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My favorite part in the latest chapter of @thirstyasshell's fanfic.
Ryan laughed as Troy lifted him bridal style and carried him off the stage instead of finishing the rest of the song so that they could kiss. Everybody around them whoop and cheered, some even wolf whistled. The brunette was pretty sure he heard Chad yelling for them to get a room. Sharpay rolled her eyes, but she smiled as she took Peyton's hand and led him up there so they can finish the rest of the song.
Read here:
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hellxo · 2 years
Did I write 10 pages of notes outlining my ideas for a Troy/Ryan HSM1 rewrite last night? yes, yes I did. Will I actually write it? more to come...
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
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Incomplete ❌
Troy Bolton/Ryan Evans
Sharpay Evans/Peyton Leverett
Troy and Ryan meet over Winter break. A start of a wonderful feeling is put in motion, and eventually, starts to influence the entire student body of East high.
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canine-teethed-sheets · 5 months
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in favour of shapes of may, i finally made reference sheets for my iteration of jsab!! ( at last CACKLES )
here we have squad, tryan, steam and pentagi !! in my au, pentagi is the leader of the group, squad n tryan are the fighters and steam is the strategist :D :D
colour sheet:
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cuubism · 23 days
Silly rabbit “webs” for the wip game?
another one I am quite behind on 😔 the first part is on ao3 here
it's a bit of a silly tale about spinning stories and lies and if i ever write the second chapter there'll be some bondage too 😂
Hob came to stand in front of him, slipping between his spread knees. He took Dream’s face between his hands. “I’d rip the place apart brick-by-brick to get you out,” he said, seriously. “If you want to write that fantasy in your head, I’ll play whatever role you want, love.” “You play many roles for me, Hob Gadling,” Dream said, leaning into his hands. “Lover, friend. My guide to the intricacies of the waking world. Indulgent listener to my stories. Hearth. Lodestone. You would be my rescuer, too?” “Always,” Hob said. “Rewrite history to make it so, if you need. Or just rest assured that I’ll come for you next time. Whatever you need rescuing from.” “You have,” Dream told him. Hob’s brow furrowed. “Have I?” “After I escaped,” Dream said, voice going soft, “you were a friend to me when I needed one. Is that not also a form of rescue?” “Oh, love.” Hob sounded… almost heartbroken. Dream still did not know how he could say something he felt was nice, and still cause that reaction in Hob. “Of course.” Hob kissed his forehead. Dream closed his eyes. Yes, Hob rescuing him was an enduring fantasy. When he returned to that cage in his mind, he now saw Hob there. Defending him. Getting him out. Perhaps, if he told that story often enough, it would become true.
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meadowziplines · 2 months
You are so good at writing the whump so how about this, for any sandman rarepair:
“...I thought you forgot about me.” “I’m sorry. Today has been… a lot and I– I wish I could have called you sooner.”
Thank you!!!
Johanna/Ric the Vic incoming!
"…I thought you forgot about me.” Ric sounded amused, teasing even. "Don't tell me you've been exorcising in other churches."
The weight of that night in the rain came crashing down over Jo again, the bloody Sandman with his bloody sand and Rachel, who deserved a million times better than Jo's sorry arse. "I’m sorry. Today has been… a lot and I– I wish I could have called you sooner."
"...Today? You mean the past two months, right? I've had to get other exorcists in. The last one mucked up the job, nearly died, and destroyed one of the altars."
"Bet they didn't cost you triple the fee, though."
"It didn't come out of my pay, CoE can afford it," Ric said. "Seriously, though. Where've you been?"
Not doing that many jobs, that was what. Johanna was surprised she still had a flat. There hadn't been any nightmares the past couple of months, either. Not like she deserved that, but she had no urge to seek out Dream of the Endless and tell him to give her nightmares again. That was the kind of cosmic power you didn't want noticing you again.
She had been trying to find the grimoire, though. Anything that could bind an Endless needed to be burned. And no, it wasn't just because he'd looked, for a moment, like any traumatised human would, despite being far beyond that. Artefacts of the Endless were too powerful to be left adrift in the mortal world. Jo hadn't even known what the sand was.
"Sorry," she said again. "It's a long story."
"If I buy you a drink, will you tell me?"
""Yeah. Sure, fine." Jo flopped her head back against the couch, debating if Ric would mind that she was in yesterday's clothes. "The usual place? Tonight?"
"See you there."
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Saw this dancer and thought of you and @delta-pavonis ‘s Dancer/drummer au… can we have a little bit of mtf Dancer Hob and Drummer Dream who can’t get enough of her?
First of all - let's all appreciate how TALENTED that dancer is. The movements? Incredible. The control? Insane. The eroticism? Off the fucking charts!!!
And secondly this is very much a @delta-pavonis appreciation post, we would all be so much poorer if their drummer/dancer au didn't exist. I fully encourage anyone who hasn't read it yet to YEET themselves over there immediately.
And thirdly, onto the actual prompt!
Hob is a very sought-after dancer for festivals, events, weddings - all kinds of fun stuff. And Dream often happens to be at those same events, because he's the best percussionist around... so he and Hob have developed an excellent rapport!
Dream's only problem is that as a drummer, his job is to hold the rhythm and not to fucking stop. But when he starts watching Hob? He forgets everything else. His hands just drop, and he's totally mesmerised. It's a real problem!!! He has to make Matthew pinch him so he can reset and get started again!
Hob has definitely noticed Dream’s problem. She often looks at him slyly, even winks at him as she dances. She even dances towards him, rolling her hips and chest so he can see the cute little tufts of body hair peeking out under her bejeweled bra. Dream wants to press his face to her belly, and never leave.
