#truly embracing that inner Felix
moeblob · 4 years
I really love the playful Felix avatar you have. Although, I ended up making sure it's the right account. But he's so cute. And thanks for always making a cool post every time. Makes me feel happy everyday. Take care always and enjoy your inner Felix.
Oh thank you! I didn’t know people came to expect all my Ferdinand icons but I suppose after a month of festive/winter Ferdinand followed by another Ferdinand for half a month... it would be kind of weird to just randomly see Felix.
Sorry for the confusion but ty for enjoying the content! I love sharing what I draw and I’m glad to hear others enjoy it being shared! Glad to be a part of it. And you take care as well!! Thank you again!
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kpop · 3 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: Stray Kids
Masks off everyone—Stray Kids’ newest mini-album ODDINARY is finally out and it’s time to embrace the maniac within. To celebrate the new release and their upcoming fourth anniversary, we caught up with the group to talk about their new album and single, MANIAC, and the challenges and fulfillment that come with accepting your most authentic self. As a little bonus, we also asked the members to design their own Tumblr blogs (just in case you needed some inspiration). Check out our full interview below!
Tell us about your new mini-album ODDINARY in three words or less, but there’s a catch—you can’t use the words odd or ordinary. 
Lee Know: Cool.
Changbin: Inner side, volcano, control.
Hyunjin: Super Power song.
HAN: Abnormal, freaky, potential are the three words that I think describe it best. We tried to describe the energy that explodes from our music in a different way this time, by slowly showing control over this energy. 
Felix: Maniac, unique, and dark.
Seungmin: Interesting, fascinating, capturing hearts.
I.N: Mania, abnormal, conceptual. 
Stray Kids’ music and concepts often encourage young people to be their most authentic selves regardless of other people’s opinions. How does ODDINARY fit into that narrative, and what do you hope your fans take away from it? 
Bang Chan: This might not apply to everyone, but I feel like many people have experienced moments where they’re told to act normal (yep, I’ve been through that). We wanted to emphasize that “standards” don’t matter and that you have the authority to let out the “oddness” that’s been sealed inside you all this time.
Changbin: ODDINARY is a compound word that combines “ordinary” and “odd,” meaning that everyone has a normal and slightly weird side. Listeners will be able to experience the everlasting honesty and truthfulness that Stray Kids’ music has always displayed, with the more crazy side that Stray Kids have. 
HAN: I hope that STAY and all listeners will be able to follow their hearts, rather than being confined by the judgment of others. I hope everyone also looks forward to the upgraded version of us. 
Seungmin: Whatever situation may come, I hope that everyone is able to live in their most honest, unique way with versatility while never forgetting who they truly are. I hope our music can become a small strength. 
Lightning round! You’re customizing your own Tumblr blog. Pick an aesthetic and a personal tag!
Bang Chan: Ooft... it’s hard to pick just one because my preferred aesthetics change depending on my mood. But if I had to pick one, it would be cyberpunk. The lights got me, and I’m a fanatic for futuristic stuff.
Lee Know: I want to decorate it using a clean, white tone.
Changbin: I want to use the tags #straykids, #stay, #stage, #music, which all mean a lot to Stray Kids.
Hyunjin: Vintage Tumblr, with #lovestay
HAN: I would like to decorate it like #black #chic to show a lot of calm yet cool atmosphere! I want to use the tags #black #chic #skz #loveyou #STAY.
Felix: #행복이 #felix 🐈‍⬛💛
Seungmin: #Seungtage. I really like vintage furniture and aesthetics, so I would like to decorate it using an organized brown tone.
I.N: I’m into vintage aesthetics these days, so I think I’ll go with vintage.
What was it like to meet your fans face-to-face at your SKZ’S CHOCOLATE FACTORY fanmeet after all this time? What was your favorite part? 
Lee Know: I remember watching STAY clapping for us.
Hyunjin: I was so happy I could dance when I saw STAY from onstage for the first time in such a long time. Everyone was holding paper clappers. It was so cute.
Felix: Since it has been two years since we’ve had a fan meeting, seeing our STAY upfront was a very memorable and enjoyable day. We hope to see our fans again soon.
I.N: All fan meeting stages were fun, but the role-playing games we played with STAY were really fun!
What’s the meaning behind the album version titles “FRANKENSTEIN,” “MASK OFF,” and “SCANNING,” and why was it important for you to highlight them in this release? 
Bang Chan: Based on the concept of the title song and the album, we thought it would be cool to use those keywords to make various versions. Based on the keywords, we can show different vibes of this album without breaking the overall vibe of the whole concept.
Changbin: We expressed the inner side that everyone has, the one that we are busy hiding. 
Felix: These keywords express our emotions and lyrics about our odd sides in a world framed as ordinary. We express that it’s okay to have our own sides. We don’t have to hide when we take our masks off. 
How would you say your relationships with each other have evolved over the years, especially after switching dorms and housemates? 
Lee Know: I don’t feel as though a lot has changed, but I like that we have separate rooms now.
Hyunjin: I also don’t think a lot has changed because I go to the other dorms often.
HAN: After going through all the ups and downs during the past few years, we really have become inseparable. As we now have separate rooms, we’re able to have some personal time, allowing us to think more and be more relaxed by ourselves. I don’t think shared dorms affected our relationship too much because we still hit each other up whenever we’re bored and eat together.
As you approach your fourth anniversary as a group, are there moments you look back on as major instances of growth?
Seungmin: I think I was able to continuously break my personal challenges through the program Kingdom: Legendary War. While at the time I felt a lot of pressure, looking back on it, it was a precious experience that allowed me to grow.
I.N: I think we have become much more relaxed on stage, and everyone’s unique colors stand out more.
Want more of Stray Kids? Check out their new mini-album ODDINARY and the music video for “MANIAC” here.
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umbralstars · 3 years
Middle names in Faerghus (specifically N. Fearghus because middle names are far less common in the south) actually have a lot of meaning and are not just random pieces in the name. Middle names have been a part of Faerghal culture going back as far as pre-Nemesis and originally were used in place of surnames to differentiate people (along with other tactics like listing place of origin and what not). Surnames were incredibly rare among Faerghal until around the formation of the Kingdom when Loog promoted their use.
Middle names in Faerghus are carefully chosen by parents. Your given name is simply the name you are called by. It can have special meaning and be chosen carefully or simply chosen because the parents like it. Given names are still important but their importance is utterly different to that of the middle name. The middle name is perceived as the "blessing name" or a name chosen to give or signify something about a person.
