#truly you can do anything with any form of art and math and science put together
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keeganm-77 · 4 months ago
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Keegan’s intro!
About me!
♱ Hello my name is Keegan! ^^ but I also go by Aether and occasionally Ivan.
♱ I’m 15 years old, so I don’t interact with anyone under 13 or over 21.
♱ Trans ftm and gay man! *.*
♱ Fandom Interests: Pokemon, Genshin Impact, hsr, DC, ZZZ, Studio investigrave games, Manhwas! Especially Lost in the cloud and Guild member next door ><, alnst, touchstarved, TMA, Dr who, tloz (mostly botw since thats the only game I’ve played besides a tiny part of majora’s mask), tlou, Arcane, Dmmd, ofmd, good omens, jjk, sk8, csm, splatoon, bllk and a lot more ._.
♱ Non-fandom Interests: Science (specifically chem), maths, war history, stars, dinosaurs, wolves!
♱ I’m an artist! Mostly traditional as I struggle with drawing on my ipad, I’m an editor (which you can look at on @/ivansstage on tiktok!), I also scrapbook and journal my feelings.
Things you should know!
♱ I struggle with tones and how things are supposed to be interpreted, I may get upset but it won’t be your fault I just need it explained to me!
♱ Sometimes you will have to talk to me like I’m 5 in order to explain something. Understanding things is not my strong suit.
♱ My Dm’s are always open! I may take a while to respond and I apologise.
♱ You can add my discord architectsbeauty or my instagram under the same user.
♱ My top 5 kins… oh no…
Sunday (hsr): Can’t help but be dependent on people and my views in life, if they fall apart then I remain as nothing, a nobody. Some form of religious trauma, could never shake off the fear of being watched and constantly judged, most likely why I’m so anxious all the time. I believe I have great motives and intentions but my goal with them is never truly achieved.
Kaveh (Genshin): I feel very guilty often, sometimes even when nothing has actually happened. I struggle with controlling my emotions and sometimes temper, I can be an emotional rollercoaster often as I’m truly unsure of what to feel or even how to react. I wish to take care of everyone’s problems, I’d prefer if they had a perfect life instead of me. I tend to never want to hold onto something for too long, in the end I really just forgive everyone. I’m extremely, extremely insecure, especially about my art, body and face. And to add onto emotions I’m just extremely sensitive. I kinda feel self centred when I want to talk about myself, I like being a listener and I always will be a listener. I have attachment issues due to an incident that happened back when I was 11, ever since then I’ve clung to my whoever my favourite person is at the time. (Guess keegan’s highest kin challenge..)
Winnie Bosko (cold front): I tend to adopt attitudes and attributes of whoever my favourite person is. I also prioritise people over myself, being more concerned about them than ever about myself. I’m not very understanding of when I’ve overstepped or made someone uncomfortable, I had to be told and yelled even if It results badly. I get most of my encouragement from the people I’m around and if I don’t feel great then I won’t be able to do much.
Ivan (alnst): I love like a dog. Romantic or platonic, it doesn't matter. I don’t really understand people, at all unless they open up to me. Not only that but I have a hard time expressing myself and my emotions, nor do I really know what to do in most situations when I feel overwhelming emotions.
Baek Cirrus (litc): My attachment and jealousy issues are through the roof. On top of that, most of the time, I only really am connected to my family through blood. They barely know anything about me, and sometimes used as a scapegoat. I feel like a dog when I have to beg for any form of attention or affection.
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dawna-the-daring · 4 years ago
Dawna the Daring
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Name: Dawna Annabelle Walthomew Nobel
Tilte: Dawna the Daring
Rank: High Noble
Species: Shapeshifter/Faye Mage
Nicknames: Dawn, D, StarLight, Favorite, Silver Knight, Morning Light, Moonchild/Moonbeam, Hope
Aliases: Diana, Dee, Delilah, Debra, Dot, Donnie, Deeadra. Depending on the time period or mission depends on the alias used. All names start with D to acknowledge the first name she was ever given
Multiple possible ships: Hisirdoux Casperan, Bular the Butcher, James the Changeling (o.c), Delilah the Deadly (o.c), Kelpy the Kindred (o.c), Noble the Nifty (o.c), Steve Palchuck, Claire Nuñez, and Jim Lake Jr.
[Can also be shipped with one of your o.c's if discussed and agreed with]
Intelligence: Very High
Fighting Skills: High
Magic Level: High
Strength: Above Average
Speed: High
Durability: Above Average
Age: 916 years
Gender: Female (Fluctuates)
Sexuality: Pansexual genderfluid
Weight: 210 lbs
Heigth: 5'8"
Skin Color: White
Ethnity: Camelot (European)
Hair color: Hazelnut Brown (Can change)
Eye color: Green (Can change)
Weapons training: Dawn typically uses her magic in a fight but in cases where magic isn't practical she has extensive battle training from the Order, the Gum Gums, and the Trollhunters/Gunmars Resistance. She can use just about any weapon but her magic split blades are her favorite and what she's most comfortable with. One is named after herself and the other her sister (Dawn and Dusk) as they are twin blades that are split.
Dawn watched the Round Table train and learned how to weild a sword that way. She is also proficient in knife/dagger throwing. Can weild an axe and throw a spear with great aim. She can also use a bow and arrow though she doesn't like them as much. Anything around her can be technically be used as a weapon but that doesn't mean it's an effective one.
- Dawn is a powerful mage who learned magic during Camelots golden age. Merlins books and teachings helped her but sneaking out from the castle and exploring the woods around Camelots walls allowed her to truly learn magic for herself and what it means too her as a mage. She is most powerful with elemental spells as she learned from the woods and not a proper teacher. She has trouble with things like teleportation, telekinesis, and transmutation spells/hexes unless the spell she uses is connected to elemental magic.
- Her elemental magic attracts animals. She is good at calming stressed/angry animals as they can sense her magic and trust her. She can not speak directly to animals but she has an understanding of what their saying/feeling when they talk to her. If she listens closey enough plants also emit feelings and tell stories.
- Knows many different languages as after Camelots fall she took the time to explore the world. Has a slight accent but does a good job in sounding like a local. Strickler also taught her several codes like morse and tap that they use to have conversations during boring meetings.
- She is very knowledgeable on subjects like math, science, history, psychology, philosophy, biology, art history, anthropology, sociology, and many other subjects. She loves learning and often reads for hours at a time in her freetime. She absorbs knowledge like a sponge and one of her favorite past times is to listen to someone tell stories of their culture/past. Listening to others inspires her own creativity. She could sit and listen to Nomura, Strickler, and Otto's stories all day.
- Very empathetic and kind she just wants everyone to win. Whether she's a GumGum, an Order Spy, a freelance agent, or part of the Trollhunters she knows everyone and has seen their better side. She wants to believe everyone can be redeamed. Dawn wants to bring peace and when peace isn't an option she's hesitant to kill and perfers to injure or incapacitate instead. By nature she is a loving person and this has been used against her but she refuses to let herself see kindess as a weakness even if it has hurt her.
- Dawn is very adaptable when it comes to her environment or status. It's why when she's taken into the Order she rises quickly in the Changeling ranks and becomes a spy. Throughout her long life she has lived as a princess, a noble, a hand maiden, a pauper, and for a time a servant. Going through these various statuses she has learned a lot about herself and the world. She tries to treat everyone with respect and decency depsite status.
- During the GumGum war she became an amazing strategist and spy. Her skills to shift into any form allow her easy infiltration into an enimies camp. She uses her spy skills to watch how someone fights before devising a plan to counter their style and bring them down. She's best at making her enimies fall by finding their weaknesses and using it against them.
- Borne before electronics were around, Dawn often turned to the arts for entertainment. Hundreds of years of practice makes her a talented artist and story teller/song writer. She loves drawing and writing and has made hundreds of journals over the centuries. She has met great artists who have changed history over her life. Some being William Shakespeare, Leonardo Di Vinci, Michelangelo, Donetello, Raphael, Vincent Van Gogh, Charles Dickens, Virgina Wolfe, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and Frida.
- Dawn usually thinks things out and takes a calculated graceful approach to her fighting but when it comes to her close friends or family she can be very impulsive. She sometimes rushes into dangerous situations head first. She's also very stubborn and often gets in trouble for her sharp tongue.
- She is very protective of her friends and family. Dawn will do anything to keep them safe and has struggled with a savior complex ever since the fall of Camelot. She deals with severe self worth problems from unaddressed feelings and this causes her to think everyone is above her and their life is worth more than hers. Dawn has gotten hurt many times because she fears loosing those closest to her.
- Dawn has severe memory probelms from trauma and magical accidents/incidents. This leaves her vunerable to manipulation and can make her gullible at times. She is not naive and is often able to figure out who is her true ally and who is not but it can be hard to realise what's happening if she feels she's surrounded by friends/family. The Order especially her designated guardian or mentor Strickler have made it hard for her know what's right and what's wrong.
- Since she has been hurt and manipulated most of her life Dawna struggles with sharing things. Secrets are a common occurence and this can cause tension in a group setting. She keeps much of her past hidden and feels guilty about the secrets she hides but feels her friends/family would abandon her if they knew how she really felt and what she's been through.
- When she's hurt she often ignores it and lets the problem get worse because she doesn't want to address it. Her friends often have to drag her to a healer for treatment. This causes a lot of problems. She struggles with opening up so if she admits she's hurt or lets you bandage/heal her it means she trusts you far more than she'll admit.
- As a shapeshifter Dawn can shapeshift into anyone. After joining the Order her powers are put to use for infiltration/spying. Wanting to impress her higher ups Dawn often took her assignments too seriously and forgets who she is. She has identity problems and this can cause her great distress. However she has found ways to cope with this and Otto helped her master her powers so she'd control them and they wouldn't control her.
- After the Fall of Camelot, growing up in the Order Dawn has suffered many punishments for messing up an assignment/job. Strickler and Otto shielded her from the worst of it and sometimes Nomura would take the blame for Dawn but she has a lot of unresolved trauma that is buried deep within her. She will always feel indebted to Strickler and the other changelings but she also knows the Order is not a good place for her. The only good thing that came from all the punishments she's endured is she now has a high pain tolerance and she knows how the Order works.
- Dawn's maturity often fluctuates. She goes from being a young teen to an older adult yet she's always in the body of someone inbetween. Dawn could change her shape but mentally she's still that teenager who watched Camelot fall and wasn't able to save her family before they destroyed eachother.
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fictionadventurer · 5 years ago
OC asks: Sarah: 97-100; Lionel: 93-96; Jack: 89-92; Eliza: 85-88; Daniela: 79, 82-84; Alessando: 75-78; Floriano: 70-72, 74; Lucia: 66-69; Marata: 62-65; Jarrock: 58-61 ("crowed" meaning "crowded" presumably); Bastian Diriks: 54-57; Lady Diriks: 50-53; Lorenz Fortuin: 46-49; Anya: 42-45
Alright, here we go.
97. Where do they live? Who do they live with?
She lives in an old house near the university. She technically has her own apartment (later gets Eliza as a roommate), but Lionel and Jack share a larger apartment downstairs and she’s basically allowed to come in and out as if it were hers.
98. How do they calm themselves down?
Go on long walks, rant to someone (or no one) and/or furiously write down everything she thinks about what’s bothering her.
99. Are they co-dependent?
She’d bristle at the suggestion that she’s anything less than entirely independent, but she relies heavily on Lionel.
100. Are they a day, or night person?
Mostly a day person, except for the occasional late-night intense writing/studying session.
93. How do they deal with stress?
Ignore it and hope someone else figures out how to handle it. And play the piano a lot.
94. Do they have a more submissive or dominate personality type?
In a house with Sarah and Jack, almost anyone would be submissive by comparison, but even by normal standards, he’s a person who prefers to step back and let other people handle the problems in life.
95. Do they have a pet?
He had a bird for a few days until Sarah objected. He didn’t put up too much of a fight because he was starting to find it distracting.
96. Do they have a stash of weapons?
Nope. He wouldn’t have the first clue what to do with a weapon if you gave him one.
89. Can they remember a lot of information at once?
Yes. He remembers everything and it drives Sarah nuts. (Especially since the only things he can’t remember are when he needs to pay his portion of the rent or clean his part of the apartment).
90. What is their occupation?
Right now, a student of languages (which ones depends on the world I build around him).
91. Do other characters respect your OC, if so, is it out of fear? Or do they respect your OC because they like them?
Lots of people like him. Plenty of people are even impressed by him.  Few truly respect him. (Jack is not among those chosen few).
92. If they were given minutes to live, what would they do? Who would they want to see and say?
He’d try to figure out a way to get out of whatever situation leaves him with only minutes to live.
85. Are they self motivated?
Extremely. Once she decides to accomplish something, there is nothing that will keep her from doing it.
86. How do they cope with anger?
Stabbing things. She tried taking up embroidery once to serve this purpose, but the holes were too tiny to provide a satisfying level of destruction. Now, she usually just takes a pen and goes to town on a poor innocent sheet of paper (and the desk/table beneath it) until her temper is satisfied.
On a less destructive level, she’ll step back and figure out a plan to overcome whatever’s making her angry.
87. Have they ever been in a situation where they were helpless?
She does not believe in being helpless. There’s always something that can be done, even if the something is impossible to accomplish by any normal standards.
88. Are they organized or messy?
Very organized about projects and plans. Slightly messy when it comes to organizing her living space. Very messy about tending her hair.
79. Is there someone in their life that they care about more than themselves?
She cares a lot about her father.
82. Are they good at mental math?
She’s decent. She can usually compute basic math with a little bit of thought. If it gets too complicated she needs pen and paper.
83. Do they get along with others?
Yes. She makes a point of being pleasant, not standing out, and not offending people.
84  Are they lazy?
Not usually. A very solid work ethic, but some days you just need to relax.
75. What is their biggest fear?
Being useless.
76. What are their goals?
Keeping the kingdom from falling apart. (Though this is a hard question to answer when I still haven’t figured out the exact political situation in the revised imagining of the story).
