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starwaz · 20 days ago
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This is based on a fic I’m writing. No, there are no ships between these people. Honestly, I do ship them, but just not in this scenario. Also, I have waited until I finished this art piece to say it. Someone sent me a message saying they were “interested” in my art.
Did they honestly think they would work? I wasn’t born yesterday. I was also reached out by a discord user in my DMs on this website regarding the fact that someone else was blamed for what I’ve done here. It’s almost as if the name “Daddy” is only used by one person.
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turgenevskaya · 1 year ago
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Однажды Лора наткнулась на таинственную пещеру после насыщенного рабочего дня и с тех самых пор это загадочное место прочно заняло часть мыслей в её белокурой головке. Теперь, как только выдается свободная минутка, девушка спешит поскорее продолжить изучение пещеры, а заодно причудливого рисунка на стене, расположившейся неподалеку.
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Как то раз эколог заработалась и в интересующее ее место попала уже после заката... Ничего страшного не произошло, но вдохновение от чарующего голоса русала, Лора получила сполна🤣
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synergysilhouette · 2 months ago
Plotting out "Boto" (Disney Movie)
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Make sure to check out the summarized version of this and other stories in my post about the second part of the Resurgence Era! (And disclaimer: this post is a quick creation that is not the result of years like an actual film would be, and thus may not match the storytelling/music that properly reflects the culture.)
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Following the success of "Encanto" and positive reviews from the Latin American community because of it as well as Disney's significant Brazilian fanbase, Disney opts to do a fantasy musical set in Brazil. They immediately tap Lin-Manuel Miranda to do a musical again, and it's said that they considered him being a writer/director for the film, but decide instead to search for Brazilian talent. Walter Salles was a contender to direct the film, but Disney opts for Luiz Bolognesi to direct it, writing the screenplay with Alê Abreu (though Jared Bush does make some story contributions). Disney takes from the Brazilian legend of the boto--a dolphin who can take on a man's appearance and seduces women--as the basis, though Disney reflects on the fact that they've only had one mermaid movie, and opt to make the boto a merman instead, with the main protagonist being a mermaid for a significant portion of the film. Another significant change was going from making the film in modern Brazil to making it a medieval kingdom heavily influenced by Brazil to make it feel more Disney-esque. Given Brazil's significant Black population and the mixed feedback Halle Bailey's casting as Ariel received, Disney opts to make the lead Afro-Latina. As time, her background is refined with her boto father going from a European-looking man (inspired by Aquaman) to an Indigenous-looking man, and her mother, who was originally of African descent, is changed to an Afro-Asian woman with Japanese ancestry. Disney originally planned to make the film 3D, but felt like 2D would be cheaper for water effects, as well as taking influence from anime, such as "Pokemon" and "Ponyo."
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Naiara grew up with her mother and father, never having a want or desire for anything, save for more self-confidence, being a shy young woman. However, one day she hears her grandmother recount a distant memory, she realizes that her biological father is a merman. Enchanted by her magical heritage, she ventures to find him in a kingdom within the Atlantic Ocean. But when she finally reunites with him, she finds that there may have been a reason he's been absent for so long. With her home in danger as well as the oceans she's come to love, Naiara must summon a form of courage she never knew she was capable of.
(The images below reflect my inspiration for either the characters' design and/or personality, along with serving as a visual aid to the reader of this post rather than just looking at text.)
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Naiara Jatobá Cavaleiro--A shy woman who becomes a mermaid after discovering her biological father is a merman, she is shocked on how she acted on a whim, and writes a letter to her parents to tell them where she's gone. While she feels a rush of adrenaline exploring a world that was previously thought to be excluded to the realm of fairy tales, she quickly realizes that the world below is as dangerous as the world above, and the bioluminescent glow that her mermaid form carries doesn't help her blend in like she'd prefer. It looks like she'll have to get used to standing out. Besides, she can return to the
(Ariel art by Asayris on Twitter)
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Zélia--Naiara's first friend as a mermaid, Zélia is a mermaid known for being clever and mischevious, ie the opposite of Naiara. It's revealed that she's an agent for King Renato, but often wanders off to her own devices. When the situation between the sea and the ocean, as well as Naiara's involvement in it, is revealed to be more complicated than she expected, she planned on fleeing and cutting her losses, but her loyalty, while not easily won, was earned by Naiara, and she refuses to let her get hurt--particularly when Zélia feels partially responsible for Naiara being underwater anyway (which she is).
