#the shipping spy chronicles
hobbityalse · 7 months
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Hello Hello Hello! This year I will be taking part in the Fandom Trumps Hate Event as an artist AND a writer!
I will be offering three auctions! Two for fanart and one for fanfics!
For fanart I'm offering for the following fandoms :-
Tolkein (Lotr and the hobbit), Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Good Omens, The Lunar Chronicles !
And for fanfictions, I will be offering works for the fandoms.... Tolkein (again, haha), Spy x Family and Genshin Impact :D
I hope to have fun with ya'll during this event :D So, goodluck creators! Can not wait to see what everyone comes up with :D
The auctions begin on 5th march!! See ya there folks!!
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getosbf · 1 year
ao3 - a_really_hot_caterpillar
pinterest - a_really_hot_caterpillar
Not promising anything but I love a fic idea any time of the day. Random brainrots in the inbox are absolutely welcome. If I like a scenario or headcanon a lot i might or might not lose focus and write a fic hehe 💕
My biggest wip is this 60-70k sherliam reincarnation/modern au, but i do small oneshots here and there all the time. Here's a masterlist.
Again, not promising anything because I'm busy with studies and family a lot of the time but don't let that stop you from sending requests. I have a tendency to procrastinate on life by writing about my favorite gay losers
My playlists -
Sherliam songs, kinda messy, basically just all the songs that apply to sherliam, 5hr14min
Songs that apply to sherliam but in Hindi!! 2hr3min
Satosugu songs in chronological order from them falling in love to the break up to geto's death, if you're as obsessed as me you'd know which song is from whose pov, 5hr23min
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phantom-sleuth · 9 months
Wanted to make a rec post about a bunch of random sci-fi manga i like and hope that others enjoy as well.
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction:
A story about 2 young women in their day to day lives as a giant alien ship looms over Tokyo. A fair bit of the story focuses modern social political issues in Japan and the mystery surrounding the mothership and the aliens and why they are there.
The series will get two movie adaptations later this year.
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Dai Dark:
The story mainly revolves zaha sanko and how a legend exist that if one gets ahold of his bones they will have any wish granted to them, and so sanko needs to search through space in order to find whoever put this curse on him and kill them. The manga is made by Q Hayashida and features a very gritty world with very goofy and fun characters.
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Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm:
A story mostly about a cyborg with a sense for battle wanting to fin her origins after crashing on earth. The series has 3 entries so far with the third being on hiatus sadly, the 3 series being Alita battle angel, baa last order and baa mars chronicle. However the series has excellent art a very good story and great action.
It currently has a 1993 anime and a live action movie
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20th Century Boys
The story revolves around a group of adults who in their youth created a symbol to represent their friendship which is then used by some malevolent character called friend in the future for his own cult and his goal to take over the world. With most of the story being about trying to recall who he may be and how to stop his plot. Its a VERY story and dialogue heavy series, but its all worth it once everything starts clicking.
it has a short sequel series that contains the ending of the actual series called "21st century boys"
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Made by the same person as 20th century boys Naoki urasawa, its an adaptation of "the greatest robot on earth" story with its own unique spin. Its about the ongoing murders of the seven most powerful robots on earth. It deals in a lot of stuff about the sentience of the robots and their rights.
It currently has a full anime adaptation on netflix.
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A lot of the story mainly focuses on the struggles and relationships of the main characters with space mainly being a backdrop. Its a very interpersonal story and i can't really do it justice by just describing it so i recommend reding or watching it yourself.
It also has a full anime adaptation.
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10,000 light year binoculars
This one is just a oneshot but i enjoyed it so much that i really had to rec it. Its about an alien girl with binoculars that allow her to spy on a boy on earth from her own planet and wanting to meet him someday. The entire oneshot is in color, the art is great AND its short.
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Star tripper: Planetarium Ghost Travel
A very comfy manga that only recently stared to get fantranslated. Its about a guy called 303 going to "ghost planets where most of the inhabitants have gone into a deep sleep and turned into trees.
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Heavenly Delusion/Tengoku Daimakyou
And finally Heavenly, it has two concurrent plotlines with the first one being about a boy and a girl going through a post apocalyptic Japan looking for "new heaven", while the second is about a group a kids in a sterile facility wanting to go explore outside the walls of said facility.
It has an anime that covers the first 5 volumes.
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And those are all my sci-fi recs for the moment!!! Hope someone finds something new to enjoy of these here. apologies if the writing ain't the best i wrote this at like 3 am.
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seyaryminamoto · 3 months
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Hello, everyone! My circumstances are getting a little bit more complicated and it's been fairly tricky to find a job over the past year (aaand it's only going to get worse...), so it's time for me to fully, officially, reopen commissions. Some prices have increased since the last time I did this, mainly in the hopes that this reflects my improving skills a little better. Some options are quite costly (particularly the animations and comics) because they demand a ton more work than one might expect. Terms are also more strict than they used to be in order to ensure a more professional dynamic between myself and anyone who commissions me.
Send me a DM if you have a commission in mind, but first, make sure to read through the Read More. I want to expand on what's stated in the final picture to ensure better clarity on the terms of my services:
I'm open to working with any fandom or OC, be it one I'm familiar with or not. I'm also open to working with crossovers, as well as making book/fic/album covers, and even drawing real people as characters of a fandom of the commissioner's choice.
I am open to drawing ship/romance content but, tied directly to the next point...
I reserve the right to refuse any commissions that make me uncomfortable in any given way. This does not mean that everything besides my OTPs and the headcanons I support is guaranteed to be rejected, but it does mean that, if the behavior of the commissioner or the specific subject of the commission does not sit well with me, for any given reason, I will decline the commission. I won't work on something that squicks me, nor with someone who displeases me. No artist should.
Animals, mythological creatures, gore and +18 requests are fundamentally valid but must be discussed thoroughly first. None of these areas are my forte as an artist, as much as I've dabbled in them here and there, so, in order to get it right, I may need extra time and I will most likely modify the base price for any requests that includes these elements.
Payments will be done through PayPal or Wise. The final, full-resolution piece will not be delivered until full payment is completed. Half payment is expected at the start of the process, the second half at the end. The client is entitled to two revisions of the art process to ensure expectations are met. If a piece does not match your expectations after the revisions, the commission will be considered cancelled and you won't need to pay the second half of the expense. Any commissioner who wishes to pay upfront from the get-go does so at their own risk. Revisions are always included, but there will be no refunds if the final piece is not up to the commissioner's standards.
The commissioner is allowed to publish and share the commissioned work across social media, provided it follows the rules of each site (as in, don't post any +18 artworks on sites that do not allow it, pretty much). I can offer basic Glaze and Nightshade in order to protect the artwork from AI theft, to no added expense. Credit MUST be given to me as the artist whenever commissioned pieces are posted elsewhere.
For anyone who wants a list of fandoms I'm better acquainted with:
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Code Geass
Dragon Ball
The Mentalist
The Dragon Prince
My Hero Academia
Dragon Age
Hades (Supergiant)
Cowboy Bebop
Hollow Knight
Star Wars
Ghibli Films
Full Metal Panic
Artemis Fowl
Fullmetal Alchemist
Stranger Things
Spy X Family
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Harry Potter
Shaman King
Critical Role/Legend of Vox Machina
Dungeons and Dragons
Blue Eye Samurai
Again, any fandom, character or OC is valid, but I'm far more likely to know what I'm doing and to have my own opinions, for better or for worse, when it comes to anything on this list.
If there are any further questions, feel free to DM me and we'll sort them out!
Thanks for reading so far, and I look forward to working with you!
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More One Piece X Batman au ideas/hcs
Just more assorted ideas from this OP Batfam au here iv been playing with. All you have to know is the Batfam is now in the op world tho!
-Im leaving the og post with multiple options but im def leaning twords them having their own Pirate crew, and either ally with another canon crew or have ties to the Revs, or both. Im unsure on what they'd be called because the Bat Pirates or Bat and Bird Pirates is kinda lame lol so ill figure something out later, and also am open to suggestions!
I feel like they're very open about being Vigilante-Pirates, working like or with the Revs but still being Pirates. It catches on pretty quick for them, and later is a classification used for other similar crews. Also, yes they follow the Pirate Codes and learn the traditions! They mostly learned out of curiosity at first but learned how important it was and kinda just fell into them.
