#tristan dugary imagine
leossmoonn · 3 years
One Hour
pairing - tristan dugray x fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request - “hi bestie 💕 could i get a soft tristian imagine where he's been bugging her. the reader finally agreed to go out with him and she ends up really liking him so they get together. i've been feeling soft and lonely 😔” such a classic idea! enjoy :)
summary - after some convincing, you finally so yes to a date with tristan
warnings / includes - mild language, food + eating, teasing, lil suggestive, crude humor, pet names, name calling, kissing, soft tristan. not edited
*gif isn’t mine* ik this is from one tree hill shhh
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“hey, angel.”
tristan pulled a chair up next to me. i ignored him, putting my hand up to shield my eyes from him. i rested my head against my arm, continuing to work on my essay.
“awe, don’t ignore me now. i’m having a really bad day.”
i pretended that i didn’t hear him. i started on a new paragraph, looking at my prompt to find evidence of my claim. i started to cite my quote when he spoke again.
“c’mon, give me a witty remark. i’ll even take a glare.”
i finally turned to him, my brows knitted together and my eyes narrowed at him. he smiled at me, grinning from ear-to-ear.
“that’s my girl!” he exclaimed.
i rolled my eyes, sighing in annoyance and returning back to my homework.
“and now you’ve gone back to being a stick in the mud. great.”
“you know, you’re not going to get anywhere if you just sit here and annoy me. especially if you choose to insult me, too.” i finally spoke, my voice low with irritation.
“i’m not insulting you! i’m speaking the truth. why do you -”
“why do you have to be an asshole?” i shot back, my head snapping to him.
his mouth widened, his face filled with surprise. he was trying to figure out what to say, knowing that if he said anything else that made me mad, i would then punch him and get a restraining order against him. this was the game we played. he loved it, i hated it.
i decided to pack up my things while he was still thinking of what to say. i could just go to lane’s to study. no boys were ever allowed there, thanks to her mom, which i gratefully appreciated. it was the only place tristan couldn’t bother me.
i got up from my seat, pushing in my chair and walking out of the library. as i was about to step out of the doors, a hand grabbed mine. i was whipped around, coming face-to-face with tristan.
“jesus, what do you want?” i asked.
“you,” he grinned. i grimaced in disgust. “go and make out with louise or something. annoy paris or rory. they actually like the attention.”
“okay, one, i have never made out with louise, and i never will. two, i’m not interested in rory or paris. i’m -”
“you’re madly in love with me, yeah, yeah, i’ve heard it before. well, guess what? you’re not. you just like the chase.” i gave him a sickly sweet, sarcastic smile before turning on my heel and walking away.
i sighed in relief as he finally left me alone. i walked out of the school, going to my car and driving to lane’s. i parked outside of her house, letting myself in.
“hi, mrs. kim,” i smiled at her as i entered the house.
“hello, y/n. it’s nice to see you.” she said quickly.
“you, too,” i replied before going up the stairs and into lane’s room.
i opened the door, smiling as i saw lane dancing to music through her headphones, and rory on her bed, reading.
“finally!” rory exclaimed, throwing her book aside and coming up to hug me. “i was beginning to think you got in a car crash.”
i chuckled, hugging her back. “unfortunately, no. sorry, i got caught up writing my essay. and guess who was there to keep me in the library for longer?”
“oh, no,” rory scrunched her nose up in disgust.
“bingo,” i clicked my tongue. i sat down on lane’s bed, lane joining us.
“don’t pretend like you don’t like the attention,” lane remarked.
i scoffed, looking at her incredulously. “are you serious?”
“yep,” she nodded, her voice unwavering. i chuckled, shaking my head. “well, you’re wrong. i hate him and his attention. if anyone likes the attention, it’s rory.”
“what!” she squeaked. i smirked, “you like it when he calls you mary. don’t deny it.”
“i actually don’t,” she frowned. “i do like how dean asks about my books on the train, though,” she grinned.
“oh, yeah! has he asked you out yet?” lane asked.
“no. i don’t know if he will,” she said. “you know, you can ask him out,” i suggested.
rory chuckled, “i know, but i don’t know if i even like him like that.”
“you definitely do,” lane smirked. “and how do you know? are you cupid or something?” rory hummed.
“actually, i am.” lane got up, positioning her arms to look like she was holding a bow and arrow. rory and i giggled as she acted like she shot rory. “i now say you’re in love with dean!”
then she pointed her make believe arrow at me. “i now say you’re in love with tristan!”
i ducked down to dodge her arrow, glaring at her. “not cool.”
rory giggled, “it’s official, y/n. you’re in love with tristan now!”
“in his dreams,” i scoffed. “you’ll definitely be seeing him in your dreams tonight,” lane winked.
i grabbed her pillow, smacking her with it. she laughed, grabbing another one and hit me with it. i screamed, jumping off her bed.
we all had a pillow fight instead of studying. a better use of our time, if i do say so myself. i drove home and got ready for bed, only to hear rocks knocking on my window.
“oh, for pete’s sake,” i muttered, knowing who it was.
i peered out of my window, a not-so amused frown on my face as a saw a particular blonde trying to break my window. i slid the window up, sticking my head out.
“i’m going to bed! bother me in the morning!” i shouted. i then went to shut the door, but he started speaking.
“c’mon, angel! you know you like me,” he grinned.
i scoffed and leaned back, grabbing a book off of my bookshelf and then coming back to face him. “actually,” i threw the book, aiming it at his head, “i don’t.”
he caught it, looking down and smiling as he read the title. “romeo and juliet? how fitting.”
“not really, considering that i’m going to be alive after i run you over in my car tomorrow.” i gave him a sarcastic smile.
“wow, you’re really cranky when you’re tired, huh? it’s kinda hot.” he scrunched his nose.
heat rose up the back of my neck. i glared at him, grabbing another book off my shelf and aiming it at him. he put his hands up, beginning to plead for mercy.
“okay, okay! i would like to keep my two eyes. i’ll leave.”
i sighed, smiling, “thank god.”
“sleep well, angel,” he winked. he took romeo and juliet with him. i didn’t bother to call after him, i knew he would give it back to me sometimes during the week after he was done reading it. or after he was done trying to read it.
he was always trying to impress me. i’ll admit, at first, it was flattering. he would always look at the books i was annotating, trying to do some annotating of his own to show me how smart he was. he would play basketball when i walked by the park, pointing at me and making a shot. it was when he started talking to me when it got annoying.
he was so irritatingly persistent. my friends told me i should be happy, that he was chilton’s hottest. and while they weren’t wrong - he was attractive - he was just too full of himself. between him teasing me all the time and flirting with louise, i got sick of it and my hopes went down about him actually liking me.
i shut the window as i shook the thoughts of him out of my head. i trudged to my bed, turning off my lamp and snuggling under the covers.
i had trouble sleeping that night. i was tossing and turning. i was either too hot or too cold. my clothes tangled around my body, suffocating me. i woke up with a massive headache, sore throat, and stuffy nose. it seemed like my allergies had gotten the best of me.
but i didn’t have a fever, so i had to go to school. i said goodbye to my parents as i went out to my car, taking my time as i drove to school. i parked in my usual spot, yawning as i grabbed my backpack and trudged into school.
as i went in, i was immediately met my tristan’s booming voice.