Hob loves the cheers and whoops of the crowd, but really her favourite thing is the expression of rapture on Dream’s face. That expression summarises the reason for why she dances. Sometimes when she can't sleep at night, she can feel the beat of Dream’s drum in her heart...
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plaudiusplants · 5 months
Why sunflowers?
Because I love them! They're so happy and pretty and they spark joy 💖🌻 also they are tall and bright and I just think they're really good flowers 🌻🌻🌻
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pissywiser · 11 months
literally returned to base priamitive instict shit. wtf im stt=iiting here squeaking and squwaking like a fucking madmnaAHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [im just f]amkning onoises/111!!!! ititlele noises/1!!!!!1 HWEJEAJHSJHJSFHJSFHSF. WHYYY ... ...... ....... UGH!!!!!!!!!!11 LLIETERARLLLY WHAT THE FUCK THOUGH LIKE .. okay but hey woud l htey mkae us go throught htta why are they so realistic i dc m[lssllslsssssssssssss whywa whyw ao dhtye have to eb flawed and realsitic poeple i hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just fucjk again nooooo
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thirtysixsavefiles · 10 months
I missed the AMA, what were you crocheting?
Ahhh sorry for letting this linger, but it’s this little guy!
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I’m currently working on another in glow-in-the-dark yarn. Twins!
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issylra · 1 year
Reciprocation! Do you have a favourite bit you’d love to share?
I don't have a full snippet yet, but I can give you a basic rundown of the outline for it!
What I wanted to do with these Dream POV spilled ink fics is drop in at different moments in the verse where Dream is learning new things. "reciprocation" takes place after "feel something", so Dream has gotten very comfortable with a lot of aspects of his relationship with Hob. Except when it comes to the attention being solely on him. He has a kink for praise a mile wide and he loves that he can absolutely take Hob apart with his mouth while Hob tells him how good he is. That's just his ideal afternoon. He doesn't think he needs Hob to return the favor (compounded by the fact that his past partners weren't overly interested in doing so either). So his first reaction is "I don't need that", and then in the second chapter his thoughts turn to "actually, I can teach Hob so much? It's not about me at all!"
You'll see how quickly his tune changes when he has Hob between his legs, looking up at him like he's the single greatest thing in the universe. It's a fun "oh" moment.
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evviejo · 6 months
I’m following you for Star Trek gifs and Thirteen and Yaz. Your gifsets are amazing!
aww, thank you, i do my best!
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dreamerinsilico · 7 months
Hi! I saw your interview on ao3! Cool beans! Thanks for all the work you do!
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cloudyside · 2 years
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sleepsonfutons · 1 year
The Ask game! What do you get out of writing? And what is the most important part of the story to you?
Ooh yay thanks for the ask~
What do I get out of writing?
A creative release that I'd been missing for a long while honestly. I've always been a word person and get so much out of metaphor and story. Writing gives that love of language an outlet and a structure to let my brain run wild in. It's also a less passive means of escapism [value neutral] compared to when I'm simply consuming media and stories made by someone else. When I write I'm getting to engage with a part of my unfettered imagination and that's just good fun!
What is the most important part of the story to you?
Oh geez, honestly how can I say one is more important than any other part of the story though because without all the parts coming together, you'd only have a thought lol. Without all it's parts a story can't be properly realized imo so yeah, nah, there isn't a most important part to me. Now favorite, though?? HECK YEAH I'VE GOT ONE OF THOSE 🤣
My favorite part of a story is character dynamics! The play between characters, their own inner thoughts/turmoil, and how from an outside (reader's) perspective everything can be SO CLEAR but an absolute mystery for the characters IN the midst of the narrative flow.
Ah nuts, but also the resolution! A story can trip and fonder through the exposition and even through the conflict but still warrant a "good story" assessment if the resolution comes in clutch. Poor exposition or conflict may lose readers due to lost interest, but for those who stick through to the end, a good resolution can overwrite any ill will towards earlier portions of the story or at the very least drop rose-colored glasses on them imo 😁🙆🏻
Ask me things~~
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meadowziplines · 23 days
Oooh I’ve read so many bits of these! I’m looking forward to damsel in distress + self-rescuing princess (4+1), I do love the self-rescues! Do you have a snippet?
i will give you another snippet! AND a cemeteries of amalo snippet! :D Though I'm not sure I haven't dumped the cemeteries of amalo one at you in Discord lol
from #2 (saved from a hangover)
Dream leans against the bartop, loose and open, and grins at Ginny and Nafisa. "'M Hob's baby," he says, elongating the vowels. "His…. Dream." The world is a little spinny. The bar top is very solid, at least. That isn't moving.  "Are you," Nafisa says, laughing, and her knee-high boots clack against the varnished, dark wood as she turns. "Hob! Your boy is properly drunk. Think a stiff wind would blow him over." "Hob!" Dream says, delighted, lurching away from the bar. "There you are." He trips on nothing, arms windmilling, and Hob catches him.  "What am I going to do with you?" Hob says, sighing fondly.  Dream bats his eyelashes. "Kiss me?" he suggests. "Take me to bed?"  "Oh my God, darling, you're drunk, I will not be taking to you bed. For that purpose." 
Cemeteries of Amalo AU:
Dream sways, vision blurring between the chapterhouse and the dreamscape. "Othala?" Subpraeceptor Cable asks, somewhere in the distance. "Are you well?" The subpraeceptor's face swims in front of him, merges into the poisoner's, the chapterhouse has started to slide away in favor of a dimly lit house, a cellar workshop thick with fumes. I should sit, Dream thinks, but he can't find a chair in the muddle, and then the dreamscape swallows him entirely. The prelate's eyes roll back, and then his legs buckle. Matthew lunges for Othala Aeternar, barely keeping his head from hitting the floor, black braid thwacking into it. He's insensate for several seconds, trembling and grasping at Matthew's arms, before going limp.
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