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Caetano Jatobá--As a human, he takes the form of a Brazilian man of predominantly Indigenous ancestry and takes on the first name he could think of. it is in his nature to charm women, and since merpeople such as he never see their human children again, he thought nothing of charming a local woman, and didn't worry about her possibly becoming pregnant. However, a few years later, he was alerted of this, and a strange sense of loss encircled him. (Throughout the film, it's heavily implied that the reason for this is he was almost infertile.) But even when he thinks of returning to meet his child, forces beyond his control prevent him from seeing her.
(And for anyone curious, the merman art is official art from a Ken doll. The boto art was made by ggZeppe and taken from Redbubble)
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Renato--While originally assisting Naiara in her quest to find her father, he soon realizes that she was a human, and leads her on a wild goose chase. As the king of the ocean, he abhors humans and those who fraternize with them due to the damage they've done to his domain as well as their lack of respect to his authority. With time however, his pain was contorted into a perverse desire to not only prevent humans from seeing his kingdom, but flooding the earth to put it all under his control. That said, he puts on a ditsy, oblivious persona in front of his subjects. As a "true" merman incapable of taking human form, the world above burns and suffocates him, and when Naiara, the first human-mermaid hybrid to reach his kingdom, appears before him, he plans on toying with her and keeping her out of his way while he destroys that which she holds dear. Thanks to her taking a mermaid form, she's upset the balance of land and sea, allowing Renato to go about enacting his plans.
By the Beach--Naiara is enjoying another day, though her lack of social skills prevents her from socializing with others. As such, people talk about how odd she is, as she spends most of her time at the beach by her home. Any time someone tries to befriend or talk to her, Naiara eventually becomes flustered and embarrassed, earning people's pity or laughter.
What If---Upon freeing a mermaid named Zélia from a fisherman's net, Zélia says Naiara has a magical look in her eyes, and questions if she's the daughter of a boto. While Naiara is hesitant, Zélia coaxes her into letting her aquatic insticts awaken, allowing her to become a mermaid at will, and vows to help her find Caetano.
Glow--Naiara's bioluminesence makes itself known to the other merpeople, an unusual trait in the merworld, attracting the king's attention. While Naiara is used to people saying how odd she is, she's unused to the juxtaposed positive attention she receives from it, with other merpeople wanting to befriend her and even find it an attractive trait.
Take for Granted (Disease)--King Renato explains to Naiara his disdain for the human world, but doesn't let all of his malice come through, instead making it sound like he's annoyed by it. Taking advantage of her popularity and insecurity, Renato tells her where she can find her father, and she doesn't realize that her bioluminescence leaves a visible trail at night for Renato to follow.
Anywhere--Naiara reunites with Caetano, who is perplexed by her at first, but quickly grows to her. As he's never been a father before, he lacks the discipline and concern that a parent would have, coming off more as a friend to her, and she recalls her father on the service, and realizes that leaving him with a note rather than talking to him face to face about seeing her biological father may have been her taking him for granted. Zélia picks up on his somewhat absent mind, and suspects he's being controlled.
New Waves--Renato enacts his war upon the surface world, revealing he put Zélia's life in danger with the fisherman in order to get Naiara's attention, as well as partially brainwashing her father so he didn't remember her, and thus she would eventually come to him rather than the other way around (not that he had knowledge of her having a stepfather).
By the Beach (Finale)--With the conflict finally over and Renato's son taking over as the new ruler of the seas, Naiara returns home to her concerned parents. She resumes her life as if nothing happened, though with a bit more confident and security with herself. A short time later, someone arrives at her doorstep: a human Caetano and Zélia.
I hope you enjoyed this! Lemme know if you have any questions.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 months ago
Twice Drowned
Summary: It's just the Little Mermaid but with Icy and Tritannus.
Note: I've had a few people ask about the other Icy ship fics that I wrote/show interested in them. Here's a link to my Ao3 if y'all don't want to dig through my blog to try to find them.
She had fallen through the ice once when she was a little girl. 
She remembers just two things about the incident; firstly that she had fallen in love with the cold anew. Secondly that she does not care for water. 
The cold had comforted her as the water had suffocated her. She doesn’t know how she got out of the water; if it was her own doing—an awakening of instincts and magical ability or if someone else had plucked her out from under the ice. 
She likes to think that she had saved herself. She had never been able to use her powers before then but they had surfaced with extraordinary strength afterwards. She thinks that maybe she had cracked the ice and that someone else had pulled her through the hole that she had created.
