got an interview at the pharmacy i get my meds from hell yeah
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deliciouslytoolove · 2 years
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evelynzumaya · 6 years
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To Tracy Terhune, David Bret...in response to your defamatory posts today I say the following. I do not forge documents, emails, steal someone's identity and write as them, especially my dear friend Michael Morris. I do not invent false accounts of events as they took place, invent lawsuits, create the identities of lawyers, concoct the addresses of their offices, forge legal forms nor commit any other illegal acts such as these as they constantly accuse me of doing. And on the day of Father Morris' funeral, David Bret wrote viciously about him and had a terrible exchange with one of his grieving students. Tracy Terhune believes someone who would commit such an unthinkable act? 
Michael Morris took me to Turin, paid for my trip as I could not afford to go at that time, sat by me through every lecture, made me many a dry martini and introduced me to his close friend of more than twenty years, Renato Floris. He did not want to distance himself from me or my work in any way. He was so supportive that we shared two literary agents over the many years of our close friendship. He introduced one of these literary agents to me in NYC. Our friendship survived remarkably few bumps and throughout we held the greatest respect for each other and our work. 
If Michael Morris distanced himself from anyone it would be the "Devil's Brigade". He had a great wit as revealed in these emails. All the emails I posted are from those stored on the server....gmail and aol.  These bullies fail to remember that you can not fake emails because the server has them all carefully archived and preserved forever. 
The continuing lies about me are ridiculous and hateful as always. It seems that everyone but "them" is lying and that somehow as I tell the truth of this sordid story, they portray me more and more as the anti-christ. Enough of these people already! I think liars and criminals accuse other people of deceit and lying because they have no idea what honesty is. Those e-mails are genuine and true and they know it.
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#ideclaretruth - What you have been asking God for is already been answered. It's manifestation is around the corner if you will believe it. That thing that you have been asking God for will materialise, so I urge to never stop asking. Keep asking God for a miracle, a breakthrough or whatever it is that you want from Him, until you see the results. He ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS answer prayers. Be open minded. Be expectant and keep up your faith too. Anybody who asks, receives. Seek and keep on seeking, and you will find, and never stop knocking and the door will be open unto you. This is your heritage as a child of God and He will never deny you of anything good. Type I believe if you agree #truthbetold #truthbe #truthbetold💯💪👍✌👏✋ #truthbetold👍👌👊✌ #truthbetoldalldayeveryday #truthbetoldart #truthbeautygoodness #truthbespoken #truthbeingtold #ispeaktruth #ispeaktruthfluently #ideclare #ideclareit #ideclarethetruth #declareanddecree #declarationandprayers #declaretheword #declaretruth #declaringtruth #declarethetruth #declarationoffaith #declaringtruthovermylife #declaretruths #declaringtruths #dailybibledeclaration #dailydeclarations #dailydeclaration #dailybibledeclarations #biblicaldeclarations https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkZmbwF9Sm/?igshid=8zgdiezxn3tv
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forksumbrella · 6 years
No one:
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electricxmayhem · 2 years
an truth me told i miss you…. and truthbe told im lion……
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softservecbd · 5 years
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BeLoved CBD Body Creme gets high praise from the community! Thank you @amberzano of @surrendersalon 🙌🏽 We are so happy to hear we helped take away your pain so you could get some truly restful sleep. Thank you for sharing your story🙏🏽💜 posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2XlSjGL
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istaurtrubin-blog · 4 years
Effective Ways to Find Private Equity and Venture Capital with Stuart Rubin
Capital raising  Stuart Rubin is a type of advertising, similar to any business, your excursion to raise capital ought to beviewed as a promoting action. I have heard an expression that Capital Raising is 80% Marketing and 20%Finance, a point which I will in general concur.First is drives age process: Generating leads-discovering private value firms and investment firms,recognize them from capital suppliers aides or databases.Second is to get ready for your "Attempt to sell something"-for what reason shouldfunding supplierstake a gander at your business. Have you led contenders investigation that perhaps your business is onlyequivalent to other people? Make your one of a kind selling focuses-USPs-with the goal that you canpersuade the private value and funding suppliers about it.Third-make an outline page-make a 3-5 pager rundown about your business, and utilize that as a recordto move toward private value and funding suppliers. Some capital suppliers like to see the entire field-tested strategy, yet generally start off with the outline page.Fourth-You are the best salesman for your business, not the corporate guides, there will consistently bebunches of corporate counselors attempt to support you, expenses fluctuate, however by the day'send,private value and funding suppliers are not so much keen on conversing with corporate consultants. Truthbe told, numerous private value firms and funding suppliers have no-counsel approach arrangement. Soyou can just utilize corporate counsels to open entryways, yet you need to settle the negotiation yourself.Fifth-Always search for worldwide chances-search for funding suppliers seaward. In the event that youhave a universal arrangement, you can generally have a vastly improved possibility inraising capital frominvestment firms.6th-Prepare showcasing materials-overhaul your site, change them to greater venture grade sites, addmore substance to your site and execute all the more advertising exercises particularly web promotingexercises.Seventh-Prepare for a meeting-interviews with private value and funding firms are not a simpleprocedure.
