#truthfully though - like he asks ness at the end of the game - he just wants to know what became of his brother :(
twothpaste · 7 months
so how's picky like in your intermission au? it's pretty obvious by now that porky's an immature slimey huckster who needs to be knocked down a peg in it but how does his 17 year old brother compare to him? he does seem to be aware of the nonsense porky tries to pull, so does he learn from his older brother on How To Not Act When You're An Adult?
Picky is literally just some kid who's trying his best, while his dearest relatives perpetually cannibalize each other around him, and it makes me so fucking emo on a primal level. The concept of One Decent Person caught up in a family of absolute ghouls, who loves his brother & parents unconditionally, but realizes with age that he cannot change who they are, much less save them from themselves?? Augh. God!!!!
Intermission Picky - who'd rather ya call him Peter - harbors a lot of increasingly bitter sentiments toward Porky. Learned to be meek and avoid trouble in his brother's shadow, only to end up an awkward avoidant people-pleaser by the time he's a teenager. Hates conflict, struggles to muster any self esteem, gets anxious whenever he's having a good time 'cause he still expects Porky or his folks will somehow ruin it for him. Peter's got a personality like a wet piece of cardboard, and now that he's old enough to recognize why, he absolutely hates it. He makes meager efforts to stand up for himself, which his family usually answers with mockery. He likes spending time with Tracy & Ness, and high school friends, but feels an awful gnawing jealousy in his guts when he recognizes how "normal" their families are by comparison. He learned from his brother that crypto schemes and reddit stocks won't earn him a living, yet given his shitty upbringing, he's kinda terrified he won't have the social skills to cut it at a "real job." Nonetheless, he's trying his desperate darnedest, 'cause he knows there's no other way out for him. Kid's having a very, very rough time being seventeen 😢
Deep down Peter wishes so achingly bad he could convince his family to see the error in their ways. He never wants to stoop to their level, and feels horrid whenever he catches himself thinking hurtful thoughts & repeating their behaviors. Aspires to be more like Ness - easygoing and selflessly kind - even though he lacks the emotional experience or support to do so. He keeps trying to give Porky & his folks second chances out of the sheer goodness of his heart, even though it keeps blowing up in his face. One of these days he'll have to give up, and try to figure out how to be a real person separate from all that trauma & drama. (Whenever I get around to it, the next Intermission AU fic is probably gonna be The Picky One 🥲)
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kpopfromtheblock · 5 years
a/n ⇾ so this ends pretty abruptly bc i’m not good at ending stories so boop… sorry! i hope that you guys enjoy it nonetheless. i might do a part two but it’s not set in stone as i have other stories i want to get out first. thank you guys so much for reading and for all your love and support! ✨
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genre ⇾ fluff, comedy, implied smut, bts crack?
pairing ⇾ bts x fem reader
summary ⇾ leave it to your seven boyfriends to have a full ass debate about who is the better kisser and leave it to them to make you decide.
warning ⇾ there is a lot of headass behavior going on in this. if you squint, there some dirty talk (talks of hard-ons, wetness, horniness) — usual warnings: cringy-ness and swearing.
words ⇾ 4,297
. *     ✦     .      ⁺   .  * ⁺        ⁺
“What is so important that you had to wake me up from a nap? An amazing one, might I add.” You say as you stroll into the living room with Jimin’s arm linked with your own.
Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook are scattered around the room when the pair of you step in.
You were peacefully asleep in Yoongi’s room, trying to catch up on the rest you missed the night before. Things were going well until Jimin came waltzing in the room, frantically shaking you awake. “I told you we have something to ask you.” He reminds, moving from beside you to join his members. 
“What is it?” You ask, sleepily rubbing your eyes as you stand behind the couch, waiting for an explanation. “Come sit Princess.” Jin says sweetly whilst patting on his lap.
You don’t hesitate to walk over to him. You lazily drag your feet across the floor, making your way over to the oldest member. You sit in his lap and he instantly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your closer to him and resting his cheek on your arm. You smile at the close contact and place your arm around his shoulder before bring your hand up to stroke your fingers through the hair at the back of his head. “Whats going on?” You question with a curious brow raised.
“They want you to pick who the better kisser is.” Jungkook who is immersed in a video game (like always), blurts out for the first time since you entered the room.
“I’m going back to sleep.” You say immediately after he finishes his sentence. You stand up to make your way back to Yoongi’s room, not wanting any part in the foolishness you know is about to take place but Jin isn’t having it.
The oldest member pulls you back down on his lap almost as fast as you stood up to exit.
“Not so fast.” He says.
“You guys can’t be serious.” You say in disbelief as you look at each of your boyfriends. They haven’t moved a muscle and are as calm as ever, making it seem as though what they are asking you is the most normal thing in the world... Truthfully, it isn't the the craziest thing you’ve heard them debate about but it sure as hell isn’t the most common either.
“We are very serious.”  Taehyung brings you out of your thoughts, He hasn’t glanced at you since you entered the room. Much like Jungkook he is far too occupied by the dark colors of whatever violent, intense video is on the TV screen.
“Baby, all you have to do is tell them that I’m the best kisser in the house and you can go right back to sleep.” Jimin is sitting on the couch, now giving you his undivided attention. The pout on his lips is hard to resist but you do your best. You will not entertain their fuckery… Not tonight anyway. Not when you are exhausted beyond belief and Jin should know… He’s the one who kept you up all night… 
He probably would’ve woken up this morning wanting more of you, if you hadn’t snuck away to cuddle with Yoongi at the crack of dawn.
“Why would you ask her to lie like that when we all know the truth.” Taehyung says.
“Which is that I give the best kisses.” Jin rebuttals.
“Let me go Jin.” Jin ignores your words and instead decides to grip your waist tighter, holding you in place so you are practically glued to his lap. You roll your eyes and sigh in frustration. 
“This is ridiculous.” You groan.
Leave it to your boyfriends to have a full ass debate about something so utterly dumb and leave it to them to put you right in the middle of said debate.
“I know, which is why you need to let these inexperienced fools know that I am in fact the champion of kissing. My lips were made for it. No one can ever deny me when their lips touch mine and that is a fact.” Jin says proudly. There is confidence dripping from his words and as much as you don’t want to giggle, you really can’t help it. 
Jin is hilarious, especially when he isn’t trying to be.
“What did I just walk into?” Namjoon says as he walks back into the dorm with a few boxes of pizza in hand. Yoongi not far behind with a case of soju and a two liter bottle of cola.
You assume that Namjoon has heard the last bit of Jin’s sentence, the look of confusion on his face tells you so.
“Joon please save me.” You whine, reaching your hands out for him like a child would if they wanted to be picked up. “The guys are forcing me to choose who the better kisser is amongst the seven of you. Isn’t that ridiculous?” You ask, hoping he will validate what you know is true which is that, this whole conversation is indeed ridiculous.
“Seriously?” Yoongi says before shaking his head. With a sigh falling from his lips, he walks around Namjoon to put the drinks on the counter. He then walks over to the cabinet to pull out a shot glass. ‘Same Yoongs, same.’ You think to yourself, also feeling like you need a shot of soju after dealing with the other men around you.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous, especially when everyone knows that I have the best lips in the house.” Namjoon states, walking further into the kitchen to put the pizza boxes down.
Your mouth falls open slightly in shock. 
Is Namjoon really engaging in this nonsense? You must be hearing things.
“I BEG YOUR PARDON!” Jin shouts, almost blowing your ear off in the process. You squeal and hold your hand over your ear. The pain in your eardrum is evident. “Sorry Princess.” He says sweetly whilst rubbing your back to sooth you. “BUT I BEG YOUR PARDON!” He shouts again, just as loud as before.
“Hello?” You say out loud, more to yourself than to anyone else in the room... You just want to make sure you can still hear after having Jin yell in your ear not once, but twice in the span of two seconds…
You think your voice sounds a bit different, almost muffled but you don’t have time to dwell on the fact that you might, probably be deaf in one ear now.
“You heard me. Best. Lips. In. The. House.” Namjoon repeats and you sit there, on Jin lap, completely flabbergasted by what you are kind of hearing.
“He’s not lying.” Jimin responses, sending a wink in Namjoon’s direction. The older boy becomes fluster instantly. His ears turning a pretty shade of red.
Namjoon averts his gaze from Jimin to focus on the box of pizza in front of him. His dimples make an appearance when a shy smirk forms on his lips. It’s cute… ‘Namjoon is so cute.’ You think.
You look over at Jimin, to see a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he watches Namjoon’s boyish behaviors make an appearance… 
Jimin knows exactly what he’s doing and it amazes you… It amazes you how he has the ability to make anyone, literally anyone, flustered. He’s that charming.
“Ok but best lips doesn’t mean best kisser and I personally think Hobi Hyung has the best lips, just saying.” Jungkook mentions. You shake your head… As much as you try to fight it, there is a small smile starting to form on your lips. The conversation that is taking place in front of you is so incredibly stupid that all you can do smile and shake your head... This your life now... Arguing about who kisses the best.
The thought makes you roll your eyes for the thousand time tonight.
“Are you guys aware of how dumb this conversation is?” You finally say what you’ve been thinking.
“I know Princess so please tell them that this is pointless because I am actually the better kisser. Science has proven this already.” Jungkook scoffs at this before shaking his head in disapproval. “I’ve kissed you before Hyung…” Jungkook says. “And you’re not the good.” He blurts out. Jin gasps, placing his hand over his chest dramatically. “I’m devestated.” Jin starts, his voice is laced with disappointment. “I can’t believe that you can sit here and lie to my face like this.” He adds and you can’t hold your laughter in any longer.
You burst into fits of giggles and it is so infectious that Jin, Tae and Jimin can’t help but laugh along with you despite not knowing what is so funny.
“Why are you laughing?” Jin questions but before you can answer, you hear Hoseok’s voice come from around the corner. 
You are just now realizing that he hasn’t been in the room the whole time. You were so shocked by the idiots around you, that you hadn’t noticed he was missing.
“Ok so the store didn’t have any strawberry milk left...” Hobi begins as he walks into the living with two plastic bags in his hand. You assume he went to get a bunch of snacks from the convenient store that was conveniently placed just a block away from the dorm.
“What did I miss?” He asks after looking up to find everyone gathered in the living room/kitchen. “Finally, an intellectual.” You say in relief. “Babe, please tell your brothers that this…” You decide that you will no longer call it a debate as it is not serious enough (or at all for that matter) to be considered one. “This foolishness about who the better kiss is, is stupid.” You groan out. Hoseok chuckles. “Are you guys seriously arguing about that? How old are we? Ten?” He says mockingly, dropping the bag of snacks on the counter. 