It isn’t something that she is particularly eager to relive but she seldom has a choice. She certainly doesn’t in this instance. The waves are ravenous. They have already devoured the ship. She should have flown out of the ocean’s grasp while she had the chance. But pride, as it usually is, is her downfall again. It would have been quite cowardly to jump ship. They are, afterall, hauling something precious. Unspecified and spoken of on a need to know basis—apparently she didn’t need to know—but she knows that it is precious.
Really she has no business being their anyhow, as the princess of Dyamond she ought to be at home. But Sapphire’s adventurous spirit is contagious and she has been sitting still, prim, and proper for too long. 
Ever since she’d fallen through the ice her parents had become suffocating. They pamper and spoil her but they hover oppressively. Lovingly but oppressively no less. They have become protective to a maddening degree and so she has acted on Sapphire’s encouragement and has taken to the sea. 
Her slight frame makes it easy to pass herself as one of the sailor’s sons. And so she wears her hair tucked, out of sight, under a hat and wears clothing baggy enough to hide her subtle feminine attributes. It would seem that she passes a little too well; she will die like any other shiphand—with salt stinging her eyes and water filling her lungs, perhaps smashed against craggy rocks or shredded by the reef.
She has taken to the sea and now the sea takes her.
Really, she thinks, it is just stealing back what belongs to it.
Finishing what it had started some ten years ago.
The girl is beautiful.
She is ethereal.
She is human.
She drifts down…
It seems like slow motion the way that she falls, her hair comes free from the hat and fans out around her head, swishing like curtains in a breeze or seaweed in a current. She is bleeding but Tritannus can’t tell from where.
She isn’t flailing and her expression is serene; either she has been underwater for a long time already or she is simply accepting of fate. Tritannus swims his way towards her. He knows that he is not supposed to. Father forbade it. But between he and his brother, he has always been the more rebellious one.
And, really, how can he resist this one? She is so pretty, so delicate. She has this innocent look about her and he has a sense of curiosity to compliment his sense of rebellion.
Against everything Neptune and Ligea have advised him, he hooks has arms around the girl’s and he takes her to the surface. He has never held a girl before, let alone a human girl. Her head falls against the crook of his neck, her hair tickles his neck. He brings her to the column of rock that juts up from the sea floor. He carefully lays her upon it.
Up close he can make out finer features, like the sparse sprinkle of freckles on her neck and right shoulder and the soft shimmer of her pale skin. She has a soft face save for a pointier chin; a dainty nose, soft cheeks, delicate lips that are slightly parted. 
Tritannus leans in closer to those lips, listening for a soft inhale and feeling for the exhale of her breath. 
His heart leaps when, at first, he doesn’t hear or feel a thing. But he catches the rise and fall of her chest so she must be breathing. But, aside from the swishing of the locks of hair that spill over the rock and into the water, she is completely still. So terribly still. 
He touches her cheek and he feels quite ill.
She is cold.
As dead things are. 
But she breathes, he reminds himself. She breathes and she has a pulse. And her cheeks have color, not much of it but enough of it to set her apart from some of the other humans that the ocean has claimed. 
She gives a little hum and Tritannus’s heart leaps. 
She is waking up.
She is waking up and he hasn’t thought of anything to say to her! 
And his hand! It is still cupping her cheek. 
Icy sits herself up. She feels quite woozy and terribly tired. She should be grateful that she feels anything at all. She purses her lips and furrows her brows; yes, she is indeed alive. But how? It takes her a moment to realize that someone is touching her face. Her face is all cut up and bruised, the saltwater causes a quite dreadful burning sensation. 
It is more of a reflex than anything, to aggressively swat at the hand that caresses her cheek. She stops just shy of planting her fist in the boy’s face. 
“Do you always punch the ones who save your life?”
Icy shrugs. “Not typically. But those people aren’t usually stroking my face. Do you always plaster your hand on the people that you rescue?” 
The boy laughs. “I…” His face flushes. “No but…it’s just…I was trying to…I like your face!” 
Icy tilts her head. “You speak eloquently.” 
How this dolt has managed to muster up enough brainpower to save her is beyond her. And what does it say about her that she has required rescue from a buffoon? She grimaces and a light blush creeps across her own face. 
“I’m actually quite charming when I’m not taken by surprise.”
“How have I surprised you?”
“You woke up.”
“Do you often perch dead bodies upon rocks?” Icy tilts her head. “That’s an interesting hobby. Do you watch them decompose? How do you keep the sharks and sirens away?”
“Okay first of all, they don’t like to be called sirens, that has some negative connotations. Secondly I knew that you were alive. I just didn’t expect you to wake up so soon.”
