#trixie with sig
soupmatesyuri · 2 years
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slams these on the table
drawings for my silly little epithet/puyo au with no context
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punkstarlet · 10 days
Fallen Stone: The Archangels
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The next day
Shilo opened a small locker, reaching in and pulling something out. In her hands, she held a neat set of mail. As it turned out, Shilo was inside a mailroom for workers like Shilo and Trixie. She had just finished grading her students' work and was about to head home for the weekend.
She went over her mail, groaning as she saw nothing but bills that needed to be paid and junk mail for charity and donations. She tossed the junk mail in a recycling box and headed out the mailroom with her bills.
Shilo left the school grounds, heading down the street to her place. She was exhausted from grading and an extended weekday of teaching. She was looking forward to a weekend of catching up with her reading and setting up a date for her and Michael; she just hoped he wasn't too busy from his duties as Heaven ambassador and working alongside the archangels.
While still in her thoughts, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. It caught her attention, turning around and finding no one but herself alone. She let out a shrug, continuing her way.
Another tap on the shoulder, and she whirls fast to catch the suspect. But she couldn't find a single being in her presence. She growled, annoyed. "If this is a prank, it's not very funny." 
"No pranks." A voice answered from above. 
She gasped, turning around and looking up. Floating upside down before her is an angel with soft skin, freckles on his cheeks, and light golden curly hair. He has a pale teal star on his forehead. His eyes are light teal, with a lighter teal halo over his head, and he is wearing a short robe of white and gold, teal pants, and golden sandals with wings on them. In truth, he could be mistaken for Hermes, the Greek god of messenger, if it wasn't for the six pairs of wings behind him in white and pale teal. And he was smiling down on her with a grin. 
"Gabriel. You know how I feel about you sneaking up on me." Shilo told him, placing a hand on her hip while glaring at him.
"Oh, come on, snowflake." Gabriel grinned. "Nothing wrong with having a little fun." His wings flapped, levitating him upside down. 
"Fun? Is that what you call it?" Shilo asked him. "I'm not buying it." 
Gabriel pouted. "You are no fun." 
She only rolled her eyes, clearly not being fooled. Gabriel does have a knack for pulling pranks on her and his brothers. She has gotten so used to it that she knows best to be wise around him. "You didn't come here to poke fun at me, did you?" She questioned him. 
"Aw..you don't trust me?" Gabriel asked, giving her the puppy eyes he knew would captivate her. Only she raised an eyebrow, with her arms crossed against her breasts. 
"fine.." He groaned, seeing his fun had been spoiled. "I liked you better when you were crushing on Lucifer." He turned his body around, pulling him right side up, and landed on the ground, facing her. He cleared his throat. "The archangels required your presence in the court of heaven." He informed her with a severe tone. 
"Why?" she asked him. 
"I can't say," he responded. "But I can promise you you are not in trouble," he added. 
"Well, that's good news." She huffed out. "Thank you, Gabriel." She thanked him. 
"Anytime, snowflake!!" His grin returned. His wings spread open, and he took off into the sky. 
Shilo has her bills teleported to her place so she can deal with them later. She spread her wings, flew in the sky, and headed to the angelic court building. 
She landed by the entrance with grace. She walked inside, finding angels were busy with their work, making appointments, and taking calls. She approached the front desk, where an angel with two wings, blue hair in a bun, and dressed in white with a silver halo on top.  
"Ah! Shilo!" The angel Belle welcomed her with a smile. "Welcome! How can I help you?"
"Gabriel sent me his message," Shilo replied.
Belle nodded, knowing what she meant. "Oh! Right. He told me that." She responded. She took out a clipboard with a quill. "I just need you to sign here, and I'll let the archangels know you arrived." 
Shilo signed her name on the clipboard. She could feel a smile on Belle's face and responded with a smile.
Then she headed to the waiting room, sat in an empty chair, crossed her leg over the other leg, and waited patiently for her name to be called. She watched several angels waiting like she was, most likely having an appointment with the seraphim angels. Shilo leaned against the chair and crossed her arms.
In the corner of her eye, she spotted a pale white angel with short white hair, a black halo over her hair, yellow eyes, black and white wings, and dressed in a short gray dress, white gloves, white boots, and black stockings. Her eyes widened in surprise and anxiety, and she recognized this angel.
"Oh no.." She whispered. She quickly grabs a magazine on a table by her side, opens it, and covers her face to avoid being spotted. She folds her wings back, trying to have that angel's sight off.
But sadly, the angel was approaching her. She stopped an inch from her, with her hands behind her back and glaring down at her with a cold glance. "Afternoon, Ms. Winterstone." She greeted her with a cold voice.
Shilo lowered the magazine, revealing a much colder glance than the angel before her. "Lute." She glared at her with an icy voice. It's much more icy than Lute.
Lute leans down, face to face. "I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you teach little brats of Heaven's history in your school?" She asked.
Shilo put the magazine on the table, not taking her eyes off Lute's. "I was taking a good break until I got a requirement from my boyfriend," she replied, showing no weakness. Lute has a certain aura that Shilo was never fond of; she has hated her since she arrived in Heaven years ago.
"Probably to tell you you should be doing your job." Lute snarled.
Shilo stands up, glaring up at her. "I am doing my job, Lute!! Unlike you, I enjoy my job! I got a good pay! A good home! And a good love, too!" She shouted. "What about you!? What is it that you do that you work for a living?!!" She questioned her.
Lute remains still as a firm statue. "I'm a soldier for Michael." She answered an answer that didn't seem right.
"Funny." Shilo has her arms crossed, raising an eyebrow at her. "Cause he never told me he used to have soldiers back then in his time as heaven's former knight." She pointed it out. She had never, once in her life, ever heard about Michael having soldiers before.
"Perhaps he knew you were a nosy little rebel," Lute claimed.
That made Shilo mad. A third eye opened on her breasts, with crystal eyelashes and two pairs of eyes on her halo. "Hey! I was naive!! I was a fool too in love!!" She yelled at Lute, and a patch of frost formed between them. "So don't you dare tell me like you knew me!! I know better than you do, back when you were just a mortal!" she added.
Before Lute could argue back, Belle called out. "Shilo Winterstone. The archangels will see you now."
She glared at Lute, hinting that they were far from over. She left the waiting room and entered through the open door, waiting for her. The door slammed shut, making an echo that flinched her. Shilo straightened herself, dusted off her outfit, and perceived ahead.
She enters the courtroom, where six archangels sit in their respective places. 
In the middle, Michael. His outfit changed to a suit of blue and white and a long trail coat. By his side are Uriel and Raphael. Raphael wears a blouse, a green vest, brown pants and black shoes. Gabriel is with them, sitting by Raphael and another angel with a golden tan, long golden wavy hair, light green eyes, a light pink star on their forehead, and a pale pink halo over their head. They are dressed in an open pink blouse, revealing their chest, white jeans, and white shoes. Their wings are white and pink in six. Jophiel is their name. By Uriel’s side is another angel; his skin is gray-white, and he has dark brown hair, grayish teal eyes, a gray star on his forehead, and a gray halo over his head. He wears a black hooded robe over his dark teal suit, and behind him are his six wings in dark teal and white. He is Azrael.
