#truly the greatest enemies to lovers couple ever
undying-lilies · 2 months
the more I think about how Merrin and Cal were enemies at first, the more I think how funny it is that they're actually love interests. like, JFO Cal would NEVER even imagine that the creepy Nightsister who sends her dead sisters' zombies after him and tries to kill him multiple times is the girl he spends the entirety of Survivor very obviously crushing on but being in complete denial about it. man I love Merrical
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fanficapologist · 1 year
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Thirty-Four
For twelve long days, Maera retreated into a self-imposed silence. She fulfilled her duties diligently but spoke little to anyone, choosing to spend most of her time in her chambers. The King and Queen, both recovering from their injuries, remained secluded in their respective chambers. Maera relied on her trusted confidants, Thena and Ser Arryk, to keep her informed about the court's whispering. Through Thena's reports, she learned that rumors were circulating among the courtiers. Some believed that the King and Queen had fallen gravely ill, a disease that would further destabilize the realm, and allow Princess Rhaenyra to take her place on the Iron Throne. Others speculated that the royal couple was using this time to strengthen their bond, causing Maera to roll her eyes. The courtiers clearly did not know the royal couple well if that was the assumption made.
In an attempt to not go mad in her solitude, Maera's primary focus during those days was on Queen Helaena's three children. Each day spent in their presence was a gift from the Gods, and a welcome distraction from Maera’s impending destruction at the hands of the King. Accompanied by the nursery maids, Maera would take them daily to the Godswood and allow the children to play and explore whilst she sat underneath one of the trees. Maelor continued to toddle around quite happily but the twins seemed discontent. As she watched over them, Jaehaera approached Maera, curiosity gleaming in her violet eyes.
"Why haven't we seen our mother in a while?” The young princess asked Maera, who granted the little girl a sad smile. She studied Jaehaera, taking in her gown of crimson and black, and silver locks that framed her cherubic face.
"Your mother has important matters to attend to, which is why I am blessed to spend this time with you all, Princess,” Maera assured the girl in an attempt to distract her from the situation at hand.
Jaehaerys had also been listening from a few feet away, brows furrowing in confusion at her comment. It seemed they remained unconvinced, but they did not ask any further questions, continuing to play together.
Amid her interactions with the children, Maera continued to visit Helaena, checking on her well-being. The Queen's injuries, while still visible, were gradually healing, and her spirit was recovering too. One day, as Maera tenderly bathed her friend's face, wiping away any remnants of dried blood, she gently broached the subject of the children.
"Would you like to see them, my Queen? It may lift your spirits to have them around you."
However, the Queen hesitated, her concern evident as she replied, "I fear my injuries would frighten them."
Maera continued to tenderly cleanse Helaena's face, her gaze filled with sympathy. She couldn't help but admire the Queen's strength as she said, "You are such a good mother to those children, Helaena."
The Queen paused, her eyes distant as she reflected on her situation. Eventually, she confessed, "Aegon may be a monster, but he gave me the greatest gifts of all - my children. For that, I can't help but feel some gratitude."
Maera's brow furrowed at Helaena's words. She, too, cared deeply for the children, but she wondered if she would ever willingly trade her suffering for the role of their mother. And as for Aegon, she pondered whether the children truly comprehended the darkness that lurked within him.
With the cleansing complete, Maera carefully placed the bowl of water and cloth back on the bed side table. She then poured a cup of herbal tea, a prescribed remedy from the Maester to aid Helaena's recovery, in a blue porcelain cup.
Expressing her heartfelt sympathy, Maera commented, "I'm so sorry that I could not stop him, Helaena. I wish I had been with you that night."
The Queen sighed softly, revealing, "He hasn't returned to my chambers since..."
Maera carefully handed the cup of herbal tea to Queen Helaena, her eyes filled with concern as the conversation took a somber turn. Helaena, perceptive as ever, noticed the worry etched across Maera's face, and it prompted her to pause mid-sip. She set the cup down and fixed her gaze on Maera, her violet eyes piercing like a hawk's.
Hesitation weighed heavily in the air as Helaena ventured to ask, "What did you do?" Maera released a deep, resigned sigh, her gaze shifting to the window that framed the Queen's chambers. Outside, ominous dark clouds gathered, mirroring the turmoil within.
Turning back to her friend, Maera admitted, "Something that's bound to bring dire consequences, I’m sure."
Helaena's eyes widened in alarm at Maera's words, and she reached out desperately, clutching Maera's hand tightly. She implored, "I can endure a thousand more tortures at Aegon’s hands, but i cannot lose you, Maera, please.”
Maera couldn't bear to look at her friend any longer, the weight of guilt and regret pressing upon her. When she had lashed out at Aegon, her anger had consumed her, a blaze that had burned out of control. But now, as she reflected on her actions, those flames had dwindled to mere embers. Maera understood that, no matter how justified she felt in avenging Helaena, it was she who would ultimately bear the consequences.
Helaena's voice carried across the room, filled with deep emotion. "Maera, you're my best friend," she said, her words imbued with sincerity. "I think you are my only true friend. You have always accepted me for what I am. You have never called me crazy or stupid or dumb. You make me feel…safe."
Moved by her friend's heartfelt words, Maera returned to Helaena's side, their hands entwined once more. Her voice trembled with uncertainty as she spoke, "I don't know what's going to happen, Helaena. I don't even know who knows about what transpired." She fought to hold back tears, turning her gaze away momentarily to regain her composure before locking eyes with Helaena again. "And I don't know how to fix this mess."
Helaena's demeanor shifted suddenly, as if she'd drifted into a trance. She muttered cryptically, a slight smile on her face, "The dragon will trade a doe for a storm," leaving Maera bewildered by the strange words.
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Maera, consumed by the relentless uncertainty of her fate, began refusing meals and drinks, plagued by the fear that Aegon might resort to poison her. Her loyal maid, Thena, tried her best to reassure her. "My lady, I've been with the food every step of the way in the kitchen. There's no foul play," she said earnestly. In an attempt to coax Maera into eating, Thena even sampled the dishes herself. But even after confirming their safety, Maera could only manage a few reluctant bites.
The nights were the worst, where repeating dreams of her fate tortured her. In the throes of her nightmare, Lady Maera's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding like a drum of doom. The specter of treason and execution haunted her, a dark shadow that refused to relent. As the nights wore on, her cries grew louder, a haunting chorus of anguish that reverberated through the chambers, causing Ser Arryk to have to come in and wake her, finding her in a wretched state, hair clung to her sweat-drenched brow, trembling hands grasping at the linens, seeking an escape from the horrors that plagued her mind.
On the thirteenth day of her ordeal, after another sleepless night, Maera completed her letters to her family back in Rain House. She chose not to divulge the impending doom she faced at the King's hands, unwilling to worry her loved ones. Instead, she poured her heart into the words, expressing her deep longing for them, urging them to care for one another, and to foster love, empathy, and understanding. She wanted them to know that she carried them in her thoughts every single day.
That morning, Maera extended an invitation to Thena and Ser Arryk, to join her in her chambers for a ‘last meal’. Her mother’s wise words echoed in her mind, stating “the simple act of sharing a meal holds the power to provide a modicum of comfort amidst the encroaching shadows of grief.”
Together, the trio shared breakfast in a rather solemn affair, the air heavy with a sense of melancholy that hung like a shroud. A jug of ale, dark and hearty, stood as a solitary sentinel, its presence a silent acknowledgment of the need for easing the tension that had been weighing down on her for days.
As they sat together, savoring their food, Maera couldn't help but contemplate that this might be the last time they'd share such a moment. She turned to Thena, her loyal maid, and made a solemn request, "Thena, when the news of my punishment spreads, ensure that my letters reach my family." Thena nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting her unwavering loyalty.
Maera then shifted her gaze to Ser Arryk, her trusted guard. With determination in her voice, she implored, "Ser Arryk, I want you to become the sworn protector of Helaena. Make sure the King never lays a hand on her again, even if it means facing punishment yourself." The knight, his mouth full of food, managed a resolute nod through a bite of his meal.
Thena, taking a sip of her ale, chimed in with a touch of skepticism, "But my lady, we don't know your fate yet. Why plan for it?"
Maera replied with unwavering certainty, "Thena, I beat the King to a bloody pulp. It's unlikely I'll go unpunished."
Ser Arryk, having swallowed his food, added, "And he deserved every bit of it."
Thena continued to question, "What about Prince Aemond? He was with you at the time. Surely, despite his unpredictability, he'll protest a harsh punishment for the sake of your childhood friendship."
Ser Arryk interjected, "If the Prince was determined to protect our Lady, he'd have already come to see her and assure her of her fate."
Maera couldn't help but agree, noting that the Prince had clearly not left King's Landing, as Vhagar, the mighty dragon, continued to soar above the castle, a constant presence in the city's skies. She sat in contemplative silence, her thoughts swirling like a turbulent sea. A mixture of emotions and assumptions danced in her mind. Perhaps, Maera mused, Aemond already knew her fate, but the burden of delivering such news had held him back. It was kind in one way, yet terrible in another.
Pouring herself more ale, Maera downed the goblet until it was empty, her thoughts now morphing into whether she would get to see Aemond again before her impending doom. There was so much she wanted to say to him, and Maera concluded that grudges could not be held from beyond the grave. She wanted to express her disdain for his cruel nature and how he had toyed with her since losing his eye. That his hot-tempered and unforgiving nature would be his downfall, and perhaps if he wasn’t such an arrogant arse, he would find happiness in this life.
She also wanted to tell him how not all of the memories she had of him were bad, how there were points were she admired him and treasured his company, how sometimes simply seeing his face would make her days. Maera wanted to tell him how she thought he mirrored the beauty of the Gods of Old Valyria despite his injury, how she had thoroughly enjoyed the kiss they had shared that night and how she wished that they had taken things further, so she would have known a man’s touch before her head ended up on a spike.
But most importantly, Maera wanted to impart some wisdom to him. She longed to tell him to harness his anger, to use it to protect his family, instead of letting it consume him. She wanted him to know that he didn't need to constantly prove himself to others, that he was already enough just the way he was. And deep down, she believed he should have been the one sitting on the Iron Throne, that he was a born ruler and warrior, far more suited than the foolhardy Aegon.
With resolve, Maera rose from the breakfast table, reached for one last piece of parchment, and began to scribble down everything that had been swirling in her mind. Folding it and sealing it with wax, she pressed the House Wylde sigil of the Maelstrom onto the still-wet wax. The letter was addressed to the One-Eyed Prince, and she placed it onto the growing pile of messages. One more letter for Thena to deliver.
The doors to Maera's chambers burst open, and her father, Lord Jasper, entered with an air of authority. His grey-green eyes, normally sharp and discerning, now blazed with a fury that seemed to ignite the very air around him.
Immediately, the maid and guard rose from their seats as a sign of respect for the head of House Wylde. Maera offered her father a respectful nod as he demanded, "What have you done?"
Maera sighed and glanced over at Thena, giving her a gentle nod as a signal that she could leave. Thena approached her lady and picked up the correspondence on the writing desk. However, before she could depart, Maera reached across her table and handed Thena a burgundy silk purse filled with silver coins, a token of gratitude for her unwavering loyalty during Maera's stay at the Red Keep. She clasped it into Thena’s hands, giving it a gentle squeeze before mouthing a silent, “Thank you, for everything.” The maid appeared on the verge of tears but managed to nod before turning to leave the room. Ser Arryk, ever vigilant, remained, knowing that her father's temper was likely to flare.
Maera returned to her dining table, poured ale for herself, her knight, and her father, and gestured for her father to take the goblet she offered. She then asked him, her voice tinged with concern, "What have you heard?"
Lord Jasper accepted the goblet and eagerly took a sip before he began to explain, "I heard that the Queen had been injured, from the Maester."
Maera couldn't help but roll her eyes and sarcastically mused aloud, "Oh, did Maester Orwyle say how the Queen manage to get herself hurt so badly?"
Her father paused for a moment and then continued, "But then, I heard that the King had also been injured." He looked at Maera, concern etched on his face. "I hope, for your sake, you had nothing to do with the King's injuries."
Maera merely shrugged in response, her tone casual as she asked, "What would give you that idea?"
Her father's voice grew gruffer as he replied, "I have not been invited to the last four Small Council meetings since these incidents occurred, and they went ahead without me."
With a contemplative hum, Maera swirled the ale around in her goblet before taking another sip. After a moment of silence, she finally responded, her voice tinged with resignation, "What's done is done." Lord Jasper, frustration evident, slammed his goblet onto the table in anger.
Lord Jasper couldn't contain his anger as he approached Maera, shouting, "Do you realize what you have done? What shame you have brought upon us?!" However, Ser Arryk swiftly stepped between them, hand resting on his sword's hilt, warning Lord Jasper to stay back.
Maera, defiant and fiery, shouted back at her father, "The King is probably going to execute me anyway. You should be glad; then you can be rid of your shame!" Frustration boiled within Lord Jasper, causing him to kick over one of Maera's chairs, releasing some of his pent-up anger. He began to pace the room, muttering, "Oh Gods," repeatedly.
As tension filled the room, another figure entered, the sound of armor clinking softly with each step – Ser Criston Cole, the Lord Commander, clad in his imposing metal plating. He addressed both Maera and her father with an air of calmness, his chiselled features displaying a hint of sternness. “Lord Wylde, Lady Maera. Your presence has been requested in the Throne room. By the King."
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Notes: been avoiding editing this chapter but finally got round to it! I’ve been working on the other chapters more 🤣
Tags: @marvelescvpe @grungegrrrl @shesjustanothergeek @blue-serendipity
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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bridenore · 2 years
HD fic recs : Draco!mpreg (part 2)
Here are a few more recs involving mpreg!Draco. This is part two of two and focuses on longer fics (more than 30k). Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Anything But Ordinary by 0idontknow0 [37k]
“I got someone pregnant,” he said. “Draco Malfoy to be specific.”
Arms Wide Open: Hogwarts by Sita_Z [28k]
Harry did not expect his Eighth Year to involve any more investigations of abandoned bathrooms. Nor did he expect to come across Draco Malfoy there, alone, bleeding and in late-stage labor.