Here's the set-up on the crew for those with official position, though they do have a lot of crossovers (Any positions not specifically mentioned are just done by all the crew or when needed, or not needed at all);
Bruce is the Captain, and Navigator (Tho I feel like all of them learn how to navigate just in case). The crew mostly governs itself, but they learn more about the Pirate Codes and make sure to listen to their Captain when it's important because it's as much as about respect to their crew but also for other crews. They adapt pretty well to it tbh tho it takes a bit because being a pirate crew is largely very different from a Vigilante group.
Dick is the First Mate, and their Communications Expert/Diplomat. Ie he keeps track of allies, friends, man's the phones, er, snails? And is the one usually to socialize or mediate with both interpersonal and outside the crew. He does use swords, but doesn't consider himself the official Swordsman of the crew, that's Damian. (This is because I found out in older comics Bruce taught him to fight swashbuckler style, so he uses swords he switches out with his Escrima Sticks when needed)
Jason is their Gunner/Sniper and Cook, and he also is their Chronicler. He bitches a lot about the last two, but he refuses to let anyone take over the Cook role as he doesn't trust anyone else, but also enjoys writing their adventures down despite denying it.
Tim is their Information Gatherer and Chemist Expert, and knows the second most of Navigating. He and Bruce also are the ones who mostly make the weapons for the others, though most of them could if needed. He also shares Archaeologist duties with Bruce, though everyone partakes.
Cass is their Spymaster and Scout, and also "secret weapon" ie she kicks major ass and scares the shit out of their enemies cuz nobody expects the tiny half mute girl to be one of their frontline fighters <3
Stephanie is their Doctor, because I love the hc that she decides to become a Doctor and has been going to med school (and because I need someone to fill the position without Alfred here ^-^'), as well as their Tailor, though she splits that with Jason and Dick as needed. Though everyone knows Advanced First Aid due to their lifestyles.
I feel like Duke decides to pick up the position of Official Shipwright because they need someone to do so, and actually comes to really enjoy learning how to make and take care of ships properly.
Damian is their other Swordsman, due to his skill and pride in his swordsmanship. He is also their Beast Tamer, and secondary Spy. He's often thought to be a Cabin Boy, which pisses him off, but he's got actual positions on the ship, so he isn't despite his age. Some of the Old Guard have issues with how young he is, but it's not like anyone of them had a choice due to his past, and it's not like he hasn't earned the roles either. He's more experienced them most pirate crews!
They all switch out chores mostly evenly, Helm the ship, rigging, and do lookout duty, though often trade off when someone needs a break from the others due to the whole "trapped on a ship 24/7 hours together". Most of them know how to use instruments, so technically they all are the Musician, though they don't often do so. Damian plays his Violin the most, however, and has secretly enjoyed learning Sea Shanties to play. Dick is the one who bursts into song and knows almost endless sea shanties.
They're also all considered frontline fighters, which is strange for even a small pirate crew, but anyone can also easily switch to support or really any types of roles in a fight, which makes them even more odd. It's not often crews are very versatile, specially with how most of them can easily pick up the role or position of the roles another inhabits.
-At first I was unsure if they should ditch the costume or nah, but then I realized how hard it would to be to live in them like, 24/7 cuz they can't exactly treat this like patrol. Plus, wear and tear of the costumes would make it just unlikely they'd survive for the months or even years they're stuck in the OP world
So I decided that they do a mix-up. They keep a lot of their costume or costume elements but add more casual and piratey vibes in, both for comfort and style to fit in a little better, like these images.
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Bruce really didn't want to, same with ever taking off the masks or suits due to the risk of somehow being ID'd back in their world, but over time even Bruce has to admit they can't live in their suits or all call them only by their Vigilante names forever.
They still all wear masks for the most part, and how much they keep or get rid of varies between them, but yee.
Dick has a coat like above, but he also has a very nice black swashbucklers shirt he'll put over instead. Bruce was bullied into making his cowl only the top part of his face, but they got him a captains/swashbucklers hat that has similar bat ears on it as well to wear. They tried to find a Captain's coat that worked but in the end decided to stick with the cape.
Tim no longer has the full cowl of Red Robin but instead a half face one that also lets his hair free, and kept his "wing cape" and chest belts but overall went for something more casual but still armored.
Damian has changed the least with his Robin suit and refuses to really mess with it, though he will occasionally take the over-shirt off and wear a looser, more comfy shirt over the under-suit.
Uhhh the others I really don't have anything concrete but you get the idea for outfits lol
-The Whitbeards would really like them as pirates, they have soft spots for Crews that are Family, though they are not a fan of how young Damian is, even more so when they learn that apparently all the kids have been fighting since they were little, but eventually find out that Bruce liked it even less than they do, and he really had no other choice other than to teach them to do it safely then let them do it behind his back.
-Mihawk and Bruce would get along very well also btw
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dionysism · 1 month
hii, if you ever feel like it, i think it would be awesome if you made a list of greek mythology books (the ones you like or recommend, both tragedies and comedies) in order you'd prefer to have read them. as a complete beginner who's very interested in getting into greek mythology books and likes your blog, i think i'd like that very much :)
if you're a beginner i can definitely give you some recommendations!! the order thing is tricky because i mean, the timeline gets kinda wonky with greek mythos. it's a whole variety of mythos from different people, in different parts of ancient greece, at different points in time in ancient greece, so it doesn't all neatly follow one easily understandable timeline like a multi part book series would (like say, asoiaf or the vampire chronicles.. not that tvc isn't also kinda messy but i digress 💀) so it's not like i can be like "oh you should read x euripides play which would come after x sophocles play followed chronologically by this aeschylus play" even with the iliad and the odyssey, you could read the odyssey first if you wanted. i might even recommend that you do. the iliad has a lot of names and will go into multiple pages of lore on a character you will literally never see again and also the cataloguing the ships it just can be a tad overwhelming if you're new to it all 😭 for someone who's never read it before i'd usually recommend the fagles translation (for both)
it also depends on what you want to get into. greek mythology is big i mean i could list like a hundred different things for you to read. so you like both tragedy & comedy, thats a good start! are there any specific characters you're particularly curious about? i could always recommend you stuff i know of that features them
but just going generally, if you wanna hold off on the iliad and the odyssey and maybe start smaller then i really recommend plays. they're usually a fairly short read. i mentioned some plays (and translations) here (lots of euripides lol) but also i'll throw in a few more for you here and like i said, it really doesn't matter what order you read these in. you also don't have to read the translations i recommend, they're just the ones i have read and thus can speak on. honestly i recommend looking at the different options of translators & using that like couple pages of preview they give you online to see who's you think you want to read. 
oedipus rex, oedipus at colonus, antigone (i read antigone solo, and then went back and read the other two, but you can read them in the order listed too) all by sophocles. i've read the fagles translation and i honestly can't remember who's antigone i read originally. i borrowed it from my local library in high school sorry, but fagles' is really good!
trojan women (i read james morwood trans) & hecuba (i read william arrowsmith trans) both by euripides. these do take place post-iliad if that matters to you and you'd like to read the iliad first.
ajax (also takes place post-iliad) and philoctetes (the trojan war is still ongoing here but it is also after the events of the iliad as achilles is already dead) both by sophocles. you could read ajax first since it's mentioned in philoctetes that odysseus has achilles armor already so you would assume this is after the events of ajax. for ajax i read john moore's & philoctetes i read david grene.
i'll admit i haven't read as many comedies yet! really i've only read aristophanes. i already recommended lysistrata in the other ask i linked so let me give you a couple different ones.
the frogs. this is about dionysus going to the underworld to get euripides back and save athens. it's a political satire. also everything about what aristophanes and euripides had going on is hilarious. i read david barret's (updated) translation
women at the thesmophoria. this one is a play in which euripides gets accused of misogyny and asks agathon to dress up as a woman and spy on this all women festival but then agathon thinks the will get discovered and so euripides in law goes in his place. i also read david barret's for this one.
that's actually all. lol. i'm hoping to read the birds by him but i haven't yet. i read the clouds too but it was so long ago i don't even remember it i'd have to reread before saying anything
bonus: this isn't a play but if you're curious about the gods and more stories involving them you should check out the homeric hymns! i have the jules cashford translation. there's also the orphic hymns which i read right here
hopefully this is helpful? sorry if it's.. a lot 😭
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chief-ravenfeather · 7 months
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Shuttle, Shuttle, Boil and Buttle: Shuttlecraft in Star Trek
By Ames
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Diagrams emphatically not to scale here.