“whoa, you look rough. didn’t sleep well?”
i looked at him, my face twisting in disbelief. “you’re a dick.”
i walked away, gripping my backpack and making my way up the stairs to my first class. tristan’s voice trailed behind me, getting closer and closer as the crowd of students slowed me down. he finally caught up to me once i began climbing up the stairs.
“hey, i didn’t mean that, i’m sorry. you just have circles under your eyes and you look like you’re in pain. i just want to know if you’re okay.”
i shook my head, brushing off his apology. i knew he didn’t actually mean it. he just hated when he didn’t get his way.
he sighed next to me, waiting until i was done walking up the stairs to pull me aside. his fingers wrapped around my wrist, making my heart jump out of my chest.
“hey,” he said, looking me in the eyes. “i really am sorry. i know that was rude of me to say. i just thought you’d play along.”
i frowned, “read the room next time and see if i’ll play along.”
i tried to push past him, but he held me back, pushing me up against the wall. goosebumps rose up neck as i felt his hot breath fan on my skin.
“i will. i just need you to know that i’m sorry.”
i looked into his eyes. they were shining with regret and guilt. i sighed, nodding my head.
“fine. you’re forgiven.”
“great,” he sighed in relief. “there was something i wanted to ask you.”
“what is it? i’m going to be late.”
“this’ll be quick if you say yes. i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a movie with me tonight. we can make it a date. i’ll pay for everything and pick you up. you can wear whatever; pjs, a prom dress, i don’t care. just please say yes.”
my jaw dropped. i was completely shocked. “excuse me?” i scoffed.
his brows furrowed and he backed away slightly. “what?”
“you decide to insult me, then ask me out as if your apology changed something in me?” i asked.
“n-no, i just -”
“take a hike, dugray. i’m done with you.” i then pushed past him, speed-walking to my next class.
he didn’t follow me like he usually would. i felt disappointment pit in my stomach, but i ignored it. that’s what i wanted all along, right?
the day went by painfully slow. every time i checked the time, only fifteen seconds had passed. i was so happy when the last bell rang, signaling that the school day was over. i was excited to get back home and take a five hour nap.
as i walked back to my car, i saw tristan leaning back on the hood. and just like that, all my happiness disappeared.
i walked to my car slowly, trying to wait out the time so he would get bored and leave, but of course, he saw me and stayed.
“what do you want now? i’m tired and i’d like to go home and take a nap,” i said.
“why don’t you come to the movies with me tonight and i’ll get you some ice cream?” he asked.
“oh, this again?” i groaned. “how about no.”
he frowned, standing up. “please, y/n. you won’t regret it, i swear.”
“i think i can decide for myself, thanks. and i’m saying no. so, please, if you respect me just a little bit, go away and let me go home. it’s been a long day and i don’t feel like arguing.”
he stared at me for a few second, his lips coming into a pout. he sighed and nodded, walking away from my car. “fine. have a good nap.”
i took out my keys, smiling genuinely. “thank you. see you monday.”
he waved at me before turning around and walking away. i drove home quickly, throwing my back on the couch and running up the stairs. i took off my blazer and skirt, flopping on my bed in just my button-up shirt and socks. i fell asleep immediately, only to be woken up hours later by a knock on my door.
i opened my eyes slowly, turning my head and seeing that the sun was setting.
“holy crap.” i muttered as i realized i had been asleep for six hours.
“hey, sweetie. you finally up?” my mom came in my room.
i sat up on my elbows, turning my head to her. “oh, hey. yeah, sorry, i was really tired.”
“no worries. i took a nap, too,” she chuckled.
“nice. well, what’s up? do you need help with dinner?” i asked.
“no, actually. your father and i ordered mcdonald’s. there’s some chicken nuggets and fries for you downstairs.”
“oh, awesome,” i grinned. “thanks.” i jumped out of bed, stretching before grabbing a pair of sweats.
“but i don’t think you’ll want to eat it,” she added on. i frowned and turned to her as i slipped on my sweats. “why?” i asked.
“there’s a boy here to see you. he seems very anxious to get you to go out with him. he has hamburgers, popcorn, soda, and candy.”
“oh, that’s tristan. i’m sorry about him, i told him no countless times.”
“it’s no problem. he’s really nice and polite, he’s downstairs talking to your dad right now. he’s cute, too. you sure you don’t want to hang out?” she asked.
i chuckled and shook my head. i went over to my closet, grabbing a t-shirt and changing into it as i answered her. “i’m sure. he’s been bugging me since rory and i transferred. i’m so done with him.”
“well, i think you should give it a try. he seems to really like you.”
i frowned, “you know i don’t like him. i complain about all the time, i -”
“it’s because you like him, y/n,” my mom said.
i opened my mouth to speak, but she continued speaking.
“just give him an hour. if you really don’t like him, then fine, you don’t ever have to go out with him again. but i can tell you like him. you’re going to regret not giving him a chance.”
i sighed, knowing she wouldn’t stop convincing me until i said yes.
“fine. just one hour,” i said.
“sounds good. are you going to change?” she asked.
“no. if he doesn’t like my outfit, then he can go and screw off,” i said.
my mom chuckled, “i guess that’s true. alright, well, i’ll be in my room if you need me. call us if anything goes wrong.”
i nodded, “i will. see you in an hour.”
she smiled, “see you in an hour.” she then left and closed my door.
i looked in my mirror, eyeing my clothes. i was wearing black sweats and a green t-shirt that had a name of a summer camp on it that i went to a few years ago. i looked at my closet, contemplating if i should change or not. i decided against it. tristan said it himself: i could wear whatever. if he didn’t like it, then my suspicions about him not really liking me would be right.
i walked downstairs, seeing tristan and my dad talking by the door. my mom was right. he had a bunch of food in his hands.
his head turned to me, his jaw dropping and his eyes widening. i rolled my eyes, putting an annoyed look on my face, but my whole body got warm and my heart started to race. i kept up my front, though.
“you’re gonna catch flies,” i remarked.
“y/n, be nice,” my dad frowned.
tristan just chuckled, turning back to my dad. “no worries, chris. i’ve grown fond of her attitude.”
“that makes one of us,” my dad smirked.
i scoffed, “sorry, chris. i got my attitude from you, though.”
“more like you got it from your mother, but don’t tell i said that. you two kids have fun. be back by eleven.”
tristan nodded, “of course.”
“i’ll be back in an hour,” i said. “alright. have fun, then,” dad smiled.
i smiled back, kissing him on the cheek. “thanks. see you later.”
i slipped on sandals that were next to the front door, going outside. tristan and my dad exchanged a hand shake before trisfan followed me outside.
“since when are you on first name basis with my dad? didn’t you just meet him?” i asked.
“yes, but parents like me. i’m charming,” he shrugged.
“yeah, sure,” i snorted. “anyways, where are we going to go?”
“there’s a movie showing at the park. i’ll drive you there,” he said.
“okay, but we’re only staying an hour. it’ll give you enough time to realize you need to stop bothering me.”