Arms Wide Open: Grimmauld Place by Sita_Z [28k]
After leaving Hogwarts, Harry and Draco face an uncertain future, raising Scorpius and dealing with the wizarding world's reaction to their situation. Sequel to Arms Wide Open: Hogwarts.
Beggars Would Ride by @eidheann [37k]
Harry finds his comfortable life taking a turn he never expected when he becomes the father of Draco Malfoy’s child.
The Copper Cauldron by Newshound [150k+]
Draco thought his life had ended after being imprisoned in Azkaban. It  will take the love of the man he regards as his greatest enemy, the faith of his most trusted confidante, and the hope imparted by a beloved  child to convince him that his life has truly just begun.
Draco Malfoy and the Secret Inheritance by Nattish [46k]
Draco is pregnant. Pregnant! At age 16, no less, and (if you hadn’t noticed) he’s a bloke. How on Earth did this happen? If that’s not   upsetting enough, he has no idea who fathered the damn thing. Lust, lies, and scandal abound!
Expectant by @l0vegl0wsinthedark [62k]
After he accidentally gets Malfoy pregnant on a drunken fuck at a club, Harry doesn’t anticipate that it’d be just as easy to fall in love with him.
Hadrian’s Curse by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [30k]
When rumors about Albus Potter and his best friend begin to circulate at Hogwarts, Harry Potter finds you can never really escape your past.
In Our Blood by @secretsalex [37k]
Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job—cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
Little Star by @ladderofyears [39k]
Ever since the end of the war Draco Malfoy has been scratching a living as a sex worker. He lives on the margins of society in squalid rooms and doesn’t imagine that his life will ever change. Then, after a couple of years, Draco becomes pregnant by an unknown client. Despite the Healers at St Mungo’s treating him with prejudice and contempt, Draco is determined to keep his baby. In his desperation, Draco approaches the wrong person and the result is disastrous. Draco is beaten up and left for dead in an alleyway. As Draco hovers between life and death, Harry Potter discovers his bruised and battered body.
The Saviour doesn’t only save Draco’s life. He takes Draco back to Grimmauld Place and helps him to recover.
Listen To Your Heart by @ladderofyears [65k]
Draco and Harry are Auror partners and secret lovers. They have been tasked with helping to solve the Cursed Objects Case, a series of mysterious crimes that have been terrorising the magical population of London.
When Draco is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, their previously ordered life is thrown into disarray.
Little Love by @ladderofyears [33k]
Of all the bad ideas that Draco Malfoy had ever had, moving in with Harry Potter was the worst of them.
They didn’t get on. Harry was judgemental, messy, and a prude who looked on disapprovingly whenever Draco returned home after spending the night with his boyfriend Seb.
But, after a broken condom leaves Draco pregnant, he realises everything in his life has to change. The first thing: his relationship with Harry. After that, everything starts to get better.
Morning Mr Devil, Come Say Farewell to Your Dreams by @thisbloodycat [32k]
Nothing stays the same after a war. Except for lack of luck, that much Draco has noticed.
Pocket Full Of Starlight (Never Let It Fade Away) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [46k]
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
The Rules of War by calrissian18 [40k]
“After having his tentative advance rebuffed, Harry has been Imperius-ing Draco into having a relationship with him. He’s needed to make the curse stronger and stronger, the more he wants – desire, sex, love, marriage, baby. However, when Draco falls pregnant, the power of the curse starts diminishing, no matter what Harry tries. What happens when the curse finally fails?”
Some Kind of Wonderful by taradiane [34k]
Harry is adrift without an anchor after the prophecy that shaped the first eighteen years of his life is fulfilled. Restless and bored, and wanting to stop Hermione from nagging him about wasted opportunities, he decides to spend his time volunteering at a Muggle homeless shelter…then along comes Malfoy, with an anchor of his own that he needs help carrying.
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424  [46k]
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea.  The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant.
Things That Change by eutychides [84k]
After Hogwarts, everything changes.
You’ll Still Find Stone by @flightinflame [42k]
Draco had to marry Potter to stay out of Azkaban. Narcissa told him he’d be safer there. But he doesn’t  know what Potter expects from him - this marriage is nothing like he had been prepared for. Potter’s acting kindly, and he knows it’s all a trick. He’s just about coping, but trying to keep Potter happy becomes more important than ever when he realises he’s carrying the man’s child.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Do you ever think about how truly beautiful Dan and Blair are as a couple? I don't mean physically even though I do, but just how full of love and respect and cherishment their relationship had. These two people, similar in ways that they didn't even know, yet completely opposite of each other, were able to grow beyond preconceived judgements and prejudice, and they found a person who became their greatest friend. Even when their original worlds told them that it didn't matter, that they were destined for something that wasn't what they wanted or what they thought they wanted, they chose each other. They found each other, and I think that's beauty in its most abstract form.
I'm sorry, I just got finished watching a Mike Flanagan series and I'm feeling philosophical and emotional.
Bestie, I only think about this ALL THE TIME! it's about the narrative foils and the enemies to allies to best friends to lovers and the growing into love with each other all mixed together in a perfect ship shape. and they fucking did that on accident!!!!! it makes me crazy. it makes me *waves hand at tumblr blog and ao3 account* this!
never apologize for being philosophical and emotional in my inbox that's like, my default factory setting. ily and your mind always <3
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moonlayl · 1 year
ask game: 7 + 16
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Sam Winchester from spn (even when he irritated me in canon it wasn't enough to truly dislike his character but fans acting like he was a 6 year old child who can do no wrong and can't be held accountable for his own screw ups seriously started to make me dislike his character. Not as much though now lol)
Loki. Even his worst actions never bothered me because he was always a villain and he was interesting on screen, but his fans trying to make him the victim of every situation and that popular 'he's actually a teenager in Asgard years' headcanon annoyed me so much. He's not a helpless little misguided angel. He deliberately hurt people as a grown, powerful, adult and killed hundreds. His character having depth and nuance doesn't change that.
(a lot of characters from aos would technically fit but canon is usually the reason I started disliking those characters at first and fandom just made my dislike stronger. ex: ward, Fitz, deke, Simmons but not as much)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Fitzsimmons. My God, I tried so hard to like them and ship them in the beginning. I don't understand how they're considered the greatest couple like, where??? (but then codependency, slow burn, and jealous male trope is very popular in every fandom for some reason so it checks out I guess)
also, when fans take great found families and then infantilize the younger characters. weirds me out every time. Sorry, but daisy isn't a little baby who needs daddy Coulson and mama May to hold her hand and treat her like a child. She can view them as surrogate parents (she only really does this with Coulson in canon though, and even then because they met as adults one moment their relationship is a certain way and the next its another, which makes sense. don't think canon Daisy would ever call Coulson "dad" or May "mom" unless as a joke)while still treating them like friends/mentors and with them still treating her like a capable adult who can make her own life choices. She's literally 25 when she meets them.
cruel boy with a bad past + good girl romance.
enemies to lovers and childhood friends to lovers (except for very few scenarios
there's probably. a lot of other tropes but my mind is blank rn.
Thank you very much for sending in this ask! sorry if some of these responses sounded...harsh? I'm half asleep so I wrote it the way I'd say it, which I know doesn't always translate well through writing lol
choose violence ask game
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Trick or Treat Letter 2024
Thank you SO MUCH for writing for me. I know I’m going to love whatever you come up with! I truly appreciate  the time and effort you are going to put into this. PLEASE do not stress over it; I am really very easy to please and just looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I’ve jotted down some basic prompts here, follow them or don’t--the choice is yours! 
Competency is absolutely my greatest kink. I also have a decent-sized hair kink and love hair-touching/stroking/brushing, etc, as well as any kind of safe touch. I like friendship in love, equal partnerships, ass-kicking females, friends to lovers, grudging respect that becomes not so grudging, fluff and cuteness, light angst, caretaking, cuddling and tender kissing, blanket/bed-sharing in a totally platonic way, all the non-sexual intimacy and tenderness, late-night talks, letters. Tenderly-described safe touch makes me squee. I don’t mind sex so long as it’s consensual between adults, well-written, driven by emotions, and true to character. My favorite AUs are coffee shop and library. 
General Likes: Fluff, angst with a happy or happy-for-now ending, humor, hurt/comfort with comfort emphasis, team bonding, mission fic, casefic, slice of life, missions gone bad, bad missions gone good in unexpected ways. Snowed in, locked in a closet, days off that turn into work days due to unforeseen circumstances, Undercover as a couple, enemies to friends to more, fake dating with sparks flying.
I adore setting detail and good descriptive writing. Fall is absolutely my favorite season--so perfect for walks, crisp air, toasted marshmallows, apple orchard trips, cider and donuts, colorful leaves that crunch underfoot, hay rides, warm drinks, cozy sweaters, knitting, lazy weekends, bonfires (or fires in fireplaces) new pens and notebooks, etc. I also love holidays and celebrations--all of them equally, so whatever feels natural to you and the characters is great. Cultural descriptions and events are fabulous, as well as setting, time period, and seasonal details.
-D/s relationships
-A/B/O dynamics (I don’t understand how these work) 
-dark/dystopian or supernatural AUs
-rape/non- or dub-con
-graphic violence
-suicide or self-harm 
-non-canonical character death
This show is new to me–a friend introduced me last spring and now I’m completely obsessed. I adore all of the great representation in this show, but also the character growth. Maddie and Buck have such a special relationship, and I have loved seeing Buck come into his own as a character, as well as Bobby’s arc, Eddie’s arc, the evolution of Tommy…I could go on forever here. I really love the seasonal episodes, but any 118 shenanigans would be absolutely fantastic. What lengths does Buck go to in order to make sure he never has to hand out smoke detectors on Halloween ever again? Is there a 118 family Halloween party with a crazy costume contest? Do they sponsor some kind of community event with apple bobbing, carnival games, and such? Give me all the superstitions, good- or bad- luck charms, weird calls, the haunting of Firehouse 118, the return of Chim’s crow, Eddie not being superstitious except when he is… You really can’t go wrong for me in this fandom. 
Schitt's Creek:
One of my all-time comfort shows no matter how many times I go back through it. “Grad Night” is the episode I go back to when I’m feeling down because I love the chemistry between these three in particular. I love Steve’s sass and how David and Patrick play off each other and bring out the best in each other. Give me all the seasonal dirt on Rose Apothecary–fun classes, gift boxes that have to be tested, dithering about what kind of treats to hand out, floor picnics by a cheap and tacky fake fireplace that someone appropriated from Roland and Jocelyn, that time the heat goes out at home and they cuddle for warmth. The shop needs weatherproofing and Patrick decides he can do it all with the help of YouTube and David freaks out. What kind of Halloween gifts/specials run at Rose Apothecary, Stevie making sure that David and Patrick make the most of their first Halloween as a married couple. Give them a cute couples’ costume, run wild with hauntings at the motel or the shop or at David’s and Patrick’s house, the town’s costume parade or pumpkin carving contest getting crazy competitive or wildly out of hand, or one of Twyla’s murder mystery parties having an actual murder. 
I’m HERE for all the banter and the cases and the little team celebrations at the end of each episode. I love the brotherly relationship between Sam and Callen and Hetty’s general badassery. How does the team celebrate Halloween? Is there a case that takes them to a “haunted” house or creepy carnival? A serial offender who leaves tarot cards or creepy dolls as their signature? Are there pranks or pranks gone too far, and what is the fallout from that? There HAVE to be ghosts in the mission or the boatshed, right? A paperwork day that gets interrupted by strange happenings? Movie night or game night on the big screen in Ops? Fun or off-the-wall training scenarios where Hetty kicks everyone’s collective ass and then drinks them all under the table after? A routine case involving a “curse” that gets screwed up six ways to Sunday until Callen saves everyone with a surprise bolthole or secret stash of whatever object they might need? Give me the caretaking and team bonding during and after a mission, and banter.  All the banter.
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claudemblems · 2 years
Getting Mistaken for a Couple Pt. 2 | Headcanons
bim bam bop here's a part 2 for you all <333
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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Ngl, the mistake kinda fuels his ego.
"Oh, did you get that impression by the way [Name] stares at me? I can't blame her, though. It's not often you find a Fatui Harbinger who's this handsome and capable."
All joking aside, he makes sure to clear the air and let the commenter know that you're just friends. Friends with a Harbinger. Should they ever try to threaten you, they'll have to go through him first :)
The threat is enough to make the person apologize and scurry away in fear. You chastise Childe for being too forward, but he says he just wants to make sure no one tries to hurt you. Who knows? They could be an enemy in disguise.
You do appreciate the thought at least, and you make sure to thank him for having your back. Being friends with a Harbinger does have its perks.
But you're not in this friendship so you have protection from the Fatui. You're friends with Childe because you like him for who he is. Though intimidating at times, he's charming, funny, and most important of all, fiercely loyal.
Pink dusts his cheeks when he recognizes the sincerity of your words. Maybe he's been around too many people who are scared of him or are just being friendly in order to rise up the ranks. So hearing someone genuinely say that they enjoy being close to him? It's a nice feeling.
It makes him think more about the relationship the two of you have, and how you might be the only person that can truly understand him. He already likes being your closest confidant, but if you were something more...well, he'd be the happiest man in all of Teyvat!
He needs time to figure out how to confess to you, or rather, he needs time to bolster up the courage. He's fought many battles, practically made a nation fall to its knees, but in all of these scenarios, he knew he'd come out victorious. Now he finds himself unsure. He can only hope that you'll accept his feelings. He'd love for you to become a part of his family.
His brothers and sisters have welcomed you in already. In fact, they've been prodding him for ages to finally make a move. Maybe it's about time he takes his siblings' advice...
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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Diluc promptly corrects the commenter on their mistake. He doesn't want to ignore it and have the whole of Mondstadt thinking he's in a relationship (word about the nation's most eligible bachelor spreads fast).
"[Name] and I are not a couple. She's simply a close friend of mine. We just often go on walks together to catch up when we've been too busy to meet."
