “If you want to escape, now’s your chance!” he calls out, his voice booming with authority. The keys scatter,the free slaves begin to unlock their collars and start rushing toward the exit, desperate to escape their tormentors.
Franky then grabs Camie and Pappag, making sure they’re safely with him. Rayleigh, ever composed, reaches for Hatchi, pulling him away from the chaos.
Suddenly, a loud voice booms through the auction house’s remains. “This is the Navy! We have this place surrounded, pirates! Step out and surrender!”
Luffy, brimming with determination, starts moving toward the exit, ready to face whatever the Navy has in store. However, Kidd and Law step up beside him, their faces set with equal resolve.
Kidd, with a confident smirk, steps forward. “I’ve got this,” he says firmly. “Law, Luffy, you two stay back. Let me handle the Navy.” 
Law raises an eyebrow, his tone clipped. “Just stay out of my way.”
Luffy scowls. “You’re the last people I need to deal with right now.”
Nami, watching the bickering, shakes her head in disbelief. “Are all captains this childish, or is it just ours?”
You chuckle, your gaze shifting to Zoro, who’s smirking and readying his swords. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a challenge,” you say, your excitement palpable.
Zoro’s grin widens. “You bet.”
Sanji grabs your wrist firmly, his usual flirtatious demeanor replaced by a deep concern. “Y/N, you’re still injured. I can’t.. lose you… 
Sanji POV.. 
Grabbing Y/N wrist, I try to get her to understand my point of view. She just got out of an injury she is in no condition to fight. “Y/N, you’re still injured,” I said, my voice strained and trembling. “I can’t… lose you…
I look up and watch as her determined gaze meets mine, a fierce resolve in her eyes. “Sanji, I’ll be fine. I promise. I’ve got this.” 
But that still wasn't enough, I'm scared something else might happen,“You don’t understand. You’re important to us… To me… If something happens to you... I don’t know what I’d do.” my hands tremble as I cling on to her, trying to steady myself. 
Y/N’s touch on my cheek is warm, comforting, and for a moment, it eases the panic I felt inside. “Sanji, I promise I’ll be careful. Just trust me, okay? I need you to stay strong for the crew.”
Taking a shuddered breath, struggling to keep my emotions in check,I mentally say “Now’s your chance, tell her how you feel”. But instead I said “Alright, but if you get in trouble, I’m coming for you. I swear it." My voice is firm but laced with vulnerability.
You offered me a reassuring smile, and your fingers gently squeezed my hand. “I’ll be safe. And when this is all over, I’ll be right here with you.”
I nodded, my face etched with anxiety “Be careful, Y/N. Please.”
As you prepare to leave, Chopper approaches with a small vial in hand. “Hey, I’ve got something to help with the pain. It should last about 45 minutes.”
You take the vial with a grateful nod. “Thanks, Chopper. I’m going to need this.”
You take the vial with a grateful nod. “Thanks, Chopper. I’m going to need this.”
Opening the cap, you drink the liquid, and begin to feel a bit better. You move your injured leg to see if you can add weight to it. 
Smirking you say “Ok, now i'm ready” 
As you prepare to head out, Bepo, looking a bit nervous but determined, steps up. “I admire you, Y/N. I hope you can stay safe.”
You smile at the cute bear, touched by his words. “Thanks, Bepo. I’ll do my best.”
Bepo looks up at you with a mix of shyness and determination. “Y/N, can I... can I have your number? Just in case something happens, you know?”
Penguin and Shachi exchange glances and shake their heads. “Bepo, what are you doing? What about Captain Law?”
Bepo lowers his head, clearly embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make things awkward. I just... I really admire you.”
You smile warmly at Bepo, finding his nervousness endearing. “It’s okay, Bepo. I appreciate it. Here, you can have my number.”
Bepo’s face lights up with relief and gratitude. “Thank you, Y/N! I promise I’ll keep it safe.”
Giggling, you turn to Bepo with a playful smile. “I’ll see you out there, Bepo.”
You then glance at Penguin and Shachi, giving them a mischievous wink. “And as for your captain,” you say, looking them up and down with a grin, “I’ve got something special planned for him.” You give a final wink before turning on your heel, heading out with Zoro by your side.
Zoro smirks at you, his sword ready. “Looks like we’ve got some fun ahead.”
You grin back, feeling the adrenaline rush. “You bet. Let’s show them what we’ve got.”
Outside the Auction house….
As you and Zoro head out, the battlefield’s chaos unfolds before you. The clash of steel and the shouts of combat fill the air. Just as you’re about to engage, you notice someone standing nearby. Without turning to face him, you smirk and call out, “Nice of you to stop by, Killer.”
Killer, his mask revealing only his intense eyes, looks at you. “Didn’t think I’d miss this,” he replies, his voice muffled but serious. His grip tightens on his weapon, ready for action.
The first cannon shot is fired, but Luffy quickly reacts with his Gum-Gum Balloon, deflecting the blast and sending it crashing into a group of navy soldiers. “Gum-Gum Balloon!” Luffy yells, grinning as he lands among the enemies, his infectious enthusiasm lighting up the scene.
You watch in awe as Kidd’s powers come into play, metal bending and twisting around him. The sheer force of his abilities is captivating. You can’t help but feel curiosity. "What’s it like to wield such raw power?" you wonder silently, watching him with a mix of admiration and intrigue.
Law’s powers are equally impressive. You’ve seen him use his “Room” ability before, but witnessing the precision and control up close is something else entirely. The way he manipulates space with a flick of his fingers is mesmerizing. You can only imagine the extent of his abilities.
Zoro and you both shout, “Luffy!” in unison. Luffy turns, his face lighting up with his trademark grin. “Hey guys!” he responds, clearly thrilled to see you both in action.
As the battle rages on, Kidd’s voice cuts through the chaos, calling out, “Nice moves, doll!” The term stings, and you see Law’s expression darken. He turns to Eustass with a snarl, “Don’t you dare call her that. She’s not some object to be tossed around!”
Luffy, charging in with a determined look, adds, “Yeah, she’s not just a doll. She’s my crewmate!”
Killer, on the other hand tries to advance, his eyes locked on you with an intent that suggests he’s about to flirt, even amidst the fight. Before he can make his move, you spot a cannonball hurtling towards him. Without hesitation, you leap into action.
With a swift, acrobatic maneuver, you land on top of Killer, your legs securely around his waist. The cannonball explodes harmlessly in the distance, sending debris flying. You find yourself in a striking position, your eyes meeting Killer's with a playful smirk.
Killer’s eyes widen in surprise as you land securely, your position giving you the upper hand. You sense a faint blush behind his mask. Your gaze briefly meets Kidd’s and Law’s, then you lower it back to Killer. 
Leaning in close, your lips brush just above Killer’s ear as you whisper, your voice low and sultry, “It’s a shame there’s such an audience, don’t you think? I rather enjoy having you beneath me like this.” You press your body closer, your breath hot against his skin as you continue, “Tell me, Killer… wouldn’t you agree that this position suits us perfectly?”
Your words drip with dominance, each syllable meant to tease and unnerve. You feel the slight shiver that runs through him, the tension in his muscles betraying the effect you’re having. The power dynamic is unmistakable—you’re in control, and you both know it.
Killer’s breath hitches,the playful glint in your eyes doesn’t go unnoticed as you hold his gaze, letting the weight of your words linger.
You lean in even closer, your lips just grazing the edge of his mask as you purr, “Too bad we’re not alone… I could show you just how much I enjoy this.”
Your teasing smile widens as you feel him tense beneath you, your words clearly hitting their mark. From the corner of your eye, you catch Zoro’s knowing smirk, fully aware that you’re playing a dangerous, thrilling game, and you’re winning.
Sanji, who’s been watching the entire exchange, can’t hide his irritation. He’s seen this trick before—you’ve pulled it on him more than once. His eyes narrow, burning holes into Killer as he watches him pinned to the ground beneath you. With a frustrated sigh, Sanji pulls out a cigarette, lighting it with a flick of his lighter. “Does she really have to do all that?” he mutters under his breath, unable to tear his gaze away.
