pinayelf · 2 years
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Ilao is the apple of mamae and papae’s eyes. She is also round like an apple ❤️
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pdraxxi · 18 days
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Template by @riessene My son Adren(rook) cannot wait to play him im so excited!!
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teamdilf · 30 days
Solas finally speaks to Iris.
Iris has taken a small room with a single bed, and when he knocks on the door, she answers it, her eyes red and lacking the eyeliner and eyeshadow she normally wears. Around her neck sits the sending crystal she uses to speak to Dorian. “Would you join me in my quarters?” he asks before he can stop himself and she nods, denying him even the sound of her voice. Listlessly, she follows him down the hall to his own room, with the double bed, fireplace, leather couch, and vanity.
That he has little need for a vanity and thought only of Iris and what it might be like to share a home with her when he purchased it is a memory that makes his heart ache. She sits on the brown leather couch, staring at the cinders in the unlit fireplace, still saying nothing, and he realizes that it will be up to him to bridge the gap between them.
“Rook suggested I buy you a pony,” he blurts out before he can say literally anything else and he cringes. Once, he took pride in his smooth words and now he’s rambling to his ex-lover about ponies.
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sharpe-teeth · 1 year
copying @midnight-coffee94 ☺️
Using this picrew I made myself and my babes!
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The top is me! Bottom is Samahl (L) and Numeira (R)! Im not thrilled with the options for Sam but I think me and Num came out really well!
I'm not good at tagging games so whoever wants to do this should!!
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delicatefade · 9 months
Eilan receives a letter from Lex
Excerpt from my kissy kissy elves draft. Dragon age setting, but it's all OCs. My OC is Eilan Lavellan and @bluewren’s OC is Lex Lavellan. They are twenty years old and a new-ish couple. Lex has been off on a solo adventure and Eilan has not seen or heard from him in three months. wc: 471
The clan had just reached a trade post outside Ostwick. Eilan’s uncle Nerel made a trip to see Oscar, an old shem who had long been a clan trade partner and who held mail for Dalish clans at no extra charge. When Nerel returned to camp he announced that he had letters from Lex. He handed out the letters one by one, taking his time as he called out each name. One for Evelyn. One for Tali. Another for Keeper Deshanna. By that point Eilan had grown convinced that her uncle was stringing her along for his own amusement. And oh how she twisted in the wind. She shifted impatiently from one foot the other, chewing on her own lip. Nerel squinted at a name as if he couldn’t make out the penmanship. “Ei— Oh, no. One for Cylen.” Nerel could barely contain his impish grin. Cylen, a hunter a year older than Lex who was Lex’s closest male friend, fist pumped as he took the letter from Nerel. “Oh!” Nerel said as if surprised to read to whom the final letter was addressed, “And one for Eilan.”
Eilan snatched the letter from Nerel’s hand and sprinted giddily to the tent she shared with her mother. She could hear Nerel chuckling behind her. Her mother was inside, sitting on the right-side cot as she knit by lantern light. She looked up and grinned as she saw Eilan burst into the tent and swoon onto her own cot, clutching a letter to her chest. “From Lex?” her mother asked. “Yes.” Eilan did not bother to look at her mother, too absorbed with opening the letter and reading his message. Hey Babe, It’s been crazy. But in a good way. You remember the stories we heard about Nevarra from Keeper Mahariel at the last Arlathven? The big crypts that are palaces that have ballrooms and baths and everything a palace has, but for the dead? I thought, no way, must be bullshit. So I went to Nevarra first, and it’s not bullshit. I got into a few of them. They’re so cool! Makes me a little sad though. It’s like you said to Keeper Mahariel, there’s all these fancy castles for dead shems and we can’t even get like a cottage somewhere? Bullshit, but whatever. No point getting mad about it. It was cool to break in and touch their stuff. Haha! Nevarra has other nice stuff. There’s an ancestral parade they do with lanterns and costumes. You would have liked it. And they are really into flower gardening. Really pretty gardens. Makes me think of you. Heh. Can’t wait to see you again, Lex “What does he write?” her mother asked. “Nothing,” Eilan said curtly, her tone swatting her mother’s prying. In her periphery she could see her mother rolling her eyes.
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crossdressingdeath · 4 months
Care to elaborate on the dislike of "what they did with (Morrigan) in DA:I"?
Simple, snarky answer: I play Lavellan.