Diluc makes sure to remain a gentleman as he clears up the misunderstanding, though. You might not be his lover, but he doesn't mind the mistake at all. It's flattering, in a way. But he personally doesn't think he's good enough for someone as wonderful as you.
"I apologize for getting you into this situation. Rumors about my relationship status are common occurrences. It's almost as if the whole of Mondstadt is eagerly awaiting for me to find someone...for some reason."
Don't even try to tell him that you wouldn't be good enough to be his lover anyways. He will list all the reasons about why you're the greatest person he's ever met, and if anyone deserves to be happy, it's you.
"If you have the time, I'd like to make it up to you. Would you allow me to treat you to dinner at the Winery? Ask for whatever you want. As I've told you before, if it is in my power, I will give it to you."
Please let him treat you, give you gifts, just let him do anything for you. Seeing that smile on your face always manages to make him smile, too. Your happiness is contagious. He'd say it's even more addicting than a good wine.
Anddd this is when he realizes that maybe his affections for you might go deeper than just a simple friendship.
"Please, allow me to escort you over to the Winery. I'll walk in front to take care of any monsters that might come our way." (But in actuality, he's only taking the lead in order to hide his reddened face).
He can handle formidable mitachurls and the Abyss order, but when it comes to matters involving you, it's going to take some time until he can finally reveal his feelings to you, though hopefully not while he's a flustered mess.
829 notes · View notes
sushireads · 4 years
jungkook fic recs
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this is a list of jungkook fics i’ve read and loved very much! enjoy. <3
ps. all fics with 🍙 are the ones i loved a little bit more.
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2! 3! by @gimmesumsuga
smut, fluff | one shot | 3K words
The one at the end of Jungkook’s Wembley Vlive.
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a dangerous game by @goldngguk​ 
horror | series
You were in love with him. Jeon Jeongguk was everything you’d ever dreamed of and more. He was wealthy, kind, gentle, and most importantly, he loved you dearly. You knew he would always be there for you to guide you and protect you. You’d been together for just over a year and knew he had made plans to propose to you. But you found it strange that he had never brought you home to meet his parents.
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About Time by @yoonia
ON-GOING | 🍙, angst | series
Be careful for what you wish for, because you may never know how to deal with them once it comes true. What would you do when your wish for a second chance actually came true? But was it really a fulfilled wish? Too many questions lie when it actually happened. Were they real memories? Or perhaps a part of a past life? Was it only a dream all along? Will everything be different this time?
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fluff, crack, smut | one shot | 3.6K words
you tell santa exactly what you want for christmas.
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Amour by @taesthetes
fluff, fantasy | one shot | 6.1K words
{{ noun // a love affair, usually secret; a lover }}
To love would be committing the greatest sin.
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aurora. by @krreader​​
angst, fluff | one shot | 6K+ words
dawn comes after the darkness, and with it the promise that what has been torn by the sea is not lost. - lisa wingate 
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baecation by @1kook
smut, fluff | one shot | 5.9K words
“Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart.
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banana milk by @kimnjss
smut | one shot | 6.7K words
sent to the grocery store in the middle of the day, you’d never believe who you ran into in the milk aisle.
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bandslam by @ironicarmy​​
angst, smut | series
Cocky drummer Jeon Jungkook has never been the type to hate on anyone. But when his best friend Taehyung unexpectedly leaves the band and leaves you in his place, he can’t really blame himself when he acts with disdain towards you. Not even when there’s a prize at stake.
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Be Mine by @staerrylights
angst, fluff, smut | one shot | 5.5K words
When the worlds of a campus’ star player and ordinary girl collide, sparks will fly.
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Bells by @taetaesbaebaepsae
fluff | one shot | 1.6K words
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bitchin’ by @kinktae
🍙, fluff, angst, smut | series
The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
—part of the rewind series
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black card by @minsprings
🍙, fluff, smut | two shots
a long night at another one of your obligatory high society functions has you desperate to relieve some stress with your husband jungkook, who’s been apparently hiding a kink from you for some time.
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Blackjack by @kpopfanfictrash
smut | series
Bangtan is one of the most vicious mafias on the west coast. Only six members are known by name though, with a mysterious seventh member dubbed only as ‘the shadow.’ When you become indebted to the worst of the worst – how, exactly can you find a way out?
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caught me. by @jeongi
smut | one shot | 13.5K words
you hate your temporary roommate, jungkook and it doesn’t help that he’s been catching you at the most inconvenient of times.
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Crybaby by @lavishedinjimin​​
smut | two shots
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dangerous love by @seulgiology
smut, light fluff | one shot | 3.7K words
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Departure by @nomnomsik
smut, fluff | one shot | 6.2K words
As a flight attendant for Korean Air, you’re scheduled for a thirteen-hour flight to Japan. However, things get intimate between you and your partner and co-pilot, Jeon Jungkook, when he realizes Park Jimin, the famous idol from Korea, broads the plane and blatantly flirts with you.
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Dumbo by @cinnaminsvga​
humor, smut | one shot | 17.2K words
you know what they say about boys with big noses…
{or alternatively: jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it, but luckily you’re there to help.}
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Dynasty by @jimlingss​
angst, smut, fluff | one shot | 17.4K words
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
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Euphoria by @seokstrivia
fluff, smut, angst | one shot | 7.6K words
There was always a sign on Jungkooks’ door that said something along the lines of, ‘Warning; I am naked in here. Do not enter unless you’re ready to see a whole lot of dick.’  
or, that one roommate au where Jungkook is a cocky bastard.
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fatal attraction by @jungcock
ON-GOING | 🍙, angst, smut | series
Your dangerous ex-boyfriend comes back to haunt you in more ways than one.
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first time together by @httpjeon
fluff, smut, angst | one shot | 8.4K words
you never thought you’d fall for the charms of jeon jungkook, the campus heartthrob, play boy, and fuck boy.
—part of the together series
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flesh and blood by @kinktae
fluff, smut | series
You are living in a society that is just now picking up the scraps that the Great Outbreak left behind after the government killed off the majority of the zombies. Still, some remain, and fear still lies within society’s walls. So imagine your surprise when the very thing you’ve been taught to fear ends up saving your life, showing you that maybe two beating hearts aren’t always required when it comes to love.
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For science by @boymeetsweevil
fluff, smut | series 
Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science.
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Game Over by @gukgalore
smut, fluff | one shot | 5K words
You try your hand at a certain TikTok trend using your boyfriend.
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Head in the Clouds by @taequois​​
one shot | 3.7K words
You were the third wheel for your best friend’s date but why was Jeon Jungkook kissing you instead? 
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Hellblazer by @jungkookiebus
smut, fantasy | series
“Few people really think about dying… paranoids worry about it without really understanding it. Victims of fatal accidents and murder don’t have time to think. You only really think about it if you take the time to. And you only take the time if you know it’s going to happen.” -John Constantine, Dangerous Habits Pt. 1: The Beginning of the End, Issue #41.
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HIDDEN STARS by @jungblue
angst, smut | series
It started out simple, but when your feelings start to grow for the idol who isn’t allowed to date, things get complicated.
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Hiraeth by @darlingwoes
smut, angst, fluff | series
Hiraeth: A longing for a home you can’t return to, or that never was.
It was confusing, the whole ordeal was. But no matter how many times you told yourself to go back, he was always there, taunting you to stay.
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His Name by @jimlingss
🍙, angst | series
Jeon Jungkook is a puzzle with too many missing pieces from his past and too many sides. Somehow, it’s become your job to solve him.
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i wish i missed my ex by @angelguk
smut, fluff, angst | one shot | 18K words
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It Ain’t Me by @inferno-loop​​
angst | series
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industrial by @taendrils​
fluff, smut | one shot | 8.1K words
❝there are lines you shouldn’t cross, things you shouldn’t touch and skin you shouldn’t mark when your hands are missing your gloves.❞
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Jeon Jungkook Must Die by @tayegi
smut | one shot | 14K words
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Jungkook is Typing... by @glassbangtan
mild smut, angst, fluff | one shot | 21.1K words
You and Jungkook met online when you were only fourteen years old. Neither of you thought meeting up would be a possibility, until you’re hired as Big Hit’s new editor.
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Killjoy by @taequois​​
smut | one shot | 9.3K words
You thought you’re trapped in the lion’s den when Jungkook kidnaps you. But he’s no lion and unfortunately for him, you weren’t a mouse either.
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Laundry Fairy by @bulletproofbirdy
fluff, smut | one shot | 3.5K words
You wake on Saturday to find that your boyfriend has cleaned your apartment and done your laundry–shenanigans ensue with the help of the spin cycle.
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love alive by @jamaisjoons
angst, fluff, smut | one shot | 17K words
a year after you and jungkook break up, the two of you meet at your brother’s party.
—part of the mixtape series
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Making of a lover by @smileyoongle​
angst | one shot | 2.4K words
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mask by @onherwings
🍙, angst, fluff, smut | one shot | 32.1K words
Perhaps you signed up for more than you expected when you agreed to pretend you were just Jungkook’s roommate when his (female) childhood friend comes to visit.
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mastur-bait by @kookswife​​
🍙, smut, fluff, humor | two shots
you drunkenly touch yourself in front of your neighbour, hoping he’ll take notice. you can’t help but do a double take when he actually does.
—part of The Connotation trilogy
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Meeting their soulmate for the first time by @sunyoonandstars
🍙, fluff | one shot | 2.1K words
Jungkook is driven by the desire to, one day, meet his soulmate. However, he had not imagined it to happen so soon …
“Jungkook’s eyes met yours only for a brief moment. Still, this split second was all it took to send a surge of thrilling heat through his entire body, the intensity of your gaze leaving every last fiber of his being vibrating and his veins tingling with what felt like a million of tiny electric shocks. He could have sworn his heart literally skipped a beat. Or two. At least. Because those eyes weren’t just any eyes. They were the eyes. The eyes which had been haunting his dreams …”
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melomaniac. by @jeonscript
smut | one shot | 13K words
you’re wholeheartedly, madly in love with jungkook and yet you shouldn’t be because he’s supposed to be your best friend and nothing more. worst part of it all is that you know he’s in love with you too.
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Mind in the Gutter by @kpopfanfictrash
smut, fluff, humor | one shot | 18K words
Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
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more than friends by @matchakoo​
smut, angst, tiny fluff | two shots
you and jungkook have been roommates and close friends for a couple years, and you’re oblivious to the fact that the only reason why he hates your recent fuck-buddy is because he has the fattest crush on you.
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morning rush. by @atdawnsuga
smut | one shot | 3.2K words
You develop a strange relationship with the boy you share your morning commute with.  
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Movin’ by @mygsii
smut | one shot | 3.9K words
you’re moving to a new place and have called up some movers to help. you didn’t expect to find one of them extremely attractive, nor did you expect to have him all over you as soon as break time rolled around.
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Mutual by @seokjxnnie​​
smut | one shot | 2.7K words
Your boss was always talking about how her son would be perfect for you, promising that he was going to the staff holiday party. He turned out to be the hook up that happened a couple months ago, who you kept around for some good dick.
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My Type by @shadowsremedy​​
smut | one shot | 6K words
Never judge a book by its cover.
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neighbour by @imagniation​​
fluff, smut | one shot | 4K words
‘you think I can afford a plumber?’ your endearing neighbour jeongguk has magic hands that fix toilets and make you orgasm.
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one thing right by @hobios
🍙, fluff, angst, smut | series
“i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.”
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
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One Year, My Love by @hayjeon
🍙, angst, fluff, smut | two shots 
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
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Orange Tulips by @kainks
angst, fluff, light smut | one shot | 10.2K words
You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time.
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Pay by Play by @yoonia
smut | one shot | 3.6K words
—part of @bangtansmutcentral‘s Made With Love Project
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Pen Pal by @chinkbihh
angst | series
As a lonely person, the idea of exchanging letters with someone apart from society was actually quite appealing to you.  In a random act of charity and desperation, you sign up for a pen pal and get paired up with an inmate named Jungkook.  The letters were meant to help him cope with prison life, but little did anyone know it was actually driving him more mad.  
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Piss Off Your Parents by @littlemisskookie
smut | one shot | 16.4K words
In an effort to piss off your parents you move in with their worst nightmare- a boy with tattoos, a rock band, and an irresistible charm.
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Play Pretend by @seokoloqy
smut, angst | one shot | 8.6K words
walking under ladders, splitting the pole, breaking mirrors, going near black cats—just to name a few things Jeon Jungkook doesn’t do before his soccer games.
And after Jungkook catches his girlfriend cheating on him, he’s going to need a little more than luck to get her back. He needs you.
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Quarter Quell by @chinkbihh
ON-GOING | 🍙 | series
Every 25 years there is a Quarter Quell edition of the Hunger Games. Quells mark the anniversaries of the districts’ defeat by the Capitol, and include special celebrations. The Games involves some sort of twist that makes them even more disastrous or difficult to compete in, or watch.
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Redolent by @baeseoul
ON-GOING | angst, smut | series
You and Jungkook have a past, but the biggest mistake of his life has him losing you in every way. It isn’t until the smell of the unique combination of vanilla and pear blossom for the first time in over a year reminds him of you and your endearing candle obsession that he’s forced to reminisce about what he had, and what he lost. He wants to reconcile, but what if you’re doing just fine without him?
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Rigor Mortis by @readyplayerhobi
smut, angst, horror, fluff | one shot | 28.5K words
A night out at a bar results in you going home with a young and attractive police officer. But if you think the night was something to remember, that’s nothing compared to waking up to find a zombie outbreak in the city. A chance encounter with Officer Jeon leads to him helping you escape from the plague infested city.
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ROTTENFOLK by @junqkook
🍙, smut, fantasy | one shot (in dire need of a part two though!!!) | 13.5K words
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
—part of BTS Smut Club’s The Heatwave Project
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roulette. by @taesthetes
light fluff, angst | one shot | 1.2K words
noun : a gambling game of chance.
he loves me, click, he loves me not, bang.
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Ruin the Dress... Shirt by @fortunexkookie
smut, fluff | one shot | 4.8K words
What could possibly go wrong during a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner with your brand new boyfriend? Let’s be honest, you shouldn’t have even asked.