All stare at her, keeping their eyes on her. She stands in the middle, hands behind her back, and her wings fold back.
“Afternoon. You require me?” Shilo asked.
Raphael nodded. “Yes. You are correct.” He answered. 
“Glad you can make time for us,” Uriel exclaimed.
She smiled softly. “Well, you have been training me since I was made.” She explained. “Made me who I am today. I always made time for you.”
Jophiel grinned, placing their chins on their hands. “You are such a sweet little blue star.”
Shilo smiles at their comment. She composes herself, remembering what she was called for. “So? What do you wish to talk to me about?” She questioned them. “Gabriel told me I am not in any trouble.” 
Michael huffed, cuffed his hands together, and leaned forward. “Emily came to us and told us your aura was... sad," he explained. He was staring at Shilo intensely. “Like she feels that you were unhappy about something.” He added.
Shilo let out a groan. She realized her former student had gone to the Archangels out of concern. She knew her so well, but she should have taught her about respecting others’s privacy issues. “I didn’t want her to be so worried.” She responded. “It’s my issues that are mine to deal with. It’s not her business to get involved.” She added.
“But she was your student,” Azrael spoke, quiet and raspy. “You know she always looks up to you about all the events you’ve been through.”
Gabriel nodded, agreeing with him. “And she was only concerned about you. And... we are concerned as well.” He implored. “We all care about you and have wanted to help you since Lucifer’s banishment with Lilith.”
Hearing the name ‘Lilith,’ Shilo felt a rush of rage and vengeance in her. She still hated her for taking Lucifer from her, and even after eons, her vengeful feelings towards Lilith have not been quelled. Her rage made her release the frost that started to cover the floor, and snow fell out of nowhere, making the room cold. She was snarling, and her eyes were farrowed.
“Ah! Shilo Winterstone!!” Uriel shouted.
She snapped out of her mind, blinking. She took a deep breath, calming down as the frost melted and the snow disappeared. She frowned at the six, ashamed of herself for acting like this.
“Sorry... I forgot how angry you get around... her.” Gabriel apologized. He had nearly forgotten Shilo gets angry when someone mentions Lilith.
“It’s fine.” Shilo sighed, head bowed down. “Sorry..”
Uriel raised an eyebrow. “Is this about our talk yesterday?” She asked her.
Shilo grew silent and did not answer him, confirming his question. Her mind was still on her desire to leave heaven and perform her miracles on earth. 
Michael glared dangerously at Shilo as she bowed her head down. They were so close to keeping her bound to heaven’s ways, to blocking her curious nature. But her duties as a virtue still hold on to her like a snake coiling tightly on its prey. He placed his hands down before letting out a sigh. “Angel… Earth is filled with nothing but death and corruption. You are still innocent and still full of life.” Michael reasoned with her. “If you go down there and see the bad in humankind, you would lose sight of what God gave you.”
Shilo raises her head, staring at the six. “But I’m not naive; I’m wiser now and won’t be easily misled again.” She told them, a pleading look in her eyes. “All I wish for is one day on earth; see what happened there. I promise to return.” She cuffed her hands together, almost begging them.
“The answer is still no.” Raphael sternly told her. “Your place is in heaven, with us and the heavenborns.” He added.
Shilo lowers her hands, feeling like all her dreams are gone with one harsh word. She frowned sadly. “Right…” She bowed her head, looking down, and her wings lowered in sadness.
Michael sighed, standing up from his seat. “I think that’s it for today.” He proclaimed. He is putting an end to their meeting.
The other five nodded, all flying away and out of the courtroom. All that is still in is Shilo and Michael.
He approached her, stood before her, and frowned. It hurt him to see her so crushed and lacking in motivation. He placed a hand on her chin, tilting her head up, and made her look at him. “Angel,” he began.
Shilo just moved her head away from his glance. “I know. I am selfish thinking about leaving.” She sadly lamented.
“No, no. Don’t say that about yourself.” Michael shook his head, then pulled her into a hug. “We are trying to protect you, to help you have a better life.” He proclaimed, having her stare at him. “When you fell apart, it was painful to see you so vulnerable and helpless. To see you losing sight of yourself.”
She sighed softly, staring into his eyes. “I would have been so empty without you.” She responded. It was true in her mind; she would be so lost without him.
Michael nodded back, smiling down at her. “I would have, too, my angel.” He leaned down and kissed Shilo on the lips. She kissed him back. He pulled away, placing a hand to stroke her cheek softly.
“Young child with dreams. Dreaming each dream on your own.” Michael sings to her. He slowly lowers his hand, staring into her eyes. “When children play. Seems like you end up alone.”
He took both her hands, holding them up. “Papa says he‘d love to be with you if he had the time.” He sings, opening his wings wide. “You turn on the only friend you can find. There in your mind.”
He flew up the ceiling, and she followed. “Shilo when I was young. I used to call your name.” He continued singing to her. “When no one else would come. Shilo, you always came. And we’d play.”
The two floated in the air, circling as their wings held them up. “Young girl with fire. Something said she understood.” Michael leans close to her and places his hand behind her hair. “I wanted to fly. She made me feel like I could.” 
The two started dancing together, with her hands on his shoulder and his hands placed on her waist. “Held my hand out, and I let her take me. Blind as a child.” He put a kiss on her forehead. “All I saw was the way she made me smile. She made me smile.” 
He used his arms to pull her close to him till her breasts were pressed against his chest. “Shilo, when I was young. I used to call your name.” He placed his forehead against hers. “When no one else would come. Shilo, you always came. And you’d stay.”
He then released his arms around her, letting her go. He watched Shilo fly higher to the ceiling. She raised her hand, and a small cloud appeared. Soon, snow fell down softly. He smiled at how much Shilo had been improving herself with her powers. 
“Had a dream, and it filled me with wonder. She had other plans.” Michael sings as he watches her create snow clouds with gentle snow. “Got to go, and I know that you’ll understand. I understand.”
He frowned as the snow started falling on him. A wave of guilt enters his mind. “Shilo, when I was young. I used to call your name.” He floated back down on the floor. “When no one else would come. Shilo, you always came. Come today.”
In the ceiling, Shilo was smiling at the snow she had created. She was so proud of her work that her smile softened a bit. Too bad the mortals won’t get to see her miracles.
“Shilo," Michel called to her. She looked down to see Michael already on the floor. The snow faded away, along with the clouds. She floated back down, landing by him.
Michael huffed. “I must go back to work.” He told her. “Take care of yourself, my little angel.”