Parents chose middle names usually to bless their child with certain traits or wishes for their future. These names are a plea to the Gods (in modern Faerghus to Sothis of course) for something positive for their children. These name can also come from other family members who are perceived positively as a way to seek the guidance of beloved ancestors.
Emyr Artemi: His mother's surname but chosen for his middle name due to it's connotations of "safety, strength, thriving, and devotion to the Goddess of the Hunt."
Rufus and Darya wanted to bless their son with good health and implored the Goddess to keep him safe throughout his life. Since hunting is so important in Itha this was also a way to pray he will grow to be a good ruler of the Grand Duchy. Connecting such an important name back to his mother's noble surname also showed his parents' power as they could give their heir two noble names without consequence.
Dimitri Alexandre: "Defender of Man" Lambert's way of asking Sothis to bless his son to grow into a good ruler of Faerghus one day. Blessing him to always protect his people and country no matter the circumstances.
Felix Hugo: "Mind and spirit" A prayer for Felix to prioritize these things and in a way praying for both his mind and spirit to be incorruptible.
Middle names can also be changed and re-given as a person grows and exhibits other qualities. These can amount to nicknames one person give another by changing their middle name to highlight something about them or full on name changes. Most will keep their name throughout their lives but some do embrace new titles given to them.
Rufus Cassius: This is not his original middle name and was actually one given to him throughout his late teens/early adulthood. "Empty, hollow, vain" are all descriptors being levied at Rufus by spurred lovers, enemies, and even sometimes his friends.
Rufus embraced the title because he's petty and to a certain extent doesn't exactly view vanity as truly negative. More seeing it as something that promotes virtue as he can recognize his own worth and seek to improve his mind, outer and inner beauty, and overall health by thinking highly of himself as is.
Dimitri Gwyar: A nickname imposed on Dimitri by Felix. "Gore, bloody" both traits Felix feels he needs to emphasize in junction with his other nicknames. Dimitri himself takes up the name during the timeskip and for awhile during the war (as he feels he's not worthy of the name Alexandre) until Felix puts a stop to that.
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unluckyadept · 3 years
Character Journal Entry: Felix
{July 16th, 2021T}
[Felix did not return to his letter drafts right away when his shift ended the next day. Instead, he sat alone, holding onto his iconic mask.
He wanted to express his thoughts, but one thing had become clear over time: he truly had to provide the context, or else it just wouldn’t make sense. His streak of Mars in particular.
He was no longer all that concerned about being fiery. He had plenty of enemies who were out to kill him, people who wanted to inflict great suffering in every imaginable way; he truly didn’t have the patience anymore to grovel. He would never be in complete agreement with his close friends—but that was just the way of the world. 
He looked up with unseeing eyes, his mind caught in the weight of the past and the gravity of the present.
It was like he had mentioned in one of his previous drafts: this was the true end. He could feel it. He could feel it in his very soul; Lalivero was safe in the eye of the storm, but the only way through these troubles was through the squalls that besieged them. There was no turning back.
Either they would break free from the violent tempest, unhindered as they made for shore in a clear sunrise…
…or they would be dashed upon the rocks and drown.]
"{Keep your spirits up, lad. Too much for you to do to be dwelling in darkness.}"
[He closed his eyes and surrendered a silent sigh.]
({What was it that Sir Glenn said? Something about not… not resenting the lamentation at wishing to reclaim what was lost.})
[He rubbed a hand against his face, still dwelling in a deep mental cloud.
One of the things that had always bothered him in the past was his lasting sense of pain, and the weight that suffering had chained to his heart. He had worried that the way it haunted him would drive others away; they would surely find deep discomfort if he were more vocal about what was on his mind during these times. After all… he hadn’t known anyone else who would broach such topics to him, let alone on a frequent basis.
But he still hurt. Oh, he still hurt. These wounds ran deep… and when they ached, the scars were filled with blinding fire.
Such matters had been weighing more heavily in his heart for over a year and a half now. For the pain was no longer of the decades past, but of the living present.
And the reminder of this was enough to make it harder to breathe again, from stress alone—
It was a silent cry of a suffering soul as his heart protested the crushing, suffocating clutches of sorrowful despair.
His grip on the mask tightened, and he curled the hand pressed against his face into a clenched fist.
His adoptive grandfather would not want him to be held back like this, let alone falter in his faith in his convictions.]
“{There is good in everything that happens. Sometimes you have to spend a little bit more time looking for it, and sometimes it doesn’t reveal itself immediately. But there’s always good in everything that happens.}”
[He could feel tears building at the memory of the man’s reassuring confidence.]
“{It may not reveal itself immediately, and even in the most dire circumstances, if you just wait, if you just remain open to things, the good in it will reveal itself.}”
[He tried to shake it off, but the tears remained poised as he remembered snatches of what the great Ranger had taught him.]
“{If disaster is coming our way, we don’t just sit there and endure it. We come up with ways to avoid it, to beat it back, to overcome it, but we don’t just sit there and accept it.}”
[He gritted his teeth against the sense of loss, still (futilely, and he knew it) fighting back tears.]
“{But I don’t believe our darkest days are ahead of us. I never have. [You] have been asking, ‘You’ve always told us you’d tell us when it’s time to panic. Is it time?’ It’s never time to panic, [Earth-son].}”
[He let the mask fall into his lap so he could press both hands against his face, instinctively holding his breath as a result of the crushing void of loss.]
“{It’s never, ever gonna be time to give up on our [people]. It will never be time to give up on the [dedication to build dreams].}”
[It was all he could do to seek comfort in the words again in this dark time.]
“{It will never be time to give up on yourself.}”
[For all the thrill of victory at having lasted this long in open war against the Tolbi regime—and particularly the importance of having disrupted the flow of supplies from their capital city to the troops in Northern Gondowan—
It was still all so overwhelming.]
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[After the pretense was discarded last autumn, their enemy seizing the opportunity to use cowardly tactics in an attempt to overwhelm them at lightning speed—
After he was taken prisoner and not one of them would even consider speaking to him as a fellow human being…
…eventually, in the “end”, he had fallen into despair.
They had done everything they possibly could to prevent it… and it had been cruelly subverted by hateful Pride. He had sought to treat even his tormentors with respect—and he had, as best he could!—and to appeal to basic human decency, for the chance to learn what mattered to them… and they wouldn’t even deign to speak any more beyond their brutal contempt of blinding Pride.
If all his power had not been enough—if they had brought their full strength against the enemy and only barely survived—there, in those moments as he lay dying, and in those days after he was brought back… he couldn’t help but wonder, at first.
He had asked himself: with all that in mind, could he really trust that they would be able to overcome such deep-rooted tyranny?]