“alrighty, sounds good,” tristan grinned.
we walked to his car, tristan putting all the food in the backseat. i got in the passenger seat, buckling up and waiting for him to get in. we drove in awkward silence to the park.
i never thought he could be this quiet for so long. i never realize how weird it would feel. i didn’t like it one bit.
“so, um, what movie is playing?” i tried to make conversation.
“you’ll see,” he grinned. i frowned, “why can’t you just tell me?”
“it’s a surprise. we’ll be there in literally a minute. you can wait.”
“fine,” i grumbled.
he was right, we did arrive in one minute. he parked in the parking lot and we got out. i made my way to the park, confused as to why nobody was here.
“are we the only two here?” i asked him. “yep. i said it would just be the two of us, right?” he replied.
“i guess,” i nodded.
he put a blanket down and the food. he instructed me to take a seat and i did so, watching him walk to where the projector was. he started the movie, running back and joining me on the ground.
as the introduction started, i couldn’t help but smile.
“romeo and juliet, huh?”
“yep. i know it’s your favorite book and movie,” he said. “how do you know that?” i asked.
“i overheard you saying it to paris,” he explained.
“oh,” i said, “well… that is nice. thanks for renting it.”
“no problem. and i bought it. i thought that when we started to date, you’d probably want to watch it a lot.”
“whoa, slow your horses. i never committed to anything.”
“not yet,” he winked. “great,” i muttered, turning to the movie.
“want some food?” he asked. “yeah, sure,” i answered.
he gave me a hamburger and soda, and set out the popcorn and candy.
“whatever you want is yours,” he said.
“thanks.” i gave him a brief smile as he gave me the food. he returned the smile, turning back to the movie.
we watched thirty minutes of the movie before tristan spoke again.
“how many times have you watched the movie?” he asked.
“um, not too many, actually. this is my like, fifth time,” i answered.
“fives times is a lot.”
“it’s a lot less than thirty times. which is, by the way, the number of times rory has seen casablanca.”
he chuckled, “yeah, i heard her say that, too.”
“oh, so you pay attention to her, too? i thought i was special,” i remarked sarcastically.
he turned to me, a deep frown on his face. “no, i just happened to hear her say that while i was listening to you. and i thought you didn’t like the attention.”
i looked away and at the bowl of popcorn. i shrugged, trying to play cool.
“i don’t. i was just making a joke.”
he chortled, “yeah, right. you keep telling yourself that.”
i turned to him and glared. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing,” he shrugged.
i didn’t say anything else. i looked back at the movie, holding myself up on my elbows.
“do you want a pillow?” he asked. “no, i’m okay,” i shook my head.
i yawned, laying down completely, putting my arm under my head for support.
“are you sure? i have a blanket and pillow in my trunk,” he insisted.
i looked at him, body shivering as he was already looking at me.
“you’re cold. i’m getting a blanket. here, take this for the time being.” he stood up and took off his sweatshirt, his undershirt riding up so i saw his lower stomach.
i gulped as i saw a his happy trail trail down below his jeans that were hanging dangerously low. i could see his v-line that was greatly defined. it definitely didn’t leave much to the imagination.
he smirked at me as he threw his sweatshirt to me. “you’re catching flies, angel.”
i clamped my mouth shut immediately, my face heating up as he ran to his car. i sat up, mocking him quietly as i put on his sweatshirt.
“you’re catching flies, angel. whatever. i’ll make him catch flies.”
he came back, setting the pillow behind me and putting the blanket on top of me.
“thanks,” i said.
“no problem,” he grinned. i cocked my brow. “what’s that face for?”
“you look great in my sweatshirt.”
i rolled my eyes. “i knew you’d say that.”
he didn’t say anything else. he sat down next to me, taking a few pieces of m&ms and dropping them in his mouth. i sighed quietly and turned my attention back to the movie. i laid down on the pillow and snuggled into the blanket.
the collar of the sweatshirt sat right under my nose. i inhaled deeply, his scent filling my nose. i couldn’t help but smell it again. it made my head dizzy.
“do you have a cold?” he asked.
i pulled his sweatshirt down, shaking my head. “no. my nose has just been really runny today.”
“oh, sorry to hear that.”
i shrugged, “it’s alright. allergies, you know.”
“understandable,” he said. “yeah,” i sighed.
“have i told you that you look really beautiful tonight?”
my head snapped up at him. he was staring at me already, his eyes wide and reflecting the moon.
“n-no,” i stuttered. he smiled, “well, you do.”
“thanks.” i looked away to the screen, avoiding any and all eye contact.
he shuffled next to me and in the corner of my eyes i saw him lay down next to me.
“it’s nearing an hour. should i take you home?” he asked.
“wow,” i chuckled, “you are letting me leave?” i turned to face him, my breath stopping as i realized how close we were.
“i don’t want you to hate me,” he explained.
my eyes went down to his lips. they were shining with butter from the popcorn. they looked so soft and kissable.
“do you actually hate me?” he asked.
my eyes snapped up back to his. “no,” i shook my head slowly.
“really?” his eyes lit up with joy. “yeah. you can just be a little annoying sometimes,” i said.
he chuckled, scooting closer to me. our nose bumped together and i couldn’t help but smile.
“have you ever kissed anyone?” he whispered.
my eyes widened. my heart stopped as i could tell where this was going. i didn’t dare interrupt the moment.
“yeah, but it was in middle school and it wasn’t very good.”
“wanna make your first kiss up, then?” he asked slowly, his eyes going down to my lips slowly.
butterflies shot down in my stomach and i started to feel giddy.
“yes,” i whispered.
and with that, he set his lips onto mine. the kiss was a lot more gentle than i thought it would be. he kissed me tenderly; with care. his hand came up to my face and cupped my cheek, his thumb rubbing back and forth on my skin.
my hands reached up to his hair, my fingers burying themselves into his golden locks. his other hand set itself on the small of my back, high enough to where it was polite, but low enough for heat to grow between my thighs.
i pushed my body up against his, our legs tangling together. his tongue ran across my bottom lip and i opened my mouth immediately. i never realized how much i wanted this.
our tongues met tentatively at first. we were feeling each other out, and i loved it. my fingers pulled on the back of his head, a husky moan leaving his throat. i pushed my chest up against his in response, my tongue running up against his, too.
his hand slipped under my shirts. his fingers were surprisingly cold and it made me jolt up against him. his fingertips skimmed the curve of my lower back, a moan of my own sounding.
“tris,” i breathed out.
he pulled away, his eyes shining with concern. “did i do something wrong? i’m sorry, i was trying to read the room, and i thought you’d like it. i -”
i crashed my lips onto his, taking his hand and placing it where it was. he smiled into the kiss, his fingers tip-toeing up my back.
i pulled away, smiling at him. “you didn’t do anything wrong. it was really nice. you’re a great kisser.”
“why, thank you. you’re a magnificent kisser.”
i giggled, setting my hand on his chest and fisting his shirt.
“i thought you said you didn’t like me,” he smirked.
i grimaced, pushing him away. “what a way to ruin the moment.”
he laughed, “you know me.”
“yeah, i do,” i smiled. “it’s past an hour,” he said.
“oh, damn. looks like i went past my limit,” i sighed.
“well, it’s getting late anyways. want me to take me home?” he asked.
