#trying his best not to let anons words grt to him
Cheater 🫵🏽😡
I'm not—!
I have not done a single thing with Lucien except be kind to him and give him a few gifts.
I am not proud of my current situation, and I know it is of my own doing. But your opinion on the matter is no concern of mine.
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Hello author-san^^♡!! This is my first time requesting and I read all your Op posts and I think they're absolutely adorable♡!! Can I request more Whitebeard pirates content (especially when you add memes cause they make my day) 😊!! It's okay if you don't want to 😊👍 That's all for now, byeee~ [Btw I love your Oc smmm!!]
Aweee(^o^)💙 Thank you so much anon if you like my oc💙
For You I will write more content about Whitebeard Pirate
Hoped you liked it
Whitebeard Pirates when you went to Labor
Warning: Whitebeard Pirates panicking, Slight Cursing, Fluff in thr end
Feat: Thatch, Ace, Marco, Izo, Jozu, And Vista
Thatch Death
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-Like the Meme above Thatch will make a face like that from the Moment you let out “labor” Word from your mouth
-The Whole Crew especially your Husband will Immediately panic when you started to let out a horrifying scream from the Pain you felt
-Thatch will scream around looking for some Doctor “Where is the fucking Doctor?!!!” He will scream like this and Marco? Hah! He's panicking too and doesn't realising that he's the doctor that Everyone's looking for
-After you gave birth the Whole Crew was in awe.. They will adored and loved your child and they will never let anyone hurt them
Marco the Phoenix
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-Even though Marco always shows everyone of how calm he was in every Situation then your Labor was a Different situation for him
-so He's panicking along the others when you started your labor
-Marco will look for Doctor to help you out cuz' he forgot that he's doctor that he's looking for so
-And After some time After You shout at him he'll eventually grt back to his senses and help you out to deliver the baby
Portgast D. Ace
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-Like the Meme above Cry now Smile later for Ace
-Ace may even collapse when you started to feel some painful contraction into your Belly
-He'll rush to Marco's office and tells him that you're in Labor
-Marco will come to you and tell Ace to take to your Shared Bedroom to deliver the baby
-and While you're giving birth the People outside the room including Pops were devastated because they're worried about you
-after a long waiting Ace will Burst outside and happily announce that you successfully delivered the Baby and the whole Ship held a big celebration for both of you and to your Baby
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-Izo will scream asking for some Doctor to help you out
-will crying inside when you started to feel pain but he will cheer you up and tells you that everything is gonna be alright
-He'll be with you until the end and he will give his best to give some support
-after you gave birth Izo will out a few happy tears pressing a firm kiss into your Forehead tell how you did a good job
Diamond Jozu
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-Hard Outside but soft inside
-That's Jozu
-He'll cry for you during the contraction. Jozu will also rub your belly trying to sooth the pain you were feeling that time
-he will never leave by your side until you successfully delivered the baby
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-He's dramatic as f
-Vista will Come at you and take you to Marco to help you out to deliver the baby
-Like the other he'll never leave by your side until you're safe along with the baby in his hands
-He will also cheer you up and try to hive you some confidence that you can do it
-Vista was very Nervous he just doesn't wantes to admit it out because he doesn't wanted you grt worried
-After you gave birth Vista will always holding your baby in his arms safe in sound
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