“{Trust me.}”
[It had taken a very long time for him to begin to recover.
And just as he was starting to do so…
…he received the news that he would hear such words of encouragement… no more.
Not again within this world would he be able to turn to the man who had been like a second father to him—the one person who had never doubted his ability to thrive and succeed, despite his background, despite his temperament… despite everything that would have otherwise long since overwhelmed his will to keep struggling and clawing his way through the darkness.
There had been long periods of time where the only things that kept him from succumbing to insane levels of agony—the only reasons he had stayed his hand, even as he looked into the abyss with a desire to embrace it—the only reasons he had even bothered to continue were: the obligations of duty to toil until relieved from his role in this life… and that man’s unshaken certainty that he was capable enough to overcome the noose of shadows and walk in the sunlight of hard-earned dreams.
And now…]
({I just want to hear your voice again, one more time! Even… even though I know what you would say.})
[He understood, now, why Mikhail had never asked him to use the Tomegathericon to allow him to speak to his late wife. He had once thought that strange, in the back of his mind—it had stood out, at least. Clearly, the man suffered deeply from her loss, and yearned for her presence. Why should he then willfully avoid any means of contacting her? And why had she not visited, the way other spirits had?
Now he knew. He understood.
As much as this hurt, he knew that his Proxan grandfather had been ferried across the river into the sea of Light—and he did not now have the heart to even ask to recall him back into these days of sorrow.
He’d been close enough to such an experience himself to properly appreciate it—after such an exhausting journey, it was a relief to be free of such burdens of responsibility.
Such burdens were for the living to carry.
For him to carry.
For him to Live.]
({We stand upon a spearhead of fire. The first to fall shall be engulfed in crushing irons, such as to prevent them from rising up again for generations. We are so close to breaking the stranglehold they have on the region once and for all…! If only we can outlast their corrosive and hateful Hubris.})
[He pulled his hands away from his face, curling one closed and placing his other hand over it, his eyes closed in weariness and focus.]
({So it is that the task falls to us, as your generation takes the road to dawn. You have raised us upright in virtue to take on this load, and lead the charge against the darkness that we might yet have self-controlled destinies for ourselves and our children.})
[The tears had dried, now, and he opened his eyes, staring off into nothing.
They had been victorious, but word had reached him of the forces rallying for another massive charge. He needed to entrust some of the others to take command of the area, to keep up the pressure on their enemy so that they would not be able to slip through again unnoticed.
They had won another battle, but the war was far from over. At this rate, it would be over a year before anything definitive happened—unless things escalated AGAIN, wildly out of control.
Felix sighed, taking hold of his mask once more.]
({If they have their way, then I know what shall happen. We’ve seen this song and dance before—we know how the story ends.})
[Such things had happened to the people of Garoh, after all.]
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[He remembered Maha telling him about such matters.
And he had been warned by others, too—
They would punish him for refusing to submit, if they found him. And they would make much more of an effort to ensure he would not escape their ultimate answer to his “offensive” existence.]
({This is why I have to succeed, Grandfather. Oh, Iris, I beg of you to petition our grievances! The immortal soul is too fierce to be contained in a mortal body, and yet this is the only Life we have ever known. We must defend the right to achieve our destiny, no matter how atrociously the darkness assaults us; we can never obtain paradise in such a divided world, but we are called to pursue our inner fire that we may be at peace with what we have earned.})
[…He was too tired to think much more.
Perhaps it would be best if he just went home for the night—out in the Wilderness—to get some proper sleep.]
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Getting Back Together
Thank you so much for the patience and support as always, @breeachuu! I hope you like it!
Summary: After five years of loneliness and anxiety, Wolfram discovers that Byleth had woken up from her Slumber and had headed to the Monastery. The day they had promised to meet again when they were younger had finally come, so now the former classmates all flocked back together to fight for the Kingdom.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Wolfram felt the icy grip of fear encroach him from inside. Byleth was nowhere to be found -- thought that wasn’t even the worst part.
He couldn’t feel her, either. It felt very much like that time whence she was thrown into a portal by Solon; it was as though she didn’t exist. The Blood that had been emitting its constant energy throughout the years… it simply wasn’t anymore.
“No, Wolfram, calm down, maybe,” he took a shaky breath as his eyes darted from one side of the dark cave to the other, “maybe she’s just confused after waking up from the Slumber. Mother said that we shouldn’t wake a dragonkin from one because we don’t know the state of mind they’ll be in…”
The half manakete quickly made excuses as his breathing became more and more uneven. His body shook, though he couldn’t even pay attention to it at the moment, what with his mind being so preoccupied.
If he was to look for her, then he had to be quick about it -- dawn was just about to break so he would lose the cloak of the night to shield him and his wings from leering eyes. Perhaps it would be better to fly on Aquilo to be safe.
Breathing deeply, Wolfie made up his mind to do what he could do at the moment instead of despairing. Look for her. Be with her. The Heart of Immortals had finally woken up from its Slumber so he had to be beside her to fulfil his mission.
… Of course, Byleth had turned into a special existence for him after all these years as well, so it wasn’t just about the mission. He had to help a valued friend in need.
Besides, Dimitri was back at the Monastery as well. If all else failed, Wolfram could still reunite with his friend and they’d plan what to do next together.
“Together…” Wolfie murmured as he nodded to himself in the darkness before running out of the cave with a steeled resolve. He had gotten used to solitude during this exile, but it wasn’t as though he enjoyed it.
He was a boy who loved to be around people first and foremost, after all.
The moment he exited the cave to call for Aquilo so they could watch from the skies, Wolfram sensed something pulling at him from the Monastery. It was something hard to explain, like he had walked to the wrong direction once he gave his back to the mountain; like something, not unlike a string, had made his steps heavier as long as he went against it.
Wolfram gasped, looking up as he blew his whistle to call for Aquilo.
It was the Blood!
Well, not entirely, anyway. It felt too drowsy to feel like the Blood, but since it was a presence so akin to his own though it bore a significant difference he couldn’t quite pinpoint; Wolfram was sure it was the presence of the Blood.
He had been right, after all! The Heart of Immortals was truly in a confused state after waking up from the Slumber! 
As the first lights of dawn broke, Wolfram got on Aquilo’s back, flying at full speed towards the place that had been all but a shell of what it once was; towards the only place that he had called home outside of his own world.
To the Monastery!
Huffing, Wolfram made use of all of his heightened senses to scout from the sky, still finding it difficult to pinpoint the Blood’s exact location. He could hear the sounds of fighting from multiple sources -- perhaps more ruffians had broken in after Dimitri had cleared out the first few that had gotten in his way -- but he couldn’t see through walls, so he would need to land eventually to get a closer look.
