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troubledontlast1 · 1 year ago
Obedience is doing whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation.
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sacredspacescorp · 1 year ago
Power Love Sound Mind
Dear Child,
Do not let fear hinder you from stepping into the plans I have for you. Fear is not from me, but from the enemy who seeks to steal your joy and hinder your progress. Trust in me with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge me, and I will direct your paths. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Be bold and courageous, for I am with you always. #NoFearInMe #TrustAndObey #PowerLoveSoundMind
Love, Your Heavenly Father
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vinceleemiller · 1 month ago
The Legacy of a Patriarch And Prostitute | James 2:21-26
What do Abraham, a patriarch, and Rahab, a prostitute, have in common? At first glance, it seems nothing—one is a giant of the faith, the other a woman with a checkered past. Yet James places them side by side, using them as examples of how men and women of living faith should aspire to live.
Welcome to the Daily Devo. Our text today is James 2:21-26.
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. — James 2:21-26
Abraham’s faith is legendary in the Bible. It led him to the ultimate act of trust—total obedience to God and the willingness to offer up his son Isaac on the altar. Even though God did not let him carry out the final act, Abraham’s willingness to follow God’s command revealed a faith so deep and complete that he became known as the Father of Faith. This wasn’t just about belief; it was about belief that acted. His legacy of faith became the foundation for generations to come, marking him as a friend of God and a model for all who follow.
Rahab’s story, though seemingly different, echoes the same truth. As a Gentile woman with a sinful past, Rahab had no reputation to lean on—only a choice to make. Her faith moved her to risk her life by hiding Israelite spies and helping them escape. This single act of courageous trust in God not only saved her family but also grafted her into the lineage of Jesus Christ. Her legacy? Proof that faith can transform even the most unlikely life into a story of redemption.
What binds these two together is a faith that moves—faith that acts, responds, and lets God write the story. Abraham’s faith shaped nations. Rahab’s faith redeemed her family and secured her place in history.
Faith that moves writes stories that endure.
So, what story does God want to write with your life and faith? The only way to find out is to live out your faith through action.
Remember, Jesus didn’t just speak of love—He demonstrated it through the ultimate act of obedience and sacrifice. Leaving the glory of heaven, He took on human form and laid down His life on the cross for our sins. His unwavering faith in the Father’s plan was lived out in perfect action, securing redemption for all who believe. Jesus went all in for us—now it’s our turn to live all in for Him.
#FaithInAction, #LivingFaith, #TrustAndObey
How does your faith inspire you to take action in your daily life?
What sacrifices might God be calling you to make in obedience?
How can you trust God more boldly, as Abraham and Rahab did?
What practical steps can you take today to align your actions with your faith?
Check out this episode!
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gloryofgodsholygrace · 11 months ago
HYMNS - THEOLOGICALLY ACCURATE.  Singing classic hymns that were theologically accurate. No, we don't need that nonsense... Minister TF | We must return to singing Gospel-centered hymns and psalms, to proclaiming Gospel-centered sermons, and to administering Gospel-centered sacraments. God will always use that combination to bring the dead to life. Pastor DP | #TrustandObey #TrustNoSaints
HYMNS – THEOLOGICALLY ACCURATE. Singing classic hymns that were theologically accurate. No, we don’t need that nonsense… Minister TF If the Gospel is ‘the power of God unto salvation,’ then our Sunday assembly should be centered upon it. But instead, we have made Sunday more about irreverent music or pageantry, or motivational speeches. None of this will save souls. We must return to singing…
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treasureforourhearts · 2 years ago
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039. Do you trust and obey?
