darlingandmreames · 2 years
43 for spotify asks!
Middle Finger to the World by Upon a Burning Body! UABB is one of my go-to high energy metal bands lol
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Maple aspen and juniper for the tree asks!
maple ➳ is there any good news you’ve gotten recently?
Yes actually! My boss pulled me aside recently and talked to me about becoming a team lead at my job already!
aspen ➳ are your dreams usually bizarre or realistic? what’s the last thing you remember dreaming about?
Typically more on the bizarre side, but I have dreams that are weirdly realistic of me being at work before they take a weird turn
juniper ➳ what personality trait does someone need to have for you to feel safe with them?
Someone who is more on the soft side personality was. Like just kind and gentle. Like with my friend Ian he is just a super sweet dude and I’m comfortable enough to have been alone with him many times and know I can trust him. Plus someone being really kind to animals also helps
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Welcome to the first ever
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run by Cloud @gjalleon​ and Dusk @truthsinwhispers​!
We are currently taking submissions for (fictional!) characters, and there will be a reblog shortly linking to the form! We reserve the right to refuse any character or any media for any reason <3 love and light.  OC submissions are allowed, we will happily take them!! We will not accept canonically bi characters, bi erasure will not be tolerated. We will be taking submissions until either May 8th, or until we get 70 submissions total (whichever happens first)!
Submit your blorbos to be added to the smackdown, and may the coolest transmasc dyke win!
Oh, and in case this somehow wasn't clear:
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 months
tagged by @elfdyke thx max love ya!
Rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! 🎶
tagging ummmm @lovaboy @ancient-romes @jewishevelinebaker @truthsinwhispers and @janny-aqua y’all don’t have to do this if u don’t want to tho i just think it’s fun :3
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oc-smashorpass · 7 months
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This is Casmeta, my Last Dragonborn OC. He is literally Just Some Guy who keeps getting hurled full-force into Situations. He has very little memory of the life he had before sighting a dragon in Helgen, and is very much of the "well, this may as well happen" mentality. Aroallo legend 0 He's got a really good heart and TERRIBLE impulse control.
oc by @truthsinwhispers !
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chronicas · 3 months
All right, tag games. Was tagged by my beloved doofus @truthsinwhispers
Aaaand I don’t particularly like tagging people in tag games sooooo anyone who thinks it sounds fun, consider yourself tagged.
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threephantomrey · 7 months
letting it go and flying like Asamad Van Ghoul✈️ (with @scoobypineapple, @nemmet, and @truthsinwhispers)
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finzphoenix · 2 years
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Soul meets soul on lovers' lips…
A stolen moment between Lillian and Velma, commissioned by @truthsinwhispers/@velmsbian! 🖤🤍
Character (c) @truthsinwhispers Velma Dinkley (c) Warner Bros Art (c) FinzPhoenix
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the dilf poll: voter voices
the votes are in, and hakoda has emerged victorious! but i've been paying attention to a far more important measure of public opinion: the tags!
Hakoda has 19 mentions in tags, winning in this category as well. lots of #hakodasweep, which is funny bc i specifically engineered this poll to prevent sweeps. inigo montoya you keep using that word etc. but i love the energy.
#I’m sorry but Hakoda is THE dilf of the avatar world#in the whole franchise#fuck it you could include every adult man on this list and they will not beat Hakoda (@louisloulouie) #hakoda is the biggest dilf of all time#he is the sexiest man alive in the atla universe#PERIOD#I literally made a PowerPoint about this#I have CITATIONS (@themoons-ex) (i would like to see that powerpoint) #hakoda dilf supremacy (@truthsinwhispers) #mister watertribe chief himself (@sunset-diamond)
In a shocking/delightful upset, Piandao comes in a close second at 18 mentions. I'm going to give credit here to @bisexuallsokka - most of the piandao tags came from people who reblogged from her, and he went from 13% to 14% on the last day, coincidentally right after she reblogged the poll for a second time. he was my pick, so i very much appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm.
#where are all the people who botted the twitter poll we need you now 😩😩😩#piandao stay with me stay with me (@bisexuallsokka) #come on guys piandao could get it (@fearthevest) #you fucks need to go all in on Piandao right the fuck now#sorry… got a little heated there#but Piandao… my beloved (@stalksships) #piandao is so fucking hot (@kieran-rules-zara-drools)
Iroh has 6 mentions, and since he was in second - and very close at points - there were some #irohsweep tags. again i refer to inigo montoya.
#iroh could get it (@capitola) #okie i know its been yearrrs since i watched atla but who this other guy and why is he beating Iroh#oh.... i still vote Iroh but akxhsj;; apologies sir (@cozy-fish-crow) (these made me laugh thank you for sharing)
Bato has 4 mentions, 2 of which are about how hard it is to choose between him, Hakoda, and Piandao. fitting, considering that they're all Sokka's dads. also, he and Hakoda combined got exactly 50% of the vote. bakoda rights!
#BATO IS BEING SLEPT ON!!!!!!! (@matthew-mcjohncenahey) #bato my beloved (@unliikelylovers)
Ozai has 3 mentions, 2 of which are about how he shouldn't get votes. he is the only contestant to receive negative feedback, as he deserves.
#not ozai getting votes while arnook and tyro flounder in obscurity (@minimum-anenome) #who the fuck is voting ozai#i'm concerned about you (@forestberryteaplease)
(two more mentions have come in since the poll closed, but they don't count. you had your chance!)