“So you were just going to sit on this rock with me and stare at me for hours? That’s a little weird, don’t you think?” 
“What else could I do!? Just leave you there?”
“You could have taken the time to find help.” Icy shrugs. “You’re a good swimmer, yes?” 
“You could say that…” He trails off. 
“Elaborate.” There is an air of command in her voice. A well practiced tone of voice if he had to guess. 
“You’ve got a lot of spunk for someone who almost drowned.”
She shrugs. “Not my first time.” She pauses. “Although this time was a bit more draining. Thre was a lot more action this time around. More screaming and manual labor as we tried to keep the ship afloat. The first time I kind of just slipped under.” Come to think of it, her arms are quite sore and her legs are throbbing. 
“Have you tried not drowning?” 
She nods. “It wasn’t for me though.” 
“Oh, you have a sense of humor.”
Icy nods. 
“Do you have a name?”
“No. People usually just shout, ‘hey you’ and refer to me as ‘that one asshole’. So I never really needed a name.” 
“Wait, really?”
“Do people by chance call you ‘dumbass’. Because I think that it fits.” 
The boy frowns. 
“You’re thinking about throwing me back into the ocean, aren’t you?” She supposes that she does have that effect on people. If her mother heard the way that she talks when she slips out into the streets to mingle with the commoners…
If her mother knew that she was sneaking out at all she would probably fall into a faint. She supposes that she is lucky that Sapphire is so openly and distractingly rambunctious. “I’ll pull you under with me if you try and we’ll both drown.”
“That plan might not work out as well as you think it will.” He leans back in the water and flashes his tail at her. It glints a scaly teal-green before it disappears back under the water.
“You’re a merman.” 
“Well I’m glad that your eyes weren’t damaged by the sea salt.”
Icy folds her arms across her chests and sniffs. “I suggest that you make use of that tail and use it to swim me back to Dyamond.”
“Swim you back to Dyamond? You didn’t even thank me for swimming your sorry ass over to this rock.” 
“This rock is craggy and covered in sea slime—it is not comfortable to sit my ass upon.”
“My apologies, I’ll just let you get nice and cozy under the sea then.” He gives her a shrug and then turns his back on her. 
The sound that she makes isn’t exactly flattering. “Where are you going?”
“Well you don’t want my help so…”
“You get back here right now! I will have you know that I am the princess of Dyamond and I…”
“Am very important?”
Icy fixes him with a smug smile, “indeed.”
“To humans maybe. Well have fun on this rock.” He begins to sink beneath the surface.
If she does find a way off of said rock, she vows to put more emphasis on her flying lessons instead of neglecting them for lessons in combat and spell mastery. Flying has never been her strong suite. She certainly doesn’t have enough flight in her to get her all the way back to Dymond. “You’re not actually going to leave me here?” It is supposed to come out like a command but there is a hitch in her voice that turns it into a question instead.
The boy pauses. “Well…I might not.” He looks over his shoulder. “You have to tell me your name first.”
“Who's to say that I’ll give you a truthful answer.”
“Well if I find out that you lied to me I’ll start referring to you as ‘that asshole’ like everyone else supposedly does.” 
Icy folds her arms across her chest. “Icy. My name is Icy.”
“Because I fell through the ice as a child and it altered my magic type.”
“What was your name before and your magic type.”
“Don’t remember and I never knew.” 
“How do you not…”
“Dymond is a planet of shifting seasons. Sometimes powers shift and names are adjusted accordingly. I never had a chance to use my original powers before I fell through the ice and altered them.” She shrugs. “I don’t mind though. Icy suits me just fine.” And it has kept her alive in these freezing waters. 
“I’m Tritannus, prince of Andros. I would be anyways if my twin brother hadn’t been born twelve minutes before me.”
“Have you considered murder?” 
“How does someone with such an adorable face develop such a sinister personality.” 
Icy groans. It is so terribly tiring to hear that repeatedly. That she is cute or precious or whatever else. “Just take me home in silence or I’ll have my subjects eating fish fillet for months.”
The stories that Ligea has told him since birth have led him to believe that the sea witch is an ugly, decrepit thing. 
She is anything but. 
She is stunning and terrifying. Stunningly terrifying and terrifyingly stunning.
In the stories, the sea witch stares with unseeing, inky eyes. She is gaunt and skeletal with jagged little eel teeth. Supposedly she has the skin of an eel and thick black tentacles with little barbs on the suckers. She is supposedly translucent so that one can gaze upon all of her innards and throbbing bits. Her hair is said to be lacking and continuously falling off to display a scalp as rough as coral.