77. How do they go about achieving their goals?
Advising Floriano from afar.
78. Do they have a fight or flight response?
If there’s any flight involved, it’s a strategic retreat so he can figure out the best way to fight.
70. Do they like themselves?
Before he was crowned, yes. After he was crowned, it seemed like his every trait and tendency was something that made being king that much harder.
71. Who do they dislike?
People who disrespect Alessandro or their late father.
72. What is their motto?
Never give anyone reason to hate you. (This motto has been very difficult to live up to after being crowned).
74. Have they ever been abused?
After he becomes king, he deals with a lot of verbal abuse (behind his back, but done in ways that it’s impossible for him not to find out about it).
66. What is their pet peeve(s)?
When people wear clashing colors. It drives her nuts and she can’t look away. 
67. Do they have a disability?
Not officially. Sometimes has trouble concentrating, but not to the level of disability.
68. How do they react to getting flowers?
She will spend the entire day making sure everyone sees her flowers and appreciates her flowers and knows how much she loves her flowers.
69. Would they ever wear a flower crown?
The problem would be getting to to take off the flower crown.
62. How do they relax?
Sing. Swim. Pray. All things, unfortunately, that she’s not allowed to do openly on land.
63. Have they ever harmed anyone and regretted it? Verbally or physically?
She’s got a quick temper and a sharp tongue that get her in trouble frequently, and she almost always regrets it after a day or two.
64. Do they like to dance?
She loves it. Unfortunately, her style of dancing is also one of those things the land-dwellers frown upon.
65. How do they get around their environment? Examples - horses, bike, vehicle
She’s used to getting around by swimming or boating. On land, she will always choose walking over any form of transportation that involves horses.
58. How would they come across to other characters? Examples- messy, lazy, childish, caring etc.
He seems like the serious, dutiful son; an impressive soldier who’d never step out of line or have a thought or emotion of his own. Unless you happen to witness one of his bursts of temper that reveal his very passionate underlying emotions.
59. Do they have a phrase they use over and over?
Not really. (That’s the kind of thing that I’d have to figure out over the course of writing the story).
60. In a crowded room are they in the corners, sides, or in the middle?
On the sides, present and watching carefully, but not getting too deeply involved.
61. Are they comfortable being in a crowded room?
No. He’ll stay for just as long as he’s required and he’ll leave the second he’s able.
Bastian Diriks
54. How do they cope with sadness?
Find something to distract himself--before, it was working with stars, now it’s listening to music. It also helps to find someone who’s having a worse day than him and try to help them out.
55. What is something they care about?
Loves working with the stars. Loves the family business. Continues to care about both even after the stars took his sight and the family kicked him out of the business side of things.
56. Would they die for anyone/anything?
He’d die for his family. Half of his family would prefer it if he would.
57. What do they do when they are happy?
He can get, like, obnoxiously cheerful. Drives people nuts.
Lady Diriks
50.Do they enjoy the arts?
She’s a leading patroness of the arts, so yes.
51. Do they like science?
She likes being thought of as someone who likes science (because that’s almost as fashionable as supporting the arts) but she doesn’t really understand it, so she learns just enough to nod along and seem knowledgeable when someone else is talking about it.
52. Are they more emotional or logical?
She’d says she’s entirely logical, but there’s more emotion driving her than she realizes.
53. How do they deal with their emotions?
Bottle it up. Deny it ever existed. Then take it out on the people around her.
Lorenz Fortuin
46. When is their birthday?
Not a clue. I’m not 100% sure they even use Earth’s calendar (they probably do). The most I’ll commit to at this point is that his birthday is probably in the winter.
47. Are they quick to judge?
He’s very quick to latch onto his first impressions of people as being the correct ones, and it can skew his judgement, but he’s willing to change his mind if given enough contrary evidence.
48. Do they have anything they are trying to hide from others?
He’s always trying to hide his lower-class origins.
49. Do they act different around different people?
All the time. He’s a very different person when he’s hanging with the upper crust than when he’s only with fellow artists or people of lower classes.
42. Are they close with anyone who is going to screw them over?
How did you know this was the whole point of the story? (Okay, he doesn’t quite turn against her, but it’s a close thing at some points.)
43.How do they adapt to different situations? Do they adapt at all?
She’s pretty good at going with the flow--being observant, staying quiet when she’s not sure what the right response is. But when she comes up with a plan of action, she acts upon it, and doesn’t always think through the consequences.
44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft spoken, hot heated, vulgar
Has a strong lower-class accent marring an otherwise pleasant alto voice. Very strident voice when she has strong emotions.
45. Are they opposed to violence?
When it’s directed against her, yes. When she needs to defend herself or her people? Absolutely not.
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melyaliz · 6 years ago
Fandom: Marvel / X-men Movies 
Summary: Soulmate AU where whatever they write on their skin goes on their soulmates and person A keeps drawing dicks because they think it’s funny that they will show up on person B.  and person B having to constantly cover them up and like “who the FUCK is this asshole!”
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x OC 
Notes: First off yes, I know I have a few requests and this isn’t one of them but… I was inspired (Like 8 pages inspired) 
Gemma is my new oc that I am working on at the moment I’ll probably post her character sheet soon plus MAYBE finish her full story. 
Anyway, she grew up in a pretty christen household (thinking she may be a pastor's daughter) And I totally HC that Peter is TOTALLY the kind of guy who would draw on himself. 
So the image of like Gemma having to go to church with a HUGE dick on her arm and has to wear a sweater in summer and stuff was just too funny to pass up on. 
I honestly didn’t know how to end this so I just kind of did?
Promise requests will be coming soon :D 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
Peter had already been suspended from writing on textbooks and his desk and with his notebook confiscated there was nothing left but his arm. 
 Freedom of expression man.
Plus the monster eating the freckle on his left arm was tiring out really good. 
“Mr. Maximoff, do you have anything of value to add to our discussion today?” 
“That’s what I thought.” 
Peter frowned his brown eyes scanning the board for a moment taking in the information before glancing over at Karen’s notes. Pride and prejudice was as boring as it sounded. Wasn’t that kind of a chick book anyway?
“Yeah, I’m good” Peter added putting his hands behind his back as his teacher his arm and art clearly visible for the teacher to see just to prove his defiance to this book. 
However, the teacher didn’t react and just went back to the front of the class.
Confused Peter looked at his arm. 
It was blank. 
“Gemma what did you do to your arm!?!” 
Gemma glanced down at her arm, the sleeve of her rolled up Catholic school uniform visibly showed the dark drawings of monsters eating helpless woman. “Uhhh I…”
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you go to that Iron Maiden concert,” her mother and school’s math teacher said grabbing her daughter pulling her toward the bathroom. “Your body is a temple” 
“Mom I promise? I have no idea how I got this!” 
Her mother paused for a moment looking down at her daughter’s arm, the permanent dark images now bleeding down her pale skin making them look even more grotesque. 
“I wonder…” 
“What Mom?” 
“So you didn’t draw on yourself?”
“I mean I have before but this isn’t me I’m not this good. Honest, I know it sounds crazy but it just showed up after science. Bobby was laughing about it and I was so confused.” Gemma adding a little More soap to her arm blowing away a few strands of her white-blonde hair out of her face, “besides I’m not stupid enough to draw demons on my arm at a Catholic school”
“It could be your soulmate” 
“Huh?” Gemma turned to her mom who was now rummaging in her bag for something. Once she found it she pulled out her pen handing it to her daughter.
“Write something”
“What happened to my body is a temple?” 
“Too late now” her mother laughed motioning to the melting monsters. “Go ahead”
“What should I draw?” Nerves bubbling up inside her. Weird how nervous you can suddenly get. 
“Anything you want.” 
Growing Gemma placed the pen to her skin pausing for a moment trying to think about what to draw. 
Bold block letters running down the length of his arm stopping at his wrist. Peter had already gotten a detention slip for mouthing off to his teacher and was now tapping his pencil on his desk as he sat there. Board out of his mind… until now. 
Curious he glanced down at his arm looking over the words now scrolled boldly over his arm. 
“Maximoff are we going to have a problem?” 
“Nope” came the distracted respond as Peter slowly drew a question mark behind the Hello.
A simple question mark drew itself next to one of the monsters making him look more inquisitive than scary. Gemma bit her lip trying not to laugh during her English class. 
Poor little guy, he was more confused that she was. Probably wondering why she had tried to erase him from her arm. 
 Could you not use a permanent marker? These monsters will never come off. 
Neat full circles looped across the top of his arm before one of his monsters came back to him in bright pink sharpie. Obviously traced. 
Oh, it’s on. 
Pulling out his VERY permanent maker Peter started to draw. 
“Shit” Gemma hissed as the huge dick and balls appeared on her hand. The shaft stretching from her hand down to her wrist. 
“Miss Gemma? Is there something you would like to say to the class?” 
Quickly she hid her hand under her desk “nope.” 
“What are you hiding?” 
“Nothing sister”
“Then pull up your hands” as Gemma slowly planted her hands on the desk the nun gasped “GEMMA!” 
“It’s not me!”
“Who else would do that? And when because I don’t remember seeing any phallic images on you before” 
Tossing her books and supplies into her backpack Gemma stood up walking off to detention, Sister Maryann stopped her handing her a bar of soap. Gemma looked down at it wondering where in the hell she had even been hiding that. Although Sister Maryann was known for washing kids mouths out with soap when they “took the Lord's name in vain” so maybe this was the mouth soap. 
Actual size Bold thick and large lettering hung over a small dick laying limp on the same hand he had drawn his own gorgeous penis drawing. 
Which of course, appeared right as he was flirting with Suzie, the cutest girl in school. 
“You have something on your hand…” the pretty brunette said nodding toward Peter’s hand which was holding her own as he “explained” the best way to use a joystick on the newest arcade game that had been put in across the street from their high school.   
“Are you kidding me!?!” Peter said pulling his hand quickly away, “Freak used permanent marker too”  
“What did it say?” Suzie giggled trying to get a look at his hand as her jock boyfriend walked up throwing an arm over her. 
“What up Petey?” 
“His hand just got this weird mark on it.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yep, got to go, see you both later fellow classmates,” Peter said saluting before dashing off probably a little faster than he should have. 
“This asshole” he hissed as he quickly ran his hand under the water trying to rub it off face slightly flushed with embarrassment over having the girl of his dreams see it. And they had been getting along so well too!
Oh it was on now. 
“This asshole” Gemma laughed as she scrubbed her arm with the hard bar of soap. Leave it to Sister Maryann to have the magic cure for something that shouldn’t be cured. While her hand was now rubbed raw from scrubbing, the large dick was no longer scrolled across her hand and the monsters were all but faded away. 
Letting out a triumphant laugh she looked into the mirror a huge smile on her face. 
Which faded into shock as her reflection looked back at her. 
Her face with a huge twisted mustache drawn across her upper lip. 
Soulmate my ass. This person was the devil incarnate. 
Peter checked everywhere, even stripping down to make sure there wasn’t anything written on… his precious bits. 
But no. Nothing came up.
Guess he had won. 
Something he through of proudly as he continued to doodle across his arms and legs. He never wrote on his face again and kept things mostly contained.
Although he would draw the occasional risque image in a fun place just to see if he would get a reaction. 
Not that he cared.
Not that it mattered.
It wasn’t like the thought of having someone out there that he could always talk to, was always there no matter what was something he wanted. 
Nope, not at all. 
Although when the cuts and bruises started to form he got a little worried. They got worse as time went on. Large hand size bruises and burns running all over his body. It was as if whoever that was on the other side was part of some fight club or something. 
During that time was the only time he truly addressed them.
Are you ok? 
Gemma rubbed her arm nervously as she walked through Xavier's school for gifted children. Led by the man himself it, Charles Xavier. 
She didn’t belong here, among the heroes. After being brainwashed to become nothing more than a weapon in some twisted man’s army Gemma felt like the silly catholic school girl who had a closeted love for Heavy Metal music was like a stranger to her. In her place was this strange woman now walking through a fog of uncertainty. 
The words Are you ok had almost faded from her arm but she had refused to wash it away. It had been a reminder that morning that something may have been wrong. That maybe those strange dreams she was having and those wounds she was waking up with were maybe not just nothing. 
That small warning that had been the tipping point. An almost literal wakeup call that had ended with her coming to this place filled with other mutants. People who had helped set her free from her prison. Break free from the mind control she had been under.
And faced with the reality of what she had unknowingly done under that man’s control she had no idea where to go from there. 
Where did she belong?  
It was faint but Peter saw it as she pointed toward the library asking Charles a question. Faded little gray letters, rushed and fast, scribbled across her underarm. 
He didn’t need to know what they said, he already knew. 
Turn  Around
Gemma blinked in confusion as the bold messy words flashed onto her hand. 
Turning she saw him, the speedster, Peter, standing a few feet behind her, a permanent marker in his hand with a huge smile on his face.
It washed over her like cold water.
For years she had wondered who that total ass was who had continued to plague her body with drawings. Her once perfect record marred with endless visits to the principle and detention. Gemma had always been a fly under the radar kind of girl, just be middle of the road and go unseen. Yet all those colorful drawings and even more colorful words had made her stand out in ways she had never dreamed of. 
Who was that person? Why were they doing this? How come they didn’t seem to care? After all, it was clear there was someone else was getting marred by those drawings.
A million questions flew through her mind and even more memories. 
Yet nothing seemed to come out.
“Bet you never thought you would be this lucky,” Peter said running his fingers through his silver hair. “I mean you basically hit the jackpot of soulmates.” 
“You…” her hands flickered with energy, emotions building up inside her spilling out, “total ASS!” 
Peter went flying across the hallway as she shot him, not enough to hurt him just kind of give him a taste of what he had been doing to her for the past 8ish years. 
“Could you two maybe…. I guess not” Charles groaned as Gemma’s second blast missed a much wiser Peter, blowing up a beautiful 16th-century vase.
“It took me a WEEK to wash off that stupid dick you drew across my chest! And that during prom weekend” 
Peter was laughing as he grabbed Gemma taking her outside where they could hash this out somewhere safe. 