“Thank you!” You say, removing yourself from Jin’s laugh to make your way over to Hobi.
You wrap your arms around his waist, embracing him in a warm back hug. You press your cheek against his back and breathe him in, admiring the smell of his cologne mixed with the fresh air from outside.
Being in Hoseok’s presence is like a breath of fresh air after sitting in a room with six guys who are apparently sharing one brain cell. You love them to death of course, but sometimes they can be quite the handful.
Hoseok chuckles and turns around in yours arms so that he can wrap his around you. “You guys are stressing my Angel out with your stupidity.” He says, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head whilst stroking your back softly. You nuzzle further into him and close your eyes. You could easily fall back asleep in his arms right now…
“She wouldn’t be stressed if she would just tell everyone that I am the better kisser.” Sassy Jin is in full effect and if you weren’t so nicely wrapped up in Hobi’s arms, you would’ve shot him a death glare but you are too pre-occupied with the warmth and comfort of the main dancer, to care.
“But thats not true.” Jungkook speaks up again. You sigh, having had enough of the idiocy happening around you. “Fine. You guys really want me to pick who I think the best kisser is?” You say, finally deciding to give in.
“Yes.” Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung say in unison. You remove your arms from around Hobi to walk back into the living room. You take a quick glance down the hallway… ‘I could just make a run for it and lock the door.’ You think but you know you wouldn’t make it very far. 
You’re fast but the guys are much faster.
“It’s Joonie.” You admit. Namjoon nearly chokes on his pizza, his eyes bulging out of his head at the sound of his name falling from your lips. “nAmJoOn?” Jungkook and Jin speak at the same time once again. You nod your head in response. “SERIOUSLY?” The look on Jin’s face is a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. “Yeah seriously?” Namjoon is in disbelief as well.
“Why do you sound so surprised Joonie? Didn’t you say you had the ‘Best. Lips. In. The House.’?” You question, mocking his tone from earlier.
“I was kidding…” He confesses.
“Well I think you’re an excellent kisser.” You inform him and once again he blushes.
“I would’ve understood, if you picked Suga Hyung but Namjoon Hyung?” Tae says as he puts down his game controller. He gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen to grab himself a slice of pizza. “Me too!” Jungkook says, wanting Taehyung to also bring him a slice.
“What’s that supposed mean?” Joon says defensively, referring to Tae’s statement. “What does Suga Hyung have that I don’t?” He adds.
Meanwhile Yoongi is sitting on a bar stool, pouring himself another shot of soju, looking completely unbothered, as always. “Please don’t involve me.” He says before throwing back the shot. 
It seems that he’s gotten halfway through the bottle in the short amount of time it has taken him to sit down on a stool and open the drink.
“He does that thing with his tongue.” Tae says smirking. You can tell by the look on his face that he is currently having a flashback of That Tongue Thing™ that Yoongi does.
A thing with which you happen to be very familiar with. “Oh yea..” You say, voice dream as you have a little flashback of your own of the last time you and Yoongi had a some alone time. The smirk on your face lets Taehyung know that you know exactly what he’s referring to. “You know what I’m talking about, don’t you Darling?” He asks you. Theres a mischievous glint in his eyes and for some reason it makes your face heat up. You nod your head in response, afraid your voice will embarrass you. You clear your throat before speaking again. “Yes… But I still choose Namjoon.” You stand by your decision. 
“Why though? What is so special about Joon’s kisses?” Jin ask curiously… 
“If I didn’t know any better Hyung, I’d say that you were jealous...” Jimin teases. 
“I am not. I just want to know what makes his kisses so much better than mine.” Jin admits. You can hear the bitterness in his voice but you won't call him out on it.
“Joonie’s lips are just really soft... And he’s always gentle...” You praise Namjoon and he smiles brightly at you, showcasing his beautiful dimples again. “I thought you liked my kisses…” Jin says solemnly. “I do… Just not all the time. Sometimes you’re a bit rough and you bite a little hard.” You say truthfully.
You didn’t want to hurt Jin’s feelings but you did want to honest. This isn’t to say that Jin is a terrible kiss because he isn’t but, he could be a little softer.
Jungkook snorts and Jin rolls his eyes at the younger member before bringing his attention back to you. “Remind me to never bless your lips with mine again.” Jin threatens and you pout. “C’mon Jinnie, don’t be like this.” You coo, walking back over to him to sit back in his lap. “Just be a little gentler.” You say, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll try.” He says, unable to stay mad at you.
“Thats all I’m asking for.”
He smiles at you whilst wrapping his arms back around your waist. “Now what is this Tongue Thing™ Yoongi does, that you and Tae seem to be so smitten with… He’s never done with it me.” Jin’s complains.
“Thats because I don’t like kissing you.” Yoongi tone is flat and uninterested.
“I don’t like kissing you either! You’re inexperienced and it shows!”
“A few people in this room would beg to differ.”
“Ok you two, no fighting.” You giggle. “The tongue thing… It’s hard to explain.” You say bringing the topic back up. You furrow your brows in confusion trying to figure out the best way to explain the way Yoongi kisses you when you hear Jin say “Show me then.” Your eyes widen in shock at his suddenness. “I’m eating.” Yoongi says from across the room before taking another huge bite of his pizza. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Jin says sharply, shooting a glare over at Yoongi before bringing his attention back to you. “Show me Princess. I must see what all the hype is about… What makes Yoongi such a great kisser?” Jin tone is a lot more serious than when the conversation first started but it’s serious in a way that sends a delicious shiver down your spine. 
You look up at him to fine that his eyes are trained on you. You take a second to glance at his lips. They look extremely soft today and are so beautifully plump.
Usually when Jin demands a kiss from you, you have no problem fulfilling his request but right now… You feel like a shy school girl, being put in front of the class to present a school project that is worth half your grade… You’re nervous.
When Jin catches your staring at his lips, he smirks and places his hand on your thigh, your body tenses slight and your face heats up even more. “Come on Princess. I’m waiting.” Jin impatiently taps his fingers against your thigh.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to do it as good as Yoongs does.” You confess, looking down at Jin’s hand on your thigh, desperately avoiding his gaze. “You can do it Baby.” Jimin encourages you. You look over to see a smug look plastered on his face. He wiggles his eye brows at you and you smile. “Show him what I taught you Kitten.” You hear Yoongi’s voice from across the room. You turn back to look at him and he sends a wink your way.
Namjoon is watching you intently as well… Come to think of it, all the guys seem to have their eyes focused on you and Jin. “Are you all just gonna stare?” You mumble, loud enough for only Jin to hear you. He chuckles at you and puts his hand under your chin, turning your head towards him so that you can meet his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re shy about kissing me in front of the guys right now…” He says, raising a curious brow at you.
“Baby,” Jimin calls out. “We’ve seen you in much more… Risqué situations…” He reminds you.
“Kissing should be a breeze.”
“I’m not shy… I was just kinda put on the spot.” You lie. “I don’t want to disappoint.” You add some what jokingly, causing your boyfriends to chuckle. “I’ll be the judge.” Is the last thing your hear from Jin before his lips are being pressed against yours. Your eyes instantly flutter closed as the pillowy softness of his lips engulf you.
Jin moves the hand from under your chin and guides it down past your shoulder, finally deciding to rest it on your waist. He pulls you closer, pressing you further into him.
The kiss starts out soft, the two of you sweetly press your lips against each other for a few seconds before you decide to show Jin what Yoongi has taught you.
You push your tongue out and run it across Jin's bottom lip, asking for permission. The older boy grants you access immediately parting his lips for you. You slip your tongue into his mouth and are greeted by warmth and the subtle taste of coffee. You smile against his mouth, content with the taste of him. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss as you begin to swirl your wet muscle around his softly, this action causes Jin to groan against your mouth. He wants more but he remembers what you said about being too rough so he is holding back for your sake.
The sound of Jin's groan encourages you to keep going. You use your tongue to massage the top of Jin's, rolling the muscle around the top of his own. Jin slide his hand down to grip your thigh and you take the initiative to turn your body around and straddle his lap, feeling a lot more confident and comfortable about what you're doing since Jin's reaction is good.
The whole time you and Jin are making out, there is an audience gathered behind you.
Jungkook has abandon his third slice a pizza, the sight of you making out with his Hyung is way more intriguing.
Tae is sitting on his knees, watching intently with his mouth slightly agape. He can only see your back and the way your head slowly moves from side to side but that alone is enough to rile him up.
Jimin lays on the couch with a knee bent, as well as his elbow so he can rest his head on his palm. The smugness from before ever present on his face now as he watches the two of you.
Namjoon is watching with his arms crossed against his chest, wanting so badly to snatch you away from Jin but he isn't a selfish man so he will let Jin have you first.
Hoseok leans up against the counter, a small smirk on his lips as he drinks his soju straight from the bottle.
Yoongi is still seated on the bar stool with a proud smile on his face.
You and Jin are lost in your own little world. A whimper falls from your lips as Jin sucks your bottom lip between his own. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your fingers threading through the soft brown locks at the back of his head. You tug on them softly and the grunt that slips from his throat shoots right to your core.
Of course kissing Jin is enough to make you wet all on it's own but when you add in the fact that you can also feel six pairs of eyes on you, the tingly feeling in your crotch only intensifies. You never thought yourself to be someone who enjoys being watched during intimate situations but being in relationship with seven men all at once… It definitely brought the… Adventurous side out of you and your totally okay with that.
You flick your tongue back and forth against Jin's and he wraps his arms tightly around your middle, pulling you even closer to him than before. Your chest is pressed against his. You're sure he can feel the way your heart his pounding with excitement. You can feel the bulge in his pants pressed firmly against your thigh. You fix your body to position yourself directly on top of it causing another grunt to slip past Jin's lips. If you're being quite honest, it is one of the sexiest sound you've ever heard and you are eager to hear more.
You begin to grind your hips against Jin. He sucks in a breath and you smirk, loving the effect you have on him. "This is so hot." You can hear a voice from somewhere behind you. You can't make out which guy it is at the moment but you can definitely tell they are enjoying the show.
"I bet she's so wet right now." You know for sure, that it's Jungkook's voice your hear this time.
"I bet she is." Jimin agrees, you can hear the lust dripping from his words.
"Isn't he hogging her?" By the whiny tone, you know for fact that it's Tae who speaks.