#treasureforourhearts #treasurequestion #trustandobey #TrustJesus
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sav-is-saved · 2 years ago
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📢URGENCY 📢 \🎙️#YAH'SSPOKENWORD🎙️\ #TheSeries 🎬 / ¬ Thus says Yah-Elohim👇🏿: “MANY OF You HAVE TURNED AWAY FROM ME ! You SERVE Your Own Selves ! You DO NOT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK ! TAKE HEED , NOW , BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR You ! | Message from Yah-Elohim on March 2nd 2023 | . - ¦02-03-23¦ - #YahLove🙏🏿 #obedience🙏🏿 #TRUTH🙏🏿 #hardwork🙏🏿 #PATIENCE🙏🏿#Gratitude🙏🏿 #LoveYah🙏🏿 #Listen2Yah👂🏿 #ObeyYah💯 #TrueTruly #HisNAMEMatters #Faith #BelieveInYah💯 #SpiritualWarfare🤛🏿 #Pray #Believe #MadSoulLover🙏🏿 #MelaninLove✊🏿 #Looking🆙Above #REPENT🙏🏿 #NewestPodcast🎙️ #growth #Humbled🙏🏿 #SpiritOfYah🔥 #Rucha #YahRuach🔥 #StayWoke🔥 #FanTheFlame🔥 #YashaIsFaithful💯 #Qadash #Loving #ThroughTheFire #ThroughTheRain🌧️ #Lift🆙Praise🙌🏿 #ThroughTheStorm🌊 #TrustAndObey #Closer2Yah🙏🏿 #NearerYahToThee🙏🏿 #TruthSayersNotSoothsayers https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfgyNIosQj-tfI4zoQ5uZvFmLl8vsrjDUvPJk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trustandobedience · 2 years ago
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Trust & Obey – Thoughts from January 1, 2023. 
            As we enter the new year, I’m reflecting on the weight those two words have had on me since September. Trust and Obey – they seem like simple things on the face of it, something every “good” Christian will tell you is a part of life. However, when faced with actual challenges in life, I’ve found that trust and obedience are harder than the words imply. As is often the case with following Jesus, things do not always go the way we would have them go, especially with regards to our future plans and the things we want for ourselves. His plan doesn’t always line up with ours, and that’s hard to come to terms with.
            If you’re anything like me, you love having a plan for literally any situation that comes your way. You’ve got that Type A, practical personality that means your every move is well thought out and considered before being made. And, if you’re like me, then you are absolutely devastated when things don’t follow the established plan. Whether it’s missing the plane you were meant to be on or something as simple as waking up an hour later than you’d planned, you just can’t handle the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with deviance from the plan.
            And that’s an okay way to be! The world needs thinkers like us to hold it together and keep it spinning on time. Although we often get a bad rap for not being as easygoing or agreeable as the “free thinkers,” the world’s creative types, we are needed at the end of the day to make sure that the dog gets fed on time and the clocks keep ticking in tandem. We are important; valued for combating the very things that often cause us distress. That bring the order and stability that we are uniquely and unquestionably able to bring to a chaotic world. We show God’s orderliness, His plan and pattern through the way we establish our own structure in our day to day lives. We are living evidence of a Creator who refuses to leave things up to chance, who establishes order in keeping with His character.
            However, sometimes it just feels like we’re getting in our own way, doesn’t it? I mean, life would be so much easier if I could just go with the flow, let things like disrupted plans roll off my shoulders, shrug it off and keep moving. But I can’t. I haven’t ever been able to, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. So, how do we navigate our lives in a way that glorifies God when it feels like the things we plan won’t come to fruition?
            We have to trust His plan. I know, I know – it’s trite, and even I’m tired of hearing it on my bad days. Trust me, I would rather manipulate a situation until no semblance of the original plan remains than move forward without one. Giving my plans over to Jesus and trusting that He will do infinitely more with them than I ever could is HARD. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and it’s made harder by the fact that it isn’t a one-time deal. We have to give up our own sense of control, our ideas for what we want or deserve out of life, and we have to keep doing that time and time again until the end of our days. As Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” There will never be a time when His plans are not better than ours. There will never be a day where what we think we want is better than what God wants for us. If our wants and desires are not aligned with His plan for us, then we will continue to be disappointed, and we will end up disillusioned with Him if we aren’t careful. 