A Star to Steer Her By is hitting the open road today. Or open space, I suppose. Pack a lunch for a nice day trip because you can’t get too far in a shuttlecraft in Star Trek, but you still need some flexibility outside your massive hero ship. We’ve covered all those Federation starships before (check out parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 here!). Like they say, “warp’s fine if you like going fast in a straight line,” but what if we wanna do some offroading? Now it’s the little guys’ time to shine!
We’re only going to be looking at classic Trek shuttles from The Original Series through Enterprise because newer series just have too many types of shuttles to count and also because Ex Astris Scientia has a great selection of these shuttles chronicled for easier reference. So strap in and scroll on to see all the screengrabs we could find and listen to this week’s podcast episode (discussion at 1:01:56) for a couple games of “I Spy.” It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
[Images © CBS/Paramount, Ex Astris Scientia, Eaglemoss Ltd., probably others]
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TOS: Class F
This simple boxy affair is probably the most recognizable shuttlecraft, especially after the Galileo-7’s starring turn in the eponymous “The Galileo Seven,” among many other episodes throughout TOS. It’s definitely function over form with this basic brick of a vehicle, but that just makes it more endearing.
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TAS: Aquashuttle
The Animated Series had a little more flexibility to showcase some new designs, though just how much was getting designed is still really minimal on that cheapskate show. It was nice to see a craft that could transition from space to atmosphere to water when we saw this eraser stub of an aquashuttle in “The Ambergris Element,” so that’s something at least.
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TAS: Copernicus-type
We meet the Copernicus in “The Slaver Weapon” and it’s a cute little mosquito of a ship. Everything about her is just so pointy and sharp, and she looks fast to boot. We know very little else about this type of craft, but we appreciate her typical nacelles and her speedboat shape.
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TAS: Heavy shuttle
Comparatively more bulbous than the Copernicus we just looked at is this much heavier-looking shuttle from “Mudd’s Passion.” Again, we don’t see much of this thing, but it looks like it’s more durable and able to take a bit of a beating, and it even has a little bit of curve to its windshield!
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TOS Films: Travel pod
There’s much more budget by the time we get to The Motion Picture, so the model for this small travel pod that ferries crewmen around spacedock is pretty logical even if some of the compositing is… less so. The purpose of the pod is so simple that its design really reflects that. It even returns for a hot second in the final scene of The Voyage Home.
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TOS Films: Executive shuttle
We catch a couple of glimpses of the SD-103 Executive Shuttle from The Undiscovered Country, and again, it’s a pretty simple shape that does its job and then goes home for the day without needing to do much more. This one has a polite little wedge shape, clearly allowing the most room it can to move people back and forth and that’s that.
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TOS Films: Type 4 Shuttle
In The Final Frontier, we have a new Galileo and it’s looking like a pretty obvious progression from the original television show. This is what the Type F would look like if they’d had the money and time in the 60s, and we’re digging it. It has the same kind of pointy front, a window that could still stand to be bigger, and empty cavernous space inside that we expect from a shuttle.
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TNG Films: Hawking
I’m putting this one back to back with the Type 4 so you can appreciate the very slight differences between the Galileo and the Hawking that we see in Generations. Is it just the added side windows that’s particularly different? And why did it take them so long to add side windows in the first place?
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TNG: Type 15 Shuttlepod
Let’s step back to the rest of TNG, now that we’ve already gotten things out of order. We see these things throughout Next Gen and they’re like tiny little remote-controlled toy cars. You can barely fit one person in these things, let alone anything more than that. We hope you’re not flying too far because these flying mousedroids look cramped!
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TNG: Type 6 Shuttle
We see these things throughout TNG and Voyager. You’ll notice they are very very similar to the shuttle from Generations above, but a little more squished. One could surmise that the model designers whipped out the Type 4 from The Final Frontier since it was already of the necessary quality for film, and decided to take a cue from this shuttle for the extra windows!
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TNG: Type 7 Shuttle
A new design for yet another new Galileo. These things run concurrently with the Type 6 as we also see them consistently throughout TNG, but their design is much more distinct. Their edges are more rounded and their rumps more spankable. Their nacelles also look more like the Enterprise-D’s nacelles. They even come with two options for their much more curved window unit: long and extra long!
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TNG Films: Type 11 Shuttle
Picard and Worf chase Data around in Insurrection in one of these cute little doorstops. Everything about these shuttles looks pointy, from the face to the windows to the nacelles! It pretty much clicks that this is the kind of craft you’d find on the Enterprise-E, a ship that’s much longer and more streamlined than the rounder and more bloated D.
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TNG Films: Captain’s yacht
In Insurrection, we also steal a glimpse of the Cousteau, also known as the captain’s yacht. What the hell a more weaponized ship like the Enterprise-E needs with a yacht is debatable, but it’s got some of the more movie-era design elements on it, like the pointier nacelles and tapered face. We also like that it looks like those nacelles tuck in for easy storage!
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TNG Films: Argo
One last instance from the TNG films and it’s not a favorite (both the film and this vessel). In Nemesis, Picard and friends go down to a primitive planet in the Argo (great name; I’ll admit that), whose purpose seems mostly to be carrying a dune buggy for no damn reason. That aside, this shuttle also just looks unfriendly. More like a fighter jet than a diplomatic craft and that’s not our thing.
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DS9: Type 10 Shuttle
Apparently this thing, the Chaffee, lives on the Defiant, though we’re damned if we can figure out where because the Defiant doesn’t even seem big enough to house a full-sized shuttle of any kind, much less a shuttle bay. But in “The Sound of Her Voice” we do get a quick shot or several of this weird little dustbuster of a ship that shares the same tucked-in nacelle look as its mommy ship. Weird.
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DS9: Type 18 Shuttle
Oh boy, I’m glad Deep Space Nine mostly used Runabouts instead of these things because they’re goofy as all get out. They do get used in season 3 episodes “The Search” and “Destiny” before we settled into the Defiant, and it’s a good thing because the Type 18 just looks like an old school UFO or something, with a protruding undercarriage like a submarine ride in an amusement park. This design is just trying too hard.
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VOY: Type 8 Shuttle
We see these things mostly in early Voyager before the Delta Flyer is introduced, and they look so similar to the Type 6 in TNG that they may as well have not bothered with the update. When in doubt, always check if the nacelles look like they belong on your hero ship or not. That’s my rule of thumb, anyway.
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VOY: Type 9 Shuttle (AKA Class 2)
That rule also works on the other shuttle we see pretty frequently in Voyager, especially notably in “Threshold” when the Cochrane breaks the warp 10 barrier. It’s a nifty little ship, closer to the shuttles that we saw in Insurrection than the other series ships in that it looks streamlined and zippy and a little bit like a phaser without a handle.
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VOY: Delta Flyer
Once Voyager introduces the Delta Flyer in “Extreme Risk” early in season 5, we use this thing all over the place, even replacing it almost perfectly after it shatters to confetti in “Unimatrix Zero.” And it’s a solid design! It’s clear Tom put a lot of effort into the ship because it looks incredibly sturdy with its triangular shape, embedded nacelles like the Defiant has, and nifty front window that almost reminds me of a stained-glass window.
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VOY: SC-4 Shuttle
This special, slightly futuristic shuttle visits us in the series finale “Endgame.” It’s a lot like the Class 2 shuttle in its shape and resemblance to a phaser, but this one’s also got nifty shields like a suit of armor that it fits within! So that’s something to look forward to later in our watch.
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ENT: Inspection pod
Moving on to Enterprise, the last leg of our day trip. We’ve mentioned before how much we appreciate the design elements in Enterprise looked like the stepping stones between today’s space technology and the future aesthetics we see in Star Trek, and this little pod with its docking side and its conical shape flat out looks like the module on a modern rocket ship! Cool!
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ENT: Shuttlepod
We see an absolute ton of these things in Enterprise (in a majority of episodes, as a matter of fact!) because the transporter didn’t quite work consistently yet. So it’s shuttles or nothing for our prequel friends and this one is actually incredibly cute, with its sorta submarine feel and its cyclops-eye window like a porthole looking out into space.
— Get that barricade ready as we come into the shuttlebay. It’s so good to be back because we’ve got so much to do around the ship! We’re still traveling through the Delta Quadrant with Voyager over on SoundCloud or your favorite podcast application, we’re still sending out a distress signal on Facebook and Twitter, and we’re shuttling off to buttle-oh!