After a few more minutes of making out with Jin, you decide it's time pull away. You realize that the two of you have barely come up for air since you started kissing and although you wouldn't mind dying from being smother by Jin's mouth, you know the both of you should catch a breath.
As you pull away, Jin greedily chases after your lips. He opts for kissing your neck and shoulder softly when you turn your head around to see the younger boys eyes are on you.
It's hard to miss the tent that has grown in Jimin's pants as his legs are spread widely on the couch. "Hello Beautiful." Jimin says teasingly and you blush. "I thought you two would never come up for air." You hear Namjoon say from the other side of you.
You try to come up with a response but the lips on your neck, the large hands on your thighs with long fingers pressed into your skin are distracting you. 
"Jinnie." You breath out and he hums in response against you, loving how needy you sound. "Hyung…" Tae whines for the second time tonight. "You're hogging her." He complains. The other members laugh at the cute pout forming on his lips.
Jin finally comes up from your neck, his lips even plumper now and tinted so prettily. "I'm sorry…" He sighs. "I couldn't help it…  That Tongue™" He says. His voice is hazy, almost like he’s coming down from a high.
"It's amazing, isn't it?" Tae enquires and Jin simply nods in response, keeping his hold on your thighs. "I'm glad you enjoyed it because thats all you'll get. I won't be sharing any more of my tricks." Yoongi informs you all. 
"Then it's only fair that the three of you show the rest of us that tongue thing, don't you think?" Jimin suggest. You can always count on him to make things a little bit more fun… 
"I think that's a brilliant idea Jiminie." Tae says enthusiastically.
"I mean it's not fair that only the three of you and now Jin know Yoongi’s trick..." Hoseok points out, falling into Jimin’s trap.
“What are we waiting for then?” You say with a smirk on your face, shamelessly falling into Jimin’s trap as well. 
Jimin is quick to get up from his spot on the couch. He walks over to you and Jin and doesn't think twice about pulling you off of the older guy’s lap. 
“I want you.” Jimin says to you. “Hey!” Jin whine in protest and you giggle. “You’ve had your turn Hyung.” Jimin reminds him before walking back over to the couch with your hand in his. 
He pulls you on his lap, making you straddle him in the same way you did Jin. 
You know for sure your lips will be swollen and your body will be sore by the end of the night and you’re more than okay with that.
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ticklybtswriter · 5 years
ler bts headcanons
author’s note: sclskmdclkscm this is going to kill me and i haven’t even started writing yet. -rosalie
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i like to think he’s soft yet ruthless
you know, like not quite full-fledged tickle monster (not until you piss him off, more on that later) but still knows how to wreck your shit
mostly does it when the two of you are just cuddling together
you’ll look really cute all curled up beside him and he can’t help himself
you are now victim to his tickles
he mostly goes for the soft tickles
he really just loves spidering his fingers over your stomach or nuzzling into your neck so you can squirm
likes to have you in his lap with his hands around your waist as restraints
“awww, where does my little lee think they’re going?”
“tickle tickle tickle ~”
little kisses across your stomach while you’re laying down
all i have to say about that
so, when you stupidly decide to piss this boy off
you are dead
he really enjoys tickling you so when you give him a reason to go all out, he relishes in that feeling
you’re on your back pinned down, he’s looming over you
you think he’s going to go for the rough tickles
but you’d be wrong
he just takes his fingers and softly trails them against your skin
after a few minutes of the agonizing softness, you’re practically begging him to just wreck you
“no, i think i’m good doing this. what do you think? maybe another thirty minutes of just this? yeah, sounds good to me.”
death hello?
see, a soft but cruel ler
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an evil ler
i don’t know what you want me to tell you
he will always let you know that you’re enjoying his torture
“what do you mean stop? i know you like this, and so do you.”
for the most part, he’s a silent-type ler
like, he doesn’t tease you THAT often
mostly because the end goal for him is to have you physically spent
he really just likes to listen to your laughter and watch your face get red or have it just be plastered with pure mirth
it does something to him, really brings out his ler
he doesn’t really smile along with you, but is constantly smirking
that smirk just exudes evil, let me tell you
he lives for the perfect mix of soft and rough tickles
he loves the soft tickles when he wants you to just squirm and loves the rough when he wants your sweetest belly laughter
he seems like the kind of person to come back from the studio, tired as all hell and he’ll see you sitting on the couch and he’ll just walk over to you and wreck you because it actually really relaxes him
those are his favorite kinds of tickles
favorite place to tickle you is your thighs and i’m sure you can all decipher the reason
i’d beware if you’re a bratty lee, though because yoongi’s a brat tamer
you said something wild and he stared at you a minute with his intense gaze
he takes strides toward you, effectively backing you up against the wall where he takes your arms in one of his hands and holds them over your head and says, “you’re going to regret that baby girl/boy”
his brat-taming mood consists of sadistic tendencies of rough tickles, sometimes bondage if you’re moving too much for his liking, and overall just making it his goal to get you as close to the edge of your limits as possible without breaking them so he can do it all over again
once again, an evil ler i really want as my ler omg
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a very very tease-y ler
i’d say his probably the most playful of the seven while also being one of the most deadly
here’s why
opposite to yoongi who’s all about making you physically worn out, hoseok is one to aim to make your face as red as he possibly can
he consistently comments on how adorable you are when being teased
“why is your face so red, precious? i haven’t even started tickling you yet!! you should have that blush for when i actually get my hands on those cute hips of yours!!
he’s all about anticipation if you couldn’t tell
hoseok doesn’t even see it as evil but you know damn well that it is
he likes laughing with you
honestly he just really likes seeing you with this smile on your face, which is why he tickles you so often
to him, almost any moment is a tickle moment
like, he really will just tickle you all of the sudden, if it’s just a quick tickle to your neck, he’ll do it
if he’s in bed and you pass by him to grab something, you best believe he’s grabbing your waist, pulling you down on the bed with him, staddling you and then spidering away at your sides
you’re sitting at the table eating? his fingers are fluttering in your neck
don’t let this fool you though
just because he’s a usually calm and loving ler DOES NOT mean that he doesn’t have the power to absolutely wreck you
i know you all know that this mf can be downright scary when mad
that still applies to when you decide to provoke him
pins you down and gives you this E V I L smirk (like you know him to be the adorable ray of sunshine that he is so this is terrifying almost) 
whatever your worst spot is, he dives for it with such vigor
your resolve to keep up the bratty act is washed away completely after he starts going to town on you
“awww, what’s wrong, cutie? you had such a tough act on earlier. where’d all that go, huh?”
his teases are 50x worse when he gets like this so good luck :)
all i have to say
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aha have fun perishing
because here’s the thing, he’s another evil ler but i don’t think he’d start out that way if i’m being honest
i’d say he starts off pretty shy at first
like, he worries about pushing you too far so the majority of tickles in the beginning were just really cute and soft
ahahaha not any more
the entire time we was tickling you before, he was taking mental notes of how to properly wreck you
noticed which spots with which touches made you respond the best, noticed which teases worked best to make you blush, noticed all of the little things that made you squeal so adorably
that entire period of soft tickles was a ploy so that he could investigate all of the ways to tickle you so that were nothing but a giggly puddle at the end of your sessions
he’s good at soft where soft tickles are due, but he LOVES being able to go at your skin
makes you beg for it (he learned that having to ask for tickles makes you even more embarrassed so it’s obvious that the only say you’re going to get what you want is by having to plead for it)
“sorry, prince(ss), but i can’t give you want you want unless i hear you say that you want... what was the word again, prince(ss)?” “t-ti...” “what was that?” “t-ti-tickles.” “good girl/boy ~”
his teases are absolutely killer
“you can’t escape this, baby girl/boy~”
also always tells you how good you’re being and how cute your laughter is
the master of “don’t make me tickle you” and “i’ll go for your worst spot if you keep acting up like that” when you’re being pouty or bratty
but truthfully, you don’t want to be bratty with namjoon
punishment tickles with him are just as bad if not worse than they are with yoongi
the same rules of bondage and sadistic-ness still apply, but how would you feel when you can’t see what’s coming?
it definitely makes the electric toothbrush buzzing in your belly button and the feather against your neck come as a welcomed surprise, that’s for sure
just a very, very evil ler you don’t wanna cross
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ahhhhhhhhhh this sneaky, mischievous ler
you are playing a deadly game with him my friend
a game in which you are the mouse and he is the cat
he is constantly toying with you while in public
“wouldn’t it be a shame if i were to just tickle you right here at this party? imagine how cute everyone would find your sweet laughter.”
the worst he’ll actually do though is flutter his fingers against your chin though
because what jimin likes to do is fluster you and get you in a lee mood and then leave you there
apparently the waiting “does you good”
takes you in his lap- after a bit of struggling to escape because you know what’s about to happen- and starts attacking you in every spot his fingers can reach while leaving little nibbles against your neck
he’s all for the soft tickles and teases like hoseok
mostly because he’s enamored with your light, melodious giggles as opposed to your loud belly laughter
if he removes his arms from around you, do not leave, it is a trap
this is where the cat and mouse thing comes into play because he pretends to let you leave but the moment you make it a few feet away, he’s chasing you like his life depends on it
he lives to chase you, seriously he does
he loves seeing you scramble for an escape even though you both know the inevitability of the situation
once he finally catches you, he drags you back to your bed and pulls you in his lap and is like, “that wasn’t very nice, running away like that!! i’d say this earns you a punishment.”
you’re going to be stuck there for quite some time, congratulations (i say that sarcastically and sincerely)
but cuddles after!! and lots of hugs!!
i wouldn’t say he’s as villainous as yoongi and namjoon when you provoke him, but he isn’t someone to trifle with either
like, sure, he’s one of the sweetest lers out of all of them, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be totally mean the second you test his patience
really, it’s a fucking switch between soft boi to menacing ler
“keep doing that, baby girl/boy, and i’ll keep you laughing for hours when we get home. hmm, i might even bring out the tools. let’s see how you keep up after i put a feather duster against that cute tummy of yours.”
you definitely keep misbehaving and it’s definitely worth it... at first
he kept true to his word before he made it infinitely worse than you imagined
yeah, don’t fuck with the mischievous ler that is jimin
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everyone underestimates tae but i think that he is the evilest ler
he’s unsuspecting
like, he has this facade of being this playful guy with his boxy smile and his cute laugh
but that’s just a cover-up because beneath all that is fucking merciless, torturous ler whose only goal is to make sure you’re an incoherent mess
imagine this: absolutely ruthless tickles while being genuinely smiled at. not a smirk, like a genuine smile. this boy loves- really really really loves- have you endlessly squirming and full-out laughing
there’s just something about seeing him so happy at your torture that makes you so red in the face
also, he loves your blush oh my god does he love it
“ahhh, y/n~ never stop that adorable blush!!”