            If you grew up in the church, or have attended church for any stretch of time longer than, like, three weeks, there are several verses on this topic that you’ve probably heard multiple times and memorized at one point in your life. We can start off with Jeremiah 29:11 - “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” We don’t even have to look past the very words of this verse to get confirmation that He not only has plans for us, but that they are plans for our good, to give us hope. Psalm 33:11 confirms this once again, saying that “the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations,” and Psalm 32:8 tells us that He will “instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; [counseling] you with my loving eye on you.” 
            Of course, the “poster child” (or poster verse, if you will) of trusting in the Lord is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This verse is about as clear as it gets! We are not meant to trust our own thoughts and opinions over the Lord’s, no matter how wise we think we are or how much we know about a situation. When the Lord calls us out of a situation we want to be in, there is always something else going on that He knows about and we cannot see. Since we know that His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, He has plans for us, and that those plans work for our benefit even when we can’t fathom how, we can rest in Him and give Him our trust, our thoughts, and our plans for the future. 
            Indeed, we can even see implications in scripture of where a lack of trust in the Lord caused Him to delay the enactment of His plans (Matthew 13:58, “And He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”). This does not mean that the Lord’s plan is in any way derailed or misplaced, but rather that the Lord wishes to partner with us in the fulfillment of His plans for us. He wants our trust and obedience before He gives us the good things He has in store.
            So, since we can see clearly at multiple points in Scripture that the Lord has good plans for us, how then should we live? How can we live out the trust we are meant to have in His plans and provision? Well, that’s where obedience comes into play. No matter what the Lord says, no matter where He wants us to go, what He wants us to give up, or who He wants us to forgive, we are called, as His people, to obey Him in all things. A point in the Bible where this idea is made clear that has stood out to me is the story of Jonathan and his armor-bearer from 1 Samuel 15. At this point in Israel’s history, Saul is king and the Philistines have dominated the Israelites completely, making God’s nation subservient to them in more than one respect. Jonathan, Saul’s son, decides to attack a Philistine outpost without informing his father and taking only his armor-bearer, a personal assistant of sorts, with him. Jonathan shows tremendous faith and trust in what the Lord would have him do, and obedience to what God said, by taking a step back and asking for His guidance before going through with what he wanted to do (verse 10). The Enduring Word Commentary on this chapter names Jonathan as having a “Romans 8:31 heart: ‘If God can be for us, who can be against us?’” 
            Jonathan showed wisdom and complete trust in the Lord in this instance. He knew that his heart might be wrong, that his human emotions and thoughts were fallible and might be leading him astray, and so sought the Lord’s guidance before making a move. Enduring Word makes the important distinction that he did not doubt a word from God, as had other figures earlier in 1 Samuel (cough cough, Saul), but rather doubted his own heart and mind. Jonathan was content in knowing his part of the plan without demanding to hear the whole one, taking one step at a time and trusting that the Lord knew everything that was to come. He showed an obedience fueled by his trust when he attacked the more than twenty Philistines stationed there with only his armor-bearer by his side. 
            We can take Jonathan’s example for how we should respond to our own thoughts, emotions, and plans, and take a step back to evaluate them next to what the Lord says to make sure they are sound before moving forward. When we realize that His plans work together for our good (Romans 8:28), that His plans will come to pass regardless of how much planning and strategizing we do for ourselves (Proverbs 16:9), and that He is working in His own time to keep the promises He has made to His people so that all may come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), we really have no choice but to give Him the reins and see where He takes us. 
            Well, I say we have no choice, but what I really mean is that we have no logical choice but to obey Him. We can fight, and push back, and rage against His plans, but at the end of the day, we are only hurting ourselves. When it feels like all we’re doing is getting in our own way by trying to be in control, that’s because we are. Things will run so much more smoothly with Him in control, since He knows not only the future, but our hearts and the hearts of those around us. When we can fully trust in His ability to work things together for our good, the only choice that makes sense is to obey Him when He speaks to us and believe Him when He says that He will see us through to the end. 