“Will you be available for our date tomorrow?” Shilo asked.
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll call you to let you know.” He added. He smiles softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Shilo smiled back. She kissed him on the lips, which kissed her back. Then she pulled away and left the courtroom, leaving Michael alone.
After a while, someone appears from the shadows, hands behind her back. “Does she know?” Michael sighed, hearing Lute’s voice from behind. He turned around, facing her as he mirrored her position and put his hands behind his.
“No,” Michael answered. “I am ordered to make sure she stays in the dark, even if it means lying to her.” His voice softens. 
“You’ve grown soft.” Lute hissed. 
“Said you, you’ve grown hard from all that extermination,” Michael responded snarkily. He shot her a harsh glare. “We can’t allow any more sinners, and keeping Lilith away only dims overpopulation.” He approaches her, staring down at her. “Keep the extermination going for another year.” He ordered her. 
“Yes, Sir Michael.” Lute nodded, understanding his orders. She left the courtroom. 
Michael turns his focus to an empty floor; it doesn’t seem much, but he can hear the memories of Lilith’s voice echoing inside his head and seeing the blood on the floor. He glared, hateful. “You’re wrong, you temptress. Hell will fall, along with you and your sinners.” He spoke harshly, almost like talking to a ghost from long ago.
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alittlemxchievous · 9 months
-trixie 🩰
Added to the wishlist!!!
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Terfs, Swerfs, Minors, Chasers, and sissy blogs dni
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uncaaj · 2 years
Fanfiction: Dog Teeth (Bluey)
“Come on, Bingo! Pull!”
“I am, Bluey!”
It wasn’t uncommon to hear joyful laughing and squealing coming from the Heeler backyard, especially when close family paid a visit. The source of the noises of merriment this time was Bluey and Bingo engaged in a fierce Tug-O-War with their young cousin Socks. The 2-year-old Heeler had a tight grip on the rope and was not letting up.
“‘Atta girl, Socks!” called her father, Stripe.
Chilli, Bluey’s mom, was astounded. “For going against kids twice her size, Socks is hangin’ tough.”
“Yeah, she’ll drag me round the room askin’ for dinner every night. Isn’t she something?” Stripe couldn’t keep pride out of his voice.
“This...is something,” said Chilli, continuing to watch.
Bluey felt a tickle in her nose. She sniffed but it only grew in intensity. “Ah…ahhhh…"
“Bluey, no!” said Bingo, feeling the rope slipping in her paws.
“AH-CHOO!” Bluey's sneeze blew her backwards, and Socks gave a mighty tug. It shocked Bingo so much that she was dragged to the turf by it, ending their match decisively.
“Hooray!” cheered Stripe and Socks’ big sister Muffin.
“Bless you!” said Chilli.
“Aw, biscuits!” Bingo grumbled.
“Kids!” said Bandit from his post on the grill. “Sausages are ready!”
All the Heelers disappeared into the house, except for Socks who continued chewing on the rope in earnest. It was so much fun to chew that she didn’t even notice anyone had left until she felt herself being hoisted by Bluey. 
“Let’s go, Socks,” she grunted, carrying her cousin inside, rope trailing behind them all the way.
BLUEY: “This episode of Bluey is called 'Dog Teeth.'”
All were gathered up on the balcony at the picnic table, with the kids congregating at their own table. Sausages and trimmings were distributed generously and thus the feast began. As Bingo chomped her sausage, she noticed Socks seemed more interested in chewing on the rope than eating. 
“Uncle Stripe?” she asked after swallowing her bite. “Why is Socks still playing Tug-O-War?”
All the adults couldn’t help but chuckle. “Socks ate before we arrived, so we brought that so she’d have something to do at the table.” Stripe turned to Bandit and Chilli. “She’s teething,” he said, and they nodded.
“What’s teething?” Bingo asked.
“Well,” said Bluey, pointing to the sharp incisors she had. “You know how your dog teeth got in your mouth? They grew there!”
“That’s…one way to put it, dear,” Chilli said before turning to Bingo. “It’s a bit of a sore process so a toy to chew takes the toddler’s mind off the pain for a while.”
“A dog’s teeth are his pride and joy,” said Bandit.
“Really?” Bluey asked.
“You bet!” said Stripe, standing up.
Chilli and Trixie shared a look. “Here they go,” they said.
“Our special sharp dog teeth show we’re tough,” Stripe continued, flexing his arm. “If you keep 'em shiny and pointy, you can protect your family from anything.”
“The mark of a real dog’s dog, passed down from our ancestors,” said Bandit, rising up himself. “With our pearly whites…”
“We win the fight!” Stripe finished.
The two slammed their paws on the table and growled. “Grrrrrrrrr!”
All the kids showed their appreciation by hooting and hollering aplenty and Bandit and Stripe joined in. The womenfolk rolled their eyes.
“You two are full of yourselves,” Trixie laughed. “That’s so outdated.”
“No one even needs dog teeth anymore,” Chilli concurred.
“Says you,” said Bandit. “What if one day I just wanna bite something?”
“And when has that day ever come in the thousands of times I’ve heard that excuse?” Chilli asked.
Bandit paused. He knew she had him there. “Er…i-it’ll come! I’ve kept ‘em ‘cause I know I’ll need ‘em.” He crossed his arms and stuck his snout in the air.
“I know!” said Bluey. “Let’s find a reason for Dad to use his dog teeth.”
“Yeah!” Bingo cheered. They hopped down and dashed away.
“‘Atta girls!” Bandit cheered. “See? Dog teeth can be useful and I don’t even have to prove it.”
“This can only end well,” Chilli sighed.
The first stop was the fence where they could see Lucky’s dad Pat lounging in his backyard, sipping a cold beverage.
“Lucky’s dad?” Bluey called out.
Pat peeked out of his sunglasses and waved at them. “Bluey! Bingo! How’s it hangin’?”
“Good!” said Bingo. “Could we ask you something?”
Pat got up and walked to the fence. “Yeah, no worries. What’s up?”
“We’re trying to find out what you can use dog teeth for,” Bluey explained.
“You've used your dog teeth before, right?” asked Bingo.
“Sure have. In fact, I got a great story. Bingo, you’re gonna play Janelle.”
Bingo jumped for joy. “Yay, play story!”
“And Bluey, you’ll be this big meanie.”
“Ooh, okay! Who will you be, Lucky’s dad?”
Pat climbed over the fence and tumbled into the Heeler’s backyard. “I’ll be me, of course! Now, hold my hand, Bingo.” Bingo ran over and took Pat’s paw. “Check it- it was back in college, you see, and me and Janelle were at a party for the cricket World Cup final. We were dancing.” Pat began humming a danceable tune and shook his tail to the beat. Bingo danced along too, giggling all the while. “Then suddenly, this big meanie comes over and says ‘I can dance better than you can!’”