he doesn’t tease as much as jimin or hoseok, but his teases are pretty fucking bad when they do
“it’s tickle time, my lee!”
attacks you every chance that he can get, even if it’s inconvenient for you while not doing anything to actually infuriate you
like if you’re on the phone with a friend, he can and will start pinching at your sides so you’re forced to hold in your laughter
don’t imagine them running up and down your sides, across the soles of your feet, softly grazing the skin of your neck, totally squeezing away at your sides while he’s just smiling at you
taehyung doesn’t give you tickles if you’re bratty
he knows that it’s what you really want so he’ll make you beg before he even considers wrecking you
he even got you to say, “i’ve been a bad girl and i don’t deserve tickles” just at the mention of possibly giving you what you want
it took a while and he finally gave in
but not without the price of your sanity, because unlike yoongi and namjoon, he will break you past your limits if you angered him enough
wow, i really just put myself in a mood with this guy i-
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a two-sided ler
one side, the soft, loving maknae
the other, the lee-wrecker
firstly, his soft side doesn’t mean soft tickles
he still wrecks you but he’s extremely playful and teasy
smiles with you
pokes you in the sides, then acts like he didn’t before he does it again, claiming that if you don’t stop squeaking like that, he’ll have to do something about it
“hey, stop trying to move away like that! i’m not finished with you yet!”
ALWAYS pins you down because he knows that the difference in strength between the two of you really makes you blush
he utilizes his strength often when tickling you
deals with pouts in a playful way, which, i know, is very different from the others but i just think he saves his dominating personality for his other kinds of tickles
his lee-wrecking side isn’t hard to come by
in fact, it isn’t even caused by you acting bratty; most of the time it’s after a particuarly draining or frustrating day that you’ll see his true tickle monster
did i mention that he makes him call you that all the time? because when he is tickling you, he is no longer jungkook and is now the tickle monster, sorry not sorry
“y/n~ the tickle monster isn’t pleased with how you’ve been acting. you know, he’s actually kind of hungry right now. come here, little bunny~”
b-back to the evil maknae
he doesn’t go all out when he gets in his moods like the others, but he definitely likes to let you know that he’s the one in control here
is pretty quiet these times save for a few teases here and there as well as a constant smirk
“i love you like this, you know. all ticklish and compliant”
goes to every spot EXCEPT your worst because he wants you to wait for the grand finale
when he gets there, it’s game over sorry
he’s very double-sided so good luck :)
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if you have all of them as your lers, i’m so, so sorry to say that i will be attending your funeral
seriously, when all seven of them know, there is not a moment in your time with them where you aren’t crying tears of mirth
because now, there are seven people with the same end goal: to have you tickled to absolute pieces
jungkook is the one who holds you down because that rule still applies even with six others
jimin and hoseok continuously tell you how much you love it as they scribble at your feet
jin and taehyung giving you the most wicked raspberries because of their vocalist lung support you know
OOF namjoon and yoongi? the ones who FIGURE IT OUT AGAIN
like i'm so sure that they're the ones who tell the others about your secret and spill all of your worst spots to the others rhwkennw
constant fights over who can wreck you best
cuddle nights while watching a movie quickly take a turn because jungkook decided to pull you into his lap and start going to town
this, of course, meant that every other ler in the room wanted in on the action
the movie is quickly forgotten and you are quickly at the center of the seven tickle-hungry men
“awww, look how red they are!!”
“wait, did you hear that little noise?” “yes!! jin, do what you just did!! i have to hear that again!!”
“you know that you’re having fun, prince(ss)!! stop trying to hold back that precious smile!!”
teases are never short in supply so neither is your blush
if they’re on tour or you’re just separated from them, you best believe that jimin was able to persuade the boys into bombarding you with tickle-related texts, voicemails, and pictures to get you in a mood
they love it because he makes seeing you again even more of a treat
it makes the drive to see you when they return all the more 
look, i’m going to give it to you straight
if you want to live, you will not, i repeat WILL NOT act like a brat with them
even if you act that way to just one of them, that person WILL contact all seven so that they can destroy you
“you were being bad sweetie?” “it’s going to be a very, very long night.”
now i want you to imagine getting gang-tickled by all of them
got that? good, now multiple that times ten
getting punished with tickles by them is G O O D B A D
the teases are soooooooooooo amazing but blush-inducing
constantly letting you know that the only person to blame for your situation is yourself and also constantly telling you that you’re the most adorable person on the planet
“you’re so cute like this, y/n, being tickled by me and my hyungs.” cue everyone nodding in agreement at jungkook’s words
there is no getting them to stop unless you use the safeword (there’s no fun in that though)
let’s end on a soft note!!
they love using nicknames in their tickle sessions with you, their favorite being “our little lee” and “our ticklish baby girl/boy” that last one hit me omg
overall, they love you so much and tickling you is just a big plus because they get to see you with a smile on your face nearly 24/7
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author’s note: ajdjjnjsdfnljsdfnk;jsdfn ahhhhhhh i might make some full fics of some of these scenarios if anyone’s interested (but i might be deceased after writing the ot7 headcanons so we’ll see if i survive) -rosalie
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av3da · 6 years
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i don’t have anything to say about this one but uh there wasn’t as much fluff as i wanted but like i’m still uninspired so oof i’m so sorry for this terrible-ness. luv y’all though!
includes: drinking & swearing (barely??}
1977 words
fidelity – jasmine thompson
"With the number of times you've said something like this to me, it's kind of hard to believe if you're telling the truth this time." I rolled my eyes as I held my phone between my shoulder and my ear, folding my laundry while doing so. My fingers lightly trembled as I made the fabric pleat together quickly but nervously.
"Yeah, well... it’s real. We can’t keep doing this, and I can’t keep subduing myself to this misery. I'm done, which makes us done. Have a nice life." The voice retorted, ending the conversation with a raised tone which frightened me, making me jump and my phone slip from my shoulder.
That was my now ex-boyfriend, but as I said to him if he was being serious. And even so, if you loved someone so much, how could you choose the easy way out by leaving every time hit things got tough, even in the slightest. We'd always get into fights where I was convinced we were going to break up, only for me to fix things before they were forever broken. It seemed like he always just wanted to break up with me rather than to tough it out, and that's toxic for a person's mind to withstand for months at a time.
I picked up my phone and let out a sigh, this hasn't been the first time something like this has happened to our relationship, so I really wasn't sure if it was real or not this time around, if he would call me in a few minutes or text me an hour later after the loneliness caught up with him that quickly. And for that reason, I couldn't bring myself to react accordingly.
I tossed my phone across the hall to land on my bed, walking away to the living room with the empty laundry basket, nearly having a heart attack as I turned the corner, dropping the contents in my grip.
"What the fudge?" I shouted, making the four boys jump as well and turn to face me, all with food stuffed into their mouths.
"Fudge, really?" Michael replied, picking up the bag of Doritos again and eating straight from the bag.
"It's a new thing, I'm censoring myself..." I tried to defend myself, pouting slightly before remembering that they all just intruded into my house. I marched up to Calum and poked him firmly in the chest before grabbing the  Doritos from Michael to eat them myself, "The key is for emergencies. Don't make me take it back."
"It was an emergency though!" Luke cried out, holding his stomach that he stuck out, then pointing to his mouth to signal his hungriness.
"You're rock stars, you can get free food like anywhere. Just call Crystal for some PR deals, sure she can hook it up." I replied with a sight snarky tone that was unintentional, surely blowing my cover. I huffed gently and just walked off to my living room, continuing to eat the nacho Doritos.
"Is it the time of the month?" A voice spoke out and I didn't have to look to know it was Ashton.
I snarled and rolled my eyes, looking back at the boy with a death glare, "Excuse me? Is it my time of the month? So I can't have emotions unless I'm on my period?" I slowly stood as I spoke my words in a low voice.
"Be careful boys, it's a snake habitat..." Michael replied, placing his arms across is friends chest, slowly backing them up.
Calum just sighed and pushed Mike's arm off of him and walked towards me, coming forward to reach out for my hands, "Love, what's going on?" His tone was soft and sweet, and it warmed my heart at how caring he was to me.
"I don't know, I think we broke up but I don't know. It's been like a half an hour, and he hasn't said anything else and he's done this before, like five times. I just don't know." I let it all out, something about Calum made it so easy to tell him that, considering I haven't told any of my friends about my relationship.
His eyes softened and he pulled me in for a really tight hug, closing my eyes so I didn't have to look at the other boys that I knew were just standing there awkwardly.
"Can we take you to one of our parties tonight? We'll get a makeup designer and a stylist for you, our treat." Ashton spoke up, his form of an apology and I admired him trying. While as stupid as it sounded to go partying literally post-breakup, but I wasn't feeling the right emotions of a breakup other than the anger, and maybe I needed to go out.
"Look, you don't have to, but we haven't hung out with you in so long because your boyfriend never wanted us alone with you, which is stupid. We're like family, please come." Luke chimed in, shrugging his shoulders. What he said was true, I've known these boys for so long and they've been by my side as much as they could and as much as they were in the area. I loved them with all of my being and I couldn't ask for better friends.
I just sighed and nodded, explaining to them that I didn't anyone else's help and that I just wanted to do all of that personally. Then Ashton yelled at me to start getting ready because they knew it would take me an hour or two if I wanted to go full glam, in which I did.
By the time I made my way back downstairs to greet the boys, not reasoning in my head that I had taken an hour to get ready, they were gone. I checked how I looked in the mirror by the front door one last time before picking up my phone and sauntering out of my home. A laugh fell from my lips as a Range Rover sat in the parking lot, Ashton in the driver seat and Luke riding passenger. I strolled up the vehicle and climbed into the back, squealing softly as bowls of my favorite candy surrounded me.
"How did you do all of this in an hour and a half?" I asked them before taking a handful of pink unwrapped Starburst, trying to pull them apart so I wasn’t just stuffing a pink wad into my mouth.
"You said it yourself, we're rock stars. We get what we want," Luke replied, watching me in the rearview and laughing at my childish excitement for the sweets, "Cal and Michael are already at the party, they're a little too impatient to start drinking."
Oh great, we're going to get shit-faced tonight.
