#trolls john dory angst
glitterp0prhaps0dy · 6 months
cant stop thinking about the fact john dory said HE CAME BACK BUT NO ONE WAS THERE, HE THOUGHT HIS ENTIRE FAMILY WAS DEAD YALL-
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ohposhers · 8 months
My favorite thing is how lowkey uncomfortable Branch's brothers look when they find out Branch highkey replaced them with a new band/found family after they left LOLOL
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JD and Clay being quick to crack incredibly forced jokes to cover up the awkwardness of the situation ooo And you KNOW the Kismet trolls probably think so fucking lowly of all of them too if Branch confided in them over everything that happened throughout the years rrrrr I think the brothers would definitely take personal issue with particular members too uh ohh the girls are fightingg
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and they know they have no right to be mad cause they are the ones who walked out and never came back but they're gonna be bitter anyway <333 i love troll drama
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sandflakedraws · 15 days
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re : how each brother reacts learning that they can't go back
you'll have to pry the "all the Brozone Bros knew what happened at the tree" headcanon outta my cold, dead dead dead hands.
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em-doods · 6 months
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: \
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finnylemon · 6 months
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🥚John Dory and the lonely egg 💔
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Headcanon that the brother's dad left before they even knew Branch existed and he was just left in a basket with a note for JD to find 🥲 we love giving our boys trauma ✨️
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This is shortly after losing their mother 💕😭 BABY FLOYD IS SO CUTE HERE HELPPP give John a hug PLEASEEEE Branch is basically the equivalent to a premature baby because of this 😌🫶 so smol
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"Casually recites this extremely traumatic event with a shrug"
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hey-hey-j · 25 days
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if you ever need a convenient excuse to draw John Dory shirtless just remember that his brother lives on a beach 🏖️
(★ my Kofi) | (★ commission info)
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felsicveins · 6 months
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If I didn't love you, it would be fine
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shirecorn · 8 months
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I have nothing new to add. In love with these rodents.
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I like to hc that after the events of trolls 3 the brothers would just randomly hang out, to get to know each other again and bond, and one day some random person saw them and the interaction went along the lines of:
Stranger to Branch: *Laughs* Being the oldest must be hard.
*All brothers look at each other in confusion*
Branch: Umm...I'm not the oldest.
Stranger: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I just though- Well because- Um... well, who is the oldest?
JD: That would be me.
Stranger: I never would have thought. It's just that Branch is always so serious and protective, of himself and the village. Plus, look at those crow's feet. *They say jokingly obvi* Anyway, sorry again. Have a nice day.
After that the brothers all turn to look at Branch, like REALLY look at Branch. The deep lines and wrinkles, probably permanently scars from living in the wild for like 20 years and his stitched up pants that he did himself. Then Branch is all like,
"What? Raising myself since I was 4 wasn't an easy easy and stress-free job to do."
And the weight of leaving a full child to fend for themselves really hits them like a truck and they start tearing up and apologizing and they sit down to finally and fully talk about the elephant in the room. I just know that after the events of trolls 3 Branch did not just fully forgive and forget the 2 decades of abandonment and probably still harbors a bit of anger and other emotions deep down but he doesn't talk about it and I need him to talk about it and just ARRGH-
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 6 months
HeartBreak part 3
Her hair, a cascade of red-pink, was usually styled upwards, meticulously arranged to maintain her sophisticated image. Yet, in my eyes, its true beauty was revealed when it fell freely, untamed, and wild from resting in our bed or became tousled as I wove my fingers through it, losing myself in its texture.
Her skin sparkled like a constellation of stars, glittering so that whenever sunlight kissed her, she radiated like the brightest beacon in my world. She was my guiding light, the star that led me through the darkest nights. But now, with her absence, shadows have crept into my life, turning my once-illuminated world into an endless night.
John Dory's eyes snapped open, an unwelcome greeting from the relentless alarm bug. In a futile attempt to ward off the remnants of sleep, he held his eyelids open with his fingers. But the alarm bug's piercing cry was impossible to ignore. With a quick poke, he silenced its din, bringing a momentary peace to the early morning.
That's when a familiar scent caught his attention, pulling him further from the grasp of sleep. Food was being prepared in his own home. Curious, he slid the curtain aside on his loft to discover the source. Below stood a troll with skin that transitioned from blue to a crystalline texture on his arms and legs. His hair, a unique blend of pink with white roots, was unmistakable. Leaning on a cane, it was Floyd, busy in the kitchen.
John's confusion quickly bubbled to the surface. Why was Floyd still here? And more puzzling, why was he cooking, especially the breakfast dish that held so many memories of their grandmother? It was a recipe steeped in tradition, one that always brought back a flood of nostalgic warmth.
John made his way down the ladder, his movements heavy with sleep. He stumbled toward his brother, his voice tinged with surprise and grogginess, "Floyd?... What are you still... doing here?" he asked, his curiosity evident.
The mentioned troll turned to face John, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Hey JD, how are you feeling?" he inquired, his voice soft yet laden with concern. It was clear from the look on Floyd's face that his worry for John was genuine.
Floyd gently ushered John Dory to the couch, taking a moment to bring over the freshly prepared food. Once he settled down next to John, Floyd turned towards him, navigating the delicate subject with care. "I guess, the conversation back at the bunker... it made you remember her?" His voice was cautious, treading lightly around the edges of a potentially painful memory.
"...yeah." John's response was soft, his gaze fixed on the warm meal before him, avoiding Floyd's eyes. The simplicity of his answer belied the turmoil beneath, hinting at the deep currents of reminiscence and sorrow stirred by the mention of her name.