The only thing that they have gotten right is the bit about her eyes being coal black. She has a rather voluptuous figure and a rich complexion. Her hair falls in waves and it falls long enough to swish around what would have been her ankles if she were a human woman. Instead it weaves between tendrils that are less like octopus tentacles and more like jellyfish arms. She is gorgeous in a way that starkly contrasts Icy’s soft, gentle beauty. The sea witch’s beauty is of the dangerous variety. Alluring and charming that fits well with the angler fish that thrash and snap within a cage behind her. Where Icy’s beauty came in seafoam shades of white and blue, the sea witch possesses beauty in octopus ink purple and abyss black hues.
He is here for her. 
He can’t put her out of his mind. 
Can’t stop thinking about how sharply her demeanor contrasts her appearance.
“Come closer, boy, step out of the light.” 
“Isn’t that counter productive?” He asks. 
The sea witch chuckles. “But I can see you so much better in the dark.” 
“That’s why they call you Darcy, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, sure.” She shrugs. “Among other reasons.” She turns around and slinks deeper into her cave. A single arm emerges from the dark crevice that she has slipped into. He can see just half of her forearm and the beckoning wagging of her pointer. “Come on, little boy, just a little closer for Darcy.”
Tritannus shudders. 
Swimming deeper into the trench is the last thing that he wants to do and it directly contradicts his first priority; to see Icy again. And stepping into this trench is the only way to make that happen. Is it stupid? Completely foolhardy? 
Almost definitely. 
He has only just met Icy. And she is a princess, she probably already has a betrothed. Not that he can imagine her actually going through with an arranged marriage. 
“Don’t keep me waiting, boy.” Again Darcy’s voice creeps out of the cavern. “I can sense the desperation on you, the desire. If you keep me waiting I will slip out of sight and you’ll have to talk to Stormy.” 
“It is kind of her fault that you’re here. She called for the storm that splintered your lover’s ship.” 
He doesn’t like the way that she draws out the ‘L’ in lover. He doesn’t like that she already knows why he is here. He doesn’t like that he doesn't know how she knows. His mind drifts once more to his father’s words of caution. To his mother’s tales of the sea witch and her deceptions. 
“I want legs so that I can be among the humans.” Tritannus takes only a few strides further into the abyss. “What’s your price?” 
“Legs…” Darcy drawls. “Well that’s a pretty hefty ask.”
He swallows hard. 
“Look, I’m not so cruel as to take an arm or two but I’m not just going to give you a leg or two for free.”
“Two legs.” Tritannus says. “Just so we’re clear, I do want two of those.” 
The sea witch chuckles. “And I want your voice.” 
“I’m a collector, you see.”
“I can’t see shit in here actually.”
She laughs again. “Oh I almost don’t want to take your voice, you use it so well.” Darcy slips back into the light. “But I also don’t want to undersell my services. That is my price, take it or leave it, I’m sure that you can find other ways to tell stupid jokes.”
“The ‘tell’ aspect of telling a joke is kind of a critical component.” 
“The best comedians know when to stop joking.” Her voice is lower. Deeper with a hint of warning. “What will it be? Legs for your voice?”
“Legs for my voice.” He agrees. 
He might not have done it if he knew that it would be so painful. If he knew that it would feel like a fish hook catching on his uvula and yanking it clean out.
He might not have done it if she’d mentioned her little stipulation upfront.
Three days. 
He only has three days to win Icy’s affections and receive true love’s kiss or he will lose his legs and become one of the gaunt and wretched creatures that Darcy has chained to the wall. 
Three days to win the heart of the coldest, sassiest, most sarcastic and walled off bitch that he has ever come across. Three days to win the heart of the most intriguing, secretly kind of really affectionate person that he has ever encountered.
It dawns upon him that he is getting the short end of this deal. 
The short end unless he manages to get that kiss.
He hugs his newfound legs to his chest; he hopes that he hasn’t just made a mistake, that he hasn’t just sold his voice for a chance that he never truly had. 
The castle looms behind him. 
The sand sifts next to him. He has company. 
“You come here often?” He mumbles without looking up.
“Not really.” She replies. He’d know that voice anywhere. 
Had she been looking for him? 
By the pull of the waves, he hopes so.
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marmolao · 2 years ago
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And this doodle i did today
Sorry for my mutuals 😢😛 dont watch winx club btw not good for your soul
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pumpumkins · 1 year ago
i am not sorry
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48glowsquids · 2 years ago
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Αχνε :)
I've got nothing as I'm trying to not commit arson at my university so sketches are all I got :)
They kinda cute.