Bluey walked up and pointed at Pat. “I can dance better than you can!” 
Pat crossed his arms. “So I said, ‘Hey, shove off, mate! She’s here with me.’”
Bluey grabbed Bingo’s hand. “Come on, babe, let’s party!”
“And so…I flashed my teeth at him.” Pat crouched down to Bluey’s level and growled at her playfully.
“Eeeek! Sharp dog teeth!” Bluey squealed.
“Then I chased him around the party!” said Pat, and he and Bluey proceeded to run around the backyard for a spell before he tackled her and they fell to a heap, laughing until their bellies ached. “The end,” he panted.
“Hooray!” Bluey and Bingo cheered.
“Good story, Pat!” called Bandit from the balcony. “Your dog teeth showed that meanie what for!” Pat gave Bandit a thumbs-up as they all stood up.
“Do you still scare meanies away with your dog teeth?” Bluey asked.
Pat rubbed the back of his neck. “Actually, I don’t. I don’t have ‘em anymore.”
“What?” Bandit exclaimed, surprising the lot. “You still had ‘em when we graduated! You still owe me for biting my tail at the ceremony!”
Bluey and Bingo giggled. Everyone turned to look at Pat and a little shade of red shone through his yellow coat. “Tell us that story!” said Bluey.
“Er…oop! Lucky’s calling me. See ya!” And Pat was back over the fence before anyone could say another word.
“I guess his dog teeth weren’t that important after college,” said Chilli.
“He never even bit the bloke!” Bandit groused. “How’s a dog like him who I’ve known for years not have his teeth?”
“I’ll get it,” said Bandit, and Bluey followed after.
“Bingo, before you run off,” Trixie called, “can you help us wash up lunch?”
Bingo waved back. “Okay, aunt Trixie!”
When Bandit answered the door, a bushy black and white Border Collie was standing there. “Oh, Josh!"
"Hey, Bandit," said Mackenzie's dad, "could you give me a jump? My car won’t start.”
“Oh, yeah, sure thing, mate."
“Oh, Mackenzie’s dad?” Bluey asked as they went down the stairs into the front yard.
“I’m trying to figure out what you can use dog teeth for.” She looked over and saw her dad heading to the garage. After she saw him disappear inside, she turned back. “I think dad’s worried that his don’t have a use anymore.”
“Gotcha,” nodded Josh. “Well, I did have a use for them. At my last job, in fact.”
“What did you do?”
“I was a sheep herder for a big farm back in New Zealand, so I had to make sure the sheep didn’t wander off in the pasture.”
“Did you show them your dog teeth?” Bluey asked, showing hers to him.
“Sometimes. I’d even bark at ‘em. But if they wouldn’t listen, I’d have to pick ‘em up by their scruff and bring ‘em back in line. Here, I can show you if you’d like.”
Bluey’s tail wagged. “Yeah! Can I be the sheep?”
“Right-o! Here we go.”
Bluey felt a gentle pinch at the back of her neck as she was hoisted up into the air. “Baa!” she bleated, wiggling around.
“Come on, cheeky sheep!” said Josh through a full mouth. He trotted around the yard with Bluey laughing the whole way, then he sauntered over to the porch and set Bluey down gently on the steps. “Just like that. My dog teeth helped me get a grip through all that wool.”
“Hee-hee! That was fun!” Bluey cheered. “So do you still pick sheep up and carry them about?”
“Not really. I got a different job when we moved here, and once Mackenzie came along, I wasn’t doin’ much herding. So I got rid of the dog teeth.”
They both jumped. Bandit was back, looking upset again. “You don’t have your teeth either? I thought you still had sheep.”
“Only a couple. And you've been to my house. Camn't wander much in my backyard, eh?”
“Ugh, not again!” Bluey grumbled. She trudged inside and shut the door behind her. 
Josh stared and couldn't speak for a moment. “W-was it somethin’ I said?”
Bandit sighed. “Don’t worry about it, okay? Let’s get your ute goin’.” As he slung the jumper cables over his shoulder, he was beginning to feel his own dog teeth in his mouth. He knew he cleaned his teeth well that morning but it felt like something was there that shouldn’t be. If his friends didn’t keep their dog teeth, where did that leave him?
Along the way to the playroom, Bluey ran into Stripe.
“How’d it go at the door?” he asked.
“Mackenzie’s dad doesn’t have his dog teeth either,” said Bluey.
“That’s weird. Josh always seemed like a rough and tumble kinda dog.”
Bluey tapped her foot and looked down. “I think dad’s more worried now than when I started.”
“Ya know, back when me and your dad were kids, every guy kept their dog teeth. Your grandpa Bob even told us we weren’t real dogs unless we had ‘em.”
“Yeah,” Stripe nodded, kneeling down. “Every day, he’d tell us when we cleaned our teeth. Wanted us to be able to ‘fight for our future wives’ as he called it. Your aunt Trixie likes to tell me how ridiculous he was, and maybe he was. But you know who always listened to grandpa Bob?”
“Rad. If anyone tried to be the dog grandpa Bob wanted us to be, it was him.”
“Hey, that’s a great idea!” Bluey dashed out of the room.
“Uh, where are you going?” said Stripe, running after.
“Let’s FaceyTime uncle Rad!”
The little spinny thing on the screen spun and spun as the tablet worked its internet magic.
“This’ll settle it once and for all,” Stripe said.
“And I can make dad feel better!” Bluey agreed.
The spinny thing went away and a split second later, Radley, the eldest Heeler brother appeared, a towel covering his usual poofy hair apart from his yellow cowlick. “Hello?” he greeted.
“Uncle Rad!” said Bluey, tail wagging.
Radley smiled and waved at them. “Bluey! Stripe! What’s up?”
“You look like mum out of the shower!” Bluey giggled.
“I just got out of it,” he said, patting his towel bun. “This is how I dry my hair. So what’s new?”
“Well, we’d like to ask you something-”
“Bluey!” called Bandit, closing the front door. “Where’d you go?”
“In here!” She waved him over.
“Bandy! It’s Rad! We’re gonna ask him about his dog teeth,” said Stripe.
“Oh, you beauty!” Bandit bounded over and bent over into the camera frame.  “So Rad, spill it. Been tryin’ to find someone who thinks dog teeth are still useful and I know you’re the dogliest dog of us all.”
Radley rubbed the back of his neck. “Heh, ya don’t say.”
“You must still have your dog teeth. Shiny and pointy, eh?” Bluey asked.
“Yeah, you got ‘em, right?” said Stripe, leaning into the screen. Bluey followed and soon, all three of them took up the entire camera frame.
Radley was taken aback. “Um, er…no. I don’t got ‘em.”
Bluey, Bandit, and Stripe were so gobsmacked, they lost their balance and faceplanted on the coffee table, knocking the tablet off its perch.