More complete answer: Morrigan in DAO could be kind of shitty, she didn't have a lot of respect for... anyone and seemed to make decisions solely based on whether or not they were evil (Morrigan bby please leaving everyone in Redcliffe to die isn't pragmatic when we still have to go through Redcliffe), but she was sheltered and still learning how the world worked so it was understandable, even sympathetic in places. Morrigan in DAI has been out in the world for ten years and has only gotten shittier. In general I'm not fond of the way that the recurring DAO characters apparently haven't grown as people in ten years (hardened King Alistair, a character specifically mentioned as being a good king, writing diplomatic letters to someone he met for at most five minutes like the recently-freed-from-heavy-indoctrination nineteen year old he hasn't been for a decade especially irritates me), it's clear that Bioware is more invested in cashing in on nostalgia than they are in developing these characters as characters, but Morrigan? Bioware, I know negative character development is still development but it maybe wasn't the best idea.
Let me put it this way. In Witch Hunt Morrigan steals a book from the Dalish so that she can learn about eluvians. This is kind of shitty behaviour, but it's Morrigan levels of shitty and she does leave the book outside the eluvian, so the Dalish as far as we see have reclaimed that book and the knowledge in it, and also they had it for years and so logically knew the things in that book already. Definitely they had access to it. And it's also important to keep in mind that that book is the only information we can confirm that Morrigan actually has on eluvians in canon; she's never mentioned as finding any other source. And then in DAI she basically calls the Dalish morons the whole way through and claims that she (a human woman with literally zero connection to the Dalish or elves in general beyond maybe having some friends who are elves and also stealing from the Dalish that one time, the Flemeth situation doesn't count because we're given no reason to believe Morrigan ever for a moment even suspected the Mythal thing or that Flemeth wasn't human or to believe that Flemeth passed on any knowledge about the elves, and certainly not anything the Dalish didn't know) has more right to take this ancient elven font of knowledge sacred to a Dalish god than a Dalish elf does. This despite the fact that if you have the arcane knowledge perk you understand the Well better than her literally just by looking at it (she doesn't know the Well will put the drinker under a geas despite all her research, while Quiz only has to look at it and hear the whispers coming from it to figure that out). I've seen it described as humansplaining and... yeah that kind of describes what Morrigan does. If you play Lavellan she's just constantly really shitty to you about you wanting to engage with your own damn culture and claims she knows better because she read one book that you quite possibly also read. It's not entirely to do with her as a character, some of it is DAI's shitty writing and without it her arrogance could've been just a character trait that she could've moved past (let Lavellan and Solas troll her by straight up lying about the inscriptions in the temple and her going along with it because she won't admit that she can't read as much of it as she claims she can, please), but the way it's allowed to stand unchallenged despite by all logic being horseshit really pisses me off. I don't trust Bioware not to double down on the "Oh this human woman understands this totally unrelated culture that she is in no way part of and has barely even studied way better than the people belonging to that culture do and deserves valuable ancient relics of their people more than them" thing, so I very much do not want to see her in any more DA games.
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hal-assan · 3 months
Muse List
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featured on hal-assan
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Yvair Viriselan, of Clan Lavellan
Dalish rogue, skilled particularly in archery and tracking. While known to be sarcastic and rather flirtatious, Yvair genuinely is bighearted deep down and prone to self-sacrificial tendencies. Despite being overall a 'proud' Dalish, his beliefs could be considered more agnostic than faithful. While not blindly trusting of humans, Yvair is more willing than some Dalish to allow every human to make their own impression instead of outright assuming ill intent. Canon world state features him as Inquisitor, but a companion verse can be requested.
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Sebastian Vael, Prince of Starkhaven
Devote Andrastian who despite his strong faith may be considered openminded, or critical of how the Chantry functions at times. He wants to be able to help those in need of it, and can struggle against making rash decisions. Defaults to friendship path, request if intended rivaled.
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Elgaris Viriselan, of Clan Lavellan
Born initially to Clan Viriselan, after her magical capabilities unlocked Elgaris moved to Clan Lavellan alongside her older brother to take on the responsibility of learning to one day become a Keeper. Unlike her brother, Elgaris genuinely believes in the Evanuris. She is lighthearted and optimistic to the point some people may consider her to be naive. Defaults to First of Clan Lavellan, willing to play as Second to another Lavellan.