“nah, we can finish the movie,” i shook my head. “great,” he grinned.
he laid back down in his back. i scooted closer to him and put my head on his chest. after a few moments, i looked up at him and spoke again.
“prom is coming up. you have a date?” i asked.
“hm, no. i don’t believe i do. why do you ask?” he grinned.
“oh, i’m not asking you anything,” i snorted, turning back to the movie.
he chuckled, his chest moving up and down under my head.
“would you like to accompany me to prom?” he asked.
i smiled and looked up at him, nodding. “i would love to.”
“great. along with that, would you like to be my girlfriend?” he asked. 
“will you kiss me in front of louise and paris then?” i hummed. “oh, absolutely. count on it monday,” he smirked. 
“oh, i will,” i giggled.
he leaned up and pressed a kiss to my lips, intertwining our hands in the process. he pulled away after a few moments, laying back down on the pillow. i sighed contently and laid back down on his chest, turning my attention back to the movie. 
one hour definitely wasn't enough. 
the ending sentence bye 
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taglist form
@myalupinblack​ @lukes-orange-beanie​ @sebsbrokentoe​
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leossmoonn · 3 years
gilmore girls masterlist
note - hi! i’m sara and this is my gilmore girls masterlist. here are my other masterlists if you wanna see ‘em! 
taglist form
f = fluff
a = angst
s = smut (must be 16+ to read smut)
jess mariano
how annoyed were you? f/a - jess breaks the coffee machine and apologizes to you by making you dinner.
mine s/f - you tease jess into fucking you.
a little cliché f/a - per usual, jess can’t keep his smart ass of a mouth shut.
personal pillow f - jess comforts you after a restless night.
are you gonna be my girl? a/f - after rejecting jess, you try to win him back with a public dance number.
wish upon a star f - you and jess go on a stargazing date first as friends, but end the night as lovers.
sexy doctor f/a - jess takes care of you after you sprain your ankle
belle of the ball f - jess surprises you by taking you to a starts hallow event.
logan huntzberger
the secretary s/a - your logan’s dad’s new secretary and logan can’t help his dirty thoughts. one day he tries to make them come true.
knight in denim armor f/a - logan saves you from drunk assholes
tristan dugray
one hour f/a - after some convincing, you finally so yes to a date with tristan.
together a/f - you tell tristan you’re pregnant.
all i need f/s - tristan gets down on himself, but you show him that he’s the best for you.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
okay but tristan dugray w a blindfolding kink,, except his tie is the blindfold 🥴
ahhhh hot hot
pairing - tristan dugray x fem!reader
type - smut, fluff
warnings / includes - language, daddy kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex (this is a no no irl), blind folding, pet names. lmk if i missed anything
“tristan! we’re going to get in trouble!” i giggled as he dragged me into his house.
“no, we won’t. you’re a good student, and i already turned in a doctor’s note for myself. just say you got sick or something,” he shrugged.
“yeah, because headmaster charleston is that stupid,” i snorted. “you’re the one who has been acting all suggestive and like a brat this morning,” he remarked.
i scoffed, narrowing my eyes as i looked at him. “you’re complaining?”
he grinned, putting his hands on either side of my face. he brought me closer to him, my breath hitching as my eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. “i would never,” he said before he put his lips on mine.
i melted into the kiss and my arms snaked around his neck, my fingers burying themselves in his hair. he kissed me sweetly at first, bringing one of his hands down to my waist. his fingers tip-toed down my backside, going up my skirt and gripping the curve of my ass. i gasped lightly, his cold hands on my warm skin making me jolt in his arms.
my mouth opened, allowing him to slip his tongue in. the kiss then went from pure and slow to hot and heavy in a matter of seconds. our teeth clashed together as he lifted me up and carried me to his bedroom.
once we got into his room, he threw me on the bed, taking off his blazer immediately. i kicked off my shoes and started unbuttoning my blouse, looking up to see tristan standing awkwardly. it looked as though he was a child about to ask his parents something inappropriate.
“gonna leave me hanging? skipping school was your idea,” i teased.
he chuckled, loosening his tie and nervously fiddling with it. “well, i actually had another idea. i don’t know how you will react, though.”
i sat up, deciding to finish unbuttoning my shirt later. i patted the empty space next to me. he came over, sighing as he sat down.
“what is it?” i asked. i tried to act calm and collected, but my heart was pounding in my chest. tristan never was this serious and confrontational.
during our relationship, he had only been serious a few times. the first time was the he asked me out, the second was during our first time as a couple, and the third was when he told me he loved me. he really knew how to pick and choose. the times before i was usually able to figure out what he was about to say, but now, i completely clueless. my mind was racing with thoughts and i was afraid that he was going to break up with me.
“i was wondering if you wanted to spice up our sex life a little,” he explained.
my brows raised. i definitely would never expect him to say that. “okay… go on,” i nodded, genuinely intrigued.
“well,” he gulped, taking his tie off his neck and holding it in his lap. “i was wondering if you wanted to try uh - blindfolding.”
he said this with fear, like he was expecting me to scold him. but on the contrary i was very much turned on, interested in trying this.
“yes.” i nodded at once.
his eyes widened; he was surprised as well. “re-really?”
i chuckled, “yes, really. why did you think i wouldn’t like it?”
“well, i didn’t think you would not like it i just… remember one time when you were talking to rory and she was saying how jess wanted to do a bunch of like… BDSM stuff and you were like, “ew, gross. i would never”?” he asked.
i thought for a moment before nodding. “oh, yeah,” i laughed. “well, what jess wanted to do with rory is a little out of my comfort zone, but things like blindfolding, choking, running an ice cub on my body, etcetera. i’m fine with all of that. just ask me first, you know.”
he smiled and nodded. “yeah, yeah. of course.”
“great! well, let me get undressed and we can -“
“no, i wanna undress you,” he spoke quickly.
heat rose up my neck and i nodded, scooting up and laying against the pillows. he crawled up next to me, putting his hand onto mine.
“you trust me?” he asked. “you’re putting a blind fold on me, tris. it’s not like we’re doing knife play, which by the way, i wouldn’t opposed to ether,” i winked.
he chuckled, shaking his head. “you always have something to say, huh?”
“you do, too, sometimes,” i retorted. “well, i’m serious. you trust me?” he asked.
“i do,” i said while looking into his eyes.
the green around his irises started to disappear as his pupils filled the space. he smiled at me, leaning in and pressing a kiss to my forehead. he then placed the blindfold over my eyes, tying it securely to the back of my head.
“too tight, too loose?” he asked.
“it’s good,” i nodded. my eyes blinking rapidly as the cloth brushed up against my eyelashes. i decided that the best thing to do was to close my eyes, sit back, and enjoy the show.
“alright. are you ready?” he asked. “yep,” i nodded quickly, eager to start.
he must’ve noticed my neediness because he chuckled before putting his hands on my shirt. i could feel it loosen around my breasts and then untucked from my skirt. i sat up so he could slid it off my body. i heard it land on the floor with a soft “humph”.
i laid back down, holding my breath in anticipation. i shivered as i felt his cold fingers trace the top of my bra, where my breasts were exposed. i breathed in deeply as he went behind my back, unhooking my bra expertly and discarding it. the cold air hit my breasts and my nipples began to ache slightly. my body gave another shiver as the pads of his fingers brushed up against the swollen buds.