Robin, catching his reaction, smirks and leans in slightly. “Is someone jealous?” she teases, her voice soft but laced with amusement.
Sanji grumbles, taking a drag from his cigarette. “Yeah, yeah… Let’s just get out of here so we can make our quick escape.”
As you glance up, you see your crew making a swift exit toward Grove 13. “Perfect,” you think, watching them disappear into the distance. They’re making their move, just as planned.
Kidd, who has been silently observing the entire interaction, feels a surge of possessiveness boil up inside him. His eyes narrow dangerously as he lashes out at Killer, his voice sharp and accusatory. “What the hell are you doing, Killer? We’re in the middle of a fight, and you’re letting yourself get distracted?”
Killer, now pulled out of his daze, looks up at his captain, realizing the predicament he’s in. “Captain, I can explain—” He hesitates, his usual calm demeanor shaken. “I think… I might be in love.”
The absurdity of his confession hangs in the air for a moment, and you can’t help but chuckle softly. With a fluid motion, you gracefully rise from your position, leaving Killer lying there, flustered and bewildered. You cast a final, teasing glance his way before turning back toward Zoro.
Zoro, still grinning, shakes his head as you approach. “You sure know how to stir things up,” he comments, his tone admiring.
You shrug playfully, adjusting your grip on your blade. “Just keeping things interesting. Now, where were we?”
Luffy, still laughing at the scene he just witnessed, dodges effortlessly as the Navy soldiers fire cannonball after cannonball at him. He weaves through the explosions with ease, grinning as if this were nothing more than a game. The Navy soldiers, growing increasingly desperate, switch to firing bullets. Zoro and you move in sync, your blades flashing as they deflect the incoming rounds, the sharp clang of steel on metal ringing out.
In the midst of the chaos, you notice a Navy soldier charging toward you, blade drawn. With a swift move, you sidestep, slashing through the soldier’s defenses with precision. But then, out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of another threat—a soldier poised to strike Law from behind.
Without a second thought, you shout to Zoro, “Cover me!”
“What?” Zoro mumbles, momentarily confused by your sudden request.
“Just do it!” you yell as you sprint toward Law, determined to intercept the attack. Your heart pounds as you close the distance, ready to strike the soldier down before he can harm Law.
But just as you’re about to make contact, Law glances at you, his eyes sharp with concentration. With a swift gesture, he uses his ability, switching your body with the soldier’s in an instant. You barely have time to register the change before you find yourself tumbling forward, only to land squarely on Law’s chest.
Law’s arm wraps around you instinctively, holding you close as you both catch your breath. His usual cool demeanor cracks slightly as he looks down at you, his expression somewhere between annoyance and amusement. “You really need to watch where you’re going,” he mutters, his voice low.
You smirk up at him, your face inches from his. “I had it under control. But thanks for the save”
Before Law can respond, Bepo comes bounding down the steps, followed closely by Penguin and Shachi. The sight of you lying on Law’s chest doesn’t escape their notice. 
“Captain, looks like you’ve caught something interesting,” Bepo teases, his voice a mix of admiration and embarrassment.
Penguin snickers, nudging Shachi. “Hey, Shachi, think the captain’s finally met his match?”
Shachi grins, adding, “Or maybe he’s just found a new way to ‘switch’ things up.”
Law’s grip on you tightens slightly, his eyes narrowing at his crewmates. “That’s enough out of you three,” he snaps, though there’s a faint blush creeping up his neck.
You can’t help but laugh at the banter, the tension of the battle momentarily lifted by the playful exchange. “Careful, Law,” you whisper teasingly, “wouldn’t want your crew to get the wrong idea.”
As Law helps you to your feet, you take a moment to brush yourself off, your eyes lingering on his for just a second longer than necessary. A playful glint sparkles in your gaze as you step closer to him, close enough that you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“Thanks for the assist, Law,” you purr, your voice dripping with flirtation. Before he can react, you lean in and press a quick, soft kiss to his cheek, leaving a faint blush on his usually stoic face.
Law freezes for a moment, clearly caught off guard, his cool demeanor slipping. “What was that for?” he mutters, his voice a little rougher than usual as he tries to regain his composure.
You smirk, stepping back with a teasing grin. “Consider it a thank you. You know, for keeping me from getting skewered.” Your tone is light, but there’s a sultry edge to your words that leaves Law momentarily speechless.
Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi, having witnessed the whole thing, burst into laughter, unable to resist adding their two cents.
“Oh, Captain, you’re really moving up in the world,” Penguin teases, his grin wide.
Shachi chuckles, nudging Bepo. “Guess our captain’s got some charm after all.”
Law’s face darkens as he glares at his crewmates, though the blush on his cheeks betrays his usual composure. “You all really don’t know when to quit, do you?” he grumbles, clearly flustered.
You can’t help but laugh, thoroughly enjoying the effect you’ve had on the normally unflappable surgeon. “Don’t worry, Law. I’ll be around if you need another ‘thank you’ later,” you say with a wink, your voice teasing.
As Luffy’s voice echoes outside the auction house, you feel the weight of the battle and the urgency in his call. “Hey Zoro, Y/N! Let’s head out! The coast looks clear! Right!” Luffy’s voice is full of determination, but before you can make a dash for it, a marine manages to grab you from behind, pulling you down with a strong grip.
You struggle against him, adrenaline coursing through your veins. “Luffy, don’t worry! I’ll stay for a few more minutes! You guys go ahead!” you shout, trying to keep your voice steady despite the situation. “I’ll yell out when you pull me, got it, Luffy?”
Luffy hesitates, his wide eyes full of worry. “I can’t leave you!” he yells back, torn between his loyalty and the need to keep moving.
“Just do it! Trust me!” you command, grabbing the marine by his uniform and slamming him to the ground with a forceful move. “Go now!”
Luffy grits his teeth, torn but knowing he has to trust you. With a reluctant nod, he dashes off, joining Zoro as they make their escape. It’s not long before Luffy catches up with Sanji’s group, but the tension is palpable.
Sanji’s eyes darted around, his heart pounding with anxiety. “Luffy, why is Y/N staying behind?!”
“She’s only staying for a few minutes, but she’ll signal me when it’s time,” Luffy explains, his voice tight with worry. “Damn it!” Sanji curses under his breath, his fists clenching in frustration. He can’t stand the thought of you in danger, especially when he’s not there to protect you.
Back at the auction house, you fend off wave after wave of marines, your movements becoming slower as the effects of Chopper’s medicine start to wear off. “Damn it, I only have a few good minutes left,” you mutter to yourself, feeling the exhaustion creeping in.
Suddenly, a marine captain looms over you, his blade raised high, ready to strike. “You’re mine now, pirate!” he snarls. But just as his sword begins to descend, something strange happens. The blade slips from his grasp, clattering to the ground. The captain’s eyes widen in shock as he watches all the metal around him, including the armor of his men, get sucked away by an unseen force.
You feel your own blade tugging in your hand, but your strong grip keeps it in place. Before you can fully comprehend what’s happening, a flash of movement catches your eye. Suddenly, you’re being lifted off the ground, strong arms holding you securely.
Kidd’s power repels the metal toward the marines, knocking them out one by one with a relentless force. You look up to see Killer holding you tightly, ensuring you’re not hurt. His presence is both comforting and protective.
Kidd hovers over Killer, his gaze intense as he kneels down to check on you. “I got you, Doll. You’re safe now,” Kidd murmurs, his voice surprisingly gentle as he caresses your cheek and hair, his fingers lingering a bit too long.
With what little strength you have left, you reach up, your hand resting against Kidd’s chest. You smirk, your voice low. “You know, Kidd, you’re not so bad up close. Maybe next time, we’ll skip the battle and get straight to the fun.” You let your fingers trace lightly over his chest, enjoying the way his eyes darken with a mix of surprise and desire.
Kidd’s grin widens, his possessive side flaring up as he leans closer. “I’ll hold you to that, Doll. The New World’s gonna be a lot more interesting with you around.”
You chuckle softly, but before things can get any further, you yell out, “Luffy! Now!”
