#trucks hashtag
vikassagaar · 5 days
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ihatebrainstorm · 24 days
Happy TF Earthspark s2 part 1 release day!!! (I am 12 minutes late damnit) Have some scribbly doodles i made while watching it lol (contains spoilers)
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I want to eat. Alex Malto's food. so. badly.
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swervesfirstblaster · 16 days
CUTE BUMBLEBEE AND OPTIMUS INTERACTION ALERT ⚠️⚠️ thats father and son your honor
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tkachukisms · 6 days
loveee the people who thirst after the hughesys as if two of them don't look like prey animals turned into people and as if jhughes doesn't look like a fictional twink superhero you'd hear the craziest discourse about in your life the second a comic about him dropped rending every social media you try to touch unusable for like a week
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trans-xianxian · 1 month
*holding my little wei wuxian plush in my hands* please mr yiling laozu help me pass my drivers test
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defending-harmony · 2 years
I know I've complained about this before but as somebody with astigmatism I fucking DESPISE drivers who use LED headlights. Some of us would like to be able to see at night, larry.
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catwouthats · 11 months
Good Omens 2 Spoilers
Concerning THE ship
Okay but them literally just giving up EVERYTHING just to be with eachother after exchanging ONE GIFT… it feels like how lesbians describe their lesbian experiences…
They are lesbians now you can’t stop me-
They are also gay men you can’t stop me-
They are everything everywhere all at once EVERY!!
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ut-girl666 · 1 year
Silly idea:
Put clown makeup on all the GHOST Agents, and clown music whenever they’re in shot. Because they’re just a big fucking circus.
Except Schloder. He’s okay. :)
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The Maltobots react to seeing an newly formed terran scanning this vehicle
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The ghost truck
Hashtag: oooh… I mean, I could have scanned one of those… but if a new sib did…
Thrash: …I feel like you’re going a little too into the whole ‘secret agent on the inside’ vibe. It’s cool, for sure, but I don’t think it needs to go this far. And aren’t we supposed to be against GHOST?
Hashtag: You’re thinking too distant from in the moment! You wouldn’t say that to them, would you?
Thrash: No. I’m just saying, that’s all. If that actually did happen, then I’d be hype and happy for them.
Jawbreaker: We could hide in them, and we would all be able to go places with mom, dad, Robby and Mo!
Twitch: their alt is a little big, so it’d be hard to fit in the bunker at first… but Jawbreaker is right! And that problem would undoubtedly be solved by Nightshade in no time! Right Nightshade?
Jawbreaker: Nightshade?
*loud clanging and things being tossed around, and Tarantulas cackling in the background.*
Thrash: they’re already on it. -_-
Hashtag: well, we don’t need to worry about them too much, huh?
Twitch: Nope! It’d be pretty cool to have a GHOST Truck sibling, just imagine all the fun things we could do with them! Like tag, and hide and seek, and everything we already do, we could even make new games too!
Jawbreaker: It would probably also be fun to cuddle them too!
Thrash: True. There’s lots of fun things we could do with them.
Hashtag: it’d be pretty cool to have another GHOST Vehicle sib, overall. :)
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finneroo · 4 months
Trying to learn to whip rope ends (as in tying off the ends of your rope so they are protected from fraying, not using a rope as a whip) and I'm watching this very informative YouTube channel about it except that after the introduction he always goes (extremely enthusiasticly) "let's get knotting!"
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munamania · 5 months
um yall… sam’s roommate pulled up to coffee like. um. dressed like this. btw. and their hair is just like. a better fluffier mullet. is this surprising
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#just wanna express what i’m dealing with btw because the hair thing sort of hit me like a truck earlier and then i was like#well girl wait… literally… come on lmao… also we both wore sweatervests hashtag twinem#it’s so chill though coffee was really fun#we ended up hanging for like two hours and then i was like fuckkkkk g2g to class and they walked w me partway there#and then almost dapped me up gave me a hug at the worst possible intersection there were so many people walking fuck the construction fr#but like. yeah it was chill im glad i reached out even tho like idk things r... ok.. w sam but we’re certainly not like 🤞#and i think they just had a semi recent breakup and drama and im like. um. largely unwell#and need 2 just get through this semester so i rlly forced myself to chill and go in with no expectations and it was just :-)#i was charmed by how passionate he was talking abt the weather and stuff like within minutes of meeting#i was listening to a very excited spiel about el nino and the tornadoes in wisconsin and etc oh and they came up w an ocean fact for me#and also ugh they played piano for so long growing up and can still like. do it. fucckcjkkk. and demonstrated#this rlly odd chord. um. like stretching and flexing their hand. srrryy lol i’m just giggling#lol and i mentioned my hair journey at one point and they were like ‘yeah? tell me about it’ shut UP… oh and also#knew exactly the stairwell i was talking abt when i described my favorite and we managed to chat abt that ugh it was so dorky#like. aw wow this person is just really cool#i also think they’re stupid hot but like idk since we actually um communicated and etc it's taken out a lot of the#tendency i had/have to be like 'sigh what if -' and er mythologize ppl. i suppose could be said. like aw we're just yapping and we're loyal#story likers now and if they ever want to just like make out sometime that’s so chill but regardless like we ball 💪#yayyyyyayyyyy me when i can be normal about things!!!!! 🫶🙈#abby talks
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gayboymint · 11 months
housesitting for short people and driving their vehicles is so. something.
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so it turns out that hiding in the bathroom to cry over the slightest hint of disapproval or disappointment from anybody, whether that be a teacher, parent, or peer, isn’t just a thing that neurotypical people do?? how do you cope with the increasing pressure in your chest that feels like the devil has nails made of razor blades that are wrapped in a vice around your lungs then???
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cassierobinsongf · 1 year
why is everyone sayinf that he looks gay. He looks STUPID.
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iindigenize · 2 years
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
Tw in the tags for unhealthy eating habits bc readmore doesn't seem to work on mobile anymore
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