“you okay?” he asked, his hands disappearing from my skin.
i nodded, “yes. it’s just weird not being able to see what you are doing. please, continue.”
“alright,” he coughed.
his fingers brushed up against my nipples again. he pinched them in-between his fingers, causing me to buck my hips up involuntarily. my mouth opened and a low moan escaped my throat as his hands massaged my breasts. then his warm mouth attach to my nipple, causing me to buck my hips up again. his tongue swirled around the sensitive bud, his teeth tugging at it.
“tris,” i breathed out. “what baby?” his lips moved away from my body.
“no, stay there.” i shook my head, reaching my hand up to try and find his head so i could push it back down.
he chuckled as my hands were just waving in the air. he helped me with diving his head under my hand. my fingers tangled themselves in his hair, tugging at the back of his head. i guided his head down back to my breasts. he sucked at the skin around my nipple, his tongue running across to the valley between my breasts. his hands left my body, leaving me cold and needy.
“tristan? where did you go?” i frowned, turning my head from side to side as if i could see him.
suddenly, his fingers were under my skirt. he pulled it down roughly with my panties, leaving me fully bare. goosebumps rose up my thighs and i clenched them together to try and keep warm.
his mouth disappeared from my chest. i waited in anticipation for his next move. i was on edge.
without any warning, he spread my legs, causing a yelp to escape my throat. he pressed open-mouthed kisses on my inner thighs, his teeth nipping at the skin. whines sounded from my mouth. i turned my head down to see him, but once i realised i couldn’t, frustration boiled in my veins. i wanted to see where his hands were, to see his eyes staring back at me, to see his tongue dive through my folds and circle around my clit.
i reached my hands up the back of my head. as i was about to untie the tie, tristan took my arms and held them up above my head. i whimpered i felt his breath on my ear.
“thought you said you liked this?” he whispered.
“i-i do. i just want to see you, tris. please?” I begged. “i think you can survive without your sight. you’re literally dripping for me, and i’ve barely done anything. i know this heightens your senses and need for me,” he said.
“it does. but i would like to be able to see you, too. please -“
“you wanna be a good girl for daddy?” he breathed out.
my heart dropped into my stomach, butterflies shooting down between my thighs. this was a change of pace for us, and i loved it.
“yes, daddy. i’ll your good girl,” i spoke.
a low groan rumbled through his body. “fuck. i didn’t think i’d like you saying that that much.”
i couldn’t help but smirk. “daddy,” i slurred, “please fuck me.”
both of our breaths hitched. the grip on my wrists loosened and the bed then felt lighter. i heard the unfasten of a belt and i couldn’t help but feel excited. i spread my legs wide, the ache in my stomach worsening.
his hands returned to my thighs, his thumbs rubbing patterns on my skin.
“ready?” he asked. i nodded furiously, biting my lip in anticipation as i waited to feel him inside of me.
i let out a sharp gasp as he pushed into me slowly. a low mewl left my throat as a loud moan left his. he filled me up well, stretching me out and slipping in with ease.
“you’re so wet, jesus,” he muttered.
“all for you, daddy,” i said without thinking. i could hear his smile in his words. “that’s right, baby. all for me.”
he started to move, his hips rolling with mine. my hands found his shoulders and my nails dug into his skin. his speed increased rather fast and i was soon left breathless. he put up one of my legs over his shoulders, my hand finding solace in his hair.
“tri-tris,” i stammered, my mouth falling open and my eyes rolling to the back of my head behind his tie.
the tip of his dick hit a spot within me i know he could only hit. i pulsated around him each time he would hit the spot. i pulled his hair violently as i felt his thumb reached down to my clit. i whimpered as he rubbed the swollen bud.
i threw my head back, my back arching with me. i squirmed under him, the sensations almost too much for me to take. under the tie, my eyes started to water as he went faster and harder, his thumb putting just the right amount of pressure on my clit. the only sounds that could be heard were my moans and him pounding into me.
“daddy, i-i -” i stuttered.
“what, baby? tell daddy what you want,” he said, his breath ragged.
“i think i’m - i’m gonna come. fuck, tristan,” i moaned.
“let go for me, baby.”
the knot in my belly unraveled. my hips went up to met his, his dick brushing up against my cervix. he came just a few seconds after me, his thrusts getting sloppy as he filled me in hot spurts. both of us let out a content moan or sigh as he pulled out of me.
i felt him next to me. his hands went up to my head and he took off his tie. i opened my eyes, the light burning them for a few seconds. my vision became blurry as i looked up at him. he was smiling at me like he had just win the lottery.
“how was that?” he asked.
i smiled with him. “amazing. we should do these types of things more often.” i got up, grabbing a new pair of underwear and his shirt before going into the bathroom.
“oh, i agree. don’t feel shy about calling me daddy around school.” he winked at me.
i rolled my eyes with a smile. “yeah, you wish.”
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leossmoonn · 4 years
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Final Straw [Tristan Dugray]
pairing - tristan dugray x fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request - note / request - requested by @jimshandholder  “hi sara! congratulations for 2k!!! for the celebration can i request a tristan dugray fic where you both mutually pine for each other and then when he sees you with someone else he finally asks you out on a date? it can also be just short bc i know you'll do an amazing job at it!! ty and i love you <3” im sorry this took so long to write lmao 💀 anyways i hope you enjoy it!
summary - tristan finally asks you out after seeing you with someone else 
warnings / includes - mutual pining (obvs), mild language, flirting + playful touching, mild sexual tension, food consumption
*gif isn’t mine*
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“mr. dugray, i think you would get a good grade on this test if you focused on your paper,” mr. medina stated.
you craned your head around to see tristan staring at you. you smiled as he was getting scolded by mr. medina. he shot you a wink with a cheeky smile, causing you to giggle.
mr. medina’s head shot back at you, giving you a stern glare.
“miss l/n, are you having issues keeping to yourself, too?” he asked.
“n-no, sir,” you stammered. before you turned back to your test, your eyes slid back to tristan.
he gave you a cheeky smile, making your heart beam. you turned around in your seat, a cheek-aching smile molded onto your face.
tristan approached you right after class, per usual, with a little black box in his hand.
“hey, angel.”
his voice caused a thrill to run up your spine. you turned around immediately, almost colliding into his chest.
“hey, tris,” you smiled up at him.
“hard test, huh?” he hummed as you two walked out of the classroom.
“it was pretty easy,” you shrugged. “really? i thought it was kind of hard,” he said.
“well, that’s because you didn’t study,” you nudged him with a smile.
“ouch,” he hissed playfully. “you know i’m right,” you smirked.
“you always are,” he smiled. “i got you something.”
you looked down at his hands, eyes widening. “another?”
“it’s a little different than a necklace.”
“what is it?” you asked.
he opened the box, causing your jaw to drop as you saw two diamond earrings.
“how much did this cost?” you asked, staring at the jewelry.
“not much,” he shrugged. you look up at him, raising a brow in suspicion.
“alright, it cost a little more than a hundred.”
“how much more?”
“like… two-hundred?” he guessed.
“tristan!” you gasped. “what?” he questioned, acting completely clueless.