“So what kind of dress did you wear to prom?” Peter asked looking her over trying to picture it, a cute little red (or maybe blue to match her eyes) dress with a big of black dick drawn up her chest the tip peeking out of the collar.
“A cardigan thanks to you.”
“Awww what’s the fun in that?” 
“I went to a Catholic school.” 
Peter stood there for a moment the image of her in a little catholic uniform covered in his demon and phallic drawings was just…
“Jesus Christ you didn’t!?!” he doubled over laughing as she watched him trying to fight back a smile. Honestly, after everything she had been through the memories of her trying to scrub off little devils and titties off her arms and legs felt almost… 
As annoying as they were, those drawings had kind of been comforting. They set her apart, let her know (as weird as he was) there was someone out there that was all her’s. Yes the dicks and the tits were annoying but there were also some pretty cool song lyrics that had helped her to discover music she hadn’t heard before. 
He was like her annoying little secret that broke out away from the everydayness of her very normal life.  
Plus she had to admit, it was a pretty funny image looking back. 
Not that she would EVER admit any of this to him. At least not right now. 
“You owe me big.” 
“Oh, Gemma I promise, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
“Why do I get the feeling your idea of making it up to me is going to be different than what mean?” 
“Maybe being soulmates always means you can read my mind?” he said leaning forward wagging his eyebrows. Gemma couldn’t help but laugh up at him as he took a step back holding out his hand.
As she took his hand Gemma had a feeling that much like the first time those little monsters appeared on her arms, her life was going to be filled with many more surprises. 
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​​ @coffee-randomness​​​ @daisyboobear​​​ @nilthanious​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​ @ocelysium​ @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep
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vidyanandbhavanhighschool · 2 years ago
The best way to learn math is to do science” — Paul Halmos
What Is Fear?Fear is just “dread” of anything. Fear can be dread of water, for example, hydrophobia, anxiety toward level viz. alto fear, anxiety toward shut spaces for example claustrophobia et cetera. Additionally there exists dread of execution or stage dread.
Dread can exist of any kind, not many individuals face maths fear. It’s ordinarily seen in teens. It very well might be characterized as a sensation of apprehension that prevents one from proficiently tackling numerical issues. Many individuals consider maths a very intense subject that is difficult for them to dominate. This negative mentality prevents them from zeroing in regarding this matter/issue. Not long before tests, they begin to be terrified as they are not ready. Some even learn and grasp maths however during the hour of the test, dread mists their psyches and they don’t perform well. This causes them to accept unequivocally to them that maths is excessively intense for them.
Reasons that cause maths uneasiness:-Maths fear is made essentially due to these reasons
Impact of the instructorIt is seen that a decent instructor cherishes the subject they are instructing. Then again, on the off chance that the educator feels negative towards math, it likely appears in their education and influences the understudies in much the same way.The strain brought about by time limits on testsThe imperative that coordinated tests force on understudies leads them to overreact. This leads them to fail to remember ideas that they are exhaustive in. Since these tests can adversely affect the presentation, which makes the understudy solidly accepts that they won’t pass it. This makes a continuous endless loop that could be challenging to break.The anxiety toward public shameMaths fear is additionally connected to gloomy feelings from an earlier time. In the event that an understudy has been reprimanded for finding a solution wrong, it can exacerbate their tension. The equivalent is for the situation assuming the person has been humiliated before others.Nonleeway of the fundamental ideasIn the event that an understudy isn’t clear about the essential ideas then it’s a major issue on the grounds that without realizing the rudiments understanding its further application is truly troublesome. This is one more explanation that causes a feeling of dread toward maths.Absence of trainingMath requires standard practice to dominate its ideas. Understudies have the propensity for heaping it up till the latest possible second. This forms tension in the latest possible moment which brings about failing to remember the ideas or recipes. We don’t have the capacity of finishing the 365 days schedule in a week or somewhere in the vicinity.Mantra or strategies to conquer the maths fear:-Here is a portion of the supportive plans to persuade youngsters to concentrate on math and to forestall math nervousness:
Uplifting feedbackUnderstudies adapting to maths nervousness need to feel that they can perform well in this subject. Survey schoolwork with your kid and point out every one of the inquiries that are right. Put an accentuation on the right responses and value them as opposed to the slip-ups. In the event that is conceivable, encompass your kid with empowering educators and understudies.Rethink NervousnessRethinking nervousness can show an improvement in execution. Cause the understudy to record their stresses over maths prior to getting it done. By methodical reflection, understudies can understand their apprehensions are unwarranted. Help understudies to consider tests and tasks to be difficulties and qualities rather than dangers. If you want to Make Maths Fun Then, Send Your Child to one of the Best High Schools in Nigdi, Named Vidyanand Bhavan High School.
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goinggreen24-7 · 2 years ago
Going Green vs. Sustainability - What's the Difference?
Read the original article here: https://www.goinggreen247.com/post/going-green-vs-sustainability
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What exactly is going green about? How does it compare with the idea of sustainability? Well, we at Going Green 24/7 are here to clear that up for you.
The term "going green" derives from the act of living a life focused upon protecting the planet from climate change. Whether big or small, this act intends to contribute toward a wide variety of aspects in our environment.
Sustainability, on the other hand, holds a completely separate concept to going green - though they may at first appear the same, sustainability refers more to the choice of refraining from damaging the environment. In other words, while "going green" involves making changes to society that positively affect Mother Earth's well-being, "sustainability" simply has to do with not impacting the planet in any way (good or bad).
Now, how does this understanding have anything to do with you? First and foremost: you are a citizen of planet Earth! Therefore, having a grasp on the difference between going green and sustainability will help you to decipher which path you want to take on the road to minimizing global warming.
Personally, the Going Green 24/7 Team feel that "going green" is the best option to take - as can be seen from the definitions provided above, to go green involves using passion and innovation to make the fixes you wish to see in society. We truly believe that everyone has a unique gift which, whether known or not, can greatly affect the course of climate change. Regardless of your passion - music, dance, science or maths - there is some way you can help in this fight for the survival of our dear planet. Sustainability is not an adequate goal for you to be aiming for!
Going Green 24/7, though, recognizes that there is a factor which holds us all back from being able to fully go green: fear. No matter what form it may take it is in some way present within all of us. But why should it hold us back? Why should we let it prevent us from doing what we know is right? Why should it dictate every opportunity we get to make a change?
It shouldn't. That's why the team has decided to share with you some small steps you can take to start your trail to go green:
1. Reuse
There are plenty of ways for you to reuse those items of yours that would otherwise end up in the landfill. For example:
Give life to unused plastic, cardboard and glass containers by turning them into flower vases
Turn your old newspaper into something handy - like a box for putting your keys in
Make art!
2. Reduce
Cut down on the waste your everyday items produce by finding nifty and planet-conscious alternatives:
Replace plastic bags with cotton ones instead
Purchase more sustainable clothing
BYOM - Bring Your Own Mug!
3. Recycle
Throwing plastic and paper in the recycling bin is not the only way you can uplift this "R" - did you know you can also recycle...
Food waste (e.g. organic products),
Metal (e.g. tin and aluminum cans), and
Chewing gum!
In conclusion, we hope you now understand the very big difference between going green and sustainability. But that's not all. We, too, ask that you realize that the suggestions given above are not the end of your journey: they are the beginning. We have provided them merely as points of inspiration from which you can take to develop your environmental awareness - so set forth, and make the fixes you wish to see in society. In the wise words of Ronald Reagan, "there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder..."
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fingersinhisass · 7 years ago
1. what does music mean to them? what role does it play in their life? 
he likes it well enough, he’s always enjoyed dancing and is an incurable habitual whistler. the only songs that really have any deep meaning for him are probably the lullabies his mom would sing to him when he was just a lil’ kid, which have been passed down in his family for generations. (he 100% sings them to his own kids when he has them.)
2. if you were to hug them, what would they smell like?
pipe smoke with a hint of lavender. he keeps lavender sachets in all of his clothing drawers and his handkerchiefs all smell like it. his mom grows lavender on her farm so he picks some every time he visits
3. what’s their favorite food?
the simple, rich soup his mom would make in the winter on the rare times they had a bit of meat to spare, but also just soup in general. he’s fond of a good soup.
4. what’s their least favorite food?
porridge. yech. bad memories.
5. do they like nature? if they do, what’s their favorite natural setting (woods, beach, desert, lake, etc.)? 
he likes nature from a distance. he doesn’t like nature if it ruins his clothes. which is most of the time. generally he prefers to stay away from any sort of hiking or camping – he’s a city boy at heart – but he appreciates the beauty of the open fields around his mother’s farm.
6. what’s their most prominent personality trait?
he’s. he’s an idiot. an exceptionally charming, exceptionally kind idiot.
7. what’s their mbti?
jeez idk. i don’t even know my own mbti 
8. hogwarts house? 
probably gryffindor
9. d&d alignment?
neutral good
10. if they were in a modern high school clique (jocks, goths, hipsters, geeks, etc.), what would it be? why?
oof. he would hang out with the delinquents because at that age he was also a delinquent and also just. noticeably poor. he’d generally keep to himself but he’s got a pretty hot temper and i wouldn’t be surprised if he got into fights a lot over shit kids would say.
11. tea or coffee?
both? coffee for the caffeine if he’s working a case, tea for leisure and pleasure
12. dusk or dawn?
dawn. for some reason he strikes me as an early bird. but also the kind of person who stays up all night doing something they’re intensely focused on and getting no sleep? but when he is getting reasonable sleep, he likes to wake up early. he likes the sunrise
13. country or city?
city for sure. he likes his mom’s farm, but he went back to the city after he left the gang for a reason – it stole his heart a long, long time ago and he couldn’t stay away.
14. what do they do in their free time? do they have any hobbies?
al isn’t the kind of person who really has free time – he’s kind of a workaholic when it comes to his job since it’s intensely important to him. that being said, when he does have free time, he likes to read poetry and go see live performances in taverns, things like that. he’s a sap for a good romance story.
15. do they like animals? if they do, which ones?
he likes animals, but he’s terrible at keeping them. i think he had a big ferret in the campaign once that he stole???? no idea what happened to that
16. how are they in platonic relationships?
he has very few of those, considering his devotion to his job and his sketchy past. he’s the kind of person that’s liked by many but truly known by few – he’s outwardly charming and charismatic and a very likable person, but people who’ve known him for years realize frequently that they know next to nothing about him.
17. how are they in romantic relationships?
absolutely doting, sometimes to the point of suffocation for some people. he’s all about giving himself over to the relationship – when he does things he cares about, he puts himself into them totally and completely. he doesn’t halfass anything. he’s also an absolute hopeless romantic and a surprisingly eloquent poet, despite the fact that he’s not very smart, so he likes to shower his partners in little surprises and gifts and thoughtful love letters.
18. do they have any insecurities about themselves?
hoo boy. he considers himself a monster. full stop.
19. what’s their favorite genre of book or movie (if they like to read or watch movies)?
oh romance, hands down.
20. what would their dream vacation look like?
see: his and shaelle’s beach honeymoon tbh
21. how many hours of sleep do they get on average?
oh lord. between insomnia, nightmares, and and all-nighters for work, he is a bad sleeper. at best he gets maybe 2-5 hours; at worst he gets none. luckily he’s an elf, so. i don’t think technically they’re supposed to need to sleep? but fuck it, he needs to recharge SOMEHOW, so i say he needs sleep.
22. what is their body shape? are they trim or tubby? tol or smol?
he’s tall for an elf, about 5′10, 5′11. thin, wiry body with taut, lean muscle. shoulders a bit on the wider side and a trim waist. legs for fucking years, y’all. he hansom.
23. if you had to pick five words/phrases (objects, places, weather, etc.) to describe your oc’s aesthetic, what would you pick?
the curl of smoke from a pipe, a man’s silhouette outlined against a streetlight, the soft, warm ambient chatter and music of a bar, golden cufflinks and a sharply pressed suit, a purple ribbon tied around a roll of parchment with a flourish
24. do they hold onto grudges?
only if the wrongdoing was against someone he cares about 
25. are they fiscally responsible? or would they prefer spending with wild abandon?
having grown up in deep poverty, he tries his best to be frugal with his money. that being said, he is very, very weak to neckties and is absolutely an impulsive spender.
26. what’s their favorite kind of weather?
hot, lazy summer days and soft, mild spring evenings with just the slightest nip to the air
27. how old would they be if they didn’t know how old they are? (e.g., what’s their mental age?) 
oh jeez, that’s hard. he’s been through some fuckin shit. probably like. mid to late forties? or the elf equivalent of that. so a good fifteen to twenty elf years older
28. what’s their opinion of children? how are they around children?
he fucking ADORES children and gets along with them fantastically. he thinks they are incredible, fantastic little creatures and dreams of being a dad.
29. what’s their sexual orientation?
probably pansexual, with a bit of a preference for men, although he ends up marrying a woman.
30. what’s their favorite color?
any and all shades of purple.
31. what temperature would they prefer the room to be?
he runs a bit warm-blooded, so probably in the high sixties, but he’s also not one to pick a fight over the thermostat.
32. how mannered are they? how proper do they act?
he’s very, very lucky he’s so naturally charming. he was able to pick up on things very quickly once he started mingling with higher society, but he still is more inclined to dislike nobles simply because of his upbringing.
33. how do they dress?
very well, for within his budget. he’s a detective, so he’s not rich, but he’s certainly better off than he was as a child. still, he loves clothes and looking good, so he dresses like a gentleman as much as possible. he’s very fashionable.
34. which season do they prefer? why?
summer. lots of good childhood memories associated with it.
35. what is their “morning ritual”?
if he gets the chance to actually sleep through the night, he wakes up, makes himself some tea, washes his face, brushes his teeth, combs and styles his hair, chooses an outfit and puts it on, smokes his pipe and grabs a newspaper on the way out to work. otherwise he does all of that but without the waking up part and with very, very strong coffee instead of tea.
