#trivian michaels
spectraspecs-writes · 5 years
STS! How different do your OCs act when they are with acquaintances vs. people they are comfortable with?
Been thinking about this - happy Sunday.
Figured I’d start with Victoria St. Clair. She holds a lot of people at bay, trying not to get close. Due to ~plot reasons~ she expects any friends she makes to be taken away from her at a moments notice. So she comes off as rude and aloof. But when she knows you, when she’s comfortable with you, she tends to share more of herself and her thoughts. She views you as an ally rather than possible collateral damage. You know she likes you when she calls you her friend.
The other OCs I’ve had here but worked with less - Kodali, Gideon, Crane, Jason, Trivian, Ellie, Lee, and I think I’ve had Kai. Kodali is generally distrustful of people, but when he knows you want to help, to work with him, he’s far more open. Gideon and Crane don’t really apply, they aren’t telling me. Jason is used to people disliking him, so he doesn’t quite know how to react when someone regards him with more than just tolerance. Trivian doesn’t change on the surface, he’s a people person. But with people he’s close with, he is equally close. He shares more. Ellie strikes people as weird because she keeps to herself, but if she knows you and likes you it’s easy to get her to talk about herself. Same with Kai. Lee isn’t talking to me right now.
Rena is used to having an ever changing rotation of people around her, as a scout. These are people - if you’ve ever been in the cast of a play or musical, then you’ll know the relationship. These are people you’re close with, thick as thieves, ride or die, for the duration of the play, but once the show is over it’s not unusual to never talk to those people again unless you were close beforehand. That’s what Rena’s used to. As far as she knows at this point that’s what this group is. The search for the Star Maps should take, what, a month, maybe. Then the group will split from what she can tell, what her experience tells her. She is not prepared for the idea that this group will not just split afterwards. That’s why she’s so close with her droids. Her droids are hers, and they will stick around.
Her relationship with Carth is most surprising to her. There have been men and women (perhaps others, I don’t know) she’s found attractive and had romantic and sexual relationships with on her scouting missions, but they’ve been casual and in the instances where they’ve stuck around for a while they usually end up having serious disagreements and splitting anyway. She actively dreads that happening with Carth but at the same time is uncomfortable liking him as much as she does. This is new territory for her. She doesn’t know what she’ll do if he sticks around, but at the same time she’s hoping he does.
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