“that is too much. i-i don’t deserve this. return it and get your money back, please,” you begged.
“oh, c’mon, we both know that is furthest from the truth. plus, i can tell how much you like it. you want to put them on right now, don’t you?” he smirked.
you sighed, finding it hard to contain your excitement. “i do, but i just feel —”
“nu-uh,” he shook his head. “you don’t get to feel anything but happiness, alright? here, try them on.”
you smiled, taking the earrings. “thank you. they are beautiful.”
not as beautiful as you, he thought. instead, he said, “glad you think so.”
you took one of the earrings out, finding your piercing and sticking the needle in. you did the same with the right earring, sliding the back in and giving tristan the box momentarily. you went to your locker, opening it and looking into the mirror you had taped inside the door.
“oh, they’re gorgeous,” you gushed.
“i’m glad you like them.”
you shut your locker, facing him. “i love them. thank you.” you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly against you.
he slipped his arms around you, his ears turning pink while his heart hammered against his chest. he was sure you could feel it. he stayed gripping your waist for as long as you allowed. as you pulled away, the warmth from each other disappeared. you wanted to go back to hugging him, but you were worried about his reaction. instead, you smiled at him.
“these will go perfectly with the sapphire necklace you bought me,” you stated, thinking about all the outfits and jewelry you could pair the earrings with.
“the earrings will look good with whatever you wear.”
you smiled shyly, heat fanning over your face. “thank you.”
“you are very welcome, angel.”
“i gotta get to class,” you sighed. “no, don’t go,” tristan whined.
“i have to. headmaster will kill me if i miss another class.”
“oh, whatever. your parents donate the most to this school. he won’t care,” tristan rolled his eyes.
“ah! don’t say that in front of everyone!” you hissed, looking at the students passing you.
“it’s not like it’s a secret,” he smirked. “anyways, are you gonna come with me or not?”
“where are you going?” you asked. “dunno. we can decide on somewhere together,” he shrugged.
“i’d love to, but not everyone has a free period. i’ll see you after school,” you said.
he sighed, “alright. have fun, angel.”
“you know i will,” you smiled, squeezing his bicep and walking away.
he turned around, watching your retreating figure walk to paris. he smiled as you were smiling, rolling your eyes and laughing at whatever mildly-rude thing paris said. he watched you until you went to class, admiring how the sun from the windows made your skin glow, the way you bounced on the balls of your feet, the smile you shot him right before turning the corner.
“he got you another gift?” rory gasped. “man, you are lucky. these must’ve cost like, a hundred.”
“he said two-hundred,” you said.
rory’s eyes blew wide. “he spent two hundred dollars on earrings for you?”
“y-yeah, i guess,” you stammered, heat creeping up your neck. “he’s just being nice.”
“y/n, you seriously cannot be that oblivious,” rory said.
“what?” you frowned. she rolled her eyes. “you are so blind.”
“i just don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shrugged. but oh, you did.
you knew what she insinuated, that tristan liked you. that his gifts were his way of showing his love for you, that he was in love with you. you refused to believe it. how could anyone as handsome as him love you? plus, he was always was flirting with louise and rory. he couldn’t be in love with you if he was charming other girls. or so you thought.
“so what are you in the mood for? horror or romance?”
“um, maybe horror,” you said. tristan furrowed his brows, putting away the DVD. “are you sure?”
“yeah, why?” you asked. “i just don’t want you to spend the whole movie with your face buried into my chest. not that i would mind,” he smirked.
you couldn’t help but smile. “we can watch something else, then. anything but romance.”
“but you love romance movies. what’s up?” he asked, leaning against the shelves.
you shrugged, “just not in the lovey-dovey mood.”
“o-kay,” tristan clicked his tongue, going back to looking at the DVD collection.
“are you in a romance movie mood?” you asked.
“i wouldn’t mind it,” he shrugged. “you would pick romance over comedy and sci-fi?” you asked in disbelief.
“if romance is what you want.”
“well, what do you want to watch?”
“whatever you want,” he grinned.
you rolled your eyes with a smile. “we will never get to our movie night!”
“well, stop being so indecisive!” he laughed. “me? you’re the one who is like “oh, i want this and that”, “whatever you want”,” you mocked him.
“well, fine. what about dracula?”
“ugh, that movie is so confusing,” you grimaced. “see? you don’t want to watch anything!” tristan groaned.
you giggled, “just waitin’ for you to pick, is all.”
“and i’m waiting for you to say yes,” he shrugged.
“you are so…” your voice trailed off as you saw jess mariano walk by.
tristan turned around to see who you were looking at, grimacing when he realized who it was. he turned back to you, grabbing one of your favorite movies off the shelves and shoving it in front of your face.
“this?” he asked.
you put your attention back on him, eyes focusing on the DVD.
“i don’t wanna watch that.”
“okay, where is y/n and what have you done with her?” he asked, shoving the DVD back in its place.
“she’s here, and um… she’s is going to be right back.” you pushed past tristan and went over to jess. 
tristan watched with hateful eyes as you conversed with jess. he hated the little crush you had on him, and he had only been there for two weeks and every girl in stars hollow was fawning over him. it was like he had a love potion he poisoned every girl with. tristan wished he had a love potion for you. maybe you would be talking to him instead of jess now.
“your boyfriend is mad,” jess pointed to tristan. 
“oh, he’s not my boyfriend… sadly,” you sighed.
“why don’t you just ask him out?” jess asked. “he doesn’t like me,” you answered. 
jess laughed, “yeah, right.”
“what?” you frowned. “no offense, but you are really dumb when it comes to these things,” jess remarked. 
“oh!” you slapped his arm. “you are so rude!” 
“that’s my middle name,” he gave you a small smile. “just go cup and ask him for coffee or something. everyone in this town is crazy for coffee.” 
“what if he says no?” you asked. “then you go home and cry for hours and hope that he forgets about it. i don’t know,” he shrugged. 
“you are so helpful,” you gave him a sour smile. “helpful is my middle name,” he winked. 
“whatever. i don’t even know why i came over here,” you muttered. 
“to make him jealous, right? well, it’s working.”
“really?” you hoped, glancing over your shoulder. 
you saw tristan angrily muttering to himself, shoving DVDs back into their place as soon as he pulled them out. 
“i better go before he punches me,” jess said. “he wouldn’t do that,” you rolled your eyes. 
“don’t doubt guys who are in love with girls who they feel like they can’t get.”
“and you know about that life so well?” you hummed. “don’t be stupid,” jess scoffed. 
“yeah, alright. i’ll talk to you later,” you said, patting his arm and making your way back to tristan.
“hey, tris,” you smiled.
“hi,” he sighed. “what’s the matter?” you frowned, playing dumb.
“nothing, i just can’t decide on a movie.”
“well, why don’t we watch big? you love tom hanks and so do i,” you suggested.
“yeah, sure,” he smiled. “great! so, what are we havin’ for dinner?” you asked.
“do you want snacks or real food?” he asked.
“real food,” you decided. “you can have me, then,” he smirked.
you giggled, the back of your neck heating up. you hit his arm playfully. “you tease.”
“tease is my middle name.”