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Scum’s Wish by @bobagukk
angst, smut | one shot | 4.8K words
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Secret Slut by @jeonsweetpea
🍙, smut | two shots
Jungkook accidentally gifts you, his boss, a sex toy for Secret Santa.
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skype sex by @floralseokjin​​
smut, fluff | one shot | 2.9K words
—part of the first love, last love drabble series
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Somnolent by @forgottenpasta
fluff | one shot | 3.5K words
After spending one night in bed with you, Jeongguk finds out he is unable to sleep unless you’re sleeping with him.
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Sprout by @hugseoks
fluff, crack | one shot | 1.2K words
After a nice evening out with your friends, you find yourself coming home to your sleeping toddler and the new hairstyle she had tried on your husband.
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stand-in by @gvksp4ce
angst, smut, fluff | one shot | 10K words
frat parties always suck to a certain degree, especially when you walk in on your best friend’s partner nailing your own boyfriend on said buddy’s bed. However, drowning in self-pity was not on Jeon’s watch.
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strawberry lips by @personasintro
fluff | drabble | 2.8K words
it’s not your fault your professor is extremely young and oh, so hot
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Summer Solstice by @brokenspinez​​
smut | one shot | 6K words
Down on your luck and desperate for a successful harvest, you pray to the gods. You figure no one in heaven was listening to your prayers when nothing happens immediately. But one fateful night, your prayers are answered. Are you willing to pay the price? The sacrifice might not be what you were expecting….
GOD au
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Tangsuyuk Love by @full-of-jams​​
fluff, smut | one shot | 11.5K words
College student Jungkook flirts with a customer who always orders take-out tangsuyuk at his part-time job. Meanwhile he’s miserably trying not to fail his Math class, while hiding his ever-growing crush on you.
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tell me no lies by @jeongi
angst, smut, minimal fluff | one shot | 15.1K words
You chose to rob your boss, however; you never expected to fall in love with him.
—part of BTS Smut Club's Under Fire Summer Project
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the beast hidden inside by @harvcore​​
smut | one shot | 1.5K words
never come home smelling like another man, especially when it’s mating season.
or 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤, 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚, 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐬…
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the best part of me is you by @yourdelights
fluff, smut, angst | one shot | 9K words
Having been best friends since childhood, you’re an expert in all things Jungkook. You know everything about him, from how he took his coffee to the sound of his laugh after a successful prank. There was no part of him that you didn’t know like the back of your hand, or so you thought. Your view on things gets a bit skewed after discovering the one secret Jungkook had kept from you: he’s a camboy.
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the coffee shop contract by @gukyi
fluff | one shot | 18K words
apparently, having an instagram profile with a different girl in every picture is reason enough for your friends to strike up a deal where they’ll pay you to have a relationship. well, jeon jungkook’s no good at relationships, but a fake relationship isn’t a real relationship. is it?
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the engagement by @virgoknj
angst | drabble | 3.4K words
in where your ex jungkook appears at your engagement party
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the jeon twins by @krreader
fluff, angst | one shot | 3.2K words
jk thought he was doing this for his twin’s good. falling in love with you while pretending to be kookie was never something he planned on doing and he hated himself for it.
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The Jorts by @gukslut​
fluff, smut | one shot | 6.5K words
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the sea & the storm by @jamaisjoons
angst, fluff, smut | one shot | 20K words
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him.
—part of the Fantastical Stories for Curious Souls collaboration
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the train of lost souls by @inktae
angst, fantasy, fluff | one shot | 13.6K words
The moment you step inside the train, you are given two options.
You can choose to live, to be given a second and a last chance in life, in exchange for your memories and your previous existence. You can choose to be alive again, but it can only be an entirely new life. Everyone you’ve ever crossed paths with would forget your name. All the pain and the love you knew, all the ups and downs that made you hurt and made you smile — all of it, completely gone.
Or you can choose to move on, to give your life away while keeping your memories until the end of time. To step out of the world of the living and to embrace a new kind of loneliness, but with the warmth of your past always safe between your cold hands.
You are dead, but it’s up to you to do something about it.
The choice is solely yours.
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The Truth About Forever by @thedefinitionofbts
romance, implied smut, angst | one shot | 6.3K words
There are a lot of things you know. You knew the water in the lake was the clearest, most fresh tasting in the world and that lavender hyacinth graced every hillside, peeking through patches of wild grass and forest green shrubbery. You knew the weather was pleasant enough and the air clean enough even for someone with a body as weak as yours to sleep peacefully under clear moonlit nights. You know a lot of things, but there was one thing you didn’t know…  
“Jungkook and Y/N forever…” Seokjin reads the little inscription on the corner. “Hey, this person even has the same name as you, how weird.”
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the universe of us. by @taesthetes
🍙, fluff, angst, fantasy | one shot | 21.1K words
nefelibata : (noun) lit. “cloud-walker”; the one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams
The story of Icarus tells of a naive being who loved the sun and flew too close, leading to his untimely descent into the ocean. But what the tale didn’t speak of was how the sun and the moon fell in love with him, too. And with the pull of the tides due to the attraction of the sun and the moon, he tosses and turns, torn between two entities.
So if Kim Taehyung embodies the sun, then Jeon Jungkook is the moon.
And you are Icarus.
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The Virgin Volume by @kpopfanfictrash​
smut, angst | two shots
The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend.
—part of The Rich Man’s Crochet Club series
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the wedding planners by @gukyi
fluff, light smut, light angst | one shot | 28K words
jeon jungkook is three things: cocky, terrible, and your worst enemy. then your best friend hoseok gets engaged to the love of his life, and suddenly jeon jungkook is four things: cocky, terrible, your worst enemy, and the man you will be spending the next seven months with in order to plan your best friend’s wedding.
and then, as if your life couldn’t get any shittier, you make the poor decision of sleeping with him on the first day of the job.
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through the night by @nightbts
ON-GOING | 🍙, fluff, angst | series
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Travel Diary by @nitaescence
fluff | one shot | 2.5K words
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way down in bed stuy by @minstrivia
smut, light angst | one shot | 5K+ words
as a final farewell you fuck your sister’s unbelievably attractive knave boyfriend that you definitely do not have feelings for…again.
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Welcome to the Underworld (AO3 Link) by @spookitokki
fluff, smut, fantasy | one shot | 9.6K words
In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
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youngblood by @jinitude
smut | one shot | 14.6K words
“I don’t care if he’s got the potential to be the next big thing. I’m done trying to chase a story that doesn’t exist. The kid is a wet leaf left on the curb to dry and crumble into pieces the next day. You’re going to send me to five of his concerts and I can already tell you how each one is going to go. He’s a wannabe bad boy who jizzes his pants when he sees a girl looking at him. Assign me someone else.”
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vintagegeekculture · 4 years
The Chinese Cultural Inspirations for Dragon Ball Z and Super
Journey to the West was only the beginning. 
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A lot of people are vaguely aware that Dragon Ball was inspired by Chinese culture and Hong Kong Kung Fu movies and novels, but are unaware of how deep and long lasting it goes. The Japanese spent the 1980s fascinated by China, which opened up from being a closed society for decades in 1978; the most famous human being in Japan in the 80s was either Michael Jackson or Jackie Chan. 
In fact, a lot of people commonly believe that the Chinese action movie and Kung Fu novel cultural and media influence on Dragon Ball ended very early on. This is untrue. Sure, we started to see qipaos and cheongsams less frequently when they headed to West City, but it absolutely did not finish, because there’s tons of influence to see even as impossibly late as Dragon Ball Super. Interestingly, I don’t think any of these point of inspirations have been pointed out before, mainly because a lot of Chinese adventure novels are simply not available in English. 
 The Piccolo/Gohan plot was inspired by the Chinese action novel “Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre.”
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Okay, tell me if you’ve heard this story before: a truly demonic, weird looking monster villain is defeated by a martial arts hero, but by circumstance, is forced into training his greatest enemy’s young son. The villain trains the young boy, the son of his enemy, in martial arts and over time, becomes like a second father or uncle to him and his family, putting the boy in his “evil” sect, and thanks to his love of his rival’s son, this baddie turns over a new leaf and goes from evil to just…grumpy, and becomes a loyal, though gruff, ally of the boy.
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Of course, the events of Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre are a bit different from Dragon Ball in details. The Lion King becomes Wuji’s teacher because they are both stranded together on an island after a shipwreck, for instance, and he is blinded and made vulnerable. Also, the Lion King wasn’t so much evil so much as he was misunderstood by the orthodox martial world. However, in broad outlines, this trajectory for a face turn (becomes friends with his greatest enemy’s son, and becomes like a second father to him as he trains him, causing the villain to become a gruff good guy and ally) is essentially from one of the most famous Chinese novels ever written in the 1960s. 
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Oh, and while we’re at it, Gohan is likewise inspired by another character from a Louis Cha novel: the Prince of Dali Duan Yu in the Kung Fu novel Demigods and Semi-Devils. The Prince in that novel is a naïve, pacifistic scholar who prefers books to fighting, and who was raised to be timid and avoid combat, absolutely out of step with his family, all of whom are martial artists and warriors. In fact, the beginning of the story is the prince gets incredibly lost in the wilderness, where the hopelessly naïve prince is utterly out of his depth, with all the robbers and scary beasts, and needs to be saved by real martial artists that protect him like fairy godparents. He spends the first part of the story running away from everything, scared as hell. However, by circumstance, he has naturally high power he cannot fully initially control, and eventually realizes that even scholars and others who hate fighting have to sometimes become fighters to protect those they love.
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The Duan Yu part of Demigods and Semi-Devils was made into a film, the Battle Wizard, which was reviewed by PewDiePie. The Dragonball similarities went over his head because, honestly, PewDiePie does not strike me as a perceptive person. 
 Hit was based on the screen persona of Chow Yun Fat.
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Chow Yun Fat was a Hong Kong cinema superstar who was to director John Woo what Robert de Niro was to Martin Scorsese. There are three giveaways that Hit was based on Chow Yun Fat. One, he’s an assassin, same as Chow Yun Fat’s character in the Killer, and is even given a sequence that’s a John Woo homage with an assassination in an office building with guns pulled on an empty elevator in an act of misdirection. Second, he’s wearing the single piece of clothing Chow Yun Fat is associated with, a black trenchcoat (fun fact: in Hong Kong today, trenchcoats are called Brother Mark Coats, after Chow Yun Fat’s character in John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow). Third, his power is essentially bullet time, a visual technique refined by John Woo in Hong Kong in the 80s and 90s in his gunplay triad movies starring Chow Yun Fat (what, you think the Wachowskis invented it?).
 The Goku/Vegeta relationship is from “Legend of the Condor Heroes.”
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Here’s a story you might have heard before. It’s about two rivals, but by circumstance, one is raised in the wilderness beyond civilization, where he becomes an honest and goodhearted, though overly naive bumpkin, martial arts prodigy. The other is raised a wealthy prince by a conquering enemy, who grows up to also become an armor wearing martial arts expert, but also a cunning, arrogant, emotionally distant sociopath.
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The similarities go into their love lives, too. The unsophisticated bumpkin hero is betrothed to a daughter of a powerful bearded barbarian king against his will, while the one hint of vulnerability and loss of emotional detachment in the otherwise sociopathic prince, the crack in his smirky arrogance, is that he loves a girl he otherwise pretends to hate, and even fathers a child with her who becomes a main character later.
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This is Guo Jing and Yang Kang from Legend of the Condor Heroes. The most fascinating similarity, and proof that female psychology is the same all over the world, is that the fangirls love the emotionally distant, arrogant, and sexy/evil prince (remember when Rhonda Rousey said her first crush was Vegeta?). Girls everywhere love bad boys and sexy villains, and oh boy, do they love Prince Yang Kang. I think you can probably guess who all the fan art is about for Legend of the Condor Heroes, and what ship is the most popular.
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I have to emphasize that Legend of the Condor Heroes, which came out in the 1950s-60s, is possibly the most widely read novel by the most widely read novelist on earth - the sales on that dwarf Twilight and Harry Potter. It’s probably not an exaggeration to say nearly every Chinese person, even if they never read it, knows who these characters are. In fact, Yang Kang and Guo Jing from Condor Heroes are basically repeated over and over in Asian, Chinese, and Japanese culture. Does the unsophisticated but gifted martial arts prodigy bumpkin hero, and the glib, arrogant wealthy prince rival remind you of….another duo of rivals?
Gohan/Videl comes from Little Dragon Maiden
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One of the most important and influential Martial Arts novels of all time is “Return of the Condor Heroes.” A sequel to Condor Heroes, this time, the main character is the teenage son of one of the main characters from the first novel. It gets even more familiar from there.
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“Return of the Condor Heroes” was about a martial arts couple who are also master and student, the same age but vastly different in experience and skill so one somehow seems “older,” and they fall in love because the circumstances of training together requires they spend lots of time together and become intimate. The training story and the love story are exactly the same in “Return of the Condor Heroes.” The dead giveaway one story inspired the other is that in both, the most significant training sequence is one where the master teaches the student how to fly (though Return used a chamber of sparrows for lightness Kung Fu).
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There are some differences of course – obviously in Return of the Condor Heroes, the genders of teacher and student are flipped from Gohan and Videl (it’s the Little Dragon Maiden who is a powerful teacher, and the boy who is the student). It was the girl (Videl) who was a rebellious delinquent in Dragon Ball Z, when it was the opposite in the novel, true. But it was obvious this story was in the back of the creator’s mind as a way to combine Kung Fu with the love story, by making teacher and student lovers.
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Addendum: hey, remember that awesome movie Kung Fu Hustle, the one Hong Kong movies normies have seen? Well, remember the landlord and landlady? The landlady was named Xiao Lung Nu, or Little Dragon Maiden, and her husband was named Yang Guo – the same as the main characters in Return of the Condor Heroes. It was a joke that went over the heads of Westerners, by giving these names of attractive and naïve young people in love with each other to a surly, bitter, arguing and chain smoking middle aged couple who don’t give a damn.