In an instant, Luffy’s stretched arm wraps around your waist, and you’re pulled away from Kidd and Killer’s grasp. As you’re being drawn back toward your crew, you blow them a playful kiss. “This was fun, boys. Can’t wait for a repeat in the New World,” you tease, your voice carrying a flirty edge that lingers in the air.
Kidd watches you with a heated gaze, his hand still tingling from where you touched him. Killer’s eyes, though hidden behind his mask, seem to follow your every movement.
As you’re pulled back toward safety, a sudden bright light flashes from your left side, catching your attention. Your eyes narrow as you try to discern its source, wondering if it’s another enemy lurking in Grove 13. The light grows brighter, and you feel a new wave of tension rising within you, knowing that whatever’s coming could change the course of this chaotic battle once again.
.  We Got another long chapter! What can I say I love the details and this was very fun to write. Looks like Sanji got himself some competition with Law, Killer and Kidd. and Y/N cant help but flirt with these men! cant complain cause id do it too lmfaooo!!! This next chapter you guys don't want to miss! Thank you guys for following, liking, and reblogging the story. Chapter 4 will be written tonight and posted tonight! 
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zorosangell · 4 months ago
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⛥゚・。 protector: chapter twenty-six
synopsis: " you were supposed to stay a crewate, just another back to watch, " he tightened his hold, " i didn't even notice the change until i woke up one day and realized i'd take a bullet for you "
cw: violence, gore, fighting, mature themes, profanity, MAJOR/MINOR ANIME SPOILERS, follows the plot of the anime, slowww burn.
a/n: reposting from another account
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If things went from bad to worse during the argument, then things went from worse to shit during the fight.
Usopp challenged Luffy to a duel for the Merry, which, of course, ended in his defeat.
Though Luffy let him keep the ship anyway.
But beyond that, the crew had gotten word that Robin was the prime suspect for the attempted murder of the mayor.
And now the whole town was after, not only her, but the entire crew.
Sanji and Chopper had ran into her while in town, but she started talking about a situation getting worse and never seeing the crew again before disappearing.
So Zoro devised a plan to capture her during her second attempt on the mayor, hoping to get some answers.
But with Usopp gone and Sanji nowhere to be found, you, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, and Luffy, knew that you would have to go at it on your own.
And as the five of you perched in a large tree outside the mayor's mansion, you couldn't help noticing the looming sense of doom in the air.
Aqua Laguna would not be the only storm coming that night...
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"There sure are a lot of people out there," Chopper reported, looking down at the lawn through his binoculars.
"It's a little far, too," Luffy agreed.
"It'll be fine if you rocket through the window, right? After Robin shows up, I mean," Nami asked.
"That's right. If we make a commotion first then they'll just sneak in while we're dealing with the guards," Zoro stated, leaning against the trunk of the tree, "Let's be patient."
You sat yourself a little ways off to the side, criss-crossed, with your eyes peacefully shut, trying to meditate some clarity into the situation.
This overbearing sense of disaster had been following you ever since Usopp left the crew. 
And before your little display clairvoyance on Skypiea, you had never been so fined tuned with auras like you were now.
The fluctuations and shifts, all dependent on where you were and who you were with.
It was too much for your one head.
And being able to sense impending doom, while not knowing how, when, where, or why it was coming, is a power you wouldn't wish on your greatest enemy.
But luckily, your swordsman noticed your distress, resting a hand on your shoulder to snap you out of it.
"You alright?" he asked, voice low so he didn't alert the others.
Your mind was off somewhere else, thinking, quite intently if he took the tightness of your face as any hint.
But being distracted like that, especially with your lives on the line, would be a death sentence.
"We need that head down here."
An easy guess would be it was about your powers, and how you could be doing more to help.
But there was no time to pry, so a guess is what it would have to stay.
You spared him a small smile of thanks, giving a firm nod and focusing back on the task at hand.
'She didn't answer my question...'
But the sounds of shouts from below pulled him away from his thoughts before he could act on them.
"Sounds like something's going on down there," he stated, turning to Chopper, "Whaddya see?"
"They're all kinda standing around now. But..." Chopper sighed, pulling the binoculars away from his face, "they're all huge, and armed, and angry."
"We need to be careful. Those guys have a reputation for being able to handle themselves when push comes to shove. We don't wanna rush in and do anything we're gonna regret later," Nami reminded.
"Yeah, if we try to barge in swingin', we'll just be askin' for trouble," Luffy agreed.
"Says the guy who charged-in in broad daylight..." you scoffed.
"Anyway, don't take your eyes off 'em, Chopper," Zoro instructed, eyes trained on the lawn, "We don't want any kind of surprise down there."
"Anything happens, you let us know."
"Okay, you got it."
"I think we're gonna have a really long night ahead of us," Zoro sighed, "But if we blow our opportunity, it's over. We can't let our guard down no matter what happens."
Silence fell over the air, and the wind's sorrow filled wail was only a hint of foreshadowing to the night ahead.
"If we wanna know the truth about Robin, then it has to be tonight, or never."
"Yeah," Luffy agreed, his tone low, "I got a feeling we'll be talking to her real soon."
And as if on cue, a huge explosion went off right on the lawn, blowing most of the carpenters away.
"Whoa! Something blew up!" Chopper exclaimed.
"Yeah, no kidding..." You winced.
An entire section of the house was now on fire, and the workers were buzzing like bees around a hive trying to put it out.
"They all seem pretty worked up," Chopper noted, a little nervous.
"Yeah. There is definitely something going on right now," Zoro stated, eyes scanning over the destruction, "Alright, then. When are we gonna make our move?"
You and Chopper turned to where Luffy once was, only for him to be nowhere in sight.
'For the love of God...'
"Hey, where's Luffy?" Chopper asked.
Zoro and Nami quickly whipped their heads over, eyes going impossibly wide at the captain's absence.
You sighed, resting your cheek in your palm as you looked back down at the lawn.
"Too late."
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Things had gone wrong fast.
After the four of you, though really you and Zoro, fought through the hordes of Galley-La workers, you eventually made it to the hallway leading to the mayor's bedroom.
Zoro had managed to cut down the door, coincidentally, at the exact same time Luffy burst in through the wall.
Robin, along with workers Lucci, Kalifa, Kaku, and Blueno, were all standing over Iceberg's body.
They went into a long explanation of how they pulled everything off, then attacked a man named Paulie and told Robin that her job was complete.
Though Luffy wasn't too accepting of the woman's farewell.
But Blueno, the fake bartender, blocked his path, and seemed to be able to combat each and every one of Luffy's moves.
"AGH! I said out of my way!" Luffy started, using his Gum-Gum Gatling to attack the large man.
But he dodged each and every hit with ease, as if he was a piece of paper billowing in the wind.
"Whoa! Even though he's big, he sure is fast!" Chopper exclaimed, wide eyed at the sight.
Past the large man's figure, Luffy noticed Robin still making her way to the window.
"Robin!" he called, trying to run after her.
Blueno blocked him once more, distracting the boy by beginning to hop on the air.
'He can fly?!'
"Tempest..." Kalifa and Kaku wound up a kick, before using it to send Luffy flying into the hallway, "Kick!"
But the gust of wind behind it was sharp, almost as if they had swung a very large blade.
You and Zoro's eyes shot wide at the same time.
"Get down! Hurry!" the two of you shouted in unison.
All of you hit the deck together, and narrowly dodged the gigantic slash sent over your heads.
"Luffy!" you exclaimed, turned behind you to check on him.
He had been thrown pretty far.
"They did all that with a single kick? No way!" Nami muttered, examining the huge slash mark left in the wall.
"Technically, it was the sharp gust of wind that followed it," Kalifa corrected, "We call it the Tempest Kick."
Zoro broke into a dash for Kaku, the two of them clashing weapons, Kaku's being a shipbuilding tool.
Taking that as a signal, you went after Kalifa, your mace and her heel clashing as you swung.
"Such an archaic and barbaric weapon," she taunted.
You furrowed your brows, pushing off and swinging your foot instead, which had a sword coming out of it.