A few minutes passed and we pulled into the party venue, which looked to be some hot shot's mansion, people already spilling in and out of the house, all accessorized with plastic cups. Luke was quick to get out of the vehicle, then opening my door and putting his hand out for me to grab as I got out of the automobile. I thanked him for gentlemanliness as the three of us waltzed inside together.
The first person I noticed when I walked into the house was Calum, he was sitting on the couch next to Michael and a bunch of girls that were probably  Instagram models. He was laughing at what seemed to be a terrible joke from Michael, and his smile was so bright it was like it illuminated the room.
Both Ashton and Luke have their hand on my shoulders, shimmying our group through the group of dancing people, leading us to our friends. I looked around the room, slightly in awe of my surroundings as this was my first party.
"Wow... you look breathtaking." A voice said in my direction, causing me to look forward to where it came from. Calum.
A deep flush mounted my cheeks, they would usually compliment me but there was something about the way that he was acting towards me lately. More protective, jealous, and kinder than ever. A non-existent lump formed itself in my throat as I tried to marshal any words to respond to the boy who slightly towered over me.
He then took my left hand and lifted it to his lips, a sparkle in his eyes as he looked into mine again. This was new, but I definitely cherished the newfound gestures. He then turned around to hand me his cup, and I definitely wanted whatever he was having, taking a sip immediately
Tonight is going to be a night to remember, or a night that I wouldn't be able to remember in the morning.
I laughed loudly and grabbed Calum's hand, pulling him to the bar where I ordered a few shots, the drink didn't matter, they all burned my throat the same. After that, I don't remember drinking more or to be exact, what I drank but I was having the night of my life and it was really good to forget everything and the pain I had endured for the months I was with my last boyfriend.
Calum never left my side since I arrived at the mansion, and he clearly didn't want to. We danced together, played drinking games with the other three boys that were a tad difficult to track down, and just really enjoyed each other presence. Well, as much as you could enjoy another person with ample liquor in your system.
"Hey, babe! Can I tell you something real quick?" Calum started over the music as we danced like drunk idiots on the dancefloor that was really just a beige carpet that was probably perfect before this party but now stained with a multitude of liquids.
"Yeah?" I replied, shaking my head around while throwing my arms in the air, swaying my hips to the music. I didn't know what they were playing truthfully.
"This might not be a good time to mention this, and maybe too soon for your situation, but I'm kind of in love with you. And I don't expect you to feel the same or anything, but I drank a looooooot of liquid courage in the past two hours, so I'm like brave as hell right now." He told me, still moving to the beat as he watched, snaking his arm around my waist as I stumbled around slightly.
I giggled at his words, trying to retain the information he was giving me but my head pounded to the music that was entering my ears, so instead of saying anything, I just got close to him with my arms around his neck and danced against his body. His words didn't make much sense to me and it was because of the alcohol coursing through my veins. He seemed pretty delighted to how I replied though, pulling me closer as we continued to dance on the other.
My eyes fluttered open, a low groan emitting my throat as I looked around, a bright sunlight coming through the window sill that was directly in front of me. My hand went to touch my forehead, grimacing as the hangover pains started taking it's course already. As I tenderly shuddered from the brisk air hitting my bare skin, I recognized my elegant dress from the previous night was gone.
I look to my left and saw a half-naked Calum Hood, gasping rather loudly but not boisterous enough to wake the heavy sleeper next to me. I then shrunk back under the covers, glancing around the room as I knew what this could mean.
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amieyhko · 4 years
The Last (for now) Days of Being a Student
29 Oct 2018
Honestly though, my last semester in uni wasn't very studious. I had one course called Sixteenth Century English Literature in which the professor basically mocked all forms of religion and pointed out all the sexy details in Shakespeare's sonnets. For the final exam, which was three essays long, I wrote one very indignant essay about why I needed more women in literature and how all of the supposedly feminist writers in the sixteenth century were full of *$#% (but in a literary chic way). I got an A.
To top off the not-student like behavior, I TA-ed for my advisor's Freshmen English class. I survived a semester before and couldn't be prouder of myself for the job I was doing. It was mostly writing emails to students, making photocopies now and then, and sending reminders to the professor. The most excruciating part probably was correcting their essays' grammar and spelling. My friend said "Why bother? They probably won't read them," to which I retorted "CUZ I LIKE BEING RIGHT!"  On the anonymous end-of-the-term survey, I've received many confessions of love to which I awww-ed and laughed. But most of them genuinely thanked me for the effort I put into emailing them, asking them questions, and drumroll correcting their grammar.
But why bother reading about my boring school life when you can read about what I have been doing not in school! Here is what went down in my life from April - June 2018.
The Diary of Anne Frank
The best way to cure jet lag is to go straight into tech week the following week. I have experienced many ailments from traveling and found jet lag from Europe to Asia is quite the worst. Fortunately, I signed myself up to run the lights for the Butterfly Effect Theatre's production of The Diary of Anne Frank. This was our second run but this play just doesn't get old. Fun fact about this play: this show's original Broadway cast had young Natalie Portman playing Anne. The Diary has been adapted into many plays but this version doesn't deify Anne into a hero figure but truthfully illustrates the inner drama of a teenage girl and the struggles of seven people living in a cramped up space. Honest to God, I cry almost every curtain call.
During the production, I read many young people don't believe that the Holocaust happened—this information killed me a little. It's absurd that someone wouldn't believe in a historical event with monuments and memorial sites all over the world with many primary sources and survivors who are still alive to tell their stories. Don't even get me started on how good some great works of fiction are based on WWII, like The Reader, Everything is Illuminated, and The Fiddler on the Roof… Also, there was a group of high school students in Taiwan that dressed up as Nazi soldiers and marched around the school for an event. Ignorance is not bliss, naïve is not cute—history is there for us to reflect and learn. I somehow took these news very personally, maybe because I grew up listening to the same Bible stories as the Jews, maybe because I cannot stand uneducated people, probably a combination of both.
A representative from Israeli cultural office was invited to open the show (we had free falafels, hummus, and pita during the last run of the show but not this time, insert whimpering). The weekend swooshed by. I was just thankful I could be a part of a show that spoke a story that some started to neglect.
That was the last time I worked with this theatre company because 1. they did have one last show August but I was helping another show the exact same time 2. rent issues with the theatre space 3. the artistic director got a new job in Vienna. He moved early September and he basically sold everything from costumes to lighting equipments. It was a hectic process to watch a theatre company that I truly felt at home turn into a goodbye yard sale. I learned a lot about running low budget shows, programming with too-old consoles, but most of all I made connections with people I know I will meet again in this tiny theatre world.
Fashion Revolution Taipei
April was a month where I went crazy juggling all about. I collaborated with Totes & Tees, a small social enterprise that focuses on ethical and zero-waste fashion. I have been following this small company for a while through a mutual friend and was really interested in what they did. The owner was also going to be one of the hosts for Fashion Revolution 2018 in Taipei. The idea was to have a runway showcasing up-cycled items handmade by many different designers. I was to crochet a beanie from a no-longer-used piece of fabric. Sadly, I couldn't participate on the actual day because I went on a family trip to…
Rome & Paris
To say this was a family trip would be a misleading statement. My parents were there to lead the seminars they have been running for 10+ years. As I mentioned in Update 3.0, their heart is for the Chinese speaking people all over the world. The Asians basically took over a whole hotel on the outskirts of Rome to host Fathers' School and Mothers' School simultaneously. This meant, there needed to be a baby sitting club. Slowly raise your hands if you're a pastor kid you basically did everything that was assumed of you! (Did I volunteer? Did I chose to be their child? We'll never know) No, I'm not being bitter, I just simply love poking fun at my stereotype. Besides, I was asked nicely to participate in taking care of the children—a member from the Taiwan side of the team had activities prepared for them, I just had to support. I said "WHY NOT? I JUST DID THIS A MONTH AGO!"
But, this crowd was tough. It wasn't like calming down super rowdy Hungarian-Romani children nor was it like being dragged around by crazy bubbly Filipino kids. These were well-educated, cellphone-hogging Chinese-looking kids who preferred classily sitting on chairs, not the floor, chattering away in Italian. Of course, they were all embedded in their Chinese-ness from their parents, so they still understood most of what we were trying to do. However, whenever the head teacher asked them to do something extremely "Asian", my TCK heart ached, feeling all the "well, they are NOT going to relate to that at all…."
Because the seminar lasted three out of the five days we were at Rome, we only had enough time to look around the Vatican and trot around to sneak peek here and there. One of the free days was taken over by a tour set up by the local church. They took us around historical sites that were related to the early underground churches and Apostle Paul. We visited way too many cathedrals that all of them started to look the same. The most memorable place was the underground tunnels where the early Christians escaped to and hid from the Romans. Going to a Christian school, we would always play Underground Church when we had class sleepovers—even though it was just a game, the danger felt extremely real. But as I stood in the tunnel, I could actually really imagine how real their fear must have been. I was in awe of the way these early Christians kept their faith even in the dark, cold underground.
After eating one too many cones of gelato and faking one too many Italian conversations in Spanish, we arrived in Paris. They were only going to host Fathers' School so umma and I had plenty of free time. However, being the only linguistically competent person in the group (but honestly, my French is basically nonexistent), I had to take everyone around the city. I was annoyed at having no time to myself and just my parents but thankfully, appa had three days free and the crowd let us be for two of those days.
Paris' reputation really proceeds itself, it's a bit dirty, there are more rude strangers than nice people, and they really hate you if you ask "parlez-vous anglais?". Despite all the negative stereotypes, I took my little tour group all around the places I've researched in advance. I was also allowed to go off on my own when I wore them all out by 5 p.m. I'm proud to say I've actually hit all the touristy places I wanted to visit with and without the group. We even visited Versailles kudos to the fact umma is so internet-savvy that she actually researched. She was very intent on visiting a few places like Château de Versailles, the top of the Eiffel, and the Louvre—her excuse always being "I'm never coming here ever again!"
After two-ish weeks of venturing around Western Europe, we emptied out the 99 cents cheese blocks at the local Carrefour market, squished it into our luggage, and sat on a long plane ride. Umma commented that I seem to be the "vacation type", she couldn't understand how I could still be so chipper being gone from home so long. Although her observations were accurate, I wouldn't have wanted to stay longer unless I started taking French classes or something—the language barrier was devastating.