“yeah, well, save those lines for some other girls who you like,” you said.
tristan looked at you with a small, knowing smile. if only you knew.
“i’d rather try them on you,” he stated. “oh? why?” you hummed.
“your reactions never fail to entertain me.”
“well, i’m glad i’m useful,” you snorted.
you went up to the front desk of the store, placing down the DVD.
“we’d like to rent this for one night, please.”
“alright,” the clerk rang it up. “it’ll be ten ninety-five. have it back by tomorrow at five or you’ll be fined each day you keep it.”
you nodded, already knowing the rules and regulations of renting a movie. you went to give him your credit card, but tristan stopped you.
“tris!” you hissed. “you paid for it last time,” he said.
“that’s because i picked it last time. i picked it this time, too.” you shoved his hand away, giving the clerk your card. tristan took your card out of his hand, practically throwing his card at the cashier.
“let me do something nice for you, angel.”
“you already do so much. look at what you bought me!” you pointed to the earrings.
“so? you can’t put a price on lo… great friendship,” tristan laughed awkwardly.
your heart sunk. you stepped back, letting him pay for the movie while your mind ran wild, imagining what it would be like if you two were together and he was able to say that word.
“ready to go?” tristan asked. “yep,” you nodded.
you two walked back to your house in silence. as soon as you got home, the phone started to ring. you told tristan to order pizza while you took care of the phone.
“hello?” you answered. “hey! are you and tristan still doing movie night?” rory asked.
“yeah,” you sighed. “do you mind if dean and i come over?” she asked.
“um, i don’t see why not,” you said.
“great! dean wanted to watch a movie tonight, and i figured we could join you.”
“no, yeah, the more the merrier.”
“is it okay if lane comes, too? i think she’s gonna bring a date, too.”
“oh?” you perked up. “how is she gonna hide that from her mom?”
“well, he’s just gonna meet us at your place.”
“ah, alright. well, we’re starting the movie in about thirty minutes, so hurry. if you’re late, we won’t start over the movie.”
“noted,” rory giggled. “see you soon!”
“see you,” you hung up the phone.
“who is joining us?” tristan asked.
“dean, rory, lane and another guy.”
“another guy?” tristan asked. “yeah, he’s with lane,” you nodded.
“what’s his name?”
“i dunno,” you shrugged.
“how long has she known him for?”
“i don’t know. why are you being so nosy?” you laughed.
“just asking regular questions. i don’t know the guy,” he shrugged.
“well, i don’t either. just stay calm. i bet he’s fine,” you said.
“he might be a serial killer, you never know,” tristan remarked. 
“oh, shush,” you swatted his arm. “just tryna keep you safe, angel,” he shrugged. 
“i can take care of myself, thanks,” you said. “don’t pretend you don’t like the extra help,” tristan said. 
“i do. especially when it’s from you,” you smiled sheepishly. 
“thought so,” he smirked. 
you two got settled after the pizza arrived. your friends arrived just shortly after, letting themselves in. you got up off the couch, hugging everyone but the stranger in the room. you looked him up and down. he was cute, to say the least. 
“y/n, this is brandon. brandon, this is my best friend, y/n. she’s single,” lane nudged the boy.
you laughed awkwardly, shooting lane a glare. you looked back at brandon, holding your hand out. “hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
“you, too. lane was right, you are pretty,” he shook your hand, eyes running up and down your frame. 
“oh, well, you sound surprised.” you cocked your head to the side, giving him a questioning look. 
“i-i… i didn’t mean it like that. just from what they told me, i thought you were going to be…”
“i’m just kidding. kind of,” you smirked, pulling your hand away. 
brandon laughed loudly, pointing at you nervously. “you are funny. they-they said you were funny.” 
you looked behind your shoulder, giving tristan the same look he was giving you. a who is this guy look.
“well, go ahead and sit down. i hope you like tom hanks and pizza,” you gestured to the seat next to the couch. 
“my two favorite things,” he nodded, sitting down. 
you went to sit by tristan, but lane and rory stopped you. 
“why don’t you sit by brandon,” rory suggested. “that seat only sits one,” you said. 
“tristan, can you move?” lane asked. “why? this is my spot,” tristan asked. 
“and it’ll be there after tonight. just sit where brandon is sitting.” lane grabbed his arm, forcing him up. 
“what! lane!” tristan exclaimed. “you’ll survive,” rory smiled. 
“brandon, why don’t you sit by y/n,” rory turned to him. 
“o-oh, you sure?” brandon asked. “yep,” rory nodded.
brandon got up, sitting next to you, leaving lots of space in-between. 
“looks like we got front row seats,” he commented. “best in the house,” you agreed. 
rory and dean joined you two on the couch, rory sitting next to you and dean sitting on the end. lane sat in the chair on the other side of the couch across from tristan. you gave tristan a sorry look, but he brushed it off, giving you an understanding smile. he knew this wasn’t your doing, he just hoped you wouldn’t fall into rory and lane’s trap. 
“have you seen this before?” brandon asked you. 
“yeah,” you nodded. “how many times?” he asked. “a couple,” you answered quickly, trying to watch the movie. 
brandon glanced at you, sucking in a breath. he was nervous, to say the least.
he had only just met dean a few weeks ago, allowing him to meet rory and lane and quickly become friends with them. he had been anticipating meeting you for a week now. rory and lane talked non-stop about setting the two of you up. they talked about how excited you would be to meet him, how you would like him in an instant. how wrong they were, though.
he could tell you were intrigued, but it was no secret your heart was with tristan. from the first time he walked in and saw you and tristan sitting together, he knew that you two were a thing, even if it wasn’t official yet. 
now, that didn’t mean brandon could talk you up. he knew that the only reason why you would talk to him would be to make him jealous. so why not have a little fun? 
“so, how did you meet lane and rory?” you asked. “through dean,” brandon answered. 
“were you two friends before or?” 
“no. we met at school.” 
“ah, i see. you’re new here then?”
“how do you like stars hollow?”
“it’s good. it’s a lot different than new york,” he answered. “the people are crazy  here, aren’t they?” you grinned. 
he looked at you, debating on whether to agree with you. “u-um, yeah, i mean they’re nice, but a little… forthcoming.”
“i agree,” you said. “but you get used to them. and eventually, you become one of them.” “you seem different, though,” he stated. you glanced at him, smiling a little. “well, i’m young. i have a lot of years to fulfill the role.” 
“well, i think you should stay the way you are now.”
“why would you say that? you know nothing about me.”
“doesn’t take much to know about a person,” he shrugged. “oh, yeah? well, tell me, what do you know about me?” you asked. 
“well, you love pizza and tom hanks.” 
you laughed quietly, “i don’t know how you figured that out.”
he smiled. “you look like someone who values looks and all those material things, and you do, but you don’t. you like the simple things like drive-in movies, dancing in the car and shouting music with friends, reading near lakes and looking at the stars.”
you looked at him with a blank stare at first. then, slowly, your brows furrowed and your mouth opened up into a bright grin. 
“that is so cliché and so not true,” you said. 
“oh, well, i tried,” he shrugged. “well, i do like dancing in the car with my friends and looking at the stars. so, maybe you do some about me,” you admitted. 
“do i get brownie points then?”