She backflipped out of the way, landing in a handstand and sending a kick straight to your face, but you instant formed a shield and blocked it.
"That's a very interesting devil fruit you have," she smirked, flipping upright and starting to hop on air, like Blueno did.
"God's Messenger: Army and Point!" you exclaimed, forming a whip as your feathers popped off, all going to attack her.
She was surprised for a moment as the feathers blocked her vision, and you used the whip to grab her by her ankle, ready to pull her down.
But just as you were about to, you glanced at Zoro, only to see him get punched full of holes by Kaku's finger.
"ZORO!" you shouted, eyes shooting wide as his mouth spat up a ton of blood.
"Eyes up here, darling," Kalifa smirked, using your whip to yank you up to her before turning on Iron Body, making you smash your head directly into hers.
A sickening crack echoed throughout the room, and a single stream of blood poured from your scalp as you dropped to the ground.
"(y/n)!" Nami and Chopper cried, eyes wide and fearful.
It hurt like hell, but you weren't going down without a fight.
You weakly lifted your head, the speech Lucci was giving going in and out your ears until he suddenly began to turn into some sort of leopard monster.
'This just went from shit to fucking shit-storm.'
"No! He's a Carnivore Zoan-type!" Chopper gasped, terrified, "They're the most brutal of them all!"
"Lucci, the workmen are making their way up the stairs," Kalifa warned.
"They won't make it that far..."
With a single kick, the man completely destroyed the ceiling below, sending it crashing down.
"Stupid pidgeon jerk!" Luffy shouted, managing to land a punch on the man's face while he was distracted.
Lucci glared, and swung his arm over faster than you could see.
"Finger Pistol!"
Within seconds, you captain was impaled by the cat-man's claw.
"Luffy!" Zoro shouted, eyes wide.
"No!" you gasped.
Nami's tears could be heard throughout the entire room as Luffy struggled to breath, Lucci grabbing him by his face.
"Have a nice flight!" he spat, throwing the boy straight out the window and clear across town.
"Luffy!" Nami screamed, shaking with fright.
You were at a loss for words.
This couldn't be happening.
Luffy was one of the strongest people you knew.
If he couldn't fare against these guys, what did that say for you?
"Damn you!" Zoro cursed, making a run for Lucci, sword drawn.
"Iron Body."
The swordsman went for the arm, trying to slice it off, but it clashed as if it were metal, and Lucci roundhouse kicked him through the ceiling, dropping one of his swords on the way.
"Protect Nami!" you shouted, ordering all of your feathers to her, "Get her and Chopper out of here!"
They quickly detached, and scooped up the navigator and the doctor, zipping off far away from the scene.
And leaving you as the last domino standing.
You grabbed Zoro's sword and held it close as Lucci yoked you up by your neck, glaring at you so sharp that his eyes would cut down boulders if they could.
You knew he wouldn't be able to go after them.
The risk of being seen by one of the workers was too great, and their plan was already way behind schedule.
So if he couldn't get the other two, then he was going to take out all his anger on you.
"What would you say if I made you feel the most pain you've ever felt in your life?" he asked, his tone icy.
You scoffed, amused by his attempt to intimidate you.
"I'd tell you I'm into that," you smirked down at him, punctuating your sentence by spitting in his face.
He growled, throwing you up and kicking you out the window, sending you careening through the town.
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You crashed into a building at full force, knocking it over and landing with the debris on another roof.
"SHIT!" you growled in pain, tightly clutching your shoulder.
You had heard a wet pop the second it collided with the concrete.
It was dislocated for sure.
"Dammit! I don't have time for this!" you hissed through gritted teeth, "I've gotta find Luffy and Zoro!"
Weakly, you pulled yourself up, trying to take a quick survey of where you were, despite the unforgiving wind.
And it seemed to be you were somewhere in the backstreets, the allies below you already completely flooded.
'The boys got thrown pretty far. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up back here, too.'
You looked down at your arm, its limpness reminding you of the task at hand.
"First things first," you grunted, shutting your eyes and allowing you angelic glow to come over you, healing your arm, head, and neck.
And once your power was finished, the glow left, leaving you as good as new.
"Next," you sighed, turning to glance at your featherless wings.
Waiting for them to completely grow back would take a day or so, and you didn't have that kind of time.
So you'd have to go for the painful, last ditch option.
You dropped to your knees, bracing yourself for the oncoming torture.
'Take deep breaths...'
You began the process, forcing your body to grow more feathers, your grip on your skirt nearly ripping through the fabric.
The pain was similar to that of forcing your nails to grow.
By ripping each of them out one by one.
Slowly, but surely, the first few rows had regenerated, but they were not nearly enough for flight.
"Come on! Your friends are counting on you!" You slammed your fist down, your teeth nearly biting through your lip.
You pushed harder, beads of sweat rolling down your temple as more and more feathers grew.
Your breaths were deep and controlled, hoping to breath yourself through it.
'One more push! Almost done!'
You gave your final push, your last few feathers sprouting before your body finally collapsed.
"Done..." you panted, relieved, "Now I gotta... find the others."
Standing up, you grabbed Zoro's sword, only to turn and see a wave almost as tall as the clouds.
It was headed straight for you.
"CRAP!" you exclaimed, unfurling your new wings and jetting off.
You were originally going to head back a little closer to town, but out of the corner of your eye you noticed a familiar pair of boots sticking out a chimney.
Without a second thought, you zipped over, the looming tsunami providing a whole lot of motivation.
But as you drew closer, you realized you wouldn't be able to hold Zoro's sword, and give a full-forced bash at the same time.
'Fuck it...'
You closed your eyes and rammed head first through the chimney, completely destroying it.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Zoro exclaimed, wide eyed as the chimney seemed to explode around him.
"Zoro!" you cheesed, catching him bridal style before doing a hard one-eighty, "Hold on!"
"(y/n)?! Did you break that with your head?! The hell were you thinking?!" he realized, noticing the steady stream of blood running down your forehead.
"I couldn't use a weapon 'cause I was too busy holding your sword," you panted, handing it to him, "I snagged it from Lucci before getting thrown out here."
He gratefully took it from you, his face serious as the events started coming back to him.
He and Luffy had been thrown out of the window, leaving you to protect Nami and Chopper all by yourself.
The man could only imagine what you had gone through to keep them safe.
"Are Nami and Chopper alright?" he asked.
"Yeah," you nodded, "I had my feathers fly them to safety. And CP9 didn't seem to go after them. They should be good for a while."
"I see," the swordsman nodded, looking down at his blade.
He should've been there.
"I'm sorry for not being there to help you."
You cocked a brow, a confused look on your face.
"You don't have to apologize, Zoro," you assured, looking down at him with a relieved smile as you landed on the bridge.
You put him down, and threw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
"If I'm being honest," you sighed, resting your face in the crook of his neck, "I'm just glad you're safe."
Zoro's breath hitched, and a tinge of crimson graced his cheeks.
It shouldn't make him happy to hear how worried you were about him.
But you were so soft, and so warm.
And the way you were looking at him was making something buzz in his chest.
He knew he shouldn't indulge in this.
He knew that this was a line that once crossed, would never be the same again.
Yet he couldn't stop his arms from looping around your waist.
Couldn't stop himself from pulling you closer.
Couldn't stop himself from breathing you in, accepting his new reality.
"I'm glad you're safe, too, (y/n)..."
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anystalker707 · 2 years ago
Giving him silent treatment
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 400 Summary: You end up giving Sanji a silence treatment after the latest events. Tags: Sanji is very boyfriend / But also very dramatic / Just a little lack of communication
Requested by anon
A/N: i feel. nervous about this. ooc, maybe?
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• Sanji will notice it right away that you're a little different with him, not glancing at him whenever he is around nor making a comment about how his good dish tastes
• You even decide to go with Usopp, Luffy, Robin, Franky and Zoro when you stop at this new island instead of with Chopper, Nami and Sanji like the usual (Brook had stayed back to watch the ship
• You’re there watching Luffy get chased by a local animal while Franky and Usopp uselessly try to help him out—now you understand the reason they never get anything done—when you comment something about just helping them out at once
• At first, Zoro just hums in agreement as he was there along with Robin and you watching the three fools, but then he pauses and raises an eyebrow at you. "What are you doing here? Where is the shitty cook?"