A voice not too far from his spot at the sky made Wolfie steer Aquilo in its direction out of pure reflex, however.
“Why… Why are you here?”
It was faint, almost like a whisper, but it was unmistakingly Dimitri’s voice. 
Had he found Byleth?!
“Maybe that’s really the right direction! I can feel the fog around the Blood clearing…” Wolfram said aloud, habit he had cultivated even more during these years of solitude. As he approached the remains of a garden, he saw some familiar faces. “Wait, those are…!”
Ashe, Annette, Mercedes… and Byleth. There were more presences all around them so he couldn’t be sure of how many of those were hostile or friendly, but to see the faces of those he had missed for so long, finally within his grasp…
Wolfram’s eyes itched with tears before he even approached them to help with the bandit problem.
“Hey, Wolfie’s here too!” Annette waved cheerfully, forgetting that she was giving away her position to the enemies all around.
“Annie, shh!” Mercedes pulled her friend’s arm, taking her behind a wall.
A fight against looters and robbers certainly wasn’t the time to feel as elated as Wolfram felt at that moment, but he couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear before drying his tears. Puffing his chest, he focused on the task at hand so he could properly hug all of them later.
The most impressive part was how more and more of his past classmates showed up the longer the battle went on. Ingrid, Felix, Sylvain, Dorothea, Caspar, Linhardt and even Bernadetta…
By the time they all gathered together, it felt as though they could simply sit down and wait for Byleth’s lesson to begin -- they were basically all accounted for!
Wolfram covered his face with both hands to sniffle silently as the grown-up faces of his treasured classmates one by one entered into view.
A strong arm around his neck made Wolfram bend down in surprise, being almost choked in the middle of the incredible strength behind the shorter stature.
“Yo! Still crying as always, huh, Wolf?” Caspar grinned as he tightened the embrace, patting Wolfram’s chest with such vigor that it should be called ‘manhandling’ instead of ‘patting’.
“C-Caspar…” Wolfie hiccuped, his chest wringing in emotion. Byleth was awake, his classmates were flocking together… it felt as though all the loneliness he had felt so far was a lie.
There were so many things he wanted to do. So many things he wanted to ask.
He wanted to shake Byleth’s shoulders and ask her how in the world she had woken up so suddenly; how did she get back to the monastery in the exact timeframe he was away… How did she feel, why did she need to go into a Slumber… So many things.
He wanted to ask each and every one of his classmates how the war had treated them; he wanted to hug them and cry in their arms; he wanted to hold Dimitri’s hand to help him out of the dark place that seemed to have taken over inside his mind.
But he was overwhelmed -- with his own feelings and emotions, yes, but also with the amount of people talking all around him: they were asking each other how they’d been, what they had been doing and how in the world they all managed to come together after five years of war.
However, the answer they most wanted to hear was Dimitri’s. He had been sentenced to death right after the war started, so having him stand there in their midst was surprising to say the least, especially to the ones who had been looking for him all this time.
Blinking the tears away, Wolfie remembered what the merchant had told him some weeks (or years?) ago: people from Duscur helped him escape, hadn’t they?
“Dedue.” Dimitri answered simply, the weight in his voice making Wolfram’s hairs stand on end instead of bringing him solace.
Noticing the somber tone, Byleth cocked her head to the side, “what happened?”
The prince scowled as his bangs covered more of his good eye. “He’s dead. He died in my place.”
A low murmur ran across the classmates as Gilbert nodded solemnly, speaking something or other about sacrifice or the war. Honestly, he could’ve started talking about baking for all that was worth -- Wolfram had stopped listening.
A buzzing sound started to ricochet inside Wolfram’s head, getting louder and louder the more he struggled to breathe. It got so painfully loud to the point of Wolfie having to hold his head with both hands as his breathing shook.
Dead? Dedue was?
They barely had had the time to properly forge a friendship.
He had been Wolfram’s first roommate and the one who opened Wolfie’s eyes about Dimitri’s inner struggle. Even though he was a man of few words, it simply meant that every single thing that left his lips was worth listening to. To think that that admirably loyal man was… That he had given his life to-
He owed Dedue so much. So much.
Trembling, Wolfram didn’t listen to a single word said during the meeting, or what was decided after it.
It was only after Caspar shook him with enough force to make his brain bounce inside his skull that the half manakete managed to blink and focus on his friend.
“Are you back? I was about to call Linhardt to take a look at you.” The shorter man frowned slightly, worried about the lack of color in Wolfie’s face.
Looking at Caspar made Wolfram suddenly aware of his surroundings again: he felt the morning air; heard his classmates’ voices and their steps as well as the ruffling of leaves all around them. It was like he had taken his first breath in a new world after a long Slumber.
Was he- was he about to enter a Slumber out of shock? It couldn’t be!
He couldn’t get into a Slumber now. Surely one had to be a very ancient or powerful dragon to need a Slumber? Although he was the child of a manakete and a human, he had much more prominent human features, so all of his family seemed to agree that he was a quarter manakete at most. Could he even get into a Slumber?
“Heeey, c’mon man, you gotta focus.” Caspar waved in front of Wolfie’s eyes, nudging his shoulder to walk to where all the others were going. “Look, everyone’s leaving us here! I’m not really good at cleaning either, but I can at least lug heavy stuff around.”
“Cleaning?” Wolfram didn’t recognize his own voice, too confused to even realize he had started walking.
“Yeah. You didn’t hear anything? We’re gonna use the Monastery as our base, but this place’s a mess. So we’re gonna clean.” Caspar kept pushing Wolfram, apparently unbothered for having to do so as he pointed with his chin towards the group walking right ahead of them. “The girls said it’s better to start with the dormitories so we can have a place to stay tonight, so c’mon, let’s go and check how everything looks now!”
Caspar’s enthusiasm and obliviousness to Wolfie’s inner turmoil stole a smile from the half manakete, though the weight inside his chest didn’t get any lighter.
“... Yeah, let’s go.” He managed to say in the end, holding Caspar’s hand so he could lead the way.
Wolfram often heard -- both back home and in Fódlan -- that a common thing humans did to cope with difficult times was to keep the body busy with chores, regardless of their nature. But that honestly wasn’t the way manaketes’ minds worked. They needed time to think and put their feelings in order, so doing other things in the meantime was distracting and stressful.
Especially because they had started cleaning the dormitories located on the first floor -- right where the room Wolfram shared with Dedue was.