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featured on splinteredglass
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Tamlen, of Clan Sabrae
Raised a proud Dalish, Tamlen is wary of every human until given a good reason not to be. Doomed by his curious nature, the warrior ended up Blighted and conscripted to take on the Blight despite his protests. While he fought against the idea up until his Joining, Tamlen proves to be a great addition to the Warden's ranks. Canon worldstate has him stubbornly become the Hero of Ferelden due to delivering the killing blow to the Archdemon-- if his life is spared in the act, he is out of the loop as to how.
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Fejin Mahariel, of Clan Sabrae
Fejin is morally grey-- someone who isn't concerned if they need to spill blood to get their job done. However as long as it is in their abilities, they will do their best to aid those less fortunate than them. Unfortunately for anyone who is better off, especially if they prove a terrible person, Fejin is not above thievery or other criminal activities. Usually an alternative to Tamlen, but happy to write it where both had survived.
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Merrill Alerion, of Clan Sabrae
Despite turning to blood magic in an attempt to fix the eluvian that cost her the lives of her closest friends (be they dead or simply taken from the Clan), Merrill is nice to nearly everyone unless given a very good reason not to be. She seeks knowledge of her people's past and many may consider her naive or stupid, views she doesn't always try to correct. In some cases she'll lean into that belief and use it as an opportunity to troll or otherwise mess with those around her.
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featured on asala-shokrakar
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Archex, Tal-Vashoth
When it became clear that Archex was going to face re-education due to not quite conforming to what the Qun wanted of him, he took off despite having no idea of what to do with himself after gaining his freedom. In due time, the Qunari happens across a merchant under attack by bandits and steps in to save his life. The human befriends him, even taking him in as family and helps Archex eventually adjust to life as a Ferelden. Verse set for Inquisition, but happy to work out something for any other timeframe.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 months
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Meet Athalen Lavellan (Name is from @dalishious Elvhen Dictonary located HERE. It's a great resource for writers. Actually just go and troll through their blog, it's a great resource for lore and updates. I love them!) Athalen will be part of the "Those We Care For" world state and my first playthrough in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
Keeping with the theme of the world state so far: Athalen has had a pretty rough life. She wasn't born to the Dalish, rather she was a street kid named Imogen in Val Royeux for her childhood. She left age fifteen hoping to find a home in the Free Marches but found her hopes of it being better then Orlais wasn't true. Eventually she found her way to clan Lavellan where she was accepted, and received her Vallaslin age 25 when she helped fight off a group of spiders from harming the clan. This is where she dropped her old name and accepted Athalen as her name.
Yet she never found really a connection to the clan. Being an adult when she joined the clan, many of the older generation felt she didn't deserve her markings despite the Keeper giving her them and the help she gave. Many her age would tease her for lacking the same knowledge they did. Other agreed with the elders. The younger of the clan were similarly split. The Keeper was her only real form of connection, but even she bowed to some of the pressures of the elders and often sent her off hunting. She learned all she could and threw herself into the events, but despite how much she connected to the history and her People, there were to many Elders speaking out against her.
Being sent to the Conclave was a slap in the face. The rewards were high, but she could tell she was being sent because they wouldn't care if she made it back. Keeper Deshanna secretly told her that she was making a trade with another clan much more accepting of City Elves rejoining the Dalish so that Athalen could find a home. Upset, but accepting, Athalen went to the Conclave where her whole world changed...
Plans: As mentioned, I specifically wanted to have Solas/Lavellan romance my first go in DATV due to the drama. She'll probably side with the mages. Not sure about the rest, right now she's just busy screaming cause she is terrified. She's a warrior so may go for Guardian. Feels like her speed.
Also I hate the eyebrows in game. They suck so much.
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solain-rhyo · 2 years
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
(Stolen from @hiboudeluxe)
(Also these aren't in any real order)
Higgs (Death Stranding)
My favorite Troy Baker performance (and his best, imo). Higgs is fickle and dramatic and insane and makes for one of the most compelling videogame villains I've encountered. His banter with Sam is top tier trolling all of the time, and when his composure slips it gets really interesting.
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Goro Takemura (Cyberpunk 2077)
I loved Takemura more than I loved Keanu Reeves' Johnny. He had such a presence and the enemies to friends arc between he and V remains one of my favorites. It is a goddamn shame he was not romanceable and if CDPR were ever to release DLC to that end I'd throw almost any amount of money at it.