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mythuzalasheir3 · 1 year
General Spies Are Forever:
The Benefits Of Personal History- Owen Lives AU
Suffered Long Enough Or, Moving On (Together)- Torture Tango Reveal AU
Without A Clue- Soulmate AU
Torture Tango Reprise, Or The Horrors Of Staying Alive- Angsty Owen Lives AU
Remember… Remember… -Holloduke AU
Buddy, We’re Different Breeds- Werewolf! Curt and Vampire! Owen
The Downsides Of Personal History- Canon but from Owen’s perspective
The DMA Is Homophobic?!- The Kira is homophobic death note amv but Curtwen
Early Mornings- Curtwen first I Love You
King Of Hearts- Curtwen first meeting
Spies Never Die- Curt goes back for Owen AU
Bleeding Through- Post Fall Owen has identity issues
A Torn Page- SAF x House Of The Dragon Mashup AU Staircase scene
If A Spy Is A Spy And I Once Was A Spy - Curt’s journal entry before Spy Again
Always A Spy - Curt gets self reflective after retiring for real
Drowning - There was only one oxygen mask gone romantic
I’ll Find You In The Next Timeline - Roleswap!Owen meets Canon Curt
A Twist Of Fate- Roleswap AU, but Owen still joins Chimera
A Little Late For An Interview- Post Canon, Curt finds Chimera’s dossier on Owen
Death Cannot Stop True Love- SAF x Princess Bride AU
The Cursed Ship- Pirates of the Caribbean AU with Sparbossa Curtwen And Willabeth Tatibarb
Tati: The Vampire Slayer AU
Tati The Vampire Slayer- Curt finds out Tatiana is the Slayer
Spies Are Literally Forever: SAF x Hatchetfield Reincarnation AU Series
One Step Ahead (It’s How Its Always Been)-Curt/Howard remembers his past life on Black Friday when confronting Wilbur/Owen
The Gang’s Back Together (For The First Time [technically])- Curt/Howard and Owen/Wilbur reunite with Tati/Emma and Becky/Barb
Feeling A Lot Of Deja Vu Again- Owen’s Afterlife
The Worm Talk- The boys are soft
The Awakening of Wilbur Cross- Wilbur remembers his past life
Washington Comes To Hatchetfield- The gang meet for coffee at Beanie’s
Don’t You Forget About Me- Owen/Wilbur wingmans a holloduke reunion (ignore how this breaks lore hahahah)
Curtwen/Woward’s Nightmare Time- Wiggly tries to get his revenge
Awake For My Funeral- Curt’s Afterlife
Going Through The Unimaginable Twice- Tati/Emma reflecting on her siblings
General Hatchetfield Fics:
Only Murders In Hatchetfield - Only Murders In The Building Mashup AU
Once More, With Blue Shit - mashup AU with the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I’ll Carry A Torch For Us Both (I Knew You Once Upon A Dream) - Sleeping Beauty Holloweane AU
Once Upon A Time In Hatchetfield - OUAT mashup AU
The Hatchetfield High Tarot Card Consultancy- All Our Hidden Gifts x Hatchetfield
You Will Know Our Names-Holloweane as Noah and Mio in a Xenoblade chronicles 3 AU
Unlocking Your Soul- Persona inspired Hatchetfield
And We’ll Sing It Again (In The Next Timeline)- Hadestown x Hatchetfield
Biya, Duke- Sequel to YWKON, the ending of Chapter 5 of Xenoblade 3 but Holloweane
The Butterfly Effect- Hatchetfield x Life Is Strange, with Lautski Pricefield
The Last Of Hatchetfield (TLOUx Hatchetfield AU)
Is This The Eternal Dark Without A Dawn? (Hatchetfield x Until Dawn AU)
Spankoffski-Fosters Vs The Lords In Black Series
Video Game Fics:
Sparrow And Reaver: Road To Rule- Spreaver pirate adventure
The Legend Of Zelda: Hyrule Saviours- Ocarina of time but Malon’s the hero of time
Assassin’s Creed- Katia- lowkey self insert Ezio x Reader
Life Is Strange: Partners In Time- Max, Chloe and Rachel go back to stop the storm and hell week
Miscellaneous Fics
The Disappearance of Eudoria Holmes- Dr who x bbc sherlock x enola holmes
Coney Island Waltz- Love Never Dies Rewrite
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
men like you
See my full list of works here!
This is a prequel piece to my entry for the Invade Me Chronicles: revisiting Stuttgart
Summary: You were tasked to perform crowd control in Stuttgart, Germany, disguising yourself as a gala attendee. This is how you and Loki met.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions of bruises, but that's about it (i think) [let me know if i missed anything]
Things to be aware of: cussing, reader getting injuries from her altercation with Loki; translations for the German bits will be included at the Author's Notes
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"Agent Y/L/N, Captain, you're up," Fury commanded as another agent confirmed a 97% facial recognition match for the rogue Asgardian called "Loki" in Stuttgart, Germany. "Agent Romanoff, accompany them and pilot the Quinjet." 
"Yes, Sir," Natasha copied as she walked up to you. "Are you gonna be okay?" 
"Nat, I'll be fine. I'm just on crowd control. Okay, I'll be on the ground, making sure that if this guy starts giving any indicators that he's about to start hurting people, I can try and get as many out before the carnage starts." Your words were reassuring to the Russian spy, also your friend and mentor, but your tone? Your tone betrayed you. 
"Now say it like you believe it," she joked as you walked to the ship's closet, choosing a dress of gala-caliber, a wig, a face-morphing mask, and a few choice weapons. 
"I'll be fine," you repeated, trying to say it with your heart and not your doubtful mind. 
"Here," she hollered, tossing a green cocktail dress your way. "It's always been your color. Just because we're going into war doesn't mean you can't look good while fighting. And get the gold heels." 
Nat dropped you off on a helipad at a nearby building to avoid ripping into your "disguise". Once you made your way into the museum, mask and wig in place, you did your best to mingle with the partygoers until you started feeling a shift in the air. 
You weren't quite sure what you were on the lookout for, since the only thing you saw on the computer was his face. "So what is this, guys? I'll just be on the lookout for some unspeakably attractive guy with greasy hair and a glowy magic stick?" 
"He could also be disguising himself, Y/N. Just  be on the lookout for the sceptre," Nat's voice instructed in your ear. 
"Glowy stick. Gotcha." 
About half an hour into floating from group to group, you spotted movement from the second floor balcony. You hadn't spotted anyone even make their way up since you arrived. "Guys, I might have something. I think the real party's about to start." 
"Don't draw his attention, Agent Y/L/N. Start getting people out. Be subtle. And be careful." The Captain's voice rang a little too loudly into your earpiece. 
"Captain? Friendly advice, don't speak directly into the earpiece. You nearly blew out my eardrum there," you murmured while taking a sip of champagne. You got a better look at the figure on the balcony. Tall, broad shoulders, impeccable suit, greasy hair. Glowy stick. "He's here." 
You weaved yourself into a group of attendees blissfully unaware that mayhem was about to ensue. "Guten abend. I'm gonna need you to walk out of the museum as calmly as you can. Keep a leisurely pace. Don't draw any attention. Anyone you can take with you, grab their hand and keep walking. Once you reach the square? Keep going. There will be police officers present to escort you back to your vehicles." 
"Weshalb?" a middle-aged woman asked you. She looked alarmed, but nearly ready to heed your instructions.
"You see that man making his way down the stairs?" You motioned your head subtly the Asgardian's way. "We believe he's dangerous, and he's about to start hurting a lot of people. I'm just trying to get as many of you out as I can before he starts." You placed your hand on her shoulder and pleaded, "Bitte. Gehen. Jetzt. While you still have time. Remember, once you reach the square, keep moving until you find the police officers." 
Once that group started their way toward the exit, surprisingly and thankfully less conspicuously than you thought they would have done so, you risked a glance at the stairs, horrified to find out that Loki had halted his descent and was currently staring into the crowd.
No. At you. And the smug bastard was smirking. 
You brought your champagne flute to your mouth again, keeping your pace casual as you tried to make your way to another group. "Nat I think I've been made," you murmured into your glass with a smile as you repeated the same instructions. When you ducked into a significantly larger group, he started moving again, and you ditched your wig and mask. 