The more stuff they carried outside to air them, the more they dusted and cleaned the surprisingly untouched furniture, the heavier Wolfram’s heart became. Even his head seemed to be so full of knots it made him tilt it sideways whenever he walked.
He remembered how anxious he had spent the first few nights in Dedue’s room: what if his bandanna came off while he slept? What if he sneezed and his wings popped out by accident? What if his secret was exposed on the very week of his arrival?
Of course, he also felt a tad anxious when he went to share a room with Caspar, especially about his bandanna, but it wasn’t as much as the first time -- and it was precisely because of how peaceful the time he spent with Dedue had been.
… It hurt so much.
Wolfie had wanted to tell both Caspar and Dedue about the purpose of his arrival in Fódlan, because he knew both of his roommates would accept him just like Dimitri did. Actually, he wanted to come clean about his reasons to all of his classmates, especially after living in exile for so long. He had pondered over which words to use and under which circumstances, but now everything was just a blank.
His body moved as he was told, but his brain felt like wet cotton.
Suddenly, he remembered the words his elder siblings had left him with. The words about death, parting and finding ways to deal with the loss the best way he could. Pressing his lips into a thin line, Wolfram sniffled the warm tears back as his shoulders trembled.
They never taught him how to deal with a secret he didn’t want to keep. They never taught him how to come clean with a lie he had kept for years.
They told him that experiencing war with his own skin would be hard and that he had to do anything in his power to cope with it, but… to think that it would be like this. He had barely done any fighting and the weight of this responsibility was already so heavy.
Wolfram dried the tears that fell uncaring of his best efforts to keep them away. He simply stood there, in the middle of cleaning, hiding his face with both hands as he sobbed.
There weren’t many people assigned to that specific area, but it wasn’t as though he was alone -- yet he couldn’t help the tears that streamed down his face.
Out of the former students assigned to this part of the dormitories, there were Dorothea, Caspar, Wolfram and Ashe; and the first one to see Wolfram hunched back was Dorothea. She gasped and meant to comfort the tall boy, but bit her lower lip in hesitation. Wolfie had confided in her in the past, but perhaps the best person to be by his side at that moment wasn’t her, but…
Dorothea spied Caspar with the corner of her eyes, quickly running to his side to tap his shoulder. “Caspie, I need help with something.”
“Yeah?” The young man brushed one hand over his forehead to dry the sweat after placing a cabinet on the ground. “Anything you want me to move?”
“No, it’s actually about Wolfie. Can you take him to the gardens? He… he needs a break.” She whispered, stealing a glance at the crying boy.
Caspar’s eyes immediately widened in surprise as he hurried to Wolfram’s side without even giving Dorothea a reply. “Wolf?! Hey, you okay, man? Wolf!” He shook the half manakete’s shoulder vigorously, making the hands slip out of his crying face.
“C-Casparrr!” Wolfram wailed pitifully, hugging the shorter man so as to sob on his shoulder.
Confused out of his mind, Caspar looked around as if he could find the answer of what to do just lying in the middle of the scattered furniture. He awkwardly patted Wolfram’s back, his chest sinking in what he assumed was sympathy.
Catching Caspar’s gaze, Dorothea pointed to the gardens, which made Caspar remember her previous words. “Alright!” He heaved and took Wolfram in his arms to smuggle him to the gardens. Honestly, he had no idea why they had to change locations, but since he knew he wasn’t good with sensitive matters, he chose to simply trust Dorothea and do as she said.
Wolfram barely noticed that they had moved as he hugged Caspar with everything he had as he poured all of the loneliness, uncertainties and grief of the past 5 years onto his friend’s shoulder.
Without much to do, Caspar patted Wolfram’s back with one hand as he grippeda t the grass with the other -- he felt like fighting someone. Who had made Wolfram feel that way? He wanted to fight them and settle things for good, but there was no way he could get a clear answer from his friend at the moment, so he simply waited.
It was only after the tears had dried and his throat hurt that Wolfram managed to stop himself from crying as he slowly pulled away from Caspar. “Th-thank you for being with me, Caspar. It means a lot.”
“Don’t mention it! Are you alright? Did you get into a fight? I’m gonna punch ‘em for you.” Caspar punched his open palm as he cracked his neck, but that only made Wolfram’s shoulders sag and a faint smile sprout on his lips.
“Actually, it was like everything rushed in at once, so it wasn’t just one or two things.” He took Caspar’s hands in his own so his friend wouldn’t hurt himself from clenching his fists. “It helped me clear my head a lot, though, so thank you again.”
“Sure, but,” Caspar tilted his head to the side, looking straight into Wolfie’s red, tear-stained eyes, “I’m still mad for some reason. I don’t like seeing you like this, Wolf.” He said in a whisper, unsure of his own feelings.
Wolfram’s chin trembled with emotion as Caspar reached out to move a few strands of hair that had glued themselves on Wolfie’s face. “Actually I- I have something to tell you, Caspar.” Wolfram sniffled, unable to take a deep breath through his stuffy nose.
Crying had taken an immense load off of Wolfram’s shoulder, but the issue itself remained. He grieved for his friend; he wanted to tell everyone about his secret -- he wanted to be able to stand beside them proudly, without the need to hide who he was or what he had come here to do.
And Caspar had to be the first one to know from his own mouth. Not by accident like what had happened with Dimitri, but willingly, from the bottom of his heart. Of course, his mind wanted him to wait at least for night time, even if they were in a secluded location, there were people wandering around amidst their cleaning effort.
Yet, Wolfram’s heart pounded, wanting him to blurt everything out at that very moment.
“Yeah? I can’t help much with words, but I can listen.” Caspar nodded, looking up at Wolfram with the clear, sincere eyes that Wolfie liked so much.
“Actually, I’m not human.” He lowered his head to pull the bandanna off of his head, exposing his pointy ears. “I came here with a mission-”
“Whoa, wait, wait, wait, what? Wait, you remember you past? That’s awesome, Wolf! And those ears-” Caspar moved from one side to the other, taking a better look at them. “Whaddya mean ‘not human’? What else could you be? I never heard of anything not human living here…”
“Heehee,” Wolfie laughed awkwardly, scratching his chin. “I’m not from ‘here’. I came from another world under the guidance of the goddess I worship.” He grasped his locket as he spoke, his chest feeling lighter and lighter the more words left his lips. “I was told to stay by Byleth’s side and protect her during the ‘turmoil’ that would shake this world, though I had no idea how soon war would break out after I arrived…”
Caspar frowned so deeply one could see the gears inside his brain struggling to work. “So the goddess appeared for you too? Like with the Professor?” He still couldn’t grasp it due to the sheer absurdity of it all.