 Going Super Saiyan comes from “Reincarnated” aka “Bastard Swordsman.”
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Stop me if this sounds familiar: a terrifying warlord tyrant prone to killing underlings who displease him has achieved a level of skill and cultivation so tremendous nobody can stop him. But there is one, and only one, thing he fears and that can defeat him: a long-lost legendary skill that nobody has achieved in recent memory, that includes a supernatural combat power transformation that turns the hair light to indicate it worked.
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This is “Silkworm Skill” from Reincarnated aka Bastard Swordsman, a novel and TV series from Hong Kong in the early 1980s. Of course, there are differences. To get the power boost and new hair color, the hero has to jump in a cocoon he weaves himself. In fact, the scene is so well known that they actually have it on the poster.
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(To those saying “Super Saiyan turns your hair blonde, not white” my response is that it turns hair white, or uncolored, in the comic book.)
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The idea of your hair turning white to indicate a new supernatural combat transformation or martial state wasn’t created by Bastard Swordsman, though – though it is the best example and probably the one most familiar to a 1980s audience due to the hugely popular books and TV series. For an older example, a famous Chinese movie based on a folktale is “Bride With the White Hair,” about a bride who’s hair turns white when she is betrayed, in her anger, she becomes less a woman and more a supernatural creature of vengeance (interesting that anger should be the means to unlock it).
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil 8: Village) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injury, Swearing, Spoilers for RE8
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: With the only person he’s ever truly cared about, the only person who can calm him down and force him to take care of himself and balance his life out is taken from him, it’s safe to say the takers are bound to pay.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so sorry for the long wait you’ve had to endure but here it finally is - I hope you still come across the fic and take the time to read it despite the long time that’s passed. If you do so, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
The unlucky maid that was sent to Heisenberg’s factory as an alternate way to be killed rather than turned into wine cowers in fear as the metal-controlling man sends the majority of the objects around them flying across the room, crashing into against the walls in his state of uncontrollable anger that has the girl frightened to no end. Although, if she’s being honest, Heisenberg has every right to be furious right now. Who wouldn’t be after being told their enemy snatched their lover to use as blackmail.
And this poor maid was the messenger who had to deliver the news to Heisenberg about two days after the capturing of Y/N, Karl’s lover.
The two weren’t known to be a couple by anyone but rumors started floating around - especially among the rest of the Lords - when they kept seeing this woman around the factory and by Heisenberg’s side, sometimes even during the meetings of the Lords.
Leaving her out in the open and so vulnerable, so easy to be grabbed by the filthy, ill-meaning hands of the Dimitrescus, is a fault of his own he’ll never get over. He’ll never not regret not keeping a watchful eye on her at all times, even when she claimed she needed space after the two had an argument.
When that happens - though rarely, it still happens - Y/N tends to wander off, either in the village or in a complete separate part of the factory which is thankfully large enough for them both to enjoy their privacy without running into each other unless they want to. So, when Karl hadn’t heard from Y/N for a day and a half he didn’t think much of it, seeing as how she had a tendency of leaving him in silence for a day or two to cool her head and let him cool his and avoid further complications of their argument.
But when she didn’t show even after those regular forty eight hours of silence, Karl started worrying. And, as he’s come learn only minutes ago, he was right to do so - Alcina had snatched Y/N while the girl was walking around the outskirts, not far away from the factory itself. The girl barely had time to scream before being knocked out cold and dragged to the Dimitrescu castle.
Heisenberg should’ve known showing off his vulnerability so openly would only bring him headaches and heartaches - he knew having a vulnerability in the first place would be a huge inconvenience and a risk, especially when said vulnerability is vulnerable in and of itself.
“What does that bitch want?!“ He growls at the girl who’s gone as pale as a ghost, looking so tiny and fragile in comparison to the enraged man towering over her. He’s already taller and bigger than her, but this anger only adds to his huge presence and intimidating appearance.
“S-she told me to tell you her and M-Mother Miranda knew of...your plans. They’ll give you back the girl when you agree to lay off the plans and...“ The girl trails off, terrified of the reaction she’ll receive for the last bit of the negotiation.
“And?!“ Karl has no patience for reluctance and most certainly has no time to waste when the girl he loves is in the clutches of one of the people he’d want to drain the life out of with his own two hands. 
“And, as proof, burn the factory down...with everything in it.“ The girl finishes, grimacing and hiding her face behind her arms when she does, expecting to be hit or screamed at or even killed. This man has never been in his right mind to begin with let alone now that the most important person in his life has been taken from him and is in grave danger.
The long moment of silence she’s met with surprises her. It’s gotta be the calm before the storm, she thinks to herself, slowly lowering her arms to look around in search of the man who she thinks has already left the room. But no, Karl is standing in front of her, wearing a smile upon his face. A menacing one. One promising that it is indeed the calm before the storm.
“Alright.“ He says in a scarily light-hearted tone of voice, one that is so calm it sends chills down the maid’s spine, “Return to your Mistress and report back that I agree to her terms as long as Y/N’s delivered to me by tomorrow morning.“
The maid cannot believe her ears nor her eyes but there he is - Karl Heisenberg, the most dangerous of the Lords, agreeing to drop his reputation in the water to save the love of his life. All with an unfaltering smile across his face.
                                                               *  *  *
“Mother Miranda? I’m calling with some great news to share with you.“ Alcina Dimitrescu smiles a pleased smile as she looks at her reflection in the vanity mirror before her, “Heisenberg has chosen to stand down. Yes Mother, you heard me correctly, the stupid man-thing has chosen the pathetic woman over his own reign which I’m sure he wouldn’t have had the chance to carry out anyway thanks to your unmatched power, Mother Miranda, but now it’s official. He’s taken the ultimatum and has agreed to all the terms we laid out for him. In exchange, he hopes to get the girl back by tomorrow morning.“ A reply comes from the other side and Alcina laughs a low, mocking laugh, “Oh, he will be receiving her tomorrow morning, he needn’t worry. I’ll make sure to send him the wine bottles she’ll help us produce.“ The other woman on the line laughs as well, filling the Vampire Mistress with a sense of pride and accomplishment. “I have no doubt the gift will find him we-“ The tall woman’s word die down in her throat when a sharp pain spreads throughout her chest, leaving her breathless and disoriented. The ache spreads to her head where the screams of her daughters echo like an agonizing chant.
“Mother! Mother please help us! 
“Mother these monsters will kill us!“
“Mother, save us!“
The hurting mother drops the phone, attempting to get up to her feet, just to be knocked back down by the intense pain. The pain of a mother losing her daughters.
The daughters that were about to gruesomely murder Karl’s lover in the dungeons right below the castle. The three vampire girls were no match for Heisenberg and his army of lycans which he unleashed upon the whole castle, sending them in search of Y/N who he was quick to find in the dark torture chambers, beaten and bloodied but alive nonetheless.
“Darling, please, talk to me. Don’t do this to me, Y/N, please wake up.“ Karl ducks down in front of the seemingly lifeless body of Y/N, taking her face in his hands, gently holding her head up after he unchained her from the cuffs and contraptions meant to ensure her escape impossible. “Look at me, doll, come on. You’re safe now, you’re safe. Those bitches won’t live to see the light of day tomorrow let alone thing to bring you harm again.“
Although exhausted and weakened past the point of a lifeless doll, Y/N manages to force her eyes open and look into the concerned ones of her lover, Karl. “You came for me.”
“And what else was I gonna do, Y/N?“ He asks softly, gently smoothing back the hair stuck to her sweaty and bloodied forehead, “I would’ve come sooner had I known...“
She cuts him off, “But you didn’t, and that’s ok, you couldn’t have known. I knew you’d save me eventually. I never lost hope.” Her voice is coarse and low, each word painful to push past her sore throat. “I knew you would never let me die.”
“I could never, doll. I don’t know what I’d do without you.“ He presses his forehead against hers lovingly, allowing her a moment to catch her breath before carefully swiping her up in his arms, “Come on, angel, let’s go home.“
Y/N may be his vulnerability, but she’s also his greatest strength. Without her, he would’ve never taken revenge on the Dimitrescus and would’ve never been this determined to end Miranda’s reign and ruin her plans. Without her, he would be half the man he is now.
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
New Prompt List 🌸
Will be scenarios and only 1 character!
"I was the one who wrote that love letter."
"Unbelievable that I fell in love with my best friend!"
"You are such an idiot… But you are my idiot…"
"I really like you… Huh? Why are you so shocked?!"
"I am so sorry for blabbering so much!! No normal human being would confess like that…! I‘m sorry!"
"Wow, it‘s so hot in here… Or maybe it‘s because of us. *wink*"
"I won the bet! So… Let‘s go on a date!"
"I love you-! W-Wait, I mean I love you! Uh…."
"I wasn‘t watching you on your date…! That would be creepy! Haha… ha…"
"Wait what…? Could you maybe repeat that again?"
"I really hate you! I hate me! I hate everything!! Why do I even have those damn feelings for you?!"
"… Are you drunk?"
"We are like enemies to lovers." - "What?"
"You were in my dream…"
"I texted you what?!"
"Never had I thought that I would thank him for playing a really good matchmaker…"
"Could you hold my hand for a second…?"
"Do you want to wear my jacket?"
"So, you wanted to play a matchmaker for (y/n), but fell in love with (y/n)? You are the worst matchmaker ever." [it's either (y/n) or the character for the fic, you may decide!]
"Hey… Are you alright? Why are you crying?"
"Is that a date? Oh my god?! Maybe we are going on a date?!"
"Thanks for helping me."
"Could you maybe help me? I really have to pass the test!"
"I-I-I wasn‘t drawing you! Don‘t stare at it!"
"If you don‘t like them, then I will ask them out on a date…"
"And here they go running away."
"Have you watched my play?… Really…? Thanks. *flustered*"
"Don‘t look at those idiots. Look at me!"
"You are still hugging me…"
"Huh… So we belong to the enemies-to-lovers trope… Who would have thought that it would ever happen?"
"Why are so many people shipping us together…? It‘s not like as if we were in love… right? *laughs nervously*"
"I don‘t have a fever! I am blushing! I mean… I have a fever… Forget what I said."
(new) "Only highlight the important stuff."
(new) "I think I fell in love with my best friend… Huh…? No, not him I meant you, you idiot."
(new) "Let's make a bet… If I win, then I will get a… kiss…"
(new) "I would never want to change anything." - "I would change our friendship and deepen it… I want us to be a couple…"
(new) "Are you… flirting with me?"
(new) "Is that a pick-up line?"
(new) "Are you wearing my shirt?"
(new) "You are an idiot." - "I'm your idiot."
(new) "You are so in love with them." - "I am."
(new) "I'm so happy that I was the one to make you smile."
(new) "Can you please hold me…?"
(new) "You live in my head rent free and I'm really angry at you for never leaving my mind."
(new) "I have a problem." - "Am I your problem?"
(new) "Can I use your lap as my pillow…?"
(new) "The day I met you, I had a feeling that I would fall in love with you one day…" - "Do you love me?" - "Yes."
(new) "Did you slapped my butt…?"
(new) "Am I the reason why you smile?"
(new) "Stop it. We all know that you two are madly in love with each other."
(new) "Hello. I'm the love of your life *wink* And you are?"
(new) "No. No. No. No. Noooo. Nope. No." - "Are you sure?" - "…. Yes?"
(new) "You are the greatest s/o anybody could ever wish for."
(new) "Hello, I'm (name) and that's my sexy partner."
(new) "I want to marry you."
(new) "What?" - "Mh? Nothing. I didn't say anything."
(new) "I'm the luckiest person on earth."
(new) "You truly are a hero. Thank you."
(new) "Did you kiss me?"
(new) "I don't have any dreams or wishes. I already have you. I don't need anything else in my life."
(new) "Are you two sure that you aren't dating?"
(new) "Of course, I did it. Because I am in love with you, you idiot!"
(new) "I don't know if I hate or love you."
(new) "Just love me. We both know that you love me. Accept your own feelings."
(new) "I'm tired of this little game we play. We both are in love with each other… So, let's be together."
(new) "I envy your dog…"
(new) "Somebody is jealouuus!~"
(new) "Their jacket smells just like them…"
(new) "I'm home."
(new) "I will never stop loving you."
(new) "What do you need?" - "A hug…"
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Much Ado About Nothing (1/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,726
Warnings: enemies to lovers, talk of wedding and marriage stuff
A/N: enjoy the first part and let me know what u think!
The ride back to New York feels a lot longer than the ride to Croatia, Bucky decides. HYDRA wasn’t kidding around when they said cut one head off and two take its place, whatever. No matter how hard Earth’s Mightiest Heroes try, there’s another facility that pops up at one point or another.
Bucky tries to think positively; they should be off HYDRA duty, if they keep up the consistent schedule of finding a new facility every three or so months, for a bit now.
“What’s the first thing you guys are gonna do when you get back? I’m gonna get some hot chocolate from the little cafeteria in the main building.” Sam hums from the seat directly behind Bucky.
Bucky’s in the passenger while Steve pilots and he gives his own answer at the same time as Steve,
“Propose to Sharon.”
A small pause for the boys to ensure they heard that correctly.
“Wanna run that by us again, Cap?” Sam pipes up.
“When we land, I’m going to propose to Sharon.” Steve repeats nonchalantly.
“Since when?!” Bucky asks. He knows for a fact that Steve and Sharon adore each other, but Steve has never brought up marriage once in the time he’s dated Sharon, and clearly he hasn’t done so to Sam, either.
“Listen, I know we haven’t been dating long, but I know I love her and I know she loves me, so, what’s the point in waiting?” He explains.
“Is this about what happened earlier, Steve?” Bucky asks, knowing his best friend all too well.
A bomb was in the facility, of course, and Steve and Bucky tried to disarm it while Sam rallied the rest of prisoners out of the building.
Now, while Steve has obtained most of his training through his serum-fueled muscle memory and military experience over the last few decades, he is extremely lucky. Steve has successfully disarmed twenty-nine bombs throughout his Avengers career. Not a single failure. With no bomb training.