A few members of a third group of attendees just started their exit from the museum when you heard a loud crackfollowed by a thud and a chorus of gasps. "EVERYBODY GO! RUN! LAUF!" You shouted at the guests who were stunned into silence and non-movement. You made your way out of the museum as well, but as you did, you caught sight of the maniac staring right at you with a near sadistic smile on his face. As if he was going to enjoy breaking you.
Not today. 
You ran out to the square, yelling at everyone to keep going, that they weren't in the clear yet. Some listened, most stayed still. You stayed at the edge of the square, ushering out as many people as you could, one by one, watching in horror as you witnessed Loki's suit morph into gilded gold armor, his indicator to the rest of the world that he was most definitely not one of you.
As you turned your back to help an elderly couple out of the square, you felt a sharp tug on your arm, nearly dislocating it as you were pulled into a hard wall of metal. Dammit. Wasn't he at least 30 feet away from you? How'd he get to you so fast? 
"What do we have here?" a voice hissed into your ear. Fucking hell why'd his voice have to be hot, too? You thought to yourself. "A little girl wanting to play hero?" You fought against his grip, trying your best to use your whole body to build a semblance of momentum, before you felt another sharp tug on your opposite arm. You looked to the origin of the force, shocked to find another one of him holding you firmly in place.
"For fuck's sake, you can clone yourself??" you spat out, still fighting against their holds. 
And then you watched, your heart dropping to the ground as another four materialized, surrounding the entire square, their sceptres all glowing the same ominous blue, as they all simultaneously yelled "KNEEL!" at the people who were yet to escape, watching in despair as they all followed his command. Then the four clones surrounding the square disappeared, leaving only the two holding you in place, and a third one, who you suspected was the real one, stalking your way.
"That was your cue, little girl," the clone to your left told you as the clone to your right kneed the back of your leg. Did it hurt? Yes. But you kept your stance as strong as you could manage, refusing to buckle. "Are you truly going to fight against this? You need not make this any more of a struggle."
The third one was in front of you now, holding the bottom of your face harshly in one hand, his fingers digging into the skin of your cheeks. You knew they'd bruise after this entire ordeal was over. Whenever that was. 
"Quite the spitfire," he hissed at you, his hold on you tightening from all three of them. "But you've made a grave error in choosing your alliances, pet." 
"Error?" you spat back. "You need two of you to hold me down, I'd say I'm doing something right." Your teeth began to hurt with how hard he was gripping you, an annoying pressure building at the top of your head, right between your brows. 
"You can make this less painful," he taunted. "You need only kneel." 
"Go to hell." 
Something in his eyes shifted for a split second, before glaring at you again with derision. "I've been to hell. They won't have much mercy for pretty mortals like you." You tilted your head at him, a poor decision given his hold on you because now there was more pressure against your teeth. "You'll be wiser to align yourself with me. Just kneel." 
"I don't kneel," you sneered. "Especially not to pricks like you." 
"You've not met any man like me," he answered you back with a dark chuckle. "Let's try this again, shall we?" Both the clones at your sides kneed your legs this time, the force making you buckle which they used as momentum to force you to your knees. 
At least he finally let go of your face. But at what cost? 
"Hmm…" He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted your head up to look at him, making him chuckle again. "Nothing quite as exquisite as a beautiful spitfire of a woman on her knees." He stroked your bottom lip with his thumb. "Perhaps I'll keep you. Give your precious heroes something to fight for." He forced your lip into a pout. "Oh the things I could do with you, pet." 
"You wouldn't know what to do with a woman like me," you hissed. 
He crouched down so that your faces were level with one another, tilting your head to the side roughly and bringing his lips to your ear. "We shall see about that, pet." You felt the faintest sensation of his teeth grazing the shell of your ear before he abruptly released you, leaving his clones to hold you down, and turned to face the crowd again. "Is not this simpler?" he addressed the kneeling citizens.
He went on about how freedom was an illusion, about how we fool ourselves into thinking that was what we truly craved when at our cores, we craved to be controlled. "In the end, you will always kneel," he finished. 
An elderly man stood from his knees, bravely facing Loki with a defiance you were struggling to find within yourself. What was it with this guy, and why weren't you fighting against the hold anymore? "Not to men like you," he protested. Dammit, Grandpa, get back down, this lunatic will not hesitate to use that stick to strike you down.
"There are no men like me," the Asgardian answered back with a bravado that almost felt…off. 
"There are always men like you," the elderly man said, head held high.
He let out another chuckle before pointing his sceptre at the man. "Look  to your elder, people. Let him be an example." Before the beam from his sceptre hit its target, you saw a flash of blue, red, and white fall from the sky and land in between the beam and the man. 
"Fuckin' A, Cap. Nice timing," you murmured to yourself, earning a shove from the clone to your left. You shoved back, your shoulder aching in protest as it hit his leather-clad thigh. 
"Such a shame your allies came when they did," the clone to your right crooned. "We could have had some fun before they retrieved you." 
"In your dreams, alien boy." 
"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everyone else…We ended up disagreeing." Cap this is not the time for heroic one-liners, you thought to yourself. You watched as he went toe-to-toe against the invader, having his shield disarmed from him but also effectively disarming Loki of his own weapon a few moments after. 
"Y/N, babes, you're gonna be okay," you heard Nat's voice come through on your earpiece. "You did good, Agent." 
"It looks like our time together's come to an end, pet." You looked to the clone to your right as the words came out, noting the effort that was notably straining his face. And then both clones disappeared, releasing you from their hold, your body nearly dropping to the ground had you not put your hands in front of you to break your fall. 
You scrambled to your feet, making a run for the sceptre just as Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit blasted the Asgardian straight to his ass and landing on the ground. When he landed, he has his blasters pointed to where Loki landed. "Make your move, Reindeer Games." You pointed his own weapon at him, halfway ready to blast him yourself just because.
He put his hands up in surrender and his golden armor disappeared in a flash of green. 
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As the soldier and the man in the iron suit led Loki to their flying vessel, the god couldn't help but look back and steal glances at your staggering form trailing behind them. He could hear you wincing every few steps, muttering something under your breath that sounded like expletives in multiple languages.
Once he was situated in one of their seats, the two men who dragged him there began arguing about straps. 
"Stark, you should know how to strap people in to this, you do it." 
"And risk him biting off my hand? Do you see the crazy on him? You do it, Capsicle." 
"I'll do it," he heard you as you slowly made your way up the ramp and into the ship with the rest of them. You shoved your comrades out of your way. "Just move, you fucking babies." 
As you moved to secure him into his seat, Loki found his mind clearing just a fraction from the hold that The Other had on him. His urges becoming less bloodthirsty, his thoughts sounding more like his own. He found himself admiring you as more than just a plaything for his baser urges, or as a recipient of the torture he wished to inflict as a way to even out the pain that was subjected upon him. 
"Wunderschön," he murmured as he kept his eyes on you. He knew you would understand, you'd spoken to all those that you saved in snippets of the language. 
You glared at him, and he saw the bruise beginning to form on the bottom half of your face. He felt a pit in his stomach as he began to tell himself that those bruises would be a perfect match against his fingers. He did that to you, bruised you, marked you. 
Hurt you.
"Teufel," you spat back at him, before you turned your back to his view and spoke with the pilot. "Babes, suit please." The woman in the pilot's seat tossed you a garment and you walked into a corner and reached for the zipper on your dress. 
"Agent Y/L/N, you should probably wait until you're in a less…voyeuristic environment," your Captain instructed you. 
You didn't miss a beat as you answered him back. "Captain if you feel uncomfortable with partial nudity, then kindly turn around. I don't want to stay in this dress any longer than I have to." To punctuate your point, you pulled the zipper all the way down and peeled the arms of your dress off of you.
The pit in his stomach smarted worse as more of your skin was exposed, and he caught sight of the bruising he caused throughout the rest of you. The backs of your legs, your shoulders, your forearms, even the entirety of your left torso. 
The sounds you made as you put your legs through the new garment made him wince. He could hear the discomfort in you, the sting, the pain in the injuries he caused. 
"Hold on. Agent Y/L/N?" Stark said in your direction. "Please hold still."
"Goddamn, Stark, are you scanning me?" you grumbled, following his request. "What's wrong?"
"Your shoulder's fractured. Hold on, shit, that's nearly dislocated. You gotta get that checked when we get back to base." 