36. what is their “nighttime ritual”? 
on the nights he isn’t working a case into the wee hours of the morning, he takes a bath with a glass of wine and some poetry or a romance novel, then brushes his teeth, changes into his pajamas, and reads in bed until he feels ready to fall asleep.
37. have they ever had a one-sided crush?
no, actually. again, he is remarkably lucky he’s so goddamn charming. usually people he’s interested in tend to be interested right back. whether that goes past the initial mutual attraction is a different story.
38. do they like art? what form?
he’s very fond of music and writing, and admires paintings and illustrations as well
39. how do they read a book (if at all)? slowly, over the course of a few days, or within a few hours? do they sit, stand, lay down, all of the above?
usually he has to do his reading in the brief snippets of free time he can snatch up between work, so it can take him months to finish a fairly short book. he usually reads either in bed or on the loveseat in the living room of his apartment, and frequently falls asleep reading in both.
40. do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
oh yep. all sorts of stuff he regrets from his time as a thief/assassin. he’s literally got a whole selection of nightmares that like to replay themselves from night to night.
41. what would be their favorite subject in school? (e.g., English, Math, Science, History, Recess, etc.)?
oh english for sure, he has great appreciation for the written word
42. what physical features do they find attractive on other people?
kalsjdf;adjfklajsdklf idk. he likes shaelle’s hands and hair and neck – he finds them all very elegant and lovely and they’re probably written about in some of the letters he sends her, ngl.
43. are they patient or impatient? what situations would make them feel one or the other?
he’s generally pretty patient, especially when conducting investigations, but he has a very short fuse when it comes to people he perceives as committing an injustice or a wrongdoing. his sense of justice is very strong.
44. what is their opinion of authority?
sometimes it should be respected, other times it shouldn’t. it’s all circumstantial. usually based on whether he agrees with them or not.
45. what is their opinion of tradition?
he doesn’t have much tradition to speak of, other than the bit of elvish culture his mother passed on to him. it’s very important to him because he associates it with her.
46. are they into folklore and/or conspiracy theories? or do they think both are garbage?
he doesn’t really care about them either way, tbh.
47. if they were to have a “happy place” they retreated to in their mind during stressful/boring situations, what would that place be? what would be in it?
a comfortable study space with a crackling fireplace, full bookshelves, and a cozy armchair to read or fall asleep in.
48. what is one value they hold higher than any other, in others and in themselves? (e.g., loyalty, intelligence, compassion, responsibility, etc.)
probably compassion. like i said, he’s got a very strong sense of justice and cares deeply for the wellbeing of others, especially innocents.
49. what is/are their love language(s)?
gifts for sure
50. what is their opinion of cheese?
excellent. he enjoys a good cheese every now and again.
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welcometojoelsvoid · 7 years ago
My ocs explained: Voidverse
A friend of mine asked me to tell about my ocs, and since there a lot of them and this will be long and tumblr messages won't let me send the whole thing, so I decided to make a post dedicated to it.
This post won't have pictures of my ocs because I'm lazy, but if you're interested there's a tab on my blog called "My characters", which has their pictures and their tags.
So, to get the more complicated things cleared out, I have this group of characters I call the "alts", basically, they're alternate versions of myself. One is always based on an aspect of my personality, which I then turn into said alt. A new one is usually born whenever I make one for a new fandom or universe.
Ps. This isn't all of them, there are a few minor characters and wips that I left out because this would become waaayyyy longer than needed. These characters belong in a group I call the "Voidverse", which are the characters that I consider to be the main characters of this storyline (some of my ocs live in different realms and realities, etc). I might make another oc megapost about the other verses if you guys want.
Classic the Demon (he/him), 24
My "main" alt, who is also my persona on the internet is called Classic the Demon (they all have nicknames since most of them usually share my name). Classic is kinda the leader of the alts, he's the one who usually gets to join a new verse if I haven't made a new alt specifically for that verse.
Classic's powers include telekinesis, teleportation, offensive spells and the summoning of a weapon (in this case; a sword) and a pair of wings. Classic has this so-called "pocket dimension" that he accesses via his magic. This dimension is where he stores a bunch of random stuff from clothing to food to sketchbooks. Also, because he's so extra, whenever he summons his sword he kinda swipes his right hand from left to right once while his sword materializes from dark energy, just for dramatic flair.
Like most demons, Classic is also capable of collecting souls through contracts, though Classic had "retired" from doing said contracts.
Classic was born in a Renaissance-era like time period in a small hidden village of demons. The village was very small with only a few houses and a post office. Classic's family consisted of Classic himself, his mother and father. Although his father had left when Classic was an infant for an unknown reason. Therefore Classic was solely raised by his mother.
Classic's only friends in the village was another boy his age named Eemeli and a person called "the Guard". The Guard lived at the edge of the small town, whose job was to protect it from the dangers of the grand forest right next to them. Classic looked up to the Guard, for she was one of the strongest people he knew. His favourite memory of her was when she fought a bear with her bare hands.
Eemeli, on the other hand, was an adventures child much like Classic, though not as reckless. He had a family of two (2) parents and four (4) siblings.
(But of course, because this is a character made by yours truly, there is a lot of edge and angst)
At the age of 13, Classic's village was attacked by a troupe of human soldiers. They burned the houses and slaughtered the people. With the help of his mother, he had survived. Classic had passed out during the attack and once he woke up he couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was destroyed and burnt to the ground, including the people he held so near and dear to his heart. Classic didn't know what to do, so he wandered aimlessly until he reached a town of humans. Traumatised and blinded by hate, he killed everyone and anyone he saw and when he reached the castle he stabbed the king to death with a dagger that had appeared in his hands, which would later on, as he got older, form into the dark sword that it is today.
Classic was "rescued" by a group of angels and was brought into their home in the sky. No, not heaven, but a floating island. He hadn't told them exactly what happened, not that he was all that able to because of the shock of it all. Though the angels did not press on the subject, clearly aware of his discomfort.
The family he was living with had one (1) child, Ale, a pink haired angel with greenish eyes. The two of them instantly became close friends and through that friendship considered each other siblings. Growing up in a community of angels as a demon was tough, but most of them were very accepting of Classic.
Though, with time he became restless. He wanted to go somewhere, do something. But he didn't know where nor what.
At the age of 19, Classic and Ale packed their bags and went to see the world. And through this adventure, they became face to face with Death, literally. On their adventure, Ale had been hurt severally and Classic in desperation tried with all his might to help them. He turned to soul stealing harvesting and contract work to earn currency, souls paid well with witches and faeries. Unfortunately, he couldn't earn enough in time or get any help. Ale had died of sickness and Classic ever since blamed himself.
His journey alone took him to many places, but he was always alone. Until he met a certain someone, but more about that later.
Classic himself is a cocky yet charming personality, not really in love with himself but absolutely adores praise and loves being in the spotlight (when he wants to, otherwise attention from a lot of people make him anxious). He's the one I made the most like myself, so ultimately he has the same issues; depression, anxiety, ADD and sociopathic tendencies. Of course, pretty much every alt have more or less these traits, some show them more, some don't.
He's a loyal friend and cares for his loved ones, good with a sword and has good problem-solving skills and critical thinking, but he lacks the sense of responsibility sometimes and gets very paranoid about not being good enough. He's very forgetful and has a hard time understanding complex things like math, geology and physics but has a talent for arts, language and philosophy. He's not in touch with his owns feelings but can tell when someone else is upset, anxious or lying. He's very unused to affection and compliments, often deeming himself not worthy of them but tries his best to stay positive.
Jojo (he/they), 23
Jojo is an easily excitable and reckless half-dead demon living in a post-apocalyptic setting. Jojo doesn't have magical abilities, though, they lost them alongside his horns and tail after committing suicide before he was brought back to life.
He likes brights colours, stuffed animals, motorcycles and most importantly; explosives.
Jojo had lost a part of their hearing and vision to a malfunctioning bomb, had been lucky that in a tight spot the last of his magical ability had protected all but a small portion of the side of his head, face and neck.
His left leg was lost in a fight. Jojo had seen a young girl being kidnapped, followed the kidnappers and fought them, rescuing the kidnapped children and losing his leg to an axe. This had happened before the war.
Even in crude conditions, Jojo believes that positivity can get you through anything. His blatant naïtivity can often cause him to trust the wrong people but make no mistake, Jojo is no fool and can quickly regain his composure and build up his walls. Jojo is a very social person and can easily get along with anyone, although can sometimes get a tad too excited and accidentally say and do something rather awkward. They always try to make up for hurt feeling, tough. Jojo is also big on taking risks and can often put themselves in dangerous situations.
As mentioned previously Jojo is a bomb fanatic and loves explosives and explosions. He taught himself to make his own bombs and frag launcher, many of which malfunctioned in various ways.
He doesn't remember much about his childhood, his memory fading alongside the scars on his body. He just remembers having a good family and he's fine with that. Jojo is also one of the only alts who drinks and smokes (they smoke pot, don't like cigarettes much). He's overall a pretty chill dude when he's not jumping from place to place and blowing stuff up.
He's also the one who shows the most clearly symptoms of ADHD.
He's a smart boy who's a bit clumsy sometimes.
A wholesome boy. A very sweet boy.
Invite him to every party because he's never been to one but really wants to. Good with kids, animals and knows how to make broccoli taste good. (Not good with elders and other fragile things that break easily)
282-J aka J/Jay (they/them), 22
282-J, the one that is actually not even a demon. 
J's power is "teleportation" via light. They can turn themselves into light particles and move a few meters to the direction of their choosing. So J cannot use this power in places without some kind of light source, though the illumination of a phone or TV, etc, is not enough. J also cannot move through solid matter, like walls and doors.
 J was born into "captivity" in a science lab (Oh, yes, it's "science labs are evil" trope time!). This science lab was fixated on mutants and mutation, so I relate J to the Marvel universe (because X-Men).
From birth J had lived in that facility, being experimented on every single day. Some weren't bad, like seeing how long of a distance J can teleport for example, but some are excruciating, as when J would go days without being fed or being locked in a dark and tight room for weeks, even months! It all took its toll on J's fragile body.
Once the lab crew injected an adrenaline type drug into J's bloodstream and locked him in a small room for three (3) days straight, when a staff member was sent to retrieve J's seemingly passed out body, they had bitten into the man's arm and in response got an elbow to the chest. J coughed up blood and couldn't breathe, actually passing out this time. When J woke up they were in their own room; padded, white walls and the one-way glass in front. J felt their own breath on their face and when J reached to touch their own face, they felt what seemed like a gas mask of sorts and tried to fumble with it to take it off. The voice from the speakers told that the gas mask had two (2) benefits; it restrained J from biting the staff again and it kept J, themselves, alive. Apparently one of J's lungs had received a lot of damage from the incident and the lab crew could not entirely fix it, so a special gas mask would have to do.
J is very timid and does not speak often nor raise their voice. They're very awkward in social situations and get overwhelmed by large groups of people and loud noises. Though J can be brave and courageous when they want to and they're also a quick thinker and rather clever.
Cappy the Capricorn (she/her), 300+
Ah, yes, Cappy the Capricorn- or Cappy the Zodiac demon. The one person you wouldn't invite to your family gatherings.
She is a Zodiac demon and her powers focus mostly on controlling the water element. Another skill of her's is knowing how to cut her own hair using seashells and other sharp objects found on the seafloor. She's a very calm person with a professional-seeming personality, but she can be a bit "inappropriate", so to say.
She's a siren-like creature and when underwater her legs turn into a fishtail. She very much enjoys tricking unsuspecting men into their tombs and seducing women into sleeping with her, though to the fair lass she shall do no harm (In other words; she's a lesbian). Her magic is very powerful, but she isn't a fighter- she doesn't want to waste her time on petty brawling. Although if not left alone when asked, she won't hesitate to use violence as her saviour.
Unfortunately, there isn't much to tell about her background, for it does not exist because I am a lazy sonovabitch who doesn't think through their characters' backstories.
But Cappy is not really that much of a "macho sex object with no personality" (I hope), for in actuality she's a real softy. She's all smooth and clever in seduction and all that sexy stuff, but when a cute girl compliments her, she blushes like crazy and gets all flustered. If she ever would develop a crush on some poor soul, that poor soul would have to deal with a very nervous and stuttering mountain sea goat.
From 1 to 10 I'd rate Cappy a 5/10 on the friendship scale. Not that she's an evil person or whatever, she just doesn't know how to properly act around people (living at the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years will do that to ya, I suppose...). She, however, is very supportive and helpful whenever the people she considers her friends are having a hard time (especially about their own appearance, she ain't having none of it).
The Voidkeeper (she/they), ???
The Voidkeeper, the eldest one- mostly because their age cannot be comprehended for it simultaneously does and does not exist.
The Voidkeeper is half-blind, half-death and selectively mute. She is also a sociopath and does not feel empathy nor sympathy (or feelings, at all).
And most important, they are dead. I mean no heartbeat, rotten insides, dried out blood kind of dead.
She was banished to what is called the Void when she committed suicide. See, demons cannot be killed, only trapped in artefacts or returned to the Underworld, but a demon has the ability to take their own life, but it is not without punishment. When a demon commits suicide they are banished and assigned to a task which they will carry out for the rest of eternity. This one was assigned to look after the Void, a fruitless task for it is empty and barren. The only thing that happens is that every millennia a new book appears in the Void to give some sort of entertainment to the Voidkeeper.
On very rare occasion a poor soul might accidentally either wander or be sent to the Void and it is the Voidkeeper's duty then forward to guide the wanderer where they were supposed to go. Every time something, or someone, appears in the Void the Voidkeeper is alerted by the soul stone they carry. This stone, as prompted by the name, is in a way the Voidkeeper's soul, which they cannot ever regain. It is their life source and their source of power. The Voidkeeper is not allowed to ever be violent, so the soul stone only grants them defensive powers. In this case the ability to heal and create protective forcefields.
The Voidkeeper cannot physically ever enter the realm of the living, but with the aide of someone very powerful, they are granted to walk amongst the living as a ghost of sorts. They, however, cannot be touched by the living.