So when he cut one of the wires confidently and the timer started ticking faster, it made him nervous. And it made him even more nervous when he clipped a different wire and the time counter automatically set to zero. He froze in shock and was lucky Bucky was able to fling the two of them out a window and away from the direct blast.
“Okay, so, yeah, maybe I got a little scared. But, listen, it’s not a lie that we lead dangerous lives. Why should I hold back on the things I want if I know tomorrow isn’t promised?” Steve defends.
“Steve, you can’t marry a girl because you’re scared of dying!” Bucky exclaims.
“I’m not marrying her for that, Bucky, I love her!”
“I know you love her, but -”
“But?! -”
“Alright, alright, listen,” Sam interrupts their sibling bickering, “If this is what you want, I’m with you 100%, Cap.” Sam reassures.
Steve gives a thankful smile and looks back to Bucky, hoping for the same.
“You know I’m always on board with you, you punk.” Bucky slaps a hand on his shoulder.
“Thanks, guys.”
“Ah, big man’s gonna be engaged!” Sam throws his hands on Steve’s shoulders, jostling his body in the tiny pilot’s seat, and Bucky joins in on the teasing.
“I’m gonna tell everyone to meet in the hangar for when you ask her.” Sam says, pulling out his phone.
“You’re not gonna tell the Geek, are you?” Bucky groans.
“Of course, I’m gonna tell her. I don’t know why you don’t like her, man.”
Bucky rolls his eyes at the thought of the little lab rat. Sharon’s best friend. A young girl, born and raised in New York though thoroughly traveled through your work experience. Been to over fifty countries offering your expertise to combat cyberterrorism and have helped locate some of the hardest-to-find and worst people in the world.
You act like you’re all that just because you’re considered one of the youngest geniuses in the country and one of the greatest hackers in the world as well as the Avengers’ best tech expert of all time.
Whatever, big whoop, Bucky could care less.
As the jet lands, hugs and cheers are exchanged as the group of friends reacquaint themselves once again after a long mission. After greeting everyone, Bucky hangs on the outskirts of the group, waiting to see how Steve is going to pop his big question.
“C’mon, punk, don’t lose your courage.” Bucky talks to himself.
“I don’t know if you noticed, Bucky, but no one’s listening to you. You can stop talking.” Your voice pipes up next to him.
“Oh, hey, Little Miss Geeky, don’t you have some codes to hack, or something?” He bites at you.
“I told you not to call me that!”
“I told you not to call me that,” Bucky mocks you in a higher pitched voice.
“Geez, how does anyone stand you around here? I don’t get how all the female trainees are infatuated with you.”
“They definitely kiss my ass because I train them and I have the final say on whether or not they move on to second-class training, but even if I didn’t,” Bucky turns to face you now, “They’d still love me because every woman here loves me except for you, it seems.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway, I’m not interested in getting involved with anyone or anything right now, I don’t even know I’m capable of that, anymore.” Bucky finishes.
“Women everywhere are lucky, then. You’d make a horrible boyfriend. I’m glad I have no need for romance, either.”
“Hopefully you keep it that way, any guy that ends up with your catty ass will end up with his face scratched up.”
“Well, if his face looks anything like yours, a good scratching would only make it look better.”
“Alright, alright, enough, you two. Can’t even be civil around each other for five minutes.” Sam interrupts, slinging each of his arms around both you and Bucky’s shoulders, shoving himself in between the two of you.
“She started it.”
“No, he -”
“Stop! He’s about to do it.” Sam shushes you.
“He’s about to do what -”
“Guys, guys, I want everyone’s attention.” Steve’s voice calls out, and everyone quiets down immediately.
Steve turns to Sharon, “Sharon, you are the most beautiful, the strongest, the kindest, and most amazing woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He begins.
“I’ve known for a while now, and I know you have, too, that I love you with every fiber of my being. You make me a better Captain, and a better man every day I’m with you. I truly and deeply believe that you’re my soulmate and I won’t ever find another girl like you in my life. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. So, I don’t want to waste anymore time,” Steve lowers down onto one knee and a few gasps echo from the group.
Bucky sees you slap a hand over your mouth in shock and Sam sniffles beside him. A small smile appears on Bucky’s face, too.
“Sharon, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes! Steve, yes I’ll marry you!” Sharon cries out, jumping into Steve’s arms as he stands again, and the group claps and cheers for them.
They share sweet kiss after sweet kiss, relishing in the new step in their relationship.
Sharon’s voice catches everyone in their celebration, though, “Let’s get married now!”
Collective what’s come from the group of friends that surround them, “Like you said, babe, let’s not waste anymore time!”
“Sharon, if you think you’re not getting the most gorgeous and lovely wedding you deserve, you’re mistaken.” You tell her.
“For once, I agree with Techie, Shar. I mean you don’t have a dress, Steve doesn’t have a tux; hell, the two of you don’t even have rings!” Bucky says.
“I can make it happen in a week.” Tony’s voice booms from the group. Everyone looks to him.
“I can get you guys rings, I can get Sharon a dress, and Steve a suit, I can set up the smaller ballroom for a pre-wedding party for everyone tonight and get the bigger ballroom ready for a wedding by next Friday.” Tony offers.
“Consider it a wedding gift.” He smiles.
Sharon and Steve look to each other before looking back at Tony, “Next Friday it is, then.”
The group goes back to congratulating the newly engaged couple as well as conversing about the future wedding.
“Hey, did you guys hear about the rumored wedding?”
Bruce Banner pipes up in the empty lab after returning from downstairs. Well, not empty, of course, but empty of you, the intern’s tech leader in their internship.
“What idiot would want to get married, nowadays?” John pipes up.
The only reason he’s here is because his step-brother, Sam “The Falcon” Wilson insisted on getting him this internship gig. Everyone was always saying how he wasn’t going to live up to his big brother’s legacy, and he hated the fact that that was only ingrained into his existence further by the fact that Sam got him this position.
“Your brother’s best buddy.” Clint Barton enters and answers. Always roaming around the building, he is.
“What, that pretty boy, Steve?”
“That’s the one.” The archer confirms and plops himself down in a spinning chair.
“Huh. And I guess he’s marrying that pretty girlfriend of his? When did this happen?”
“That he is. It happened just downstairs now that they’ve returned from that mission. There’s a party tonight to celebrate.” Banner informs him, hoping the sound of a party will liven the kid’s spirits a bit.
Banner can see the kid’s frustration in living in his brother’s shadow - or feeling like so - and hopes that allowing him the opportunity to make some good memories will make his time here feel a little less miserable. Despite the connection to his brother, John’s incredibly smart for a nineteen-year-old, a teenager, and deserves to have a little play among all his work.
“Hmmm. I think I’ll go. Who doesn't love a good party, right?” John says, satisfying both Avengers in the lab with him.
Meanwhile, John’s fantasizing, he’s going to get into trouble around here.
Sharon, Tony, and you sit around a small table in the cafeteria while Sam waits for his hot chocolate across the room.
“If only I could find a guy in between Steve and Bucky. Steve’s too vanilla and Bucky’s too… Bucky.” You say.
“Keep thinking like that and you won’t find anyone.” Tony tells you.
“Well, good. I pray everyday that God doesn’t send me a husband. Ugh, and especially not a guy like Steve or Bucky; I can’t stand those beards.”
“Maybe you’ll find a husband that shaves.” Sharon offers.
“I know I’m not hearing my darling Geeky and husband as topics in the same conversation.” Sam finally joins with his cup of hot chocolate.
“You’re right, you’re not. I’ll start looking for a husband when they make men out of something other than trash. Speaking of which, I know Steve is America’s Golden Boy, or whatever, but you make sure he treats you right.” You say.
“I second that.” Sam agrees.
“I third it.” Tony follows.
Sharon laughs, “Guys, guys, I appreciate it, but I don’t need you guys to have that talk with me, Steve is amazing, and you all know it.”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway, I’m going to go shower for the party tonight, I’ve been holed up in the lab all morning.” You stand and go to exit the cafeteria.
Bucky’s way ahead of you in that aspect, following through with what he said on the jet and retreating up to his room to shower as soon as the congratulations were given to the happy couple.
Showering is a special ritual Bucky follows after a rough mission. Of course, everyone showers after a mission, but Bucky makes his post-mission showers extra special.
He double shampoos both his hair and his beard, lathering them up with a smooth conditioner after, while he washes all the dirt and gunk from his body with a lavender and grapeseed oil body soap.
He applies a face mask while he cleans up any wounds he might’ve sustained on the mission, as well as polishing and scrubbing his metal arm clean. Once he’s finished, he painfully reminds himself that he can’t just sleep for the next sixteen hours. He has to get ready to go to a party.
He sighs to himself, “Let’s get this over with.”
Everyone in the ballroom is dressed to the nines for the last-minute engagement party. There’s music, dancing, drinks, and just about everyone that works in the tower is in that room.
The group of friends all find each other eventually, and of course all of the attention is on the future bride and groom. Talk of colors and themes and cakes all overwhelm the couple - the question of whether or not Sharon will wear a garter makes Steve blush.
Quite honestly, they’re on the verge of just eloping downtown and saying to hell with all the parties and festivities.
“Okay, okay, can we talk about something else? I don’t want all this wedding stuff to be the only thing I hear about for the next seven days.” Sharon finally interrupts.
“Okay, what do you want to talk about, Miss Bride-to-be?” You ask.
“Well, how about when you’re going to find yourself a husband?” Sharon teases her friend, knowing how much she despises talking about her own love life, or lack thereof.
“Oh no, absolutely not, not this again. I’m going to get a drink.” You wave her off, stepping away from the group and making your way back towards the open bar.
“I hope I didn’t arrive just as we were talking about relationship stuff.” Bucky says as he arrives and finally finds his friends.
“I’m afraid you did.” Natasha confirms beside Sharon.
“In that case, I’m gonna follow Geeky’s lead and get a drink; I’ll certainly need one for that conversation.” Bucky excuses himself, the shadow of his dark blue suit follows the flow of your navy gown worn tonight; you surely matched by complete accident.
“Imagine if they were married.” Sharon thinks aloud to Natasha.
“Who? Barnes and Geek-a-Chic? Please, they’d kill each other within a week of being married.” Natasha argues.
“I hope y'all aren’t talking about our Barnes and Techie, because there’s no way in hell they’d be caught dead with each other like that.” Sam butts in, Steve by his side.
“C’mon guys, think about it. It’s like opposites attract and all that. Plus, I think they are the only people that are a match for their own wits.” Sharon explains.
“I don’t know, babe. They’re constantly at each other’s necks; I don’t even think they’ve had a normal conversation with each other without insults or bickering.” Steve says.
“I suggest we do the impossible.” Tony interrupts, clearly having had a few too many drinks.
“While we wait for the wedding to come, we are going to set those two up together.” He hiccups.
“Tony, you’re crazy.”
“That’ll never work.”
“I’m with it!” Sam shouts, excited to play along and work with Tony on his shenanigans.
“Atta boy, Sammy! C’mon, Sharon? Nat? Steve? Where’s Clint, I know he’ll be on board with this.” Tony whips his head around in all directions looking for the archer.
“C’mon, guys, it’ll be fun! The worst that can happen is that we fail.” Sam tries to convince.
“I think the worst that can happen is that we succeed! Imagine Barnes and her together!” Natasha exclaims.
“I just want her to be happy. She deserves a good boyfriend and husband.” Sharon says sweetly, Sam words slowly convincing her.
“I agree.” Steve chimes in, wanting the best for his own best friend as well.
The five of them turn towards the bar to see Bucky and their favorite tech nerd pushing and shoving at each other’s shoulders, clearly fighting about something once again.
“Alright, I’m on board. Let’s do it.” Natasha finally agrees.
John watches the happy friend group from a distance. He sees his brother smiling and laughing with his friends; his famous, talented, skilled friends, his friends who are soon going to be married and live happily ever after.
Not if he can help it, anyway.
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sapphirelycoris · 3 years
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𝑨 𝑩𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 & 𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕: 𝑰
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Suggestive lines, pining (like a lot because Enji's a simp), enemies to lovers style writing, weird 19th century type dialogue but I think it's still readable. Please tell me if I missed any.
Ship: Enji Todoroki x female reader (she/her)
Word count:  2,707
Music: Pride & Prejudice Music & Ambiance
Author's note: I know some of the character's relationships with others are kind of weird but I casted them according to personality. For example, Ryuko reminds me of Charlotte Lucas and Nejire reminds me of her little sister, Maria. I just kind of threw names around haha... A NSFW and continuation soon to come. God, it's been a while since I posted anything on this blog.
Written/created for: @pleasantanathema's Through Ink and Quill | A Classics Collab
Summary: A Pride and Prejudice inspired piece, featuring Enji Todoroki as the male love interest. Loosely following the plot of the actual novel with a few twists on the actual story's dialogue, characters, & events. When you meet Mr. Enji Todoroki, he was the last man in the world you'd ever want to be around. However, as your paths cross more and more, you see that your first impression of him was inaccurate.
"The world works in mysterious ways. He doesn’t know what happened and when it began. Suddenly, Enji cannot stop longing to be in the same room with you. To go one more moment without you seemed like a sin or some unbearable divine punishment for his greatest flaw: pride."
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𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑙𝑦. 𝐴 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑛. 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑠; 𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝘩𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠. -𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝐴𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛
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The world works in mysterious ways. He doesn’t know what happened and when it began. Suddenly, Enji cannot stop longing to be in the same room with you. He dreamed about the sight of your eyes, glancing at him with mild contempt. You occupied his thoughts, both innocent and indecent… He was going to go mad if you didn’t share the same affections that he did. He didn’t want you. Not at all. He needed you by his side. To go one more moment without you seemed like a sin or some unbearable divine punishment for his greatest flaw: pride.
When he blatantly insulted you at the first gathering he attended and saw you laugh about it with Ryuko, for once, he felt uneasy. The same woman he had slighted was now the one who controlled him. He noticed the way you looked embarrassed at your family’s antics. It disgusted him that he was obsessing over someone with that kind of background.