Sharon McGill Memorial Service
My dorm mother passed away from cancer last fall. Her favorite drink at Starbucks, toffee nut latte, just came round again. I received the news via McGill dormie Facebook group while I scrolled through my phone during class, bad idea. My commute back home that day seemed five times longer than usual. Halfway through my walk home from the bus stop, I ran into umma. She asked if I wanted to go to Costco with them, then asked why I don't look so well. I honestly had no clue how to break the news. Appa's car rolled around to pick us up for Costco, I said Sharon died, we cried a little and had a moment of silence. I always thought about how umma and Sharon, appa and Terry are the same age. My mums and dads. They are some of the most important people of my life and one of them was gone.
I'd like to think I had enough time to process through this situation. Then I'd realize that not all valleys in life are empty holes. You don't just get over it. You live with their memories. Some days will pain you more than others but they're there to remind you that you are that much alive. You can still feel. As cheesy as I'm starting to sound, this is something I have been needing to remind myself lately.
After what seemed like too long, the day of Sharon's memorial service came. I hopped on the familiar bus from Taipei to Taichung. Visiting high school wasn't a big deal but I've never thought I'd visit because my dorm mum passed away. The auditorium was filled. Dorm kids had priority seats. Terry gave a bear hug to everyone who made it. The whole thing began with Terry mumbling to the mic "Alright, let's get this over with," to which I definitely chuckled. I didn't even bother holding back my laughter or tears or both as they came and went throughout the service. At the end, I could just feel this was a closure that everyone who knew Sharon deserved. I cannot describe what kid of feeling that was. The feeling of home? Feeling of clear certainty. Maybe everyone's love for Sharon somehow became a tangible atmosphere. I must say it almost felt like a wedding.
During the reception, there was a photo time where Terry was huddled around 30-something out of 120-something of his dorm children. Later on he said that was the highlight of his day. He also said no one was allowed to leave the dorms before midnight, to which most of us complied to. Most of the dorm kids that showed up all graduated around '02 or '03 so I was just a little bit very intimidated, mostly because I forgot the fact that we were all bound by the similar experiences of studying in Morrison while living in a dorm with the same dorm parents. It was a good evening to be a McGill Dormie.
Bye Hair Day
I have been notorious for the way I treat my hair. If you know the song "Grace Kelly" by Mika, well, in the chorus, he is singing about my hair circa 2013-2015. Then I stopped. I hated the way my hair felt dry and crinkly, I wanted my normal long hair back. I also remembered I've always wanted to donate my hair to a cancer foundation. It was just something I wanted to cross off my bucket list. So I've been growing my hair out ever since—it took way longer than I thought. Throughout my hair growth, two significant people in my life died from cancer. It felt like I had way more reason to donate now.
June 16th was the date. My friend also wanted to join in. We found Little Princess Trust, an organization that gives out free wigs to young girls who have lost their hair due to illnesses. Their guidelines said they love receiving longer hair because they're more popular. After some measuring I decided to get a buzz cut so that I could maximize the length of hair I could donate. Besides, I've been wanting to have crazy buzzed hair after a couple of years of freakishly long hair. Fickle me, I know.
My hair stylist washed my hair way thoroughly, dried it for what seemed like an hour, tied it up into sections, and snip, it was in a plastic bag. My buzz cut buddy and I couldn't stop rubbing our heads the following few days.
But my oh my, I did not know that a head of hair was keeping me warm all this time. I was constantly dealing with extremely cold overhead AC on buses and I eventually caught a really bad cough for three plus weeks. I now never leave my house without a hat of some sort.
My hair has become so short that I have been tracking my days with hair length. My best friend, Fanny keeps saying it's like watching a little infant grow every week. I told her to stop being so overly dramatic.
oh dear, this is getting real long
Instead of asking how someone's day was, Sharon would ask us three things: 1. what was the low point of your day? 2. high point? 3. what have you learned today? or what do you think Jesus is teaching you today?
So to boil down my April to June into a few pointers, it sucked that I got really sick for almost a month, but I loved getting to travel and do a lot lot lot of things. I'm learning that well-done goodbyes are possible. Currently, I'm learning to do just that—slowly closing up gaps responsibly, honestly, and kindly. God is also teaching me that I'm allowed to chose and do what I love (but more on that next update).
Thank you for catching up on my life, I promise the next post will be just as long.
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sunken-standard · 7 years
Hey! Since you are still taking prompts, here it goes: 2. We’re going to freeze to death and 70. Call me that one more time, see what happens. Please!
So it’s not the funniest thing I’ve ever done, but there might be a laugh or two buried in there somewhere.  Set in the Vegas!Married ‘verse.
“We’re going to freeze to death”/ “Call me that one more time, see what happens”
“Loch Ness?”
Honestly, he didn’t know why sheinsisted on repeating everything in the form of a question.  "Yes.“
"Did they hire you to find themonster?”
Sherlock gave her the blankest oflooks.  "An operator of one of the tour companies hired me toprevent a saboteur.  They’ve been having trouble all around the Lochand this one has a film crew booked for next week.“
"Oh.”  She soundeddisappointed.  
“So, what do you say, thirdhoneymoon?”  Maybe the third time would be the charm and they’dactually get to consummate the marriage this time.  He suspected shewas holding out on him because he had yet to get her stupid carfixed; she didn’t seem to realize how delicate negotiations offavours could be sometimes.  That, and the one mechanic who owed himsomething had gone to Bermuda a month ago and hadn’t been heard fromsince.  He couldn’t tell her that, though; she’d probably think he’dgot swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle or some other nonsense.  Fora scientist, she was rather prone to delusion, their one… encounterin Nevada notwithstanding.
“Shh!”  She looked around tomake sure none of the lab techs heard.
“Oh right, it’s a secret,”Sherlock said, flaring his hands and bouncing around and making hiseyes wide.  With any other man she’d be parading around, Oh, look,I have a boyfriend, isn’t he so great and I’m Molly Hooper,completely and utterly not single, totally off the market becauseI’ve got a boyfriend and we’re having all the sex ever invented. Mrs. Hudson was right about marriage changing people.
She gave him a Look and he rolled hiseyes, but didn’t say anything else because he’d made his point. Maybe he’d start wearing his wedding ring just to aggravate her.  Thecontact dermatitis would be worth it.
“And John can’t go because of thebaby?”
“No, he just hates Scotland.”
“Ah.  Well, who doesn’t?  Even theScottish think it’s miserable.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been on aplane that small before.  Was it built by the Wright Brothers?”she grumbled, dragging her suitcase behind her.  She stopped shortand he almost tripped over her, busy as he was cancelling theirreturn flight and securing a spot on the Caledonian Sleeper for thetrip home.  White-knuckling it in a crop-duster was not the kind ofdanger he enjoyed, thank you.  "Tell me that’s not our driver.“
"I can, though I personally thinka marriage is built on a strong foundation of trust, the cornerstoneof which is honesty in all things,” he said, taking in theclient—or whomever the client had sent—standing in front of a vanwith a cartoon Loch Ness Monster on the side holding a ripped pieceof cardboard that said SURELOCK HOOMES on it.  
Eh.  He’d seen worse.  Usually only oncoffee cups from Starbucks.
“He looks like GroundskeeperWilly.  You think he brought us a haggis?”
“Hope not.  I’d murder for a friedMars Bar, though.”
“Oh, and do keep an eye out forthe White Lady.  They say misfortune befalls whoever hears ‘erwails,” the innkeeper said, handing over the room key.
He made a mental note to check the roomfor hidden speakers, blacklights, and poorly-disguised secretpassages.
“Is the ghost included in the roomfee, or is something we have to pay extra for?”  He gave thewoman behind the desk one of his plastic smiles and didn’t wait foran answer before picking up his suitcase and heading for the stairs.
“Londoners.  And they say we’recheap,” he heard her grumble as they walked away.
“Molly, quit moaning,” hesaid, groping behind himself to give her a shake or a poke orsomething to wake her up.  Honestly, he felt no sympathy for her, hetold her not to eat that second mutton pie.  His hand came intocontact with her bum, and oh, that was nice.
“Get my car fixed first,” shegrumbled sleepily, the last word overlapping with another moan thatmost certainly didn’t come from her.  "Did you just…?“
"Wasn’t me,” he said,supremely annoyed that he’d missed something in his search.  
“Do you think it’s the WhiteLady?” she asked, pushing herself up on her elbows.
“Honestly Molly, you’re woman ofscience.”
“'There are more things in Heavenand Earth—’”
“Yes, yes, thank you Hamlet.” The moaning turned to weeping.  "Right, that’s it,“ hesaid, throwing back the covers.  
"What are you doing?”
“Finding those damn speakers.  Andthen I’m taking them down to the front desk.”
Molly groaned and flopped back onto herstomach, covering her head with the pillow.
“Oh!  I see something! Binoculars!”  Molly said, yanking him along with the binocularsaround his neck closer to the side of the boat.  They were supposedto be looking for places the saboteurs could moor a boat, but Mollyhad other ideas.
“Driftwood or wave?” heasked, bending closer than was strictly necessary to give the strapof the binoculars enough slack to let him breathe; he was sorelytempted to slip an arm around her waist under the pretence of helpingher maintain her balance on the rolling seas (which, truthfully, wasabout as choppy as a bathtub).
“Driftwood,” she saiddisappointedly after a few moments, letting the binoculars thud backagainst his chest.
He surreptitiously made another tickmark in his notebook as he gave the top of her head a little pat toconsole her.
Driftwood ||||
Wave ||
Reflection/ trick of light |||| ||
Animal |
Maybe she’d get lucky and spot a deadbody; at least that would be interesting.
“So I guess I can cross 'low speedboat chase’ off the bucket list,” Molly joked, hunkered behindone of the vinyl-upholstered bench seats.
“Just keep your head down,darling. Don’t give them a target,” Sherlock said, pulling herhead against his chest.  It wasn’t strictly necessary, but at leastthis way they wouldn’t get a look at her face if they had binoculars.
“Why did you call me darling?  Younever call me darling.  Is that some kind of code?”
Of course she’d have to ask stupidquestions.  "It’s a term of endearment.  Mary calls Johndarling.“
"And we are not Mary and John.”
“The dynamic is close enough.  I’mthe smart, deadly one and you’re the short, doctor-y one.”
“I can think of at least sixdifferent ways to kill you in the next 24 hours that no one wouldever question as murder,” she said.  "And at least a dozenmore when we get home.“
"Now’s not really the time forforeplay, darling.”
“Call me that one more time, seewhat happens,” she gritted out.