The Voidkeeper is very silent and intelligent. They know more than you'd expect, but will never tell you what you want to know. Only what you need to know, which in itself is not much. She prefers to observe others as they go about their life whenever she isn't reading, other than that there isn't much to her.
Inquisitor Lotus Draqon (he/him), 23.5
The alt for the da:i fandom and my most recent alt.
He's very peculiar in the sense that he was born from the merged souls of Classic and a dragon called Jupiter. No one is sure how this happened but one-day Classic had disappeared. It took a long time to find where he was and the answer was very surprising.
Now with his soul living in as in another person's body, Classic was trapped in a frozen state in another pocket dimension with Jupiter. This meant that as long as Lotus was intact or alive, Classic would not himself be present and neither would Jupiter.
Classic's soul gave Lotus many of the abilities that he himself has, telekinesis, illusion magic, weapon and wing summoning, etc. And Lotus as a person is fairly similar to Classic, some of the differences being Lotus' dragon attributes; his scales, tail, the sword is rather different, bigger horns and bigger wings (and a bigger appetite).
Lotus is also more innocent leaning and shyer. And unlike Classic, isn't such a good swordsman (he gets better with time tho).
Similarly to Classic, Lotus isn't very independent and often depends a lot on the people around him for help and advice. They both also have a giant sweet tooth and love animals. And they both stutter, have trouble pronouncing some words and have motor and verbal ticks (whenever Lotus yawns, burps, gets excited, happy or is frightened he goes "woof!", Classic just makes weird demon noises. Their motor ticks are pretty much the same, twitchy hands, neck and whole damn body).
Though Lotus is more prone to seek out simulation, tapping his claws against a table, playing with his hair and tail and pressing his toe beans. Classic mostly plays with his hair and his shirt sometimes. Also because of dyslexia, they both often have jumbled words when speaking, though with Lotus it's stronger and for him, reading is harder. Lotus is more willing to take risks and go out on an adventure, he has very strong legs and wings that can carry him for hours. And in general Lotus' health is better than Classic's, he's learned to cope with his problems better and cares for himself more.
Also, laser pointers totally work on him.
Now, let's get to the other characters in my verse.
Katy Huerta (she/her), 38-41
A retired Special Task Force agent called back on the field after suspicious and unknown signals had started appearing out of nowhere. They were most likely of a supernatural origin and agent Huerta was assigned on the job. Katy is a skilled and headstrong woman with experience with supernatural forces. As a young child, her body is shared by her and a power fire spirit. She can control fire and use it as a weapon, as well as turn into fire herself.
Turns out that classic had been causing waves of magic which turned to signals as he made his way to this world and travelled around it. At the time he was 19 years old. Katy wasn't sure how to approach him as she found him walking around abandoned buildings but she knew she couldn't kill or arrest him, he hadn't done anything wrong. So she took him in. Taught him, mentored him, took care of him. Katy doesn't have much knowledge about magic but she taught him how to use his sword, how to use his mind and how to use his heart. Classic would follow her around like a puppy, mostly because HQ didn't fully trust a demon to walk around by himself. They respected Katy a great deal, but we're very unsure of this decision. Katy didn't care, though, she was sure. Katy's heart is as big as her muscles and just as strong, she never gave up on that boy and she's glad she didn't. She found a lifelong friend and a trusted partner. She was like a mother to him.
Katy is what I like to call the "bridger", she's usually the bridge between the different universes and dimensions. I gave her full knowledge of the different alts, what they are and what they mean. Whenever there's a new alt, she informs the others and looks over the new one, deciding whether or not they should be cautious and stay away or if they can be invited to the "inner circle".
The day when Classic had his soul transferred and himself trapped was something Katy wasn't sure how to take action, she had no idea who "Lotus" was and what kind of alt they were (you can never know, even the nice sounding ones can be mean and the world they live in might not be able to handle Katy's presence). She took a risk and bridged into the world of Thedas to handle the situation.
Coraline Daniel (she/her), 65.5
The pretty typical vampire oc, I'd say.
Coraline is a carefree soul who enjoys being a mysterious shadow in the back of people's minds. One day she's here, another day she's gone. She doesn't burn in the sunlight but her powers weaken a lot, which includes mind control, teleportation and flight.
A true lady and a primadonna; never settles for second best, Coraline is a beauty and rarity and uses it to her advantage. Many people are slow to notice she's already sucking the blood out of their veins, her victims helplessly falling into her traps and under her spell. 
All except one.
Agent Katy Huerta; the STF's favourite puppet; a saviour; a righteous knight; a woman of high regard and the only one to catch Coraline's eye. She had been assigned to search for the reason behind recent murders (Coraline's doing, of course) and had successfully tracked the culprit down. Coraline was surprised that her normal tactics hadn't worked and this piqued her interest. Ever since their first meeting, they seemed to bump into each other quite often. It was a classic game of cat and mouse, with a lot more flirting though. And they both seemed to enjoy it.
Coraline could never trap her and she could never catch Coraline in return. Neither of them wanted to. Or did, but the meaning behind it had changed.
Katy would track the vampire to her next destination, catch her red-handed, they'd fight, steal kisses in between and Katy would watch her disappear into the night. It became routine, tradition. Routine was broken when Katy asked her for a date before she could run off again, caught by surprise but regaining composure Coraline accepted. Katy brought her a silver ring as a gift to their date, it was a simple gesture that meant something more to them both.
Akachi (they/them), 12
Akachi was found in Western-Africa, alone and unconscious in a cryochamber at an old hospital. The child was in a deep coma and appeared to have lizard-like attributes. Files showed that they were there because of an illness that threatened to take their life, but nothing else could be recovered.
The STF team took them back to America to take care of them, but no one was sure what should be done. Should they be given up for adoption? Surely that couldn't be safe for the child. Luckily STF's golden girl Katy Huerta stepped up to take care of the child, adopting them. The child's name is Akachi, was what she was told, they were found abandoned and appear to be intersex. And so the child was given in to her care. Once home, Classic had been very curious about the child. They decided to take care of Akachi together.
Back then Akachi had been just 4 years old and they didn't appear to have any memories before the hospital, so adapting wasn't the most difficult thing. Akachi is a gentle soul and a very curious child, very imaginative. Akachi was placed in a special program when starting school, normal school being a distant thought but they got there eventually.
Akachi is very excited about new things, very excited to learn and experience things. Although Katy tries to keep them away from tough adventures, sometimes by accident a certain demon cannot resist the puppy-eyes. Akachi is all too happy to meet new people, they always dream of having a big family and they do consider the alts to be family.
Elizabeth Hart aka Wolfy Heart (she/her), 27
Quite literally my oldest oc, I'm fairly sure that Wolfy was the first oc that I ever made and she's come such a long way since then.
Wolfy is the daughter of a rich German family, not that it matters but I'm just laying down random facts at this point, she grew up fairly similarly to everyone else though, she wasn't spoiled and her parents were very good at parenting and were decent people.
Wolfy is a very motherly person and takes care of her friends a lot, she loves socialising and cooking and is very good at playing the harp. She's very curious and blushes easily, she's very modest. She likes spending time with animals and children and is very creative and fashionable. She's compassionate and wants what's best for everyone, she's a little naïve in that sense.
Wolfy had been good friends with Katy (through a mutual friend) even before Classic came around. And Wolfy was more than happy to welcome him with open arms and warm cupcakes! Wolfy's also like an aunt to Akachi who she also welcomed with open arms and warm cupcakes.
Idk dudes I love Wolfy, she's been there for me through many years and seen some shit, she's amazing, she sometimes makes her own clothes and really likes turtles.
Quality werewolf, would bark again
Katja Storm aka Kstorm (mostly she/they but he is also fine), 30
Kstorm is also a very old character of mine (like Wolfy and Katy), she's been through many changes and I'm finally happy with where she is!
Kstorm is the oldest of (3) three children, she's half Spanish half Korean and she's a DJ and quite enjoys making music. I imagine her style is similar to Porter Robinson but maybe a bit more bass heavy (I just love Porter Robinson y'all)
She's dating a girl named Kayna (Kstorm calls her Kaykay uwu), who's best friends with Wolfy and by correlation, she got invited to the Cool Kids club B)
Kstorm herself is a witch and when Classic came around she got pretty excited (but like low-key, cuz she's cool like that), tbh Kstorm was a big help with assisting Classic to handle and control his magic. While Katy is very agitated about spreading the knowledge about bridging and the alts, but she trusts this group of people.
Kstorm doesn't go on adventures or jump through dimensions much, too busy working but she asks to get herbs and cool artefacts and talismans whenever the others do go.
Kstorm is a cool and collected person, she doesn't like drama and doesn't want to make a big deal out of things, especially if it isn't. She went to medical school to become a nurse before turning into a fulltime DJ and she often puts together charity events at the club she performs at. She's generally loved by her community, though there has been drama and people trying to ruin her name. She lost some of her fans after coming out as genderfluid and pansexual but regained a large following of very supportive followers and fans.
Taika (they/them), ???
Taika is a tall, cat-like forest spirit who came from a very monochrome and old realm, they came to the human realm to experience colour, loudness and life for what it could be.
They don't have a mouth (or nose) so they can't speak and when they were born their limbs were deformed so now they have prosthetic arms and legs (luckily the forest spirits are pretty handy).
Taika is a very innocent and optimistic creature, very curious about humans and other beings.
Taika especially loves a lot of what humans have created and relishes in their culture with loud music, dyed hair, ripped jeans and technology.
Now, Taika doesn't really belong in the Voidverse, but I love them so much that I had to mention them cuz they're literally so precious.
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bxnseki-archive · 8 years ago
// stole this OC questions sheet from here! super fun ya’ll should do it :’0
if you want to do it pls do i want. to kno abt ur ocs. you dont need to do all 100 bc i sure af didn’t
1. What is your OC’s name? Kimiko Ijichi 2. What is your OC’s gender? DFAB - Cis - she/her 3. What is your OC’s sexual orientation? Demi-asexual! 4. How old are they? I typically rp her as 16, but I like to imagine her in her late teens or early 20s 5. What species are they- human, animal, alien, robot, none of the above? Human 6. What is their family like? Do they have one? Yes!  She’s an only child with a mother and father.  Gengyo is a very loving and passionate father, though tends to be neurotic, paranoid, and spoils his daughter to no end.  Ritsuko is also a loving mother who puts compassion for others as a first priority, but has been struggling with her dysthymia and thus has been a less enthusiastic parent in Kimiko’s life.  More info on Gengyo here, and more info on Ritsuko here! 7. Who is their best friend? Why? Her designated best friend was and forever will be Isaki Matsuna.  Kimiko refuses to refer to anyone else as a best friend.  Isaki had been with Kimiko since early elementary school.  Her typical form of expressing affection was through taunting, and while that did seem odd to Kimiko, Isaki truly did care for and look out for her.  They were complete foils of each other; ultimately, they were perfect contrasts. 8. Do they have a partner/significant other? Why are they together/not together? Zak & I are working on a ship, but we have yet to really rp the start of it -- so no. 9. What is their most prized possession? Why is it so important? A ribbon from a beginner’s level riding competition!  It was the only competition she rode in, and she only got 7th place (they gave ribbons to all the competitors), but Isaki was there to train her, to cheer for her and put it in a really fancy frame.  The framed ribbon is nailed right above her desk at home! 10. Do they prefer to be warm or cold? She prefers to be chilly. 11. If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be? No way would she settle for this. 12. Is there anything they’d like to change about themselves physically? She really wishes she had long hair like Isaki’s.  Down to the butt.  But she would never be able to manage it. 13. Who is the most important person in their life? Isaki was and always will be her inspiration; but from someone who is living, her father!  Although he’s eccentric, he’s the light of her life, as is she to him! 14. Are they a cat person? A dog person? An okapi person? Birds!!  She’d love to have an African gray parrot when she retires!  Calm, friendly cats seem like nice companions, too. 15. What sort of books do they like to read (if they like to read)? Mystery, thriller, crime, autobiographies and memoirs, and books on psychology mainly.  She doesn’t strictly stay with these genres, though. 16. What’s their favorite thing to do on a rainy weekend? Turn on the news channel or turn on the radio and listen to the police scanner.  Arrange her blossoms from her flower pressing into little designs to frame.  Study, ofc.  And go shopping. 17. Where were they born? Hiroo, Shibuya 18. Where do they want to live? She wouldn’t mind staying in Japan, but doesn’t need to stick with where she’s living now (Ikebukuro).  She does prefer big cities, though. 19. Do they have a job? As a student, no.  But during college she’d probably get a part time job as a waitress or something before getting her internship.  Then she’d intern at a therapy facility only to start work as a psychologist & therapist.  Slowly but surely, she’d move her way on to more difficult, struggling people involved with touchy cases.  But that wouldn’t be until she’s in her mid-30s. 20. If they could work anywhere, where would it be? Chicago.  A big city full of crime. 21. Do they use any sort of weapon? If not, what would they want if they could have one? When she starts to work as a criminal psychologist with rather dangerous people, authorities would prompt her to keep a taser on her.
22. Do they have any sort of special power/what power would they want? Nope.  Wouldn’t want any.
23. What’s their fashion sense? Form-fitting comfy young hipster librarian with pastels.
24. What do they think of snakes? Interesting, but keep them away from her or so help me God.
25. What is their biggest pet peeve? Regarding someone as a bad person for mistakes they have made in the past.
26. What is their greatest fear? Not being recognized for her work in her department, and that she won’t be able to help any of her clients or the police force.
27. Do they have any sort of disability, disorder, or health issue? I am thinking about her having dysthymia like her mom, or some other form of depression, since trauma can be “passed down” and she’s gone through a lot.  Still trying to figure out where and how that’d fit though.  She’s also lactose intolerant if that qualifies here.
28. Who is the person they hate the most in their life? She tries not to hate, and she doesn’t truly hate anyone, but her ex-boyfriend Hoitsu Mifune is someone she really, truly, strongly dislikes.
29. Is there anyone they want to be more like? Isaki.  She was always super cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very go with the flow.