Snorting, Wolfie held his locket closer and focused on his dragonstone. “I’ll just show you.” He brought out dragon half as he felt part of his body being covered by scales. The wings, tail and horns popped out as well, making Caspar let out a loud exclamation of surprise.
“HOLY SHIT, YOU CAN FLY?” He jumped out of his spot. “That’s dope. What the hell, man…” He murmured as he walked all around Wolfram, poking at his wings and horns.
Is that really the most surprising part here…? Wolfie snorted inwardly, glad that Caspar’s reaction was much better than he had anticipated.
He called his wings back after a few moments, still wary of the bright sun above them. “I couldn’t tell anyone about my origins since, well, it’s crazy, right? So I just said I didn’t remember anything so I could stay with Byleth.”
“Hey, wait, bring it back!” Caspar slammed Wolfram’s back with both hands right where his wings were. “That’s so cool, I never saw someone with wings before.”
… Clearly nothing else Wolfram said would get through Caspar, so he simply giggled in amusement. “It’s still a secret, so please don’t tell anyone, okay? I can call them back at night.” He slipped the bandanna back on his head, once again covering his ears. 
“I dunno why you’d hide this, it’s fucking amazing.” Caspar kneaded his knuckles on Wolfram’s back, wondering how the hell the wings went back inside. Ticklish with the constant contact, Wolfie’s laughter grew, his heart lighter than any other time he spent in Fódlan.
“We can go flying sometime when it’s quieter,” Wolfie suggested, wondering if he should ask Aquilo to carry Caspar as they soared in the night sky.
“REALLY? Hell yeah, man! When’s good? Let’s go tonight!” Caspar arm-locked Wolfie’s head, excited like a little boy to go on an adventure.
Wolfram laughed heartily, falling backwards as Caspar’s hug turned more into a wrestling match the more they cuddled.
It still hurt, but now Wolfie was glad that he had taken a tiny step towards the road of feeling better.
The cleaning effort took weeks to finish -- and it honestly would take much longer than that to actually bring the Monastery back to its full glory. They did the best they could to make the place at least enough to shelter them from rain and wind, but there was much they couldn’t do with their meager numbers -- not to mention how morale hadn’t been the best due to how Dimitri acted.
Wolfie had so much to digest he couldn’t find a good time to speak with his first friend so as to deliver the jewel to him. Besides, the friendship jewel should be exchanged when both parties were ready for the commitment of being confidants for life -- and the current Dimitri wasn’t in that state of mind, not at that moment.
Dedue’s words rang true even five years after they were uttered: Dimitri fought a losing battle within himself, and now it seemed like he had accepted the defeat. What Wolfram could do -- what any of them could do -- was to support him in any way they could.
For now, that meant fighting for him, a goal that would be accomplished much sooner than they would like, for an imperial force had been seen making its way to the Monastery after the Empire had caught wind of the Knights of Seiros coming back to reclaim it.
Dimitri laughed without any mirth in his voice once he heard about the imperial army breathing down their necks, his sleepless mien carving for the silence of the dead. Gulping, Wolfram nodded as Byleth started guiding them to their defensive positions: the Monastery had taken a great blow at the battle five years ago, but it was still a fortress of its own might; so they would be able to protect it should they act wisely.
The battle was fierce -- the imperial forces would stop at nothing to take the Monastery back as they resorted to long range weapons, destructive fireballs and assassins that slipped through their defenses to take out their healers and commanders.
Byleth guided them with all of her power, commanding them as though she predicted the enemy’s every step: She cleared out their reinforcements, secured the ballistae and surrounded their elite knights with the precision of a seasoned soldier.
Once the commander was backed into a corner, he shook with anger. “A total loss… But we can’t just return home like this…” He raised his face with fire in his eyes, aiming at the one who orchestrated his defeat. “I’ll take you with me!”
“Professor, get down!” Dimitri threw himself in front of the blow the commander sent to Byleth’s way at the same time Caspar ran to intercept it. He managed to catch the javelin with his hands before throwing them on the ground in front of the commander.
Frowning, he looked up at the man. “Hey, so you’re Randolph, right? My uncle.” He rolled his shoulder and neck before adjusting the gauntlets wrapped around his fists.
“Uncle?!” Wolfram gasped from above, making sure to hold the position Byleth had told him to. How horrible, to fight his own family in a meaningless war…
The man called Randolph widened his eyes much like Wolfram did. “Caspar?! Yes, indeed... So, I see you have chosen to oppose the Empire.” He stelled himself, taking his battle position. “If so, be warned that I won't hesitate. I'll strike you down, even if we're of the same house!”
Caspar hopped in place to warm himself up. “You took the words right outta my mouth! Graaagh!” He jumped into the fight without hesitation, his resolve having been tested a long time ago.
Wolfie admired the way Caspar threw himself into battle like he had all the answers of the world, but it still pained him to see blood fight with blood like that, so he averted his eyes from the brawl entirely.
Eventually, Randolph fell in defeat as Caspar puffed his chest proudly.
However, Dimitri stepped in, basically shoving the shorter man out of the way. “Capture him.”
The battle was won, but there was a sense of uncertainty in the air, as no one could predict what the ‘Delusional Prince’, as Dimitri came to be known, would do. Soldiers who came under Gilbert’s command heeded Dimitri’s orders and tied the man down as Byleth instructed the people who still had energy to start cleaning after the battle.
Randolph was dragged down the steps he had climbed just hours previous as the attacker, with Dimitri pulling on the rope as though unconcerned of how the commander’s head was bashed on the stairs.
He coughed blood after the third staircase, his head spinning. “I-I have family waiting for me, p-please… I can’t die here.”
Once again Dimitri laughed without mirth, pointing languidly at the fallen commander. He then took out a dagger as he crouched in front of the decaying Randolph. “A beast of your depravity, prattling on about family?” he tapped the dagger on the bleeding cheek. “How amusing.”
“As though you could understand...such a thing as love…” Randolph panted with difficulty as several of his ribs were shattered during and after the battle. “You heartless monster!”
“You are a monster too, General. You just have yet to realize it.” Dimitri slid the sharp blade through the man’s skin, as though pondering where to stab it next.
The conversation was sickening to say the least. Wolfram had been ordered to move the wounded on Aquilo back to the Monastery, but he couldn’t help but listen in with his sensitive hearing. He felt like a pit had opened in his stomach, just waiting to swallow him whole.
Not to mention, that man was Caspar’s…
He looked at his friend with pity in his eyes, wondering what the young man thought about it all.