It certainly shocked Enji when you stood him up at Sir Yorio’s gathering. How dare you! For him to stoop down and offer to dance with you, only for you to reject him, was truly offensive. A woman far below his social status, refusing to stand up with him. The nerve. 
Every single snarky quip that left your lips swam around in his mind. Your sharp tongue was attractive. The moment he saw you with mud on your dress, walking from your home to Toshinori’s country estate, he was taken aback. For some reason, he couldn’t get rid of that image. The sun hit your face perfectly, creating an enchanting glow that accompanied your delightful countenance. 
“Ms. (L/N).” Your name rolled off his lips so naturally. 
The regrettable moment you had to leave Toshinori’s estate, he helped you into the carriage which would take you home. Something transpired, far beyond his comprehension. Your hand fit so perfectly in his, he couldn’t help but want it to stay there forever. The missing piece to a puzzling man such as himself finally found its way to its rightful spot. It seemed you wished for the same thing. His grip was secure, he felt safe, and you were trapped, staring into the most beautiful cerulean eyes. At the same time, Enji could drown in your eyes forever. The confused look you gave him was endearing when he refused to let go. 
His actions also startled him. Why was he so stuck on you? He flexed his hand, imagining that yours never left as he watched the carriage shrink, moving further from the manor and into the distance. When was the next time he would be allowed to see you? What was it going to take to cure this infatuation?
The next time he saw you, was under more unfortunate circumstances. He was riding downtown with Toshinori when he spotted your little party. Unlike his friend, Enji looked unhappy when he saw who you were talking with. You briefly exchanged eye contact with him before he had a clear look of disdain displayed on his face. 
Keigo’s eyes followed yours. He tipped his hat, but Enji made no attempt to return the friendly gesture. He hurried away on his horse without saying a word. The encounter was certainly unusual. Keigo looked discomforted by the interaction. You wondered what could have transpired between the two men that caused such tension. 
That night, at your aunt’s home, you sat down and heard what Keigo had to say about his reunion with Enji. He told his side of the story. He painted Enji as the villain in his narrative. Seeing as how you already found the man so disagreeable, you couldn’t help but believe Keigo’s words. He was much more forthcoming than his old friend; he didn’t seem capable of telling a lie. This new story caused you to see Enji in a new light, only deepening your dislike for the man. 
Toshinori was a man of his word and held the ball that he promised your sisters. Enji was less unenthusiastic than he usually was. Knowing that he’d get to see you there was the night’s one redeeming feature. He was excited at the thought of getting to lay his eyes on you once more, and it sickened him.
Many of the officers were attending the ball. While linking arms with Toshinori and walking around the ballroom, you searched for Keigo among the redcoats the officers wore. Instead of finding him, you found a pair of familiar blue eyes that looked at you with well-hidden passion and yearning. Enji wanted to tear you away from Toshinori’s arms and have you all to himself. He had many selfish desires, and he usually got what he wanted, but you were the exception. 
Women fawned over him, trying to get a taste of his money. Even Rei tried being overly friendly with him. He cared little for them; he wasn’t looking to fall in love. He was not in search of a wife. Enji was quite content with the life he had. Everything he wanted was in his grasp. But you? You were so close yet so far. There was an uncomfortable amount of emotional space between you and he wanted to close it. Being in the same room wasn’t enough anymore. He wanted to touch you, feel your skin, claim those alluring lips for himself. He wanted to see your whole being without any pesky fabric in the way. If only he could rip that dress off of your body after forcefully pulling you into a vacant bedroom. 
He made his way over to you, but an officer blocked his view. He informed you that Keigo would not be in attendance. Part of it was because of an assignment he had to do, but he also wanted to avoid a certain man… Your younger sisters drug the officer away, leaving you alone in the middle of a crowded room. 
Fortunately, you spotted Ryuko, who was standing alone in the corner. You went to inform her of everything that had happened lately. An unwelcome guest interrupted you. 
“Ryuko, may I introduce you to my cousin, Mr. Tobita?” While remaining civil, you introduced them to each other. He took your hand and led you to dance. As it turns out, the man can’t dance. He went the wrong way, bumping into another lady. It was embarrassing, to say the least. 
Enji watched in amusement as he saw you struggle to keep a smile. You made eye contact with him again, almost sending him a look of desperation. Dancing with him would be better than your current situation. He simply smirked and waltzed around the room, observing everyone. 
While you were busy venting to Ryuko, the very man you were talking about came up to you. The two of you exchanged glances and bowed. “If you are not otherwise engaged, would you do me the honor of dancing the next with me?” Enji’s odd invitation made your eyes widen slightly.
There was no way out of it. You tried coming up with an excuse, but nothing came to mind. He smiled slyly as you fumbled over your words. “I- well I hadn’t... yes. Thank you…” With no escape, you were trapped. He walked off, and you lingered behind for a minute.
“You’d be a fool if you didn’t take him up on his offer. It’s a great compliment that he singled you out.” Ryuko commented. 
“The last time he singled me out was to slander me. Hateful man…” you hissed before going to follow him. 
As the music started to play, you studied Enji’s face. It was the first time you’d ever really taken the time to analyze all of his features. You hated to admit it, but he was handsome. Unusually handsome. 
Finally, your hand had made its way back into his. Even if it was only for a brief moment, that feeling would stick with him until the end of the night. The two of you danced around with your words, conversing back and forth when the time was appropriate. You simply couldn’t bear the silence. 
Couples pranced around the dance floor elegantly, stepping where they needed to. You two moved in sync, never letting your eyes wander. There was a burning passion for the man that you couldn’t get rid of. Whether it was burning hatred, lust, or love, you couldn’t tell. Hostility and tension seemed to be all that came out of your encounters with him. The sexual tension was the one thing that kept you from completely despising Enji and you hated it. 
In an attempt to rile him up, you remarked on Keigo and the last time Enji saw you. “The last time I was in town, I was forming a new acquaintance.” A sly grin spread across your face as the words came out. 
“Mr. Takami’s friendly personality is what allows him to make friends so easily. Though his ability to keep them is debatable.” 
“How unfortunate he must be, to lose your friendship, a loss I am sure he will regret for the rest of his life.” You mocked in an airy and hushed tone. Before Enji could snap back, Mr. Toyomitsu came over to hint at a marriage between your sister and Toshinori. The two of you glanced at the smiling pair before dancing again. “Didn’t you say that you rarely ever forgave? That your hatred, once set in stone, was set indefinitely? Surely a man such as yourself is careful when breeding such hatred.” 
“Of course I am.” Enji scoffed. 
“And I presume you do not let prejudice blind you?” 
“No. What is the purpose of these questions, if I may ask?” He grumbled, disliking your inquiries. 
“Simply a means to figure out your constitution.” You laughed, “Trying to get a good idea of your character.”
“And your findings?” 
“None. I have heard of you on different accounts by different people with different views of you. You shall remain a mystery until I comprehend you.” 
With the dance ending, Enji remained silent. Once the music faded, he supported your hand as you lightly held it over his. “I request that you do not attempt to perceive my character right now. It would do us no favors if you judged wrong.” He claimed as you left the dance floor.
“I may not get another opportunity, so I might as well try while I have the chance.” 
Enji placed himself right next to you and leaned to whisper in your ear. He lowered his voice, making sure only you could hear. “I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours.” His finger brushed against your arm as he walked away. All the heat in your body rushed to that spot. You wanted his warmth against your skin, you didn’t want him to go. 
And yet, you were standing alone in the corner of a crowded room, fixated on the man who you swore to never like. 
Much had happened over a short amount of time. You had rejected Mr. Tobita’s marriage proposal and got an earful from your mother. Keigo got engaged to a rich young lady, and Ryuko had gotten engaged to Mr. Tobita. Enji and Toshinori’s party had left his estate, and your sister was disheartened. Everyone had such high expectations for her and Toshinori, only for him to up and leave. 
Now, you were on your own adventure. You, Sir Yorio, and Nejire were going to visit her and Mr. Tobita. They lived in a small house on Lady Chiyo’s property. Greenery grew on the stone, adding to the natural feel of the house. It was a quaint little grey structure with a clear blue sky in the background.
As soon as the carriage stopped, Ryuko and her husband rushed out the door to greet you. They showed you to your rooms while Mr. Tobita kept on about Lady Chiyo’s house and how grand it was. It seemed he was more in love with Chiyo than his own wife.
“Are you happy here?” You asked Ryuko as you watched the other three walk around the garden.
“I am quite content with my situation. I barely see him during the day. He sits in his book room, walks to Lady Chiyo’s every day, and-”
“And you prefer to sit in your own wing of the house.” You finished. Whether it was what she was going to say or not, you stated your mind. Ryuko smiled wistfully, “Yes.” 
While you and Ryuko were walking through the woods, along with Nejire, Mr. Tobita came running after you. He was clearly out of breath but told you his news, anyway. Enji and his cousin, Kugo, had arrived. He urged you to make your way back to the house, since they wanted to visit with them.
“Pleasure to finally meet you Ms. (L/N).” Kugo smiled.
“Oh? ‘Finally’, sir?” 
“My cousin speaks of you often.” He informed.
“Ah…” You sighed, looking over at Enji who met your gaze, only hungrier. 
Enji’s eyes never left you, though. There was a protective aura emitting from him. Just in case Kugo spoke or acted out of line, he was ready to come to your aid at any moment. He rested his knuckles against his mouth. Instead of addressing anyone else in the room, he was intently watching and listening to your conversation. 
“Pray tell, why is Mr. Todoroki staring at me?” You asked Kugo, having enough of being watched over like you were some kind of prey, “Have I done or said something he finds offensive?” 
The man stood up from the sofa and meandered over to the table you were seated at. He had no control of his own actions. It was quite an impulsive move, and now he didn’t know what to say. “How is your family?” He choked out. 
“Well.” You replied, “My sister has been in town for quite some time. Have you happened to see her?” 
“No.” Enji lied, “Unfortunately not.” 
“As you can tell, Mr. Todoroki and I are not very close.” 
“Really? I find that hard to believe.” Kugo exclaimed.
“Truly? I believe in first impressions, however, Mr. Todoroki’s good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.” Your words caused him to turn around, and he saw your smiling face, making a joke of him. 
The grounds of Lady Chiyo’s property were breathtaking. When the weather allowed, you took advantage of the sprawling greenery and went out for as many walks as you could. Without a cloud in the sky, an endless sea of blue, and shining sun, you wasted no time in getting outside. It was much more productive and enjoyable than sitting in the house.
A beautiful little trail, hidden by the estate’s magnificent trees, was the path you found yourself walking along. You looked up to admire how tall the trees had grown. They stood proud and provided you with shade. The birds sang a lovely little tune, supplying you with a unique sound that rivaled that of the best musicians. 
Enji came trotting through the path from the side. He halted his horse once he saw you. No painting could do you justice, even one made by the best painter in the world could compare to your beauty in person. The sight of you admiring the picture in front of you made his heart pound. Though you said nothing, he believed that you, taking the time to simply look at him, was the greatest compliment he would ever receive. 
And for those few precious minutes, he drank in your appearance. He was hopelessly in love with you. Being in your presence was the best part of his day. He found himself looking forward to seeing you. He always prayed for you to cross paths with him. Even if he simply caught a glimpse of you, suddenly it brightened his entire day. 
Unfortunately, he had other things to do. Enji spurred his horse forward and trotted away. Your presence in his life was much bigger than he expected when he first met you. And somehow… he didn’t mind it. He hated yet loved the feeling of being in love.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
5 OTPs ♥
got tagged by sierra @jockvillagersonly ♥ thank yoouu~ also sorry that it has taken a while but here i am!
i did a similar thing just a while back but bc i never tire of talking about my fave characters and their love for each other, i am now giving you new ones! the previous thing you can find here. the new ones are listed below in no particular order!
tagging: @jaecomments @jazthespazz @xiejie-liubo​ and @mejomonster​ ♥ no pressure of course :’D (also jaz i know that i got the previous one from you but i bet you also have more than five otps to talk about haha)
Qingming/Boya (QingYa)
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going with the dream of eternity movie version bc i have zero idea of the og novel? also am in my feels again bc i rewatched the movie for the hundredth time
opposites attract, battle couple, enemies to lovers (and beyond) speedrun
spirit guardian boya adds a nice layer to everything
the heartbreak and mutual healing, finding understanding and strength in each other, realizing the right person can change your whole worldview
found family undertones!! with all the spirit guardians
“qingming, is there no one you would die protecting?” cue vishie sobbing in the corner
Hei Xiazi/Xie Yuchen (HeiHua)
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ultimate note went hard with this one but also consider: tlt2 blink-and-you-miss-it flirting through murder plus sha hai heihua being separated while xiao hua fakes his death
once again opposites attract but underneath, these two are very similar in a way
it’s all about Trust and Vulnerability when faced with the right (and most unlikely) person
hxz revealing his true name and eyes to xiao hua vs. xiao hua being open about his feeling when it comes to his uncle 
they are so MarriedTM and bicker accordingly 
Nam Seonho/Seo Hwi
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“your sword still feels affectionate.”