• Your face twisted in a way Zoro decided not to ask any further
• You’re back at the ship and Sanji will ask where you were, met with no answer once again
• Maybe you're distracted? Busy with something else? So he will let you be for a while and later come by, more of testing the waters, asking you about what you were talking about with Robin or if stupid Marimo bothered you too much
• He will feel completely lost with you not answering and absolutely reduced to a shrimp size once you glare at him in a quiet acknowledgement of his presence because he needs to know you're aware of him and just not answering on purpose, otherwise he'd just be convinced you're distracted again
• Absolutely devastated. Will enter in collapse mode and go over every single little thing that he did because he can't handle (y/n)—his beloved (y/n)—stopping loving him under any circumstances, even more for something he may have done without conscience. He won't be able to live a single day without you giving him attention, he might as well die if you're never going to talk with him again—his mind does escalate that quickly
• Will be found obsession cooking for the next couple of hours because cooking helps him think and Luffy doesn't see any problem with it
• Later, he comes to you with your favorite dish and that lost puppy face when you're sitting at a table on Sunny's deck
• ...It’s hard to resist to it, but it's for the best, so you just send him a look before returning your attention to the sea and wait until he walks away so you can eat the dish he leaves on the table
• Okay, Sanji will give you a while longer, still trying to make up with you until the end of the day, but the fact he doesn't get any good night kiss nor good morning hug starts to drive him crazy
• Baby boy will fucking cry. He cries the same way he did when you were captured by Crocodile and then again by Enel, with this angst heavy in his chest with the sensation he will never again have you cuddling him to sleep or kiss your cheek when you sit on his lap or even receive an adoring look from you because he's just that insecure with finally getting a partner after many failed attempts
"(Y/n)?" You looked to the side to see Nami standing there; you were sitting at the same place as the previous day, messing with a book you fixed on the last island. She furrowed her eyebrows a little, scratching the back of her head. "Is everything alright?"
"...I would say so, kind of, why?"
"Well, you and Sanji seem a little... off, y'know." Nami pulled the other chair back to have a seat. "You weren't buying spices with him yesterday, he seemed pretty lost. Also, he is crying."
"He's what?" Your eyes widened at how she'd dropped the bomb with such casualty and no more explanation.
Nami nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Like, go talk with him! That's what I'm saying."
You cringed a little, sighing as you closed your book and leaned a little forward on the chair. Maybe giving him silent treatment wasn't the best way to deal with it in long-term; not only Nami had to approach the situation, but Sanji was fucking crying, also. Not that you weren't used to his dramatic behavior, but it was true it'd been a while since he last showed up and it usually wasn't a good sign if he was stuck in the galley like that.
"Take care." You slid your book to Nami with a sigh before you stood up and moved to go find Sanji.
The ingredients for whatever other dish Sanji was preparing received all the feelings he had supressed, being chopped quickly and with more force than needed while Sanji cried alone in the galley. You sighed at the sight, rolling your eyes half-heartedly before you closed the door behind yourself and approached him. Sanji looked over his shoulder and sniffled before he cried more.
"Hey, San, I—"
"I'm so sorry, my love, I don't know what I did, so maybe I'm not so worthy of your love anymore and..." He continued rambling without stopping chopping the vegetables.
You stood there for a moment, observing the mess he was in—you could ruin him just like that? Not like you wouldn't be desolated if you thought he happened to stop liking you, but knowing someone felt this way about you was quite different.
"Stop!" You grabbed him by the lapel of his blazer so he would finally stop what he was doing. "I never stopped loving you or anything, stop saying shit!"
Sanji blinked a couple of times and sniffled, looking at you. "Then what happened, mon amour? Every second without you feels like endless torture, I—"
"Sanji." You sighed, loosening your grip and playing a little with the fabric before you let your hands fall, fumbling with your thumbs at the lack of what to do under his confused gaze. "It's just that... You had..." Hell, it felt pathetic to say it out loud, to explain how your thoughts had twisted everything. "You promised me you would go with me to a clothing store as soon as we reached a new island, then you started making plans and didn't mention it. I thought you'd just not mention it to the others, but then asked Chopper and Nami to tag along as usual, and..." You paused to take a breath, swallowing dryly as your eyes followed along the buttons of his blazer. It would be shit if your voice started cracking and failing and got teary. "I got angry and frustrated, so I left because I didn't want to be rude to you because— because what if you didn't like me and everything I say doesn't matter? But then, what if you were just distracted and never noticed we had agreed on this little date thing? I didn't want to talk with you after that because what if I said the wrong thing? Did something I shouldn't just because I was angry and impulsive? I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to..." You sighed, shifting your weight, and motioned to him.
At first, Sanji didn’t know what to say, standing there with wide eyes. "No!" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you to hug you close. "I didn't mean to make you feel like this! Didn't I tell you, my love?"
"Tell me what?"
Sanji blinked slowly as he looked at you then frowned, letting his gaze fall to the ground at the same moment his cheeks gained a red color—he didn’t really hug you anymore, more of just holding onto your sides with his hands balled into fists around your shirt. "I—I could swear I had told you to, um, wait until we got to a nicer island than the last one... There were many things to take care of, I could swear I had told you..." His eyes filled with tears again, and you hummed understandingly, wrapping your hands around his shoulders to hug him close and press a kiss to his head. "I—I didn’t want to m—make you feel that way—"
"Oh, no," you sighed as you cleaned his face, mentally cursing yourself. "No, c'mon, no need to sacrifice yourself at this, pretty boy, it happens!"
The way you glared at him had Sanji falling quiet with a pout, making you grin before you pecked his lips in return.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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aetherdoesthings · 1 year ago
Hi, I wanted to place an order if it's ok with you, I wanted to order a Luffy SunshineX female reader protector Sunshine where the view of the crew is how they see their relationship and how they reacted. Sorry for the Google translate English, English is not my first language
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hey! it's alright if english isn't your first language (it's not mine either). apologies in advance if what i write isn't what you had in mind!
forethoughts: yes i'm still sick i literally can't breathe through my nose right now but oh well.
notes: fem!reader
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When the Straw Hats brought you on board, they didn’t know what to expect. 
You were a girl Luffy thought was interesting and funny, so he decided to snatch you up and bring you along on his journey.
Unlike the feisty navigator who spent half of her time yelling at the boys for doing something stupid, or the elegant archaeologist who had a love for dark humor, you were different.
In some sense you were the genderbent version of Luffy. Nothing in your head, always smiling and laughing, finding something funny in the stupidest things. 
Because of that, everyday, the Sunny was filled with laughter and joy, as you and Luffy would be playing around and having fun. The crew didn’t think much of it at first; it wasn’t their first time seeing Luffy trying to play with a new crewmate, only this time you would reciprocate Luffy’s energy with your own.
Even though you’d love to goof around and maybe do extreme things, you always had an eye out for Luffy, making sure he wouldn’t do anything life threatening, chiding him later to never do it again.
You always spent your time with Luffy, no matter what. 
That’s why the Straw Hats weren’t too surprised when the two of you announced your relationship one day.
They didn’t think much of it at first, since they were used to the two of you goofing around and making commotion on deck. Rather, they were happy that they were finally clear on where your relationship stood.  
Everything remained the same, nothing really changed. You and Luffy still messed around on the ship, torturing poor Usopp and Chopper, occasionally getting scolded by Nami for knocking something over, but that was all there was. 
“Wait… if Y/N is just Luffy but a girl… does that mean we have to deal with two Luffys now?” Chopper randomly blurted out one day.
Everyone let out a collective groan, realizing that they had another baby they needed to take care of and make sure you’d stay alive.
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portgasdwrld · 1 year ago
Bathing 🧼 [nsfw]
༊*·˚ Featuring: Ace x f!reader
༊*·˚ Warning: NSFW
༊*·˚I felt lazy to edit everything, so sorry for mistakes
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Ace and you are both temporarily accompanying his little brother and his crew for a little while in Alabasta.
