badpoetwithdreams · 9 years
Trollavellan having her agents move any Eluvians they find. Not (always) for tactical purposes, but just to make travelling confusing for anyone without Lavellan's records of where they've all been moved to.
Cullen getting exasperated with the requests to move Eluvians to increasingly dangerous or ridiculous places. In the middle of swamps. Underwater. Wyvern-infested caves. Dragon dens.
"Wait, I thought that you didn't actually want to kill Solas?”
"At this point, if he doesn't expect to fight a dragon every time he steps through an Eluvian--then he's seriously slacking on this villainous mastermind thing, and I, frankly, am disappointed."
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addiemon · 9 years
New headcanon: Iron Bull, Agent of Trollavellan
Iron Bull: I'm here to be an agent of Fen'Harel!
Solas: Bull
Solas: I already know you're a spy
Iron Bull: No, see, that's the beauty of it
Iron Bull: You already know I work for the Inquisitor
Iron Bull: But I'm not here to spy! I'm not gonna tell her anything you're up to at all. Shit, you don't even need to tell ME anything you're up to.
Solas: Then why are you here?
Iron Bull: I am here...to
Iron Bull: HOOK.
Iron Bull: YOU.
Iron Bull: UP.
Solas: ...
Iron Bull: Yeah, I mean, we figured it was as good an idea as any.
Solas: Bull...
Iron Bull: Let's see, Lavellan had me bring an entire aravel load of frilly cakes to start with.
Solas: Bull.
Iron Bull: And there are a few books on Thedas art history, she thought you might want to catch up. She wants me to send her your thoughts.
Solas: Bull!
Iron Bull: And I've got a stack of sexy paintings of her. In lingerie. And some...not in lingerie. I'll just leave one on your desk every so often. Mornings maybe?
Solas: ...
Solas: ...
Solas: ...ok
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elfnerdherder · 9 years
Trollavellan that
sends periodic invites to Solas for dinner parties, picnics, birthdays, and luncheons as her ‘plus one’.
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elfnerdherder · 9 years
my friend and i both adore your trollavellan headcanon so when we were out to lunch today my friend brought up cheeky!trollavellan having an artist sketch her multiple times and sending those sketches back to solas with one of his agents like "if you destroy this world you'll be destroying this masterpiece. reconsider?" we love you so much
:D Thank you!! I’m so glad you guys love Trollavellan that much! 
Trollavellan that sends periodic paintings of different people, as well as their bios on the back to show him the depth and character of those that could be hurt or destroyed by his actions.
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elfnerdherder · 9 years
The Shipping Spy
that bursts into Fen'Harel's study, gasping for air and stammering. He stares at his boss, horror in his gaze, and he can only manage one sentence. 
 "Sir, she...she...Lavellan...she is receiving flowers from a secret admirer." He passes out, the sheer magnitude of the sentence overwhelming him. Little does he know, it is Solas that is sending the flowers with Lavellan none-the-wiser.
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elfnerdherder · 9 years
Headcanon that
Solas’ top agent that spies on Lavellan secretly ships them together, so he sometimes gives Solas false or unnecessary information in order to reunite them.
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elfnerdherder · 9 years
Though, as a side-note to Trollavellan that can be found Here, although Lupa did enjoy pranks with Sera as a way to loosen up the Inquisition and allow for camaraderie, she is much too solemn and introverted to actually be a Trollavellan. She is sarcastic, yes, and she is dry-humored...but she wouldn’t be a Trollavellan.
In honor of Trollavellan though, I will make a new Inquisitor that will be the lighthearted, prankster type that this fandom deserves. She will be the Trollavellan.
She shall be called Toopka.
She won’t be the Lavellan that we need, but she will be the Trollavellan that we deserve. 
Stay tuned.
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