I have experienced many myself, and these are harder than prospective employee meet-ups. Numeroustrailblazers are contemplative person individuals, or will in general go on and on specialized terms, theseare not appropriate for private value and funding firms. Keep in mind, you are requesting cash from them-they care about the profits they can make.Keep in mind, keep things in straightforward language, organizations have raised capital utilizing a 5 pagersynopsis rather than 300 pages strategies-on the grounds that financial specialists comprehend whatthey are discussing. Warren Buffet's speculation principals incorporate Never Invest In Products You Don'tUnderstand, funding firms do likewise also-do whatever it takes not to go on and on specializedarticulations or remember them for your field-tested strategy.
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Effective Ways to Find Private Equity and Venture Capital with Stuart Rubin
Capital raising is a type of advertising, similar to any business, your excursion to raise capital ought to beviewed as a promoting action. I have heard an expression that Capital Raising is 80% Marketing and 20%Finance, a point which I will in general concur.First is drives age process: Generating leads-discovering private value firms and investment firms,recognize them from capital suppliers aides or databases.Second is to get ready for your "Attempt to sell something"-for what reason shouldfunding supplierstake a gander at your business. Have you led contenders investigation that perhaps your business is onlyequivalent to other people? Make your one of a kind selling focuses-USPs-with the goal that you canpersuade the private value and funding suppliers about it.Third-make an outline page-make a 3-5 pager rundown about your business, and utilize that as a recordto move toward private value and funding suppliers. Some capital suppliers like to see the entire field-tested strategy, yet generally start off with the outline page.Fourth-You are the best salesman for your business, not the corporate guides, there will consistently bebunches of corporate counselors attempt to support you, expenses fluctuate, however by the day'send,private value and funding suppliers are not so much keen on conversing with corporate consultants. Truthbe told, numerous private value firms and funding suppliers have no-counsel approach arrangement. Soyou can just utilize corporate counsels to open entryways, yet you need to settle the negotiation yourself.Fifth-Always search for worldwide chances-search for funding suppliers seaward. In the event that youhave a universal arrangement, you can generally have a vastly improved possibility inraising capital frominvestment firms.6th-Prepare showcasing materials-overhaul your site, change them to greater venture grade sites, addmore substance to your site and execute all the more advertising exercises particularly web promotingexercises.Seventh-Prepare for a meeting-interviews with private value and funding firms are not a simpleprocedure.
I have experienced many myself, and these are harder than prospective employee meet-ups. Numeroustrailblazers are contemplative person individuals, or will in general go on and on specialized terms, theseare not appropriate for private value and funding firms. Keep in mind, you are requesting cash from them-they care about the profits they can make.Keep in mind, keep things in straightforward language, organizations have raised capital utilizing a 5 pagersynopsis rather than 300 pages strategies-on the grounds that financial specialists comprehend whatthey are discussing. Warren Buffet's speculation principals incorporate Never Invest In Products You Don'tUnderstand, funding firms do likewise also-do whatever it takes not to go on and on specializedarticulations or remember them for your field-tested strategy.
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gunsli-01 · 5 years
Numbers 14 and 16 for the PH x VnC ask game again since it looks like nobody else is sending you questions about it.