31. Their home is on fire- what do they do? Get out of there according to the fire escape plan she and her family have practiced.
32. Do they like children? Yes!!  While rowdy ones tend to annoy her a bit, she still likes them all the same!
33. Would they rather take a short cut or take the scenic route? Depends on where she’s going.  If it’s a lazy day with no plans, scenic route always.
34. What’s their strongest belief? If you don’t care for others, you’re not human; you’re a monster.
35. What’s their opinion on lying? It can come in handy from time to time, so long as it’s not meant to harm anyone.
38. Which family member are they closest to, if any? Her father as of lately.
39. Do they ever want to get married and/or have kids? YES. YES. YES. YES. yes.
40. What was the hardest decision they ever had to make in their life? Going to see Isaki’s father in the hospital while he was on his death bed.
41. What was the happiest day of their life? Not sure.
43. How did they meet their last/current/future significant other? Or their best friend, if non-applicable? She met Isaki in elementary school when they were partnered up together to do a report.  They were inseparable after that.  After Isaki’s death, Kimiko met Hoitsu when she was 15 through a teammate on the tennis team.  They were together for nine months before she ended it.
44. If they were a class in a fantasy RPG, what class would it be? Probably a cleric.
45. Do they have any birthmarks or scars that they’re embarrassed by? She does have some birthmarks running up her legs and some on her chest, but she’s not embarrassed by them.
46. What’s their favorite color? Lavender
47. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Do they want any/any more? Her ears are pierced, but that’s it.  She’s content with that.
48. Have they ever tried drugs or alcohol? Nope!
49. Are they an idealist or a realist? Idealist
50. Are they more introverted or extroverted? Extroverted!
51. What is their main goal in life? To become a criminal psychologist.
52. What are they willing to sacrifice to accomplish that goal? Her time, her well being, her friends.
53. Would they ever kill somebody (what would they consider a justifiable reason to kill someone?) Nope!  Not at all.
54. Have they ever kissed someone? Do they want to? She kissed Hoitsu a few times, though he was uninterested by it.  She likes romance, so I guess she wants to?
55. Have they always been comfortable with their sexual/gender identity, or is it something they’ve struggled with? No, she doesn’t even know she is demi-asexual.  She just thinks she’s uninterested because she isn’t ready to be sexually intrigued by someone.  Which is technically true.
56. Do they have any special ability or marking that sets them apart from others of their species/race? Why is it so remarkable or strange? Nnno?
58. If they had a Tumblr, what would they blog about? TBFH. she’d probably be either a studyblr or post about psychology and self care.
59. Any kinks or fetishes? Rich-Looking People.
60. If they only had one day left to live, what would they do? Say her goodbyes to her friends and family, then cry.
61. If they found a wallet with the equivalence of 200 dollars in it, what would they do? Find the ID and report it to the police to be given back.
62. If they live in a world without magic/without mainstream magic, do they believe in magic? Excluding Kiyo, no she doesn’t believe in it.
63. If they could have any pet ever, what would it be? AFRICAN GRAY PARROT. PLEASE.
64. Who is the person they admire most? Why? Isaki; go back to #7 and #29
65. Do they think they are attractive? Yes!
66. What is their biggest regret? Not asking for Isaki and her family to stay home the night of the crash.
67. What would they do for a klondike bar? she’d kill a man
68. The most important person in their life has been bitten by a zombie/whatever qualifies as a zombie in their world. Do they put them out of their misery, or try to find an alternative? Find an alternative.  If it resulted in having to kill her father, then she’d kill herself afterwards.
69. Is there anyone in their life they just can’t say no to? Why? Her mother; she knows she’s struggling with a lot of things and can’t seem to balance all she needs to, so she wants to help her in any way possible.
70. Are they more math, science, or art oriented? Science!
71. Is there anything they like that would be considered geeky in their world? Forensics??? Maybe?  Just knowing and spewing weird trivia about it?
72. Did they/would they leap at the call to adventure, or were they/would they have to be dragged along? If asked, she’d happily tag along, so long as safety is guaranteed.
73. Do they think there is more to life than whatever they are doing right now? Oh yeah.
75. What’s their most positive trait? She’s utterly compassionate.
76. What’s their fatal flaw? She’s utterly compassionate -- to the point where she needs to baby those who are struggling, which in turn sacrifices her well being and ultimately doesn’t help those she’s caring for.  Savior complex tbh.
77. What do their friends/family/teammates find most annoying about them? She’s loud, most jokes go over her head, she’s blunt, and she probably is nosy about their lives.  She just has to know if they need her.
78. What are their biggest strengths? She knows how to remain calm and rational during a panicked event; compassionate; ambitious; does her best not to be judgmental.
79. What are their weaknesses? She has a savior complex; very invasive about personal lives; self-sacrificial; depressed; spoiled.  Fun fun.
80. What is most memorable about their appearance? Uhh either her height or her eyebrows?
82. Do they dwell on the past, or live in the moment? OH BOY.  She preaches about living in the moment, and accepting and learning from the past to progress in The Now.  BUT.  She dwells.
83. Why is their main goal so important to them? What set them on that path? Becoming a criminal psychologist interested her at the age of nine; it was said to be an exciting job that paid very well.  But after Isaki’s death and evidence to show that she was involved with drug use/dealing and underage gambling, Kimiko changed her mindset.  She now wants to become one since she knows criminals are still people.  She wants to help them in any way she can, to help them lead healthy lives again.
84. Do they believe that people are inherently good? YES. She’s adamant about it.
87. Is there any other fictional character you would compare them too, personality or appearance-wise? tbh I did start to design her with traits from Ishimaru and Kirigiri.  So I guess them?
89. What sort of music do they/would they like? Pop!  Soft pop about romance is typically what she listens to when she’s doing her work.
90. What do they consider the worst evil in the world? Abuse, cruelty and neglect to children, as that traumatizes them and sets them up for a difficult life, only to repeat the abuse to their children.
91. What’s the closest they’ve been to dying (or, if they’re already dead, how did they die)? She attempted suicide soon after Isaki’s father died in the hospital, as he was the last of her immediate family who was living.  She attempted by hanging, but her knot was lousy and undid itself.
93. Do they like their name? Is there any name they’d rather have? She does!  Ijichi is a name rather well-known since her father’s family has an attorneys practice starting with her great grandfather Ijichi.
94. What is the significance of their name? Kimiko ( 君子 ) means “noble child”; Ijichi ( 伊地知 ) I cannot find the meaning of for the life of me. Italy, earth, knowledge? idk
95. Have they ever been bullied? Have they ever bullied anyone? There’s always bullying in the school yard; she’s never been horribly bullied, nor worried too much about it.  Isaki was the one who would usually torment others, so Kimiko was just her henchman.
96. Are they a light or heavy sleeper? Average?
97. What do they dream about when they sleep? idk, random things. Dreams are weird.
98. Do they prefer an urban or a rural setting, or something else? She does like rural settings to stay at for a while, but ultimately she’s a big fan of urban settings.
99. Is there any moment or event that they feel defines their life and who they are now? Isaki’s death.
100. Why is this character important? To you, and/or to their world? Oh man.  When I get an idea for an OC, it’s always in a short spurt, so pretty much all my OCs are really under-developed.  But for whatever reason, I stuck with developing Kimiko.  RPing her also helped SO MUCH in terms of figuring out why she is the way she is and adding new traits and perspectives to her. idk.  I just love her a lot and I’m glad my pals here like her as much as they do. ;;;
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theteenagesapper · 4 years ago
My struggles with self confidence and my decision to do Medicine.
When I was little, I always had a new aspiration or dream job that I became obsessed with; things like Paleontology, Geology, Marine Biology and even at that age, Medicine. When I said I wanted to be a Doctor, I never once doubted myself or my intellect, and I whole-heartedly believed everything my teachers and my parents said about me - that I was gifted and that the world was my oyster, that one day I would change the world and do something incredible. I felt that I could take on anything, explore new heights and do whatever I put my mind to. But at some point, this all changed. At some point, I began putting myself down and shunning myself for ever believing I was ‘bright’ in the first place. A good grade or piece of homework wasn’t something to be proud about, it became an ‘easy test for everyone’, and another few points off of perfection. My 60% in Maths became a fail, even though it was a grade 6 and I had only just started my GCSEs. My 8 in Biology ‘could be better’. Despite the selfishness of such a thought, I wish I could blame these feelings on someone; take the responsibility of my low self esteem off my shoulders, so that I wouldn’t have to explain why I cringe away from compliments and argue back whenever someone close to me calls me clever. It may seem unfounded, and irritating, and even selfish, but the low self esteem I’ve struggled with is the reason I’m writing this post. No one especially has to read it, because to me this is an act of catharsis, a way to figure out my feelings and document my progressions.
...Over the past couple of years, I seem to have lost direction; lost my motivation for the subjects I love and lost the childish dream of changing the world. I lost my confidence, I lost my plans and more than anything I felt that this planet had nothing to offer me. I still got good grades in all my subjects and my scholarship to my school didn’t get taken away due to lack of motivation (I’ve decided to go to a different sixth form now, but it’s for different reasons), but it all felt monotonous, lackluster, missing something that education used to have when I was younger. Whenever I thought of pursuing careers that have always enraptured me, I put myself down for even thinking I could achieve something like that - told myself I wasn’t good enough for such an intensive subject. 
‘You’d fall off the wagon the first year of med school’. 
‘That 7 you have in Maths isn’t good enough. [Insert person] is so much better than me’. 
‘No one would ever let me into the course’. 
‘My scholarship was a one off, and it’s a pure fluke that I’m still achieving high grades’. 
I would criticize myself endlessly, to the point where my self-confidence couldn’t even come up for air before being pushed back under the water to drown. The question we all dread, ‘What do you want to do when you’re older?’ became a death wish for me. I think, as of now, I’ve changed my A-Level options 6 times, because up until recently, I had such a lack of direction that making a simple decision about my future became a cause of much anxiety, where to most people I knew, it was just the next step in reaching the goal they’d had in mind for the past years. (At this point I should probably clarify that I went to a private school, and I understand that a lot of my experience with competitiveness and pushy parents would not be seen so much in comprehensives.) I didn’t know whether I wanted to go into humanities, go into STEM, hell- at numerous points I even considered focusing on my Art and doing a bloody art degree. I’d never even really thought of doing Medicine seriously until maybe 2 years ago.
At the beginning of Year 10, we had to do a test which sorted us into personality groups, decided aptitudes in different skills and in the end gave us a ‘perfect job’ which was supposed to fit all of those categories. You can probably guess what came up as my perfect job, and you’d be right. Bam, right at the top of the test results, ‘Medicine: Doctor and Consultancy’, written in some professional looking font. I remember scoffing, ‘They must have gotten something wrong. Medicine? Me? I’d never be cut out for that’. It was a laugh that stemmed from my deep-rooted insecurities, I’m sure even at that point I felt drawn to it, but admitting that to myself whilst surrounded by a room of 20 other peers was too daunting. It was only when I walked home in the cold, and had some time to think, that something started to shift in my head. I thought that maybe I could do it, and maybe my teachers weren’t just mistaking me for someone more intelligent than I really am. A few more minutes of thinking, and the idea of it all just seemed to grow on me. Because hadn’t medicine been the thing I’ve always wanted to do? Deep down? Isn’t it a career which would tick every box that I had when it comes to my future? Hard hours yes. Years of stress with minimal holidays and low wages for the junior and HSO years? Definitely. But beyond all that, it seemed something I’d love to do, something I could devote my life to. I’ve always sought out something which would give me meaning and something to motivate me to wake up every morning, and maybe this job could finally be something which would give me that. So following that, I reshuffled something in my mind and told my parents I think I’d like to do medicine. A tall order from a (slightly) littler me. 
I emailed my chemistry teacher, asking whether he thought I had the potential to do medicine and get the grades I needed in his subject. At this point I’d convinced myself I was absolutely godawful at chem, so it came as a shock when he said he thought I was perfectly capable, and that he’d look forward to teaching me if I decided it was what I really wanted to do. I remember feeling slightly ill; overwhelmed by what I was getting myself into, sickened by my low self confidence and the assumption that I would fall at the very first hurdle. Pretty sure I cried an absurd amount that first week of deciding that medicine is what I wanted to do, purely due to the constant to and fro between my thoughts. Was I good enough for it? Would I fail? Is this even a job I want to commit myself to? To cut a long story short, because this whole blog is going to be full of teen angst, and I want to talk about now-me, not past-me, sorry little me, I freaked myself out after putting way too much my already fragile ego and decided to put it all behind me and just find something ‘more achievable’ to study. Now we queue the next 2 years of me going back to Medicine before going down the rabbit hole of self doubt and checking myself out before I could even commit properly. My substitution for Medicine was Environmental Sciences or Anthropology, which I am still interested in, but don’t see myself doing a lifetime of research in them without getting bored and lost in what I could have done and what I could be doing instead. 
But I promise this time it’s different. I’ve thought long and hard, I’ve ran over my options time and time again and this still seems like the only thing I’ve ever truly wanted to do. Studying pure subjects seems dull and meaningless, doing other practical subjects like Art seems somehow hollow in the modern world, all about money and full of unfair sales and real, credible artists left behind in the dirt without any recognition. But Medicine, that’s something real. It’s helping people and supporting a cause which I’ve always been so passionate about. It’s getting up at the crack of dawn but still going to work, because you know at the end of the day it’s all for a reason. I’m fully aware the system in the UK is at breaking point; beds are full, the staff are over worked and underpaid, the government seems to undermine doctors at every turn. I’m also fully aware of the stresses and struggles I will be bound to face if I go through with this dream of mine. I’ve read books, I’ve read countless blogs and accounts of front line doctors, I’ve talked to people in my own family who have bene through the rigour of working as a doctor, in one case all the way up to consultancy. But despite all of this, I still want to do it. I keep coming back to this job, this career, this path. Everybody I know believes in me, so maybe it’s time to start believing in myself too. I’m not saying that I won’t feel low and down about myself anymore, because I will, and I still haven’t got over my bouts of depression and low mood. Perhaps I never will. But I still think I should go for it, stop thinking of Med school as a pipe dream and instead think of it as a potential reality - seeing as I work hard enough and dedicate these two years to the cause. This is what this blog will hopefully sum up: my struggles, my dreams, and ultimately my journey from GCSEs and all the way to university. 