Radley winced upon suddenly seeing his family tumble, then seeing nothing but the Heeler’s ceiling onscreen. “Uh, you okay?”
Bandit propped himself and the tablet up first. “What?!” he shouted. “You were daddy’s boy! You made us keep our teeth clean because he told you to!”
“I’ve been using the expensive toothpaste for years!” Stripe said with a smirk.
“W-well, I’ve just come to realize I was pushy about that stuff. When you think about it, it’s kinda silly dad thought only a couple of teeth made you dogly.” Radley held his arm aloft and flexed it, showing the muscle it had. “I’ve got other ways of showing that.” 
“Silly?!” Bandit howled. “This is outrageous! It’s like they don’t mean anything to anyone anymore!” And Bandit stormed off, grumbling and muttering incoherently.
“Whoa, big bro!” said Stripe, chasing after Bandit.
“Aww, I made it worse,” said Bluey, her ears drooping.
“...I think I’m missing something here,” said Radley.
“I tried to find a use for dog teeth so dad could feel better about his. Lucky’s dad doesn’t have his anymore, and Mackenzie’s dad doesn’t either.” Bluey rested her arms on the counter and plopped her head on them. “I couldn’t help dad.”
“It’s okay, Bluey. You did your best, but I think this is something your dad has to handle on his own.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s something your grandpa Bob instilled in us when we were kids. Sometimes it’s just hard for people to break out of what they’re used to hearin’. But if you let him know you love him, with or without the teeth, that’ll bring him around.”
Bluey rose out of her pout. “Are you sure?”
“You bet, squirt,” Radley nodded. “I learned it’s not your teeth that make you, it’s your heart.”
Bluey smiled at that.
“You should put that on a t-shirt, Rad,” said Trixie. Bluey turned around. She, Chilli, Bingo, and Socks were coming down the stairs.
“Come on, let’s go cheer up your dad.”
When Stripe and Bandit reached the backyard, the elder Heeler was still muttering to himself. 
“Right,” said Stripe, stopping in his tracks. “I was playing along at first, but you’re actually torn up about this, aren’t ya?”
Bandit slowed to a halt, and his shoulders slumped. He then sat down and hugged his knees. Stripe padded over slowly and took a seat next to his brother.
“I know it’s a silly thing, and I know having no teeth suits me mates better. But…I dunno. I like how I look with my dog teeth, they make me feel tough.”
“They remind you of dad,” Stripe observed.
Bandit nodded. “Yeah. See right through me.” They sat there for a moment, watching birds flutter by. “I just…d’ya reckon he’d be disappointed in me if I did get rid of ‘em?”
“I think he’d say ‘Ya can’t count on me for that, Bandy.’”
The two Heelers laughed for a little bit at Stripe’s impression and by the time they calmed down, they were wiping tears from their eyes.
Bandit sighed and stood up. Stripe did as well. “Thanks, little brother,” Bandit said.
“No worries, big brother.” Stripe placed a hand on Bandit’s shoulder. “Whatever ya do, just know I love ya.”
Bandit smiled. “Me too.”
When Bluey, Bingo, Chili, and Trixie made it to the back porch, Stripe and Bandit were standing by the tree, locked in a hug.
Chilli stepped onto the stairs but Bluey held a hand out to stop her. “What’s up, Bluey?” she asked.
“Just like uncle Rad said,” Bluey responded, smiling. “Dad figured it out himself.”
Bandit broke the hug when he felt a tug at his leg. Looking down, he saw Socks holding out her rope, her growing dog teeth showing in her smile. “Play tug, unca Bandy?”
Bandit picked up the little pup and suddenly, his dog teeth felt right at home, like they always were. “You bet, mate.”
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myriad-mage · 1 year
Will be available on Mondays and Tuesdays, Will respond to current threads Friday or over weekend. 
Also, going to make a multi-muse side blog. 
List will be below the cut due to length. 
Nova Butterfly (Star Versus the Forces of Evil [SVTFOE] OC)
Toffee (SVTFOE Canon)
Globgor (SVTFOE Canon)
Ethel (Fairy Fencer F [FFF] Canon)
Karin (FFF Canon)
Tiara (FFF Canon)
Fang (FFF Canon)
Cui (FFF Canon) *
Eryn (FFF Canon)
Apollonius (FFF Canon)
Seguro (FFF Canon) *
Harley (FFF Canon)
Bahus (FFF Canon)
Soji (FFF Canon)
Pippin (FFF Canon)
Galdo (FFF Canon)
Marissa (FFF Canon)
Terasion (FFF OC)
Amaria (FFF OC)
Luchs (Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven [LoM] Canon)
Charlotte “Lottie” (LoM Canon)
Beatrix “Trixie” (LoM Canon)
Elfriede “Frida” (LoM Canon)
Gabrielle “Gabby” (LoM Canon)
Diana “Di” (LoM Canon)
Francesca “Fran” (LoM Canon)
Adelheid “Addie” (LoM Canon)
Gewalt (LoM Canon)
Kaiser (LoM Canon)
Creed Diskenth (Black Cat [BC] Canon)
Echidna Parass (BC Canon)
Kyoko Kirasaki (BC Canon)
Shiki (BC Canon)
Master Moro (BC Canon)
Saya Minatsuki (BC Canon)
Charden Flamberg (BC Canon)
Durham Glaster (BC Canon)
Sven Volfied (BC Canon)
Sephiria Arks (BC Canon)
Train Heartnet (BC Canon)
Rinslet Walker (BC Canon)
Eve (BC Canon)
Zagine (BC Canon)
Marche Radiuju (Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced [FFTA] Canon)
Ritz Malheur (FFTA Canon)
Llednar Twem (FFTA Canon)
Shara (FFTA Canon)
Remedi (FFTA Canon)
Cid Randell (FFTA Canon)
Babus Swain (FFTA Canon)
Ezel Berbier (FFTA Canon)
Amarus (FFTA OC)
Sissi Delmas (Code Lyoko [CL] Canon)
Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug [ML] Canon)
Gabriel Agreste (ML Canon)
Seymour Guado (Final Fantasy X [FFX] Canon)
Auron (FFX Canon)
Torell (FFX OC)
Leblanc (Final Fantasy X-2 [FFX-2] Canon)
Nooj (FFX-2 Canon)
Ormi (FFX-2 Canon)
Logos (FFX-2 Canon)
Nagasumi Michishio (Seto No Hanayome [SnH] Canon)
Sun Seto (SnH Canon)
Gozaburo Seto (SnH Canon)
Shark Fujishiro (SnH Canon)
Lunar Edomae (SnH Canon)
Maki the Conch (SnH Canon)
Kirone Todoroki (SnH OC)
Jak (Jak and Daxter [JaD] Canon)
Keira (JaD Canon)
Sig (JaD Canon)
Ashelin (JaD Canon)
Torn (JaD Canon)
Baron Praxis (JaD Canon)
Kor (JaD Canon)
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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FULL NAME.     bellatrix barcelona belladonna NICKNAME.     Beretta ( codename ). Blake. Bella. Belle. Bells. Ella. Trix. Trixie. ‘Retta. Izanami ( alias in Japan ), Bénedicté ( alias in France ), Bertilda ( alias in Germany ), Béibhinn ( alias in Ireland ), Basilia ( alias in Spain ), Belakane ( alias in Africa ), Besiana ( alias in Albania ), Basira ( alias in the Middle East ), Berenike ( alias in Greece ), Bharat ( alias in India ) Bad Bitch, Queen B (self styled). The Black Widow. ( codename. ). GENDER.     Cisgender Female. HEIGHT.     5′8. AGE.     13 ( GANGSTA: CURSED. ) ; 28 ( GANGSTA. ). ZODIAC.     scorpio. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     Fluent in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Norwegian, German, Greek, American Sign Language, Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and various other languages — the majority of these are used for diplomatic and espionage missions.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
HAIR COLOR.     Black as a raven’s feather, often kept short in a bobcut but has grown out her hair just past her shoulders while younger. EYE COLOR.     Grey-icy blue eyes. SKIN TONE.     Ivory ; pale as white as snow. BODY TYPE.     Slender, fit, voluptuous, hourglass type. (and far more physically strong than how she appears to be). VOICE.     a silky, sickeningly sweet and sultry voice. DOMINANT HAND.     ambidextrous. POSTURE.     perfectly straight. SCARS.     n/a, all the scars she had faded over time. TATTOOS.      a sword intertwined with a black rose on her mid to lower back ; a tribal tattoo on her belly. BIRTHMARKS.     n/a MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).     eyes, lips, bodily frame, large breasts.