So after a delicious meal on the ship, you take the opportunity of being on a boat to take a shower, not knowing when you could’ve the chance to have one while travelling in the desert for multiple days. So as everyone is leaving the table, you lean a little over Ace’s tattooed arm to whisper into his ear.
-Ima take a shower, you’re always welcome to join~
You whisper with an intentional suggestive tone. Frankly, you and him haven’t saw each other in a while as you left earlier than him to deal with another issue. You two met on the desert island, in pure coincidence and you are set on catching up with him, even if it meant risking whatever for a little intimacy with him.
He gives you a little amused smirk as he quietly nods. He stays behind at first, as he engages in a short conversation with Luffy and offers his help with cleaning to the cook, who turned it down. After noticing that everyone are doing their own personal thing, he decides that joining you is what best he has to do.
He exit the dining hall and walks out a bit confused. Even though it’s a small ship, he still is far from being familiar with it. He sees Usopp walking by and stops him in his track.
-Hey, do you know where the bathroom is ?
-Uh, y-yeah..It’s just at the end of the small hallway, but I think I saw Y/n enter for a shower.
-Oh, alright. Thank you!
Ace warmly taps Usopp shoulder as he walks away in the direction for the bathroom. Usopp watches him walk away with a cocked eyebrow.
Ace knocks on the door few times and hears your sweet voice behind the door letting him walk in, after you recognize his voice. The place is foggy from the hot water and he can barely even see you.
-You left the door open?
-There is a lock?
You question him as you try to figure where your man is through the fog. Ace looks at the door and easily finds the lock, which he uses to make sure no one walk in on y’all. He walks closer to you and he’s finally able to see you. He smirks as he watches the silhouette of your naked body. Your chest was pressed on the bath, as your crossed arms were resting on the edge, supporting your head. You look at him with bright, hungry eyes.
-I thought you would never come
He chuckles and slightly lean over to cup your face in one hand. He kisses your lips and caresses your cheek with his thumb.
-Didn’t want to make it obvious
-Ah fuck it, it’s been so long
-Has it been?
-You haven’t missed me?
You ask with a small pout playing along with him. He acts as if he’s thinking about it before he lean over you to close the drain so he can hear you better. You watch him move as your eyes gaze at his bare abs, he always had this attractive body and you want to feel it more than ever now. You straighten your body, letting your hand brush his toned abdomen as he’s leaning over you to close the water.
Ace chuckles as his hand wraps your wondering one, keeping it on his abs. He’s now straight looking down at you through his lustful eyes.
-Yes, I have missed you.. more than you can imagine
He finally answers. You look at him with big eyes as you level your head in front of his crotch. You get closer and drag your tongue against his clothed bulge, not breaking the eye contact with him. Your boyfriend let a curse out with a groan. You let your head rest on his thigh as you slightly bite your lips and look at him through your lashes.
-Not as much as me
-You’re sure about that?
He teasingly asks as he frees your hand from his hold. One hand is now resting on his thigh as the other one is pressed against his hard bulge, softly palming him. His hand caresses your head as he watches you with loving eyes.
-More than sure, babe
You coo as you take off his belt. As the accessory hits the floor, Ace doesn’t waste any time and bend so his lips are attached to yours. A quick passionate make out session blooms as you find yourself chasing for him as he pulls away. He takes his bottoms off, after putting his hat somewhere safe in the little space. You watch him with hungry eyes as he gets into the bath with you.
Ace is confident when it comes to how you long for him. He knows the effect he has on you when you watch him with those eyes, how you grab his biceps, how you feel his muscles under your hands. He knows anything he does drives you crazy, and to be truly honest he was on the same boat when it comes to you.
Ace easily picks you up as he sit you on his laps. His mouth quickly finds its way to your breast where he leaves heavy kisses. He pushes your breast up as his hot breath brushed against your nipple, before he wrapped them in the warm on his mouth. His tongue twirling around them, teeth slightly touching them, sucking them just enough to drive moans out of your mouth as pleasure is shot through your body.
-Fuck, you love me so good Ace
He releases your nipples with wet noises as his gaze shifts to your eyes. His hand grabs the back of your neck and he connects your lips to his once again, kissing you so hungrily like he would never have the opportunity to kiss you like this ever again, like he would die tomorrow and never be able to touch you again.
You feel his cock twitch against your stomach as his hands roam all over your hips and butt. One of his hands finds it’s way to your wet core leaving you gasping for air as his digits rub against your clit. You rest your forehead against his shoulder, gripping his dark hair at the back of his head.
-You like it?
He asks in a deep tone that sends shiver down your spine. You nod with a weak moan and shaky breath.
-Yes..I missed this so much
You reply before leaving a wet peck on his collarbone. You can’t even remember how many times you fantasized about him touching you and stretching you out. You couldn’t wait to see him again and hear his heavy breath in your ears as he thrusts into you ruthlessly, fucking you just the way you like it.
-You’re so wet. Been thinking of this happening for a while huh?
It wouldn’t be Ace if he didn’t find a way to make a cocky comment. You know that he loves seeing you needy for him, it makes him feel wanted. He longs for your lingering eyes and pleads. He loves you so much and the lust you hold for him, makes his heart flutter like nothing else.
-Been thinking of your cock whenever I can’t sleep
You admit in a sigh as you feel his finger penetrate you. You moan his name immediately slapping a hand on your mouth, remembering the setting.
-You love my dick so much, don’t ya
He chuckles as he moves his fingers inside of you. The water moves under the sudden change of pace of his fingers, now moving quickly in and out of you. You choke a moan due to his unexpected speed. You furrow your eyebrow and close your eyes, trying your best not to be a moaning mess and make an embarrassment out of yourself in front of his little brothers crew.
-Mmm, sweetheart?
-Please fuck me…I can’t take-
He curls his fingers hitting the perfect sweet spot inside of you, making the words in your throat get cut off. Your hands are now harshly gripping into his shoulders, probably leaving marks as your nails dig into his warm tan skin. You try your best to contain yourself, but his fingers just feel so good. A moan slip out of your lips and you can feel Ace smirking as he laughs.
-Need some help?
He asks before quickening up the pace, both ignoring your request and your will to keep quiet. You can’t hold it anymore as you moan his name, feeling so close to orgasm.
-Ace, fuck! Yes yes yes, just like that!
You come on his fingers with few last thrust of his fingers. You collapse against Ace’s body as your breath is unsteady and heavy. Your boyfriend kisses your forehead as he tries to soothe you by caressing your back with his fingers. He finally removes his digits, leaving you feeling empty. He put them in his mouth, sucking them clean in a quick move before he position his dick at your entrance. His precum is already smothered on his wet abdomen, he wants to fuck you more than ever.
-Can I?
He asks in a whisper as he kisses your neck and jawline. You weakly nod, already feeling your arousal rise as you watch his body shift a little under you. With that, he slowly enters you, stretching you out so good. The familiar feeling of him being inside you that you missed so much. As he’s completely buried inside of you, he starts to move a little, making the water under you two move at each movement.
-You take me so good, sweetheart
You agree with a nods as you wrap you arms around his neck and kiss him. Ace is moaning in your mouth as each of his thrust bring him a little closer to his high.
He hasn’t touched you in months because of the distance and he clearly can feel that he won’t last long. He takes in as much of you as he cans, smelling your hair, roaming his hands all over your curves, kissing your soft lips. He loves you so much. On you side, you already feel sensitive because of your first orgasm so when you feel him twitch and pulsate strongly inside of you, you figure out he’s close. He pulls out making you whine instantly.
-So needy
He teases you between two breaths, before telling you to face your back to him. You do as he says and lean over the edge of the bath, your arms supporting you. You feel his lips kiss your ass as he praises you. You tell him to put it in already, but he likes being annoying so he teases the tip a little until he just pushes his whole length unexpectedly. You shout loudly at the pleasure, at that point you give up being quiet.
There was nothing to be quiet while being dick downed by Portgas D. Ace.