When the conversation started to take a bloodier turn, Wolfie could see Caspar flinching in contained anger -- he was just about to reach out to stop him from doing something foolish when the smell of fresh blood rose to his nose.
Byleth had taken Randolph out of his misery.
“... What is the meaning of this?” Dimitri asked in a cold voice at the same time Caspar’s shoulders hardened and his breathing stopped for a moment before being let out all at once.
Soon the young man turned away from the scene and went back to doing what he had been ordered to do, but Wolfram couldn’t help but notice the entire scene. Byleth tried to help Dimitri out of the dark place, so there was no space for Wolfie at the moment -- besides, he wanted to give Caspar a big hug for his loss, even if it had looked like he had made peace with it even before the battle.
Wolfie ran back inside after placing the last wounded on an improvised cot on the floor, leaving it to the healers to help them back into shape. Soon he found the blue-haired head he was looking for due to his own height.
However, when he approached, he didn’t know how to even start that conversation.
“Hey.” He looked down awkwardly as Caspar was setting out to the dining hall.
“Hey there, Wolf. We did good back there, didn’t we? We taught them a lesson.” He tried to cheer, but the voice didn’t come out as high as he thought it would.
“Are… are you okay? Even if you were estranged, he was still your uncle, right?” Wolfie reached out to his friend, tentatively patting his shoulder.
Caspar twisted his lips uncomfortably. “Nah, I’m not really feeling bad about that. We weren’t really related by blood and… ugh.”
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Yeah, I don’t, really. It’s just… Dimitri’s methods, man.” He scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. “The guy was defeated already, there was no need to-”
It was now Wolfie’s turn to hug his friend and lend him a comforting shoulder to lean on. “Even if you say you’re okay about it, it’s a different story to be face to face at opposing sides with family. Especially after all… that.” Wolfram glossed over so as not to upset Caspar more, patting the spiky hair soothingly.
Unaccustomed to get in touch with his feelings like Wolfram, Caspar frowned inside the hug. He didn’t think that he was that upset about it, but there was this nagging feeling at the back of his heart that weighed a ton.
He was fine, he was. Truly.
But… being in Wolfram’s arms made him feel better. Lighter. So perhaps he wasn’t as ‘fine’ as he thought he was, since it felt better just to be within his friend’s warmth. There was a lot to process and he didn’t have much brain capacity for it all, but for the moment it felt good to just enjoy the hug and be pampered for a change.
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leggomylino · 5 years
Stray Kids as Blade and Soul characters ✧
[Disclaimer: I do not own any gifs or text used in this post. Everything was derived and put together from other sources (Pintrest/Tumblr/BnS website) and just put together for fun. ♬ Hope you enjoy! ]
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
Gon -> “The Gon believe that their ancestors were born from the breath of Dragons and they embrace this legend with pride. / Physical power and combatant skills are treasured among the Gon. / In their day to day lives, Gon move and speak at a calm and measured pace.” Lyn -> “The Lyn, with their large ears and dainty tails, are descendants from the Kirin, legendary animals that were both mischievous and unpredictable. / The Lyn have not survived in this dangerous world by mere chance; they have innately acute senses which steer them clear from danger and allow them to see treachery and deception where others cannot. / The Lyn are known for their somewhat unpredictable nature.” Jin -> “The word “Jin” means “Unyielding Effort” in the ancient language of the eastern continent. / Jin warriors may look fairly ordinary, and are certainly smaller than their Gon counterparts, but beneath a somewhat plain exterior lays incredible strength and tenacity, typical of the heirs of the Black Tortoise. / Jin people are often friendly and considerate with a strong notion of right and wrong.” 
[“Yun” excluded due to being an all-female race.]
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Chan -> Race: Jin // Class: Soul Fighter
“The Soul Fighter is the only class that is able to deal heavy damage up close and from a distance. Their swift strikes are complemented by their equally-rapid dashes, keeping them from taking harm, and precisely positioning themselves to take advantage of their opponents vulnerabilities.
Soul Fighters actively manage their ranged and melee abilities by changing stances to best fit the situation. Elemental stance abilities will freeze enemies in place, while Kung Fu stance focuses on fast close-combat combos. At their maximum Chi level the Soul Fighter unlocks their most powerful and devastating attack, laying waste to opponents with a single strike. 
A flexible and fast warrior, the Soul Fighter can be efficient as a solo combatant, but relies on the support of others in more difficult challenges. However, as a master of the Chi, their party-healing buffs ensure they’re a welcome addition in any group.”
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Minho -> Race: Lyn // Class: Summoner
“The Summoner and their Familiar are a team, fighting together to overwhelm their enemies. The Familiar rushes into the thick of it, dealing heavy physical damage and holding the attention of their opponent. Meanwhile, the Summoner hangs back, supporting their Familiar with long range skills that both help their feline friend and hinder their shared enemy.
Don’t let the adorable appearance of these two fool you. Summoner attacks deal constant damage and can readily control the flow of battle, making them particularly hard to deal with. Even if one part of the team is defeated, they can revive their fallen ally and jump right back into the fight.
The Summoner and their Familiar are the strongest at transferring health from foes to themselves. While it is a great class for novices, actually mastering the Summoner is a difficult process given their wide range of tactics and abilities.”
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Changbin -> Race: Jin // Class: Assassin
“While most classes charge in bold and daring, the Assassin is a stealthy sort that prefers to take things at their own pace. They can control the battlefield like no other, luring enemies into deadly traps before they even knew what hit them.
The Assassin whittles away at an enemy’s strength with rapid fire attacks that cause bleeding and poison damage, which drain the life from their foes over time. While their razor-sharp Dagger is vital, they also employ explosives, poisons, smoke, and other potent utilities to hobble their enemies. On top of their ingenuity, they can also use strange martial arts that allow them to turn invisible, teleport around the field, and even swap places with their enemies in an instant. 
More so than others, Assassins work best alone. However, their status-altering abilities and damage-over-time effects make them an important addition to any large-scale battle.” 
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Hyunjin -> Race: Jin // Class: Blade Master
“Blade Masters have a wide variety of attack and defense skills, making them a powerful force on the battlefield. Their techniques rely on high attack speed and careful maneuvering around the enemy, dodging and parrying without pause, while countering any attacks with devastating ease. In battle, the Blade Master is able to swiftly switch between stances, allowing for many combinations of attacks in either their Basic Stance or their blindingly-fast Draw Stance, calling on a unique set of skills only available in those stances. With the Flock of Blades technique, they can summon a flurry of flying swords to overwhelm their enemies. The Blade Master is a well-rounded class that is easy to use but difficult to master. It takes a great deal of skill and quick thinking to be effective, but has no overt disadvantages that enemies can exploit.”