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trust77 · 4 years ago
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#Brgrateful #Thelandwillyielditsincrease #itispossible #TrustandObey Read my thoughts on @YourQuoteApp #yourquote #quote #stories #qotd #quoteoftheday #wordporn #quotestagram #wordswag #wordsofwisdom #inspirationalquotes #writeaway #thoughts #poetry #instawriters #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writersofindia #igwriters #igwritersclub (at Ireti-Ayo, Ilesa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIe5B6iJ1dO/?igshid=1upx1bo9g4p5e
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lopojo · 6 years ago
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#trustandobey #readyourbible #keepHiscommandments #praydaily #salvationworks #takeupyourcross #rejoiceintheLord #JesusJesusJesus #unconditionallove #SAYAPRAYER #imgratefulforanotherday #grace #leannotonyourownunderstanding #Christianlife (at Burbank, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvXwRa3F-W_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11lsi98rgv7c9
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madamemerola · 2 years ago
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✨WALKING IN TOTAL OBEDIENCE IS A CHOICE. 💎God has been speaking to me about being quick to obey his instructions before we entered into this New Year 2023. ➡️I must confess there were times I obeyed partially, times I obeyed slowly, times I obeyed grudgingly and times I completely disobeyed outrightly. 🔥Well, as merciful as God is, there is a punishment for disobedience. The grace of God might be able to get us another chance but it will not exempt us from the consequences of disobedience. Delays and loss of breakthroughs and blessings that could have been avoided will surely come our way when we act in disobedience. ➡️So today when I was in my home church The Transforming Church @transformersng and my Pastor, Rev Sam Oye @revsamoye preached about one of the covenant principles of kingdom prosperity being OBEDIENCE, I knew that it was a reminder for me to WALK IN TOTAL OBEDIENCE THIS YEAR 2023. 📣Perhaps you are like me and you know that God is set to do something great in your life this season. You and I will only be able to walk into this promise if we are willing to fully and quickly OBEY GOD. 🛐I pray for you and I that we will not be slow to obey God or be hindered in anyway from hearing God when He speaks to us in this new season in Jesus name, Amen. ➡️Deuteronomy 5:32-33 Message Translation says “So be very careful to act exactly as GOD commands you. Don't veer off to the right or the left. Walk straight down the road GOD commands so that you'll have a good life and live a long time in the land that you're about to possess.” 💜Happy Sunday and enjoy great grace to obey and manifest God’s spirit in al you do this new week. 📣My name is Madame Merola, The B.A.N.G Creator. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #scriptureoftheday #walkinobedience #christianliving #spiritualmatters #obedienceisbetterthansacrifice #trustandobey #christianleader #igniter #childofgod #sundayinspiration #godwantstoblessyou #preacher #anointedtoprosper #thisismyyear #faithingit #obedienceunleashed (at Obedience Unleashed) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cncr9fpOAkS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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troubledontlast1 · 2 years ago
There will be no peace in any soul until it is willing to obey the voice of God. #obeygodsword
“If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land;- Isaiah 1:19 #obey
When we obey God, He gives us the light of His revelation and gets us where we need to go. #obeying
Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience. #obeyinggod
We cannot rely on God's promises without obeying His commandments. #obeygod
When you obey God's word, God will arrange a miracle that you will never forget. #obedience
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benjaminshalomcarr · 3 years ago
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#giftmakesroom #obedience #obey #trustandobey https://www.instagram.com/p/CWD2Ca5lcqd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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godssong · 3 years ago