Floyd's gaze was steady and full of compassion as he continued, "I know it's kind of your thing to keep everything bottled up, to act like everything's okay, to pretend you're alright. But last night... last night I saw you in a way I never have before. You were breaking down, sobbing so hard you eventually passed out. John, I might not know everything that went down between you and the woman in the photo, but I do know holding all that pain inside isn't good for you." Floyd's voice was sincere, each word imbued with concern as he stared intently at John Dory.
John, in turn, couldn't help but feel the weight of Floyd's words. He sulked, a deep, heavy sadness settling over him as he finally met Floyd's gaze. His eyes, usually so good at hiding his feelings, now laid bare the depth of his pain. It was as if Floyd's understanding and concern had breached the walls John had meticulously built around his heart. He looked at Floyd, his expression a mix of gratitude and sorrow, acknowledging the rare moment of vulnerability between them. The lump in his throat made it hard to speak, to express how much it meant to have someone who cared enough to confront him, to offer a shoulder in his darkest times.
Amidst the swell of emotions stirred by Floyd's heartfelt words, John found himself teetering on the edge of opening up further, tempted by the idea of sharing his burden. Yet, the familiar instinct to retreat inward, to shield his deepest wounds from even those who cared for him most, prevailed. He mustered a small, unconvincing smile, the kind he had perfected over the years, and met Floyd's concerned gaze with a semblance of reassurance.
"I'm fine, really, I am," John said, his voice a carefully modulated blend of gratitude and dismissal. Despite the genuine concern reflected in Floyd's eyes, John couldn't shake off the deeply ingrained habit of concealing his pain. The gratitude he felt for Floyd's attempt to reach out, to understand and support him, was real, yet it danced on the surface of his resolve to keep his true feelings locked away. In that moment, John Dory reaffirmed his silent vow to himself, choosing once more to shoulder his pain in solitude, even in the face of Floyd's unwavering brotherly love.
Floyd let out a sigh, a tangible sign of his resignation to the situation, as he continued to eat the breakfast he'd prepared. His glances toward John carried a mixture of sadness and concern, a silent dialogue of worry and love that went unspoken. After they finished their meal, a heavy silence fell between them, only broken by the sound of Floyd's cane as he prepared to leave. "I'm... going to go back to the bunker. See you later, John..."
As he walked towards the door, each step seemed to weigh heavily, marked by a reluctance to leave his brother in such a state. Opening the door, Floyd paused and turned back to John, his expression earnest. "Please, think about what I've said," he implored, leaving those final words hanging in the air as he stepped out and closed the door behind him.
John was left enveloped in the silence of the room, Floyd's plea echoing in his mind. Alone with his thoughts, the weight of their conversation lingered, a reminder of the concern that Floyd had voiced so openly. It was a rare moment of connection, now fading into the quiet of the morning, leaving John to ponder the path forward, alone with his memories and the unspoken promise of support from his brother, should he ever choose to accept it.
Her laughter, a melody that once filled the air, is now a memory that haunts the silence of my home. She was so small, yet her presence was immense, filling every corner with light and warmth. Her hair, a vibrant shade of dark teal reminiscent of my own, carried the promise of youth and a future untold. It would dance in the breeze as she toddled around, exploring her world with wide-eyed wonder.
Her skin, a mirror of her mother's, sparkled with the same golden shimmer, making her seem like a little sprite, born from the stars. In the sunlight, she was mesmerizing, a tiny beacon of joy and innocence. She was the continuation of a love so profound, a bridge between the past and a future we dreamed of.
But now, in her absence, my world has dimmed, the sparkle has faded, and the melody of her laughter is just an echo in a silent room. She was the light of my life, a brief, beautiful star that burned too brightly to last. With her gone, I'm navigating an endless night, yearning for the dawn that I know will never break
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evanoshiix · 8 months
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Some Escape the Dark AU designs!
I’ll post more Diamond Hype soon, but if it’s any consolation, I kept kismet found family here too
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bersqunk · 29 days
Human Pirate AU ~ Chapter 4 (End for Now)
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The first to return is met with a husk of what was. Striving for freedom, adventure, yet to lose a treasure that can never be replaced. Tale of 5 brothers with a bond so effortlessly broken by the pursuit for something more.
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em-doods · 4 months
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I sketched this really angsty thing byeeee
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finnylemon · 4 months
Brozone Pile💕 + bonus
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You CANT tell me as kids they didn't sleep in a big group. HOW CUTE ARE THEY AGDHDBDN I love them. I HC Floyd and Branch to have the closest relationship to John. He's often busy and dismissive of Floyd and prioritizing baby Branch but they have their moments.
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I love feral baby Branch trope and he bites like a MF with those fangs (the brothers are all used to it. I imagine Clay was the first biter 🤣)
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miccimocha · 10 months
Just Brozone with their problems...
JD: Not being "perfect"/good enough, Blaming himself for everything, Low Self-Esteem, Suicidal thoughts/ideation, Thinks everyone hates him, "everyone would be better off without me" mindset
Bruce: People only liking him bc of his looks and not who he really is, Being told that he's only one thing and that's being the "heart throb", Feeling of Loneliness
Clay: Only seen as a laughing stock since he's known to be the "funny one", never taken seriously, Feels like everyone treats him like he isn't any important
Floyd: Blames himself for abandoning his youngest brother, Takes care of everyone but who's taking care of him?, feels like he isn't allowed to have problems, the "sensitive one" and feels like he's only that
Branch: Abandonment issues, Attachment issues, Feels responsible abt the fact that his brothers left, feels like he's never good enough, feels like a waste of space, Trust issues, Anger Issues
Correct me if there is anything wrong. And reminder it's just a headcannon of mine for angsty purposes.
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petracozbi · 4 months
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Anyone watch Steven Universe?
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