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weeklymusings-blog · 6 years ago
“a jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one.” - [blog post #1]
Who am I? This question is quite the tough cookie that I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle when I heard it.
So, who am I, really? Perhaps we should start with the basics—my name is Vernice Marie D. Mendoza; “Nyx” inside the Loyola Schools. I’m an 18 year old girl with blue highlights in her hair, who sports a strong barako personality fresh from the province of Batangas. I grew up in a family of four, including two older brothers and a mother. 
I am quite the avid fan of many things. For one, I actually quite enjoy learning just about anything. I enjoy reading articles on the internet about a wide range of topics. I spend my free time binging TedEd or Vox videos, or even video essays I find on YouTube. I love learning languages; it intrigues me how a culture can be encapsulated by words and how they are spoken. I love learning about people and why they are the way they are. I major in the School of Humanities in the Loyola Schools, but I’m actually a fan of science and math as well. I like learning how to play sports; I find them thrilling despite how physically taxing they can be. I don’t believe that a subject can ever be boring—I always try to find interesting aspects to them—it’s just in the way they’re taught. There is just so much to know about the world, and there are so many ways to learn about it.
Another field that has completely taken over my life is the arts. I love art, whether it be in the form of visuals, literature, film, music—you name it. It excites me. I do my best to broaden my horizons by being open to all kinds of art, to understand why it exists and why people like it. I love examining how works of art are made, what makes it beautiful and astounding, how it reaches out to me and to so many people in an endless number of ways. I love expressing myself through it—it delights me to be able to put into words how I feel about someone, to be able to create visual output that captures what words simply cannot express, and to be able to sing or dance to a song with heart and put my own twist to it.
That being said, I try to find art in everything around me. Whether it be in the scorching streets of Manila, in the tranquility of the countryside back home, in the flurry of cars that pass by during my commute, in the conversations I have with my friends, or even in the strangers that I pass by during my short walks in between classes—I try not to let the beauty of it all pass me by. I also believe that looking for art in everything equates to looking for God in everything. Looking for art acknowledges the existence of an artist, and I believe that there is no better one than the One who created everything in the universe, the One who positioned every single star in the sky and takes His time to craft the perfect sunsets and sunrises to remind His children that every beginning and end has its own beauty to it. If you haven’t figured it out yet, my faith plays a huge role in my life, in more ways than one (it honestly deserves an essay of its own).
Looking back, there’s a lot to say about me, isn’t there? Nonetheless, I don’t think words are ever enough to describe the existence of a person. Everything I’ve just mentioned only loosely describes just one side to my being. To sum up this side of me though, here’s an expression that I completely identify with: “A jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one.”
I have an endless number of interests, and I try to be the best I can in all of them. However, I noticed that because of this, I can never fully commit to just one thing at a time. I am a jack of all trades, yet a master of none. I’ve only ever covered the basics of the fields I’m interested in. I’m no maestro or expert in any topic in particular. It discourages me to remember that, sometimes. But then I remember the final part of the saying; “but better than a master of one.”
Today I’m still learning to take credit of what makes me unique—this fascination in almost everything. I am learning to give myself some credit for pursuing all these interests, these passions. I want to prove to myself that loving all these things will work out for me somehow, one day. I have faith that God made me this way for something, whatever that may be.
So here’s one more thing I am interested in: I’m interested in making me feel okay with myself, to make myself feel like that perhaps, I can truly be better than a master of one.
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fragraham-blog · 7 years ago
Deal with Music Like a Distinct Subject
Believe back to any time you were in school. You had your academic lessons as well as your after-school pursuits. You knew your each day regimen: Math, English, Science, and so forth. Then after college: piles of limitless homework!
With numerous various subjects, it is no wonder including time for you to practice music can appear like a burden to a child. That is exactly where you can be found in - you'll be able to enable shift your child’s mindset!
What’s the bottom line? It is as much as you to help your youngster see music within a various light!
Rather then treating music like every other subject, make a distinction so your little one sees music as anything he or she desires to do. The most effective technique to shift your child’s mindset would be to allow her or him play an instrument they are actually considering.
“If you would like your kid to be motivated to play an instrument, music ought to be distinctive than other educational subjects,” says Bobby K. from Guitar Chalk. “Your little one shouldn’t see music like a forced discipline, like Math or Geography. This eventually comes right down to picking out the appropriate instrument, and that is going to be the a single the child is energized about and wishes to play on his or her own.
“For me, that was the guitar, which had me training (voluntarily) 3 to 4 hours daily at 11 years old. That couldn’t have took place with piano because piano wasn’t “my” instrument. It had been just yet another subject. But guitar was unique in that it felt like play, not college function. Obtaining your kid right into a comparable predicament, wherever their instrument does not come to feel like just a different college subject, is totally critical. If it is not taking place, that might be a signal that it is time for you to switch instruments.”
This also indicates you could possibly should be flexible. Although it could be high priced to allow a little one to begin and end several different activities, endeavor to function with her or him to uncover 1 he or she enjoys and it is intrinsically motivated to practice.
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Put Your Child in Management It’s no secret that when we’re advised to perform something, we really don't normally want to get it done. Through the course of the day, there are many different people today (parents, teachers, older siblings, coaches) telling children what to do. Add music to that list and it is no wonder motivation seems to dwindle!
Fight this challenge by putting your youngster in handle. Let her or him decide the practice routine, that way they are far more possible to stick with it.
“Kids hear adults tell them what to complete all of the time; to catch their attention, allow them strategy their particular practice schedule,”  says Nicole Weiss, LCSW Psychotherapist and Coach. “Start with the finish in mind. Generally, you should get your kid to generate the determination that she or he requirements to practice to ensure she or he can perform the way in which he or she desires to play. After the determination is created, the parent will help the little one exploration and find out how generally a superb musician practices. The kid then sets a routine depending on the reality that, to get good, 1 need to practice.”
Not merely will this let your little one to come to feel a sense of manage, it is going to also aid him or her to find out the value of practice.
“The kid helps make the routine, then the parent reinforces it,” Weiss says. “I’m certain numerous dad and mom reading this would say…’yeah but will they do that day to day?’ That is where you come in - but you might have extra bodyweight as part of your reminder. It was the child’s need to produce the target. In addition, the reward must be for accomplishing little ambitions. For example: ‘practice just about every night this week and we will download that song you desire.’ Reward the get the job done.”
More: Encourage Your Kid to Practice Having a Reward Program
Assist Your Little one Fully grasp the Present of Music Show your little one that enjoying a musical instrument is a exclusive privilege and an opportunity that is not always out there to everybody. Teach your youngster to enjoy music and all it's to provide. Help them discover that music can increase their lifestyle.
“I think that we’re right here in this planet to try and do great items using the present of our lives, and we’re here to serve other folks,” says Heather F. from Music for Younger Violinists. “Learning to play [the violin] aids us in the two of these regions - we’re drawn up right into a degree of greatness via the discipline required to examine this art form, and in this method, we cultivate a gift that we will share with many others.”
This also contains assisting your youngster develop a appreciate for music. Consider them to concerts or exhibits, perform music in your own home, and enable them find what they like.
Lots of adults want they'd caught having a hobby or endeavor they began like a little one, like enjoying a musical instrument. Whilst this can be a tricky notion for youthful kids to grasp, educating them to enjoy music can help them fully grasp why practice is vital.
According to this short article from MusicTeachersHelper on motivating students to practice, “…I can’t count the number of occasions I’ve heard grownups say to me, ‘I quit taking piano when I was youthful and it had been this kind of a error. I wish I could go back and take lessons once again.’ Parents can assist little ones know the worth that musical talent brings to society.”
Really don't Make Practice an Obligation This one particular may possibly seem to be a bit counterintuitive, appropriate? Following all, you’ve invested the cash in an instrument and lessons, and you want your youngster to make quite possibly the most of it. Plus, in case your son or daughter really wants to be superior, he or she desires to practice!
The key right here should be to not make practice seem like an obligation, as compared to other fun actions. For example, if your son or daughter loves to play video video games or play outside, really do not enable him or her to perform this until soon after finishing practice.
Using a exciting action being a reward will produce the mindset that practice is definitely the obligation that stands inside the method of the enjoyable action, and this could generate resentment or dread for practice.
As Why We Teach Piano suggests, “Don’t set an arbitrary quantity of practice time, with out particular targets, and then reward them with playtime or video games afterwards. This just reinforces the notion that enjoying piano is not pleasurable and video video games are entertaining.”
Plan Performances In relation to any sport, pastime, or endeavor, it’s critical to help keep your eye within the prize. The identical issue applies on the subject of your youngster studying an instrument; your son or daughter needs to possess a aim in sight, otherwise, she or he may well query the need to have to practice.
“If you want to maintain college students engaged and fired up about their music training, be sure they are doing continually during the yr,” says Anthony M. founder and writer with the Music Parents’ Manual. “There are other profound effects on a lot more scheduled performances for all college programs, also. We, as dad and mom and teachers, have to have to foster a expanding curiosity and even an excitement about music in our children’s lives. Consistent performances are the greatest solution to do this and carry on to motivate our children.”
It will get much better:
Not only do performances assistance to improve excitement, additionally they operate to hold youngsters accountable. Ask any music instructor - even quite possibly the most unmotivated student will probably be far more likely to practice if it signifies keeping away from embarrassment at a recital!
Let Your Youngster Pick Simply because you loved enjoying piano as a child does not indicate your youngster will like enjoying just as substantially. Your little one might have other interests, and it is essential to allow her or him to explore different endeavors.
“First of all, I believe it is vital that the little one decide on the instrument they’re going to master,” says Matt T. from Unlock the Guitar. “I’m a guitarist, and I’d appreciate nothing at all greater than my son for being keen on understanding guitar, but he’s undeniably drawn to your piano. Plus, if an instrument is thrust upon them, training it can also be thrust on them. Letting the kid opt for the instrument turns this on its head, and into your favor, even when they did not select the instrument you'll have liked them to play.”
Be Their Cheerleader Allow your child know you are his or her greatest fan, especially early on when your kid could truly feel frustrated or discouraged.
Eighty-eight notes school of music suggests listening to your child at home as often when you can and building encouraging remarks about their progress. Also, make sure to request them how their lessons went.
Consider a genuine curiosity in the child’s musical journey. Your son or daughter will likely be enthusiastic to perform to suit your needs and show off new techniques!
Help Them Engage With Music Your youngster is much more likely to practice music if he or she feels connected to your course of action. Enable your son or daughter create an interest and curiosity for music.
To aid your child stay engaged, become a part of the process. Whatever you can do to acquire concerned is likely to boost their curiosity and motivation.
“Motivating your child by reward or punishment will cease operating really quickly; as a substitute, support your little one get curious about music and build an inner desire to engage with music,” says Jonas G., the founder of flowkey.”Let your little one play all around with unique instruments. Pay attention to music and sing together. Your kid will naturally want to imitate you, so a large determination for young children to practice is seeing their mother and father engage with music themselves.”
Produce Issues As an alternative to telling your kid to practice, assist him or her set specific ambitions and issues. This will likely assist them progress more quickly since they’ll work on accomplishing unique tasks or mastering unique skills. This notion could be utilized to any instrument.
Practiceopedia writer and practice skilled, Philip J., has a wholly different consider: “Don’t inquire your little ones to ‘practice’ - they won’t understand what to complete. Instead, give them bite-sized, clear issues to finish: (1) Function out a fingering for measures 24-35 (two) Gradually pace up area B to 85bpm. (three) Be capable of play the left hand of your coda from memory.”
Owning difficulty coming up with the proper challenge? Verify out Phillip’s website, thebootcampedition.com, to get a huge assortment.
Celebrate ALL Accomplishments Finding out to play an instrument is often a prolonged journey complete of peaks, valleys, and plateaus. Although you will absolutely be proud when you watch your little one perform, it’s critical to celebrate the small victories along the way in which.
When verbal praise is important, you might also would like to generate yet another strategy to celebrate achievements; familyshare suggests keeping a journal of the child’s accomplishments. Whenever you put it in creating, you’re less very likely to overlook. If journaling is not your factor, you can retain a white board within the fridge, or produce a chart which you can display while in the residence!
Celebrating the small victories will help your kid hold a good perspective when they are struggling or possessing issues tackling a brand new concept or song.
Let Them Perform Music They Like Whilst you can find constantly particular signature songs and classics for many instruments, your youngster will eliminate curiosity if he or she does not just like the music they are playing.
Function together with your child’s teacher to generate certain your youngster is taking part in some music they certainly enjoy.
According to the Academy of Music and Dance, “As small children get to be around 10 years outdated, at times younger, they begin to produce preferences for musical style, largely influenced by radio, Television, and no matter what they’re most exposed to in your own home. They'll also usually gravitate to what ever their mates are listening to, specifically for boys at about age 13 and girls about age 11.”
Use this as a motivational tactic; let your son or daughter to play a minimum of one particular acquainted song as part of their weekly schedule.
Make Practice Exciting This really should come as no surprise - nobody wants to practice when it is uninteresting! Integrate exciting video games, pursuits, and issues, as well as your youngster will seem forward to practice!
In line with PianoDiscoveries, “appropriate aims and constructive reinforcement will make training entertaining and rewarding. Very couple of youngsters are self-motivated in their practice. Most need incentives and reminders to maintain them centered and moving forward.”
Request your child’s music instructor for some creative ways to make practice much more pleasurable!
Find the proper Teacher This brings us to our final tactic and 1 in the most significant: uncover the proper teacher! While practice is accomplished outdoors of lessons, if your youngster connects with their teacher, they’re much a lot more probably to practice on their very own time.
According to Music Central,”…finding the ideal instructor will make or break the whole encounter. Don’t be afraid to test a new teacher if your youngster isn’t connecting. The ideal teachers are generally the ones who not merely teach, but understand how to become an excellent buddy and mentor to your youngster.”