PLACE OF BIRTH.     a gulag turned research facility in yakutsk, siberia, russia. HOMETOWN.    beretta has had several homes throughout her childhood, all in top secret international research facilities. siberia, russia, new york, the united states of america, barcelona, spain, paris, france, rome, italy, egypt, africa, rio de janeiro, south america, toronto, canada, cancun, mexico, sydney, australia, shiraz, iran, honolulu, polynesia, dubai, united arab emirates, shanghai, china, tokyo, japan, seoul, south korea and even antarctica, among many other places around the world. SIBLINGS.    marie/maverick ( older sister figure ), masaru/minimi ( older brother figure ), spas/marco adriano ( brother figure and rumored half brother ; now disowned ). PARENTS.   unknown to her although she’s seen footage of her mother - a mixed asian woman of multiple eastern asian and southeastern asian ethnicities ) - on a computer that she hacked, but has no knowledge of her father ( a white man of multiple european ethnicities ) whatsoever.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
OCCUPATION.    supersoldier. assassin. spy. hunter. ( CANON. ). CURRENT RESIDENCE.    ergastulum, italy, however, since she is a spy and assassin, she can easily be anywhere else in the world. CLOSE FRIENDS.    canonically? striker, sig, colt, minimi, maverick, and at one point, spas. other than that, it’s pretty much anyone she can vibe with and she doesn’t have many genuine friends. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.    single but she has her eyes on striker. FINANCIAL STATUS.    immensely wealthy. DRIVER’S LICENSE.    yes, in her several fake id’s, not that she uses a car much. CRIMINAL RECORD.    oh, yeah ... not like she was caught. defacement of public property, physical assault with intent to harm, murder, disturbing the peace, trespassing, petty theft, harassment, brawling, murder, torture, treason. VICES.    a smoker, murder, torture, flirtation, seeking world domination.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   biromantic bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.    very .... very high LOVE LANGUAGE.    sharing food, giving gifts, emotional vulnerability, honesty, patience, loyalty, small intimate touches, sharing a living and sleeping space, difficult but important conversations, intense and tender kisses, hardcore rough sex  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.    she tends to be very attached and borderline clingy with them, but she doesn’t know how to love without restraint, so she tries her best to make the other person happy with all she has. when she’s in love with someone she loves them with all her entire being and is one of the most loyal partners one could ask for.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.    there’s a whole playlist HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    tending to the younger chimeras and stray animals, training, Goth culture, being with her friends, drawing, painting, coloring, baking, calligraphy, fashion, listening to music, playing musical instruments, particularly the violin, fawning over animals, sailing, eating sweets and desserts, observing flowers/nature, singing, dancing, writing, cake decorating, gardening, hiking, swimming, slaying her enemies, astrology, traveling, reading, collecting precious stones and flowers to decorate her room, the occult. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    she doesn’t know nor care. FEARS.    loss, failure, inadequacy, never being good enough, complete isolation, abandonment, intense physical intimacy. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    she’s very confident and vain about her visage, physique, wardrobe and in her prowess as an assassin and spy but ... herself as a person? ... not so much. VULNERABILITIES.    like literally all of her fears.  she fears them for a reason. she also thinks she’s not very lovable and no one will ever truly love her for ... well, her. as well, considering she was bred, born, raised and trained to be a spy, assassin and supersoldier since a very young age by a shadowy government organization, she wants desperately to be free from her chains.
tagged by:   stole it from @grcndel​ trolololol i hope you don’t mind !! tagging:    just do it for ur character bro
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wipworks · 3 years
Same repeated critiques, not really hitting the G spot, even when they win it's still the same problem.
I like Dhali and Hoso's Drag best, but I'd have to say even though I subjectively like Dhali more as a person (particularly not a fan of Hoso treating the crew as servants to the point where it gets called out-- like everyone needs a hand, but if you get called out as a Karen by the judges on TV that's kinda indicative that it's problematic enough to say so) and really dig how full on Dhali gets into character, that's major bonus points for me, along with him being the only one to not throw a temper tantrum during the shitfest cauldron of unprofessionalism.
Hoso has been more interesting with each look, Dhali kinda playin the same note even though he (to me) has been giving more than Saint or Sig. Saint has been kinda a huge disappointment to me with some beautiful highlights but still, you can't fuckin be low energy every night yo... that's not a supermonster, it doesn't make the cut. For Sig, I'm just eternally bored by her long before even the judges were. Same shit. Exquisite, but same shit different day. Range is another minimum threshold for me to be the next drag supermonster and she has very very little and you gotta kinda be mental not to see it. A drag supermonster needs to be able to surprise and excite me, and she has literally zero ability to do that, even though she's really good at her one trick pony job. There needs to be some way to reinterpret and still not be the same old shit.
Example on how to have a distinctive brand correctly: Trixie (the Shangella thief) has very distinctive trademarks, but she still can turn out range within that framework, unlike Sig, imho. Same with Jimbo and the ability to have a brand but still be diverse (I fucking love Jimbo, PEAS MFer!).