As you shrugged on the top half of your suit, Loki felt a peculiar sharp pain in his chest as you let out a strangled cry of pain, most likely from the near dislocated shoulder. He watched as you powered through and zipped up your new suit. "Thanks, Stark. I'll be sure to do that once we're back on base." Then you turned to the pilot once more. "I'm sorry, babes. I didn't see him anywhere, he must've slipped out in the middle of…everything." 
You slumped into a seat near the pilot and let out a broken sigh, your features contorting in a clear mixture of discomfort and pain. The longer he spent away from the sceptre, the longer that he stayed out of contact with The Other, the more clarity and control he had over his own thinking. His thoughts felt more like his own now, and they were filled with the instinct to apologize for inflicting that pain on you. 
To heal you. To restore you to your unmarred state when he first saw you. 
If you would allow him.
However, before he could get a word out, lightning began to strike all around the ship, telling him that at the moment, he had bigger problems to contend with. 
Perhaps when this was all over, he could find a way to earn your forgiveness. Whenever that would be. 
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A/N: Apparently I am incapable of writing a story without having Loki be some form of soft, even when he's supposed to be in his villain era. Dammit.
But at least now we all know why he wanted to give Y/N that do-over at the end of 'revisiting Stuttgart' 😏🥺
Translations: Guten abend – Good evening Weshalb – why Bitte. Gehen. Jetzt. – Please. Go. Now. LAUF – RUN Wunderschön – beautiful Teufel – Devil
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston
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Ada Wong Headcanon related to Separate Ways (Spoiler Free):
So in Separate Ways, there is a feature only unique to Ada where when she sees a clue like a footprint, her left eye has a fancy spy contact lens that shows her where to use her grappling hook and hints for puzzles (which were pretty easy to solve).
I also thought of Umbrella Chronicles and how she somehow, someway survived.
So what if Ada either lost an eye from her nasty fall in the Remake timeline or had a nasty eye injury to the point where it needed to be replaced?
When Ada survived, her left eye was bandaged up and bloody alongside the rest of her body. And because… Ada is a spy who also stole and sold bioweapons and viruses on the black market like the G-Virus she was after at the time, Wesker was intrigued by her work saved her as a brand new tool for him to use.
With Ada not seeing what Wesker looked like when he saved her and only communicating with him via radio and he kept his name anonymous up until she was picked up on a helicopter all thanks to the fancy grapple hook he gifted her and he told her, “If you want to prove to me that you’re as capable as I’ve been told, try to make it out of this city. It’s about to explode in half an hour. Good luck.”
When Ada did make it to the chopper just barely, she saw Wesker and when she was taken in his ship seen in Separate Ways, Wesker had Ada have a special eye that could be of use to her on her spy missions.
That’s basically what I thought of when it came to her fancy spy lens on her left eye as I also thought, “hmm… that is placed in the same area as her face bandages from Umbrella Chronicles. Maybe Wesker also had a hand in that?”
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familyparadox · 1 year
13’s life after season eleven is a plot organised by a Wartime Power
I mean in the first episode she meets Ada Lovelace mastermind of the Clockwork Ouroboros affair
At some point she meets and travels for a with with a former member of the the Faction after being embroiled in a plot to restart the Time War (interestingly not the War in Heaven however 13 mentions that the Faction vanished from time before the Last Great Time War? Did they vanish to fight in a higher war?) however no Stories beyond their meeting have been published what happened to her? (Retro annulled or infected with the Biodata virus)
In the The Haunting of Villa Diodati we meet Byron and the rest of the Shelly Cable who are know to be heavily aly affiliated with the Faction with Byron in fact being a member
We also meet the Lone Cyberman who feels very similar to Godparent Pinocchio, and we all know the Cybermen are a Faction plot of some kind as I have previously discussed.
The Timeless Child plot stinks like the Other. The Cybermasters? An expansion of the the Faction Schemes? And we all know the Master is the War King are the Faction playing him or is he playing the Faction?
Flux feels like one of the Latter Faction Paradox EDA’s (Shadows of Avalon, The Ancestor, Galifray Chronicles ect) we have temporal Paradox’s, the Anchoring of the Thread and ancient conspiracy stretching all the way back to the Dawn of History, the binding of the pre universe’s time is reminiscent of the Carnival Queen affair. And the Ravagers feel like an kind of mutated Mal’akh and with the skull like faces and great fashion sense perhaps the grandfather was inspired by them perhaps the dead bodies of the Ravages other than those we see became the amour the Faction mask themselves with. Of course the Faction would want to tear down time just to see what happens, of course this could all be an Enemy plot instead?
The Passengers feel very Type 103 form but a crude model? Or Perhaps the missing Babels sent back in time and where enslaved by the Ravager Mal’akh?
Of course we all know that the Grand Serpent is a Brax perhaps one of the many splinters of Brax all out playing the long game for the greater good. (Perhaps a Renegade Brax who has succumbed to Pandora?) and Brax was heavily involved on the fringes of the War.
And finally we come to the modus operandi Power of the Doctor. In this we realise that the War King (the Master) is Rasputin (a noted member of the Faction) who has been mind controlling the royal family of Russia and this must include a young Anastasia who famously defected from the Faction alongside Rasputin who we now know is the War King not to mention the Cybermasters, or I shall use and older name one in reference to the Quantum Archangel the Cyberlords, and the Daleks are being used in the Masters crusade against the Master.
The Cyberlords worked with the Time Lord’s during the the War in Heaven as did the Daleks, and all these where led by the War King against the Enemy.
May in propose this the Spy Master incarnation is the same incarnation as the War King, the Allies of the Great House amassed to fight the Doctor this is most definitely a field of the War. The Master claims to have killed the Time Lords but perhaps he has only just escaped from his old ship and awoken in the ruins of a Post War Homeworld and this this is the final skirmish of the War in Heaven. The Faction are in ruins (see the Wintertime Paradox) the Homeworld is shattered (Spyfall, Zagreus Et al) this is the last stand of the Great Houses against their Enemy and who are the allies of the Houses all fighting together in a great alliance?
The Doctor.
Weather this means anything or not well that’s up to you to decide
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lovelymaryj-recs · 11 months
Hello! This is my fanfiction recommendation blog. The fics in this blog were written by various authors from AO3, Quotev, and Tumblr. If you're looking for fics posted on Wattpad, please go to my Wattpad profile and check out my reading lists.
This blog isn't dedicated to any particular fandom, so don't be fooled by whatever my blog's current theme is. I post what I like. My main criterion to determine whether or not I post a fic here is whether or not I want to reread a fic someday. I'm a simple woman. (This blog is basically my library.)
Most of the fanfictions here are female reader or OC inserts. It's quite rare for me to post character/character fics because it's also rare for me to read character/character fics. Also, most, if not all, ships are straight. If they're supposed to be a gay ship, one of them is probably genderbent. Sorry. If that's not your cup of tea, you're free to click/tap away. Additionally, some fics may include dark content. If you don't know how to define that, maybe you shouldn't be looking at this blog. As always, you're free to leave if you don't like such fics.
Fandoms, characters and ships available (in alphabetical order, mostly):
[Note: To look for fics more efficiently, type the character/ship/fandom name in the search bar. Look for the name you used in the search bar in the tags of the results/posts. Click on the tag.
TLDR: Search by tags instead of just looking up the name using the search bar.]