Discover a teacher who understands your child’s understanding style, in addition to a individual who’s in a position to teach ideas within a way that keeps your youngster interested. When your son or daughter likes his or her instructor, they’ll be additional ready to take course and practice consistently.
Amongst the quite a few issues that mothers and fathers face in handling children’s music lessons (selecting the instrument, locating a good instructor, and so forth.), receiving youngsters to practice will be the most challenging of all. The severity from the problem and the significance of practice make it tough to think that you will discover so couple of posts addressing this. What’s additional, moms and dads and music teachers normally resort towards the failed tactics they try to remember from childhood in desperate attempts to motivate little ones to practice. A frequent illustration of this problem will be the “practice for 30 minutes” rule, during which a music teacher will advocate the little one practice thirty minutes per day and generally boost this time because they get older. In attempts to enforce adherence to this arbitrary dedication, mother and father will generally “pay” the little one for thirty minutes of “work” with one thing rewarding like watching Television, playing outside or enjoying video video games. The issue with this particular strategy is the fact that it tends to make the 30 minutes of practicing a little something to get endured in order to do some thing that's valued. But what's so sacred about thirty minutes of practicing? In which did this conventional unit come from? How is it improved than 27 minutes or 34? To transform training into a rewarding activity, dad and mom should really inspire reaching day by day musical objectives. For example, in lieu of saying that 30 minutes of practice is enough regardless of precisely what is achieved, you could possibly say, “Today the target of training will be to perform the primary eight measures of your piece with out any mistakes.” No matter whether reaching this target will take 12 minutes or forty minutes isn’t important. Precisely what is crucial is the fact that the kid knows the musical purpose of every every day practice session and feels motivated to become as effective as is possible whilst training so as to reach that target and come to feel that sense of accomplishment. When the target is enjoying the first eight measures on Monday, the logical goal for Tuesday is usually to play the subsequent eight. Rather quickly, the youngster will acknowledge the cumulative intention of the week: to play the whole piece cost-free of blunders. This leads to additional motivation, a lot more energy for the duration of practice and most significantly, pride in what they've achieved. Whilst this approach achieves higher accomplishment, additionally, it calls for extra energy from the moms and dads; it’s easy to take a look at the clock and check thirty minutes, but goal-related training usually means setting every day objectives for the children, monitoring the ease or difficulty your child experiences with his music and setting new, much more demanding ambitions. Really do not fear! Right here are some recommendations to help you: Initially, divide the week’s aim or teacher’s expectations into 7 equal elements and make sure your child understands every single 1. On some days, your child may possibly choose to get the job done towards two days’ really worth of ambitions, during which situation, it’s sensible to present them the choice of skipping the following day’s practice session. Day-to-day targets should really be attended to on a daily basis and really should involve enjoying scales or other technique-building capabilities; advancement on certain pieces may be extra spread out, so long as the youngster continues to move forward with all the piece. When it might be tempting, really don't bargain with practice time. While in striving to skip each day, your little one might seriously indicate, “I will practice double tomorrow,” this sets the normal that practice time is negotiable. Progress really should be measured and appropriately altered on a daily basis (if wanted) by analyzing the quantity of energy, aggravation and completion/advancement in reaching the each day goals. Yes, that is more perform than monitoring thirty minutes per day, but within the finish, this can be much simpler compared to the agony of forcing small children to adhere to the necessary 30 minutes of meager, unmotivated energy. It'll also make everyone’s daily life a bit more pleasant!
Maneira fácil de ensinar música para crianças
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morgandelossantos · 8 years ago
Finding Your Voice: (De)Colonial Pedagogy and Technology
As I now find myself in the throws of another summer term of teaching multiple sections fully online, I am wondering about the pedagogical choices that I have made. Because my courses are delivered 100% online, I made the decision a few years back to leverage social media platforms like Twitter, Storify, and Tiki-Toki. If students are taking online courses, it stands to reason that those courses should help them develop the skills to interact with others online in meaningful ways. I still think that outcome is valid. 
But I am now wondering whether or not online social media platforms provide an avenue through which students can find, and express, their individual voices.
I just finished reading Jamila Lyiscott’s “Your Pedagogy Might be More Aligned with Colonialism than You Realize.” Although her focus is the privileging of Standard American English (SAE) over other forms of English--including, but not limited to Black English and Creolized English, her conclusions make me wonder whether or not the learning curve involved with new technologies stifles students’ abilities to express their voices and engage with the study of History (I teach New Mexico History, Latin American History, and the History of the Mexican Revolution online). 
The reason for my doubt: several of my students struggle to learn how to tweet, what to post on Storify, and how to navigate the Tiki-Toki interface at the beginning of each term. They have to overcome a substantial hurdle before they can engage with historical study and begin to present their own ideas via those platforms. By the time they are comfortable with the platforms, are they only concerned with checking off the boxes of the assignments I’ve asked them to complete, or are they truly thinking historically? 
I’m not yet sure what the answers are, and I hope that some of my students read this and let me know what their experience has been. Here is the passage from Lyiscott’s essay that prompted my own reflections here: 
Put voice before form
A mentor of mine once shared the philosophy of his first art teacher. On the first day of his art class the teacher said to a classroom full of young minds, “I am not going to teach you how to paint, I am going to teach you how to see. Once you know how to see, you will be able to paint anything.” We are so often fixated on the form that we want our students to master within the curriculum that we stifle the voices of our students. So many of my students have confided that they simply complete work to get the assignments of their teachers done. “What did you have to say about the question your teacher assigned?” I ask. “I don’t know, I just said anything.” Is your unit structured to put your students in dialogue with the disciplines of English, science, math, history, etc? Or is it structured for your students to reproduced the form of a five-paragraph essay, for example, without time and space for learning what they actually have to say? What if students understood the classroom as a space where they were challenged to express voice and perspective in ways that draw on the various practices within their linguistic repertoires? What if Standard American English and five paragraph essays were just two of many equally valuable forms in your classroom and your students because you have first taught them how to see, how to critically and passionately tune into their own voice, are eager to master any form set before them?
Technology isn’t SAE, but it is a medium that expects students to think in certain ways and present ideas within the confines of the platforms they are required to use. What if students cannot readily converse in tweets, but they are intrigued by historical study? 
I know that technology can provide new and useful avenues for students to express ideas and engage critically with academic work. I have seen that. Yet, I wonder to what extent Twitter, Storify, and Tiki-Toki might be like SAE in Lyiscott’s essay?
What do you think? 
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cyberarcanist · 8 years ago
Some Thoughts on College and the Politics and Morality of Technology
So I have to write some stuff about my college experience and all the stuff I’ve learned and think about it for a class.  It was something I was dreading because I hate writing stuff like that, but I sat down and a lot of different stuff came to me?  So yeah, here’s a Puke Draft of that.  I’m posting this literally after I finished typing it, so there’s bound to be grammatical and factual errors.  But hey, Tumblr’s probably the best place for shit like that anyway.
Work is perennially an unknown land.  Trying to teach about the workplace might even be a bit of a fools errand.  This is simply because the workplace of our teachers is not our workplace.  This is especially true in our field of computer science.  The way we work and the work we do changes rather drastically from generation to generation.  For example, say someone had tried to teach Steve Jobs how the workplace of his time operates.  What model would that teacher have used?  They would probably have pointed to IBM or TI.  But those workplaces were radically different to what Steve Jobs would end up building. Perhaps not in structure, but certainly in culture.  And that’s what these classes are supposed to teach us.  They’re supposed to take us from the comfortable college culture mindset into the squeaky clean and upright corporate culture mindset.
The primary reason I disagree with this is because outside of class we hear stories about this revolutionary figures in tech.  We hear about Jobs and Wozniak, we hear about Gates, all the stories about how these guys abandoned college and built the future in garages and by stealing computer time from companies and schools.  Yet we’re groomed specifically not to follow these mindsets.  The preparation we get is specifically to not follow in their footsteps but instead to be the grunts of people like this.  To work under them, to follow not the exciting (if tumultuous) time of their early lives but the ironed out and pristine ideals that their creations currently have.
I am, of course, not saying that our professors should stand before a whiteboard and outline the five reasons why leaving college is totally cool.  That would probably be counterproductive.  However, is creativity that bad?  Is the mold really that good?  Is all we can hope for simply to put on a button-down shirt and fix bugs for a Point of Sale company?  This would be easier to believe if the Jobs and Gates stories were simply things of the past.  If they were akin to myths, something that happened ages ago but would be impossible today.  But that is not the case.  The Jobs and Gates stories are happening over and over again every day.  One might even argue that the best work today is being done by these startups.  After all, the only time we hear about truly revolutionary tech from The Big Five is when they  cannibalize another company just to put a different logo on their tech.
I write this more as an indictment of the system rather than an indictment of this particular class.  Because while this class was certainly the most explicit manifestation of this tendency, it is by no means the only one.  Another frustrating example is with the actual examples we get in our courses.  Do you know how many Point of Sale programs I’ve done?  I’m fairly certain I’ve done at least ten throughout my time in college.  Are there really that many permutations of this idea?  Not really.  They are all the same program.  The code barely changes at all.  But every professor in every class makes us do at least one.  Even in more open classes where we’re supposed to choose what we do we all end up doing POS programs because that’s eventually the only thing that gets accepted.  I’ve had to sit beside classmates and watch their frustration as every cool idea they want to do gets shut down by a professor because it sounds too difficult, too easy, outside the scope of the class, or whatever excuse they end up bringing up.
This extends to the medium of work too.  Pretty much all we get to use is Visual Studio and Visual Basic.  With the exception of one class in C++ and maybe two in Java (both of which are deeply frustrating to work with and not in particularly wide use).  We have classes where we’re supposed to show that ‘We Can REALLY Program, Like For Real™’ this would lead you to believe that we get to choose what we do and how we do it, right?  After all, the best way to show that you can do something is to let you do it the best way you can and that is therefore the way you’ve learned best.  But no.  For some reason that is not how we do things at all.  For us to show them that we’re ‘Real Programmers’ we have to do whatever we want (a POS but we get to choose what the thing we’re selling is!) but in a specific language with a specific IDE and a specific database.  In doesn’t matter if, for example, I know how to program much better in Ruby or Python than in Visual Basic.  The professor doesn’t care at all.  I can only prove to him I’m a programmer if I use the language he has deemed Right.
This would be less frustrating if the things we’re using were new and exciting things.  The things we read about.  The things that are actually being used right now. But, hey, it doesn’t matter that mobile programming is the number one thing every worthwhile company is doing.  We still want you to program stuff for the desktops that no one but us uses anymore.  So this means that not only are we being trained in a culture that might not exist anymore (or if it does is probably on its way out) we are also being trained in technologies that are in the same boat.  Which then begs the questions, is Thiel right?  I want nothing more than for him to be wrong.  I value college, I’ve loved a lot about my experience here, but when I started working in a startup and the only skills I’ve had to use were skills that I had to learn on my own it’s hard not to question why I even bother entering a classroom anymore.
I don’t think there is a perfect solution to this.  If there is anything learned from this piece let it be that.  I know that colleges are in a tough spot when it comes to technology.  After all, I don’t believe that overhauling an entire curriculum is an easy thing.  Technology moves too fast for most people to keep up with let alone an entire institution.  I know that.  But we should do something to mitigate that.  I’ve had professors give me tutorials from, like, 2008.  Tutorials that are completely useless because they use an archaic version of Visual Studio while the professor forces us to use Visual Studio 2013.  I find it hard to believe that there isn’t an easy fix for problems like that.  The other thing is that perhaps we should find a higher focus on the abstract things.  More on what a variable is and less on how to use on in Visual Basic, to use a simplistic example.
That leads me to another frustration I’ve had.  And that is that we learn technology in a meaningless way.  That is to say that we learn technology but not the meaning of it.  There is no class that studies the effects of technology and barely any professor (with perhaps one exception) that makes any allusion to the fact that technology has a cost.  Not a monetary (something that we’re barely taught either), but a human one.  We’ve never had to sit down and face the fact that the work we end up doing might be very exciting but might destroy the lives of a lot of people.  That while AI and automation are cool buzzwords and make us feel very intellectual that they might mean the destruction of human lives.  I do not mean in this in the way that the media often does.  I do not think that Google is going to build Hal or the Terminator.  But that by virtue of these technologies existing a lot of people are going to be put out of work.  This might be unavoidable, but it doesn’t mean that we should ignore it.  It is our job as the people that might be willing accomplices to face this fact.
We like to pretend that because what we do is a ‘science’ that it is inherently centrist or apolitical, and amoral.  After all, how can one say that building a computer is political?  How can a program have morals?  A program is a sophisticated form of Math and Math doesn’t have morals and isn’t political either.  What we do is science and engineering, there is no room for the humanities in it.  In fact, there is barely room for humanity in it.  But that’s not true.  And there have been several great computer scientists and programmers that have understood this.  My favorite example is always Ada Lovelace.  Who understood, even in her seemingly prehistoric age, that science and art were linked and that science could be indistinguishable from art. Ada Lovelace whose first thoughts, even before computers and programs really existed, was of a machine that could create music.  She saw the beauty in technology beyond the Math and the metal.  But while Ada’s DNA is in every machine we use, her ideals are nowhere to be found.
Ada Lovelace is not the only person to notice this and also go completely unmentioned in all of our courses.  We are always taught about Jobs and Gates and their particular histories, it’s why I chose them as the first example.  But there is never any mention of the contemporary movements that were happening around them.  Pull aside anyone from our course and ask them what the Whole Earth Catalog is.  Ask them who Richard Stallman is and what the free software movement is.  Do you think they’ll be able to answer?  In this course we once had to read and explain an entire TOS (a fundamentally useless and virtually impossible task) but did we then also explain what the GPL is and how it works?  How can there be nothing wrong in this?  How can we keep saying that these things don’t matter, that we’re being fair and beyond politics, morality, and anything to do with the Humanities.  Why do we even want that anyway?
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