Based on right now I'd say Hoso gets the crown and be only a little sad about it because I have more love for Dhali, but just based on legit objective reasons Hoso has been a lot more exciting/imaginative overall and I feel like that's gonna beat out Dhali's professionalism. That said, Hoso has been one of my faves from the start, so, only a little sad.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S3;E11 ~ November 23, 1970
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Directed by Herbert Kenwith ~ Written by Milt Josefsberg and Ray Singer
Jack Benny needs a private secretary to help him write his autobiography. Naturally, Harry volunteers Lucy.  Through a series of flashbacks we meet many of the women in Benny's life – all played by Lucy.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter / 'Mother' / 'Zelda' / 'Debbie' / 'Mary' / 'Lola'), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter)
Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter) and Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter) do not appear in this episode, although they do receive opening title credit.
Guest Cast
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Jack Benny (Himself) was born on Valentine’s day 1894. He had a successful vaudeville career, and an even greater career on radio with “The Jack Benny Program” which also became a successful television show. His screen persona was known for being a penny-pincher and playing the violin. Benny was a Beverly Hills neighbor of Lucille Ball’s and the two were off-screen friends. Benny previously appeared on “The Lucy Show” as Harry Tuttle (a Jack Benny doppelganger) in “Lucy and the Plumber” (TLS S3;E2), did a voice over cameo as himself in “Lucy With George Burns” (TLS S5;E1), and played himself in “Lucy Gets Jack Benny’s Account” (TLS S6;E6). This is the second of his three episodes of “Here’s Lucy,”  all playing himself. Benny and Ball appeared on many TV variety and award shows together. He died in 1974.
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George Burns (Himself) was born Nathan Birnbaum in New York City in January 1896. He married Gracie Allen in 1926 and the two formed an act (Burns and Allen) that toured in vaudeville.  They had their own hit show “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” first on radio then on CBS TV from 1950 to 1958, airing concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” After Allen’s death in 1964, Burns reinvented himself as a solo act. Burns played himself on a 1966 episode of “The Lucy Show” (TLS S5;E1). In 1976 he won an Oscar for playing one of The Sunshine Boys. He was also known for playing the title role in Oh, God! (1978) and its 1984 sequel Oh, God! You Devil.  He died at the age of 100.   
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Mary Livingstone (Herself, uncredited voice) married Jack Benny in 1927 and the pair remained together until his death in 1974. Initially an actor who appeared on Benny's radio and television programs, she retired from show business in 1958, at the same time as Gracie Allen, wife of George Burns. She died in 1983.
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Michael Barbera (Jack Benny as a Boy) was a child actor who was 12 years old at the time of filming. He accrued 18 screen credits before leaving the industry.
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Ben Wrigley (Lola's Butler) played Liberace’s Butler in “Lucy and Liberace” (S2;E16).  He was a British actor who appeared in My Fair Lady (1964) and Bednobs and Broomsticks (1971). Wrigley previously appeared as a ticket agent in “Lucy Flies to London” (TLS S5;E6).  This is the second of his three episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” 
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Florence Lake (Trixie, right) did four films with Lucille Ball between 1936 and 1938.  She will do one more episode of the series as well as the 1974 TV movie “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye” starring Lucille Ball.  
Ginger (left), Trixie's friend, goes uncredited and has no dialogue.  
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Louis Quinn (Sailor) started out as a comedy writer for Milton Berle on radio and moved to acting in 1954. He is best remembered as Roscoe in “77 Sunset Strip” (1958-63).  
It is possible that this character is based on Pat O'Brien, who was also a sailor and friends with Jack Benny.
Sig Frohlich (Sailor, uncredited) makes the second of his uncredited background appearances on the series.
Walter Smith (Sailor, uncredited) made a total of 13 mostly uncredited appearances on the series. He also did one episode of “The Lucy Show.”  
The other sailors and patrons of the café are played by uncredited background performers.
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Writer and Script Supervisor Milt Josefsberg was a writer on Jack Benny's television program for a decade. Josefsberg wrote all three of the “Here's Lucy” scripts that featured Benny.  
This episode was shot without the presence of a studio audience. In her DVD introduction to the episode, Lucie Arnaz says that this episode didn't 'wrap' until the early hours of the morning.  
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The evening this episode first aired (November 23, 1970) Desi Arnaz Sr. (above with Ann Elder) guest-starred on “Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In,” the second half hour of which aired opposite “Here's Lucy.”  
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At the start of the episode, Harry is on the telephone with Jack Benny's manager Irving Fein (inset). In real life, Fein was Benny's manager and publicity director from 1947 to 1975.  Fein also managed George Burns later in his career.
Jack Benny's present-day living room is a re-dressed version of Lucy Carter's living room. The front door, fireplace, and kitchen door are all in the same location in both sets.  
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The title of Jack Benny's autobiography is... 
“The Women in My Life or I am Curious Jell-O” 
Jell-O was a long-time sponsor of Jack Benny's radio and television programs. I Am Curious (Yellow) is a 1967 Swedish art film that was controversial and censored in many US cities due to sexual content. 
Chapter 1 ~ MOTHER
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The first flashback is set in Jack Benny's childhood home in Waukegan, Illinois where Lucy plays his mother.  In reality, Benny’s mother was named Emma Sachs Kubelsky, although it is not mentioned here. 
Little Jackie practices “Love in Bloom” on the violin. “Love in Bloom” by Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin was published in 1934 and became the signature song of Jack Benny.
When Mother (Lucy) says Jackie walks like her, he shouts “Now cut that out” which was one of Jack Benny's common replies in his comedy routines. He says it later on in this episode.
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Mother gets a telephone call from next door neighbor Mrs. Heifetz to complain about Jackie's violin playing. Mother claims that Jackie plays much better than her son Jascha. Jascha Heifetz (1901-87, inset photo) is considered to be the greatest violinist of all time. Coincidentally, Lucille Ball was neighbors with Jack Benny and often could hear his violin practicing from her yard!
Chapter 2 ~ ZELDA
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In the second flashback, Jack is in the navy and meets a waitress named Zelda. Benny really did serve in the US Navy during World War I.  The name Zelda was also used as a former girlfriend on a 1957 episode of “The Jack Benny Program.”  The character was played by Sandra Gould, who had appeared on two episodes of “I Love Lucy” and one “The Lucy Show” but is probably best remembered as the second actor to play Mrs. Kravitz on “Bewitched.”
Jack's sailor friend wants to go to Roseland and dance instead of visiting another museum. Roseland was a popular New York City dance hall that opened in 1922 and closed in 2014.  
Chapter 3 ~ DEBBIE
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The third flashback is set during Jack Benny's vaudeville days.  Lucy plays Debbie Fink, his comedy partner. Fink was a surname Benny used in a 1961 episode of “The Jack Benny Show.”  
On stage, Benny plays “Sweet Georgia Brown” on the violin while Debbie dances the Charleston. The song was first written in 1925 by Ben Bernie and Maceo Pinkard. 