“Is that a threat or a promise,dar—” he didn’t get to finish the thought as a stray shotapparently hit just the right spot on the tour boat’s gas tank tomake it explode.
“We’re going to freeze to death,”Molly after they’d struggled ashore.  "Hypothermia, just likeDyatlov Pass.  It’s like some kind of crypid-hunter curse. Paradoxical undressing, you’re doing it already!“
"Nothing paradoxical about it, mycoat weighs more than you do now.  Probably want to get rid of thatjumper, yourse—”
“Do you hear that?” Mollyfroze.
Oh shit.  He looked around forsomewhere to take cover; their would-be killers were coming back tofinish the job.  
“Over there!”  He pointed towhat looked to be an archway carved into the bedrock under thecastle, long over-grown with vines and brush.
Molly shouted as two red eyes glintedat them from the darkness.  "It’s real, I told you it’s real,“she said, clinging onto his arm while leaning closer to get a betterlook.  He got the feeling it was less out of fear and more becauseshe was ready to use him as a human shield/ monster snack if she hadto.
"It’s a prop,” he said,holding the lighter (next time she complained about his smoking, heneed only remind her that carrying it had saved her life) higher toreveal the faint outline of a metal framework with a (rather crudely)sculpted head.
“Is that a… submarine?”Molly asked, looking at the rusted heap at the centre of the cavern.
“Hardly surprising, consideringthe tourist industry,” he murmured, noticing the moulderingskeleton wearing what looked to be an old Royal Navy uniform in thedriver’s seat.  Oh, what he wouldn’t give to have a proper torch anddry clothing…  He’d simply have to come back later.  "Come on,I think that’s probably a stairway that leads up to the castle.“
"You were wrong.  We’re not goingto freeze to death, we’re going to die in a labyrinth underneath acastle in the Highlands,” he said, completely unimpressed whilelooking at the point where the passage split in three directions. They all looked equally disused, no wear patterns on the floor ordrafts or other signs to indicate which one led to the surface.
“Oh no, we’ll still die ofhypothermia long before hunger, thirst, or lack of oxygen gets us,”Molly said.  Stripping to their pants hadn’t done much to providewarmth, but at least they were drier now.  "If video games havetaught me anything, one way leads to treasure, one way ends in a pitof certain death, and one is a shortcut to the surface.  Go left.“
“People always go right becauseeveryone’s right-handed—”
“Is a freak of nature.  Peoplealways go right, so that one is the death pit, and the middle oneseems like it would be too easy, so they ignore it because reversepsychology works, so it has to be the treasure.  We go left and weget to the surface,” she said, tugging him forward towards theleft-hand path.
“I think my brain’s alreadyshutting down because that actually made some kind of sense,” hesaid, then stopped when something wedged in a crack in the stonecaught his eye.  
“If only I had a working cameraright now,” Molly said, looking him up and down.  On one hand,it was rather good luck they’d surfaced in the back of a storeroomunderneath the castle’s gift shop, because that meant they didn’thave to wait any longer for warm, dry things to put on.
On the other hand, it was a gift shopin the Scottish Highlands, so those warm, dry things consistedof argyle socks, kilts, Fair Isle jumpers and, of course, theubiquitous novelty t-shirts.  At least, for him; Molly was too smallfor most of what they had to offer, so she ended up in a plushone-piece Nessie pyjama-costume-thing.  She wasn’t the only one thatwished for a working camera.
At least they didn’t actually have topay for it; the head of the museum seemed rather excited about thering he’d found, something about the Knights Templar or somesuch,went on about it the whole way back to the inn as she gave them alift.
“Am I supposed to pee in this now,or once I’m in the water?” Molly asked, doing a weird kind ofinterpretive dance, presumably to make the wetsuit more comfortable.
“Don’t pee in it at all, it’s ahire,” he said.  With any luck, he’d be the only one in thewater this time; hers was just a precaution against another possiblecase of hypothermia.  Not that he hadn’t enjoyed sharing a tepidshower with her or the naked cuddle under the electric blanket thatfollowed, but he’d rather repeat those experiences when they weren’tflirting with multiple organ failure.  And maybe when his externalgenitalia didn’t look like someone had aimed a cartoon shrink-ray atit.
“Well, I think that should aboutdo it,” he said once he’d removed the mouthpiece and taken offthe mask.  The saboteurs would be in for a nasty surprise when theytried to abscond in their boat come the dawn, and they’d be met witha fleet of the remaining tour boats if they tried to swim for it. The mastermind of the original insurance scam was already in policecustody.
Molly started the boat (and really,he’d have to find out where, exactly, she’d learned how to handleone, probably from an ex-boyfriend or something tedious, consideringshe’d grown up inland) and he began to get himself out of the scubaapparatus.  A soft splash off to his right caught his attention andhe turned his head, already on guard in case they weren’t as in theclear as he thought they’d been.
He blinked, his brain obviously notcorrectly processing the information his eyes were sending it.  Along, slender neck with a head the size of a rugby ball rose from thewater at the side of the boat; it turned its face first one way, thenthe other to look at him.  The glowing red eyes on either side of itshead were like a rabbit and probably afforded it both low-light andpanoramic visio—what was he saying?!  It was obviously anotherprop, one of the other boat captains taking the piss, probablytesting something for the film crew that was due to show in a fewdays’ time.  He took a step closer and peered at it, trying todetermine if it was made of foam rubber or silicone, where themechanical points of articulation were, listening for hidden motors;truly, it looked to be a marvel of craftmanship even in the low lightof dusk.  It even smelled like an animal.  
He reached out to touch it and itreared back, nearly tipping the boat and sending him sprawling in theprocess.  He looked to Molly, clinging desperately to the wheelinside the cabin, then sprang up to look around for evidence ofanother submersible.  
“Just a wave,” he said outloud, trying to reassure Molly.  Well, mostly himself.
“Thought you were dying for one ofthese,” Molly said from where she was reclined on the bed injust a dressing gown.  She held the fried Mars Bar out to him when hesat next to her to take off his shoes.
“Not feeling very hungry, thankyou,” he said, taking note of the pale expanse of her thigh, butstill too shaken by the experience on the boat to attempt anything.
“Didn’t think you were the type toget seasick,” she remarked before taking another bite, thenmaking a noise as warm chocolate and nougat dribbled onto her chin.
He ignored it, and the way she gatheredit with her fingertip and sucked it into her mouth.  "You reallydidn’t see anything?“ he hedged.
"No!  For the last time, I didn’tdrive us into a rock or a log or whatever it is you keep implying.  Imean, I appreciate that you’re trying to be nicer about thingsbecause we’re married and… staying that way… but really,it’s the same as making an accusation, so next time you might as welljust come out and say it.”
He opened his mouth to refute herstatement, but thought better of it; probably best to keep to himselfwhat he’d seen.  She’d most likely want to check his head for lumpsor worse, start moping because she hadn’t seen it.  He would have hiscrisis of logic all on his own, quietly, in the shower.  It was justa Baskerville situation; the explanation was there, he just needed tothink through it.
Of course, no explanation wasforthcoming; nothing had shown on the sonar and there had been nobubbles or other signs of… anything.  
He stared at the ceiling long afterMolly draped her very naked self over him and fell asleep (and hereally wasn’t sure which of them was more disappointed in hisapparent lack of interest, but he was going to assume that he couldback-burner getting her car fixed as a priority, now); the Loch NessMonster wasn’t real.  And neither were ghosts, even if he hadn’tfound the damn speakers or the hidden projector that made theflickering woman by the window.
One thing was for certain: he was nevertaking another case in Scotland.  And he was never taking Molly onanother honeymoon.
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abybweisse · 7 years
What will happen if soma stops being the parallel to salsa but instead pockey munch?
(Now I have a craving for Pocky….)
Soma as parallel to Mother2’s Pokey Minch
(Posted July 12, 2017)
I’m sure the reality of canon will end up being a bit more complicated than this, since all three installments of the Mother game are affecting the outcome (and influences/inspiration from numerous other resources/reference works), but….
If Soma *stops being the parallel to Salsa* from Mother3, he won’t simply go off on his own to seek happiness elsewhere, and he won’t necessarily remain friends with our earl. Salsa (a cute and highly intelligent little monkey) was desperately trying to find Samba, his little monkey girlfriend, who had been captured by the evil Fassad. He helps Lucas from time to time, and sometime after finding Samba, the pair of monkeys run off to start a new life together.
If Soma is *also the parallel to Pokey Minch* from Mother2, he will definitely become an adversary to our earl, and instead of leaving simply to seek out his own happiness, he would join the ranks of the earl’s enemies and seek revenge to this imagined slight. What I mean by “imagined slight” in Mother2 is that Pokey thought Ness had slighted/insulted him, but it was all just a *huge misunderstanding*. (Thanks to @darylhighwind for pointing that out to me about why Pokey became *more* of a pain to Ness then he had before. 😂)
In Black Butler, the *strong* parallel between Soma and Salsa actually ends as soon as Mina says she wasn’t captured by Harold; she *ran off* with Harold. The weaker parallel between Soma and Salsa (sometimes being helpful to the main protagonist) stops as soon as Agni dies, and Soma makes this threat of revenge… that he will make them (the earl and Sebastian) pay for what’s happened. The *strong* parallel to Salsa is picked up by Edward as soon as his beloved little sister gets involved in the Blue Sect, and the new(est) parallel to Fassad is Blavat Sky.
And now we examine how Soma might have *also* been a parallel to Pokey Minch **ALL ALONG**.
Soma has always teased the earl and shown up unexpectedly, often complicating things. I mean, he did show up at the manor (with Agni in tow) expecting to be lodged there and given the royal treatment to which he had become accustomed. And he’s decidedly a brat, as Sebastian truthfully pointed out to him. He has been trying to grow into a great man… to mature and learn to care for others (other than himself). His brattiness had pushed Mina away, and he had selfishly sought to find her and return her to being his servant. And he expected the earl and Sebastian to help.
Seeing this in a new light, it dawned on me that this is *less* like Salsa looking for Samba in Mother3… and *more* like Pokey Minch enlisting Ness to help him find his little brother, Pickey. Pokey claimed that Pickey had gone missing, but he had not. Pickey was right where Pokey had left him, at the site of a meteor crash. And when they reunite, Pickey says that even though he’s younger, he acts more mature than Pokey.