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Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
The catalyst for my monsterfucker awakening and my love of the Predator/AvP universes. So much un(?)intentional subtext between him and Lex, so much fuel for the fire. Wolf is deadlier, the Fugitive is sassier, Feral is... feral, but Scar is just... perfect.
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Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Scully is still all these years later my favorite female character in any fandom. Her loyalty to Muider was undying, she was fiercely intelligent, and her influence on Mulder was a thing of beauty. Even when suffering from shitty writing post-seventh season she remained the highlight of the show for me.
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Solas (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf)
Did not anticipate just how much I'd be swept up by the bald elf apostate, particularly as he wasn't at all my type. One completed romance later revealed a shit ton of angst and a massive betrayal. I cannot fucking wait to see him as the villain in the next game and I think I'm in the minority wishing for an unhappy, tumultuous, tragic ending between him and Lavellan.
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Aegis (Steelrising)
Aegis displayed a surprising amount of character development considering this was not a AAA title and that it was relatively short. Her design was gorgeous, her movements fluid in that strange mechanical way, and I loved the growing emotion within her as the game progressed.
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Aerith (Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and everything inbetween)
I've loved her since '97 when she shattered my heart and she was incredible in the remake. The dream scene she shares with Cloud breaks my heart all over again - their dynamic in the remake is easily in my top five (which is saying something considering I used to ship her with Sephiroth).
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Ultra Magnus (Transformers: Prime)
What's not to love? Stern ancient warrior softens over time while kicking ass (and getting ass kicked).
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Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Arthur is perhaps the most realistic version of a person depicted in a video game. He is a beautiful, tragic soul, and his transformation throughout the game is a gut-wrenching but incredible ride.
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Thane Krios (Mass Effect 2 and 3)
Incredibly difficult to choose between Thane and Garrus, but I did it. Thane is an 11/10 alien boyfriend (even though they did him dirty in 3). The farewell letter he writes to Shepard is so painfully beautiful that it gets me sobbing every. single. time. (Also that silky-rough voice...!)
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Feel free to do this for yourself and tag me if you do! I'm curious to see. :)
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juliannablake · 4 years
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it’s a bummer that khaliya won’t be able to antagonize solas in da4 /:
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thanks to @iawv ♡ for the gorgeous Solavellan screens of my Moghrana ! go kofi her for some works of art! ♡
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crystal-grace · 6 years
Keth is infamous for just...forgetting to light any candles near her desk when she’s working at night and she has scared Cullen half to death on multiple occasions. Because oh the room’s dark? The Inquisitor must not be up her--- why are there two glowing purple balls in the corner?! 
The first time Keth apologized. Every other time? Yeah no. She just sat and cackled.
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teamdilf · 1 month
Rook adopts a new strategy in her efforts to encourage Solas to speak to Iris about his feelings: flirting with the Dread Wolf's girlfriend.
“What the shit was Solas thinking when he decorated this place?” Iris mutters. “You have seen the torment he’s inflicted on the plants hanging from the ceiling? He told me he gave them all the same amount of water! Half of them are desert plants and half are tropical! That man…” Plant cruelty is hardly the worst of his crimes but she doubts Iris is keen on that reminder. “I’m doing what I can to get the poor, neglected plants well again.”
“You like plants?” she says this as she bats her eyelashes suggestively at Iris.
“I did as much of the work in the Skyhold garden as I could get away with, given all my other duties. Solas used to sit on a bench and either read or sketch while I worked - he learned not to offer his help because I would accept it and then he’d get in trouble when he inevitably bungled it.” Iris grins at this, and she can’t help but grin back.
“Why did I ensure you two met?” Solas mutters in her head. She ignores him, because if he’s annoyed that she knows his girlfriend teases him for being terrible at caring for plants, he’s about to throw a fit when she begins flirting in earnest.
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fanonical · 2 years
the only way to tolerate inquisitor lavellan's writing sometimes is to assume they're trolling everyone
morrigan: 'tis a temple to mythal
my mythal-worshipping lavellan wearing mythal's vallaslin who has dedicated her life to mythal: who
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5lazarus · 3 years
Could you expand on your take that fanfiction is more analysis than writing?