14. Who are the most underrated and overrated Pandora Hearts characters in your opinion? 
The most overrated characters in my opinion from most overrated to least are Break, Lacie, Elliot, Oz and Jack. The most underrated ones from most to least would be Ada, Reim, Oscar, Sharron, and Gil. I’m not gonna go deep into this opinion because I’m sure it’s a fairly unpopular one but to sum it up in few words we see the characters that I claimed as overrated a lot more than the underated ones which is why I believe they don’t resonate as much with the the fandom.
They’re all still good characters but because we see so little of them they get misinterpreted and over simplified. For example Gilbert being mostly defined by his relationship to Oz with most of his own past being overlooked. Ada having her character defined by her relationship to Vincent. When really I feel her and Oz’s sibling dynamic more directly parrallels the dynamic of red eyed children and their siblings. Hard to pick up on because Oz is the older brother in this situation but his existence is treated as a cursed one, he has the red eyes when he uses the powers of the b-rabbit and his entire existence is the result of the actions of one of those children. Ada is basically everything the fandom wanted Oswald to be for Lacie and the fandom just spits in her face for having the gall to give Vincent a cursed child forgiveness and telling him it’s okay like lol the fuck do you guys want?
Cause you’re definitely not being consistent. But Vincent doesn’t deserve that and Lacie did! Sorry to break it to you but Lacie didn’t deserve shit you just think she did. Just because you see someone struggle doesn’t mean they immediately deserve to thrive. Lacie had a hard life big whoop everyone in this manga did. Ada wasn’t just nice to Vincent she was supportive of her brother despite her fathers words despite the situation that was unfolding despite the truth the harsh truthb that he was a chain and they weren’t blood related at all. Because that didn’t matter to her that didn’t change the fact that he was her brother that didn’t change who Oz was to her. Ada stood by her brothers side even when she found out they weren’t blood related she took the chance that Gilbert would have been and Oswald was afraid to take. Xai went he’ll destroy the world and Ada went we’ll deal with that when we get there.
Ada forgave Vincent for the same reason she stood by Oz and would have stood by Lacie she doesn’t judge what she doesn’t know, she wants to understand, she’s okay with not understanding and she’s not going to judge your entire existence just because someone tells her she should. Ada’s a good person some people are just dicks who can’t realize that cause they’ll never be capable of looking passed their distaste of Vincent to see what an amazing sister, person and character she is. I feel that the the fandom focuses so heavily on how oh so tragic the overrated characters parts are that they overlook the fact that other people in the manga have lives. The only happy end was possibly Sharron and Reim getting married which somebody out their is probably upset about because it was out of nowhere when really it wasn’t. Ada ended up losing her brother who she’d just gotten back, her uncle, her father and the person she’d been romantically involved with for half a year in one day. Yet, I’ve seen no one talk about that. Elliot losing his siblings man the Nightray family didn’t deserve that the whole family gone in a day. Ada having to live with zero family and a completely tarnished familial name after the truth about Jack was revealed. Eww she forgave Vincent she’s just a love conquers all trope sure he abandoned her immediately after to go do right or some shit but the fact she did it I mean eww. Grow up that shits annoying.
If anyone takes the time to really look at the characters that are considered side characters they’d realize that they have just as hard they just don’t throw it in the readers face all the time.