“maybe a few,” you nodded. “great. any idea on how i can earn more?” he asked. 
“shut up and watch the movie,” you said. 
“alright. deal,” he nodded, turning his attention back to the movie. 
you watched the movie with a smile, you and brandon stealing glances every so often. tristan watched you both in pain and anger. he never once took his eyes off of you once brandon sat next to you. how could he? brandon was stealing his girl. 
you finally stopped paying attention to brandon and put your attention back onto tristan. as soon as you looked at him, he looked away from you, acting as though he hadn’t been planning brandon’s death from the moment he walked into the door.
you wished tristan was glaring at brandon, trying to get your attention. you wished tristan would’ve fought harder to keep his seat. you enjoyed sitting next to brandon. he was good company, but he wasn’t like tristan. no guy could be like tristan. 
so, in hopes to make him jealous, you continued to talk to brandon. 
“do you have a girlfriend?” you whispered. “would i be here if i did?” brandon asked. 
you chuckled, “good answer. have you watched this movie before?”
“when i was younger,” he nodded. “did you like it?” you asked. 
“oh, yeah. i mean, the concept is weird, but it’s really well directed. i really do like tom hanks.”
“he’s an amazing director and actor. not to mention, he’s really cute,” you smirked. 
“ah, so that’s your type?” 
“i don’t really have a type, per se. i just like who i like,” you shrugged. 
“am i your type?” brandon asked. 
you looked at him, your eyes wavering down to his lips and back up to his eyes. 
“i don’t know. wanna find out?” you asked, leaning in slightly. your eyes glanced over to tristan. you made full eye contact as you continued to lean in. before you were about to kiss brandon, tristan stormed out of his seat and stomped to the bathroom. 
you pulled away from brandon immediately, jumping up to find tristan, but brandon stopped you. 
“here, let me,” he said. 
“you don’t know him, he might —”  “i’ve been in his lace before. don’t worry, i’ll be fine,” brandon smiled at you.
you watched helplessly as brandon tried to get tristan to open the door. you slumped down on the couch, earning a glare from rory. 
“why did you do that?” rory asked. “do what!” you exclaimed. 
rory grabbed the remote, pausing the movie. “you are playing with both of them.”
“oh, please, it’s not my fault brandon sat next to me. it’s not my fault that he’s in to me,” you scoffed. 
“it is your fault that you just hurt tristan.”
“he doesn’t care.” 
“he does!”
“he just doesn’t like guys being close to me. it’s funny to get him riled up. he does the same to me!” you argued. 
“not since he started buying you jewelry.”
“what does that mean?” you asked. “god, you are so… ugh!” rory groaned.
“okay, calm down,” dean took rory’s hand, leaning her back into his chest. 
he looked at you. “y/n, tristan likes you and you hurt him.”
“if he liked me then he would’ve asked me out ages ago.”
“usually, yes, but you have no idea about the games you play. always acting so sweet, but you are so devious at the same time. you’re killin’ him!” “oh, yeah? and how do you know that?” you shouted. 
“because he told me! and it is so painful obvious. you are just scared to think it’s true!” “well, can you blame me! he’s the guy of my dreams and if i make the first move and it turns out he doesn’t like me, then your whole friendship is ruined.”
“so you’d rather play dumb and flirt with him 24/7 rather than take a chance have the real thing?” 
“if it means i can keep him forever, then yes,” you nodded. 
dean sighed, “girls are confusing.” 
“hey, it’s his fault, too! if he just told me how he felt —” 
“he has been! with the gifts, paying for stuff, taking you out. for someone who is his best friend, you sure don’t know much about him.” 
“when did you two get so close?” you spat. 
“doesn’t matter! you know i’m right. everyone in this knows i’m right, why can’t you just admit it?” dean asked. 
“because if i do then i admit to being a horrible person and stringing my best friend along just because i was afraid,” you huffed. 
“you’re not a horrible person, y/n,” lane said. 
you turned to her, tears glistening in your eyes. “r-really?”
“yeah,” she smiled softly. “tristan is in love with you. he always will be, no matter what. one day, though, he might get tired of waiting. it’s up to you to make the first move.” 
you nodded, agreeing with her. you sniffled, wiping your tears away as you got up. “yeah. yeah, you’re right. i-i’m gonna ask him out.” 
“wait, wait. just wait for him to calm down,” rory said. “why?” you asked. 
“you know how hot-headed tristan can be,” rory explained. “yeah,” you nodded. 
you sat back down. “wanna keep watching the movie then?”
“sure,” rory nodded. 
you resumed the movie, waiting anxiously for tristan to come back. 
“look man, i didn’t mean to cause any harm, but you weren’t doing anything so i —” 
“so you decided to flirt with her when you knew i liked her. and by the way, how did you even know?” tristan asked. 
“it’s pretty obvious,” brandon smirked. “then why can’t she see that?” tristan asked helplessly. 
“i don’t know, but you need to make your move. you know, if you don’t ask her out, i will.” 
“she doesn’t even like you,” tristan glared. he shrugged, “she likes me enough.”
tristan rolled his eyes. “yeah, we’ll see about that.” he opened the bathroom door, walking over to the couch. he tapped your shoulder and you got up immediately.
“hey,” you whispered, walking with him into the kitchen. “are you, um, okay?” “yeah. sorry about that,” tristan chuckled. “oh, no worries. it was my fault,” you chuckled. 
“i have to ask you something,” he said. “i have to ask you something, too,” you said. 
“well, you go first,” he suggested. “no, no, you go ahead. you brought it up first,” you shook your head. 
“a-alright. well, i… i was wondering i-if you wanted to.. man, um, sorry. i’m really nervous, i —” 
“hey, y/n,” brandon said behind you. you turned around, giving him a polite smile. “hey, brandon. i’m kind of in the middle of something here. if you don’t mind —” 
“oh, this’ll only take a second. i was wondering if you wanted to go the dinner with me sometime. just us two, none of our friends around. you can wear anything you want, i know you’ll look pretty in anything,” he asked. 
your jaw dropped. “u-um. brandon, that’s really nice of you to ask. i-i —” 
“screw this,” tristan muttered. he pulled your back by your forearm, spinning your around and pressing his lips onto yours. 
“oh!” you gasped, your eyes immediately fluttering closed. your wrapped your arms around his neck at once, standing on your tip-toes to deepen the kiss. 
dean walked up to brandon, clapping his shoulder. 
“did you think she was gonna say yes?” dean asked. “nah,” brandon shook his head. 
“why did you ask?”
“because otherwise tristan would’ve still been blabbering.”
dean chuckled, “you are genius.”
brandon smirked. “i know.” he turned around, looking at lane. “is lane single?”
“i think so,” dean nodded. “do you like her?”
“i do, actually. think she’ll give me a chance?”
“let’s go and see,” dean smirked, walking brandon back to the living room. 
you pulled away from tristan, panting heavily. you looked him in the eyes, a big smile taking over your features. 
“what’d you do that for?” you asked. “just felt like it. say, why don’t you and me ditch this movie night and go to dinner?” he suggested. 
“i’m not hungry,” you stated. “just go out with me and say yes, please?” he begged. 
you giggled, leaning in so there was no space between you two. “of course i’ll go out with you.” 
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