Chapter 4 ~ MARY
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In the fourth flashback, Jack Benny is a radio star broadcasting with Mary Livingstone. In this sequence, Lucille Ball lip synchs to the voice of the real Mary Livingstone, who became Mrs. Jack Benny in 1927. She frequently performed with her husband on radio and television.
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As part of the 'radio show' Mary (Lucy) reads a letter from her mother who lives in Plainfield, New Jersey. Jack calls her “the midnight cowboy of New Jersey.” Benny is probably referencing the 1969 Oscar-winning film Midnight Cowboy. In reality, Mary Livingstone was born Sylvia Marcowitz in Seattle, Washington.
Chapter 5 ~ LOLA
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In the fifth flashback, film star Jack Benny breaks up with blonde bombshell Lola Lavere (Lucy).  
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In retaliation, Lola threatens to get the studio to re-issue The Horn Blows at Midnight. The 1943 film was a financial failure at the box office and Benny would often make fun of the fact on his TV and radio shows.
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The striped wallpaper in the first flashback is the same as was seen in the first sequence in “Lucy and the Generation Gap” (S2;E12).  
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Continuity! Lucy says she never thought she'd meet a big star like Jack Benny when in fact the two met in the second episode of the series when the Carters stayed at his Palm Springs home – for a fee!
Reel Life! The episode ignores the fact that Benny and Livingstone were married in order to play up the women in his life. The final scene has Benny double dating with George Burns and calling themselves swingers!
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“Lucy and Jack Benny’s Biography” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This is more of a Jack Benny Program than a Lucille Ball show, but it is enjoyable none-the-less. There is a silly running gag that concerns Benny splitting his trousers and connected to the lyric “can it be the breeze” from his signature song, “Love in Bloom.”  There is a surprising joke at the end of the show that implies that the elderly ladies are taking birth control pills. Not the usual kind of humor for Lucille Ball, but she was trying to keep pace with the times. Silly, but enjoyable – and Lucy never looked better in her various wigs and costumes.  
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stjarnasmeepmorps · 7 years
Bellatrix Process
Maybe someone will interested? I wanted to show you guys anyway, so here goes ^^
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So I originally wanted to make a bandwagon ship piece, but when I started drawing Luna for this one (surprise surprise it’s Luna guys), I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to pose her. So I thought I’ll move on and come back. That didn’t happen, obviously.
Trix also looks tired here because she’s in mom mode. My ships were going to be parental/marriage/woke up like this beauty type ship pics, but as I kept going and that didn’t happen, I just made her look gentle instead of tired.
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For the lineart, I drew it by hand with the stabilizer at 30% on a vector layer. I use Manga Studios, btw, very good program. I also edited the lines by individual vector points, fading the ends, flattening lumps, etc. until I’m satisfied. I loved her hair here. I also did line her eye but it got flattened with the coloring as I continued, sorry
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Simple coloring and such. For the eyes, I usually gradate and blend manually with the original color in the middle, darker shade at the top, and lighter shade at the base. But Trixie’s being what they are, I used the gradation tool for the purple and pink, while adding dark purple at the top and light pink at the bottom. Then after coloring her, I colored the lineart with the same outline colors the show uses. I also try never to use black or white for anything. It makes shading and highlighting impossible to see. Her lashes and brow are a dark blue, while her eye “whites” are a light yellow. The eye highlight, is in fact white.
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I shaded Trix with black here, then changed the layer type and opacity on the two layers I used. For her hair, I changed it to Hard Light, and lowered the OP to 45%. For her pelt, Hard Light as well and 35%. I also blended the edges, and erased little circles for interest. I added a shadow gradient of black to her hair, and another, also black, to her pelt. For her mane, Hard Light at 35%, and for her pelt, Overlay at 30%. Originally I had them on the same layer, but separated them to experiment with layer types and liked this combination. It made her colors more vibrant. Note: I don’t let the shading on separate layers overlap.
Below, I highlighted with white, two separate layers again. Both at 100% OP. Mane, Lighten setting. Pelt, Color Dodge. I shaded the eye because I forgot to earlier. Also added my sig.
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And that’s it. Tips are always appreciated, and I hope I maybe could help someone with my small amount of knowledge. Remember it’s all about perception. These are not my settings I use every single time. I observe and decide what works best ^^
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vinylblythe · 7 years
Do any of my followers have the store Meijer where you live? If so I would be incredibly grateful if you could see if they have this Equestria Girls Trixie figure; I’ve wanted her ever since she was shown at toy fair but the only store that collection of EG minis has shown up at is Meijer, and I don’t have that store in my state :/ 
I doubt they’ll ever come to other stores in america, and I know she’s on amazon but she’s incredibly overpriced and I don’t know if they’ll ever get her back in stock for a decent price. So if anyone has a Meijer store near them and they have this figure, I’d gladly pay you to pick her up for me!! 
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alittlemxchievous · 9 months
-trixie 🩰
Added to the wishlist!!!
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Terfs, Swerfs, Minors, Chasers, and sissy blogs dni
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hoorskatter · 7 years
Carolina, Dolly, Athena och Cindy har under den tid de bott hos oss, tydligt visat att de vill hålla sig på avstånd från oss tvåbenta. De har nu därför fått flytta ut i en av våra TNRM-kolonier…
Varm liggplats, gott om mat och vatten och daglig tillsyn kommer erbjudas dem, om de själva vill…när de vill. Ett boende på deras egna villkor. Som TNRM-katt stannar man i föreningen livet ut, om individet inte plötsligt ändrar sig, och visar att han / hon flytta in igen. Då ordnar vi det.
Trixie och Misty flyttar till ett gemensamt hem, som stallkatter.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Vecka 43 Carolina, Dolly, Athena och Cindy har under den tid de bott hos oss, tydligt visat att de vill hålla sig på avstånd från oss tvåbenta.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
“I need you like you need your coffee.” Beretta
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Bellatrix inhales the scent of cappucino before taking a sip and taking a bite out of a blueberry muffin as she walked outside the cafe. Not that she necessarily needed it, because she didn’t need to sleep, and she could survive for days upon days without food but simply treating herself was a luxury she could rarely afford when she had been only a girl. Trixie had told Sig everything about this one, and the girl had laughed her ass off: 
❝Oh, he’s got it baaaaaaad!❞
So, when she noted him walking into the cafe as if he were some dog looking for a bone, she cannot help but laugh softly at the man... no, the demon standing before her once he finally found his objective. She’s seen plenty of men ( and women ) desiring her but to this extent was something to behold and laugh at. Could he be anymore obvious?  ❝ Oh, absolutely marvelous! What a line! You use that on all the ladies, Casanova? ❞ she smirks, shaking her head as she walks past him and sips her coffee again, heels clacking on cobblestone.
❝ Let me guess, you were so drawn to my singing last night and ah, it was love at first sight! ❞
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