“live. that is the last favor i ask of you.”
tragic love, heartbreak created by circumstances, friends to enemies to allies to lovers 
could also be thought of as one sided love from seonho’s side and i will scream about it
they both have their own ways to solve things when facing a problem and usually those ways are the exact opposites so they clash 
both of them deserve so much comfort but they have horrible self worth issues and that’s why they keep killing each other (aka “if i cannot have you, then die” but make it painful and impossible to achieve bc they cannot truly hurt each other) 
the sun and moon comparison is making me go INSANE
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confident bi meets easily flustered baby gay
aka a boy who doesn’t believe he’s worthy of true love meets a boy who doesn’t feel he’s going to ever get love for himself bc no one sees him that way (news flash: they love each other)
winteam and mingkit are the only thai bl couples i cry about even after all this time and am so excited for winteam’s own drama plus i adore boun and prem 
they are FragileTM and i am holding my breath so that they don’t break 
so cuddly and comforting but also Hot (i blame boun bc wtf)
Li Jia/Zhang Chacha/Shi Cheng
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technically not an otp but an ot3 but we support polycules in this house, especially this one 
they click like a puzzle and everyone brings in something the others lack 
chacha and a-cheng are so in love with li jia oh my god
li jia is so in love with both of his friends and would basically die for them 
chacha and a-cheng bicker like an old married couple and it’s a delight 
the world might be dark but between the three of them everything is fine and beautiful and they’re happy that way bc they get to be themselves no matter who they are and what problems they have
did i mention their Devotion to each other and understanding of each other bc that is just the Greatest Thing 
+ bonus: Dominic Toretto/Brian O’Conner
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my excuse for this is that i went to see fast and furious 9 last friday and got hit to the feels by all the references in that movie, it was very unnecessary
they were my first non-canon couple i shipped and read fanfiction for
they’re a damn delight, and even as platonic their relationship is amazing, there’s just so much trust and devotion between them
the found family aspect is of the roof ok, imagine being a young cop sent out to weasel your way into this car riding heist group and finding a family instead, how can you leave at that point anymore 
every day i cry bc of brian’s smiles and not being able to see them anymore, we miss you man ♥ 
dom is so proud of brian and they only wish for each other’s happiness and safety and if that’s not love then idk what to tell you 
thank you if you read this far! i feel like this was very random bunch of otps but i tried to pick some of the ones i haven’t had the opportunity to talk about yet ^^ also pls don’t judge me for my obsession with f&f, i know it’s funny lol 
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Candy Hearts Letter 2024
Dear Creator,
Thank you SO MUCH for writing for me. I know I’m going to love whatever you come up with! I truly appreciate  the time and effort you are going to put into this. PLEASE do not stress over it; I am really very easy to please and just looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I’ve jotted down some basic prompts here, follow them or don’t--the choice is yours! 
Competency is absolutely my greatest kink. I also have a decent-sized hair kink and love hair-touching/stroking/brushing, etc, as well as any kind of safe touch. I like friendship in love, equal partnerships, ass-kicking females, friends to lovers, grudging respect that becomes not so grudging, fluff and cuteness, light angst, caretaking, cuddling and tender kissing, blanket/bed-sharing in a totally platonic way, all the non-sexual intimacy and tenderness, late-night talks, letters. Tenderly-described safe touch makes me squee. I don’t mind sex so long as it’s consensual between adults, well-written, driven by emotions, and true to character. My favorite AUs are coffee shop and library. 
General Likes: Fluff, angst with a happy or happy-for-now ending, humor, hurt/comfort with comfort emphasis, team bonding, mission fic, casefic, slice of life, missions gone bad, bad missions gone good in unexpected ways. Snowed in, locked in a closet, days off that turn into work days due to unforeseen circumstances, Undercover as a couple, enemies to friends to more, fake dating with sparks flying.
I adore setting detail and good descriptive writing. Fall is absolutely my favorite season--so perfect for walks, crisp air, toasted marshmallows, apple orchard trips, cider and donuts, colorful leaves that crunch underfoot, hay rides, warm drinks, cozy sweaters, knitting, lazy weekends, bonfires (or fires in fireplaces) new pens and notebooks, etc. I also love holidays and celebrations--all of them equally, so whatever feels natural to you and the characters is great. Cultural descriptions and events are fabulous, as well as setting, time period, and seasonal details.
-D/s relationships
-A/B/O dynamics (I don’t understand how these work) 
-dark/dystopian or supernatural AUs
-rape/non- or dub-con
-graphic violence
-suicide or self-harm 
-non-canonical character death
Mary Russell Series - Russell & Holmes
The first book in this series is my favorite, so I’d love a pre-marriage casefic. How soon after Holmes met Russell did he know he was dealing with not just a teenager, but a teenager who is in every way his intellectual equal? How much did he miss her when she went away to school? We see one time where Holmes shows up on Russell’s doorstep while she’s at Oxford, but were there others? Did he ever give her a test that involved chasing him from bolt-hole to bolt-hole in London, changing disguises as they went? How much did Mrs. Hudson know of what they got up to, and did she simply shake her head at the strangeness? Did she do anything to temper the way Holmes treated this young woman whom he was suddenly keeping as a pet and protegee? 
Hawkeye (TV) - Clint, Kate, Laura, Yelena
Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run was my intro to comics and since I started, I haven’t looked back. I also thought that the Hawkeye TV show was damn near perfect. I love Clint and Kate together and how even though they are both completely badass, they always seem to be kind of making things up as they go along and can’t believe this is actually their life, for good or for bad. I imagine that there are not many people whom Kate would allow to be a mentor or teacher or even a father figure and I love Clint in that role, even as often as he rolls his eyes and wonders why and how this is life. I love their chemistry together and the banter, but I’m definitely more friendshippy than shippy about them. If you’re romantic about them, that’s fine, but either include Laura or or pretend she doesn’t exist at all–no cheating, please. 
Speaking of banter, I need the banter of Kate/Yelena like I need air to breathe. I would love something where they are grudgingly forced to work together and somehow it becomes more. I love their badassery and would love to see more of them together. Give me mission/casefic, unwinding and debriefing after a mission, Kate and Yelena babysitting the Barton kids, Clint helping Kate get ready for a date (or feeding Yelena intel about how to woo Kate), Kate making sure that Clint remembers his wife and kids on Valentine’s Day, or really anything with loads of banter.
Lockwood & Co - Lucy, George, Lockwood
I could go on for pages about how sad I am that this show got cancelled. I loved the books and I thought the adaptation was pretty close to perfect. Give me all the casefic with all three of these characters and be as shippy as you want with Lockwood and Lucy. Is there a ghost that’s wreaking havoc on couples who meet through a dating site or app? A Lockwood/Lucy date that gets interrupted by something supernatural? If you include George, please let him be a badass, too.
Thanks so much again, and happy writing!
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princesssarisa · 4 years
A defense of the ending of “Wuthering Heights"
@astrangechoiceoffavourites, @theheightsthatwuthered, @wuthering-valleys, @heightsandmoors, @incorrectwutheringheightsquotes
 I’ve been reading other people’s opinions on Wuthering Heights this past year, I’ve noticed a small recurring theme.
It’s the idea that the ending feels out of place; tacked on; anti-climactic; too tame compared to the rest of the book. That it feels wrong for Heathcliff to simply lose interest in his revenge and then lose the will to live, or for the surviving characters to have any kind of happy or hopeful ending after so much brutality.
One book I read excerpts from on Google Books (I don’t remember the title or the author) suggested that maybe Emily Brontë originally wrote a very different, more brutal and Gothic ending, now lost. The author proposed that the final ending was probably the result of Anne and/or Charlotte urging Emily to tone down the book’s “immorality.” Of course this is pure conjecture. This same author also speculated that in the novel’s first draft, Heathcliff was explicitly Mr. Earnshaw’s illegitimate son, but that Anne and/or Charlotte persuaded Emily to change it. I’m not at all convinced by that theory, since @astrangechoiceoffavourites has argued very eloquently that to make Heathcliff and Cathy’s love forbidden because of the incest taboo rather than because of social class and race would go against the plot’s main themes and make nonsense of Heathcliff’s revenge on the Lintons and Earnshaws.
Still, this theorist isn’t the only person to think the ending (and possibly the whole second generation storyline) feels like the work of a different author than the rest of the book. Just recently I read a comment on Facebook arguing that a more cohesive, consistent Wuthering Heights would have had “a much darker and more explosive ending.” I assume a similar mindset is why some theorize that Branwell wrote the novel’s first half and Emily wrote the second. (I think I hate that theory even more than I hate the theory that Branwell wrote it all – “He didn’t write the whole book, but he did write the part everyone likes best.”) And if we compare the various adaptations’ endings to the ending of the book, there’s definitely a trend of giving Heathcliff a more brutal death.
I understand all of this. The ending of the book is ironic. Heathcliff himself knows it’s ironic: “It is a poor conclusion, is it not?” he asks Nelly, “an absurd termination to my violent exertions?” We don’t expect a towering, terrifying yet fascinating Byronic anti-hero like Heathcliff to become apathetic and ineffectual in the end and then die quietly (albeit mysteriously and eerily) in bed. We’d sooner expect him to freeze to death chasing Cathy’s ghost through a blizzard, or to be shot by his worst enemy, or to be lured by Cathy’s ghost to commit suicide by gunshot.
But I know I’m not the only person who thinks the entire book is fully cohesive and who sees nothing wrong with the ending whatsoever.
As far as I’m concerned, Heathcliff’s “absurd” end is more interesting than anything “darker and more explosive” would have been, precisely because it’s unexpected and yet makes perfect sense. Revenge never makes Heathcliff truly happy or brings him peace of mind: we know that all along. It might distract him from his pain, but it can’t cure it. While initially surprising, in hindsight it’s not surprising at all that, with no out-of-character repentance or remorse, he eventually loses the will to seek any more revenge. At heart it was never what he really wanted most; his real greatest desire is and always has been to be with Cathy.
Then there’s the strongest factor in his loss of his will for revenge: his grudging empathy for Hareton. Again, as far as I’m concerned, this is fascinating irony. Heathcliff has purposefully set out to shape Hareton into a copy of himself. Ultimately, that scheme “goes horribly right,” because he sees too much of his younger self in Hareton to hate him as much as he wants to, or to have the will to separate him from Cathy II the way he himself was separated from Cathy I. Then there’s Hareton’s resemblance to his aunt, Cathy I; even though Heathcliff’s passion for Cathy has been the motive for all his revenge on the two families that separated them, in the end it’s what makes him unable to ruin the lives of her lookalike nephew and her daughter, even though they’re also the children of the two men most responsible for taking Cathy from him. Again, it works because it’s handled delicately and without sentimentality. He still shows no remorse or regret for his past actions, and never shows any real kindness or fondness to Hareton or Cathy II, but despises the conflicted feelings they stir in him. But the fact remains that, despite all his efforts to be a monster over the years, he’s still a human being, capable of some empathy for people in whom he sees aspects of himself and of his beloved Cathy. I think it’s fascinating that this humanity, and not his monstrous actions, is what undoes him in the end.
Also, as some critics have pointed out, the very fact that Heathcliff receives no punishment for his sins (apart from his inner torment) makes the ending subversive by Victorian standards. If he had died a brutal death, it could easily have been viewed as his comeuppance, demonstrating God’s justice. From a moral and religious perspective, it might be all the more disturbing that instead he gets to die as close to a peaceful death as his character allows, with a devilish smile on his face.
Moving beyond Heathcliff’s death, I don’t see anything wrong with Hareton and Cathy II′s ending either.
First of all, it isn’t necessarily a straightforward happy ending. It’s definitely bittersweet if we have any sympathy for Heathcliff, and not just because he dies. This penniless, abused, disdained orphan of color defied the classism and racism of his society by clawing his way to wealth and status and by bringing down the two families who once oppressed him, but in the end, it’s all for nothing. Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange go back to the Earnshaw and Linton heirs and the only trace left of Heathcliff is a single name and death date on a tombstone. He’s just as much of a “nobody” in death as he was as a homeless child. Of course it’s tempting to cheer for this fact because of his cruelty and because Cathy II and Hareton are sympathetic, basically innocent young people whom he unfairly punished for their parents’ sins. But in a way at least, especially in Marxist readings of the book (which I don’t fully agree with but do see validity in), the ending can be viewed as the triumph of the classist and racist status quo.
Nor, as some critics have argued, is it guaranteed that Cathy II and Hareton will live happily ever after. First of all, the fact remains that Hareton loved and loyally served Heathcliff to the end, and to please Hareton, Cathy had to stop speaking out against Heathcliff even though he had horribly abused her. There’s also the fact that Hareton once hit Cathy himself; only once, and before they were even friends, let alone lovers, but in the real world it rarely bodes well for a woman to marry a man who once slapped her. A few critics have wondered if Hareton is really permanently “tamed” in the end, or will eventually revert to the roughness Heathcliff bred in him and abuse his new power and status the same way Heathcliff did. On the flip side, there’s the fact that apart from her conceding not to criticize Heathcliff, Cathy seems to rule over Hareton almost as much as her mother did over Heathcliff when they were children. She educates him, he craves her esteem and does her bidding, and in his lessons she meets his mistakes and inattention (however playfully) with “smart slaps” and threats of hair-pulling. Some critics have wondered if we should view these as red flags; if Cathy II is destined to be an emotional abuser like her mother was.
But even if you don’t subscribe to those darker interpretations of the ending... even if you view Cathy and Hareton as fundamentally good people who genuinely grow and change for the better, find a healthy balance between the worlds of Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, and will be truly happy together... well, what’s wrong with that?
Is it really so impossible to believe that sometimes the cycle of abuse can be broken, or so “out of place” to show it being broken at the end of a book that shows its horrors? Is it just naïve delusion to hope that, with effort, children can avoid repeating their parents’ mistakes and opposing social structures like the Heights and the Grange can be reconciled? That at least one young couple might manage to combine the good aspects of both worlds while discarding the bad, rather than combining the worst of both worlds the way Heathcliff did? Just because the book is dark as a whole, do we really need to be so cynical when reading it that we can’t allow it to end on a note of hope?
Besides, I’ve written before about the mirror-image character arcs of the two Cathys. Cathy I is born and raised at Wuthering Heights, but eventually leaves it for Thrushcross Grange when she marries the latter household’s heir; she initially loves the rugged dark-haired Heathcliff and wanders the moors with him, but then gains snobbery, treats Heathcliff with increasing disdain, and shifts her attentions to the prissy blond-haired Edgar, whom she marries; as a result, her life ends in misery. Cathy II is born and raised at Thushcross Grange, but eventually she leaves it for Wuthering Heights when she marries the latter household’s heir; she initially loves the prissy blond-haired Linton, whom she marries, and treats the rugged dark-haired Hareton with disdain, but eventually she loses her snobbery, learns to love Hareton, and wanders the moors with him. In no way is Cathy II’s positive ending “tacked on” – her entire character arc is structured to be the opposite of her mother’s tragedy.
I understand why some people don’t care for the ending and think it feels anti-climactic or out of place. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s a thoroughly effective ending and fully consistent with what came before.
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