Assassination Classroom | Anatsu Kyoushitsu (ASSCLASS)
Akabane Karma
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Avatar: The Legend of Korra (LOK)
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The (TBOSAS) | The Hunger Games (THG)
Coriolanus Snow
Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji (BB)
Alois Trancy Ciel Phantomhive Sebastian Michaelis
Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook
Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
Dazai Osamu
Batfamily & Batsis Bruce Wayne Damian Wayne Damian Wayne / Mar'i Grayson (Demonfire) Jason Todd Kaldur'ahm Kyle Rayner Dick Grayson Roy Harper
Death is the Only Ending for a Villainess | Villains are Destined to Die
Penelope Eckhart | Cha Siyeon / Callisto Regulus (Calliope)
Folk of the Air, The (TFOTA)
Jude Duarte / Cardan Greenbriar (Jurdan)
Genshin Impact (GI)
Diluc Ragnvindr
Akaashi Keiji Bokuto Koutarou Hinata Shouyou Hoshiumu Kourai Iwaizumi Hajime Kozume Kenma Kuroo Tetsurou Meian Shuugo Miya Atsumu Miya Osamu Oikawa Tooru Sakusa Kiyoomi Sawamura Daichi Sugawara Koushi Suna Rintarou Tsukishima Kei Ushijima Wakatoshi
Harry Potter (HP) | Marauders
Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger (Dramione) Female Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy (Drarry) James Potter James Potter / Female Regulus Black (Jegulus) Regulus Black Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (HPMA)
Daniel Page
Hogwarts Legacy (HPHL)
Ominis Gaunt Sebastian Sallow
Honkai: Star Rail (HSR)
Dan Heng / Stelle (Danstelle)
How to Train You Dragon (HTTYD)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
Fushiguro Megumi Fushiguro Toji Getou Suguru Gojo Satoru Ieri Shoko Itadori Yuuji Kugisaki Nobara Kamo Chousou Nanami Kento Ryoumen Sukuna
Little Women
Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
Love and Deepspace
Marvel | Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Bucky Barnes Loki Peter Parker
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (MLB)
Adrien Agreste
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia (MHA | BNHA)
Amajiki Tamaki Bakugou Katsuki Shinsou Hitoshi Takami Keigo Todoroki Shouto Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Night Manager, The
Jonathan Pine
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO) | Riordanverse | Heroes of Olympus (HOO)
Apollo / Female Percy Jackson (Perpollo) Female Percy Jackson Percy Jackson
Shadowhunter Chronicles, The (TSC)
Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray (Jessa) Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Herongraystairs) Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Wessa)
Loid Forger / Yor Briar Forger (Twiyor)
Tears of Themis (TOT)
Artem Wing Luke Pearce Marius von Hagen Vyn Richter
Tokyo Revengers (TOKREV)
Akashi Takeomi Haitani Ran Haitani Rindou Hanemiya Kazutora Kakuchou Kokonoi Hajime Sano "Mikey" Manjirou Sanzu Haruchiyo
Choi Yeonjun
Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
Ace Trappola Azul Ashengrotto Cater Diamond Deuce Spade Epel Felmier Floyd Leech Idia Shroud Jack Howl Jade Leech Jamil Viper Kalim Al-Asim Leona Kingscholar Lilia Vanrouge Malleus Draconia Riddle Rosehearts Rook Hunt Ruggie Bucchi Sebek Zigvolt Silver Trey Clover Vil Schoenheit
Umbrella Academy, The (TUA)
Five Hargreeves
Willy Wonka
There are more fics of certain fandoms and there are more fics of certain characters. Nonetheless, as long as they're listed above, there's at least one (1) fanfiction of them in here somewhere.
Happy reading! <3
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le--fruitcake · 5 months
Salutations, sire! I was so taken by the milk of the word that I simply had to ask for more wisdom. I was curious to hear more of your opinions on Japanese characters being played by people who aren't Japanese, as I'm not very sure the extent of that issue.
Ah, my vassal returns! Delighted to hear thou wast taken in by mine ramblings. Welcome back, and pray rest thyself. To thy right, thou shalt find the finest refreshments and chilled drinks. Pray enjoy.
Allow me to preface this by saying: I am a white man. I am not an expert on Japanese culture, but I do know a decent amount about the samurai and a little bit about how Edo period Japan worked up until the 1800s or so, when the Black Ships arrived from the West.
I really don’t like the way Hollywood tends to cast any Asian person for roles that are specific to certain ethnicities. It gives me the impression they think Asian people are interchangeable, that Asia has one single culture, and not many individual cultures, each with their own histories and peoples and legends.
I am not the first person to talk about this, and Asian people have spoken on the subject as well. I really liked this article, which says many of the same things I think, and this one, which mentions the term “Asian-washing,” which is an interesting way to put it. I think they’re worth a read— after you finish reading this (or not. I’m not your dad).
This is not anything against the actors who play these roles, simply an observance of the tendencies of the agencies by which they were cast.
Read that last paragraph again, O Ye who Piss on the Poor.
Alright, now to the meat and potatoes, as it were.
Many times, whether in movies, books, games, or TV shows, there are characters that are either Japanese or that world’s equivalent, if it is a fantasy world like the one Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time takes place in. Some of these fantasy characters hail from the east, carry gracefully curving blades, wear their glossy, straight black hair in a topknot, and have a strong sense of duty and honor— some of the more common stereotypes for a 士 (samurai). Perhaps the character is a spy and assassin, trained in every kind of combat known to mankind, poisons, stealth, et cetera— your average 忍 (Shinobi, ninja. Technically, “ninja” would be 忍者, with 忍 being “endurance”, lit. a blade and a heart, and 者 being person) stereotype. Many times, in the medias I consume, I notice that these types of characters are often portrayed (in live action) or voiced by (in animation) other Asian people, and rarely actual Japanese people.
For example, in the aforementioned Wheel of Time, Lan Mandragoran hails from Shienar in the Borderlands, an area heavily inspired by Japan and Japanese culture, including lacquer armor, hot springs, and a focus on honor, loyalty, and combat— the tenets of 武士道 (bushidō, lit. “the path of the warrior”). Lan was, if you ask me, inspired in part by Toshirō Mifune, a very famous actor who was in many of Akira Kurosawa’s samurai movies from the 1960s, including Yōjimbō, Seven Samurai, Sanjuro, and many others. In the live-action show that came out in 2021, Lan is portrayed by Daniel Henney, who is Korean.
Another example, also from Wheel of Time, is the character Amaresu, wielding her Sword of the Sun. Japanese mythology fans and people who played Ōkami alike can easily draw the connection between her and 天照 (Amaterasu, lit. “Heavenly Illumination”], the Japanese goddess of the sun. However, despite the blatant reference to an actual Japanese mythological figure, the woman who depicts her in the show is Vietnamese (as best as I can tell— PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.)— Hélène Tran. She plays a very minor role overall, but it’s still dishonest to the character and disrespectful the Goddess Herself to depict Her as an ethnicity She is not.
Gennosuke Murakami, the rhinoceros bounty hunter from Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, is voiced by Aleks Le, who is Vietnamese-American. I don’t blame Stan Sakai for this, and to be fair, very few of the English Samurai Rabbit cast is actually Japanese. Kitsune is voiced by Shelby Rabara, a Filipino woman; Auntie is voiced by Sumalee Montano, a Filipino-Thai woman; and Lord Kogane is voiced by ProZD/SungWon Cho, who is, as you likely know, a Korean-American.
In The Old Guard, which you should watch if you haven’t seen it already, the character Quýnh is the only one of the titular Old Guard who is not in the comics. The reason for this is the actress Veronica Ngô, a Vietnamese woman, was cast for the role of Noriko— the actual character from the comics, who is Japanese, as the name implies. However, to her credit, she protested, and said she was Vietnamese, not Japanese. The director of The Old Guard reached out to see if they could accommodate that. They changed the character to Quýnh instead, and we went along our merry way.
In the 2008 movie Speed Racer, both the side character Taejo Togokhan and his sister Horuko Togokhan seem to be intended to be vaguely Japanese, but neither are played by Japanese actors, and look nothing like people who came from the same country, and much less the same woman. Taejo is played by Rain, a Korean man, and Horuko is played by Yu Nan, a Chinese woman. No matter what the intended ethnicity was here, the fact that two people from different countries were cast as siblings is baffling to me.
In the 2005 movie Memoirs of a Geisha (芸者, female entertainer, lit. “technique/art/craft person”. A common misconception with geisha is that they are prostitutes; this is not true. They are dancers, performers, that kind of thing, though Iwasaki-san says there were some women who did sleep with their clients, though she says this “happens in any field”), three Chinese women were cast for the three leading roles. It is important to understand that, during the 1920s-1940s, the era in which the film takes place, Japan kidnapped thousands of Chinese and Korean women and forced them into sexual slavery for the Japanese soldiers. Now, everyone disliked this. China and Japan both gave the movie negative reviews, and the movie ended up being banned in China due to multiple reasons, including the fact that they saw it as wrong that Chinese women played Japanese geisha. Japan didn’t like it because it did not accurately represent geisha, and, for many, the fact that Chinese women were cast to play characters in a role that is uniquely Japanese.