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sakuragiulia · 6 months ago
Who will win this sea beattle?
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darlenicy · 2 years ago
➡ firstly: is it really that horrible to disturb a coronation? i mean it's not nice but HORRIBLE? isn't it rather horrible that a father imprisons his own son? And 2ndly do you really wonder about that when you too call Tritannus your psycho cousin? I'm afraid I'll found the Tritannus-Defense-Squad simply because everyone treats him like shit and this even though I don't really know what to think about him lol but this is so unfair
I think this might be a dub error, because Tritannus was trying to kill Nereus
Like murder his brother, which is a lot less worse than imprisoning your son imo
Okay, I looked it up, and in the Nickelodeon dub Layla says, that Tritannus attacked Nereus at his coronation.
But I still think the family dynamic is pretty unhealthy. You don't simply become evil. After all, Winx is a show for children and I think especially the Nickelodeon era gave no fcks about the writing but if it was written properly I am sure that there was a reason for his behavior (maybe Nereus was always favored as a child? and as a twin it hurts like double? But I'm an only child and don't know much about sibling fights 😅). Idk but it's just boring for a character to be just evil for no reason? but who am I expecting something good written from s4 onwards? 😂
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“Why does Stormy paired up with Tritannus fit well together????”
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starwaz · 1 month ago
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Speaking of Winx in the previous post, have this as a somewhat drawing practice.
I know there are some people out there who will shame others for liking a character they don’t like and then act oblivious when they can’t understand why people don’t like certain characters.
Of course, this is the real world, where opinions don’t matter if they’re not the same. To some people anyway.
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virgichuu · 11 months ago
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ive always wanted to draw andros babies
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turgenevskaya · 1 year ago
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Учиться на Сулани для Лоры одно удовольствие. Эта девочка успевает не только выполнять ежедневные домашние задания, но и умудряется находить время на отдых. Так неподалеку от её домика расположилось место для ныряния с трубкой и конечно же грех было не испытать себя в этом веселом занятии, а тут еще и дельфинчик так кстати приплыл (думаю это неплохое начало их дружбы 😅).
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Конечно, малышка очень сильно скучает по сестрам и своим школьным друзьям, коих немного. У Лоррейн есть черта характера "неловкий в общении", по��ому заводить новые знакомства для неё то еще испытание. Благо на острова заниматься восстановлением экологии прибыла не только она одна. В ее группе оказался паренек Эрвин Прайс, с которым у них сложились хорошие дружеские отношения, хотя иногда ребята могут и не сойтись во мнении. После того, как странности в Стренджервилле поутихли (на неопределенное время), молодой человек решил попробовать себя в благоустройстве островов Сулани.
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Так же девушка познакомилась с таинственным местным жителем, который с большим недоверием относился к приезжим, но пообщавшись с Лорой подольше все же сменил гнев на милость (на долго ли?). Было в этом молодом человеке что то одновременно притягательное и пугающее. Он совсем не походил на островитян. Это настораживало девушку, но между тем ей хотелось узнать его еще больше. Разгадать его тайну (это ведь тот самый страшный русал, но крошка пока находится в блаженном неведении)...
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Сестры Николь и Одетта стараются поддерживать свою малютку, каждая делает это по разному. Одетта, которая сейчас по уши погрузилась в заботы молодой мамочки, все же выкраивает минутку и почти что ежедневно названивает Лоре, справляясь о ее самочувствии, спрашивая об интересных событиях да и вообще обо всем. Для Лоррейн такие звонки стали настоящей отдушиной. Иногда даже казалось, будто она и не покидала родной дом.
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Что же касается Николь, та никогда не любила з��онки и всегда предпочитала их живому общению. Так иногда, пролетая между континентами на очередные показы мод, девушка находила время, чтобы просто увидеться с младшей сестрой, посекретничать, подраться подушками, как тогда, в детстве. Победителем из этих беспощадных подушечных боев, к слову, частенько выходила Лора.
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На островах было хорошо, даже очень, но все же Лоррейн никак не могла убежать от мыслей, преследовавших ее по вечерам. Мыслях неправильных. Мыслях о парне её сестры...
P.S. Нейта рядом нет, но в мыслях постоянно
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crazy-queen-winx · 26 days ago
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skylaryozora · 7 months ago
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spilledmilkfkdies · 11 months ago
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I love men!! Not all of these but!! Men!!
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