His pace is rough, hips slamming against your ass just the way he likes it. He loves seeing your ass bounce back against his dick, the way your back is arched. It makes his head dizzy, and dick twitch. He grips your hips so strongly, you’re sure they are going to be bruised. The rythme gets a little sloppy and rougher so you know he’s feeling closer, his grunts fills the room along with your moans. He slaps your ass and grip it, not letting go.
-Fuck, I’m gonna cum
He moans with closed eyes. He gives few fast thrust before spilling all his seeds inside of you. He follows up with rough slow thrust riding out his orgasm, making sure you are all filled up with his seed. He opens his eyes and dart them to his dick, admiring almost his cum mixed with your juice.
-Did you cum?
He asks coming back to his sense, panting as he keeps his dick inside of you. You shake your head.
-Alright, let me take care of my baby
He starts playing with your clit and gives your pussy slow thrust. He hisses under his breath due to him being sensitive, but he wants you to cum. He gives your praises and talks you through it, until you climax all over his cock, clenching so tightly around him. Body shaking, he wraps his arms around your body and kisses the your back.
-Did so good to me
He finally pulls out, enjoying the view of your pussy completely filled with his seeds. He slaps your ass making your roll your eyes as a chuckle leaves your lips. He sits down and you join him, sat in between his legs. He warms the water who got a little cold and you two enjoy the comfortable silence.
-It’s gonna be a little awkward when we leave the bathroom…
You say with a yawn. Ace smirks and pecks your cheek.
-Was worth every seconds
-I have missed you so much
-I have too, but when we are done with our missions let’s just head back to the ship and stay together for a long time.
-Yeah don’t die by then
-Pff? Why would I die, I’m Fire fist Ace
-you’re too reckless..and Teach is up to no good..
He senses the deep worry in your voice and hold you tightly against his body, burying his nose in your neck. He leaves a long kiss on it before he makes you stare at him.
-I will be careful, promise
He kisses your forehead and your lips.
-Want me to wash your hair ?
You nod with a fond smile. Being a pirate is learning how to deal with unexpected situations, knowing the worse can happen as much as the best, but it was like that for everything in life really. You love this man so much, but for now you focus on his presence and simply
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omoshirokiller · 9 months ago
luffy x gn!reader
Warnings: contains major spoilers, angst, major character death, more angst, cursing, crying, mentions of violence, blood, mention of ace
word count: 1.5k
The morning rays of sunshine began to flash through the opening of the bedroom window. I had been awake for just a bit now and I was staring at my bed mate, Luffy. I only call him my bed mate because the nature of our relationship is unknown. I often find myself wrapped up in his arms while just lounging around the deck, feathery kisses after battles while he tells me he’s glad I’m safe, and  often ending our nights in the same bed. While thinking about the situationship with my captain I noticed the rays of sunshine radiating off his face and making him glow. He was drooling and snoring, but I found him quite beautiful right now. His presence was comforting. I traced his scar that adorned his face and then brushed some of his hair out of his face. He stirred just a bit, but ultimately stayed fast asleep. However, I felt his hands squeeze on my hips and bring me just slightly closer. Sanji called for breakfast and I began to hear commotion all around the ship.
“Luffy, it’s time for breakfast.” I ruffled his hair and tried to move out of the bed. All I heard from Luffy was a groan and then he sat up on the bed. He let out a big yawn then stretched his arms toward the door using his devil fruit. He ended up right in front of the door and he turned to me with a smile then walked out the door to go eat breakfast.
“LUFFY, WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!” Nami and Sanji yelled at the straw hat captain. He had left the bedroom in just his boxers. I was entering the kitchen not long after with the clothes that were left behind by Luffy. He let out a big hearty laugh and put on his clothes before Sanji handed him a plate of food.
That was the last breakfast we had as a full crew before this battle. We landed on this island not long after that morning. Why was I thinking about this now? Why were old memories popping up in my vision? Oh yeah, pretty sure I’m dying.
And right now, I feel like my life is flashing by.
I snapped out of my dazed thoughts by the voice of someone crying out my name. I turned my head to face the direction of where the voice was coming from. As my vision focused, I could make out Nami and Chopper running toward me. Both had injuries of their own, but they seemed more worried about my own. As they reached me laying on the ground, Nami fell to her knees next to my head while Chopper began to take medical supplies out of his bag. 
“(y/n), I’m so glad we found you. I’m sorry we left you to fight alone. I’m so sorry you’re hurt.” Nami kept apologizing as she grabbed my hand and began rubbing circles on the back.
“It’s not your fault, Nami. Don’t worry, I’m alright. This was because of my own decisions.” I was able to squeeze Nami’s hand a bit. I did not have a lot of strength left, but I did what I could to try and reassure her.
“Chopper, How are their injuries?” Nami looked at our ship doctor who was attending to my wounds. Although I couldn’t see Chopper, I knew my injuries were worse than they looked.
“We need to get them back to the ship so I can treat them better. I don’t have enough supplies in my bag to treat all the serious injuries.” Chopper told Nami seriously while patching up what could be taken care of. “(y/n), do you think you are able to move at all?” Chopper had moved into my line of sight. 
“I think I can muster up some strength too, but only for a little bit though.” With the help of Nami, I moved carefully to sit up. Nami maneuvered herself to get under my arm to help me rise to my feet. I would have fallen back down if it wasn’t for Nami holding me carefully. I felt so dizzy and weak, but Chopper and Nami were moving with me slowly and carefully to get back to the ship. 
“Oi! Nami, Chopper! (y/n) what happened?” Usopp was back on the ship and ran to our sides to help us.
“Usopp, help Nami get (y/n) to my medical bay. They have serious injuries I need to treat immediately.” Chopper had barked at Usopp approaching. 
“Aye Aye Doc!” Usopp took up the spot under my other arm and together he and Nami directed me to the infirmary. I could no longer hold my own and I felt my body losing the strength it had left and I just felt myself go limp losing consciousness.
The deck was nice and warm. The sun was shining with minimal cloud coverage. It was quiet too. Wait, it was too quiet. I moved from my spot on the deck and began to search around for the rest of the crew. I began in the crows nest looking for Zoro, but he was not there. He was usually training that's odd. I left the crows nest and headed towards a spot on the deck I would usually catch Robin reading, but she wasn’t there. Where are they? I am being pranked?
“Haha very funny yall you can come out now.” I waited to see if I would sense or hear any movement on board, but it was silent. I felt alone. I walked toward the kitchen to see if I would find Sanji or Luffy, but as soon as I opened the door there was nothing. It was empty, lifeless, and cold. Where was everyone?
I miss my friends.
I retreated back to my bunk and began to cry. All I wanted was to no longer be alone. It hurts so much to be lonely. I wish I could just hear someone or feel someone. Was I asking too much?
“(y/n), where are you?” I heard Luffy’s voice and I scrambled to get out the door to search for him. I stumbled onto the deck and grabbed the side rail and yelled for Luffy, but no answer.
“(y/n) please come back to me. To us.” I looked all around, up and down, why couldn’t I find him? “I can’t lose you too.” I heard the break in Luffy’s voice. 
Then it all clicked in my head, I’m dying. 
“Please give me one chance to talk to Luffy, the crew. I can’t just go like this, I can’t just die like this. I need to thank everyone and tell them I love them. Tell Luffy that he is my everything and I love him more than anything. Let me say goodbye.” I clenched my hands in my lap and closed my eyes hoping that things would change. Hoping I would get another chance.
“(y/n)?” I felt so much pain surge through my body all at once. I could feel someone holding my hand and I knew it was Luffy. I also knew it was him who said my name.
“I’m sorry Luffy.” I managed to rasp out an apology. I tried to look at him, but I couldn’t see. I think I’ve lost my sight. 
“Luffy, I can’t promise you that. I am afraid I am already dying. Chopper can’t fix me anymore. My journey as a Straw Hat ends here.” I took in a breath and continued to speak slowly. “I’m thankful for the crew being my family, for accepting me. I know as you all continue on your journey’s you’ll succeed. I will be watching and rooting for you to be the king of the pirates. Luffy, thank you for being my captain. I’ve never got to say it, but I love you. I wanted you to know that I loved you more than anything.” By the end of my talk, I was crying. I could feel my own tears streaming down my face, and I could still feel his tears.“Please tell everyone this isn’t goodbye, just see you later.”