16. Do you hold any controversial ph or vnc opinions?
For ph I don’t know if this first one is controversial but I‘d have to say the Jack and Oswald shippers are right and should be left alone. Like if Jack or Oswald had even slightly better communication skills that relationship probably would have happened instead of this series. Second one that I know is controversial is when it comes to the Oz and Gil age gap which is basically me going Oz is older than Gil no matter how you slice it. He is literally older than Gil not even in the he’s legally twenty five when he gets back way no I mean taking everything into account from before the Sablier incident he is already older than Gil. He has existed since Lacie was ten. He was conscious he remembers Lacie but not her face he knows the difference between her and Alice once he wakes up in the abyss. So if you do the hard fucking math at the end of the series Oz would be two hundred and thirty five counting the time skips and the new cycle since he has his memories of those times. This isn’t even for shipping shit. He’s just fucking older even if you take into account Gil being thrown through time. He’s not even near Oz’s age until he waits the hundred years Alice isn’t even near Oz’s age either! It would be creepy if a hundred year old vampire dated and married a fifteen year old but since Oz looks young which we know he’s not considering that’s Jack’s body and it literally aged backwards right in fromt of us no less what the fandom is basically saying is that since Oz looks young he’s a victim here and making Gil out to be a predator at times despite not doing anything romantic towards Oz through this entire manga. To make this more crazy Gil goes on an arranged date in the light novels and Oz sabotages it with some help from Break and Echo. Gil didn’t want to go on it anyway but Oz makes it his mission to do this. This is incredibly weird to me because what I’m getting from the fandom is that if let’s say a person is twenty seven years old but they look fifteen then they suddenly have a pass to pursue relationships with people within that age demographic but no one their own age because that’d be pedophilia apparently alright cool...sounds fucking weird to me but sweet. I hear ya going oh but mentally he’s no mentally he’s not shit we literally know his age he literally remembers all of his past from Lacie to now so this excuse doesn’t work either. I’m extremely confused by what fandoms are willing to give passes to and it’s honestly why I don’t delve deep into them at all. Not even going into the many times Oz is shown throughout the manga to be the more adult between Alice and Gilbert in general.
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mickothoughts · 7 years
Tignan muna natin kung katagal-tagal ang ugali natin bago tayo mag-hangad ng relasyong pang-matagalan.
© 03/30/2017 | Self check
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iamjustinlove7 · 5 years
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"The secret to unlocking true Freedom Within is to tap into your inner child! Your Inber Child IS your TRUE SELF. It is the YOU that was full of untapped IMAGINATIVE CREATIVE POWER!! . . It is the YOU that has been suppressed, and in many cases sadly crushed by the social construct that you were born into, by your environment and by the ones that raised you. . . This was something that was done completely unaware by the ones that took care of you. They did not know what they were doing. This happened to us ALL! . . We have entered a time though where this powerful TRUTH is being unveiled and revealed to ALL the nations! Because I, as well as my other brothers and sisters that are awakened, are sharing this knowledge with all Humanity. . . Go back and tap into the happiest moments of your childhood. REMEMBER and connect with the emotions of what it felt like 2 pretend, create, and imagine things. That place where you existed where you were celebrated by being an individual creator! . . That IS the place that if you bring into your NOW, you will be unlocked, unhindered, unbroken, unafraid, untapped in POWER, and you will be FREE!!. . It IS the key to entering and unlocking the Kingdom of Heaven Within"- Sir Justin Love, The Great. . . “Yahushua said, Verily I say unto you, unless you are converted, and become as little children, you will not/cannot enter into the KINGDOM of HEAVEN.” -Book of Matthew Chapt. 18:3 . . #inspirationfortheday #wisdomkeys #keepyourcircletight #glory2god #morningmotivation #earcandysxm #cherishyourwoman #godblessyou #highervibration #lawofattraction #mindsetiseverything #soul #spiritual #soulmatewords #consciousnessshift #lifestyle #yahushua #takethecrown #kingdombusiness #lawofsuccess #discoveries #love #genuineheart #iamjustinlove7 #thoughts #consciousnessshift #word #truthbe #walkbyfaith #Yahuah https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFd-lAJwxv/?igshid=106qdsh5jiwdr
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americanmysticom · 6 years
God enjoys the beauty of righteousness
to serve in spirit and in truth
be an agent of righteousness!
let both grow together, until the time of harvest.
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btmfilm · 7 years
Behind The Mask: My Naked TruthBeing honest about how we feel doesn't make us weak — it makes us human. http://ift.tt/2r5vJDd 👍🏾
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mrstethompson · 8 years
#TuesdayTruth #SocialMediaTips If you want to get ahead, watch this video, I've made the mistake you're making. TRUTHB💥MB . . . #socialmediamanager #Norwich #communitymanager #smm #goviral #marketing #Norfolk #contentmarketing #leads #Bizdev #emailmarketing #marketing101 #businessdevelopment #branding #branding101 #personalbranding #brandmanagement #bigdaddypr #commonsense #visualstorytelling #bethechange #goaldigger #youngproffessionals #buildinganempire #9to5 #errands #gottaloveit #lovinlife (at Norwich, Norfolk)
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