Fanfiction can't stand on its own. It's a commentary on the story that the fic writer is interested in, interpreting another person's story and highlighting what personally struck the reader. It also uses a very, very different skillset than writing one's own story. Fanfic generally focuses on character introspection that, in the original narrative, would disrupt the plot. Fluff in Solas/Lavellan, for example, is analyzing the latent desire for two world-shaking historic figures looking to relieve pressure and sink into something normal, often domestic--and blows off steam for the fic writer. But from a storytelling standpoint, looking at the grand scheme of the pacing of the story that Dragon Age: Inquisition is trying to tell--it's more effective to have a brief exchange of dialogue, that hints at those moments the fic writer craves, and refocus on the action. (bc DA:I struggles with pacing on its own, and it's not trying to be a love story--it's about the cost of apotheosis) What makes good fanfic writing--those deep moments of character exploration, looking at those what ifs?--tends to make bad writing outside of fandom. I read a very long fantasy novel recently, that I could tell was Naruto and Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic. It would've made a very good fanfic: what if the Southern Water Tribe had been conquered by the Fire Nation, and Katara was drafted into the military? I would've loved that story. As a novel, it was very poorly paced, and about 400 pages of the 600-page book could have been cut. Way way way too much filler--that's a fanfic writer's habit. It's an analysis of text in a storytelling format--what if this happened in canon instead of this? What if this character was like this rather than that? What if the world was slightly different? What if these people had met then, rather than now? It's writing, sure, but I don't consider my fanfic as being similar to my short fiction or longer-form pieces. It's much easier to write fanfic, for one thing. I don't have to worry about walking the reader through the suspension of disbelief, since Dragon Age has already taken care of that for me. I don't need to show that these Odo and Quark really do love each other, because anybody who's watch DS9 has already seen that, so I can just write about the two of them trolling each other. I can learn about styles--how to pace a plot, balancing a scene, cleaning up dialogue, etc. I learned quite a lot from a Star Trek Gift Exchange I did, where someone requested cosmic horror murder mystery Julian Bashir/Lore--how to take the structure of a detective story and made it weird fiction, with the shorthand of worldbuilding bc it's fanfic. But writing a cosmic horror detective mystery, as I'm working on now, as part of its own work? Very different--because in fanfic, the reader already knows the setting, the characters, the bare bones of the plot. I have much more work ahead of me, building my own story. It's interacting with someone else's story, at the end of the day. It's commenting on what could have been. That's a form of analysis. It's a subgenre of literary analysis, close to personal narrative. Creative writing, yes, but very different skillset. And when you're writing fiction, you have to unlearn a lot of fic writer habits. I read an Ursula K LeGuin essay on writing high fantasy, where I disagreed with most of what she said, but she had one point that I needed to hear--there's a problem with a lot of fiction where it just seems characters are walking in a void. You can't visualize where they are at all. In fanfic, you don't have to worry about that--you can just say the Forbidden Forest or Skyhold or Quark's Bar, and the reader already knows. But for a story, that's deadly. It hit me especially when I read Shirley Jackson's story "Elizabeth" earlier this week, and could immediately see where the protaganist was--and more than that, how she carried herself through the world she was being written in, and how that world (the desk near the door of the minuscule office) interacted with her. It's made me think
much more deeply about how I talk about movement in a story. Vladimir Nabokov used to trace characters' walks through a setting, in his talks on Jane Austen and James Joyce--because that means something. That's something fic writing loses, because all that work has already been done--it doesn't need to! It's trying to do something else, it's not building a world, it's analyzing something that was said in canon and extrapolating. I like fanfiction, I write a lot of it, I read fanfic when it strikes my fancy, but it's my conversation with the text, be it Disco Elysium, Dragon Age, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Naruto, Babylon 5, Avatar, and so on. It can't stand outside of the text, and it shouldn't. It would make absolutely no sense outside of the context in which it is written. tldr: fanfiction is commentary in the form of creative writing, it doesn't stand on its own, and the requirements of fic writing don't translate well to writing your own work.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
The fact that you do not get a single opportunity in DAI to troll Morrigan as Lavellan by just making up random shit about your people so you can see her scramble to insist she totally knew that because she obviously knows soooooo much more about the Dalish than the Dalish and then casually revealing that it's complete nonsense you made up two seconds ago is a crime. As is the lack of the inevitable followup of telling her something true that she refuses to believe because you've been making shit up the whole time. It would a) be hilarious and b) avoid the uncomfortable implication in the game that we're supposed to actually believe that Morrigan knows more about the Dalish than the Dalish elf we're playing as.
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