“Chopper said you might not make it and I got so upset. I can’t lose you too. Promise me, (y/n), you aren’t gonna die on me?” I felt tears hitting my arm and I felt my heart drop knowing Luffy was crying. I remember learning he asked Ace to promise he would never die then Luffy held him bleeding out in his arms.
“I will. And (y/n) I love you too. I will complete our journey’s for the both of us. So watch me.” Luffy sounded so broken, but his will and words came out strong. As he was finishing his own declaration, I could feel it. My chance was up, this is the end. I felt my body getting weaker and I put a faint smile on my face.
“Thank you.”
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years ago
you should do fluff headcannons of monster trio + law sending you a voice message when they miss you while you're gone please 🤭🫶
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“𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖”
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Ft. Law, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Fluffy fluff, Modern AU, all established relationships
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Bro butt dials you A LOT first of all.
So most voice messages are munching noises or him laughing but finally Luffy called you out of boredom but you were busy and Luffy actually leaves a voice message—-
“Hey Y/N!!!! Im bored. I just had some meat. It was good. When you come back home can you bring back some more? I ate it all. Also I ….oh wait I forgot….well M’ganna go finish playing the game. Im bored without you….i miss you…n’stuff….HURRY AND COME BAAACCKKUUHHHHHH…mkay…and answer your phone more jeez you never answer—“
He forgets to hang up the call so the next 15 minutes was you hearing Luffy laugh, curse, and talk crap with Usopp on the game.
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He loves sending you texts and messages whenever he thinks of you and you’re later greeted with a pleather of messages that warm your heart each time
“Hey, my love. Just thinking about you again. I missed you. I hope everything is okay with you, not working too hard. I’m making some of that cake you liked so much so by the time you get home it’ll be ready as well as your favorite pasta again! I hope you ate something for lunch too. I knew I should have packed you another Bento Box but you swear up and down you were okay…y’know I worry….”
It’s so domestic how Sanji acts on his voice message and the way how his accent creeps through when he is nervous a little when he speaks always warms your heart.
“But I won’t hold you…I know you’re busy..call me when you have the chance or if you need anything! Maybe tonight we can have dinner and a home movie like last week…I love you..”
He always has you on his mind
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He calls you ONLY when he misses you. He never wants to seem like a bother nor clingy (even though he is but wont admit it).
“Hey….um…Tch why the hell didn’t you answer? I been trying to call you all day—“
He haven’t he has been hesitating to call you because he was afraid he was ganna bother.
“But…I cleaned the place like you said, fed the cat, fed the plants—I mean—I mean I watered them. Like you said. I hope you’re okay. Making me nervous or whatever not answering…But…um…Stay safe alright? And answer your damn phone next time I call!….I miss you….Alright..I Love you bye.”
He tries his best to express his love for you no matter how aggressive it is
He was very relieved to see you when you walked through the door he welcomed you with a hug.
A much needed one.
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His goice messages are the quickest and the most forward. He is a busy man himself so he tries to at least keep you in the loop of whats going on during his breaks
“Hey you, I’m on my lunch break now. I was hoping you were too so we can get a quick bite together..guess not though. Well hopefully your day is alright. I know you rushed out in a hurry so you better have ate something! Anyways I’ll see you tonight. I miss you and I love you. Bye.”
He does from time to time check his phone to see if you got his message. Hesitant to text you again right after sending to voice mail.
He does.
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anonstories08 · 11 months ago
𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚉𝚘𝚛𝚘 𝚡 𝙼!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎? 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚑 𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐…
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 956
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It was only supposed to be for a few days. The adventure was supposed to be a simple one, so simple not all the crew had to go. Someone had asked the Strawhats to visit a small temple that was at the top of a small mountain and retrieve a relic that was left there (and of course there would be a large reward) The crew had been on the island for a few days, so it didn’t seem too dangerous. The ones who were going was Luffy (obviously), Zoro (again obviously), Robin (…), Franky and Usopp. The rest of the crew were going to stay on the Sunny and either guard the ship or go into town and restock to leave once the group got back. But it had been a week now. when were they going to get back? Usually the crew would trust in each other to make it back safely but it started to take a toll on one member in particular. [Name]. He has never been without his partner for longer then 2 days. And of course, [Name] knew that Zoro is extremely capable, but he keeps getting that nagging feeling that something is wrong. -5 days ago- “Be careful. It looks like some of the steps seem to be unstable.” Robin was at the front of the pack, a small gleam in her eyes showing that she was quite excited to be able to find anything to do with history. The rest of the group was following her as they make their way to the top. “Geez, who knew Robin could be so fast..” Usopp used a stick to help pull himself up the steps, exhausted. Franky side-eyed the sniper because of his exaggerated laboured breathes “You don’t look very SUPER Usopp. Are you sure you want to come with?”   “Y-Yeah! Don’t be scared. Captain Usopp is never tired! He is always…. euagh…” He passed out. “Ok well thats not very SUPER. Hey guys!” Franky calls out to Robin and a stretched Luffy, hanging off of an uncaring Zoro. “Im gonna bring Usopp back to Chopper! He looks exhausted.”   “Yeah, you wanna bring Luffy too? He’s just kinda… melting?” Zoro pokes at the unmoving Luffy hanging off him. “Auhghuhduh…” “Fufufu It looks like the heat is getting to the captain too.” Franky wordlessly moves towards Zoro and peels the captain off of him. “Alright. You too go on ahead. I’ll catch up later.” “Bye.” “Be safe, Franky.”  The pair continue up the steps at their own leisurely pace. Soon they reach the door of the temple. It’s made of cracked cement that has intricate carvings and vines stretched across it. As the wind blows through Zoro’s spiky hair, he feels a presence. It’s unsettling. Something is wrong. He turns towards Robin to warn her but he sees an unsettling sight. Where is Robin?
Zoro is on high alert now. He whips his head back and forth, trying his best to catch a glimpse of the archeologist, but she’s gone. He’s so distracted that he doesn’t even see the person who snuck up behind him. Before he can react, a hand snakes its way around his throat and tightens. Zoro struggles against the grip but a mask is placed around his mouth and he’s forced to inhale a gas. As he slowly stops struggling he sees someone familiar. Is that the person who asked the crew to get the relic? Well fuck… Zoro wakes up in a start. His head is throbbing as he looks around what seems to be a dark room. The first thing he notices is that his swords are not with him. His eyesight slowly fades in and he sees that he has his hands tied behind his back, with the rope connected to a thick metal pole. The rope seemed really thick but Zoro could probably break out of it. Too bad he still feels woozy from that strange gas. He realises that across from him is a knocked out Robin. She has sea stone cuffs on and seems to have been roughed up a bit. Concern floods Zoro as he sees that blood is dripping down her skull and onto the floor below her. “R-Robin..” Zoro’s scratchy voice calls out to the woman. How long have they been here? Robin stirs but ultimately doesn’t respond. That wound is really concerning. He needs to get them out and to Chopper. His head spins slightly as he looks around for any sort of sharp object to cut his ropes. Suddenly, the door slams open and Zoro’s eye flicks towards the light and the person coming inside the dark room. “Well well well. Sleeping beauty finally woke up, hm? Did you rest well?” A tall woman with an almost psychotic grin waltzed inside. Zoro glares at her and asks, “How long have we been here.” The woman narrows her eyes at the swordsman’s question and simply states. “2 days. I have been most impatient and i would appreciate if you would now comply.” 2 days? Thats.. way too long. How would the crew be feeling? How is [Name]? Zoro’s heart aches at the thought of the panic and stress that [Name] must be going through. He snaps back into reality and sees that a plate of food has been pushed in front of him. It looks… questionable? It seems to supposed to be rice and some sort of curry, but the curry has strange streaks of blue in it. No way in hell is Zoro eating that. The woman looks at him as if he’s supposed to be grateful that she’s given him some definitely poisoned food.  How the hell is he gonna get out of here?
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