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Jisung -> Race: Jin // Class: Warlock
“Harnessing dark magics, the Warlock is a medium-ranged caster that relies on empowered talismans-- floating supernatural writings that can be consumed or unleashed to great effect-- to protect or attack. Through their talismans they primarily focus on summoning visceral and nefarious restraints and weapons, like spikes and chains. 
While the Warlock can be considered a glass cannon, they have a number of ways to keep their enemies at bay, not the least of which is their ability to summon a gigantic demon Thrall to finish off their enemies. By keeping enemies at a distance, marking them with limited-time debuffs, and mastering their lengthy ability cooldowns, a Warlock can be a difficult-- but rewarding-- martial art to master.
Their flamboyant attitude is matched only by deadly cunning, but catch a Warlock off guard and their cocky expression could be wiped from their face; just keep an eye out for the giant demon.” 
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Felix -> Race: Jin // Class: Kung Fu Master
“While their mighty punches and kicks can lay waste to enemies, a Kung Fu Master’s true power is their ability to catch an opponent’s attack, divert the blow, then counter-attack in the blink of an eye. Due to the precision needed to switch between offensive and defensive abilities, the Kung Fu Master is recommended only for the more experienced.
Kung Fu Masters can control the flow of combat through the use of combination attacks, stringing together a long chain of blows one after another. While they are capable of facing multiple enemies at once, leaping and pouncing from one foe to another, they are most effective in one-on-one combat.
The Kung Fu Master’s greatest strength is how well they cooperate with other warriors. By leading the charge, the Kung Fu Master can force an enemy into submission while teammates pour on the damage.
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Seungmin -> Race: Jin // Class: Zen Archer
“Unlike their ranged combat partners, the Zen Archer approaches the battlefield with relative calm. As chaos reigns in the midst of combat, Zen Archers can adapt to any scenario while maintaining a harmonic balance of control and precision in the heat of battle. 
The Zen Archer can only achieve true perfection of their skills by sustaining inner peace while in the throes of battle. Their intent is to use nothing more than their bow to unleash a flurry of sharpened destruction, taking down all those who oppose them with absolute composure. 
The Zen Archer can follow either the path of Light or the Wind. A Zen Archer specialized as a Lightbringer will leverage the harmony of light and sound to perfect their attacks as they seamlessly flow through combat. Zen Archers that follow the Way of the Windpeircer excel at targeting enemies’ weakest point with unparalleled precision.”
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・ ・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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Jeongin -> Race: Jin // Class: Force Master
“Unlike other classes, the Force Master attacks at long range, dealing heavy damage from a safe distance. Their swift strikes and ability to remain on the move while attacking makes them a dynamic addition to any battle. They are less durable than other classes, so careful positioning is key to their survival. 
The Force Master is able to freely switch between elements; their searing Fire abilities stack damage with repeated attacks, while the freezing Ice powers control the battlefield and enhance their defenses. With careful focus they can even snatch an enemy and hold them suspended in the air, leaving that foe helpless against incoming attacks.  
Other classes can’t compete with the Force Master’s ability to handle groups of enemies, but PvP arena prove more of a challenge than ever. Only a truly skilled Force Master can overcome the direct attention of a fellow warrior.” 
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deargguks · 5 years
[𝐨𝐡, 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞?] the cheshire cat, you had deducted, was naught but an accent of arcane words and unbecoming sideways, upside down, and down side up pearly smiles, pressing seethingly hot into sanity drawn in obscure velvet drapes. perhaps his soul was an offspring which discord itself had bore; breathed deeply into existence with the blessed face of an angel and fingers dipped in haematic lunacy. he was capricious and inveigling with a note of cruelty sempiternally tucked upon spreading lips, grin spanning far into the territories of delirium and past the hushed splays of secrets, which did not suit such innocent of a portrayal.
or so the tales told. alice the first was always a clumsy little girl, led through the forest by only the bright glow of her curiosity, doting upon blooms of roses and other burgeoning buds, prating with birds, and taking the words of strange letters scrawled upon notes to stranger bottles despite her reputation of a ingenious young lady. years later, and she had yet to hand the renown title of the wonderland’s fool to someone else. all the other alices succeeding - alice the second, so miyeong, alice the third, baek yeseul, alice the fourth, hinata aiko, and so on - all traveled from one end of wonderland to the other without dilly dallying in the clockwork madness of the place, becoming even before time itself. which was indeed a strange thought because - well, did time exist there? one would assume it did, but you’re not so sure. it was really all just madness and lingering thoughts. you wouldn’t know - you were sane, after all. you didn’t think like them, didn’t act like them. you had no reason to question the inner workings of this place like alice the first had. perhaps it was, and dare you not ever put these sordid thoughts to words, because you were, quite frankly, sane, and the first was not. which was what you suspected as to why her original depiction of the cheshire cat was so different from the real thing.
𝑙𝑒𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑥. roses blooming vividly upon albicant cheeks, he was a sweet thing, honeyed eyes and one whose vowels are of tenderness and diffidence. why, cherubic even. you, tout de suite, found to be beguiled by the auric eclipse in his irises, melting sweetly upon a dozen eventides drawn by the firmaments itself.
but lee felix, oh, what a pretty soul, would put all of them to shame just merely by the rise and fall of his chest. one look blessed upon flight, sending your heart bursting through the azure canvas, twirling with the clouds and feeling the press of the sun’s warm kisses against your cheeks. one smile guided you by the hand and pressed you into his embrace, entangled in inebriated fervor and the scent of something saccharine which you couldn’t care to name. the sun was getting closer.
one kiss stole the breath from your very lips, the clarity from glass irises, the sanity from your mind. his fingers were cool against your cheek, stroking as if you were the finest jewel carved from stone and the most beautiful thing in his small expanse of a world. stay with me. you didn’t have to hear so to understand, reading already a desperate prayer at the hues of his eyes where the sunset met the ocean. you wanted to - you truly did, but any person, sane or insane, would know promising something here in wonderland was an unretractable oath. the words, once given, would hold forever true, and if you were to do so, you would be handing over your right mind, never to leave agai —
your heart stopped. a reach away from the glowing sun, the wings incinerated, and you fell like icarus had. down, down, down into the abyssal depths of your cold epiphany, until there was nothing but the tranquility of the ocean once more, as if nothing had ever shattered its surface. as if a little girl, as foolish as the first alice, had not just given up her sanity on a silver platter to the vile hands of love.
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