In addition, the actual geisha who interviewed with the author, Mineko Iwasaki, and to whose life several of the experiences of the main character directly parallel, didn’t like the movie or the book, saying that it inaccurately portrayed the geisha lifestyle. She also says the author, Arthur Golden, said he would keep her involvement confidential, but he went on to credit her in the book’s acknowledgment and in interviews.
There is a whole rabbit hole about this movie and book in particular, but I’ll leave you with this article for further reading, if you are interested.
Splinter, specifically the Splinter in TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, is voiced by Jackie Chan. There are several things wrong with this— for starters, Jackie Chan is Chinese, and for seconds, there is no connection between Mutant Mayhem Splinter and Hamato Yoshi (the man that either owned Splinter when he was a rat or becomes Splinter himself), with this version of the rat master having grown up fully in the streets of New York. If anything, he should have a heavy New York accent, but instead, Seth Rogen decided Jackie Chan should voice him. This, I blame squarely on Seth Rogen and/or whoever he hired to pick the cast. The 1987 and 2003 shows had white men voicing him, and the 1990s movies had a Black man voice him, who are obviously not Japanese, but this essay is more so about Asian people who are not Japanese playing Japanese characters. The 2012 series has a Korean man (Hoon Lee) voice him, though he has decent Japanese pronunciation. In Rise, he is played by Eric Bauza, who is Filipino. None of these men are Japanese! However, there is one Splinter who was voiced by a Japanese man...
...Which leads me to the next part of this essay. Characters who are Japanese, and actually played by Japanese people! Hooray!
In the 2007 TMNT movie, Splinter is voiced by Mako— yes, that Mako, the same one who voiced Uncle Iroh. Mako was Japanese-American. In the 1990 TMNT movie, Shredder was played by an actual Japanese man, James Saito, but was replaced for the sequel by François Chau, a man of Chinese and Vietnamese descent. Both Shredders were voiced by David McCharen, a Japanese-American man (if Turtlepedia is to be believed. Seriously, it has the only information I can find on his ethnicity, though his IMDB page says he was born in Japan).
Also in Samurai Rabbit, Yūichi is voiced by Darren Barnet, whose mother was a Swede of Japanese descent. Chizu was voiced by Mallory Low, who is Japanese-, Chinese-, Filipino-, and Hawaiian-American. Miyamoto Usagi was voiced by Yuki Matsuzaki, who did an amazing job, and actually voiced Usagi in the 2012 TMNT crossover several years prior! He also voices Usagi in the TMNT beat-’em-up game, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, in which Usagi is a DLC character, and the best $8 I ever spent.
In Pacific Rim, the character Mako Mori was played by Rinko Kikuchi, a Japanese woman. I haven’t seen this movie, but I want to.
I am not the first person to talk about this issue, and I hope I am not the last. I am going to reiterate, for Ye who Piss on the Poor, that this essay is in no way intended to do anything except point out some the specific characters who were played by people who do not match the ethnicity of the character they are playing, and the fact that this tends to happen a lot to Asian characters. I mention Japanese characters specifically because A) that is what Mr. Tehmhachi asked me about and B) that is what I notice, given that I tend to consume Japanese/Japan-inspired medias because I am 歴男.
I am in absolutely no way saying any of these actresses or actors shouldn’t have played the roles. I am only lamenting the fact that so many times, casting agencies or Hollywood or whoever see Asian people as a conglomerate, instead of a variety of richly cultured peoples that deserve accurate representation. I believe any and all characters should be played by people who match the intended ethnicity.
...And that’s all I have to say. Sorry this took so long, I wanted to make sure all my information was as correct as I could get it. For further reading on the topic of casting the wrong ethnicity for the Asian character, there are some articles you can read here and here.
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str1ga · 6 months
ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀꜱ. ᴀᴘᴇx ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴏʀꜱ ᴡʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴀʟʟ-ꜱᴇᴇɪɴɢ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴅᴇᴛᴀᴄʜᴍᴇɴᴛ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪɴ ɪᴛꜱ ᴇɴᴛɪʀᴇᴛʏ. ɴᴏᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴʏ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇꜱᴛ ꜱᴏʀʀᴏᴡ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜʀɪʟʟɪɴɢ ꜱᴀᴛɪꜱꜰᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʟɪꜰᴇ. ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴ. -- ʟᴏᴜɪꜱ ᴅᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴇ ᴅᴜ ʟᴀᴄ
Tumblr media
private mutually exclusive vampire multimuse. written by bee. primarily written in the first person. mature themes present 21+ only.
heavily affliated with: @agedrot @benefeco @fyllakas @maramcna @faebloods @badwo1f
promo. memes.
ONE . The first rule of my blogs will literally always be don’t be a dick. I don’t have time for it. You don’t have time for it. Just don’t do it.
TWO . I don't have any triggers, but if you do please let me know!! this blog will contain a boat load of triggering content including but not limited to gore, violence, and mature situations. I generally don't tag triggers unless I'm asked, but I tag things with NSFW when it needs to be.
THREE . I do practice mains and exclusives, because sometimes you just click with people and that's ok! I will follow duplicates of MY muse, but unless it's a friend, I generally won't follow duplicates of exclusive muses.
FOUR . This blog is limited to interactions with mutuals. i always follow back / follow first if i feel like we can write together. if i haven't followed you back after a few days, it probably means i won't be following back to write. for the sake of my profession (i'm a high school age educator) i will not be following back anyone younger than 21.
FOUR CONT. While i do not follow back younger than 21 because i feel icky if you're young enough to be my student, my messages are always open if you ever need anything! if you need an adultier adult to talk to about something i can always try to be that for anyone. i know how important trusted adults are.
FIVE . This blog will be mostly private. I'm here for a good time not a long time. If you want to write with me, the best way is to DM me and say yo bitch let's RP.
SIX . My name is bee. i'm 32 years old. i've been writing on tumblr for like 10 years and rping in general for over half my life. i met my significant other through rp. we just moved across the country so i could go to rabbinical school. obviously i'm super busy but i love making friends!
CREDITS . so far everything on this blog is made by me! including the PSDs.
all muses are canon divergent in some way. if there is a link on a character's name please click it for more info.
caius of the volturi coven. over three thousand. appears twenty-three. aromantic demisexual. single ship with @agedrot. fc: sam reid.
felix of the volturi coven. two thousand. appears twenty. single ship with @fyllakas. fc: jacob elordi.
bella swan. twenty-five. aromantic lesbian. note: heavily au. series takes place while she is in college and living with her dad. she grows tired of waiting for edward to turn her and instead @agedrot turns her after eclipse. no kids. only written as a vampire. fc: naomi scott.
jasper hale of the volturi coven. one hundred. appears twenty. demiromantic pansexual. note: heavily au. stolen from maria by caius and not carlisle. is sent to the cullens to spy on them. returns to the coven with bella. fc: timothée chalamet
louis de pointe du lac. over one hundred. appears thirty three. homoromantic homosexual. mostly follows amc canon. fc: jacob anderson.
astarion ancunín. two hundred. appears thirty nine. panromantic pansexual. rouge/ranger. deeply not ascended ever. fantasy as well as modern verses. fc: aaron tveit.
eric northman. two thousand. appears twenty five. panromantic pansexual. i'm here to right canon wrongs. fc: alexander skarsgard.
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vanillahina · 1 year
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I'm figuring out Tumblr...I think! Hello there, friends!
My name is Vanilla, I'm a French Canadian (tokébec icitte!) gal who's working hard to become a constant VTuber content creator. Drawing, writing, streaming, you name it.
I especially love creating content for the Xenoblade Chronicles Trilogy. That, and also Pokemon (including my OCs, though you won't see them here very often). I'm also a huge fan of Spy X Family, though I don't create content for it (...yet?).
Tags, favorite ships and others below:
Posts-related tags: vanilla streams / vanilla writes / vanilla reblogs / vanilla art / Poké Art / Xeno Art
Favorite characters: (xbc1) Shulk, Alvis, Fiora, Riki | (xbc2) Malos, Pyra, Mythra, Nia. | (xbc3) A, Taion, Sena, Na'el, Matthew | (Pokemon) Adaman, Irida, Kieran, Raihan, Sapphire
Favorite ships: Shulk/Alvis (Shalvis) | Melia/Fiora (Meliora) /| Jin/Malos | Rex/Pyra | Mythra/Nia | Taion/Eunie | Eunie/Ashera | Adaman/Irida | Raihan/Leon | Ruby/Sapphire | Twilight/Yor
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