Arnook and Tyro each have 2 mentions, all relating to them not getting votes.
#arnook having zero votes is crazy im sorry baby (@bisexuallsokka) #lmao RIP tyro tho (@lizardlicks)
The Mechanist managed to get 1% on the poll itself, but has no mentions in the tags. I suspect it's because he wasn't losing hard enough to merit comment (like Arnook and Tyro), but wasn't popular enough to have dedicated fans cheering for victory.
#d..does jee not appear more than once#I thought.. he did#nauuurrrrr jeeeeeee 😭 u were in my heart first but alas ill pick..#piandao why not (@gloomybirdie)
Jee is on the borderline, in the sense that I think people often write him as a father figure for Zuko in fics. It's a pretty logical extrapolation from him learning Zuko's backstory in canon, but it's not actually canon so I don't think he'd qualify. I'm also not sure he meets the two-episode criteria - he was probably in the background but I only really remember him in "The Storm".
I also definitely remember someone mentioning Chit Sang but they seem to have deleted their tag. Was it because I posted about how not all older men count? I meant it to be kind of jokingly serious, Committing To The Bit, but that's hard to convey online. I'm not actually offended, and lord knows I have no room to judge when it comes to liking minor characters. Plus Chit Sang probably DID co-parent teo & haru & the duke when he and hakoda escaped so it's also a borderline case.
thank you all for voting and sharing your opinions! this has been fun :)
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truthsinwhispers · 1 year
Hopping on the bandwagon for signing posts because of the lack of profile pics, I think it's a great idea!
♡°~ truthsinwhispers ~°♡
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oz-twink-boytoy · 2 years
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He compartido 6387 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 6371 más que en 2021!
95 publicaciones originales (1 %)
6292 reblogueos (99 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 184 publicaciones en 2022
#my post: 86 publicaciones
#swtor: 22 publicaciones
#malavai quinn: 20 publicaciones
#damian wayne: 19 publicaciones
#star wars the old republic: 17 publicaciones
#monster high: 17 publicaciones
#star wars: 16 publicaciones
#batman: 16 publicaciones
#batfamily: 14 publicaciones
#robin: 12 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#like i prefer a story with kudos and no comments to one thhat has coments that dont tell me anything besides
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
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110 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de diciembre de 2022
My dad, about Injustice: I don't understand why should I feel bad for the Joker's girlfriend but not of Batman's bastard son
Me: Well that's an interesting sociological question from the perspective of–
Dad: Short version, mija
Me: It's racism, happy?
184 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de septiembre de 2022
Yo what if Bruce's Mandarin was fucking terrible but he still used with Talia and Damian to show his respective types of love for them like
25 year old Bruce: *trying and failing to flirt in Mandarin*
Talia: *laughs* better stick to crime fighting beloved
45 year old Bruce: *trying and failing to recite an old Chinese lullaby to make Damian calm down after a PTSD nightmare*
Damian: *snickers through tears* that was terrible
230 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de septiembre de 2022
The webisodes and Manster diaries imply that Hetah was always aware of his two cousins being the same person and that he didn't tell anyone just to fuck with the others. And I think that's a pretty neat bit of characterization for him, it gives him dimension besides "Literal Flaming Himbo". Now he's also a Little Shit™️
245 notas. Fecha de publicación: 15 de septiembre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
I'm taking the phrase "[They] love you in their own way" away from abusive parents/their enablers and placing them in the capable hands of Amatopunk folks
550 notas. Fecha de publicación: 13 de septiembre de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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I posted 682 times in 2022
5 posts created (1%)
677 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6 of my posts in 2022
#the king's man - 1 post
#haurchefant greystone - 1 post
#namor fic - 1 post
#namor x reader - 1 post
#mcu namor - 1 post
#max nygaard - 1 post
#virginia ruhl - 1 post
#allen shore - 1 post
#the living tombstone - 1 post
#modus games - 1 post
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#conrad oxford x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can already sense kira is gonna probably influence my Jedi knight to be more sarcastic lmaoo
1 note - Posted April 16, 2022
3 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Lowkey hoping they make a sequel to in sound mind
I would love to see how Lucas helps Desmond out of the agent rainbow also i want to know if Allen will ever wake up. There's so many possibilities
6 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My only trifle with all these fics about namor is they always make namor a yandere
21 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There's definitely at least 3 dudes that love WOL lmaoo
68 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Also 5 and 29 for the oddly specific asks :>>
5.) favorite form of potato?
Mashed for sure, like all potatoes fuck but I love mashed potatoes
29.) preferred pasta noodle?
Rotini! I love the little spiral noodles so much
Thank you for all the asks!
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threephantomrey · 6 months
dreamt @truthsinwhispers sent me a song by my OC Ophelia about how much she misses Asamad/a diss track against him, her husband. the song was a banger with lyrics like “never let you down” (or “wanna let you down”) and the version sent to me wasn’t sung by Ophelia it was sung by another woman because Ophelia was too upset to sing it i think.
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threephantomrey · 3 months
tagged by @rose-of-pollux
favorite color: blue (and black)
last song: fast car by tracy chapman
currently reading: the last dragon king by leia stone
currently watching: scooby doo mystery incorporated for the video i’m doing about it
currently craving: steak (even though i just had it for dinner)
coffee or tea: coffee
tagging: @broke-on-books @truthsinwhispers and @hikiclawd
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threephantomrey · 7 months
Asamad? no, Ausamad. (with @truthsinwhispers)
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