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#REPOST @adaughterofdestiny The Lord told Joshua three times to be strong and courageous in Joshua 1:6-9. He assured Joshua that He would never leave his side and all He promised to His children would be fulfilled. God also told Joshua that no one would be able to stand against him. The Lord laid out all instructions necessary for Joshua to be successful. Sometimes the call over our lives may seem heavy and everyone may not understand. But the Lord is saying be strong and courageous. We must become stronger in Him (studying and meditating on His Word, praying, fasting). And even when we struggle to remain strong, isn’t it a blessing that we serve a God Who will be our strength when we are weak? He’s soooo Amazing! Thank you Lord for confirmation and assurance. For calling us according to your purpose, for ordering our steps and for providing us with everything we need to successfully carry out your plans for our lives. You are so faithful and so worthy of all the praise! I love you, Abba! “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:6-9‬ ‭NIV���‬ #staystrong #becourageous #Hewillneverleaveyou #TheLordwillfightforyou #putonthefullarmorofGod #walkinVictory #youalreadywon #Jesusisfaithful #HeReigns #HeistheHighPriest #takeeverythingtoGodinprayer #HeisAbba #andHelovesyou #castyourcaresonHim #Hecaresforyou #HeistheAnswer #trustandobey #christianblogger #spreadingtheWord #HeisLord #TryHimtoday #repostios #repostw10 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIdkxoJcpm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gloryofgodsholygrace · 1 year ago
HYMNS - THEOLOGICALLY ACCURATE. Singing classic hymns that were theologically accurate. No, we don't need that nonsense... Minister TF | We must return to singing Gospel-centered hymns and psalms, to proclaiming Gospel-centered sermons, and to administering Gospel-centered sacraments. God will always use that combination to bring the dead to life. Pastor DP | #TrustandObey #TrustNoSaints
HYMNS – THEOLOGICALLY ACCURATE. Singing classic hymns that were theologically accurate. No, we don’t need that nonsense… Minister TF If the Gospel is ‘the power of God unto salvation,’ then our Sunday assembly should be centered upon it. But instead, we have made Sunday more about irreverent music or pageantry, or motivational speeches. None of this will save souls. We must return to singing…
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nate-the-realtor · 4 years ago
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Trust and Obey and GOD will fulfill His Purpose for yoUr Life 🙏💯💥 #trustandobey #godwillfulfillhispurposeforyourlife #blessed #thankyougod #withoutyounothingispossible #humbledandgrateful #amen #sundaymotivation #godblessus #inyourname #realtor #realestate #realestateagent #southfloridarealestate #miamirealtor #browardrealtor #onesourcepg #natetoro #natetherealtor #natetororealestate #natesellshomes #eltoroderealestate www.onesourcepg.com (at Las Olas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6aK77nH4Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sav-is-saved · 2 years ago
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🎙️#YAH'SSPOKENWORD🎙️ |24TH Jan 2023|--------“MY Children, BEWARE OF These people calling themselves ' christians ' . They HAVE NO RESPECT FOR MY NAME! They HAVE SHED A LOT OF BLOOD AND they are GUILTY! They DON'T FOLLOW MY LAWS. They DISOBEY ME! THEREFORE, UNFOLLOW them and HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH them! I, YAHUAH, HAVE SPOKEN! ” ¬#MESSAGES-INSPIRED BY HIS SET-APART SPIRIT🔥 *NB: HE(YAH) HAS MADE IT VEERY CLEAR THAT THIS MESSAGE IS DIRECTLY TO them👉🏿 ' christians ' 👈🏿(in quotes). ... NOT ALL OF Them! HERE, You NEED TO SEEK THE MOST HIGH FOR Yourself : SO, HE CAN SHOW You the individuals HE'S TALKING ABOUT! -SH'LAMAH 👉🏿(SHALUM, SALAMA, AMANI, PEACE)👈🏿 BE UNTO You&Your Household!. AMEN. and Amen #obedience #TRUTH #YahIsLove #YahushuaCares #Listen2Yah #REPENT #MadSoulLover #LoveYah #TrustAndObey #humbled #hardwork #patience #stillgoing #JustAHumbleServant #PRAY https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn24yt_I1smb6lJ9NsWDhjlfnPHR-MrgSyPy5M0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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