And afterwards, Pokey continues to be a bit of a pain to Ness. Pokey joins the religious cult, Happy-Happyism (which wants to turn everything BLUE), and he’s given high status in the cult, despite his young age. So then he’s an adversary working for the cult, but as soon as the cult is broken apart, the once-members’ minds return to normal, as if a trance had been lifted, including Pokey’s mind. He pops up again to tell Ness he’s returned as a friend, but being the brat he is, Pokey then runs off again. LET’S *HOPE* THIS IS THE END OF SOMA’S PARALLEL TO POKEY. Maybe Soma will seek out Blavat and help the cult but then come back to his senses once it’s been completely destroyed. Seriously, let’s HOPE it ends there, and that Soma returns to being an annoying friend…. But if not…. >>
Later, Ness says something to Pokey that Pokey interprets as a slight or an insult. It’s a bit vague, and apparently there was an issue with translation into English from the original Japanese when Mother2 was released in the US as Earthbound. This odd little factoid is part of what @darylhighwind brought to my attention. After that, Pokey teams up with Giygas, the (space) alien who was *actually* behind the cult all along. Carpainter, who led the cult, had also just been brainwashed; he had been the face of the operation, the *facade*. (And sure enough, Carpainter is not only a parallel to Blavat in Black Butler, he’s also a parallel to Fassad in Mother3.)
So Carpainter is out of the picture, but Pokey has now teamed up with Giygas, the alien who seeks revenge for what his adopted human father, George, had done (stolen knowledge/technology from that alien race and taken it back to Earth) back in the original installment of Mother. (The alien’s adopted human mother, Mary, had never returned to Earth.) Pokey steals a time traveling device from the brilliant inventor Dr. Andonuts (he’s the same Andonuts in Mother3). Later Pokey returns from the future with Giygas in an attempt to destroy Ness and his friends. Giygas is eventually destroyed by Ness, Jeff, Paula, and Prince Poo… but Pokey Minch lives on, and he still has that time-traveling device. He ALSO has a contraption he’d later got from Dr. Andonuts and brought back in time with him – a weaponized mobility mech that looks suspiciously like SPIDER LEGS.
If Soma’s parallel to Pokey Minch continues, then Agni’s death is the catalyst that sends Soma not simply to Blavat but to the *source*, whoever is truly behind the Blue Sect. I don’t think it’s Undertaker at all. My suspicion is that it’s John Brown, and that he’s not human; he could be an angel, like Ash/Angela in s1 of the anime… or he could be something else. Considering how Sebastian’s idea of a pet from “his world” looks like a Xenomorph from the Alien movie series, and considering that Yana-san has said she views demons (and presumably angels, too) as extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional creatures, John Brown (or whoever is behind this) being an angelic alien isn’t much of a stretch. Perhaps Vincent Phantomhive had stolen technology from angels? Who knows at this point, but it’s entirely possible that’s why his family was attacked, and not simply because he was the queen’s watchdog….
But back to Soma. Where is he now? In ch129, the earl and Sebastian drops him off with Sieglinde and Wolfram to be treated for his wounds. He has just woken up to find out Agni really is dead, he thinks (huge misunderstanding) that the earl shot him and that another assailant killed Agni, and now he’s threatening revenge. Sieglinde is one of the two true parallels to Dr. Andonuts, and she just happens to have a mobility mech referred to as SPIDER LEGS. Oh dear….
I don’t think Sieglinde has developed a time traveling device, but she has been working on several new inventions, including a newer version of the Spider Legs that can climb walls. It’s entirely possible that it would also be weaponized. So, instead of the crack theory I once had (that made me laugh hysterically at the mental image) of Queen Victoria running around in a weaponized spider mech that climbs walls (you have to admit that’s a funny visual), I’m now considering the *very real* possibility that Sieglinde (getting pulled into this misunderstanding) agrees to supply Soma with various inventions, including an advanced version of her Spider Legs mobility mech. If she doesn’t offer Soma these things, he might instead steal them, just like Pokey Minch initially stole the Phase Distorter prototype from Dr. Andonuts. http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Phase_Distorter
In Mother3, Pokey Minch shows up again, but now he has the Pigmask Army, and he has changed his name to King Porky. He’s been so physically affected by the defective Phase Distorter prototype that he’s had Dr. Andonuts (whom he has now forced to work for him) create those spider-like mobility mechs. Recall that when he shows up in Mother2 with one of those mechs it’s only because he had traveled back in time. The obvious parallel to Mother3’s King Porky in Black Butler is none other than Queen Victoria.
Therefore, I think that Soma’s parallel to Pokey Minch will have to end by the time Sebastian has fulfilled his contract. By then, Queen Victoria and her military/servants will also have been defeated. Mother’s and Mother2’s Giygas parallel is probably the Ultimate Chimera in Mother3 and John Brown (and Double Charles) or *whoever* is behind all of this mess in Black Butler – whoever that is will also be defeated. Then the earl will have a final confrontation with real Ciel. And Sebastian will *expect* to devour the soul he’s been promised….
Sorry it took me so long, but here you go! Thanks for the ask 😊
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Honest Opinions about Mass Effect Andromeda
This was on my now deleted old blog, and when I deleted the blog this post also went gone with the wind. Found it on my computer and decided to re-upload because why not. Kind of a review of the game. Keep in mind this was written before the patches and before they made Jaal a romance for both Ryders. SPOILERS
While I love the Dragon Age series, and would even consider it my favorite video game series, I never played Bioware’s other major franchise until this game came out. I gravitate towards fantasy epics, but have personally never cared for science fiction or stories set in outer space. Despite the lukewarm reception the game got, I went ahead and parted with my sixty dollars to buy the game and decide for myself. While I have to say I enjoyed the game as a whole, I have a few opinions that I thought I would share. Warning, there will be spoilers.
Character Creation: This didn’t bother me as much as it bothered others. At first it was hard to get the character how I wanted her, then I realized the trick was picking the right face shape off the list, and going off of that. That being said though, there are things that severely annoyed me about the creation process. If you liked the eye shape on one face but the nose shape on the other, you basically had to pick one and settle. This is different from the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator, were you can change anything on the face. It’s amazing to me how many steps they took backward, while also taking one step forward. In Dragon Age, your hair kind of awkwardly stays still, but at least now my ponytail realistically moves in the wind.
Character Facial Animations: It’s been said to death, but oh my god…it was kind of sad. Now, I will say that even though I was led to believe that the game had nonstop bad animation, that’s not actually what occurred during my playthrough. Addison was animated shoddily, as were a few other minor characters. The worst I saw wasn’t even on my playthrough however. It was Scott’s expression during his romance scene with Cora. Instead of looking aroused, he honestly looked terrified. I understand the complaints, because I have them too. This is the age were The Last of Us has come out, and I can look at the screen without my glasses and for a minute think Joel is a real person. Truthfully, bioware was never the best at character animations, and no one has complained in the past. That being said though, there have been some moments of brilliance in the past. For example, there’s a gifset floating around of the way Cullen looks at the Inquisitor after you’ve locked in the romance in Inquisiton. It’s perfectly animated, and when I look at that scene, compared to the subpar-ness of some of these people in Andromeda, I know they can do a better job. This isn’t the same team that did past games, and that had something to do with it, but I still think when you have that many assets, you can do a better job. I will say however, that bullying certain animators on twitter is no way to express dissatisfaction. All it does is make you look like an asshole.  
At the end of the day though, what sells Bioware characters is not necessarily how their animated, but how their unique personality meshes with the performance of the voice actors to bring them to life. And as a whole, I don’t have too many complaints about the characters and squadmates, though I have my own preferences in terms of whose storylines I found the most appealing. Obviously I loved Jaal and the whole angara culture, and I loved him so much he became my romance. Beyond him I actually really liked Cora, and the friendship she and my pathfinder developed, as well as Vetra.
Romance: I’ll be honest, what first drew me to Dragon Age way back when was the fact that you could pick a character to romance. And now, with Mass Effect, I had the unique opportunity to romance an alien. So obviously I picked the alien Jaal to have a relationship with. Even though I liked the romance, it made me realize how similar some of these bioware romances are written. In Inquisition, at some point both Cullen and Solas take you to a body of water. Guess what…so does Jaal. Bonus points for Cullen, because he takes you to a place near his home, just like Jaal. Not to mention, out of all the relationships, Jaal’s seemed to be the one that pandered to the female demographic the most. (“Wherever you go, take me with you.”) That probably says more about me than it does Bioware, as I always seem to chose the romance that panders to haplessly romantic women the most. Now, even though I said the romance with Jaal was nice, I feel like the content was lacking, especially when I thought Inquisition was generous when it came to romance scenes. With Jaal, we flirted, he took me to meet his family, we bang, and poof, over. Can I have at least had a repeatable kissing cutscene on the tempest like Inquisition had while you were at Skyhold? Is that too much to ask?
Family Dynamics: My biggest beef with the game was how the family dynamic was handled. When I heard your brother (or sister, if you play a male) as well as your papa would be there with you, I thought that was damn cool. Too bad papa is only in the game for the prologue before dying. And then to top it off, your bro/sis is in a coma for most of the game, and when he/she wakes up…they stay on the nexus and don’t tag along! I was looking forward to the father/child dynamic, but alas, that never came. Imagine how cool it would be to clash with your dad? Or go against his advice and deal with the fallout? But nope. He needed to die. I understand why this happened in terms of story, but it was still a disappointment.
Along the same vein, it would have been awesome to have that brother/sister dynamic as you pathfound. Would your sibling be jealous that you were the pathfinder? What would they say about your romance? Would they get busy with someone else? Alas, we’ll never know, and I think this was a missed opportunity. Though it was cool to see how they were involved in the ending. I’m hoping your sibling becomes a squadmate in the next game, though now that I think about it, I understand that it may not be feasible, as the voice actors would have to record different sets of dialogue that may be too taxing.
Conclusion: I have a few more hangups, like how hard the nomad was to control, at least on PS4, and how annoying traveling to other planets was. I really liked the combat in this game, which is odd because usually combat isn’t my favorite part of a bioware game. Now, I realize that a lot of my complaints are supposedly going to be patched, which is great…but I think there is a larger issue here. Game developers shouldn’t release games that aren’t ready to be released yet, and as it is, I think Mass Effect could have been in the oven at least a week before release to fix some of the issues. I kind of wish I would have waited to buy the game, so my first experience with it would have been a better one, but it is what it is. I enjoyed the game, and if I had the opportunity, I might play the original mass effect games. Will I play Andromeda again? As of right now I don’t have the desire to. But in the future, who knows.
Final note: As someone who never played the original, the game was good. Not great, but good, and I thought it was worth the money.
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